Play Ball!: Winter JenningsChapter 16: O Say Can You See... free porn video

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Walker: “A rabbi, a priest, and a Lutheran minister walk into a bar.”

Pilar: “Is this some kind of joke?”

Walker and Pilar, holding hands, bowing, “Thank you, thank you. This ends our Kansas City engagement.” xxxxxxxxxx

Douglas ‘Duke’ Arlington. A new trial, his second, for the murder of Gustav Hindenburg in Ft. Payne, Alabama.

Different courtroom, different judge, different jurors, different defense attorneys. New evidence.

Ned Daniels and Hilary Dunne would reprise their prosecutor roles. Winter Jennings, State’s witness.

But it felt different this time around. Would be different.

Walker was just as focused on the process. Another first-appearance hearing. Another arraignment where Arlington pleaded, “Not Guilty.” No bail this time around. Not after his performance when he was bonded out last time. Performances. The two productions being the Hyder law office and the Wrigley garage. Arlington had been in jail since he was released from the prison hospital and wouldn’t be breathing non-penal air again. Ever. Fingers crossed.

One more preliminary hearing before the start of the trial. The Honorable Vivian H. Lauderdale presiding over the main event. ‘H’ for ‘hang ‘em high’, some of the court buffs enjoyed saying.

But Hilary told me, “Lauderdale is pretty down-the-middle. She’s not law-and-order. And she isn’t ‘oh, you poor dear — you had such a rough childhood.’ Fair to both sides.”

I thought, but didn’t say, “Isn’t this a slam-dunk case?” Yes, and no. The Feds would do it by the book, no matter how much evidence had been gathered. And, this time around, Arlington’s defender was even more formidable than Richard Hyder.

F. G. Longmire looked like the rawboned Wyoming rancher he was. He favored cowboy boots and fringed jackets. A briar pipe. His slow speech patterns, his slouchy gait, his rustic dress, had caused some prosecutors to underestimate him early in Longmire’s career. Not any more. Not Frank Gary Longmire.

He had prevailed in one murder case by bewitching three members of the jury into almost paranoid suspicions. That case — where a stone killer, Stubby Rollins had been, against all odds, acquitted — was now studied in every law school in the country.

Longmire had deftly skewed juror perceptions so that the prosecutor’s own investigator became a suspect. An alternative killer to Mr. Rollins. Gulp. Well, that wouldn’t happen with this investigator.

The defense strategy had so blindsided prosecutors around the country that some states changed their laws. One example:

“Evidence that another person had motive or opportunity to commit the charged crime, or had some remote connection to the victim or crime scene, is insufficient to raise the requisite reasonable doubt ... Evidence of alternative party culpability is relevant and admissible only if it links the alternate party to the actual perpetration of the crime.”

But Counselor Longmire would probably try something, something else, in Kansas City. I suppose there could always be a screwup. A funky juror, witnesses recanting, a major misstep by the People. Something. But Arlington would still have to answer for the murders of Richard Hyder and his defense team. xxxxxxxxxx

Pilar, innocence personified, “Winter, how are you doing with that writing site, what’s it called?”

Mindy, “Writing? Winter is writing something?”

Gregory, “Stories?”

Vanessa kept a straight face.

I said, “Oh that old thing. I’m finished with that. Almost.”

Pilar, “You stopped writing your little detective stories?”

“Yeah. Mostly.”

Mindy, “Where is it, that site?”

Pilar, “Yeah, what’s it called again?”

“Oh, Stories ... Something-Something. I don’t go there anymore. Hardly.”

Vanessa looked at me sympathetically. Hobo, skeptically. Shut up.

Pilar, “Papi, don’t you have it bookmarked? Mindy should check it out. Now that she’s in the movie business.”

Mindy, “Film. But I would like to read Winter’s work. Detective stories?”

I said, “That site is mostly science fiction. That’s why I never win any contests. Not that I pay the slightest attention to reader scores.”

Pilar, “All the high scores are sci fi?”

“All of ‘em. 100%. Almost.”

Pilar winked at Mindy, “Winter puts in a lot of sex.”

Gregory, “Really?”

“I had to. Several studies about that site have shown that they read at about a fourth grade level. On average.”

“So the sex... ?”

“Four-letter words.”


Vanessa smiled at me, “Should we tell them?”

I tried casual on for size, “Oh, I don’t care. Go ahead.”

“Winter was offered $5,000 for an option on one of her stories.”

Walker, awe in his voice, spoke softly, “Winter.”

Mindy, who’s had a cup of coffee at UCLA, said, “How long?”

Vanessa, “Eighteen months.”

The veteran filmmaker nodded, “That’s not unreasonable. It takes time to put the financing together. Is it for film or television?”

I said, “They didn’t say. I think they’re more interested in the character than the story itself.”

Mindy, “Well, an experienced producer might option it for three to six months. Eighteen ... that means it’s someone without much in their portfolio.”


“Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing. Everyone has to start somewhere.”

Pilar, “How did that producer even see your story?”

I said, “I don’t know for sure. I think maybe a reader sent her a link. But I’m not certain.”

Walker steady-gazed at me, amazed. As well he should be. Hey, great boobs, sure. But more too. Next, I’ll probably be listed in ‘Debrett’s’. Peerage/ Big print, no doubt. xxxxxxxxxx

I hadn’t seen Arlington for months and the prison toll was evident. He’d lost 30 or so pounds, was flabbier, less muscle tone. And he looked sickly with that jailhouse pallor. Faint scars from Adam’s fangs around his face.

I felt zero sympathy for the fucking killer.

Longmire had argued, unsuccessfully, for a change of venue. Too much publicity, tainted jury pool. He had also tried, unsuccessfully, to plead it down from murder to manslaughter. Ned Daniels wouldn’t budge.

This time around, I not only wasn’t nervous, I was looking forward to testifying. I had even toyed — gawd, how immature I can be — with the notion of asking the court’s permission to have my service dog, Adam, with me. An in-your-face to that murderous fuckwad.

But I am often tethered to reality and didn’t mention it to anyone. Would have been a hoot, though to see Arlington’s face when Adam padded silently in. xxxxxxxxxx

Pilar, since our Walker discussion, had been talking with me more. Opening up, sometimes even asking before doing. Neither of us mentioned the kindnesses that Vanessa and I had rendered when Lina and Pilar first arrived in Kansas City. After their harrowing trek from Hondo, Colombia to the Rio Grande and on to KC.

We had taken them in, given Lina a job at Euforia, let Pilar move in with Walker, found Lina an apartment in Brookside ... we had basically given them their start in America. Oh, and Bulldog had finessed their citizenship papers.

Yet I didn’t feel that Vanessa and I had all that much leverage when it came to Pilar and Walker. Most teenage romances falter, fade away — some relationships become hateful, even toxic.

I just didn’t want Walker hurt, what mother would? But, when I forced myself to curb my emotions, to look at it rationally, I knew I couldn’t protect him from everything. No parent could.

Still, I appreciated Pilar’s engagement, her recent openness.

But that didn’t stop me from saying, “No. Sorry, but no.”

Pilar shrugged, didn’t seem all that disappointed. “Okay.”

“I don’t have anything against anal sex. Boys and girls, boys and boys. But ... well, first of all, I don’t want Gregory losing that particularly cherry here. Not even with Walker.”

“And the other... ?”

“If Walker wants to be butt-fucked, fine. But I want him to come to that conclusion on his own. Not in the heat of the moment, not with pressure from two hotties — you and Mindy.”

“Okay, okay, it was just a thought.”

“Have you discussed it with Walker?”

“Oh, sure. He was ... interested. But only if you gave the okay.”

“Well ... no.”

“Whatever.” She’d been expecting the answer. The ‘no’.

But relationships — in general and specifically — have been on our minds lately. Not just sex, but capital R relationships. The kids were as shook up as Vanessa and I were when Bear told them about Alicia. Walker was particularly off balance because Bear had been one of his role models. Who, along with Daddy, had been sort of a father figure ever since Richie left me.

The four of us have had countless dinner table conversations about Bear, about Alicia. Of course, about Barry. The news was a double-barreled blast. The affair itself. And that it involved a woman.

I had been faithful to Richie even while he was cheating on me. But that marriage didn’t last long, not nearly so long as Bear and Barry had been together.

Oh well. Vanessa and Walker and Pilar and I will continue to talk it through. I’m looking forward to when we can sit down with Bear and Alicia. With Barry too.

I had made, Vanessa too, the mistake of thinking of Bear as ... I dunno, solid as a mountain. Immovable. He was always there for us, always dependable. Yet, as much in love with Barry as he was — and still is — Bear is human. Fallible.

His confession to us, well the reason for the confession, was almost sweet. Vanessa and I are his two best friends, “I couldn’t not tell you.” xxxxxxxxxx

Sometimes even the most rational of professional detectives, licensed, can get a little loopy. I had been considering dropping the attempted murder (of me) charges against Duke Arlington.

It would save the People considerable time and money and effort. And the truth was, Arlington would be facing either the death penalty or LWOP. Even if he weren’t tried for the Wrigley garage incident.

But I would have felt an illogical responsibility to Adam; as if not prosecuting the case would be somehow disloyal to the valiant war dog.

As it happened, Arlington’s attorney, F. G. Longmire, would eventually plead his client guilty to the attempted murder of one Winter Jennings. By that time it wouldn’t make any difference to Arlington; and Longmire had long since reached the point of diminishing returns so far as trial publicity was concerned. xxxxxxxxxx

The Wrigley girls were definitely the alphas in our loft, kids division. Mindy was the oldest of the four. And Pilar ... well, she was the strong-willed one. Walker and Gregory? Since there was pussy involved, I decided not to worry about them.

But one other relationship thing was nagging at me. And, like Daddy would have done, I decided to face it head-on. I called Clint, “Got room for a Kansas City bimbo this weekend?”

“I can rearrange my harem calendar.”

Which, as I thought about it on the airplane, was a sort of appropriate, ghoulish-humor wise. Since the purpose of my trip was to tell Clint about Chip.

Clint — his solidity always surprised me when I hadn’t seen him for a while — met me at Newark. We held hands in the cab to Alphabet City. Shower à deux. Bed, clean sheets, his thoughtful, slow tempo. Until I had adjusted to his size. Then ... zowie!

Cuddled against his chest, his thick arm around me, I felt ... protected. Safe.

“Clint, I met a guy back home. I’m going to start seeing him once in a while.”

He went still. Sighed. “Well.”

I didn’t make any excuses. Didn’t talk about long-distance relationships. He knew all about that. We lay there a long time, not talking. Then he said, “I made reservations at Gramercy.”

“I love that place. And we can walk. Shower time.”

It still amazes me how many people are out and about in Manhattan. It was almost 10 at night and there was laughter, teasing, spirited arguments ... a vibrant sidewalk scene.

We ate in the Tavern section, rather than the more formal Dining Room. Grilled Calamari, Mushroom Lasagne, Sea Bass. We shared three Farmstead Cheeses for dessert.

It became apparent that Clint had said all he had to say on the subject of my Kansas City beau. Which irritated the hell out of me. Why wouldn’t he react? Cry? Curse? He was so self-fucking-contained. Men. They can close up so tightly.

So naturally, I found myself over-explaining. “Look, it’s nothing serious. Just a ... a fling. I like him. He likes me.”

“All right.”

“Clint, you don’t need me to tell you how important you are in my life.”

He shrugged, Mr. Conversation.

I tried a different tact, “Look if you come to Kansas City — I want you to come to Kansas City — I’m all yours. I’ll drop everything to be with you. I mean ... well, it depends on work, but other than that...”

He nodded. Mr. Noncommittal. His silence was like a boulder.

I bit back a sharp retort. This was how breakups occurred. Permanent damage. I calmed myself.

We didn’t hold hands on the walk back to 3rd Avenue. xxxxxxxxxx

In preparation for the Arlington retrial, I was finally able to prevail on Sandy Seaver to provide a voluntary deposition for Judge Vivian Lauderdale. I told him, “It’ll be private — just you and Caitlin and me. The judge and her stenographer.”

“Why do it all?”

“Because Arlington now has a major league attorney. Because I’ll have to testify about my role in the case. Because I don’t know where Longmire will take me. How much I’ll be forced to reveal.”

Caitlin won the day, “Let’s do it, Sandy. Winter has kept up her end of the bargain.” I hadn’t told anyone about their secret. Well, Bulldog and Emile. That was like telling the wall.

As sympathetic as Judge Lauderdale was, it was still painful for me to listen to Caitlin’s account of her life in Southern California. Her tortured childhood, being tossed aside by her parents, the costly — in terms of money and emotional stress — transition toward her feminine self.

Tough for me, but I couldn’t begin to imagine how painful it was for the Seavers.

Sandy told his side in a tired monotone. Just the facts, ma’am.

No mention was made of blackmail. They could deny that; and from what Pat Hodges had told me, it would be impossible to prove. Too many variables when any pitcher took the mound. No money had changed hands, there was no trail to follow. If it came down to it ... Sandy’s word against an accused murderer’s. xxxxxxxxxx

F. G. Longmire didn’t buy new clothes for Duke Arlington to wear in court. Perhaps Longmire was looking for a sympathetic juror — Arlington had lost enough weight in prison that his suits and shirts were now a couple of sizes too large.

Longmire did win one pretrial point — he argued successfully against having his client handcuffed during the trial. The judge stationed an extra guard by the defense table. And two guards would escort Arlington whenever he entered and left the courtroom.

Jury selection in Judge Lauderdale’s courtroom had taken only a day and a half. Longmire quickly exhausted his allotted challenges and we were ready for opening statements right after lunch on Tuesday.

Walker was taking notes; I was in the Federal Courthouse, but not in court. I met with Ned and Hilary when there was a break and after court was gaveled for the day. I’d be testifying — well, I didn’t know exactly when. After that, I could watch the proceedings with Walker.

Ned Daniels had given his opening statement — short, to the point. He concluded, “We will prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the accused...” he turned and pointed, “Douglas Arlington, stabbed and killed Gustav Hindenburg.”

F. G. Longmire had reserved his own opening statement until it was the Defense’s time to present their side.

For now, Daniels began with the scene-setting stage. He called witnesses who testified to the knife purchase, the discovery of Hindenburg’s body. The video search at the K was particularly enthralling. Sandra Fleming’s cinematic panorama of the empty ballpark, the climb up the scoreboard ladder, opening compartment after compartment.

Longmire objected, mainly to interrupt the flow. But Ned and Hilary were building momentum.

After the scene-setters, Ned moved to what he called the hunter-gatherer stage. Crime-scene technicians, coroner’s investigator, fingerprint specialist, blood expert. They would construct the foundation for the lead investigator — me — to testify.

Ned actually had another detective — a sergeant in the DeKalb County Sheriff’s office — on his witness list. He separated my testimony from the sergeant’s in order to make it more difficult for Longmire to make one cohesive attack on the investigative segments of the case.

Even with objections from the Defense, it was a well-orchestrated minuet. Moving, inevitably, closer and closer to a conviction. Well, a hoped-for conviction on the part of the People.

Longmire didn’t object to any of the hunter-gatherer testimony. And asked very few questions on cross. In our evening postmortem, Hilary told me, “If he has anything, he’s saving it. He’ll do his counter-punching when it’s his turn. Try for a knockout punch.”

Counselor Longmire had known it was a dog of a case when he talked his way into representing Arlington. My testimony, the knives with Arlington’s prints and the one with Hindenburg’s blood ... well, I guess there were no guaranteed outcomes. Never eat your chicken wings before they’re fried, or whatever that saying was. Anything could happen in the emotional heat of a trial.

Longmire would defend his client aggressively and skillfully, drawing on his years of murder-trial experience. He’d look for a wedge, a technicality, a loopy juror ... anything.

But either way — guilty or innocent — Longmire would reap the benefits of the national media fascination. He would win, on a personal basis, no matter what.

Judge Lauderdale said, “Your witness, Mr. Longmire.”

When he turned his attention to me, sworn in and seated in the witness chair, his intelligent gray eyes turned raptor-like. Uh oh. Then I calmed myself, channeled my inner Matt Striker. I was prepared, rehearsed, was simply telling the truth.

He was questioning me on cross, but, with the judge’s permission, he stood in the well of the courtroom, directly in front of the jury. Ned called it ‘the proving ground’. Longmire was selling himself to the jurors, one by one. I just happened to be the one he had chosen to play off of.

He didn’t wear glasses, didn’t have any notes, just him against the Federal Government.

Longmire looked each juror in the eye as he grilled me. I had the odd sensation that the jury, not the Defense attorney, was questioning me.

“So, Ms. Jennings, acting as a private citizen — not in your capacity as a part-time consultant with the Feds — you followed another private citizen — Mr. Douglas Arlington — on three separate trips. To Arizona. To Texas. To Alabama.”

Still facing the jury, he shook his head, “A private citizen.”

I said, “Yes.” Volunteer nothing. Don’t be defensive. Speak the truth.

“And during this sneaky period you also arranged to develop a personal relationship with Mr. Arlington.”

“Yes.” Trying not to sound like a harlot.

Duke Arlington stared at me with hate-filled eyes. Heat seemed to emanate from him, from behind the Defense table.

Longmire sighed, shook his head sadly, looked from juror to juror, “I’ve seen obsessed women before. It’s tragic in a...”

Ned stood, “Objection.” Quiet voice. “Leading the witness.”


Longmire said, “Mr. Arlington was that rarest of American athletes, a man talented enough to become a major-league baseball player. One in a million. Then, remaining loyal to his sport, he became a scout, finding, developing, nurturing, young men. And he rose to the top of his field, vice president of the team’s entire scouting operation.”

He flipped the back of his fingers in my direction, “He would be quite the catch for a certain type of woman.”

Longmire was building a platform to impugn my testimony. To plant doubt in the narrative that Ned had laid out. Walker, of course, wanted to vault the wooden partition and throttle Longmire. But I’d been prepped. I ignored the imputed insults, the hinted-at aspersions. I stayed unruffled. And looked confidently serene. Heart-flutters didn’t show. Pretty sure.

Well, Counselor Longmire had been around long enough not to show any impatience with me, any disappointment that I didn’t rise to the bait. Besides he had been merely laying the groundwork for his primary Jennings goal — to uncover the details of why the fuck I’d been following his client.

Judge Graves had sealed the ‘blackmail’ portion of the earlier trial’s transcript. Ned Daniels had explained to me, “The Sixth Amendment guarantees a public trial, but it also guarantees a fair trial. Arlington went on that killing rampage before the Defense could pursue that line of inquiry.”

“The blackmail.”

“Right. So there was no sworn testimony other than your in-chambers remarks. No witnesses called. To have blackmail in the official transcript could end up being prejudicial against Arlington.”

“So Graves sealed the in-camera discussion.”

“Yeah, in essence he treated it like it was information exchanged in discovery. Not subject to First Amendment nor common-law right of access.”

“But Longmire can back me into that same corner.”

“Yeah, or you could hit him with that information up front.”

Now that Sandy and Caitlin Seaver had been deposed.

So when Longmire got around to asking me directly, I said, “I was under contract to investigate Douglas Arlington on suspicion of blackmail.”

Longmire gave the jurors a small smile, “Very convenient.”

He continued looking at them, one by one, and asked me, “Who is this mysterious person who hired you to birddog a private citizen?”

Ned rose again, “Your Honor?”

“Yes, Mr. Daniels.”



This time I followed Ned and Hilary. Longmire followed us.

Defense and the People went back and forth for a few minutes until Judge Lauderdale held up her palm, “Enough.”

Longmire said, “Your Honor...”

“Enough. Mr. Longmire, I have determined that Ms. Jennings was employed by a ... reputable entity. Further, I have determined that her investigation of Arlington was legitimate. Ms. Jennings is a licensed private detective.”


“In addition, I have deposed the party who was, indeed, being blackmailed by your client. If you insist, we can put the parties involved on the record, have them testify in open court.”

Longmire had a thoughtful look. Yes / no? Helpful / harmful?

I didn’t show it, but my heart was racing. Caitlin and Sandy.

“I reserve the right to recall the witness, but have no further questions at this time.”

I wondered how Bulldog Bannerman would feel being referred to a ‘reputable entity’. Probably wouldn’t care much one way or the other. xxxxxxxxxx

The remainder of the Duke Arlington trial seemed anticlimactic to me. And not just because I was done testifying. Longmire didn’t show it, but some of the air had gone out of his balloon. As we say in law school.

He was dutiful, arguing, sometimes brilliantly, but the case was just too solid. Arlington, glowering at me, didn’t burnish his own image with the jury.

Judge Lauderdale hadn’t imposed a gag order on talking to the media, so F. G. Longmire held impromptu press gaggles on the courthouse steps. He was masterful. Low key, confident, never promising victory, never proclaiming his client’s innocence, but always keeping the spotlight on himself.

Longmire’s trope was a familiar one, one that resonated with a good percentage of the populace — one man, courageously standing up to the weight and majesty of the entire Federal apparatus. xxxxxxxxxx

I called Chip, “Buy a girl a drink?”


“Unicorn Club. Ten.” Click.

Chip O’Grady looked properly preppy — blazer, chinos, white button-down. He fit right in with the Unicorn crowd. Looked good, in fact.

I was in a single malt phase and Bess Cuthbert brought us two beakers of Laphroaig. She looked Chip up and down, “Where’s Vanessa?”

“Babysitting Walker. He’s underage, you know.”

“Here’s what I know, he’s welcome under my skirts.”


Chip watched her sashay away, hips telegraphing. Men.

He said, “I won’t ask you how the trial is going. You’re pretty close-mouthed.”

I grinned, “Oh?”

Chip laughed, “You know what I mean.”

“I’m Chatty Cathy tonight. I’m going to tell you about my boyfriend.”

He sat up.

“He’s a good guy. Great guy. Name not relevant, you don’t know him and he lives in New York.”


“After my family, he’s Number One in my life.”

“I see.”

I touched the back of his hand, “Doesn’t mean I don’t have time for a Number Two.”

“Good. Great.”

Excellent. Chip wasn’t jealous. Or didn’t show it. He didn’t want to settle down with me any more than I did with him. His goal had been obvious from the start — pussy.

I said, “I would like to see your place. Not tonight, but one of these nights. After the trial is over.”

“I’ll call.”

“You better.”

Oh what a tangled web. I’m married — deliriously happy — to Vanessa. Yet, fell slowly, slowly, in love with Matt. Waited, teased, waited, finally decided I did want Clint.

So, what is Chip? A toy-boy? A fling? A local outlet for short-term fun? Yep.

But more too. I do like him. And I like the attention. So long as my family approves ... fuck. Is there anything I can’t rationalize? xxxxxxxxxx

Deep thoughts.

We were, as we so frequently did, sitting around our kitchen table. Talking, teasing, laughing.

Vanessa often uses us as taste-testers for Euforia. A new dish, a twist on a 1930s cocktail concoction, a different wine. This evening it was mixed nuts. She and Amelia Baxter are always experimenting with bar snacks. Lagniappes for the customers as well as palate pleasers.

Pilar nodded, “Nice and salty.”

Walker nodded, “You’ll sell more drinks.”

Gregory nodded. Three professional bartenders.

Vanessa had heated walnuts, pecans, almonds, pistachios, cashews, macadamia nuts, on a cookie sheet and sprinkled them with Slap Ya Mama. Original blend Cajun seasoning from Ville Platte, Louisiana.

The different sizes, shapes, and colors of the nuts looked inviting in the plain white bowl from Gump’s. Now in its final days in San Francisco.

I brought fresh beers for the table — Jam Band, berry ale from Kansas City’s own Boulevard Brewing Company.

Vanessa winked at me; she knew exactly what I was thinking as I watched the kids sip beer and taste the nuts. Pilar, like Vanessa and I did, took one nut at a time between her thumb and index finger. The boys — Walker and Gregory — scooped up a handful at a time and tunneled them into their mouths through a side opening in their fists.

Typical male behavior in any bar in middle America.

Vanessa and I had a further refinement. She and I nibbled, one by one, on the almonds first. Get them out of the way. Almonds are tasty enough on their own, but are bland in comparison to the other flavors. Small courtesy, improving the taste pool.

Pilar patted Gregory’s hand, “I’ve been thinking about anal sex.”

And we were off. xxxxxxxxxx

It was all over but the final clang of the cell door closing.

We’d had three note-takers in the Arlington jury. One-fourth of the total. Hilary had told me — but not before Walker had filled me in — that they had been scribbling away as the People presented. The Defense? Not so much attention.

F. G. Longmire had spun things as well as anyone could in the face of compelling, if not overwhelming, evidence. And his closing argument — sandwiched between the two given by Ned — was eloquent, passionate, and masterful.

But I’d had the feeling that we’d prevail, ever since the start of the trial. This time around, we didn’t need Mingo’s midnight knife photos. We had the actual knives. One knife especially. Arlington’s fingerprints, Hindenburg’s blood.

Longmire had strenuously argued for the charge to be dropped from murder to manslaughter. But Ned Daniels didn’t budge. The stolen heroin was mentioned by the Alabama police officer, but Arlington hadn’t been charged with armed robbery. However, the info was out there -- icing on the cake. Legal cake.

And we didn’t need the surreptitiously-obtained DNA results from Caitlin Seaver. She and Sandy had both been deposed, had admitted everything. Well, everything but the blackmail.

I guess, in a way, it had been a wasted effort on my part. Efforts. Yet, the photos gave me the confidence to pursue Arlington with full vigor. I knew, just knew, the bastard was guilty. And the DNA? Just confirmation of my Hemet yearbook conclusions. So ... superfluous activities so far as the actual trial. But the two sets of validation were personally helpful. Bolstering.

Same as Play Ball!: Winter Jennings
Chapter 16: O say can you see... Videos

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 14 Tongue

The pale November sun was brightening Caitlin Seaver’s kitchen. Or maybe I was imagining that as her tears dried up. As she gathered herself, resigned that the worst had happened — her secret was out. Hers and Sandy’s. Speaking in a monotone as if she were in a courtroom being judged, she said, “Arlington played for the Dodgers, but that was before my time. He was from Santa Ana and came back to visit. Family, I think, and friends. I’d seen him around Orange County, he liked bars.” I...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 12 DNA Doe

Walker said, “So what will happen this morning? During the preliminary hearing.” “Hyder could ask for a continuance. But I doubt that he will.” “Why not?” “Because the case is going to be bound over for trial anyway. And Hyder will get a look, a sense, of the People’s trial strategy. He probably won’t even cross-examine the prosecution witnesses.” “Why not?” “You’re full of questions. And that’s not all you’re full of.” “Winter.” “Think cui bono.” He frowned, recalling an earlier...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 10 ldquoNor innocence sufferrdquo

It didn’t really register until I’d seen the second brochure on our kitchen counter — “Faith-Based Assisted Living Facility”. I’d meant to ask Vanessa about the one from yesterday — “Crossroads Manor Nursing Home”. Then it hit me. I whirled around. There was Walker trying to look po-faced. Innocent, but concerned about his decrepit mother. Little fucker. Vanessa was trying to keep a straight face. Hobo was looking off into the distance as if he weren’t an unindicted co-conspirator. I...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 13 The Panic Room

Walker: “We don’t serve time travelers in here.” Pilar: “A time traveler walks into a bar.” Saturday morning breakfast, sun streaming in our Main Street windows. Pilar glanced at Walker’s face, looked under the kitchen table, sighed. “Vanessa, what would our family be like if Papi were ... like, normal?” Vanessa laughed, “Well, we’ll never know, will we?” I shook my head, “A mother’s burden...” Pilar held out her hand, “Come on, Papi, I’ll take care of it. Again.” Gregory stood, “No,...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 7 Winter Lodge

Winters in the Methow Valley were cold, sometimes bitterly so. Temperatures ranged well below zero. The snow would pile up two and three feet deep. It fell to Graydon to keep the driveway into the Wolf Creek homestead shoveled out when the snow got deeper than the sedan his step-father drove, or the panel truck, their faithful Blue Goose, could break through without chains. Graydon would wax the flat-bladed shovel and begin cutting blocks from the deep snow, lifting each, and heaving it to...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 2 Breton

Walker, pimp-rolling, “You feel me, dawg?” Vanessa, glorious smile, soft fist-tap, “Dawg.” Clint called me, right before I left for work. The kids were on the Max, heading for their schools. Clint’s calls weren’t frequent, weren’t annoying. Steady, that was the word. Having earned a Ph.D. — with Honors — in Men, I suspected gonadal twinges. “When are you coming to New York?” “Short-term memory loss? I have a wife. A family. Career.” “When are you coming to New York?” “Hit the...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 3 George Bruce Cortelyou

The first thing I did was change the bedroom and bathroom linens in Matt’s apartment. Everything in the washer; then fresh sheets, pillowcases, towels. Kitchen napkins too. I wasn’t trying to remove the Matt-scent; that was baked into the condo. I just liked ... fresh. Clean. I didn’t even try to not think about the times, good times, that he and I had spent here. Laughter, bed, laughter, food. I got a little teary a couple of times, but my sobbing days were in the past. At least I hoped...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 2 New Business

In order to come up with the down to buy BaBoomz, (hey, up with the down!) Vanessa and I have to divest ourselves of our shares in four American solar panel distributors. In sub-Saharan Africa. But it had become time to sell anyway. Gertie explained the evolving situation to us over drinks at BEAR’s on Broadway, “The fucking Chinese are everywhere. They finally started manufacturing their panels in Africa. So it was just a natural extension for them to move into distribution.” Louie-Louie...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 12

My cell rang. FaceTime request. Birdy Cummings. Odd, she was supposed to call me on one of my burner phones. A specific one. Before I answered, I connected the phone to my MacBook. Hurriedly, and I was glad I’d practiced the drill, I completed the 11 steps necessary to be able to record the call on my laptop. “Hello.” “Winter! I’m so sorry! Run!” Birdy with a shotgun jammed to her chin. Silence for a moment, then Birdy screamed, an anguished, almost inhuman shriek. Something was being done...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 16 Goodbye Party

American Snapshot: In Montana it is illegal to guide sheep onto a railroad track with the intent of damaging the train. Vanessa and I agreed to bring Walker and Pilar back home. We couldn’t hide them forever, although Rebecca Montgomery was enjoying their company enormously. But school. Friends. Life. An FBI agent was still posted in the Wrigley lobby. Gunther wouldn’t be able to board the elevator even if he were foolish enough, or desperate enough, to return for another try. Nor would...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 6 Thermoheat

Pilar: “E-flat walks into a bar.” Walker: “Sorry, we don’t serve minors.” I could get used to Clint. Am getting used to him. Even his ... um, equipment. And he’s getting used to me. Not just my body, but my ... temperament. What I like, the pace, the intensity. The follow-up cuddle and conversation. Of course that was true with most couples. Wait. Were Clint and I a couple? Maybe. I needed to think about that. There’s so much about him I didn’t know. Like our first time together in...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 5

My informal group -- the Winter Irregulars -- expanded. By one. Improbably, she’s now the youngest of my freelancers. Highly recommended by the former title holder, Buster Fagin. At 12 he’s four years older than his newest recruit, a chubby redhead named Betty Jane (“Call me BJ”) Kowalski. Since I’m so concerned with Age of Consent laws, how about Child Labor laws? I can explain, Officer. She doesn’t actually work for me; I’m just a one-woman outfit. Sure I slip them a few bucks from time...

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Young girl extreme winter nudity experience

Introduction: Story about brave girl winter walk At first I have to start with me, that this project requires to give also self-experience. I have practiced winter nudity many years, but not regularly. There have been some pauses. I have been lucky to share winter nude walk with some girls, like here: These are my photos and my car can be seen in two photos of these series. In previous winter I began from 1st January and then...

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Young girl extreme winter nudity experience

In previous winter I began from 1st January and then every weekend, but not only the coldest (4-5 Feb), from which I wrote main story later. Longest time was at 26th February 1 h 47 min and temperature in this day about -4-5 (23-25 F), but sunny. Feeling of cold is not the same every time. Generally it can be very different. But normally after some 30-40 minutes is the warmest moment, then you don’t feel any cold. After some 1 h – 1h 15 min body started to feel colder again, but not too much....

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 10 Bait

Daddy brought Ash Collins to our loft. First visit. Vanessa had picked up the kids; my family was home. Ash gave Hobo the back of his fist to investigate. He’d read the file. Hero Dog. Hobo’s reconnaissance consisted of a thorough sniff-around followed by a single, approving lick. It was now 9 in the morning, still Tuesday, still sunny. I hadn’t peed myself. Ash nodded at Walker and Pilar, “Lose them.” My voice sounded off, “Of course.” Walker opened his mouth, then closed it. Ash looked...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 11

I sent my Irregulars out to search for the two one-digit cars. A black Jeep and a probably-beige Honda SUV. Birdy Cummings, grandmother. Joey Viagra, steroid juicer. Bobby ‘Just Kidding’ Armstrong, mooch. Sara Cunningham, now at City Hall. Cathy Austin, home on a break from Michigan. Squeaky Collins, in her mother’s gigantic Buick. ‘Jittery Gerard’ Malden, I hope his nervous tics don’t affect his driving. Mingo Bernard Cochran, he’d be casing joints while looking for the cars. Corky...

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Slave To Seenu

Hi ISS friends, this is banisa from Chilakaluripet. Na age 38 years, working in a private office in Chilakaluripet naku English baga radu andukani Telugulo cheptunna. Naku chinnappatinunchi ante younger years nunche modda jadinchukovatam baga alavatu ayindi. Theatre lo kurchuni cinema heroines ni chustu modda jadinchukune vadini. Na modda 5 inches untundi. Chilakaluri peta lo lanjalu chala ekkuva mandi untaru. Okasari oka malahyalam sex cinema chustunna. Adi black and white movie. Andulo...

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The Bastien of Winter

‘Mmm, Bastien…’ Sebastien Byrne looked down in dismay, watching as his new bride lovingly faked her way through another orgasm. She was very good at it—soft and sweet, and imminently realistic. No glass-shattering screeches, or siren-like banshee wails. In fact, if he hadn’t been inside of her when it happened, he would have sworn that it had been real. His pleasure greatly diminished, he rolled over onto his side, and pulled her body tightly against his. Winter wrapped her arms around his...

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Candlepeen Balling

Candlepeen Balling By James X Pendergrass Copyright 2014 – All Rights ReservedDr. Stanley Gradkowski, Chair of the Mathematics Department at one of the most venerable institutions in the world, stared out the window of his office on a cool late fall day.  The students seemed to get worse and worse every year.  And as far as he was concerned, that was a good thing.    Now almost 44, and, after a meteoric rise, having basically arrived at his station in the world, there were many aspects of his...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 9 Wakeup Call

Pilar waited until Hobo was two to start breeding him. She told Vanessa and me, “He’s in demand; we may as well cash in while we can.” And part of this surprised me. I was neutral on Hobo becoming a father. I assume dogs like pussy just like most boys do. What I hadn’t realized was how valuable some of the puppies might be. Even though we don’t know who Hobo’s ancestors are, there’s already so much talk in the sheepdog world. He’s winning more ribbons at a higher level. Hobo and Pilar are....

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 2

The Oasis Wellbeing Center is a vast complex in the area around East 63rd and Troost. The neighborhood was solidly middle class in the 60s, then went downhill for a while. It has been teetering back and forth, but Oasis will definitely upscale the purlieu, the nabe. The cornerstone of the healthcare development was the newest hospital in the area -- the Oasis Community Hospital. State of the art; however they all say that, don’t they? But if the press releases were to be believed, there was...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 3

I got a call from, sad to say, a pimp I know in the Forgotten Northeast. Harold. My respect for him ticked up a notch when he had the foresight to call me one day not long ago. Some maggot had kidnapped a girl from Pilar’s school in Brookside. And had given the little girl to Harold to cancel a $7,000 gambling debt. Well, Harold’s inventory does fall into the young range. But he was smart enough to know that the heat would be intolerable. A kidnapped girl, white, young, from Brookside, upper...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 6

We were dining on pizza this Thursday evening. Thin-crust pizza from Waldo Pizza to be precise. Scimeca’s Italian sausage sprinkled with hot pepper flakes and salty Pecorino Romana to be more precise. Vanessa and I were drinking icy cold wheat beer -- Harpoon White Ale since we’re reporting with such accuracy. Walker and Pilar were splitting one and sipping, as if they were almost civilized, from freezer-fresh mugs. Pilar smiled at Vanessa, “Four inches.” Vanessa didn’t miss a beat,...

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East of Nowhere Part 4 Meeting Winter Revised

The wagon finally pulls up to the shop, Grayson immediately jumps down and embraces his family in a huge hug, exclaiming “How I’ve missed you!” as he kisses his wife quickly and hugs each of his kids. Turning, he motions towards Sasha. Sasha then turns to the girl, and says “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” As the girl is waiting next to the back of the wagon, Sasha walks over to Grayson and he introduces her to his family. “This is Sasha, she’s the knight who escorted me all the way here.”...

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The Goddaughter Winter Part Three

Winter and I played in the bathtub together. Our fingers,lips and tongues,teased and caressed each other,until the water took on a chill and the bubbles from our bubble bath were almost gone. I drained the tub,turned on a warm shower and as we rinsed off I could not help but notice how beautiful she really is. Winter will grow to be be a stunningly gorgeous woman. I am sure of that.Once again I wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to the bed. She, snagged another towel from the rack as...

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Cousin Waseem

Dear readers, you must have read many incest stories till date but I am sure you must have never come across a sister fucker cousin, like ours. Just read it and then give your comments. Actually, we belong to eastern Uttar Pradesh and live in a joint family. It may sound strange but we were 3 sisters,myself being youngest. After lot of prayers my youngest Uncle was blessed with a boy. My father and other uncles must have been inspired by this feat and thinking the fortunes will turn in their...

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The homeless and poor peoples winter feast

The homeless and poor peoples winter feastBy RotnebSynopsis: Every year there was organized a charity festival in the village hall for the city's homeless and poor people, a feast where all the poor once a year get filled stomachs and amused. This year will be something special when Lisa and eight other young women voluntarily donate their naked meat to the feast banquet and to entertainment for the homeless and poor. The story is only fantasy.The meats The first Sunday in February came the...

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Naked girl day outside in severe winter

Marlene was a princess of the 9thB class in her school in little town of the northern country. She was an excellent student and also beauty – long blonde hair, pretty face and model-like legs. She was aware of her charm, but she wanted more. She tried to figure out, how to impress stronger. Marlene was ready to show up naked in front of the boys, but she wanted to find a good reason, which does not seem too easy. Suddenly she found a way – it must be an extreme nakedness like naked in...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 5

We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 20 Winter or Summer

October 12, 1996, Rutherford, Ohio Rutherford, Ohio was a relatively small town; but then again compared to Chicago, Cincinnati was a relatively small town. Rutherford was bigger than Milford, but not by a lot. It had the regional trauma center, the BMV, and the Harding County courthouse and other government buildings, as well as the Sheriff’s Department. I could imagine Milford being like Rutherford if all those facilities had been in Milford, instead of Batavia, which was the Clermont...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 3 A Whisper From The Past

Pilar is tireless, gotta give her that. She entered Hobo in a couple of sheepdog contests mainly as a lark. And because her beloved border collie would enjoy it, love being outdoors, running, jumping, herding. Turns out he’s good at it. And Pilar must be too. Although it’s harder to tell with the handler. But between them, they started finishing in the money. Well, taking home a ribbon anyway. So Pilar applied herself. Talked with other trainers, owners, breeders. Studied countless videos....

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 7

Walker: “Women like silent men.” Pilar: “They think they’re listening.” Bear’s frustration was growing. Understandably so. The love of his life, Barry Hopkins, was not only being blackmailed, his life had been threatened. Everyone -- Daddy, Hank Morristown, Bear -- believed that the laser beam centered on Barry’s chest was an absolute threat. Menacing. Bear pulled me aside, “Five minutes, Winter. Five minutes.” Time alone with Mr. Laser. “If I can. Promise.” Illegal to turn Bear loose...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 4

Pilar Paloma, our not-so-little roommate, was becoming even more independent, more of a force. She sat down with Vanessa and me, looked directly at me and said, “I’m not going to fuck Walker, not until you’re okay with it.” A surprise. And a relief. Vanessa smiled, “That’s a kindness, Pilar. We appreciate it.” Actually, Vanessa didn’t care if Pilar did fuck her little boyfriend. But out of courtesy for me, love for me, she hadn’t told Pilar that. And, if it weren’t for the age thing -- I...

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Girl walk every day naked at severe winter

Siberia, morning of 23. December, second day of school holidays. Yulia xxxxxxx (family name secret), 11, unlike other girls, is nudist, which means, she spend holidays mostly naked. In summer it is not a big problem, only for community maybe, but here in xxxxxx (place name secret!) village nobody is complaining about matter. But now is winter. This year weather has been more severe already before winter solstice. Temperatures has been fallen below -30 and today is not an exception....

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 11 A Bouquet of Pheasants

On a hunch, Clint asked his Vanguard counterpart in Boise to go through the old surveillance videos before the raid on the Gunther compound in northern Idaho. A raid clandestinely approved and funded by Senator Harper Wainwright. And orchestrated by his chief of staff, Constance Grayson. And field-directed by Matt Striker. Boise called back the next day. Winner-winner, chicken dinner! Martin Folsom again. That tied him to two American Nazi compounds. And also made me start reconsidering...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 15 Eagle

I woke up in Palo Alto feeling ... refreshed. More like my old self. First time since ... well, it had been a while. Feeling morning-naughty, I sat under the shower spray and treated myself to a quickie. Dressed for success, I was checking myself out in front of the hotel mirror. Picked up my cell, “Hello.” “What are you doing in California?” I smiled, sat back in the club chair, Clint Callahan. “And this is your business ... why?” “I made it my business.” “Oooh, tough guy. I’m still...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 4

When we returned home I took Candace to my bedroom, laid her on her back on my bed, and tied her hands and ankles to the head and foot boards of the bed. I kissed her lightly on her lips, then began to kiss and nibble on her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, around to her ears and her neck. Her body was stock still but her breathing was quick and shallow. When I got to the front of her neck I began to work my way down the front of her body. I grabbed the scissors I left on the bed table and cut her...

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National Park Winter and Group Sex

The churning and merging is so vigorous that surrounding objects tremble with the movements, and so wet that a continuous sloshing sound is noticeable above the din of heavy breathing, rhythmic throbbing intonations and voices that betray heightened excitement and arousal. With pressure rapidly building and heat rising, the white frothy liquid reaches a point where it must burst from its dark enclosure. The bright juice sparkles in the sunlight as it is spewed, in copious amounts, into the air...

Group Sex
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The Necessity of Winter

The Necessity of Winter By Armond *** 1. Arthmael. I ripped the dagger from her heart... ...and held it, inches from the girl's fur wrapped chest. My hand refused to sheath the blade, pleading instead for release, to plunge it back. How I longed to; for the first time in my life, I would raise my wishes over duty to my people. Time stilled, as I fought my nature. The single movement in the room was bright red blood falling from gleaming blade.... drop...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 9 A Pitying of Turtledoves

The police responded in under three minutes; two ambulances right behind them. One of them said, “Gun!” and I felt, but couldn’t see, one cop grab my shoulder bag where he removed the .38. The other one cuffed me, hands behind my back. Morales and I were rushed to University hospital. I ended up on the second floor of the Critical Care Tower. Morales was in the same building, but in the burn unit. When Suzette aimed at me, I had ducked my head and squeezed my eyes shut. That helped, but my...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 3 A Pandemonium of Parrots

2019 That was then; this was now, four years later. A lot had changed in my life since I told Carol Sue Parker goodbye at O’Hare. Of course, a lot would change in any four-year period; it’s just that I ended up measuring that particular span in terms of a young woman I had thought I’d never see again. Life goes on. Walker was now 15; I was 33. I was married, deliciously so, to Vanessa Henderson. Walker had a live-in girlfriend, his second, named Pilar Paloma. I was still doing a daily...

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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 6 Gunner

I knew now, knew without the slightest doubt, what my subconscious had been trying to tell me. The Oasis aftermath. The Gunthers. Or the Meriwethers. Or maybe both. Almost certainly Gunner. I had been the instigator of the Gunthers’ downfall. Was probably the symbol. Hated symbol. And the Gunther collapse was tied directly to the arrests of David and Charles Meriwether. The Buckshot Video was similar to the FaceTime video I’d saved on my laptop. When Greta Gunther blew the head off one of...

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The Cave In Winter Wonderland

Chapter One“Damn it! Where did they go?” I mumbled to myself as I came to a fork on the icy path on this icy alpine mountain. Derrick, my boyfriend, thought this trip would be a great way to spend our winter break from the University we attended in Chicago.Susie, my BFF, and Sean, her boyfriend,  all were excited about the trip. I guess I was the only one who didn't like the idea. The news has a way of making the world seem dangerous. Chicago doesn't have the best reputation, but I feel safe...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Hard WinterChapter 3 Autumn A Trip into York

We both awoke around six-thirty and we still smelt of sex, I think it turned us both on because she was soon all fours wiggling her arse and demanding, "Fuck me, come on, I'm horny!" We had a fast, furious five minutes of hard sex and we both came again. We then sat up to get our breath and Kelly said quite matter-of-factly, "What else turns you on? Would you fuck my arse, do a threesome with me and another girl? Would you tie me up and fuck me, spank me, piss on me, or me piss on you,...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 3

The more she talked the harder my cock got. She told me that starting at the age of 8 when I tied her up, she would go to her room afterwards and play with her slit. When she was 9 her clit made its' first appearance and she began getting mini orgasms. By the time we quit when she was 10 she was having orgasms while I was tying her. That was one of the reasons she quit, she was getting embarrassed about it and didn't want me to see. She continued to play with herself, but to make up for not...

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Big Bear and White Dove Or Winter in the Mountains

aka “Winter in the Mountains” By Louishoney This story is written for ADULT entertainment ONLY! If you are not at least 18 years old, LEAVE! She ran as fast as she could through the forest and past the pines steepled atop the golden hills of grass. She was in a panic. Her footsteps were being dogged by a band of Chippewa looking to make her their sex slave again. Four or five of them had jumped out of the forest three days ago and ran after her across the meadow while she was...

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Winter girl experience

Here is talking not me, but one girl about her winter nude experience.In the middle of December my friend suddenly proposed that I could ski nude. My first reaction was: what are you talking about!? But then very quickly I realized that it is good idea. I can't explain why I liked it but when that day came when we drove to the ski center, I was overexcited and I really had irresistible desire to go there nude and start to skiing. All my life I had always proper clothing according to weather and...

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Winter Forest

"Master, more slowly go! I pray you, less haste!" Ranulf reined in impatiently under the frost-rimed trees, brushing his red hair back from his forehead. The cold was growing more intense as they plunged ever deeper into the forest. His squire's hissing speech was slurred as the cold slowed all his bodily functions. "We'll make camp as soon as we find a place that gives us any shelter. That I promise." His voice was brusk but not unkind. The lizard man had served him well in his...

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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 2 Riles

For some reason, crime in America follows railroad tracks. And Kansas City has plenty of both. My first, and I hope last, shootout took place near my office in the Stockyards. Besides gunplay, it involved ramming my bright red F-150 into a larger Dodge Ram. The Ford Motorcar Company told me, and I verified it through an independent mechanic, that the frame had been wrenched out of shape. It could be straightened, but wouldn’t drive the same, not really. I sat down with Vanessa and Gertie...

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