Lowborn Ch. 03 free porn video

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The firelight from the encampment finally provided enough illumination for Mindblind to figure out what he was doing as he followed Raven, miming her movements.

His knees ached from inching along in a crouch below the top of the waist-high grasses, and his hair was full of cockleburs. The animal trail that Raven followed helped to obscure their movements through the grass, and the wind provided the final cover.

He had no worries about any sound that they made alerting the slavers. The voices of at least five prostitutes crying out in mock passion would drown out anything less than a war cry. A combination of laughter and catcalls hinted that the men probably weren’t paying much attention to anything else, anyway.

Raven stopped and settled to her knees behind a bush. A larger, irregular circle of broken grass spread out from the shrub – likely a spot where several animals had bedded down. Mindblind gratefully joined her on his knees, and found that he could see the encampment through the bush.

Three wagons and two large tents surrounded the fire in the center of the camp. A few lanterns shed fitful light as they struggled to burn in the wind. The group obviously had no fear of discovery, as all eyes were trained upon the show around the fire.

Mindblind could see two women on their hands and knees, men with dropped trousers kneeling behind them and furiously pounding away. Another woman stood, bent at the waist, one man behind her and another feeding her his cock in the front. Other couplings were just hints of body parts peeking through the fire.

Raven’s whisper in his ear caused him to start. “Using what they have to try to get loose, or at least treated better. The one getting poked from both ends is my sister.” He could almost hear her eyes rolling in her tone.

A few seconds later, the man in front of Raven’s sister jerked his cock free of her mouth and tilted her head up by using her hair as a handle. Gales of laughter erupted when he apparently sprayed cum all over her face.

Raven sat down, seemingly confident that they had nothing to fear at the moment. Her brow furrowed as her eyes roamed over her surroundings. Once again, Mindblind followed her lead and sat down, having much the same opinion about the chance of discovery.

She leaned in close and whispered, “Something’s not right. It’s bad business to let them sport with any woman they grab – even a whore. Makes it tempting to ignore orders not to poke the virgins batting their eyelashes on the next grab.”

“Maybe whoever’s runnin’ the bunch ain’t around, and they figure they can get away with it.”

“Not unless they’re greener than pond scum. You see anybody with a weapon?”

He couldn’t recall any obvious swords or bows. Some might be carrying daggers or other small weapons, but nothing that would do much good if anyone came after them. “Nope. Only a couple of them had anything back at the Cat.”

“I’d bet my left tit that those were the only real slavers. They just rounded this bunch up somewhere. It stinks worse than a fishmonger’s ass.”

“Good for us.”

“Maybe. We’ll have to wait until most of them get done with their ride and fall asleep. Twenty to two isn’t good odds, even if all they have to fight with is their fists and their stink.”

Raven leaned forward and draped her arms over her bent knees, her ears perking and eyes snapping toward any hint of sound or movement.

The wait was a long one. As near as Mindblind could tell, every man in the camp had a turn, and then some. Eventually, men vanished into the tents, one-by-one. When the number dropped low enough, one of a pair of half-attentive guards would return any unused woman to a wagon, until only one couple on the other side of the fire remained.

Raven had drawn a long-bladed dagger as the next-to-the-last woman was returned to her rolling prison. Mindblind slipped his arm back into his shield, also sensing that the time to act was close.

He and Raven both tensed when two faint twangs accompanied the guards sprouting feathered shafts from their chests and falling silently to the ground. A third shot rang out just as a pair of men appeared on the other side of the camp. Both dropped bows and quivers to draw daggers in each hand. The other archer stepped into the light while the first two crept toward the tents.

Once all three were in place, they burst into the tents.

“Shit, I knew it,” Raven spit out, and she started to move forward.

Mindblind grabbed her shoulder and said, “There could be more of them with bows out there.”

She shook her head. “They have them dead. No need. Come on.”

Shouts of alarm and death screams erupted from both tents. Raven rushed into the camp, angling toward a wagon that would provide cover, despite her insistence that nobody else was watching. Cursing under his breath, Mindblind followed.

No arrows flew at them as the slaughter continued beyond the canvas walls. One of the tents collapsed as a body slammed against it, pulling out the stakes on the opposite side.

“You get the near one. Get them when they come out,” Raven directed, and then sprinted toward the collapsed tent, making sure to keep the fire between her and the canvas.

Mindblind charged toward the tent, doing his best to remain quiet, and likewise trying to avoid casting a shadow on the canvas wall. He either failed in his attempt at stealth, or the man simply had good intuition, because the murderer jumped from the tent in a fighting crouch, and immediately screamed something in his own language.

“Fuck,” Mindblind growled as the second man from the tent joined the first. All three stalked each other, preparing for an attack, and looking for an opening.

One of the murderers acted first, hurling a dagger. Mindblind barely managed to intercept the throw with his shield, and the weapon dropped to the earth nearby. The second man charged even as the spinning blade left his partner’s hand. Mindblind brought his sword into a defensive position, forcing the man to stop, to stay outside the longer weapon’s reach.

The dagger-thrower filled his free hand with a sword so that he might stand on a more even footing. As he drew closer, the second man backed up and turned. Mindblind could just barely see Raven approaching in his peripheral vision.

“Not so tough when you aren’t knifing people in their sleep – huh?” Raven taunted. “What’s a matter, big man? You afraid of a girl?”

“Leave now, if you wish to live,” the man facing Mindblind barked in a thick accent, staying on the defensive just out of range.

“Tell that to your buddy drowning in his own blood over there,” Raven retorted.

Though he heard the clang of knives engaging, Mindblind had no opportunity to glance Raven’s way. The man in front of him charged, sword and dagger both working in a display meant to distract.

A short, angled push of Mindblind’s shield deflected a slash of the sword, but it was merely a feint for the real attack. Equal measures of luck and quick reaction allowed him to twist enough that the bloody dagger only scraped against his leather armor before snapping back.

The murderer pressed his attack with an overhand swing of the sword, but Mindblind’s weapon rose to meet it with a ring of steel on steel. His opponent’s dagger found only the leather and wood of Mindblind’s shield as well, and he disengaged.

A high-pitched cry that trailed off into a wheeze caused Mindblind’s heart to skip a beat, but he knew better than to take his eyes off of his dangerous opponent. The murderer – either more confident or less disciplined – let his eyes flicker toward the other battle for a fraction of a second.

Mindblind’s muscles coiled in preparation to attack, and his opponent’s eyes went wide. The murderer ducked down just as a spinning dagger sailed through the air at the same height as where his throat would have been. His journey to the ground continued when the bottom edge of Mindblind’s shield caught him in the temple.

With his opponent down and unmoving, Mindblind snapped his gaze toward Raven. She smiled at him, and bent down to wipe the blood off her dagger on the clothing of the dead man at her feet.

A groan from behind him caused Mindblind to spin toward the fire and bring his weapon to bear. A grunt followed, and he relaxed when he saw a woman struggling to push the dead body atop her to the side.

“Ray, if you’re quite done playing, would you please get this smelly oaf off of me?”

“I told you to stop calling me that, Yani,” Raven snarled as she walked toward her sister.

“Please. I’m not going to call you Raven, or whatever silly thing you’re going by now.”

Mindblind shook his head as he approached as well. The woman’s nonchalant, mocking tone of voice seemed utterly out of place. She’d been kidnapped, let her body be used for hours, listened to men dying all around her, and she was lying beneath a dead man with an arrow sticking out of his back, but she didn’t seem to care – or even notice.

“You’re welcome,” Raven responded, and let out an exasperated sigh.

“Got ‘em,” Mindblind said to her, having reached Yani first. He transferred his sword to his shield hand temporarily, and rolled the body off the woman.

Yani made a disgusted sound and sat up. Her ample chest was covered in blood that had poured from the dead man’s mouth. The rest of her was covered in cum, from streaks in the dark curls atop her head to dribbles on her feet where it had ran down her thighs.

Her eyebrows shot up and she remarked, “Delly’s favorite playmate? Riding to her rescue, are we?”

Raven turned back toward the tents, where a few groans revealed that the murderers hadn’t quite finished the job. “Delly’s dead, Yani.”

“Oh – revenge, then,” Yani said as she stood up. Semen dripped from between her legs to spatter on the ground as she walked toward one of the wagons.

Mindblind shook his head again, the woman’s behavior beyond comprehension to him.

Raven tapped him on the arm. “Forget about it. We’d better take care of the one you bashed, and any of them that are still alive in there. I’ll cut some rope off one of the tents.”

When he turned toward her with a silent question in his eyes, she explained, “Like I said, this whole thing stinks. I want to know where the shithouse is.”

“Shouldn’t we get out of here?”

“They weren’t expecting trouble. We’ve got a bit – trust me.”

Though he still wasn’t sure, Mindblind nodded his agreement. He glanced over at Yani to see her dipping a cloth into a water barrel and washing away the mess covering her.

She was whistling the whole while.


Only four men in the tents were still alive, and two of those died from their wounds within a few minutes. The man that Raven had stabbed when he emerged from the tent had obviously died slowly. His body was contorted, and his face a horrible mask of terror.

The two betrayed slavers sat trembling in their bonds next to one of the men who had tried to murder them. He hadn’t yet awakened from the blow to the head from Mindblind’s shield. All were nude, as Raven had insisted upon stripping them as another deterrent against escape.

The two guards that had died in the initial arrow attack had keys for the wagons. Mindblind took one, and tossed Raven the other as soon as he fished it out of the man’s pocket.

As he stood, Yani walked over and bent down in his place.

“What are you doing?” Raven asked her.

“Well, I assume that we’ll be leaving at some point. I’m not walking through the brush and brambles, naked and barefoot.”

Raven shrugged. “Make yourself useful and find anything that isn’t completely blood-soaked for the others while we let them out, then.”

“I’ll do my best, but it’s hardly going to be an attractive little traveling troupe.”

Raven turned away and Mindblind followed. “Guess not getting along doesn’t really describe it, huh?”

“It’s not that simple,” she replied, her voice a little distant. She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture a moment later and said, “Later. Let’s get everyone out, see what we can scrounge, and try to wring something out of that bunch we’ve got fettered.”

A scream sounded when Raven opened the door of the first wagon. Hardly surprising, since the occupants had surely heard the death cries from outside earlier. A similar scream greeted Mindblind when he opened the second. The air rushing out of the wagon stank of sweat, sex – and worse. One of the prostitutes recognized him almost before the first scream died away and calmed the rest before they could join in.

The women were all nude, of course, and those who had chosen to utilize their skills in hopes of slightly better treatment were cum-covered.

“There’s some water out here to clean up. We’ll try to find something for you to put on,” Mindblind told them, before heading for the final wagon.

Upon unlocking the door, Mindblind thought better of just throwing it open this time. “I’m not one of them, so don’t start screaming at me. I’m here to let you out.” After giving that a few seconds to sink in, he opened the door, and held his breath. Almost immediately, a man shoved his way out of the wagon.

“This is absolutely un...” The man began to rant, and then noticed the bodies. His throat closed, and the blood drained out of his face.

Mindblind chuckled, recognizing the man whom he’d seen on the street in town before going to the Cat. He pointedly ignored the pale man, helped the prostitutes down out of the wagon, and directed them to the barrel, where the women from the other wagons were washing.

“I demand to know what is going on here!”

Mindblind glanced over at the pretty-boy and said, “Shut up, or I’ll put you back in the wagon and leave you there.”

“You dare threaten me?”

Having already turned away to continue toward Raven, Mindblind once again ignored the shouting man. Raven had found some of the men’s spare clothing in the wagon, as well as a few rags, and informed the women when she sat down the bundle on the steps of the wagon.

“Ce... Cer...”

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Mindblind turned to see Kayleen stepping toward him. She was obviously struggling to remember his name.

“Delly... She’s...”

“I know. Just get cleaned up and find something to wear. You’re safe for now.”

Kayleen nodded and walked over to the pile of clothing, which grew when Yani returned from scrounging through the carnal house of the tents. If she felt anything about the murdered men, it didn’t show in her face. She now wore trousers, and a pair of shoes that were a little too big, though she was still bare-breasted.

“Ra... Sister, might I borrow one of your knives?”

Raven handed her a dagger without looking at her and said to Mindblind, “At least it looks like they’re all fit to travel.” She gestured to the wagon that she’d unlocked. “Half of that one was for storing their stuff. Plenty of food, but we won’t be able to carry most of it. We can’t risk taking the wagons.”

“Yeah, we need to be able to scramble, if whoever’s running this game finds us.”

“Good thing about them being mostly Draxnians – they all had canteens. We’ll be able to carry plenty of water, not that it’s hard to find out here. There’s a little coin, some rope, a few other basics. The tents are a complete loss.”

“How far away is that town you talked about?”

“Figure we could get there a bit before dawn, if we left now – alone. Few hours after, with the crowd, and wringing out the ones we’ve got hogtied.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Raven leaned a little to the side and stared curiously over Mindblind’s shoulder. He turned, and let out a groan.

The handsome man stomped toward them, and stopped with his hands on his hips. “Do you have any idea who I am? I...”

Much to Mindblind’s surprise, Kayleen suddenly stepped up next to the man, and jammed her finger directly into his chest. She’d found a shirt to wear, but her bare bottom still peeked out from below the cloth.

“I don’t care who you are!” Kayleen chided, her eyes afire. “In case you hadn’t noticed, we were all to be sold into slavery or killed. You’re no different than any of us right now – whores or no – and you owe them your life. If you wish to keep it, then I suggest that you help them help you.”

The other prostitutes clapped, whistled, and laughed – though the sound carried the nervous edge of desperately chasing away fear – as Kayleen spun away, and strutted haughtily away from the cowed man.

Raven snickered, and Mindblind chuckled approvingly as he watched Kayleen walk away. It was a big change from the timid, frightened woman he’d first met at the Cat – and he liked it. “Okay, Bub, what’s your name then?”

Once again pale and obviously as surprised as anyone by the outburst, he replied, “I... I am Pompeil Harrold, of the Freeland Harrolds.” He regained a little composure as he spoke his name, probably expecting it to carry great weight. “I am a trader of rare goods, as I’m sure that you’re well aware.”

“You’ll have to pardon me if I call him hey you,” Raven sneered, and then walked away toward the bound prisoners.

“Never heard of you, Pomp.”

Mindblind ignored the correction from Pompeil that immediately – and inevitably – followed.

“Whoever sent the fuckers that killed the assholes that snatched you is gonna start wondering why they haven’t come back before long. I’d rather not be here when they come to find out. Start grabbing canteens and filling them up from the barrel on that wagon over there.”

Though he looked as though he was about to protest, a narrowing of Mindblind’s eyes apparently made him think better of it. “Y-yes. Of course.”

When he turned to follow Raven, he found himself almost face-to-face with Yani.

“I had to cut part of it off that was all bloody. What do you think?” She asked, and struck a provocative pose. The shirt she wore had a deep neckline, leaving the upper swell of her breasts exposed, and she’d cut it off just below those attributes, leaving her midriff bare.

“Yeah, that works,” he said, more than a little uncomfortable around the strange woman, and wondering what it was with people getting in his way any time he tried to go somewhere the last couple of days. He stepped to the side around her. “I need to get over there and find out what those guys know.”

“Of course. My sister can be such a slave driver. Nothing like me,” she said as he continued toward Raven.

The unconscious murderer stirred and groaned as Mindblind approached. Raven said, “Hope he knows something, because these two weren’t told anything.”

“Could be lying,” He suggested with an ominous stare at the two captives.

“Maybe. Told them that they had two choices. Tell me what I want to hear and we leave ‘em tied up loose in the wagon when we go. Otherwise, we pile the bodies on top of them, and they hope that whoever wants them dead shows up to finish the job before the plains cats dig them out of the pile.”

“Please, we’re told good money to take women. That is all,” one of the captives blurted out, the words barely understandable between his fright and his accent.

“Probably scraped them all off the floor of a taproom somewhere,” Raven suggested. “The only thing they were really supposed to do is die.”

“What’s the game then?” Mindblind wondered aloud, and then thought of something. “Why’d you grab the pretty boy?”

“He say he rich. Big reward,” the same sun-browned man answered who had spoken before.

Then, Mindblind asked the question that was burning in his brain. “Who killed Delly?”

“The older redhead with the big tits,” Raven supplied.

The captive pointed to the unconscious man. “Them – we kill no one.”

Having apparently heard Delly’s name, Kayleen walked over and said, “He had a mark on his hand. A knife.”

Raven turned to the blonde prostitute and pointed at the back of her hand, near the wrist. “Right here?”

“Yes, the point down,” Kayleen answered.

Raven nodded toward the collapsed tent and said, “Think we found him.” She took Kayleen’s hand, and when the woman hesitated, she said, “It will only take a second – I promise.”

Kayleen took a deep breath before offering a determined nod.

Too absorbed in dealing with the possibility that the man he wanted to see dead might already be, Mindblind completely missed the uncharacteristic softness in Raven’s voice.

The three walked over to the contorted body, and Raven lifted his hand. “Is that it?”

“Yes,” Kayleen answered, her face already ashen, and looking worse by the moment.

“Go on,” Raven told her, and the blonde hurried away. She then looked at Mindblind and said, “Sorry. At least he went slow and bad.”

“Not slow enough,” Mindblind growled. He then shook his head and said, “Doesn’t matter.”

Raven stood up, and kicked the dead man in the face. “None of this makes any sense. These three were killers. Maybe not the best, but they killed for a living. Someone paid some good gold for them, on top of whatever coppers they tossed to the drunks.”

Gasps and yelps from the prostitutes drew Mindblind’s attention to the third captive, who had apparently awakened to struggle against his bonds.

“Let’s go squeeze him a bit,” Raven said as she walked past.

The murderer continued to struggle against his bonds, though he surely understood the futility. Unlike the other two captives, he was literally hogtied, with his hands and wrists bound together. When Mindblind’s shadow fell upon him, he froze and stared with a defiant look on his face.

“Who paid the blood price?” Raven demanded.

“I will tell you nothing, pujata.”

Even if he hadn’t known that the word was Draxnian for whore, Mindblind could have easily guessed the general meaning. Raven rolled her eyes, and promptly launched a kick.

Mindblind winced. The breath blasted from the murderer’s lungs, followed by a cough that left spittle – and probably bile – running from the corner of his mouth.

Remarkably, the man croaked, “Nothing.”

“Told you he was a killer,” Raven said in a conversational tone of voice as the man at her feet coughed and gagged again. “Probably a guild initiate. He took an oath, and he’s not taking any chances that the Lord of Murder isn’t really dead to exact the price of breaking it in the hells.”

“Kill me. Tell you nothing.”

Mindblind was just about to say that they were wasting their time when Raven reached into the pouch at her belt. Rather than remove anything, she shook her head as if changing her mind, and then turned to walk toward the fire. She returned with a branch, red hot coals glowing on its tip. “Kill you? Where’s the fun in that?”

The man’s previously hard eyes went wide when Raven knelt down and poked the stick close to his skin.

“Who paid the blood price?”

She gave him a few seconds to answer, and then moved the stick closer. The murderer wriggled, desperately trying to move away.

“Who paid the blood price?”

His face a mask of horror, the murderer screamed, “The Lakeshore Man! The Lakeshore Man!”

“Fuck!” Raven cursed, and then tossed the branch back toward the fire.

Confused, Mindblind asked, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that this job came from the guild. He doesn’t know who hired him. Only the guildmaster does. That’s just a fake name he was supposed to use with contacts.”

Mindblind snorted in resignation. The man who had killed Delly was dead. Raven had recovered her sister. There was no reason for them to pursue this any farther, and plenty of reasons not to. “Let’s just get the hell out of... The fuck?!”

Mindblind jumped back as an ear-piercing screech split the night. Before his brain could register what was happening, Yani had stabbed her borrowed knife into the assassin’s chest. The blade ripped into his flesh three more times before Raven managed to grab her sister’s hand and wrench the dagger away.

“Yani, it’s not him. It’s not him.”

As quickly as it had arisen, the murderous rage in Raven’s sister vanished from her face. “It isn’t?” She looked down and giggled at the now dead man. “Oh, it isn’t, is it? Oops.”

Yani’s eyes rolled up in her head, and she fell into a dead faint in her sister’s arms.

“Raven?” Mindblind said, at a loss for words, and in complete disbelief of what he’d just witnessed.

“She... She needs her tea. If we come across a stream, the stuff grows everywhere. The barbarians chew the leaves to have visions. For some reason, it keeps her from having them. She’s fine as long as she has it.”

Yani stirred and mumbled, “My head hurts.” A second later, she noticed her bloody hands. “What?”

“Just go wash up.”

“Okay,” Yani answered, her voice monotone.

The other prostitutes gave her a wide berth as she shambled toward the wagon where everyone had washed earlier.

Mindblind asked, “What do we do if...”

“I’ll keep an eye on her until we find some of the leaves,” Raven cut him off to answer. “I promise that I’ll explain later. Let’s just get the fuck out of here.”

“Right,” he responded, and then set to the task of getting them all moving as quickly as possible.


Raven’s guess proved far too optimistic. Everyone was exhausted, most were wearing shoes that didn’t fit properly – or none at all – and the prostitutes were hardly accustomed to walking anywhere. The sun had already slipped past its high point before the ragtag troupe could see the farming village.

Mindblind adjusted the bow slung over his shoulder, unused to the encumbrance. The weapons were fine, and he wasn’t about to leave any of them behind. A pair of prostitutes carried the others. The various daggers and knives that the dead men no longer needed provided weapons for all of the women – save Yani.

As had happened numerous times on the journey, she was the first to collapse next to the glorified animal trail they followed, panting for breath. Raven had forced her sister to chew some of the leaves along the way, and the change in the prostitute was like night and day. Yani certainly seemed to notice and react to her surroundings now – complaining bitterly the whole time.

“Come on, Yani. We’re almost there,” Raven encouraged while tugging on her sister’s shoulder.

Everyone else was on the verge of collapse as well, so Mindblind said, “Let’s just give ‘em a rest.”

Raven blew out a sharp, irritated breath. “Okay.”

A look back the way they’d come revealed the plains stretching off into the horizon – an ocean of grass dotted with islands of trees. He had no doubt that the two captives he’d released were making far better time. After what they’d been through, it was hardly surprising that they fled as though every demon in the hells pursued them.

When he noticed Kayleen trembling as she tried to raise a canteen to her lips, Mindblind walked over to her. She’d offered to carry one of the small packs that he’d put together with supplies, and thus bore a more difficult burden than most of the women. “You holdin’ up okay?”

“I suppose that this is what I get for dreaming of seeing new places,” she responded with a wan smile. After pushing a sweat-soaked lock of hair back from her face, she said, “I haven’t thanked you, or apologized. When I first saw you, I thought... I said...”

He cut her off, “No need. You’re doing your part.”

A nasally snore made Mindblind’s nerves itch as Kayleen nodded her understanding and took another drink. Pompeil had a knack for falling asleep instantly, and had done so at each and every stop.

“Hey, I think there’s a lake over there,” one of the prostitutes remarked.

“Oh, that would feel so good,” another of the women groaned.

Mindblind spotted the cattails a short distance away, and thought that lake was a rather grandiose term for what was likely there. It was a pond at best.

A still irritated Raven walked over and began, “Oh for fucking...”

Though more than ready to return to civilization as well, Mindblind could see life popping into the eyes of the other women at the prospect of the cool water. “We look bad enough. If that bunch are old bluebloods, we’re gonna have a hard enough time getting in without them smelling us a mile away too.”

Raven grinned at him, though he knew that the expression was pure sarcasm. “Fine then. You can keep the watch first.”

With that, she waded through the grass toward the cattails. The other women followed hot on her heels. Soon enough, the sound of splashing, content sighs, and laughter reached Mindblind on the breeze. He stayed alert, though nothing seemed remotely threatening.

After a few minutes, the merchant started awake with a snort. He looked around to find himself alone with Mindblind. “What?” he muttered as he sat up.

“Pond down there. If you want to wash the stink off, you’d best go now,” Mindblind explained.

“Pond? What? Where?”

Fuckin’ pampered pretty-boy, Mindblind thought. “C’mon – it’s this way.”

As soon as the water came into view, the merchant stumbled, his mouth agape. Mindblind chuckled, fully understanding the reaction. It was hard to ignore all the nude women with the sunlight sparkling on their wet skin as they washed in the shallow pond. Even though he’d seen all of them unclad before, it was a far different picture in the light of day, when they weren’t sick with fear.

Raven strode out of the water, carrying the shirt and panties she wore beneath her protective dark clothing. She let out a content sigh, completely unashamed of her nudity, and smoothed back her dark hair with her free hand. “Okay, this was a good idea,” she admitted. “Give me a minute, and you can have a dip.”

“Tryin’ to catch flies, Pomp?” Mindblind asked the still-stunned merchant.

Pompeil snapped his mouth shut and walked toward the edge of the pond.

“Not much point in keeping watch,” Mindblind remarked as Raven pulled on her underthings.

“Yeah – still,” she said, selecting two of her daggers.

Whistles and catcalls greeted the merchant stripping to his breeches and Mindblind removing his armor. Pompeil knelt on the shore to wash his clothing first, but Mindblind simply tossed the garments he wore beneath his armor into the pond ahead of him. Women floated together to whisper when he dropped his pants. He was hard as a rock – hardly a surprise considering the scenery.

Almost all of the prostitutes had shunned him on visits to the Cat, and a few had openly refused to accept him in their beds before he’d fallen in with Delly. It was a far different story in the pond, with all the women staring at him, making suggestive comments, and even wading over to touch him as he washed.

Whenever he glanced back at Raven, she always seemed to be rolling her eyes.

Though Pompeil was doing his best to ignore similar treatment and a few playful splashes, his face remained bright red the whole time.

It was a damp, refreshed, and far better smelling group that set out a short while later on the final leg of the journey to the town.

“Trouble,” Raven grumbled, upon seeing several men assembling near the first buildings ahead. A few held weapons, and others wielded farm implements pressed into the duty.

The scene was almost surreal. Though the clothing the men wore was made of wool, linen, and other materials that he would expect in a farming village, it was all cut to approximate fashions similar to what Pompeil wore. The place was likewise constructed with facades to disguise the barns and log structures. It looked like a mockery of descriptions that Mindblind had heard of larger cities.

“What is your business here?” One of the men shouted as Raven and Mindblind approached at the head of their group.

Mindblind tapped Raven on the shoulder, and then waved Pompeil forward. Raven grinned, guessing his sudden flash of inspiration, and agreeing with it.

“Okay, Pomp, go tell them who you are,” Mindblind said.

The merchant puffed out his chest, straightened his shoulders, and strode forward confidently.

“I am Pompeil Harrold, of the Freeland Harrolds, and I stand before you, escaped from kidnapping and murder most foul...”

Raven and Mindblind shared a chuckle when the merchant finished his soaring rhetoric some time later, and he gestured for them to follow him into the village, having received a warm invitation of hospitality.

Civilization at last – strange as the place was.


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Female Actress Baring my Soul and Sex

I got into acting as a k** with my father. He was in a small local club that met weekly in the basement of the local library, planning and making documentaries about our fair city of Edinburgh.I thought it kind off cool as some of the men would point their cameras at me and ask me to pose and as such, called me the posing princess.Afterwards it was all about the drinking, mostly beer back at our flat where daddy and I shared. Curry, Pizza and Chinese take-a-ways would follow, and the banter...

1 year ago
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The Shopping Trip

Sarah poured herself a cup of coffee and sighed, looking at the time. It was just past 9:00 a.m. and Don wasn't due back until 7 tonight. He had already been gone two days. She had tried keeping busy with work, but with having today off she feared the day would go incredibly slow. Stirring the sugar into her mug, she silently wished she had something to do to pass the time quicker. Startled, she jumped when the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting anyone but welcomed the interruption.Looking...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Wearing Her Panties

Let me just start out by saying this, I’m a straight guy. I love women. I love everything about them from their gorgeous breasts and pussies to their shapely legs and asses. I’ve never been attracted to men. Never. I have no problem with guys that like other guys. That guy is just not me.But I love wearing women’s underclothes. They are so much softer than men’s clothing. The lacy panties and smooth silky chemises feel amazing on my body and really turn me on.I’m not a real big guy, I’m about...

3 years ago
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Couple moves next door

I am Anurag from Chennai good looking, fair normal built. A few months ago a couple, Saahil, and Neha moved opposite my house. Neha is attractive and cute, about 5’6″ with smooth, fair, flawless skin, beautiful long hair, black eyes. Neha was just 27 and saahil seemed to be at least 10 years older to her. In a very short span, we become very good friends. One day I visited Neha’s house to meet her after her husband left for his office. She has just finished her bath and was very happy to see...

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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 8

One day after school let out, Joey was waiting on his sister by the car. When she got there, Cindy seemed unusually apprehensive. On the drive home, his sister did not say a thing, causing him to wonder what was up with her. When they got home, Cindy plopped down in the recliner and had turned on the television. No one else was at home. Joey went to his room and got the little box. He then went back to the den and had his sister look at the Eye. Now that Cindy was in a hypnotic trance, Joey...

4 years ago
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Marys First Black Cock

Mary was a very attractive but shy 18 year old who was born and raised in Iowa. Mary was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighted in at about 100 pounds even. She had wavy blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes. She had had a sheltered life and she knew it. In her high school graduation class there were only 6 black students. Mary was always raised to be friends with everyone, but only close friends with people like herself. It would have been a scandal in her family if she would have ever...

2 years ago
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Phantom Hands

Chapter One Joyce never failed to make his heart jump whenever he saw her and he made it a point to see her as often as he could. They worked in the same building and on the same floor and nothing made his day more complete than when he could have coffee with her. She wasn’t aware of his feelings for her but she liked him and saw him as a good friend. She was seeing Larry Fister on a pretty regular basis and it hurt Aaron when he saw them talking. He knew he couldn’t have her but that didn’t...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Excursions 03

The fire crackled in the cabin’s stone hearth. The logs whistled as the moisture steamed. The seasoned firewood stack had been covered with a late season snow. The fire now transformed the clinging ice to vapor as it consumed the wood. Wynn and Marcy had cross country skied to the Total Woman Excursions’ timberland cabin arriving late in the afternoon. Earlier, the staff had stocked them a hearty dinner and departed, corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, crispy bread. It was a fine...

1 year ago
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The Falls

"I can't wait.", Charles says to himself in the bathroom mirror as he straightens the collar of his shirt. Smiling to himself, he turns his head slightly, glancing into the bedroom where Janine is dressing. He watches as she tosses one of her multi-colored floral sundresses over her head. For Charles, time seems to slow down, his eyes following the dress as it slowly slips down over her wonderfully athletic body. It almost seems like liquid fabric slowly trickling over her slender arms, full...

4 years ago
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Daughter and friend

I surf the net a lot and check out porn. I have been using this to relieve myself by masterbating and lately, cumming in Megan's used underwear. This just started recently, since I've noticed her developement. She is just getting a little mouthfull of tit and has one hell of an ass. I have cum in my sweats while she lays around in her little t-shirt and panties. Her mouth is like that of Angela Joline, very very sexy. I'd love to put my rock hard cock in there. Her panties smell so...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose at Marks again

After our session with all the guys in pantyhose at Marks house we had to figure out how to get my wife and Marks to agree to joining us. Mark and I went out for a drink one evening to discuss it try to come up with a plan. What we finally settled on was for us both to take our wives out for a drink and to accidentally meet up and introduce them to each other and to take it from there. Plan sorted we left the pub and got in our cars. We drove to the woods where we meet for a quick session in...

3 years ago
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What Waited in the Cottage

I looked over at Brock before I inserted the key into the lock of the apartment. He looked pretty husky in his uniform of worn jeans and a sweatshirt, underneath a thick black parka. I wore a woolen dress for warmth not to impress anyone certainly not Brock and some boots which covered my thicken woolen socks. The ground outside the tiny cottage had been covered with about a foot of snow and a thin Iet of icy snow colored the shingle roof. It was definitely more than cold enough to have to...

2 years ago
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Getting Vaccinated

"So, doc, there's nothing to worry about with this vaccine, right?" Tim asked his doctor. "I mean there's all kinds of crazy stuff on the internet these days." His doctor laughed and said, "Don't be silly! This isn't like the Krippin virus or something!" Tim had been seeing his doctor for years and thought she was really attractive. Very nice looking lady - even hot - and he wasn't so bad himself, really. At 30 years old, he still had a youthful body - 5'9" and moderately muscled. Decent...

3 years ago
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Cock Watcher Turns Gay

I don't know when it all started, my loving to look at men's cocks. It probably started out of curiosity to see if other men's cocks were bigger than mine. I have over seven inches of man-meat swinging between my legs so I am not ashamed of what I have, it was just I liked to see what the other guy was packing.But just catching glimpses of cocks in restrooms or showers at the gym was not enough. I wanted to see how big they were hard. So I moved my watching to adult theaters. I would set in the...

2 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 29

I called Julie after lunch on Sunday. We talked for nearly an hour. We got to know each other better. We compared our schedules to figure out when we could find time to be together. Julie was as busy as me. The first time we both were free was on Friday night. Julie was excited about the double date with Trent and his girlfriend. Julie and I met near the door to the school on Monday morning. We spent the ten minutes between when we arrived and home room together kissing and talking. We found...

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Remembering Faggot Boy Qasim

Remembering Faggot Boy QASIMBy: Londebaaz ChohanI cannot say why but I am remembering one of my bona fide gay bottom boy Qasim since the last week almost. First time I met him was in a chat room of a gay site on the internet. He was answering everybody and sounded sweet. The reasons, I got interested in him were multi folds. He was admitting that he was gay, he was admitting that he was a self-proclaimed born to be a bottom and he was hardly half an hour away from me. If those were not the...

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The Towel Part 6

After finding Jin standing in the doorway, naked, Mary dropped her coat and she too was naked. I didn't know what to say as I watched Mary go to the cabinet to get glasses for the wine they brought. So engrossed in watching Mary's breasts sway as she reached into the cabinet, I did not notice that Jim had moved closer to me. I jumped when he whispered next to my ear, "I think you are a little overdressed". As he did he grabbed hold of my towel and pulled it off me. Instinctively I put my...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 400 Good Deeds and Sour Pusses

So, you have stuck with my imaginative ramblings for 400 chapters. I want to thank you all for reading what I wrote as a way to escape into a fantasy world for a little while. I hope that you have enjoyed it. Dead Writer Now to see if these two can handle the nudist lifestyle. I found that Cici’s brother was also named John, but he wasn’t John Junior. I took the two kids to my old bedroom, pointed at the toilets, and turned on the shower. If either needs to let off any steam, that is the...

4 years ago
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Threesome With A Couple

Hi this is Samson, m 26 from Dubai. I am going to narrate a hot experience I had with a white couple from the UK (Alex and Lisa) they were living in Dubai for few years and are into swinging and sharing, on and off. I had advertised regarding my lookout and interest in playing with local couples- of course, I do stress on very very safe and discreet fun only. I also was interested in massages or soft play too, wherein I would rub and play with the wife to make her hot and she can proceed to...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 26 the Okashira Shinomori Aoshi

Kenshin: As I said to Hanya, I would avoid an unnecessary battle if I could. Will you stand aside and tell me where Kanryuu and Miss Megumi are? Aoshi: When you said that to Hanya, did he give way? I will not either. You will ask where they are with your reverse blade. And I will answer with this. (he pulls aside his coat, revealing a short sword) Kenshin (thinking): The length of that sword! Yahiko: You're gonna fight him with just one wakizashi! You're mocking him!! Aoshi: Stand...

4 years ago
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A Mothers Love

A Mother's Love By Markus V Don't ask me how I got myself in this predicament. It was three months ago. That particular Monday started out normal enough. I reported to my job at U.S. Express overnight shipping twenty minutes before my regular 7:30 am start time. The first person I see is Becky, one of the U.S. Express Portland Oregon station's sixty-two delivery drivers. I tried to be a delivery driver, but I didn't pass the required defensive driving class. Now the powers...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 999

The Jewish ELBOW A Jewish grandmother is giving directions to her grown grandson who is coming to visit with his wife. “You come to the front door of the apartment. I am in apartment 301. There is a big panel at the front door. With your elbow, push button 301. I will buzz you in. Come inside, the elevator is on the right. Get in, and with your elbow, push 3. When you get out, I’m on the left ... With your elbow, hit my doorbell.” “Grandma, that sounds easy, but, why am I hitting all these...

3 years ago
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19 October 2007Chapter 1

Abby teased Brad during the season, she was going to give him a pre-game fuck for all his home games. She squatted naked behind him on the bed. He felt the warmth of her stomach and the coolness of her breasts against his back. “Your shoulders seem so tense,” she commented, massaging them. “Pre-game jitters, I guess.” “I certainly know how to take care of that easily enough. I’m nervous too going to sing the national anthem in front of so many people.” “And on TV,” he added. “I know...

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Monster Slave

Barbie’s lungs felt like they were about to burst. She’d been running and running and could run no more. She needed to find somewhere to hide, but her pickings were slim. Her best bet was the cave several hundred yards ahead of her if she could get her feet to stay moving just a little longer!Once there, she ducked inside, realizing that she might be safe momentarily, but she couldn’t stay here long. With only one way in and out of the cave, she’d be trapped if the hunters discovered her hiding...

Monster Sex
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My House My RulesChapter 10

Pete asked the girls to work out the menu to suit themselves. "All you've had since morning is the BLT massacre. There's plenty to work with, so knock yourselves out." They were in high-level negotiations when he slipped back to the dungeon to get the camera. Producing the OMG Productions fourth feature should not take long. '72nd Street Girls Gone Wet' was sure to be #1 with a bullet. The third movie didn't have a title yet. It was almost all of Friday. Their first costume play,...

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SheLovesBlack Gia Vendetti Party Favor the Morning After

“Where am I?” When a smoking hot babe with gorgeous tits busting out of her tight cheetah dress and bright red strappy heels wakes up drowsy on your couch wondering where she is and what exactly happened last night, there are some tempting questions that need to be answered. Like…should you take advantage of this situation? Batting her flirty eyelashes and licking her lips, Gia teases the horny homeowner asking if she can see his big black cock. Does he really have as big a cock as her friend...

2 years ago
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Dad, would you eat me?"Startled and confused, I wasn't sure that I heard her correctly, so I replied, "Sorry Jess, I didn't hear you.""Would you eat me?" she said again in a much clearer and louder voice.In fact, I did hear her correctly. Jess had just asked me to suck her off. I was a bit taken aback. I was also immediately and pleasantly excited because I had been hoping she would let me taste her delicious creams once again. I quickly replied with an emphatic, "Yes, I would be delighted. Of...

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Net Buddy Turned Into Fucking

It was late, my wife had already gone to bed and I snuck downstairs to turn on my computer. Moments after signing online, I received my favorite smiling happy face emoticon. She was online too. Immediately my cock stirred in my boxer shorts and I typed back my response, ‘Are you wet?’ Immediately her response in capital letters was an emphatic ‘Yes’. My cock grew harder, my hand found its way into my boxers and yanked it out and began stroking it. Don’t get me wrong here; I love my wife but...

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The Fxxxxy Affair

Peter was in the seventh grade and he was a slim cute looking boywith blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. In a few months Peter wouldofficially become a teenager and he looked forward to that day when hewould finally be a teenager and not a p*****n. Peter was like most boys hisage, horny nearly all the time. It didn't help that his older sister Sandywas a gorgeous f******n old girl with 33B titties on a sweet body with longstrawberry blonde hair that framed her freckled face. Her eyes...

1 year ago
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So You Want To Be A Nurse Part Two

So You Want To Be A Nurse By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Education Michele remained tied to the bed, mortified and full of trepidation whilst Dr Lovejoy dressed and left the room. Polly soon followed with the incriminating eight-millimetre film still in the camera, leaving Matron Holliday alone with Michele. "So you see Nurse Nylons we have some very incriminating evidence in our possession. This means you now belong to us," Matron lectured. "You can continue to work here...

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For Her II

For Her II In part one of this story I started to wear panties to work and my wife Maria had persuaded me to wear a chemise to bed each night. The morning after I got up and without being told to do so I took off the panties I had been wearing and selected a white lacy pair and went to the bathroom. When I came back Maria was already up and dressed and had laid a pair of opaque pantyhose on my side of the bed. I knew, without asking, that she expected me to wear them. "I...

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The Ol Switcheroo

The Ol' Switcheroo by Shelly O'Kelly Harry met his friend Bob outside of the restaurant/bar they went to when they had dug up dates. It was a cut above the place they drank themselves silly at, but that wasn't saying much. Bob was looking preppie, or yuppie, but no matter what the term was at the time, he was looking it. Clean cut, and clean smelling. Harry was in his sports jacket with his "Take me, honey, I'm yours!" t-shirt on underneath. "Well?" Harry was saying,...

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Hubbys Special Present

The following story is a fantasy but with a cast of real characters. Though my husband is a wonderful lover who makes me cum like no other I'm a woman with an occasional dominate streak that needs to be satisfied. I decided to find satisfaction for my inner Mistress on the internet. After having several dominance and submission cyber sex sessions with potential slaves one certain candidate stood out from all the rest. Stephen was convenient as our time schedules were similar and he was always...

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Soni Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello friends I’m Aditya aggarwal hope you liked my ist story ” pehli chudai Soni ki ” now I’m gonna share another experience with you I’m average looking guy with 7 inch Lund Soni was my girl friend maine use jab ham pehli bar mile maine usko choda uske flat main ab uske bad ki kahani Thode din bad main Chandigarh permanently rehne aa gya or muje rehne k lie koi independent room nahi Mil raha tha to soni k sath wala room le lia maine jo ki uske bhai ne book kia hua tha but uske bhai ne 10 din...

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just US 2

As I am getting ready for the presentation all I can thing about is how good it felt to be in your arms and how much I wanted your dick inside of me. Before I knew it I was on the stage and ready to dance, that is when I spotted you. You were sitting in the third row right in the middle in front of me and on your lap there was a small pink rose. The music started and as my hips moved my sight was set on you the whole time. I danced with all my heart and it was all for you. As the seconds...

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Hardware Aunty Ki Hard Chudai

Hi, my name is sameer and I am 24 years old. I am average built neither fat nor slim and Caucasian colour, I am currently living in a small family where my elder brother is working and my parents are retired government service. I am in my final year of engineering. So that is a brief summary of myself, now let’s go to the story. In this story, I am going to narrate how I met a hot aunty in a hardware shop and how my lust compelled me to have sex with her in a totally awkward situation. It was...

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Public Dares

Ann and I decide to take a day off work.  It's late October and we have let the sexual tension build to an all-time high between us.  Every chance we get at work we are grabbing, sucking, and licking on each other. We need this day trip and have been looking forward to this day for so long!It's near Halloween and we head out to our favorite dive bar.  Ann is wearing a skirt and a nice top showing her amazing cleavage and I am wearing cargo shorts and a long-sleeve button-down shirt.  It falls...

3 years ago
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Is swimming still good for you

The statement made by the woman was almost lost in the glow of the moment, but suddenly, you realise what she said. “It was her daughter that had done this?” “Let me help you up” and she held out her hand. Your legs are still shaking and you are still in the aftershocks of the intensity from what had just happened to you. She puts her arm around you, comforting, secure and safe. You realise that you are starting to shiver. You can smell your sex and still feel the impression of the hand that...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend

My name is Aria. I’m seventeen. I’m 5’4′, 125 lbs and I have Dark brown/black hair, dark melted chocolate eyes and bronze golden skin. Kind of like what you get when you toast a marshmallow, as my best friend likes to say. And I have the body of a Greek goddess, as all the other guys I know like to say. My boobs aren’t that impressive, I’m not flat, but they’re not that huge either. Like a 36C. But I’m a hip-hop dancer so that’s fine with me. I have a perfectly flat stomach, a small waist and...

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Seducing Of Cousin Sister

Hi. I am Rahul, 28 year old from Ludhiana Punjab working in a company at Ludhiana only. Today I am going to narrate my story which happned 3 years back when I was staying in jaipur in 1 bhk flat. If you like the story then mail me at Now coming to the story, I am having joint family consisting mom, dad younger brother, uncle, aunt and my cousin sister. The age of my cousin was 23 at that time and her name is shweta. She has a sexy body with a figure that will give erection to anybody. She is...

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The Occasional BachelorChapter 5

That day and the next few days gave Greg some time to think about the nice memories he had with the women he had met during the time his wife was gone. In thinking about those memories made the time of him doing the mundane housekeeping chores just fly by. On Friday in the late afternoon Greg phoned Emily to confirm tomorrow’s dinner date. After introducing himself to her he heard, “I am so glad you called. There have been some medical problems with my father that is going to cause me...

2 years ago
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3 Gay Guys Part 6 A New Beginning

It was the first day of the 10th Grade. Everyone was extremely happy to see their friends and find their classes. I found Matt and Dom sitting at a picnic table in the courtyard. I joined them and we compared schedules. We had all the same classes except me(Honors Science, Honors English, AP Global) from this you can see that i was the smarter one out of my friends. So the first bell rang and we reported to homeroom where we were assigned lockers, All three of us put our lockers right next to...

1 year ago
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My First Time Touching Another Boys Cock

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi! My name is Scott. When I was little, my family had just moved into this house and it was different from the last house we lived in and the family had even changed a little. You see we had moved into an actual house! Whereas before, we had always lived in apartments. In this house my mother, sister and I occupied the first floor and the basement, while my mothers' best friend (my aunt) took the upstairs. We all shared the bathroom on the second...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 3 August 1982 Katy Dide

Following her divorce from Ernst Bollinger, Katy, at 24, took her old name, Dide, back. She had always been ridiculed for it, with schoolmates forever chanting, "Katy did! Or Katy did it!" whenever a teacher asked who was responsible for an infraction of the rules, or as children are wont to do, any act that would heap embarrassment and, or scorn upon her. The only difference being she now pronounced her last name, "Deed," not "Did." After the divorce was finalized, Katy broke with her...

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A Massage

I guess you could say I’m a fairly lucky girl, I have a good paying job that I love and I live in a high rise only three blocks from my job in a middle size city. As for me, I’m a five foot six inch tall red head and weigh one hundred and twenty pounds with a thirty four C chest, twenty seven years old and have not been in a relationship for almost a year, ever since I broke up with my ex boyfriend. Every day I walk past a combined massage, nails and bikini wax business that seems to be...

3 years ago
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Playing Doctor Ch 06

Chapter Six: Taking the plunge From the silence that followed my agreement to go away, I assumed that I had caught them all off guard, they had all marshaled their arguments for my expected resistance and now had to reorganize their thoughts. That amused me in a kind of dark way. While Keven was making a phone call, Danny opened the door and let the detective in. His expression told me his news hadn’t changed for the better. ‘Are you feeling better, Miss?’ At my nod, he pulled up a chair,...

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PornStar Ch 02

Spencer tried not to stare at Darrin as the taxi pulled away from the curb and gave the driver the Wilshire’s address. Darrin Mathews. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever have thought that he would be sitting thisclose to Darrin Mathews. But then, he never would have imagined that he was thisclose to becoming the Assistant District Attorney, quite possibly the youngest in the city’s known history. He tried not to laugh as well. He knew that he was vain. Dense Spence, the wild-haired nerd...

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A Mob Stepmom

I got the call from my stepmother on a Saturday morning. I had not spoken to her for near two years, knowing the only reason she had called was to ask for money. I was to meet her that evening on the parking lot of a nearby factory. She always made me smile with her conspiratorial attitude and that people were always watching her.Kay had married my father at the elderly age of 66. She was 26 at the time, making her 28, maybe 29, now, and, if my calculations were correct, a widow for just over 2...

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In the Theator

I had just turned 18 and it was my first time going to an adult theater. I had walked by the entrance 3 or 4 times afraid someone I knew might see me going in. But the theater was far from where I lived and it was unlikely that anyone I knew would be anywhere close to there. I finally walked in with my ID ready and my money out. The attendant just gave a quick glance at me and told me the price, took my money and waved me in. As I walked in on the left side the section was...

2 years ago
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Opportunity Knocks

This is a story about someone I had an encounter with many years ago. I was 16 at the time and always horny. It was not very often that I did not have a hard on. I have always had opportunities such as this thrust upon me, and in most cases took full advantage of them. This particular day will always be remembered as one of the best of my life. It was summer, hotter than hell, and I was home alone as both my parents were at work and wouldn't be home for quite sometime. Even though it was still...

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Ians Indiscretions Chrissie the rampant nurse

She dropped her racquet to the floor and fixing her gaze on me, lifted up her skirt to reveal no panties and a gorgeous landing strip blonde minge. To say I was gobsmacked was an understatement. It's not that I haven't been thinking of her in this way, I have for weeks, months even, it's just I hadn't envisioned it happening like this.“What are you doing?” I mutter.“Do I need to spell it out to you? I want you, Ian. I want you to take me and fuck me now.”“What! Here?”“ Look around Ian. There's...

1 year ago
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East side Locos Part 2

Hector told me to spend the night and I did. We laid in bed together. I couldn't sleep because I was so full of adrenaline from the exciting events that just happened. In his sleep he started to cuddle me. I don't know what it was but it felt so good to held in his big muscles. I loved being his little spoon. I woke up early and noticed that Hector was still asleep. Did I mention he was necked? I could see his giant morning wood. I couldn't help myself so I just grabbed it with the tightest...

1 year ago
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Lori Becoming a HotWife

“Look, this is what you are going to wear, he really wants to see you in it, I mean you asked for it and he bought it for you, you have to.” Jim was sitting in the room as Lori was looking over the package that had come that afternoon. As soon as it arrived, Jim called Lori at her office and said that it had arrived and it was in a nice discreet black wrapping, not a cheap package that screamed out sex or anything like that Jim explained to her over the phone. It was here and it was in the...

First Time
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Emily Awakes Ch 15

Chapter 15 “Evan?” “Yes, my darling?” Evan looked up from the papers he was reviewing prior to the resumption of classes on Monday. “You know that I love you, don’t you?” Evan was curious, but still confident as he responded. “Of course I do, Emily.” She nodded. “I was remembering how we met and began our relationship. The love I feel for you just fills my heart so much that I feel like it will explode.” He smiled gently at her. “I’ve never doubted that you love me fully and completely.” Emily...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 19 The Pacific Northwest

July 1982, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning after breakfast, Kara packed her things, said goodbye to her mom, and followed me to my car. I drove to the Spencers’ to pick up my things, where I thanked Trudy and reminded her that I’d be back on Friday. Kara and I took my bags to the car, loaded them in the trunk, and set off for Chicago. As usual, the drive was uneventful. I had encountered neither traffic nor an accident, nor been pulled over a single time despite all the back-and-forth...

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This is my story

All my life I've waited or someone to come to me that would ignite a passion in me that could only be felt as love. And every man I've ever known hasn't been able to give me that. This is my story, this is my song. Her name was Anna. We were both young and had little understanding of love. She was about 5-4, normal weight, with the most gorgeous, creamy pale skin, her hair was a light brown, and she had these incredibly sensuous eyes. Eyes that seemed to draw me in and hold me there wondering...

2 years ago
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Peeping Perv Gets Whatrsquos Deserved

This stomach virus was kicking my ass. I was bed ridden for two days and it wasn’t letting up. My wife was taking care of me but I hated for her to miss work. I was tired of the house. The only enjoyable thing besides tv was the hot piece of ass next door. At least once a week I’d rub one out to Emily fromNext door. She could be fully clothed and still get a stiffy. The thought of her made me get up and look out the window. There she was tanning in her backyard by the pool. I instantly stuck my...

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