Cattleman's LamentChapter 10 free porn video

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Frank had finally answered all their questions, and told them everything he knew of what had happened to his mother, sister and Bobby.

Brad thought for a few minutes. He called to Beth, who had grown bored with hearing how brave her brother was. She came to the wagon.

“I want you to go back to the house,” he said.

She started to protest. Brad ignored her and turned to Frank.

“And you need to go to town and let the Sheriff know about Buford and Chaps ... that Chaps is dead ... and where he’s buried. I should do it myself, but I can’t leave the flock. Somebody needs to get after Buford before he leaves these parts forever. I know he went up to the high meadows, because I could tell he’d been in the shack. But I didn’t find any evidence that he was still there. There’s another trail that leads down the south face of the mountain. We don’t use it for trailing sheep, but a man on a horse could ride it. I think he went that way.”

“I need to get home,” said Frank weakly.

“Your pa is probably back there by now,” said Brad. “Just tell the Sheriff to meet Beth at the house and she’ll bring him up to the camp.

She can show him where Chaps is buried, and then he can come on up and follow Buford’s trail from there.”

“Yes sir,” said Frank. “I’ll do that.”

“And I’d appreciate it if you’d see my daughter safe back to the house on the way,” said Brad. “Try not to fall in love with her too,” he added, half smiling. He was impressed with the boy, all things considered. He had a lot of grit to take out after his mother alone, like he had. Maybe his interest in Enid wasn’t so bad after all.

Beth screeched at her father’s last comment. “You don’t need to even think on that pappa,” she said angrily. “And I can see my own way home.”

“And what if Buford cut back to get something from the ranch and is there when you get there? Do you want to face him alone, now that you know what he’s likely to do? You’ll let Frank take you there to make sure it’s safe, and you’ll wait there until the Sheriff comes,” said Brad steadily. “Now, git!”

He watched the two young people ride off, and turned to Amanda.

“What do you think?” he asked.

Amanda was thoughtful. “He seems to have a good head. Enid! I never thought Enid would be spoken for before Beth.”

She looked up again at the two teens, now far away.

“It’s a good thing it was Frank and not his brother who showed up. The way they were making moon eyes at each other I don’t think I’d want to send her off with him alone.” She was thoughtful and quiet for a moment. “You know Frank was up there with Enid alone. And he’s awfully insistent about seeing her again. I wonder what happened up there?”

Brad wasn’t comfortable thinking about what might have happened up in the high meadows. “What are we gonna do if both of those boys want to spark both of our girls?” asked Brad.

“The question is, what is Jonas Collins going to do?” replied his wife.

Molly rode to the North, which was the last place she knew the men to be working. She found the herd scattered, as she had thought, and it became clear the men were nowhere around here. She had settled down on the ride, but was still filled with nervous energy.

She set about grouping cows and starting them to the East and South, where she knew the pasturage was that Jonas wanted to use next. She thought about the dogs Bobby had described to her, and how they helped with the sheep. She wished she had a good cow dog now.

Bobby was gone ... had been gone for over an hour, and Sarah was dressed, this time in a real dress, when she heard hoof beats. She picked up a shotgun, checking the loads automatically, and stepped out on the porch. When she saw it was her father and brother ... and Buckshot, of course, she stood waiting for them, and leaned the shotgun against the wall.

Jonas, in an unexpected and rare display of affection, ran his horse all the way to the house when he saw Sarah standing there and vaulted to the ground running. That carried him up onto the porch and he scooped up his only daughter and swung her in a circle, almost crying.

Sarah giggled and hugged her father back until he set her down.

“Where’s your mamma?” he asked anxiously.

“She’s fine Pappa,” said Sarah, beaming. “We got saved by Bobby Rocklin ... well I did anyway. She’s out looking for you up North. She’s mighty upset that somebody else got me back instead of you, I think.”

“Out looking for me?” asked her father, incredulously. “That’s the kind of thing that got her in trouble in the first place! I swear that woman has no brain! Which way did she go?” he asked.

Sarah pointed to the North. Her father turned and was obviously going to go find his wife when Sarah stopped him.

“Pappa, I’m going to marry Bobby Rocklin,” she announced.

There was pure, dead silence for what seemed like forever. Buckshot broke the silence by softly saying “Oh Lordy.”

Jonas didn’t go to his horse. His face got darker and darker until it looked almost purple.

“You’ll do no such damned thing!” he finally shouted.

In the past Sarah would have reacted completely differently. She would have ducked her head and submissively said, “Yes Pappa.”

But this was a completely different Sarah, and her reaction was to raise her head proudly and say, “I most certainly am!” When no one said anything she went on. “I was captured by Indians, and Bobby fought to get me free. I’d still be there, husband to some Indian if he hadn’t come to get me. I love him and I’ll have him for my husband if it’s the last thing I ever do!” she said forcefully.

Jonas took a step toward his daughter, his face thunderous.

“Now Jonas, hang on a minute,” said Buckshot, holding his hand out and letting Jonas walk into it. “Think about things before you do something rash.”

“I don’t have to think about things,” said Jonas angrily. “My daughter is not going to go off and marry some damned sheep farmer!” He turned to the girl in question. “You don’t know diddly about being in love! I met those Indians. We’d have got there and took you back ourselves if that boy hadn’t meddled in our business. And he took your own mother into danger doing it! We were told that some of those Indian men wanted to take her away from him too!”

Sarah didn’t flinch. “By the time you got there, I’d have had an Indian baby in my belly,” she said harshly. “The Indian brave who captured me planned to make me his wife that very night, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it! And you’d have killed people, and gotten yourself killed too! Bobby managed to get me back safe and sound without killing anybody. He fought for me bare handed. He has great honor with the tribe now!”

She almost blurted out that they had stayed the night and been served by an old Indian woman, but bit her lip. That could stray into areas neither she nor her mother wanted discussed.

“I forbid it!” shouted Jonas, things final in his mind. He turned to Buckshot. “I’m going to go find Molly and bring her back here. Don’t let this ... this ... this sheep lover out of your sight, do you hear me Buckshot?” He turned to Peter. “And you get your butt into town and find the Sheriff and tell him I want that damned sheep farmer arrested for kidnapping my wife!“

“Jonas...” Buckshot started to plead.

“I’ll not hear another damned word!” Jonas thundered. “I run this cursed spread, and you’ll all do as I damned say! Is that clear?“ he screamed. Without waiting for an answer he climbed up on his horse and kicked it viciously, jerking the reins just as viciously and galloping off to the North.

Buckshot sighed. “Well, that didn’t go all that well,” he said.

Sarah stuck her chin out. “I’m gonna marry him Buckshot. I love him.”

She was obviously talking about Bobby. “I don’t care what he says,” switching to talking about her father. Her stubborn streak, identical to Jonas’, shone from her face.

“Not today, little missy,” said Buckshot. “You leave here today and I’ll be out of a job. And I like my job.” He frowned. “Well I did until lately.”

Peter, knowing that he too had to do what his father had ordered, got back on his own horse.

“Be back in the morning,” he said.

“Be careful,” said Buckshot. “The last thing this family needs is another missing member.” He grinned and turned to Sarah. “And you, little missy, go inside.”

“Don’t call me that!” said Sarah, her voice surly. “That’s what that awful Buford called me when he tried to rape me.”

Buckshot’s eyebrows rose into his hat. “Now that is a story I have to hear. Let’s go inside, Sarah, and you can tell me what happened.”

Sarah deflated. She loved Buckshot. He was like an uncle to her and she couldn’t be mad at him for doing what her father ordered.

“All right, since you asked me nicely,” she said. “But I’m going to marry Bobby. I just want you to understand that.”

“Yes ma’am, I certainly do understand that,” said Buckshot grinning.

“You may have to wait until your Pa dies and goes to Heaven, but I believe you’ll marry the boy.”

After what he had done with her sister, Frank felt distinctly uncomfortable being with Beth. At first she was angry and sullenly quiet, but, as happens with girls sometimes, she forgot all about her anger and plied him with questions. She didn’t want to know about what had happened to his mother and sister. She was interested in how he and Enid got so close that he thought he loved her. She asked very pointed questions too, that made Frank pointedly nervous.

It didn’t take her long to figure out there was something that had gone on that he didn’t want to talk about. And it didn’t take long for her mind to stray towards things most people did only when they were married. But she couldn’t believe that Enid would have done any of those things with this boy ... with any boy, for that matter!. She rode silently for a while, thinking about Peter, and the feelings he caused in her, both mentally and physically. She had stared at his lips at the supper table, and wondered what they might feel like against her own.

“You kissed her, didn’t you?” she probed.

“I love her,” he said for what seemed like the hundredth time.

“How do you know you love her if you didn’t kiss her?” asked Beth triumphantly.

“So what if I did kiss her?” asked Frank.

“What was it like?” Beth asked immediately.

“Surely you’ve kissed a boy before,” said Frank dubiously.

“I most certainly have not!” she replied heatedly. “I don’t even know any boys I might want to kiss,” she said. “Except maybe your brother, Peter.”

Now Frank was astonished. “How do you know Peter?” he asked.

“They came to our house and had supper with us when they were looking for your mother,” said Beth.

“Oh, yeah ... I knew that,” said Frank. “But that was the only time you ever saw him wasn’t it?”

“Yes,” she said, “But his eyes are so beautiful, and his lips look so soft...”

Frank looked over at her. She had on a shirt and pants, like a man. The wind blew the shirt against her breasts. They didn’t look as big as Enid’s, but there were two very sharp points poking through the fabric.

Beth saw him looking and looked down. Her hands came up to cover the bumps.

“You’re a horrible boy!” she accused. “Looking at me like that!” He looked back forward and she took her hands away. “If you did that to Enid she’d hit you with something.”

Frank was tired of her arguing. “No she wouldn’t,” he lashed out. “She liked it when I looked!” He clapped his mouth closed and stared stonily ahead.

“And what else did you do?” asked Beth. She’d heard something in his voice that made the hair on the back of her neck tingle. “You may as well tell me. She tells me everything, you know. She can’t keep a single secret from me.”

Frank looked over. “She won’t tell you everything about us,” he said firmly.

Beth thought about that for a minute. Her suspicions grew. “So you love her.”


“Do you want to marry her?”


Just like that ... he’d said “Yes.” Beth was stunned. Her little sister?

Beth instinctively went for the throat. “I bet you have to marry her, don’t you?” He looked straight ahead and didn’t say anything.

“That’s it!“ she squealed.

“You have to marry Enid because you...”

Frank looked at her as the words died on her lips. “I love her. I want to marry her. I don’t have to do anything. But I want to marry her.”

“But did you... ?” Beth just couldn’t see Enid in her mind, doing things with this boy that it sounded like they might have done.

“If Enid tells you what we did then fine,” he said evenly. “But I’m not going to say another word.” Despite his pronouncement he went on.

“I’m going to marry her, and I don’t care if we farm sheep, or cattle, or go off and do something else.”

Beth knew now that something crazy had happened up in the high meadows. No cow man would agree to raise sheep. It was unheard of.

“I can’t believe little Enid got do to that before me,” she said, mostly to herself. Her voice carried though and his head jerked.

“You’d do that?” he asked incredulously.

“With the right boy,” she said, her nose high. “If I loved him, and he was going to marry me.”

“Women aren’t at all the way I thought they’d be,” said Frank, staring at her.

“So you did that?” she asked excitedly. “Really?!”

“I told you I’m not saying,” he growled.

“What was it like?” she gasped. “Did she cry?”

“Of course she didn’t cry,” he said, defending himself. “She laughed and she yelled, but she sure didn’t cry.” He thought he’d said too much, and couldn’t believe he’d said it at all.

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Show and share

Volume 1Chapter 1SHOW AND SHARE Another Melody Mitchell storyThe drinks and snacks were neatly laid out in the kitchen, and Melody glanced at the clock to make sure that she had left herself enough time to get ready. She knew she would be in very hot water if she was late. Half past five, that gave her just an hour to prepare before the men got back from town. This was the first time that their games would involve another person and her heart skipped a beat every time she thought of it. She had...

2 years ago
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Cute Trainee Girl Creampied In Delhi

Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Rohit writing here for the first time. I have been a reader of Indian sex stories for quite some months now. So, now I have decided to take up the pen and be an author of a real sex story that happened with me almost a year back. Before I start, let me give you a quick intro. I am Rohit as you have read, and aged 26 years and staying in Bangalore since 2016. Currently, I am working in Bangalore itself and is well-paid off I would say. I am a fun loving and...

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The Joy of Teenage Bodies Part 1

My wife Sarah was having one of her usual girly-gathering evenings in our house. I knew what that meant of course. I was sent out of the house and told not to come back until the bars were closing some several hours later. I knew the scenario of course. Wine would flow and about 20 or more women would congregate in our living room to create a noise which no man could bare. Three hours of this and most of them would be half-drunk and the conversation would have descended into the depths of...

1 year ago
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Maami ke sath barsaat me sex

Hiii doston. Kaise hai aap sab? Mera naam raj hai,main odisha ka rehne wala hu,par nagpur me rehta hu job ke liye. Main koi hunk type ka ladka nahi hu, average looking ladka hu aur mere lund ka size 8-10″ nhi, just normal indian size jo ki kaafi hai kisi bhi aurat ko pleasure dene ke liye. Aaj main apni ek kahani le ke aaya hu jisme maine rain season yaani barsaat me sex kiya tha apni maami ji ke sath. Maine pehle bhi 02 stories post ki hai “mere aur mere dost ke bichh sexual...

1 year ago
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Drilled Whitney Wright A Very Thorough Checkup

Whitney Wright is feeling down in the weather. Her sore throat just will not go away. She decides to go get a checkup and Doctor Shebotto has just the cure. He gives her a rectal exam going with one finger and then 2. A clean rectum means clean health, he says. It will surely cure her sore throat! Whitney is shocked at his procedure but does not object as his fingers feel so good deep in her ass! He orders her to bend down lower so he can use his personal thermometer; aka his cock, and give her...

3 years ago
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Goddess Revenge

My Goddess had an untimely sexual, sensual yet unwanted visit from her spineless former fucktoy. She allowed this and that for fun but knew in the back of her mind she had revenge planned.He has a new girlfriend yet was entering the Goddess lair for brief primal release and lust fucks. His draw to her was purely sexual and she didn't understand why he would break into her apartment and forcefully take her just to feel that perfect pussy again and again. Yeah that Pussy is perfect, addictive and...

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In The Park

Over the stream and through a small entry, a sun soaked field, shielded from the general gatherings of people enjoying the hot sunny day.All alone, I sit down, take my book from my bag and lay back on the warm grass. My knees raised, my long white gypsy skirt pulled just above but tucked carefully to hide the fact that I haven't worn underwear today. I start to read, losing myself in the story. Chapters later, I close the pages, I'm sleepy. I sit up, pulling my t shirt above my head to...

1 year ago
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No Bras Allowed

Alana felt like crap. She was walking home from work, where her boss had insulted her about her tiny boobs. Now, Alana was very attractive. She had an incredible ass, beautiful green eyes and long, wavy, blonde hair, but her tiny breasts were always teased by other girls. Alana kicked a rock along the ground, and instantly a puff of smoke enshrouded her. Confused, she found herself in a dark room. A figure stood before her. 'What is your deepest wish?' the figure asked. 'I wish I had bigger...

2 years ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 36

There Can Be Only One Chapter 36Initially Ross had every intension of going into Susie’s room last night for some fun but he forgot... she had her period... and he wanted more than just a blow job... so he settled on visiting his younger sister. He left Cathy’s room at 1:30 having spent a couple of hours with her. They had to tone down the noise because they did not want to disturb any of the others, but Ross made full use of his latest hold on his sister having her perform to his every...

1 year ago
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ChangesChapter 13

'Okay, everything is in place. The room at the top of the stairs is the one that is reserved for him.' Dana said giving Misty a hug. 'You be careful, ' she added giving her a kiss. Misty made her way through the crowd of people until she stood next to the governor. She leaned to his ear. 'I'm ready to find out what's down your pants, Sir, ' she whispered and gave him a seductive look. 'Oh Lord yes!' He yelled out as he slapped his hands together. 'You all will have to excuse me,...

3 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 22 Rubinas First Hunt

"Today is your first hunt," said Ramzy El-Najjar when he woke Rubina, "Do you remember everything I told you?" "Yes I remember," she said bitterly, thinking only of the penalty for failure "First they hunt me with elephant dogs, then they rape me, then they beat me, then I come back here." "You forgot the sodomy," he said sardonically. The conditions were perfect; there was a little wind which ameliorated the effects of the hot sun when the hunt met and the stirrup cup of port,...

2 years ago
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Aunties Ko Choda Part 1

Hello Everyone … Mera naam Kevin hai aur meri age 24 Year hai. Main Gujarat se hu aur Ab mein apni story pe aata hoon. Mere Father sabse bade hai aur me unka 1 lauta beta hoon. Jab me 10 saal ka tha tabhi accident ma mere maata-pita ki death ho gayi thi. Aur me apne uncles k saath hi rahta hoon. Main story ki heroines yaani ki meri aunties k baare me batana chahunga. Meri 4 aunties hai . 1) Gita (48 Year – Big Boobs ) 2) Vasant (45 Year – Big Boobs) 3) Sunita (40 Year – Small Boobs) 4) Payal...

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The Girl Scout Guide to Your Daughters Sexual Development

All parents everywhere want a better life for their children. The Girl Scouts want to be your partner in bringing your daughter through the difficult transition from child to woman. In recent years our organization has redefined its focus to take advantage of the sexually permissive atmosphere of today's society. We believe that girls should become sexually active as soon as they reach puberty, and accordingly we've developed a host of new programs to encourage adolescent girls to be more...

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BeachHouse sex P1

My name is Zeke and I’m 13 now. I play soccer and basketball and I surf. I have blonde hair with brown eyes and a tall muscular-skinny body. I was at my beach-house in Virginia Beach this summer with the rest of my family and a couple of my friends families. Me and my friends Jak and Alec had been surfing all day and hanging out on the beach with our girlfriends. All the surfing made Jak Alec and I real sore. The rest of our families decided to go out to eat that night, but we decided...

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Her face floats above me.   The flickering candlelight provides the only illumination in the room, highlighting her beautiful pale skin and creating sharp contrasts with her dark red lips and flushed cheeks.   The shadows of her curves compete with the sheen of light as it glistens from the thin film of sweat covering her delicious body.   She sits astride me as I lie flat on my back, with her hips undulating against mine.   Her strong thighs grasp at my hips as we rock together in unison....

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Popscotch part 2

Popscotch --- Part 2 - I woke up running my fingers repetitively over and around a little donut under some thin scrunched up fabric. I didn’t know why my hand was where it was in the first place, but I just decided to stick with it, still only half way coming from my sleep. Fading into more consciousness, it began to feel more and more like a tiniest belly button underneath a thinnest shirt. I thought of Ashley, my hand draped over her and caressing her naval. The positioning...

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I had to lose almost everything before I came to my senses, sitting there at the dining table with my boyfriend Todd – watching him gamble away everything he owned and, as it turned out, a few major things that I owned too. I never considered myself to be stupid, but much as a frog stays in water that slowly warms up to a boil without noticing what is going on, it somehow didn’t concern me when he stopped winning at poker and started to lose. It didn’t concern me that the new car I was...

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Internet Dating and a Slut

When I first started seeing this guy, I could tell that he would be open to fantasies. So as we got to know each other more, I would confess to him some certain fantasies that I had and wanted to have come true, maybe. One I forgot about, but obviously he didn't, was about to unfold. Marc had emailed me and informed me we were going to do an afternoon/evening fantasy together the upcoming weekend. He did not say what we were doing, he only instructed what I was to do, what to...

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I have a style that keeps me away from using too much bad language or giving too much detail... I expect the reader to fill in the details. On the other hand I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to write a smut laden story full of genital dripping filth. I have had this urge before but the characters in the story wouldn’t allow me to do as I wished and hijacked the piece into one of my previous efforts.I am hoping to overcome my natural resistance to bad language and use lots of it in an over...

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Love at first sight

Isabella plopped down in front of her dressing room table while struggling to pull on her panty hose! “I just gotta lose some weight.” She said with a sigh, “I’m gonna die young if I don’t!” After finally getting them on and adjusted correctly. She stood up and slid her 42DD bra over her shoulders while harnessing her huge boobs in her custom made bras. She stared at herself in the mirror, seeing her dark brown mid-shoulder lenght hair, her azure blue eyes for several seconds, until the tears...

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A Very Very Hot MotherDaughter encounter

Some parents relive their dreams through their c***dren, be it a career move, thoughts of untold wealth, either way they hamper their k**s ambitions and choices in life.My own daughter by year ten had won five beauty pageants, been on TV with advertisements, countless magazines and local newspaper photo-shoots, she by all standards had a bright future ahead of her.When you have a protegee you might have a problem c***d on your hands, but safe to say she entered that most troublesome time in a...

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The beach

Thought about the comments you made about the story near the beach. There are other beaches which are secluded, and some which have a more interesting geography. Welles on the north coast, has a wooded area behind the beach. Proper woods and trees, and then the slope down to the beach which is obscured from view. Somewhere like that would be fun to explore when it is warmer, as there are loads of opportunities for illicit outside sex, always with the chance of being caught. A gorgeous,...

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My new wife Chapter 4

Chapter 4: A different girl, Natural Redhead Red Riding Hood, Redlocks and the three bears I was enthralled with this local girl who made videos. While I have no interest in having sex with a man, I found her to be incredibly erotic. The next night I was looking at "more videos by this user" to see if there were more of her. I found the original poster of the videos listed themself in my home town. I suspect this person is either the male camera operator, or the "Mistress" of whom...

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My Dear Br

DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a work of fiction. Any similarities between people living or dead is purely coincidental. No a****ls were harmed in the writing of this story. When I was a young c***d, I was teased a lot. I was a boy, but I looked more like a girl, and even acted quite feminine. The older girls would use me as a dress-up doll, and the older boys would beat me. My b****r, though, would often come to my rescue, even if it meant that he took a worse beating than I did. I loved...

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Muslim Slut and her Driving Instructor

Humdia got into the Toyota Corlla, with her head wrap tighlty around her head. Her hair was dishevled as usual, and her pretty face was slightly covered with acne. Her driving Insructor, for 3 weeks now, looked down at his clipboard and filled out the paper work, not looking at the girl. She knew she was safe with him; he would never try anything on her. She was a young Muslim girl in America and her parents signed her up for driving classes with this young american man, but she knew that he...

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A Threesome Story

A strongandsecure original story... Ahhh. First day off. And I don't go back for a while. I look over to see my gorgeous wife standing over me with a cup of coffee. “Good morning, boo! First day of vacation! Any ideas of where we're going?” “Not yet...To Be Determined. Any recommendations?” “I don't care, Joel. As long as we're together.” I make my way downstairs. As I make it to the living room, I see a shadow in the driveway. Entering the entryway, the shadowy figure was gone. A single white...

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First Black Cock Gay

This is a story that is one of many in which it is time for me to share. In a nutshell, my name is Dean, my mother had a thing for Dean Martin it seems, but I go by Dina. I am a 26 year old white pre-op transsexual that has no interest in switching my outside in, if you know what I mean. I was born to a single mother, never knowing who my father was. Considering the lifestyle of my mother, I doubt that she had any idea who he was either. I have always been effeminate in nature and as I grew up...

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