AssassinChapter 23 free porn video

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In our motel room, Anna, Hailey and Rosalee threatened to keep me too tired to think of looking at any other girl. They looked like achieving their goal; Anna left me collapsed on the bed and went to clean up from our latest lovemaking.

She closed the bathroom door behind her and I moved up and turned over to lie between my other loves.

"I guess we should get ready for dinner. I've enjoyed today though."

"You make it sound like it's over."

"Can't we have some more fun later?" added Rosalee.

"There should be some time but I don't know how much stamina I'll have. It might take me a while to recover enough."

"We will just have to see then."

They snuggled in beside me. I felt doubly loved and doubly blessed.

"Should you be going to a restaurant smelling like you'd spent the afternoon with three cats in heat?"

"Hailey I wouldn't mind proclaiming it but the other patrons might be jealous. I had better have a shower."

"I get to scrub your front!"

"Damn!" said Rosalee, "Well I get to scrub Anna's then."

"Do you want your hair wet again?"

"Double damn, no."

"Then maybe we need to stagger our showers so you have room to dodge the spray."

"So, you're offering to wash us all one at a time?"

"That wasn't what I was thinking but if that's what you want -- and it is only washing..."

"Sounds good to me. Shall we see if Anna wants first shot; since she's just finished she might not take as long with him."

"That or there will be nothing left of Roger to wash when we get there."

"How about I promise to limit you each to equal parts? We are supposed to have a meal together and I wasn't intending that to be just each other."

Anna welcomed the idea of us taking turns; she too wanted to avoid getting her hair wet again. Fortunately none of them had long hair though that would have been attractive on any of them; a simple brushing would clear any tangles -- or so I thought. I really still had quite a lot to learn about women and their upkeep.

Anna thought it funny that she was allowed to wash me down to the bottom of my rib cage; an arbitrary third of my height. She didn't object when I made sure she was squeaky clean, at least from the shoulders down. Actually, having her wash my hair (even if I knelt so she could avoid the spray herself) was quite an intimate situation. It was a non-sexual closeness that made the bond between us even stronger and I was sorry I had accepted her offer once the realisation hit. The last thing I needed was to make my departure harder.

Hailey was next purely due to some arrangement she and Rosalee worked out between themselves. I never liked having to be the one to assign an order since I didn't want to be seen favouring one over the others. It was inevitable that I rated them differently for different attributes, qualities, attitudes and activities but that didn't mean I liked one over another by any significant amount.

Hailey was quite happy to hear she was limited from my ribs down to the tops of my legs. She made sure any traces of the three of them were gone using her own sense of taste once she had rinsed off the soap.

She only teased, not trying to blow me or even make me hard -- though she might have rejoiced in the achievement had she succeeded. She did however make me bend over and applied the soap from behind my balls to my spine and then used her hand to spread the lather around. I was bent for her inspection and I guess a girl has few opportunities to see what an asshole her boyfriend has got rather than what he is.

At least we knew mine was clean.

I returned the favour, though without making her bend as far. It was more like a police "spread 'em" against the shower wall while I made sure everything was in order. Her offer to do "anything" to avoid a ticket was put on hold for another time.

Rosalie was next and was a little disappointed she only had my legs to do. With her quick wits she decided that she could reach down my legs while kneeling herself and she positioned me with the water down my back so she was protected from the spray.

My prick had been washed so she wasn't entitled to wash it again but we hadn't forbidden her from taking it into her mouth while she soaped up my legs. From a rough though eager approach when she first met my prick Rosalee had developed to a stage where I welcomed her mouth on me.

Things did get a little strained when she reached my feet as by then my prick was pointing in the opposite direction. I rested them one at a time on Rosalee's lap and was able to reach a compromise.

The others found us like that and protested but let matters rest when Rosalee had to admit she had finished her third and really couldn't stay on her knees any longer.

I took considerable care with each of Rosalee's breasts. She wasn't self-conscious of me playing attention to them because I paid attention to the rest of her as well.

Standing behind her while I soaped her breasts, with my erection teasing her ass -- and her ass teasing my erection -- was quite enjoyable and I spent far longer nuzzling her neck like that than necessary.

The others thought so anyway. I felt Rosalee's pussy and noticed the juices but made no attempt to wash them away. It would be a shame to waste such sweetness and, if it made her arousal more noticeable over dinner, I for one wanted to smell her.

Out of the shower, Anna and Hailey towelled us dry. They each took turns at both of us and I had my prick dried twice, each time with unnecessary vigour in retribution.

Then Rosalee re-joined the others in just her underwear and I was sent out to let them assist each other to get ready.

I dressed myself -- neat yet not formal -- and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

The motel provided a hair dryer and I could hear that being used. I could also hear the girls talking but not the subject matter. To keep busy I watched the end of a documentary about Army Ants and then part of one about base jumping from mesas in the Painted Desert.

"Roger would you bring our dresses please?"

"Sure Anna."

I wasn't sure why they couldn't have come out and collected them from where they lay across the bed.

There was a long blue dress -- from the size of the front I guessed Rosalee's; a much shorter black outfit I had seen Anna with; which left the dark green top and skirt that had to be Hailey's.

"Knock, knock."

"Close your eyes!"


A hand came out of the bathroom, took the three outfits from me and closed the bathroom door before I heard, "Thanks."

I returned to my rock climbing and dangerous parachuting.

Time was ticking away. We would be a little late and I didn't want to lose the booking at the restaurant. I phoned to apologise for the delay and to advise we would still be coming. The person at the other end thanked me for my courtesy and assured me there would be no problem. Waiters don't have to match their poor stereotypical reputation and neither do customers.

Finally, just before the three climbers launched themselves out into the desert skies the bathroom door opened and I was no longer interested in the television.

Anna came out first and the black outfit hugged her like I wanted to do. She looked stunning and indeed I only managed a "Wow!"

Somehow her hair had been rearranged to look as though she was really attending a wedding reception. Gone was all of the casual fall of hair around her face. That and the judicious use of makeup made her look much older.

Rosalee came out next and the blue outfit was worthy of more than the "Wow!" I deliberately repeated. She had tasteful cleavage and a waist that enhanced her hips. The mid calf length emphasised her height however and made her sports-induced muscular bulk seem well proportioned, even slim.

I don't know why Hailey chose the dark green but it looked perfect on her. The vest was worn over a white blouse and it lent a maturity to her features that made her appear 100% sensuous woman rather than a girl going on 17. Her legs were in stockings or pantyhose that attracted my eye to the smooth curve of her calves as she turned.

Spectacular, one and all.

"No wow for me?"

"Speechless over the total effect of all of you. Remember I've seen how beautiful you all are naked together but this is just incredible. I feel underdressed.'

"That's okay. People don't expect much from boys."

"Yes, well, they won't take their eyes off of the three of you long enough to even notice me. Are you ready to go?"

They were and I opened the door to our room and ushered them out. The manager of the motel was a few cabins away and the sight of us all dressed up would give credence to the story why we were there though it didn't really matter.

I opened the back door first and Anna scooted through followed by Hailey. When Rosalee made no movement towards the door I closed it and opened the front door for her.

"Thank you Roger." I received a gentle kiss while Rosalee rested her palm against my cheek.

I closed the door for her and found my own seat.

My driving could have been better because I was busy at each red light looking across at Rosalee or checking out the others in my mirror and had to be told when the light had changed to green.

Anna and Hailey didn't want to mess up their makeup I guess or else they might have been worn out and thankful for a chance to recuperate. I know I was, though the beauties surrounding me made it tempting to turn the car around.

In the restaurant parking lot the girls waited for me to open their doors. This time I opened Anna's separately from Hailey's and then Rosalee's, taking each one's hand as they stepped out. It was all so elegant that it was a pity we were unseen.

Anna took my arm, rather than my hand, to be escorted inside with the others walking together -- and apart -- behind. It was only when we were seated that they explained they had played an elaborate game of Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine who would do what.

The restaurant didn't have a Maitre d' -- it wasn't that flash -- but the Manager acted as that and assisted behind the bar.

"Mr Torrent? Good evening. Ladies. Would you like to follow me please? Your table is ready."

I guess the phone call smoothed things a little but others were shown a similar courtesy so I think it was more the Manager's personable nature.

We declined the wine list though I suspect Rosalee was tempted to see if they might have been able to get away with something. While I was aiming at having an alibi for most of the night, getting arrested for purchasing alcohol for underaged girls was not what I had in mind.

We looked at the menus; the restaurant was Greek and though my guests had limited experience with the dishes they were willing to be as adventurous in their dining as they had been in their loving.

I suggested that we start with a selection of dolmades and dips and perhaps arrange to have a variety of mains we could share more in the fashion of a Chinese banquet.

Since the others were less willing to commit to a full dish they may not like the idea met with general approval and I, who had more experience with Greek takeaway than finer dining, was given the task of choosing four distinct dishes. With the waiter's advice I think we managed.

While we waited we talked about matters that avoided our special circumstances. It was more like a normal date except, as I had said to Ma, there were two extra people to carry the conversation through any normally awkward silences. The other nice exception was being able to sit just looking at one after another of the girls; admiring their enhanced beauty and enjoying the affection in their eyes. What was really pleasing was to notice a sudden burst of that same affection when one looked at another.

I asked the girls what they were considering doing after they finished their senior year.

Rosalee had gone through a series of wished for occupations as she had been introduced to new options through her studies. An introduction to lenses and thin films had given her an interest in optics at present but she had decided, rightly or wrongly, that an optician merely helped the customers chose their frames after a rather mechanical analysis of the problem. She was more interested in the development of better optical systems for astronomical use -- perhaps even for space missions.

Anna didn't exactly relish working with her father but did see advantages in learning more of running a coffee bar franchise while getting a Business Masters. She liked the idea of being her own boss. I thought she would have the will and the brains to succeed.

Hailey was still uncertain. She liked art but didn't have much ability herself ("Those that can't do, sell"); she liked adventure ("That is obvious"); she liked talking to people ("Telemarketer!"); she liked writing (Novelist"; "Steamy romance novelist -- autobiographical!"); she had no real clue.

"And what about you?"

"I'd like to be like a Lonely Planet investigator."

"Ford Prefect!"

"Yeah -- mostly harmless."

"Well I could visit the places I always wanted to see, find out what was really good in the area and write about them so others could enjoy them too. Imagine spending three months in Jamaica or Anchorage or Laos and learning to speak the local language."

"In Alaska?"

"What do they speak there?"

"Did you know the Inuit have twenty seven ways of saying 'It's so cold I've frozen my tits off!'?"

I gave up, I was only going to get teased more.

"Do the articles pay enough to let you stay there for three months?"

"I don't know. I wouldn't guess so. Maybe if you were on retainer with some TV network to find spectacular places and events for their travel shows to come film it wouldn't hurt."

"Still sounds like you'd want to have earned some money first."

"Yeah there is always that."

The waiter arrived with our meze; a platter of pita bread and small dishes of dips plus a bowl of large green and black olives, another of pickled octopus parts and a third with rice parcelled in vine leaves.

"What are they?" Hailey pointed to the three dips.

"Why don't we just try them with no pre-conceived ideas and then when we have passed judgement, Roger can tell us."

"Okay. Which one first?"

They decided pink was pretty and so we shared the Taramasalata -- fish roe paste or, if you prefer, minced caviar. They decided it was "okay" but looked forward to the next. I had little trouble getting them to try the olives though they preferred the green to the black which I enjoyed more myself.

Hailey proved she was more adventurous, taking one of the curled tentacles with its pickled suckers and popping it into her mouth without the tentative bite the others felt necessary despite her "chewy yet nice" rating.

We had Tzatziki -- garlic yoghurt with cucumber -- as our second shared dip and this was acclaimed by all. Finally another more obviously garlicky Hummus that Rosalee remembered trying elsewhere.

"We aren't going to have much more garlic are we? I can imagine sitting by ourselves in Mass tomorrow with an empty row in front and behind us."

"Do you go together?"

"We used to have to sit with our families but now some of us older girls are allowed to sit together. You know Tina and Charlotte -- Charlie -- from soccer plus some others."

"Charlotte was the one who slipped me some tongue wasn't she?"

"Is that all you remember?"

"I remember you glaring at her -- I don't know if you were more upset with her or me."

"With myself for getting annoyed mostly. I was worried my parents would wonder why."

The waiter began bringing out the next dishes and we accepted them simply on the basis of who was closest.

"We can either use our side plates or simply pass the dishes around."

No-one was going to notice except the waiters and if we didn't upset the other patrons or the staff then it should fall under the rule of the customer being right.

"Well I think we are past worrying about catching anything. It seems more messing around to try and fit the big plates elsewhere while we eat off of the small ones."

"I'm in favour of musical plates or at least dividing the meals between these large plates."

The motion to just change plates after we had sampled the food was passed and we started out.

I had Moussaka -- a lasagne made with eggplant rather than pasta. Anna to my left had skewers of char-grilled octopus -- much thicker that the smaller samples we had shared as our appetiser. Rosalee sitting opposite where her cleavage continued to distract me was the first to try the similarly char-grilled quail ("Oh look how small they are!), while Hailey had tender slices of sweet goat meat cooked with a herbal crust, and more garlic.

The consensus all round was that "our" dish was delicious. We shared a Greek salad with lettuce, onion, olives, tomato and feta cheese and it was with reluctance that we held our plates out to the left and took from the right.

The food couldn't have been better for all of us but that seemed to be the case. Another swap and we were surprised again.

In the end I had a little more than half a skewer of octopus as my share and devoured it as willingly as the others had before me. If nothing else I had won serious brownie points for picking the restaurant and the dishes. I think I might also have found three new families as customers for the restaurant once the girls spread the word.

The dishes were cleared away and we were given a couple of minutes to let the meal settle before we considered dessert.

"Do you all like honey?"

They did.

"Can I suggest something I have always enjoyed then for dessert?"

Once again there was a show of absolute trust in my judgement.

"Four loukoumades and four Greek coffees please."

"Certainly sir." The waiter retrieved the menus and departed.

He returned a short time later with smaller forks and spoons and then a little after that with bowls containing a scoop of ice-cream and a serve of honey puffs."

"I had a friend when I was smaller whose mother would make these. They are like a donut which is soaked in a honey syrup. We used to get through a dozen each and of course couldn't eat another thing. I have to warn you about the coffee though. It's strong which is why it's in such a small cup but it tastes fantastic. When you get to the bottom it's like mud and you're not expected to drink that. It also helps with the sweetness of the honey."

We ate in silence, simply savouring the tastes. One after another the girls smiled at me and I thought how wonderful this evening had been. If it was our last night out together at least it was one I could happily recall. It was while I was enjoying the calm that Anna made a confession.

"Roger, when we were getting ready tonight we decided to be a little daring. I guess at first we were a little chicken and then the meal was so nice I know I at least was worried we might get caught and spoil it."

Hailey nodded to indicate she had had similar feelings.

"I was going to do all sorts of things. Really outrageous like blowing you under the table but I guess that isn't possible here, at least without people being well aware of what is happening. So, instead, as compensation of sorts, I thought you might like to try some of my dessert."

I had noticed her move her hand off the table with her spoon freshly cleaned in her mouth but Hailey had claimed my attention at that moment and I had missed the way Anna had used it. Now she offered it to me and I could see it half-filled with the secretions from her body. I grinned and let her feed me.

"That is even nicer than the honey syrup. You'll have to trade recipes with the chef."

Hailey looked around and was satisfied no-one else was watching and let me watch her clean her spoon with her lips then carry it under the table. I leaned forward and found her leg with my hand. Hers brushed mine and I looked across at Rosalee.

"You'll never guess what I found under the table!"

Rosalee leaned forward as well and I guess she made contact with Hailey's hand from the other leg.

"If I'd known you were commando I would have taken you to ol' Kentucky Fried instead. At least there no-one would pay any attention to me licking my fingers."

Hailey brought her spoon back after another check around the restaurant and I could see hers was as full as Anna's had been. Hailey didn't offer it to me straight away though; she dipped the tip of her spoon in a little of the soft vanilla ice-cream and then offered it to me.

"Mmm. You realise that I am now going to have to cover you in ice-cream at some stage and lick it all off of you! Any helpers?"

Hailey joined the grins.

"You can let go of my legs now you know."

"Oh? Is there anywhere else you'd rather we put our hands?"

I moved mine a little way up her leg and found Rosalee doing the same. I extended my fingers and Rosy and I played "Handies" together in Hailey's crotch. It must have annoyed Hailey no end, though she couldn't say or do anything that would attract attention. She had our hands right next to her pussy -- in public -- and we were being bastards and not doing anything.

"Look after her for me please Rosy."

I leaned conspiratorially towards Anna.

"Think a stockinged foot would reach that far?"

Anna grinned as I returned to my former position and found Rosalee's hand much as I had left it. This time I did tease Hailey's pussy, all the time making small talk -- describing one of my classes that no-one, myself included, was interested in. Anna moved her chair forward and then leaned back; I felt her foot nudge my hand and led it into place.

Hailey smiled and let her legs part a little.

"Put your hands back on the table though -- after you pull my skirt down!" She spoke without losing the smile.

We finished our dessert, all the while getting to hear Hailey's instructions to Anna.

"Your toe is wonderful. Mmm yes just there. The stocking feels scratchy nice against my clit. Was this your idea Roger? Thank you."

Anna kept it up even while the waiter cleared our dishes and I asked him for the bill.

"Certainly sir. I hope everything was to your liking."

"I think everyone found things were excellent."

"Yes," agreed Rosalee.

"Absolutely perfect." Was Hailey looking at Anna for a reason as she said that?

"I will pass that on to the kitchen."

"Thank you."

Hailey leaned back in her own seat when the waiter left and Anna's eyes opened wider.

"This isn't fair!" complained Rosalee. "Sometimes being a girl sucks!"

"Rosy I happen to like how you suck and I know that is not what you mean. We will just have to find some way of convincing you that it doesn't have to suck."

"Oh I know I'll have other times, it is just that we all got organised to surprise you and the others are okay and I miss out."

Anna and Hailey were apologetic and began to sit up but Rosalee stopped them.

"I don't mind you being able to do what you're doing." She softened her voice and looked around. "I find that it is as exciting to watch you and to think of what is going on under the table while people are still eating. I also want to see how you get out of here in open-toed sandals when your own toes are wet -- not to mention how your pussies must smell. Roger and I can at least be sure of retaining our sense of decency!"

"You are pissed you can't join in, aren't you!?"

"Of course!" But Rosy grinned at Hailey.

The bill was left with me, the waiter taking no notice of the two girls grinning at each other and occasionally at Rosalee.

I counted out some notes from my wallet and added a little to the normal tip. It had been an excellent meal and I could afford it.

"When you are ready ladies but there is no real hurry."

"No we finished while you were getting the money out. Was it really that much?"

"That wasn't bad. We had plenty to eat and I know the company alone was worth at least a quarter of that."

When Anna told the others the amount they were upset.

"Can you afford that?"

"Do you want some money towards it? We weren't expecting you to spend that much on us."

"I have a trust fund allowance I barely touch. It is not going to be a problem."

"You shouldn't have to spend it on us though."

"I didn't love. I spent it on myself. I indulged myself in an evening out with three beautiful ladies and now, if you are ready, I, like Rosalee, would like to see if you get out of the restaurant without raising any eyebrows for other than your excellent appearances."

They stood as I moved each one's chair out. I was hamming it up after the fooling around with car doors but one older man dining with his wife commented to me as I passed.

"I'm pleased to see that there are still some young men today who know how to treat a young lady with respect and young ladies who dress attractively when they go out."

"Thank you and I will pass your comments on."

I did but I translated them slightly to "he thought I was lucky to be sharing the company of three hot babes."

The manager accepted the folder with my payment and checked again when I indicated I needed no change.

"Tonight was a special night; you and your staff have made it perfect."

"Thank you Mr Torrent. Please come again, with your lovely friends."

I noticed his nostril flare but the manager wasn't about to make any comment that would even suggest something untoward had taken place when the customers were leaving without an actual incident.

Rosalee shared the front again and this time I held her hand the whole way back to the motel. While strictly speaking we had no need to return there, if we didn't we would expect to collectively have to explain where the girls had changed into their dresses. It was a pity because their parents, in other circumstances, would have been proud of the young ladies I was escorting.

Our intention was to change back into civies and nothing else. And there are fairies at the bottom of the garden!

The three girls had dressed in the bathroom but they undressed in front of me in the bedroom. I was instructed to sit on the bed and just watch while each girl performed a strip tease that had nothing to do with pole dancing and every thing with proving just how sexy a girl undressing herself normally could be.

Of course, when each girl removed skirt or dress she displayed the secret Rosalee had referred to and explained how Anna and Hailey could have bare pussies.

At some stage all three had managed to buy a garter belt and stockings rather than pantyhose. Rosalee had her panties over the top but even those looked fantastic, while Anna and Hailey had their triangular bushes framed by the white belts and straps.

I wasn't all that familiar with pantyhose or stockings. Most of the girls I had been with had been naked already or just wearing enough that I didn't need to worry. Even when they had been wearing pantyhose I had only been trying to reach inside what was then just an extra layer.

They looked fantastic.

Of course, having removed their dresses and Hailey her top in preparation for resuming more normal dress there was no need for them to remove their bras as well.

In fact, their shoes probably would have been a more important item yet the three stood there in shoes that enhanced the appearance of their legs and stockings that made them even more interesting. I struggled to even lift my eyes to their bare breasts.

"How long have we got?"

I looked at the clock. It was 9:15 and we had to be home at 11:00.

"Just over an hour."

It was more like an hour and a half but I wanted to include some time to say goodnight politely and to make sure we were dressed properly.

"I'll take a raincheck then." Anna knew she could expect a visit from me if she felt I could manage to meet whatever needs she still had.

"Rosy, do you want to get ready while we strip Roger down?"

"What, in the shower again?"

Anna looked at me. "If we put a towel down so we don't get anything on the bed we should be okay."

Rosalee used the bathroom while the others pulled me to my feet and prepared me for action. Once again, the assumption was that I would and could perform for them as required. Since I made no objection I guess the first assumption was correct; it certainly made a mockery of any suggestion that I was taking advantage of the girls.

As to whether I could perform, well a little touch up and kisses to my prick soon had it standing to attention. My proposal -- accepted -- that the two of them kiss in front of me didn't hurt in the least.

Rosy came out bare ass naked. She decided the stockings were fine for show but having to wash cum and her possibly coloured juices out of them without her mother knowing would not be worth the extra tease factor. She added them to her neatly folded dress.

Same as Assassin
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A Redirected Life By Holly Day I'm not sure how we met. I had loved to play trivia games at my favorite bar especially when it was entertainment trivia. I never did as well with sports but I wasn't horrible either. I always turned up on the same night each week. I saw her many times but never tried to approach her because I figured she was out of my league. She was about my height maybe and inch shorter but with heals I had to look up to talk to her. She just happened to sit next to...

1 year ago
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Attracted to Men or their Cocks

I have been reading a lot of confessions from sissies the last couple of days. There exists one trope that appears in nearly all of the confessions. Namely, a lot of sissies likes to make it abundantly clear that they are not 'gay.' They insist that while they love cocks, and wants to have sex with men, they can never see themselves in a devoted relationship with a man. They rationalise it by saying that real men are to them nothing more than sentient sex toys, and just as they don't fall in...

2 years ago
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Sexiest Familys Awesome Foursome 8211 Part 2

Hello, my male friends and female sisters and mothers! Welcome back to ISS. Without wasting time lets continue to the story. In the night around at 9’o clock, my sister came to my room to take me for dinner. I was totally nude at that time. I was still angry at her and without talking to her I went to the dining table. We all had our dinner and I tried to take my mom with me to the bedroom. Mom – Where are you taking me? Me – In our bedroom. Mom – I have some household works to do. I will...

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Love of Cum

In my sex life as a straight guy, my favorite type of sex was oral. I loved the feel of lips and tongue on my cock even more than that of a vagina. Some women didn't like to give head; my relationships with them didn't last long. Being willing to suck cock and swallow cum was a deal breaker for me. My tastes applied to the porn I watched as well. Seeing a pornstar working her lips and tongue over a hard shaft was much more sexy to me than watching a cock sliding in and out of a pussy. I think...

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Monster Boys World

This is where the story shall begin. Who are you and what is your story in this world of Monster Boys - are you a student, learning in our modern world? Or are you a squire, eager to explore or a young knight, just recently begun your journey of adventure and fame? Who are the monsters or males after you - are they kind and gentle, or devious and horny? What will you do when confronted by those whom are eager to taint and corrupt you - will you submit or will you attempt to fight against...

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Nanbanin Sunnni Enathu Suuthil

Vanakam enathhu peyar arasu vayathu 24 naan enathu pata padipai mudithu vittu veetil velai thedikonu irukiren. Ennaku oru nanban irukiraan avanin peyar muthu vayathu 24. Naangal iruvarum kalluriyil padikum pozhuthu nanbargal aanom appozhu irunthe iruvarum nerukamaaga pazhaivanthom aanal enathu nanban ennidam konjam thagatha muraiyil pazhaga aarambithaan. Nangal ondraga kaama padangal paarpom appozhuthu naan oru penai ookum padathai virumbi paarpen aanal avan oru aanum inoru aanum oopathai...

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Master Graham

This is a fantasy of my dream world. If it could happen in real life I would be in ecstasy! Please read and give me me feedback! Thank you!Master GrahamI met Graham at a nice little café while eating alone one night. I do not like to eat alone and asked him if I could join him. He smiled up at me and said of course. He was so sweet, smart, friendly and a true gentleman. But, my perceptions about that would soon change. We chatted about everything normal. At the end of the meal I told him I...

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fuck slaversquos Day of Punishment Chapter 1

fuck slave had been doing a terrible job of pleasing me, her Master. I was trying to be patient, since she had never had a Master before, but after 2 weeks I had had enough. she finally called and said that we could meet Saturday at 3pm. I told her to be naked, have the ankle and wrist cuffs on and the highest heels she had. she was to be on her knees by the end of the coffee table that was in front of the door. she was not to move or speak until I told her too. I hung up and told myself at...

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Vile Chapter 2 Bloodhound

Ivory crumbled into dust as a clearing opened in the center of one of the chamber's walls, breaking the subtle sounds of the room with hideous screams and desperate cries from just beyond the newly formed passage; a thin fiend cloaked in red dress drifted unnaturally into the faintly lit dungeon, its face obscured by a crimson veiled hood. As the crimson figure floated deeper into the chamber's depths the screams grew ever louder, and soon a black chain suspended by unseen forces made its...

3 years ago
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EMail from a friend Chapter 1

Fran, nice to read your last email. I am very happy that you and Marge finally got together. I ran into her last week. Sorry I missed you. I was only in town for a day. She is very happy. You know I was friends with her before I met you.This may shock you, but Marge has been in love with you for years, you are probably the only person she would leave Jimmy for, if you gave her the least encouragement. She would shack up with you without a second thought.But I digress and am going places that...

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The popular beach resort yields some wid analy add

My tour of active duty was winding down and I was set to be honorably discharged in July 1963. My addiction to anal sex had only strengthened during my four years in the Marine Corps. I was absolutely enamored with beautiful female asses. I loved the contour and curvy shape that went with a bubble butt on women and even some gay men. It was obvious that the female ass was something to behold. Why else would magazines such as Playboy select models with perfect asses for their centerfold girls?...

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pool time for Wanda

Hello, my name is Wanda and I am writing about what happened at the beginning of what I call my summer of dirty fun that happened last year. First a little about me, I am 37 5'6 and around 190 to 215 pounds with above the shoulder brown hair and brown eyes with a 38DD chest in case you were all wondering. I'm not in the greatest of shape but not completely flabby either but after two k**s my boobs aren't nice and perky like they used to be. I am married and we live in a nice subdivision that...

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When a Wish Comes True

The following story is based on real-life experiences up to the point of my wish and prayer to become a girl. I did do that wish and prayer as I have every day of my life since. I thought this might be a way of considering how my life would have been different had that wish come true. I hope you enjoy the story. (Recently edited to provide a slightly better ending) -------- I sat near the front of the bus and kept my head tucked down to make myself less noticeable. It was near the...

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Wrote this for my girl she liked so much that she

I know that you have had a long day at work today from the messages you have sent me. I also know that you just want to come home, eat your dinner then go take a nap in a hot bath, but you don't know that I have other plans for you tonight. As you pull into the drive way you can see that every light in the house is off but you see my car there to so you think that I'm just sleeping or one of my boys came and picked me up. As you walk though the door, you feel arms wrap around you as a bag is...

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The Pendant 1

Chapter One Bobby found the box at the bottom of the pond we swim in. He had to dive down several times to work it free but finally swam to shore with it. We (Mike, Jake, Bobby, and I) sat there looking at it. It was wood bound with iron straps and it looked old. The lid wouldn’t open and Jake picked up a rock and started pounding until the side caved in. I know it was dumb. It might have been valuable and there were better ways to open it. But we were teenagers and brute force...

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Transformed into a black cock whore 2

Following Valerie's recent humiliation and abuse at Joel's pay cam site she gently touched her body all over wishing the red weal's would soon pass. They were still sowing proud all over her body as she lay there naked on the bed; she noted the ones going across both nipples and along her cunt and curling up to her clit seemed to show much more, proving those were hit with much more force she couldn't help but to finger her cunt thinking of the ordeal though.She then heard her husband call...

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Saga of Sam JonesChapter 1

John Comstock, forty-three and used to having his own way--always, watched us as his father and I rode into the Comstock ranch yard. He was pointing at me. "What's he doing here? The last time he was on the place he rustled one of my yearlings and should have been strung up for it. Dad, I swear, you're getting senile in your old age hanging out with prison trash." "John, he ain't goin' to be staying but a few minutes. Hear him out. Talk about gettin' old, you get more stubborn and...

1 year ago
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I met Leah when my friend invited her to a . She was 17 then, cute, sweet and friendly. What I like more about her is her sweet smile and the curve of her body. She had a soft skin and small tits. I always have a hard on everytime I saw her and I think she's noticing it. By the way.......she is my friend's girlfriend. This is what happened next....... It was a relaxing saturday afternoon then, and i am doing nothing inside our dorm when the phone rang. "Hey it's me, Leah, just asking if you're...

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The Honey Dew ListChapter 5

“So, Tara, welcome to our humble abode. Well, we’re all moving in together soon. If you want to be part of that move, be sure to let us know. If you’re still involved with Damien, that is. I’d be disappointed in you if you weren’t, but there’s no accounting for taste. Damien’s the best,” Cassidy told Damien’s colleague, Tara Harmon, in front of the others. “So ... you’re intimate with your girlfriend, her sister, and her mother? And you still had enough left to fuck me that well earlier...

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The ContractChapter 3

As we drove home from the doctor's office that day John began to question me. I could tell he was very suspicious of Samantha's sudden and fortuitous arrival. "So... you never mentioned Samantha before. If she was such a friend, why not?" "It was a long time ago John. After college we were so busy with our lives, and by then Samantha was going to college on her own. It never came up, and we kind of went our separate ways. I thought of her often. You had friends in college I never knew...

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The Frontier III

The giant beast drew a circle around Carl. Its fangs were bared as it growled and snarled. A sense of fight or flight erupted in Carl- he needed to either run or fight. Then his saving grace came; "Fenris- down" Danielle placed her hand atop the wolf's head hushing him. The animal circled in behind her and followed her as she approached Carl, walking with long seductive strides. “It’s you…” Carl cursed, yet he was relieved. “Who else do you know who can create...

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Why I am the pervert that I am Part 1

This is a memoir and confession to explain why I believe I am the true pervert that I am. If you can't handle this TRUTH than PLEASE turn back NOW!To the outside world and CLOSE personal friends and family I appear to be an upstanding and righteous man. The only problem is that I just have one DEEP secret. Sexually, I'm a seriously perverted person. Sometimes I feel ashamed and embarrassed. Other times I feel aroused and act on it only to feel guilty later. If I had no other way to vent and...

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Peter Spies on his Wife

Another exciting Sunday night. "Goodnight honey" she said as she pecked him on the cheek. As soon as Susan left the room, Peter closed the spreadsheet he had been pretending to work on when she'd walked in. The web site he'd been looking at appeared and with the collection of amateur photos he'd been looking at. He was particularly fond of one girl in particular and he never tired of browsing through her seductive photos. God knows it was the only way he was going to get off tonight....

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Long Awaited Date With A Girl From Delhi

I had been abroad for some years and came back for a few weeks. During this time abroad, I was talking to one girl over the phone and we were sexting for some time now. We planned on meeting and I suggested that we spend a night together to which she said she can’t stay the night and has to go home. So we decided we will meet during the day but I booked the room anyway. She lives in Delhi and I am from another state. I went there to meet her and reached there in the morning. We met and hugged...

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MissionsMission 8B

When Chung walked up to the jeep he was still laughing at me and Jenkins. "Sarge, you have problems, first you shoot at big mouth and no hit. Now you make team doctor mad, better hope you no get wounded or he might sew something in wrong place. You need get drunk and relax." "I don't think so my friend. This whole mission is getting too big and complex for me. Come, let us walk and I will explain what is going on." While we walked around the village I was explaining to Chung all that...

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Terrible Two FChapter 3 Why Me2

Carolyn Pierce stopped for a minute on her way through the dining room. She looked at the large picture of her that Bill had hung there. It showed her smiling in her then-new doctoral robes holding her then-new twins. “If only you’d known,” she told the picture. Then she went on to her home office. She was a parent, an economist, and a teacher of economics. She’d spent years doing basic research and presenting papers in regional economics -- mostly in the summers. She still had done...

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Part four the next level

After their last experience each wanted to take things to the next level. When they were apart, they could only think about was each other.That Monday at school, M kept replaying the events of the weekend over and over in his head while humping his fully engorged cock against the inside of his jeans. Whenever he thought about the rush of his friend’s warm love liquid past his lips, his heart would race. He got to really...

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Daddy Comforts His Daughter

Almost from the time that he arrived at his daughter's house, Vic Seppitano knew that his Angela was unhappy. The plane landed at 10:45 AM, and in less than two hours, he was at her front door. Her smile was as beautiful as ever, but there was an odd sadness in her eyes. Angela had married only four months earlier. Her husband was a Canadian and his job and house was up there. "Daddy!!! Oh, it's great to see you," she beamed as she rushed into his arms. "I love you so much!" Father and...

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Chalani Sayamtraam

Na peru Murari naaku 26 years nenu last month ma vuru vellanu. Maadhi okka palleturu. Ma inthiki pakkana Rani ani okka ammaye vuntadhi. Maathu ekkinchey sarira impulu aame sonthaam. Chamani chaaya maati pogotey Rommulu, Gundraani Pirudhulu, paaduvaati Jaada ame sonthaam. 5’5 vuntaadhi. Tight blouse lu vesukuntadhi. Ameku 23 years mca chaduvutundhi. Okka roju sayanthram nenu ma pollalo bore dagara kurchoni vunnanu ontaariga. Vatavarnaam chala challaga vundhi. Chalani Gaali, Chethulo beer tin...

4 years ago
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Animal Lust

I could feel the first guy, the one who was thrusting between my legs change his pace slightly, signalling the nearness of his orgasm. I turned slightly so I could see my Husband sitting in the stuffed armchair watching us intently. Just then the second guy who was sitting on the bed, pulled my head back so he could kiss me, his hand roughly mauled my size 'B' tits. This rough treatment only added to the juices between my legs and pushed me over the edge. The guy between my legs stimulated by...

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First Flight Flying the Interracial Skies

This is my original story as submitted by me, the one and only writer, editer, and permission holder. Please do not share it with other sites without my expressed permission Of course feedback is always welcome and encouraged so I know the desire for another original story. ENJOY !!FIRST FLIGHT"Good evening, Captain" Vickie smiled as William boarded the plane. He paused, admiring the lovely flight attendant he had the pleasure of working with nightly. "Good evening to you too, Ms Lopez," he...

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Discovery Strange Relationship Version X Chapter

The Red Dragon is, I suppose, my local, in that it’s the closest pub to my house. Saying that it’s not actually terribly close, being about a fifteen-minute walk away, and I didn’t frequent it a great deal. Richard loved the place though, being equidistant from his house in the opposite direction, and hence we spent a few Sunday lunches there followed by a walk back to his house. I wasn’t all that keen on eating there, what with owning my own restaurant anyway, and I always felt a little put...

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Winter in Sweden Part 7

Chapter 17 – Return from Trondheim and Last Evening In Oestersund17.1 ReturnLars has bought tickets for the 9.30 h train next morning. We meet at 7.30 h for breakfast and today we are at the station in time. Our journey back home is going well. Masha and I must return home next day at 8.20 am from Oestersund Airport. For our last day the Lindstroems have a surprise for us. We will go on a dog sleigh trip through the area. It’s a trip with three sleighs, one for the guide and the other two for...

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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 19 Meeting Mrs Jonathon Huntington Smyth

We spent the rest of the day sightseeing. She took me around all her favorite places. And actually we had fun. She treated me as an equal, not as an underling. It ended too soon when we had to return to the hotel to dress for dinner and the show. After shaving and showering, my valet had arranged for a hair stylist to "fix" my hair after my shower. The stylist worked about an hour on my hair. It's funny but it only took me a couple of minutes when I combed and dried it. When the stylist...

3 years ago
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Cant Handle Your Cock

You have a problem. See, when most people say to someone that they can’t handle their cock, it’s bragging. The human body is very elastic, and with the right preparation and mindset, almost anything is possible. And that certainly contains the possibilities of finding a way to take any mundane human penis, no matter how big. Maybe you brag about some things, but when you say people can’t handle your cock, you’re deadly serious. Something about it has always been extremely unusual, ever since...

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My Uncle Mikes Magnificent Flag Pole

Like so many other women of today, I have a hidden sexual skeleton in my closet from when I was a lot younger. Although I must say that I am one of the lucky ones, who doesn't suffer due to it. I wasn't raped or treated badly at all. My first sexual experience as a freshman in high school with a male was quite pleasant, and so were the events after the first time. I was at that age when a girl starts experiencing many changes in her body and her mind. My breasts were developing and my...

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The Serial Mind Fucker

Thx for reading my story! Please feel free to add chapters and also feel free to comment on chapters you like. I love the feedback and idea you give me. (I try to send a thank you to all commenters) " What are you looking at? Perv..." Jack's milf neighbor asked him with a sneer as he walked past her. He was heading to college like every morning of the week and like every one of them, The MILF next door was Sunbathing on her front lawn. Jack couldn’t help but give a glance every time at her...

Mind Control
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The Hot Wife Photos Ch 03

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

3 years ago
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Das verrckte Theater

Die 18-jährige Laura war gerade mit der Schule fertig geworden und hatte derzeit etwas Leerlauf, wenn nicht sogar Langeweile. Das Studium ging erst im Herbst los und für den Sommer hatte sie absolut gar keine Pläne. Da kam ihr das Angebot von Angelika genau richtig. Sie hatte die Frau letzte Wochenende auf einer ansonsten langweiligen Party kennengelernt, auf die ihre Eltern sie geschleppt hatten. Angelika war Mitte 50 und eine wahre Frohnatur. Sie lachte viel und laut und war damit genau das...

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Kingdom Conquest

“I’ve had enough of your chauvinistic male pig attitudes, General!” The Queen shouted. She was beautiful, the Queen, despite her unfortunate personality. A tall, blonde thirty-something woman, her regal bearing was only matched by her titanic breasts, each nearly the size of her head. You are careful not to stare at them, she has been known to execute people for staring at them. “You are the last male left on my council, and an excellent example of why I kicked the others off!” She continued....

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Second ChanceChapter 30

Winnie and I briefed the Judge on our conversation with Hussein. He seemed preoccupied, and suggested that, in the next twenty-four hours, we look for a messenger with a special package that we might like. Winnie said that could be guns for us, so we needed to find time and privacy to get some practice shooting. She was still under the impression that I was a lamb in the woods, but that wasn't entirely bad. Even if I completed my specialized training, she was the expert, and I was the...

4 years ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 17 Halloween

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 17 Halloween Fall was in full swing on the campus. Students and fans were flocking to the campus on weekends to watch their beloved Noles. The Seminole football team was enjoying one of their most successful seasons, eight games into the season they were undefeated. During the last weekend of October all of the Nole fans took a break from dressing in Garnett and Gold and dressed up for Halloween. Aaron and Beth had already decided to...

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Remote Possibilities Ch 1

As Andrew walked out the door he glanced at his older sister, leant over the kitchen counter and reading her magazine. Holy shit he thought, his friends were right - she was a knockout. It was hard to admit that about her when she acted like such a bitch around him all the time, he wanted nothing to do with giving her any praise. But the truth remained, her luscious dark brown hair, pulled back in a ponytail, and below that a slim waist that led down to her graspable butt made her sexy simply...

1 year ago
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New Lesson 2

With a sigh I closed the folder, moved it to the ‘graded’ pile, and opened the next one. I’d stayed late to catch up the grading, despite bringing them home each night I’d gotten little done, and I had several folders of work to grade before the end of the week. I’d gotten through two so far and was starting to feel rumblings of hunger. One more, then I would finish the rest tonight after eating. I was mulling over dinner choices in my head, determining preparation times and balancing my...

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The Devolution of DeannaChapter 3

Kelsey picked up Deanna early Saturday evening. "This is your house?" Deanna said when Kelsey turned through the gate and onto the long driveway. It was a large house. "No," said Kelsey. "This is Ashlee's place. Her parents are gone all the time so her house is usually the party house." "What about the sleepover?" "This is where we'll spend the night. I just told your mom that so she'd let you go. Parents are too protective. You need to experience your first party." Deanna...

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The Spanking CouplesChapter 3 Hogtied

Debbie slowly turned away from Marion, and reached over to where her husband was still laying on the bed. She reached up and untied the rope from his handcuffs and pulled it free. She then reached down to the cuffs holding his ankles together, and freed them, too. "OK, pussy boy" she said to her husband. "Get up and make room for the Bitch." Bill then rolled over and stood up beside the bed. Debbie then told Ron to rotate his body 90 degrees, so that his head was still facing down, but...

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A Tip for the Concierge

I got out of the car that the hotel had sent to meet me at the airport, I was glad that I had come back to this hotel. It was in a terrific location, as it was close to all the things I needed to visit on this trip. I walked in the front door and the first person that I saw was Terri, one of the concierges at the hotel. Terri had helped me with so many different things on my previous trips to London and I was sure it was her that had sent the car to pick me up, rather than me having to get a...

4 years ago
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Michelle ma belle Pt 2

So, last time I had written, Michelle had made it clear to me that she wanted to continue our relationship in this manner. She sat down with me a few months after our first night of sex and told me "I know you're feeling guilty about this but I wanted you to know that this was my choice. I've wanted this for the past few years. You've always been so kind to us and treated us like your own flesh and blood." I shook my head and replied "You may think you want a sexual relationship...

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