Pasayten PeteChapter 9 Legend and Illumination
- 4 years ago
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Fall arrived in a series of storms, each more intense than the last, until just after Halloween a cold air mass from the north mixed with a wet air mass from the west. The valley lay blanketed under its first heavy snowfall.
Time had passed rapidly for Graydon and Mike; Graydon was unusually busy for a teenager: school had started, homestead chores and homework took much of his time, and he spent nearly every weekend at the Brightman ranch. Mike had strengthened his leg and walked with only a slight limp; he had not regained his full stamina. He needed to rest frequently during his forest walks with Graydon. Jim and Vi had a long visit with Dee Johns and won her permission for Graydon to spend weekends at the ranch; a "cover story" that Graydon was working part time as Jim's helper was accepted by Alex Sr., who didn't especially care as long as Graydon was bringing home some money each week and paying into the household budget. Jim and Mike agreed this was affordable and would provide perfect cover.
Graydon brought his skis and gear to the ranch. When the snow came he skied a long diagonal path to the upper hayfields, into the timber, and through the tree canopy to Mike's cabin. He would arrive early Saturday morning, check in for a hot breakfast with Jim and Vi, and ski up for a study weekend with Mike.
Much of the first month was spent in "focus" studies: learning to calm his mind through meditation, and singing chants in a strange tongue which Mike explained he would understand when the native language settled into his mind. How the process worked stymied Graydon, but he'd learned not to question Mike, but to accept it and do as instructed. As his studies went along, his understanding grew.
Mike took Graydon to a small domed structure behind the cabin and introduced him to the sweat lodge ceremony. The sweat ceremony is a sacred and closely-guarded ceremony of the native peoples, Mike explained. It must never be treated lightly or discussed. It is a cleansing ritual for purification of one's body and is a way to commune with one's spirit and, sometimes, with other spirits closely aligned with oneself.
"Everything that we will do, all that you will learn, all that you will become, has one purpose: to become one with your spiritual nature. The body is only a vessel; the spirit, what the churches call the 'soul, ' is the essence of man. The body is a demanding thing; it demands food, water, rest, protection, comfort, procreation and pleasure. Those who habitually submit to the demands of the body lose touch with their spirit. They become prisoners of their desires. Look about you; you will see that western culture has become a culture of the flesh. Few believe in the power of the spirit. Few recognize that the spirit has power in the physical realm. Almost no one believes that their spirit can control or heal their body. As for other powers of the spirit, much has been branded as witchcraft, superstition, or mythology. You will learn about your spirit, the duality of body and soul, and your connection to the universe of existence.
"I must introduce these things in language you understand: the sound symbols of language. There is a great weakness in this. Words are weak. They are pale shadows of my thoughts and do not carry the full meaning. We must move quickly to another way. That is why we will commence with the sweat lodge ceremony. It is time. Let us begin."
Graydon sat cross-legged, head tilted back, unmoving, his eyes closed, lips apart, his hands laying palm upward on his knees. His eyes moved under his closed lids and his lips pursed as if forming words. His body glistened with beads and rivulets of sweat in the hot moist air of the confined space. He inhaled the clouds of steam; his chest expanded and contracted slowly, deeply, in a steady rhythm of long breaths taken hungrily through his flared nostrils. Vision followed upon vision like footsteps taken along a winding trail of time, tracing the decades of a life lived before his own, entwined in continuity with his own life. His awareness, his spirit, expanded as a bud unfolds and grows under a new sun.
The riders moved swiftly across the sand and greasewood plain. They had ridden for more than an hour, and as they skirted the base of the high sandstone bluffs a canyon opening came into sight. The old native turned his horse, stared a long moment at the white rider, and spoke in clear English:
"You may depart us now, if you choose. Take with you our gratitude for the lives of our children, my grandchildren. If you return this way, you will be recognized as a friend of our people. You will be allowed safe travel and if you have need, you will receive food and shelter.
"Know this: you are in great danger from your kind because of what you have done this day. I make you an offer. Come with us, and remain with my family for a time. But know that once you enter this canyon, you may not leave until we believe you would never reveal what you see and learn here. To do so would be a grave threat to us."
The children sat silently behind their elders. The younger rider, their father, sat astride his horse and studied Michael's face intently, reading the truth of his expressions. Michael gazed back into the eyes of the old shaman, and saw in their depths something that spoke far more than his words: he saw promise, knowledge, an offer.
Author: Desperado ( Subject: M/f, medieval,whipping This story is intended only for education and enjoyment of alternatesexual lifestyles and is not to be released or viewed by minors. Prologue to the Alchemist's Apprentice Edern stood at the window, not really looking out onto the king's parklandbelow, but intent on the manuscript open before him. It was indeed a puzzlementbut mention was made of nushadir , a substance powerfulto break down lead and iron....
"This is entirely too much! This generosity exceeds our demands; I've provided for every needy family in the valley! Where can I possibly use all this money?" Jim Brightman smiled to himself; such a complaint could come only from Fr. Ambrose, the elderly priest who had devoted so many years of his life to his small parish. "You know as well as I, this money comes from our friend in the mountains. He was led to it, that it might serve those whom the spirits would aid. That means you, and...
I was sold into apprenticeship at the age of four. My master was a knight commander of the order of the Golden Knights. They protected caravans and towns and fought battles and evil. By the age of ten I was very good with the blade and the bow. By fourteen I was a master of both and by sixteen none in the order could best me. I was still an apprentice and served my master. I brought him food and made his bed and put up his tent. I cared for his horse and his equipment and tended to all his...
Sean had asked Zan about possibly getting some more Airships. He was organising overland transportation between the different villages. He had decided that a lot of the lighter goods and people they needed to transport around would be better off in using the Airships. They had decided not to go to planes as the Airships were more environmentally friendly and the locals already made them. The fact the faeries hated planes were also part of his decision. They also moved around fast enough for...
JOANNA SMITH – SEAMAN APPRENTICE By Sailor 861 JoAnna Smith, 34, looked out her living room window with "harley anddavie," her very chatty parakeets, at the sheets of rain pelting downon a grey, muggy mid-September Sunday morning in downtown Philadelphia andglumly summed up the year in five words: fate, discovery, incident, interlude,introspection. Her shoulders, breasts and sex still ached from a B and D session gone terriblywrong a month ago. But she was slowly recuperating, her mind...
SRU: The Apprentice by Grimbo Leon Walters had always wondered about the strange tales on campus. Hell, anyone who heard them would. But to him, they meant nothing. He avoided the fraternities, sports, and any other school activities. To him, the location of his next paycheck was more important. Three years at the university, straight A's the whole time, and he couldn't get any scholarships to finish. It seems that his parents make too much money, but not enough to afford sending him...
Graydon could feel himself evenly balanced on his skis. He could feel his arms bearing down on his ski poles, planted firmly to each side. Otherwise he felt suspended in space, hanging in milk. His feet ended at his boot tops and no trace of snow or shadow or outline or slope or mountainside existed in his vision. There was no horizon and no sky. It was a perfect "whiteout," that rare condition of light in which snow and sky are perfectly blended together and there is no trace of shadow or...
The winter passed quickly for Graydon. School classes, homework, homestead chores, Christmas, the February chinook winds that brought a sudden thaw to the deep snows and turned the fields into lakes and the roadside ditches into torrents, followed by a hard freeze and a snowfall that locked the valley into another six weeks of winter; everything mixed his days into a hurried winter passage. Weekends allowed time for cross-country ski treks, either across Wolf Creek and up to the old lodge,...
The simple fact that Dr. Hardy and nurse June were able to knit Mike's arm, mend his shattered leg, and hold infection at bay was a true testament to their skilled and dedicated care. It was also unlikely that the leg would have healed at all, in any form that would let Mike walk on it again, if it hadn't been for the inner focus he'd used during that agonizing night in the rock slide. Anyone else would have died from massive infection, or barring that, would have required reconstructive...
Alex Sr. worked away during the week on a Columbia River dam site. He came home most weekends, making the three-hour drive Friday evening. Often he was quite late, saying he'd gotten "hung up" with friends or late work. Usually his breath smelled of whiskey. He had always been a drinker and enjoyed hanging out in the evenings with his tavern buddies. But now there was a new element: jealousy. There had been jealous rages before. Once in Wyoming at a rented tar-paper shack on the South...
There was little that Graydon could do for Mike beyond what he'd already done. He refilled his water bottle and left that within easy reach, with some dried fruit, nuts, and chocolate snacks. He put a rolled jacket under Mike's head, and carefully lifted his right side to lay a folded wool blanket under him, and another blanket over him to ease the cold and reduce the shock from his injuries. He'd built a tiny fire, just enough to make a pot of camp coffee and to boil panels of t-shirt...
The yellow school bus pulled up to their narrow drive on the gravel road, loaded Graydon and Alex Jr, drove a hundred yards to the "Y" intersection of the Wolf Creek spur and turned around. Their house was the last stop. It was four miles to school. Graydon sat at the window with Alex Jr. beside him. He watched the sagebrush flats roll by, the rock piles and stunted apple trees and lilacs marking where earlier homestead efforts had withered from lack of water. Wolf Creek was a seasonal...
Dee Johns found her home at the end of a washboard gravel road four miles northwest of Winthrop. "A place to settle down," she said. They were at Wolf Creek where it emerges from a deep canyon that cuts between the north end of Thompson Ridge and the south end of Virginian Ridge, the western wall of the upper valley. It was a sweltering 100-mile drive northeast along the Columbia River, then north along the Methow River, following sharper and narrower bends, climbing and winding, crossing...
Cottonwood trees flanking the rock-rimmed irrigation ditch behind the house moaned in the rising late-night wind. Graydon heard the swaying branches outside and close thunder booming from the north as an early summer storm moved down the valley. They had spent several days cleaning out clutter and moving in. Alex Senior made a trip in the Blue Goose to buy used furniture: a kitchen table and chairs, an iron frame double bed with springs and mattress, two war surplus barrack cots with pads, an...
His Arkansas drawl was thick like rich molasses, slow and easy. Ezekial Patterson seemed ageless; tall, slightly hunch-shouldered, and he shuffled along with a slight limp. "Patch," as folks called him, was as much a part of the 300-acre river-bottoms as the fields, the willows, and the cottonwood trees. His best pal Purdy dressed all in black with a floppy black hat. Patch wore blue denim that went unwashed once he put it on new from the General Store. The jacket and trousers were crusted...
Winters in the Methow Valley were cold, sometimes bitterly so. Temperatures ranged well below zero. The snow would pile up two and three feet deep. It fell to Graydon to keep the driveway into the Wolf Creek homestead shoveled out when the snow got deeper than the sedan his step-father drove, or the panel truck, their faithful Blue Goose, could break through without chains. Graydon would wax the flat-bladed shovel and begin cutting blocks from the deep snow, lifting each, and heaving it to...
Spring merged into early summer; it was June and Graydon found himself working, putting up hay bales for a rancher from whom his step-father had borrowed money. Graydon was working off the debt. He was able to handle the bales, averaging 60 to 75 lbs each, walking beside a tractor-drawn wagon and grabbing each bale by its wire bindings and swinging it up to another teenager with hay hooks, who would swing the bale into place on the growing load. Even for June it was damned hot and sweaty...
The trail into upper Wolf Creek canyon was open; the last snows had melted out of the north-slope shaded areas and the spring floods had subsided. Graydon was restless. He gathered together his packsack gear, some staple foodstuffs, his fishing pole, and told his mother that he'd be hiking up the canyon, perhaps as far as Gardner Meadows, at the base of the mountain. He planned to be gone three days for some early season trout fishing on the way up, and two nights of sleeping out. Actually,...
"She's come to stay with us, at least for a while," Ken explained as he worked, fluffing a pelt that he was getting ready for a mount. "She" was a shy, almost fearful girl about a year younger than Graydon who was now living with Ken Granger and his wife at their home with the rolling lawns and huge tree-lined pond. "She's so frightened. I tried to introduce myself and she ran into the house, crying." "She's not much better with Helen and me. It's hard for her right now. She's...
"I saw it. A darkness. It dims her spirit, clouds it, weighs it down and she is lost in grief and sadness. I've never seen anything like it before." Graydon sat in the warmth of the small fire outside Mike's cabin; they shared the flickering firelight. Fleeting shadows outlined worried frowns on their faces. "I've seen it before. Not often, but often enough. It weighs so heavily on a person's soul they can become lost, lost to themselves and everyone around them. This is a terrible...
Graydon was exhausted. His eyes had sunk into their sockets, dark circles lay sagging above his gaunt cheekbones, and his face bore signs of strain and a weariness beyond his years. For a week he had spent his nights alone in the hayloft, isolated and immersed in his connections, seeing the harm that had befallen the Jacobs family. His days were filled with work, sweating to clear ditches, cut brush, weed the garden and repair fences around the old homestead. He drove himself hard, stopping...
Father Bernard looked up from his sheath of papers to see an elderly man standing before his desk, a man in casual clothing such as a rancher might wear. Such attire was not uncommon for this midwestern region, but it was exceptionally unusual to find one dressed so casually in his private office, especially one who was both uninvited and unannounced. "How ... Who are ... Sir! Who are you, and how did you get into my office? No one is permitted in here without prior appointment! Miss...
The suicide of the priest was front page news on all of the city and regional newspapers. It was even featured on both national wire services. Frank and Madeline Jacobs, who had known Father Bernard and attended his church for most of their adult lives, were stunned. Frank struggled with conflicting emotions. He wanted Father Bernard punished. He wanted him jailed and defrocked for his crimes against Marilee. But suicide? God forbid that Frank should feel any satisfaction at such an end....
"My name is Michael Peterson. My friends call me Mike. I've lived in the valley for many years, but it's a remote area and other than a few close friends I pretty much stay to myself." Mike sipped his second cup of coffee, leaning back and thinking to himself that Madeline Jacobs baked a fine pie. He'd savored that slice. Good home cooking never escaped his appreciation. Like most elderly bachelors, Mike cooked to survive but he didn't often take time to turn out a gourmet meal....
"You are absolutely certain, then? The coroner's report shows no drugs, no hallucinogens, no substances of any kind?" "No, sir. Father Bernard's body showed no evidence of any substance that might have caused hallucinations or insanity. There are no drug traces or other physiological evidence pointing to a trigger for his breakdown." "Yet he virtually tore himself to pieces. His face was a mask of utter terror. This is not the act of a rational man, obviously. The simple conclusion...
The leather was beautiful. Ken Granger sat at his workbench, running the soft strips through his hands, admiring its suppleness, its golden amber color, the fine texture of the grain. Goatskin! Who would have imagined such a common animal could produce such beautiful leather! Actually, the more he considered it, the less he was amazed. Goats and deer and antelope are closely related, and each produce a fine grade of leather, soft and supple, when properly tanned. He had been reluctant to...
"James, I was chatting with Eleanor Whittaker at our card club yesterday, and she mentioned something to me that you might want to pass on to Ken Granger. She and her husband own the insurance agency in Twisp. They've been tied down to it for over 25 years, ever since Randall took it over from his father." Vi Brightman was bustling around the kitchen, getting the rest of their morning breakfast on the table. Jim was enjoying his first morning coffee and eyeing a growing stack of potato...
Marilee came through the front door with Graydon right behind her. They stopped in the kitchen doorway. Her parents sat at the table with Fr. Ambrose, his back to the two young people. When he saw Frank's eyes lift toward the doorway, Fr. Ambrose rose from his chair and strode forward, extending his hand. "Good evening, Marilee. It is good to see you again. Who is this young man with you?" Marilee blushed shyly. She turned to bring Graydon alongside. "This is Graydon Williams, our...
M. Vitelli froze in mid-step and stared, unbelieving, at the two figures holding hands, standing side by side on the altar of the small chapel. There were only the three of them there in the gloom. Vitelli spun around when the front door he had arrogantly left standing ajar slammed shut. The room reverberated with the sound. The interior gloom intensified. He could barely make out the walls of the small chapel, scarcely three strides to either side. The darkness seemed to close in around him,...
Jim Brightman, Mike Peterson and Father Ambrose sat around Vi's kitchen table, delighted to be reunited after so many years apart. They sat sipping coffee after one of Vi's delicious meals. She decided to leave the three old friends alone and slipped off to the other room. It was a time for catching up, for reliving old memories as older men often do. Time slipped away as they talked. Vi came in, put another pot of coffee on the stove and served up dishes of fresh apple pie with homemade...
"As I see it, we have a number of problems to deal with. Some are moral and spiritual, and some are practical." Mike and Father Ambrose rested in their hotel room after a light meal. Both were troubled. They were confronting a massive problem, head on, and neither was sure how to proceed. Following the first rule of consultation, "two heads are better than one," they were engaging in some sincere discussion of their goals and how best to achieve them. "Our biggest problem is the good...
The news conference was held on the huge front steps of the great cathedral on a clear, sunny day. It had gone quite well, pretty much as laid out in the press release materials that had been handed out beforehand. The Bishop expansively explained that the "unfortunate story" of the closure of the retirement home operated by the Order of the Ardent Sisters of His Holy Service was a simple "rush to judgment" by an "over-zealous budget process." His Grace explained that of all present, he...
Michael glanced at the path that led to the gate. Sometimes, he looked at the babe he jiggled in his arms. Most of the time though, his attention was on the children running around the courtyard. On summer days like this, the young children and the dogs owned the middle courtyard of Castle Clavius. They raced around in circles, climbed the walls as far as they could, played hide- and-seek, tussled over the whole area, and chased each other. While he watched, his brother Enoch tagged a younger...
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BisexualThe Apprentice Michael Mandrake Copyright July 2009 All Rights Reserved The damn alarm clock rang and I turned over to shut it off. Time is seven o’clock and I had to get up after having a long night. I wish I could stay in bed with my lovely girlfriend Sasha, light brown eyes, long black hair, elongated cocoa colored body with curves in all the rights spots. I got stiff just looking her legs poking from underneath the sheets, her candy red toenails leaning against my footboard, Jesus,...
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The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
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