Prototype TenChapter 3
- 3 years ago
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"Alpha flight, this is Bravo One. I read two groups, five each, can you confirm?"
"Bravo Leader this is Alpha One. That's a roger on the spooks! Distance sweeps show no other bogeys."
"Roger Alpha. Ten targets. We'll jump 'em going in. They'll have to work back past us to get home. Pickets One-Four through One-Seven and Three-Four through Three-Seven, you get the leftovers going in. Charlie leader, keep an eye on our six. Don't want any surprises. If any get past us going out, you can have 'em!"
"Will do, Bravo. Any more come sniffing around we'll give 'em something else to think about."
"They're closer to me, Alpha, so I've got the lead. We'll push 'em your way and pinch 'em in the cone. Good hunting!"
"Roger, Bravo Leader. Meet you in the middle!"
"Bravo flight, this is Bravo One, we've done this a million times in the sims, now we get to do it for real. Wait for my signal to form the cone, and don't show 'em what we've got until you have to. Here we go, single squadron attack formation, Go!"
The aliens saw them as almost as soon as they emerged from behind the asteroid and changed course to avoid them, their course and speed calculated to outrun the reaction drives that were standard for Earth forces. The deception couldn't last long without the tails of fire and condensation from the rockets, so Bravo One got back on the horn.
"Okay, they're committed. Let's close the gap and give 'em something to think about. Hopefully they won't notice Alpha closing in."
With drives maxed out, they were almost on top of the alien ships before their pilots could react, and just as they had practiced in the sims, Alpha and Bravo flights joined forces, merging into a single cone that covered most of the possible escape vectors while allowing them to fire at the enemy at will without danger of hitting each other. The aliens hit the gas but the Earth ships were already on top of them, and carnage ensued. Three, four, six then seven of the alien ships went up in balls of fire. The picket boats, lying in wait, got another before the final two swept into an upper atmosphere orbit and slung themselves around the planet, heading outward at a different vector than that on which they approached. Fearing a trap, the UE commanders recalled their flights. Only two of the Earth ships did not make it back to their base on the Moon.
"Yes!" Caprio's fist pumped in an uncharacteristic gesture as he watched the video feed from the Earth Defense fleet. For the first time in memory, the alien fighters were in retreat! "Take that, you alien assholes!"
The President's cabinet watched in amusement - those who weren't engaging in their own celebrations - as the normally reserved President enjoyed a brief release from his usual restraint.
"Not bad for a lame duck, eh?!" He asked of no one in particular.
The election results, of course, weighed heavily on his mind these days. So much left to do! His successor was a good man, no doubt, but it was so hard to let go with so much remaining to be done.
"This is what I wanted to see!" Caprio told his aide as they left the situation room. "I will go back to private life a happy man knowing I have accomplished this!"
"I think there is much more that you can be proud of, Sir." The aide said quietly, for once not consulting his ubiquitous PDT.
"And what would that be?" The President, still euphoric after the victory, asked absent-mindedly.
"Have you forgotten what you have had to accomplish to get this victory, in just a few short years?" The aide replied. "You have almost eliminated poverty, not just in a few countries, but throughout the world. You have made nations and peoples who have traditionally been at each other's throats work together to accomplish near impossible tasks. The economy and subsequently the prosperity of most of the people of Earth is soaring, and the gap between rich and poor has dwindled. Most of the Earth's population now boasts membership in a new, international middle class, and ignorance and illiteracy are at an all-time low. History may remember you as the First President of United Earth, or as the President who achieved victory over the alien invaders, but some of us will remember you as the President who saved Earth from itself."
Will had no way of knowing that Dr. Robinson was under pressure to produce at least one working prototype. If he had known, it might have made some difference in the way he proceeded - at least until he discovered the fates of the other prototypes. As it was, he spent hours on end exploring the strange visions, odors and sounds being routed to his brain from the artificial sensors implanted in his body. Once a day, Carlos would appear and take him to the gym for a workout. Will went along,...
Prototype Life By Starson Daly Chapter 1 I guess it was convenient, I mean after all, it's not like anyone would REALLY notice. Well, my friends would, but they are my friends so I think I could get them to understand, no matter how bad things seemed. I mean, as long as I was happy, isn't that all that mattered? Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? I should begin from the start of it all. My name is Nia. A year ago, I was Devin, a 21 year-old college student with on his...
“Johnny’s a very bright kid.” “Thank you,” Deborah said. She made a minor show flipping a coffee-colored curl. “Although, he’s not really a kid anymore.” “Indeed,” Mr. Williams said, sneaking a smile beneath his croissant mustache. Nothing completed the pudgy man’s look better than his clownish yellow tie. “Did he tell you what this is about?” “Actually, he was a bit ... unclear. Is his work suffering?” “Quite the opposite,” Mr. Williams said, sweeping out meaty arms. Deborah followed his...
Keeping part of his consciousness on the activity around his cell, Will turned his attention back to Prototype Nine. How you holding up, Tina? He 'asked.' Ten! Will! Thank God! Tina 'replied.' Okay, Tina, Will got right down to business, not sure how much time he would have. I've only done this once before - to myself, so bear with me. You have to make a choice: Do you want to be what you signed up to the program for, and maybe what I've become, or do you want to go back to being...
"Come on, Honey!" Karen whispered, snaking her hands sensuously inside his shirt and kissing him warmly on the back of the neck. "We're going to be late for the movie!" "Okay, just let me finish sending this one last resume," he replied, leaning back into the kiss, "and I'll be right out. You guys go ahead and load up." "Something will come up, Will." Karen said, hearing the desperation in his voice. "You're too good at what you do. Somebody's bound to hire you soon." "I...
"What are we looking at, Mr. Secretary?" The President asked as he took his seat in the situation room of the White House. "I wish I knew, sir." The Secretary of Defense shook his head. "The people on meteor watch were first to notice them. At first they thought it might be an uncharted meteor shower, but then they noticed that they were decelerating, matching orbits with Earth. We got these pictures from some of our satellites before the ships took them out." The screens showed...
"Incoming!" The young man at the console nearly screamed. "Bearing two two three degrees. I say again, two, two, tharee degrees!" Once again the chilling sounds of the General Quarters alarm sounded, and weary feet, only recently stilled after the last battle, pounded the steel decks as sailors raced for their battle stations. Missile batteries swung smoothly toward the cruiser's port quarter, where the sun was just beginning to set, as the fire control computer automatically set their...
"Steady as you go, not too fast..." Captain Armand LeBlanc whispered into his helmet mike, as if the aliens inside the black hulk of the huge vessel could hear his voice through the vacuum of space. With the umbilical still attached, his voice was routed through the shuttle's intercom circuits to its pilots, so there was little danger of the signal being intercepted. Nonetheless, the mammoth bulk of alien vessel was enough to inspire awe and caution in even the hardiest of...
"I know, Dr. Wu, I know!" The exasperated Dr. Schmidt told his equally exasperated colleague. "But it's the damned bureacrats again! They simply will not clear me to hand over those plans! I have begged. I have pleaded. I have threatened. I have even gone to the Secretary of State, but nobody is willing to hand over the plans for that guidance system to a former enemy. It's insane! We're mandated to build these damned spaceships against an insanely foreshortened schedule, but the very...
Will had trouble sleeping, and he realized that it was because he wasn't yet sure of Eight's intentions. He was tempted to probe his mind the way he had done the guard, but resisted. If he wanted these people to follow him, he couldn't start by digging into their brains without their permission. Remembering the shell he had used to ensnare Hall, he thought, If I build one around myself, like this, and hook it into this energy source like this... Then, if I set up some kind of feedback...
President Caprio, along with the assembled heads of most of the nations on earth, watched the wall of monitors as the last squadron of armed shuttles lifted from their base in Australia. The launches were timed with the orbit of the alien ships such that each group of ten launched from the side of the Earth opposite the position of the alien fleet. One hundred forty nine out of the planned hundred fifty shuttles had launched successfully. Of the group scheduled for launch from the...
Will and Tina sat in a Westwood Village coffee shop enjoying the first real coffee they had had for months. To passers by they looked like any couple enjoying their morning caffeine fix. Closer examination might have shown an unfocussed appearance to their eyes, if anyone bothered to notice. This was not surprising in light of the fact that their attention was several blocks away, doing a thorough scan of the FBI building on Wilshire. Will was searching for documents or computer screens that...
The erstwhile Imam fell bonelessly to the floor of the mosque, spilling blood from multiple bullet wounds. The crowd stared in bewilderment at the two Americans who, without seeming to do anything, had turned his followers against him. As one, they surged forward, murder on their minds, only to be stopped as if by a giant hand. Without words, each of them 'heard' the words of the Americans. You, and these men, have been mislead. This man deliberately took advantage of the fact that you...
Will knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was not going to try to rule the world, but he also knew that unless the world leaders changed their outlook, things would only get worse. No matter how hard he chewed at the problem, though, no solution presented itself. Falling back on an old trick from his engineering days, he decided to take his mind completely off the problem in hopes that his subconscious would come up with a solution while he worked on other things. He knew his power had...
"Quadrant Command, this is Whiskey Tango Four Zero, over." "Roger Four Zero. What's your status?" "All green, QC." Captain Chen replied, sounding as bored as he felt. "Not a peep, not a whisper. We've swept out past Jupiter, including last known locations. Can't find a spook anywhere." "Roger Four Zero. Don't get sloppy. They don't call 'em spooks for nothin'." "Roger Command. I'll stay on my metaphorical toes, but it's been three months." Chen answered. "I think...
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I knew how it looked, because I had practiced to make sure it looked just that way."I can get that from there," the young girl standing over me in her polo shirt and blue jeans instructed me.I knew she could, but that would have defeated the purpose.I squatted down on my heels, still holding on to the water."Are you sure?" I asked.I knew my short skirt was too tight to not shimmy up my naked thighs and almost reach my crotch.If she so chose, she could see my black lace panties from her vantage...
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Sophie had never really though of herself as a Lesbian. At school she had been a bit of a ‘ goody two shoes’, always working hard and wanting to please the teachers. She remembered once when she was sixteen bursting into tears after Miss Whyte, a Latin teacher she had a crush on, told her to stay behind after class for forgetting her homework. Sophie adored her teachers and always knew that one day she would become a teacher herself. Being an all-girls school crushes were commonplace and...
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Hi everyone, it’s great to get a chance to do another story, as quite a few of you have already asked for! So here it goes, story number two. I hope you enjoy it. Not very much time had passed since my story was posted. Writing it though, had gotten me extremely riled up. However, people were home! I couldn’t just masturbate with people around. I knew I was very loud during masturbation, so I thought better than to give it a whirl while people were around. Or so I thought. I stepped out of...
I switched on the computer and logged in to my e-mail account and then on to xHamster. I had 4 messages and 2 friend requests. 2 of the messages were ongoing chats, and I found myself chuckling delightedly at one of them. There were some very imaginative people on hamster. The other two were people that I occasionally chat to. I turned to the friend requests. The first one was from someone in the States. I checked their profile and Then accepted. I will normally accept, you have no idea of what...
I was playing when I looked over to my sister. She had a gorgeous face and body. She had curves to die for, blonde hair, and bubble-ass that looked like it was about to burst right through her jeans. She was wearing skinny jeans, and a top that showed off some skin. She was facing the TV, and was sound asleep. I started to realize how gorgeous my sister really was. After a while, I noticed I was paying more attention to her than my game. I was unaware of my surroundings. My...
When we went inside Mom looked at the kitchen clock and exclaimed, "Bloody Hell! Look at the time. Anne will be home soon and I haven't even got dinner on. Could you peel some spuds for me while I grab a quick shower?" when I nodded my agreement, she dropped the car rug in the laundry and headed off upstairs and I dragged some potatoes from the cupboard and was standing at the sink when Anne walked in and looked around. She spotted the picnic basket on the bench where I'd left it and...
John popped two aspirins in his mouth, followed by a glass of water to soothe his throbbing headache caused by the roaring music from the second door on the right upstairs, his 18-year-old daughter’s room. He collapsed in his leather chair and stared at the computer monitor. The light from the screen only intensified his headache, but he had a lot of work to do. He had a big project that was due Monday morning, and although he had a month to work on it, he procrastinated until the weekend...
A Year Ago - part XIV by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phases of the story... Sunday morning I thought back to my first date with a man. During dinner at the bar last night George told me about his past lover. He didn't have to explain his life but he talked for a few minutes about how this relationship had brought him back to the region. "I'm happy my Aunt was close enough to you that you could share your...
Hello all you ISS readers. I am back with another part of my sex escapes. I wrote many stories here on ISS if you want to read them you can just find them under the name utpdek0427. People who have not read my previous stories. I would request you to read them to know about me and how many sex escapes I had already. Now coming back to this story and as usual all the names will be fake. But the email id is correct where you will be able to communicate with me. Now lets get back into the story...
"You look tired, Vic." said Mr. Andersen, Victor's boss. Broad-shouldered and strong, nature had obviously indended Darrel Kennith Andersen to be a hulking juggernaut of a man, but his body had never gotten the hint, stopping its vertical ascent at four-foot-six. Except for a forelock at the front and some stubborn growth at the back, the man was bald, though he had once had a full head of ebony hair. Character lines from his fifty years as a reporter and, later, an executive, had built...
Next morning... I awoke pretty late that morning, half-expecting it to prove to be just a crazy dream, but when I found myself lodged between two bodies with a third atop me, that spoke volumes to me. I was naked, of course, and so were they. They were also very much ladies, of course. Dana Delany was on top of me, and she wasn’t asleep, either. She was wide awake and riding my cock like the pleasure pole that it clearly was to her. She had this intensely lustful look on her face, too,...
We both like it when we have taken time to shave, all that smooth skin inviting you to touch, lick and more. I was a little surprised when Amelia told me that she was getting laser treatment. She had started by getting a bikini line done and had caught the bug and decided to go for full treatment.I should say taht Amelia had decided to have this converstaion with me as she sat naked on the sofa legs wide apart caressing her pussy.This had obviously taken some time and Amelia got to know her...
Mark in the Dark Saro and Sam had thrown a fantastic party. They had invited all their friends up to the resort in OMR. It was a perfect mid-winter get-together with lots of beer and food and good company. There had been tasty mutton curry that Sam had cooked himself, and a second bonfire. Everyone had a great time with great conversation and laughs, but the day was getting long, and dark was coming on, plus it looked like a rain-storm was headed that way. Everyone had gone home except for John...
Catherine pushed open the press house door, stepped within and shut it quickly behind her. Immediately the biter wind that had been blowing across the levels all day was shut out, to be replaced by warm, still air, rich with the smell of apples. The building was a great, high barn, at the centre of which stood a massive stone trough, piled high with apples and straw. These were being crushed by a great round stone supported on a central shaft and drawn slowly around by a donkey whose musky...
She is looking out in her kingdom and thinks that she needs to find some male and female that will cum to her beaconing. She is HORNY as heck and needs to feel that explosion that is inside her at this time.She has the knights go out and look for 5 males different styles and race. Ages to range from 21 to 49 so they go search for them. They cum back and she is pleased w the knights and tell them to go do one more search for a couple of woman that will not mind to have 5 guys and her. They...
Note to the reader: In this diary I will tell the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect mine and others privacy, and also because they don't matter, but otherwise I will try to be as accurate and truthful as possible.I'd been using the swingers' site for more than a year but still had not managed to fulfil any of my fantasies of bisexual threesomes. So it was a very...
CrossdressingThe neighbors were having a big celebration of some kind the Saturday I moved into my new house. The moving truck was unloaded, all the furniture and the boxes were distributed to the appropriate rooms and I was beginning to unpack the boxes in my kitchen by the time the movers pulled away. I heard the doorbell sound and went to greet the visitor, expecting it to be someone welcoming me to the neighborhood, even though I honestly thought any considerate person would have waited for me to settle...
Hello everybody, Well, I’ve been reading the stories in indiansexstories for a couple of months now. Initially, I thought ( and I think this for lots of them now also) , that they are all made up stories. But believe me a couple of them seemed to be real ones to me. So , I thought I should also share one of my experience with me ( I’ve lots of them with me , real life experience with lots of females ). I m choosing this one because this one was the first full sex incident which happened to me....
I awoke that morning lying between two beautiful women. Both Rachel and Caroline wanted to be the mothers of my children. I had spent the evening trying to father their offspring. Both had stopped the pill and wanted to be pregnant at the same time. Caroline and Rachel wanted to be present at the conception of both children. So they both slept in my bed. I wasn't complaining either. I got up from the bed quietly and headed for the bathroom. After urinating I looked up to find Rachel...
All characters and places in this story are fictional and in no way reperesent any person or places. My name is Dereck Williams and I work as a lab instructor at a local community college. I am 40 and about 6’ tall with brown hair and a nice build, but I wouldn’t say that I’m every girls dream. I’m shy and therefore stay pretty much to myself without doing much dating. Recently, I walked into lab to teach a class and was stunned by what I saw. There in the front row was an angel....