Prototype TenChapter 7 free porn video

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Keeping part of his consciousness on the activity around his cell, Will turned his attention back to Prototype Nine.

How you holding up, Tina? He 'asked.'

Ten! Will! Thank God! Tina 'replied.'

Okay, Tina, Will got right down to business, not sure how much time he would have. I've only done this once before - to myself, so bear with me. You have to make a choice: Do you want to be what you signed up to the program for, and maybe what I've become, or do you want to go back to being Tina, ex-soldier?

What you've become? She started to ask, but rather than 'answer' her, he flooded her mind with images of the things he'd done to himself, what he'd learned to do, and how he had escaped. Also imbedded in the sequence were the possible consequences of each course of action that he proposed.

Damn! Nine thought as she reeled under the onslaught of so much information all at once. Are you some kind of God, or something?

I'm just me, trying to learn how to deal with the situation in which I find myself. Will replied. I never expected things to turn out this way, but I still want to get the people that killed my wife and daughter, and this - whatever it is - promises to help in getting that done, so I'm not complaining. Thing is, the people that put these enhancements into us didn't really know what they were doing. They couldn't know. But I can fix you so most of the stuff they wanted you to have works, and the rest goes away. Thing is, it might also leave you able to do the stuff I've been doing, and you have to decide whether or not you want that, because I don't know how to do one without the other. I can undo what they've done, or I can finish it. Those are the only choices I have right now. Either one should give you some relief from the problems you're having with those implants, all you have to do is choose.

I still kinda like the idea of being a super-soldier, Nine thought, So I guess I'd like to see what's behind door number one. I don't suppose you know how to reverse all this stuff if I don't like it?

I can probably make you 'normal' again, Will answered, but I can't guarantee it. I've never tried it.

Fair enough. Tina 'said.' Let's get started before all this damn noise drives me batty!

Okay. I'll keep feeding you the 'images' of what I'm doing. Will thought at her. Who knows, maybe you'll find ways to improve on it.

For several hours, Will worked to remove the 'wrongness' from Tina's body, noting as he did, that her thoughts became clearer, and that finally, the noise died in her head. When he was finished, she seemed to have the strength and better hearing, and could 'see' and 'hear' with her mind as clearly as he, but no matter how she tried, she was unable to affect objects around her the way he could.

Now, when they 'mindtalked' it was almost as natural as speech.

Thanks a ton, Ten Tina told him as his focus withdrew from her body. I thought I was going to be lost in that hell forever! I told Robinson about it, but she couldn't, or wouldn't do anything to help. Damn! I'm famished!

They delivered a meal for you while I was working on you. Will told her I guess they're used to you being out of it. But that reminds me. I've got to find a better place to stay, and a way to get food. I suppose I could steal from the galley, but then they'd know I was still here, and maybe start looking in places where they haven't looked yet. Do me a favor, will you? My disappearance is going to screw Robinson's plans all to hell and there's no telling what she'll do, so will you kinda keep an 'eye' on her and let me know if she decides to do anything drastic? They think you're off in your own little world, so if anybody comes into your cell, just keep looking blank and pre-occupied and they should leave you alone.

But where will you go? Nine asked.How will I get in touch with you?

I'm going to the surface, and I'm going to try out these new abilities. Will replied. I'll take it in stages just to check the range of this kind of communication, but if I get out of range, I'll pop back often to check on you, okay?

Okay, she said, but don't leave me here, Ten. Eventually, somebody's going to notice that I don't have my implants anymore.

I won't be gone long.

With that, Will stretched his 'vision' upward, seeking a place on the surface that was not likely to be observed, but wasn't too far from Nine's location. What he discovered was that the wing of the complex where she was housed stretched far beyond the little airport where he had landed, and there were no other buildings or anything else man-made in that vicinity, including surveillance devices.

Gathering his energy, Will thought of a particular spot in the dry scrub and 'moved' himself there. The heat assaulted him, but the energy available from the heat and sun seemed to fill some sort of reservoir within him. To his amazement, as he absorbed energy from his surroundings, the temperature seemed to drop to a more bearable level, while his new abilities seemed to blossom and grow!

Still reading me, Nine? He thought, though he already knew the answer.

Five by five, Ten. She replied, with relief. Seems like a friendly place up there.

Yeah. Now I've got to find someplace even friendlier. Let's try those mountains over there...

He scanned for a deserted, reasonably safe landing spot and 'jumped.' Turning his attention back to his starting point, he realized he had come more than five miles, probably closer to ten, and his connection with nine was undiminished.

This looks like a pretty extensive mountain range. He told Nine. There ought to be a cave or abandoned mine, or someplace to hide out. Hang on...

Will began scanning the mountains, looking inside them with his new vision. He came across a couple of possibilities, but... As he continued his scan, Will came across the perfect hideout. A small cave carved out of the inside of a small mountain, about ten miles to the north. There were a couple of very small openings that would allow for ventilation, but were not big enough to allow anything larger than a racoon to enter or exit.

This was a longer jump than he had tried before, but he was gaining confidence in this ability, and made it with ease. As planned, he found himself standing on a small, almost flat rock ledge. He could see nothing with his eyes, but didn't need to. His 'other' vision provided him with all he needed to know about the space he intended to call home until he got a real handle on these new abilities. There was a small stream of water that ran through the cavern, and close examination with his 'vision' showed that it was relatively pure, having run down from higher up the mountain, probably from snow melt.

The cave was a bit chilly, and he would need a heat source, but he was reluctant to start a fire that might generate smoke. If he could heat up some of the rock, it would take a long time to cool down.

Could he use his new abilities to do that, somehow? Experimentally, he reached out with his mind to the nearest rock outcropping, feeling the energy inherent in its molecules. Unsure what to expect, he tried changing the energy he used to resonate with that of the rock. Suddenly a small "crack" resonated through the cavern and a chip fell off the rock.

Well, that was useful knowledge, and he might be able to use that technique to shape the cave to his needs, but it wasn't going to get him the warmth he would need.

Changing the energy he used slightly, he narrowed his focus and examined the rock at the molecular level. As he applied energy this time, the individual atoms within the rock became agitated, and a tiny area began to glow first red, then white, casting an eerie glow around the small space. That was a start, but it had taken quite a bit of energy, and there wasn't a lot of energy here for him to draw on. Too bad he couldn't 'move' some from outside, like he moved objects. Or could he?

Experimentally, Will sent a tendril of his own energy to the surface, Willing it to spread out like a sail when it emerged from the rock into sunlight. To his amazement, it worked! Like an electrical conduit, the small tendril of energy began to pump energy from the external heat and sunlight into him. Being careful not to let that connection slip, he turned once again to the rock, this time, applying the resonant energy to a large area of one wall. Small pockets of moisture steamed away with hisses and pops. Tiny algae plants and mosses cooked and burned. In moments, a large area of the wall was glowing red.

Considering his heating method a success, Will now turned his attention to food. He supposed he could kill game from the surrounding area to cook and eat, but didn't relish the thought of hearing the mental cries of whatever animal he chose for his meal. No, he decided, he would first try to find a source of pre-packaged food. If he got his food from human inhabited sources however, he was either going to have to steal it or find some way to pay for it. Also, he wanted to be sure not to create a pattern that would reveal his location to searchers.

The last part of that was easy. Since he could move around pretty much at will, he could scatter his appearances so far and wide that no one would have an idea where to look for him. The problem was how to pay for what he got. He didn't want to steal anything, partly out of common decency and partly out of sympathy for whoever he might take it from.

He had money in an account in Santa Clara, but suspected that if he went after it, Feds would be all over him in an instant.

I need to find a way to finance us, Nine, he thought, any ideas?

Always knew you were a softy, Ten! Tina replied. Guess that's part of what I like about you. How about precious metals? Maybe with all those powers you've got, you can find some gold or silver or something.

Hmmm. Will thought. I don't know. Let's see...

Will had found the cave by searching for cavities in the rock that composed the mountain range, and had noted that some of the surrounding materials were denser than others, but would that help him find something like gold or silver?

Never having even thought about prospecting, Will had little knowledge of how to proceed, though he seemed to remember reading somewhere that gold was often found in quartz rock. Almost absent-mindedly, he heated the tip of a stalactite to white heat, giving himself a physical view of his surroundings for the first time. Sure enough, a vein of quartz ran through the cavern, but he could not see anything that looked like gold, and his mental vision showed no significant density changes within it. He allowed his mindsight to follow the vein as it sank into the floor of the cavern. Further down, maybe a hundred yards beneath his feet, the vein suddenly widened into a vast sea of frozen igneous rock, within which, he could detect both more and less dense material.

Figuring that the less dense material would not be helpful, he turned his focus on the denser areas. Some of them, including a rather large pocket within the quartz field, seemed promising, but how to know? Could he move a small sample into the cave for visual examination?

Focusing in on a small volume of the dense material, Will 'moved' it to the ledge in front of him. A small spherical shape appeared at his feet, and promptly began to roll away into the darkness. It had already fallen off the edge of the ledge by the time Will thought to react.

Physically, he reached for the marble-sized piece as it disappeared over the edge, and automatically, his mind sought to deny its escape. To Will's astonishment, the little ball floated upward to hang, steady as a rock, in mid-air before his surprised countenance! He became conscious of holding the piece by its positional energy. Experimentally, he moved it left, right, up, down, growing more assured with each movement.

Nine, 'watching' from her cell back in the underground complex, thought Wow!

Aren't you supposed to be keeping an eye on Robinson? Will asked, not really upset.

I am. Nine replied. But that doesn't take a lot of attention, and this is a much better show!

I wish I could say it's just parlor tricks. Will returned. This stuff is starting to scare me, Nine.

Yeah, well, she answered, if it scares you that bad, imagine what it's going to do to those terrorists!

You're a 'cup's half full' kind of person, aren't you Nine? Will 'said' sardonically.

In your case, I'd say that cup is damn near overflowing, Ten! Tina thought back at him, her laughter clear in his mind.

Yeah, well, I've got a feeling this could be a mixed blessing, but I'll take it for what it's worth for the moment.

Will turned his attention back to the little ball of material that floated in front of him. Holding out his hand, palm up, he let go of the ball with his mind. It dropped solidly into his palm, heavier than he would have expected. The weight and the gold color made him reasonably certain that what he had here was almost pure gold, but he needed to be sure. He knew of only one other material that might fool him into thinking it was gold, and while this didn't look like the crystalline structure of iron pyrite, he had never seen either metal excised from the earth in a perfectly smooth sphere.

He knew of a couple of other tests he could perform. Holding the ball between thumb and forefinger, he squeezed. To his satisfaction, the material slowly flattened. Even his enhanced muscles shouldn't have been able to do that to iron pyrite, but the softness of gold was another matter.

Okay, one more test. The wall he had heated earlier still glowed red, so he looked around for something he could use to hold the metal against the rock. At first he was stymied, until Nine 'said' Why don't you just hold it the same way you kept it from rolling away?

Oh yeah! Will thought back. Doh!

Levitating the now deformed ball toward the heat of the rock, Will pushed with his mind until it touched. It took a few seconds for the metal to absorb enough heat, but sure enough, the side touching the rock, then the entire piece began to soften. Like cupping his hands under water, Will formed the tendril of energy holding the lump into a bowl shape just in time to catch the liquid gold as it melted into the depression. A few small bits of impurity floated on the surface, and Will sent out another tendril to flick them away.

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When they were growing up my daughter had a friend through a club they belonged to, called Gemma. She lived locally and my wife and I soon got used to her turning up on our doorstep most weekends and after school. Gemma's mum had been young when she had her and was still young and hot. I was secretly very pleased that the girls were such good friends, as we became friends with her mum too.The problem was that I don't think her mum was ready to settle down to being a mum. Gemma's dad lived a...

4 years ago
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My wife wanted anal so she had it in style

My name is Roxanne, I am a 30 year old brunette with 38DD and a good figure if I do say so myself. I am married to Alun, we have been together for 10 years and had one swinging session once on holiday with a Turkish waiter.I wanted more, Alun has a big dick but he does not have the sexual appetite that I have. We have sex 3 times a week and always on a Sunday morning. I have always fancied anal sex but Alun does not. He is not convinced he would like it, so it looks like I am going to remain an...

1 year ago
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HelplessTeens Kitty Carrera Ditched Dicked and Dominated

Ditched by her so-called friends, poor little Latina cutie Kitty Carrera is all in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, nice guy Brick pulls up in a white van and decides to help her get back to civilization. Later, after learning that she’s broke he gives the sexy senorita a choice, sexual submission or walk home. Like a good slut, Kitty is soon sucking his cock and getting tied up with rope. Brick takes the petite hottie to his dungeon for some teasing and BDSM then savagely drills her...

4 years ago
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Me and my Bro Part 1

I, on the other hand, have bleach blonde hair that reaches my butt, and hazel eyes. That's the only attractive thing I find about myself. I guess I have a hot body. I'm skinny with a pretty face at least. I've never had a real boyfriend before. My longest relationship was two weeks sadly. Every guy I met would randomly ignore me after a few days of flirting. It got to the point where no guy would even approach me unless it was in a friendly way. Eric had many girlfriends in the past and...

2 years ago
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Shelby and Johnny Ch 03

Chapter 3: Shelby’s Secret I told Shelby that I was going to rinse off my body. Since the hot water had run out I took a very cold shower. It actually felt pretty good as we’d had a pretty good workout. Shelby got out of her wet stockings and garter. When I finished she stepped in playfully grabbing my cock on the way by. I dried myself off put on a robe and poured us both a drink. I heard the water stop so I made my way to the bathroom. I had both drinks in my hand and just stood in the...

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Sissification continues

As I sat in front of the mirror my long locks looked great and as I applied my final bit of red lipstick to my lips I looked the sissy slut I had craved to be ever since I had been introduced to cock by my now ex girlfriend.Tonight however was going to be a new experience for even me with my introduction to Black Cock and just hoped I looked sissy enough for them. I had been chatting online with two guys both in their 50’s and after very little persuasion I was inviting them to my house.Then...

3 years ago
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My Wife is Finally Fulfilled

My Wife is Finally FulfilledSome background first then a few years ago (sorry this is long for my first attempt)Names have been changed but there is plenty of facts and some fiction. We are Kay and Vernon.Having now been married for over 20 years to Kay, we have been through the normal ups and downs during this time that most couples encounter. As couple we are now in our mid/late 50s and we had both had our share of previous partners, while I had been married previously my now wife had not.It...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 10

Chuck Wednesday The room phone rang a couple of times before I could reach for it. The recorded announcement for the wakeup call told me it was time to get up. I kissed Lisa a couple of times and she wrapped me up in a warm good morning hug, whispering, "Do we have time for a little happiness before work?" I said, "Being with you is always happiness, but we do need to get rolling. I'm hungry and we're only going to each get a cup of coffee until we get downstairs, so let's...

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Relentless Dan Fey Ch 05

Dan Fey was correct in his suspicion that his mother was up to something. During lunch when Rosina went to the toilet, Penny said to Jolene, ‘Perhaps you suspect that Rosina and my son have become more than friends?’ ‘Yes she indicated that, well more than indicated, during our drive here from the ferry wharf.’ ‘And?’ ‘Relax dear, I confess I’m delighted about that. Dan appeared to be an admirable young man.’ ‘Um as the saying goes, I guess he’s been around the block a few times.’ ‘And...

1 year ago
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Equal SharesChapter 21

The following morning, the first into work at The Firm was, as usual, Elizabeth. An unusual visitor interrupted her normal routine of coffee, skimming the newspaper while checking some overnight testing and watering Bob's plants. Well, unusual at that time of the morning, anyway. "Good morning, Elizabeth." Elizabeth turned to see Denise standing in Bob's office doorway. "Oh! You startled me!" She looked tired but functional, Elizabeth decided, after studying the young woman for a...

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My first time sucking cock

When I was around 15 I had a friend that I met a few years earlier. We ended up hanging out together a lot and that summer something happened that changed my life.I was at Mike's house, it was early July, hot out and we came inside around noon after being out all morning on our bikes. We were both kind of sweaty and Mike said to wait in his room while he took a quick shower. I was hanging out in his room for a few minutes when he came in wearing nothing but a towel. We'd been swimming plenty of...

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Clara Wilsons Makeover

Clara was turning 40. Her friends had made a big thing of it, taking her out and celebrating with the usual amount of fake funereal trappings. It had been a hoot but now she was home and was left with it it, just left with it. She was turning 40 and was mopey about it. She wandered around fairly early that Saturday, and moped. She had a cup of coffee and just looked her house over. She called it always ‘the old girl’, and at times, when sadness was on her, she talked to the house. ‘What do...

4 years ago
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Keeping It HOT

I thought it was going to be a quiet night, particularly after such a long week. We went out to a mellow dinner and then watched Bill Maher’s show on HBO. I decided to make us each a Nutty Irishman (Bailey’s, Frangelico and cream) to enjoy while we cuddled on the couch. It felt wonderful, but when my cock briefly twitched I tried to will it back down – maybe in the morning, I thought, but not tonight. We’d gone at it twice already this week, had a spectacular time on Wednesday night, and the...

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Young and Old meet again

I couldn’t wait to see my older man again. Before I left, after that first time, he made me promise not to tell anyone. To be honest, I loved our sexy secret.He made me feel incredible and I was anxious to return the favor. It had only been a few days, but my thoughts were filled with images of his cock and the thoughts and feelings of my orgasm. My heart raced when I saw him and couldn’t wait to be alone. My cock ached and dripped for him “Hi” he said softly once behind closed doors. I moved...

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Air TA

Coby was alone in the AirBnB by the coast. She was treating herself after much success as a social media influencer. Her specialty was make-up and hair tutorials, and "tasteful" bathing suits. She was always modest and made snide remarks about the women who "debased" themselves doing OnlyFans. She set up her laptop and camera. Since she was alone, she put on a sexy bathing suit. She turned on the camera. "Look at me! I'm slutty bimbo who can only make money flaunting my tits and ass for...

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Lidyas Birthday

LIDYA'S BIRTHDAY BY JANICE I was going to be sixteen. It worked out that it was on a long weekend this year. My sister and her longtime best friends were going to give me a birthday party that, "You will not soon forget," as they put it. I knew what that meant. For as long as I can remember, whenever my sister Dawn, would have to baby sit for me she would dress me up in girls' clothes. I grew to like getting...

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Nahiii Bhaiya Aisaa Matt Karo Pls Yeh Galat Hai

Hello Guys, how r u all?? My name is Vicky & this is my second post on this lovely site- Thanks for your Appreciating mails for “Vicky Inside Bhakti at Wedding”. For those who have not read my previous story i will give u a quick intro, my name is Vicky, am 26 yrs, tall, fair & Decent looking from Mumbai..!! With a 5″ tool Size- unlike those fake sons of guns who claim to be in Guinness World Record..!! Now lets start with d erection & fingering time :) This is a lengthy story as i have...

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College Humiliation 8211 Part 6

Thank you guys for your appreciation. Before continuing with the sixth part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits a mistake and is punished by the Dean of the college. She had a very humiliating session in the Anatomy class. Then she had a pee compilation punishment. Later she had a blowjob compilation. She is exposed to body shaming, and her nipples are pierced. The story continues with the next part now. The...

2 years ago
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Life in 2115 A letter to the future

Life in 2115 - A letter to the future M/F, M+/F, oral, anal, SciFi, interracial It was the spring of 2205. Zandack Cranockk was operating a disintegration ray, making pass after pass vaporizing a building to make room for the new building that would take it's place. His people had just invaded Earth and eliminated the humans to have the planet for his race's much needed expansion. A specially made toxin sprayed into the atmosphere had killed all the humans and a couple of the...

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First Time Sex Party

Okay, first and foremost I've always wanted to be in an orgy so this being my first time I was nervous but in all I enjoyed myself. I'd like to start off that I had no idea that there was something like this going on and I just happened to have driven by the house in which the event was taking place. Apparently you are suppose to have an invite to one of these things but I literally just walked into the house and saw naked people. I dropped my clothes after furthering examining the place...

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StacieChapter 12

The following Friday, we once again had guests for supper, Larissa, Latoya and Frank Morely. I was gradually getting used to the idea of Morely dating Latoya. They seemed to be an item. I still didn't trust the son of a bitch. I hoped that he wasn't another like her high-school sweetheart. Once again, Latoya might be too trusting. In any case, Morely's articling would soon be over. I promised myself not to let the incident in the coffee room influence my evaluation of him. But his...

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Black Seed Wife Blacken

This is a true story of my wife April and me. We had gotten married after an 8 month courtship, me at 42 and her at 35. When we made love we always got off on me getting her pregnant but as her tubes were tied this was just a fantasy sex trip for us both. She had had two daughters in her first marriage and I two sons in mine.Well after about 6 months of marriage my dear beautiful wife had decided to get her tubes reversed. I had no say in her decision she just said” I’m doing it and thats the...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 19b Arlicherb planet

The rest of the journey was quite uneventful; we slept in actual crew quarters, two cadets to a cabin. I shard mine with Two Three. I had almost forgotten about Bennett Waite and my dilemma. Should I report him? Every morning we repeated that oath and pledge not to tolerate intolerance to other sentient beings. On the other hand I never liked tattle tails. The ship so we were told already approached the Arlicherb system and we were assembled in a conference room and the Instructors kept...

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Pushed Too Hard

Lengthy intro time: First of all, this is my first work posted under this user name. I write most of my stories under a different nom de plume. I have a fine collection of H ratings on my stories, and only a few are trashed, most because of premise, some because the asshole didn’t actually, you know, read the story. Back to this handle: I adopted it when I started going after some of the extremely lousy writing that began to show up on Literotica some years ago, and many of the worst...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 17

Part 17Well a text was showing on my TV again...That was fun to watch. Seeing Jan cum in his pants was kind of a surprise to me. He ran out like a little boy. I know how much he loves those pantyhose of yours. He was in your apartment while you were taking your driving licence.“What...? What do you mean?”Look at this.A video clip was showing onscreen. Watching Jan enter my apartment. There were multiple camera angles following him across the living room and straight into my bedroom. I saw him...

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Black Womans Guide To Husbands

Hi, there. My name is Joanna Thanes. I’m a big and tall, busty and big-bottomed young black woman living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. These days, I attend Davidson College, a previously all-female school located in the heart of the city. These days, life simply couldn’t be better. I’m doing what I’ve always wanted. I’m the captain of the Davidson College women’s varsity wrestling team. We’ve had a great season. Still, it’s what I do off the mat that makes me happiest. I was really...

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