BecChapter 3: Sunday Breakfast free porn video

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My mother is evil! I mean, really evil. Don’t get me wrong. I love her and all that, and a lot of the time she’s really nice. But when she gets it into her head to give someone a hard time, you do not want to be that someone. This time it was my brother Dan who was in her sights and she was locked, loaded and ready to fire. I guess until I’m older and have had a few hangovers myself, I won’t really understand how evil Mum was that Sunday morning, but I had a pretty good idea when it was happening.

Dan had gotten drunk the night before. Really, really drunk! And Mum was severely ticked off. She knew he would have a hangover, and she intended to extract the full extent of suffering from him. Unfortunately, my sister Tara and I were unwilling recruits for her little games.

When Mum first came to get me for breakfast, I was in my room dressed only in panties, looking at myself in the mirror. Something, I hasten to add, I don’t do very often. I know I have an ugly body so I usually don’t bother looking at it. Maybe I’ll explain why I was looking later, but right now, this is about my mother.

Mum knocked on my door as she opened it, dressed in her usual Sunday dress, plus frilly apron, to find me standing there in my underwear. Of course I squealed and turned my back on her, before yelling “MUM!” at her in my most outraged voice. I was mortified that Mum had walked in on me like that.

She snorted at me, “For goodness sake, girl, put some clothes on. It’s nearly time for breakfast, and you certainly won’t be getting fed if you turn up dressed like that!”

As if I would ever turn up to breakfast like that anyway!! With that she started to leave, then stopped and turned back, “Why don’t you wear that nice top your Aunt Janice gave you last Christmas?”

I had been in the process of wrapping a robe around myself when she dropped that little bombshell. I held it closed around me as I turned to stare at her in shock. “But Mum, it’s ugly! I hate that thing.”

“Don’t be silly! It’s perfectly nice. I’m sure your aunt will be delighted to hear that you’ve been wearing it.”

Mum had that tone of voice that made it plain that there was no point arguing. Silly me, I tried anyway; “Mum, pleeeeeease, do I have to?”

Mum put this really severe look on her face, then she reached into the wardrobe and pulled it straight out. She didn’t have any trouble spotting it in the middle of my other clothes. The damn thing was a bright iridescent green with yellow and purple splotches all over it. I think it was probably radioactive! I was quite convinced that wearing it would expose both me and everyone around me to a crippling dose of deadly gamma rays.

“Oh, will you tell Tara she can wear hers too. For some reason, hers ended up in the rubbish, but I rescued it and washed it so it should be perfect. It’s on a hanger on her door. Oh and do be a sweetie and get her up for me, I have to get back to cooking breakfast. You’ve got fifteen minutes.”

She’d done that whole speech with a sickly sweet, butter-wouldn’t-melt smile fixed to her evil, evil, evil face. Then she left the room, closing the door behind her before I had a chance to respond.

Boy, did I want to respond. You see Tara is not a morning person. I usually wake up before her, and I usually wake up quickly. Tara, on the other hand, well ... ughhh! To make things worse, we’d both been up extremely late the night before. Waking Tara was not my idea of a fun way to spend Sunday morning.

Realizing I had little choice, I sighed and pulled on some clean sweatpants and the monstrosity of a shirt. The shirt didn’t go with the sweatpants, but I wasn’t sure if I owned anything that would go with the shirt, so I opted for at least a little bit of comfort. I headed next door to Tara’s room, knocked and went in. I didn’t bother waiting for a reply; I knew Tara would still be fast asleep. I went to the window and pulled the curtains apart a bit so there would be some light in the room, then went and sat on the bed next to my sister.

I grabbed her shoulder and gave her a firm shake. “Hey! Wake up!” No response! I shook her again and got a muffled groan. A third shake resulted in a long, drawn-out moan while she rolled flat onto her stomach and buried her head, face first, into the pillow.

“Wakey-wakey, Tara! You have to get up!” I grabbed all her blankets and stripped them down to the bottom of her bed. Tara was wearing a long pale-blue nightie, but it was twisted up and had ridden up so she was flashing her panty-clad bum at me.

“Mnnmmmphgh! Get orraffmmm y litllll raaaat!” (I think that’s what she said.)

I shook her again. “Come on, Tara, wake up!”

A fist came flying blindly back at me and struck me right on the chest. It hurt! I mean she hadn’t hit that hard but my chest had been tender lately, and she’d connected right there. I grabbed her wrist firmly with both hands, backed off the bed, and hauled backwards as hard as I could. Sure enough, Tara came sliding straight off the bed and thumped onto the ground, pillow still clutched firmly in her other arm.

“Owww! What’d you do that for, you little shit?”

“You hit me! You utter bitch! Mum sent me to get you up. You have to get up.”

“I’m up!!” It was more of a groan than a statement, and at the same time, she curled up on the floor and put her head back on the pillow.

“Come on, Tara, you have to get moving!” The white panties stretched over her backside were too inviting a target. I leaned down and smacked her, right on the bum.

She suddenly spun around and sat up, glaring at me through a mess of tangled hair.

“Get lost you pile of scum! If you touch me again, I’ll...” her voice trailed off and she squinted at me and used a hand to clear hair away from her eyes. “What the heck are you wearing?”

I sighed, “This is the shirt Aunty Janice gave to me last Christmas. Mum wants you to wear yours too.” I waved at the chair in front of her dresser, where I’d draped Tara’s shirt on the way into the room. Her shirt was as bad as mine. It was a luminescent yellow with multi-colored diagonal stripes.

Tara stared at it in horror, and then groaned. “Shit, I knew I should’ve burnt that wretched thing! Ohhh kill me now!!”

I was sooooo tempted!!!

Tara let herself fall backwards so hard, her head made an enormous thump as it hit the floor.

“You have about ten minutes to get ready for breakfast,” I said. “You have to be wearing that shirt. I don’t think Mum’s in the kind of mood where you can get away with being late.”

I turned and left, closing the door behind me. I went to my room and spent a few minutes brushing my hair, then headed for the kitchen. Mum saw me arrive then grabbed an old saucepan and headed off to Dan’s room. I slid into my chair and looked around the table. Mum had obviously been busy. The kitchen smelt strongly of frying bacon and burnt toast and some other fairly strong smells I couldn’t identify. I wondered about the burnt toast smell. Mum’s never burnt a piece of toast in her life. The table was loaded with plates of food, all of them covered with lids to keep the food hot.

At that moment I heard an awful clanging sound from Dan’s room. Mum was obviously bashing the saucepan with a metal spoon. Then I could hear her screaming at Dan to wake up and how he was already late for breakfast and so on. She sounded pretty furious.

Tara and Dad slid into their chairs just as Mum came back into the kitchen. Tara had her revolting yellow shirt on. Dad was wearing this awful Hawaiian shirt. I was pretty sure he hadn’t chosen to wear it. With the three of us sitting in a row like that, we clashed horribly with each other, we clashed with the kitchen furniture, and we clashed with ourselves. I know I was wincing at the sight. As usual for breakfast, Tara was sitting slumped over, staring down at her empty plate. She seemed oblivious of the fashion crime we were all committing.

Mum had come back to the kitchen, relaxed and smiling. She put the now dented saucepan into the sink, then moved around the table, pouring milk for each of us, all the time singing this little song under her breath. I reached out to my glass to have a mouthful of milk but Mum slapped my hand away from the glass. Then she was standing next to me with a collection of tiny colored bottles in her hands. She selected one then carefully dripped several drops into my milk.

“What are you doing?” I asked

“It’s food dye,” she said. “It has no taste but it changes the color. Now give it a stir.”

I picked up a small spoon and stirred my milk. Then I stared in a mixture of wonder and revulsion. Have you ever put a tiny amount of green food dye into milk? It doesn’t give that strong green color of a lime milkshake. Instead you get a pale, insipid sort of moldy green that looks like ... well ... milk that’s gone off in a really bad way.

“Taste it!”

I glanced at Mum doubtfully and then cautiously sipped at the “milk.” To my surprise, it tasted like, well, milk! I shrugged at Mum, then put the glass back on the table. “It’s okay, I guess!”

Very soon, Tara had milk that was sickly yellow and Dad’s milk was a mid-brown. It looked like a glassful of mud and not at all as appetizing as chocolate milk. Then Mum dropped similar colored lumps into our milk. “Marshmallows” was the quick response to my questioning looks. Now the milk looked really off with the weird colors and the unidentifiable lumps floating in it. Mum seemed really proud of the effects.

“Well then, I’ve cooked more than we need, so don’t feel compelled to eat it all. You can start eating while I go fetch Dan, but don’t you dare touch that lovely milk until he gets here.”

Dad and I cautiously lifted the lids off the food and both of us quietly whistled in awe. Mum had gone to town with the food dye and with the extras. There was a dish of vibrant purple scrambled eggs. Some poached eggs with green streaks through the eggwhite and the yolks were obviously very runny. There were some canned sardines covered with something that could only be described as slime. There was a plate of pancakes of several different colors, none of them natural. There were sausages, bacon and sliced ham – all coated with extra grease. There was a bowl of spaghetti in tomato sauce with extra unidentifiable bluish lumps in it. There was other food too, but I forget what.

Dad and I served ourselves with a variety of stuff. Everything I chose, I put some on Tara’s plate too. She was basically sitting and staring down at her plate as I gradually filled it up. That part was normal. If she were hungry she’d eat whatever was in front of her, but don’t ask her to make a decision at that time of day, it takes forever. The food was surprisingly tasty. Mum sure does go weird on us sometimes, but she is a great cook. I avoided the slimy sardines. They seemed a bit much and they smelt awful, but Dad tried them and he licked his lips as if he liked them.

I was looking down at my plate, filled with this bizarre spectrum of colored food, most of it doctored to look mouldy. Then my brain did a little hop and skip sideways. Suddenly, instead of looking horrible, my food looked pretty! All the contrasts in color and texture were like a work of art. This was a piece of Mum’s artwork. Sure it was a bizarre mixture of The Addams Family and that meal the Lost Boys have a food fight with in the Robin Williams version of Peter Pan, but it definitely was art.

Just then Mum almost literally marched Dan into the kitchen and he slumped into his normal chair. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d dragged him at least part of the way by his ear. As Dan walked into the room, I had a sudden flashback to what had happened in the shower last night. My brain started to go fizzy like it had last night. Then I realized all this was happening at the breakfast table in front of my family. My face went bright red and I had to drop my head down and let my hair cover my face to hide my embarrassment. I couldn’t look at Dan! A rush of fear went right through me that I’d never be able to look my brother in the face again. My favorite person in the whole world, and I’d have to hide from him for the rest of my life. All the fizzy washed straight out of my brain as I tried to absorb the enormity of what I’d done.

I stared down at my plate of breakfast art. I guess fear overcame the embarrassment, because I started trying to peek at Dan out of the corner of my eye, through the curtain of hair hanging over my face. Then I forgot my own problems. Dan looked sick, really sick. I realised I’d had a mouthful of purple scrambled egg all this time and started chewing it as I studied my brother more carefully. He looked terrible. His skin was all pale and clammy, he needed a shave, he had these big dark rings under his eyes and his hair was a complete mess. His nose was all screwed up from the strong cooking smells in the room and his eyes were squinting against the light as he blinked and tried to focus on the multi-colored mess in front of him. Like I said: really, really sick.

It must have seemed like all his senses were being attacked at once, because Mum chose that moment to drop a handful of cooking utensils into the sink with a mighty crash.

“Aaauurgh” said Dan as he slumped further down into his chair and tried to simultaneously cover his eyes, ears and nose with his hands.

I took a mouthful of my moldy green milk; the little green marshmallows were delicious. I watched as Mum enthusiastically slopped greasy bacon and runny eggs onto his plate and half covered them with a dollop of spaghetti with lumps. Then she slid a couple of grayish pancakes onto the other side of his plate, added a dash of orange butter on top and topped that off with a couple of slime covered sardines. Then she threw a handful of Parmesan Cheese across the top. I could smell the cheese from all the way over on my side of the table. It smelt like vomit. I’m not kidding, and I’m an expert on what vomit smells like. I was covered in it last night. Dan turned greener than my milk, let out this strangled, choking sound and then lurched from the table to the sink to pour himself a glass of water.

“Sit down young man. You are NOT yet excused from the table!” No prizes for guessing who that was. Like I said, my mother is evil! She got him back into his seat and started this running patter, encouraging Dan to eat up, explaining that a big young man like him needed to eat a big healthy breakfast to keep up his strength.

I took another mouthful of egg and watched in awe as Mum, through sheer force of will, got Dan to cut a piece of sausage, wincing as his knife screeched and clattered on his plate, and then, in slow motion, speared it with a fork and raised it with a shaking hand to his mouth. I could’ve sworn his skin was grayer than the pancakes and the way he chewed on the sausage, it looked like it tasted to him like the worst kind of garbage.

I took another sip of moldy-green milk and put my glass back on the table, only realizing as I did so that Dan had watched mesmerised my every movement, his fork frozen halfway back to his plate.

He seemed to try to speak, then tried again, “Bec,” he croaked, “what in blazes are you drinking?”

I smiled at him as cheerfully as I could, thinking I was being helpful by being all bright and happy, “It’s just milk, Dan, that’s all! Do you want to taste?” I held out the half empty glass to him across the table. I was thinking that if he tasted it, and realized it was only colored milk, he wouldn’t be so bothered by the way it looked.

Dan stared first at my smiling face, then at the glass of moldy green milk in my hand, with a sort of fascinated horror. Then he shuddered and closed his eyes, oblivious of the gob of tomato sauce that dripped off his sausage and smeared down the front of his t-shirt. Mum smiled at me with a happy, cheerful sort of smile. I figured I’d made a mistake but wasn’t entirely sure what. I decided to just focus on my plate and concentrate on eating.

Within moments, a weird sort of silence descended on the table. I could hear Angie playing happily in her room, Mum would have fed her earlier so she could concentrate on setting up this little piece of bizarre family theatre. The silence was suddenly broken by Mum using a knife to scrape charcoal off a piece of badly burnt toast. The sharp grating sound seemed to be sending knives into Dan’s tortured head.

I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye and realized that she was glaring at Tara and me, with her lips pressed firmly together. “Uh oh,” I thought. Clearly we weren’t doing something she wanted us to do. I kept my head down, hoping a tornado would zoom past outside and distract her. Or maybe the phone would ring and it would be someone from the government that had finally got clever and figured out that siccing Mum onto the terrorists single-handed, away on the other side of the world, would be way more effective than the entire armed forces were being.

No tornado!! And everyone in the government stayed stupid! Watching from the corner of my eye, I saw Mum’s expression change slightly. She’d decided something. She gripped the table with both hands and her body seemed to do a sudden little twist. For an instant I wondered what she was doing, and then I stopped wondering. Tara had jerked upright with an “OW!” then she backhanded me across the chest, hitting me in the exact same spot she’d hit me earlier. The blow hurt, of course, and also caused me to smear tomato sauce across one cheek and drop a lump of spaghetti and chunks down my front.


“YOU KICKED ME! YOU LITTLE BRAT!” Tara screamed at me. With that she flailed out with her feet and connected with her shin right into my calf.

“OWW!” I reached out, grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled with the hope of turning her head away from me and therefore making it harder for her to hit me or kick me. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. At the same time, I was screaming at her that I hadn’t kicked her and she was screaming at me to let go of her hair.

I didn’t waste my time trying to accuse Mum; she had that butter-wouldn’t-melt, as-innocent-as-pie look on her face, but her eyes gave her away. Mum’s eyes were fixed on Dan and were glinting evilly as he shuddered and held his hands over his ears.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!!” Dad roared over the top of us, which didn’t help Dan much – except that we stopped screaming at each other, which I guess did help Dan. I couldn’t believe that Mum had deliberately kicked Tara under the table, just to start us screaming at each other. I couldn’t believe I fell for it either, but that whack on the chest really had hurt!

“I think breakfast is over!” Dad continued in a more controlled voice. “You girls are excused from the table! Dan, you should...”

“If Dan has finished breakfast,” Mum cut in smoothly, “then he has a little chore to do.”

With that, she guided Dan away from the table into the laundry and shoved a basket full of wet clothes into his arms.

“You need to hang out the washing you created last night!” and she pushed him straight out the back door into the bright morning sunshine.

I think I heard Dan cry out in pain as he was pushed out the door, but when I went to check, Mum hustled me back into the kitchen to help clean up. Tara disappeared into the bathroom and Dad and I cleared the table. We scraped all the extra food into a big garbage bag. I have to say that all that colorful food mixed together in that bag started to look and smell a lot like the vomit I’d been covered with last night. I was starting to feel a bit queasy myself, so I grabbed a glass of water from the tap and gulped it down.

I’d wanted to talk to Mum this morning sometime and I figured I might be able to distract her from attacking Dan, and I wanted to get away from the vomit smell so I decided to give it a shot for all those reasons. Stupid, stupid me! I should have waited for like, hours!

“Ah, Mum?”

“Yes, what?”

“Can I, um, talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure, go ahead!” She folded her arms and stood there looking at me.

I looked nervously at Dad and also at Tara who’d walked back into the kitchen. “It’s kind of private.”

“Oh, okay!” She put an arm across my shoulders, led me a total of three steps to the other side of the kitchen and then in a voice only slightly quieter than a foghorn, said “Okay, go ahead.”

“Um ... it’s really, really private!”

Same as Bec
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Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday Here in America on Sunday, February 1, 2009 Super Bowl XLIII (43) took place. Our version of football is quite different from that of the rest of the world. In soccer you don’t need a helmet and pads for protection and the other team isn’t trying to drive your body into the ground. This year the two teams were the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. To make a long story short Pittsburgh won. Now for what really happened… My five best friends and I...

2 years ago
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Gloomy Sunday

Chapter 1 He had arrived in New Orleans on the eve of the first full moon of the year. It seemed inconsequential to him at the time but soon it would be so relevant to the rest of his life. He had spent the last 24 hours on a binge in the French Quarter with his golf companions. They’d been to every bar from Decatur to Bourbon Street and back. They’d seen just about everything while wandering through the mass of staggering bodies, it seemed the party raged nonstop whether it was Mardi Gras or...

1 year ago
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Sunday Morning Delight

You awake in strange surroundings. It takes a moment for your eyes’ and your mind’ to focus. Just for that moment you can’t really place yourself within the universe. You realize that you are lying in a bed. Surrounded by a sea of silky sheets. A light yellow with pale green flowered accents. But whose bed is it? It seems so unfamiliar. So alien. As you sit up your eyes scan around the room, and you remember. It is a room – an open room – in a small Polynesian-style home. Woven grass mats...

3 years ago
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Sunday Love Songs 01

I wrote this story as a present for my wife, who loved it (she said), so I decided to post it to see what a less biased audience would make of it. It is rather long, and is in two parts, both of which have been submitted. It is my first submission and depending on the response, it may also be my last! It is written in British English. Though written in the first person, it is not autobiographical. All persons in sexual situations are 18 years old or older. The age of students in the final...

2 years ago
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Sunday morning

Sunday mornings were always my favourite. Whether it was as simple as a long lazy lie in, or sitting with a cuppa and just talking and feeling close, it always made me feel good.This particular Sunday felt different though. Coming round from an unusually deep sleep I had an odd feeling, like a pressure in the head. I suddenly realised I couldn’t hear anything and as a moment of panic ensued I opened my eyes, but in that moment something was placed over them.Thoughts racing, it was quickly clear...

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Moms Sunday Night

My mom was divorced when I was very young. It was just her and me living together while I was growing up. I hate to admit but she was kind of slutty. And what excited me most was her sexy size 5 curvy high arched feet. And she used them like a weapon, dangling her stiletto high heels at just the right moment when men of interest were around. Although she was slutty, she was a religious slut, attending church every Sunday. This particular story happened when I was 14. We were driving to church...

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Nice Sunday to worst sunday

Hello guys Hope everyone doing great and enjoy my true story Sorry again guys not very good English so grammar its not theirWe all enjoy our Sunday especially now it’s NFL Playoff guys into games so am I I just buy new big screen TV and love watching games at my on place.As I woke up on Sunday late morning around 11:30 am still im in my sweet bouquet layered baby doll (nitie) making coffee and doing dishes get my coffee sit on couch watching TV my cell phone ring one of good all Spanish she...

2 years ago
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Breakfast on Sunday chapter 1


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My Super Sunday

So I got this opportunity to have sex with women of around 52 yrs of age. She is also like my aunty and her name is Nambana Khunur. She works in a bank as a clerk. Due to my banking transactions I need to visit bank and where I met and so to get the things done quickly I had made a pretty decent relationship with her. She is a divorcee her both sons are working abroad. So she feels lonely most of the times. She is around 5’4″ tall, fair complexioned and had the tightest of boobs. She also had...

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Living on a Dead End StreetPart One Sunday and Monday

Living on a Dead End Street~ Part One ~ Sunday and Monday by Ginny Wolf The clock said it was almost 10:30 on a Sunday night as I sat on my "beauty lounger" in the den. My was hair tightly set on 38 small brush rollers and covered with a pink hairnet. A layer of thick white cream covered my face in the kind of rock-hard facial that severely limited my ability to speak, with only my eyes visible under the beauty mask at work "softening and cleansing" my skin while giving me "deep...

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“I told two of my girlfriends about our sex life over coffee today baby,” I tell my man with a self satisfied smile. “They are the same age as us. “I told them you think my big, firm ass is glorious and how you love licking and kissing my ass cheeks as foreplay while I watch in a mirror. “And how I love you licking me to multi-orgasms with my legs over your shoulders while I watch in a mirror. Before I blow your thick, nine-inch erection. “And sometimes we have an extra person, male or...

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“I told two of my girlfriends about our sex life over coffee today baby,” I tell my man with a self satisfied smile. “They are the same page as us. “I told them you think my big, firm ass is glorious and how you love licking and kissing my ass cheeks as foreplay while I watch in a mirror. “And how I love you licking me to multi-orgasms with my legs over your shoulders while I watch in a mirror. Before I blow your thick, nine-inch erection. “And sometimes we have an extra person, male or...

3 years ago
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Sunday Surprise

It was 20 years ago that it happened. It was like a dream or a male version of that old movie "Starman". When I was about 30 years old something or "Someone" strange happened to me. I could only find time in my busy job to run or walk for an hour a week. I had recently bought myself a pick-up truck as a treat. I decided to go looking for a quiet place to walk or run in and I remembered a place called 'Heber Downs Conservation Area' where I had taken, my now wife, Joan on a few picnics and...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 25 Sunday Mischa

Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Mischa Doeple dated Sunday, December 5th. I guess today was Sunday. There are always more visitors on Sunday than any other day. I never get visitors but that’s a good thing. I never want to see any of my relatives except one and he can’t visit. But today, when I woke up, I was looking forward to seeing Bec’s family or her friends or whoever. How weird is that? I had another bad dream last night. I woke up in the middle...

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Sunday Night Football Sissy

Sunday Night Football Sissy It's no surprise that we love football here in Texas. We all head out to watch high school ball on Friday nights, and of course we love to cheer on our college boys on Saturdays. And the grown men dominate our Sundays. Especially if you're a sissy slut like me. I am a sissy cock slut who happily serves a small group of men here in town, and things took an interesting turn a few years back when I learned that Master David was an avid Cowboys fan, while...

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Two Birds a BlokeSunday Lunch

Phil had moved to London because of his job. He had worked in the company's Leeds office, serving the North of England, but he had been the brainchild behind such a successful campaign for double glazing, that the firm had insisted he move to the National office in London. He had been reluctant at first, he really didn't want to leave his family and friends, but the new salary was just too good to turn down. He now lived in an expensive apartment, with a brand new sports car and a host of...

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A Wet Sunday Afternoon in 1961

DAVE'S WET SUNDAY IN 1961 - WITH GODDESS GERALDINE It was a typical Sunday afternoon in England in late 1961, with the rain pouring down. My sister Wendy was expecting her best friend Geraldine to stop over for the night and they would both go off direct to school the following morning. Wendy and Geraldine were both 16 and I, Wendy's younger brother, Dave, was a couple of years younger at just 14. Our parents had gone out for the day to visit friends and were not expected back until...

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Sunday Stroll

David James moved up behind the skimpily clad, statuesque brunette and slid his arm around her waist. The girl, Emma Harris, flinched slightly and then appeared to relax as David whispered in her ear, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." David allowed his hand to drift upwards towards the girl's naked breast. In his opinion one of the few good things about the approaching Sa'arm invasion had been the sudden appearance of flesh amongst the female population. A fashion change that...

1 year ago
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Sunday Orgy

Five & Damon had shared an apartment for just over a year they were the best of friends but they both had totally different personalities. While Five was shy and very committed to his long-term girlfriend Joanne. Damon was loud and was in and out of relationships every other week. Five and Damon had an agreement on the apartment so to keep out of each others way the agreement was Wednesday to Saturday nights it was Five's night which meant Damon had to go out and Five had the apartment to...

Group Sex
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My Sundays as a Maid

My Sundays I look forward to Sundays. It is my favorite day. I know Mondays are dreaded because of work, but for me, Sundays bring to my soul what I miss all week. We have a routine by now where the kids spend Saturday night at grandmas. My wife picks them up after dinner Sunday evenings. This arrangement allows us time to be alone and indulge in some of our kinkier activities. This is a real story, my wife is very tolerant of my other side and our marriage has been wonderful since she...

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Third Sunday of the Month

Magnus weaved through the drunken crowds on the subway platform. He skipped the escalator, preferring to take the steps two at a time before emerging into the long blue twilight typical of Stockholm summer nights. The air was eerily still for the windy city and already saturated with the smell of beer and cigarettes. He continued his steady, determined pace past a group of laughing young women with long hair and short skirts. They eyed him up and down and smiled with approval. A tall brunette...

Gay Male
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Sunday Morning the Aftermath

Sunday - the aftermath I woke up Monday morning after a long night of dreams. The front of my underwear wet and sticky. Wet dreams, like a teenager. At least I was lucky in my dreams. Reality was a frustrating bitch. My dreams starting coming back to me. I could see Mrs. Richards under me. I remember taking pleasure watching my dick push those big lips apart and then slide all the way in. She was tight and moaning. I doubt the dream was a long one. In any case, now I needed a shower and fresh...

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Sunday session

Sunday Sessionbypenisleeve©The Sunday session is tradition in Australia. After two days of relaxation the young and the young at heart head for their favourite watering-hole to cap off the weekend before returning to the grind of the working week. I was in town on business for a couple of weeks, I’d come alone leaving Caz, my wife 1 600 Km away. My usual outlet for my excess sexual urges was not on hand, If you’ll pardon the pun, so I sought an alternative. This was acceptable to Caz as long as...

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The Sunday before my husbands overseas business tr

It was the Sunday before my husband was going to fly overseas for his anual  business trip and meetings. His flight was on Monday morning at 10h30 which meant he would have to be at the air port by 7h00 to be safe. Unfortunately I was on my period that weekend and waking up Sunday morning early my husband was too awake and while I laid cuddling him my hand moved over his handsome body. My hand eventually made its way onto his cock, and he had a morning glory. What's this I asked my man.It's a...

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Sunday morning

It was a Sunday morning, I woke up as I usually do, and immediately head for the kitchen. I needed my morning coffee. It's a morning ritual. Of all the things I may or may not be, I am decidedly not a morning person. This one ritual trip to make coffee, drink it, and finally wake up is a distraction. It's a delay- a necessary delay to be sure, but a delay nevertheless from what I actually want to do. And what I actually want to do is be with him. I look across the lake and realize it has only...

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Super Sunday Shag

Everybody has a weakness or a trigger that gets them going . I can admit I have a few lol which is why I find it a challenge to ignore or switch off my arousal when presented with my favourite things. What am I talking about you ask ?? Am talking about the circle of people/friends I have that are friends but hot like the Caribbean sauce . You know those certain friends that do the casual flirting , innuendo's every now and then, ( I'll have to do another story with how this all started ) racy...

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Angels Week Of Religious Breeding Sunday Ce

I woke up and saw the morning light coming through the window. With a groan, I rolled onto my side, burying my head under the covers. But it was all for naught, as I heard momma cry out from the hall way, saying "Come on Angel. You'll be late for church." I sighed. With a deep sense of regret, I pushed the covers down below my waist, exposing my torso to the much cooler air temperature. My nipples suddenly exploded, just like they always do when I get chilled....or very aroused. Maybe this fine...

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Sunday on Sticky Street

SUNDAY ON STICKY STREET NUMBER 1... “Bitch” Michael said to Sam. "You acted like a real slut last night, I thought we were going out for a quiet drink.” “A quiet drink at “The Beating Bishop.” You’ve got to be kidding, there’s no such thing as a quiet drink at the “Bishop” on a Saturday night, you know that. Besides, you got on very well with that Highway Patrol man didn’t you!”Sam replied. “It wasn’t him," Michael replied, "it was all that lovely leather.” He giggled. “Besides, he was much...

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Sunday Fun At Office

Hi friends ,this is my first story on ISS and I hope that you will enjoy my story.I am george from kerala And this is a story told to be my friend.I found it interesting and decided to share it .Without boring you more lets get on to the story. It was a Sunday and I have come to the office for some shit work due to some client visit. I just came to office and since it was Sunday no one was there. Being Sunday I just came in a skirt and t shirt. I for the first time in my life came to office...

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Scintillating Sunday With Sunil 8211 Part 1

It was a wonderful and lucky Saturday morning for me both at work and at home with a message from Sunil nearly after three months. I felt elated when he told me that he would be free to meet me on Sunday morning after seeing his uncle (my neighbor & family friend in Chennai, who had to leave on emergency back home) off at city railway station. I asked him to join me for breakfast and spend the day with me, as I was alone (my family away for a week) and he readily agreed for it. I had a...

Gay Male
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The Visitor Monicas Diary Sunday July 16

The Visitor / Monica's Diary: Sunday, July 16 We were all moving a bit more slowly this morning than we usually do on a Sunday. We'd had considerably less sleep than we normally get on a Saturday night, and we hadn't had our customary time of preparation the evening before the Lord's Day. We felt uneasy and as if we were somehow running to catch up. When we gathered for breakfast, the girls and I immediately noticed how Timothy was dressed. We had expected the wig, another botched...

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Sunday Afternoon Alone in the Dunes

Sunday afternoon alone in the dunes, well we thought we were. It's your worst nightmare, that gushing feeling when you suddenly realize that you have been caught in a comprising situation. It had been one of those typical family visits to the relatives, the type of visit which had become routine, with everyone being polite, interjected with moments that were actually enjoyable, such as the trip to the beach after Sunday lunch. As there were quite a few of us, we had to leave in three cars. I...

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The Girl Next DoorSunday

On Saturday morning, fifty-something Trevor Neil had awoken with his own hand on his erect penis but on Sunday morning he was awaking with his nineteen-year-old neighbour Kelly Simpson's hand on his erect penis. They were in Kelly's bed having spent the night there after spending most of Saturday together.Things had happened rapidly since a barbecue the previous Sunday hosted by Kelly's parents, Fiona and Chris, at which next-door neighbour Trevor had been a guest. Despite the fact that the...

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A Routine Sunday

In which a routine marriage is revived by the vagrancies of the weather and the attentions of a good neighbour. That fateful Sunday started off with the same old routine. We’d been married for just three years, Michelle and I, but that was enough for us to settle into that comfortable routine. Work was routine, play was routine, life was routine. Worst of all our sex life was routine. So, following the old Sunday morning routine, I pecked my wife’s cheek and drove...

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Sunday Spin

With a basket full of my dirty clothes, I struggled into the local Laundromat. It was three years since I had routinely been to the Laundromat, but after splitting with my boyfriend it became a Sunday tradition. No Sunday roast with my parents, instead I spent the nicest part of the day sitting on a hard little wooden bench. You see, Peter got the washing machine in the split, and I hadn't got around to replacing it. As much as I hated to admit it, I still needed to feel hard done by;...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 8 Sunday

Alex I stood before the mirror and admired the view. Me, dressed. Gray suit, white shirt, blue tie, black shoes. Hair combed, my St. Andrew medal visible - I even found the cufflinks Great Aunt Claudia gave me for Christmas a couple years ago. I looked sharp. I looked good anyway, but when I dressed for it, I looked damn good. Mom tapped on my door, "Sweetheart, come on, we're going to be - oh, my!" She stopped and admired the view. "We're going all out this Sunday, aren't we?" "It...

3 years ago
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That Sunday AfternoonChapter 4 Loving Sonya

I tossed around the bed all night trying to decide what I should do about Sonya and in the end I realized that I loved her to much let her go without a fight. I felt that in time, if Sonya was true to her word I would be able to forgive her but I knew that it would be difficult for a while. On Sunday Sonya and I avoided each other around the house all day and barely spoke to each other at dinner. Monday was even harder than Sunday. All day Monday all I could do was worry about what Sonya...

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