Winterborn Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is another departure from my normal type of story. I hope the readers will receive this tale as well as they did my prior story in this vein, The Trail West.

As always, constructive comments, critiques, and emails are hoped for and appreciated.

This story is loosely based and greatly inspired by the song Winterborn by the Cruxshadows. I’m not usually into Grunge Rock but I’ve been haunted by their song for over a year. I just had to write a story incorporating the ideas told in this song.

You can see the video and hear the song on YouTube.

And in the fury of this darkest hour
We will be your light
You’ve asked me for my sacrifice
And I am Winterborn

(by the Cruxshadows)


Dillon Gallagher had been a 20 year old junior at Virginia Military Institute planning a career with the United States Army when Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861. Virginia’s secession from the Union followed on April 17th and he knew that his plans were dead. He left school and returned home. Two months later he heard that the First Virginia Cavalry was being formed in Winchester, so he equipped himself and rode north to join up.

Before he left his father made it clear that he thought Dillon was being foolish. ‘You’ve always said that slavery was morally wrong and a financially inefficient way to farm. How can you go fight for something you think is wrong?’ Samuel asked.

‘I did say those things and I still believe them. You’ll notice that I hired immigrants, mostly Irish, to work the place that Grandpa left me. It costs less than running slaves and it also lets me sleep at night,’ Dillon said.

‘Why would you fight to preserve owning slaves if you’re so set against it?’

Dillon looked at his father for a few seconds before he answered. He knew his father wouldn’t understand or approve his reasoning. Sighing he replied, ‘I’m going to fight to preserve state’s rights, Father. I don’t believe that the Federal government has the right to dictate to each state how we should live. It’s as simple as that.’

Samuel thought about what Dillon had said for a minute or so. ‘You know if you fight for the Confederacy you’ll hurt the bank.’

‘What?’ Dillon asked not believing his father’s main concern.

‘You’ve said yourself over these last few weeks that the South can’t win the war against the Union. Right?’

‘That’s what I said. The Union can put a superior number of soldiers in the field and they have the industrial machine to better supply them. The Confederacy can’t overcome that with bravery,’ Dillon replied.

‘If you’re right, and I think you are, when the Union wins there’ll be hell to pay for Southern sympathizers. If my son fought for the south, I could be thought of as a Southern sympathizer and lose the bank.’ Samuel paused for a bit and asked, ‘Why can’t you stay home? Run your farm or help me here at the bank or take a trip to California.’

‘Don’t you understand Father, I have to go. If I stay home, I’ll be branded a coward and couldn’t live here after the war anyway. And I won’t fight against my friends here in Virginia, even if I don’t believe completely in their cause. That leaves joining the army of the Confederate States of America. Besides, Virginia is my home and I can’t stand by and see her destroyed.’

Dillon thought for a minute and then muttered in a low voice, ‘Winterborn.’

‘What’s that you said? Winterborn?’ Samuel asked puzzled.

‘It’s a very old poem I read while at school. It pretty much sums up our situation here,’ Dillon answered. He hesitated a few seconds and then quoted:

‘So bury fear, for fate draws near
And hide the signs of pain
With noble acts, the bravest souls
Endure the heart’s remains

And in the fury of this darkest hour
We will be your light
You’ve asked me for my sacrifice
And I am Winterborn’

‘What the hell does that mean Dillon?’

‘Winterborn is a religious legend from the Middle Ages that says that people born during December are sort of a lost breed. Those people or groups were often asked to sacrifice themselves for a cause, similar to what Jesus did.’ Dillon paused with his head down, ‘Even if it’s a lost cause.’ Lifting his head he added, ‘That’s what the soldiers of the CSA are being asked to do, Sacrifice themselves, they can’t win this war.’

‘I don’t understand. All I see my son being a young fool.’

Dillon smiled for the first time and said, ‘You know Grandpa Flynn always said that a man has to believe in something, even if it wasn’t smart to do so he has to believe in something. I guess you believe in this bank and money, a sorry thing to base your life on.’

The young man stood and gave his father a sad look. ‘Good bye Father. Tell Mother I’ll write when I can.’ Dillon turned, left the office, and started his journey to join the First Virginia Cavalry.


For the next four years, Dillon rode through hell. The First took part in several large battles and Dillon was at all of them. The First, commanded by J.E.B. Stuart, helped General Thomas Jackson earn his nickname of ‘Stonewall’ at First Manassas in July of ’61.

Dillon was wounded at Second Manassas in August of ’62. He was shot through the meaty part of his leg but missed the bone and he recovered quickly. The First were continuously in battle with little down time for the entire war. Dillon had at least five horses shot out from under him, but was never wounded again.

The only good thing that’s come out of all this is my new pistol, Dillon thought. The First had conducted an early morning raid on the Union Army’s flank and over ran them. Dillon saw a Yankee Lieutenant riding hard to escape and followed slowly behind him. The Lieutenant came to an abandoned barn and rode his horse into the structure. Dillon found him hiding in a stall, tending to a gunshot wound in his leg.

Slowly entering the barn, Dillon with his LeMat pistol drawn, was able to capture the Lieutenant. The Yankee weapons, a repeating rifle and a sidearm were confiscated. Standing orders stated that captured weapons were to be turned over to the company commander for distribution to the company, supplies, especially weapons were getting harder to supply.

Dillon saw that the young Lieutenant’s sidearm was a Remington New Model Army .44, an extremely fine pistol. One advantage of the Remington was that you could load extra six shot cylinders and change them out quickly when you emptied one. In addition, the bullets and caps for the Remington were easier to come by than supplies for his LeMat so Dillon decided that he would keep the pistol.

If I turn it in, it will probably end up being carried by some real echelon office, Dillon rationalized. He’ll strut around Richmond or Savanna telling stories about how he took the weapon from some Yankee officer. I think I can put it to better use right here.

The First took part in their last battle of the war at the town of Appomattox Court House in April, ’65. When General Lee went to the home of Wilmer McLean to surrender to General Grant, Dillon didn’t stay around. He had an idea of what would happen after the surrender, the Union would run rough shod over the southern states to punish them. Dillon didn’t want to witness the coming punitive actions. He rode west, out of the war zone and away from his beloved Virginia.


Dillon had left Appomattox making his way from Virginia southwest through the war torn southern states to New Orleans. He dodged both Union patrols and the remnants of the Confederate Army along the way. The Confederate States of America may have surrendered, Dillon said to himself but I haven’t.

It took him most of six weeks of drifting to get to DeWitt county Texas in. He met and worked for Creed Taylor, a former Texas Ranger, for a while. Taylor was the one that showed Dill
on how to really handle a pistol. Dillon had worked for Taylor for about a year and then move on further west. Leaving Dewitt he made his way to nearby San Antonio.

There he met several fellow ‘Johnny Rebs’ who had stayed in the west rather than going home, several skirmishes between the North and South had been fought in the area. Most of the gray coats were just trying to make a living and get on with their lives but some had become petty thieves, road agents, and bandits.

Two of these thieves tried to steal Dillon’s horse late one evening. He’d been sleeping in the hay loft of the stable when he heard the men talking as they attempted to steal his horse and gear. Dillon climbed down from the loft, pulled his pistol, and approached the two men.

‘I think you fellers made a mistake. That’s my horse and gear you’re takin. I suggest you put them back,’ Dillon said.

One of the men turned pulling his gun but before he could bring it to bear, Dillon shot him in the chest. He heard another gunshot and felt the impact of a bullet as it grazed his left arm. Dillon fired and hit the second man in the belly. Walking over to the pair lying on the floor he kicked their guns away. Dillon examined one man and saw he was dead. He turned back to the wounded man, but there was nothing he could do for him, the man was gut shot. Before Dillon could go for help, the second man died.

Bill Swanson the middle aged stable owner rushed into the area carrying a double barreled shot gun. He saw Dillon standing over the dead men and asked, ‘What happened?’

As Dillon explained Swanson inspected the two men. Turning to Dillon he said, ‘Son you better ride out. That’s Sam Wade and Jerry Carter you shot. Their friends of Jake Stewart, the town marshal.’

‘Why should I run? It was self defense.’

‘Don’t make no difference. Stewart will hang you as sure as your standing there. You better ride boy.’ Seeing the blood on Dillon’s shirt he continued, ‘Let’s take a look at your wound and then you need to get on the trail.’

The gunshot had sliced a furrow through the muscle of Dillon’s upper arm. Swanson cleaned and bandaged the wound, it would be painful but not life threatening. He handed Dillon some trail supplies and helped him saddle his horse. ‘You need to go and go fast. I’ll wait for a bit before I go find Stewart.’

‘Thanks Mr. Swanson, I’ll not forget your kindness,’ Dillon said as he mounted and headed out of San Antonio. He headed south deciding that Mexico would be a good place to head for. Dillon made it to Laredo and then across the Rio Grande to Nuevo Laredo. At least there weren’t any Union troops on the Mexican side of the river.

Dillon spent several months in Mexico, learning the language and hiring out as a payroll guard from time to time for the mines in the area. He’d been shot at several times but his skill with his pistol saved his hide and the payrolls he guarded. Sitting in a cantina one evening two days after his latest run in with bandits, three rough looking men approached him looking for trouble.

The men had the look of former soldiers, two wore the yellow striped grey pants of the Confederate Cavalry and the other wore a Union jacket and cap. The leader of the pack reached across the table and took Dillon’s drink. Knocking back the tequila, his look dared the young man to say anything. Dillon didn’t react which made the man angry.

‘You’re the one that rode guard for the mine payroll a couple of days ago, are ya?’ Dillon didn’t speak and just nodded. ‘You shot up my cousin in that gun fight.’

For the first time Dillon spoke. ‘He got what he deserved mister. If he hadn’t tried to rob me I wouldn’t have shot him.’ Under the table he loosened his Remington .44 in its holster, he was expecting trouble with from this group.

The large man roared and went for the pistol stuck in his belt. Before he could get it out Dillon stood, drew his own gun and fired. The two other men went for their guns at the same time but Dillon was much faster and fired two more shots in quick succession.

When the noise and smoke cleared there were three dead men lying on the floor of the cantina. Dillon holstered his pistol, walked to the bar and tossed a few coins to the bartender. ‘Sorry about the mess senor,’ he said. Turning he left the cantina, mounted his horse, picked up his gear from his cabin, and rode out of Nuevo Laredo.

Dillon thought about his life and travels since the end of the war. Has it really been over three years now? Maybe I ought to head home, he thought. Seems all I’m doing out here is getting shot at or shooting people.

After three years away from home, Dillon headed back to Richmond. Maybe I can make peace with Father, he thought.


Samuel Gallagher looked at his son, Dillon as he sat across the desk from him. The two hadn’t seen each other since Dillon left home to join the 1st Regiment Virginia Cavalry in July of 1861. The elder Gallagher still owned the largest bank in Richmond, Virginia, the former capitol of the Confederate States of America. He and Dillon were in Samuel’s plush office on this early morning in September ’68.

Dillon’s been gone for 7 years Samuel thought as he appraised his son. He found the change in Dillon remarkable, the boy’s matured during his long absence, Samuel said to himself. Maybe now he’ll understand my position.

Dillon had left Richmond a little soft, he had been 6 feet tall and weighed 225, with a pale complexion. Dillon took after his mother with blue eyes and very dark hair which he wore unfashionably long. He returned whip cord slim and strong, now weighing no more than 190. His face was sun burned to a deep tan which made his blue eyes seemed to jump out at you.

The older Gallagher also saw a change in Dillon’s personality. He was no longer the almost naïve, argumentative, angry young man that had left home. Now he was quietly confident and seemed older than his 27 years.

‘Where have you been?’ Samuel asked. ‘Lee surrendered in April of ’65. It’s been better than three years since then.’

‘I decided I didn’t want to be around for the aftermath of the surrender, so I headed west for a while,’ Dillon replied.

‘No matter, you’re here now. We’ll get you cleaned up and tomorrow I’ll take you to the Capitol building. You can take the Oath to the Union and we’ll get on with our lives,’ Samuel said. ‘Of course your farm was confiscated, what with you being a Confederate officer. I tried to stop it but couldn’t do anything.’ Then almost to himself, ‘I hope you’re service doesn’t have an adverse effect on the bank.’

‘Wouldn’t mind cleaning up a bit, but I can’t take that oath.’ Dillon stared at his father and said, ‘Also I don’t believe you tried very hard to keep them from taking the farm, it might have put you in a bad light with your Northern friends.’

Samuel stopped and looked at his son. He saw the conviction in the boy’s eyes and the set of his chin. ‘Can’t or won’t take the oath?’ He didn’t address Dillon’s comment about his efforts to save the farm.

‘Take your pick, either way I’m not swearing an oath to the Union,’ Dillon replied returning his father’s hard stare.

‘Why in the world not? If you’re going to live here you have to take that oath.’

‘I already took an oath, to the Confederacy. Reckon a man’s only good for one oath at a time,’ Dillon said with a grim smile.

‘But the wars over, Lee surrendered,’ Samuel almost pleaded.

‘Lee surrendered, I didn’t.’

‘If you don’t swear that oath, it could cause me and the bank a lot of trouble. I’ve managed to hold on by helping the Union representatives down here. Do you want me to lose it all?’

‘You haven’t changed, have you Father? Our views haven’t changed since our last talk either. The only thing you believe in is money and profit. The only difference is now you’re a toady for Northern Reconstruction,’ Dillon said sadly.

Samuel angrily r
esponded ‘I think you’re just afraid to admit you were wrong to join the Confederacy. I never thought I’d see my son be too much of a coward to do what’s good for the family.’

Dillon stared at Samuel with a cold anger, his eyes blazing. ‘A coward! If you weren’t my father I’d shoot you where you sit,’ Dillon said, his voice quivering with rage. His hand had moved to the butt of the pistol at his hip. ‘I won’t be staying, I’ll drop by and say good bye to Mother before I go.’

‘You and your mother are two of a kind. She moved to her sister’s in Boston two years ago,’ Samuel said.

‘Good for her. I’m glad that at least one of my parents shows some sense. Good bye Father, I doubt that I’ll ever see you again.’ Dillon stood, looked at his father one last time and left the office.

Outside the bank, he mounted the big buckskin stallion that had carried him for hundreds of miles and rode to his father’s house, there was a room over the carriage house where Dillon lived before the war. Hidden behind a false panel were several of his things that he wanted to take with him.

He pushed open the panel covering his treasure trove and sorted through the contents. One of the things he wanted was gold and silver Hunter cased pocket watch with a heavy gold chain and fob. The watch had belonged to his maternal grandfather James Dillon Flynn. He was a crusty old man that had never been impressed by Samuel Gallagher and his wealth. In spite of Samuel’s objections, Dillon’s mother, Sarah, had named her son after her father. It was the first but not the last act of independence and rebellion by Sarah.

Inside the case of the watch was a picture of Dillon’s mother, taken just before Dillon left for college. The watch had been left to Dillon when his grandfather Flynn has passed away. Along with the farm and watch he received sixty $20 double eagle gold coins worth $1200 dollars from the old man’s estate.

There were several other items that Dillon wanted to take with him. One was a Bowie knife and sheath, also left to him by Grandpa Flynn. It had been made by the same blacksmith, James Black that had made the original knife for the famous Jim Bowie. Flynn and Bowie were friends and cohorts in the early 1830s and after covering each others back in saloon fight in a small Texas town, Bowie made a gift of the knife to his friend.

The other items Dillon took were two books of poetry. While attending Virginia Military he became interested in certain poets and poems, these were two of his favorites. One was a collection of the works of Shelley and the other the works of Lord Byron. Some people will think I’m a dandy from the east if they see these, Dillon thought. It doesn’t matter what they think, I want them with me.

Riding to his old room and now as he was leaving he could still see the aftermath of the devastating fires that ran through Richmond in April of ’65. The fires had been set by the retreating Confederate troops trying to destroy any supplies that the invading Union army could use.

The fires had gotten out of hand and burned over 25 percent of the buildings in the city. The Union soldiers put out most of the fires as they advanced and captured the city. In spite of what many of the city’s residents thought it was the Union army that saved Richmond from even greater destruction.

Dillon looked at the burned out areas of the city that even three years later hadn’t been cleaned up or restored. This is why I didn’t come home he thought. This and the overbearing attitude of many of the managers, officials and representatives of the Union government. If I stay, I’ll end up killing some carpet bagger. Time to leave, for good this time.

Taking one last look, Dillon didn’t replace the panel to cover the hiding place. Doesn’t much matter now, he said to himself. He took his ‘treasures’ down to his horse and placed everything in the saddlebags. Mounting the big animal and turning its head west he said, ‘Time to go West Buck, this isn’t my home anymore.’

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I wish I could have known how the wait for what was to come affected Claire too. Did it make her nervous? Was she impatient? Did the wait build excitement? I'd love to be able to have known. In the meantime to sooth us both I stroked my fingers through her hair until the first trickle of piss finally ran into Claire's waiting mouth.The initial flow into her mouth would have been little more than a dribble. The start of my piss would have been thick as it flushed out and combined with the...

3 years ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 9 What or Who have I Become

“Do a small bit of this and the voices will go away,” I said to Kay as I handed her the small vial of cocaine. “Does John know you have this?” Kay asked me. “No, it is not like I use it every hour or anything.” “I use it when I feel down that is all,” I replied. “John and you should go away for a while or at least for a weekend,” I added. I had not lied to Kay, as I was not using coke every hour just every day. It made me think clearer until it started to cloud my judgment. I never...

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The next door neighbours daughter Abi

Abi I was 25 years old and had never been short of women. I had owned the old family home since my parents decided to sell up and move to the seaside. I didn't want to go as I had a good group of friends, and a great job. So the solution was to buy the place. I was friendly with the couple next door, not in each others pockets but friendly enough.Their only child was a girl and she was absolutely gorgeous. She was tall for her age, with a beauty that made you bump into lampposts, and...

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My GFs Halloween Costume

MY GF'S HALLOWEEN COSTUME by Throne I made two stupid mistakes. There I was, happily enrolled in college and with a stunning girlfriend. Magda was a svelte beauty with long black hair. She was easygoing about almost everything, except her insistence that magic was real. We dated for a month before she confided that belief to me. I immediately began to chide her about it and, to be honest, as the weeks passed my taunts went from mild to outright disrespectful. Halloween was getting...

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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 3 First Anal Experience

***** Chapter 3 - First Anal Experience Cocks and cum were like my gateway drugs that made me do the most dirtiest, nastiest, and sluttiest sexual acts imaginable. At this point, I'll let any man use me just to get that feeling of sexual ecstasy again. I couldn't stop thinking about how badly I needed another fix of cock in my pussy and the strong hunger I had for another taste of cum. It was 2:00am in the morning and I have been naked in public for almost 2 consecutive hours now with my...

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Classroom Demonstration

Classroom Demonstration Wind swirled around the campus grounds. A few leaves crackled, their dry cores rubbing against the brick sidewalk. Greg shivered, having only worn his dress shirt outside. The cooler weather had come out of nowhere. His hands rubbed against his arms in order to try to warm them up. His backpack dug into his shoulders, the books leaning backwards. He'd gone this way to his classes before, but decided to take a turn through one of the outer buildings in order to...

1 year ago
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Sarah Becomes a SLUTChapter 4

Sarah was still horny by the time the lesson finished and she dashed out with Andy. They both had an hour's break and then General Studies before lunch. "Where shall we go?" Sarah asked and Andy looked at the herd of loved up students spilling out onto the landing and eyeing Sarah. "Somewhere warm," Andy suggested and they ran down the stairs and made it to the corridor at the bottom before being cornered by a couple of guys. "You got a free next?" The taller of the two, around 5ft...

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SRU The Wicked Stepmother

SRU: The Wicked Stepmother part 1 of 4 By Morpheus The clear sound of her high heels clicking against the hard floor was comforting to Stephanie Miller as she walked through the crowded mall, grimly intent on her purpose. The sound repeated in her head, soothing her with its steady repetition. Keeping her eyes open for whatever it was that she was looking for, she continued walking through the mall. Stephanie was a beautiful blonde woman who knew how striking she was, and...

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Crossing The Line Part 2

I return home and everyone is in bed. Unable to relax myself or get the image of him out of my head, I head to bed myself, stripping off each layer and climbing into bed, naked. My fingers find my already swollen and wet lips and my orgasm comes quickly, as it had been building for hours without me touching myself. The next morning, the sexual tension is thick, and the quick glances and eye contact between me and him tells me this thing is not over. I go over it in my mind at work and have a...

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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 3 Student Seduction

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 3 - Student Seduction By Farleven "So he totally boned you in the lab?" I blushed just hearing Alex's chirpy voice as I walked into the frat house. I wasn't sure that I was up to talking about my recent experience with Professor Barrington. Getting strapped down on the bed by my electronics instructor while he teased and tickled my naked body was certainly something I'd never forget. It was also not something I was ready to talk about either. The...

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Dreaming I Was Only Dreaming Of My Webcam Girlfriend

I’d never looked at a girl like I was looking at her. I always thought I was straight, every person I found attractive was a guy, but this woman in front of me was so amazing I was starting to doubt my own sexuality. Was it possible that I could be bisexual? I’m 25 and never looked at a woman like this before. Actually wait, I did kiss that girl a few years ago, I was drunk, but surely there must have been something there less I wouldn’t have done it. And her from that band, Taylor, God she...

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ShawnChapter 9

For the next two days many visitors came to grandpa's door to talk. I seem to have found that the trait of keeping quiet had actually come from dad's father and not dad. He refused to tell anybody about the large cars or the reason why he and the rest of us were in them. The neighbour women were real busy bodies and tried their best to wheedle any information they could out of grandma or dad. At our supper on the day before we were to buy tickets to the continent, a liveried messenger with...

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Best Pornstars! We all have our favorite pieces of ass. Some of you fucks love Sasha Grey, and others can’t get enough of Leah Gottie. The list goes on, and on, and on. But how the fuck are you supposed to keep track of these bitches and discover new favorites? It’s nearly impossible. You go to most sites today, and you’ll barely get a title, let alone the name of the star in it. And, well, you’re not going to get anywhere by begging for “sauce” in the comments. I knew there had to be a better...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 145 Houjis Devotion

A devil wrapped in flame, Shishio disappeared into the fire laughing. What was the meaning of that last laugh? No one undestood... And so-- (They stand staring at the blackened stones.) Sanosuke: Not a trace left... He really just burned away. (looking at Kenshin) You won. Kenshin (bowing his head): No... (Houji falls to his knees.) Houji: He didn't lose! He did not lose! Lord Shishio cannot lose! (Screaming, he runs from the platform.) Aoshi: He's gone mad... (Yumi's watch drops...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 10

8PHE0010 Word Count 4996 ********* Day 10, Thursday Kinny woke up to someone shaking his foot. It was Jazelle. She was wearing running shorts and a sports bra. The bra looked sturdy enough to hold up Times Square. The downside of having huge melons, Kinny supposed. "Time to start your workday, Bo." Kinny got up on one elbow. He looked down. He was sleeping naked. He had an erection. Jazelle saw him look. She smiled. "I've seen it. No need to cover up." She tossed him...

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Bus ride rom bangkok

Arriving in Bangkok 3 days before Chinese new year is a bad idea I you want to travel onward. All the tourist buses are packed with people heading home or the holidays but I just had to get down south where the action is, so I found my self crammed on a bus that couldn't take another sole.Whilst waiting for the bus to pull off a young Thai lad came and took his seat next to me. as he sat down he turned to me and flashed one of them great smiles that the thais are well known for and introduced...

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My first adult theater experience

My husband and I were curious about swinging. I have always wanted to go to an adult theater. I had heard about them, but we had never been so, one evening while heading home from dinner we passed by one and decided to check it out. We chose two seats near the front of the theater Once settled in I began to notice several men playing with their cocks nearby and was really turned on. I whispered to my husband that I wanted to play with his cock without hesitation he pulled it and I began to...

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Slut Easy to be Hard to resist Part 3

“Thanks for that babe. I’ve been wanting to tell you for years but didn’t know how to broach it!” My husband smiled at me as I lay on the bed with second load of spunk spilling out of my stinging asshole.“I wish you’d told me earlier” I smiled “I could have been getting fucked like a dirty slut all this time!” I winked, running my hands over my naked breasts.My husband smiled endearingly.“So do you think you’ll continue fucking other guys?” He questioned with a lop sided grin.“Try and fucking...

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Spanking the House Guest You Call This AbuseChapter 3 Clean Up Your Act

Still fully clothed, I folded the bathmat into a pad so I can kneel beside the tub. My rigid boner was concealed below the high rim of the old claw foot tub. I used a large plastic cup to pour warm water over Molly's hair until her unruly mop was saturated. Filling my palm with shampoo I worked it into her greasy stringy hair. Molly just sat with her eyes closed, arms clutching her bra, head bent forward to her knees as I washed what turned out to be long curls. I was gentle, massaging...

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Evening Service

Fitz lay crossways on the bed, arms extended upward with a magazine in his hands. Too tired to read, he flipped through pages of advertisements and looked at pictures of refugees. It had been a tough week. Shit, it had been a tough year, he thought. Fucking clients, fucking auditors, fucking pissant bureaucrats… At least having a couple of beers with friends tonight had relaxed him. Becca and Sam always threw a good party, even if it was only an impromptu, end-of-the-week attitude adjustment....

Wife Lovers
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The Reality of GMod

I felt my heart skip a beat at that. What the hell was going on? I had seen the pad with the G on it, but I certainly hadn’t expected to hear the soothing, low voice filling up my ears. I parted my lips for a second, wondering what to say, but there was only one thing on my mind despite my shock. “Can you… Can you make customised women?” I wondered in a murmur. And then a second later, the voice replied. “We can make anything you want.” I let out a hum at that. That could be...

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A Gift For Juliet

A GIFT FOR JULIET by suki [part 1] Laura stood in front of me trembling with rage. "What the hell is the meaning of this?" she said. I turned around from fixing dinner and with a jolt of terror saw that Laura had found my secret stash. She clutched a crumpled fistful of my panties and stockings in one hand. In the other, she held my favorite pair of high-heeled sandals. She held them up to me accusingly as I stood there absolutely speechless. I should have known...

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Birthday Celebrations 8211 Part 1

Hi all, this is my first story hope you find it interesting. Kindly bear with me as this is a long story and thus is broken into Parts. Below is the first part hopefully setting up a nice platform for the erotic second part. It was my birthday and I had somehow managed to forget my flat keys in my office, only to find it missing when I reached the society. Thank God, I keep a spare key with a neighbour, a beautiful, sensual married lady who happens to be on the same floor as mine. This saved me...

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Sex With Savita in Theater

Hi friends I am a great fan of ISS and I read the stories regularly from this site so I decided to write my story which happened with my girlfriend by name savita (name changed)in a theater in Mumbai,she was studying 12th and I was studying IT in the same college I was also a virgin and didn’t had sex with any girl before and I was getting attracted to her figure which is 36,28,36 whenever I see her I use to get erection I my pants so finally I decided to propose her and on feb14th I...

3 years ago
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This Is Your Lies Chapter 6

After a last look at Ellen, naked under a blanket in the trunk, I shut the lid and drove home by a roundabout route with Angus sat beside me, giving me a chance to size him up a little. I reversed the car up to the door and had Angus lift "Eve" as he thought she was called, out of the trunk and carry her into the house over his shoulder. She was still wearing the hood. I figured that if her feet never touched the floor and she could see nothing, she would have no idea where she was.He took her...

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Two Weddings No FuneralChapter 6 Consecration

Two trucks arrived around 10: Jimmy drove one with the nungungi; Jacky arrived with Alice and a pretty girl I didn't know, another woman neither native nor white. The nungungi came over and said that they were leaving but that he wanted to see Patrick again. Weena came down bearing the newly loquacious infant. "We will meet again," the nungungi said. "ma-ma-ma ba-ba-ba," was the response. We all shook hands, Jimmy thanked Weena again. They left. "This is my friend Marty," said...

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iXXX Pissing

Do you enjoy pissing fetish content? Well, I got to ask: is it the piss you love, or is it the act of pissing that you relish? Wait, on second thought, don’t answer that. Just keep that bullshit to yourself!But if you really want to do something about it, I guess there’s no stopping you, is there? Well, maybe nothing gets you off quite like seeing a gold stream puking out of a pussy or dick. Perhaps all you want is to see dudes get under a stream of piss, open wide, and chug the urine that hits...

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Orchard Ch 2

Tricia didn’t even look to the left as so passed the orchard, driving exactly at the speed limit but gripping the car’s steering wheel is if it were the life preserver being tossed to a possible drowning victim. Again, the day was hot, as it was just last week when she first passed this way and had stopped. And again, she left her job with the same frustration and anger she experienced seven days earlier simmering just beneath the carefully crafted veneer of her facial expression. She’d be...

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Fucking My Sexy Mom 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! I woke up next day at about eight in the morning. I thought I had a dream that had lasted all the night. But then I recognized that I was in my dad’s room. My shorts were lying on the floor and the mattress under me had spots of our juices. But mom was not in the room. I got up from bed. I took my shorts, but did not bother to wear them, and went to my room naked. I took bath while thinking about the events of the last night. I got dressed after taking...

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I looked up the side of the house toward my bedroom window. It was closed and the d****s were shut. I left both the window and d****s open when I broke out at nine o'clock to escape being grounded and meet my boyfriend Pete so we could try out his new motorcycle. We spent the whole night with friends racing on the flats outside of town; opening up the engine to see what she could do. Five minutes ago, I made Pete let me off at the corner down the street so the bike's muffler wouldn't wake my...

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The Hot Wife Chapter 1

My wife and I have a very good marriage; we met in college and became sweethearts right away. It was the classic story–Pam was a cheerleader for the football team and I was one of the football players.We met at the homecoming game and things just took off from there. Neither of us was looking for a relationship at the time, but once we met at the homecoming dance, we both knew that this was right and almost before we knew it, we were a couple.We got married as soon as we both got our degrees,...

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The Club part 7

Benny heard the shower running and then his mother walk into her bedroom to read. He continued to ponder his moves and words, but did nothing, cursing himself for his lack of courage. Before he knew it, it was 10.30pm and he decided to go to bed, feeling empty because of his lack of courage, wondering how his mates had done and how they would think of him. He walked passed his mother's room, and the door was slightly open. He could see his mother sitting up in bed not reading but asleep, so...

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My Life and Loves My First True Love

I academic achievements were starting to gather some attention from the faculty as well. I had a 4.0 accumulative GPA and a candidate for the National Honor Society Student of the Year award. I was riding high and I loved it. One day in the middle of a mid-term exam in Advanced Chemistry, a student enter the testing room and went over to the teacher and handed him a note. The teacher approached my desk and leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Mr. Morgan, you are to report to the...

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My Wifes Best Friend

My wife and I have been married for twenty yrs she is a slim and attractive woman who is always getting propositioned by the opposite sex, which although I find it flattering it can also get a bit annoying.sometimes we would argue but she would say it was being silly and jealous and that her friends should be able to joke around with her without me getting upset all the time.One night she came home and said she had a remedy for my arguing and jealousy.She pulled out a box of pills, oestrogen...

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The Phantom Stallion

“For every shadow and lie hides a blade, that blade be death. Revenge it seeks on all whose lust could enchant such a blade. Ride it shall and seek to find all the lost souls. For once it fabled lost the love of life, for life was not so kind. Lover still an affair it seemed, far from touch, too far to be seen. Yet saw it did, the Rider there! Oh watch, young child. BEWARE! -R” I was walking one night. It was late, the ground slightly damp and cool. I, carrying a torchlight and a...

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