Zak's GiftChapter 2 free porn video

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"You look tired, Vic." said Mr. Andersen, Victor's boss. Broad-shouldered and strong, nature had obviously indended Darrel Kennith Andersen to be a hulking juggernaut of a man, but his body had never gotten the hint, stopping its vertical ascent at four-foot-six. Except for a forelock at the front and some stubborn growth at the back, the man was bald, though he had once had a full head of ebony hair. Character lines from his fifty years as a reporter and, later, an executive, had built themselves around the taut scar-line he'd received in a knife fight in his youth, just barely missing his right eye. The scar bespoke a hard childhood for the man. He was so unlike the many employees around him who knew not the meaning of hard work. He had earned his place in command, had made himself irreplacible, and thus, had secured himself in his position as managing chief, known as the Archangel of Death, because he was the lowest-ranking executive, and often was the one to oversee the enactment of decress "from above." "How long's it been since you had a vacation?"

"Six months." Victor replied. "And it was the whole two weeks, and I'm not due to get any more until the new fiscal year."

"True enough, Vic, but..." Mr. Andersen paused. "We're having a bit of a turnover problem right now, and I'm not talking pastries."

"I know, sir, that's why you need me here."

"No, that's why I need you to not burn yourself out, Vic." Mr. Andersen replied emphatically. "You're one of precisely four employees we have left with any loyalty in them. The rest of these kids are just working here long enough to get some extra job experience and our name on their resume before they head over to that big station across the river, or they're just here on work-study programs while they're working their way through Baylor. That's not your problem, though, not as copy editor, at any rate. It's the board's problem. Your problem is getting some rest so you're not shambling around here half-dead." He pulled a little keychain from his pocket. "Listen, Vic, you guys are very important to me, and that's a fact. I need you in tip-top shape. So, since Vinnie's back from sick leave, and your two weeks are already gone, I'm putting you on assignment." He handed the keychain to Victor, who immediately recognized the black plastic head of a car key and the brand name of a company speciallizing in deadbolts for houses. He knew what Mr. Andersen was trying to do, but he owed it to the man to put up a little resistence if only to show he wasn't totally fried.

"I appreciate it, Mr. Andersen, but I'm an editor, not an anchor."

"You're our most senior non-executive." Mr. Andersen replied. "That gives you an idea of what makes a good employee and what makes..." He gestured to the youths on the other side of the one-way mirror Mr. Andersen used as a window so they couldn't tell whether or not he was watching. Most often he was, but he didn't want them to get cocky and make a mistake when he eventually had to go to the restroom or something. They were all going through the motions. One of the research guys was obviously viewing a porn site at his terminal, as evidenced by the bulge of his eyes and the too-pleased look on his face. Andersen entered a few keystrokes to confirm what he already knew, and sent an email to the man's inbox. The pop-up window indicating he had mail appeared on cue, and was followed by a series of clicks from the young man's mouse. "Let me finish before I have to tear into Danny Droolsalot over there." Mr. Andersen continued. "What you hold in your hands is the key to the car parked in in spot 24B and a set of keys to a house on Lake Mexia, and the boat that's parked there. Your assignment is to round up someone who's looking for a steady job. Make that several someones. We need all the decent help we can get! You'll be drawing a recruiter's salary, which is cheaper than hiring a headhunter but still enough for you to be comfortable, and you'll have an expense account."

"Sir, I couldn't impose..."

"Impose?" Mr. Andersen scoffed. "It's not like I'm sending you on vacation, Vic. This rollover has investors looking elsewhere, and we can't have that." Well, if this was how Mr. Andersen was going to justify it, far be it for Victor to argue further.

"I won't let you down, sir."

"You never do, my boy." Mr. Andersen said. "It's a shame you're our most senior non-executive at only four years."

"That bad, sir?"

"Like I said." Mr. Andersen replied. "Oh, and Vic?"


Mr. Andersen pulled back his remaining hair with one hand in an attempt to give the impression of a widow's peak, assumed a very bad Jack Nicholson face, and said in a very bad Jack Nicholson voice "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Victor gave a little laugh before he stepped out, almost running into the very nervous young porn-surfer. "What the fuck did you think you were doing out there, Pennington?!?!" he heard before the door closed.

"Charlie got in trouble!" a singsong voice chimed from the gopher farm. The perpetrator was hidden behind a forest of particle board partitions, but Victor knew by sensing the glee among a sea of nervousness who had said it. He navigated the cubicle-maze with the ease of four years' experience until he was at the cubicle of Kim Kahn, called Kimi by her friends and Genghis Kahn by those who had tried to get into her pants. Victor knew she was good at her job, but she was only biding her time until she could get a job interview with a competing station. He decided she could use a shift in loyalties.

"When's your break, Ms. Kahn?" he asked.

"Four o'clock, Mr. Phillips." Kim replied sheepishly, giving her superior a frightened expression.

"Would you find a stopping place in that document you're working on and come see me in my office, please?"

"Yes, sir." she replied, keeping her tone level despite the fears that echoed in her mind. He went to his office, pocketing the keys in his hand and walking as nonchalantly as one with his kind of plans could. He closed the blinds over his window and made himself relax. In minutes, Kim was at his door. She knocked politely. She was afraid she was going to get fired for something.

"Come in." he said, speaking in Chinese, to keep her associating him with someone who was to be obeyed, such as the grownups in her childhood homeland.

"You ... you speak Chinese?" she asked, sheepishly, as she entered.

"Close the door, please, and flip on the privacy light." he said. She complied. Her thoughts were more fearful now, for she had consoled herself by muttering plans for revenge to herself in Chinese. The fact that Victor was speaking Chinese to her now only made her think that he had heard her and, unlike "the rest of the gwailao who infest this place," had understood what she had said.

"Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" she asked, respectfully, in Chinese, since it was apparently the chosen language for this conversation. This could work to his advantage. Not only did she associate China with her childhood and childhood manners, including respect for adults who spoke it, but it had also forced her thoughts to dwell on her treacherous mutterings. He decided to keep himself vague, and pressure her to confess.

"I would like to discuss your plans for the future." he said.

"My ... my plans?" she asked.

"Yes, Kahn Kim." He deliberately addressed her as she would have been addressed in China: Surname first, as if she had not Anglicized her name to fit in in America. "I am interested in your plans for the future. Where do you see yourself next month? Next year? Two years from now? Five?"

"I ... I don't know." she stammered.

"Don't you?" Victor asked. "Tell me, Kahn Kim, what did your parents teach you about loyalty?"

"I ... uh ... I..." she stammered.

"Do you know that bad turnover is a self-perpetuating problem?"

"It is?" she asked.

"Yes." Victor replied. "There could be nothing wrong with a company's way of doing business, but it is required to publish its turnover rate. Now, let's say few disgruntled workers quit and move on to something else out of no reason other than they're bored, or it's no longer fashionable to work for that company. The company has to hire replacements. Suddenly the company has a rise, even a minute one, in turnover, and this comes to the attention of the investors. The investors panic, selling off their stock, hurting the company financially, causing budget cuts, which results in salary cuts, which results in more resignations, requiring more workers to be hired to replace the ones that left. This frightens the investors more, and the selling increases in pace. The cycle continues, only faster now. No one remembers why the turnover began, only that it has, and it is accellerating." He had risen from his chair, and now stood before Kim, bending at the waist to stare into her fearful eyes. "There is a way to stop it, but it requires teamwork ... and loyalty." Her eyes were becoming tearful now. She was obviously struggling to keep her face from scrunching up in a full, bold-faced bawl. "The responsibility has been placed in my hands, Kahn Kim."

"I am sorry." she said, closing her eyes as two tears leaked down her face. "I am sorry for my disloyal comments, sir! I did not know anyone could understand me! I was frustrated! I was trying to calm myself! That is all! I do not truly wish to leave! Please don't cast me away!"

"That is what I needed to hear." Victor said, brushing her tears away. "I need loyal employees who can help me slow this thing, escape the downward spiral."

"How can I help, sir? What can I do?"

"This is enough for now." he said, patting her shoulder. "Do you have any job interviews scheduled?"

"No, sir." Kim replied emphatically. "I ... I had sent in a few applications, but I will cancel them immediately!"

"Yes, I believe that's best." Victor said, gesturing toward his desk. Immediately, Kim sat in the rather comfortable chair, taking half a moment to enjoy the feeling before she picked up the phone and dialed an outside number. In English, Kim cancelled her job applications at four competing stations, turned to the computer to email the cancellation as well, then logged out of her email account and hung up the phone.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?" she asked, looking up at him with an expression very much like he had imagined a well-trained servant would use. The combination of her expression and her tone of voice turned Victor on immeasurably. He caressed her cheek, allowing his tone to soften.

"There is something else." Victor said. Her ankles crossed, her knees parted slightly, her face flushed, her pupils dilated, her back bent ever so slightly to emphasize her small bust. This change in body language spoke volumes which didn't need to be verbalized, but Victor continued down his chosen path. "I won't tell anyone about your mutterings, but I cannot stop what has begun without help." She nuzzled into his hand as she continued to respond to the intimacy of the moment. "I need to know I can count on you to help me if necessary. You've been very honest with me, Kim, and I am grateful for that. Now I would like to be honest with you." She gazed up at him. He had her undivided attention. "I cannot be certain yet, but I believe this assignment I have been given is multi-faceted. I think there may be someone moving up soon. I must do some work away from the office, and I need someone to keep an eye on things, scout the situation for me while I'm gone."

"I will do anything you ask of me, sir." Kim said, her hand rising to meet his. "I am at your disposal." He brought her up out of the chair to meet him. One hand at the small of her back, he held her gaze, his finger tracing her jawline. She let a small moan escape her lips. Victor realized she liked being touched this way. Their lips brushed. Her mouth opened, admitting his tongue. She tasted faintly of gin and chamomile. She shivered as his hand traced down her side, slipping below the hem of her skirt. She cooed as he ran his fingers over the crotch of her very wet panties. Her hands began to unsnap his shirt. She ran her fingers over his muscular chest. "I've never felt this way ... about anyone ... before." she grunted as his finger slid under her panties to caress her labia. "Please ... I want this ... take me ... keep me ... own me..." she moaned. Victor's mind locked the office door as they moved into the tiny washroom. Her mind echoed with passion and pleasure. Victor found that she was a closet submissive, needing a strong male to guide her and dominate her, but afraid to show weakness in front of anyone lest she be taken advantage of.

"Take off your clothes for me." he said, putting down the toilet lid so he could sit down. She moaned passionately at her fantasy come true.

"Yes, sir." she replied. "Yes, master." she amended. Her jacket fell from her shoulders to pool on the floor, followed by her tan skirt. She fumbled with the buttons on her blouse, ripping off the final three buttons in her eagerness to serve. Victor smiled. He wasn't even controlling her. He stopped her, rising from his seat to rub at her erogenous zones through the undergarments.

"You like this?" he asked as she ground herself against his fingers. "Knowing who's in charge?"

"Ayah!" she exclaimed as her body convulsed in orgasm. She collapsed against him. "Yes, master." she sighed. He kissed her on the lips, moving one hand to the small of her back, which seemed to help her get aroused even more quickly.

"Hold out your arms." he said, and she moaned as she complied. He unfastened the clasp of the silken strapless, dropping it to the floor as he began to play with her nipples. Her aureolas were small, but well-formed. Her nipples were little buds of pleasure that loved the attention he lavished on them. He watched through her mind as she felt the heat from his mouth as it approached one nipple, then fire as he began to suck on it. He alternated between the two nipples, delighting in her reactions. He brought his hands to the hem of her panties, which by now were soaked completely through. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. "Because once I take these panties off, I will posess you. My word will be your law." She moaned, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Yes." she said. "I want you to own me, master. I want you to take me to hypnosis shows and make me pay for the tickets. I want to be your spy, your agent, your whore, your blow-up doll, whatever you want. I knew this the moment I started crying in your office, Master. You are my Master. I am your slave. I can only hope to be worthy of you, Master." A quick mindbrush revealed that she had often visited a website called the Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive on company time and company computers. With the gift Zak had given him, he could easily protect her from retribution should it be discovered. Yes, he felt the wisest course was to accept her, and the responsibility that came with her.

"You've been so honest with me, Kim. Now I want to be honest with you. I have a power. A power which would let me change things about you. I would never use it to harm you, but I want you to know that your fantasies can come true if you want them to." She gazed into his eyes, and he let her be aware of his presence in her mind.

"Take me, Master." she said, her voice a half-moan of desire. "Keep me. Change me. Alter me to your desires." With his hand on the back of her head, he made a few minor alterations, removing some inhibitions and useless things like jealousy and the tiny claustrophobic twinge she had felt upon entering the washroom. He also made himself the only man she could ever desire, though she would be open to sex with females as well. He saw that she was a little ashamed of her nearly flat chest and wished she could be a little bigger, especialy for her new Master. That, too, was easily changed, and tears of joy streamed down her face as she suddenly found herself sporting a B-cup chest. He pulled down her panties, depositing them on the sink as he kissed her, and she orgasmed again, though she was unable to form even the word "ayah" with his mouth over hers. She sank to her knees, undoing Victor's belt, then his slacks, pulling them down along with his boxers. She gazed lovingly at his nine-inch cock. Seeing a drop of fluid at the tip, she extended her tongue and licked it off. His cock jumped at the contact, and she jumped in surprise. He chuckled warmly, giving her an encouraging caress. "I love you, Master." she cooed before taking the engorged head in her tiny mouth. Its girth stretched her lips almost painfully, but she pressed on, desperate to get it inside her. He reached the back of her throat with only four inches in her mouth. She was a neophyte when it came to fellatio. She didn't know how to deep-throat yet. It didn't matter. He pulled out and drew her toward the toilet, where he sat. Her three-inch heels slipped on the porcelain until he began to hold them in place with the power of his mind, but she was finally able to straddle his hips. She slid onto him, her tight body gradually accomodating itself to its new owner. She cried out as her cherry broke, but he made sure the sound never left the room. He began to gradually pump her up and down on him, and she rode him just as she rode the waves of pleasure coursing through her brain. "Ayah! Ayah! Ayah! Ayah!" she cried as she had her most intense orgasm of the afternoon. He erupted within her, his semen nearly scalding in its heat. She flopped limply against him, helpless, unable and unwilling to resist anything else he might do to or for her.

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Younger Days

We were a family of five. But, practically my elder brother used to be working abroad most of the time and thus we could count only four as the permanent members in our house. Brother used to come every three months or so and was working as a top executive with an MNC. I was the younger one of the two and was just hitting my 20s. My brother and I had an age gap of more than 15 years. This made him more like a father figure to me.His bedroom was on the top left-side of our two storied building...

3 years ago
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The fortune teller was wrong, I sniffed miserably. She had predicted a sparkling future with a dark haired man in my life. I had been confident it was Paul, but it seemed the old woman had made a gigantic error in her interpretation of the Tarot cards It had been three days since I had heard from him; three long days since the email telling me we had been seen out together by his wife's friend and he needed a break from everything. This was more than enough time to conclude that he had made...

4 years ago
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The Competition

THE COMPETITION By SB "What a day of events I have planned out for you today, slave." I wake up looking for something to put on when you say, "I have your things laid out in here. Get up, shower, and come in here so you can get dressed." So I shower and shave and come out. On the back of the chair a leather dildo harness and a pair of plain white cotton panties, and the cutest little red satin flaired skirt. Oh, with 6 inch dildo of...

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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 5 Are We There Yet and Why Are We Going Anyway

'The Lady Fair' had sailed past a gorgeous sandy beach, then cottages and lush farmland on its way to the port. Tamarilla looked at the peaceful land and remarked, "It looks like a nice place to live." Lizzie harrumphed and replied, "Yes, places tend to look idyllic from a distance. It is when you are meeting the people, bargaining in the market or staring at them across a battlefield that they turn ugly." "You might be right Lizzie, I haven't really met that many people." Tammi...

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Turnabout Virus

TURNABOUT VIRUS By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 Dr. Harold Haas handed the younger man a glossy print. "And this?" "What is this Harry?" Smirked Dr. Carl Stine. "A post-dissertation exam?" Even at fifty, Carl still had that boyish quality that had been his trade mark back in the old days at Cal Tech. All those years working in corporate America, double breasted suits and all, hadn't completely erased the child that had come into Dr. Hass' laboratory, some twenty-five years...

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Donal Ch 03

Cracks and hisses came from the roaring fire as Donal’ sat leaning back against the side of the hearth. He had spent another uneventful day waiting for the night to come and Mhari to appear. He watched her run her tongue over her lips, concentration on her face. She held up a hand and ran her thumb over the tips of her fingers. Satisfied with the result she looked down to her breasts and her brow furrowed as she concentrated. Her breasts started to swell and fill out. A satisfied smile lit up...

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Is this the real life or is this just fantasy

For those of you who like a little bit of fantasy in your lives, enjoy this story of the first time I was with my husband romantically.It was a week that started out like any other. Red carpet premier on Monday, photo shoot on Tuesday, luncheon on Wednesday with Hollywood big wigs, filming to finish up Don’t Fall for Her on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Little did I know by the end of that week, my life would be turned upside down forever.I guess it was about four years ago when I met Blaine....

3 years ago
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Unexpected Experience 8211 Part III

Hi all ISS fans, this is Janaki again from Melbourne. I and Ram have been overwhelmed by the response from our previous stories and would like to thank each of u for liking our story. Any single girls and couples want to experience new things in Melbourne please keep writing to us at My sex life with Ram continued and we have been having a great time together. I and Rahul were looking to buy a house after a few weeks of discussions and analyzing we ended up buying a house 1 block away from...

2 years ago
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Short with Potions

Foreword: Thanks everyone for the reviews and comments. I make no guarantees about how prolific I will be, but I've got more than a few drabbles in various states of being finished. Hopefully I will find time to finish them. If it seems like my stories peter out in the end it's because focus is hard :( Anyways this is a short simple one. Enjoy. STORY TIME! "Wine?" Relgar asked, looking at the three dark green bottles on the table. "No, potions! From Ventan's shop!"...

2 years ago
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My Opportunistic Neighbor

When my main fuck buddy cancelled on me for our weekly hook up I was a little disappointed but now that his back-up couldn’t make it either, I’m getting really frustrated. Leaning my hip against the kitchen counter, I look through my contact list in hopes of finding someone for some afternoon fun. When I spot Reggie’s name and number, excitement fills me. I met Reggie at some college fraternity party and we’ve been occasionally getting together since. Thinking back, it’s been awhile since...

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Running Away to Uncle Steves Place

This is a story that is based on the true life and events of one of my very sweet readers, who turned into a very good friend of mine. She contacted me through the site, and I figured I could write and dedicate this story to her. I hope you like it baby! This is dedicated to ELM. Enjoy! "Uncle Steve, I need to come to your house. I can't stand mom and dad, and they won't give me my own space and they aren't treating me like an adult. I know I'm only eighteen, but I should at least get my...

1 year ago
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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 5 Aftermath

Three days later, in the afternoon, I returned to Tulsa. From the taxiing jet, I used my cell phone. Pyx answered. "I've just landed," I said softly. I hung up before I got a reply. When I entered my suite, both were waiting by the front door, kneeling. I almost hit Pyx when I swung the door open. "Welcome home, Master," they chorused, bowing until their heads touched the floor. I stepped over them, with my carry-on bags. "Thanks," I said. "Both of you stay on your...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Taylor Sands G97

Part 2 in Episode 97 is the real meat and potatoes, the #Cocksmen finally get to fill this little pussy to the brim. The transition from Greeting the Meat, to Fucking, Filling, and Feeding goes so quickly, there isn’t time for much of anything, so as you’ll see it’s straight from blow-banging to fucking. The guys are very obvisouly excited, and why wouldn’t they be? You’re about to see the epitome of what GangBangCreampie is. Taylor takes 6 creampies, and 2...

2 years ago
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Alene Ravens New Life Year IChapter 4

Alene didn’t leave her bed for 7 days now. Not having to work thanks to the money spell, all she did was lie in bed and cry over what she did to Nadia. How could she have scarred her like that? What kind of best friend cums on a person like that? She felt like trash ... Even her throbbing cock didn’t interest her. She couldn’t think about jerking at a time like this. She tried to call Nadia again, the answering machine recorded her message for maybe the 30th time today. “Nadia, I’m so sorry,...

2 years ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 2

RACHAEL STRETCHED OUT ON the bed, staring up at the ceiling in the dark room. The open window let in a lazy breeze that felt nice after the heat of the day. Anger still burned inside her. As much as she liked Grandpa, she was pissed that Mom had banished her to the middle of nowhere, and for the whole summer! The whole effin’ summer! She fingered the ring in her eyebrow, felt it tug her skin. She was beginning to regret getting it. It was ugly, but it had done its job by infuriating Mom....

2 years ago
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Condom Compromise

Condom Compromise.John [email protected] wife and I had been swinging with other couples, groups and selected singles for some time and very much enjoying the experience. Being nudists our main criteria was to have all naked and just let it all happen as we all felt comfortable. Bernice, my wife is lightly bi as am I, though her preference was for cock and lots of it in all holes so we often entertained an extra guy at our “gatherings” to keep the women happy and the only thing...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Maddy May POV

Maddy May and her dazzling derriere partake in a slow roll with POV zealot Manuel Ferrara in this scene from “RAW #43”. Tatted and tortuous Maddy May is all kisses and snuggles with Manuel on fade in. In an intimate scene, the couple smooch POV style on the bed. Ferrara gives a quick suckle on Maddy May’s pierced nipple, then he widens his shot. The soda can cock wielder dives into Maddy May’s pussy forcing her to utter “fuck” many times. Maddy May returns the favor and sucks on Manuel’s meat....

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03 The Chico Tales

The thought of her father's fat, heavy cock increased Michelle desire, as she slipped a finger inside herself, and feeling her wetness, pushed the finger deeper. It was at that point that she remembered the hidden cameras her neighbour Julie had planted, and hoping she had the angle right, pulled her panties to her ankles and opened her legs. The thought that Julie was watching her wanton display made her finger herself faster. As she rubbed, she mentally photoshopped the image, where is was...

1 year ago
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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 9 Blanchards Revisited

The Bristol-London Express Barge Company's vessel Princess Caroline deposited me at Westminster Steps at eight the next morning. As I walked from the Steps to Horse Guards I recalled doing the same when Patrick Jane and I had returned from Bristol after failing to stop the sailing of the Western Star. That was less than two years ago, although the event now seemed a lifetime away. For the next two months I sat at my desk in an office at Horse Guards dutifully filling in returns, making out...

1 year ago
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When Krystenahs Master is Away Part II

I walked from the corner with blazing ass cheeks over to Mr. Rose. I took in his strong jaw, his full lips and his soft eyes. ‘I’m sorry I inconvenienced you, Mr. Rose. Please spank me so I learn not to be such so selfish.’ He held his arms out to me and I walked into them. I relaxed against his embrace, grateful for the moment of affection. Master had told him moments ago to be as harsh as he wanted with me and I had a feeling that Mr. Rose would be. Mr. Rose positioned me so that I was...

1 year ago
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My sweet jaya aunty

Hello my friends. I am one in those who loves to fuck auntie. I want to share you one true story with all of you. I hope you will like it. I am a 26 years old guy and have a good health and fair complexion. I have just finished my education and was trying to get an attractive job. Those interested can mail me at % humorous sex assured r u can get ur money!!! Once i was alone in my home and my all family have gone to hill station for enjoyment their holidays and i didn’t joined them due...

4 years ago
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Paiges Sting

It all began when Azalea popped home at lunchtime to put some washing in and get something out of the freezer for dinner. Jared had been loafing about all morning but obviously he couldn't be trusted to do anything like that. When she got home he had managed to climb into a pair of boxers and an old singlet, and he was triumphantly waving a travel brochure."You know that week's holiday you've got to take in August?" he cried, "Well, I've booked us into this lovely little resort on the Tuscan...

2 years ago
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Just A Patient Ch 1

****This is a story about love. Please let me know what you think…and if you want the sex, you’ll have to stick around… ,)**** * * * * * Alexis stepped into the smell of sickness. She couldn’t stand walking into the hospital, down the corridor and up to the second floor every week because of it. Although, she didn’t exactly walk. She hobbled. Three months earlier Alexis Starger was a lively college freshman. Bright and bubbly with a lust for life, she was on her way to achieve great things...

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My wife and the neighbors son

Our neighbor's son returned home from college for the summer. He used to mow the lawn for us and my wife would always say what a polite young man he was. Personally, I always thought he was kinda cocky and always had a haughty smirk on his face. I would soon find out why.....I am 39 years old and have been discreetly crossdressing off and on since I was young. I recently started again and would dress when my wife was away. I never told her and could not tell her for fear of her leaving me. I'm...

2 years ago
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A Friend Seduces A Friend

Seduction. It’s a word with bawdy connotations these days—the Internet teeming with sites on how to get more women in bed, promising the would-be seducer varied fulfillments of a monotonous urge. It’s as if these men want to do the most animalistic thing they can without breaking the law. More women, it doesn’t matter where, it doesn’t matter how, and it really doesn’t matter who. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a flesh-and-blood man myself, I count porn among my entertainments (not the degrading kind,...

1 year ago
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The VisitorChapter 5

Beth was asleep when I made my way to the pharmacy for a morning after pill and condoms. That would hold us over until I could get us in to see my doctor and get her on something more appropriate. I took the opportunity to give my sister a call. I hadn't talked to her since our mom's funeral. I can't say I was surprised by what she had to say. Blame everyone else and take no responsibility for your own actions always seemed to be the creed she lived by. I so much wanted to call her a liar...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Thoka 8211 Part II

Hello friends mera naam daksh hai main mumbai ka rehnewala hoon aur kuch hi dino pehle pune rehne aaya apne ghar pe bahut hi hoshyar aur shant ladka hoon .mere dad ne mujhe pune main ek ghar kharid ke diya hai waha pe akela hi rehta hoon.doston aur kahani is ghar se shuru hoti hai. main mumbai ka rehne wala hoon waha pe maine gym main jake achi khasi body bana li thi to bahut sari aurte mujhse baatein karne ki koshish karti thi lekin ghar pe hone ke wajah se aur jyada pehchaan hone ki...

1 year ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 26 The Shipyard

We took with us, as passengers, a guide to where we were going as well as a two-man bodyguard or security team for him. I considered him a port pilot who couldn’t give me orders but he could give me strong suggestions about where to go in his port and how to get there safely. When we got back to our three prizes we tied up to one and gathered everyone together to have a big crew’s meeting. I had two of our sailors climb up to the crow’s nest on Flying Arrow, as that ship had the highest mast...

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Jacks Women Ch 06

Thanks to all those that have submitted responses, they are very much appreciated. I’ve had a few about grammatical errors so I’ve gone over this chapter a couple times, if I missed some, I’m sorry. I’ve gotten a few suggestions as to direction or extra plots lines and I’m thinking about them even now. Thanks again to everyone that submits a response good or bad! This never happened, it’s a total work of fiction and none of the people in this story exist. * Clean and out of the shower, Jade...

4 years ago
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Suma La Kanyapore Harididdu

Friends … I am sharing my story with you … I’m a fan of ISS … I am writing story in kannada language . Hope you guys like my story and give me feedback on … Guys who don’t understand kannada please don’t read… Let’s begin the sex story in kannada… Nan hesru surya from raichur karnataka. Nanu school alli fda agi kelsa madtidini. Nam schoolalli 3 jana lady teachers idare nodoke obriginta obru beautifulagidare. Avra hesru suma, rekha,kavitha antha. Nan story suma la bagge. Avlu recentagi nam...

2 years ago
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Whatever It TakesChapter 3

Getting to Camden Yards -- even as a ticket-buying fan -- proved to be more difficult than I'd anticipated. My team had a game almost every night, and so did the Orioles. They were out of town half the time on road trips, and so were the Bowie Baysox. However, the times the Orioles were out of town and the times the Baysox were out of town didn't coincide. There was no correlation whatsoever. The schedule-makers, presumably, had a lot of complicated goals to accomplish, and avoiding...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 94 And The Crowd Goes Wild

July 28, 1997, Moscow, Russia On Monday, after breakfast, we boarded a large tour bus which would whisk us around Moscow on a day-long sightseeing tour which would include Red Square, the Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, the Sophia Embankment, the Bolshoi Theatre, the Monument to the Conquerors of Space, the monument to the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman, and the Russian White House, where President Yeltsin had stood on one of Dima’s tanks during the coup/counter-coup in 1991. And our final stop of...

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