Lowborn Ch. 03 free porn video

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The firelight from the encampment finally provided enough illumination for Mindblind to figure out what he was doing as he followed Raven, miming her movements.

His knees ached from inching along in a crouch below the top of the waist-high grasses, and his hair was full of cockleburs. The animal trail that Raven followed helped to obscure their movements through the grass, and the wind provided the final cover.

He had no worries about any sound that they made alerting the slavers. The voices of at least five prostitutes crying out in mock passion would drown out anything less than a war cry. A combination of laughter and catcalls hinted that the men probably weren’t paying much attention to anything else, anyway.

Raven stopped and settled to her knees behind a bush. A larger, irregular circle of broken grass spread out from the shrub – likely a spot where several animals had bedded down. Mindblind gratefully joined her on his knees, and found that he could see the encampment through the bush.

Three wagons and two large tents surrounded the fire in the center of the camp. A few lanterns shed fitful light as they struggled to burn in the wind. The group obviously had no fear of discovery, as all eyes were trained upon the show around the fire.

Mindblind could see two women on their hands and knees, men with dropped trousers kneeling behind them and furiously pounding away. Another woman stood, bent at the waist, one man behind her and another feeding her his cock in the front. Other couplings were just hints of body parts peeking through the fire.

Raven’s whisper in his ear caused him to start. “Using what they have to try to get loose, or at least treated better. The one getting poked from both ends is my sister.” He could almost hear her eyes rolling in her tone.

A few seconds later, the man in front of Raven’s sister jerked his cock free of her mouth and tilted her head up by using her hair as a handle. Gales of laughter erupted when he apparently sprayed cum all over her face.

Raven sat down, seemingly confident that they had nothing to fear at the moment. Her brow furrowed as her eyes roamed over her surroundings. Once again, Mindblind followed her lead and sat down, having much the same opinion about the chance of discovery.

She leaned in close and whispered, “Something’s not right. It’s bad business to let them sport with any woman they grab – even a whore. Makes it tempting to ignore orders not to poke the virgins batting their eyelashes on the next grab.”

“Maybe whoever’s runnin’ the bunch ain’t around, and they figure they can get away with it.”

“Not unless they’re greener than pond scum. You see anybody with a weapon?”

He couldn’t recall any obvious swords or bows. Some might be carrying daggers or other small weapons, but nothing that would do much good if anyone came after them. “Nope. Only a couple of them had anything back at the Cat.”

“I’d bet my left tit that those were the only real slavers. They just rounded this bunch up somewhere. It stinks worse than a fishmonger’s ass.”

“Good for us.”

“Maybe. We’ll have to wait until most of them get done with their ride and fall asleep. Twenty to two isn’t good odds, even if all they have to fight with is their fists and their stink.”

Raven leaned forward and draped her arms over her bent knees, her ears perking and eyes snapping toward any hint of sound or movement.

The wait was a long one. As near as Mindblind could tell, every man in the camp had a turn, and then some. Eventually, men vanished into the tents, one-by-one. When the number dropped low enough, one of a pair of half-attentive guards would return any unused woman to a wagon, until only one couple on the other side of the fire remained.

Raven had drawn a long-bladed dagger as the next-to-the-last woman was returned to her rolling prison. Mindblind slipped his arm back into his shield, also sensing that the time to act was close.

He and Raven both tensed when two faint twangs accompanied the guards sprouting feathered shafts from their chests and falling silently to the ground. A third shot rang out just as a pair of men appeared on the other side of the camp. Both dropped bows and quivers to draw daggers in each hand. The other archer stepped into the light while the first two crept toward the tents.

Once all three were in place, they burst into the tents.

“Shit, I knew it,” Raven spit out, and she started to move forward.

Mindblind grabbed her shoulder and said, “There could be more of them with bows out there.”

She shook her head. “They have them dead. No need. Come on.”

Shouts of alarm and death screams erupted from both tents. Raven rushed into the camp, angling toward a wagon that would provide cover, despite her insistence that nobody else was watching. Cursing under his breath, Mindblind followed.

No arrows flew at them as the slaughter continued beyond the canvas walls. One of the tents collapsed as a body slammed against it, pulling out the stakes on the opposite side.

“You get the near one. Get them when they come out,” Raven directed, and then sprinted toward the collapsed tent, making sure to keep the fire between her and the canvas.

Mindblind charged toward the tent, doing his best to remain quiet, and likewise trying to avoid casting a shadow on the canvas wall. He either failed in his attempt at stealth, or the man simply had good intuition, because the murderer jumped from the tent in a fighting crouch, and immediately screamed something in his own language.

“Fuck,” Mindblind growled as the second man from the tent joined the first. All three stalked each other, preparing for an attack, and looking for an opening.

One of the murderers acted first, hurling a dagger. Mindblind barely managed to intercept the throw with his shield, and the weapon dropped to the earth nearby. The second man charged even as the spinning blade left his partner’s hand. Mindblind brought his sword into a defensive position, forcing the man to stop, to stay outside the longer weapon’s reach.

The dagger-thrower filled his free hand with a sword so that he might stand on a more even footing. As he drew closer, the second man backed up and turned. Mindblind could just barely see Raven approaching in his peripheral vision.

“Not so tough when you aren’t knifing people in their sleep – huh?” Raven taunted. “What’s a matter, big man? You afraid of a girl?”

“Leave now, if you wish to live,” the man facing Mindblind barked in a thick accent, staying on the defensive just out of range.

“Tell that to your buddy drowning in his own blood over there,” Raven retorted.

Though he heard the clang of knives engaging, Mindblind had no opportunity to glance Raven’s way. The man in front of him charged, sword and dagger both working in a display meant to distract.

A short, angled push of Mindblind’s shield deflected a slash of the sword, but it was merely a feint for the real attack. Equal measures of luck and quick reaction allowed him to twist enough that the bloody dagger only scraped against his leather armor before snapping back.

The murderer pressed his attack with an overhand swing of the sword, but Mindblind’s weapon rose to meet it with a ring of steel on steel. His opponent’s dagger found only the leather and wood of Mindblind’s shield as well, and he disengaged.

A high-pitched cry that trailed off into a wheeze caused Mindblind’s heart to skip a beat, but he knew better than to take his eyes off of his dangerous opponent. The murderer – either more confident or less disciplined – let his eyes flicker toward the other battle for a fraction of a second.

Mindblind’s muscles coiled in preparation to attack, and his opponent’s eyes went wide. The murderer ducked down just as a spinning dagger sailed through the air at the same height as where his throat would have been. His journey to the ground continued when the bottom edge of Mindblind’s shield caught him in the temple.

With his opponent down and unmoving, Mindblind snapped his gaze toward Raven. She smiled at him, and bent down to wipe the blood off her dagger on the clothing of the dead man at her feet.

A groan from behind him caused Mindblind to spin toward the fire and bring his weapon to bear. A grunt followed, and he relaxed when he saw a woman struggling to push the dead body atop her to the side.

“Ray, if you’re quite done playing, would you please get this smelly oaf off of me?”

“I told you to stop calling me that, Yani,” Raven snarled as she walked toward her sister.

“Please. I’m not going to call you Raven, or whatever silly thing you’re going by now.”

Mindblind shook his head as he approached as well. The woman’s nonchalant, mocking tone of voice seemed utterly out of place. She’d been kidnapped, let her body be used for hours, listened to men dying all around her, and she was lying beneath a dead man with an arrow sticking out of his back, but she didn’t seem to care – or even notice.

“You’re welcome,” Raven responded, and let out an exasperated sigh.

“Got ‘em,” Mindblind said to her, having reached Yani first. He transferred his sword to his shield hand temporarily, and rolled the body off the woman.

Yani made a disgusted sound and sat up. Her ample chest was covered in blood that had poured from the dead man’s mouth. The rest of her was covered in cum, from streaks in the dark curls atop her head to dribbles on her feet where it had ran down her thighs.

Her eyebrows shot up and she remarked, “Delly’s favorite playmate? Riding to her rescue, are we?”

Raven turned back toward the tents, where a few groans revealed that the murderers hadn’t quite finished the job. “Delly’s dead, Yani.”

“Oh – revenge, then,” Yani said as she stood up. Semen dripped from between her legs to spatter on the ground as she walked toward one of the wagons.

Mindblind shook his head again, the woman’s behavior beyond comprehension to him.

Raven tapped him on the arm. “Forget about it. We’d better take care of the one you bashed, and any of them that are still alive in there. I’ll cut some rope off one of the tents.”

When he turned toward her with a silent question in his eyes, she explained, “Like I said, this whole thing stinks. I want to know where the shithouse is.”

“Shouldn’t we get out of here?”

“They weren’t expecting trouble. We’ve got a bit – trust me.”

Though he still wasn’t sure, Mindblind nodded his agreement. He glanced over at Yani to see her dipping a cloth into a water barrel and washing away the mess covering her.

She was whistling the whole while.


Only four men in the tents were still alive, and two of those died from their wounds within a few minutes. The man that Raven had stabbed when he emerged from the tent had obviously died slowly. His body was contorted, and his face a horrible mask of terror.

The two betrayed slavers sat trembling in their bonds next to one of the men who had tried to murder them. He hadn’t yet awakened from the blow to the head from Mindblind’s shield. All were nude, as Raven had insisted upon stripping them as another deterrent against escape.

The two guards that had died in the initial arrow attack had keys for the wagons. Mindblind took one, and tossed Raven the other as soon as he fished it out of the man’s pocket.

As he stood, Yani walked over and bent down in his place.

“What are you doing?” Raven asked her.

“Well, I assume that we’ll be leaving at some point. I’m not walking through the brush and brambles, naked and barefoot.”

Raven shrugged. “Make yourself useful and find anything that isn’t completely blood-soaked for the others while we let them out, then.”

“I’ll do my best, but it’s hardly going to be an attractive little traveling troupe.”

Raven turned away and Mindblind followed. “Guess not getting along doesn’t really describe it, huh?”

“It’s not that simple,” she replied, her voice a little distant. She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture a moment later and said, “Later. Let’s get everyone out, see what we can scrounge, and try to wring something out of that bunch we’ve got fettered.”

A scream sounded when Raven opened the door of the first wagon. Hardly surprising, since the occupants had surely heard the death cries from outside earlier. A similar scream greeted Mindblind when he opened the second. The air rushing out of the wagon stank of sweat, sex – and worse. One of the prostitutes recognized him almost before the first scream died away and calmed the rest before they could join in.

The women were all nude, of course, and those who had chosen to utilize their skills in hopes of slightly better treatment were cum-covered.

“There’s some water out here to clean up. We’ll try to find something for you to put on,” Mindblind told them, before heading for the final wagon.

Upon unlocking the door, Mindblind thought better of just throwing it open this time. “I’m not one of them, so don’t start screaming at me. I’m here to let you out.” After giving that a few seconds to sink in, he opened the door, and held his breath. Almost immediately, a man shoved his way out of the wagon.

“This is absolutely un…” The man began to rant, and then noticed the bodies. His throat closed, and the blood drained out of his face.

Mindblind chuckled, recognizing the man whom he’d seen on the street in town before going to the Cat. He pointedly ignored the pale man, helped the prostitutes down out of the wagon, and directed them to the barrel, where the women from the other wagons were washing.

“I demand to know what is going on here!”

Mindblind glanced over at the pretty-boy and said, “Shut up, or I’ll put you back in the wagon and leave you there.”

“You dare threaten me?”

Having already turned away to continue toward Raven, Mindblind once again ignored the shouting man. Raven had found some of the men’s spare clothing in the wagon, as well as a few rags, and informed the women when she sat down the bundle on the steps of the wagon.

“Ce… Cer…”

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Mindblind turned to see Kayleen stepping toward him. She was obviously struggling to remember his name.

“Delly… She’s…”

“I know. Just get cleaned up and find something to wear. You’re safe for now.”

Kayleen nodded and walked over to the pile of clothing, which grew when Yani returned from scrounging through the carnal house of the tents. If she felt anything about the murdered men, it didn’t show in her face. She now wore trousers, and a pair of shoes that were a little too big, though she was still bare-breasted.

“Ra… Sister, might I borrow one of your knives?”

Raven handed her a dagger without looking at her and said to Mindblind, “At least it looks like they’re all fit to travel.” She gestured to the wagon that she’d unlocked. “Half of that one was for storing their stuff. Plenty of food, but we won’t be able to carry most of it. We can’t risk taking the wagons.”

“Yeah, we need to be able to scramble, if whoever’s running this game finds us.”

“Good thing about them being mostly Draxnians – they all had canteens. We’ll be able to carry plenty of water, not that it’s hard to find out here. There’s a little coin, some rope, a few other basics. The tents are a complete loss.”

“How far away is that town you talked about?”

“Figure we could get there a bit before dawn, if we left now – alone. Few hours after, with the crowd, and wringing out the ones we’ve got hogtied.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Raven leaned a little to the side and stared curiously over Mindblind’s shoulder. He turned, and let out a groan.

The handsome man stomped toward them, and stopped with his hands on his hips. “Do you have any idea who I am? I…”

Much to Mindblind’s surprise, Kayleen suddenly stepped up next to the man, and jammed her finger directly into his chest. She’d found a shirt to wear, but her bare bottom still peeked out from below the cloth.

“I don’t care who you are!” Kayleen chided, her eyes afire. “In case you hadn’t noticed, we were all to be sold into slavery or killed. You’re no different than any of us right now – whores or no – and you owe them your life. If you wish to keep it, then I suggest that you help them help you.”

The other prostitutes clapped, whistled, and laughed – though the sound carried the nervous edge of desperately chasing away fear – as Kayleen spun away, and strutted haughtily away from the cowed man.

Raven snickered, and Mindblind chuckled approvingly as he watched Kayleen walk away. It was a big change from the timid, frightened woman he’d first met at the Cat – and he liked it. “Okay, Bub, what’s your name then?”

Once again pale and obviously as surprised as anyone by the outburst, he replied, “I… I am Pompeil Harrold, of the Freeland Harrolds.” He regained a little composure as he spoke his name, probably expecting it to carry great weight. “I am a trader of rare goods, as I’m sure that you’re well aware.”

“You’ll have to pardon me if I call him hey you,” Raven sneered, and then walked away toward the bound prisoners.

“Never heard of you, Pomp.”

Mindblind ignored the correction from Pompeil that immediately – and inevitably – followed.

“Whoever sent the fuckers that killed the assholes that snatched you is gonna start wondering why they haven’t come back before long. I’d rather not be here when they come to find out. Start grabbing canteens and filling them up from the barrel on that wagon over there.”

Though he looked as though he was about to protest, a narrowing of Mindblind’s eyes apparently made him think better of it. “Y-yes. Of course.”

When he turned to follow Raven, he found himself almost face-to-face with Yani.

“I had to cut part of it off that was all bloody. What do you think?” She asked, and struck a provocative pose. The shirt she wore had a deep neckline, leaving the upper swell of her breasts exposed, and she’d cut it off just below those attributes, leaving her midriff bare.

“Yeah, that works,” he said, more than a little uncomfortable around the strange woman, and wondering what it was with people getting in his way any time he tried to go somewhere the last couple of days. He stepped to the side around her. “I need to get over there and find out what those guys know.”

“Of course. My sister can be such a slave driver. Nothing like me,” she said as he continued toward Raven.

The unconscious murderer stirred and groaned as Mindblind approached. Raven said, “Hope he knows something, because these two weren’t told anything.”

“Could be lying,” He suggested with an ominous stare at the two captives.

“Maybe. Told them that they had two choices. Tell me what I want to hear and we leave ‘em tied up loose in the wagon when we go. Otherwise, we pile the bodies on top of them, and they hope that whoever wants them dead shows up to finish the job before the plains cats dig them out of the pile.”

“Please, we’re told good money to take women. That is all,” one of the captives blurted out, the words barely understandable between his fright and his accent.

“Probably scraped them all off the floor of a taproom somewhere,” Raven suggested. “The only thing they were really supposed to do is die.”

“What’s the game then?” Mindblind wondered aloud, and then thought of something. “Why’d you grab the pretty boy?”

“He say he rich. Big reward,” the same sun-browned man answered who had spoken before.

Then, Mindblind asked the question that was burning in his brain. “Who killed Delly?”

“The older redhead with the big tits,” Raven supplied.

The captive pointed to the unconscious man. “Them – we kill no one.”

Having apparently heard Delly’s name, Kayleen walked over and said, “He had a mark on his hand. A knife.”

Raven turned to the blonde prostitute and pointed at the back of her hand, near the wrist. “Right here?”

“Yes, the point down,” Kayleen answered.

Raven nodded toward the collapsed tent and said, “Think we found him.” She took Kayleen’s hand, and when the woman hesitated, she said, “It will only take a second – I promise.”

Kayleen took a deep breath before offering a determined nod.

Too absorbed in dealing with the possibility that the man he wanted to see dead might already be, Mindblind completely missed the uncharacteristic softness in Raven’s voice.

The three walked over to the contorted body, and Raven lifted his hand. “Is that it?”

“Yes,” Kayleen answered, her face already ashen, and looking worse by the moment.

“Go on,” Raven told her, and the blonde hurried away. She then looked at Mindblind and said, “Sorry. At least he went slow and bad.”

“Not slow enough,” Mindblind growled. He then shook his head and said, “Doesn’t matter.”

Raven stood up, and kicked the dead man in the face. “None of this makes any sense. These three were killers. Maybe not the best, but they killed for a living. Someone paid some good gold for them, on top of whatever coppers they tossed to the drunks.”

Gasps and yelps from the prostitutes drew Mindblind’s attention to the third captive, who had apparently awakened to struggle against his bonds.

“Let’s go squeeze him a bit,” Raven said as she walked past.

The murderer continued to struggle against his bonds, though he surely understood the futility. Unlike the other two captives, he was literally hogtied, with his hands and wrists bound together. When Mindblind’s shadow fell upon him, he froze and stared with a defiant look on his face.

“Who paid the blood price?” Raven demanded.

“I will tell you nothing, pujata.”

Even if he hadn’t known that the word was Draxnian for whore, Mindblind could have easily guessed the general meaning. Raven rolled her eyes, and promptly launched a kick.

Mindblind winced. The breath blasted from the murderer’s lungs, followed by a cough that left spittle – and probably bile – running from the corner of his mouth.

Remarkably, the man croaked, “Nothing.”

“Told you he was a killer,” Raven said in a conversational tone of voice as the man at her feet coughed and gagged again. “Probably a guild initiate. He took an oath, and he’s not taking any chances that the Lord of Murder isn’t really dead to exact the price of breaking it in the hells.”

“Kill me. Tell you nothing.”

Mindblind was just about to say that they were wasting their time when Raven reached into the pouch at her belt. Rather than remove anything, she shook her head as if changing her mind, and then turned to walk toward the fire. She returned with a branch, red hot coals glowing on its tip. “Kill you? Where’s the fun in that?”

The man’s previously hard eyes went wide when Raven knelt down and poked the stick close to his skin.

“Who paid the blood price?”

She gave him a few seconds to answer, and then moved the stick closer. The murderer wriggled, desperately trying to move away.

“Who paid the blood price?”

His face a mask of horror, the murderer screamed, “The Lakeshore Man! The Lakeshore Man!”

“Fuck!” Raven cursed, and then tossed the branch back toward the fire.

Confused, Mindblind asked, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that this job came from the guild. He doesn’t know who hired him. Only the guildmaster does. That’s just a fake name he was supposed to use with contacts.”

Mindblind snorted in resignation. The man who had killed Delly was dead. Raven had recovered her sister. There was no reason for them to pursue this any farther, and plenty of reasons not to. “Let’s just get the hell out of… The fuck?!”

Mindblind jumped back as an ear-piercing screech split the night. Before his brain could register what was happening, Yani had stabbed her borrowed knife into the assassin’s chest. The blade ripped into his flesh three more times before Raven managed to grab her sister’s hand and wrench the dagger away.

“Yani, it’s not him. It’s not him.”

As quickly as it had arisen, the murderous rage in Raven’s sister vanished from her face. “It isn’t?” She looked down and giggled at the now dead man. “Oh, it isn’t, is it? Oops.”

Yani’s eyes rolled up in her head, and she fell into a dead faint in her sister’s arms.

“Raven?” Mindblind said, at a loss for words, and in complete disbelief of what he’d just witnessed.

“She… She needs her tea. If we come across a stream, the stuff grows everywhere. The barbarians chew the leaves to have visions. For some reason, it keeps her from having them. She’s fine as long as she has it.”

Yani stirred and mumbled, “My head hurts.” A second later, she noticed her bloody hands. “What?”

“Just go wash up.”

“Okay,” Yani answered, her voice monotone.

The other prostitutes gave her a wide berth as she shambled toward the wagon where everyone had washed earlier.

Mindblind asked, “What do we do if…”

“I’ll keep an eye on her until we find some of the leaves,” Raven cut him off to answer. “I promise that I’ll explain later. Let’s just get the fuck out of here.”

“Right,” he responded, and then set to the task of getting them all moving as quickly as possible.


Raven’s guess proved far too optimistic. Everyone was exhausted, most were wearing shoes that didn’t fit properly – or none at all – and the prostitutes were hardly accustomed to walking anywhere. The sun had already slipped past its high point before the ragtag troupe could see the farming village.

Mindblind adjusted the bow slung over his shoulder, unused to the encumbrance. The weapons were fine, and he wasn’t about to leave any of them behind. A pair of prostitutes carried the others. The various daggers and knives that the dead men no longer needed provided weapons for all of the women – save Yani.

As had happened numerous times on the journey, she was the first to collapse next to the glorified animal trail they followed, panting for breath. Raven had forced her sister to chew some of the leaves along the way, and the change in the prostitute was like night and day. Yani certainly seemed to notice and react to her surroundings now – complaining bitterly the whole time.

“Come on, Yani. We’re almost there,” Raven encouraged while tugging on her sister’s shoulder.

Everyone else was on the verge of collapse as well, so Mindblind said, “Let’s just give ‘em a rest.”

Raven blew out a sharp, irritated breath. “Okay.”

A look back the way they’d come revealed the plains stretching off into the horizon – an ocean of grass dotted with islands of trees. He had no doubt that the two captives he’d released were making far better time. After what they’d been through, it was hardly surprising that they fled as though every demon in the hells pursued them.

When he noticed Kayleen trembling as she tried to raise a canteen to her lips, Mindblind walked over to her. She’d offered to carry one of the small packs that he’d put together with supplies, and thus bore a more difficult burden than most of the women. “You holdin’ up okay?”

“I suppose that this is what I get for dreaming of seeing new places,” she responded with a wan smile. After pushing a sweat-soaked lock of hair back from her face, she said, “I haven’t thanked you, or apologized. When I first saw you, I thought… I said…”

He cut her off, “No need. You’re doing your part.”

A nasally snore made Mindblind’s nerves itch as Kayleen nodded her understanding and took another drink. Pompeil had a knack for falling asleep instantly, and had done so at each and every stop.

“Hey, I think there’s a lake over there,” one of the prostitutes remarked.

“Oh, that would feel so good,” another of the women groaned.

Mindblind spotted the cattails a short distance away, and thought that lake was a rather grandiose term for what was likely there. It was a pond at best.

A still irritated Raven walked over and began, “Oh for fucking…”

Though more than ready to return to civilization as well, Mindblind could see life popping into the eyes of the other women at the prospect of the cool water. “We look bad enough. If that bunch are old bluebloods, we’re gonna have a hard enough time getting in without them smelling us a mile away too.”

Raven grinned at him, though he knew that the expression was pure sarcasm. “Fine then. You can keep the watch first.”

With that, she waded through the grass toward the cattails. The other women followed hot on her heels. Soon enough, the sound of splashing, content sighs, and laughter reached Mindblind on the breeze. He stayed alert, though nothing seemed remotely threatening.

After a few minutes, the merchant started awake with a snort. He looked around to find himself alone with Mindblind. “What?” he muttered as he sat up.

“Pond down there. If you want to wash the stink off, you’d best go now,” Mindblind explained.

“Pond? What? Where?”

Fuckin’ pampered pretty-boy, Mindblind thought. “C’mon – it’s this way.”

As soon as the water came into view, the merchant stumbled, his mouth agape. Mindblind chuckled, fully understanding the reaction. It was hard to ignore all the nude women with the sunlight sparkling on their wet skin as they washed in the shallow pond. Even though he’d seen all of them unclad before, it was a far different picture in the light of day, when they weren’t sick with fear.

Raven strode out of the water, carrying the shirt and panties she wore beneath her protective dark clothing. She let out a content sigh, completely unashamed of her nudity, and smoothed back her dark hair with her free hand. “Okay, this was a good idea,” she admitted. “Give me a minute, and you can have a dip.”

“Tryin’ to catch flies, Pomp?” Mindblind asked the still-stunned merchant.

Pompeil snapped his mouth shut and walked toward the edge of the pond.

“Not much point in keeping watch,” Mindblind remarked as Raven pulled on her underthings.

“Yeah – still,” she said, selecting two of her daggers.

Whistles and catcalls greeted the merchant stripping to his breeches and Mindblind removing his armor. Pompeil knelt on the shore to wash his clothing first, but Mindblind simply tossed the garments he wore beneath his armor into the pond ahead of him. Women floated together to whisper when he dropped his pants. He was hard as a rock – hardly a surprise considering the scenery.

Almost all of the prostitutes had shunned him on visits to the Cat, and a few had openly refused to accept him in their beds before he’d fallen in with Delly. It was a far different story in the pond, with all the women staring at him, making suggestive comments, and even wading over to touch him as he washed.

Whenever he glanced back at Raven, she always seemed to be rolling her eyes.

Though Pompeil was doing his best to ignore similar treatment and a few playful splashes, his face remained bright red the whole time.

It was a damp, refreshed, and far better smelling group that set out a short while later on the final leg of the journey to the town.

“Trouble,” Raven grumbled, upon seeing several men assembling near the first buildings ahead. A few held weapons, and others wielded farm implements pressed into the duty.

The scene was almost surreal. Though the clothing the men wore was made of wool, linen, and other materials that he would expect in a farming village, it was all cut to approximate fashions similar to what Pompeil wore. The place was likewise constructed with facades to disguise the barns and log structures. It looked like a mockery of descriptions that Mindblind had heard of larger cities.

“What is your business here?” One of the men shouted as Raven and Mindblind approached at the head of their group.

Mindblind tapped Raven on the shoulder, and then waved Pompeil forward. Raven grinned, guessing his sudden flash of inspiration, and agreeing with it.

“Okay, Pomp, go tell them who you are,” Mindblind said.

The merchant puffed out his chest, straightened his shoulders, and strode forward confidently.

“I am Pompeil Harrold, of the Freeland Harrolds, and I stand before you, escaped from kidnapping and murder most foul…”

Raven and Mindblind shared a chuckle when the merchant finished his soaring rhetoric some time later, and he gestured for them to follow him into the village, having received a warm invitation of hospitality.

Civilization at last – strange as the place was.

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In the seventeen days it took Hermes to sail from Aden to Madras Mimi and I got to know Captain Hands quite well. He was an easy man to like, with an infectious laugh, a quick wit, and a collection of yarns that if only half were true indicated he had led an eventful life. We also got to know the owner of the green silk chemise, a Mrs. Caitlin Parker, a member of the fishing fleet and a widow of some thirty-five years of age. There were never many widows in a fishing fleet, as Israel Hands...

3 years ago
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The Night to ComePart I

—Note: First story, first chapter.  Comments and rates appreciated.  Definitely more story than sex at the moment.  Enjoy.– The woman of my dreams–literally–sat next to me in Psychology.  Patricia, my best friend, is beautiful, sexy, funny, and is seriously the hottest girl I know.  She was also laughing at me as we stood in the auditorium after school one Friday… ‘Katelyn, what’s wrong with you?’ she asked me, after I’d given a scream that sounded like a half-strangled animal. ‘You’re not...

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Halloween Scenes

HALLOWEEN SCENES by Throne Randy's wife Jan told him, "Calm down, dear. It's Halloween. Nobody's going to think it's odd that you'll be dressed as an attractive girl. Besides, the party is at a place out in the middle of the woods, and everybody there will be into our scene." "I know," he said in a small voice. "But I've never been around other people when I'm... dressed." "Well, Randy, everyone there will love it when they see you as Candy. I know I do." She cupped his chin in...

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Taking the Class Part 2Chapter 11 Monday Night 1033PM ndash Desire

The first thirty minutes of the drive back passed in tired silence. That was a lot to take in all at once. Let’s see if I’ve got it all: Will’s friends are idiots. Loyal, but idiots. Does one of them really go to my school? Ugh. Tiff is adorable. And so fun! I should definitely call her to chat sometime this week. Still unsure how I feel about her offering to let me feel her boobs again, though. Lobster mac and cheese is amazing. Barbara’s entire family are creeps. There’s Classes with...

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Its football time part 1

We meet at a designated place and go into the room. It is a standard issue motel room with beige carpet and a floral bedspread. I pull you close and slide my hand behind your neck, tilting it back slightly and cover your plump lips moaning into your mouth as our tongues get familiar. The kiss deepens your arms grasp my shoulders pressing your soft breasts against my chest. I drag my lips down your neck leaving a path i can follow back to your mouth later. I find a tendon in your neck and suck...

1 year ago
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Zuhlter 40

Der Regen prasselte an die Scheibe des Haupthauses eines ehemaligen Landgutes, dessen Geschichte bis ins 17 Jahrhundert zurückreichte. Es hatte in den Jahrhunderten viele Besitzer gehabt und obwohl darunter Adelige, die Wehrmacht und die britische Besatzungsmacht gewesen waren, war der jetzige Besitzer möglicherweise der Interessanteste. Er würde sich sicher nicht anmaßen zu sagen er wäre der Mächtigste gewesen, dazu war die Macht der Vorbesitzer, wenn auch inzwischen allesamt verblasst, zu...

2 years ago
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A surprise at the end of the day

I live close enough to the shore, and there are many cafes across the street from the beach, where you can work on your laptop and enjoy the view and fresh air. Most of the year it's anywhere between warm and hot outside, but the breeze from the sea brakes up the heat pleasantly.As I often would during the summer, I went out to such cafe to work, instead of staying home all day. I got a few coffees over the course of the day, and I spent nearly all day there. Usually I would go home for a lunch...

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Holly and Whats Left of the CityChapter 7

Maria looked out the window in Holly’s apartment. The city of Titania was mostly intact even though Holly ravaged it numerous times these past 9 months. Anna was the first woman Maria saw Holly inflate, the policewoman still rested in the same place where she fucked Holly and became permanently pregnant. Around the place were other women filled with cum, all gifts from Holly and her prolific Baby, but none was as big as Anna. Even though nine months came and went, Anna’s overfilled belly...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Lauren Phillips All Natural Redhead

All natural coed Lauren Phillips is ready for her bath. She drops the robe to the ground and steps into the tub, easing into the warm sudsy water. Scooping up the soapy surface, she covers her bountiful breasts and then rinses them clean. Once she’s done, she’s all warmed up and ready to fuck much to Damon Dice’s delight. Dropping the robe for the second time, Lauren lets Damon admire every inch of her curvaceous body. She traces her fingers over her breasts to draw his...

3 years ago
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One of the Girls Part 2 of 2

One of the Girls - Part 2 of 2 Belladonna As the next morning came, Alec felt that his stomach was in knots. Struggling to keep his food down, Alec finished eating half his meal before he went to get dressed in the outfit that Kristine and Nadine had left for him. It was not overly feminine. A passing eye would not think twice about a man sporting it. Under any scrutiny, however, it would be obvious that everything he was wearing was made for a woman's body. Alec pulled on his...

2 years ago
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Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife 9

Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife - 9 Don Abdul ©2010 It was raining when they arrived Mumbai, but their limo driver was there to greet them with an umbrella that kept them dry as they climbed into their transport to their home for the next seven days. A very comfortable home it was too, for Rajiv Chopra, Andrews trusted business partner never did anything by halves. As always, Rajiv had insisted that Andrew and Lynda stay with him and Sunita his beautiful wife in their palatial mansion in the...

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The Boy Next Door The following summer

Chapter 1 Trish was really looking forward to getting her maid back for the summer. Mark was due to return home today, and she was looking forward to picking up where the two of them left off the previous summer. Over the winter she had decided to keep increasing her feminization of the young man, and mentally started ticking off some of the things she had planned for him over the coming months. There were the obvious things such as going lingerie shopping, taking him to her...

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A day at the hotel with my bestfriend Part 2

After she said that she stood up, “I’ll only be a minute, and I have a surprise for you.” She giggles and ran to the bedroom. I hear her unzip and open her suit case. My ears were on alert hearing everything she was doing while I look all around the room excited, and a little nervous. I heard her run back out and their she was standing there with a hand behind her back biting her lip. She looks so cute doing that. I looked at her and wondered what she was hiding. “Teagan what are you not...

3 years ago
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17th BirthdayChapter 9

Vee drove me back to the house, and it looked like her neutral mom had given her dad, and brother a talking to, and they didn't seem, as eager to talk to Vee's new friend. I thanked Vee for the day, and she said that we could call each other, but there was no future date planned. When I called Rhonda on Sunday evening, and she said that she was sorry that she missed surfing on Saturday, but had gone to a party, and was happy to sleep in. I told her that I missed her company, but was happy...

2 years ago
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Sissy Who Served Me short

This is going to have rough, hard and dirty sex involved, but obviously nothing weird or anything like that. Just a heads up I guess. This also won't be a long lead up story, just what happened when I fucked one of my sissies that I "own". When we hooked up, she insisted on serving me, and have me be her master, so that's been our relationship for a couple of years now. Of course, I make sure to treat her well ;)One weekend, I had one of my sissies come over and serve me for a few days....

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“You had me worried there for a minute, Tiger,” she said giving me a new nickname. “I thought I felt your hands moving towards my butt.” “They did ... a little, but I was in control of my hands the whole time, OK Love.” “OK Love,” she repeated quietly. Jimmy told us that during the next week we would likely still be working on the Tango and Cha-Cha. Claire and I only needed to refine our steps and learn a few more. We must keep Jimmy satisfied. ==== It was Saturday night, and Annie and...

3 years ago
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Our Weekend Trip to Florida Part III

We stayed in bed for another hour just talking and sharing an occasional kiss. You told me more about your visit with your parents and filled me in on the things that happened after I left the office, but before you left. We often wondered what everyone had to gossip about after we let it be known that we were a couple. We had certainly been the high point of office gossip before we let it be known that we were well, sort of engaged. We didn’t actually announce that we were living together,...

Straight Sex
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BlacksOnBlondes Jaye Summers 03142017

“Are you nervous?” Mandingo asks, sizing up the latest notch in his belt — Jaye Summers. Of course Jaye is nervous. She’s never experienced 13 inches of black meat, and she’s not sure her tight little cunt is going to be able to take it all. Oh sure, she’s a black cock slut and all…but Mandingo is in another category altogether. Watch our submissive little slut crawl over to Dingo’s enormous cock, then try to stuff the first 1/4 of it in her...

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18-year-old Lynn Sherman was in a hurry. Cheerleading practice had run late, and now she was late for work. She was so late in fact, that she had no time to shower or change out of her cheerleading outfit. Shaun, one of her friends on the squad would be late too, but she took little consolation in that. Opening the door to her car, she sat down, and looked at herself in the rearview mirror. Her shoulder length chestnut brown hair was easily straightened when she ran her fingers quickly through...

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HandsOnHardcore Valentina Nappi Paola Hard Slut girlfriends Valentina Nappi and Paola DPd in Wild 3m2f Swinger Party

It’s the morning before their swinger party and Valentina Nappi is a bit worried because her girlfriend’s boyfriend allegedly has an enormous cock, and she’s not sure she can take it all. When Valentina expresses her feelings to her boyfriend Vince he reassures her that everything will be just fine and that she shouldn’t be worried at all. Later on in the evening, Vince, Valentina, and their friend Kristof are hanging out at the house when Paola and Thomas arrive. Valentina, despite...

2 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 3

Richard contacted his solicitor the next day. The response was not encouraging. The fact that Annette's natural father was still alive and had not yet been convicted of paedophilia meant that it was entirely up to him. Richard foresaw lengthy negotiations. He and his solicitor decided to wait for the outcome of the trial before proceeding any further. He reported his conversation to Deborah and Annette. Both accepted it. "It'll happen," said Annette philosophically, "and in the...

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Sisters swap husbands MF

My wife, Di, and I were having her sister and husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get riled up about anything. Di and I were really easy going as well and naturally it was not a surprise that the four of us got along as well as we did.Mary was only three years older then Di and at forty-one was in...

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Vanessas Island Chapter Eleven

Vanessa leaned back against me in the bath as I played casually with her soapy nipples. She turned her head and kissed me lightly on the lips. "Isn't this bliss?" she sighed. "I love bathing you," I said, "but I can't wait to dress you too. I love the feeling of looking after all of your body's needs." "All of my body's needs?" laughed Vanessa. "Next you'll be wanting to wipe my arse for me after I take a shit. Hey, I felt your cock twitch. Don't tell me that thought turns you on." "It's a bit...

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Padosi wali aunty

agar koi. To aab main apni story suro karne ja reha hoon, ye kahani ajj se 2 month pehale ki hai, jab school mein garami kiyan chutiyan chal rahi thi. Ek din mera ek dost mere pass aeya or muje kehane laga ke koi makan muje rent pe lean hai agar koi tumari nazar main hai to bata, to mere man main ek dum kheyal ayea ke hamare pass wali padosi ke upar wala porsan kahli hai to maine ose kaha ke main onse baat karke btatan hoon. Main agale hi din main padosi ke ghar geya or main bell bajai to...

1 year ago
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How My Girlfriend And Me Had An Amazing Experience At First Time

Hi, I’m Sourav 28years now 5.6 feet height athletic with good fit body and sexy, fan of ISS stories who sharing their real experience and interested in hot girls and aunties who are in thirsty of sex for them I am here with my contact I am working in MNC company as manager in Bangalore I’m here today with my first story in ISS before that I would like to say ISS is one of the good platforms to connect two personalities to celebrate their sexual desires with secret relationship and love isn’t...

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Full Family Choda Chodi

Hi dear readers, it’s subham again.Aap logon ne mere last story “Leena aunty aur manisha didi ne chodna sikhaya” ko kaafi like kia.Thanx for that.Ab me mere pure parivar ki sex story batane jaa raha hu,jo ki aap ki hosh udane ke saath sath aap ka lund khada aur chut gili kar dega. Jese ke aap log jante he mera family kaafi rich he aur sab log open minded he.Jo baat me aap ko batane jaa raha hu aaj se 3 saal pehle ki he.Mera even semester exam khatam hua tha aur winter break suru hua tha.Me...

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Fucking my first tranny Fun times with Jennifer

This happened about a month ago, it was one of those days where I felt really horny so I had to do something about it and I just didn't want to fuck a woman this time. I've been really curious about trannies for a while now, I once fucked a friend of mine when were fooling around (I should write a story about him too!), but the combination of tits, smooth ass and a cock would always catch my interest and would get me really aroused every single time I thought about having sex with one. A little...

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A Road Trip Surprise

I graduated sometime in mid-June 2002. During my last semester, I started interviewing for software developer jobs. I accepted a position as a junior developer for a small business in Portland, about 8 hours north. The company was a total of no more than 40 people. The IT department consisted of two people, my boss and me. My boss was an older man probably in his mid-50s. He seemed like a genuine position. He was eager to have a young developer that he could mentor.I woke up early that Saturday...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 23

Randi and Brock said their goodbyes just before two a.m. Brock figured it would be after 3:30 a.m. before he collected his stuff from the hotel and got home to bed. Randi had other ideas. "Let's just crash here tonight," she said when they got back to the Ritz. "I'm sure Danny wants to get home. I've kept him hopping for 14 straight hours and he has another hour drive after he drops us off. Plus, you have to be exhausted." Brock took a deep breath. He knew he could go to sleep...

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My Dad 8211 A Silent Affair 8211 Part 2

In previous part I saw him masturbating and he saw me in panty. I knew his intention that he kept inside. He did not let his feeling come out. I was thinking whether it was right time to go ahead or should wait. A man masturbates whenever he sees a nude girl. That is quite natural. But masturbating while thinking his daughter that is first time I have come across. I came to dad while brushing my hair letting droplet from hair on him. He saw me and was surprised looking at me. “I do not have...

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Victoria Per ScientiamChapter 3

“Good morning, sleepyhead” my gorgeous wife whispered to me as I woke up. I was all up for a nice cuddle to start the day, and she sure didn’t have anything better to do at the time. I finally extracted myself to visit the bathroom and start getting cleaned up, but she made sure to follow me into the shower to make sure I was clean to her exacting specifications. Of course that led us back to bed, some welcome exercise, and back once again to the shower. I didn’t put my coveralls on until...

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Summer AwakeningsChapter 2

The smell of pine and fresh mountain air filled the inside of my pick-up as I drove up the highway into the mountains. I glanced over at Shari in the passenger seat, drowsing, and my cock got hard just looking at her again. She was wearing the same tiny cut-offs she was wearing when me met, the ones that barely covered her slit and left most of her pussy totally exposed. I shook my head in disbelief. What had it been, ten days? I looked over at Shari, her full breasts barely covered by a...

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Jedadiah Jones

Introduction: A cheating wife story I met this cute girl while I was out cruising Saturday night and we sort of clicked so she invited me back to her house. Actually, it looked like a small mansion. Her name was Bonnie. Bonnie said her parents werent due home until late. We started kissing and necking for a while. So anyway, one thing led to another. We threw off all our clothes and started fucking. Everything was going along fine and dandy. I heard Bonnie gasp while we were doing the old in...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 13

Dave and Evie were in the kitchen at six the next morning drinking coffee when Doctor Boswell walked in, her hair still wet from her morning laps in the pool. She and Evie exchanged greetings. Dave smiled a good morning and stood up. "There's no one in the living room this morning. How did you get him to go to bed?" "Sit down, please," Doctor Boswell, laughed, "You make me feel old." "Sorry, Doctor. I was raised to stand when a lady entered the room. Old habits are hard to...

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Fucking A Grandmother

Sam had been around Betty Williams several times over the last few months and he was actually surprised when he found himself thinking about her in a sexual way. Sam was in his late 20s and he was an active guy and had several girlfriends that he alternated between with none of them being "the one" in his life. The surprising thing about him thinking about Betty and even imagining her naked sometimes was the fact that Betty was in her early 60s and she was a grandmother. Yeah, she was...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Avi Love Cock Blocking Sister

Justin Hunt walks in on his stepsister Avi Love hanging out with her friend Kat Monroe. Kat is totally into Justin, flirting with him while Avi just finds herself increasingly annoyed at her brother. When Avi’s back is turned, Kat takes things a step further by reaching out to start stroking Justin’s hardon. Avi catches Kat in the act and flips out! She kicks her friend out, then confronts Justin in the living room.Avi may be pissed, but Justin has problems of his own. He tells Avi...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 51 Darkened Paths

“Where does this lead?” Elizabeth asked, pointing to a corridor that sloped downward. “The dungeon,” Elena answered. “Truly?” Julia wondered. “I’ll bet you two had quite the time tormenting the prisoners!” “The cells were almost always empty,” Joseph said with genuine bitterness. “Perhaps if my father had kept them filled to capacity he might still be alive.” “I know you do not believe that,” Genrico said, putting a hand on Joseph’s shoulder. “You have had ample opportunity to have the...

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The Grieving Widow

(This is the sequel to 'Man Of The House')"My condolences," the driver said, as he looked back through the window between the back and front seats of the limo. "It'll take us about forty-five minutes to get to the cemetery. I'll make the ride as smooth as possible.""Thank you. Take your time," Rory said, pushing the button that raised the solid panel, closing the two compartments off from each other. Between the solid panel and the extremely darkly tinted windows, they were completely isolated...

2 years ago
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No Strings Attached 8211 Friends with Benefits

Hi Readers, this is Denny from Chennai. I am a regular reader of ISS for a very long time. Myself, 5’8” tall, light tan skin tone, Athletic body and a satisfying thick size of dick for ladies. I have now somehow managed to post this story about me and my best friend. This is not a fictional story and so little bit up of spicing up might not happen. Prior apologies for I make mistakes in writing, as its first time for me here. Please give feedback regarding any. I am going to narrate to you a...

3 years ago
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Spring was upon the area; the sap was flowing both in the trees and my veins. It was a warm evening the first of the year that you could go out without a coat. I was feeling very restive that evening, and needed to be out and about as it were. As I recall didn’t have my car that evening, so decided to walk up to the boulevard and see what was going on. Left my apartment and walked the two blocks up to the main drag. There was your basic friendly neighborhood tavern across the four...

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My family isn’t uber-rich, but we’re not poor by any means. Our house is pretty big and I’m a bit spoilt sometimes. I’m a bit of a nerd, I spend most of the time on my laptop, but I go out with my friends a lot too, so I’m not a complete geek. The rest of my family is fairly large; I have 10 cousins and aunts & uncles, although they don’t live very near to us. Now you know my life story, l shall begin with the actual story. My parents usually leave me home alone and I babysit for other...

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Heavy LoadChapter 4

Cas had traveled halfway across the universe, mostly getting by on nothing more than a smug smile, roguish charm and a thick cock. From experienced hookers eager to please to dainty virgins, he’d been with every type of girl you could think of a dozen times. And occasionally, he’d been with more than one type of girl at a time. There’d been that threesome with those triple-breasted gene-mod twins he’d met in the Outer Rim. The four-way at the Redhorn Saloon after a particularly good payday...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Zoey Bloom Petite Teen Plowed By Huge Football Player

Its rush season and Zoey desperately wants to join this sorority. Shes willing to do anything, including sneaking into the quarterbacks bedroom to steal a pair of boxers for a pledge scavenger hunt. Zoey quietly sneaks into his room and springs into Nancy Drew mood. Shes never met Dustin, but by the look of his clothes scattered around his room, hes a big guy. The lube and used condoms she finds are good clues that this guy really likes to fuck. Like a lot. Just as shes about to snap a selfie,...

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The making of a slut part 4

Daddy had told me to wear a cotton dress and no bra or panties, so I pulled it off over my head and stood there in my sandals. The doctor licked his lips. “I understand you’re not a virgin, so I won’t need to be careful with how I conduct your examination, will I? Not the way I am with young ladies. Your father tells me that you have significant sexual experience. He described it as active. So I don’t imagine having the instruments inserted will be disturbing.” He motioned toward the...

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Nightmares Are Bad for YouChapter 1

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! "what the fuck was that" panted Chuck. That had to have been the best example ever of a great dream turned into a nightmare he thought. Looking down at his blankets on the bed he saw the proof that it had been a great dream. There were copious amount of white sticky jizz everywhere. "Just great" he mumbled "now moms going to think I was jacking of again." Charles Adams, or Chuck as he thought of himself, had finally had enough. "Damn it" he thought "I'm...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Vanna Bardot Blowjob Fuck

Petite, angel-faced brunette Vanna Bardot teases her pink nipples and runs manicured fingers over her pearly clit. Porn pro Mick Blue captures uncensored, very personal POV-style footage. Vanna wraps both hands around his big cock and gives him a drooling blowjob, spit streaming from her lips as she licks. Mick eats her delicious cunt. He shoves his boner inside her pussy, making Vanna moan in joy. She climbs on top and enjoys a thrilling cock ride that leaves her begging for more. Mick fucks...

3 years ago
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Bedroom Surprise

I had always hung out with my mate Peter. We both had girfriends but didn't mind a bit of bi action so we'd watched porn together plenty of times. Every now and then we'd jerk off together but not go further. Every now and then he'd talk about wanting to fuck someone up the arse and I'd tell him he'd have to suck my cock first and then we'd laugh it off and leave it at that.One day I invited Peter over to hang out and maybe watch some porn. This time he was running late so I quickly had a...

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TommyChapter 7

Tommy’s turn: It’s comforting, knowing Mimi. All of a sudden there’s a friend in my life who’s not threatening, who doesn’t seem bent on putting me in spaces where I don’t want to be. I mean, I’ve dated girls. At least a few. I know guys who’ve seriously dated more than I have. I know guys who’ve, in contemporary parlance (don’t you LOVE a good English education?), ‘hooked up’ with uncountable numbers. I can’t do that. I tried, with some modicum of success, at least by whatever measures one...

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Not Taken

It’s never one thing that seemingly sends you over the line; it’s far too easy to put the blame on your partner, no matter who he or she is. But if I was honest with myself, even a little, I knew it wasn’t her. Not really. It was too easy to just let things slide or to swallow my desire after a number of rejections. If I had been able to put my supposed needs or fetishes aside, I wouldn’t be here, in the office, on my knees.And if I was honest with myself, I would have to admit that no one but...

Gay Male
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Sisters Body Part II

I had just woken up naked with one of the biggest boners I had ever had in my life and I was in bed with my sister who by the way was staring at it now. “Did I turn you on like that I mean d-did I make it throb like that,” she asked. Great just fucking great I thought. I just wanted to die right there. Here she was looking at my erection with what could only be described as awe and I was about to do the right thing and diffuse the situation instead of fucking her brains out. “P-please let’s...

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Amnesia Ch 10

Chapter 10 – Epilogue Tony leaned back and rested his head against the plaster wall of the almost empty room. He was thinking. He had plenty of time to think. At least as much as three years to think. Ralph Cummings would be arriving soon, and it would be back to work. Work on the story of his ‘life,’ if that’s what you could call it. Ralph was a god-send, actually. Tony had been wavering between despair and frustration for the past three months. Three months since the sentencing. Three...

4 years ago
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A rainy night

It was raining heavily from theevening and still continuing during the night. Nick turned restless in bed trying to get rid of all wild thoughts raging through his mind. The harder he tried to forget what he just heard from his aunt’s room next door, the more restless and frustrated he became. He wished he hadn’t waked up that time and walked to the kitchen to have some water. Was it breathless moaning that he heard from his aunts room or just a fig of his imagination, he couldn’t decide. But...

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Ice and fire

My Master was out of town for the day, and He left me strict instructions how i was to behave while He was gone. i was to wear my collar and nothing else at all times. He left me food in one bowl and water in the other, and i was to eat on all fours not using my hands. i was free to use the toilet at all times, but if i needed to pee, i was to insert a buttplug up my ass, and if i had other needs, i was to insert a dildo in my pussy while on the toilet. He also left me an assignment to do while...

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Family of Voyeurs

Note : This story is completely fictional! Around the house we had always been very open with each other. The kids had seen the wife and I naked many times as well as we had seen them naked. My daughter was the spitting image of her mother mother and they both had no problem turning heads when out and around. Our son turned into a strapping young man that had girls hanging all over him. Over the years there had been times when the wife or myself or both of us together had been caught in some...

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Sania in dreams sister on the bed

Hello ISS Lovers! How often we fantasize about famous women and end up enjoying just those girls whom we say day in and day out. A sexy sister is better than a centre spread celebrity whom we can only dream about. Hope you enjoy this story highlighting the tricky irony of our life where we lust for someone and end up fucking another. A brief introduction about me would not hinder the flow what I am going to narrate I suppose. At 25 years I can’t boast of being anywhere near any handsome heroes...

1 year ago
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Your turn part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Laurn and I awoke the next morning with the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. Lauren rolled over, and jumped out of bed, rushing to get her clothes on. I jumped up, threw my panties in my clothes hamper, and ran to slam the door. Lauren came out in her bra and thong, and stretched in front of my mirror, I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked over at me and smiled, then kissed me on the lips, finished getting dressed, and left the room. A...

1 year ago
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Fucking the wife secret private show

Mike was an old friend from college. We lived in separate cities but were still pretty close. I had been his best man when he married Holly and he was mine when I married Kristine. We still got together whenever we could and had a lot of fun whenever we did. When I married Kristine, Mike and Holly were only dating. I knew that he thought Kristine was hot, because she is, and because we had talked about our girlfriends a lot in the past. We were not swingers, just normal friends, but we...

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