Tricked Again
- 4 years ago
- 22
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First of all, I want to tell you that I hated Halloween! I hated it when I was younger and I still did at the time all of this took place. It wasn't always that way, but one year, when I was twelve, some badass teenagers beat me up and took the bag of goodies I had gathered after several hours of going from door to door in my neighborhood.
I can still remember the biggest of the teens yelling at me as I lay on someone's lawn, "Trick or treat, aye kid? Well this year it's TRICK!"
That was the last year I went trick-or-treating. I just stayed home, passed out candy and warned the little goblins about the bullies. My mom tried to make me go and drag my little brother, but I would always be sick on that evil day.
When I got to high school, there would be this party or that party to celebrate Halloween, but I never went to any of them, that is not until my senior year.
I was never a real popular guy in school. I didn't play sports, I didn't belong to any clubs, and as a result I didn't date. I never considered myself an ugly kid, I just wasn't all that handsome. I got fair grades and was never in any trouble. I guess I was what you'd call average. In fact, I was so average that if you looked 'average' up in the dictionary, my picture would be there.
The buzz around school that year was about Cindy Martin's upcoming Halloween party. The party promised to be the social event of the fall and most of the kids in my class were going.
Cindy was one of the more popular girls in school. She was real cute, wore the latest styles and only dated boys that played on the football team. Although she wasn't a cheerleader, she was allowed to be part of the in-crowd. There were rumors around school that Cindy had gone all the way with a couple of her dates, but you know how high school rumors are.
I had a math class with Cindy and she personally handed me my invitation to the party. I was polite, accepted the hand written invitation, and thanked her. Even though she held such a high status among the members of my class, she didn't intimidate me. To me she was just another student.
My best friend, Frank Thompson, asked me everyday if I was planning to attend and whom I was taking. My stock answer was, "I don't plan to go, I hate Halloween!"
"Awe come on, Ed," Frank would say. "You have to go. You must know some chick that will go out with you."
"Frank, even if I did, I don't want to go," I'd tell him.
My resistance was due, in great part, to the fact that I didn't know a girl that would consider going out with me. I was eighteen and had never been out with a girl. My sexual knowledge was obtained from men's magazines and cheap paperback novels. In my mind, I was a great lover, but in real life my right hand was my only lover.
It was a Saturday morning, one week before the party, that my mother told me that she wanted me to take Gail Johnson to the party. Gail was my father's business partner's daughter and she wanted to go the affair.
Gail didn't go to my school; she attended an all girls' school across town. Gail and I knew each other from parties and dinners our parents held, but we hadn't seen each other for a couple of years. She wasn't a dog, but she wasn't a beauty queen either. Whenever we met, Gail would be wearing clothing that seemed out of place. Everything she wore was baggy. I never saw her in tight jeans or tops like the other girls. If she wore a skirt or dress, they were long. If she wore pants, they always looked like they were a size too big. Her tops were also baggy and gave no indication to the size of her chest.
My mom pleaded with me to take Gail to the party and by the end of the weekend, I gave in. I didn't decide to go because of my mother's ability to persuade though. It was my father's threat of losing my car privileges that made me agree to go. I didn't own a car and depended on one of my parents' vehicles for transportation.
On Sunday night, I called Gail, at my parents' insistence, asked her to go to the party and listened to her talk for the next twenty minutes. She told my about school, her four point grade average and the college she would attend after graduation. I asked her what she was going to dress as, but she told me it would have to be a surprise. When I asked her what I should wear, she offered no help.
After I hung up the telephone, it dawned on me just what I had done. I was going to a Halloween party with a girl I barely knew and I had absolutely no idea what to wear.
I called on my mother to help me come up with a costume that wouldn't be too lame. She gave me several suggestions, all of them useless as far as I was concerned.
Frank hunted me down on Monday and once again started his relentless quest to get me to go to Cindy's party. I had a great day, telling him I wasn't going just like I had in the past. It wasn't until we met after school that I told him that I was going.
"No shit!" said Frank. "You're really going? Who are you going to take?"
"You don't know her," I said.
Frank asked repeatedly whom I was taking to the party, but I wouldn't tell him. It wasn't that I didn't want him to know; I just wasn't about to admit that my parents had forced me into the whole thing.
"I have no idea what to dress as," I told Frank. "Any ideas?"
Frank told me that he was going to dress as Frankenstein and I quickly told him that I couldn't do anything like that. Frank was over six feet tall, stocky and could get away with that kind of costume, but at five seven, I didn't think it would work for me.
I walked home with Frank and we went thorough a bevy of things I could go as. By the time we reached my house, I decided that a werewolf would be as good as anything.
I asked my mom about helping me with my costume, but she told me that it would be easier to rent one. We took off in her car and went to several costume shops in search of the outfit I would wear to the party. The search for a costume was fruitless. At this late date, the costume shops were out of anything I would even consider wearing.
During the ride home, my mom came up with an idea that I really liked. She told me that she would dig out my dad's old leather jacket, buy me a pair of tight black jeans. Combined with a white crewneck tee shirt, I would become a greaser out of the fifties.
The following Saturday afternoon, my mom helped me get ready for the party. By this time, my stomach was churning in anticipation of the evening's festivities. Like I said before, I'd never been to a party, let alone a Halloween party.
When my mom was finished with me, my medium length brown hair was black and slicked back on my head with some sort of grease she said all the boys used back then. The jeans she bought me were too tight and made it hard to move. I did like the tee shirt and black leather jacket though.
Before handing me the keys to his Lincoln, my dad told me to behave and treat Gail nice. He reminded me that she was his partner's daughter and there would be hell to pay if I messed up. After promising him I'd be a gentleman, he gave me the keys and I left to pick up my date.
I must have stood on Gail's front porch for ten minutes before I mustered up enough nerve to ring the doorbell. Mr. Johnson greeted me, invited me in and told me Gail would be downstairs in a few minutes.
My palms were wet with sweat and I fidgeted as I sat in the living room waiting for Gail. He father gave me a short speech about how he expected me to treat his daughter and told me to have her home by one.
"Yes sir," I choked out. "I'll be sure to be back on time."
I thought he was going to continue, but Gail and her mother came into the room and rescued me. She was wearing a beige trench coat that was buttoned to the neck, preventing me from seeing what she was wearing.
"Hi Ed," said Gail. "I really like your costume. I think the fifties look is cool."
Gail's face was made up to look like a cat and she wore a pair of velvet ears on her head. Her raven hair was pinned up and her fingernails were covered with black nail polish. My guess was she was wearing one of the many cat costumes, my mom and I had seen, under her coat.
After telling her parents goodbye, we left her house and went to my dad's car. I opened her door and she slid into the passenger's seat, holding her coat closed. I could see her legs were covered with black nylons, but only from mid-calf to the black shoes on her feet. She tossed the large purse she carried into the backseat and fastened her seatbelt.
Gail talked non-stop from her house to the party. She asked if I had a girlfriend and I shook my head no. When she asked if I had ever had a girlfriend, she grinned when I once again shook my head.
"I don't have a boyfriend, either," she said. "In fact this is my first real date. I've been out with a group of kids before, but never on a car date with a boy. I was so shocked when you asked me to the party and my dad said I could go."
Her last sentence set an alarm off in my head. I distinctly remembered my mom telling that Gail wanted to go to the party and I was to take her because of the relationship between our fathers.
"Wait a minute," I said, interrupting her babble. "I thought YOU wanted to go to Cindy's party."
"I have no idea who this Cindy is, Ed. I didn't know anything about the party until you called me last Saturday."
My mind went into overdrive. I tried to recall my mother's exact words and was sure she told me that it was Gail's idea. I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut and not let on that I'd been bamboozled, but vowed to confront my parents the minute I got home. I hated being tricked as much as I hated the holiday.
We arrived at Cindy's large house, found a place to park and headed for the door. Cindy met us and asked us in. Once inside the house, Cindy asked if she could take Gail's coat and Gail began to unbutton the long garment.
Gail's back was to me when she opened the coat and began to slid it off her arms. Cindy told her how cute she looked and grinned at Gail. When the coat came off and Gail handed it to Cindy, I stopped breathing.
I stood with my mouth hanging open as Gail turned to face me.
"How do you like my costume," she asked.
I tried to talk, but no sound would come out. Gail was wearing a sheer black bodysuit over a lacey black bra. The bodysuit was cut like a tank top with one inch strips of the see through fabric running from the low cut front, over her shoulders to her back. She also wore a black thong under the bodysuit that barely covered her mons.
She turned slowly so I could get a good look at her and I gasped when I noticed that her ass wasn't covered at all. The tiny thong disappeared between her globes and it was as if she wasn't wearing any underwear at all. The only thing that kept her bottom from being completely exposed was the black tail that hung from a ribbon around her trim waist.
The material was so sheer I could make out the stitching on her bra and thong. Gail's arms were covered by long tubes of the same material, held in place by thin rings around her thumb and middle finger.
For the first time since I'd known her, I was able to see her body. Gail's breasts were about the size of grapefruits and the bra she wore could only contain about half of her mounds. Her waist narrowed to her hips and then her hips flared, her bottom was round and looked firm.
"Well, Ed, do you like it or not?" Gail asked.
All I could muster was a faint "WOW!"
Gail giggled and said, "I guess that means yes."
Cindy came out of the foyer closet and led us to the basement stairs. We walked down the steps, me following Gail and staring at her ass. Once we were mingling with the crowd, I pulled her aside to talk.
"Does your dad know you're dressed like this, Gail?" I stuttered.
"Are you kidding me! My dad would kill me if he saw me like this," she giggled. "My mom knows, but not my dad."
"You look great," I said. "I never knew..."
Gail laughed and said, "You never knew I had a body? I guess that I dress kind of conservatively most of the time, but tonight I wanted to be different."
Gail moved close and whispered, "I wanted to be sexy for you."
My heart stopped and I searched for something to say. Much to my relief, Frank and his date came over and said, "hi" to us. I introduced Gail, and then Frank introduced Karen, his date, to Gail. After talking for a moment, Gail asked for a Coke and Frank and I went to get one for each of the girls.
"Where the hell did you find her?" Frank asked as soon as we were out of range for the girls to hear. "She's a fox!"
I quickly told him about being setup with Gail and how my mom deceived me.
"You're one lucky bastard, Ed. My mom would never set me up with a chick that looked like she does," Frank said. "I'll bet you're glad you decided to come to the party now."
I nodded and agreed that things weren't as bad as I'd thought they'd be. We got sodas for all of us, went back to where we left the girls and handed each of them a can. The four of us stood around talking while about every guy I knew from school came over to see who I was with.
The driving music changed to a slow song and Gail asked me to dance with her. I told her I didn't know how, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. We parked our cans of Coke on a table and went to the area in the basement that was cleared for dancing.
I fumbled to hold her in a classic dance embrace, but Gail would have no part of it. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulled me to her and started to move. I began to sway with my arms dangling at my sides, but Gail slid her hands down my arms and pulled them around her.
When she replaced her arm around my neck, she once again pulled me to her. Our dance was more of an extended hug set to the slow rhythm of the music. Our feet remained in place as we swayed from side to side. After a few minutes of dancing, Gail opened my leather jacket, slid her hands inside it and pressed her breasts against my chest. She put her face against mine and continued to move to the music.
"Are you sorry you brought me to this party, Ed?" Gail whispered in my ear.
"No, why do you ask?" I replied, my voice as low as hers was.
"Because of what you said in the car, you seemed shocked when I told you I didn't know about the party."
"I was a little shocked, I thought my mom told me that you wanted to come, but I guess I misunderstood her."
Gail moved her hands on my back, rubbing slowly from my shoulder blades to the waistband of my tight jeans. She hummed softly to the song that was playing and moved her chest against mine. I could feel my cock growing in the confines of the jeans and I was soon uncomfortable.
"I'm really happy you did ask me, Ed. I know you don't know it, but I've had a crush on you for a long time," Gail whispered as her hands slid down to my ass.
Gail pulled my crotch to hers and began to grind her pelvis against my throbbing erection. I wasn't sure if she could feel it, but I could feel her. Her soft mons massaged my cock as she began to rotate her hips ever so slightly.
When Gail pulled her head back, looked into my eyes and kissed me, I thought I was going to loose it. My penis jerked as she moved her soft lips on mine and firmly squeezed my ass.
I was in heaven! I had a hot girl in my arms and was getting my first kiss. Gail made no attempt to remove her mouth from mine and then I felt her tongue. It slithered out of her mouth and brushed against my lips, wetting them. I relaxed my mouth and her tongue pushed in to find mine.
Lost in the moment, I had no idea who was around us, or if anyone was watching. We held the kiss for what seemed like a long time, breaking it only when the music stopped. I tried to pull away, but Gail said, "Let's see if the next song is slow too."
The music started again and the song was a fast number. We reluctantly parted and went back to where we had left our sodas. After retrieving our drinks, we found a quiet corner and stood close to each other.
"You know, Ed," Gail said. "That was my first kiss. I just turned eighteen and I've never been kissed by a boy before."
"It was mine, too," I confessed.
Gail's eyes sparkled when she learned that we had shared our first kiss. Not only was it our first kiss, but also the first time either of us had ever kissed anyone.
"I really liked it."
"So did I, Gail."
"Did you like it enough to kiss me again?"
I answered by putting my mouth on hers and running my tongue over her lips. When she opened her mouth, I swiped the tip of my tongue across her teeth. We wrapped our arms around each other and pulled our bodies together. It was like we were dancing again, but this time we made our own music.
Our passion rose and soon we added soft moaning to our coupling. We breathed through our noses, neither of us wanting the kiss to end. When I felt like I was going to ejaculate from her constant movement against my crotch, I removed my mouth from hers and stepped back a little.
Even with the lack of direct contact, my cock still throbbed in my tight pants. I needed to adjust it to get some relief from the pressure.
"Will you be okay for a minute," I asked Gail. "I have to find a bathroom."
"Cindy told me that there's one off the kitchen upstairs," she said. "I'll go with you."
Gail led and I followed a few steps behind her. When she started up the stairs, I was mesmerized by the way her firm ass moved. She walked into the kitchen and pointed to the bathroom.
"How did you know where the bathroom was?" I asked Gail.
She giggled and replied, "It's a girl thing."
I went into the bathroom, closed the door and pulled the zipper on my jeans down. I reached into my fly and tried to extract my still rigid cock so I could piss. All of the fumbling was causing my excitement to escalate and I finally had to unfasten my jeans and pull them down to get my dick out.
The moment I wrapped my hand around my shaft, I felt my balls pull up and knew I was going to come. I pointed my cock at the bowl, felt my semen surge past my fingers and watched it splatter against the back of the toilet seat.
After a moment, my erection subsided enough that I could urinate. I cleaned my mess, flushed and washed my hands. When I opened the door, Gail's eyes went straight to my crotch. She smiled and walked past me, telling me to wait for her.
Gail came out of the bathroom and giggled at me. She told me she had to wash the lines that made up her cat whiskers off because they were all smeared. I asked if she had anything to fix them and she shook her head no.
"Are you ready to go back downstairs?" Gail asked.
I nodded and she took my hand. We walked down the stairs side by side, holding each other's hand. We worked our way through the crowd and went back to our corner. Gail asked for another Coke and I quickly went and got her one, as well as one for myself.
"I never thought I'd ever go to a Halloween party," I told Gail. "It's not one of my favorite holidays."
"Why not, Ed? I think it's fun being here with you."
I told Gail about my experience with the bullies and why I hated the holiday. When I was finished with my tale, she looked into my eyes, her face empathetic. She looked like she was going to cry and took me in her arms. We kissed again, this time tenderly. There was no urgency, no unfamiliar testing, and no awkwardness. The kiss we shared was as if we had been doing it for years.
Frank and his date came over by us and interrupted our kiss. We talked about the party and the guests for a while and then out of the blue, Gail asked what time it was.
"About a quarter to ten," Frank said, looking at his watch.
Another slow song began to play and Gail and I went the dance floor and started to dance. Frank and Karen also danced, choosing to be close to Gail and I.
"Karen and Frank look great in their costumes," Gail said. "Frankenstein and the bride of Frankenstein, how original."
We danced and Gail rubbed my back under my jacket. She moved her hands to my ass again and pulled our crotches together. I ran my hands over her back, feeling her bra strap and then moved them down to the small of her back. She kissed me again and pushed her boobs against my chest.
Once again, we were alone in the crowed room, our eyes closed, our lips together and our tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. My hand slid down and I felt her bottom through the thin material of her bodysuit. When I quickly pulled my hand away, Gail took my arm and put it back.
I pulled back so I could see her face and she smiled at me. "It's okay," she cooed. "It feels nice."
We put our open mouths together and I gently caressed her ass through the shear bodysuit. Our bodies moved as one as we gently swayed in each other's embrace. We explored as much as we could and not appear to be too open. The song ended and another slow one began. We never stopped moving or kissing until the second number ended and the music became fast again.
Frank, Karen, Gail and I left the dance floor and returned to the corner. Gail asked about the time again, which I thought was strange, and Frank announced it was just after ten.
"I have to go," Gail said, completely surprising me. "I have to be home before eleven or my dad will be mad."
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Tricked and Coerced By Stefanie Flowers Some years ago, it seems like an eternity to me now, I made the fateful encounter which so drastically changed the course of my life. From that moment on I was slowly but surely led down a strange path from which there is now no return. Na?vely, I let myself become entrapped by the guiles of a beautiful woman; led from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell by an enticing smile. Even now I have a hard time believing what I've become and d...
Tricked by the Brat?Babysitting the brat again?? Sean exclaimed as he put the tray down, he was clearly upset at having the evening plans changed. ?What is it this time??Sam sighed and took her drink. Sean seemed to lose his temper pretty quickly these days. Not a good sign, but she still enjoyed his company, and he could be very sweet. She shrugged and looked apologetic. ?I know it’s a pain, hun. But the O’Brian’s are in a fix, they have some family emergency and they don’t want Tiffany...
Tricked into total slavery It started when I found an ad from a Dominant Female on the Internet. She was seeking full-time live in slaves. The prospective slave would have to sign an agreement becoming her total property. If accepted, the slave would not have to work but would live in her home 24/7 under her total control. This was exactly what I was seeking. Or, at least it sounded like it. I immediately responded to the email address given and expressed my willingness. I begged the Mistress...
My name is Al, and I want to setup my story with a little history before I jump to the mind control of my 17 year old online female friend. If you wish to skip over this part and go right to the sexual part then you may, but I think you will be intrigued to read my discovery into the hypnotic world which is all true. Besides it is not the typical sex story, it is more about a sexual experience. Don't expect dialogue or a sex scene with lots of action, you won't find it. You still...
Ray rushed up the stairs to his bedroom anxious to get there and angry at his two idiotic friends for keeping him from his night of freaky sex with his wife. His mind angrily wondering what they could have been thinking, stopping by at this time of the night, they knew he had plans. He had met them for lunch and while waiting for the pizza he couldn’t help but brag about how he had finally come up with a foolproof plan on how to have his way with his wife Debra. He was so excited he couldn’t...
Hello all ISS fans out there. I hope you guys had wonderful stories in your past, some weird, some awful, some good memories. Today I will narrate an encounter with a Tinder girl, which is a true event that happened recently. The Tinder app has changed my life. My name is Zephyr. I live in South India, having a startup company of my own. The heroine is Tanya with a couple of bubble butts and double D’s. I am now coming to the story. I usually get a match once in 4-5 days. But I hook up with a...
Ray rushed up the stairs to his bedroom anxious to get there and angry at his two idiotic friends for keeping him from his night of freaky sex with his wife. His mind angrily wondering what they could have been thinking, stopping by at this time of the night, they knew he had plans. He had met them for lunch and while waiting for the pizza he couldn't help but brag about how he had finally come up with a foolproof plan on how to have his way with his wife Debra. He was so excited he couldn't...
My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...
"Dude, I need your help, and it's gonna sound crazy, okay?" Caleb immediately said as he opened his front door to let his friend in.His best friend Adam has just arrived after receiving a frantic phone call from Caleb only twenty minutes earlier explaining that it was an absolute emergency and that he needed him to come over immediately.Caleb lived not too far away on the other side of the campus and so he quickly threw on some runners, his jogging shorts and a gray sweater and headed over to...
Lily pulled another costume off of the rack and held it up to herself. "What do you think about this one?""Geezus!" exclaimed Veronica, her best friend. "I thought you were going for sexy, not out and out skank!"Looking over the frilly french maid outfit that was more white lace than black silk and wouldn't cover more than the bare necessities (if that) Lily shrugged. "At this point I'm looking for whatever will get me noticed by Paul. This would be perfect for being Yvette from the movie...
Hi to all my friends and fans of ISS, this is Raj back again with my third part. Some of them were asking about me & my mom’s nature and hobbies in detail. I would like to request to first go through the first two stories of mine to feel the kick if not read. I again thank all who mailed me your comments. It is been almost ten years for me thinking of matured women and incest sex. The first woman, I thought of fucking is my mom (Nirmala) when I was only 18 years. She is an angel and sex goddess...
IncestJosh and Shawn are on a plane heading back to California after visiting Josh’s family and giving Sage the best birthday present that she could ever have wanted. During the flight, Shawn was passed out asleep and Josh couldn’t take his eyes off one of the flight attendants. She was a very good-looking Japanese lady. He guessed she could about 5’4/5’5, and had a small frame that was able to hold a large amount of weight on her chest. He couldn’t help but notice the top half of her outfit was...
Nelly's fingernails were clawing on Shawn's back as he was pushing his massive cock to the limits in and out of her wet pussy."Ooooooh Shawn. Harderrrrrrr. Faster. Fuck me Hard Shawn," cried Nelly as Shawn pounded away at her pussy. He could feel her cunt tighten around his huge dick and his balls bouncing against her wet cunt. Feeling her juices pouring out and all over his manhood.Both Shawn and Nelly were hot under the sheets. Roll covered their bodies and soak up onto the sheets. Shawn...
Warning! This story contains graphic descriptions of abuse and rape. Do not read this story if you are sensitive to such events. ********** No matter how many times we try to talk some sense into her, and no matter how many times he beats her, she still goes back to him. I'll never understand what it is that keeps drawing her to him. And so it is again, that Heather has some new and obvious bruises when I see her at Alice's house for our weekly gathering. Heather used to join...
My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of information...
IncestWhen I got home from work, I knew I had to hurry. My wife Wendy and I, were going to my employers Halloween costume party. The party was being held at a very nice hotel that was far across town. I work for a large electronics firm and knew that they could certainly afford to throw a big party for everyone. Wendy was already dressed in her costume, when I got home. She looked really sexy. She was dressed as “Elvira”.Wendy has a gorgeous figure and the costume was definitely showing off her...
I flipped my tousled blonde bangs out of my eyes and lifted Nathan's dick up with my tongue, before bobbing my head forward and filling the room with a loud slurp. I felt him stiffen ever so slightly in my mouth, and continued sucking. My eyes worked their way up his body, following the trail of hair from his pelvis up to his stomach. I soaked in every detail of his chiseled hips, my eyes tracing the V-shape of where his flat abs met his pelvis. I felt myself hardening and quickly slid down...
Married for 8 years my wife and I began to experiment with drugs and certain drugs like meth made us both very horny. Two side effects were an extreme sexual desire on my part for anything sexual and it also made it near impossible to get an erection. So she and I tried all sorts of sex acts,talk etc. And then spoke of invitinting others into our bedroom. I was gung-ho but she was hesitent. Eventually we thought of a couple we both knew. Bo and Tammy. I was the one truly pushing this ide. My...
Married for 8 years my wife and I began to experiment with drugs and certain drugs like meth made us both very horny. Two side effects were an extreme sexual desire on my part for anything sexual and it also made it near impossible to get an erection. So she and I tried all sorts of sex acts,talk etc. And then spoke of invitinting others into our bedroom. I was gung-ho but she was hesitent. Eventually we thought of a couple we both knew. Bo and Tammy. I was the one truly pushing this ide. My...
Married for 8 years my wife and I began to experiment with drugs and certain drugs like meth made us both very horny. Two side effects were an extreme sexual desire on my part for anything sexual and it also made it near impossible to get an erection. So she and I tried all sorts of sex acts,talk etc. And then spoke of invitinting others into our bedroom. I was gung-ho but she was hesitent. Eventually we thought of a couple we both knew. Bo and Tammy. I was the one truly pushing this ide. My...
Married for 8 years my wife and I began to experiment with drugs and certain drugs like meth made us both very horny. Two side effects were an extreme sexual desire on my part for anything sexual and it also made it near impossible to get an erection. So she and I tried all sorts of sex acts,talk etc. And then spoke of invitinting others into our bedroom. I was gung-ho but she was hesitent. Eventually we thought of a couple we both knew. Bo and Tammy. I was the one truly pushing this ide. My...
We had had sex earlier that day and she had decided to take a shower while i made dinner. After she got out, she came to the kitchen and sat with me. She wanted to know more about my fetish. The Dos and Don'ts, and all that other crap. She asked me if i needed to be there while people fucked her. I asked her the same question, do you feel i need to be there? Well, the only reason i fucked K on your bed was because i knew you'd hear and find us fucking, she said. I get so horny when i...
Our relationship had continued as if nothing had happened, but i was yet to be satisfied with just one person filling her pussy with cum. It was clear to me that my mind was incredibly twisted for me to want to see my girl on all four taking a cock that wasn't mine, but i didn't care. I was gonna make it happened. Plus she didn't object. Well, she didn't really say anything. She took a pounding, and pretended it hadn't happen. For my second adventure, i decided i wanted to try to up my...
It first started by me suggesting to have a FMF threesome, to which she quickly declined. She asked why i never ask her to do a MFM and i answered by saying i never thought about it.. But when i did actually think about it, i got a tingling feeling. So i decided we'd do it, but i didn't want her getting attached or ruining our relationship.. so i had to come up with a way to fuck her and have someone fuck her but without her being too comfortable with it. At one point i guess i realized i...
I just came from a party where I had sex for the first time, and had my first threesome. Not only did I find out afterwards that I had sex with my two best friends, but now I find out I lost my virginity to my very own little sister, in front of a crowd of people, this has quickly turned into a craziest night ever. “We had sex? Us? And in front of everyone! Oh my god what if someone recognized us?” “No one knew who we were, except my friends, and they won't say anything.” “How do...
Chris is the athletic one of our group of friends. He’s 5’10 175lbs. He is a safety on the school football team and also runs track. He has a very muscular tanned body, six pack and all. He is very attractive, blond hair blue eyes. The girls used to be all over him but a rumor was spread by his ex-girlfriend that he was a porn addict. He hasn’t recovered from that yet and hasn’t had a girlfriend since. Tristan is the idiot of our group. He’s 6’0” 195lbs. He plays baseball but isn’t very...
I awoke to the creaking of Nathan’s steps as two tall, beautiful boys made their way downstairs. I sat up on his couch and licked my lips, the bitterness of our previous concoction still lingering on my tongue. They both entered the room already shirtless and pulling at their belts. I got to my knees excitedly, eager to continue my fulfillment of the bet. Nathan was the first to get his belt off, and he stepped forward as he dropped his boxers to his ankles. I flipped my tousled blonde bangs...
Last week, I was out in a big city in the UK. we had a few drinks with workmates and chatted with locals in the bars. Towards the end of the evening, i found myself talking with an older but good looking woman – probably about late-40’s. She was called Stacey. As my friends drifted away, i realized that there was just me and her left on our own chatting. The talk just got dirtier and dirtier and then she mentioned she was in town on business and invited me back to her hotel. Well i didn’t need...
It was a Saturday night and me and my mate Tom had been invited to a party, it was at one of the local clubs for one of our friends 22nd birthday. The theme was tight and bright. I was wearing a fluro green singlet and small pink shorts that were not’t quite as tight as my boxer briefs but were just as long so they were showing off my man region quite nicely. Tom had gone to the trouble of buying a bright orange, whole body Lycra suit. He looked ridiculous as it may have been slightly too small...
Rene: How do I get her to go out with me? Brittani: You dont! Hahaha. She is way too pretty for you. Rene: I know. It's just I really like her. Isn't there anything I can do? Brittani: I can put in a good word for you, but you have to do something for me. Rene: Oh that would be so great. I'll do anything please. Brittani: Hahaha you are such a pathetic loser. I think that's what I'm going to call you from now on. Get down on your knees loser. Rene: What? Brittani: Do you want me to put in a...
BDSMYou open your eyelids heavy with sleep and yawn lazily, stretching out the limbs of your naked body as you gaze up at a white plaster ceiling. A ceiling that with dawning confusion you realize you don't recognize at all. You gaze around the room, noting the abstract art hanging from the wall, the ensuite bathroom in the corner... gradually you begin to recognize this hotel room as memories of why you are here begin returning to your half-awake brain. Modelling has always been your dream career....
“Remember, a tie or a win means you’ve got to do as I say for one night,” Tara said. “And if my team wins, you’ve got to do as I say,” Rach said, snuggling in to her girlfriend. Rach was only half paying attention to the game. Although the match was close, it was only 4 PM and she was looking forward to another ‘busy’ night. Despite knowing each other for their entire lives, the two had been going out for two months, which hadn’t been without its problems. Having been brought up by a very...
LesbianAs a student at college I wanted a bicycle for Christmas. I hadn't past my driving test and even if I had, I couldn't afford to run one with my Saturday job wages. My parents didn't have much money so I didn't ask for an expensive model by name, anything would do. I didn't think they could go far wrong or could they?They did attempt to wrap it with some festive paper and ribbon. Unfortunately nothing could hide its bright bubble-gum pink, wicker shopping basket or step-through frame. I cringed...
He was a big man, an a****l. The sort of man who just takes what he wants. I didn't know him, but he was the host of the party I was at.It was a great party as far as I was concerned, there was a woman who had taken an interest in me and we had been flirting all evening.It was getting late and couples were starting to leave. I hadn't drunk too much and went to the kitchen to get a beer. There was this woman again, leant against a doorframe talking to people I couldn't see.I moved behind the...
I had been on line all day long looking for someone to hook up with. Just when I though it would be another wasted Saturday I received four messages in a row from four different guys who had read my on line ad: "Husky Bear Seeks To Drain You Dry. Recently divorced 52 year old man looking to come to you, drop to my knees and do anything I'm told to orally to please you."I opened the first response. It contained three photos of a very large, in-shape black man, 39 years old and only about 10...