ProeliatorChapter 10 free porn video

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We gathered the attackers into one area but I was fearful of poison. I used gloves to search for more of their weapons they thought were magic. The more obscene it was the more power they put to it. I prepared all the articles I found and made sure they would reference who had owned them. The horses were searched but here I would have to wait until I could question my guests to see which horse they were riding.

I continued to do my search while two men were sent to Toronto to gather some people to clean up the mess. Some of the guards had looked at what I had discovered. They were not pleased with what I had found either. A clean death was one thing but the paraphernalia on the ground were another.

Men armed with whatever they could find met us soon after. They had come to see what had kept me. My new guests were put into a couple of wagons and the dead were put into another.

The disgusting cargo was labelled as to where it was found and possibly who's property it was then put into canvas sacks.

It was four hours after the train wreck that I was able to get to a phone half way along the route and told my wives what had happened. They wanted to come immediately but I was not sure even now if it was safe of not.

My mind was going through all that had happened and what I had found up until now. Mages and perhaps the Huns were using children to fight with. I could not condemn them because I had used cadets to kill thousands of men.

What did disturb me was the way the youngest had been treated. I had worked with their body's efforts to heal them and in the course had found that they were sexually active. This was very common in this day and time and it was something intrinsic to the human animal. This did not make it right though. The books I wrote always condemned this practice. A small part of the problem was that rape of either gender was also seen as a way of control.

The children were beaten but so were the rest so I had to assume the master or masters were not in the group I found.

Klement called Park over to view the two bodies but he said, "I have seen these before. There was usually two more men and a woman with them."

Lazeez had arrived and I gave him the task of drawing a portrait of each of the corpses. They had to be buried soon and I had not worked too hard to make a photographic plate yet.

Patricia said, "What are you going to do with the children?"

"The boy tried to run a spear through me but I would have tried the same thing at his age if I had to. I guess they will have to stay with us for at least a while. I want them kept safe but I do not want them hurting any of us either. I want them kept very weak but awake enough to see that they are not being harmed."

"What about that woman?"

I assumed she meant the younger one. I could see a bit of jealousy here and said, "You are my wife. I have no need of this woman."

Patricia was a bit stunned at being caught and said, "You are a man and we have not been with you for a while."

"It has been two weeks and I know that you are healed by now. I just want you to heal naturally too. It has something to do with the mind as well as the body."

"I am healed more than enough and so is KhAvar."

"Then we will have to practice making our next batch of children."

Here eyes were sparkling and she said, "Really?"

"I want you to have a break between pregnancies. We talked about this before. The children should be spaced out a few years apart."

"Well... practising is ok in that case."

The new guests were put in the basement. One of the larger rooms would serve the women of 20, 40 something, the young girl of 7 and the boy of 9. Another room held the 15 year-old male and his 20 year-old friend. Another room held the two old men that were both near or over 60.

Each of the rooms were in different wings so sound could not travel from one area to another. If I could, I would put everybody in their own rooms but the children would live upstairs with us. At the moment it was better to have them stay where they were.

Park had a room upstairs by himself and both Klement and I asked him what he knew about each of the people. Some names he knew or guessed at and gave us a bit of background data but those that trained them usually kept social interchanges to a minimum.

The fact that there were three more mages out there bothered me and I tried to put myself in their shoes. They were very careful so that they did not get caught but I did not necessarily think that they were cowards. I would attack tonight while most people would be celebrating and thinking that the troubles had passed.

To give this impression I set up a party even though the men that died had families that should mourn for their loss. If they knew what I was really like then the party would seem a sham.

The wives of the security detail lived here while that of the engineer lived in Toronto. I made a phone call and after twenty minutes the grieving woman went to one of the few phones and called me. I did what I could over the phone and promised to see her in a few days. I also assured her that she had nothing to worry about when it came to her status within our community. As a capitalist, my heart was much too soft. Those that had fought for me and died deserved even more.

We ate a large supper and those that fought talked of what they had seen their friends do. This obligated the friends to return the favour. In this way none of the soldiers were any different. If this had been a Frisian home then the talk would be much more boisterous and the men drunk by this time.

The three men that lead the guard detail had been told to tell their men to act drunk but to be prepared for another attack tonight. I could see that the levity was just a thin veneer. At the same time a rumour was going around that it was time for me to get back in the saddle. I just hoped that the girls did not hear this because it was a ploy too in a way.

Soon after our meal I excused myself. Patricia and KhAvar had been finished even sooner and were anxious for me to start. We cleaned up then had a shower where the girls really got stirred up. At times I wished I had a few more arms to hold and caress my girls.

We were not completely dry by the time we got to bed. I had more or less turned off my responses in the last seven weeks. The girls had responded by using their mouths so I had to turn them back on again. Now they were ready for the real thing and I was even more so.

When AsA had questioned me about my powers in the bedroom I saw this as an omen and cut back on how I manipulated my wives' bodies. Now I tried to get a feeling for what they liked and just did this. I felt myself like an ordinary man in this respect but one that could last a long time and was empathetic to their needs.

I pleased Patricia while she pleased KhAvar then we shifted around. The girls climbed over me and tried to get me to come and did after a lot of work. I then took KhAvar and she used her mouth to make Patricia happy.

This was very stimulating to me too but I knew that I was still the bait in a trap. I got my subconscious to allow a bit more of my aura to show. If the mages were close they would see my control slipping.

The girls were worn out around midnight and I was running on empty. It took a while before my body could catch up to all the demands I put on it. As usual I slept on one side of the bed and after cleaning ourselves up we all went to bed to sleep.

I lay in bed not ready to sleep. My aura was still fluctuating as if I were having fun and in a way I was.

It must have been a few hours latter that there was a very quick knock at the door and I got up to see who it was. The captain of my guard said, "Young Lazeez says he sees some shadows moving across the hemp field."

"Is he in the balloon?"


There was some copper wire that was in one of the ropes so that we could have a telephone conversation in times like this. "Are the drunks playing their part?"

"Perhaps too much, but yes they are."

I stepped out into the hall and went to a small room and got dressed but this time I put on my heavier armour and clamped the headpiece to the ring. It was an alternate set and I used it because I did not want to wake up the girls. It was also as black as I could get it.

I talked with Lazeez and he said, "They... they are going south east now. I... I think they want to keep the row of trees between them and the house."

"How many are there?"

"There are five horses but three of them have larger shadows on them."

This sounded like a rescue effort for two people but why not the rest? Then I wondered who the two most important were. I wanted to intercept these people but I could not if I still flung out may aura. I started to strengthen my shield but did it clumsily as if I did not really care how it was done. At the same time I slowly started to build up power. This had to be done quick enough so I was not cut off but slow enough so that those that came would not be frightened off.

There was only one unlocked door leading into the house. The supposed drunks were using this to raid the external cellar for wine. All the windows had a decorative steel trellis over the windows that would make it difficult to gain entry.

This trap had been set up just after Park had tried to kill me. I could not hear Lazeez but I could hear the horses and the footsteps. A small amount of grit was on the stone floor just inside the doorway. One person entered the doorway then walked down to a second door but did not go through. That person went back and then I heard two more people enter. This section was used for the pantry and kitchen. There was a lot of equipment here but no people.

The three never got that close together but they were now in the trap. When the last person was four metres inside the doorway a rope pulled the doors shut with a slam and two spring loaded locks made sure each door would not open easily. The three ran back to this door and at the same time my security pulled cords that lead into the room where the three intruders were.

Fulminate of mercury was struck by a firing pin and mace was expelled into the room leading to the kitchen.

There was a lot of running and then some screaming but this seemed to be the woman. She sounded more like she was in rage than in pain.

I had learned my lesson once more so I chose to attack one of the intruders at a time. The first was very strong but so was the mace and its effects. It took much longer to get all three to sleep then the ventilation was turned on to remove the mace.

Six men in environmental suits and using compressed air came into the hallway. They dragged the intruders outside one at a time. The carbon arcs were turned on and I began again to strip each of the people. Once they were bathed, they were taken through another door and put into a room to be separated later. The horses were searched and then they too were lead away.

There was a need for me to make one more round and I checked all of those that would try to kill me. They all had to stay asleep until I wanted to question them but that would be in the morning.

The girls woke up at the usual time and tried to get me to play. I had only two hours sleep but a husband has to make sacrifices.

We had breakfast and then the girls and I went to see the captives. They were shocked to find out that we had three additional guests.

Park was summoned and he gave the names of the three because they were more important than the rest. The woman was Oriental and in her mid twenties. She was also pretty, or at least to me. She had the same kind of tattoos as the rest but also some that looked more recent. They looked more impressive.

The two men were odd. One was thirty at a guess and from a different place in the east because his features were slightly different. I thought of him as Japanese but that race may not have been on the island yet. He was short and stocky. He was also strong. I examined his body and found callouses where a person that was used to unarmed combat would have them. This was also the man that had commanded Park and his now dead partner.

The other man was more Caucasian. He looked similar to the Russians I knew from my time. I figured he was around fifty but he was a very strong and virile looking man at this age. He too had callouses on his hands and I saw both of them as bodyguards instead of mages. I was not going to make a mistake and think of them as anything less than a mage though.

I went back to the woman and saw that her hands too had a build up of thick skin. Her nails intrigued me though. They were long and lacquered but I was thinking of poison. I took her hand and touched her fingers to my tongue one at a time. The pinkie on each hand had the poison on it and I looked to see why the woman was not dead. For the moment I assumed that she had built up an immunity.

This was a ninja trick and I happened to know a lot more. I put my hand on her abdomen and pushed down. This was not conclusive so I interfaced with her body and searched through it. She did have an immunity to the drug and it looked different to the way my own immunity worked. This required a bit of study before my mind went into her colon and vagina. I found a stool in one but something solid in the other.

Patricia and KhAvar watched me. "Patricia hold one of her legs. KhAvar hold the other. She is hiding something from us." They were not sure but did as I asked. My fingers worked in the woman's vagina and I had to use the woman's own muscles to expel the device.

An ivory tube came out but I did not bother opening it. There would be poison and ways of administering it.

A guard was sent out to get a comb and we waited until it came back. I used this on her long black hair and I found some thin wire and some poison pins hidden here too. The thatch over her pubis had only one dangerous weapon.

Lazeez was called and he was very anxious when he saw his next subject. I said, "Lazeez, I want you to draw her tattoos. Draw them large."

"Ah, can I draw her face too?"

I gave a smile and said, "Sure but the woman is a trained killer. She would pretend to be a weak woman and then run her fingernail across your sweating brow and in a moment you would be dead."

"I will have to write a story about her too I guess. By the way, I thought of something. You could make a lot of money selling your magazines. What if I started my own? I could put my drawings in so the readers could see and then I make a story that goes with the picture."

"Lazeez, that would make you fabulously rich but somebody would kill you later when their daughter ran off with a man or was caught in something that the father did not like."

"I would not do that."

"I know that but fathers would just use you because a way of venting their vengeance."

"I don't have to use my own name, do I?"

"Make the stories less erotic and the pictures should have the women not showing everything. The women and the men may like what you write. You can call them romance books."

"Could I really do that?"

"I guess but you have a lot of tasks to do for me first. By the way, I want to thank you for finding these people last night."

"I was only doing my duty."

"Nevertheless, you did a good job. Now draw some pictures."

On a whim, I checked the two men. Both of these had something in their rectums and it was not shit. A chamber pot was brought over and with my control of the body, the packages were expelled. The woman was treated too though but hers was only natural.

Before I left, I said, "Draw the tattoos on the men too. Keep them separate."

I was going to check the old men next but KhAvar said, "Would you check the children next?"

There were guards everywhere in the basement so I knew that Lazeez was safe. When I got to the door with the two guards in front of it I heard a small sound on the other side. There should be nobody able to gain their consciousness.

The two guards had been talking to each other and I wondered what I had done wrong. Patricia and KhAvar were sent away while I went to get my armour and arm some of the guards similarly. We came back fifteen minutes later and entered the room. Everything looked just like I had left it.

Lanterns were brought in and I started checking the older woman. She had trauma from various causes and she did not have a secret stored within her.

The woman of 20 was checked next. She not only had no surprise but she was pregnant. The fetus was only a few weeks old so it might be a surprise to her too.

The young girl looked cute but I had been tricked many times in my youth when we had war games. I was not going to take chances. She did not have any devices in her but she smelt of shit. I turned her over and looked at her anus. She could have farted but she could also have extracted something. The bottom of her feet had been whipped clean but there was still some dirt that should not be there. I looked at the floor and I was able to see one footprint that should matches hers beside the bed.

I said aloud, "You poor child." I turned her back over and put her comfortably as if she was my child.

The boy was next. He too smelt of shit. I turned him over and kept my hand on his back as I used my nose and my other hand to try to find the package that was so recently hidden.

I took this and had one of the guards put his hands on the back of the boy while I went back to the girl's bed. There was a short search but I found as similar package there too.

In a loud voice I said to the guards, "I need some shackles made for the children."

The guard was incredulous and said, "Wa... Yes, my lord."

"They are not asleep. They are very good at controlling their breath. Tell one of the others to bring me some sheets I can use to tie them up in the meantime."

"Yes, my lord."

The girl beneath my hand started to move but I only allowed so much and then pushed her down. I said, "I don't want you moving." The look I got back was not anything I had ever seen on a young girl's face before.

"I... I have to go pee."

"You can go in a few minutes."

"I need to go now."

I just ignored her and used some rags to bind her hands while I stayed away from her nails. I set her on a chamber pot and she did what she said she had to do. In a moment she had to do something more. I cleaned her up and then put her back on the bed. I checked her nails and her pinkies had the poison on them.

The nails were scrubbed and then alcohol used to clean them properly. I went over to the boy and tied him up as well. Both children had longer nails that children of this age would have. Both had the poison.

The comb was used again but the boy had nothing. The girl though had two long thin pins with a tinge of green at the ends.

I took the girl and threw her over my shoulder and told the guard holding the boy to do the same but treat them as if they were poisonous snakes. The guard was better trained than I thought because he did exactly what I wanted.

The girl went into a special room at one end of the house and we waited for the manacles to come. The girl was chained to a ring in the floor and the manacle went around one of her ankles. She had been crying like a baby all the time but I ignored her. When the door was shut it was also barred.

The guard looked at me reproachfully and I said, "Think of her as a poisonous snake. She will cry and pretend that she is sick or hurt. If you open that door without permission, you will never work for me again."

"I will only do as you order, my lord."

We walked further and put the boy down in a similar room then manacled his foot to the floor the same way. He was breathing rapidly so I knew he was awake. "You can stop fooling now. You are no more asleep than I am."

He continued with his act so I left but said the same thing to the other guard.

I checked the two young men and the two old men but they had no hidden packets of death. Each one was helped to fill the chamber pots then I went back to the room with the two women and did the same thing. All of them had been eating the same spice I was happy to know.

Each of my guests were questioned even if they professed to not know anything. Zan, the twenty year-old woman was shown a pantomime of me holding a baby and feeding the child at my breast. I then pointed at her. She violently shook her head no but I smiled and said, "Yes."

I got across the idea of a day then with my fingers I told her how far along she was. She shook her head no but I could see that she was saying this more to herself.

We communicated better in the next few days and part of it was because I indicated that I could terminate the pregnancy. When a week went by and I saw that she was trying harder or faking less I put my hand on her belly and sent a burst of endorphins through her as the fetus was dislodged.

She seemed cooperative and even more so when she found that she had a small loss of blood later.

The next few months were troubling. I had a wide range of ages and genders and I wanted information. I did not feel bad about inflicting pain on the Russian and the Jap but I did not want to do the same thing to the women or the children.

All eleven were given separate places to live and in most cases this was kilometres apart. Each person was exercised, fed, clothed, cleaned and questioned. I was given a lot of static about the children even after I told people how they had put poison up their ass to kill people later.

The men pretended to not know Latin but the one with Japanese features broke down as soon as Park had done. The Russian took a bit longer but he did not know much Latin. I brought a surly old Roman officer over and gave him the job of teaching the Russian how to speak. The Russian's name was Eslan and he had a great incentive to learn because I was the one giving the tests every week.

The young men were nothing more than boys. The older one, Nasim, did know Persian though it was a dialect. I treated him like a boy while I was a grown man and he seemed to come around with little coercion.

The Indian boy's name was Bali and he was actually 14 but nobody knew his dialect. The whole world was filled with major languages but the dialects spoken within a country was like a completely different language.

The two boys were put with the guards and they were trained as if they had joined us but they were always watched.

The two old men were at first a problem until I found an interpreter. The man had been born near Park but spoke a different tongue. The older man was Chinese too but from a different area. None of them could read so that method of communication was out. Most of the Chinese people read and wrote the same characters but they said the words differently.

The old Indian woman eventually gave her name as Abirami. She did not want to cooperate but I put her with the kitchen staff and she seemed to fit right in. Women could communicate well enough even if they did not understand the language.

Zan, the twenty year-old woman was very headstrong just like the one that came that night. I did not want to use pain but I reasoned that ultra kindness may do the same thing.

Park said that the older woman's name was Tai. She was the first one I found with the poison nails. The woman was kept in a hut with her own personal guard. At the moment they were out of sight but not out of range of a whisper. I sat at a small table and tried to appear less threatening. I was fairly sure the woman spoke at least some Latin but she refused to look at me. She had even tried to attack me when she figured she was able to fashion a weapon. She never got very far. She was good but weak.

She usually didn't speak to me at all but tried some times to let me think she was cooperating. At the moment she was sitting on her bed and glaring at me when I started to do what I did to my wives at one time. I spoke kindly to her and at the same time her clit began to make its demands on her.

The woman screamed at me but I just tried to play innocent the way she did. In a few minutes she was pawing at her own clit but I was not allowing her to come. She was trying to fuck her hand when I finally let her have what she sought. Then minutes later I did it again and again.

When I left the hut I told the guards, "The woman is very horny and she will slowly come down in a few hours. This will happen again and again. If anybody but me sets foot in that hut I will expel them from my property. Our Augustus will hear of this too. This is a serious matter and she has to be trained."

Twenty minutes later Zan succumbed the same way. She was even more difficult so I made sure she went through four earth shattering comes before I left.

The children were a difficult problem. They stayed in different wings of my home. The girl had tried to seduce me a few times. Her style was not like that of a girl that was imitating what she had seen. She acted like a woman that had done this many times.

I could at least talk to her and both her speech, diction, knowledge and intelligence said she was much older. I suddenly remembered Fidelis Marius words about a mage migrating into a young body. Everything clicked and I wondered how many of those around me were far older than they seamed.

That night I thought long and hard about the next step. The next day little Oppia got the same treatment as the other two girls. She stared me in the eye all the time as she pawed her small opening and clit. Her orgasms were not as great but she had just as many as the others.

Huang, the boy was next. He too tried to seduce me and talked in his high pitched voice in some Chinese dialect. Giving pain was not ethical because I was not sure yet as to how old the person really was. He did respond to my mental efforts and he began to masturbate as quick as he could. I kept up for four complete times and had to administer a healing because of the abuse he put himself through.

This went on twice a day and for five weeks. Huang came around first and spoke of love to me in Latin. He had to have his orgasms but I could question him in between. He was just as knowledgeable as Oppia but the person inside was not somebody I was happy to meet.

Zan was next. She claimed to want to do anything for me as long as I gave her what she wanted. Her knowledge did not suggest that she was a traveller but just a very hardheaded woman of this time.

Word was all over about me but at no time was I hiding behind doors. Patricia or KhAvar was invited to watch. They saw what I was doing but somehow wanted the pain instead of what I had done.

By the time all four had broke I was angry at everyone. Tutors were found so that some could help those learn Latin that needed it. I had to keep the women from climbing over the table to rape whoever came to teach them. It was only after I rewarded them for their efforts did they really start to learn.

Adults at this time had sex with children but very little was done about it. Usually the adult was ostracised in polite company. I had not touched any of the children and I was looked down on.

Oppia was brought to the house and placed in a large room where men and women questioned her.

She replied once, "I am a mage but something went wrong with an incantation and I was ripped from my body and placed into that of a child that lived a great distance away. It took me months to get back to my home and all I found was my old body rotting on the floor. It was an accident."

This I knew was a lie and I suspected that she had been around long enough to be one of Alexander of Macedonia's contemporaries.

One man asked, "How old are you when you add up all your years?"

"Fifty two. I was in the prime of my life when the accident happened."

Huang was questioned the next day and he answered more truthfully and said that he had migrated four times and was over two hundred years old. He knew what this meant but he knew that I would protect him. I had given my word.

Zan admitted to killing many people. Some were just to perfect her training but others were targets she had been aimed at by her masters.

Tai was much the same but claimed some Hunnish blood. This gave her a hereditary position as leader but it was her ruthlessness that kept her there. This of course meant that she killed many times and felt no remorse for doing so.

The questions and the responses had gone out over the phone lines. Amplifiers in Toronto spoke of the depravity of the four that the crowd was previously so concerned about.

On the next two sermons I made sure the crowds felt bad about the foolishness they had foisted onto me in the last two months.

The questioning continued but this was done in camera. I wanted a report on the Huns, the mages and how the mages were trained. All I had to do was point to a line of questioning and later reward some young women and some very old people living in young bodies.

Tai lay in the large room recovering from her last orgasm and stared at her spectators. I do not think she saw them, just me. I said, "Tell me again why you came here? Do not push the blame on the Huns. I have talked to the rest and so have these men and women. I want to hear not only what you were told but what you surmise."

Same as Proeliator
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Loving Roger By Adriana C It was as the dancing was coming to an end that I fell completely under the spell of my role. Roger and I had been having a great time together on the dance floor all evening. Well, since I lost my inhibitions and had allowed him to take control leaving me to abandon myself to the music and to simply respond to the movements of his body and the pressure of his arms. At first the heels and the long skirts were difficult for me. I never did really get...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 345

I drank two cups of very strong black coffee and emptied my holding tank. I expected to be pouring drinks into it for at least a few hours. I walked across the street carrying a six pack of canned cokes. I remembered that in my locker there was an almost full bottle of some kind of Irish Whiskey. The Irish Whiskey was a gift from someone I worked with now and then. Yeah him, I walked across the street and felt an eerie feeling as I crossed over the spot where I had almost bled to death. I...

4 years ago
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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 4

Bending over the manuscript on the lab counter, I tried to concentrate and yet again, I couldn’t. For the last week, I tried to hide in work. I tried to avoid Rory without being obvious. She busied herself going out with her girlfriends or having them over, the house full of laughter and brightness and music. Occasionally, when on her own, she’d knock on the office door mid-afternoon and finagle me into taking a swim with her when the sun was at its most intense. I did. I behaved. And we had...

2 years ago
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Sat in a bar

I was sat in a a bar with my boyfriend, we had drunk quite a bit and had beenfondling eachother through the night, he kept sliding his hand up my skirt and tugging my thong so it was ribbing against my now soaking wet clit. He walked me into a dark corner where he slid two fingers up my dripping wet pusssy and began to fuck me silly with his fingers, i could feel his throbbing hard dick against me. He pulled his fingers out my pussy and placed one in my mouth so i could suck off the juice. We...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 21 The Skate Babe Chat Harem

"Ah, Jesus, Warren, he's starting D-Lew again!" "Hmm. Must be a lefty on the mound for the Blue Jays." "Yeah. Wells." "Who we got?" "Arrojo. At least Offy is playing. Lewis is batting ninth." They were sitting in the Kelleher's living room-Peg, Jim, and Ellen, with Warren and Sophia. Warren's younger brother and sister had stayed outside. Sophia and Warren had turned on the Red Sox. "You're a Sox fan, Sophia?" asked Jim. "Big time," confirmed Sophia with a...

3 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 22 Two Cocks Score Hole In One

Introduction: We meet up with an old friend for some fun on a golf course. Sharing Cindy Chapter 22 Meeting Up With an Old Friend Any of you who have read the first couple of chapters of my tale, are familiar with my friend David. He was the first guy I had my wife (then girlfriend) show her body to. He was also the first person who I watched fuck her. He was from the neighborhood we had all grown up in and once we moved away we never lost touch, but we didnt see a whole lot of each other. ...

1 year ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 8 To Dance to Reality

AS WE started to rise to leave the dining room, a waiter immediately came over and told us with a whisper that a bombing raid was imminent, the air raid warnings had been sounded above ground and we wouldn’t be allowed to go upstairs to our rooms. I hadn’t realised until that point that the restaurant had been relocated in a basement. That is the problem with these lifts, I didn’t notice the number of floors we took going down. My excuse is that I was blinded by my ‘date’. Then I realised...

3 years ago
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Horny Couple ISS Author And Sensational Threesome

Hello guys, how you people are doing? Hope you are doing fine. Well, this is Rakesh, 22 years old cute lad. I have just got graduated and currently, I am in my hometown Kolkata. After my last post, I got a lot of good reviews. Some people liked the softcore experience. Among them was an old couple. Let’s call them Mona and Samuel. Samuel is a retired government employee and Mona is in her early fifties and working in a private sector. They were introduced to ISS through an Indian porn site and...

1 year ago
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Accidental Nude Day Noonie

Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck, unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed poolside seat.Two hours earlier:Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the foothills. Though...

4 years ago
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Joys of AccountingChapter 18

I released Marge's legs and now she was spread with feet flat and knees bent high. Her knees were perfect hand rests and I was able to lean back a little and balance with my hands. "Tammy come here, watch my dick plow your super asscunt mommie..." By now Marge was pushing a little with each stroke, not a lot but she had become a participant not a passive bystander. One look and Tammy turned and kissed me, kissed me as I cornholed her mother!"She whispered, "She likes...

2 years ago
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Butterscotch Part 5 The House of Ariadne

Diverting her attention momentarily from the road, Tamsin smiled at me . I had seen that smile before, it was full of comfort and reassurance. Not that I needed to be reassured but life with Tamsin was full of surprises and it had become increasingly obvious to me that she felt she always needed to prepare me for the next one.The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Luna Mills Luna Likes it in the Ass

Luna Mills came to clean Johnny Love’s house. Johnny was a funny dude, who kept filming her and when she wasn’t watching he was talking to the camera. But most of the time he kept filming her. Her beautiful body, her breasts, her ass. He made her clean in places that would make her stick out her tits or ass. Then he finally got to the point. He offered her money to clean naked. She refused. She was a good girl. So he offered more money for her to clean in underwear. That sounded like a plan....

4 years ago
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Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Slow And Steady Wins The Race Dear readers, this is a true story. I have always wanted to dress up a girl. However, apart from a few incidents in childhood, when I secretly wore my sister's or my mom's clothes, this has remained a secret fetish. When I met Salma, I never knew she could be the woman who could make all my dreams come true. We started dating in college and eventually married. She was the woman of my dreams. A petite, dusky beauty, who was never afraid to speak her...

2 years ago
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Mera Pyara Cousin Sister

Hi frnds mein just kuch dino se iss pe story padta hoon mein apko jo story batane ja rahoon o mera or mera cousin didi ka a darasal oh meri mausi ki beti a. Uska fig 34 32 36 uska age tab 24 ta or dhekne mein toda gora a or mera age 21 a. Ab mein story pe hata hoon har sal mein uska ghar jata hoon summer vacation pe aj s 2 sal phale jab mein unka ghar gaya ta toh uska ghar ka renewation o rahata toh hum log sab 3 room mein adjust hona pada 1 room mein mera mausa or masi dusre mein grand maa or...

1 year ago
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My College Roommates Mom

Before then we had developed a bond as partners in drudgery. College football on the level of playing for a ranked team, with some nationally televised games had a lot of pressure, was very tough and demanding, and not as much fun as I had anticipated. There was a free education involved, however, and being on the team made it a lot easier to keep my dick soaking wet for most of my 4 years. Mike had come from a town only about 80 miles from campus. His mom came to every home game and...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 5 from Preachers Daughter s

After fucking Pam before church that Sunday I had her as I wanted her, obedient.I would watch her on hidden cam and she knowing the cam was there, would give me shows as I directed her too.I told her that when the church was told about Jaimie be pregnant, I would act shocked and in a few weeks talk my wife Charlotte into letter my number #1 slut move in with me. Pam did not really like it, as she knew what all I would be doing to her beautiful pregnant daughter. I wondered if it might be some...

3 years ago
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Dirty Sex Lovers

Ye story lambi hai but ye itni masala wali nhi hai because its a real story aur aisa he hota hai most of to. I respect women& and their privacy they are not sex toys if you love them they will love u too. Mera aur meri friend ka name change hai because I love privacy and also respect privacy of my friend. My name is vmjay. My friend reshma age 26, not so sexy but height aachi thi around 5feet ;10, Body 34-30-34 almost fair means little dusky. Uske lips aache the thode mote the bahut he cute....

1 year ago
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White room

After years of careful construction and planning, you have finally finished your hidden bunker. You planned on abducting the sexiest whores you knew,and raping and torturing them. And you knew exactly who you wanted to start with....

2 years ago
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On this spring evening is weather is not cold, but we have the occasionally heavy showers. My doorbell rings and when I open the door I see Miriam, one of my students. She is not wearing a coat and is soaking wet. "Miriam, whats up?" I ask her. Her white blouse semi-transparent, sticking to her little budding titties. I have to force my self not to stare at her little erect nipples. "Mister R., I have a flat tire." She tells me with a pouty face. She is one of my favourites. Her...

1 year ago
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Internet Love

Teresa sat on the couch in front of the open deck door, glancing at the driveway every few seconds. Expectantly awaiting the arrival of her internet boyfriend, Wayne. They had met nearly a year previously through the chat room that they both frequented and through mutual friends. Teresa had been attracted to him from the beginning, but she was in an unhappy relationship at the time and Wayne was taken too. So she had put those kinds of thoughts to the back of her mind and concentrated on...

3 years ago
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Dont Blink

Don't Blink By Daphne DeYoung "Put that away, young man." You startle, surprised that someone would bother to comment on the vid on your screen. Okay, maybe surfing porn on the bus isn't the coolest thing you've done recently, but it's not like you were holding it up trying to show everyone, right? But no, some old biddy has to make a big stink out of it. At least her voice isn't that loud. Yet. "It's okay, lady, just look away." You glance up to see an ancient, stooped...

4 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 6 Leana

For three days their captors had herded them along without mercy. Leana and her companions struggled to keep moving, as they knew that to fall would be the end of them. Marda had already been lost, and the drogs had made it plain that they would not hesitate to slaughter any others who could not keep up. She, and the five others who were left, were harried along. Toll limped, and wore a rough bandage around his upper arm. Han appeared uninjured, but the others, Alta, Gert, and Bet, all bore...

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Reddit JOBuds, Jerk Off Buds, aka r/JOBuds! How many times have you been lying in your bed awake, horny, and wishing you had someone to interact with while you jerked off? Ideally, that would probably be a female, but what about the dudes that enjoy jacking off with other straight men? Hey bros, ThePornDude is inclusive of all kinks, and if you enjoy jacking it with other straight dudes while you watch straight porn, think straight thoughts, and help the two of you ejaculate like a good bro...

Reddit NSFW List
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Jennifer Capriati walks down the tunnel to the locker room, her head hung dejectedly after yet another loss. She mumbles to herself over and over again,"What's happened to Me"? Jen can't seem to figure out why she seems to have lost the edge over the other players she had just a year ago. She reaches her locker and dejectedly flops down on the bench in front of the row of lockers provided for the players equipment. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she begins to undress. "I can't...

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coming home to my SSBBW submissive

I'd walk in the door, and all you'd have on is a t-shirt. as I closed the door, I'd grab you by the neck and kiss you deeply, before you even had a chance to say "hi". As I forced my tongue into your mouth, I'd grab your ass and squeeze it so hard you'd try to squirm out of my grasp...but you cannot get away, and you cannot breathe. You pull your mouth off of mine to catch your breath and the moment that you separate your face from mine, I'd spin you around and bend you over. I'd deliver a...

2 years ago
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Seduces Friend8217s Sexy Wife Pragya On Her Birthday

Hello friends. Let’s start the story by giving you all a brief introduction about the characters. Amit – 28 years old, single guy, good physique, athlete, works out regularly, is a close buddy of Sunny. He is the best friend of Sunny. Sunny – 34 years old, married, good body and a little chubby. Pragya – 27 years old, married to Sunny. Her figure is 34b-28-36 with an amazing firm Bengali body with perky boobs. RECAP: Sunny and Pragya were married for 1 year. They were living a...

1 year ago
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Jakes Story Chapter 2

The following Saturday night I watched Jill get dressed in her tight black leather jeans, a black leather bustier, pearls and boots. She said she was going out dancing. She loves wearing leather and she knows I love to see her in it. She becomes a slut when she wears it, always has even from our earliest days of dating. Sex was always more frequent and better and it was that way until I started staying at the office until midnight every night. I hadn't seen her wear any in some time, so I knew...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Kiraydarni ko choda

Hi iss readers, this is my first time ke mai koi kahani likhne ja raha hoon. Yeh meri sachi kahani hai jo 8 months pehle ki hai. Mein ludhiana ka rehne vala hoon aur meri age 29 hai, height 5’11” hai. Maine school time se hi larkion ki taraf kafi aakarshit tha. Mere dost bhi mujhe apni kahaniyan sunate ki kaise unhone apni kiraydar ko choda ya kaamwali ko choda. Mein bhi chahta tha ki mein bhi kisi ko chodu. Kuch saal to aise hi beet gaye uske baad humne apne ghar pe second floor banaya usme do...

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One Satisfied Ass

I ventured into an adult store in Dayton, Ohio, not expecting much, but I walked out with very satisfied ass. This one had an assortment of sexy toys, and as a crossdresser, I enjoy shopping for lingerie and sexy things to wear in and out of the bedroom. But this store had a video arcade toward the back of the store. I love giving head in a video booth, so I thought I would see what this place had to offer. As with many adult arcades, you have the 'creepers'. Creepy guys that hang out in the...

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Reddit RandomActsOfMuffDive, aka r/RandomActsOfMuffDive! Have you ever just felt… thirsty? As in thirsty for some giving, instead of taking? Have you ever simped for pussy, is essentially what I am asking… Well, if you have, there is a special subreddit dedicated just to you, and it is called r/RandomActsOfMuffDive/. This is a place where all the givers can give, while the beauties get to enjoy the act of giving, usually with nothing to return… does that make any sense?Well, I shall get more...

Reddit NSFW List
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ABDL Adventure Online

CHYOA Computer Entertainment America Presents... ABDL Adventure Online! A Fantasy-Action-Scifi gaming experience never before seen and experienced by the adult-baby community! Get yourself diapered and live out your biggest fantasies, all from the comfort of your own home! Press START button for New Game Press SELECT button for Menu

2 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 40 Executing Carlys Plan Part II

So far, so good ... four days after we made our landmark decision, Carly and I were going great. Now I was about to find out about "her two projects" ... But on this Friday, I still needed to make a very important phone call North. I caught Vi in a good mood at the farm, but I absolutely had to tell her about the pact that had been made the weekend before. My dilemmas were many ... how could I carry out Vi's wishes without including Carly; how could I tell Carly that for several months,...

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The bathroom scene1

Hi friends ,this is safeer(not real name) here. I m frm kerala.I am a huge fan of ISS and my favorite section is the incest stories. I am very fond of BIRD(girls) WATCHING n the first thing i look in a girl when i meet them is their figure. Even if they r my friends, relatives or just a passerby girl/woman.just love 2 admire their ASSETS. I have a special attraction for elder middle aged woman as they r more mature n have better figure (i think).here i would like to share one of my personal...

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Her Breasts Are the Beginning Ch 02

He turned her and moved them so they were standing at the edge of the bed. With his lips still on hers, he leaned gently forward, laying her slowly on the bed. She moved her body up to rest her head on a pillow as he crawled up beside her. His head rested beside hers and they lay and looked into each others eyes. With one hand, he stroked the side of her face and brushed her hair out of her eyes. Occasionally, he would lean forward and softly kiss her lips. Their bodies told them that they...

2 years ago
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She Reminds Me Ch 01

(This is my first story submitted here. Please be gentle. I started this story several years ago. I wasn’t sure I was going to submit it. I want to thank TheKiss for helping me with my grammar. Any errors left behind are my own fault.) * The door opens letting in bright light and cheering, muffled slightly and coming from the stage. He walks into the dressing room, beads of sweat freckle his brow, and grabs a towel from a nearby rack. He’s dressed in a black suit, simple and plain, with a...

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For The Money by loyalsock

"Hey, everybody," Gene shouted, "watch this," just before in did a wild somersault off the diving board into his back yard pool!!! The rest of the crowd gave him a mock standing ovation and Tom called out, "I'd give that one a three and a half," and everyone roared with laughter and then went back to making conversation and nursing their drinks! It was the usual crowd, the four couples who had been fast friends since they moved into the subdivision twenty odd years ago. In the summer it was...

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JulesJordan Cherie DeVille MILF Super Slut Needs Manuel8217s French Cock To Fill All Of Her Holes

Cherie DeVille is back at JJV for another round of hardcore anal with Manuel Ferrara. Cherie teases us with her tight, toned body in sexy pink lingerie with black stockings, she knows she’s getting a big dick today and can barely contain her excitement. She pulls out a double-ended dildo and DP’s herself, getting her holes nice and wet, ready to get pounded. Manuel shows up and helps toy her holes before Cherie drops to her knees and starts sucking on his massive cock. This is some...

3 years ago
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A while back I was attending a convention in one of the best convention cities in America, San Antonio. Now, say what you want about the Alamo City, but I love good ‘ol San Antone is one of my favorite places. It’s mixture of Latino culture and military bases has made San Antonio a nice melting pot for Texas. In the past 15 years the city has ballooned and is bursting on all sides. The gay life here is hit and miss as far as I’m concerned; probably due to the born again ravings of a local...

3 years ago
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Lucy the Teenaged WifeChapter 4

"Do you like my figure, sir?" "Yes, of course. And, thank you for having dressed up very sexily, Lucy." "You are welcome, sir. You wife chose this outfit." "Yes, she is good at this. I'm glad that your top and pants are semi transparent... I'm able to see almost all of your young sexy body." "You like to see my body, sir?" "Yes, of course. I like your bra and thong... they are tiny and allow me to see a lot of your big boobs and hot loins. Thank you for wearing...

3 years ago
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Our first ass licking

We met online using a dating app on our phones. She said in her profile that she had a disability. That meant to me: I am missing a foot. Or it meant:I’m on Welfare. Her cute little face did not lead me to believe that she was that kind of girl, so when we got to chatting I went for it. I asked Laura out for coffee. I never brought up her disability and neither did she. I thought it would add tension or make it awkward so I just left it alone. I waited in the coffee shop while she was running...

2 years ago
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Sex Fantasy TV A Play Sixth Stab

Sex Fantasy TV, A Play Scene 1: A television studio set sometime in the future. Three couples are seated in front of the main TV camera. The show’s host is standing in front of them with a stage behind the host. On the stage are prizes for the contestants. A studio audience is observing the goings on. Characters: Peter Long: Sharply dressed middle-aged man. He is the host of the show. Debbie: Shapely, young woman in a sequined dress. She points to the prizes on the stage. The Announcer: Deep...

1 year ago
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We'd spent all day hiking in a park not far from her parent's house and had returned there to discover that her mom and dad were out on one of the riverboat casinos for the night. We sat down and watched a movie though I can't for the life of me remember what the movie was. It was almost 11 when the movie was over and I had a forty-five minute drive ahead of me so I got up to leave. She walked with me to the foyer of the house to let me out when I grabbed her and pulled her close to me. She...

3 years ago
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Girl gets fucked hard by 2 men

Girl gets fucked hard by 2 men I am a 22 year old girl weighed 56 kg and have long blonde hair. My name is Nancy. It’s a warm sunny summer afternoon. I lay on the terrace and sunning myself. While I had read a book while I noticed how there was a rustling in the bushes. I thought nothing of it at first, thinking it might be a cat, and read my book on. But again and again there was a rustling in the bushes, so I was intrigued, and then ran to the bushes. But I could not see. Put me back on...

2 years ago
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Selling my mouth

I've always had this fantasy about sucking strangers cocks for cash, whenever I masturbate I imagine taking someone in my mouth and having them use my mouth and tongue and then paying me for my services. I've spent many a night thinking about this as I've teased my clit to orgasm. On one particularly horny day, I'd been sharing my fantasy with a stranger online while I played with my pussy and he suggested that I actually do it. I was so turned on that I decided to post an ad on a popular...

Oral Sex
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Friendly Foursome

In my first story, called “Cards With Friends,” I introduced four couples - Jason and Stephanie, Tom and Sarah, Marcus and Cassandra, and Steve and Jillian. This is a follow up story to Cards, focused this time on two of the couples - (and if you haven’t read it, they are) Tom (an average white man in his early 30’s with an 8 inch long dick) and his wife Sarah, a petite asian woman in her late 20’s with very pointy nipples and a landing strip); and Marcus (an athletic black man in his late 20’s...

1 year ago
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CollegeSugarbabes Tasha Reign 25951

I won’t ever work the 9-5 job after I graduate college, and I’m living by that starting today. I’m meeting my soon-to-be sugardaddy Derrick. Upon our agreement, he’s going to pay me an allowance to hang out with him, show him my big tits and suck and fuck his cock like his wife never has. But nobody will know, because that’s part of the agreement. In exchange, he gives me spending cash and money for my sorority and our parties. My parents are already paying for my...

1 year ago
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Fivefive dollar five dollar femdom

I went to a well known sandwich shop, where i go to get SUB par subs. Anyway, it was getting late and i wanted to get a huge gross sandwich full of processed meat, eat it, then get blazed.I wasn't thinking about pussy, i just wanted my shit, but my sandwich artist was big fat slow, and really chatty. My slow mind finally comes around to the fact that she's flirting with me. She had a huge fat ass. Like four feet across. Her hips stuck out so far they made shelves fit for cup holders. Her tits...

3 years ago
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Reliving Old Memories

"Stay with me, Luke. I don't mind having a house guest." "Are you sure, Allison? We lived together for seven years, things happened, and then we went our separate ways. I know I can stay with a friend." "No, please, come here and just let me have someone to talk to in person. I have a couch for you to sleep on." "Okay, I'll be over tomorrow." "Already then, talk to you later, I love you." He stayed silent for a few seconds. "I love you too, Allison," he answered, before he hung up the phone. I...


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