Winterborn Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is another departure from my normal type of story. I hope the readers will receive this tale as well as they did my prior story in this vein, The Trail West.

As always, constructive comments, critiques, and emails are hoped for and appreciated.

This story is loosely based and greatly inspired by the song Winterborn by the Cruxshadows. I’m not usually into Grunge Rock but I’ve been haunted by their song for over a year. I just had to write a story incorporating the ideas told in this song.

You can see the video and hear the song on YouTube.

And in the fury of this darkest hour
We will be your light
You’ve asked me for my sacrifice
And I am Winterborn

(by the Cruxshadows)


Dillon Gallagher had been a 20 year old junior at Virginia Military Institute planning a career with the United States Army when Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861. Virginia’s secession from the Union followed on April 17th and he knew that his plans were dead. He left school and returned home. Two months later he heard that the First Virginia Cavalry was being formed in Winchester, so he equipped himself and rode north to join up.

Before he left his father made it clear that he thought Dillon was being foolish. ‘You’ve always said that slavery was morally wrong and a financially inefficient way to farm. How can you go fight for something you think is wrong?’ Samuel asked.

‘I did say those things and I still believe them. You’ll notice that I hired immigrants, mostly Irish, to work the place that Grandpa left me. It costs less than running slaves and it also lets me sleep at night,’ Dillon said.

‘Why would you fight to preserve owning slaves if you’re so set against it?’

Dillon looked at his father for a few seconds before he answered. He knew his father wouldn’t understand or approve his reasoning. Sighing he replied, ‘I’m going to fight to preserve state’s rights, Father. I don’t believe that the Federal government has the right to dictate to each state how we should live. It’s as simple as that.’

Samuel thought about what Dillon had said for a minute or so. ‘You know if you fight for the Confederacy you’ll hurt the bank.’

‘What?’ Dillon asked not believing his father’s main concern.

‘You’ve said yourself over these last few weeks that the South can’t win the war against the Union. Right?’

‘That’s what I said. The Union can put a superior number of soldiers in the field and they have the industrial machine to better supply them. The Confederacy can’t overcome that with bravery,’ Dillon replied.

‘If you’re right, and I think you are, when the Union wins there’ll be hell to pay for Southern sympathizers. If my son fought for the south, I could be thought of as a Southern sympathizer and lose the bank.’ Samuel paused for a bit and asked, ‘Why can’t you stay home? Run your farm or help me here at the bank or take a trip to California.’

‘Don’t you understand Father, I have to go. If I stay home, I’ll be branded a coward and couldn’t live here after the war anyway. And I won’t fight against my friends here in Virginia, even if I don’t believe completely in their cause. That leaves joining the army of the Confederate States of America. Besides, Virginia is my home and I can’t stand by and see her destroyed.’

Dillon thought for a minute and then muttered in a low voice, ‘Winterborn.’

‘What’s that you said? Winterborn?’ Samuel asked puzzled.

‘It’s a very old poem I read while at school. It pretty much sums up our situation here,’ Dillon answered. He hesitated a few seconds and then quoted:

‘So bury fear, for fate draws near
And hide the signs of pain
With noble acts, the bravest souls
Endure the heart’s remains

And in the fury of this darkest hour
We will be your light
You’ve asked me for my sacrifice
And I am Winterborn’

‘What the hell does that mean Dillon?’

‘Winterborn is a religious legend from the Middle Ages that says that people born during December are sort of a lost breed. Those people or groups were often asked to sacrifice themselves for a cause, similar to what Jesus did.’ Dillon paused with his head down, ‘Even if it’s a lost cause.’ Lifting his head he added, ‘That’s what the soldiers of the CSA are being asked to do, Sacrifice themselves, they can’t win this war.’

‘I don’t understand. All I see my son being a young fool.’

Dillon smiled for the first time and said, ‘You know Grandpa Flynn always said that a man has to believe in something, even if it wasn’t smart to do so he has to believe in something. I guess you believe in this bank and money, a sorry thing to base your life on.’

The young man stood and gave his father a sad look. ‘Good bye Father. Tell Mother I’ll write when I can.’ Dillon turned, left the office, and started his journey to join the First Virginia Cavalry.


For the next four years, Dillon rode through hell. The First took part in several large battles and Dillon was at all of them. The First, commanded by J.E.B. Stuart, helped General Thomas Jackson earn his nickname of ‘Stonewall’ at First Manassas in July of ’61.

Dillon was wounded at Second Manassas in August of ’62. He was shot through the meaty part of his leg but missed the bone and he recovered quickly. The First were continuously in battle with little down time for the entire war. Dillon had at least five horses shot out from under him, but was never wounded again.

The only good thing that’s come out of all this is my new pistol, Dillon thought. The First had conducted an early morning raid on the Union Army’s flank and over ran them. Dillon saw a Yankee Lieutenant riding hard to escape and followed slowly behind him. The Lieutenant came to an abandoned barn and rode his horse into the structure. Dillon found him hiding in a stall, tending to a gunshot wound in his leg.

Slowly entering the barn, Dillon with his LeMat pistol drawn, was able to capture the Lieutenant. The Yankee weapons, a repeating rifle and a sidearm were confiscated. Standing orders stated that captured weapons were to be turned over to the company commander for distribution to the company, supplies, especially weapons were getting harder to supply.

Dillon saw that the young Lieutenant’s sidearm was a Remington New Model Army .44, an extremely fine pistol. One advantage of the Remington was that you could load extra six shot cylinders and change them out quickly when you emptied one. In addition, the bullets and caps for the Remington were easier to come by than supplies for his LeMat so Dillon decided that he would keep the pistol.

If I turn it in, it will probably end up being carried by some real echelon office, Dillon rationalized. He’ll strut around Richmond or Savanna telling stories about how he took the weapon from some Yankee officer. I think I can put it to better use right here.

The First took part in their last battle of the war at the town of Appomattox Court House in April, ’65. When General Lee went to the home of Wilmer McLean to surrender to General Grant, Dillon didn’t stay around. He had an idea of what would happen after the surrender, the Union would run rough shod over the southern states to punish them. Dillon didn’t want to witness the coming punitive actions. He rode west, out of the war zone and away from his beloved Virginia.


Dillon had left Appomattox making his way from Virginia southwest through the war torn southern states to New Orleans. He dodged both Union patrols and the remnants of the Confederate Army along the way. The Confederate States of America may have surrendered, Dillon said to himself but I haven’t.

It took him most of six weeks of drifting to get to DeWitt county Texas in. He met and worked for Creed Taylor, a former Texas Ranger, for a while. Taylor was the one that showed Dill
on how to really handle a pistol. Dillon had worked for Taylor for about a year and then move on further west. Leaving Dewitt he made his way to nearby San Antonio.

There he met several fellow ‘Johnny Rebs’ who had stayed in the west rather than going home, several skirmishes between the North and South had been fought in the area. Most of the gray coats were just trying to make a living and get on with their lives but some had become petty thieves, road agents, and bandits.

Two of these thieves tried to steal Dillon’s horse late one evening. He’d been sleeping in the hay loft of the stable when he heard the men talking as they attempted to steal his horse and gear. Dillon climbed down from the loft, pulled his pistol, and approached the two men.

‘I think you fellers made a mistake. That’s my horse and gear you’re takin. I suggest you put them back,’ Dillon said.

One of the men turned pulling his gun but before he could bring it to bear, Dillon shot him in the chest. He heard another gunshot and felt the impact of a bullet as it grazed his left arm. Dillon fired and hit the second man in the belly. Walking over to the pair lying on the floor he kicked their guns away. Dillon examined one man and saw he was dead. He turned back to the wounded man, but there was nothing he could do for him, the man was gut shot. Before Dillon could go for help, the second man died.

Bill Swanson the middle aged stable owner rushed into the area carrying a double barreled shot gun. He saw Dillon standing over the dead men and asked, ‘What happened?’

As Dillon explained Swanson inspected the two men. Turning to Dillon he said, ‘Son you better ride out. That’s Sam Wade and Jerry Carter you shot. Their friends of Jake Stewart, the town marshal.’

‘Why should I run? It was self defense.’

‘Don’t make no difference. Stewart will hang you as sure as your standing there. You better ride boy.’ Seeing the blood on Dillon’s shirt he continued, ‘Let’s take a look at your wound and then you need to get on the trail.’

The gunshot had sliced a furrow through the muscle of Dillon’s upper arm. Swanson cleaned and bandaged the wound, it would be painful but not life threatening. He handed Dillon some trail supplies and helped him saddle his horse. ‘You need to go and go fast. I’ll wait for a bit before I go find Stewart.’

‘Thanks Mr. Swanson, I’ll not forget your kindness,’ Dillon said as he mounted and headed out of San Antonio. He headed south deciding that Mexico would be a good place to head for. Dillon made it to Laredo and then across the Rio Grande to Nuevo Laredo. At least there weren’t any Union troops on the Mexican side of the river.

Dillon spent several months in Mexico, learning the language and hiring out as a payroll guard from time to time for the mines in the area. He’d been shot at several times but his skill with his pistol saved his hide and the payrolls he guarded. Sitting in a cantina one evening two days after his latest run in with bandits, three rough looking men approached him looking for trouble.

The men had the look of former soldiers, two wore the yellow striped grey pants of the Confederate Cavalry and the other wore a Union jacket and cap. The leader of the pack reached across the table and took Dillon’s drink. Knocking back the tequila, his look dared the young man to say anything. Dillon didn’t react which made the man angry.

‘You’re the one that rode guard for the mine payroll a couple of days ago, are ya?’ Dillon didn’t speak and just nodded. ‘You shot up my cousin in that gun fight.’

For the first time Dillon spoke. ‘He got what he deserved mister. If he hadn’t tried to rob me I wouldn’t have shot him.’ Under the table he loosened his Remington .44 in its holster, he was expecting trouble with from this group.

The large man roared and went for the pistol stuck in his belt. Before he could get it out Dillon stood, drew his own gun and fired. The two other men went for their guns at the same time but Dillon was much faster and fired two more shots in quick succession.

When the noise and smoke cleared there were three dead men lying on the floor of the cantina. Dillon holstered his pistol, walked to the bar and tossed a few coins to the bartender. ‘Sorry about the mess senor,’ he said. Turning he left the cantina, mounted his horse, picked up his gear from his cabin, and rode out of Nuevo Laredo.

Dillon thought about his life and travels since the end of the war. Has it really been over three years now? Maybe I ought to head home, he thought. Seems all I’m doing out here is getting shot at or shooting people.

After three years away from home, Dillon headed back to Richmond. Maybe I can make peace with Father, he thought.


Samuel Gallagher looked at his son, Dillon as he sat across the desk from him. The two hadn’t seen each other since Dillon left home to join the 1st Regiment Virginia Cavalry in July of 1861. The elder Gallagher still owned the largest bank in Richmond, Virginia, the former capitol of the Confederate States of America. He and Dillon were in Samuel’s plush office on this early morning in September ’68.

Dillon’s been gone for 7 years Samuel thought as he appraised his son. He found the change in Dillon remarkable, the boy’s matured during his long absence, Samuel said to himself. Maybe now he’ll understand my position.

Dillon had left Richmond a little soft, he had been 6 feet tall and weighed 225, with a pale complexion. Dillon took after his mother with blue eyes and very dark hair which he wore unfashionably long. He returned whip cord slim and strong, now weighing no more than 190. His face was sun burned to a deep tan which made his blue eyes seemed to jump out at you.

The older Gallagher also saw a change in Dillon’s personality. He was no longer the almost naïve, argumentative, angry young man that had left home. Now he was quietly confident and seemed older than his 27 years.

‘Where have you been?’ Samuel asked. ‘Lee surrendered in April of ’65. It’s been better than three years since then.’

‘I decided I didn’t want to be around for the aftermath of the surrender, so I headed west for a while,’ Dillon replied.

‘No matter, you’re here now. We’ll get you cleaned up and tomorrow I’ll take you to the Capitol building. You can take the Oath to the Union and we’ll get on with our lives,’ Samuel said. ‘Of course your farm was confiscated, what with you being a Confederate officer. I tried to stop it but couldn’t do anything.’ Then almost to himself, ‘I hope you’re service doesn’t have an adverse effect on the bank.’

‘Wouldn’t mind cleaning up a bit, but I can’t take that oath.’ Dillon stared at his father and said, ‘Also I don’t believe you tried very hard to keep them from taking the farm, it might have put you in a bad light with your Northern friends.’

Samuel stopped and looked at his son. He saw the conviction in the boy’s eyes and the set of his chin. ‘Can’t or won’t take the oath?’ He didn’t address Dillon’s comment about his efforts to save the farm.

‘Take your pick, either way I’m not swearing an oath to the Union,’ Dillon replied returning his father’s hard stare.

‘Why in the world not? If you’re going to live here you have to take that oath.’

‘I already took an oath, to the Confederacy. Reckon a man’s only good for one oath at a time,’ Dillon said with a grim smile.

‘But the wars over, Lee surrendered,’ Samuel almost pleaded.

‘Lee surrendered, I didn’t.’

‘If you don’t swear that oath, it could cause me and the bank a lot of trouble. I’ve managed to hold on by helping the Union representatives down here. Do you want me to lose it all?’

‘You haven’t changed, have you Father? Our views haven’t changed since our last talk either. The only thing you believe in is money and profit. The only difference is now you’re a toady for Northern Reconstruction,’ Dillon said sadly.

Samuel angrily r
esponded ‘I think you’re just afraid to admit you were wrong to join the Confederacy. I never thought I’d see my son be too much of a coward to do what’s good for the family.’

Dillon stared at Samuel with a cold anger, his eyes blazing. ‘A coward! If you weren’t my father I’d shoot you where you sit,’ Dillon said, his voice quivering with rage. His hand had moved to the butt of the pistol at his hip. ‘I won’t be staying, I’ll drop by and say good bye to Mother before I go.’

‘You and your mother are two of a kind. She moved to her sister’s in Boston two years ago,’ Samuel said.

‘Good for her. I’m glad that at least one of my parents shows some sense. Good bye Father, I doubt that I’ll ever see you again.’ Dillon stood, looked at his father one last time and left the office.

Outside the bank, he mounted the big buckskin stallion that had carried him for hundreds of miles and rode to his father’s house, there was a room over the carriage house where Dillon lived before the war. Hidden behind a false panel were several of his things that he wanted to take with him.

He pushed open the panel covering his treasure trove and sorted through the contents. One of the things he wanted was gold and silver Hunter cased pocket watch with a heavy gold chain and fob. The watch had belonged to his maternal grandfather James Dillon Flynn. He was a crusty old man that had never been impressed by Samuel Gallagher and his wealth. In spite of Samuel’s objections, Dillon’s mother, Sarah, had named her son after her father. It was the first but not the last act of independence and rebellion by Sarah.

Inside the case of the watch was a picture of Dillon’s mother, taken just before Dillon left for college. The watch had been left to Dillon when his grandfather Flynn has passed away. Along with the farm and watch he received sixty $20 double eagle gold coins worth $1200 dollars from the old man’s estate.

There were several other items that Dillon wanted to take with him. One was a Bowie knife and sheath, also left to him by Grandpa Flynn. It had been made by the same blacksmith, James Black that had made the original knife for the famous Jim Bowie. Flynn and Bowie were friends and cohorts in the early 1830s and after covering each others back in saloon fight in a small Texas town, Bowie made a gift of the knife to his friend.

The other items Dillon took were two books of poetry. While attending Virginia Military he became interested in certain poets and poems, these were two of his favorites. One was a collection of the works of Shelley and the other the works of Lord Byron. Some people will think I’m a dandy from the east if they see these, Dillon thought. It doesn’t matter what they think, I want them with me.

Riding to his old room and now as he was leaving he could still see the aftermath of the devastating fires that ran through Richmond in April of ’65. The fires had been set by the retreating Confederate troops trying to destroy any supplies that the invading Union army could use.

The fires had gotten out of hand and burned over 25 percent of the buildings in the city. The Union soldiers put out most of the fires as they advanced and captured the city. In spite of what many of the city’s residents thought it was the Union army that saved Richmond from even greater destruction.

Dillon looked at the burned out areas of the city that even three years later hadn’t been cleaned up or restored. This is why I didn’t come home he thought. This and the overbearing attitude of many of the managers, officials and representatives of the Union government. If I stay, I’ll end up killing some carpet bagger. Time to leave, for good this time.

Taking one last look, Dillon didn’t replace the panel to cover the hiding place. Doesn’t much matter now, he said to himself. He took his ‘treasures’ down to his horse and placed everything in the saddlebags. Mounting the big animal and turning its head west he said, ‘Time to go West Buck, this isn’t my home anymore.’

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Alan Jones is in the bedroom wearing his school-uniform. A tight gym-slip hugs a crisp white blouse. Navy blue cotton panties keep his privates well protected. White knee-high socks and black Mary-Jane shoes make him the perfect sexy school-girl. Wearing a wig tied in bunches excites him to the point of masturbation. He poses in front of the mirror, picking his nose, eating strawberry bubble-gum. To his annoyance, the mobile rings at this important time. “Hi Alan its Louise your cousin’s wife.”...

2 years ago
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BrownBunnies Destiny Cruz Step Daughter8217s Poolside Fuck

Destiny is back home from college and her stepdad can’t wait to see her. It’s a beautiful sunny day so why not hang by the pool? He’s already by the pool so he just need her to pass by with some sunblock lotion. She comes through looking sexy as hell and he asks her to put lotion on him so he doesn’t burn. Until she finds out that her stepdad took his shorts off so she can oil him down there! But, she was eyeing it a little too hard. He convinces her to keep adding oil...

4 years ago
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Becoming Allison Part 5

Washing long hair was a pain. Debbie reached her arms in the shower to help me, but I was on my own pretty much. By the time I actually got to wash and explore the rest of my new body, I was half-distracted by the thoughts of cutting my hair down to shoulder length or to just below my chin. Those styles we not in fashion for kids or young adults, but I was thinking about maybe just cutting it so it was up to my shoulder blades when I realized that I had been washing my new body with...

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Axe VictimChapter 11

Don frowned as he watched Bobby Jones escort his daughter to his Mustang. Something about the boy didn't sit right with him. Bobby answered all the questions just right. He shook Don's hand, met his eyes, but something just felt wrong. He wondered if he weren't too protective of Kasey. He wanted her experiences to be good. Don sighed as he closed the door and turned back to the movie that Jenny put in. Kasey was frowning when they finally sat down in the theater. The pizza had been...

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My wife goes off roading

My wife and I have a off road vehicle, its used for rock crawling. One weekend we took it to Tennessee to ride a popular off road park. It was extremely hot that day so wife decided to wear a very short pair of cutoff jeans shorts. The pockets hung down from the very short legs. The white cotton fabric stood out next to her tanned thigh. On top she wore a small bikini top. It covered her thirty four b cup tits just enough to be classy yet sexy. Every chance I got I would watch her tits bounch...

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Truth In Print

Copyright© 2002-2003 There was a young girl of Spitzbergen, Whose people all thought her a virgin, Till they found her in bed With her twat very red, And the head of a kid just emergin'. ... she grasped his erect cock and turned her mature attractive face upward, looking directly into his eyes. Moving her hand slowly up and down its hard length, she licked a drop that appeared at the crown. She then leaned back and stretched upward so that the hard pointed nipples topping...

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A night of entertainment between good friends and their pets makes for a kinky bisexual orgy

Mmm, listen to the quiet susurration of rain on the tile roof. A comfortable sound in the warmth of the lounge. The fire has burned down now, only the embers flaring briefly to life when the wind outside causes a draft in the fireplace. Lightning is flickering on the hills to the east; a reminder of the storm that passed over here a few hours ago, and the unpredictable illumination compliments the glow of the fireplace, and the cool light from this laptop computer. The candles that were...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother part 4

“Shit.”I cursed under my breath. “Shit, shit, shit.” I yanked off the duvet covers causing Garfield to hiss in protest and stumbled over to my laptop. Facebook was my first priority, and my fears had been confirmed. She’d already posted the picture. The caption read: Boyfriend fucked around with his little sister’s best friend. Guess who got dumped? I almost cried. My phone was already buzzing with messages and there were hundreds of comments on the picture. Since Harriet was so popular I had...

Love Stories
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Blackthorne Ch 01

I scurried back on my hands and feet to avoid a very sharp pair of claws that landed too close to comfort to the top my inseams. My hardwood floors had no chance as the black and shiny claws carved into them and trailed back towards her body ever so slowly. I regretted wishing my luck with women would change and I thought to myself if I ever made it out of this alive with my limbs intact I would find Justin and punch him right in the nose. My life was flashing before my eyes as I quickly bobbed...

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The former babysitter

It was a spring day bright and sunny but not too warm. Jakob and some of his friends were in town at the street fair drinking beer and enjoying themselves.As the evening slowly approached, fair attendance shifted from families with small children to teenagers showing off in front of each other by buying alcohol whether they were allowed to or not. Jakob saw some of his son's friends trying to buy beer though they were way too young. Luckily, his wife was with the children at home, a night of...

2 years ago
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Cigarettes By Callie Messenger I tried everything to give up smoking. Changes in diet, exercise, herbal teas, cold turkey, hypnosis tapes, nicotine patches and gum. My wife was being driven up the wall by my attempts. Well, it was her fault that I was giving up anyway. She simply didn't like it anymore. And, every time I tried to give up, I seemed to return to it more strongly, smoking more as though in an attempt to catch up on what I'd missed. Finally she had had...

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Helena fingered so badly by her gyno

My nice girlfriend Helena called me, saying she was having some troubles with her vagina. Any cock inside caused her a great pain.I joked her, saying her problem was she loved to be used and abused by big black cocks…She laughed at me, saying even my hubby’s cock was causing her pain… So Helena asked me to go with her to see a doctor that somebody had recommended her, to see if he could find out what was going wrong.As we went there, we found the recommended doctor was an old mate from our own...

2 years ago
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Jennas Turn To Cry

Introduction: Sequal to The Neighborly Thing To Do!, Now its Jennas Turn To Cry. The Neighborly Thing To Do! The Sequal Jennas Turn To Cry Story: #44 Copyright 2009 Written: March 22 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** At 6pm Jessica could be smelled all over the neighborhood by this time she was dead and almost ready to be served, Ok we need to get the pig moved over to...

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A Halloween Romance

Jenna looked over at the gilt edged invitation and rolled her eyes. She still couldn’t believe she had actually been convinced to attend a masquerade ball on Halloween night. She muttered to herself as she struggled to get into her harem girl costume. She’d wanted the cute Little Bo Peep outfit, but it had been snatched right out of her hands by a pushy blonde. The other costumes left were fairly picked over, or the wrong size. So, the harem girl outfit would simply have to do.  She’d done her...

3 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 20

“It’s mostly good news, sis,” says Danny as he walks in. He takes off his jacket and hangs it up. “‘Mostly, ‘“ I repeat. I guess my tone or my expression gives me away, because he walks over to squeeze my shoulder. “Don’t be so glum, it’s really pretty good.” He leaves his hand there, and I reach up to touch it. “OK, sit down and tell me,” I say. “I started at the station where you were gassing up. Went to the attendant, told him I’d heard something about a carjacking a couple of days...

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Encounter In Crowded Local Turned Out To Be Group Sex

Hello everyone, I am Nisha, a regular working class girl working in Panvel. I live at thane and commute every day to Panvel and back for work by local. I am a beautiful looking girl with vital stats of 32-26-34. In my profession, it is required that I should wear saree for most of the days. It is irritating as traveling after wearing a saree is hectic plus you have to endure all the lustful eyes around you at the train station. So I travel through ladies compartment each time. This incident...

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MommysBoy Linzee Ryder Only One Bed

Joshua Lewis, his stepmom Linzee Ryder, and his stepdad Evan Stone arrive at a vacation rental after a long day of traveling. They’re surprised, however, when they notice that the rental only has one bed! Evan looks frustrated and checks the listing, confirming that, indeed, it WAS supposed to have two beds. Something must have gone wrong during the booking process. Evan promises to find another more suitable rental for tomorrow but for tonight, they’re stuck here! They agree to...

4 years ago
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Raped TeacherChapter 7

Adele was very proud of herself. She couldn't have been any happier than when she looked into the mirror that afternoon and saw the new coat her husband had bought for her. It was a beautiful mink and though he really couldn't afford it on his salary it was something he wanted to do for her. She brushed her red hair back over the collar of the coat and studied herself. "You're beautiful in it," her husband said. "I know that," she replied. "But we really can't afford it,...

3 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 50

Julie giggled as I jumped in surprise when Sammi licked up the entire length of my cock. I looked down at Sammi and saw the glee in her eyes, happy that she was able to surprise me. I saw the desire there too. But I also saw uncertainty; I saw she was a little scared too. Sammi had had sex only twice after her period of sexual abuse. The first time had been with me and had been right before Amy, under the influence of Bandor, had tried to kill me. The second time was with me also, and had...

4 years ago
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Sex On Campus Of University With My New Fuck Buddy

Hey my name is Aakash, this is a real life story that happened while i was studying in university. I had a very best of friends (with benefits), her name is Smita, she was very intelligent, but well not that attractive. She had huge boobs and ass though (her only asset for which any guy could die for), anyway her vital stats were 36-30-34.One day when we were sitting on the last bench of the class in a boring lecture, she said wanna have fun, i was oh k with it, but little did i know that she...

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rich boys love 8

when harvey drove me home outside my gates i said goodnight to him and i kissed him as i was getting out he took my hand and said "leon thank you so much for tonight" i said "its not a problem i enjoyed my self" and strangly enought i did harvey also asked for my car keys (because i had a spare set of keys to my parents cars and he didnt want me to drink drive) so i handed them over the next day i woke up early and got ready i called my self a cab to go to harveys house top pick up my...

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The Princess And The Traveller

For now, I am abandoning my autobiographical series of short stories (though rest assured I will return to them soon!) and present here a completely fictional rendering in the Medieval "Sword and Sorcery" genre. I'm doing this now partly because I had been working on my third autobiographical story for a couple of weeks now, and my computer just ate it. No backup! Augh! Anyway, until my frustration dies down and I begin writing the whole @#!* thing second time, I decided to whip...

2 years ago
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SargeChapter 27

I spent all that week’s days trying to beat the pain without depending on the Tramadol. In so doing I was swallowing a lot of aspirin and Tylenol cocktails. It began to work on the road rash by midweek. The joint pains was still a factor, but without the road rash pain I was able to work through the other pains. By Thursday morning I even had the new front wheel on my road bike. I still wasn’t ready for the Twenty mile round trip to Tonya’s diner. I was back to having breakfast at Scooter’s...

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The bus

Today I took a trip on the bus to visit a friend. It was a bout a 3 hour ride. I sat in the back as I had a book to read and I could relax. The bus was not crowded at all. After the third stop a young man got on and came to the back and sat beside me. I kept reading but noticed he was very handsome. As we rode he kept staring at me and I smiled at him. Twenty minutes later he put his hand on my leg. I ignored him to see what he was up to. He then began to rub my leg. It felt good so I let him....

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No FutureChapter 63 Sinners Poor and Wretched

Sir Norman 2079 There was so much to adjust to now he'd returned to England. The list was long and mostly rather distressing. For a start, this wasn't the same country as the one he'd escaped from just over a year before. At that time it had been a Kingdom. Now there was no longer even a Royal Family. He was now a citizen of the Republic of England. What next? Would the English provinces also demand political independence and leave only the Home Counties under Westminster's sway. The...

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Cocktail Umbrellas and Other Things

Arriving home after a long shift, I almost don't notice a slightly bulky envelope among my mail. I glance at the return address and smile. Brushing aside my bills, I slit open the envelope. Out falls a single paper cocktail umbrella. I pick it up and twirl it around in my fingers. The sight of it brings a rush of memories. I tuck it behind my ear, sit down in my favorite chair, and let my mind wander.~~~~I remember clearly the first time I saw a cocktail umbrella. As a child, my family lived in...

Oral Sex
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The Sentence I should have never said

"THE SENTENCE" I should have never said. By Jillian Spears This story is about an 8-year-old boy, and how he unknowingly picked his own punishment by uttering a stupid sentence, he wishes he should have never said. Because of that he finds himself being dress as a 3-year-old little girl, and that's just the beginning of his troubles. Hi There! This story was the first story I ever wrote and posted online. To my surprise just after I finished posting the whole story, it was...

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Helping out a friend 2 another business trip a mile high

I've tried to get Laura to write... she's not keen. Doesn't like so much for me to write about her. Ginny, on the other hand likes the stories about her. Even asked me to use her real name... though for continuity sake, I won't for now. Anyway, here is a bit of a continuation of our last adventure. Mile High... Ginny had moved in for a month, and she and my wife Laura had taken every chance they could get to eat each other out, or finger fuck each other, and I wasn't getting any...

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My Female Boss finds Out Creampie

It started off just like any other day at the office, meetings, files, lunch, more meetings, paperwork, etc… It was nearing 5pm and I was looking forward to getting out of the office and hitting happy hour with some friends. Friday nights were time for relaxation, good friends and good beer. I had one more meeting to go and it was an internal meeting with a co-worker so it wouldn’t be bad at all.Brenda had been working with us for the past 6 months. A great worker, she was still a bit rough...

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It seems to me that at weddings the bride and bridesmaids always seem to be more attractive than normal. Probably a stupid male statement, after all, these women spend months and fortunes preparing for 'the big day'. Just recently my son got married to a girl called Barbara. Nice girl, attractive with a gorgeous body, but I mustn't dwell on that subject. Maybe another time. The reason I am writing this is to tell you about the wedding day and the wonderful thing that happened. Pauline and Kym...

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My Black Eyed Boy

I was surprised by a knock on my window, I rolled it down and asked the teenager what he wanted. He didn’t answer, but leaned down and peered into the car. That was when I saw his eyes. They were completely black. My body shuddered and locked into position, I was paralyzed! I broke out into a sweat as he laughed evilly. Try as I might, I could move a muscle. As I watched out my lowered driver’s window, he stepped back, unbuttoned his denim shorts, and shucked them to the ground. With no...

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TransformationFran Avatar Damn, that hurts! And it stinks too! No escaping either of it. The painand the smell don't seem to be affecting my cock though, my meat isrock hard. So's my master's, buried deep within me. He's enjoying this.Probably more than I am - and I'm about on cloud nine! With every touchof that electrolysis wand I keep going further onto that cloud. Myreaction and the fact that it's him who's holding that damn thing iswhat's keeping him hard inside me even with his moving...

2 years ago
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NaughtyBookworms Riley Star 23165

Busted…again! Riley Star is taking nude, explicit selfies in her professor’s classroom, at his desk…and she gets caught! Not just that, but it’s the second time the horny student’s been busted by him. He threatens to report Riley to the dean, but she has the perfect solution for him: a blowjob! Being the liberal professor that he is, he can’t turn down the petite blonde coed’s offer. What he can do is fuck her, cum all over her eyes and resume all...

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Hiking with mom

I just cant believe how it happened or what happened and neither will you,but still...My father died when I just had turned six years old so I dont remember moreof him than what mom have told me. He left a good insurance and a ratherthriving business so we were well provided for, but mom worked half timeanyway. Ever since my fathers death mom never have showed any interest inany other men. I think she is a beautiful woman and Im sure that many menhave approached her, but as far as I know she...

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Rob and Amanda LundsfordChapter two of two

“You seem pensive today," said Christopher. "No, no, I just can't keep from recalling the old days, and how he and I got on. How we never had to worry about paying the bills. I hope he's all right. Probably rich by now while you and I are just getting by," said Amanda. He gave her a you-should-appreciate-me-more stare "Why do you keep worrying over him? Because he was some hot shot salesman when he was here? He lives in freakin' Montana for chryssakes. He's just another guy, Mandy. And we're...


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