Eight Misbehavin': Wrapping Up A Long Day - A Little Winter Tail, Part 11 free porn video

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I listened at the door for a second and I could hear Megan and Mr. Marsh laughing inside. I brought my hand up and gave a light knock.

Megan opened the door and smiled at me saying, "Right on time Beth, come on in."

Megan shut the door behind me and led me over to meet Mr. David Marsh. I shook his hand and he closed his other hand over the back of mine and held it in his as he looked up and down my body, smiling, and saying "It's very nice to meet you Elizabeth. I've been anticipating this all day. I've spoken with a couple of the other gentlemen you've already met with, and they've had nothing but praise for you. Megan here was telling me that the two of you are very well acquainted already. I'm excited to hear that since most of the time I have with you I intend for you and Megan to give me a show. Please, have a seat with her on the couch."

I walked over next to Megan and sat down beside her on the small couch at the corner of his office. He sat in the chair in the middle of the floor facing us.

Megan looked at me and asked, "Did you get the envelope I left for you?"

"Yes. I have them on."

She smiled at me and said, "Good. Mr. Marsh has an affection for panties."

She then looked over at Mr. Marsh and asked, "Isn't that so, David?"

I was a little surprised by her forward tone. She clearly knows him well.

He just gave a little smirk back at her and said, "Yes. Why don't you ladies give me a little tease of what you have on under those dresses.

I looked back at Megan and watched as she stared straight at his face and slowly uncrossed her legs, opened them, and let him look up her dress.

I followed her lead, playfully smiling at him as I slowly uncrossed my legs, slid my high heels apart, and let him see up between my thighs.

His eyes were darting back and forth between the hemline of Megan's dress and mine. I could almost feel the weight of his stare on my pussy behind the sheer material of the red panties.

I was intently watching him enjoy our exposure as I felt Megan's hand slip up my cheek and turn my head towards her. She had leaned over and began to kiss me.

I let my eyes fall shut as I felt her tongue slip between my lips, passionately probing into my mouth. Her hand slipped down my cheek, my neck, to my cleavage and inside the flap of my dress to cup my breast. After brushing over my nipple and rolling it between her fingers, she moved down to the tie for my dress at my hip. She continued kissing as I felt her pull the string free and then unwrap my dress, exposing my body to Mr. Marsh's view. Her hand slid slowly down my leg where she spread my knees even further, giving him complete access with his eyes between my legs.

I continued to suck on her tongue and feel her lips pressing against mine as her hand moved up the inside of my thigh, over the top of my stockings, and began to rub my pussy through the sheer panties. A little moan escaped my lips as her finger pushed the material in against my clit.

She then slid her fingers to the opening at my leg, and then under the elastic edge, and inside of the panties. Because of everything I'd experienced to this point, my pussy was very well lubricated and ready to receive her finger as she pushed it into me.

Megan continued kissing me as she had my panties pushed to the side. With my pussy exposed and opened, she pumped her finger in and out of me.

She broke the kiss and lowered her head down, taking one of my nipples between her lips to suck and nibble at it as she continued fingering me. I began to breathe heavier and moan as I opened my eyes and saw David sitting there, his pants open, stroking himself as he watched.

Our eyes locked for a moment as my mouth dropped open, gasping as Megan thrust a second finger inside of me.

She stimulated me this way for a few minutes before abruptly stopping and standing up. She left me sitting on the couch, lewdly sprawled with my legs open, the panties pushed to the side of my pussy.

I watched as she removed her dress and revealed a pair of sheer, white cotton panties she was now wearing.

She walked over to his desk and opened the drawer. Megan returned holding a very long dildo. It was at least sixteen inches long and had the large head of a penis molded at each end!

She sat down at the other end of the couch, facing me, one of her legs up at the back of the couch cushion and the other still on the floor. She looked at me and said, "Stand up and take your dress off, and then sit down on the couch like me."

I slowly brought my legs together and pushed myself up. I slipped the dress back off of my shoulders and laid it over the arm of the couch.

I stepped over to the front of the couch, lowered myself down and swung my leg up and put it over top of Megan's at the back of the couch, leaving the other on the floor. There was no uncertainty, I knew exactly what was happening with the dildo in her hand.

David and I both stared at Megan and watched as she brought one end of the dildo up to her mouth to suck and lick the tip and make it wet. With one hand slipping between her legs to pull the white cotton panties to the side, the other guided the dildo and she slowly worked several inches into her pussy.

She brought her hips forward and laid back against the arm of the couch as she stroked it in and out of herself for a moment.

Megan slowly stroked the dildo in and out of her pussy with her left hand as her right hand began caressing my ankle and calf through my stockings. I felt her fingers grip the back of my calf and she gave a pull, bringing her hips forward slightly and signaling me to slide in as well.

I pushed myself forward with one hand as I reached down with the other to take hold of what was clearly my end of the dildo.

Feeling my breathing become shallow, I rubbed the head up and down the lips of my pussy before easing myself forward and slipping it in.

Megan's eyes were now locked with mine as we both began to slowly roll our hips, responding to the movement of the other. Every few seconds, one of us would ease forward, making more and more of the dildo disappear.

Finally, with my leg over top of hers at the back of the couch, and her leg over top of mine at the front, our hips met in the middle. I could feel the stretched lips of my pussy brushing against hers as our hips ground against each other. The dildo was barely visible as it connected our bodies, relaying the movement between us.

I've never felt anything like this before. The better it felt, the more my hips responded, grinding it deeper into me. The more I moved and pushed, the more Megan responded and pushed back intensifying the feeling.

I was so lost in my position with Megan, I hadn't noticed Mr. Marsh stood up and walked over beside my head.

I felt his hand slip into my hair and he turned my head to bring my mouth in line with his erection. He was gripping the base with one hand as he pulled me forward and guided it between my lips.

Once he was in my mouth, both hands now gripped my hair as he stroked himself in and out of my lips. Megan was continuing to grind against me, causing me to release muffled moans and grunts around the shaft of David's cock.

He released my hair and stepped back, sliding from my lips, then moved over to Megan. I watched her eagerly take him into her mouth and she began bobbing her head on him.

Engrossed in the scene before me, watching her delicate lips moving over his shaft, I began rolling my hips and grinding myself into her.

David slid from her mouth and stepped back to watch us as our eyes locked again.

We began a frenzy, gyrating our hips against each other, scissored in this position with our legs overlapping. Megan's fingers were wrapped around my calves pulling me into her as I did the same from my side. After only a few moments, I felt an orgasm building, and by the look on her face, she felt the same.

Both of us became more vocal as our impending orgasms built. Finally, almost in unison, we both began to cry out. Megan pushed herself up, grabbed my forearm, and pulled me up as well. Our naked bodies were intertwined, our breasts pressed against each other, our arms wrapped around each other's back, as our lips met for a passionate kiss as we both trembled from our orgasms.

Still feeling the aftershocks ripple through our bodies, our kiss was broken when David slipped one hand behind each of our heads to turn us slightly. He stepped forward and guided his erection between our faces next to our lips.

Megan and I both began to passionately kiss and lick over the head and shaft of his throbbing cock. We would take turns slipping the head between our lips and taking him deep into mouths.

After a few minutes of this, I heard David begin to moan and felt his hand grip the back of my neck, turning my head and pressing Megan's cheek against mine as we both faced him.

In this upright sitting position, the dildo was still deeply penetrating both Megan and I, connecting our hips and transferring the movements of our bodies between each other.

Even though our heads were pressed together, holding still, I could feel both of our hips still slowly gyrating in the afterglow of our orgasms.

With a final moan, I looked up and saw David's head fall back and I felt the warm spray of his cum hitting my lips and face.

He brought his hips forward again, touching the tip of his penis to our lips as we began to lick the final drops of cum from the head.

Working our lips all the way to the tip, soon Megan's lips pressed against mine as we began to kiss again. I could taste his cum smeared over our lips as our tongues darted back and forth cleaning it from each other.

David stepped back and just stood there watching us, again grinding our hips and kissing passionately as our hands roamed over each other's naked bodies.

After a few more moments of this passionate embrace, Megan broke the kiss and laid back again. She slowly pushed herself back, sliding the dildo from her pussy. It was glistening with her juices as it came into view and then finally slipped from her lips.

I fell back against the arm of the couch, relaxing my body as I watched her thin fingers slide up the inside of my thigh and take hold of the shaft of the dildo.

She couldn't help herself from giving a few small thrusts into me as she gave me an ornery smile. My body jumped slightly each time as she pushed it into me, then with a very slow steady pull, she slid it all the way out of me.

Megan slid her leg from under mine, turned and stood up, and walked over to David, still standing there gently stroking is softening erection.

She took the end of the dildo, wet from my pussy, and brought it up to her lips. She licked and rubbed my juices from it over her lips, and then leaned forward and gave David a passionate kiss.

Megan broke the kiss and walked over to put her dress back on. David stepped forward, took my hand and helped me stand from the couch, pulled my body against him and began giving me a passionate kiss as well.

I felt his tongue dart between my lips a few times as his hands cupped and squeezed my ass.

He broke the kiss and stepped to the side, picking up my dress and handing it to me with a smile.

I said, "Thank you" as I gave a shy smile back.

After we were all dressed, Megan exchanged some pleasantries, and he thanked us both again before we left his office.

As Megan and I walked down the hallway, we heard David call to us from his office door.

He walked down the hall to us and said, "I almost forgot... the panties please".

At first I was a little unsure what he meant, but then watched Megan raise the hem of her dress and slip her hands underneath, taking the panties down her legs and stepping out of them right there in the middle of the hallway.

With just a slight nervousness, I glanced around to see if anyone was near as I followed her lead. Opening the flap of my dress, I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my panties and slid them down over my stockings. I stepped out of them, stooped down and picked them up, then handed them to Mr. Marsh with a smile.

He thanked us again and walked down the hall, disappearing into his office.

Megan and I made our way to the ladies room again to freshen up our makeup.

She asked me how I was doing and said, "You only have two appointments left."

I told her it has been quite the whirlwind of a day, and to be honest, my body was starting to feel the effects of the repeated orgasms and penetrations. I wasn't feeling sore, but definitely sensitive.

She looked at me again, but this time with a more serious and concerned expression and said, "The last two men you have meetings with I intentionally scheduled at the end of the day. I have a feeling that when you're done with them, you'll be finished for the day, both physically and emotionally."

"Should I be worried?"

"I don't think you need to worry, but they are both going to push your limits. All I can say is your next appointment with Lee is going to be very… stimulating. And your last appointment with Charles, well let's just say he's going to take what he wants."

I stood there as my mind was racing, wondering what was in store for me.

Megan ran her fingers through her hair in the mirror and then said, "You have a few minutes to freshen up, I'll be waiting in the hall when you're ready."

I watched the door slowly close behind her as she left the restroom. I finished touching up my makeup and hair, then stood looking at myself in the mirror as again my mind wandered to how I even got here.

I took a deep breath, stood up tall and smoothed my dress down over my hips before turning and walking out.

Megan looked at me and smiled and asked, "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," was my response and we began walking to my next meeting.

We stopped in front of the door to a small meeting room. Megan said that Mr. Lee Xavier was waiting inside. She described him as a very ruggedly handsome man, very nice, but he can be intimidating and meticulous at times.

She opened the door for me, and motioned for me to enter before turning and walking away. I was on my own again.

I walked in and shut the door behind me. I turned, and as Megan had described, there stood a very ruggedly handsome man staring me right in the eye.

I stepped toward him, introducing myself, and extending my hand to shake his. He didn't say a word, just smiled moving my hand out of the way and taking me in his arms as he began to kiss me very passionately.

His lips never broke from mine as I felt his hands moving over my body tracing the contours of my curves. One hand was on the small of my back as I felt the other slip around my side to my hip and pull the string to release my dress.

His tongue continued to probe between my lips as I felt him unwrap my dress. My eyes were closed, his lips moved against mine, and I felt the material of my dress being slipped down my arms and let fall to the floor.

I felt his fingertips begin to trace over my naked body, moving around the outside of my hips and across my ass and then up my back. He traced them down around my ribs and then under the curve of my breast and up over my nipples sending a shiver through my body..

He broke the kiss and stepped back to admire my body. He smiled and said, "It's very nice to meet you Elizabeth".

He continued, "I see that you wore the stockings that I requested."

There was something about him, something different than most of the other men.

His strong hand extended and took hold of mine to lead me across the room. Not sure how I missed it when I first entered the room, but he led me over to what looked like a large metal X standing in the middle of the floor. It wasn't permanent. It had pins and braces and looked like it could be folded up.

He turned my body and pushed me back to lean against the center of the contraption. I stood there biting my lip nervously as I watched him open a small box and begin taking out pieces of soft black rope.

Without a word, he stepped over to me and took one of my wrists and lifted it up to the top side of the X. He wrapped the rope around my wrist and tied it very snug to the metal frame. Stepping to the other side, he did the same with my left arm.

He picked up two more pieces of rope and knelt down in front of me. Looking up he said, "Spread your feet as wide as the X."

I moved my right foot out, then shifted to move the left out. When I did it lowered my body slightly and I felt my arms and torso stretched from my tied wrists.

My legs were spread several feet, my ankles flexed out in my high heels, and my pussy displayed right in front of his face. He tied one of my ankles, and then the other.

Returning to the box, he came back with four more ropes that he snugly tied just above both knees and below both elbows. It was amazing how much more restricted that made me feel. 

He then whispered in my ear, “I have two rules you will obey. One, you are forbidden to orgasm until I grant you permission, and two, you will perform any act I request without delay. Failure to comply in the smallest way will be dealt with. Do you understand?"

I could hear my voice tremble as I replied, "Yes… I understand".

He reached in the box yet again and brought a black blindfold up and slipped it over my head. 

Oh my God… what is he going to do to me? I can't move… I'm at his mercy…

I could hear him moving around and then I felt something against my wrist. It was soft and tickled as it slid down my forearm, under my bicep, and down the side of my ribs. 

It was a feather!

He gently stroked it down over my belly, across my hips, up and down the inside of each of my thighs, and then lightly a few times over the smooth naked lips of my pussy. My body was twitching and jerking as he tickled my tender skin. He then slid it back up over my belly button,  between my breasts, and then began to circle each of them and drag it across my nipples that were becoming increasingly erect.

Lee was toying with me, enjoying my incapacitation as he teased my body.

He finally stopped with the feather and moved away for a moment. I could hear him fidgeting with something, but had no idea what it was, and then I felt him begin to rub something against the opening of my pussy. It was cold and slippery as he slowly penetrated me with it.

I relaxed and accepted it as he pushed it deeper into my already wet pussy. It wasn't overly large, but felt as if it had a piece that wrapped around the front and pressed over my clit. I could feel him move it around a little bit as if he was trying to position it just right and then he stepped away.

I felt so helpless and vulnerable, my legs and arms tied, spread in this position, and now some type of dildo pushed up inside of me.

He wasn't saying anything or touching me. I could hear him doing something a few feet in front of me. I could feel my body beginning to relax against the ropes as I had been actively holding myself up.

And then it hit me, like a jolt of electricity shooting through my hips. 

"Ahhhhhh… Holy fuck!" I cried out.

All of the sudden this thing pushed inside of me came to life. The dildo portion was deep inside of me, pumping and vibrating intensely, and the part at the front over my clit was now suctioned to me and vibrating as well.

My body was bucking and straining against the ropes as I tried to move and lessen the intensity of the device, but it was part of me, and there was nothing I could do. 

Lee was now inches in front of my face, reminding me not to cum until he allows me.

There was a continuous moan escaping my lips as I begged him to let me cum.

"Please… please let me cum…"

I heard him give a little chuckle and then suddenly felt the intensity of the vibrator drop very low as I caught my breath.

It was still gently stimulating me, but much more tolerable now.

I could hear him moving behind me. Where the middle of the X crossed, he was able to reach from behind and began touching my ass. 

He ran his fingers from deep between my legs up the crack of my ass and I could feel him rubbing something slippery against my anus.

After pushing his finger into me a few quick strokes, he took his hand away only to return with something cold and hard that he began penetrating me with.

They were round. I'm guessing some type of anal beads. It felt as if he pushed three inside of me, giving me a very full feeling, pushing against the thin wall separating them from the dildo in my pussy.

I was trying to relax and adjust to the slow, steady vibration in my pussy and the fullness in my ass as I was suddenly jolted again. This time, the vibration was in my pussy, and the beads pushed into my ass as well. 

Again my body began to contort as I cried out and began begging him once more to let me cum.

In a more assertive tone he said, "You will not come until I allow you, do you understand?"

Somewhere between my moans I answered "Yes… aahhh… I… aahhh... I understand…"

I couldn't see him, but I could feel him standing there, just watching me at his Mercy as I convulsed in pleasure.

And then as abruptly as it started, it stopped. I felt my body weight drop into the ropes as I relaxed once more. Then there were a few clicks and I felt the entire contraption I was tied to tilt back. 

There was nothing supporting my head, and I didn't have the strength to hold it up, as I felt my hair hanging down towards the floor in this nearly inverted position. 

Lee stepped in between my extended arms and I felt him touch the head of his penis to my lips. I didn't hesitate as I opened my mouth and let him slide between my lips.

He was making a slow stroking motion in and out of my mouth as he moved his hands over my arms and down to grope and feel my breasts.

His hands left my breasts for just a second and I heard a different sound. It only lasted a few seconds and sounded like a small motor moving something.

When his hands came back to my breasts, he gripped them firmly and squeezed as he began intensifying the strokes in and out of my mouth.

I heard him starting to grunt and moan as he was now fully slamming his hips to my chin. In this position with my head rolled back, he was easily sliding all the way into my throat with every stroke. His balls were slapping against my cheek and nose in the most humiliating way. I was gasping around his shaft for breaths and it made my eyes water and tears ran from under the blindfold.

With a few final deep thrusts, he let out a moan as he began shooting rope after rope of cum deep in my mouth and throat.

I was coughing and gagging as he held himself in my mouth a few more seconds before pulling out.

Just trying to swallow and catch my breath, I was disoriented as he rotated the X back to an upright position.

"Are you ready to cum now Beth?" Lee asked.

My only response was "Please…"

I felt the large beads that were pushed into my ass begin to vibrate, followed by the dildo coming to life. If it was even possible, the pumping and vibration of the dildo was even more intense than the first time. I was moaning and trying to adjust to the sensations when the final piece came to life, clamping with suction against my clit and beginning an intense vibration as well.

I barely heard Lee over my cries as he asked, "How does that feel Beth?"

My only response was a nearly unintelligible, "Oh fuck...oh fuck… oh my God… please let me cum!"

Standing beside me, he reached behind me with one hand and began pulling the vibrating beads from my ass. I began to let out a guttural moan as an orgasm built. He reached up with his other hand and grabbed the blindfold and slid it down over my face to hang around my neck. 

I was violently jerking against the ropes holding me as my orgasm began to overtake me. I lifted my head and opened my eyes, still blurry from the tears when he fucked my mouth. My vision cleared, as I was in the peak of my orgasm and there in front of me I learned what the motor sound was a few moments ago. 

There were curtains against one wall of the small conference room. They were now completely opened. There was a glass divider and in the next room stood all of the men I had been with throughout the day, many of them with attractive women at their side.

My eyes darted from face to face to face, all of them smiling and staring at me. I felt so embarrassed and humiliated, lewdly on display for them as my body shook with each wave of my orgasm. The relentless vibration and stimulation of the devices between my legs continued to torture me past the point of pleasure. 

At some point I blacked out.

I came to as Lee waived smelling salts in front of my nose. I was disoriented and it took a moment to realize I was still tied naked, with aftershocks of an orgasm still sending shivers through my body. I turned my head and realized my audience was still standing there clapping and cheering for me. I was so embarrassed, I couldn't even make eye contact with any of them.

The dildo and anal beads were gone from my body, but in some ways it still felt like they were there.

I looked over at Lee and asked, "What happened?"

Lee smiled at me and said, "You experienced 'la petite mort', the little death. It's a temporary loss of consciousness sometimes experienced after an extremely intense orgasm and psychological situation."

He then turned to the audience, still looking on, and gave a slight bow and nod before pushing the button on a remote to close the curtains.

As he untied me, I literally fell into his arms. My body was exhausted and needed to recover from being tied in that position through all of that.

He sat me down in a nearby chair and laid my dress beside me.

He smiled at me again, picked up my hand by my fingers and kissed the back of my hand and told me I did very well and thanked me.

He then walked towards the door, saying that Megan would be in shortly and that he hoped to see me again sometime in the future.

Megan immediately walked into the room and sat down beside me. She had a playful smirk on her face and said "That looked like it was quite the orgasm, I may have to let Lee do that to me as well."

"That may have been the most intense orgasm I've ever experienced in my life. If not for being tied, I would have never been able to endure that long, but I didn't have a choice. It was incredible!"

With a deep breath, I reached for my dress and slowly brought myself up on my wobbly legs, teetering on my high heels. 

Megan stood and helped to steady me as I slipped my dress back on and tied it at my waist. 

"Only one left," Megan said.

"Oh my God, I don't know if I have the strength to do it."

"I don't think you're going to need much strength. Mr. Williams is a rather large man, and he knows what he wants and tends to take it. Honestly, the less strength you have to struggle the easier it will be," Megan shared.

"I'm ready for a hot bath and my bed, let's just finish this day up," I replied as I stood up tall, rolled my shoulders back, took a deep breath, and started towards the door.

After another short stop in the ladies room, we made our way to my final meeting. The nameplate on the door in front of me said Charles Williams.

Megan gave me a little smile and rubbed my hand in hers, saying, "Good luck" with the slight look of concern on her face.

I watched her turn and walk down the hall, took a deep breath, and entered the office.

Even though he was sitting behind his desk, I could tell that Charles was a very large, strong man.

His broad shoulders and developed chest were stretching his suit jacket as he moved.

He stood up from behind his desk and walked over to greet me. I felt immediately intimadated as he towered over me, every bit of six foot two. He extended his hand to shake mine. My small hand disappeared in his as his firm grip took me by surprise. He was squeezing my hand, not hard enough to hurt me, but enough discomfort to let me know he was in control.

He looked down into my eyes and said, "It's nice to see you again Elizabeth. Do you remember me?"

I honestly couldn't place him as I responded, "I'm sorry, I don't remember us meeting before."

With a small smirk he said, "Let me remind you."

He continued to firmly trap my right hand in his as his left hand slid under the back of my hair and gripped a handful, slightly jerking my head back and to the side.

My mouth dropped open with a slight gasp when he jerked my head back. He let go of my hand and slid his fingers inside the wrap of my dress. With a sudden jerk, he ripped the front of my dress open, throwing the flaps to each side of my body and exposing my nakedness.

He gave another small jerk with his hand in my hair, keeping me slightly off-balance, as his right hand rose up and slapped down across my left breast and nipple. I let out a small squeal as his hand made contact with my tender skin.

Another jerk of his hand in my hair, then his right hand thrust between my thighs to cup my pussy. He drove his middle and ring finger up inside of me and then began thrusting them, slightly lifting me off of the ground with each thrust. 

My right hand was behind my head holding his left wrist and my left hand was gripping the massive forearm of the hand thrusting between my legs. My grip made little difference as he moved me like a rag doll, making me moan and cry out.

As soon as his hand smacked down across my breast, I immediately knew who he was. No other man has done that to me. It was the man from the day I gave the presentation.

He held his fingers pushed deep inside of me and looked at my face smiling and asked, "You remember me now, don't you?"

"Yes, I remember," escaped my lips.

"Good. Are you here today for my pleasure?" He asked.


"Good. Are you going to let me use all of your holes?"


I was trembling as he was talking to me. A mix of anxiety and nervousness with a touch of excitement and fear. When I walked to his office, I was exhausted, physically and emotionally from the day. But his sudden taking of control of my body this way caused a release of adrenaline and it was now rushing through me.

He pulled his hand from between my legs and brought it up to my lips, driving his fingers deep into my mouth and pressing on my tongue.

"Can you taste how wet you are? I think you like this." He growled.

Holding my head secured by his hand in my hair and his fingers in my mouth, he half drug me across the floor as I stumbled over beside a couch. 

With a sudden turn he threw me onto the couch.

Before I could sit up, he was climbing up over my shoulders, pinning my arms under his shins. I was trapped there as he quickly unbuckled his belt and opened his pants, taking out his massive erection and smacking me across the cheek with it.

He gripped the hair at the top of my head, holding it tight as he used his right hand to guide the engorged head between my lips. For the next several minutes I endured his hips crashing against my face as my head was pinned to the couch. 

He fucked my mouth.

I was able to catch small breaths between his thrust as he would drive all the way to the back of my throat and then pull out to do it again.

He finally slid back, dragging his erection down my body, between my breasts, over my stomach, until he was on his knees between my legs at the front of the couch. I could see a trail of my saliva and his precum on my skin as I looked down and watched him line the head of his cock up with my pussy and drive inside of me.

The initial penetration took my breath away, and then with a large gasp I cried out. It felt incredible. He was so big.

He hooked his hands under the back of my knees and roughly lifted my legs and pushed them up and out.

He began a steady ramming into me, his hip smacking against the back of my thighs. I was crying out with every thrust and I could feel an orgasm building.

His fingers were twisting the nylon of my hosiery and I could see my high heeled feet spread wide in the air, dancing with each thrust into me he made.

I began to cum, moaning loudly as my body was shuddering. 

He brought my legs together and pushed my knees up towards my chest, gripping both of my ankles with one of his large hands. 

I was in the middle of my orgasm, oblivious when he slid himself out of my pussy and then drove straight back into my ass.

"Aaaahhhhh!!!" Escaped my mouth as he started right into a steady rhythm, again his hips smacking against the back of my thighs. But this time he was burying himself all the way into my ass.

"Aaahhh… Aahhhh… Aahhhh…" I was naturally squirming trying to ease his impaling thrusts when he suddenly pulled out and threw my legs to the side.

I didn't even have a chance to move when he scooped his arm around my stomach and under my ribs, easily picking me up off the couch.

He swung me around through the air and lowered me face down onto the floor.

I felt him straddle me from behind. He grabbed both of my wrists and extended my arms stretched above my head, and then held them tightly in place with his large hand at my wrist.

I felt the edges of his dress shoes dig into the skin on the inside of my ankles through my nylons as he used his feet to spread my legs wide.

Face down with my arms extended and trapped, my legs spread wide, I felt him lift up just enough to place the head of his penis back against the opening of my ass. 

I took a deep shaking breath and tried to relax as he drove back into me. 

Pinned in this prone position with his full weight bearing down on me with every penetration, I was crying out as it felt like he was going to split me in two.

He drove deep into me and then held there as I felt his breath at my right ear and he whispered, "Make me cum baby… squeeze me with your ass… wiggle that ass and make me cum."

Needing to feel him finish, I began clenching the cheeks of my ass together and struggling underneath of his weight to stimulate him.

He began moaning and chanting, "That's it baby... that's it baby... that's it... make me cum!"

He started to moan out and then gave a flurry of violent thrusts into my ass making me cry out as well. And then with a suffocating pressure, I felt his full body weight rest down on top of me as I could feel his erection pulsing in my ass with his orgasm. I was trying to breathe as shallow as possible as I could feel aftershocks and twitches go through his body.

After a few more seconds of lying there still, he rose up and rolled off of my body. I pulled my arms slowly down to my sides, feeling my shoulders relax, and slid my legs together. I just laid there on the floor face down for a moment letting my body recover and regain my composure.

I could hear him moving behind me as I rolled over and slowly sat up. He stepped over and reached down, again taking my small hand in his. This time his grip was much less firm as he helped me to my feet.

He looked into my eyes as he stood me up and said, "You handled that quite well Beth. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No. I'm okay. It was just a little... intense... at times," I responded.

"Good. Next time I think I'll push you a little further."

His comment sent an anxious rush through my body as I watched him turn and walk back to his desk. 

He was done with me. I was dismissed.

I pulled my dress around me, realizing both of the ties were ripped away. 

(I)I guess I'm just going to have to hold it closed.

I stood there for a moment looking at him, waiting, not sure if there was something else I was supposed to do or say. 

He looked up at me and asked, "Did you want something else Beth?"

"No… no, I just wasn't sure if there was anything else. I'll be going."

He just put his head down and started writing again at his desk as I let myself out of his office.

I walked down the hallway, one hand on my hip holding my dress closed, as I remembered I was supposed to stop in and see Mr. Ozmann before I left.

I knocked on his door and heard his familiar voice say, "Come in".

I opened the door and walked in to be greeted by Mr. Ozmann getting up from behind this desk, smiling at me. In an odd way his smiling face was a comforting sight after the day I had.

He met me in the middle of the room and gave me a hug, looked me up and down, and smiled as he said, "You poor thing... it looks like you've had quite the day."

He took hold of the material of my dress, pulled it from my hand, and saw that it was now ripped and commented "I see you've been with Charles today as well."

With a slight stutter I said quietly, "Yes… I just left his office."

"I hope he didn't make things too uncomfortable for you. I've seen him be very aggressive and demanding with some women in the past," Mr. Ozmann said with a look of concern.

Before I could answer, he took my hand and led me over behind his desk. I let my arms hang down to my sides, releasing the material of my dress, as he peeled it back and opened the front to expose me once more.

Alright..  here we go... one more blow job and then I can head home to a hot bath.

He sat down in his chair and just before I started to lower myself to my knees in front of him, he instructed, "Lay back on my desk and open your legs".

I was slightly surprised I sat back on the edge and laid back. I was staring up at the ceiling tile as I let out a long relaxing breath and slowly slid my knees apart.

I felt his fingers through my stockings as he traced them over the arches of my feet, up the outside of my shins, and rested them on top of my knees.

Next, I felt his body move between my legs, his warm breath against me, followed by the touch of his tongue and lips.

The next several minutes he licked and caressed the lips of my pussy. It wasn't as if he was trying to stimulate me, but more relaxing and caring. 

I almost fell asleep as my body relaxed on his desk and the remaining feelings of the multiple penetrations I endured during the day melted away.

I came back aware of my surroundings as I felt him pull away and slide my legs closed.

He stood up over me and helped me back up to my feet.

He smiled at me as he held my shoulders in his hands and said "I know I speak for everyone you encountered today when I say thank you for giving your time and body to us. And I'm sure everyone feels the same as myself when I say I very much look forward to our next encounter. Now you go home and get some rest."

I gave him a little half smile and a kiss on the cheek before wrapping the loose material of my dress around me, holding it closed at my hip, and leaving his office.

I walked down the hallway to Megan's desk where she was just finishing up a phone call.

She retrieved my purse and reminded me to let her know about our pool date this weekend. Megan gave me a hug, followed by a soft, sensual kiss on the lips, and we said goodbye.

It was slightly embarrassing as I made my way out of the building and down the sidewalk to where my car was parked. I kept thinking about the term "the walk of shame" used to describe walking home from a guy's house in college the next morning after having sex and still wearing the clothes from the night before.

That's what I felt like as I knew my makeup and hair were a mess and I was holding my dress closed as I walked. I could see strangers, men and women, looking me up and down as I passed them. Some of them gave me a look like 'you poor girl', others with a smirk like 'I know what she did today'.

As I approached my house, all I could think about was how to quickly get in and up to my bathroom without being seen.

I pulled into the garage and after putting the door down, I stepped up into the mud room. I could hear the TV on in the family room as I made a beeline to the stairs.

Just before getting to the stairs, I heard, "Hey Mom, how was your day?" and looked back to see my son walking toward me from the living room.

I hastily said, "Hi honey… it was fine.. I'll be back down in a moment" and quickly made my way up to my bedroom.

After soaking in a hot bath for about fifteen minutes, I slipped on a silky pink nightie with my fluffy white robe over top and headed downstairs.

My son was sitting on the couch in the family room watching TV. I poured myself a nice glass of red wine and walked over and laid down beside him.

"You ok, Mom? You looked a little stressed when you came home" he asked, sounding sincerely concerned. 

"Yes honey, I'm fine, it was just a long day at work and I needed to slip into a hot bath and relax for a moment."

I was laying on my side with my feet pushed against his thigh when I felt him reach down and begin to massage the arch of my foot.

"Ooohh, that feels good, be a dear and rub my feet please. I do love my high heels but being in them all day can take its toll," I said with a little laugh.

He took hold of my ankles and lifted my feet up into his lap and began working his thumb into the sole of my foot and it felt wonderful. I was only able to enjoy it for a few seconds before I fell fast asleep.

My body was so exhausted, both mentally and physically, that as soon as I relaxed and laid my head down I was out… deeply out.

The next thing I remember was my husband, Rob, standing over me, shaking me, telling me it's time to go up to bed. 

I was a little disoriented as I lifted my head up, seeing him standing over me, and my son sitting by my feet.

As I sat up, I couldn't help but notice my robe was behind me, off of my hip and all of my legs were exposed. Not sure how that happened, but I didn't think much of it. I stood up, kissed my son on the cheek, telling him goodnight, and headed up to bed with my husband.

What a day. I'm looking forward to relaxing by the pool this weekend... I think I deserve it. I have to remember to call Megan and let her know what time will work.

Same as Eight Misbehavin': Wrapping Up A Long Day - A Little Winter Tail, Part 11 Videos

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Spring Has Sprung A Little Winter Tail Part 2

I just finished up meetings throughout my morning with clients and stopped at a small restaurant on the way back to the office for some lunch. This place had the most amazing beet salad, and I'm not in this part of town very often, so I thought I would treat myself.It was a beautiful spring day, one of the warmest we've had so far. I was so happy that winter was behind us. Every year I ask myself, why is it again that I live in a place that gets so cold? I'm sure there are places near...

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Meagans Tail ch2 a tail or two

Monday, July 11 2016 6:25AM Palos Verdes, California Doris stripped off her sweater in one long motion while she ran down the few steps to the pool's level and leapt into the pool in a very practiced motion of a swimmer of her skill. Her body flew to the far deep end of the pool and its deep bottom twelve feet down under the surface. There she wrapped both arms around her daughter's still body in a quick motion and kicked off the bottom back towards the surface. Meagan felt as...

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Big Bear and White Dove Or Winter in the Mountains

aka “Winter in the Mountains” By Louishoney This story is written for ADULT entertainment ONLY! If you are not at least 18 years old, LEAVE! She ran as fast as she could through the forest and past the pines steepled atop the golden hills of grass. She was in a panic. Her footsteps were being dogged by a band of Chippewa looking to make her their sex slave again. Four or five of them had jumped out of the forest three days ago and ran after her across the meadow while she was...

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Winter girl experience

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Winter Forest

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 9 Fantastique

Pilar: “Guy walks into a bar and is shocked to see a horse behind the bar.” Walker: “Horse says, ‘What’s the matter? You can’t believe that a horse can tend bar?’” Pilar: “No. I just can’t believe the ferret sold the place.” Alicia Collins called me from New York. “Bear told you.” “Yes. Have to admit it shocked me. Vanessa too. And the kids.” “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. But I felt it was Bear’s news to share.” “No, I understand. And he would have wanted to be the one to tell...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 16 O say can you see

Walker: “A rabbi, a priest, and a Lutheran minister walk into a bar.” Pilar: “Is this some kind of joke?” Walker and Pilar, holding hands, bowing, “Thank you, thank you. This ends our Kansas City engagement.” xxxxxxxxxx Douglas ‘Duke’ Arlington. A new trial, his second, for the murder of Gustav Hindenburg in Ft. Payne, Alabama. Different courtroom, different judge, different jurors, different defense attorneys. New evidence. Ned Daniels and Hilary Dunne would reprise their prosecutor...

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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 2 Riles

For some reason, crime in America follows railroad tracks. And Kansas City has plenty of both. My first, and I hope last, shootout took place near my office in the Stockyards. Besides gunplay, it involved ramming my bright red F-150 into a larger Dodge Ram. The Ford Motorcar Company told me, and I verified it through an independent mechanic, that the frame had been wrenched out of shape. It could be straightened, but wouldn’t drive the same, not really. I sat down with Vanessa and Gertie...

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The Weaver And The WindChapter 19 The Woods in Winter

The new year had passed long ago on Earth, but our start of the new year was just another day on Arbor. The Arborian New Year started on the first day of spring, the vernal equinox. I chose that propitious day to deal with the alaspore and its master. I wove a new trick out of something Cor showed me how to do using the wind. I wove a cocoon out of moving air as she had shown me. I was able to use it, as she did, as a method of transportation, but I couldn't become the wind as she could, so...

3 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 16 A Murder of Crows

Saturday morning breakfast, Walker and Gregory in charge of provisioning. Vanessa smiled at Pilar, “Is Walker still servicing himself?” Sucking his own cock. “Sometimes. Depends on what I’m in the mood for.” Gregory turned to Vanessa, not one whit of embarrassment, “I can’t suck it yet, but I can lick the very tip. Pilar thinks I’ll be able to if I keep practicing.” Vanessa gave him her glorious smile, ‘How often do you practice, honey?” “Every night when I’m home.” Pilar said, “I have...

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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 7

I woke late and lingered over my campfire and my breakfast. It would take only a half day's riding to get to where I was going, and anytime today would be a fine time with me. The skies had cleared again and it was nice to wait for the chill of the night to abate before setting out. Deak seemed to appreciate it, along with the relaxed pace. He tossed his head now and then and nickered at me softly when he did. Perhaps, like me, he was chasing Vulkai cobwebs out of his mind. Remembering my...

2 years ago
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Incall on a Cold Winter Sunday

Marcie called Sunday around 1 pm saying she was lonely and horny. I had nothing better to do so I drove right over. Marcie answered the door in a loose hanging, bright red shift made of very fine silk. It hung down to her thighs, but it was easy to tell she was wearing no underwear. She gave me a hug and kiss on the neck and I took the liberty of reaching under her shift to grope her bare ass.She giggled as she pushed me away and led me through her back entryway into her kitchen. She...

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Halloween A Pussycats Tail

"The Literotica Annual Halloween Story Contest is on!" I smiled wistfully as I read the announcement on my computer screen. I loved erotic stories almost as much as I loved writing, but I unfortunately lacked the talent to combine my two interests together. While it was easy enough for me to write about things that I had personally experienced, when the time came to make something up, my mind would inevitably run into a blank, unscalable wall. A sparse and unexciting sexual history...

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He smiled as the sentence was handed down, Arthur Edward Winter, you have been brought before this court, for a charge of: - Well perhaps it`s not relevant here and to spare his blushes we won`t go into it, but the sentence was seven years, that’s the bit he got loud and clear. And, it must be said, so did his wife, tall willowy and dour Jenny Winter, sat up in the gallery, her face a mask of total disgust, mostly at her husband for getting caught and of course for the fact she would be on her...

1 year ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 3 Top Down

Clint called, “Any New York plans yet?” “Remember Vanessa? Tall, good looking. Married.” “I’ll throw in a set of steak knives.” Click. Hey! I’m the one supposed to be hanging up. We invited Cathal Conway and family for Sunday brunch. Riles went with Walker and Pilar back to their room. She may be only 10, but the kids treat her as an equal. Jorge and Javier immediately started roughhousing with Hobo. The Proper Villain jumped up on Juanita’s lap. Cathal accepted his glass of Jamison —...

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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 8 Kernel

My mother called me. At work. First Autumn, now ... Flora Jennings. “Winter, can you come by?” Mom knew I worked, had my own office. But since I was no longer with the KCPD, nor employed by a real company, she simply hadn’t accepted that I do anything worthwhile. In fact, after Reggie left me, and before Vanessa married me, my mother regarded me as ... sad. A loser. Couldn’t keep a man, couldn’t find a real job. So it didn’t surprise me that she would expect me to drop whatever...

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Dark Voyage Winter JenningsChapter 2

I was spending hours with the diminutive, scarlet-haired Sullivan twins, bleary-eyed from the grainy security tapes. Duplicating what more competent investigators with the KCPD were doing. At home, at dinner, I tried to wear a game face for Walker. He had lost Mindy to California, to Stanford, to a more age-appropriate life. I had lost my friend, Mary Packer, but I was determined not to let the gloom prevail. After working all day on her dream restaurant, Euforia, Vanessa was overseeing the...

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The God Pill Winter JenningsChapter 3

Robert ‘Bobsy’ Atwater, as part of his three-patent sale to Hayes-Harris, the venture capital company, became an employee there. He wasn’t a partner, but he was one of seven on the Executive Evaluation team. He sat in on presentations from individuals and companies looking for investment capital. Hayes-Harris took small fliers and big risks, tiny positions and majority ownership. They provided money when they were interested. And money, expertise, guidance, even personnel, when they were...

4 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 7 A Siege of Herons

I sent Clint some suggestions for the name of our firm. For incorporation purposes, he would be the equivalent of a CEO, but no one seemed to be interested in titles. To the clients, potential clients, each one of us would be the Indian Chief in our home town. As for a corporate name, I was leaning toward Winter Jennings & Associates, LLC. A second stolen print ended up for sale in Omaha, then a third in Des Moines. Little Rock, Denver, St. Louis. I push-pinned a map and noted that...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 15 A Flamboyance of Flamingos

Clint spoke softly, “Does he have a gun?” “No, not in the basement. I don’t think.” Our first words. Clint bundled me in his arms and carried me back inside. He sat me gently on a hall bench and flicked the safety off on his Sig Sauer. Even in my panicked state, I registered his new P320. And I also became conscious of the anguished howls coming up from the basement. Clint opened the door cautiously. He didn’t look away from the stairwell as he asked me, “What did you do to...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 14 Inside Man

Once Fowler started babbling, it became almost anticlimactic. Bear started the video recorder and even Fowler’s voice seemed to have lost its resonance. He confessed without emotion. He answered every question — no longer defiant, no longer any vitality in his voice, his posture. Mr. November was resigned, had given up. The last call he’d made, to Ryder and Mologna — “It’s her. Do it.” — turned out to be an order for them to go back to Richmond. To tear the Barbara Reynolds apartment to...

2 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 90 A Long Cold Winter

The next morning the hunters and bush beaters ate a quick breakfast and we loaded up in the truck and wagon. I drove to the fork of where Sotar’s Stream and the Mari River merged and dropped off the beaters. We then drove back upstream to the entrance of the swampy area where the hogs lived. We ventured in about 50 yards and found good perches to shoot from. Meanwhile the beaters had been making a lot of noise and beating the bushes and trees with some rebar I had given them for beaters and...

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