Going DownSunday, May 6, 2001 free porn video

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Tommy Cornelson loved May. Actually, he loved all the months from May through October, but May was special. May marked the end of the Winter season and the beginning of the summer season, so business on his fishing pier picked up considerably, as it did on the entire oceanfront, but it was still early for most of the tourists, so the May business was mainly locals.

He almost regretted doubling his prices. Almost. But they'd double again in mid-June when the Canadians and damnyankees invaded the Oceanfront for the official tourist season. The tourist season was what he lived on the rest of the year round. May and October were buffer months to make up for bad tourist months or to buy luxuries.

He knew he'd feel the opposite regret come October, when he'd have to lower prices again to have any business at all. There were always fishermen willing to pay to fish from his pier, even when the weather turned cold and blustery. Serious fishermen, or subsistence families who relied on the crabs that fed on fish guts from the cleaning stations and whatever fish they could catch. Those months, he'd barely break even.

Those months Lilith and Maribeth would serve coffee and sandwiches, instead of all the deep-fried goodies the tourists loved so much. No clams, no oysters, not even hush puppies. They'd fire the grill for the lunch crowd, but not the fryers, nor the ovens. Oil and electricity cost money, and the restaurant and bait and tackle shops had to be heated.

Just now, Tommy was enjoying a cup of coffee laced with chicory, listening to three of the die-hards discuss the catch of the day. They were expecting the usual spot and croaker, and Spanish Mackerel had been biting of late. One was the local skate expert, and he expected a good catch today.

Tommy listened with half an ear while he read the Sunday paper. He started with the fishing reports from other locations. It wasn't enough to know the local conditions—he was the source of those for the paper, anyway—people expected you to be knowledgeable about what was biting and what was running for miles in either direction, clear down to North Carolina or up to the Eastern Shore.

Next he turned to sports, checking the injury reports for the various Atlantic Football Conference teams, including his own Portsmouth Mariners. Another nice thing about the "locals" season was when his customers talked football, they didn't confuse it with that damnyankee sport with the funny-shaped ball and leather armor and helmets. Some kind of rugby imitation.

Next he turned to the obits, wondering if he'd recognize anyone. At least once a month, he'd spy some old crony of his fathers' or grandfathers' in the notices. Weddings and engagements were after that, looking for his own friends and acquaintances. Once you took the plunge yourself, you kind of expected the rest of your peers to do the same.

He recognized five names in that section, but nobody who'd send him or his husband Vinnie an invitation. Maybe Lilith or Mar would, and one or the other would attend, business permitting. Winston-LaMar-Goudy ... nobody he knew. Phillips-Cross-Magnuson-Sharone ... nope. Hubbard-Lee ... one of the names looked familiar. Where did he know the Hubbards from? The ladies were married, maybe he'd read the announcement of their previous wedding? No matter.

As he finished each section, he traded or passed it on to his wives. They all read quickly, since the paper would be wrapping bait before too long, except for the coupons. The last section he looked at was the travel section. Someday, maybe they'd have enough set aside to take a vacation of their own, when the kids were old enough to stay home and mind the shops. Someplace quiet and secluded, not some tourist Mecca.

For sure he wasn't going to visit the United States, nothing up north that interested him. If he went to a foreign country, he thought he'd stick to the English Commonwealth. Horrible accents, but they did speak the same language. Yep. Someplace like Hawaii. Nobody went there.

Navy Housing, 06:30

Maria enjoyed mornings, although she enjoyed them more once the children were all roused and fed and off to school. Sundays were different, though. "Day of Rest," pfah! Rest for men and children, perhaps, but not for wives or women. Six days each week, her time came when the niños and niñas were fed and sent to school, when the husbands were fed and sent to work, when the beds were made and the clothing and linens laundered.

On Sundays she must take her time from the beginning, while the others slept. Soon enough, they would be feeding them all a Sunday "brunch"—such a lovely word—and engrossed in making them all ready for church. Then there would be the vigilance, the looks, the pinches to keep them all attentive to Jesus and Father Navarone instead of sleeping or fidgeting. Once home, there would be the gathering of the Sunday clothing to launder, and beds to make, and finally dinner to prepare while her husbands monopolized the televideo with their sports.

Madonna joined her at the table with two cups of good Cuban coffee, the kind of dark brew that opens eyes. "I see that Señora Ghirardelli's news has proven true," she said, pointing at the newspaper open to that page.

"Si. Eh-Yes, El Capitan has finally been snared. I had not heard that he chased them long before they caught him. Delilah might not have been surprised, but I was." Maria never referred to DeeDee by that diminutive. It seemed somehow disrespectful, whatever the customs.

Madonna was amused. "You think perhaps they should have run from him harder, if no faster?"

Maria shrugged. "A man values most what he must work to acquire, and least what he obtains without effort. Since I know nothing of his efforts in the matter, it is not for me to judge."

"You sound just like Señora Navarone."

"Our good priest's esposa ... er, wife is a wise woman. As befits the wife of a priest, eh-yes?"

"You need not work so hard to correct your language with me, querida. Be comfortable with yourself. I will always love you."

"The wifes... wives of a Senator should be cultured, educated women, mi esposa acariciada. Able to converse in several languages, no? I practice always."

Madonna laughed softly. "Senator's wives? You dream el sueño grande. ¿El hombre expresa este sueño grande?"

"En Inglés, por favor." Maria replied. "No, Juan has not dreamt so big a dream, not that he has shared. But Alberto, that one thinks Juan has the heart, the fire to go so far. He told me so last night, before we slept."

"Our eldest husband may be right. He often is."

"Then we must learn to be senator's wives."

Hubbard House, 07:49

"Come on, Deb! Shake a tail feather, or we'll never make the oh-eight hundred service!"

"I can't find my earrings!"

"Wear some of mine. The pearls would look good with that dress."

Deborah didn't answer, which Nancy interpreted as, "Fine." Not "fine" as in "that's a great idea," but "fine" as in "have it your way, but Things Will Be Said Later." Every spouse knows that "fine," even when unspoken.

But Deborah was heading for the door moments later, both hands fumbling with her left ear. Nancy could see the pearl stud, and grinned. She checked herself. Purse, check. Keys? Right here. What am I forgetting? She crossed the room to the telephone, and switched on the answering machine. Forgot that yesterday. I hope nobody called. Oh, well. If it was important, they'll call again.

Deborah was waiting by the driver-side door. "My turn to drive," she said, fumbling now with her right ear.

Nancy shook her head. "No way. You drive like an old lady, and we're already going to be late."

Deborah stood her ground. "Come on, cough up the keys. You drive like a maniac. Late or not, we'll get there faster if we don't have to stop for a speeding ticket, or to help someone out of a ditch your lane-changing forced them into."

"I haven't gotten a ticket in years, and I've never forced anyone into a ditch," Nancy retorted.

"That's 'year, ' singular, and the latter says more for their driving skills than yours." Deborah now stood with her hand out for the keys.

"Two out of three?"


The two shook their right fists at each other once, twice, a third time. On the third, Nancy extended two fingers; Deborah kept her fist closed. They repeated the ritual, this time with both palms out. Yet again they shook their fists. Nancy ended with her palm out, Deborah with two fingers. Nancy groaned, but handed Deborah the keys. They got into the car.

Before Deborah could close her door, she heard the sound of the telephone. She bit her lip. Turning to Nancy, she said, "Phone's ringing. Should I answer it?"

And she's the confident one! "No. Let's go. If we're not there by quarter after, we'll have to go to the 09:30 service, and we'll miss brunch at the International House. Let the answering machine do its job."

Deborah closed her door and started the car. As she pulled away, she grinned. "The truth comes out. You aren't worried about the church service; you're afraid they'll stop serving crêpes before you get your fill."

Like that's a big revelation. She knows me so well. "You know me too well. So get a move on, will you?"

Deborah eased up to the posted speed limit, no higher. "You know, International House serves breakfast with crêpes, too. We could have a nice, leisurely meal before services, instead of all this rushing about."

Now, why didn't I think of that? It's still a late breakfast, and not too long til our early dinner. Am I so constrained by habit? "I like the way you think. Let's do that."

Deborah smiled and drove.

Navy Housing, 09:33

DeeDee hung up the phone and turned to Alex. "That was the girls, Lex," she said, excitedly. "They want to come to lunch, and they want to bring their new boyfriends."

"New boyfriends?" Alex asked, crossing the parlor to his favorite chair. A plethora of mixed feelings chased briefly across his face. "And they want to bring them home to meet the parents?"

DeeDee laughed. "You should see your face. You can't decide whether to be happy or sad, proud or protective, nervous or relieved, can you?"

For now, Alex settled for chagrined. "Hey, it's only, what, the second time since high school they've brought someone home for parental review. How should I feel?

"I know. The twins have always been so picky about boys. Or Brenda has," she amended, "which is the same thing."

Alex agreed, nodding. "Nothing wrong with that." In fact, secretly he was just a hair prouder of the twins than of their other six kids. Not that he'd ever let any of them know that.

The phone rang again, and DeeDee answered, giving Alex time to turn reflective. I guess I am prouder of the twins, not that there's any rational reason. All our kids have turned out just fine. Renée is on the partnership track with a law firm in Austin; William and Emíle are working the off-shore oil rigs and coining money; Michelle is happy with her husbands in New Mexico, and she was the first and most recent to make me a grandpa. A soft smile lit his face. Danielle has been accepted to medical school in New Orleans. Always so busy, too busy to write often enough. Douglas rarely wrote either, but he had an excuse, serving in the army with the Columbian Peace-keeping expedition.

DeeDee squealed something into the phone. No matter, he'd find out soon enough. It isn't that the twins are the youngest. Or even that they haven't moved far away. It's just... Alex couldn't articulate, even to himself, that he was fairly certain the girls were the fruit of his loins, his and Alice's. Good parents don't keep score that way. The children of a polygamous marriage were all the parents' children.

DeeDee hung up again. She was practically bubbling as she skipped—She's actually skipping!—over to Alex's chair. She plopped into his lap, and put her arms around his neck.

"It just keeps getting better!"

"More good news, I take it?" Alex was amused.

DeeDee nodded rapidly. "You are off the hook!" she burbled.

His eyebrows rose. "You mean..."

She interrupted him with a short kiss. Pressing her forehead to his, she said, "That was Winnie. Guess whose engagement got announced in today's paper?"

"You mean..."

Her forehead nodding made his nod as well. "You got it! Winnie can't understand what the big deal was about 'secrecy' considering they broke it themselves before the weekend was up." She kissed him again. "Winnie said to tell you the COB says 'don't sweat it, and be prepared to cater a bachelor party, ' so everything's okay."

Alex snorted. DeeDee leaned back to look at his face, wondering why.

"There'll be no bachelor party," he told her. "You didn't watch this boy at work. They'll be married long before anyone can get a party organized." He made motions to shoo DeeDee off his lap. "Speaking of short notice for parties, what do you suppose the girls' boyfriends would enjoy for lunch?"

Hubbard House, 11:44

Deborah and Nancy came home laden with brown shopping bags from the grocery store. After she tossed the keys on a convenient end-table, Deborah removed a bag from her teeth. That allowed her to say, "'I just need a couple of things for dinner, ' yeah, sure." She kicked the door closed with a heel.

"Well, all I needed were a couple of things, but, you know..."

"Yes, I know..."

"Well you're not any better!" They carried the bags to the kitchen. "At least a third of this stuff you picked out," she said as she placed her bags on a counter.

Deborah grinned, unrepentant. "True, but that means you picked the other two thirds." She set her own bags down.

Nancy grinned too. "Any time you want to take over cooking, y—

"I give! I give! So, what's on the menu tonight?"

Nancy gave Deborah a very spousal look, one that said, "You never listen to me, do you." In lieu of answering, she pulled a recipe from under a refrigerator magnet and proffered it.

Deborah took it and read:

Blackened Prime Rib

Serves 8-(16 ounce portions)

1-16 lb. oven ready Rib Roast


Pull back fat cap and liberally sprinkle Blackening Seasoning (recipe to follow) on rib roast. Replace fat cap and netting. Place onto a preheated 350º oven for 4 hours until you have an internal temperature of 145º. Remove and allow to rest for 15 minutes, slice in between each rib and serve with 2 oz. of sauce (Tabasco Horseradish Sauce recipe to follow).

Blackening Seasoning

4 tbsp. Garlic Powder

4 tbsp. Onion Powder

3 tbsp. Lemon Pepper

3 tbsp. Black Pepper

4 tbsp. Dry Rosemary

4 tbsp. Dry Thyme

4 tbsp. Dry Parsley

8 tbsp. Paprika

1 tsp. Cayenne


Mix together and coat prime rib.

Tabasco Horseradish Sauce

Serves 8-(2 ounce portions)

16 oz. Heavy Cream

4 tbsp. grated Fresh Horseradish

1 tbsp. minced Garlic

1 tbsp. minced Onion

2 tbsp. minced Basil

3 tbsp. Unsalted butter

1/4 cup Marsala Wine

4 tbsp. Tabasco

Salt & Pepper to taste

1 tsp. Olive Oil


Heat a saute pan over medium high heat. Add oil, then add onions, garlic and basil. Saute until onions are translucent. Add wine to pan and allow to reduce by 3/4. Add heavy cream and reduce by 1/4. Pull off of heat, add Tabasco, horseradish, salt, pepper and butter then serve 2 oz. over prime rib portion.

Deborah's eyes opened wide. She glanced at the kitchen clock as Nancy moved a slab of beef from the refrigerator to the counter. "Four hours? Isn't it a little late to start..."

"The recipe scales down around fifteen, maybe twenty minutes per pound. This is a ten pound rib roast. We have plenty of time."

"Are you sure?" Deborah asked, doubtfully.

"Positive. Now, we were having this anyway. With Bob coming, I think I need something more substantial than salad and broccoli as sides. Any ideas?"

Judging from eating habits in the wardroom... "Men like starches. Mashed potatoes, corn, peas, that sort of thing." She sort-of remembered something about men's tastes. "No asparagus." Then she remembered what she'd heard, and blushed. Not men's tastes—men's taste. Fortunately, Nancy didn't notice.

"Okay, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas, green beans, I think." Nancy was looking in the freezer.

"I'm going to check our messages," Deborah said. I can't stop blushing. I've got to get out of the kitchen before she notices, and asks why. "I'll help you peel the spuds after." After I get control of my mental images, that is.

The message light was blinking. She pushed rewind.

Navy Housing, 12:10

"Sir, you set a magnificent table."

Despite the grin, Alex's response was almost automatic. "Don't call me 'sir'; I work for a living." He enjoyed the compliment, though. And lunch was really nothing much. Fruit-filled pita sandwiches with his own special sauce, rumaki, vegetable sticks and dip, and dark beer. "I realize you salute Chiefs in 'enrotsie, ' but that's just for practice." He paused. "In the real Navy, we salute you."

Young Mister Rosecranz glanced at his friend, the equally young Mister Lafitte, and both seemed to relax a little.

"Brenda, Jean, help your mother with the dishes." The two had been as nervous as their young men, hovering protectively the entire meal. "Boys, join me on the patio. Bring your beer." They got up and went through the sliding glass doors to the outside.

Once outside, the young men appeared nervous again. "Relax, boys, relax. I'm not going to start an Inquisition. I don't need to know your 'intentions toward my daughters'; they brought you home, that's all I need to know."

The boys tried to relax, and Alex waved them to the patio furniture, aluminum chairs with nylon webbing.

It seemed they weren't going to initiate the conversation, though. "How's the beer?" Alex noticed that Beaufort's glass was nearly full.

Jaime sipped. Beaufort replied, "To tell the truth, sir, I'm not much of a beer drinker."

Alex laughed. "You'll get over that, or turn tee-total in the Navy. Unless you prefer rum?" Beaufort shook his head. "Only the really large ships, battle cruisers or dreadnoughts, carry anything else, and only for special occasions." He shrugged. "It's an acquired taste."

Beaufort sipped, and made a face. "Not one I'm likely to acquire soon, I think."

Positioned as he was, Alex could see that one or the other of the twins had hovered at the sliding glass door while he was chatting with their beaus. He waved Jean out.

"Yes, Daddy?" she inquired, stepping through onto the patio.

"Take Beaufort's beer and bring him a glass of..." he raised an eyebrow at Beaufort, who tried to sputter that nothing special was needed.

"I know what Boo likes. I'll take care of it," Jean said, taking away his beer.

"Jaime?" Alex asked.

Jaimie raised his stein. "I'm good. I'll just finish this; I have to drive, later."

Jean was back in just moments, with a glass of wine. Beaufort smiled embarrassed thanks at her as he took it. Jean seemed inclined to stay. "Perhaps your mother needs help with the leftovers..."

"What leftovers?" In truth, there weren't many. Jean came over to her father, leaned down and placed a kiss on his bald spot. "Never mind, I can take a hint." As she left she told the boys, "Don't let him fuss you. He's just an old sweety."

Alex watched two pairs of eyes follow Jean back into the house. Eyes filled with affection and maybe a touch of possessiveness? He cleared his throat. "And she can cook, too."


Alex ignored the honorific this time. "If you have no plans for next Sunday, let me take you to a local fishing pier. One of DeeDee's cousins runs it—I can get a discount. Can either of you fish?" Eyes lit up and heads nodded. Excellent! "You catch a few Spanish Mackerel or flounder, and we'll let the girls show you what they learned from the old man. You won't be disappointed." And it'll be nice to be able to spend time with ... my future sons-in-law. I wonder if they know how obvious their fate is?

Hubbard House, 13:00

Nancy entered the parlor still drying her hands with a dish towel. The ribs are coated and in the oven. The sauces are ready to simmer. But if Deb thinks she's getting out of peeling potatoes, she'd better think again. "Deb?"

"Over here."

Deborah was on the sofa by the telephone, her face pale. She was surrounded by scattered sections of the Sunday paper. Nancy suppressed a flash of annoyance for the mess. The expression on Deborah's face concerned her more. "What's wrong?"

Deborah didn't answer right away, and the look on her face was ... unfathomable. Finally, "Perhaps you'd better hear this yourself." She rewound the answering machine. Nancy seated herself by Deborah, gathering some of the newspaper into a neat pile; one section was still clutched in Deborah's fist, wrinkled where she held it. She pushed "play."

"Deborah, Nancy, hi. This is Samantha Stuart-Forrest"— "and Caroline!"— "calling to congratulate you. We were thrilled to see the announcement in today's paper!"

"If I were speaking as your XO, I'd have to warn you again about favoritism, but this is a day for just us girls, so I'm glad you took my advice there, too."

"If Sam told you to grab him, it was good advice. I should know, I tried it myself. Now I know why I got shot down. Congratulations again."

"If you-all can put off the wedding for at least a few days, the ladies of the wardroom"— "and their wives and the men's wives"— "want to throw you a shower. Anyway, congratulations.— "and good luck!" "Call us!"

There was a click, and a beep, and then another message started.

"Nancy Virginia! We hardly ever hear from you as it is, but to have to read something like this in the newspaper? You don't tell your own mothers? I hardly think that's the way we..."

Nancy's finger was firmly on the stop button. She couldn't remember reaching for it.

"There are seven more after that one. Here. Read." Deborah thrust the newspaper section she was clutching at Nancy. Her voice was shaky, and so was the hand. She seemed to have difficulty unclenching her fist.

But she managed. Nancy took the paper and scanned, as she half-expected, the Engagement Announcements. She saw the picture first. She and Deborah, shoulder to shoulder and holding hands; Bob leaning in close behind, his hands on the backs of their chairs; all smiling, all happy. She read the paragraph below:

Same as Going Down
Sunday, May 6, 2001 Videos

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Hi frnds mera naam Neha hai and mai 19 years ki hu and mai iss ki story regular padhti hu and mai iss ki bahut badi fan hun. Aaj mai aapko apni real story sunane waali hun hope you all will enjoy my story. Mai b.com 1st yr ki student hu and dikhne me achhi hu. Meri hight 5.4 inch hai and mera color fair hai and mera figure 36 24 36 hai. Ye kahani thori painful hai. Kahani shuru karti hu. Baat tab ki hai jab colleg eka first day tha. Mai white top and blue jeans pahen ke college gai thi par...

3 years ago
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Mayas Revenge

"Oh fuck!" Maya cursed as she looked in the rear view mirror and saw the police car's lights flashing and heard the shrill beep of the siren. She wondered how long the cop had been following her.Maya was usually a perfect driver, she was aware of stories from friends and family of D.W.B, aka Driving While Black. Knowing that, she didn't give reason for cops to stop and harass her. Except tonight was different, she was driving with a leaden foot and on top of that had a few drinks. She honestly...

4 years ago
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Changes Abound Mayas Journey Part 1

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey Part 1 A Cross-Dressing Story by Maria Ski Susan Hawke looked at her nephew as he slowly undressed. She had never seen him so sad. She wondered what she could do to cheer him up, but she knew there was nothing she could do at the moment. As the memory block she had placed would kick in soon. He hugged her as he left. "Thank you Auntie Susan, thank you for letting me stay." "You're welcome honey." She hugged him back. "Would you like to do what you...

3 years ago
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105. GRAN TRIES LIFE MAYS WAY.Life took a while to return to normal, Rose with care returned to full health in a couple of days her wounds being treated as they were inflicted with antiseptic helped a lot, she had a lot of bruising and that took a lot longer though. The silk through her tits she had me photograph before removing also her I took shots of her sex and her new hood rings of which she was most proud. She had me put a number of old earring`s into the holes in her labia on that...

4 years ago
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Beverly Hillbillies Elly May Jethro Maynt

Even as Miss Hathaway's convertible was slipping through traffic, Elly May was still trying to argue herself out of the trip. "I don't need no more clothes," she told the secretary, who looked like a broomstick with a shriveled up old apple on the top. "I got plenty." "Hmm, yes," Miss Hathaway said, keeping her eyes on the road. "But there are a few gaps in your wardrobe." Elly May looked down at herself. Her abundant breasts were corralled by a white men's shirt, with the ends...

4 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 37 Margaret Maynard Takes Command

Gibraltar, September 1807 Lady Carter walked through the rooms of their rented house one more time, making sure they had not forgotten anything. The furnishings would stay in place as per agreement with the owner of the house against a compensation of thirty-two pounds. This was fine for Harriet, since it freed her of the need to sell the items separately. Seeing nothing left behind, Harriet went downstairs. Jenny was holding Richard on her arm who had woken only a short while ago and was...

1 year ago
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Changes Abound Mayas Journey The Epilogue

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey the Epilogue A Transition Story by Maria Ski It has been four years since Maya told her family of the choice she made. My Maya, my beautiful Maya matured into a beautiful woman. And when it was time for her to undergo her final surgeries I was there for her. I'm Bianca Morgan Hunter and I'm her life partner. "How could you?" "How could I what?" "How could you allow our son to do this to himself?" "Our son? Our son? You say that know. But she...

3 years ago
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John and Mays outdoor adventure

Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...

3 years ago
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Maa kay mummay

Kaisay app sab land or choot ko puray pakistan ka salam to seeday kahani taraf chalta hoon mere femily karachi main hai mere ghar main sirf papa maa or main hi hain to hua yeh ek hafatey kay liye papa kisi rishtay daar ki shadi kay liye lahore jana paraa mere maa hameshaa salwar kameez pehanti hain main un ko kiye baar chupkay say papa kay saath kartay howay dekh hai, meri age 18 main student hoon, maa house wife hain woh hamesha sex dor rehen ko kahti thin maa ki 41 age hai aur un kaa size...

2 years ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 02 The Mayors Wife

Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military...

Mind Control
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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

1 year ago
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The Skimpy Cafe Mays Flower

It did until she got on the bus and sat down and had a moment to scan for anyone else. And there he was. The drunkard from a few nights ago. The one who assaulted her at the Inn. He was asleep in the back and she suppressed a squeak as she hurried to the front of the bus, as close as she could to the driver. May practically held her breath the entire forty minute ride to the print shop and just as she stood to leave the drunkard’s eyes fluttered open. His expression grew dark as he...

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“Why you studying all the time, Keaton?” my alcoholic friend asked me as he intruded into my room. “I don’t know,” I replied, looking up from my reading material. “Call me crazy but there’s something about paying thirty thousand dollars a year in tuition that keeps me motivated to earn credits. You know, getting a degree and all that shit. I figured that I should get something in return for my money instead of just a hangover.” “Fuck that, man,” Camel said,...

1 year ago
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Nicoles MayDay Party

Nicole's MayDay Party Nicole has some friends over and Larry gets out of hand again. Nicole and her friends give Larry some lessons on behavior. May had arrived in Salem. May is the time for planting and for people to start looking for things to do in the warm weather. Nicole always had a MayDay party. She planned it for the first Saturday in May. She did that so her and friends didn't have to worry about getting the time off from their jobs. When she was younger, school. This year...

1 year ago
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Kimbra Mayes and her son Jonty Mayes Chapter 1

36 year old Kimbra Mayes and her 50 year old husband, Talon, have been fighting for the last couple of months, and their 10 year old son, Jonty, is scared out of his wits. Kimbra feels sorry and decides to take stand and file divorce papers. When it comes through, Kimbra gets her young son all to herself. Kimbra is overjoyed, but then she starts feeling sexual attracted to her son. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Kimbra "Hey, you know what?!" my husband, Talon,...

2 years ago
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Mayo The Wop

MAYO THE WOPPart OneIn a dark street somewhere in the twisty depths of London, the light of a torch bounced off the walls, flickering amongst the wet stones. It caught a rag on the ground, a dark lump of body. The torch bearer ran forwards to see better, shining the torch straight into the face. A hand reached out trying to block the flare, but the men grabbed it and dragged the body upright onto his feet revealing the tender complexion of a fifteen year old boy with black fine curls and the...

4 years ago
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Godar Bara Mayer Gude

Amar naam Hobu.Tokhon amar boyosh baro ki tero.Ami ar amar Ma tokhon bhara thaktam Bhalo Didar barite.Bhalo didar ek chele,Goda Kaku.Mayer boyosh tokhon matro 29.Aporup shundor dekhte,golapi gayer rong,patla shorir,tight bhora buk,gol nitol pacha,gaye ekta misti madhurjo ache.Amar Baba chilo ekta matal lompot.Ma ke khub mardhor korto.Ek din Goda Kaku Baba ke dhore besh thengalo are baba shedin raat ei gelo paliye. Bhalo dida ma ke bollo,Sona Ma amar,tomar kono chinta nei.Tumi amar baritei...

1 year ago
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John and Mays outdoor adventure

Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...

3 years ago
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Getting Maya Fucked

I guess that is a more common fantasy than I ever realized for men to envision their wives being fucked by other men, particularly old friends of the husband. I had often fantasized about such an encounter with my wife, Maya; however, whenever I brought up the matter of a threesome and bringing another man into our sexual adventures, my wife was firmly against it.This was rather curious since we were hardly prudes. We had an ongoing swapping relationship with another couple for quite some time....

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Girl Meets World Mayas MadDog

Takes Place During: Girl Meets the RulesIt was a normal afternoon in John Quincy Adams Middle School, school's out for some of the students except for a few students that got into some mischief this morning. And that class was Cory's class. Cory gave his daughter Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle and the rest of the class detention because Maya wasn't following the rules. During detention, the class was divided into separate mini-colonies. Riley's was Rileytown, a land of goodness and rainbows where...

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> > > Thirteen year old Maya had already been fucked by her brother when she came downstairs to breakfast. Sometimes she only had to give him a suckjob, like if he was late for school, or not in the mood to fuck, or had just fucked his girlfriend the night before. But on this morning, he has wanted to pound her little pussy really hard. As always, he tried to hurt her when he fucked her. Like Father like Son. Maya had learned to than k her brother for his big fat wonderful dick. She...

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Rekha And Maya 8211 Part 4 A Widow Fucked And Satisfied

Khan Chacha went into Rekha’s room to sleep. Vinod was lying on the ground helpless with Rekha’s panty stuffed in his mouth. And Ali slowly started moving to his prize, Rekha. Akhtar walked towards Maya’s bedroom, and Maya followed him. Akhtar was 45 years old muscular, and very well built 6’2” tall Muslim goon. Maya was a 35-year-old lady whose husband died 2 years ago. Ever since then, she had not had any man touch her. Losing her husband so early didn’t do any good to...

1 year ago
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Girl Meets World Fun with Maya and Uncle Josh

Girl Meets World - Fun with Maya and Uncle JoshRiley Matthews arrived home after hanging out with Lucas and Farkle at Topanga's Café for smoothies. They were the only three there when Maya didn't go with Riley to hang out with them. Riley's parents and her little brother Auggie were out of town to visit Cory's parents, so Josh was there to keep an eye on Riley and make sure that she doesn't mess the apartment up. When she looked around for Josh, she didn't see him in the apartment. Riley began...

4 years ago
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Riley Maya

Riley & Maya By: James Stryker [For me to do this story, I cannot write about Riley and Maya having lesbian sex at the age they are in the show because it's just not right. So I am going to age them up to 18. In this story, Riley and Maya decided to have a little experimentation to see what it's like to have lesbian sex.]"Come on, Riley. It'll be fun." Maya said to her best friend."I don't know about this." Riley said looking shy.The two best friends were now 18 years old and they were in...

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Mayas Birthday Surprise

Girl Meets World - Maya's Birthday SurpriseToday was going to be the greatest day of Maya Penelope Hart's life. Today, she is turning 18-years-old. Her mother and her stepfather Shawn surprised her with birthday pancakes that they both made for her. Shawn also surprised Maya by taking her to the art museum to look at some of the paintings. This is going to be the best day ever. Later that day, Riley has planned something special for Maya. Maya has picked out the perfect outfit to wear: she wore...

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Tale Story Of Maya

Hello Readers. This is the story of Suchit and Maya. They both were classmates and college mates. They both love each other and are married. Maya doesn’t have any world, she thinks about Suchit all the time. Suchit is also a gentleman and never touched any other girl. They both used to have sex before marriage also. Maya never says ‘no’ to Suchit on the bed. Due to financial drawbacks, they didn’t plan for the child. Both parents opposed their marriage. One fine day Suchit met with an accident....

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The Rape of Maya chapter 4

Introduction: An older married woman follows her quest for kinky sex The Rape of Maya Chapter four The result of this almost unexplainable and terrifying very forceful orgasm along with her shrill noise had frightened and sent the little critters scurrying , in several directions and back to where ever they had came from!… When she finally woke up later that evening , Maya thought at first it was only some wild and bazaar dream. But slowly started to realize that her previously unfulfilled...

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The Rape of Maya chapter 4

Chapter four The result of this almost unexplainable and terrifying very forceful orgasm along with her shrill noise had frightened and sent the little critter's scurrying , in several directions and back to where ever they had came from!... When she finally woke up later that evening , Maya thought at first it was only some wild and bazaar dream. But slowly started to realize that her previously unfulfilled sexual desire to be orgasmed had been satisfied far past any wild sexual degree...

2 years ago
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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 6 Surprising Her

I kept a pillow on my lap to cover my nudity. Maya was wearing at-shirt. It covered only her thighs. Maya asked me about dinner. I left the choice to her. She said either we can order it at home, or we can go out. We decided to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner. We completed the formalities of calling our respective families. Maya got ready. She was wearing a red-colored open shoulder top and a short black skirt. She looked radiant spicy hot in that attire. We booked a cab to the...

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Maya Loves Boys Part 1 of 2

-= Part 1 of 2 =-About us, most of you who have read some of my other stories, know about my cum loving, Maya. Me Sam, 35, married for 21 years to Maya. its been ten yrs now, since she now has passed away. we made a fine, if sextordinary couple. If you like guys and girls next door types, not too overweight, not too short, nice faces then that's us. Middling jobs too. I was in Newspaper editing and still am. Maya was a stay at home mom, we had 4 k**s, that are all grown up, and we had other...

4 years ago
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Maya my housekeeper

For over the last two decades, I've had many housekeepers and cleaning ladies. Most of them working either part-time every day or just a couple of hours a week. My (now ex-) wife has never been aware of my mindset regarding the ladies. She'd even recruit them, most of the time. Not that I didn't want to be part of the selection process but I just wanted to let odds decide, in a way. Did I treat the ladies wrong? Never. Did I pay them well? Always above market standards. But I did play a game...

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maya gropes a groupie

Although she was only a back-up singer, Maya was feeling rather worn-out after the concert. She scanned the backstage area hoping to find a decent-looking guy to spend the night with. ‘Wonderful,’ she thought. ‘Not a single male groupie.’ Disappointed, she got a beer out of the cooler and sat down on a nearby loveseat. She gazed jealously as she saw every other band member (all guys of course) chatting up some dumb-looking chicks. As she put the bottle to her full, painted, lips, she made...

2 years ago
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maya gropes a groupie

Although she was only a back-up singer, Maya was feeling rather worn-out after the concert. She scanned the backstage area hoping to find a decent-looking guy to spend the night with. "Wonderful," she thought. "Not a single male groupie."Disappointed, she got a beer out of the cooler and sat down on a nearby loveseat. She gazed jealously as she saw every other band member (all guys of course) chatting up some dumb-looking chicks. As she put the bottle to her full, painted, lips; she made eye...

4 years ago
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Maya 8211 Kalo Urvashi

Kotoi ba bayas hobe Mayar. Maximum 16 ba 17. Amar basai kaj korte esechilo bachar khanek age. Gayer rong beshi farsa noi. Kalor dikei. Pratham din thekei or upor chokh porechilo. Ektu roga. Chokh mukh prachando kamuk. Kintu pratham din thekei jeta chokhe pore chilo – seta holo or mai duto r pachata. Duto khara khara dasa pearar moto mai r serokom duto uchu pacha. Hatbar somoi besh pacha duliye hatto r amar barata ton ton korto. Oke chesta kortam hath korar. Kichudiner madhyei bujhte parlam...

1 year ago
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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 3 Our First Fuck

Maya got better at her emotions as she held my dick to rub it gently on her thirsty pussy. She positioned my dick on her fuck hole. She looked at me. I could see the lusty hunger in her eyes. Without wasting a second, I pushed my dick in her pussy. Her pussy was tight. I could feel my dick skin being peeled as it entered her hot pussy. Maya closed her eyes as again I thrust my dick inside her. Her hot body moved back with the force of a hard insertion. I could feel the heat of her pussy on my...

3 years ago
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The Rape of Maya Chapter Three

Introduction: Mistress Ms Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave! The Rape of Maya Chapter Three Mistress Ms Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave! All three of these women are now in separate chambers and hanging upside down by their ankles,.. This has left them totally naked and helplessly swinging slowly back and forth! The next part will be getting them trained and ready. This is done by first letting them know who their boss is and who is in charge! Mistress M just loves to hang new...

2 years ago
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The Rape of Maya Chapter two

Introduction: Mayas abduction and trip from Chenai to Bombay/Mumbai and her introduction to Mistress M and her being marked as a Slave! The Rape of Maya Chapter two Mayas abduction and trip from Chenai to Bombay/Mumbai and her introduction to Mistress M and her being marked as a Slave! Maya cannot see with the hood, and still covered with cum, hears the sound of a big truck then more voices, as she is helped out of the taxi and left standing. Her legs are barely able to hold her after the...

1 year ago
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The Rape of Maya Chapter Three

Chapter Three Mistress “M's” Slave Training, of Maya as a sex slave! All three of these women are now in separate chambers and hanging upside down by their ankles,.. This has left them totally naked and helplessly swinging slowly back and forth! The next part will be getting them trained and ready. This is done by first letting them know who their boss is and who is in charge! Mistress “M” just loves to hang new arrivals up naked by their ankles, as this really...

3 years ago
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The Rape of Maya Chapter two

Chapter two Maya's abduction and trip from Chenai to Bombay/Mumbai and her introduction to Mistress “M” and her being marked as a Slave! Maya cannot see with the hood, and still covered with cum, hears the sound of a big truck then more voices, as she is helped out of the taxi and left standing. Her legs are barely able to hold her after the disgraceful hard fucking she has endured, along with being naked helpless and unable to see,.. has raised her female senses to their very...

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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

Hi friends, this story is about cousin love. Life is unpredictable. Life is full of surprises. Life is all about being happy and making others happy. We get one life. We must enjoy it to the fullest. Happiness can come in different forms and from different people. Sometimes expected, sometimes unexpected. I am narrating one of such unexpected encounters with my loving cousin sister Maya. Vinay, I am from Chennai. Mail your comments, feedback. You can chat or connect on hangouts @ . Maya was...

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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 3 Desperately Waiting

After few strokes, I could sense her response as she locked my fingers within her fingers, desperately waiting. I moved down from the bed to sleep beside her. She whispered in my ear, “Are you mad?” I replied, “You have made me mad, Maya.” Maya was wearing a t-shirt and pajamas. We crisscrossed our legs as we hugged each other tightly. Sex is a complete therapy to forgive all our sins, take new risks, to break new boundaries. She applied pressure on my dick using her knees and firmed her...

3 years ago
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Maya Loves Boys Part 2

= Part 2 =-"Are you OK about this?" asked Maya."Maya for some reason I love you more when a good looking guy is getting his rocks off fucking you. Don't ask me why as I have no idea." "I saw another side to you last night," she said. "Oh what was that? I asked. "You were getting turned on by him too weren't you?" I told a little white lie when I responded to tell her the guy only turned me on because he was having her. I had some fantasies in my head and wouldn't have taken much persuading to...

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