Vicious Cycle
- 4 years ago
- 19
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Early the following morning Marianne awoke to find Lisa sleeping peacefully, snuggled warm against her young comforting body and safe in her arms. Gently Marianne arose so as not to awaken Lisa who moaned slightly as Marianne drew away from her. The younger lover bent over and kissed the older gently on the forehead, Lisa smiling in her sleep and drifting back to the delicious and satisfying dream of rediscovery.
Quickly showering and dressing, Marianne toasted a bagel and made coffee. Searching a desk in the living room, she found pen and paper and composed a letter to the woman who was sleeping so peacefully down the hall.
I cannot possibly express what being with you means to me.
You are the most wonderful person who has ever come into my
life and I consider myself so lucky to have found you.
I want nothing more than the chance to spend my life with you. Please know that no matter what life may have in store for us,
no matter if we are apart -- I will always be with you. My love will
always surround you and you can always depend upon me.
P.S. I haven't forgotten my promise.
Leaving the note on the kitchen table where Lisa would easily find it, Marianne quietly slipped out the front door.
An hour later she was in the local police station conferring with her partner, an older Hispanic whose skeptical nature was forged from street smarts learned from seventeen years of big city police detective work before joining the bureau.
"Has the D. A. agreed to a deal with Hammer/" she asked.
"Yeah, Hammer's already been in touch with Rolf who's okay with the deal of turning over the girl to Hammer and splitting the reward. But there's one other thing."
"What's that?"
"He wants a girl to replace Kimmie."
"He what?"
"He says he'll make the deal, but Hammer has to bring him a girl to replace Kimmie, otherwise the deal is off."
Marianne shivered. She knew she couldn't ask any woman to agree to go undercover and place herself in Rolf's hands even for the short time it would take for a task force to swoop in and arrest the gang. She had no choice.
"I'll go," she said.
"You? Whoa, wait just a minute. This is the gang that..."
"Yeah, well, maybe it's time for a little pay back."
"But Marianne, what they did to you..."
"All the more reason to see that bastard and his gang get what they have coming to them."
"Are you sure about this?"
"Asked me that again after it's all over," she smiled, not very convincingly.
"How much for the beer?" asked Kimmie. She had been sent into the gas/food mart to secure a case of beer. She had no money so it was either steal the beer or...
The short, overweight and sloppy looking attendant glanced up from the girlie magazine he was perusing and pointed to the sign immediately above their heads which posted all the beer and wine prices.
"You're too young anyway," he said ogling Kimmie. She still wore the ragged shirt and cut off jeans and stood barefoot before him. She looked over out of the window where Sunny stood pretending to be making a call on the pay phone while keeping an eye on the initiate making sure she didn't try to run or call for help.
Kimmie gave the biker a pleading look but Sunny's face was set, and with a look of disdain let the young girl know she was to complete her mission... now.
"I'm... I'm old enough."
"Let's see some I.D." he replied.
"Do these make me old enough?" she said pulling the shirt front apart and exposing her bare breasts. Kimmie wanted to close her eyes, look away or better yet run from the store in shame, but Rolf had made it clear this was her first chance to prove herself and that she had better not fail.
The attendant folded the magazine and smiled lecherously.
"Nice tits even if they are a bit small. But you don't think a little look-see is gonna get you a case of beer do you?"
Kimmie swallowed hard.
"What else do you want?"
"Come around here," he said indicating she should come behind the counter. "Nice little ass," he continued turning her away from him and up against the cash register. "Get 'em off."
Kimmie obeyed, sliding the jeans down and off leaving her naked from the waist down.
"Bend over a little more," he told her
Kimmie closed her eyes and bit her lip as she complied and felt his undersized but eager penis enter her nest.
"Hey, not bad kid," he laughed as he reached around to grab her breasts and began humping her small body.
Mercifully he climaxed quickly and Kimmie was allowed to dress whereupon she stepped out from behind the counter, grabbed a case of beer and started for the door.
"Whoa there, honey. You forgetting something?" She turned back to him. "Tax!" he smiled, motioning with his finger for her to return behind the counter. He pointed downward and Kimmie slid to her knees, sick to her stomach and sick at heart at what she was doing.
It was at that moment that a car drove up and a customer came in for some chips and a soft drink. The attendant unzipped his pants again and looked down. "What are you waiting for," he mouthed silently.
Kimmie took the flaccid penis in hand, opened her mouth, closed her eyes and with tears streaming down her face began to suck on the repulsive phallus.
"That'll be $2.49 said the attendant as the customer, a man, brought the items to the counter. Kimmie, out of sight behind the counter continued fellatio and was repulsed when he began to experience another erection.
"Oh, and a lotto ticket," said the customer plopping down an additional bill. The attendant tore off the small card and handed it to the man who smiled as he started out the door. "You never know it might just be my lucky day!"
"Oh I think I've already lucked out," smiled the attendant.
The man, a bit puzzled, proceeded on out the door and drove away.
Kimmie almost gagged when her mouth was suddenly filled with semen.
"Okay, I guess you've earned you case of beer," chuckled the attendant.
Kimmie grabbed the case and was out the door, hurrying around behind the store where Rolf and the others waited.
"Not bad for openers," said Rolf cracking open a bottle and taking a long draw. "Damn, Baby Face, you could at least have gotten cold beer!"
There was fear in her young eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry. Please don't make me go back in there!"
Rolf and the others laughed. "Hell no you ain't going back in there. While you were doing fatso in the store, I got you lined up to make us some real money."
"What... ? I don't understand," replied Kimmie.
"See that guy sitting in the green Camaro in the parking lot?"
Kimmie spotted the man, wearing sunglasses and looking around nervously.
"Well, you're going to go for a little ride with him."
"No, please Rolf."
"Shut the hell up. You said you wanted to be my whore, well it's about time you started earning your keep! He's paying a hundred so give him whatever he wants."
"Please, Rolf!" she begged.
"I said give him whatever he wants. Now get your ass over there!"
Her spirit broken, Kimmie turned toward the car.
"And Baby Face... There better not be any complaints... understood?"
"... Understood..." she replied, tears forming in her eyes.
The bikers watched as Kimmie approached the car, bent over to talk with the driver. She looked once back to them, then tried to smile as she spoke with the driver for a moment after which she walked around and got in the car and it pulled slowly from the parking lot.
An hour later the car dropped her off in the same parking lot and sped away. Kimmie walked very slowly back toward the bikers, each step a painful reminder of how she had earned the five twenties which she handed to Rolf.
"Hey Baby Face, you're turning into a hell of a whore!" he laughed.
She couldn't face them. She knew. They knew... what she had become.
"I'm gonna hate to lose you Baby Face. With that young little body of yours you could make us lots of bread."
"... Lose me... ?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention it. You're going home Baby Face. There's a reward. Course we can't exactly collect it ourselves so I've got another biker buddy who's gonna take you in, then we're gonna split the reward."
Kimmie's heart jumped. Home! Could it really be?
"Let's hit the road. We gotta ride some to make it to that old abandoned farm for the exchange."
With that the bikers kick started their bikes and with Kimmie riding behind Jocko rode off for the rendezvous.
It was late afternoon when the Wild Dogs roared up to the abandoned farmhouse. A solitary cycle sat out front. A couple of the bikers posted themselves as lookouts while Rolf and the remainder of the gang warily approached the front porch. As Rolf started up the front step, Hammer appeared in the doorway.
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IncestThis is my first venture.. Be kind. I’ve spent three years in therapy and I still don’t think I’ll ever get over what happened. In the years leading up to my need for therapy I lost my wife, my daughter, my house, my job and my self respect. I guess I better start at the beginning. My name is Dave. I’m 39 years old and I held an upper management position in a well known accounting firm. I’ve been married for 19 years to my incredibly sexy wife, Amy and I’m the proud dad of my 18 year old...
As far as my sexuality goes, I am a straight guy who plays around that edge where bi-curious and gay margin begins. It’s very hard to pin down the correct friends in that region because they as well as I know that bringing the lips close to each other would destroy the entire illusion. For me I can’t imagine the thought of trying to put my dick inside anything other than a pussy or a girl’s mouth or her ass. To this day that stands too. But I sometimes love to have the company of someone who...
Gay Male"Ok, tell me what the hell is going on?" Downs said to his boss on the phone, as he and some of the other agents at the airport waited for the last two to arrive and be placed on the plane. Downs still couldn't believe how many people where being taken out. "One of our people got a lucky break. You remember that I said that we only got the top half of the cars from your cameras? Well, here's the deal. A block south is an intersection with video into the police station! Those cars were...
Frank Judge did not have to wait long for an opportunity to talk things over with his mother. At breakfast the following morning Donald Judge suggested that he take the youngsters for a drive in the country to show them the local sights. Frank declined his offer, as did Catherine, who insisted that she had too much housework to be able to go along. The wedding, after all, was scheduled for Saturday, only two days away. At nine-thirty, Donald drove the children away, leaving Frank alone with...
This is a story I had completely forgot about until I received some mailafter my last story. A really nice guy named Paul sent me a story aboutone of his "Firsts" and it reminded me of this.I am Genny.I was in the spring of my Freshman year at Michigan State. Back aroundChristmas I had gone with a friend to my first meeting of the Gay andLesbian Council. I wasn't really interested in their politics, but I didlike the people I was meeting there. I had dated a number of differentgirls and was...
LesbianWarning: dickgirls, demons and magic make a strong appearance in this story. If that’s not something you’re after, then move along. † † † † † Charlene sighed as she sat at her desk, looking at the onscreen message from her father. She’d had plans to draw things out, to tease and have fun with Jardin, Debbie and Wanda but it was apparently not to be. Her father’s plans had moved faster than either of them had anticipated so they were calling a halt to their operation here and moving on. Her...
12.06 A.M.. Elaine's teeth were brushed, skin moisturised, ready for sleep. Kneeling tall on her bed in the dark, she'd opened the sliding window widely. With her elbows resting on the windowsill, she smelled the fresh air. A warm breeze caressed her face, billowing the gauzy curtains.Street lamps and house lights dotted the hills that rolled into the distance and Elaine stared. Her room was on the opposite side to the quadrangle and looked away from the city. Until then Elaine had wished she...
Remember how it was for you? Living alone, eating alone and sleeping alone… just being alone? Well that’s me. After work I came home after stopping at my favorite burger joint drive through, and ate alone. No television and no radio turned on and after dinner with clothes changed I sat at the computer and read the news. I even checked out the ‘strange news’ while occasionally sipping what was left of a large coke. No dishes to wash because I did them yesterday. No clothes or bedding to wash,...
Brian had Cynthia, one of his fellow faculty members, bent down over the bed in his room, her legs spread slightly so he was able to get his hard cock up between her legs and penetrate her hot pussy from behind doggy style. He and Cynthia had fucked before on occasion but tonight he'd already brought her off twice by eating her pussy and now they were on their second fuck of the evening. After their first quickie, Brian had taken a shower with Cynthia, soaping up her small petite breasts and...