Prototype TenChapter 3 free porn video

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Having no one else to turn to, Will gave Katherine, the sister-in-law who had been so helpful during the funeral, power of attorney to handle his personal affairs. He paid off the balances on his outstanding bills, including the mortgage and equity loan on the house.

Since Katherine was pursuing a Master's Degree at Stanford, which was only a short drive away, she agreed to 'house sit' until he finished the program. He arranged to have the remainder of his money split between two accounts. He gave Katherine carte blanche on the first account so she could use the money to pay bills and maintain the place. The second account he put into a trust that, in the event of his death would revert to Karen's sister.

Two days later, he returned to the place where he had applied to the program and was promptly whisked away to the San Jose airport, placed on a private jet, and flown about three hours away. There were no windows in the cabin and the only other person he saw was the guy with the bulge under his jacket who pretended to be a flight attendant.

Will couldn't be sure, but he'd always had a pretty good sense of direction, and he got the impression that, while the flight path included several circling maneuvers, the plane flew mostly south and east.

His speculations were given further impetus by the view of a flat, desert landscape as he deplaned on what appeared to be a private airstrip in the middle of nowhere. The 'flight attendant' led him to a ramshackle building, away from the equally ramshackle control tower.

Will got more than a little worried when the guy led him, by an iron hand on his bicep, into what appeared to be a janitor's closet. In the darkness, he couldn't see what his guide was doing, but something gave a muffled click. The man in the suit stepped back out, closed the door, and the floor of the closet seemed to drop away from beneath his feet. The walls rapidly rose upward to reveal the stainless steel walls of an elevator, which seemed to be descending into the earth at an alarming rate.

Will's knees almost buckled when the elevator decelerated as it approached its destination. When the car stopped, he tentatively opened the door, which still looked like the door to a janitor's closet. He was amazed to find himself in a long, well lighted corridor.

"Ah, Number Ten, at last!" The same woman who had questioned him in San Jose, now stood before him, still clad in a lab coat, hand outstretched for shaking. "I'm Doctor Robinson. Before we meet the others, you should know that no one here is to know your name. You will be addressed as 'Number Ten, ' or 'Prototype Ten, ' or simply 'Ten.' If all goes well, and the experiments we conduct here are a success, this anonymity will help to protect your friends and relatives."

Will shrugged. The relatives he would have wanted to protect most, he couldn't, when they needed it most.

The corridor, or tunnel, extended almost a hundred yards straight ahead, then ended in a 'T' intersection. Dr. Robinson turned left, then almost immediately right. At a featureless door, she passed a card through a slot, then placed her hand on a flat steel plate beside the door. After a pause of about a second, the door whisked soundlessly into its frame, admitting them to a small chamber. There were video cameras at all four corners of the chamber, and will got the feeling that if whoever was monitoring the view from those cameras didn't like what they saw, neither door would open until the chamber's occupants were dead or incapacitated.

"Look straight ahead." Dr. Robinson told him, at least partially confirming his deduction.

"Dr. Robinson and Prototype Ten." She told the empty chamber.

Apparently, that was sufficient, because the inner door opened a few seconds later, admitting them to another long, empty corridor. Their footsteps echoed loudly on the stone flooring, and Will wondered if the small openings spaced along the sides of the tunnel were firing ports for weapons, or gas nozzles, and if so, were they there to keep people in or out...

At the end of this corridor, the good Doctor took two right turns in a row, then passed through another badge-and-palmprint operated portal.

"You will be issued a badge," Robinson said as they passed into what appeared to be a busy office area, "that gives you access to those areas where you work, eat, sleep, and exercise. Unfortunately, it will not give you access to leave this facility until your part of the program is completed."

Will shrugged again. "When do we get started?"

Robinson gave him an appraising look, then smiled.

"Since we're not dependent on daylight here, we pretty much set our own schedule." She replied. "Let's take care of your paperwork, then I'll have someone show you around and introduce you to your physical trainer. We'll be taking blood samples for various tests throughout the program, so we'll install a catheter on the back of your wrist to save time. After that, you'll begin your physical conditioning."

"When your trainer is satisfied, you will undergo several rounds of surgery to implant the various enhancements and sensors into your body. These include reinforcing your tendons and muscle tissue with electro-elastomers that will provide a 'power assist' to each of your muscles. In addition, a flexible mesh will be implanted under your skin. This mesh is composed of a very tough material that will make it difficult for you to sustain more than a superficial wound. The mesh is also designed to be capable as acting as a collector for various types of electro-magnetic frequencies, and will be configurable by the microprocessor we will implant in your brain to act as part of your communication system and/or your sensor arrays.

"Speaking of sensors, you will have, working in conjunction with your eyes, an array of optical sensors that can see well beyond the normal visual spectrum in both infrared and ultraviolet, and can enhance your vision for better distance viewing and greater peripheral vision. You will, literally, have eyes in back of your head, or, at least, optical sensors."

Will's mind was taking a little time to correlate all this information, and as it did, he raised a hand to get the doctor's attention.

"You say all this will be done after the physical conditioning?"

"Yes, why?" Dr. Robinson replied.

"It seems bass ackwards to me, is all." Will said. "I mean, with that kind of surgery, you're talking weeks of convalescence, if not months. Unless I'm sorely mistaken, you're pretty much going to have to skin me alive to put all that stuff in my body. During the recovery period, I'm pretty sure I won't be getting much exercise, so all those muscles are bound to atrophy."

Robinson smiled. "I'm glad to see that we have at least one in the group who can think! Not to worry though. We need your muscles developed to their operational level so that we can properly fit the implants and the mesh. True, the muscles will atrophy some, though that will be minimized through electro-stimulation therapy, but when you get finished with the procedures, and get back to physical training, things will fit properly. If we didn't do it this way, the implants, which can't grow and shrink as readily as flesh, would be too small."

"Aren't you worried about drug dependency?" Will asked.

The doctor looked puzzled. "Why would we be?"

"Doc, come on." He answered. "You don't remove someone's skin and fuse a bunch of artificial parts all over a body without its owner having a great deal of pain during recovery. How are you going to deal with that?"

"Ah!" She said, "I see your point, but we have thought of that. First of all, we're doing the implants in sections to minimize the risk of infection and shock to the body's immune systems. This will also mean that the pain management problem is not quite as severe. For the first few weeks after each round of surgery, the patient will be kept in an artificial coma. This will ensure that the affected areas can be kept immobile to allow proper healing, and will insulate the mind and body against the pain. After that, the pain should be manageable with non-narcotic pain relievers until the body heals."

"So I'm guessing five or six separate areas to be implanted," Will mused aloud, "and at least six weeks per area for healing. That puts us out to eight or nine months, just for the implant process."

Robinson smiled again. "It's refreshing to not have to explain this in such detail. Actually, we're allowing six weeks for the conditioning, and eleven months for implants and recovery, so you can expect to be 'activated' a little over a year from now. In point of fact, since this is all new, we've allowed a fifty percent cushion to deal with the unexpected. The activation, too, will be phased. We'll activate two at a time, in sequence, and observe the results to see if any adjustments or changes need to be made before activating the next pair."

Will spent the next hour or so filling out forms and submitting to the insertion of the catheter into one of the veins on the back of his wrist. A white-coated orderly gave him a quick tour of the parts of the facility to which his badge gave him access, ending up at the room that was to be his sleeping quarters.

The program people apparently had some strange notions about the facilities, because, while there were separate restrooms for men and women, the sleeping quarters were allocated to pairs of prototypes in numerical order. This meant that number Nine, a reasonably attractive, dark-haired woman in her late twenties, shared his sleeping quarters. Each had a separate bed, but no accommodations for privacy were made.

"I guess we're roommates." Will said, extending his hand. "I'm..."

"Prototype Ten." She said, saving him from the faux pas of telling her his name as she returned his handshake with a firm grip that stopped just short of being painful. "Wondered when you'd get here. I'm Nine. Some set-up, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess." Will looked around the room, noting that there were no separate dressing or sleeping areas. "Look, uh, Nine, the, uh, only co-ed situation I've ever lived in was my marriage, and I'm not real sure about the, uh, etiquette, so, if I get out of line..."

"Don't worry about it." Nine interrupted, smiling. "I just got out of the Army, and there ain't nothin' you can do that those horny bastards haven't already tried. If I don't like it, I'll knock you on your ass. If you keep coming, I'll make it hurt so bad you'll need help goin' to the latrine, okay?"

"Well," Will smiled, "Hopefully it won't come to that. I'm not really looking for female companionship. I just want to get through this program and go kick some terrorist ass."

"Suits me!" Nine laughed. "If I get horny, there's at least six other guys in this program, and I'm sure I can catch one of 'em in a moment of weakness! Which bed you want?"

"You got here first." Will replied. "So I guess 'first come, first served' ought to apply. I'm not particular."

"In that case," Nine grinned, "no offense, but if it's okay with you, I'll take the bed in the corner. It's a more defensible position."

"That works out well, then," Will replied, throwing what little stuff he had brought with him on the other bed, "since, if you get to feeling like you want to fight, I'm heading for the door, and this one's closer to the exit."

Nine laughed politely.

"Hey, I like you, Old Guy!" She clapped him on the back, almost sending him sprawling. "Maybe I should have taken this bed so I could trap you in the corner!"

"Wouldn't do you any good." Will replied, a smile cracking his face for the first time in months. "I'd just lay there. You wouldn't enjoy it, even if you could make me get it up!"

"Maybe I'll slip one of those little blue pills in your vitamins." Nine joked, then snorted in disgust. "As if they'd have anything like that down here. This place promises to be worse than boot camp!"

"Yeah, well, it's been a while since I did boot camp, and that was Navy." Will said as he reclined on the bed. "Guess I'll have some catching up to do."

Nine was about to make another remark when a perfunctory knock sounded at the door. Before either could respond, a dark head bearing tight, close-cropped curls, appeared around the edge of the opening door.

"Prototype Ten?" The head asked, glancing at Nine but settling on Will.

"I guess that'd be me." Will replied, getting to his feet. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm Carlos." The guy said, his muscular body following his head into the room. "I'm your trainer. Dr. Robinson said you were anxious to get started."

"Yeah, I guess I am." Will gave Nine a semi-apologetic look. Nobody likes a suck-up, and he could see in her eyes what she thought about his eagerness. "At my age, I guess I need all the help I can get if I'm going to keep up with these youngsters."

"Hey, you go right ahead." Nine said. "I'm gonna take it easy until I figure out what the hell's going on here."

"Suit yourself." Will followed Carlos from the room.

A couple of turns and a few doors later, he found himself traversing a well appointed workout room. Carlos led him to a locker room and showed him the locker that that had been designated as his. It already contained army regulation P/T clothes that were close enough to his size.

Five minutes later, Will emerged from the locker room and entered the first level of this particular hell. Carlos was determined that his charge not hold up the schedule set for getting the prototypes in shape, and Will thanked his lucky stars that he had been pushing himself pretty hard in his own workouts.

For the next six weeks, he and Prototype Nine saw each other only in passing. Carlos held Will to a rigid twenty four hour schedule that started the moment he had knocked on Will's door. Prototype Nine was on a different schedule, and Will was usually sound asleep when she came in for her own sleep period.

He met, at various times and places, the other eight prototypes, and got to know them about as well as he had his roommate, which was to say, hardly at all. They would chat over meals or in the communal shower, but it wasn't until the last two weeks or so that Will had energy to spare for such luxuries as watching TV or playing pool, chess, checkers or any of the other recreational activities provided for them.

Will was grateful for the busy schedule, as it kept his mind occupied and left fewer opportunities for Karen and Stacy to creep into his consciousness. Even his exhausted sleep was interrupted less frequently by the nightmare. It was a familiar one in which Will was forced to watch from some protected viewpoint as, over and over, the blast tore the flesh from the faces and bodies of the ones he loved.

All of the others were at least ten years younger than Will and he found he had little in common with them. Number five proved to be a passable chess player, but he couldn't stand losing and refused to play with Will after the older man beat him at the game twice in a row.

The poker games they played for toothpicks were a fair diversion for a while, but without money to put on the table, they couldn't hold the interest of most of the playersfor long. The few times he played, Will wound up with most of the tootpicks, mostly by virtue of being able to read the other players better than they could read him.

Will did his best to fit in with the others, but his age and his habit of morose introspection set him apart. As the time neared for the surgical procedures to begin, though, the others began seeking him out, one at a time.

"Hey, Ten." Seven said in a casual voice that belied the worry on her face. "What's happenin'?"

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Daddy8217s Erotic Whore

“Hey, mommy. I need to go to college, i am running late. Where is my breakfast?” I shouted from living room. “Yes Raj, coming wait” his mom replied from bedroom. Meanwhile in bedroom, “Hey wifey, ignore Raj and satisfy my hunger” said my dad having a morning erect. “Baby, please let me go. Raj is also getting late. Let him go and then we can have our steamy session” my mom replied wearing her blouse. “Ok, i am waiting come soon” he said and gave a bite on her boobs. Mom comes down with her...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Turning Amanda Part 3

Sunday morning found us cuddled and comfy. We eased into waking up, with me opening my eyes first, seeing my sweet lover sleeping soundly. I laid there, not wanting to disturb her. She looked so sweet and innocent. Her actions and words last night were a stark contrast to the view I had this morning. I'd have to talk with her about that one question regarding her mother and I. It was hard to tell if she was joking or not. Her reaction to me swatting her sweet cheeks as she humped my leg seemed...

4 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 12 Lets Get This Party Started

Let’s Get This Party Started Hermione arrived with Ron, Ginny, and Harry in the sunroom of the family cottage at Anglesey. Cottage was probably a bit of a misnomer, holiday home was probably a better term but even that failed to express the size and comfort of the home. It was an extensively remodeled, two-story, 12-bedroom Georgian built on a secluded five-acre plot surrounded by trees. Despite their remoteness, they had electricity connected to the house and it was a wonder of Muggle and...

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Der Ehestreit

Es ist bereits nach 22 Uhr, als Waltraud endlich hört, dass die Wohnungstüre aufgeschlossen wird. Erleichtert springt sie vom Sofa auf und läuft in die Diele. „Da bist du ja endlich, mein Schatz“, ruft sie und schlingt ihre Arme um ihren Mann Stefan. „Ich habe mir schon solche Sorgen gemacht, weil ich dich nirgendwo erreicht habe.“ In diesem Moment kann Waltraud den Alkohol im Atem ihres Mannes riechen. „Hast du etwa getrunken?“ fragt sie konsterniert und sieht ihn forschend an. Es muss sich...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach: be my dad, hes really dating mom! [b]35 KISS OF BLISS Sean had talked to Marias mother, Sonya, to find out their taste in food. So they arrive at their house having a reservation at a restaurant. They had decided on casual dress but Jeff insisted on borrowing some of Seans cologne. Now he insists on going to the door alone. Sonya answers the door, gives Jeff a hug and a kiss on the lips, inviting him in. When Maria...

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Sacred Ritual

Hello everyone I’m like you all a sex lover who like sex stories and spend most of his time in this site. I’m average guy with average looks, and respectable 7 inches Indian penis and nothing which makes me the king of my sexual destiny. I started my college previous year and was virgin, this thought totally filled me with despise for myself but very soon all of these going to change for ever in college. Kartik is one of my best friends; he was different from all of us in sexual behavior. He...

3 years ago
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My Masters Gift

You call me about 2 o'clock from work and tell me to get ready because you want to take me out for a special dinner. I take particular care to make sure I am dressed and done up just for you. When you get home the look in yours eyes tells me you like what you see. You take me in your arms and kiss me deeply our tongues fighting and thrusting, we almost become one person. You pull me so tightly to you I know you can feel the chain I am wearing around my waist and the lock that closes it. We go...

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For Your Dining Pleasure

At 2:15 in the morning, Teaghan couldn't think of anything more obnoxious than the sound of an incoming cellphone call. Whether it be the thrashing thrum of “car collision” music, or the velvety voice of the sexiest crooner, or the pixie-like chime of bells, it always took considerable restraint not to pound the little piece of glass, plastic, and electronics into dust whenever it dragged her from her slumber. The intrusion at this very moment was no exception. As it rang for another five...

Straight Sex
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Mrs SwansonChapter 8

She dwelt in the buzz from her ‘outing’ with Roger and the guys for a number of days. The thoughts were constantly with her. She played with herself more, and simply dwelt on it. It was only a couple of days after that outing that she was preparing to go out for dinner. Ned was away at a banker’s thing someplace. She was never sure where exactly these things were. It never crossed her mind to wonder if he was cheating. She also discovered that she didn’t really care. Her chosen clothes for...

4 years ago
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Robin Hoods DaughterChapter 9

Many of the village children would satisfy their curiosity about the members of the Knight Templar in their midst simply by squatting in the dust or the stones and watching them as they practiced mayhem with either sword or axe. It was at times like that the true nature of their fighting spirit surfaced on their calm and peaceful exteriors. With teeth bared and sharpened blades splitting the air with a song of violent intent, they whirled and stamped about the courtyard halting all thought of...

2 years ago
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Ashleys discovery 2

-------------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday my mother and I came up with a plan for me to seduce my brother, Ryan. She believed it was safer for us to discover and explore with each other, than with someone else. She convinced me that the attraction I felt towards my brother was normal and acting on the attraction was socially unacceptable, but perfectly ok behind closed doors. I had spent most of the morning in my room cleaning and thinking about all the...

1 year ago
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A perfect stranger in my bathroom

A perfect stranger in my bathroom I came home early from office that afternoon, really very exhausted from a long day dealing with dumb people at my desk. Worst of all, the day had been so warm and I needed a shower very badly. I passed by the bathroom and heard the shower running. I opened the bathroom door and took off all my clothes, intending to surprise Victor there in the shower. It looked a little bit strange to me he would be at home so early, but I presumed he had the same idea of...

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A Dream Comes True

It was one of those rainy days when all you want to do is sleep. I however had other things to do. This was my day to volunteer at the local library. Today was a young person lean to read day. For what ever reason children between the ages of twelve and eighteen that had poor reading skills were given two days a month to get help reading. It was my turn to volunteer for this chore. I had four boys that I had started with some six weeks before and much to my surprise they were doing very...

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A Mothers Secrets

*** I will try to tell you how my love for young boys turned into something much more than just a daydream. But before I start I will let you know a little more about me. I am a mother of two handsome sons and I currently live in Sweden. My first sexual encounter with a boy was when I was 19 and he was only 13. The relation was kept a secret. I was ashamed of my feelings for young men at the time so I went the ‘opposite’ and married a man almost 10 years older than me. I met my husband when...

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No, I k**. When I wasn't working, I was fucking. I noticed I have a "friend of a friend" fetish if that's such a thing. I fucked EI's former best friend (I'll let you guess why they aren't anymore). I'll be posting a few pics and vids of her soon. One session was hot because she only wanted to give me head, so she sucked me off while I watched the clip of me giving it to EI in the ass lol.I also somehow managed to talk to a chick's former SIL who they both hate each other but stay together....

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 32 Iowa to Minnesota

The day was perfect. The temperature was about eighty; there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Cricket cradled his head in her lap as he looked up at the sky and her. They lay on some soft grass at a rest stop along the highway in the middle of Wisconsin again, this time heading for Minneapolis. Dave ruminated, “We did good, Grasshopper.” Cricket laughed, “You think I’m some Kung Fu expert? I am a brown belt, you know, in whatever it is that Wan Suh is teaching us. And, yes, I agree with you. That...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Date

My Fantasy Date by Gail Robbins We meet on a transsexual dating site. We find a sense of compatability and want to get to know each other on a more personal level. You ask me out on a date and we agree to meet. We've been on a date. It's been so lovely - dinner and a show - you've been the perfect gentleman - now we're driving home. You've invited me to your place for a little desert and maybe a nightcap. I said yes. The cheesecake was delicious, and now we're sitting on the...

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BoldlyGirls Gigi Love Jenny Hard Laura Moreno Noem Jolie Nuria Samoa New Years Eve Orgy

It’s been a whole year since we proved with an orgy that we like to improve ourselves and that we love to give the best of ourselves every single day. We’re ready to do it again this 2018 by setting new standards and giving you a juicy advance of what you’ll be able to enjoy this new year. There will be fantastic new girls, like Jenny Hard and Laura Moreno, and awesome comebacks, like Nuria Somoa’s, and, of course, regulars like Noemi Jolie and Gigi Love. We will give...

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The Mind DrugChapter 10

Hello, My name's Ian and I've been given the responsibility of tidying up Jenny's notes. I've been reading through her experimental material on her computer and I've discovered some alarming things that have been written about others and myself here. First, I should point out that Jenny is in hospital having suffered a nervous breakdown. Her behaviour at work became more and more erratic until it got to the point where she was a danger to herself and others. I have discovered in the...

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Medieval RolePlay Wife Wench and Whore

Stuart's PerspectiveThe Mid-Atlantic region of the United States has played an important role in the development of American commerce, culture, trade and industry. The Jamestown settlement in the old Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in that area of the Americas and is about fifty miles southeast of Richmond.The northern Virginia area is steeped in the history of those early settlers, so being born and raised in Richmond has given me an appreciation for our heritage....

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Gina Valentina Kiley Jay Keys To The Pussy

Stepsisters Gina Valentina and Kiley Jay are in a serious competition with one another to get the keys to their adopted brother T. Stone’s car. Kiley makes breakfast for T., but Gina tries to one-up her. In retribution, Kiley pretends to leave the room, but in reality she crawls beneath the table to give T. a hot wet blowjob. Then she peels off her shorts so that T. can fuck her tight bald pussy on the floor until he fills her with a creampie of cum. They only catch is that they both have...

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Honeymoon With Heather Owwh Part 2Chapter 6

Then there was a knock on the door followed by a call of “Room Service.” Heather quickly slid down the bed to the floor on the side of Jessica and cupped a hand around her ear, whispering something to her. Jessica’s eyes went wide and she said “No way!” Heather immediately made a motion with both hands to go for Jess’ nipples, but Jess was quicker and moved her hands to cover them. Sensing the futility, she bowed her head and said “ok, ok. Let’s just get it over with.” Heather grabbed me by...

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Wife share fantasy

This story starts with me and my wife, m28 f26, both quite open and willing to a degree but sex has somewhat died off and become routine.In an attempt to spice things up we recently began to explore toys and roleplay. My wife being into vibrators and forced scenarios. When we first met sex was always great and frequent and she told me often she watched porn her choices were mainly cumshots, dp and threesomes. At first i was a little freaked out by this but as time has gone on ive really begun...

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Wanda Reached Her Limit

"Baby, you can't be serious.""I can and I am!" Wanda replied in a very serious tone."Baby, you know it was an accident.""It was an accident the first time you did it too. I told you what was going to happen.""I know, but you never seemed to care before." He pleaded, not even realizing how grating his whine was on her ears."I cared the very first time you did it. I told you I didn't like it, but you ignored me.""Baby but that was 15 years ago?""I know, but I remember it. I told...

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super cock 14 inches meets angel buxom written by

This how I see the biggest cock in the world violating the biggest tits in the world ,was looking at the news one day when they had announced the opening of a very unique new building that was just built in NY NY and clamed to be the tallest in the world at 4500 stories tall it was the biggest building on the planet ,it is uniquely shaped like a massive erect cock shaped after Mr Supercock the longest most powerful cock in the entire world the next biggest would only be about half his length...

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Snap Shot

It was wrong, she knew it was even while she planned it. Married for over seven years Ritty had never been completely satisfied. It didn’t help that Jake stayed out of town most of those years. His job made him travel constantly, leaving her home all alone night after night, week after week. She thought back to when she had started her new job. When she became good friends with her boss it helped take her mind off the long nights by herself. What had started out as two lonely friends hanging...

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Anal Confessions

Hello, all! I’m going to try something different. From my various times posting older stories on different platforms, I used to get confessions in my inbox from girls and guys who wanted to tell their personal stories, and have me post them. Well, over time I collected quite a few. Some were long, and some were only a few sentences. But, they let me take creative license and write short “Confessions” using their little stories, and then post them. I’m sure this has already been done, but I’m...

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