Landlady's DogChapter 9 free porn video

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The room had begun to spin for Carol and had yet to stop! In the center of the whirlpool she saw the abominable grinning mouth of Ed White opening and closing as it seemed to come closer and closer to her!

"You fainted on me, kid," his gruff voice came down to her.

She saw then that she was stretched out on the couch and that she was covered by her negligee now draped carelessly over her. The white-haired man was on his knees beside her, a glass in his hand, and she could taste the burning liquid he had poured into her mouth.

"Wh-What... ?"

"You'll be okay in a minute," he said, watching her. "I found some brandy and gave you a jolt."

Carol lay perfectly still for the passing of long seconds, trying to pull her wits together, before she realized that the apartment house manager's huge hand was cupping her naked breast beneath the flimsy negligee... causing a sense of repulsion to sweep through her! He'd stripped her naked while she was unconscious! Oh Mark... ! She moaned and tried to raise up, pushing at his hand at the same time, but he only clutched tighter into the sensitive, resilient flesh and caught at her long hair to jerk her back down!

"L-Let me up! Take your filthy hands off me, damn you!" the frightened blonde cried, her brain starting to whirl again.

"No way, baby... or maybe you'd like to hear that tape again!" he rasped, his brutish face so close to her own that she could smell his obnoxious breath. And as he spoke and grinned at her she could feel his strong fingers cruelly gnarling the tiny nipple of her breast still acutely sensitive from Mark's hands last night. "You and me are going to have a wild little party of our own, doll. Nothing too fancy, but enough to shake the goddamned hots I've been having for you for over a week now!"

Carol stared at him in panic, his big hand entangled in her hair holding her head securely down. The negligee had fallen to her waist and her naked white breasts were completely exposed to his lecherous eyes engorging on them with vulgar lust. She knew she was no match for him physically, but if she could only think of something... !

"I-I'll give you money... anything else you want," Carol babbled crazily as his huge hand kneaded and clutched the firm smooth mound, pinching at the tiny hardened nipple painfully with cruel thumb and forefinger. "Oohhh... please don't... please... ?"

"I like the part about the money," he said, suddenly moving his tormenting hand to grasp the negligee and toss it onto the floor behind him. "Where'll you get it? From your ex-husband's alimony?" He sniggered. "Don't give me that shit, baby! You haven't got a dime! You're in the bag and you know it!"

Tears blinded her as she tried to think of any way she could stop him. She started to tell him Mark was coming soon, but thought better of that. God, she didn't want to get him anymore involved than he already was! Instead, she began to struggle, squirming and kicking her long, strong legs, but the huge man beside her only laughed, twisting his hand harder in her hair until she thought he was going to scalp her! She fell back onto the couch defeated, a groan of despair bubbling up out of her throat as suddenly he fastened his teeth into the hardened little nipple of her defenseless breast, while simultaneously his other big hand moved possessively down over her cringing belly to the soft, blonde curls covering the fleshy mound between her legs!

"No one's going to bother us, baby. I've locked the door," Ed White hissed, raising his wet lips from their lurid abuse. "It's just you and me for the next hour or so, and I promise not to get rough as long as you cooperate. So... just open your pretty legs for Daddy. He wants to see how that tight little pussy feels, the way Cannon does!"

Carol lay rigid, immobile, her brain unable to comprehend this horror that had suddenly swept into the very privacy of her own apartment! She was afraid to move, and at the same time, afraid not to follow Ed White's obscene commands! Again, she thought of Mark being savagely beaten in his vulnerable blindness... and then a twinge of pain shattered her thoughts. She whimpered helplessly as the sharpness of his dirty fingernails dug at the rising swell of her soft young pussy mound.

"Aagghhh... !" Carol winced at the repeated lewd torment, jerking her legs apart.

"That always works, baby... just a good healthy pinch right above, the cunt. Wider though, doll... come on, spread 'em wider... wider!" he commanded, Carol responding until she knew the tender pinkness between the fleshy, curl-fringed lips concealing her vagina was now lewdly exhibited to him.

He shifted downward on his knees toward the center of her nakedly stripped body, his big hand still hurtfully locked in her hair, imprisoning her head. She heard his lustful grunt and knew that he was gaping down at her helplessly displayed genitals. Her body jerked in reflex when she felt his thick fingers brush obscenely at her pussy's sensitive outer folds. They began to play there, pressing the love-swollen lips together so that the smooth soft flesh folded provokingly around her tiny clitoris, bringing it to a quivering, unwanted erection. Then with a fanning motion of his fingers he spread those lips wide apart, revealing to his lecherous eyes the moistening ovalled mouth of her tight cuntal passage, her entire pink crevice splayed debasingly open to him!

He lowered his big head slowly downward between her wide-held thighs until his face was less than an inch above her unprotected loins, and suddenly as her belly recoiled, he pursed his lips and blew his breath against the nakedly victimized flesh. An uncontrollable tremor rippled over the prostrate girl's smoothly rounded curves, a gasp escaping her lips.

"Feel good, baby... like a little feather tickling that delicate pussy flesh?" Ed White taunted, looking up at her shame- contorted face, the lascivious expression stretching his wet mouth only embarrassing her further. He snickered and she saw again the sadistic gleam in his mean eyes. "Tell me, doll, does that blind fucker like to eat your cunt?"

Carol refused to answer his filthy jeering. She tried to roll her head away so that she wouldn't have to look at him, but his hand in her hair held her tight. She could do nothing but close her eyes and moan in shame.

"Don't like my questions, eh, Miss Dorsett?" he leered. "You know, I can't figure that out either... a bitch like you who eats pussy and enjoys a good dog-tucking. But maybe you'll be a little more friendly after I play the tape through for Cannon, eh?"

"No! No, you can't!" Carol blurted, opening her eyes wide. "You said that... that if I cooperated, you wouldn't... !"

"Shit, you don't call this cooperating for Christ's sake, do you?" he snarled. "Look, bitch, I don't intend to have to rape you! You either give willingly, and any goddamned way I want it, or your copper cock-man gets the working over of his life plus an earful of that tape! You dig me clear?"

Carol groaned, fighting to hold back the burning tears flooding her eyes. "Ooohhh... God, God, Goddd!" she whimpered, knowing there was no way on earth she could avoid it... nothing she could do but submit to the manager's perverted lusts, unless she was prepared to watch Mark and her future happiness totally destroyed!

She gave a start as White's hairy fingers continued their lewd stroking and stretching at the tender opening of her helplessly displayed pussy flesh, desperately forcing herself to lie still and endure it. The sooner it was over with the better, and it would be over that much quicker if she didn't prolong it by resisting.

"Well, bitch?" he spat, shoving two fingers cruelly up into her unprepared vagina, the torment spreading like a flame through her tender belly, raising a pitiful groan to hiss through her tightly clenched teeth. He probed viciously around up inside her, his thumb massaging the tiny bud of her hardened clitoris to send near-maddening sensations of pain curiously mixed with pleasure charging through her toward her brain. Suddenly, he let go of her hair and was sliding his free hand down beneath the fleshy mounds of her buttocks, pushing them up tighter onto his brutally thrusting fingers. She bit at her lip to stifle a low, throaty moan as frantic little impulses of irresistible desire began to stir deep in her defensively clenching belly.

Ooohhh... ! Was it possible that... that this... this brutish bastard could arouse so erotic a feeling inside her... when she detested him so? Ooohhh... ! Whatever he was doing, it was actually exciting her, she couldn't deny that! At... at least, though, it would make her degradation that much more bearable... !

"Now... that's better, baby!" Ed White hissed, grinning as he felt her beginning to undulate her soft, sparsely-haired loins uncontrollably up to his probing fingers. "Daddy's starting to get to you, eh?" He pulled his hand from beneath her buttocks and grasped her smaller hand in his, placing it down between his legs. "Take it out!" he demanded. "Go on! Get it out and see what old Ed's got in store for you!"

Carol couldn't help but remember what Peggy had said about it being big... long and thick... makes me cum five, six, seven times... ! She closed her eyes and felt her way while his thick, stimulating fingers worked lewdly around inside her dilating vagina, a warm wetness moistening their obscene path and rapidly eliminating the pain. Her sensate vagina had begun to throb responsively open to the lust of his stroking fingers, and she could feel them slipping wetly in and out between her now unresisting thighs, feverishly massaging the smooth, nerve-filled inner walls.

She forced her mind to turn off, refusing to think of what she was doing as she lowered his zipper and moved her trembling hand inside, floundering until it was beyond his shorts and she felt the hot hard flesh of his long, desire-thickened cock! Her breath hitched in her throat when her fingers curled around it... for it was everything Peg had said, and then some! God, it was far bigger than her Mark's, or than Jonny's had been... in fact, like the man it grew on, it was frightening!

"Come on, for Christ's sake, get it out!" he snarled and she did, knowing that it had to hurt now all swollen and cramped up in there the way it was. "Well... you know what to do with it! It ain't the first cock you've ever handled!"

Perhaps not, Carol thought, but it was definitely the longest and thickest one! She began to automatically stroke it with her curled fingers, sliding the fleshy foreskin back and forth over its bulbous blood-engorged head. It jerked in her hand, causing an unbelievable thrill of excitement to race through her, while the licking little flames which bad begun as an infinitesimal, but unwanted, spark in her belly, licked more salaciously now. It was as if in her forced mindlessness a weirdly perverse sensation began to fill her naked body at the obscene treatment he was subjecting her to. Her very helplessness and the debasing shame of what was being done to her only intensified the overwhelming feeling. The pair of thick fingers lewdly fucking up into her vagina with rhythmic thrusts were firing her with inescapable desire, and she had already begun to squirm up against them, attempting to draw them tighter up into her unwillingly awakened loins!

Little mewls had started to tumble from her tongue moistened lips, as her incitement took command of her voluptuously naked body. She felt her hips jerk involuntarily upward, seeking shamelessly after the goading fingers thrust way up into her heated cunt. Her legs folded slowly up and back to more readily present her wide-split cuntal crevice, until she lay with her white thighs agape and the entire area of her blonde, curl-rimmed pussy obliging his pummeling fingers fucking deep up into her hot, fluid depths.

"Now, baby, now we're getting there!" Ed White rasped. "This tight little pussy-hole of yours is behaving the way all well- brought up cunts ought to! Yeah... I think we're just about ready for the next course, don't you?"

Carol whimpered, her passion unhidable, his constant use of lewd four-letter words feverishly stoking the licentious coals of glowing desire smoldering inside her. "Y-Yes... yes," she mumbled. "I-I'm ready..."

Ed White grinned down at her tormented face. "How'd you like to have me lick your cunt, baby? Old Ed's got a wild tongue, just made for tight little cunts like yours. Well... what do you say?"

"Oooooohhhhh..." Carol groaned, her small hand excitedly fondling his huge, poling cock, occasionally slipping beneath and inside his pants to cup and caress his massively bloated balls. "Yes... yesss... lick it, please... !"

He pulled free of her and, straightening up, unfastened his pants to drop them around his ankles along with his shorts. Carol gaped at his powerful hairy legs, her eyes then fixing on the unbelievable hardened length of his long thick cock standing out from his hair-covered pelvis and the bullish sac of his sperm- filled balls hanging beneath! And he knows how to bring the best out of a girl... ! Peggy had said that... !

"Turn over, doll!" he ordered. "Get up on your knees! Move! Over and up on your knees!"

Carol hesitated only a second--her morals, Mark, nothing any longer a hindrance. Her traitorously aroused young loins were wet and throbbing from the sensual stroking of his skilled fingers... besides, any word of protest, she knew, would be futile. He'd already made it plain that it had to be done his way. Resigned, she turned over and pushed herself up on her knees, raising her naked buttocks as he climbed heavily onto the couch behind her.

Ed White lecherously drank in the cock-shattering spectacle bent slave-like before him. Christ, he couldn't remember when he'd seen a sight to match it! His cum-filled balls tingled and ached, the desire to thrust his throbbing member hard up into the thin, teasing slit swinging in the air before him without further hesitation, almost more than he could resist. But he did. He'd been thinking about this moment for over a week, knowing that if it ever came his way, just how he'd enjoy it the most. He had only to watch her walk down the street to be sure, his eyes feasting on the provocative roll of her rounded hips, the swell of her delicious looking ass-cheeks! Besides, there'd be more to come; he'd get it all before he was finished. That little tape was going to keep her ass humping for him until he glutted himself on it!

He settled back on his haunches and placed his hands on her flinching buttocks. With his thumbs slipping into the hot deep crevice, pried open the smoothly clenched moons, pulling them wide apart until all of her luscious nether secrets stood open and unprotected before him... his for the taking.

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A Dream Comes True

It was one of those rainy days when all you want to do is sleep. I however had other things to do. This was my day to volunteer at the local library. Today was a young person lean to read day. For what ever reason children between the ages of twelve and eighteen that had poor reading skills were given two days a month to get help reading. It was my turn to volunteer for this chore. I had four boys that I had started with some six weeks before and much to my surprise they were doing very...

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The Counsel

She awoke from what she felt was a deep slumber. She felt completely refreshed. Her driver knelt beside her. “I don’t know what you did, but you almost shook the very foundations of the hall.” Her driver stated. “I am ready to face the counsel, Catherine.” She stated. “I unlocked the secret. I was able to do it!” “To do what?” her driver asked. “I know why they fear us.” She replied. She grasped her driver’s hand and released a small share of the knowledge she shared with the Grand Duchess. Her...

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Project PrometheusChapter 14

Alex looked over the hologram of the plans for the dome in front of him. Though a lot had been done in these past two weeks, there was still more to do. Since the night of the Artucian’s entry into the Unified Systems Alliance, both them and the crew of the Perseus had been working around the clock. Salvaging the wrecks of the Dead Snows was well under way, as was the rebuild of the dome behind him. One of the first things to be done was to clear away all the ice surrounding the dome. Once...

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EuroGirlsOnGirls Ania Kinski Verona Sky Brunette Bombshells Have Fun 8211 Part 1

Ania Kinski and Verona Sky are hot for each other, and it’s not hard to see why. With their stunning faces, fit bodies and perfectly perky boobies, these brunette babes can’t wait to get themselves stripped off and down to some sapphic fun. Join them in their sexy red lingerie as they start out with sensual kissing and caressing, both girls loving to suck on the other’s titties before moving their attention to wet and ready pussies. These girls know what feels good, so they...

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HouseOfTaboo Venus Afrodita Doc Fucks Nurses Ass

Horny Nurse Venus Afrodita and kinky Doctor Vince Karter spend more time fucking in the office than they do seeing patients, and today we get a peek at their day at work in DDF’s hardcore premium porn scene. The busty Latina catches the doc watching fetish porn and lets him live out his fantasy, first revealing bondage type lingerie under her nurse’s uniform, and then letting him tie her wrists and spank her curvy ass before fucking her trimmed pussy and asshole raw. The doc makes...

2 years ago
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Sex with my neighbor

Hi, everybody I like to share my great sexual fantasy, which happened in my life, my name is Rana, I am staying separately in a apartment at Bangalore, normally I like the people who r very frank in nature, but at the same time I am very frank type and reserve at sometimes, I am very much interested in sex, I waited for a good person who like’s to have sex with me, I am 5’10” feet tall, fair and good exercise body, I’ll tell you what happened to me. From past six months I kept my eye on my...

4 years ago
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Masters Birthday Part 1

Morgan was looking forward to a quiet night at home with his girlfriend Rhiannon when he entered the house they shared. Instead he was greeted by the sight of Rhiannon in a corset and thigh highs, holding a leash. From behind her stepped a petite red head, a collar around her neck that the leash was hooked to. She was also in a corset and thigh highs, but the red head was wearing a short leather skirt. Rhiannon walked to Morgan and knelt at his feet, the red head following her lead. Rhiannon...

1 year ago
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Rescue MissionChapter 4

"Commander." "Ma'am." "These are my concubines," said the Captain indicating a young man and a slightly older looking woman. "Ma'am?" replied Bert. "You wanted two people to watch your back." "That's right, Ma'am," said Bert. "These are they," said Alice, favouring Bert with a smile. "I'd be most appreciative if you could bring them back when you've finished with them." Bert nodded, "I'll do that, Ma'am." "David, Yvonne, this is Commander Murray. You'll be...

3 years ago
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A Friends idea of FUN with Angel Part 1 1 time

I'll admit that this sexcapade of Angels surprised the shit out of me. 1 of our friends, Paul, had come by our home 1 Saturday morning to chat withus. Our k**s were gone for the day so Angel happily got naked while he wasthere in hopes of getting fucked some by him & me. Paul had been in on about 9or 10 of her other gangbangs before. She did get her wish too. I was on the bottom fucking her cunt while he was on top of her fucking herasshole. It was while we were fucking her that Paul made...

3 years ago
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Sissy Start

When I was a young man and still living at home my parents went away for a weekend which was fairly rare thing to happen. We lived in a cottage on a big estate where I had grown up and mum and dad both worked. They left on the Friday so I have a boozy night out with my mates and got to bed a bit the worst for wear. Next morning I was awoken by a loud knocking on the door, not what I wanted after the night before.I dragged myself down to the door in just my dressing gown and opened it to find...

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returns for 1st time analtrue story

last night as i was sitting down after tea, a very faint tapping on the front door. strange as the time was around 10.30pm and no one visits me at that time. i gingerly peek out of the curtains to see %%%%% standing there clutching an overnight bag. fumbling for the latch, i open the door to see this sexy young woman standing there. needless to say i welcomed her in with a kiss and a hug so that she could feel the bulge in my boxers. i made her a coffee and we sat and chatted for some time...

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GirlsWay Aali Kali Aspen Romanoff Strip Searching The Maid

Aali Kali calls her maid Aspen Romanoff into her living room, telling her that she needs to talk to her. Aspen enters, putting down her rag and spray bottle. Aali is mad. Her favorite bracelet is missing, does Aspen know anything about that?, she asks Aspen. Aspen says that she doesn’t know anything about that. Aali narrows her eyes. Is Aspen sure?, because the last time she saw the bracelet, it was on the living room coffee table, and Aspen was in the living room cleaning this morning,...

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The Omega PathChapter 23 Style and Substance

On the very first day he arrived to live with them, Annie warned Joey that voices easily carry through the apartment. This morning was no exception. She could hear them clearly from her bathroom. "Trish? Where's that Hyperion shirt?" "Why?" "I want to wear it today." "¡Dios no lo quiera! Why would you wear that today?" "It's cool!" "Not for your first date with Lynne! Dress nicely. Put on a red shirt." "I'm always wearing a red shirt." "You look hot in red, stud....

3 years ago
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Glass Gift of Submission

Glass Gift of Submission By Wondering Soul Part 1 I walked into her studio with high expectations. They were met. There she was standing gracefully in downward facing dog. Her stomach was sticking out a bit. I went to inspect it. I swept her up into my arms and carried her to the bathroom at the back of her studio. I pulled the plug from her but and her pussy and set her on the toilet quickly. I turned to give her some privacy. She knew what I expected she never let me down. I washed off the...

1 year ago
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Show me your cock

There I was standing in his doorway just staring at him in the buff. He was tan all over, in good shape for someone in their late 40's. His cock was swinging between his legs as he shifted around. I was in a daze just looking at the amount of hair that crowned his meat stick. I couldn't believe that I was there and what I was going to happen next.Just a few hours earlier, I was delivering pizzas on a Friday night. I wasn't initially scheduled but was called in. I needed the money. I was finding...

3 years ago
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Sex Monopoly

Sex MonopolyChapter 1I suppose when you think about it, most of it was my fault.  But it sure was easy to put the blame on my parents, who were always dinging me about something, and those dings, more and more, were falling on my poor butt with increasing fervor.Okay, I had gotten mixed up with a pretty bad group of kids I’d graduated with the year before.  We were into about every vice you could think of, and a few you wouldn’t even think of: smoking, drinking, stealing, some drugs and lots of...

1 year ago
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Wife first gangbang

We're a mid 50s MWC that has been swinging for over fifteen years. Most of our experiences have been with other couples and single men, plus we have attended private house parties and swing clubs. My wife found out early in our journey into swinging that she very much enjoyed the attention of two men and we have engaged in a number of MFM threesomes as a result, many times in which she enjoyed the pleasures of double penetration. Once this horny MILF gets going, there's not a whole lot stopping...

Group Sex
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Front and Back Against the Wall

Butterflies. I know what they are - because of him. The fluttering persists in my lower tummy. My head swoons. I feel my face flush, with my imagination running wild already.I keep rereading his text, Driving through town. Have 30 minutes. WANT YOU.Nervously, I smooth my shoulder-length hair, and dab on some lip gloss. He prefers me fuss-free, with simply-styled hair and a lightly made-up face. I am still wearing my fitted black dress from work, but removed my panties, as ordered. After giving...

Quickie Sex
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Magic Kingdom At The Character Breakfast

Long title, realtively short story. Another quickie for me. I decided to experiment and try to stretch my meager writing talent by doing something new. I tried to write a story in flashback. I usually write, for the most part, in linear time. I need it for another story that I'm working on. Tell me if it works Raven Captain Webster's the Magic Kingdom: At the Character Breakfast By Raven I watched my Husband Geoff parade around the restaurant in the Polynesian Village with...

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How My Beautiful Mom Servant Radha Became Whore

In our house there are two male workers and one female worker their names are Ramesh and Prabhakar between 35-40 and Radha 36 is a widow her husband died just a month back of the incident and she is staying just behind our house, She also looks good and her structure is 38-32-40 and I’m very much interested in fucking her but I don’t know what made me interested in her. Lets come to the story, On one day my mom went to some relatives marriage and my dad was on business trip, I as usual went...

2 years ago
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Facebook Se Whatsapp Se Bistar Tak 8211 Part 2

Hi guys and girls this is my second time I am writing story for Indian sex stories. It’s actually just second part of my first story ” facebook se whatsapp se bistar” And also wants to that’s all who replied. Jaan kar accha laga k apko meri story pasand aayi. Dosto 2 readers ne meri help bhi mangi. Unko bhi apni apni gf ka account chek karna tha I helped them too. Rakesh ji and johnty bhai apki maine apka kaam to kardiya but dono apna promise yaad rakhna haa main wait kar raha hun apke reply...

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Passion in the Vault

I was 22, fresh out of college, and had my first supervisor position at a local bank. I admit, it was a pretty cush job, as the hand-full of tellers I was in charge of were older ladies with plenty of experience and took care of their money pretty well. After a few months a new teller was hired, by the name of Vanessa. She was in her late 30s, a single mom of 2, and Puerto Rican. At first, I wasn’t extremely attracted to Vanessa. I’d been around some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen...

Straight Sex
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Heart of DarknessChapter 6

Anne slips down the stairs humming and feeling energized. She is wearing her robe, which is loosely tied shut. The little gremlins were right about their cum and she wishes she would have let them do it more often. Of course if they did, she probably would have been a lot hornier all the time and that may or may not have been a good thing. She swings the door open expecting to see Cameron. Instead, it is Carrie and Roger standing in the doorway. Anne frowns briefly and says, “You know this...

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Cid wale ki beti ko choda

Hello dosto sabhi ISS ke reader ko mere namaskar. Mein is side ke bare mein tab se janta hu jab se develop hu. In year 2004. I am regular reader of this side koi bhi asi story nahi hai jo maine nahi pari lekin kuch he storyes mein muje sachi lagi. Mein kuch ko mail bhi kiya par koi bhi response nahi aya. Khar choro ab mein apni story likh raha hu mere story mein 70% true hai uske places or characters name changed hai. Mein umid karta hu ke male/females sabhi muje mail kare now ab mein story...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Daughters Story 4

I thought that the best way to do this would be when I was on the Forum one night chatting to Robertbi getting all horny, having Patch lick my wet cunt, then see how it progressed from there. I could always blame Robertbi for suggesting it although I know it was myself who wanted this. Anyway, one night Dad was on the computer, I presumed on the Sex Forum chatting to Robertbi when I saw him starting to stroke his cock. He had only previously done this before when I encouraged him. He noticed...

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Hell on the Highway

Dad’s new car was a Triumph. Actually, it wasn’t really new and was not much of a triumph either. He was proud as punch, though, bringing our first family car home the evening before our annual week’s summer holiday. Holidays were a trying time back in those days, the early 1960s. For the short six weeks of the school holidays, the weekends became like the migration of lemmings. The English road system was pretty much as had existed since the 1930s, when there were probably more horse-drawn...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 49 Haidee

It will be recollected that the new, or rather old, acquaintances of the Count of Monte Cristo, residing in the Rue Meslay, were no other than Maximilian, Julie, and Emmanuel. The very anticipations of delight to be enjoyed in his forthcoming visits--the bright, pure gleam of heavenly happiness it diffused over the almost deadly warfare in which he had voluntarily engaged, illumined his whole countenance with a look of ineffable joy and calmness, as, immediately after Villefort's departure,...

1 year ago
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Stacey visits her roommate8217s family over Thanksgiving break

“They sleep in separate rooms?” asked Stacey incredulously. “Are you kidding?” “Swear to God,” replied Sarah, her best friend and college roommate. They were discussing Sarah’s parents, whom they were driving up to Heritage to visit for the Thanksgiving holiday break. “They’ve been doing that for like ten years now. Since I was in third grade. They just don’t get along all that well I guess.” “Wow,” said Stacey,...

4 years ago
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Padosi Aunty Ne Bondage Kiya

Hello every one of indian sex stories dot net , mera nam alok hai…Mai ek sacchi khatna apko batane jaa raha hun..Meri age 25 hai…Mere ghar ke baju mai aashi nam ki aunty rehti jinki age 35 hogi..Unka figure bahut hi sundar hai..Ek din terrace par padh raha tha..Unka terrace humare terrace se laga hua hai..Terrace par unke kapde sookh rahe the…Unka salwar unka laal dupatta unki black colour ki padded bra ar unki black penty ….Unke kapdr dekh kar mere underwear m pani aa gaya…Mene chupke se unki...

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