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“In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.”

-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

My name is Avery Harper, MD, PhD, and I’m not afraid to die. In fact, I was in heaven. Since I was a young woman, I have studied exobiology, actually only possible biologies, for my entire twenty-year career, ever since I became a grad student. It was only possible biologies, as far as I knew, until yesterday, when I got a call from a friend at NASA, and a quick trip via T-38 to an Air Force base in Nevada. Why I was tapped, I still don’t know. I heard some things I don’t quite recall about some of the papers I wrote.

My friend, Doctor Bertrand Lane, was waiting for me in front of the hangar. After a few minutes to freshen up in the restroom, we were whisked by car to a large hangar near one end of the building complex that comprised the base. Inside the hangar, which was literally the size of a football stadium, was a luminescent hemisphere, like a large dome, mostly green, but with flecks of color that would wash over its surface.

Bertrand assured me that the hemisphere was a perfect semicircle. Inside it, he informed me, was a being that had traveled here from another star, and who now presumably wanted to communicate with us. So far, the hemisphere had allowed in some but not all machines with cables. The researchers had been hopeful the alien or aliens inside would be able to use these devices to communicate. Measuring devices were universally rejected. Machines that had been pulled back out came back wet by an inorganic nutrient solution that was much like seawater, but infused with oxygen. It was a fascinating liquid with valuable properties. It was keeping the researchers busy. So far there had been no other contact. Men in space suits had tried to enter the hemisphere, but they had been rejected, just gently pushed back out before they could see or sense very much of anything.

Still, I had to attempt the obvious, so I also suited up and attempted to enter the hemisphere. To everyone’s surprise, especially my own, I was allowed in without incident.

The inside of the hemisphere was filled with the aforementioned nutrient liquid as we had hypothesized. The aforementioned three or four waterproof machines were sitting by themselves. In the middle of the hemisphere was a teardrop-shaped being, mostly orange, but with other colors that moved slowly across its surface. I say “being” because it was moving slightly and because it was apparently the only other thing in the hemisphere, so I assumed it must be the alien in question if there was one. Perhaps it was only a system that allowed for communication with the real aliens that were located elsewhere.

I approached the being and attempted to make physical contact. I touched its surface, and it shivered and shimmered, profoundly beautiful. I pushed at it slightly, and it yielded like a flexible bag of water, that consistency. I pushed it harder, and it gently placed me on my back, like an Aik**o throw. It was not v******e, I was just on my back, and it flowed over me some. I had the strong sense that the being was going to maintain physical control of our interaction, but not in a malevolent way, more as a practical matter, and who was I to judge its needs at this point?

The being let me up and I left the hemisphere, much to the relief of everyone assembled outside the hemisphere. There was a solid day and a half of debriefing followed by a solid week or so where I brought underwater cameras and other measuring devices into the hemisphere with me. The atmosphere in the hemisphere appeared to be healthy for humans to breathe even though it was liquid. I’d heard about this before, where mice were able to live in water that had been infused with oxygen once they had gotten over the feeling they were drowning.

I begged and begged, and finally they let me enter the hemisphere in a wetsuit, without the space suit and limited air supply. I did so knowing it would feel like drowning, but confident that our analysis of the fluid was correct, and wanting a chance to connect more directly with the being. It was frightening at first, and it took me a long-suffering minute before I could bear to start breathing in the water. The being came over, perhaps to comfort me. It touched my hand at first. Its touch was hot and electric, profoundly sexual, even though it was just touching my hand. I was still gasping and thrashing out bubbles. Water was spilling uncomfortably into my lungs. I hardly cared about the pain, though, all of the sudden. I was immediately diverted and aroused by the touch on my hand.

The being then covered my face with its hot, electric surface. The feeling was intensely sexual, like all the kisses I’d ever received on my lips, face, and neck all at once, and especially those kisses I’d received while I was making love and close to orgasm or actually orgasming, thousands of kisses. My hips jerked forward reflexively as I climaxed in my wetsuit without even being touched down there.

The being probably couldn’t tell, though. It was just more jerking around from the quasi-drowning process as far as it was concerned, so the effect was privately mine to enjoy. I myself might have written it off as some kind of near-death response to the quasi-drowning if that was all that had happened. Even so, I can remember feeling vaguely embarrassed at that first orgasm from the being while I was fighting the overpowering urge that I was drowning at the same time.

I wasn’t completely devoid of sexual experience. In my 42 years, I’d had a couple of boyfriends that had lasted a couple of years apiece, a smattering of shorter relationships, and several almost universally unsatisfying one night stands. When one is a researcher in an outré field of research as I am, one gets nowhere without constant work and dedication.

None of my boyfriends were ever comfortable with me putting my work ahead of them. I guess that was the sort I tended to pick. At any rate, relationships had always gone the same predictable way for me, and though I still got the itch sometimes and went back on the dating sites from time to time, I had pretty much given up on relationships and decided that sex wasn’t all that important either.

I felt the being exploring my eyes, ears, nostrils, and my gasping mouth. Gasping for nonexistent air, I sucked the being partly into my mouth and orgasmed profoundly at its touch. It was as if my mouth had immediately become a sexual organ, my tongue a giant sensitive clitoris for the being to gently lick and suck on. I thrashed and expelled the rest of my air in a flurry of bubbles with a howl, which was just a loud moan underwater, and an uncontrollable seizure of ecstasy that went on and on. At this, the being gently let go of me, and it was over. I floated down and away slowly, still panting and thrashing in aftershocks of ecstasy, breathing pure nutrient fluid.

Soon after, I emerged from the hemisphere and fell to my knees hurking and vomiting nutrient fluid out of my lungs. After a much more painful readjustment to air, I sat there still, and the research staff thankfully left me alone. I was trying to get my story straight, because I was not going to tell any of these nice fellow scientists about the multiple orgasms I’d just had.

It didn’t turn out to be hard. I even described the being’s touch as pleasurable, and described how it helped me to adjust by helping me expel the rest of my air, though I pled ignorance as to how exactly the being had helped me with that, saying that I’d just expelled the air shortly after I inadvertently sucked a bit of the being into my mouth. The debrief was done by the end of the day.

The next morning, I again prepared to enter the bubble. This time, I made the transition without much struggle. Sensing somehow that I was not in much distress this time, the being just waited in his normal position at the center of the hemisphere. I now thought of the being as male, although I knew nothing yet about the sexuality or reproduction of the being. I assumed it likely that the being didn’t even know how his touch was affecting me. At any rate, since he had come into my mouth the previous day, I had thought of the being as a male.

Breathing the nutrient solution was sort of like learning how to scuba dive. You just had to trust you were not drowning even though you were breathing underwater. And breathing the fluid was slower, but just as satisfying. Water is slower to pump in and out of your lungs.

Once I was calmly and slowly breathing the nutrient fluid again, I unzipped and shimmied out of my wetsuit then removed my underwear so that I stood naked in front of the being. I bounced over to him, using the bit of negative buoyancy I had in the nutrient fluid to drift me back down to the floor of the hemisphere so I could push off gently forward again. Soon, I was standing lightly within arm’s reach of him.

I wanted so badly to immediately jump on the being and hug him to me tightly with my arms and legs, but I still had a little self-control, a little self-respect. I didn’t know what message that action on my part would send, and I wanted to send a message that would ingratiate me, though I didn’t know what that could be, so I hesitated.

The being shifted colors slightly and extruded a pseudopod towards my mouth. I opened my mouth wide almost helplessly in response to its approach, remembering the pleasure I’d received there the previous day. As the hot, electric pseudopod reached my lips and face and slowly pushed into my mouth again, I arched my back and thrilled in ecstasy, thrusting my tongue forward to meet it. As my tongue thrust into the tip of the hot electric appendage, I felt it again like my tongue was a giant clitoris being sucked on, and I climaxed and thrashed powerfully at once.

The appendage kept coming into my mouth, kneading and sucking my tongue and filling my mouth with pleasurable pressure. I climaxed again and thrashed more. The heat of the appendage was about as hot as I could tolerate without feeling discomfort from the heat. It was my mouth and face, but it was reminiscent of this one time a nice gentleman with just the right thickness of cock had fucked me gently and slowly then faster and faster for a long time. I’d had multiple orgasms under him that night. His cock gave me an exquisite amount of stretching and pressure with his thrusts, and his girth and angle caused him to rub both my clit and the roof of my vagina with just the right amount of pressure. This was that, except times ten, and in my mouth.

The appendage filled my mouth and started to thrust down my throat. My gag reflex activated, but I was also thrashing especially hard in orgasm with the pleasure of having my esophageal sphincter firmly and deliciously forced open, so somehow it wasn’t that bad, like a continuous swallow and coughing that went nowhere and orgasms that went everywhere. Soon the being sensed that I needed to breathe the nutrient fluid again to continue living, so it opened a passage for my breathing while continuing to thrust down my throat and esophagus with incredible, indescribable hot stretching pressure and stimulation that made me orgasm with every inch.

I kept moaning and thrashing as the appendage filled my stomach and stretched it so excitingly I could barely orgasm hard enough to respond to the incredible stimulation, the fullness. By this point, I was orgasming and jerking continually and my eyes were fluttering or tightly closed. My hands were touching the being, and I was receiving an electric contact high from this as well, but it was almost forgotten as my entire sensory world was focused on the incredible hot appendage slowly, firmly, and inexorably forcing its way down my throat, esophagus, and stomach and stretching and opening up my entire body with incredible stretching and sliding pleasure. I was feeling deep feelings of love for the being as well. I didn’t know where these feelings were coming from.

I felt a pop deep in me and thrashed with an especially strong orgasm as the appendage firmly forced open the pyloric sphincter at the bottom of my stomach and penetrated my duodenum. My entire body was becoming an incredible throbbing, aching receptacle of pleasure as the being continued to penetrate and fuck his way down my digestive tract at his own inquisitive pace with his firm hot electric appendage ever sliding all the way, pressurizing, and thrusting forward. As the appendage firmly thrust deeper into my guts, my feelings of love for the being and comfort from the being grew in the midst of the incredible rolling orgasms.

At around this time, I started helplessly squirting and shitting out the contents of my digestive tract as I orgasmed. The being was already covering my ass and catching it somehow, because I felt him tingling back there, and I could vaguely feel him gently sucking it out of me as it came.

I could not even really feel that at the moment, as I was completely focused on and orgasming from the sliding, pressing, roiling pleasure of the appendage fucking its way through my small intestines. I had another especially powerful shuddering orgasm as the appendage pressed past the suspensory muscle of the duodenum into my jejunum. I could feel my entire body thoroughly as the appendage opened it, even though I knew full well I had no nerves consciously available to me to feel this. Then it was down and over and up and down, like walking a long winding road of ever increasing orgasms as more and more of my insides were slickly and hotly rubbed and pressurized wide open.

There was a long period of this: feeling the roiling pleasurable pressure up and down and across and up again and then back as the appendage took me and opened my small intestine further and further, inch by inch, pressing from the jejunum to the ilium at some roiling orgasmic point and continuing, rolling jerking orgasm after rolling jerking orgasm. I would have been screaming myself hoarse, except the fluid didn’t really respond to my slowly fluttering vocal cords. It just came out as moans greatly muffled by all the appendage roiling past. I was feeling hotter and hotter too as the hot appendage filled more and more of my body core. The nutrient fluid was on the cool side, so although I felt almost like I had a temperature I was getting so hot, it wasn’t that disturbing.

After what seemed an eternity of ever-increasing deep screaming rolling orgasms as the being increasingly fucked his way through my small intestines, I got a tense, shaking, thrilling orgasm when the appendage popped through and firmly opened up my strong ileocecal sphincter and started to fill my large intestine with hot, tingling stretching pressure and pleasure. I thrashed in orgasmic pleasure as the appendage pressurized and fucked upwards into my large intestine along the right side of my body, slowly across under my sternum with incredible electric pleasure, and then down the left side of my body pressing forward inexorably as the orgasms came and came. It was a kind of seppuku by orgasm.

Then I felt a familiar excitement as the appendage reached down towards my rectum and closer and closer to my familiar sexual core. I wanted to scream dirty exhortations to the being to fucking bugger the hell out of me, which I’d only rarely found pleasurable in the past, but my lungs and vocal cords wouldn’t really work. As his appendage pressed down and down, with the orgasms came a familiar intense feeling of desiring and needing to let out a good, extremely satisfying BM, and I responded by shitting the tip of the appendage out of me with glorious twisting pleasure, but just the tip of the iceberg with intense roiling orgasmic pleasure fully and thoroughly pleasuring and pressuring my entire alimentary canal, twisting and roiling gently as I twisted transfixed in perpetual rolling orgasm.

The being began to withdraw the way he’d come in, and I knew he needed to do this for me to survive. Even with the cooling effect of the nutrient fluid surrounding me, I was feeling very feverish and faint with his heat filling me entirely and the exertion of continuously straining, jerking, and moaning in climax. Even though I was still orgasming continuously, I was feeling increasingly nauseous, which I suppose is not surprising when one’s entire digestive tract is being opened up and stimulated as he was doing to me. I was dizzy bordering on u*********s, and still orgasming hard with every inch he retreated back through me.

As I felt the being’s appendage retreat back through my small intestines, I began to feel a terrible sense of emptiness and aloneness, and I stopped orgasming and began to sob uncontrollably. I suppose my body had gotten somewhat used to the incredible stimulation of having my entire digestive system ravaged by him. As my body increasingly became my own again instead of his, even though the pleasure in me was still extremely intense, the relative loss of stimulation was too much for me to bear, even though I knew he would have surely killed me if he had stayed fully penetrated in me for much longer.

As the being fully retreated out of my throat and mouth, I was sobbing uncontrollably. He hugged me tight, and I felt the orgasmic stimulation of him across the front of my body, especially my nipples. I still felt so alone and separate from him. In desperation, I grabbed him with my legs and began to hump my vulva onto him, and immediately as my actual clitoris touched him I began to orgasm again, and I gained some comfort from this. He didn’t appear to mind this, and I’d like to think he even understood it. As I was now orgasming continuously again and somewhat comforted, I reasoned with myself and forced myself to realize that the incredible feeling of being so completely filled and used by him would have ended either way, either with him retreating as he had or with my death.

Slowly, I was able to separate from him and choke down my sobs as I returned to the world of deadness and aloneness. I looked at the dive watch on my wrist. It had only been a half hour since he’d begun to take my mouth. Even so, my world and I were entirely changed and focused within that half hour.

I was drifting in the nutrient solution, utterly exhausted, uncaring. I drifted off to sleep for I don’t know how long, and awoke with incredible pangs of hunger, like my body was eating itself alive. Slowly, with great stiffness in all my muscles, I crawled sadly away from the being and put on my underwear. I didn’t have the strength to put on my wetsuit, so I just dragged it along with me as I slowly pushed my way out of the hemisphere.

When I was partly emerged, Bertrand dragged me out the rest of the way. It was dark outside. He told me they’d been extremely worried because it had been twelve hours without hearing from me. I croaked that I desperately needed nutrition. Six protein shakes later, I was starting to feel towards normal, but was still very nauseous, sad, and alone. I begged off being debriefed until I could recover somewhat. Secretly, I also needed time to get my story straight.

A couple of days later, when I was fully awake and alive but still in painful, lonely withdrawal from the being, I told my fake story. I told them that the being had investigated my digestive system with instruments, and it had not been painful. It had even been somewhat pleasant, but it had been extremely exhausting, and that’s why I had come back so drained and hungry. They investigated me and saw that indeed my digestive system had been disrupted but was getting back on track, so my story checked out, and they were all happy. They thanked me profoundly for being so brave and allowing such a thing, and I told them in turn that it had been my pleasure. They had no idea how much.

It took me four days to get back on my feet and look healthy enough for them to let me back into the hemisphere. On the morning of the fourth day, I dove excitedly back into the hemisphere to be with the being, my love and now the focus of my entire life, again.

I threw off my wetsuit and underwear and swam desperately over to him, my mouth already wide open for him. I wanted him to take my guts again so badly, so badly. But the being had other plans. He slapped a tendril onto the slit of my vulva and the pucker of my anus. Immediately I began to buck in continuous orgasm as he firmly spread my inner lips and fully stimulated the entire stretched surface of my vulva.

Then I screamed and shook with incredible delight as he began to penetrate my vagina. It was all the pleasure I’d ever felt from all the times I’d ever been penetrated all combined in that one penetration. Then it got better. My birth canal began to fill and stretch with incredible delicious pressure, and the electric thrill of him fully activated every nerve in my pelvis.

As the being continued to fill me so satisfyingly, I could feel the entire length of my clitoris writhe in extreme pleasure like a lightning rod for hot energetic orgasmic tension. My arms and legs flailed to grasp and and my mouth to lick him, but he was holding me off as he fucked me this time. My arms and legs flailed at nothing as my howls of incredible pleasure and frustration at not being able to grab came out as low moans in the nutrient bath.

The being continued to fuck into me firmly and stretch my birth canal to its most satisfying extent while at the same time pumping orgasmic energy into me like a fire hose so that I was locked in energetic orgasm and shivering with ecstasy. He reached my extent so that my birth canal was fully stretched in every extent as open as pleasurably possible, hot on its entire surface so I could feel his giant engine of ecstasy pressing everywhere inside me and filling me completely, and the electric energy extending out from there everywhere, as if there were a hundred men loving, licking, rubbing, and sucking my clitoris along its entire length and shape inside me, very energetically and very continuously.

But there were new levels of ecstasy beyond even this as I felt him firmly dilate my cervix and begin to penetrate my uterus. The discomfort of having him open me in this way only firmly and deliciously punctuated the glorious orgasmic surrender of giving him my uterus so stretchily and pleasurably in this way. I felt also the familiar sensations of menstrual cramps, but again, they only added seasoning and richness to the incredible waves of pleasure I was experiencing, awakening me to his filling, stretching, and pleasuring of my uterus in waves, cementing his full ownership of me and my unbearable desire to be owned and bred by him if it was possible.

A few mammals must experience a dim reflection of this experience. I remembered that boars have a slim prehensile penis they penetrate directly into the uterus of the sow and fill it to bursting with semen. I was now the being’s sow, and I was so shaking for him to breed me, fill me with his babies, whatever that might be, fill me completely, use me, seed me. Then I passed out.

I awoke with an angry scream of despair wet on the floor of the hanger when they injected adrenaline directly into my heart. I guess I must have been pretty out of it. They then strapped me to a gurney and carried me away sobbing from my love to be washed, strapped into a bed, fed intravenously, and sedated.

While I was still strapped into the bed, they told me that they had seen me fuck the being via a remote camera they had placed in the hemisphere and heard my continuous howls of ecstasy even muted as they were by the nutrient fluid. They told me that my objectivity had been compromised and that they would find somebody else. Two days after that, I was on a commercial flight back home to Seattle, feeling completely empty and in despair.

The dismissal came with a pile of research money. That, along with some powerful antidepressants, helped me get back on track. I came off the antidepressants very quickly. I had to stop taking them after only about a month. Then I missed my period. The pregnancy test showed me as being pregnant. I began remembering things I had never directly learned about the being.

From this knowledge, two things are clear to me, leading me down a risky path. The first thing is the gestation period of the being’s c***d I’m carrying, which is thankfully short: only another five to eight weeks. The second is that in another week from now, the baby being inside me will develop to the point of beginning to stimulate me from inside my womb. This means that I’ll be orgasming continuously not for just half an hour or so as before, but for a month to seven weeks before I give birth.

I’ve set up tubes within the reach of my mouth to give me water and nutrition enough to last that time. I have straps to strap myself down with so that I won’t jerk myself out of bed away from my sources of water and nutrition. These preparations make it at least remotely possible I’ll survive the ordeal. You might be wondering why I don’t contact someone at the base and tell them what has happened. I can’t allow the chance that they will decide to hurt my c***d.

There are three ways this could go, as I see it. 1) The stimulation could become bearable after some days or weeks so I could begin to function normally again through the rest of the pregnancy. People’s nervous systems are relative mechanisms, so even given the intense stimulation, this is possible. 2) The stimulation could remain debilitating, but I’m able to function during it well enough to get sufficient nutrition and hydration from my setup to survive. 3) I’ll die.

I have a monitor set up to call 911 if my heart stops. I don’t know who will respond. I’m leaving this record of what happened to me in case I don’t make it. If you find me, and my baby is alive, please take care of it. I won’t risk letting them have my baby. Please honor my memory by keeping my baby away from them. I’ve been to heaven, and my baby is a gift from heaven. My name is Avery Harper, MD, PhD, and I’m not afraid to die.

(The End)

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Hello again, my names shelly and for anyone who did not read my first story I am a 5’7 redhead with a slim figure (other than my 7 month pregnant bump) I have large breasts which are lacerating and a shapely arse, and I want to tell you what happened the week after I committed adultery with my next door neighbour Sean and his girlfriend Lyndsey, it turns out that Sean was really turned on by my pregnant belly and milk dripping nipples, so much so that the very next day he came round as soon...

2 years ago
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Average Life TurnedWetChapter 9

Kim and Sabrina woke up early the next day, each in their own bedroom and with the 2 bedrooms located on each end of the house. Rob had designed part of the house and so that each bedroom had their own bathroom, tv and a little dressing table with a nice size mirror. The living room in the middle of the house and connected with the kitchen. At first the kitchen was small and separate from the living room but Rob was able to remove the walls and put in some beams in to replace the supporting...

1 year ago
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Getting fucked and a load of cum over my face

True Story as are all my stories / blog Last week my Mrs was out for most of the day, I had a lot of diy to do but I needed some "fun" as well, so after she went of I did a quick change into a pair of very tight legging style trousers (no underwear) hoping that someone maybe come to the door selling or just doing leaflet drops then I could give them a show that never happened but maybe next time.After working for a while and complete a couple of tasks I need a rest so changed in to a pair of...

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Grace Miller

Brad woke up in his bed. He checked his phone and saw that it was Saturday, approximately ten in the morning. He had made it his mission the past week to find out more information about Rachel’s friend, Elena.He had sex with Rachel every other day, finding out a little more about Elena with each encounter. Finally feeling confident that he had a substantial lead to find and seduce the beautiful Latina woman, he made plans to book a hotel in her area.Just as he was about to do so, he got a call...

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My neighborhood milf leads to fuck her sister

Hello, this is Arthur again. This is a story of what happened when I was working in Cambodia. Last year around Phnom Penh, my next-door neighbor Ryneth, a widow who is about 43 years old, asked if I would to join her in afternoon as she was alone. Well, I went sometime helped her with her chores and it led to an erotic steamy sex session. After that day we would meet and re-enact our passionate lovemaking.I was elated that I was the reason for Aunt Ryneth’s happiness. Well, time went by. One...

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Of course black is always better

On Friday morning I did not go to my office, as my Boss asked me to complete some paperwork. So I stayed at home and dressed casually in a light cotton dress, no bra and no panties. I wanted to be comfortable as I struggled with that boring task.I sat down with my laptop, as I sipped a cup of black coffee…At mid-morning the doorbell rang. It was Jeremy, the pool guy and another young black guy. He said he had forgotten his cap two days ago, when he had been at the back yard, cleaning our pool....

3 years ago
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Taffeta Torment 3

John stood idly at the window as a shaft of afternoon sunlight swept across his bedroom, a frothy affair draped in shimmering pink satins and purple silks that adorned his bedspread and almost every nook and cranny of the heavily scented boudoir. Just a few weeks before, his bedroom had been a ramshackle, dishevelled pit that wreaked of stale beer and sweat and whose only colouring was the shade of unwashed laundry. He recalled that fateful first meeting with Joyce. Her...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 3 The Deep Stone Sea

River had been amazing in recent months, adjusting to the big McKesson secrets and adapting to living with and among my family. Trunk had me a little worried. The recent revelation that we might be taking a path he couldn't follow had hit him hard. He had spent too much time considering himself my right arm, and giving his own future little consideration. Perhaps something like this was a good thing. The call of the Shar had come during a time when it would have been easy to grow...

2 years ago
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My First Chat Room Experience

I am a 46 year old male, recently divorced from a non-sexual wife of 20 years. I have been a regular porn viewer at xHamster for quite some time, favoring the mature amateur stuff the most. I recently started a profile on xHamster just to see what it was all about. I found lots of great amateur stuff viewing other member’s profiles; I had already gotten off twice viewing these husband and wife videos before I found the chat rooms.Wow, what an experience the chat rooms are. I am totally new to...

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Unnatural BehaviourChapter 2

When by chance I had glanced from my bedroom window and caught Selina bitching with Biff in the garden, my heart had sunk. The pair of them were clearly having a ball; much to my disappointment. For some while I’d realised that as my daughter developed, so too had Biff’s sexual interest in her! On occasions I’d observed Selina pretending not to notice when Biff poked his snout up into her pussy! That little bitch enjoyed it! What was a mother to do with a such a wayward girl? What annoyed...

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Girlfriend8217s Big Ass Surprise

Mera naam manu hai .Mein vaishali ka rehne wala hun.Meri age 20 saal hai. Meri height 5’9″ hai mere lund ka size 6 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi indrapuram,noida,vaishali, vasundhara ya koi aur jagah ki agr mujhse chudwana chahti ho to mujhe email kr skti hai aur email mein apna contact number bhej de, main uski id pe rply krdnga ya usse call krke baat kr lnga. Main 12th class se iss padh rha hun. Yahan pr maine bahut saari stories padhi hain. Aaj main yahan pr apni real...

2 years ago
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I Was a Young Exhibitionist 5

Introduction: Happened mostly like this When I was sixteen I agreed to house sit my aunts apartment. I didnt have another summer job and it was only for three weeks so I jumped at the opportunity. My aunt lived in a cool apartment complex that had an Oasis theme. Lots of swimming pools dotted the complex. It was a bit run down by which is how my aunt could afford to live there. Several of the pools had closed, or were in minor disrepair (lights not working, few chairs, etc.). The main pools in...

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Stevens Story Part 4

During the week they didn't have much time to prepare for the pageant. Midterms were approaching so they had to focus on studying. Steven began to feel an anxious feeling as he longed for the day he could dress again. As the days went by he would talk to his friends and teammates who were also participating in the pageant and learned that while some were just going to wear women's clothing and a wig, others, like his buddy Ron, were planning to have more fun with it and do full...

4 years ago
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A Quick Encounter Short Story

Three or four years ago I was in Germany on business. I was staying in an hotel in Munich which had a pool, gymnasium and sauna suite. Actually it had two saunas. Unlike most places where one would have been for men and one for women, here one was for people of either sex who wanted to bathe in the nude and another for those who preferred to sweat underneath towels.The Germans of course are well known for nudism and I have never had any issue with being naked in company, mixed or same sex, and...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Elsa Jean Fucks Her Spying StepBro

Elsa Jean’s step brother keeps spying on her and jerking off. This particular day, she decided to flip the script on her. When she caught him beating off to her showering, she decided to give him an offer that he couldn’t refuse. He stopped masturbating to her and did something about his urges. Elsa dragged him to her bedroom, where her step brother fucked her pussy in several different positions all over her bedroom before busting a load all over her. Elsa Jean is one horny ass chick and one...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! When Jenny cleaned her mother's closet she found a VCR tape and decided to play it. It was a tape of her naked when she was a baby lying on the bed. She didn't think anything about it until her father and mother appeared nude. Her ate her pussy while her dad jacked off on her face. Jenny wanted to turn off the tape but she was fascinated. Then her dad finger fucked her little hole until it was bloody. He must have broke her cherry! She carefully put...

1 year ago
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Dulcies New ChallengeChapter 4

Dulcie: I’d hope it’s understandable that I was feeling satisfaction at the outcome of the turmoil in the lives of several people I’d become involved with. I should have known better than to hope my life would be quieter, at least for a time. With Don and Gabrielle off on their unusual honeymoon, I sat in my study sipping my coffee, musing on the possibility Richard and I might be losing our treasured housekeeper, adopted daughter and nanny. The foregoing account, though, does complete the...

2 years ago
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I Want More

I love the feeling. The blindness after my eyes have been covered. The soft rubbing of satin binds against my wrists. I love the way I can’t see what’s coming next. I can’t predict where I’ll be touched or licked or bitten, sucked, even spanked. But most of all, I just love the submission. There’s only one problem. I’ve never been able to tell anyone that it’s what I want. It’s not my boyfriend’s fault. Matthew is fantastic. He’s sweet and intelligent. He’s also beautiful. At six-two, he...

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My Sexy Daughter

"Be sure to call me when you get there so I know you're safe," I told Amy, my wife, before kissing her soundly on the lips, despite the fact that I was the one leaving the house and heading for work."I will," she replied, brushing aside a lock of her orange hair, which had fallen across one of her eyes. Then she gave me a sour look with her pale freckled face and added, "Robert, you worry too much."I nodded to her. Then I said sternly to our son, Josh, who stood beside her "And you, young man."...

3 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 25 Lunch

Three days later and with over a week to go before the Kink Collection party, Allison was in her usual lunchtime coffee shop. She turned away from the counter, clutching the sandwich and Americano she had chosen for lunch. She was hoping for a short time to relax after a hectic morning in the office. Lionel hadn’t been around – he’d had to go out to a potential new client for a meeting – but that had at least allowed Allison to concentrate on her work. It was hard to know which of the two...

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Scratch that Itch

Linda traveled quite a bit and George worked from home so we had the house to ourselves all day and night except at weekends. He was good company and fun and I was glad when we were alone together. He did have work to do, so I tried to stay out of his way as much as possible hanging out in the room they'd given me watching videos and reading. We didn't have the internet at our house back then. (hard to remember those days.) But George and Linda did and I discovered the seemingly...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Jessa Rhodes The Housemate

In The Housemate, Jessa had recently broken up with her live-in boyfriend. She found it tough no longer having a man in her life, and it was a real shock when she had to start looking for her own place. Jessa didn’t want to live in an apartment or with friends, but she got lucky when she found a room for rent at a beautiful house in the hills. She got even luckier with the good looking owner of the house, Seth Gamble. Jessa wanted to fuck her housemate badly but it had been weeks and he still...

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Because of the Night Ch 16

‘Come on in Leif.’ Glen encouraged him to enter. ‘Want anything to drown your sorrows with?’ Sir Marcus tried rye wit to make the cloud hanging in the room lighten a bit, but there was no use disguising the topic that had been holding them all at bay. Leif stayed in the doorway. ‘If you are going to take her, take her now.’ Sir Marcus put down his glass. ‘We’re still talking about it. And I’d shut that door if you want to be a part of the conversation.’ Leif closed the door but skulked in...

2 years ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 20 Robin Hood and her Merry Women

Shelley and I awakened to Greta. She was in her favorite bright green, although a more casual version of her usual suit. She wore a short flaring skirt and a crop top, with suntan rather than green hose. “Ah! Is it my leprechaun, or perhaps Maid Marian?” She giggled. “Maid Marian fits, but Robin Hood, female variety, works even better. Did you know that I enjoy the bow?” “Perhaps, then, you’ll enjoy pulling my arrows. Or should you be Little John and play with my staff?” “That’s general...

2 years ago
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The Girl of My Dreams

John stood transfixed feeling the fine grains of pure white sand squish between his toes. He looked along the pristine white beach and saw her standing on the edge of the endless white band of sand that stretched off seemingly into infinity; an oval green clearing of short grass spread out behind her until it reached the dark palm trees, their palm fronds waving in the rising evening breeze. The row of palms stood in a dark ominous line like soldiers at attention some distance far behind where...

First Time
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Sister in Law takes a shower

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me start this story by saying that I have been taking every chance I’ve had in the last twenty years to try and see my wife’s naked. I’ve had holes in walls and now I have a hidden camera with a remote receiver that I can hook up to a TV and VCR. The other day she came here for a few days to visit. The wife had the weekend off but went back to work early in the A.M. on Monday. I got up earlier then Terri and took my shower then I went out to my...

3 years ago
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Watching Sue story 3

Introduction: A continuation of my story watching my lovely wife I have reposted this story as I had not used the tags and therefor not reaching those interested in this theme. This is story 3 of my tales as a cuckold with my lovely wife Sue. I welcome any comments and hope that you get as much pleasure and enjoyment from it as I do. Thank you in advance. Its not like what I expected it to be, Quite a statement from Sue who is my wife and I am her cuckold having agreed that she could make...

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The man twisted the business card between his fingers with a terrible sensation in the pit of his stomach, like waves crashing against the rock he’d always considered his marriage to be; erosive powers eating away at it. He was in a car, his wife’s car. He’d only borrowed it because his own needed repair work. Forgetting for a moment that it wasn’t his car, he’d stuck his hand into the pocket in the door, and instead of a clock disc, he’d found a business card.BIG DICK McSHAGSATISFACTION AND...

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My brother wife seduced me

My brother went to camp to Bombay that day i unexpectedly go to their house that they are living in vijayawada and she is damned beauty and she got married just 3years back my brother is marketing profession. I have no courage i am shy person to talk to female person she is very friendly and smily. Coming to the story she is lonely she is childless she is taken loop for family planning she greeted me and i am shy and she smiles i am not a ghost and i want to leave that house and she asked me...

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RPGs In Heaven Contributors Welcome

You Died. This was not the end however, it was just the beginning! You, like almost everyone else, went to hell: and were punished for your sins in the most appropriate way possible: you had to live through all the negative consequences of each of them unto the seventh generation, over and over again, until you finally truly repented and were contrite for all of them! Eventually, when that happened: you were washed clean in the blood of the lamb and taken to heaven, where you waited in a kind...

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Wartime Comfort House Diary Day 2

I walked into Miss Yamaha's room to listen to her progress with the pretty virgin. She bowed as usual but appeared uneasy. 'General Tanaka, she is very scared and really weak. But I've examined her hymen to be intact. She said she had never seen a men and is very afraid. I have to work on her slowly since you want her to be your local wife. I hope that is acceptable.' 'What? I am disappointed in you. I gave you 3 whole days and you want to slow down? You must find a better way!' ...

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Mastering Emma Part 2

After that fateful event that made me Master, over Emma, we have done some pretty strange things together. Over the months, we joined a fetish website and forum. Emma was inherently kinky and she loved the domination side, being a true submissive at heart. We never pretended to be a couple, but we frequented the site together. It was not in our nature to mislead people that we were together, or a couple, or available. After all, we can’t even make the time to meet each other because of our...

2 years ago
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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter VI

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter VI“Meeting in the Halfway”, with Salvatore and Pirra (based on an unknown comic) and Peter (based on an erotic postcard)Peter (the man fucking): Salvatore (the bald guy): Pirra (the redhead): Inside a bedroom, two men were sitting on the bed, talking about the life’ frivolities and stuff. The ‘youngest’, was a man at his early 40s, brown hair, named Peter. The ‘oldest’, nearly bald with white hair, was baptized Salvatore.They seemed friends since long, talking...

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Burning Calories With A Lady Passionate About Being Fit And Sexy

Hi My friends, this is Dev from Bangalore. I am 30, I do work in a prestigious organization and I do go for lots of walking and keep myself fit. I do find time in reading the stories and have fun with it, just like you guys do. This is a great site to express yourself and your greatest moments..I would like to make it crisp and short. I am gonna narrate an incident of my life happened recently while I was at South. You can mail me at with your comments and feedbacks . I would love to read...

4 years ago
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I work as one of the secretaries in a local firm. I’m pretty good looking, slender and sexy though my chest is rather flat. You might think this would bother me, but I’ve found plenty of men who don’t mind a flat chest, and even a few that seem to prefer one. Some time ago, Mandy came to work as a secretary, sharing the reception area with me, and she is NOT what you would call flat-chested. That didn’t bother me, but her mouth did: she tended to tease me and make fun of my flat chest. She was...

3 years ago
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The Geography Fieldtrip Part Three

Knock, knock, knock. There was someone at the door. Lauren’s head whipped around in fear, the silhouette of a person cast on the blinds. ‘Fuck, Ian! Quick, hide me,’ she said urgently through clenched teeth. There wasn’t much he could do. Lauren was standing in the middle of the room butt-naked and desperately looking for a place to conceal herself. ‘Quick, hide in the bathroom!’ he commanded. Lauren frantically dashed towards the bathroom and opened the door. She stepped into the shower...

Group Sex
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More than a LodgerPart 11

More than a Lodger…Part 11 Tom had just walked though the front door. It was late at around seven in the evening. Work seemed to be taking over, thought Tom. He put down his bag in the lounge and headed for the kitchen. Tom had only just opened the door and walked in. Then he stopped dead in his tracks. “Thomas – get in here now and sit down,” screamed Laura, “You‘re late, where have you been?” Tom looked on in awe. Laura was standing at the other end of the room leaning against the worktop....

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Regrets for a Miss

My Name is Robbie McLean. I was the new kid on the block as far as the sales team in our company went, but already I was nearing the top of the rankings. It is not something I boast about but I find sales easy. I think it's partly to do with my genes. My dad is one of those kind of guys who can get along with everybody. He always has Joke. He is the one in the doctor's surgery who will break the ice and have everybody talking to one another within five minutes. Over and above that he is...

2 years ago
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Copyright © 2006 Texas Refugee. All rights reserved. Author’s Note: on second thought, I don’t have anything say at this point. Just start reading and I’ll meet you at the end. ~~~~~ * o0o * ~~~~~ At this precise moment I am in a darkened motel room, sitting in the desk chair that I have quietly placed next to the bed watching my wife Margaret as she sleeps. The room is not completely dark. There is just enough light that I can see the features on her face as she gently breathes in and out....

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TeensLoveAnal Sarah Banks Big Booty Banking

Sarah Banks hates it when her brothers friend comes over. All he does is stare at her ass all day and criticize her. She’s a grown independent woman and doesn’t have time for that bullshit! Usually she can take it, but today he crossed the line. He followed her into the bathroom while she was taking a shower and was snapping pics of her butt! This guy is a freak, and needs to be dealt with. She challenges his manhood, calling him a pussy for just ogling and never trying to conquer the real...

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Accident Leads to a Biggger and Better Thing

Well I start out how and what the accident was and how all this came about. So a few weeks ago my wife was not feeling well she was laying in bed and wanted me to lay with her. Well snuggling up next to her I became hard and horny. My wife being the trouper she is started playing with my hard dick. She then pulled it out and was stroking my dick. She then stopped and took off her top and told me to titty fuck them. So I straddled her and place my hard dick between her nice size boobs. She...

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Dark Tails Mick

It had been another long boring day in the office. He had only worked late because it beat being stuck in the rush hour traffic. He had to look on the bright side. He'd got most of his back load of paper work dealt with.Mick turned the setting up on the windscreen wipers. The rain was starting to fall heavily. The road turning treacherous. At least the roads were quiet.As he slowly drove along the street a solitary figure loomed out of the gloom. Hunched over as it ran, it tried to dodge the...


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