Eight Is Enough free porn video

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I never paid too much attention to what she looked like -- heck, she was my sister, right? But some of the older guys in school asked me about her a few times, so I tried to figure out what they saw in her. She doesn't look too bad, for a sister, I mean. She dresses OK, and she's not real thin or real fat -- although she's always saying she could stand to lose a few pounds. And a couple of the guys who asked about her said they really like her hair -- it's long, almost to her waist. And she smiles a lot.

So, anyway, like I was saying, it was Elizabeth and me alone in the house, watching TV. Most of the other kids were out doing one thing or another, and Mom and Dad and Nicholas were over at one of our relatives. Elizabeth and me would have had to go to, but we'd been out that morning -- me working on a school project with some of my buddies, Elizabeth doing something with her friends. So we lucked out and Nicholas got stuck going alone.

So we're watching TV, right? And we couldn't agree on what to watch, so we flipped a coin to see who could pick first. I lost, and Elizabeth picked this old movIe. I said that wasn't fair because the thing was gonna be on for like two hours, and by then somebody else might have come home, or even Mom and Dad, and I wouldn't get my chance. But she just giggled and said she'd won fair and square. Which was true, so I gave up. I could've just gone to my room or something, but the movie didn't look too bad when it started -- some guy walked into a dark alley and got blown away in the first five minutes -- so I watched with her.

It turned out that nobody else got killed in the whole movie, or even beaten up. And the cop investigating the murder fell in love with this woman he talked to, the victim's sister. So I was starting to lose interest.

But then the cop and the woman are about to say good night, and he kissed her. I mean, he kissed her good. I leaned forward and I might have even scooted forward on the couch a little. It used to be, just a couple of years ago, I would have thought that stuff was junk. But I'll admit I'm interested in some of the girls at school. Only I wasn't sure what to do. I'd never kissed a girl -- not a real one, anyway, just Mom and aunts and stuff.

So I'm watching real careful to see just what the cop does -- like, does he open his mouth? And do you aim right for the center of her mouth, or off to the side, or what?

I must have been really into it, because when I felt a touch on my shoulder I jumped up and almost fell onto the coffee table. And Elizabeth started laughing so hard I thought she'd pee in her pants.

Anyway, once I calmed down and she stopped laughing, she started teasing me about paying so much attention to the kissing. And I guess I blushed.

"Tommy! Don't tell me you've never kissed a girl."

I just hung my head down. I was ashamed to look at her.

I guess she must have seen how I felt, because the teasing left her voice. "No, really?" she goes. "Oh, Tommy, I'm sorry I made fun of you. I just thought -- really?"

I told her I'd thought about it some times, but I just didn't know how to do it -- you know what I mean. She giggled, and I must have blushed again. I was feeling pretty dumb.

Then she apologized again, and she put her arm around me. "Look," she said, "if you really want to know how to kiss, how about if -- well, if you practiced on me? I promise I won't tell anyone."

I wasn't sure, but then I thought about how it would probably be easier to get over having done something dumb with Elizabeth than with some girl from school. Heck, I'd done lots of dumb stuff that she knew about. What more could this hurt?

So I asked her what I was supposed to do.

She smiled. She's got cute dimples when she does that. "Well, uh, I guess you should put your arms around me," she said, so I did. Elizabeth felt softer than most of my aunts.

"Now just kiss me," she said. "You know how. C'mon, you've kissed Mom."

So I put my lips out a little and aimed for her cheek, but she turned her head at the last second so I landed on her mouth. I pecked at it and sat back.

She closed her eyes and smiled. I had a feeling she was laughing inside. "You said you wouldn't make fun of me," I said. I was a little angry.

"It's just," she started to say, and then she stopped for a second. "You're right, I said I wouldn't. Look, maybe I should give you a few tips first. I'm no expert or anything, but try this. Don't close your lips so tight. Leave a little opening. Go in slow. And, for heaven's sake, don't jump away like you got an electric shock. Take your time!"

We tried again, and I did like she said. It was better, I could tell. Her lips pressed right against mine and we hugged each other and it felt pretty good.

Elizabeth said it was better, too. She had me practice a little more until she was sure I had it right, then she said I was ready for any girl in the school.

That's when I started to ask a question, but I stopped. It was something I'd heard the other guys talking about, but it sounded kind of silly to me. But Elizabeth made me go ahead anyway.

So I asked her, wasn't there something you were supposed to do with your tongue?

I figured she'd start laughing at how dumb I was, but she didn't. She just smiled and raised her eyebrows. "Who told you about that?" she wanted to know. Just some guys, I said.

Well, she said, it was true. So we hugged again, and she told me to kiss her like before and let her show me. This time when we pressed our lips together, she slipped her tongue between my lips and right into my mouth! For a second I thought it was gross, but I had to admit it did feel good. And then she said we should try again, and this time I should push my tongue against hers, too. So we did that.

I didn't realize it, but while we were kissing I had gotten a hard-on. If I'd known it I would've stopped right away, because I'd always been really embarrassed about that kind of stuff; I really hated it when Dad sat me down for the birds- and-bees talk. But I was concentrating on kissing, so I didn't know. And Elizabeth and I kissed a few more times, slipping our tongues into each other's mouths. I guess we were holding each other pretty tight, too. I remember I could feel the strap of her bra through the back of her blouse. And on the third or fourth kiss, instead of just backing away we kind of slid our faces sideways, and I was kissing her neck while she was kissing mine. It felt really good.

When we sat back after that, Elizabeth's face was a little red, and she seemed to be breathing funny. I felt a little odd myself, kind of hot inside.

And then she looked down at my lap and her mouth fell open. I was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, and there was a big, dark stain right in the middle of my crotch, right where there was a big bulge from my cock. Boy, was I embarrassed.

Elizabeth said she thought we'd better stop there, that I'd had enough practice, and I agreed.

That night, I had a dream about her. I don't remember exactly what happened, but when I woke up I'd cum in my shorts.

The next day was Sunday, and with one thing and another it was impossible to get Elizabeth alone, but I thought about her all day. Finally, after dinner, I was able to pull her aside and suggest we slip out the back door for a little while.

I asked her if we could practice kissing again. I was afraid she'd still be upset about my having a hard-on the last time, but it turned out she'd been trying to find a way to ask me the same question. We figured we couldn't stay out there in the dark too long before someone noticed we were missing, but we did kiss and hug a little.

After that, we always were on the lookout for a chance to sneak a kiss. Like I said, in a family with eight kids there aren't a lot of chances to be alone, so we didn't get together nearly as often as I wanted.

But each time we could, we'd sneak away, just the two of us. I remember one time, we were kissing and I had my hands around Elizabeth's waist, and then I started rubbing her back. I wasn't planning anything, really I wasn't. But as my hands kept rubbing I slid along her side and touched her breast. Well, I touched her bra -- and that through her blouse. But she didn't jerk away or anything, she just kept kissing.

After that I always tried to cop a feel whenever I could, even when we couldn't get away -- I'd just slip my hand around her when we were doing the dishes, or something, and no one else was watching.

That went on for a couple of weeks, and then we were kissing and I was stroking her through her blouse and Elizabeth asked if I didn't want to get closer. She pulled her blouse out of her jeans and I put my hand underneath. Her skin was really smooth and soft, and warm, too. I remember running my fingertips over her side and touching her bra cup. It was stiff and scratchy, and I didn't think she could feel anything under it. But when I put my hand on it she moaned a little and stuck her tongue way inside my mouth.

It was tough, with as little time as we had, to do much more. I let her put her hands inside my shirt, and she even stuck them down the back of my jeans once or twice and cupped my butt, which felt kinda weird.

The fact is, by that time I wasn't thinking about other girls, just being with my sister. That may not sound right, but I don't think either one of us thought we were doing anything wrong. I mean, we were just kissing, after all. And with so little time we couldn't even think about anything else.

Finally, after like a month or two, we got another chance to be alone for more than a few minutes. It was a Saturday night, and we'd finished all our homework, so Mom and Dad let us stay up late watching TV -- after everyone else had gone to bed.

We were sitting next to each other on the couch, and Elizabeth put her arm around me and pulled me in close and we started kissing. We were really going at it hot and heavy, I guess. I pulled her blouse out of her pants and she rolled my T-shirt up to my armpits. I could feel my cock pressing hard against my jeans, but I was used to that by now.

I don't even know what the movie was about. We didn't pay any attention. Mostly because we were kissing, of course, and then we were keeping one eye on the stairs to make sure no one woke up and found us down there.

But then we started licking each other's neck and stuff, and Elizabeth leaned back until she was on her back and I was on top of her. With her on her back like that, her bra was loose and without really knowing it I slipped my hand inside and got my first feel of a real live breast! This will sound dumb, but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I guess I didn't realize that it was the bra that was so stiff, not what was underneath. I mean, I knew there weren't any bones or anything there, but I just never thought it would feel so good.

When I felt the little button at the tip of my sister's breast, it all kind of hit me at once, what I was doing, and I pulled my hand out of there fast. But Elizabeth grabbed hold of my arm before I could pull it out from underneath her blouse.

"You can do that," she told me, and I didn't need to be asked twice. So we kept on kissing, and I was fondling my sister's tits. I guess it's no surprise that my cock was as hard as a flagpole, especially since I was right on top of her. By that time she'd swung her legs up onto the couch and I was right in between them, holding myself off of her with one hand while the other was busy.

Well, with my cock so hard, and me so lost in what we were doing, I just automatically started rubbing it against her. I mean, who wouldn't, right?

So Elizabeth, she says, "Hey, what are you doing?" And I asked her what she meant, and she said down there. And I got all embarrassed again, but she said it was all right.

Then she asked me if it didn't hurt, my jeans being so tight, and I said yeah, it did.

"Well, why don't you slide them down, then?" she said.

I said I didn't know if I should. She said I could do what I wanted, but she was gonna slide her pants down because she wanted to rub herself too.

I didn't know girls did that. I don't think any of the guys in school knew, either, because none of them ever mentioned it. But Elizabeth said she sometimes played with herself after we got through kissing because I'd gotten her so hot.

Well, I told her about having dreams about her, and how I'd done myself too. She said she thought that made her feel really sexy, and I told her I was getting pretty hot thinking about how I'd made her feel, too. So we both undid our pants and slipped them down around our ankles.

Elizabeth had on a pair of shiny pink panties, really smooth. I was glad I just had on my white boxers, not any of the ones Mom had got me last Christmas, the ones with the polka dots or the race cars. We both laughed when we saw the matching stains on the fronts of her panties and my shorts.

Anyway, she spread her legs apart a little and I got on top of her again, and I started rubbing against her. We started kissing again and stuff, too.

I guess just rubbing isn't enough for girls, because Elizabeth put her hand down there and stuck it inside her panties. I would've put my hand on my dick, too, but I didn't have one free, 'cause I was feeling her up again.

Since I couldn't touch my cock, I wasn't getting much satisfaction out of it, so I started rubbing harder. Next thing you know, I'm rubbing so hard that the head of my dick pokes right out the top of my shorts.

I was hoping Elizabeth wouldn't notice, and for a while she didn't. She stopped kissing me and put her head to the side and just groaned softly and then all of a sudden she jerked back and forth a few times.

I asked her if she was all right and she giggled.

"I came," she told me. "That's what a girl's orgasm is like. And that was a good one, too. How about you?"

Before I could say anything, she started to pull her hand out of her panties and it brushed against the tip of my dick. I said I was sorry.

"For what?" she said. And then she put her hand right on my cock!

I thought I was gonna blow right then and there, it felt so good. Her fingers were real soft and kinda slippery -- from fingering herself, I guess. I'd never felt anything like that before; it was way better than when I jacked myself off.

But I was nervous, and I asked her if it was all right, us doing that, being brother and sister. She asked me if I didn't like it. Of course, I had to say I did. Then she said that it wasn't much different than just kissing, since we were just touching -- and hadn't I touched her breasts? Well, sure, I had, and that made sense to me. Besides, it felt too good with her hand rubbing along my shaft for me to ask her to stop.

So she slid it up and down, slowly. When her fingers brushed over the sides of the helmet, I thought I would die. But after she'd rubbed a little longer it just felt right and pretty soon I felt something happening. I tried to warn her, but the cum just shot right out of me and splattered over her hand and onto her stomach.

We kissed a little more and then I got up and got my clothes back and got her a towel from the kitchen to wipe herself off. By then the movie was over and we figured we'd better go up to bed.

The next day we were eating breakfast with the rest of the family when Nicholas almost got us in big trouble. It turned out that while Elizabeth and me were really going at it, he'd gotten up and started to come downstairs to raid the fridge, and he saw me on top of her.

When he started to tell Mom and Dad that he'd seen us on the couch, I was freaking. I snuck a peek at Elizabeth, and her face was white. What were we going to say?

Luckily for us, it turned out Nicholas didn't understand what he saw. He said we were fighting. Elizabeth cut him off real quick and said we were just having a pillow fight, and Mom told Nicholas not to be a snitch. Was I relieved!

That evening, Elizabeth and me were careful to stay away from each other, but she did manage to slip me a note. It said that we should probably play it cool for a few days. I winked at her to show I agreed.

The next few days were awful, not being able to hold her or kiss her or anything. I spent my nights jacking off in my bed, thinking about her.

When we finally did manage to be alone, it was just for a few seconds, enough for a quick kiss; we didn't even have time to talk. But as we split up again, Elizabeth whispered to me. "Write me a note," she said.

So I did. I wrote down how I thought about her all the time, and how I had dreams about her, and how I missed our kissing. I slipped it to her when we were all having dinner.

The next day, she gave me a note back. It said she thought about me, too. That made me feel really terrific. And she said she couldn't wait until we could be together again, which went double for me.

But for the next couple of weeks, we didn't get in a single kiss. We both agreed that after the Nicholas thing we should play it cool, at least as far as any late-night stuff. And we didn't want anyone to notice us going off by ourselves all the time.

As it turned out, though, that didn't mean we couldn't do anything.

It started one night at dinner. This time Elizabeth and me were sitting next to each other. I was really in agony, having her so close that I could smell the flowery soap she used but not being able to touch her or anything. She had a white cotton blouse on and she'd left the top two buttons open, so when she bent over a little I could see her breasts hiding in her bra. I wanted to just yank open that blouse and grab hold of them.

With all that going on in my head, it's no wonder my cock was getting stiff. I didn't think anyone would notice, with it under the table, but I think Elizabeth may have guessed.

Anyway, I was taking a bite of spaghetti when I felt something on my crotch. I looked down right away and saw Elizabeth's hand under the tablecloth. I felt her undoing my zipper.

I looked around the table, and no one else seemed to noticing anything going on. It was tough to keep a straight face while my sister slid her hand into my pants and pulled my hard shaft out and starting jacking me off. My dad asked me to pass the butter and it took two or three tries before he got my attention. Elizabeth just giggled and kept on.

When I felt myself about to cum I put my hand down there and pushed her away. No way was I gonna cum with my cock waving in the air like that, and get it all over my pants. As it was, I just got it stuffed back into my shorts when I exploded, and I had to wolf down the rest of my food and skip dessert so I could go clean myself up.

After that, I wrote Elizabeth a note telling her it wasn't fair that she could jack me off in front of everybody and I couldn't get a hand on her breasts unless we were alone. She sent a note right back. "You'll think of something," it said.

It was later that week that I finally figured out what she meant. In the meantime, she sent me another note saying she missed our sessions so much that she'd gotten a vibrator to help herself out. I didn't know what that was at first, but when I sent a note back she drew me a picture. She said one of the girls at school ordered a bunch from some catalog. Elizabeth wrote that she kept hers in her locker at school, and when she did herself in the bathroom she would think about me. God, that made me get a hard-on just thinking about it. I told her so, and she wrote back that she'd prefer me to the vibrator any time. If found out what she meant that night.

A bunch of us were watching TV, with me and Elizabeth and Nicholas all sitting together on the couch. She had on a sweatsuit, which made her look kind of lumpy -- but I still remembered what was underneath. Anyway, she said she was cold and grabbed a blanket and threw it over her lap -- and then she asked if I wasn't a little chilled, too. I was too dumb to figure it out then, but luckily Nicholas, who was sitting on the other side of me, said he was -- so Elizabeth spread the blanket over all our laps.

In a little while she reached underneath the blanket and grabbed my hand and guided it over to her lap. When she tucked my hand under the waistband of her sweatpants I got the idea.

My fingers brushed over a patch of hair, which I figured was like the one above my cock. And then I felt some folds of skin. They were already a little wet. I didn't know where I was going, but Elizabeth guided me a little and pretty soon I had worked a couple of fingers into her hole and they got really slick from her juices. I wasn't sure what to do then, but I started pushing my fingers in and out and I could hear Elizabeth's breathing getting shallow so I figured I was on the right track. Once I started rubbing faster but Nicholas looked over when he felt the blanket shaking, so I had to slow down. It took awhile, but eventually Elizabeth kind of jerked a few times and then she pulled my hand away, letting me wipe it on the inside of her sweatpants first.

So even though we couldn't get away by ourselves, my sister and I did get a few chances to do each other -- when we were with the rest of the family! It was so hot.

Once we did get together for a few minutes when I ran into her at night in the hallway as we were both going to the bathroom. We figured that it was so late no one else would notice, so we snuck into the toilet together. The door was hardly closed before Elizabeth was all over me, pulling my cock out of my pajamas and planting her lips right on mine. And I was giving it back, too. I put my hand down her panties and stuck my tongue in her mouth. It felt so good to be with her again, without having to hide what we were doing. I was so hot for her I came right away, although I kept diddling her for a few minutes before she could cum.

I told her how much I missed her, and Elizabeth said she felt exactly the same. Then she asked me if I really meant what I wrote in my notes, that I thought about her all the time, especially when I was jacking off.

Sure, I said, all the time.

Did I ever think about her being ... naked?

Yeah! Boy, did I. I told her I had been wondering what she looked like, especially ever since that night she put my hand inside her pants. Elizabeth smiled and said would I like to find out for real? I thought she was gonna strip right then, but she said we should go back to our rooms before anyone noticed. But if I really wanted to see her naked, she said, I should just wait and see what happened the next night after dinner. She wouldn't tell me any more.

All that day in school I was going around with a permanent hard-on, thinking about getting to see my sister in the nude. I figured she had a great body, from what I'd been able to see of it and what I'd felt. I was a little worried about her maybe wanting to see me nude too. I'm kind of scrawny and I figured she'd be disappointed, and maybe she wouldn't want to make out with me any more. But I tried to stop thinking about that and just concentrate on her.

After dinner I had to finish up some homework, and I raced through it to make sure I would be downstairs as soon as I could. I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't want to risk missing out on whatever it was. There was no way Elizabeth was gonna show me any skin with everybody else around, unless maybe she'd figured out some way to do it where no one but me could see. But I figured if she did that I probably wouldn't be able to do much touching, and that would be a pain. I knew that once I saw her naked I'd want to kiss and lick every inch of her.

When I finally finished my homework, I took the stairs two at a time going down, but nothing seemed to be happening. Elizabeth was just reading a book, and Mom was sorting through some mail while Dad balanced the checkbook. My sister gave me a wink when I came down, but she didn't say anything. I flipped on the TV and sat back to see what would happen.

When Mom finished with the mail, she started to get up but Elizabeth came up and stopped her.

My sister said that she'd had an offer from one of her teachers to babysit their kids New Year's Eve, which was just a couple of weeks away. Mom cross-examined her about who the teacher was and how old the kids were -- four-year-old twins -- and how late she'd be. Elizabeth said she was supposed to be over there at six and they weren't expected back until two or three in the morning, so she would sleep over.

Mom sounded doubtful. Elizabeth begged a little, and even asked Dad what he thought. He said he didn't like the idea of her being alone with those kids for so long on New Year's, when who knew what people would be doing.

That's when Elizabeth asked if it would be OK if she had someone else with her. Mom said it would be all right as long as it was some friend they knew and could trust. My sister said she couldn't ask any of her friends because then she'd have to split the pay -- so how about if I came along?

I must have looked really surprised, because Dad laughed and said it didn't look like I was interested. Of course, the joke was on him because I knew now what Elizabeth had planned, and I was absolutely interested. I figured I better not show it too much, though, or they might get suspicious. I hemmed and hawed, but in the end I let my Mom talk me into doing it.

The next two weeks seemed to take forever. I mean, Christmas came along, and usually that was my favorite day of the whole year, but now it was just another day that I couldn't do anything with Elizabeth because there were too many people around. We did kiss under the mistletoe, but I couldn't even stick my tongue in her mouth.

Finally New Year's Eve arrived. The other kids teased us about missing the big family celebration -- which was a real tease, because all we ever did was have cocoa while we watched TV. I was real careful to hide how excited I was, but it was tough because my cock felt harder and bigger than ever and every time I caught a glimpse of Elizabeth or heard her voice my dick jerked.

We got over to the Maxwell's house -- that was the couple we were babysitting for -- about 6, just before they left for their party. They told us there was lots of food and pop in the fridge, and left the phone number in case of trouble. I didn't pay much attention, except when they repeated that they wouldn't be home until 2, and more likely 3. They showed us where the sheets and pillows were to make up the couch -- that was where I was going to sleep -- and finally got out the door.

At 7 we held a New Year's celebration for the twins with noisemakers and ice cream, figuring that would give them time to wind down and actually get to sleep at 8, their normal bedtime. It worked. We waited until 8:30, just to make sure they were really asleep. When Elizabeth peeked in their room, both the girls were out, snoring quietly.

While we had waited for them to settle down and drift off, Elizabeth and me had been kissing and hugging on the couch, so my cock was in agony pressing against my jeans and my hormones were at their peak. I could hardly wait for what would come next.

Elizabeth told me to wait in the guest room, where she was supposed to sleep, while she got ready. She cautioned me not to take off anything except my shoes and socks, because she didn't "want to miss any of the show."

I jumped on the bed to wait for her. She was gone awhile. I wondered if maybe she was gonna change into something sexy like the women in the magazines wear -- you know, some kind of sheer nightgown or panties with the crotch cut out. I'd seen Elizabeth around the house in her pajamas or nightgowns, but those never showed too much. Of course, that didn't mean I didn't like looking at her in them, anyway, but I did think about what she might look like in something fancy.

But when she came into the room she was dressed just like before -- a loose-fitting pair of jeans, a blue blouse with long sleeves and a white sweater-vest. Nothing fancy.

I guess I must have showed my disappointment, because she laughed and asked if I was expecting maybe Raquel Welch. I got afraid she might think I didn't like her so I started to tell her how pretty she was, but she told me it was all right.

Then she crawled onto the bed with me and we started kissing and stuff. It was good, like always, but I couldn't stop thinking about what was ahead. I think Elizabeth was anxious, too, because before too long she got off the bed.

We stood a few feet apart, just kind of looking at each other for a minute. Then Elizabeth asked, was I sure I wanted to do this. I said yeah, was she? I was worried again, maybe she was having second thoughts. But she said she was just making sure, that she didn't want to push me into anything. Then she looked down at my crotch and said it sure didn't look like I was being pushed in. She could see my cock was pushing out against my jeans like a balloon getting ready to bust.

So she said, would I go first. I said that was no fair, I already had my socks off, so she kicked off her shoes and pointed at me. "Your turn," she said.

I pulled off my sweatshirt. Elizabeth groaned when she saw I still had a T-shirt on underneath, but she went ahead anyway and took off her sweater. I said she should take off her blouse too, and she gave in and did it.

She had on a plain white bra, nothing fancy, but I didn't care. This was the first time I'd gotten a really good look at the breasts I'd had my hands on, and they looked as good as I'd thought. Not real big, but not too small either. They kind of bulged out of the bra a little.

It was my turn again, and I took off my T-shirt. I felt ashamed because I had no hair on my chest, so I crossed my arms in front of me. Besides, I didn't know what else to do with them.

Elizabeth started to unzip her jeans. I said she should take off her top first, like I did, but she wouldn't give in this time.

She had on plain white cotton panties. I could see a dark stain on the front again. This was my first look at her full body, in full light. She was round all over -- not fat, I mean, but good looking, no bony knees or stuff.

I took off my jeans then. When I undid the zipper and pulled them partway down, my boner was set free and stuck the front of my boxers out like a tent.

Up till then we really hadn't shown each other anything we hadn't already seen. But something was going to change soon, and we both knew it. We just looked at each other again for a minute or so. Then Elizabeth put her hands behind her back. When she brought them forward again, her bra came loose and she tossed it aside. Her breasts sagged just a little, but they still stood out. And now I could see her nipples, and the dark circles around them. I licked my lips, trying to think of something smart to say, but I couldn't.

"So how do I look?" That was Elizabeth. She looked like she didn't know what to do with her hands, either -- she crossed them under her breasts, then put them on her hips, then just hung them at her sides.

"You're beautiful," I said, and I really meant it. She was. The most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

She took a few steps toward me, and I reached out a hand and brushed it against the side of her breast. The next thing you know, we were hugging and kissing. I couldn't get over feeling my sister's breasts pressing into my chest, just skin to skin.

After a few minutes, we both stepped back. Neither one of us said a word. I could hear my heart pounding away like a drum, and I was surprised Elizabeth didn't say anything about it, it seemed so loud. Every time I took a breath, I held it for a long time before I let it out.

We were looking right into each other's eyes. I don't think we even blinked. Then there was some kind of signal between us. I don't even know what it was. But at the same time we both reached down and pulled down the last bits of cloth and there we were: completely naked.

My cock stood out longer and stiffer than I'd ever seen it before. It was pointing straight at Elizabeth's mound, where she had a patch of soft-looking hair. I couldn't see much more of her crotch, just the top of the folds, but I knew what was down there.

I don't know about Elizabeth, but I hadn't really thought much about what would come next. I mean, I'd had dreams and stuff, but mostly just about seeing her. I never really believed I'd get to do that, much less anything else.

She got back onto the bed, though, and got on her back. When she spread her legs apart I could see everything. I just stared. I'd never seen a woman's hole before, but just the sight of it almost made me cum.

Elizabeth finally asked me if I was just going to look or what. I snapped out of it and crawled onto the bed next to her.

When we started kissing, she rolled over and wrapped her legs around me and my cock was pushed right up against her mound. I could feel some juices from her slit when it rubbed against my balls.

I thought I was in heaven. My hands went all over my sister's body. I remember sliding my hand up and down her leg as it was wrapped around my waist; it was smooth as silk.

She even pressed down on my shoulders and put my lips onto her breasts. I got the idea right away. I kissed and licked at the sides, going from one to the other, working my way right up to the nipples. They were already hard, like little gumdrops. I even nipped at them, and Elizabeth seemed to like that.

When I moved back up and kissed her again, real slow, she slid her hand down and put her fingers around my cock. I shot almost as soon as she started rubbing. This time, though, instead of getting up to wash it off her stomach, Elizabeth just rubbed it in. She even took some of it on her finger and put it into her mouth and licked it off.

I was so wiped out by my orgasm that I just lay back for a minute. When I looked over again, Elizabeth was on her back with both hands on her crotch as she fingered herself.

I felt dumb for forgetting that she had needs too. I started to apologize, but she said to stop talking and help her out, so I did. I put my fingers inside her while I rolled over and started licking her breasts again. They were saltier than before; I guess we were both getting pretty sweaty by then. Anyway, it wasn't long before Elizabeth started bucking her hips up in the air and groaning, and finally she put her hands on mine to make me stop fingering her while she just jerked and shook.

I lay back again. I was kind of hoping she'd want to do it again in a little while, because my cock was getting harder again. I'd never done it to myself twice in one night, so I wasn't sure if I could, but my dick sure felt like it.

Well, after a minute or two Elizabeth was breathing more normal, and she turned on her side facing me, propping up her head with one hand. She just looked at me, not saying anything. I felt a little funny, 'cause I didn't think I was much to look at.

But then she started talking. Her voice was real low and quiet. She told me that she really liked what we'd been doing, and that I made her feel real good. I told her I felt the same way. I said it felt great because she made me all excited, she was so pretty,To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

Same as Eight is Enough Videos

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Eight university students and me The final chapter

It was a long drive home the morning after my gang bang with the three guys. They had ruined me the night before, my body was still tingling as I thought about all the things I had got up to with my university students. My Husband and son would be mortified if they knew what I had been up to.Once I got home life returned to normal, I really did have a very boring life without my eight university guys to fuck my brains out. I tried to put them to the back of my mind but I needed more. I loved...

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Eight University students and me part 3

Well, my next gang bang really did have to wait a lot longer than I wanted it too. The next couple of days were agony for me and the eight guys; they were desperate to give me another good seeing too, and I was going out of my mind wanting to fuck my next three guys but there was no chance it was going to happen any time soon.With the guys going back to uni the day after tomorrow, I did everything I could to tease them and drive them insane whenever I could behind my husband's and son's backs....

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Eight University Students and Me Part 2

After my first meeting with my eight university students, life returned to normal. My son did end up going to that very same university, my husband still really didn't pay me much attention. Life went on as boring as it was before, but something was very different about me. What happened that night with those guys changed my life forever.So fast forward a couple of months, it was coming up to Christmas, my son was due home from university. He said he was going to bring a couple of friends back...

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eight university students and me

Well I have just got back from a few days away and I have to say it has changed my life forever.My name is Sue, I am a forty five year old housewife with three children I also have a husband of twenty years and I would of said we are very happily married. As I said I have just got back from two days away visiting a university that my nineteen year old son is interested in going to at the end of September. The uni is a good few hundred miles away from our home and with my husband working away a...

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Eight Plus Nine

Authors Note: This story follows on directly from an earlier one called Off the Bench, so if you have not read that one you should do so before tackling Eight Plus Nine. Like its predecessor this story makes many references to the grand sport of rugby, which although widely played is not known like soccer, so some explanations may be necessary, but skip this part if you are versed in the game. First the title; in rugby, unlike soccer, North American football and hockey there is a...

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Eight OCrock MMF Bi anal

Eight O’Crock ( there are no racist intentions here whatsoever )As I went along with the walking tour, she kept catching my eye, shyly smiling and turning away. She was a beautiful Japanese woman, silky black hair to her shoulders, a knit silk tank top, and a knee high skirt, she appeared to be with three other people, two men and a woman. As I passed the place to head off to the restrooms, I see her coming my way. She gives me a look that wasn't so shy this time. As she passed by me towards...

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EIGHT by Jodi Master Nathan (known in normal life as Nate Cline) walked into the club, nodding at the bouncer Mike as he entered hid second home. He looked around and smiled as he saw the women and men, some holding a leash and the rest standing hooked to one. The smells assaulted his senses as he took in the heady mix of leather, latex, sweat, perfume and smoke and he headed for his booth. He sat as a waitress, her eyes never meeting his as she...

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Eight Hundred Nerve Endings

Fiona opened her eyes and drank in her surroundings.Hot sunlight radiated through the windows of Cuppa Joe’s, where it mingled with the noisy effusion of the espresso machines, and gave the café a confined, sultry feel. There was a defined bustle of other patrons, and the air seemed crowded with conversation. She and Mark were fortunate to even find a table today. As the chattering continued, Fiona raised the cup before her and took a sip of her steaming soya mocha, enjoying the slight burning...

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Eight black guys in a row

That afternoon I was home alone and feeling very horny.So, I posted in a date site that I wanted some men for a black gangbang.At least twenty black guys asked to come home; I selected eight of them. After we all had some drinks and talked a while, I led them upstairs to the master bedroom. I knew just what to do and was sure my loving hubby would approve it, although he would not be present this time…I knelt in the middle of the room and got those eight huge black guys naked. I then went to...

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Eight Is Enough And Twos Not Bad Either

In a house with eight kids it's hard to find time alone. Heck, it's impossible. It's hard enough just to avoid being in a real crowd. So it was kind of a treat to have only my sister Elizabeth in the room with me when we were watching this old movie on TV. Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is Tommy Bradford. I'm 14, and, like I said, I'm one of eight kids. And Elizabeth's one of my sisters -- I'd say one of my older sisters, but they're all older than me. I'm the baby of the...

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Eight Part 4

In this part we meet 1 more of the characters in eight – George - and we find some very interesting things about both Jane and George. Please feel very free to write comments about this story – both good and bad because that way I can try to please you. Hope you are enjoying it so far And so to the present. Forty odd years down the track. George was sitting next...

3 years ago
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This book is a work of complete fiction – or is it? You may draw your own conclusions. In the disclaimer at the front of the work it states very clearly that any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely accidental and coincidental. That is true and is there for the benefit of those happy souls among us who believe that litigation is a fun pastime. (It could also, perhaps, be there to protect some very good friends who have shared with me their most intimate thoughts.) May all...

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Eight Vials and a Syringe

Eight Vials & a Syringe By Jen Moore I was given eight vials and a syringe. The instructions came printed and I read them over three times. I couldn't wait. But that didn't mean I didn't have my doubts. Of course I did. If it worked though...if there were even a small chance that it happened...then it would be worth every penny, every risk. I reserved a room for three nights. Just in case it worked. The instructions said that the...

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Eight Minuets FortyTwo Seconds

[ Dedicated to no one in particular. Just to other fellow BBC porn addicts and wankers who 'know their place' in the sexual hierarchy! ]I decided to stay up late and do some masturbation while indulging in some on-line porn (of the 'interracial' variety, which is my all-time favorite sort), and so I got comfortable and sat back and started lightly stroking my cock in a deliberately slow, teasing, unhurried rhythm, and though I don't have a giant cock, it was soon about as hard and erect as I...

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it was true. She had an okay face, big brown eyes with too much mascara. light brown skin, long mexican hair with those ugly fake streaks in them, pear shaped body with a little acne.. she was attractive enough to fuck, and ugly enough to not feel guilty when i finished her off. "Did you ever think about getting braces to fix that shit?" she didnt answer. i looked down at her, you could tell she was becoming aware how bad tonight would turn out. I looked around for something blunt...

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Sleight of Hand

Jenna arrived to the studio about five minutes early, or as she liked to put it, on time. The door slammed behind her from the wind and silenced the cacophony of the street outside leaving nothing in the quiet but the click of her heels. At the end of the first floor hallway were a set of narrow steps. She climbed them to the third floor and entered the first door on the left, a red one labeled ‘Tabault Photography’ in gold letters. “Hi Brandon,” she said as soon as she saw him. “Oh hey...

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Weightloss Clinic

Four years ago, without my knowledge, my wife and daughter were introduced to the life of black breeding. My wife at the time was 34 years old, our daughter had just turned 18, and I was 37. This is how it all began and how I remember it. My daughter got caught up with the idea that she was overweight and wanted to do something drastic to lose the weight. She and my wife are almost identical in size and shape so I can tell you their measurements, 38 b-28-38 at 5?9? and 130 lbs. I thought they...

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This is the eighth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight By Morpheus It was a great day for a picnic. The sky was clear, the sun was warm and the birds were all...

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After sleeping warm, tightly holding each other in our shelter, we set about our next ruse. We needed wood blocks. When you don't have stringed instruments or wind instruments, you must make do with percussion. We didn't have time to carve a flute and couldn't afford a cithara. I'd learned a few Chaos folk songs and found that the people loved any song about the Slaver War and King Sid or King Malcolm. You could about make up anything you wanted and they'd eat it up, or so we believed....

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Sleight of Hand7 Songbird

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18 Eighteen! Do you know what I love about teenagers? I keep getting older, but they stay the same age! Every time that one gets me in trouble, I just say I’m paraphrasing an old movie, but you porno fans know the truth. So does 18Eighteen, who have been banking on that same idea for nearly 30 years now. Hell, their original teens aged into MILF status years ago, but there’s always a new crop coming in. Take the 18-year-old cutie showing off her shaved twat and bleached butthole on the landing...

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Eight Misbehavin The first two A Little Winter Tail Part 9

Thursday night I sat on the couch waiting for my husband to get home. My mind was reflecting on the events of my day, but weighing heavier was what was to come tomorrow.When Rob came in, he went straight up to our bathroom to shower. I went up and waited for him in bed, feeling a sense of obligation to offer myself to him, especially with what I was going to do tomorrow.When he came out and climbed into bed, I snuggled up to him and we talked briefly as I started to touch him. I was a little...

2 years ago
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Eight part 3

In this part we meet Jane the third member of Eight and she has an interesting flashback to her teens. Hope you enjoy her little adventure and maybe the memories it might bring to you. Thank you very much to the people who have read my little story and even bigger thanks to those who have made comments. Your thoughts are valued very highly. Hope you enjoy this part. Gradually she calmed down and Jane began to ease the monster from her now wide-open arse. As it came out Jane massaged her...

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Eight Months On From Her Birthday Surprise

Sure enough, after her Birthday gangbang (all ten of the guys ended up fucking her pussy and depositing a load inside), she missed her period. We bought a pregnancy testing kit, and it was positive. I was a little shocked, but at the same time very excited, wondering which of those ten had fertilised her eggs. I wondered if it was one of the guys who had cum all over her dildo as she’d said at the time. Erika was overjoyed. She was adamant that it was the guy with the biggest cock. He’d been...

2 years ago
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Eight Months

Brandon sighed as he laid down beside me. We had been dating nearly eight months now. Our relationship is great, except for one thing that seems to bother him. Right now, we are at my house studying, well supposed to be studying, for a big test tomorrow. Yes, a test. We’re both sophomores at the local university. Now this brings me back to the one thing that bothers him. In high school, when a relationship lasts past six months, theres a trend. The two of them start to have sex. Now with me and...

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Eight Vials and A Syringe Part II

Eight Vials & a Syringe - Part II By Jen Moore I felt the first dash of apprehension sitting there in the back of the cab as I saw the driver's eyes flash once, then again, into the rearview mirror looking at me. It made me wonder what he saw. Who he saw. I had dashed out from the hotel quickly, riding on a high of adrenaline. But now, away from the solitude of my hotel room, I was here, thrust into the reality of the real world. Traffic was...

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Eight Vials and A Syringe III

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Eight Vials and A Syringe Part IV

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Eight Ball Nicky8217s Corner Pocket

Nicky was thrilled that Karl had asked her to go with him tonight to the club and shoot some pool. Karl went to the club almost every Friday night without Nicky so this was a special occasion. Nicky arranged the babysitter for the kids and spent the afternoon deciding what she should wear. Nicky knew at 36 and after three kids she did not have the body she had when she and Karl met. But Nicky worked hard to keep her 5 foot 6 inch frame in good shape, running at least three days a week. Now...

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Eight Whores for Denver

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Eight Months

Brandon sighed as he laid down beside me. We had been dating nearly eight months now. Our relationship is great, except for one thing that seems to bother him. Right now, we are at my house studying, well supposed to be studying, for a big test tomorrow. Yes, a test. We’re both sophomores at the local university. Now this brings me back to the one thing that bothers him. In high school, when a relationship lasts past six months, theres a trend. The two of them start to have sex. Now with me and...

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Eighth Concubine

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eighteenth birthday surprise

First encounterTo say that I was excited was an understatement. It was my eighteenth birthday and we were going to visit my uncle and aunt who had recently bought a villa in the south of France. Their son, Mark, my only cousin who is nineteen, had taken time off his work to be our guide. Mark spoke fluent French so that would be a huge asset as mum and dad didn’t speak a word of the language, and I only knew how to say, bonjour and a few other phrases that I had learnt at school.Mark was at the...

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eighteenth birthday surprise

First encounterTo say that I was excited was an understatement. It was my eighteenth birthday and we were going to visit my uncle and aunt who had recently bought a villa in the south of France. Their son, Mark, my only cousin who is nineteen, had taken time off his work to be our guide. Mark spoke fluent French so that would be a huge asset as mum and dad didn’t speak a word of the language, and I only knew how to say, bonjour and a few other phrases that I had learnt at school.Mark was at...

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Eight Misbehavin Origin of The Circle A Little Winter Tail Part 10

I followed Megan into Red's office and shut and locked the door behind me. Red got up from behind his desk and walked around to greet us. He was a medium build man with flowing red hair that was beginning to turn white with an already white beard. He came around the front of the desk looking like a kid on Christmas morning. He walked up to Megan and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then turned to me, shaking my hand and then pulling me in to hug and kiss my cheek as well."I can't...

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Eight Part 2

By now we felt absolutely no inhibitions among ourselves and had tried just about everything there was to try. Rene and Jane loved to perform in front of us and secretly had bets between them as to how long it would take before George and I could take no more and joined in. For some reason there was one thing we had not done yet – neither George nor myself had penetrated each other. There was no particular reason as we didn’t find it unusual to touch each other and frequently guided our...

1 year ago
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Eight people decide to explore the eroticism of no nail crucifixion

On Saturday night of week three we gather at my apartment. Brad and Anne, having already been through it, can be trusted to be fair. Brad puts six poker chips in a basket and shakes them up. Anne draws. It’s Mona. “Oh, I can’t do it today.” she says. “I’m not feeling well. I’ll do it next week, I’ll come early, we won’t have to choose.” It’s always best to ignore such outbursts. Three of us draw for tasks. Jeremy gets...

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Eight AM Wake Up Call

‘You’re just a mistake,’ Eva thought, as she looked upon the Polaroid. It was showing Andre and herself smiling and lovingly holding each other at his sisters birthday party. It was a teenage marriage, and had lasted six years. But now Eva stood in the driveway carrying an old red suitcase containing a bit of clothes and jewellery. She was 23 years old – a petite woman with olive skin and a perfect hourglass figure. Her curly dark red hair framed a heart shaped face. ‘Six years and you don’t...

2 years ago
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Eight Ball Part 2

[I seriously hope you enjoy my posts, because Bailey Jones has honestly been the most fun protagonist I've ever had the pleasure of writing about. If you guys enjoy the samples, be sure to check out the full story on Amazon.]It took a moment before we had the strength the separate, and, even once we did, Carter was so tired that all he could do was collapse next to me. The two of us had to sit there for several minutes, waiting for our strength to return.I might not have even gotten out of bed,...

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Eight Ball

“What the fuck is this shit?” I said, as I threw my book down onto the table. “It’s so hard to find good smut, these days.”The couples and families at the other tables all looked at me strangely, peering over their crystal glasses and overly ornate centerpieces, before returning to their meals.“They shouldn’t be out in public if one f-bomb makes them cringe.”The book lying on my table, which had gotten soaked when it knocked over my water glass, was simply titled, “Wet Lips”. It hadn’t started...

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Eight Misbehavin Wrapping Up A Long Day A Little Winter Tail Part 11

I listened at the door for a second and I could hear Megan and Mr. Marsh laughing inside. I brought my hand up and gave a light knock.Megan opened the door and smiled at me saying, "Right on time Beth, come on in."Megan shut the door behind me and led me over to meet Mr. David Marsh. I shook his hand and he closed his other hand over the back of mine and held it in his as he looked up and down my body, smiling, and saying "It's very nice to meet you Elizabeth. I've been anticipating this all...

Office Sex
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Eight Days A Week

My wife, Theresa, worked for a local dental clinic. She had Wednesdays and Sundays off. Over the years I had moved up the ladder at my company and had recently achieved the position of vice president. I couldn't help but notice that it seemed like the higher I rose and the better my title; the less I actually had to do. I had returned to the office from lunch and realized I really didn't have much of anything on my desk. I had a good team under me and I trusted them enough to delegate the...

1 year ago
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Eight Guy Anal Creampie

There we were on my bed, Robert fucking me doggystyle with his dick in my ass. the pleasure was amazing his cock felt soo huge, I loved it, then I felt it. He started unloading streams of cum so thick and strong it felt like 10 guys cumming in my ass at once, feeling that made me cum hard. after what felt like 15 cum shots he finally stopped and pulled his black cock out of my asshole. God he cums deep in me, I can never push his cum back out. "that was amazing" I told him while I put my head...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Eight Ball Chapter 2

As my other fingers wrapped around Carter, I could feel him twitch in my hand. This happened more and more, as I began to move up and down his shaft, and soon his head was pushing against my dress, wetting the fabric as it begged to bury itself inside of me. [I seriously hope you enjoy my posts, because Bailey Jones has honestly been the most fun protagonist I've ever had the pleasure of writing about. If you guys enjoy the samples, be sure to check out the full story on Amazon.]It took a...

1 year ago
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Eight Ball

“I only have one goal,” Carter said, full of that same unshakable confidence. “You’re going to spend the night with me, and when you wake up the next morning, you’ll find your legs wide open and your, I’m assuming, very tight pussy pleasantly sore.” “What the fuck is this shit?” I said, as I threw my book down onto the table. “It’s so hard to find good smut, these days.” The couples and families at the other tables all looked at me strangely, peering over their...

Sex With Stranger
2 years ago
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Eighteen Candles

This short story is an entry to the 2015 Literotica Valentine’s Day Contest. I hope you enjoy it and, if you do, please don’t forget to vote! *All characters involved in sexual situations in this story are eighteen or older* * * * * ‘So, do anyone special for Valentine’s Day?’ Craig smiled at the screen, where his sister’s image froze for a heartbeat as she waited for his answer, and shook his head. ‘I just stayed home — alone.’ ‘Alone? What about that girl Mom told me you’ve been...

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Eighteen By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1- Background My life and the lives of everyone else on Earth were shaped by two events that followed close together following the end of World War II. Six months following the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan and their unconditional...

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EighteenYearOld Ethan Got Caught Watching Porn And Jerking Off At Work By The Boss

I met Ethan when he was working at the check-out at a Speedway gas station and convenience store.  He looked young, but since he was allowed to sell cigarettes, I figured he had to have been eighteen. I was immediately attracted.  Ethan had short brown hair, smooth-shaven, if he even had to shave at all, he was tall and skinny, and had a perfect little butt, which showed so nicely in his cargo pants, which had pockets all over each leg. I made a point to stop at that station frequently, and...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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Eighteen. I’m finally eighteen. My birthday yesterday wasn’t all that exciting. Actually, it was pretty dreadful. I had a history test and a physics test and only about two people really remembered that it was my birthday. You would think that having my eighteenth birthday on a Friday would be awesome but my theatre group had a performance that night so I didn’t get out of the school building until 1130. Most everyone had forgotten that it was my birthday anyway, so I went straight home and...

3 years ago
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Eighteen Wheels A Denim Miniskirt

The sun was just peeking over the horizon as I pulled out of the rest area and headed down I-55 toward St. Louis. There was little traffic on the road this early in the morning. In about an hour, things would start picking up as people hit the highway on their way to the same job at the same desk in the same building as yesterday and the day before that. I felt sorry for them, in a way. Nothing ever really changed for those unlucky souls. Oh, maybe some rumor about the boss banging one of the...

2 years ago
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Eighteen Year Old Alex Pounds My Wife Senseless

I had been having back problems over the past few weeks when my wife brought up the idea of finding someone to do the lawn cutting for me. A friend of hers had recommended a young man who was looking for a few extra bucks before going away to college in the fall. Alex was a hard working eighteen year old who had done several side jobs over the summer to raise a few extra bucks for college. My wife talked with Alex and set it up for him to come over and cut the lawn in a few days. Alex was a...

2 years ago
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Eighteen Thirty six Fifty four 18 36 54

John Doe. One day, he would be known to everyone in the world. Through nothing magical or especially technical, he would accomplish something so statistically abnormal and so socially unacceptable that it would shake people's perceptions for generations to come. On July 15th, 2018, he would turn eighteen years old. He would be sharing the party with his sister, Summer. The two of them had lived a rather undesirable life. Neither was popular with other people, did excellently at sports or...

2 years ago
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Eighteen Goes into Thirty Six Twice

"Strike," Dan couldn't believe how good a bowler his aunt was.Lorna tried to relax and enjoy herself, but the truth was her mind was coping with the problem she was having with her husband. She had kept herself trim and exercised to stay in shape because he demanded she not be fat. She wouldn't have another person in their bed, but other than that had never refused him anything and had given him almost every sexual experience that a man could have. But she couldn't stop the clock and lately she...

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