Lowborn Ch. 06 free porn video

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The journey started pleasantly enough. The ladies of negotiable virtue chatted and laughed, still relating to each other the tales of their latest adventures and clients before leaving town. Indigo whistled as he drove the wagon, and even Raven seemed to be in good spirits as she hiked along, usually sharpening one of her daggers with a whetstone.

The sun was shining bright, but a breeze kept the temperature tolerable. The tall, tough grass of the prairie rippled in the wind, reminiscent of waves on a lake. The clomping of the horse’s hooves and creaking of the wagon provided a soothing cadence perfectly suited to a quick walk. An eagle keened overhead prompting Mindblind to look up at the majestic bird soaring effortlessly on massive wings.

That broke his good mood a little. The eagle was hunting, and there might very well still be people hunting them as well.

He jogged ahead in order to pass in front of the wagon and reach Raven on the other side. “Know anything about this Foxwood?”

“Just your typical town. Bigger than that hole we just left. There’s a small thieves guild there, so I’ll have to pay a courtesy call. Guilds don’t like lone wolves coming into their territory unannounced. Good way to get knifed while you’re sleeping.”

“Any chance we have enough money or barter to get a few rooms that aren’t flea infested?”

The thief offered a crooked grin. “I might be able to arrange something.” She nodded back toward the prostitutes following behind. “I can probably smooth things over with the local madame, too. They’ll need to check in, same as me.”

Mindblind let out a grunt and glanced over his shoulder when he heard one of the women say something he couldn’t make out. As he’d suspected from her voice, it was Yani, and she appeared to be talking to herself.

“She okay?”

The briefest flash of pain crossed Raven’s features, and her voice was far softer than normal when she answered, “I don’t know.” After a few more steps, she expanded, “I made sure Yasmine knew how to reach me, and that’s why I was in town to begin with. She thinks Yani’s getting worse.”

“Could just be all that’s happened.”

“I wish. She was getting weirder even before that night. It takes more of the tea every few months to keep her from going wild.” She shook her head, tossing her short, dark locks, and growled. “I really don’t want to talk about this right now.”

Thinking that she wasn’t going to be able to avoid the issue much longer, Mindblind gave in to her wishes and changed the subject. “How long until we get there?”

“Couple hours before dark. There’s a creek where we can wash some of the stink off before we go into town, too. I know the guildmaster, so I can probably charm him into helping watch our backs. Did him a few favors here and there.”

“What about the law? We’re not exactly an inconspicuous bunch.”

“They’ll probably harass us at the gate and follow us until we check in with the guild and the madame. They’re on the take from both of them, so that should shake them off us.”

Indigo called out from where he sat, driving the wagon. “Ho, friends. My stomach is growling like a wild dog.” When Mindblind and the thief turned to look back at him, he pointed to a spot ahead where a couple of trees broke the monotony of the plains. “A little shade as we dine?”

Raven shrugged. “May as well. Wish we’d bought a cask of that beer before we left, to wash it down.”

“Probably have charged us an arm and a leg for it. He was damn near weeping from how his business was going to go to hell once we left.”

“Need to make Yani’s tea, too,” Raven said under her breath. “It works better when she drinks it hot.”

Mindblind grunted and turned back to Indigo once more. “Pull it off there and we’ll break out some chow.”


Around an hour after eating and resuming their journey, Mindblind looked to the horizon to see the end of a pleasant day approaching.

The wind turned chill, hitting the wagon and those who walked beside it like an icy hammer. Ahead, a wall of roiling darkness streaked with lightning approached – relentless and inevitable.

The wagon rolled to a stop next to Mindblind, and Indigo remarked, “I do not like the look of this weather, my friend.”

“That makes two of us,” Mindblind grumbled, scanning the landscape.

Some distance off the road stood a small stand of scraggly trees. The amount of lightning he’d already seen dissuaded him of any notion of using the trees for cover. Otherwise, only the brown ribbon of the road broke the monotony of a sea of prairie grass.

Breathing heavily, those prostitutes who weren’t currently riding in the wagon found the most comfortable spots they could and sat down to rest. Considering none of them were used to spending much time outside of a bed – let alone walking cross-country – they were keeping up gamely.

Turning to Raven, he asked, “Any place we can get out of the weather between here and town?”

The dark-haired thief shrugged. “Not that I know of. There’s farmsteads spread out everywhere, but I haven’t seen any in an hour.”

Mindblind growled, “Son-of-a-bitch.” The storm looked especially violent, even for the plains, where such weather was common. In addition to the obvious threat of the lightning, it could be bringing dangerous straight-line winds, hail, or even spawn a tornado.

Seated atop the wagon, Indigo peered off into the distance, his eyes narrowing. After a few moments, he stood up.

“You see something?” Mindblind asked.

“I am not sure. It appears to be a small, square hill.”

“Probably a barbarian burial mound,” Raven scoffed as she climbed up onto the wagon.

Mindblind stared off toward where Indigo was gazing, but all he saw was the hip-high grass spreading out in every direction.

Raven reached into one of the numerous pockets and pouches secreted in all of her clothing and retrieved a small spyglass. Upon extending it, she lifted it to her eye and tracked it back and forth in a methodical way. Suddenly she stopped and let out a hmm of discovery.

After a few seconds of scrutiny, she dropped the spyglass and said, “I’m not sure, but I think there’s an old turf house out there in a shallow valley.”

Looking up at the storm, which was approaching with alarming speed, Mindblind asked, “Think we can make it?”

“If we run like hell. May not be much of it left, if that’s even what it is. The grass growing on it looks almost as tall as the shit growing around it.”

“Even part of a wall is better than being out here in the middle of the damn road.” He turned to the women within and around the wagon. “You’re all going to have to run. Once that wagon’s off the road, the less weight on it, the better. Otherwise, you all might be walking tomorrow.”

“Let’s go,” Raven yelled, and leaped down from the wagon to sprint toward the distant structure.

Having gained a little respect for the hardships of the road – and a great deal of same for the half-breed warrior and nimble thief who led them – the women gathered up their skirts and ran. Indigo turned the wagon off the road, clucking his tongue and flipping the reins to urge a burst of speed from the horse.

After one last, lingering look at the approaching storm, Mindblind cinched up a strap on his armor and brought up the rear. His long, muscled legs ate up the distance, even through the tall grass, and he soon passed the wagon.

One of the prostitutes stumbled, vanishing into the grass, which was now bending before a steady gale. He planted his foot hard upon reaching her, coming to an abrupt stop, and grabbed her arm, jerking her back to her feet.

“C’mon. We’ve got to run.”

Though the brunette – he dimly remembered that her name was Cammie – winced, she nodded and took off into a hobbling jog. As the wagon passed him once again, Mindblind could tell that the prostitute had twisted her ankle, at the least. She cried out in pain after twenty feet or so, nearly dropping to her knees in the grass again.

“I can make it,” she said as he jogged up next to her.

Seeing the tears streaming down her cheeks and the unmistakable grimace of pain, he shook his head. “No, you can’t.” Without further comment, he squatted down, scooped her up into his arms, and started to run again.

Ahead in the distance, Raven waved the other women toward what was undeniably a turf house, which he could see had at least two intact walls and a roof. As Raven had mentioned, the grass growing on the roof of the rude structure was nearly as tall as that on the prairie surrounding it. If it had survived long enough to sprout that growth, it should last through one more storm.

He was still a fair distance away when the first sprinkles – if drops large enough to sting bare skin could be called that – started falling. The wagon, upon which he had been closing, surged forward with a fresh burst of speed, bouncing on the uneven terrain and whipping long strands of tough grass that had tangled in the wheels.

Grunting from the effort, Mindblind quickened his pace. Errant drops turned to sheets of horizontal rain slamming into him, soaking one side of his body while the other remained dry – if not for long. Cammie clung to his neck, whimpering with every one of his hard footfalls from the bouncing of her turned ankle.

Lightning flashed in the descending darkness, and booms of thunder set off shockwaves he could feel. Still, he pressed on, the turf house looming larger as the wagon turned to pass in front of it. A stinging jolt in his shoulder marked the first pelting of hail. The icy stones plunged down, hissing through the grass and thudding into the earth below. Putting his head down and leaning over the woman in his arms as best he could, Mindblind ran for shelter.

“Lovely weather,” Raven shouted over the wind as he came to a stop in front of the turf house.

Mindblind stooped down and said, “Get inside,” to Cammie. “Help her,” he called to the other women inside the low doorway of the earthen structure, before spinning to help Indigo, who had jumped off the wagon to lead the horse by hand. All the while, the hail – now the size of acorns – continued to relentlessly hammer into them.

“Get in here, dammit,” Raven yelled. “Forget the damn horse.”

“There,” Indigo shouted, pointing toward another low earthen structure Mindblind hadn’t noticed. Similar in construction to the turf house, it had a wider, taller, open doorway, and must have served as a stable when the place was still inhabited.

Giving a nod and wincing as a hailstone slammed into his temple, he growled to the horse, “Come on, ya damn nag,” and pulled hard on the frightened animal’s mane.

Though it whinnied in protest, the horse moved forward, and seemed to eventually understand that protection from the hail lay ahead. It increased its pace, and another pull on its mane encouraged it to duck under the doorway.

The weather continued to batter the wagon, but there wasn’t enough room to turn it. Indigo went to work on the harness, and Mindblind assisted him on the other side. Once the horse was free, it wandered away to the far side of the structure.

“Gotta push it in far enough to keep the supplies from getting pounded,” Mindblind said, and then climbed through the narrow opening between the seat and the wooden doorframe, as barely a hairs-width of space remained on the sides.

Indigo’s boots splashed to the earth only moment’s after Mindblind’s. The pair grunted in exertion, digging their heels into the earth, and pushed the wagon until its shafts bumped into the opposite wall. Still being pelted unmercifully by icy missiles that were growing larger, the pair ran for the turf house, where Raven stood just inside the doorway.

“Hurry up so I can close this fucking door!” she screamed, then cried out and snatched her arm back when a hailstone half the size of an apple grazed her hand.

Once the pair skidded to a halt inside, Raven slammed the warped portal shut and slapped a makeshift wooden bar into braces designed to hold one when the house was occupied. She turned to Mindblind and said, “You’re bleeding.”

He knitted his brow, feeling a sting as Raven reached out and swiped a finger across his forehead. Sure enough, it was stained with blood when she held it up in front of him. He shrugged, wiped the blood off with his hand, then onto his pants, and surveyed the scene.

Other than a spot right in front of the door, the packed earth floor was dry – covered in loose dust and assorted detritus from the outdoors. The interior was a single room, probably partitioned off into sections at some point in time by blankets. A layer of clay spread over the interior walls kept the water from seeping in, and the roof wasn’t leaking – yet. A thick, milky piece of oddly-shaped glass, probably scavenged from somewhere and built directly into the house during construction, provided the only natural light.

Some type of small lamp did flicker in the corner farthest from the door, though. Two women had hiked up Cammie’s skirt, removed her shoes, and unbuttoned her dress, tending to her bruises from the hail and her swollen ankle as best they could.

Raven rubbed her finger over an angry purple spot on his arm and said, “You two should probably let someone check you out, too.

“Just bruises. I’ll live.” He looked up, listening to the thumps on the thick sod roof, supported by beams of precious timber and baked clay struts. A blinding flash through the window preceded a crash of thunder that shook the whole structure and the very ground.

“The gods surely smile upon us, to have provided shelter against such fury,” Indigo mused.

Probably just part of a cruel joke that’ll have the place fall down on our heads later, he thought. A few steps brought him to the window, revealing grass beaten down and broken by hail, the stones littering the ground outside like gravel. More than a few were large enough to brain a man, streaking from the sky as if shot from a sling. A strangely discordant sound caught his attention near the window. Leaning in closer, he turned his ear toward the glass and listened.

He heard it again, a hollow crack that sounded more like the stones striking wood than earth. Quieter, but also audible now that he was concentrating, there was a low clank every so often.

Apparently having noticed him tense, his body shifting into danger mode, both Raven and Indigo approached.

“What is it?” Indigo asked.

“Tell me if you hear anything,” Mindblind instructed, and then stepped away from the window.

“There is something… There. The ice is falling on something solid – that does not give. The wagon?”

“Let me in there,” Raven demanded, edging the Draxnian away from the window. After only a few seconds, she said, “Wood and metal. Someone’s out there.”

“Gettin’ the shit pounded out of them, and close.” Mindblind whirled on the women, keeping his voice low. “Get away from the walls, as far from the door and the window as you can. Put out that light. Stay quiet.”

“At least they can’t burn us out,” Raven grumbled as she drew both a long-bladed fighting dagger and a lighter one for throwing. “A dragon couldn’t set this heap of soggy earth on fire right now.”

“It could be other travelers,” Indigo suggested, though he didn’t sound remotely convinced.

Raven shook her head. “We’d have seen them. Someone was shadowing us, and they either weren’t close enough or ready when we bolted for here. Fuck! I should have known.”

“Well, like you said, they can’t burn us out, and I don’t think there’s a crossbow made that would go through these walls with any force. Wedge ‘em up in the doorway?” Mindblind drew his sword.

“A good plan, if they are foolish,” Indigo said, his blade already in hand. “All of our food is in the wagon. They need only wait, and it is we who will find the door our bane.”

Raven squeezed the hilt of her dagger tight. “Shit, shit, shit! I hate places with no back doors.”

“We gotta go now,” Mindblind said, confirming the conclusion his companions had already reached.

Raven suggested, “They’re probably hunkered down. What we’re hearing is probably the hail slamming into shields held overhead.”

Mindblind gestured toward the door with his sword. “Get out of here, bar the door behind us, and try to figure out where they are?”

“I’ll do it,” Raven said as she sheathed her daggers. “You two are about as subtle as this fucking storm. I find them, and you two keep your mouths shut and swords out of the hail. They hear ringing metal, and we’re fucked.”

Kayleen approached, looking a little ashen. “I’ll bar the door. Some of us still have knives.” She glanced back over her shoulder and added in a whisper, “Not Yani.”

Mindblind glanced at Raven and knew the thief was thinking the same thing he was. If they failed to return, the women might be better served to use the knives on themselves, at least earning a clean death.

Contrary to the look that had flashed in her eyes, her voice was calm when Raven said, “Good girl. Keep them quiet, and keep them calm.” She then glanced at Mindblind and Indigo. “Let’s go.”

Thanks to the force of the wind, the turf house provided a narrow measure of protection from the hailstones that still pelted down. Mindblind could immediately tell that the onslaught was slowing, however. The thumping of ice balls on wood was coming from somewhere to the rear of the structure, the direction from which they’d dashed toward it, not long ago. Raven guided him and Indigo to lean close together.

“Hail’s probably the only thing keeping them pinned down. Once that’s gone, we’re going to lose the chance to jump these guys. We’ve got to move fast once I find them.”

Braving the beating she was sure to get, the thief then dashed into the sea of grass around the house and vanished. The wind whipping the grass masked any hint of her passing. Keeping their swords as close to the sod walls as possible while also maintaining readiness, the pair waited for her return, or a sign.

She emerged from the grass between the house and the earthen stable a couple of very long minutes later, her arms covered in purple dots from the hail.

“They’re just this side of the path the wagon beat down, and about twenty yards out. I think there are three of them, hiding under one shield. Get on the opposite side of the wagon path and move fast. Stay quiet, but the wind should help. You’ll know when to move.”

As soon as both men nodded, She turned and made another ghostlike disappearance into the grass. Mindblind and Indigo left the relative safety next to the turf house and braved the stinging hail.

Moving in an uncomfortable, ape-like crouch, Mindblind kept his sword close to his body to avoid any of the ice balls – already fewer and farther between – from striking the metal weapon and sounding an alarm. Smaller of frame and lighter on his feet, Indigo soon outpaced him, little more than flashes of movement ahead in the whipping prairie grasses.

Only a few scattered thumps marked the end of the hailstorm as he guessed he was near where the men had hunkered down. One thudded into the distinctive sound of wood, marking the targets just ahead and to the right. Indigo waited, his sword now held at the ready and his feet under him, ready to spring into action. Leaning a little closer to the path the wagon had beaten down, Mindblind could barely see the upraised shield sinking back down below the top of the grass.

A bit-off cry of pain let him know it was time to move. He crashed through the grass, Indigo at his side, just as four men stood up, weapons at the ready. Three of the Draxnians were wiry men who held their weapons with cool confidence, eyes locked on Mindblind an his companions. That and Raven’s throwing dagger sticking from the side of one of the assassins instead of a more vital spot spoke of skill to be reckoned with.

The fourth was a mountain of a man, sporting a black beard – almost bear-like in appearance – easily as tall as Mindblind and more muscular. It was he who bore the shield, and carried a sword that most men would need to wield in two hands. He swiped it through the air and announced, Kill them, in Draxnian, his booming voice easily overcoming the howling wind.

Steel clashed on steel, and Mindblind instantly knew that this opponent was far more skilled than the last assassin he had faced. Those of lower standing had failed, and so the best of the guild’s murderers had come to finish the job. These were men trained to kill from the shadows, but prepared to take out their mark with main strength, should the necessity arise.

Mindblind disengaged from the assassin’s first attack, put on the defensive by a flurry of blows. Training and adrenaline took over, bringing his sword into line and compensating for his lack of a shield, which he’d tossed into the wagon before stopping to evaluate the approaching weather. Though the hail had stopped, horizontal rain continued to fall, obscuring vision and making the grips of weapons slippery.

Though his opponent was faster, and perhaps more skilled, the killer seemed wary of Mindblind’s reach and obvious strength. He kept his blade moving, never locking weapons for more than a fraction of a second. Mindblind immersed himself in the flow of the battle, his sword moving to parry on pure instinct, and to strike when an opportunity presented itself.

When the assassin’s blade tangled in the hardy, blowing grass for the tiniest fraction of a second, Mindblind was ready. He thrust, forcing the murderer back, and took advantage of his longer reach to keep the man at bay. With the tables turned, his greater strength also helped to tip the scales.

A death cry sounded out, and the assassin facing Indigo dropped to the ground, sliding off the handsome Draxnian’s blade. Mindblind barely had time to take note of it in his peripheral vision, as he had to keep up the pressure on his opponent. Grunts of pain and exertion mingling with steely hisses marked the battle between Raven and the last of the men.

The mountain of a man, who had stood aside since the outset of the battle, leveled his sword at Indigo, booming out something in his own language that carried a note of command.

“Do not call me your countryman, murderous dog. Your men killed my brother. Prepare to die.”

Despite his pronouncement, Indigo could do little more than dance around the big man, seeking an opening while staying away from swipes of the killer’s massive sword. His own slender weapon was no match.

Once again, the prairie provided an opening for Mindblind. The assassin’s stumble was momentary – almost unnoticeable – but instinct and the heat of battle caused it to play out in Mindblind’s eyes as if happening in slow motion. His arm already moving for a diagonal strike, he threw caution to the wind, leaning in, and adding the weight of his muscled frame to the blow.

The assassin’s blade moved into position, angled to deflect, but it wasn’t enough. The force of the blow slammed the weapon into his chest, cutting in. Mindblind’s sword continued on, slicing into the man’s neck. A fountain of blood and a gurgling cry preceded the killer vanishing into the grass.

A third body disappeared, as if swallowed by the earth, and Mindblind saw Raven whirl toward where Indigo faced the leader of the killers. Her arm whipped, and a dagger tumbled through the air with deadly accuracy toward the man’s neck.

A flash of blue light erupted from a metal adornment on the man’s shield, and Raven’s dagger stopped mere inches from his skin. Before anyone could process the introduction of magic into the battle, the dagger reversed its course, speeding toward Raven. She dived out of the way, but screamed in pain, and didn’t rise above the surface of the swaying grass.

Snapping his head to the side to dislodge water droplets clinging to his nose, Mindblind charged into the battle. Indigo was too hard pressed, so he had to trust that Raven would take care of herself. The big Draxnian laughed when Mindblind’s first strike, a mighty overhand blow, ricocheted off the air. Once again, the ornament on the murder’s shield flashed blue.

Mindblind knew they were in trouble. Though having a two-to-one advantage should have swayed the fight in their favor, the magic of the shield was nullifying their numbers. Whenever one of them took advantage of an opening created by the other, the blow never reached its intended target.

Time and time again, Mindblind slashed, stabbed, and hacked at the Draxnian, to no avail. Indigo danced on light feet, his sword whipping out to strike like a viper, but having no more effect than Mindblind’s savage blows.

The bear-like Draxnian swung his sword in wide arcs, chuckling as the extended reach of his sword forced both men facing him to dance back. Mindblind and Indigo were tiring from having already faced a battle, and from the constant need to move. The ground was steadily growing more slippery as booted feet stomped the grass down into the mud amidst the torrential rain. Their opponent simply stood with his feet planted, trying to mow them down, and occasionally advancing when they retreated.

He didn’t hear it sailing through the air, but Mindblind certainly saw the dagger when it stuck dead center in the Draxnian’s shield. The big man’s laughter abruptly ceased, and his gaze flickered to his shield in alarm. With no time to contemplate what it meant, Mindblind deflected a hasty strike of the giant sword. As it had dozens of times before, Indigo’s sword stabbed in directly on the heels of the attack against his newfound friend.

This time, it drew blood.

The wound was little more than a scratch in the killer’s side, but that it had reached him at all was telling. The murderer went on the defensive, raising his shield and swiping his sword to force a retreat. Mindblind only took a half-step back, angling his sword and bracing, sending the strike high. He immediately smashed his sword into the killer’s shield, resulting in a satisfying thud of steel on wood.

Ducking under a hasty and poorly aimed defensive strike, Indigo darted in and stabbed upward. His fine sword slipped into the killer’s neck, releasing a fountain of blood and a sputtering wheeze of air.

“My brother is avenged,” Indigo declared, and then withdrew his sword, flourishing the weapon as he stepped back.

The huge sword fell from nerveless fingers, landing with a plop on the muddy ground below. The killer lifted his trembling hand toward his punctured windpipe, but never achieved his goal. Blood pouring down his neck and shirt, he collapsed into a heap.

“Raven!” Indigo shouted over a crash of thunder.

Mindblind whirled on the spot where he’d last seen her, but saw only rain and grass. A groan, barely audible over the wind, sounded from another quarter.

Indigo pointed, “There.”

A flash of lightning illuminated something in the grass near where Raven had dived from the deadly flight of her own dagger. Mindblind yelled, “Check it out. I see something over there.”

Indigo nodded and headed toward where he’d heard the sound.

After only a few steps, Mindblind knew that what he had seen was the thief. “She’s here – down,” he yelled.

“One of the assassins lives, but not for long,” Indigo called back.

Mindblind knelt down next to Raven, but she didn’t acknowledge him. When he rolled her onto her back, he saw the slash in her pants, high on the thigh. Blood darkened the cloth and stained the grass.

“Fuck,” Mindblind cursed under his breath, and scooped her up in his arms. Though weary from the battle, he ran toward the turf house, hoping to get Raven out of the weather and somewhere he could see her wound better. The thief bounced limp in his arms, apparently unconscious, and he could feel the warmth of her lifeblood dripping from his knuckles.

He knew that few who took a wound so serious stayed above ground for long. If nothing else, he was determined to get her inside, where she at least wouldn’t die alone in the mud. And so, he ran with his burden, hope washing away in the torrential rain.

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It had been years, 4 to be exact that we had played this game. A twisted little tennis match with each others hearts. Starting and stopping again before we ever managed to make it clear to the other how we felt. It had caused casualties on both sides, prevented me from being happy and making any attempts he made at relationships crash and burn. But maybe all our past had been a road, a road to where I now found myself, standing, shaking, my hand on the polished brass door knob that lead to so...

4 years ago
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Daddys Girls Chapter 15 A Natural

“Mm-hmm.” Becky stopped stroking her dad’s cock to grasp his left hand, pulling his wrist until his fingers made their way under the waistband of her silky panties. She pushed his hand into her sopping gash and heard him gasp as soon as his fingers made contact with the downy fur atop her soaked slit. “Touch me, Daddy… See? Can you feel how wet you made me?”Bill rolled further toward his daughter, sticking his rough fingers into her dripping pussy. “Oh, Rebecca, baby, you ARE wet.”“I get wet...

1 year ago
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CSI Cunt Scene Investigations

Some say (and I wholeheartedly agree) that it is the most well policed county in the state. I keep this town safe with an iron will, and, an iron cock. There are a lot of things that go on behind closed doors that aren't made public- like our unorthodox methods for getting information out of prisoners. You know what they say: a bit of cum goes a long way, and no crim hasn't buckled yet after our top-secret, 10 hour long bukkake sessions. If 10 hours isn't enough, just rinse and repeat. I...

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MotherDaughter ModelsChapter 10

Scott was on his sixth cup of black coffee when the phone rang. After a virtually sleepless night punctuated with restless pacing about his apartment and energetic tossing in the bed, his nerves were on edge. The shrill ringing of the telephone made his hand shake. He picked the instrument up and listened to Harry Halliday's secretary rattle off two short sentences. He was to be in Harry's office at eleven o'clock and Mr. Halliday wondered if he'd mind wearing a suit and a tie. A suit...

3 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 24

Harry was almost right. No sooner had the Annette put the telephone down than Deborah flung herself into Richard's arms. "Oh, darling, I'm so happy for them. After all this time. Eileen was right. Something happened after the accident and now they're obviously sleeping together. Finally, she's thrown off the effect of that bloody man." "And has picked up a quite outstanding young man. I can't imagine any other one waiting so long and patiently as he has." Deborah nodded against...

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Northern Lights

“Chase! So glad you’re here. Meet your shadow Chloe!” When she turned around, three words went through my mind: oh… my… god. She was this tall beautiful girl. She was about 5”10, with long blonde hair that went just atop her shoulders, blue swimmable eyes, and an athletic hourglass figure that perfectly complimented her personality. How did I get so lucky? “Hi Chloe, I’m Chase,” and I held out my hand. “Hi Chase, nice to meet you,” and she shook my hand. “Awesome. Glad you guys are...

4 years ago
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watching my wife taking cock on holiday in turkey

I will start this by saying this is 100% true and happened in September 2019 whilst on holiday in Marmaris, Turkey, at the hotel we were staying at, it was opne of the best moments of my life and i remember every second in detail as if it was yesterday.So lets start with my wife, she is 43 had two offspring so a bit of a belly but still slim and a good pair of tits her pussy is still tight as both were c-section, not the best lover i have been with but affairs have always sorted that problem...

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Grimm Tales Snow White

‘It’s late, Jacob, and you promised me a bed time story. Did you forget?’ Jenny’s lips formed a petulant pout, somehow managing to look alluring. Perhaps it the way the light illuminated the outline of her nubile body through the sheer nightgown she’d attired herself in. Or perhaps it was the manner in which she stood, hands behind her, most likely clasped in a submissive pose. Seated in the leather armchair in the study, a thick manuscript upon his lap, Jacob regarded his wife with a warm...

2 years ago
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Showing Off Her Gold Jamie Sale

Jamie Sale' -- you may know her best as one-half of the Canadian Gold Medal pairs figure skating team in the last Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. But, if that's all you know about Jamie, you don't know the half of it. She's also one of the hottest, sexiest and boldest babes in the history of international and Olympic figure-skating competition. How so, you might ask?? Well, if you've ever looked at FHM magazine, you should know the answer to that question and if you don't, check it out...

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A New Mind Ch 02

This is a new work of adult fiction. If you are a minor (under the age of 18) or are offended by reading about sexual acts please do not continue. This fictional work contains instances of mind control, sexy lingerie, pantyhose, cross-dressing, lesbian and bi-sexual acts, public exhibition, mild discipline and public embarrassment, mild body modifications through piercings and or tattooing, group sex, transvestites, role reversal, and other sexual conduct. If you are offended by any of those...

2 years ago
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It all started with my sis catching me jacking into a pair of her panties. She had a cell pic of me before i knew she was there, and having threatened to show it to mom/dad I really had no choice but to ask what she needed to ensure her silence. She started with an over the knee spanking on my bare ass. Well, she's a girl and younger than me, how bad could that be, right? She neglected to mention she intended to use a hairbrush. She didn't stop until i was sobbing and blubbering like a little...

4 years ago
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Help from my sister 19

We both just relaxed for a few minutes. We just had sex and with Judy being pregnant, she always needed a couple more minutes to relax afterwards. So I let her relax for a couple more minutes. Then I got up and dressed. “Are you in a hurry or something?” Judy asked. “No, just getting dressed. There's a lot of different things we can do while we're here besides have sex. We can go to the pool, get something to eat here or somewhere else if we want. What ever we want. But no rush sweetheart. It's...

2 years ago
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RebootChapter 15

The municipal court building was a renovated warehouse on the east side of Geneva, away from the beautiful center of the city. Only civil court judges worked in the building. Without criminals or the need for a jail, security consisted of two guards at the front entrance, looking bored. Standing behind a table, they asked everyone to open their bags and they stuck a stick inside and swirled it around once looking for small weapons, knives and such. Handguns in urban areas had been banned for...

2 years ago
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Weekend Surprise Part One

The long day was finally over and it was Friday. The entireweek was a tough one and I was glad that I could finally just relax at home and do nothing. That is, if my children didn’t demand too much of my attention. My kids were fifteen and eleven years old and usually a real joy to be around. Today, though, I just wanted to veg. “Bye, Frank.” Wearily I waved to the night security guard as I walked through the lobby area. “’Night, Natalie. Any exciting plans for this weekend?” “Yes....

3 years ago
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Medical Home Health Nursing Fetish

Medical, nurses, catheters, and Geriatric Home Health Care is my favorite role playing theme. The best way to have clean dirty pig play.I had a friend. we both had breathing and other medical problems. We had tons of supplies. We had both had had and no longer needed nurses coming to see us.We started having sex while we were both still on oxygen. We started doing Albuterol breathing treatments before sex because we needed to breath better. Turned out the speed rush is better and last longer...

3 years ago
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My Niece I Part 2

I worked hard that day, but my mind was racing with what had happened with my niece. Fuck, she and I made out on the couch and she gave me a great blowjob, but what was to happen next and did she or I want more. I had stopped for a break when my phone rang, it was Ashleigh. “Hi there” she said, “working hard?” “Yeah, but just having a drink. What’s up?” I replied. “Mum wants to know if you would like anything special for dinner”? “You would be nice” I laughed. “Ha ha, maybe for...

4 years ago
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Saturday Night At Magees

For those who've been kind enough to ask, anther story of Simon's bar. This story may be posted to any free site. Saturday Night at Magees by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 It was a busy night at Magees. Saturday is always a busy night for a bar. People want to be with other people. They can relax because they don't have to go to work the next day. For some, it's the chance to be with friends. Others are doing the preliminaries of meeing and mating. A few just like to...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Sawyer Cassidy Mina Moon We Promised We Wouldn8217t

Mina Moon arrives at her best friend’s house to hang out but is greeted by Sawyer Cassidy instead, who is another member of the family. As soon as their eyes meet, the sexual tension between them is clear as day. Mina is flustered as she asks where her bestie is, only to be told that she’s running late. Not wanting to be alone with Sawyer because of the unspoken chemistry between them, she offers to wait in the car but Sawyer invites Mina in instead. Although Mina is nervous, she...

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Seeing is Believing

I would love to say that the weirdest day of my life was the day I met her, but I would be lying if I did. I can still remember everything about the day, I was running through the park like it was any other day. It was a cold day as far as September goes, I make sure to exercise every day to keep myself in shape and happy. I was doing pretty well that day not tired yet, although I was thirsty. So I stopped at one of the park’s drinking fountains, when I looked up that’s when I saw her. She was...

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DorcelClub Zaawaadi Jayla De Angelis Love Sex

Bella & John are directors and they want to develop the subject of love and sex within a couple. So, they would like to hear the opinion of famous people to know a little more about the place of sex in a couple. For the first day of shooting, they receive the rock star Jayla De Angelis and an Olympic champion, the beautiful Zaawaadi. After confiding in Bella & John about their lives, they come back to the main subject, sex and fantasies of each. The two women, have for fantasy the actor...

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sexy secretary friend

black stockings/tights,high heels,greying hair & immaculate make-up,"come in,you must be David, Susans told me all about you" "all good i hope" i replied,"oh yes ,she says your very good" i felt myself blushing at this as she lead us into the lounge & poured us some wine,"could you do me a favour?"Glenda asked"the dog has gone out into the garden & won't come in & as you can see i'm not really dressed for traipsing around out there,would you go & get it in for me please?" o.k. i...

4 years ago
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Our Daddys BakeryChapter 6

My night shifts were over, but I wanted to be the one to take Josh to school for his first day of kindergarten, so I swapped shifts this one day. There was no problem at all when we reached his room. All of the friends his age were there. The room was ringed with concerned parents, waiting to see how things were going to go with the kids as the teacher introduced herself. I watched Josh and when I saw that he was okay with being in school, I stopped into the Dollar Store to tell Mary that...

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Wifes Mission To Find A Guy To Fuck

Our sex life had gone stale. More stale and sour than a bottle of milk left out for days in a heatwave. We desperately needed to spice things up. Not any old spice, but fiery paprika. We needed to somehow make our 25-year marriage more open - and even be brave enough to explore forbidden thrills. So we devised a little sex game. We had to confess our fetishes to each other in bed after dark - and always did this as we fucked each other slowly and sensually. The stimulation of what we discussed...

1 year ago
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This is my real story.MY FIRST ENGAGEMENT WITH MY sister IN LAWI was introduced to sex by my cousin sister at a very young age... She used to suck my cock and then she used to shove it in her ass. i was totally unaware of all this but with the passage of time get my cock sucked and ass fucking became my passion. When i see a nice ass i can't controll myself. I got married when i was 25 years old this was 15 years back. Soon after my marriage i used to fantasy about my wife's elder sister's...

3 years ago
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Dellas Turn Revised

This was it! She was really going to let that no good one of a bitch have it this time. She had put up with too many late nights and tonight was definitely the final straw. Della sat up that night sipping her third glass of brandy, waiting for Peter to come home. They were supposed to have had dinner with some friends of theirs that night but Peter had called to say that he would be staying late that night to go over some accounts. Della understood that he had to stay late sometimes because...

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Master and Mr Sybian

Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started a couple of days ago. Master Paul and I had been having problems for a while – no matter what I did, it didn’t seem to be what He wanted. After being chewed out, and being told I didn’t do this right or didn’t do that right, I started getting fed up. Can you blame me? I mean a sub can only take so much! So I started messing up on purpose – I figured if I was going to get blamed for it anyway, ya know? But I guess Master Paul had finally...

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Naughty threesome with two hunks

I had arranged to go out with an old school friend who I hadn’t seen for years and we arranged to meet in town. We had forgotten that there was a football match on and the pubs were packed with men all getting quite drunk. Anyway my friend was quite prudish really and was dressed in jeans and jumper, where I was dressed in a very short and very tight mini cream dress and high heels.After a few drinks I saw two young guys in the early twenties eyeing us up. They came over with some drinks and...

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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 12 Acts of Defiance

There comes a time in every student's readjustment when they either regret the consent given at the start of the programme or begin to feel that their experiences with me will continue indefinitely. At such a point it is common for some act of rebellion or defiance to manifest itself. Both Amanda and Estelle had, to their credit, applied themselves well to their programme of activities and had presented little more than token resistance to the various indignities and impositions that I had...

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the Director of Buenosaries pt2

In the middle of one such street deep in the Buenos-Aries “villas” a non-descript block of homes was the setting for a homemade porn movie. The men inside whom once associated with the thugs and perverts of the old junta regime now eked out a living supplying “old contacts” with hard to get films designed for extreme sexual gratification. Lara had come here to see a hidden waterfall deep in the jungle. Now it was the busty backpacker who provided the delight to inquisitive explorers. Made...

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Daddy Watches Laceys Phonefucking

"Hey Daddy -- I'm gonna just go up and fuck on the computer for a while, okay?"My father, whom I still call "Daddy" but whom everyone else calls Robert, looked embroiled in a pile of spreadsheets and thick contract papers on the kitchen table. He usually brings work home from the office, so that he and I can have dinner together and, you know, spend our quality time together and stuff. Now usually he doesn't get to his work until well after dinner, because he and I usually can't stop from...

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Joans Story Ch 11

November 22nd – Shopping Trip With Johnny. Vanessa, John and I take Johnny on a shopping trip to see what he’s interested in for Santa to bring him. Since it snowed yesterday, John decides to buy him a sled and take him shedding later that day. Johnny’s not going to be hard to shop for because he wants everything. We’re all mentally making a list of several things that Johnny really liked so we can tell the others when we get home. We take him to eat lunch and he’s a really good eater. John...

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Trophy Girlfriend Part 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 SATURDAY It was only after Caleb’s cock entered the still sleeping Cora again, after dawn, and them fucking to another mutual orgasm that Cora thought about asking Caleb if he had fucked one of his mates girlfriends the previous evening. However, she chickened out and only asked if they had played ‘the’ game. When Caleb answered in the affirmative Cora didn’t know if she wanted to know the answer to the question about what round 3 was and anyway, she didn’t have...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 8 Passion Returns

It was Saturday and the driveway was filled with stuff from the house. Greg walked around looking at all of the stuff his wife had put out to sell. He couldn’t believe how much she had taken out of the house. All of the exercise equipment that had been sitting idle in the basement was lined up along the edge of the driveway. Knickknacks from the shelves in the formal living room and the family room filled three tables. There was furniture and other huge items that had been tucked away here...

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Bobita my teenage maid

Hi! I am Saheb, now 39, married and having a good sex life with my wife, and I have a son too. But I have always fantasized about extramarital sex and I have always had my maidservants. Presently we have a maid named Bobita, 19 years of age, dark in complexion, and I have always fantasized about sex with her. The only bad thing about her is she hardly has any breasts, almost little guava-sized ones. My wife had gone to her mother’s place with my son, so I was left alone in my house. As luck...

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A Rainy Day for Alex

Shit! Alex cursed under his breath as he realized that he had left the key to his apartment in the laundry basket, under his last load of laundry. He cursed the fact that the small apartment complex had only two washers and dryers, cursed the fact that it was raining out so hard, causing him to rush and to subsequently forget his keys, and cursed his downstairs neighbor, the fat, mid-fifties woman, for doing seemingly endless loads of laundry before him. But most of all he cursed himself for...

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Electric Afternoon

I allowed myself to get into this, wanted it actually. It's a little late for recanting and second thoughts at this point. Conscious, but not terribly alert I seem to have slipped into the so-called "sub-zone" as the cheap BDSM novels and web-sites call it. I was never terribly sure what that meant, but think I'm starting to get the concept. Allowing someone you trust to take total control of your body, giving it to him until you both feel he owns it. No longer thinking so much as reacting....

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What it feels like

What does it feel like to be fucked in the ass?Imagine being bent over, legs slightly parted, ass tilted up. You feel him behind you before he touches you. All your senses are focused on your asshole…it clenches in response. You feel on overwhelming urge to be spread open. Then all of a sudden there is a low growl and your ass cheek is grabbed and pulled to the side. You feel it start deep in your belly and then spread out to your cock and balls. You want him to stick something inside of...

3 years ago
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Sex Life With Archana

By : Anybodytherepls Hai guys I’m Irfan 23 from Chennai. This was real story happen in my life. I look normal I have average slim body and brown complexion I use to read sex stories I became addict of reading I’m doing my PG in chennai my first sex life was start with Archana. I take an apartment for rent and I use to stay there I got flat in 8th floor only I’m the bachelor staying in that floor next to my room one gujarath family staying there. Their family consist of 4members mom, dad and 2...

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Modeling Turns Wild

So a few years ago I bumped into an old friend of mine while out at a bar in Dallas. We struck up a conversation and brought up old times. We never were in the same class of friends she was allot smarter and always involved in school functions. Me on the other had was always in trouble and messed up on d**gs or alcohol, the party a****l. Well Beth and I continued our conversation for months after our meeting via e-mail and text messages. One day she asked me to meet her for breakfast and so we...

4 years ago
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Plussized Blind Date

Being a good-looking jock in college was a good thing for Zack Reynolds. His male peers envied him because of his easy-going natural charm that drew girls to him like moths to a flame. But eventually Zack was drawn into a steady relationship with Jill, the head cheerleader. She was sexually adventurous and so physically enthusiastic that she often wore Zack out in bed. After they had been in an exclusive relationship for 3 months, Jill asked him for a favor one night at the dinner table at...

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Seduced kitu my student

Hi iss readers this is manu from jaipur. I am 28 yrs old guy with good physique, and all skills and abilities to satisfy women’s sexual needs. I will give my contact further. Now my story starts when i was 22 yrs old passed out my engineering recently and i was trying for further studies so i was at home after the college. I was a good student specially, good at engineering drawing. Then my aunty told me will you teach a student in first semister of engineering and she is frightened by subject...

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A Year Ago part II

A Year Ago - part II by MadQuill This is an evolving story of sensual investigation. Please review the first Phase... I awoke the next morning around 7am and lying in bed considered yesterday's events. Before bed I wandered the Web reviewing the blog, chat and discussion sites where dressing was prominent. I was shocked how many of the people posted images of themselves, many too raunchy for my taste. I didn't feel I was alone with the new interest, just not quite as off as some....

3 years ago
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StonefingersChapter 8

The road trip was only 9 games, but it seemed like 19. In my short time with the Gabriel family, it felt like my whole life had changed. Sure, I was having the best sex I’d ever had, but strangely, that was far from being the sum total of the changes I was experiencing. I had something to do every day – something I really wanted to do, besides going to the park and playing baseball. Peggy was the new center of my life, but in addition there was Tad, and his lovely grandma, Sarah. All three of...

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The wifes friend Kate

This is a story, of how I found out that my wife was bi and got a new ‘sex’ agreement. My name is Joe, My wife Staci, and I have been married for 10 years. We got married at a young age right now I’m 30, and my wife is 28. My wife is a short about 5 ft blonde hair and blue eyes. She is 120 pounds and has a slim tight body. That she was proud of because she worked so hard after three kids to get. She has great 36c perky tits, a tight ass, and the sweetest pussy you would ever taste. She also...

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I Found My Sugar Daddy At Last

The story happened two years ago. I am Varun 23 now, I was 21 then. Slim, very fair, I was having some hair, albeit less on my chest and also pubes which I trimmed. My parents had died when I was young, so I was bought up till I was 18 by an uncle. After 18 I worked part time in a restaurant and managed studies completing a Commerce Degree. My cousin who left for abroad gave me his laptop when he was going abroad. Ever since I was young I adored men, I knew that women weren’t for me. I lost my...

Gay Male
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 38

Despite sleeping well most of the night, I was awake quite early on the Monday morning; I therefore went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea, only to find Sian already there, engaged on the same errand. "Sorry if I woke you, but we needed a cuppa!" "I don't think I heard you, but it doesn't matter at all. By the way, thanks again for coming over to Bristol for lunch; I'm really chuffed that you took the trouble!" "I wasn't sure whether Sheila would keep the secret; but it was...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 30

Out Of Afrika, Chapter 30A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and WunderboiThe journey back to Hawksville of the Professor Steeves Research Group was a subdued one. Each and every one of them was completely fatigued from the sexual exertions of the past few days and the flight back over the Atlantic in the company Gulfstream was mainly spent sleeping. In their waking moments, the events of the farewell celebrations they had enjoyed in Lerotica loomed large in...

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I Like it Black Gay

I was a married bisexual 35 year old cruising gay chat rooms again. I had some oral experiences, but really wanted to try getting fucked deeply. I had played with toys but found them boring. I wanted the real thing. I met a black man on line who liked married white men like myself. After some small talk, he invited me to his house for some afternoon fun. I arrived and found a very handsome black man 6'1 210lbs who looked like a running back. We had some small talk upstairs in his kitchen and...

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I'm a man of 40 years old and I have this beautiful 16-year-old niece, Leeza, who since the age of 6 has been sitting on Uncle Ron's lap while we watched TV. I never thought of anything sexual and enjoyed the attention as my wife and I do not have any c***dren. She would just sit on my lap and kind of snuggle up to me.This would be an everyday occurrence when she and my wife's sister came over to visit. As she got older, she would come up to our house and stay the weekend. I would look forward...

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