Tricked Into A New Experience free porn video

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Tricked into a new experience Tony and i had gone out for a drink and, if we got lucky, to pick up a couple of women. We rarely struck lucky because, although we are both pretty presentable twenty year olds with clean college boy looks, Tony is 6' 2" and I am a measly 5' 6". But this particular time we scored in the first bar we visited. A couple of real lookers and we had a great evening with the prospect of an even better night. At some point, maybe in the cab back to their place, it had all got a bit foggy in my mind. That's why I felt slightly confused when I woke up the next morning. I was in a bedroom with sunlight streaming through the window. I looked around and could see classy decorations and furniture, there was a bathroom leading off the bedroom, but I was alone. Then the door opened and in breezed the woman I had been dancing with the previous night. She had a summer dress on with buttons up the front and high heels which made her legs look great. She came straight over and sat on the bed. "How are you fuzzy head," she said and leaned over to kiss me. Great way to wake up I thought as her tongued snaked into my mouth. And as she kissed me, one of her hands felt under the bedclothes for my cock as the other started to unbutton her dress. I couldn't remember anything of the previous night, or even where I was, but it couldn't have been that bad if this was the wake-up call. One breast was free from her dress and she offered it to my mouth. It had a slight chemical smell of some sort, probably perfume I guessed, and the nipple brushed over my lips. I savoured her smell and started to suck her tit into my mouth. That's when it started to go a bit hazy again. I could hear her talking to me, but wasn't sure what she was saying. I laid back as she withdrew her breast and next thing I knew she took my cock into her mouth. I was totally relaxed and all I could feel was an explosion as I came strongly into her soft mouth. Then she was kissing me again, a very wet kiss, which tasted of my cum. I enjoyed the kiss, it was incredibly pleasant, and I was also enjoying swallowing my own cum as she pushed it into my mouth with her tongue. I drifted asleep again to the sound of her voice. The next time I awoke must have been some time later as it was dark again. I got up and wandered into the bathroom. Looking at my face in the mirror I could see that I didn't need a shave, which was a bit odd as it must have been 24 hours since the last one. I went to have a pee and suddenly saw that I had no pubic hair any more. I was completely shaved there. Then it dawned on me that I had no body hair at all. This should have shocked me more than it did, but I still felt unusually relaxed about it all. It seemed right to my muddled head. I needed to get dressed and, as my clothes weren't laying around anywhere, I presumed that they had been hung up in the wardrobe. I opened the doors and it was almost empty, just a short, pale cream, linen skirt with a wide leather belt and a girls crop-top t-shirt with lace around the neck and sleeves. I looked around the room again, but all I turned up were some panties and a bra in a drawer by the wardrobe. I didn't have any real choice other than dress in these or remain stark naked, so I pulled the very pretty crop-top over my head and stepped into the skirt. They were a perfect fit. When I did the belt up I found that the skirt was even shorter than I thought and I was in danger of displaying my cock and balls. So, without any real reservation, I pulled the panties on. They were silk and fitted nicely, and when they were in place my balls and cock tingled slightly. What I didn't know then was the panties had been impregnated with a chemical which would discourage me from getting an erection and would temporarily shrink my balls in much the same way that very cold water might. I had experimented with my sisters clothes when I was thirteen or fourteen so this wasn't a completely new experience, but I had grown out of that phase. As a kid I'd wanked, while fantasising about my reflection in a full length mirror, and always felt ashamed and digusted after I came. I'd never got past this and the game ended one day when I almost got caught by my mother. The fear was stronger than the fun. So now I was dressed I thought I'd explore outside the room, but the door knob just spun when I tried to open it. Whatever I'd been drugged with had relaxed me to the point that this didn't really worry me. There was a tv in the room so I decided to see what was on. I settled into a chair and turned it on. The first channel was showing something which I immediately identified as a porn film. I wasn't quite in the mood for that, so flipped up a channel. What I saw was a bit of a surprise. The scene was in a room very similar to mine and Tony was sitting on a sofa dressed only in a pair of shorts. He was engrossed in the tv. His hand was massaging his cock through his shorts and he was obviously turned on by whatever he was watching. I couldn't see the screen but I was quite turned on by Tony, which is odd because I'd never felt like that before. Someone had put a camera in his room and fed the picture to my tv. I tucked one foot under me and started to watch Tony. He unzipped his shorts and got his cock out, it was totally hard and bigger than mine, even on a good day I was only 6". I was softly biting my lower lip in anticipation of what was to come and one of my hands strayed up to my nipple to pinch it. I grabbed the remote and turned the sound up, hoping to hear what Tony was watching, but all I heard was him muttering under his breath. "Harder bitch." I still had no idea what he was watching, but my nipples were both demanding attention and I started pinching them and rubbing them until I was moaning with pleasure. This was a new sensation for me and I squirmed in the chair as I did this. My skirt rode higher and the heel of my foot, tucked under my ass, was providing a surprisingly pleasant sensation. It was so pleasant that I found myself splaying my legs and slipped a hand between them and inside my panties. My second finger found my little virgin hole and started to massage it. Without lubrication I couldn't quite get it into my ass, but I was trying, and had slid down in the seat with my knees spread wide in the attempt. Tony was groaning and thrashing his cock for all it was worth. Then his whole body went rigid and, a moment later, a huge spurt of cum shot over his tummy. I moaned in unison and my finger finally slid into my hole. I gripped it so hard with my ass that I could have broken a bone, but what I felt was the most intense pleasure. I lay there exhausted, even though I hadn't cum, and watched Tony milk the cum from his cock. My mouth was watering at the thought of the taste. Then I heard him say quite clearly, "Wow Pete, you make one hot girl." What did that mean? What the hell was he watching? He gave the tv screen a huge grin and blew a kiss at it. "So how long have you been dressing like that without me knowing about it?" The possibility dawned on me quite slowly that there was hidden camera in my room too. "Tony, can you see me?" "See you and hear you Pete." What do you do in a situation like that. He'd been watching me and certainly knew that I'd got off on the whole thing just as much as he had. "I'm sorry," I apologised "I don't normally do this, I haven't dressed as a girl since I was a kid. I don't even know how it happened." Just then the door opened and my 'date' came in again. She put two fingers to my lips to suggest I didn't say anything, but too late I realised that they had the same chemical smell I'd noticed on her breasts before. I must have blacked out again. When I woke it was morning, I could hear birds singing outside and there was a note on the bedside table which said 'Why don't you get dressed and join us for breakfast on the patio'. I got out of bed, naked again, and went for a shower. Weirdly I still didn't need to shave. I checked the wardrobe and there was just a summer dress in there, short, cute and flowered. Pinned to it was another another note saying 'Padded bra would look great with this dress and wear shoes because the patio haas a rough surface. I decided that pretty much the worst had already happened, so I found the bra, which had gel inserts in the cups, slipped on the dress and a fresh pair of panties, which were waiting for me. Then I slid my feet into some very pretty sandals with 4" heels. I tottered across the room, very unsteady, and then did a few circuits before I was sure I wouldn't fall flat on my face. I checked in the mirror and, no matter how girly I felt, it was my old face staring back at me. It was a bit depressing. There was a knock on the door. A woman's voice asked, "Do you need any help in there?" I took small steps to the door and opened it a few inches. The woman who'd woken me up so nicely was smiling at me and holding up a small bag. "Thought you might want some make-up." I opened the door wider and she swept in, taking me by the arm and leading me to the dressing table. She sat me down and hardly stopped talking as she made me up. She told me what a pretty girl I'd make and how she thought Tony might be just a little in love with me. She even apologised for the tricks they'd played and said that they never tried to make anyone do anything that they didn't secretly want to do. She went on to tell me that her and Laura were lesbians, so they were not interested in sex with either of us, or any men. That they were also junior doctors with, admittedly, a strange sense of humour. They'd used some pretty standard anaethetics on us in the cab going back to this house, then used hypnosis to find out what unusual desires we both had buried deep in our subconcious. They had been amazed at the coincidence that I had revealed that I still wanted to dress as a girl and that Tony had always had a thing about Tgirls. She talked on and on, and by the time she ran out of talk I was looking at a reflection of quite a cute girl. My hair was still a bit too short but she'd styled it so that it looked pretty and made me look a bit like a precocious teen. "Ready to meet Tony now?" she asked and smiled at me in the mirror "I know he's going to like what he sees." We went out to the patio and she left me with Tony who was a real gentleman and held a chair out for me. I was nervous at first, but Tony soon put me at ease, after all we knew each fairly well and always got on. After breakfast Tony took me for a walk through the town. I didn't recognise the area where we were and was a bit scared of being spotted as a guy in a dress, but with Tony's arm round my waist and my new name of Petra it was all a great adventure. We had a light lunch in a nice restaurant, with too much wine, and then Tony hailed a cab to get us back to the house we'd been in. He was masterful and in command all the time. The cab dropped us off and, on the doorstep, Tony lifted my chin with his hand and kissed me lightly on the lips. I was in heaven. We went in and he pushed me firmly against the wall and started to kiss me in ernest. I could feel his body against mine and my arms automatically wrapped round his neck. His tongue felt huge in my mouth and extremely sexy. Being that much taller than me his erection, which was getting pretty impressive already, was pushing against my lower stomach. His hands slid down to my ass and pulled me to him. I whimpered in my throat as I felt his leg slip between mine. I was rapidly turning into a totally available sex toy and, as I clung to his neck, I wrapped my legs round his body so that his hands slid under under my ass to hold me up. It was in that way that he lifted me away from the wall and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me on my back on the bed and started to undress in front of me. I slipped off my panties. "Leave your dress and shoes on honey," he commanded breathlessly, "I want to fuck you just as you are." I laid back smiling at him and watched his strong body reveal itself, all 8" standing proud and looking hot and red and moist at the end. He closed the small distance between us and I sat so that I could hold his hips and take his cock in my mouth. It was my first cock and it was amazing hot, actually hot. The foreskin slid back as it slipped between my lips and I heard him moan. I looked up and got a terrific feeling of power over this strong man. Just by taking his cock into my mouth seemed to put him under my control in some way. He held my head and started to fuck my face. His cock hit the back of my throat and I gagged. He immediately pulled out and apologised for hurting me. My answer was to grab his cock in my hand and feed it back into my wet mouth. I was amazed that I'd never done this before, it was the best sex I'd ever had and I knew that this was just the start. I didn't want him to cum yet as I didn't know how quickly he could get hard again, or even if he'd be put off after this first real session with me. He must have thought the same becuase after a while, too short a while in fact, he eased out of my mouth. As he reached over to the dressing table for a tube of lubricant I knew what was next on the agenda, it was me. I layed back on the bed with my legs wantonly apart bent at the knees and hanging over the edge of the bed. I could feel my soft summer dress draped over my thighs and was even aware of my high heeled sandals on my feet. I watched as he lubed his cock while smiling at me. As he drew near I pulled up my legs and let him between them. My dress floated up my thighs and he took my ankles and placed them on his shoulders. Our eyes were locked together as I felt the first touch of his cock against my hole. He looked slightly concerned. "Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop," he said "If you stop now I'll never talk to you again," I cooed at him. "Well, we can't have that," he said and started to gently push his cock against my hole. I knew that it was going to hurt and relaxed as much as I could. It did hurt as it broke into my virgin hole, but I hadn't expected it to feel so amazingly gorgeous at the same time. I was being filled up by a man, speared on his cock in a way that I had never imagined until that day. I moaned long and loudly and curved my back so that I could get my fingers to his waist and pull him harder into me. He bent my legs so far back that my knees almost touched my shoulders and as he did this this his cock slid deeper and deeper into my pussy.. His cock was buried deep in me and his mouth closed on mine for a long wet kiss. Then he straightened up a little and started to fuck me properly. The rythm of his hips banging up against my ass and the raw feeling of a cock being repeatedly driven into me was like nothing I could have imagined and, for me, so much better than being a guy. It's almost impossible to describe the physical and emotional joy of being fucked in the ass by a man you have found you love, but it was the most beautiful sensation I had ever experienced. Admittedly it hurt, but it was a pleasurably pain and the expression on Tony's face of animal need and pleasure was a total turn-on. This continued for some time, and i didn't really want tit to stop, but my ass was getting hot and sore, which was making the sex almost better. But I had more joy to come which I couldn't have imagined could feel so good. As Tony rythmically slammed his cock into my ass I began to think I must be on fire from friction, then he suddenly went rigid and pushed hard against me, a grunt emanating from his throat. A moment passed, then his cock and his hips jerked and a stream of hot cum shot into my body. It wasn't so much that I could feel the actual cum, but the muscular throb of each ejaculation made me more of a woman than any amount of make-up could. As he eventually stopped jerking, he collapsed on top of me and I had the final pleasure of feeling his cock deflate enough to slip out of my hot sensitive ass. Then the warm wet feeling of his cum trickling out of my ass. Another amazingly pleasing sensation. Then he did the nicest thing. He gave me another long deep kiss before he went to sleep.

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

4 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

3 years ago
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Tricked into Hypnosis

My name is Al, and I want to setup my story with a little history before I jump to the mind control of my 17 year old online female friend. If you wish to skip over this part and go right to the sexual part then you may, but I think you will be intrigued to read my discovery into the hypnotic world which is all true. Besides it is not the typical sex story, it is more about a sexual experience. Don't expect dialogue or a sex scene with lots of action, you won't find it. You still...

3 years ago
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Tricked Tinder Girl Into Threesome

Hello all ISS fans out there. I hope you guys had wonderful stories in your past, some weird, some awful, some good memories. Today I will narrate an encounter with a Tinder girl, which is a true event that happened recently. The Tinder app has changed my life. My name is Zephyr. I live in South India, having a startup company of my own. The heroine is Tanya with a couple of bubble butts and double D’s. I am now coming to the story. I usually get a match once in 4-5 days. But I hook up with a...

2 years ago
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Tricked for the Treat

Ray rushed up the stairs to his bedroom anxious to get there and angry at his two idiotic friends for keeping him from his night of freaky sex with his wife. His mind angrily wondering what they could have been thinking, stopping by at this time of the night, they knew he had plans. He had met them for lunch and while waiting for the pizza he couldn’t help but brag about how he had finally come up with a foolproof plan on how to have his way with his wife Debra. He was so excited he couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Tricked for the Treat

Ray rushed up the stairs to his bedroom anxious to get there and angry at his two idiotic friends for keeping him from his night of freaky sex with his wife. His mind angrily wondering what they could have been thinking, stopping by at this time of the night, they knew he had plans. He had met them for lunch and while waiting for the pizza he couldn't help but brag about how he had finally come up with a foolproof plan on how to have his way with his wife Debra. He was so excited he couldn't...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

1 year ago
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Tricked into blackmail

What was I thinking, cutting class with a fellow classmate so early in the semester. Willie B. and I had been friends for a couple of years, even before we got into high school, I forgot how we met but we sort of hit it off as friends. Willie B. saw me on the first floor of our four story high school and asked "...what are doing down here. Thought you had Social Studies on the fourth floor. Oh wait, you plan on cutting class again aren't you...' I looked at Willie and shook my head in the...

2 years ago
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Tricked Husband into Creampie

My name is Rebecca and my husband's name is Kenny. We have been together for over 10 years now and enjoy our lives together along with our daughter. We are happy and enjoy a vibrant sex life, but who couldn't enjoy a little extra, right? At least that is my view.Before the birth of our daughter, Kenny and I had plenty of fun. Young and wild, we engaged ourselves in numerous threesomes. Some involved Kenny and a friend ravishing me and some included me and a friend of mine using Kenny's cock for...

3 years ago
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Tricked Into a Treat

The plan began forming in my mind one night when my wife Ana finally told me about one of her most forbidden fantasies. We have an amazing sex life and have opened up about many of our fantasies, which had led to some fun times in bed. The reason Ana was tied spread-eagle to our bed was because I had told her about my fantasies of dominating her. When we tried it the first time she found that being tied down and teased made her climax harder than ever before. Since I'd met Ana about six years...

2 years ago
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Hardintown Glory Hole ndash The New Teacher

Sandy was the newest teacher at the Hardintown school district. She had only finished college the year before. Now she lived here in Hardintown where she was totally on her own which was ok with her.She loved her job and everyone was real nice. She only had one problem and that was the lack of sex. Sandy has been very adventurous while she had been at college. She had both male and female partners and had also enjoyed group sex on several occasions.Being the new teacher in the conservative town...

3 years ago
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Tricked into wearing a dress pt1

As a student at college I wanted a bicycle for Christmas. I hadn't past my driving test and even if I had, I couldn't afford to run one with my Saturday job wages. My parents didn't have much money so I didn't ask for an expensive model by name, anything would do. I didn't think they could go far wrong or could they?They did attempt to wrap it with some festive paper and ribbon. Unfortunately nothing could hide its bright bubble-gum pink, wicker shopping basket or step-through frame. I cringed...

2 years ago
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Tricked into gay threesome

I’m a bisexual slim twink bottom swinger So there I am checking my local swinger site when I see a couple looking for a meet. The ad read “horny mf couple need guy to join in fun tonight” so I quickly send a message to them in hope that I’m not to late and have been beaten to it by another guy. I get a message back from the couple. thanks for the message. We are looking for a bisexual guy and asked if I was bi? To which I replied that I was and would be up for joining them. The message...

4 years ago
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Tricked my gf into a gangbang True story

This is a true story and I will recount it the best I can's been almost 20 years since this happened I had been with Krystal for one year and she was a sexy little bitch of Indian decent and just barely 19 and for all purposes she was a "good" and loyal woman who would not think of anything immoral or sexually perverse . She had a really hot thin body with long legs and was model material with the darkest nipples I had ever seen and when her pussy was spread it was so red it looked like a...

4 years ago
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Tricked into meeting BBC Gay

I had been on line all day long looking for someone to hook up with. Just when I though it would be another wasted Saturday I received four messages in a row from four different guys who had read my on line ad: "Husky Bear Seeks To Drain You Dry. Recently divorced 52 year old man looking to come to you, drop to my knees and do anything I'm told to orally to please you."I opened the first response. It contained three photos of a very large, in-shape black man, 39 years old and only about 10...

3 years ago
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Tricked into Sex

After I freed myself, I took a hard look at my sex life. Daniel, Bruce and Charlie would attack me at their will, I would go and give my self to Charlie's Uncle Harry from time to time, just because he had a large, huge, giant, bigger than average piece of man meat. There were times that I would knowingly allow myself to be ****d, just to have an assortment of hard, rigid cocks at my disposal. Than a light went off in my head, why don't I start my own club, sex club. My cousin lived in...

3 years ago
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Tricked The Older Neighbor Lady Into Fucking

I see the lady neighbour over the road brushing the step. She is older and quite attractive, and for quite a while now, I have had very lewd thoughts about her. I have devised a plan. Will it work or will it all turn out to be just terribly embarassing for us both...? I have to try it...if I don't I will always wonder what may have happened if I hadn't been so unsure of myself. She is wearing a short nylon overall. I have been told that she wears this short overall to turn on the k**s who...

3 years ago
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Tricked My Innocent Mom into Incest Part 5

Hi my dear friends and fans of indian sex stories dot net, this is Raj back with the most exciting fifth part of sex journey with my mom. Plz read my pervious episodes for better understanding. Thanks for your valuable feedbacks and sorry for the delay in posting my fifth part. Refreshing the story my dream was to fuck my mom with a nasty talking and looking her facial expression. I woke up in the morning expecting my mom in a good mood for fuck. I decided to bunk my college and fuck my mom the...

3 years ago
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Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party

My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...

2 years ago
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Tricked by his BestFriends Girlfriend Gay

"Dude, I need your help, and it's gonna sound crazy, okay?" Caleb immediately said as he opened his front door to let his friend in.His best friend Adam has just arrived after receiving a frantic phone call from Caleb only twenty minutes earlier explaining that it was an absolute emergency and that he needed him to come over immediately.Caleb lived not too far away on the other side of the campus and so he quickly threw on some runners, his jogging shorts and a gray sweater and headed over to...

1 year ago
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Tricked with a Treat

Lily pulled another costume off of the rack and held it up to herself. "What do you think about this one?""Geezus!" exclaimed Veronica, her best friend. "I thought you were going for sexy, not out and out skank!"Looking over the frilly french maid outfit that was more white lace than black silk and wouldn't cover more than the bare necessities (if that) Lily shrugged. "At this point I'm looking for whatever will get me noticed by Paul. This would be perfect for being Yvette from the movie...

1 year ago
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Tricked My Innocent And Horny Mom In To Incest Sex Part 3

Hi to all my friends and fans of ISS, this is Raj back again with my third part. Some of them were asking about me & my mom’s nature and hobbies in detail. I would like to request to first go through the first two stories of mine to feel the kick if not read. I again thank all who mailed me your comments. It is been almost ten years for me thinking of matured women and incest sex. The first woman, I thought of fucking is my mom (Nirmala) when I was only 18 years. She is an angel and sex goddess...

2 years ago
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Tricked Sluts pt5

Josh and Shawn are on a plane heading back to California after visiting Josh’s family and giving Sage the best birthday present that she could ever have wanted. During the flight, Shawn was passed out asleep and Josh couldn’t take his eyes off one of the flight attendants. She was a very good-looking Japanese lady. He guessed she could about 5’4/5’5, and had a small frame that was able to hold a large amount of weight on her chest. He couldn’t help but notice the top half of her outfit was...

3 years ago
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Tricked Sluts pt3

Nelly's fingernails were clawing on Shawn's back as he was pushing his massive cock to the limits in and out of her wet pussy."Ooooooh Shawn. Harderrrrrrr. Faster. Fuck me Hard Shawn," cried Nelly as Shawn pounded away at her pussy. He could feel her cunt tighten around his huge dick and his balls bouncing against her wet cunt. Feeling her juices pouring out and all over his manhood.Both Shawn and Nelly were hot under the sheets. Roll covered their bodies and soak up onto the sheets. Shawn...

1 year ago
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Tricked and Trapped

Warning! This story contains graphic descriptions of abuse and rape. Do not read this story if you are sensitive to such events. ********** No matter how many times we try to talk some sense into her, and no matter how many times he beats her, she still goes back to him. I'll never understand what it is that keeps drawing her to him. And so it is again, that Heather has some new and obvious bruises when I see her at Alice's house for our weekly gathering. Heather used to join...

2 years ago
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Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party

My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of information...

2 years ago
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Tricked and treated to a creampie

When I got home from work, I knew I had to hurry. My wife Wendy and I, were going to my employers Halloween costume party. The party was being held at a very nice hotel that was far across town. I work for a large electronics firm and knew that they could certainly afford to throw a big party for everyone. Wendy was already dressed in her costume, when I got home. She looked really sexy. She was dressed as “Elvira”.Wendy has a gorgeous figure and the costume was definitely showing off her...

4 years ago
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Tricked Innocent Mom into Incest Part 8211 6

My dear indian sex stories dot net  readers, friends, horny moms and crazy sons welcome to my wonderful world of incest, your crazy Raj has come up with his last part of the series. Thanks for the huge response and feedback from all. To make your mind in line to this part and sail along with the story, I request you to read my previous parts. A quick recap as my mom came to me begging for sex and we had a wonderful night. I fucked mom’s plumy pussy in all possible angles that night but my eye...


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