Prototype TenChapter 3
- 3 years ago
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"It's taking too damned long!" Caprio fumed. Three years he had been the head of Earth government, and while the orbital pickets were getting better at intercepting the alien attackers, the aliens were still in the system, and still, occasionally, getting through the sphere of satellites and orbital fighters designed to protect against them. The social and infrastructure programs were gradually yielding results, as witness the increased availability of near earth combat vessels, but defending Earth, as the alien tormentors delighted in proving over and over again, was not enough. The aliens needed to be driven completely out of the system, not just held at bay around Earth.
Caprio's popularity numbers, in the nineties after the destruction of one of the alien vessels, had steadily declined. There was resentment among the nations of Earth at having to answer to a central government, and even more at being held accountable for their actions, but hard times call for harsh measures, and Caprio was determined to use the remainder of his five year term to see those nations working together at last.
"Who was that guy the Americans thought was helping them with the terrorists a few years back?" He asked his aide. "Prometheus, Promo..."
"Prototype Ten, sir." The aide said quietly. "Actually, there was a man and a woman and they called themselves 'Prototype Nine' and 'Prototype Ten.' It was rumored that they were the products of a secret US experiment that got out of hand."
"Yes, yes! Prototype Ten! Whatever happened to them?" Caprio asked impatiently. "I could use the help of a pair like that about now!"
"No one seems to know what happened to them, and that program, if it existed, is one of the ones the US exempted from disclosure when they joined the UE." The Aide said, checking his personal data terminal. "They just dropped out of sight one day and no one has seen or heard from them since."
"Do you suppose the US Government finally caught them?"
"Doubtful, sir." The aide replied, still consulting his PDT. "If they were capable of even a fraction of the things they were reported to have done, it would be virtually impossible for anyone to have caught them. If they did, it would have to have been such a large operation that some hint of it would have leaked, and there has been nothing. It is more likely that, since they were clearly the result of someone's experimentation, they were biologically unstable. If that was the case, they may have just crawled off into a corner somewhere and died."
"I knew it was too much to hope for." Caprio sighed. "Anyway, what are the figures this week?"
"Seven attacks that made it through the orbital pickets." The aide used his stylus to bring up another report on the PDT. "That's down from twenty three for the same period last year. As usual, all attacks were against military targets. Two were wounded and one is missing. No fatalities."
The aide knew what was coming next but hoped that this time the President would forget. He didn't. "And the missing person?"
"Captain Yvette Colbert, Sir." The aide replied. "One of the picket pilots."
"Was her ship destroyed?"
"No sir."
"No sir."
"Anyone see what happened?"
"Just like the others, sir. One moment she was there, the next, gone. Her ship wasn't engaged in any action with the enemy." The aide replied.
Prototype Life By Starson Daly Chapter 1 I guess it was convenient, I mean after all, it's not like anyone would REALLY notice. Well, my friends would, but they are my friends so I think I could get them to understand, no matter how bad things seemed. I mean, as long as I was happy, isn't that all that mattered? Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? I should begin from the start of it all. My name is Nia. A year ago, I was Devin, a 21 year-old college student with on his...
“Johnny’s a very bright kid.” “Thank you,” Deborah said. She made a minor show flipping a coffee-colored curl. “Although, he’s not really a kid anymore.” “Indeed,” Mr. Williams said, sneaking a smile beneath his croissant mustache. Nothing completed the pudgy man’s look better than his clownish yellow tie. “Did he tell you what this is about?” “Actually, he was a bit ... unclear. Is his work suffering?” “Quite the opposite,” Mr. Williams said, sweeping out meaty arms. Deborah followed his...
Keeping part of his consciousness on the activity around his cell, Will turned his attention back to Prototype Nine. How you holding up, Tina? He 'asked.' Ten! Will! Thank God! Tina 'replied.' Okay, Tina, Will got right down to business, not sure how much time he would have. I've only done this once before - to myself, so bear with me. You have to make a choice: Do you want to be what you signed up to the program for, and maybe what I've become, or do you want to go back to being...
"Come on, Honey!" Karen whispered, snaking her hands sensuously inside his shirt and kissing him warmly on the back of the neck. "We're going to be late for the movie!" "Okay, just let me finish sending this one last resume," he replied, leaning back into the kiss, "and I'll be right out. You guys go ahead and load up." "Something will come up, Will." Karen said, hearing the desperation in his voice. "You're too good at what you do. Somebody's bound to hire you soon." "I...
"What are we looking at, Mr. Secretary?" The President asked as he took his seat in the situation room of the White House. "I wish I knew, sir." The Secretary of Defense shook his head. "The people on meteor watch were first to notice them. At first they thought it might be an uncharted meteor shower, but then they noticed that they were decelerating, matching orbits with Earth. We got these pictures from some of our satellites before the ships took them out." The screens showed...
"Incoming!" The young man at the console nearly screamed. "Bearing two two three degrees. I say again, two, two, tharee degrees!" Once again the chilling sounds of the General Quarters alarm sounded, and weary feet, only recently stilled after the last battle, pounded the steel decks as sailors raced for their battle stations. Missile batteries swung smoothly toward the cruiser's port quarter, where the sun was just beginning to set, as the fire control computer automatically set their...
"Steady as you go, not too fast..." Captain Armand LeBlanc whispered into his helmet mike, as if the aliens inside the black hulk of the huge vessel could hear his voice through the vacuum of space. With the umbilical still attached, his voice was routed through the shuttle's intercom circuits to its pilots, so there was little danger of the signal being intercepted. Nonetheless, the mammoth bulk of alien vessel was enough to inspire awe and caution in even the hardiest of...
"I know, Dr. Wu, I know!" The exasperated Dr. Schmidt told his equally exasperated colleague. "But it's the damned bureacrats again! They simply will not clear me to hand over those plans! I have begged. I have pleaded. I have threatened. I have even gone to the Secretary of State, but nobody is willing to hand over the plans for that guidance system to a former enemy. It's insane! We're mandated to build these damned spaceships against an insanely foreshortened schedule, but the very...
Will had trouble sleeping, and he realized that it was because he wasn't yet sure of Eight's intentions. He was tempted to probe his mind the way he had done the guard, but resisted. If he wanted these people to follow him, he couldn't start by digging into their brains without their permission. Remembering the shell he had used to ensnare Hall, he thought, If I build one around myself, like this, and hook it into this energy source like this... Then, if I set up some kind of feedback...
President Caprio, along with the assembled heads of most of the nations on earth, watched the wall of monitors as the last squadron of armed shuttles lifted from their base in Australia. The launches were timed with the orbit of the alien ships such that each group of ten launched from the side of the Earth opposite the position of the alien fleet. One hundred forty nine out of the planned hundred fifty shuttles had launched successfully. Of the group scheduled for launch from the...
Will and Tina sat in a Westwood Village coffee shop enjoying the first real coffee they had had for months. To passers by they looked like any couple enjoying their morning caffeine fix. Closer examination might have shown an unfocussed appearance to their eyes, if anyone bothered to notice. This was not surprising in light of the fact that their attention was several blocks away, doing a thorough scan of the FBI building on Wilshire. Will was searching for documents or computer screens that...
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"Alpha flight, this is Bravo One. I read two groups, five each, can you confirm?" "Bravo Leader this is Alpha One. That's a roger on the spooks! Distance sweeps show no other bogeys." "Roger Alpha. Ten targets. We'll jump 'em going in. They'll have to work back past us to get home. Pickets One-Four through One-Seven and Three-Four through Three-Seven, you get the leftovers going in. Charlie leader, keep an eye on our six. Don't want any surprises. If any get past us going out, you...
Will knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was not going to try to rule the world, but he also knew that unless the world leaders changed their outlook, things would only get worse. No matter how hard he chewed at the problem, though, no solution presented itself. Falling back on an old trick from his engineering days, he decided to take his mind completely off the problem in hopes that his subconscious would come up with a solution while he worked on other things. He knew his power had...
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I woke up slowly, without moving or opening my eyes. It was like falling out of nothing and I felt someone touching me. Playing with my breasts as I lay on the sofa. I'd been watching a movie with Dana and Ronnie and I guess I'd fallen asleep, and now... "What are you doing?" I asked softly and Ronald was touching me. He jerked and his eyes went wide. The young man pulled his hand out from under my t-shirt and the television was still on. Dana was sleeping nearby, on the big love seat,...
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xmoviesforyouToday, I was wearing a dark business suit as I take a cab to Betty's house. Betty is my sister in law currently living in New York. Betty was testing the water in the hot tub as she thought about her situation. She had turned 34 a month before, was working for a major network in New York, living rent free in a upper east side townhouse owned by her sisters husband. I started to knock but noticed the door was open. I slowly walked inside, wondering who Betty was expecting. Looking through the...