Prototype TenChapter 16 free porn video

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"Quadrant Command, this is Whiskey Tango Four Zero, over."

"Roger Four Zero. What's your status?"

"All green, QC." Captain Chen replied, sounding as bored as he felt. "Not a peep, not a whisper. We've swept out past Jupiter, including last known locations. Can't find a spook anywhere."

"Roger Four Zero. Don't get sloppy. They don't call 'em spooks for nothin'."

"Roger Command. I'll stay on my metaphorical toes, but it's been three months." Chen answered. "I think they've gone to find somebody else to play with."

"You could be right, Four Zero, but if you're not, and you let your guard down, we're all in deep doo-doo."

"Roger that QC. But I still say they've picked up their marbles and gone home."

"Same story from all patrols, Mr. President." The Secretary of Global Defense said, concluding his report. "Nobody's seen hide nor hair of the spooks for almost six months now. We've even sent scouts out beyond Pluto's orbit without catching even a whiff of their drives. Our analysts believe that gravitic surge we detected several months ago was the spooks leaving the system."

"You could be right, General," President Ramirez said thoughtfully, "but we can't afford to let our guard down. They may have left, but there's nothing saying they won't be back. Either way, if they show up again, we must defeat them once and for all!"

"Of course, Mr. President." The SGD replied. "I daresay we'll have a few surprises for them, should they return, Sir."

"See that we do."

"Come to zero-one-six mark zero-zero-tharee mark one-one-seven." Miko's voice reflected her boredom. She loved the life of the asteroid prospector, as much for the solitude as for the fact that it had already made her and her partner millionaires several times over, but the times between strikes were still the same: endless hours of boring electronic sweeps ending at some unknown point in adrenalin pumping action as the sensors detected a metal-rich rock.

"That's going to take us further out, Miko." Her partner and lifemate, Hermione Sanchez cautioned. "We don't want to run up on any spooks out here."

"Yeah, yeah." She replied. "You know as well as I do the damn spooks don't fuck with non-military vessels, and nobody's seen 'em for months, anyway. I just want to check out this blip I got, then we can head over to the next quadrant."

"Just because they never have don't mean they never will." Sanchez watched her partner with affection as the small Japanese woman concentrated on her computer screens. The numbers and graphs had never meant anything to Hermione. Navigating the Solar System was her specialty, and she was very good at it. It had been mere chance, no, incredible, fantastic, wonderful fortune that had thrown the two of them together as partners in one of the first asteroid prospecting ventures since the advent of the grav-drive.

"Just a few more... HOLY MARY, MOTHER OF GOD!" Miko exclaimed, slamming backward into her seat.

"What the... ?" Hemione, who knew her lover to be a lifelong Buddhist, couldn't help but wonder at her invocation of the Catholic icon. "What's happening Miko?"

"I've just had the biggest damn spike in readings I've ever seen!" Miko almost whispered. "If there's even a fraction of the metal out there that these sensors are indicating, we've hit the friggin' motherlode!"

"... Or a goddamn battleship..." Hermione muttered under her breath, checking and re-checking her own sensors for signs of another grav-drive in the vicinity.

The Santa Maria nosed slowly over the large asteroid, jagged peaks and deep crevasses slipping beneath her hull, starkly outlined by the sunlight coming from almost directly astern.

"It's not the asteroid, My." Miko told her, using her pet name for her lover. "Something... something in the shadow... Hit the floods, will you?"

"You sure you want to give away our position like that?" Sanchez asked nervously. A former fighter pilot, she had a great deal of respect for the capabilities of the spooks, and their deviousness.

"You got anything on sensors?" Miko asked irritably. She could get more than a little short when on the trail of a find, as Hermione well knew.

"No, but... Oh, what the hell! Here goes..." She flipped the switch for the forward floods then slammed back into her own seat "HOLY SHIT! Strap in, Miko! We got to get the fuck outta here!"

Sanchez cursed the clumsy prospecting vessel for not being one of the sleek military killers to which she was accustomed, and the lack of discipline that allowed her lover to sit cross-legged in her accel seat, without harness, while working.

"Wait." Miko said, getting her first glimpse of one of the alien motherships, then, as Hermione continued flipping switches and checking displays: "WAIT, MY!"

Sanchez paused in her preparations for emergency flight to see what her partner was up to.

"It's not emitting anything." Miko said quietly. "And there's an open hatch."

Hermione, still on edge, stared at the alien ship, then at her own displays. Sure enough, the ship showed no sign of having noticed them, or of having anyone aboard. The drives were powered down, as was almost everything else aboard, according to her sensors, and lo and behold, one hatch stood open, it's cover casting a shadow along the vastness of the alien hull in the glare of the floods.

"I don't know, Miko." Sanchez shook her head. "My mother always told me, 'If it sounds too good to be true, it's too good to be true!'"

"Carolina is a very wise woman, My." Miko, said, heading for the rear of the cabin. "I, on the other hand, am not. I'm going to take a look."

"You're not serious!" Hemione watched in disbelief as her lover began donning a scuffed, scratched and patched, but still serviceable vacuum suit. "You're NOT planning to board that thing!"

"Yes, I am." Miko gave her that secretive smile that had so captured her heart on the L5 station a few months back. "I don't know why or how, baby, but somehow I know it's safe. You should probably send a capsule and back off a ways, just in case."

She won, of course.

"You don't think I'm about to let you just walk into the mouth of the lion alone, do you?" Hermione bristled, realizing that she, too, felt it was safe, though she couldn't say why.

"Now, we've been through this before, dear." Miko said sweetly, "You're a tough broad, honey, but I can still kick your ass if you get in my way."

"I know that! You also know I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you, so move over and hand me my suit!" Sanchez' gruff manner, intended to hide her softer core, had always been transparent to Miko, who stood quietly aside and helped her partner suit up. As Miko had known she would, Hermione grumped and muttered to herself the whole time she was donning her suit.

"Well, if you're going with me, you might as well just land us near that hatch, My." The black-haired young rockhound chided.

Her lover bristled at the thought of putting her precious ship in even more danger, but realized that if anything happened to the two of them, the Santa Maria was just so much scrap anyway. Grumbling even louder, she deftly steered the vessel to within a few yards of the hatch. Hermione set the grav drive to low power and the auto-pilot to hold them on the surface of the vessel.

Miko, as usual, was first out of the hatch, and when Sanchez' boots hit the alien hull beside her, she could feel the slight vibration through the soles of her boots. The suits, intended for exploring, among other things, asteroids with high iron content, came equipped with variable strength boot magnets, which Miko turned on when she felt herself drifting a little away from the hull. To her surprise, the magnets had no effect, but the suit drifted slowly back to the hull of the alien craft, anyway.

"This thing's big enough to have its own gravity, My!" She told her partner excitedly.

"Yeah, but it ain't much, so keep your boots down and don't go bouncing around, Micky." Sanchez held the beam torch like a weapon as she scanned as much of the surrounding area as she could.

Miko hated having the 'o' in her name replaced with a 'y', so naturally, Hermione did it whenever the smaller girl pissed her off.

Using a shuffle-step they had perfected for moving across bodies with very low gravity, the two advanced on the beckoning hatch. It looked like a standard UE manufactured outer door for a single person manlock, the kind used for maintenance access while in space.

Without waiting for Hermione, Miko stepped into the opening, and drifted slowly into the interior of the lock. As soon as her boots touched the inner door, the outer door closed, and she could feel vibration as air rushed into the lock. Gradually, the sounds of rushing air filled her ears as enough air entered the lock to carry the sound, until a green light came on at her feet, and the inner door popped open, dropping her softly onto a metal platform. Miko hit the standard lock control without thinking, and the lock recycled, pumping air out to allow the outer door to open.

Since her guages showed the air to be breathable, and detected no biohazards, Miko popped her helmet and placed it on the platform beside her. Freed from her initial preoccupation, Miko looked around her for the first time as the airlock cycled inward once more. Lights were coming on throughout the vessel as if spreading out from her point of entry and the young prospector stared in amazement at what she saw. The entire enormous hull was open and filled with a complex web of cables. Wherever two or more cables came together, a transparent, spherical bubble was formed, as if cables and bubbles were made of the same material and the cables somehow extruded from the bubbles. Some bubbles were large, some small, and some, like the one in which she stood, attached to the outer hull. There were double diaphragm entry points in each bubble next to each cable anchorage, suggesting that whoever crewed the vessel traveled hand over hand along the cables between bubbles. One would have to push through both diaphragms to get to the interior of the bubble, but it looked as though the diaphragms could withstand a great pressure differential.

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Fiona Sprouts, an adorable porn newbie, wants to know what it’s like to fuck a legendary stud. Director Mick Blue films as she shows off for the camera, whimpering when she masturbates her wet twat. The young cutie strokes Mick’s raging hard-on and licks his balls. She smiles lovingly as she gives a nasty, POV-style blowjob, slobber soaking Mick’s shaft when she pulls it from her mouth. When Fiona bends over on the couch, Mick stuffs his big cock into her cunt, plugging away...

3 years ago
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FTL II First ContactChapter 21 POW

Star Date 2.125 Personal Log: The Gardorian ambassador has proven to be a most valuable source of technology for the Federation. Although he has not been able to provide us with any weapons' technology, he is most knowledgeable about power systems. The federation now has the technology to build anti—matter converters as power sources. This process defies mental reasoning. However, the technology does provide us with the virtually unlimited power needed for space-faring, and it does so in...

2 years ago
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Her first gangbang Part 1

Hi, I am writing after a long time and this time I was inspired by someone who wrote about her sexual experiences here. And this is about how reading a sexstory on ISS I was moved to share my girlfriend Roshni for a groupsex. For a quick recap, Roshni (name changed), is a busty slut. Her vital stats are to die for; 36-32-38. She has had but never before had she gone for a groupsex. So the other day I was reading a very dirty story on how a woman was turned into a slut by men who forced her...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Team PT3 Lesbian

Welcome to the Team Part 3 - Triple playMonica couldn't handle it. "This is all too much," she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror. "What am I doing here, why do I feel like this?" Her heart was beating rapidly, she was lightheaded and she could feel the inescapable sensation of wetness between her weak legs."Why am I so wet?" she thought taking deep breaths.All of the women at the party were so open about their sexuality and she felt so strange being around them. At first she was...

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An English GILF in Fort Lauderdale Part 2

An English GILF in Fort LauderdalePart 2: The LimpetAfter finishing work at the mall in Boca Raton I showered and changed and drove over to the condo on South East 2nd Street in Pompano Beach where Wendy, the English woman who I had met for the first time yesterday, was staying while on holiday with her husband. While I waited for the elevator to take me to the 4th floor I replayed in my mind the events of the previous evening. Her husband had used an interracial forum post to advertise that he...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 11

"I'm pleased that you saw fit to see me, Chairman," Chief Blacker said. He bowed formally to the youngish looking man behind the glass desk. "The matter is most urgent, as you can see from the files I've sent you." "Hmm," said the man. His name was Hedron. At thirty-six, he was the youngest ever Chairman of the board of Tomlin Corporation, the organization that many Fortune 500 companies depended on to keep Industrial Espionage at a minimum. Blacker stood uneasily, waiting for a...

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SexEducation ClassChapter 5

"Get offa her, man," Knuckles Gerber pleaded. "Lemme at that hot bitch now, will you?" "Wait a minute," Wayne panted in reply. "Christ, give me a chance to get my breath back." "That ain't fair," Mickey whined. "I've got to wait for thirds, you know... and you've already won your case of beer." "Awww..." their teenage leader said, but he slowly began to remove his weight from the prostrated weeping nakedness of his teacher. As he lifted, Joan could feel his deflating...

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Switch HittingChapter 3

The hike continued, but Carly noticed almost none of the scenery they were walking through. She was too fascinated with paying attention to her new body. Or at least one part of her new body. When she had grasped her penis, it had felt good to touch it. It was a new kind of "good" in her mind. Both the feel of the thing between her fingers, and the feeling in the thing between her fingers was completely new. She recognized it as the same thing she probably felt when she was turned on. An...

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Spizoo Lexi Foxy Best Blowjob POV

It’s always a special day when she wears a tight, red, latex dress. The only thing better than seeing her all done up in this sexy outfit is her taking it off. Lexi loves using her throat to satisfy a cock…but thats not all she uses. Planned to be just a blowjob, she end up giving up her tight little pussy for a little as well. Watch this sexy new girl show off her tight, tan body and drain a cock that remains rock hard for her. And just like all the best sluts, she takes a big load...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 9 Playing Hooky With Jessica

When she realized I was there she apologized for walking in on me. “Sorry Tony, I didn’t realize you were in here but judging by what’s going on down there I’m glad I did.” “That’s fine Jess, I’m happy to see you. You were pretty quiet last night. I thought you would have popped in at some point.” She said, “I thought about it but wanted to leave Char alone so she could enjoy her time with you. Did you have fun?” “Of course I did and I think Mary Ann and Char won’t be waking up for a...

1 year ago
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Seducing My English Teacher Part 3

The night after my sexual encounters with Mr. Paxton Schaffer, I had arranged for him to pick me up from work again. My ankle was still sore, so he’d have to help me walk up the sidewalk again. Even though I had crutches, I was hoping he’d at least assist me. I got off work at 6:00 in the evening. I walked outside to see Paxton’s pickup parked near the door. I looked up into the pick up, but he wasn’t in the driver’s seat. I looked over to the other side of the door, Paxton was waiting to help...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Sister 8211 Part II

By : Tanay4321 Hey guys this is Tanay & I’m Back with the second part of this story. It really took a long time to write this part because the events happened after such a long time. Now let’s begin with the story. I and my sister had done things which felt very nice for me and her. (Later I found out that she was awake at the time when i was massaging her boobs.) She had to back to her city Mumbai next day so she told me that lets continue this afterwards. I agreed to it and let her sleep...

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ChanceChapter 4 and Breakfast

Duncan could hardly believe the morning. Not one day could he recall that had dawned so bright and cheerful, with so much promise. Looking at the beautiful woman walking beside him, her hand in his, he knew exactly why the day was so grand. Grinning wryly to himself he realized it could be the middle of a blizzard and he would feel the same. The fact the woman looking up to him with 'that look' in her eyes was as lovely a person as she was beautiful certainly didn't hurt. She was not only...

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Moroccan Boys

From the curved seat at the fantail of the private, two-masted schooner, “Nevis”, I watched the fourteen-year-old French Jewish boy, Emile, moving about in the rigging overhead like a nimble monkey. He was all deeply tanned arms and legs, moving deftly like a circus acrobat, changing the sheeting to match the change in the wind as the schooner raced down the French coast toward Casablanca, our goal of refuge for Reggie’s exile--or escape, depending on who you talked to. I was along because I’d...

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For Couples OnlyChapter 9

Faith let Dirk take her hand and lead her over to one of the couches. She stood like a penitent child, as he sat down on the edge of the cushion with his legs coming together to form a support for her to lie across. With her head hung and staring down at the floor, Faith shifted from one foot to the other, stealing a glance at Dirk from time to time, just as she used to at her father when she was waiting for him to spank her. "All right, Faith. Let's get it over with," Dirk said, reaching...

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Dream Job

It didn't seem possible that it was only two months ago that I stood inline with the other members of my college graduating class for office management,smiling happily for the pictures. Since my parents had died years ago and mysister lived across the country, there was no one in the crowd to see me, butit didn't matter. I had done it! I ignored the voice in the back of my mindreminding me that I still had to find a job, since the last bit of my savingshad been used to rent the gown, and that...

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My First Time

I have always considered myself to be strait in sexual preferance, but for about 6 or so months I would say, I've found my thoughts and fantasies straying towards sexual encounters with other guys. I got curious one evening what it would be like to have my cock sucked by another guy and I was surprised to find myself becoming very aroused to thoughts of me giving another guy a blow job and how exciting it would be to suck a guy off till he cums in my mouth and all over my face. As the...

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Tgirl Van Sex

T-girl Van Sex Pulling up to the curb near the bookstore one recent night, I happened to notice a nice looking custom van drive by very slowly. Looking intently at the driver as it passed by, I noticed that the driver was a very sexy looking woman, and she gazed at me intently as she passed by. The van pulled up to the curb in front of my car and parked. Shortly afterwards, the brake lights on the van flashed several times, and I took this as a signal. I opened my door and then made my way...

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My Fantasy Backfired On Me

My Fantasy Backfired On Me It was a Friday night and after another hard week at work for both of us, we decided to go out to a restaurant for tea, and later go on to another pub to dance the night away. I pick my wife Cathie up from work at 5pm, and drove her home, so she could change. I asked her to wear something sexy and revealing tonight. She knows I like her to show off a bit when we go out. My gorgeous wife is very slim, with a fuck me now body to die for (38D-26-36). She has green...

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