You are nothing
- 5 years ago
- 55
- 0
I was sold into apprenticeship at the age of four. My master was a knight commander of the order of the Golden Knights. They protected caravans and towns and fought battles and evil. By the age of ten I was very good with the blade and the bow. By fourteen I was a master of both and by sixteen none in the order could best me.
I was still an apprentice and served my master. I brought him food and made his bed and put up his tent. I cared for his horse and his equipment and tended to all his needs. I had fought soldiers and evil beasts many times, even if I was not a knight. I had badges from the Silver Lions and the White Dragons and the...
It mattered not if I fought with armies, I was not a knight. I had two whole chests filled with sacks of gold coins. I had spent much more to make my scale shirt and pants and to make my weapons. It had all been made from what they called star silver. It was a white metal lighter than steel and many times stronger.
The huge walled city was a port and many caravans came and went. On one side was a cliff where the order had a large compound and a Keep. The commander said we kept a company here because the city brought evil and we had to stay and face it. Each morning I spent three hours practicing with the new apprentices and the few squires.
Those were noble sons or bastards the order accepted for gold or charters in the nobles lands. The squires did not like to practice with me because I did not hold back and taught them as I did the apprentices. Now I had an arrangement with the servants and they would make the commander breakfast and feed him each morning.
I brushed the awkward stroke up and pushed while turning and sliding in. I used the blunt practice dagger and stabbed under the arm of the squire, “I told you to keep your elbows down and not to swing like that.”
He spun and leaped and brought his sword sweeping down in anger. I moved aside and snapped a kick out and into his legs and he went down, “knights do not get angry.”
He went down hard and rolled and spun to glare, “I am...”
I stalked towards him, “a spoiled child with no patience or skill. Now get on your feet and start over.”
He shifted and threw down the practice sword, “I will not be treated like this by a mere apprentice.”
I stepped and struck the side of his head with the flat of the practice sword, “get up boy.”
He was knocked to the side and I kicked his legs, “get on your feet coward.”
He rolled and leaped up and opened his mouth. I stepped close again and slapped him with the flat of the sword once more, “you are not even skilled enough to face a foot soldier. You are a weak, sniveling piece of dung.”
I flipped the sword and struck his ribs and then stepped and slugged him with the hand holding the dagger. He went back and down and lay looking up stunned with his lip quivering. Another squire appeared, “enough Kit.”
I glanced at him, “quiet you.”
He snorted, “the knight lieutenant sent me. He wants you to go with sir Nelson.”
I straightened, “where?”
He shrugged, “some outer temple. They have a creature locked in a chamber.”
I turned back to the new squire, “one hundred strokes on the practice post. I also want you to start using the hand weights and pull the iron bow one hundred times.”
He glared and I smiled, “or I will drag your worthless ass to the dung yard and whip you bloody.”
He swallowed and nodded and I turned and moved to the practice weapon rack, “the rest of you finish and do your chores.”
I put the practice weapons away and strode to my small room. I stripped and used a cloth to wash before putting on the under padding and then my scale. I put on the belt and thigh sheaths and then the rest of my weapons. The two throwing daggers under my arms and the two straight across at the small of my back.
There were the twin short swords behind each shoulder and the single curved long sword. That had cost a thousand gold pieces and several weeks of work. I finished and went to the stables. A dozen soldiers were saddling horses and sir Nelson’s apprentice was doing theirs. I pulled mine out and rubbed his face before I put the saddle on and then the bitless bridle.
I had suffered a lot over using them but I refused to use a bit. We led the horses out and to the bailey and waited until sir Nelson arrived. We swung up as the gates were opened and headed out and down into the city. I rode up beside him, “did they say what type of creature?”
He glanced at me, “a demon.”
I snorted, “how many times have they claimed that?”
He smiled and then chuckled as the men whispered, “many times lad.”
People hurried to get out of the way when they saw us. Finally we turned in at a very old temple that was against the outer wall. I swung down as a temple lad ran out and a priest followed. I handed my reins to one of the men and moved to sir Nelson. We listened as the priest spun his story.
Sir Nelson finally gestured and strode up the steps and pushed open the door. I followed but as soon as I felt the fridged air inside I caught the other apprentice, “stay at the door and watch.”
I looked at the men as sir Nelson pulled his sword, “guard the door and do not let it out.”
I reached up and pulled my long sword and moved forward and to the left as I searched the shadows, “I follow your lead sir.”
We moved forward deeper into the chamber and toward the alter. The demon streaked out of the shadows close to sir Nelson. He slid back and cut but it rose up as huge wings snapped open and beat down. It was white and had long fangs and red eyes. It twisted and rolled and closed its wings as it dropped straight at me.
I felt the dark magic and bluish sparks flickered on my scale armor. I lunged as huge claws reached for me and the demon roared, “MINE!”
My sword went between its feet and arms and struck deep into its chest before it slammed into me. It screamed as smoke and fire erupted around the blade of my sword. I went back and down but went with it as my left hand pulled a long knife from my left thigh. The monster went with me and rolled and I ended on it and twisted as I shoved the knife into its throat.
It thrashed and clawed and jerked and sir Nelson was suddenly yanking me up and away. I left the knife but my sword came out and I caught my balance, “thanks.”
He was watching the demon and then relaxed, “you did good lad.”
The demon’s spasms slowed and finally it lay still. I shook my head, “we burn it?”
He nodded and turned to gesture to the soldiers, “leave the knife.”
I snorted, “only until we start the fire. The blade is star silver.”
He looked at me and then grinned, “smart.”
The soldiers pulled it out and it began to give off a horrid stench. The priest was chanting and more came to pray. The bishop gave a large bag of gold to sir Nelson and we moved to our horses. A teenage girl appeared beside mine, “it came looking for you.”
I hesitated, “what do you know witch?”
She glanced at sir Nelson but I had not spoken loud, “I have visions. Those of dark have been summoned and given your name.”
I looked around, “now why would creatures of evil care about one apprentice?”
She put her hand on my chest, “you will not always be a apprentice. They have tried seduction and greed but you care not for either. They know time grows short before you will stand before the lords of light and accept their grace.”
She looked into my eyes, “prepare and watch for them.”
I caressed her hips, “seduction?”
She smiled and wiggled, “the maids?”
I snorted, “that was more like they were attacking me.”
She moved closer and kissed me, “you can find me when you want.”
She stepped back and turned and walked towards the street. Sir Nelson chuckled as I watched her, “find a lady at last?”
I grinned as I turned and swung into the saddle, “perhaps.”
One of the soldiers rode ahead as we pulled the demon after us. People filled the streets and moved back and whispered and pointed. In the outer court of the Keep we stopped and let grooms take our horses. Knights, squires and apprentices came out to look as the center pit of the outer court was filled with coal and oil.
We pulled the demon to the center and I waited as several small fires were started and then pulled my knife out. I backed away and out of the pit quickly and stood next to my master. The demon shimmered and shifted but flames finally caught. It screamed and writhed around suddenly and everyone covered their ears.
It came to its feet but the fire had engulfed it. It finally went to its knees as it went silent. We waited and watched as it was consumed and then I turned away. I walked away and went down below the Keep. In a quiet room were the baths where water from the sea was pumped up and into a large boiler.
I stripped and cleaned my weapons and armor and then washed the under padding. I climbed into a tub and started scrubbing and looked at my master when he entered. He sat and looked at me, “sir Nelson said the demon spoke. He said it tried to claim you?”
I nodded and went back to washing, “it was rather crude. It did try to use magic.”
He snorted, “with the chain and scale you made that would not have much chance.”
I hesitated, “a street witch was outside the temple. She said other creatures of evil were coming for me. That they had been summoned and given my name.”
He hissed, “and you did not take her?”
I sighed, “sir she did nothing. She tried no magic and spoke no spell. She did but warn me against those that might harm me.”
He smiled, “you liked her.”
I hesitated again and then nodded, “I would bed her if you would agree.”
He chuckled as he stood, “bring her to the alter and...”
I hesitated, “sir? She said those maids that tried to seduce me had been sent.”
He froze, “that is a serious thing.”
I nodded once more, “and if it is true...”
He spun and strode out and I went back to washing. When I was done I went to change in my room and then headed for the kitchen. I ate and drank cold tea and went to check on the apprentices. I checked their chores and today’s list of knights that wanted or needing practice. I heard the screams when I came out into the practice yard.
Three maids were by the chapel writhing around on the ground. Six knights stood around them in full armor. My master held holy water as our three priests chanted. Each time they paused he would send water onto the maids. I looked the other way at the raised voice of the gate guard and a girl’s.
It was the witch from earlier and the two guards were blocking her from entering. They were correct to do it since the knights and priests were pulling evil spirits from the maids. I strode toward the gate as one of the maids shrieked. The witch saw me and stopped arguing and one of the guards looked back.
I stopped behind them, “it is not safe now.”
The witch snorted, “it is never safe in this city. What they are doing will bring those much stronger. I have seen a great Were beast.”
The guards growled and one moved but I gestured, “hold. What have you seen?”
She looked at the guards and then at me, “it is already here and this is angering it. It will come with the death of the sun and...”
She nodded to the guards, “such as these will not stop it.”
They shifted and I moved between them, “the knights will.”
She nodded, “and you.”
I reached for her hand, “my master has given me permission to bed you.”
She smiled as I took her hand, “bed me?”
I pulled her after me, “after I take you to the alter.”
She pulled back and gasped, “I can not!”
The guards laughed as I kept pulling her, “of course you can.”
She pulled and struggled, “the gods will burn me!”
I could see the maids laying quietly now as the priests knelt and prayed over them, “the gods would only burn you if the dark gods or spirits were inside you. Know you not that magic and visions come from nature?”
She kept pulling as I went through the doors and headed to the alter. When I reached it I pulled and placed her hand on the alter, “are you burning?”
She stopped struggling and took a breath and looked at me and finally shook her head. I nodded and turned, “lords of light I bring an honest witch before you. She would protect me and has shown no signs of evil. I ask for your guidance and protection for her.”
She gasped as the alter began to glow and then it spread up her hand and arm. I released her as she was engulfed and had a surprised look on her face. She started nodding and speaking but I could not hear what she said. I glanced back at one of the priests at the door and he stopped to stare.
Finally she stopped glowing and smiled as she looked at me, “they said I can bed you now.”
I laughed as I caught her hand and started for the door, “come wench.”
She was not resisting now and almost strutted after me. I saw and waved to my master as he and the other knights watched the priests. He grinned and then laughed and I pulled her in the side door. We went through the halls to my room and I closed and locked the door behind us. I began to undress as she quickly pulled her dress off.
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It was a Saturday morning, Kelly woke up about 8 am from a very hot dream that she was having about her and a teacher she had a crush on at school. The dream left Kelly really horny and right away she wondered what boys dick she would be touching later that day. It didn't really matter whose it would be, she just knew she wanted to go farther than she had ever been before. Maybe even let the boy finger her young, tight pussy. Or maybe even suck a guys dick for the first time. She couldn't...
Chloe Ashley Anderson grew up on a farm in northern Minnesota close to the Canadian border, about as far north as you can go in the United States without getting into Alaska. Chloe attended a traditional one room rural schoolhouse before getting into high school & thus had little interaction with her peers. Even when she actually got into high school she had virtually no friends. Chloe was born big and was always big for her age. She was already 5’9′ tall when she was just nine years old on her...
“Turn so you can see your sexy body in the mirror,” Shelly told her. “OH YES! I have never had a sexy ass like other women. I hardly ever let my husband see me naked, because I’ve always been ashamed of my dumpy ass. I love saying ass, and I do love my sexy ass!” “Jerry loves lying on top of my ass and fucking me from behind. I love the feel of his cock, going deep inside my pussy from behind, too.” I told them, “Hurry and find a really sexy gown for Janice to wear. She’ll need something...
CIA HQ, Langley VA “Why don’t we start at how you found out about, and what you know about Symanksy and go from there,” Stephanie suggested. “Not a problem,” Hank said getting some more coffee. He held the K-cup up to Stephanie, but she shook her head no. “We found out about Symanksy, indirectly, through an operation we had going in London. We had information that the embassy was being surveilled in real time and we acted on it. The SVR operative we captured had lots of names and...
Clementine Francher stood with her back against the blackboard, wondering for the first time if she shouldn't have accepted the Foreign Teacher Corp's invite to the Sudan. "You misunderstand, Pavbi, I don't want to take my clothes off. I want you to put yours back on." "But Miss says Pavbi take clothes. I take yours now." "That was an example of grammar. You shouldn't have left your desk." The dark black boy tilted his head, clearly confused, and clearly engrossed in his...
Posted: August 29, 2007 - 03:48:51 pm I guess disposing of George Howard could be considered the climax to my life as Ty Ringo McGuinn. After all, I had righted time by turning aside the Salt War, while still dispatching George and Charles Howard on the road to hell. Yet, if those were my only purposes for being here, why wasn’t I dead too? The only thing I could figure out was that Ty Ringo was alive when he shouldn’t be because Chet Benton was dead when he wasn’t supposed to be. Cosmic...
You will no doubt notice that certain words are intentionally left in lower case. It’s for the same reason that Hannibal Lecter ate his victims, to show my contempt for them.* * Oh, religion. What a tangled web if there ever was one. I was born in the heart of the old South, where hellfire and brimstone preachers were as common as 57 T-birds and Sunday chicken dinners. Needless to say I was exposed to the church at an early age. I can remember the sound of dozens of children running down the...
Betsy was just exasperated as she felt him awkwardly pushing his pecker into her pussy. She knew that in just a few strokes he would squirt and then pull out and fall asleep. That is not what she expected from a husband. It’s not that she was a sex queen herself, but the few guys that she’d experienced had known a lot more than he did. Especially the older married one that had convinced her to take off her panties the first time. She still had fond memories of what he did. What could she...
Over the next two weeks Kathy attempted to have sex with Jim, but as the doctor warned he could have problems. At times he could attain a semi-erection, but even that didn't last too long. She could still please him orally, something she enjoyed, but penetration was impossible. To find sexual relief she turned to using a dildo, and those few quickies in the afternoon with Derrick before Karen got home from work. What she craved however was a long and exhausting fuck session, something that...
Jase led Seven to the recliner and sat down. He adjusted the setting to raise his legs to the horizontal position and lean his back about 30 degrees from the vertical. "OK, Seven, lets give it a try. Sit down with your legs to one side, It makes no difference which side." Seven sat down across his lap and moved around a little to get comfortable. Jase's cock had already swelled to full size, so he was gently poking Seven in her pussy lips as she squirmed. Jase gently pulled her over and...
I had discussed it with an old friend from high school who had done it years ago. He had his own plane for a while and found it quite enjoyable and rewarding. I thought even if I never own my own plane it would be fun. I knew it would not be cheap. I was told it would set me back approximately eight to ten thousand dollars with all the lessons and fuel costs to get my Private Pilot certifications, so I knew what to expect. I was single, had no child support and my job was doing well so this...
“Hi, Mrs. Greenberg, I’m Allie, I’m here to do the weeding!” I smiled brightly at the tall, gray-haired woman in the dark blue gown that opened the door to the mansion. The way she looked me up and down spoke volumes, and when her eyebrow went up and she declared in a rather posh voice, “I expected someone… different, I was rather pleased with Pablo’s work,” I readied myself for a taxing day. “I know I’m not Pablo, but he left me instructions what I need to do.” I held up my laptop to make my...
FetishI met the family at the airport in the company limousine. Mike and Liz were the contest winners. Their guests were Mike's mom (Susan) and sister Lindsey. Liz's sister Sara rounded out the quartet. We got them all loaded into the stretched vehicle and drove up the mountain. I took care to have them all registered when we got the main lodge and the short tour ended in the lodge dining room for lunch. The driver and I took them up to the private cabin five miles further up the valley and...
Hello friends this is Sachin here,this is my first story,pardon me for all my mistakes,am going to tell you an incident that changed my life.My age is 23 and I am from Kerala. I am going to narrate an incident that occurred 5yrs back with my maid.My mom and dad are busy people as they cant take care of all household necessities they appointed a maid from our near by place.She was not sexy but instead she was beautiful.Her name is Bindhu,she was married at age of 18 and now has two children but...
Just woke up from a nice little dream about you...wanted to tell you about it while it was still fresh in my mind...We hadnt spoken for a few days and I get a txt on my phone, which obviously means your in the country, which takes me completely by surprise... you ask me what im up too for the rest of the day... my heart is pounding but I say the next 2 days I have no plans at all and would love to meet up... im told to pack an overnight bag and meet you at my nearest train station! You have...
One thing I truly enjoyed about Tammy is that she is an easy to spread lady. I have seen her get fucked, also joined in as one of the many guys that have laid her over the years. We had talked about her getting gang banged over the years but have never been able to set one up. She has fucked two or three guys in a day but never in a gang bang. She did have a three man train once many years ago that I wasn’t around to enjoy as she lived in New Mexico at the time, also quite young, however that...
Group SexHi friends, I am Seema and this time I shall tell you about my second experience of how I seduced Kiran, my husband’s younger brother. Kiran was 26 years and I was 32 years after the jijus experience I thought that it was safer to have sex with some known to you rather than with a stranger. My husband continued his out station trips and I was not interested to simply go and grab some one, though a few smart guys were in our building. One morning I decided that let me call Kiran and give it a...
IncestNick and Trent were just out of high school when the urge to pursue a life in movie script writing seemed like the best career path for the both of them. Over the next 3 years they had successfully written scripts that had been picked up by low rate Hollywood studios and turned into movies that appeared at the Sundance Film Festival. They hadn't gotten their big break yet, but they knew the time was upon them. Nick was a 6'2" 195 football jock, still built and muscular from his days on the...
I was bored at home playing around on a gay hookup app and I was getting very horny. My cock was hard and throbbing and I really wanted a cock in my ass when a message arrived. I opened the message and saw that it was a black man with an 8 inch dick and he was also very horny. We agreed to meet at his apartment, smoke a joint, and see what happens. I showered and dressed and 15 minutes later I was knocking on his door. He answered , wearing only a pair of tight boxers that showed off his huge...
So I am a father of five daughters. My oldest is 19. So the other day I was in the bathroom and I noticed that my daughter left a pair of her underwear on the bathroom sink. They were dirty to say the least. I got tired of having to tell them where to throw things like this and not leave it lying around... So I was walking down the hall to my oldest daughter's room to go in toss them to her and tell her to clean up after I was approaching her door I heard what sounded like moaning. I...