Pasayten PeteChapter 9 Legend and Illumination
- 4 years ago
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Winters in the Methow Valley were cold, sometimes bitterly so. Temperatures ranged well below zero. The snow would pile up two and three feet deep. It fell to Graydon to keep the driveway into the Wolf Creek homestead shoveled out when the snow got deeper than the sedan his step-father drove, or the panel truck, their faithful Blue Goose, could break through without chains.
Graydon would wax the flat-bladed shovel and begin cutting blocks from the deep snow, lifting each, and heaving it to the side. It would take him most of a day to move the snow from between the tire ruts. If the snow had fallen that deep, then he would also get out a ladder and cautiously shovel snow off the porch roof and the chicken house, lest the weight collapse them. The other roofs, the house and outbuildings, had been built with steeply-pitched roofs. They would clear themselves. Crashing snowslides would tumble from them before enough weight could accumulate to threaten the structure.
The animals drank the running water of the irrigation ditches, year around. Thick ice would cover the ditches; every day Graydon chopped holes in the ice so the animals could drink. If their small goat herd was confined to the barn, he would carry water inside to fill a watering trough made from a cut-down water heater shell.
He would fork hay down from the loft into the mangers, and pitch their trampled bedding and manure through a shuttered side window onto a manure pile outside.
The sheltering barn, divided into stalls with feed mangers at their head and wooden-bar milking stanchions behind, was good protection during the coldest sub-zero nights. Nestled in deep bedding, the sociable goats would cluster together and their body heat warmed the enclosed space surprisingly well. Each morning when Graydon opened the door he was greeted by a chorus of bleats and jostling bodies. The nannies were eager for feed and milking. He always brought a bucket of feed pellets to supplement their alfalfa hay diet. It was a challenge to get the bucket emptied into their feed trough before an eager goat's nose knocked the bucket from his hand.
Chickens thrived on hot feed -- a three-pound coffee can half-filled with "mill run," a flaked grain mixture bought cheaply from the feed store in town -- stirred into a bucket of hot water from the wood kitchen range. He poured warm water into the chicken house water bowls so they could drink before it iced over again. The chicken run lay littered with bowl-shaped blocks of ice.
Other winter chores included splitting massive firewood blocks to useable size for both house stoves. They'd cut wood from fallen or standing dead trees upriver along abandoned logging roads. Sometimes a block would hold a huge knot. Graydon would swing a sledge hammer to drive a splitting wedge down through the knot until it would snap apart, sometimes violently; he would use a single-bit splitting axe to split the blocks down to fit the stoves. His job was to keep the wood boxes for both stoves full. He would save the larger, pine-knot chunks for laying up the parlor stove fire at night. Despite that, the parlor fire would by morning burn down to ashes and a few embers. Getting up in the morning was done surrounded by clouds of one's breath in the frosty upstairs air.
It was a long, cold run to the outhouse in winter. Pails under each bed were carried and emptied at morning call.
Winter life at the Wolf Creek homestead seemed very closed in for Graydon, sheltered, his world centered around the warm house and the sheltering barn. He swaddled himself in boots, sweater, a heavy coat, hat and gloves, before coping with the frozen spaces outside. Work centered on feed, firewood, chopping ice, carrying water, and shoveling snow. Trips to town were infrequent, and were a challenge. The Blue Goose was reluctant to start and, once started and running, was difficult to steer in straight lines down the rutted, icy roads.
By mid-winter the winterscape expanded greatly for Graydon. He acquired a pair of war-surplus trooper skis, laminated hickory, seven feet long, with leather bindings that laced tightly over his well-greased work boots, and ski poles, a pair of shoulder-high poles with laced leather grips, straps, and wide snow baskets. These skis and poles were used by ski-troopers during the war. They were painted white for camouflage.
Graydon weighed a third what an equipped ski-trooper would weigh. When he strapped them on and took off across the barnyard he literally floated across the snow. A new teacher at school was a ski enthusiast. He encouraged the few students who showed any interest in the sport. Downhill skiing was becoming better known in the rural Cascade region; Leavenworth was making a name for itself with a ski-jumping hill and people were beginning to notice.
Graydon got a beginner's book explaining kick-turns, climbing steps, and long, sweeping telemark turns on long skis. There were some references to Scandinavian cross-country ski history and techniques. Graydon used the spare daylight hours of the short winter weekends to practice.
A kick-turn required that he balance himself on one ski, using his poles to steady himself, while he lifted the free ski upright to get its tail clear of the snow so he could pivot both his leg and the ski around in a turn to face backwards. Right. The first several tries left him laying in a tangled heap of poles and skis. But, he was blessed with long legs so after a few weekends practice he was able to kick-turn and take off across the barnyard in a gliding stride. He was anxious to take off across fields and slopes for some wintertime hikes.
Cottonwood trees flanking the rock-rimmed irrigation ditch behind the house moaned in the rising late-night wind. Graydon heard the swaying branches outside and close thunder booming from the north as an early summer storm moved down the valley. They had spent several days cleaning out clutter and moving in. Alex Senior made a trip in the Blue Goose to buy used furniture: a kitchen table and chairs, an iron frame double bed with springs and mattress, two war surplus barrack cots with pads, an...
His Arkansas drawl was thick like rich molasses, slow and easy. Ezekial Patterson seemed ageless; tall, slightly hunch-shouldered, and he shuffled along with a slight limp. "Patch," as folks called him, was as much a part of the 300-acre river-bottoms as the fields, the willows, and the cottonwood trees. His best pal Purdy dressed all in black with a floppy black hat. Patch wore blue denim that went unwashed once he put it on new from the General Store. The jacket and trousers were crusted...
The yellow school bus pulled up to their narrow drive on the gravel road, loaded Graydon and Alex Jr, drove a hundred yards to the "Y" intersection of the Wolf Creek spur and turned around. Their house was the last stop. It was four miles to school. Graydon sat at the window with Alex Jr. beside him. He watched the sagebrush flats roll by, the rock piles and stunted apple trees and lilacs marking where earlier homestead efforts had withered from lack of water. Wolf Creek was a seasonal...
Alex Sr. worked away during the week on a Columbia River dam site. He came home most weekends, making the three-hour drive Friday evening. Often he was quite late, saying he'd gotten "hung up" with friends or late work. Usually his breath smelled of whiskey. He had always been a drinker and enjoyed hanging out in the evenings with his tavern buddies. But now there was a new element: jealousy. There had been jealous rages before. Once in Wyoming at a rented tar-paper shack on the South...
Graydon could feel himself evenly balanced on his skis. He could feel his arms bearing down on his ski poles, planted firmly to each side. Otherwise he felt suspended in space, hanging in milk. His feet ended at his boot tops and no trace of snow or shadow or outline or slope or mountainside existed in his vision. There was no horizon and no sky. It was a perfect "whiteout," that rare condition of light in which snow and sky are perfectly blended together and there is no trace of shadow or...
The winter passed quickly for Graydon. School classes, homework, homestead chores, Christmas, the February chinook winds that brought a sudden thaw to the deep snows and turned the fields into lakes and the roadside ditches into torrents, followed by a hard freeze and a snowfall that locked the valley into another six weeks of winter; everything mixed his days into a hurried winter passage. Weekends allowed time for cross-country ski treks, either across Wolf Creek and up to the old lodge,...
Spring merged into early summer; it was June and Graydon found himself working, putting up hay bales for a rancher from whom his step-father had borrowed money. Graydon was working off the debt. He was able to handle the bales, averaging 60 to 75 lbs each, walking beside a tractor-drawn wagon and grabbing each bale by its wire bindings and swinging it up to another teenager with hay hooks, who would swing the bale into place on the growing load. Even for June it was damned hot and sweaty...
The trail into upper Wolf Creek canyon was open; the last snows had melted out of the north-slope shaded areas and the spring floods had subsided. Graydon was restless. He gathered together his packsack gear, some staple foodstuffs, his fishing pole, and told his mother that he'd be hiking up the canyon, perhaps as far as Gardner Meadows, at the base of the mountain. He planned to be gone three days for some early season trout fishing on the way up, and two nights of sleeping out. Actually,...
There was little that Graydon could do for Mike beyond what he'd already done. He refilled his water bottle and left that within easy reach, with some dried fruit, nuts, and chocolate snacks. He put a rolled jacket under Mike's head, and carefully lifted his right side to lay a folded wool blanket under him, and another blanket over him to ease the cold and reduce the shock from his injuries. He'd built a tiny fire, just enough to make a pot of camp coffee and to boil panels of t-shirt...
The simple fact that Dr. Hardy and nurse June were able to knit Mike's arm, mend his shattered leg, and hold infection at bay was a true testament to their skilled and dedicated care. It was also unlikely that the leg would have healed at all, in any form that would let Mike walk on it again, if it hadn't been for the inner focus he'd used during that agonizing night in the rock slide. Anyone else would have died from massive infection, or barring that, would have required reconstructive...
Fall arrived in a series of storms, each more intense than the last, until just after Halloween a cold air mass from the north mixed with a wet air mass from the west. The valley lay blanketed under its first heavy snowfall. Time had passed rapidly for Graydon and Mike; Graydon was unusually busy for a teenager: school had started, homestead chores and homework took much of his time, and he spent nearly every weekend at the Brightman ranch. Mike had strengthened his leg and walked with only...
"She's come to stay with us, at least for a while," Ken explained as he worked, fluffing a pelt that he was getting ready for a mount. "She" was a shy, almost fearful girl about a year younger than Graydon who was now living with Ken Granger and his wife at their home with the rolling lawns and huge tree-lined pond. "She's so frightened. I tried to introduce myself and she ran into the house, crying." "She's not much better with Helen and me. It's hard for her right now. She's...
"I saw it. A darkness. It dims her spirit, clouds it, weighs it down and she is lost in grief and sadness. I've never seen anything like it before." Graydon sat in the warmth of the small fire outside Mike's cabin; they shared the flickering firelight. Fleeting shadows outlined worried frowns on their faces. "I've seen it before. Not often, but often enough. It weighs so heavily on a person's soul they can become lost, lost to themselves and everyone around them. This is a terrible...
Graydon was exhausted. His eyes had sunk into their sockets, dark circles lay sagging above his gaunt cheekbones, and his face bore signs of strain and a weariness beyond his years. For a week he had spent his nights alone in the hayloft, isolated and immersed in his connections, seeing the harm that had befallen the Jacobs family. His days were filled with work, sweating to clear ditches, cut brush, weed the garden and repair fences around the old homestead. He drove himself hard, stopping...
Father Bernard looked up from his sheath of papers to see an elderly man standing before his desk, a man in casual clothing such as a rancher might wear. Such attire was not uncommon for this midwestern region, but it was exceptionally unusual to find one dressed so casually in his private office, especially one who was both uninvited and unannounced. "How ... Who are ... Sir! Who are you, and how did you get into my office? No one is permitted in here without prior appointment! Miss...
The suicide of the priest was front page news on all of the city and regional newspapers. It was even featured on both national wire services. Frank and Madeline Jacobs, who had known Father Bernard and attended his church for most of their adult lives, were stunned. Frank struggled with conflicting emotions. He wanted Father Bernard punished. He wanted him jailed and defrocked for his crimes against Marilee. But suicide? God forbid that Frank should feel any satisfaction at such an end....
"My name is Michael Peterson. My friends call me Mike. I've lived in the valley for many years, but it's a remote area and other than a few close friends I pretty much stay to myself." Mike sipped his second cup of coffee, leaning back and thinking to himself that Madeline Jacobs baked a fine pie. He'd savored that slice. Good home cooking never escaped his appreciation. Like most elderly bachelors, Mike cooked to survive but he didn't often take time to turn out a gourmet meal....
"You are absolutely certain, then? The coroner's report shows no drugs, no hallucinogens, no substances of any kind?" "No, sir. Father Bernard's body showed no evidence of any substance that might have caused hallucinations or insanity. There are no drug traces or other physiological evidence pointing to a trigger for his breakdown." "Yet he virtually tore himself to pieces. His face was a mask of utter terror. This is not the act of a rational man, obviously. The simple conclusion...
The leather was beautiful. Ken Granger sat at his workbench, running the soft strips through his hands, admiring its suppleness, its golden amber color, the fine texture of the grain. Goatskin! Who would have imagined such a common animal could produce such beautiful leather! Actually, the more he considered it, the less he was amazed. Goats and deer and antelope are closely related, and each produce a fine grade of leather, soft and supple, when properly tanned. He had been reluctant to...
"James, I was chatting with Eleanor Whittaker at our card club yesterday, and she mentioned something to me that you might want to pass on to Ken Granger. She and her husband own the insurance agency in Twisp. They've been tied down to it for over 25 years, ever since Randall took it over from his father." Vi Brightman was bustling around the kitchen, getting the rest of their morning breakfast on the table. Jim was enjoying his first morning coffee and eyeing a growing stack of potato...
"This is entirely too much! This generosity exceeds our demands; I've provided for every needy family in the valley! Where can I possibly use all this money?" Jim Brightman smiled to himself; such a complaint could come only from Fr. Ambrose, the elderly priest who had devoted so many years of his life to his small parish. "You know as well as I, this money comes from our friend in the mountains. He was led to it, that it might serve those whom the spirits would aid. That means you, and...
Marilee came through the front door with Graydon right behind her. They stopped in the kitchen doorway. Her parents sat at the table with Fr. Ambrose, his back to the two young people. When he saw Frank's eyes lift toward the doorway, Fr. Ambrose rose from his chair and strode forward, extending his hand. "Good evening, Marilee. It is good to see you again. Who is this young man with you?" Marilee blushed shyly. She turned to bring Graydon alongside. "This is Graydon Williams, our...
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I was working as a manager at this beautiful lodge. I took care of bookings, house holding and meals to guests that had breakfast and dinner. After a couple of days there, I knew every guest at the lodge and what they needed and where. Those who had meals were all made by me and not the kitchen staff. All and all, I enjoyed my work. Each morning around six am the first thing I did, was take a few laps in the pool. It wasn’t a big pool, but fifteen minutes of work out every day did me good....
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Winter and I played in the bathtub together. Our fingers,lips and tongues,teased and caressed each other,until the water took on a chill and the bubbles from our bubble bath were almost gone. I drained the tub,turned on a warm shower and as we rinsed off I could not help but notice how beautiful she really is. Winter will grow to be be a stunningly gorgeous woman. I am sure of that.Once again I wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to the bed. She, snagged another towel from the rack as...
The homeless and poor peoples winter feastBy RotnebSynopsis: Every year there was organized a charity festival in the village hall for the city's homeless and poor people, a feast where all the poor once a year get filled stomachs and amused. This year will be something special when Lisa and eight other young women voluntarily donate their naked meat to the feast banquet and to entertainment for the homeless and poor. The story is only fantasy.The meats The first Sunday in February came the...
Introduction: Story about brave girl winter walk At first I have to start with me, that this project requires to give also self-experience. I have practiced winter nudity many years, but not regularly. There have been some pauses. I have been lucky to share winter nude walk with some girls, like here: These are my photos and my car can be seen in two photos of these series. In previous winter I began from 1st January and then...
Marlene was a princess of the 9thB class in her school in little town of the northern country. She was an excellent student and also beauty – long blonde hair, pretty face and model-like legs. She was aware of her charm, but she wanted more. She tried to figure out, how to impress stronger. Marlene was ready to show up naked in front of the boys, but she wanted to find a good reason, which does not seem too easy. Suddenly she found a way – it must be an extreme nakedness like naked in...
In previous winter I began from 1st January and then every weekend, but not only the coldest (4-5 Feb), from which I wrote main story later. Longest time was at 26th February 1 h 47 min and temperature in this day about -4-5 (23-25 F), but sunny. Feeling of cold is not the same every time. Generally it can be very different. But normally after some 30-40 minutes is the warmest moment, then you don’t feel any cold. After some 1 h – 1h 15 min body started to feel colder again, but not too much....
October 12, 1996, Rutherford, Ohio Rutherford, Ohio was a relatively small town; but then again compared to Chicago, Cincinnati was a relatively small town. Rutherford was bigger than Milford, but not by a lot. It had the regional trauma center, the BMV, and the Harding County courthouse and other government buildings, as well as the Sheriff’s Department. I could imagine Milford being like Rutherford if all those facilities had been in Milford, instead of Batavia, which was the Clermont...
Siberia, morning of 23. December, second day of school holidays. Yulia xxxxxxx (family name secret), 11, unlike other girls, is nudist, which means, she spend holidays mostly naked. In summer it is not a big problem, only for community maybe, but here in xxxxxx (place name secret!) village nobody is complaining about matter. But now is winter. This year weather has been more severe already before winter solstice. Temperatures has been fallen below -30 and today is not an exception....
Richard Hyder was apoplectic, “Your Honor! This is outrageous! Trial by ambush! I’ve never seen anything so ... underhanded, so deceitful, in my forty-one years before the bar.” “Is there an objection in there?” Judge Graves seemed more amused than annoyed. “Yes! Yes there is. The Defense hasn’t even begun to present its case and this ... this ... private eye miraculously points the way ... I object! This ... these items cannot be entered into evidence.” “Grounds?” “Illegal search and...
On a hunch, Clint asked his Vanguard counterpart in Boise to go through the old surveillance videos before the raid on the Gunther compound in northern Idaho. A raid clandestinely approved and funded by Senator Harper Wainwright. And orchestrated by his chief of staff, Constance Grayson. And field-directed by Matt Striker. Boise called back the next day. Winner-winner, chicken dinner! Martin Folsom again. That tied him to two American Nazi compounds. And also made me start reconsidering...
I woke up in Palo Alto feeling ... refreshed. More like my old self. First time since ... well, it had been a while. Feeling morning-naughty, I sat under the shower spray and treated myself to a quickie. Dressed for success, I was checking myself out in front of the hotel mirror. Picked up my cell, “Hello.” “What are you doing in California?” I smiled, sat back in the club chair, Clint Callahan. “And this is your business ... why?” “I made it my business.” “Oooh, tough guy. I’m still...
The churning and merging is so vigorous that surrounding objects tremble with the movements, and so wet that a continuous sloshing sound is noticeable above the din of heavy breathing, rhythmic throbbing intonations and voices that betray heightened excitement and arousal. With pressure rapidly building and heat rising, the white frothy liquid reaches a point where it must burst from its dark enclosure. The bright juice sparkles in the sunlight as it is spewed, in copious amounts, into the air...
Group SexThe Necessity of Winter By Armond *** 1. Arthmael. I ripped the dagger from her heart... ...and held it, inches from the girl's fur wrapped chest. My hand refused to sheath the blade, pleading instead for release, to plunge it back. How I longed to; for the first time in my life, I would raise my wishes over duty to my people. Time stilled, as I fought my nature. The single movement in the room was bright red blood falling from gleaming blade.... drop...