Winterborn Ch. 02 free porn video

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This chapter can be read as a standalone story but it will make more sense and give you the background of the characters and the story line if you read the first chapter

As always constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. .


Friday morning Dillon was late reporting to Tom at the marshal’s office, he didn’t get there until 8:30. He yawned as he walked through the door. Tom looked up from his desk and laughed.

‘You look like you been rode hard and put away wet, Dillon.’

‘Sorry about being late Tom, I overslept. It won’t happen again.’

‘Don’t worry about it,’ Tom replied. ‘When I get home Juanita wants me to start painting the house. All and all I’d rather sit here in my office.’ He laughed a little and added, ‘I was sorta hoping I’d have to ride out to investigate something so I didn’t have to go home.’

Dillon returned his smile as he got a cup of coffee. ‘Sorry Boss, I guess you’ll have to go home now.’

‘Couple of things to talk to you about before I leave. Tom lit a cigar and leaned back in his chair. ‘Just got a telegram from my deputy, Bill Moore. Guess I should say my ex-deputy, he’s not coming back from Shreveport. Sez he has to stay for family reasons. Personally I think he got tired of having to brace those rowdy cow hands.’ Tom got up to get coffee and sat on the edge of his desk.

‘The other thing is related, your three months will be up in two weeks. I know you only agreed to stay for that period but I’d appreciate it if you could give me another month. By that time there won’t be many cattle drives coming through, it’ll be getting too late in the season what with winter coming on. Maybe I can find another deputy by then, if not you’ll be free to go, I won’t try to get you to stay and no hard feelings.’

Tom watched his deputy for his reaction to the request. ‘Think about it for a day or two and let me know.’

Dillon took a sip of his coffee and sat down in the chair in front of the desk. He looked back at Tom for almost a half a minute before replying.

‘Don’t need to think about it, I’ve already made up my mind. I was gonna talk to you today,’ Dillon stopped, chuckled and then continued. ‘Before I was late coming in that is. I’d like to stick around a while if it’s okay with you. I’ve become very fond of this little town and the people in it.’

‘Sure it not just one special person in town that you’ve become fond of, maybe a certain widow that runs a boarding house?’ Tom saw by the flush that came over Dillon’s face that he’d hit close to the truth with his teasing.

Dillon got up and refilled Tom’s cup and his own, trying to hide his feelings. He ignored Tom’s comment about Emma and said, ‘I feel at peace here, it’s the first time I’ve felt that way since before the war. You’re a good boss Tom and a better friend. You and Juanita have taken me into your home and made me feel welcome.’

Tom smiled at what to him was good news. He liked Dillon and respected him for the job he’d been doing. The young man seemed to know just when to push and when to take it easy facing down drunken cowhands. He was fair but didn’t allow much leeway from the laws of the town. Most importantly, Dillon didn’t have a god complex just because he wore a badge.

‘I’m sure glad to hear that Dillon. You’re welcome to stay as long as you’ve a mind too.’ Tom paused for a few seconds and said, ‘Sorry about teasing you.’

Dillon realized he’d given his feelings away and replied, ‘Its okay Tom. I know you didn’t mean anything by it. How’d you know anyway?’

‘It helps to be able to read people in this job. Besides sometimes things just stand out when you look at them the right way. Why don’t you take today off?’

‘Don’t want you to have to work another shift,’ Dillon responded.

‘You can work for me tonight instead. Go get some sleep or do the errands you didn’t do yesterday.’

‘How’d you know I didn’t do the things I normally do on my day off?’

Tom grinned at his deputy and replied, ‘I saw you and Emma ride off yesterday. It’s one of those things that stand out that I talked about. Now get, see you this evening.’

Dillon left the office, surprised that Tom knew about him and Emma. He didn’t want to go back to the boarding house right away, he didn’t want Emma to think the only reason he came back was for another romp in the bedroom. Dillon wasn’t sure if last night was a onetime thing or the beginning of something more. He smiled and thought either way last night was probably the best night of my life.

Running late, Dillon had missed breakfast so he went to the café first. After eating, he wandered over to the general mercantile to see if the shirts and trousers he’d ordered had arrived. Leaving that store he went to the laundry run by a woman and her two daughters.

Dillon had started to dress a bit nicer since becoming a deputy marshal. He began to wear whipcord or wool pants, collared shirts with a string tie, and sometimes a mid thigh length frock coat. Each week the girls at the laundry washed and pressed his clothes, it cost him twenty five cents a week. It was an expense he hadn’t had before but it sure beat doing his own things. Besides, he liked the way he looked and felt wearing cleaned and pressed clothes.

His next stop was Sam Jordan’s, the gun smith. Dillon only had to fire his pistol a few times since becoming the deputy, he depended mostly on the scattergun he now carried.

Dillon’s Remington .44 had been recently converted to using the new metallic cartridges. He made a point of increasing his supply every month after getting paid. As Dillon walked to the gun smith’s he smiled and thought about the advice he’d gotten from his Grandpa Flynn. Grandpa always said, ‘You could get by without food for quite a while and even get by without water for a bit but if you needed it you couldn’t get by without ammunition. Always remember that Dillon.’


Shortly after Dillon became the deputy marshal, Sam Jordan and Dillon became good friends. A drunken cowhand decided he wanted to trade in his old pistol for a newer model. The problem was that he wanted to trade even. When Sam refused the conditions of the deal, the cowboy got belligerent and pulled his pistol on Sam, demanding that Sam make the trade.

Dillon had entered the gun smith’s just as things were about to get out of hand. ‘I don’t believe Mr. Jordan cares to do business with you. Holster your gun before I have to explain in more detail,’ Dillon ordered.

The hand turned to see a double barrel shotgun pointed at him by a Deputy Marshal with a determined look on his face. The man was drunk but he wasn’t a fool, he put his gun back in his holster and raised his hands. Dillon walked over took the man’s pistol and stuck it in his belt. ‘You want to press charges Mr. Jordan?’

Sam shook his head no. ‘He’s just drunk. I was about to give him the gun he wanted. Then this afternoon or tomorrow I would have asked you or the Marshal to ride out to his camp and talked to the range boss. Most of the cattlemen don’t want trouble with the towns they stop at so he would have gotten my gun back for me.’

Dillon turned back to the cow hand and told him, ‘Mr. Jordan is giving you a break, y’all get back to camp. I don’t want to see you in town again until your herd moves out. You can pick up your gun at the Marshal’s office when you leave.’ He carefully lowered the hammers on the scattergun as the man went outside and rode out of town. ‘Sorry for the trouble Mr. Jordan.’

‘Sam’s good enough between friends Deputy.’ He started to chuckle and motioned toward Dillon’s shotgun. ‘I see you followed Tom’s example. Ain’t it amazing the effect a double barrel shotgun has on people when it’s pointed at them? Makes em real docile, real quick.’

Dillon laughed too, ‘That’s the same thing Marshal Ryan told me.’


Today Sam greeted Dillon warmly as he entered the store. ‘What can I help you with today, Deputy? The usual thing?’

‘Yes sir. Cartridges for the Remington and shells for the big Colt here,’ Dillon replied holding up his shot gun.

‘Not that I’m complaining about the business but why buy so much ammunition’? Dillon told him about his Grandpa Flynn’s advice. ‘You’re Grandpa was a smart man,’ Sam responded.

Dillon’s final chore was to stop by the saloon and pay his monthly tab. He didn’t drink much but sometimes he would have lunch there. He also would go into the saloon for a beer when there was a cattle drive passing through. Dillon or Tom’s presence in the place would let the cow hands know that the law was nearby in case of trouble.

He found Charley, the barkeep, just opening up. Normally the saloon didn’t open for business until midday, but Charley always opened up a little early to make sure the place was cleaned up. Dillon paid his bill and stepped back into the street.

No more putting it off, he told himself. I’ll have to go back to the boarding house if I want to get some rest before work tonight. Damn, I hope Emma doesn’t get the wrong idea bout me coming back. He stepped into the boarding house and started toward his room. Randal and Jacobs, the only other full time guests, were at work so it was very quiet.

‘Who’s there?’ Dillon heard from the kitchen. Emma came to the entryway to see who had opened her door. ‘Oh Dillon, I didn’t expect you. Come into the kitchen and I’ll make you some lunch. You’re probably hungry, you left without breakfast this morning.’

Dillon didn’t say anything and before he could move toward the kitchen, Emma stepped close to him and put her arms around his neck. Wearing a playful frown and a small smile she said, ‘Don’t leave again without saying good bye.’ Emma leaned in, kissed him, took his hand, and led him to the kitchen.

Following Emma Dillon thought, well I guess I don’t have to worry about how Emma feels about last night.

They didn’t spend every night together but more nights with than without. They settled into an easy relationship that made both of their lives better and Dillon was glad he decided to stay in Wichita Falls for a while. There were no illusions about them spending the rest of their lives together, but it was good for right now and that was good enough.

Dillon and Emma didn’t flaunt their relationship publicly. The only time they went out together in town was shopping at the mercantile or other businesses for the boarding house. He made a point of not holding her hand or taking her arm, other than to help her up or down off the wooden sidewalks or into a wagon. Dillon was sort of the draft horse, carrying the packages back for Emma.

The two ‘friends’ took rides out into the surrounding country side several times, sometimes on horses and sometimes in a surrey. Other than at night after the other boarders had gone to bed it was the only time they were alone together. Three months after he and Emma rode out to her husband’s grave and the beginning of their relationship, Dillon found out that they hadn’t been as secretive as he thought.

Juanita Ryan insisted that Dillon come to Sunday supper at least once a month. She felt it was the least she could do for the man that had probably saved her husband’s life. Although she was about the same age as Dillon, she mothered him like a lost child.

Tom, Juanita, and Dillon were sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee after supper. Juanita looked at Dillon and remarked, ‘Now don’t you just clean up fine. I’ve never mentioned it but you look like a real gentleman Dillon.’

He grinned and fingered his tie, he was ‘dressed’ for two reasons. Dillon felt he should be presentable when he went to his friends the Ryan’s and he had to go to work after supper. ‘A gentleman should always dress for dinner with a fine lady,’ Dillon bowed to Juanita. ‘And those cowhands just naturally respect a man that’s better dressed and don’t have cow dung on their boots.’

‘Wouldn’t be a certain widow that you get dressed up for, now would it Dillon?’ Juanita smile and then laughed at Dillon when he blushed.

‘I….eh….I don’t know what you mean,’ Dillon stuttered.

Tom laughed and said, ‘That dog won’t hunt son. Everybody in town knows about you and Emma.’

‘Well, hell…sorry Juanita. That’s just what Emma needs is a bunch of people talking behind her back,’ Dillon replied.

‘Don’t worry about it Dillon,’ Juanita said. ‘Most folks are glad to see her in good spirits. She laughs and jokes and talks with people just like she did before her husband was killed. Emma’s sort of a town pet.’

Tom nodded his head in agreement and added, ‘Bout the only ones not happy with you two is some of those bible thumpers over at the church. They want everybody to be as unhappy as they are so I wouldn’t pay them no mind.’

Dillon left shortly to go to work. I’ll have to talk to Emma tomorrow about all this, he thought. I hope she’s not too upset.

The next evening as he ate the late supper Emma had left for him he got his chance to talk to her. She poured him a fresh cup of coffee and joined him at the table. ‘It makes a woman feel good to see her man eat her cooking,’ she said with a little smile reaching out to touch his hand.

‘Emma, I’m sorry,’ Dillon said. ‘I thought we were keeping things quiet but according to Juanita most of the town knows about us.’ He took her hand and continued, ‘I didn’t mean for your standing in the town to suffer because of me.’

She chuckled and then laughed out loud. ‘I know all about it. Some of the lady’s and I have talked about you and I. Do you really think I care what the town thinks? One thing that Jamie taught me in our years together is do what you want. If it doesn’t hurt anybody, do just what you want.’

Emma paused and took Dillon’s hand again, ‘We’re not hurting anybody and you’re what I want. Okay?’

Dillon couldn’t help smiling. He grabbed Emma and pulled her onto his lap. ‘Other than Tom and Juanita and maybe a couple of others, I don’t care what any of them think. It’s my job to help protect them but I don’t have to care what they think.’

From that evening on, Dillon and Emma were seen more often around the town. Juanita saw them coming out of the mercantile holding hands and smiled. Things are out in the open now, she thought. They’re good for each other.

On one of Dillon’s days off he was confronted by the pastor of one of the local churches and three female church members as he came out of the general store. He tipped his hat to the ladies and started to walk around them. The oldest woman stepped back in front of him.

‘Mr. Gallagher, you do realize that you and that woman are living in sin don’t you?’ The two women with her nodded their heads in agreement.

‘Yes em, I guess some would see it that way.’

‘What do you plan to do about your whoring ways?’

Dillon’s blue eyes turned icy and his ears seemed to flatten against his head like a big cat getting ready to attack. ‘Ma’am if you were a man I’d make you pay for those words. Excuse me.’ He stepped around them to leave. Before he got more than two or three steps, the pastor spoke up.

‘Deputy you have to stop what you’re doing with that woman,’ he said. ‘She’s a Jezebel.’

‘Pastor, I won’t extend the same consideration to you that I did to the ladies. If you insult Mrs. Boudreaux again I’ll have to overlook you being a man of the cloth.’ Dillon’s stare caused the pastor to step back and hang his head.

‘My life and actions are no concern of yours,’ Dillon told them. He turned and took two steps, but stopped turning back to the church members. ‘Tell you what Pastor, you have the God you believe in have a talk with the God I believe in. When they get done jawing have one of them get back to me.’ As Dillon walked away he was so angry his hands were shaking.

The next Sunday e
vening as Tom Ryan was leaving his office he turned to Dillon and said, ‘Understand you had a run in with Pastor Jennings. He was in here complaining that you threatened him.’

‘Guess I did.’ Dillon explained the confrontation with the pastor and his flock.

‘Thanks,’ Tom said with a big smile. ‘I’m glad you didn’t beat the hell out of him, even though he probably deserved it. It’d be tough to explain that to the town council.’

Late Sunday evening Dillon was making his rounds, inspecting the town to make sure everything was okay. He heard a shot and then three more coming from near the church. As he rounded the corner of the last building he saw three cow hands facing the people who’d been at the evening services.

One of the men had his gun pointed at Pastor Jennings. The other two of them held pistols on the men that had stepped forward to help the pastor.

Dillon stepped softly until he got into position. Pointing his scattergun at man facing the pastor he said, ‘I think we’ve had about as much fun here as we need too. Don’t you boys?’

The three turned and saw the shotgun pointed at the leader. ‘Put your guns on the ground and step back, DO IT NOW,’ Dillon ordered.

One of the men started to turn toward Dillon. Before he could Dillon said, ‘Mister I’ll shoot you where you stand if you keep moving. I just cleaned this gun, don’t make me dirty it up killing you. I’ll say it one more time, drop your guns on the ground and step back.’

The man in the sights of Dillon’s shotgun looked at his two friends and said, ‘Do what he said. That scattergun’s pointed at my belly.’

All three cowboys dropped their weapons and stepped back. ‘Now that’s better boys. Maybe I won’t have to get my shotgun dirty after all.’ Dillon looked at the group from the church. ‘Charley, pick up their guns will you? Sam I’ve got three tie ropes hooked to my belt, come get them and truss these fellars up.’

Pastor Jennings was trembling but was beginning to get some color back on his face. He was obviously shaken. Dillon went over to Jennings and asked, ‘What happened Pastor?’

Pastor Jennings tried to talk but couldn’t. Charley came over and explained. ‘These men said they saw the pastor and some others carryin temperance signs against drinkin and the saloon being open on Sunday. Those three came into the church and said they were gonna make the pastor change his tune.’ Charley stopped to chuckle.

‘What were the shots?’ Dillon asked.

‘I guess they decided that the pastor needed to learn how to dance. The one shot at the pastor’s feet. I know it’s not really funny, but it was funny,’ Charley added.

Sam had the three men tied and helped Dillon get them headed in the right direction. ‘C’mon boys, let’s head over to the jail. I’ll let Marshal Ryan decided what to do with y’all tomorrow.’

‘If you hold us till morning, we’ll miss the herd. They’re leaving at first light,’ one of the men said.

‘You shouldn’t have shown your displeasure with Pastor Jennings and his temperance signs I guess,’ Dillon replied.

After locking up the three men, Dillon wandered over to the saloon that the men had been drinking in. He stepped inside and looked around. There were six or seven hands standing at the bar and a man that had to be the range boss sitting at a table. He was watching his men as they drank and shaking his head.

Dillon walked over to the table, ‘I’m Deputy Gallagher, I just locked up three of your men, Mister.’

The range boss looked up, ‘I’m Carl Jones. How long before I can get them out? The herds leaving at first light and I’ll need those boys.’

‘That’s up to Marshal Ryan. Normally I’d just let them sober up and send them back to camp. They got a little too rambunctious so the Marshal will decide what to do with them.’ Dillon went on to explain why he arrested them.

Jones shook his head in disbelief. ‘The only thing dumber than cattle are some of the hands that drive them. Anyway can I get them out in time to leave with us? If we don’t get to San Antonio in time the prices might change.’

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Happy to accommodate her, I rubbed my prick up and down her valley, spreading the lubrication and experiencing a jolt of what felt like electric shocks jumping through my system that sent euphoric pleasure to my brain. Placing the head of my cock at the opening of her love tunnel I pressed slightly, feeling her expand around me as I slowly entered her heated, wet sex. As I slid in, she emitted a lustful groan of delight and rocked her hips, giving me deeper penetration. I had no rational...

3 years ago
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My Best Girlfriend

Chrissy was my best girlfriend, a normal night for us included opening a bottle of wine, gossipping for hours, google searching makeup techniques and trying them out, and playing dressup. There had to be a million pictures of the two of us all dressed up, stashed away in a secret folder on Chrissy's computer. It had to be kept hidden, because in Chrissy's regular everyday life he was Chris, a computer tech with a desk job, and nobody knew his secret but me. Chris wasn't gay, not even bi, he...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend Pt2

When I woke up Saturday morning I was alone in bed. I briefly wondered if yesterday had all been a dream, but the tenderness of my ass told me it was real. I crawled out of bad and briefly considered putting on a robe but then thought why bother. I walked downstairs to the kitchen where I found Paul making coffee. I walked up behind him, put my arms around him and kissed his neck. He turned his head and kissed me back. “I hope you don’t mind me helping myself to breakfast” he said. “After...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Right Next Door

I never used to think older women were hot. That is until two weeks ago…when she moved in next door. Wait, let me back up just a little bit…I’m twenty. Still live at home. And still single. I’ve always had the same problem with girls…no excitement. Nada. Zip. Zero. And yet, I’d always manage to find myself on a date with yet another conservative daddy’s girl, who didn’t know squat.Anyway, back to my story. When she moved in, it was like the gods were apologizing for hands that I had been dealt...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 81 Breaks Over

Is it time to get up already? Why did they make us go back to school right after the trip? What exactly are we going to learn if most everyone is exhausted? Even I am still really tired... My body was full of energy, but my head was still groggy as I got some breakfast and then headed to the bus stop. Chrissy was there, all excited to hear about our trip. As much as I wanted to really talk to her about it, I was too sleepy to really give her the answers she wanted. Yes, no, and maybe...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 5

The first thing Forest said in the morning meeting was, "Christ almighty, can't you two do anything without finding something to give our service a good name. You go up to Jacksonville, and in no time at all, you've got every federal agency there is and the armed forces attacking the docks. You completed the capture with only a fifty percent casualty record then you go on TV and give everyone from kindergarten to the Coast Guard kudos for doing a good job." "I give you a day off and...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 13

Having talked about doing this was one thing. Making a plan to do this was one thing. Cheating on that plan in secret was one thing. But going into that bathroom, knowing that Lynne was out there, and that she knew what was going to happen ... well it was just about bizarre enough that I almost couldn't perform. Well, maybe saying I "almost couldn't perform" is a bit of an overstatement. I stood there in the bathroom thinking about Lynne and watched Jill get naked. She ignored me and...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 13 Another Demon Slayer

Chapter 13: Another Demon Slayer?! The end bell rang. "Whew! Glad today's over!" Cal said as he shut off his computer. Althea looked up at him with a helpless look, and Cal sat down beside her. "Okay, to turn off the computer, love," he began, whispering, "first you need to hit that button on the bottom left corner of the screen with the mouse." She did. "Now then, what you gotta do is, click 'shut down', and the computer will do the rest." She did and sighed in relief. Advanced...

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Shadow and LightChapter 23

Principal’s Office, Moonvale School, 18:30 “There has to be something you can do?” Maria asked. “You must have some idea where our parents are?” “I wish I did Ms Deluca. There is a Hunter pack in Roswell now, looking over everything, and there are two more packs on their way. There are simply no better trackers on Earth,” the principal said. “Is there anything that they’ve reported?” Max asked. “Nothing much. From what I’ve been told there was a trace of a strange odour, possibly a scent...

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Sarahs first hard meat prt1

Chapter one:Sarah's first time meat It all started when I was in high school. One day my cousin came over to my house waiting for my brother. He brought his friend Billy over. After about 15 minutes Tim (my cousin), got bored waiting so he ran to the store down the street to get a blunt. Just so happens Billy stayed behind in case my brother showed up early. We all knew Billy and he wasn't any ones favorite. Every one knew he was a wild boy. Lucky me, I had to stay with him. I was just wearing...

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Sexy Bua Ko Unhi Ke Ghar Pe Choda

Hey friends, my name is Raj or meri age 21 saal h or mera lund 7’ich lmba or mota hai or meri bua ki umar 44 saal hai par itni sexy hai goora rang boobas ek dum tight gaand ek dum bdi-bdi ab story pr aata hu Ek din ki baaat hai hum log bua ke ghr rukne gaye unki shadi ko hue 10 ho gye par bcha nhi hua tha or unke pati bhi exp ho gye the khair bua phir bhi mera loda khda karwa hi deti thi Jb mai bua ke ghr pahuch tho sham ho rhi thi tho bua us tym ek sexy t-shirt jisme boobs saaf dikh rahe the...

3 years ago
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The Gift of Coffee

My fascination about an older man started with a glance and a smile. I seen him around my neighborhood and around the grocery store, but like never really noticed or paid any attention to him, until one day. I was keeling down in the aisle looking at the magazines and I noticed him standing behind me and he looked down at me and I noticed he was looking down my shirt. He kept looking and smiled at me. My mom and my little sister were next to me in the cart. I felt that he was looking at me and...

2 years ago
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Mirror ImageChapter 11

The next morning Cathy was fixing breakfast as Sierra appeared in the kitchen. At sunup, Cathy had packed some of Jessica's things in a suitcase and delivered it to the mirror where, like Jessica last night, it was pulled inside, never to be seen again. Once again, a note had appeared, this time in Jessica's handwriting. The note now lay on the kitchen table. "Where's grandma?" asked Sierra. "Sit down, honey. Have some breakfast. We need to have a talk." "But where's grandma?"...

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The Cat and the Bat

The Cat and… The Bat? “All right, we got what we need?” “I think so. Mr. Cobblepot should be happy with this.” “Cool. C’mon, up to the roof.” The two thugs climbed up the fire escape, feeling the autumn chill on the backs of their necks. Of course, that wasn’t the reason their hairs stood on end; the constant threat of the Batman was more than enough to do that. Still, they knew better than to chicken out of a job. Batman was tough, but he was nothing compared to what their boss would...

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The Pleasures of Three

John is a long time friend who I used to swing with, when still married to the ex. He is older than me, has salt and pepper hair with a beard and mustache to match. His favorite features are his blue eyes which attract me like a moth to a flame. His body has just enough padding to make him look sexy. Mathew is my boyfriend from the New York. He is in the process of moving here. He should arrive in about six weeks. Although being apart is difficult our late night phone calls and yahoo chats are...

1 year ago
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HotMovies BBW

BBW as an acronym for big beautiful women! Back in the day, we used to call them fat hoes, but that's another story. The world has taken a twisted turn, calling individuals they and xe, hir, and ze, and some knowledgable fuckers spent their lives creating English grammar. Don't get me wrong! No skinny-ass bitch could perform the shaking on top of the dick thing as good as a huge-ass hoe. And when the mountains of cellulite start shaking and twitching, then you realize that all those "lose...

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2 years ago
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Divorcee Cock Sells Discreetly

Hi guys this is my second story in this 2 years , I had to wait this long because I always would like to write real hooks, iss been doing a great service for guys like us by making us quenching our sex thirst, that too for a divorcee guy like me, thanks for iss for this wonderful job , keep doing it iss, my first story was ” heaven after marriage ” , thanks for the guys who reviewed it and I really appreciate your comments,if guys have studied my last story u would be so aware that I was at the...

4 years ago
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Bring Me to LifeChapter 9

I wanted to feel guilty. I should have felt guilty. Adriana's blowjobs made it impossible to think about what I did to get them on the regular menu. The pimps recognized the new respect the women had for me; they also noticed Adriana's change in attitude. The top of the criminal ladder is attacked in times of hardship and prosperity. The disappearance of three pimps, the women walking the straight and narrow, and the taming of a 'bitch in heels' gave the pimps a good reason to go...

4 years ago
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The Seduction of Lynda A work of fiction

I was still horny for Heather after our suckfest the previous night, when Lynda asked if I was free this week. She’s married, and doesn’t get the chance to meet very often and when she does it’s usually short notice. We had chatted a few times, and had agreed to meet up sometime, although she doesn’t meet for sex, just dressing and chatting. Lynda had booked a room at a hotel on the off chance that someone was available, and I agreed to meet her there.We agreed to meet in male form, and then...

3 years ago
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Emily and our failed three some Chapter 15

Lee stopped by this morning just in time for breakfast although it was almost lunch time .Emily and I were still in our robes and just getting frisky when she arrived.Emily poured Lee her coffee and after giving her a kiss, I asked her how it went with the lawyers. She laid a check down on the table “the diner is sold ,they paid my price. Now we can get on to planning the camp ground “she said” although the lawyer said having it a nudist resort may be difficult. He said he would...

2 years ago
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Animal UrgeChapter 7

Bill was due home today! Diane glowed. It seemed like years now since he had left and she hummed a tune along with the radio as she dusted and polished the interior of the house in preparation for his arrival. She knew that he would question why she was in such a happy mood when he arrived home. Usually when he left on one of his important business trips, she spent the days building up resentments and frustrations until she could barely keep from exploding the minute he walked in the door....

2 years ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 14 Masters and Subs Stop by

As with the story line of Ch 13, this one is mostly fantasy except the Master Titan and 'Hole-boy'. They are people I met but couldn't play with (yet). 14. I stood up and tucked myself in almost making myself cum in the process. I looked at him with a quizzical expression as I stood and walked to the door, wondering what I’d gotten into. I asked him if he was sure it was safe. He said I was in no danger and everything was going to be fine. I looked at myself in the mirror to see that my...

2 years ago
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My Buddies Girlfriend In The Car

Please noteAll of my stories will be written from my own perspective. Some of them will be true stories based on my own experiences with names changed, while others will be pure fiction, I'll leave it up to the reader to decide which are fantasy, and which are fiction.It was late one night, about 2:30am, I was bored, and VERY horny, being so late and a Tuesday, it wasn't exactly easy to find someone to hook up with on short notice, then I noticed my buddies girlfriend online so I started...

2 years ago
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Sexy Housewife Latha And Her Cousin Brother

Disclaimer: The following story and the characters in it are purely fictional. Hi, I am Danny from Tirupati. I am going to narrate a fictional incest story between two cousins. The main character of the story is, “Latha.” I will narrate the story as Latha. My name is Latha. I was married to a fit guy who was very interested in sex and broad-minded. Ours was a love marriage. After the marriage, we moved to Hyderabad for a living and settled very well and had a baby girl who was 2 years old...

3 years ago
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An Error in JudgmentChapter 4

The late afternoon sunshine shone brightly into the office, blinding Courtney as she looked up. The sound of the door opening had caught her attention as she finished up a phone call. She smiled in the direction of the person who had come in, holding up her finger to signal that she’d be with them momentarily as she directed her attention back to the caller on the phone. She couldn’t see the customer as they stood there, just out of her view. From the corner of her eye, she could see that...

4 years ago
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A BIG night out

First, stranger Night out, turned quiet night in... until a stranger comes to the door.Walking home alone one warm, humid evening, after a few drinks at thebar with some girlfriends, I could feel him following me as I walkeddown the alleys and back roads. I could see no one but a stray cat and afew birds returning to their nests for the night, but could hear distantfootsteps and the fading noises of the city... and someone a little waybehind me. I knew it was a man, as the steps were far apart...

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Julie takes control part 3

Here's the next chapter of my story. Hope you enjoy. Check back next week for next installment.Julie was due to go back to University for her last term in a couple of days and I was being driven wild knowing she wanted to fuck me.Julie spent the next day relaxing around our house, always wearing a skirt and tights. Everytime she could, she would flash herself to me. Even if we were just sat watching the tv or something, she'd make sure I could see up her skirt.The day before she was meant to go...

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Regular Night Of A Submissive Wife

Hi Readers. I am a guy from Chandigarh. I have written down this story in third person. This story is purely a work of fiction (although I have had encounters in real life ;) ). Females (married or unmarried) if you like my story you are welcome to share your views and experience with me at my Email id – .And girls and ladies if you’re just looking to have some fun and spice in life, you can also contact me. She was just in the anticipation of what was about to follow that night as she...

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Bikini Beach A Day At The Beach

Bikini Beach: A Day At The Beach By Paul Jutras Pat and his friends Louis, Paul and Steve arrived at Bikini Beach and were given a change receipt before they entered the beach shower area. Before they were allowed in they were forced to answer questions on their favorite color and what they thought the perfect woman would look like. "Enjoy your stay at Bikini Beach." Josie laughed as she watched the shower doors close. She knew first hand what it meant to enter those...

3 years ago
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A Family Affair Part One

"No men?""Nope, no men.""No cocks?""None!"I sat cross-legged on my sister's bed as she lay propped up on a massive mound of pillows, looking gorgeous even at this time of the morning."What about the cameraman?""Woman.""And who will tell me what to do?""That will be Justyna. She's the director, and often she's behind the camera too."My sister is called Helen and works as a glamour model and has been in lots of sexy videos and photoshoots. She calls herself Olivia North. That's her stage name,...

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Remember When Ch 2

Chapter 2: Our First Time Three and a half months have gone by since we first met. We saw each other as often as we could. We talked every day. You had become an important part of my life. The winter was unseasonably warm up until New Year’s weekend. A bad snowstorm was in the forecast. We both were scared that if I waited until Saturday to go to visit you, I wouldn’t be able to make it. It was decided, I was going up on Friday. We had a wonderful evening together. Then again, we always do....

2 years ago
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1 year ago
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Scrolller Blowjob

There’s nothing quite like a good submissive bitch who knows how to give head. You know that you’ve got a keeper when she takes your massive dick right to the goddamn dome. Though it’ll probably be easy to find those sorts of babes for you micro-dicked betas. Fuck, that’s perhaps one of the only ways you’ve got it better than big-dicked alphas. You can get deepthroated by just about any whore out there without issue. I have to have them sign a waiver in case I bruise the back of their throats...

Blowjob Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My First Encounter With My Love

Hello, I am Rajesh Mishra from Bangalore I m a doctor by profession and work in one of the well known hospital in Bangalore.. About me I m guy with full of fun package always like to enjoy life ,making new friends. Coming to the story it happened in 2011. I was in love with girl name heens , she is everything to me. It was our first valentines day so I planned for surprise candle light dinner in a dhaba with a cake and gift. I had asked her to be ready by 7 and we can go there and spent some...

4 years ago
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31 Days of Summers part 4

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 31 Days of Summers (part 4)22 August Dear Diary,I'm surprised Buffy hasn't said anything about new found interests in helping Giles with his books and picnicking with Willow and Kennedy. She probably thinks they're keeping me out of mischief, which as I could be cruising the streets and giving blow-jobs through holes in the walls of restrooms is probably true.Anyway today Willow and Kennedy invited me for another picnic and on the way I updated them (without giving...

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Londons BurningChapter 4 The Truth Comes Out

Lady Sheila Radcliffe was waiting for them at the station and was obviously particularly pleased to see Tony, but less pleased to see Kate although she was scrupulously polite and welcoming to her. Tony knew from the vision of the baby being placed on the doorstep that lady Sheila was almost certainly his mother of that he had no doubt. Lady Sheilas excuse of interest in him because he had served with, and been with the captain who was his father when he died was to cover her ingrained fears...

2 years ago
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My wife fucking 3 guys

This story all took place a long time ago when we first started this lifestyle. To back up a little we had a landlord that was tall muscular and Italian. He had to come over one day while I was at work and she knew it so she got all dressed up and ended up sucking his huge cock until he came in her mouth. That started this relationship and they became regular fuck buddies. One day she decided to go see him at his house so she made arrangements and got all dressed up in a pair of white 5”...

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