F Amily Matters 3 free porn video

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I woke up the next morning in bed alone. My head was spinning. My 21st birthday had come and gone and my mother's surprise was more than I could have ever imagined. My father was the Bone Ranger! How did that happen? My mother had set me up to have sex with my father. My sister was in her room with her female lover. How did we get to this point?

I could smell the aroma of food rising from the kitchen. I figured Mom was down there cooking so I took a quick shower and pulled back my hair. I almost decided to go downstairs naked and really shake things up but I lost my nerve. Instead I put on a pair of short shorts and a cut off T-shirt that let my flat belly show and went downstairs to see what Mom was cooking. As I passed Lisa's room I noticed her door was ajar so I stuck my head in to se if she was awake yet. Lisa and Paula were lying in the bed naked gently caressing each other. Not in a passionate way they weren't making out, they were just touching and stroking.

I left them and went downstairs. I felt that it would be nice to have Mom to myself for a while so that I could get some answers. I stepped into the kitchen and said, "Good morning Mo..." Stopping in my tracks I did not see Mom. I saw the shirtless, muscled back of my father. Dressed only in his pajama bottoms he was in the kitchen cooking. He never cooks!

He looked up at me and smiled saying, "Good morning sweetie. Your Mom went over to Aunt Gina's so I figured I would make brunch for my girls."

Seeing him like this he looked like the father I have always known, except for the cooking part. He often walked around the house shirtless and I never thought anything of it before. But that was before last night. That was before I knew he was the Bone Ranger. That was before I knew his cock hung halfway to his knees. Looking at his crouch I wondered where does he hide all of that man meat.

"Do you want some OJ?" He asked me noticing that I was staring at his crouch.

"Wha... uh yeah, Yes that would be nice." I replied coming out of my trance. It was as though I was watching him for the first time. I studied each muscle on his body. I watch the way they rippled as he poured the juice. Then I noticed something I thought to be strange. Daddy did not have a single hair on his chest. I wondered it he was born that way when I soon received my answer. He reached up to take a pot off the hanging pot rack when I saw that he was hairless under his arms as well. All these years I never noticed that my father shaves his body hair off. I never paid attention to things like that.

"Leslie, are you okay?" His concerned voice again broke my trance.

I looked him in the eye. He had the softest look in his eyes. I saw love and concern with just a pinch of what looked like sadness and guilt. I didn't want him to feel sad or guilty and I started to speak just as he said.

"Leslie, I hope you know just how much I love you. Your Mom and I both only want the very best for you. Last night was us trying to share ourselves with you two in a new and loving way. Your mother wanted to create a memory unlike any other and open you guys up to an exciting way to love and share love."

He was starting to ramble so I figured that I would bail him out. "Daddy I love you too. And you can stop worrying but last night. It was incredible. I knew what I was doing and I wanted it, maybe even more than you did."

I could see the weight lifted off his shoulders as I admitted my desires. "I just don't know what brought this all on and I guess I am confused about where we go from here."

"Sweetie, that's up to you. Your mother and I will not push one-way or the other. Look why don't you call your sister down to eat? We can talk more about this when your mother comes home." I think he was just trying to avoid the discussion but I went upstairs to get Lisa and Paula. Robert was already gone somewhere.

When I got to Lisa's door I could hear the shower running in the adjacent bathroom. Neither Lisa nor Paula was in the bedroom so I knew they were showering together. I felt jealous as Lisa was doing with Paula what she had done with me just the day before. They weren't in there long as the water was turned off just as I entered the bedroom. I stood there waiting for them to enter the room. I knew that they would be naked and I wanted to see them. Sure enough Lisa bounced into the room followed by Paula. They were both drying themselves off as they padded into the room. Their bodies were still dripping water. The towels, as they were using them did little to conceal their nubile bodies. I watched as my sister's tits swayed to and fro as she entered the room. They paid little attention to me as Lisa sat on the bed and Paula stood before the mirror. My eyes were fixed on Paula's ass as she bent over to dry her legs. Her motions were slow and deliberate. I wondered if she was doing so for my benefit. I could not advert my eyes as the globes of her ass opened and closed giving me a peek-a-boo look at her swollen pussy lips and her rose bud of an ass hole.

It appeared as though her motion had stopped with her bent at the waist. I looked up and saw in the mirror that she was staring at me and smiling. She knew that I had been checking her out and she was posing for me. When my gaze met hers she winked. That's when I noticed that Lisa too was looking right at me in the mirror. Lisa was till sitting on the bed, leaning back against one elbow while her other hand was absent-mindedly playing in her pussy. The scene was unreal. I did not know who my sister was any more or what she was capable of. She had turned into this wild, hot sex filled; diva and I had no idea how far she was willing to take this.

I cleared my throat and tried to take control of the situation. "Ah-heemm, Daddy said you guys should come down and eat brunch."

Lisa leaned back on both elbows, spread her legs as wide as she could and asked, "Do you think he wants us to "cum" down like this?"

Trying not to look shocked by her behavior, I replied, "Sure if that's the way you want to "cum" then suit yourself." With that I turned and walked out not allowing me eyes to look at either of those two seductresses. As I left the room I heard them giggling behind me. This was happening way too fast for me.


I drove around town with no destination. I was going to play basketball to let off some steam, but I just couldn't get out of the car. My mind was a rush with images of Lisa's pussy spread out while Paula shaved her, the two of them lying naked in the bed, and Mom! Shit what was Mom thinking this morning. After hours of driving my car found its way at Aunt Gina's house, my Mom's younger sister. Aunt Gina was the one that I could always talk to. She was that young hip aunt that knew how to relate to teens when their parents could not. If there was anytime that I needed My Aunt Gina's wisdom it was now. I came to her house from the alley way in the back. I did not want to leave my car in front because I did not want to be found. I knew where Aunt Gina kept her spare key and I had permission to come and go at her house whenever I wanted to. I often performed chores for her and looked out for the house when she was out of town because she traveled a lot.

Sometimes I would bring my girlfriends over and Aunt Gina was always cool with letting me use her spot as long as I was "safe" with it. Today I grabbed to key and let myself in through the kitchen door. I was about to announce myself when I heard moaning coming from the other room. Shit! I was trying to get away from all this sex stuff and here I was walking right into it. I could hear Aunt Gina screaming like some guy was giving it to her real good. I was just about to exit the house and leave her to her good time when I heard something that made me freeze in my tracks.

"Aunt Gina, do you like to feel me big cock in your pussy? Do you want me to come in you nasty fuck hole or do you want me to spew all over your face so that my nasty cunt of a mother, your whoring sister can lick your face clean. Or would you rather me cum in your asshole so that Mom can suck all of my cum out of your ass. Which way bitch!? Which way do you want me to cum you nasty cunt."

That was my mother's voice. I had never heard my mother talk like that. And why was she calling her sister Aunt Gina? The answer came soon and shocked me to my core. I heard my Aunt Gina's lust filled voiced scream.

"My ass, Robert, cum in my ass! Yes Robert Cum in my ass. Fill me with your cream so that I can make cum farts in your mother's nasty mouth. Aww yes Robert that's it she wants to lick and suck your cum out of my ass. She is such a nasty slut and she wants to be your nasty little whore and do any thing that you want her to do. But first, Robert I need you to cum in my ass!"

I walked toward the sounds of their lust and looked into the room to see my mother fucking her sister with some kind of cock. The mother that I had just found out was bisexual was having i****tuous sex with her sister. And it was the hottest fucking thing that I had ever seen. This was way better than watching Lisa and Paula. But to top it off, she was fucking her sister pretending to be me and Aunt Gina loved it.

I wanted to rush in there and give them the real thing. But I was afraid. What if they are just playing? What if they only want girls and are just pretending to be a guy to make it work? What if Aunt Gina kicks me out of her house? I had too many what ifs running through my head and to be honest I was just chicken shit. This was all happening way too fats for me.


A visit with my sister was just what I needed today. It is wonderful to have someone that I trust like that and share any thing with. Today was particularly wild, as we never role-played like that before. I felt so powerful pretending to be Robert fucking his Aunt while his nasty mother watched. I would love to do that in real life. I would love to have my son so completely and to be able to share that love with my sister without limitations. God I am so wet just thinking about it.

I wondered how David and the k**s were getting on. I wondered if they were, in fact, "getting on". I was so happy that the girls were able to share themselves with their father last night. I am sure it will be a birthday they would never forget. I hoped that I would be able to soon get in on the new family fun. I couldn't wait.

I pulled up to our house and I fixed my clothes as I exited the car. Walking up to the door anticipation grew in me, as I did not know what to expect on the other side. Was it an orgy? Part of me hoped so. Then dread hit me as I wondered if they were fighting or not speaking.

I hesitated before turning the knob to the door. I entered and went to the family room to find David and the girls watching TV. The scene looked so normal. So average family. There was no sign of the wild night that had happened just hours ago.

"Hi Mom." I heard Lisa say. "How is Aunt Gina? Is it okay if Paula stays the weekend?"

I looked around the room David was sitting in his chair rocking, wearing a tank top and athletic pants. Leslie had on shorts and a t-shirt. Lisa and Paula were both wearing skirts. Yesterday was the first time I had seen Paula in a dress and now I was watching her sit on the sofa in a skirt with one leg folded under her and the other dangling just off the floor. She looked so sweet and pretty. She had great legs.

My eyes caught David's as his smile let me know everything was fine. David had a way of setting me at ease that no one could. I went over to his chair and gave him a long tender kiss. While we were kissing I heard someone behind me call "get a room" we broke the kiss and everyone laughed. I sat in David's lap and started to watch the movie with them. After about an hour or so Robert came home. He didn't say anything he just went straight o his room. Leslie noticed something was wrong with him and left to go check on him. I hoped that this morning had not been to much for him but trusted Leslie to talk to him.

I have no idea what we were watching but this was the second movie that had come on since I got home and it was some kind of sexy thriller, with more sex than thrill. David and I were sill snuggled up in the over sized chair when he pointed over my shoulder to the girls. Lisa was lying back against Paula and Paula had Lisa between her legs hugging my daughter around the waist. A love scene came on in the movie and I looked over to see that Paula's hand was now pressing against Lisa's mound. David noticed too and I could feel his cock hardening beneath me.

After a while David and I started to kiss and make out in the chair. The girls noticed and were soon doing the same on the sofa. It was so sexy watching these to beautiful vixens please each other right there in front of us. Before long Paula had Lisa's skirt up to her waist and was stroking her through her panties. The two girls continued to kiss while Lisa moaned into Paula's mouth. David raised my sundress and found that I was not wearing panties. Instead he found my very wet pussy waiting for his touch.

The girls had thrown away all pretenses and Paula was now laying on top of my daughter grinding her pussy into Lisa's, while sucking on Lisa's tit. That was it I could not stand it any longer. I reached inside David's pants and pulled him out. I sat right on top of his raging pole as I faced my daughter and her lover on the sofa. Lisa looked over at me riding her father and began to moan out load. Undoubtedly she was remembering the feeling of having so much cock inside of her just last night.

We were quite a sight all still clothed, but all fucking away in the "family" room. I was in heaven as I felt David shoot his load deep into me. I don't know if I had an orgasm or not. It really didn't matter to me. This was not so much about sex as it was a connection with my daughter, my very sexy daughter who was continuing to make her mother very proud.


Mom came home she stood in the room as though she was trying to see how the day went. I think she was pleased to see us sitting together as we were. I looked at Mom's face. It was flushed she had a glow. I heard Lisa say something but I just stared at Mom. I still needed to get some answers. All of this was happening way too fast for me and I needed some perspective. I wanted to talk to Mom but I knew now was not the time. Mom went over and gave Daddy a long sloppy kiss. The kiss went on forever. I told them to get a room and everyone just laughed but I was serious. After watching Mom stroke dad's cock last night while he still had on his Bone Ranger get up, it was all to much parental affection. Not to mention she was holding the cock that I had just fucked and all of the sharing was just a bit too new for me. I don't know what I thought. It's not like I expected them to break up and now he was mine. It's just that it was all happening too fast.

We all went back to watching the movie when Robert came home and did not speak he just went straight to his room. That was strange it was unlike him to do that. Especially lately as he seemed to always want to be around Lisa since she went girly. If he only knew, she was playing more for the other team than ever before. I went to check on Robert. Part of me wanted to be sure he was all right while the other part needed to talk to someone, badly.

I knocked lightly on the door. "Robert it's Leslie, can I come in?"

"What do you want?" There was sadness to his voice. Not like Daddy's earlier, this was much worse.

"I just want to talk to you. I'm coming in." We never lock doors in our house so I knew I could open it. Robert sat on the side of his bed, his head lowered, his eyes to the floor. He never looked up at me. I sat next to him on the bed and I am not sure but I think he pulled away just a bit when I sat there. I lowered my head trying to make eye contact but could not.

"Robert, what's wrong?"


"Now, I think we both no better than that. There something bothering you and I am not leaving until you tell me what it is." I nudged him playfully with my shoulder against his. "You know I will not leave until you tell me so why not make it easy?"

He raised hi head and looked at me. It appeared as though he was searching for words. I waited patiently until I heard him say, "What's going on around here? What's happening to us? My head is spinning and I feel like I am going crazy."

"I know, right, it's wild the shit that's going on in this house but you don't know the half of it.

"Oh yeah, I know I probably know more than you."

"No, brother dear, you don't. You couldn't."

"I saw it with my own two eyes. Besides Mom told me this morning."

"SHE DID WHAT!? She told you?" I immediately felt betrayed how could she. If I wanted to tell Robert and I most likely would have, it was my story to tell. She had no right! "How could she do that?"

"Calm down, Leslie, her telling me was not such a big deal. Like I said I saw it myself."

That's when I started to cry. I felt like I had let my brother down. He saw me. He saw me at the club fucking my father and now he hates me for it. Robert wrapped his arms around me trying to console me. His embrace felt good, it felt comforting. His embrace told me that I still had a chance. Maybe he was disappointed instead of hating me. I didn't know what to do so I continued to cry so that he would continue to hold me. Ok so yeah it was a cheap ploy but for now it was working so I was working it. I decided that sympathy was the only card I had left to play so I went with it, all the way.

"I'm sorry, Robert I never meant to hurt you in any way I never planned it to happen it was just so fast. It all happened too fast."

"What are you tal..." I interrupted him

"No please let me finish, if not I may never be able to get this out or face you again. I got caught up in the moment, it was a party and we were drinking and then there were all of those strippers and I got horny. By the time I found out it was Daddy I was gone too far to stop. Robert, I didn't think about it. I just fucked him. I needed him so badly and he was willing and it just happened."

Robert pulled back from me. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"What? But, you said, what were you talking about?"

"I was talking about Mom Fucking Aunt Gina. You fucked Dad?"

"What ,Mom Fucked Aunt Gina? What the fuck?"

"What the fuck is right, what happened with you and Dad?"

"Oh, shit!" I felt so stupid for just blurting it out like that. I mean I was going to tell him. But not like that! "Damn, okay Robert, last night, Mom's big surprise for our birthday is that she set it up for Lisa and me to fuck Daddy at the Drama Club."

"Why the Drama Club?"

"I told you, you didn't know shit. You know your father the accountant? Not an accountant. He is not a night auditor. At night he goes by the name the Bone Ranger."

"Leslie, are you telling me what I think you are?"

"Yep, our dear old dad is a stripper. But not just any stripper. Apparently, he is the hottest stripper around. "

Robert dropped his head again. I probably should not have dropped it all on the poor boy like that but I was trying to take some of the heat off me.

"You saw Mom and Aunt Gina making out?"

"No, I saw them fucking. This was way passed making out. They had some kind of dildo thing in both their cunts and they were fucking."

"Wow, that's too wild."

"She-it! That's not even the wild part. Mom was pretending that she was me and Aunt Gina was too. They were pretending that I was fucking Aunt Gina and that I came in her ass and Mom sucked my come out of it."

"That's Hot!"


"I mean DAMN, really?" I was secretly pleased to find that there was someone in the family more fucked up by all of this than I was. I did not know if I was disgusted or turned on more than I had ever been. The sensations were new and I just wanted them to slow down so that I could process it all. But it seemed like just the opposite was happening.

"So really you fucked Dad?"

"Yeah last night, we both did."

"And now?"

"Now what?"

"How do you feel about it now, today?"

"I don't know to be honest. Last night while it was happening it was all so hot. It was like I was in a dream. I didn't care. I just wanted him. I wanted to feel him, to love him. It was as if nothing else mattered. But this morning I needed to talk about it and I had no one to talk to. Mom was gone, you were gone, Lisa was too busy with Paula and dad wanted me to wait until Mom got home. That's why I came in here. I just needed someone to make the spinning stop."

"But instead you found me who was spinning even more out of control." He wrapped his arms around me again and I felt loved and excepted. He knew. He knew my secret and did not reject me. He loves me and I loved him. That seemed so clear now. Often siblings get caught up in silly issues that keep them apart but we felt close, closer than ever before. I laid my head on his chest and felt his muscles. I felt his strong arms as he held me. I felt safe.

"I think Mom wants me to fuck her." He said out of the blue.

"How do you know?" He told ma about the kitchen and what happened.

"Are you going to do it? Are you going to fuck her?"

"I don't know. A month ago I would have said hell no and meant it. But with all the shit going on I would be lying if I said I didn't think about it. Shit with Lisa running around half naked all the time and Mom in her see through nightgowns. I stay hard all the time."

"That's it?"


"Lisa and Mom, that's all that keep you hard."

"Leslie, shit, you have been the sexiest girl in town for years. That hasn't changed. It just feels funny saying it to your face."

"Saying what to my face?" I teased him squirming just a bit so that his cock was aware that I was there. "Say it."

He took a deep breath, "God I think I am going crazy. Leslie you are the hottest girl I know. And I think about you in ways that no brother should."

"MMMMMMMM", I felt him grow harder against my side as I lay in his lay and looked him in the eye. "Do I turn you on brother dear?'


"Do I make you hard, brother dear?"


"Are you getting hard for me now, brother dear?"

"Yes" He swallowed and licked his lips

"Show me. Show me how I excite you. Let me see it."

He just stared down at me as I continued to lie in his lap. I got up and pulled him off the bed.

Standing with my head tilted back, I looked him in the eyes. "Are you going to show me or will I have to see for myself?"

He just stood there so I slowly lowered myself to my knees. I rubbed his chest with my hand on the way down. I paused for a moment before releasing his pants. The last day had been spinning out of control for me. Things were moving to fast. But not this. This was my idea. This was me taking control again this was me keeping my world sane. I was the seductress here and I was going to enjoy every moment of it. I released my brother's cock and for the second time in two days I was about to cross over into a world of taboo. He was so hard. He was much smaller than Daddy, but it seemed more elegant as well. I remember thinking it was perfect.

In seconds I had him naked and I sat on the bed and admired his well-toned body.

"Stroke it" I said.


"Stroke you cock for me I want to see how much I turn you on."

He started to come to the bed. "No stand there. I like the view from here"

I just wanted to control him, to see if he would do like I said. He seemed as though he would do anything for me in that moment. I watched as he stood and slowly began to stroke his cock. He looked right at me, which made me feel special. His breathing got louder and his pace quickened. It was driving me crazy to see his muscles respond to his gyrations. I wanted to reward him so I opened my shorts and pulled them down. I lay back on his bed with only my thong blocking my pussy from his view as I spread my legs and let him see. I thought he would go crazy, as it looked like he was trying to break that thing off. I took off my shirt and that did it. He screamed out loud and his knees started to buckle.

I sat up on the bedside and reached out to him. I pulled him by the hips closer to me as he continued to jerk with reckless abandon. Then his legs started to shake and he said he was coming. I grabbed his cock just as it erupted in my hand blasting his cream all over my face and tits there was so much of it that I put his cock in my mouth and sucked all that I could. As swallowed as much as possible and let the rest dribble down my chin. I was an incredible feeling.

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Family Matters

My daughter, Louise and her friend Mags, were going out to celebrate her 18 th birthday, as Mags couldn’t get there for the real night out last month.   As usual my wife didn’t like Louise going out late to party, so she did what she always does, she went to bed and had a sleeping pill. “To stop me sitting and worrying” was her reasoning behind it.   I left her for a while and knew when she would be sparked out and completely asleep. As I entered the...

3 years ago
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Family Matters

My daughter, Louise and her friend Mags, were going out to celebrate her 18 th birthday, as Mags couldn’t get there for the real night out last month.   As usual my wife didn’t like Louise going out late to party, so she did what she always does, she went to bed. “To stop me sitting and worrying” was her reasoning behind it.   I left her for a while and knew when she would be sparked out and completely asleep. She sleeps so soundly when she is fully...

3 years ago
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Size Matters

It's been said that necessity is the mother of invention. That may be true, but in a lot of cases, it's just plain dumb luck, as in this case. I have, I think, inadvertently stumbled upon a new way to get laid. Granted it will never be one-hundred-per-cent effective but at least it worked once, and that's a hell of a lot higher success rate than most of things I`ve tried over the years. But first let me bore you with some background. The millions of dollars the government spent on AIDS...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 4 clan Matters

Father, so I was told was still in town. Celebrating the sale of the Tyrannos at the Xchange. Greifen caught me right by the gate after the school flier had dropped me by the gate. He still looked sober and miserable but he grinned as he closed the gate. “Looks like even your Father could not find a bad world about you today. Word is they got a very good price for your Tyrannos and from what I heard they are celebrating at Hogun’s Inn. Many clan Chief and Elders are there. They will drink...

1 year ago
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Service SocietyChapter 11 Money Matters

Dexter never did identify the time when he came to the realization that he was a multimillionaire. There wasn’t an ‘Aha!’ moment in which he suddenly realized that he was wealthy. He was considering a minor spending spree, until Charlie handed him a little report entitled, “Losing the Lottery.” It wasn’t about buying losing tickets, but about winning and then losing all of the winnings. The stories within the report were not pleasant. Relatives were hounding the winners for money. There were...

2 years ago
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The Generals StoreChapter 8 Family Matters

Mildred Kendrick was worried about her daughter. Deborah had gone far away and was about to marry there. Since the continent had been first settled, women had been marrying far from their families – though more of them married at home and then went west with their husbands. Probably, after the slaughter of eligible men in the recent war, Deborah’s generation would be doing even more moving and then marrying. Still, she had the traditional responsibility of telling her daughter of the facts...

4 years ago
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Nothing Else Matters

They had finished their second song. The crowd was in full chaos. I stood surrounded by thousands of noisy, young adults and teenagers. The arena was dark except for a sprinkle of cell phone lights, glowy bracelets, and the occasional flicker of stage lighting. It was getting warm and the beers I had earlier only made me that much hotter. The bass player started with a heavy riff and various people began to jump and raise their arms. More lights came on and they strobed colorful flashes across...

4 years ago
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Auntie Matters

There was a railroad spike being driven into my forehead, and my stomach clenched with the sudden urge to vomit. I opened my eyes and regretted it instantly, squinting against the dim light in the room as my empty insides lurched violently. Gasping for air and straining against weakness, I rolled on one arm to the side of the bed and found the wastebasket lined with a plastic bag, not giving a thought to how I knew it would be there. My stomach heaved and I retched violently, expelling nothing...

3 years ago
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Intelligence Matters

The phone rang, and Ruth fished in her apron pocket for it. “Yes?” “Mrs Kempe, ah, Ruth? This is the Personalia. Are you free to talk?” “Yes, I am at the moment. My baby is asleep.” “Oh, yes. You have a child now. I understand I should say congratulations.” “Thank you. Can you get to the point of this call, please?” “Apologies, Ruth. We wished to discuss some human facts that we have difficulty in understanding. That is to say, it is not facts that we have trouble with; it is the meanings...

1 year ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 171 Family Matters

Marilyn’s blitz of the talk shows did what we intended it to do. It put a human face, a very likeable human face, on the clusterfuck in Pittsburgh. Marilyn was polling in the low 90s, and across the country people were rallying to her side on this. Only the ACLU was defending them, and they had offered their services. (Westboro Baptist promptly condemned them as being part of the ‘Jewish power elite’, but with their assets frozen, it wasn’t like they could pay for lawyers; they couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Outpost 2 Snowed in Hetero EditionChapter 3 Size Matters

Riya played her eyes around the common room, noticing that one of the couches seemed to have been destroyed, as if something large had torn it up and crushed it. The vending machines were empty and had not been restocked, they appeared to have been unplugged from the wall, too. Everything looked old, not necessarily unkempt, but it was obvious that at some point the base had been left to decay for a long period of time without any kind of maintenance. There was old water damage on the walls,...

1 year ago
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Maira Matters

The glow in my genitals which had been slowly growing finally reached its peak and that wonderful pulsing of my penis throbbed out a small amount of man juice. Being in my 70s, I didn’t shoot too much anymore which made cleanup easier but didn’t give my partner as much of a thrill feeling it spraying on her insides. I removed my mouth from her nearest breast and gave her a long and tender kiss. She was on her back and I was on my side with my legs under hers. After about 10 minutes of...

2 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 28 Family Matters

The cargo ship returned to the port of Zafilk with Mark and Seth onboard, and the Zukari AC above as escort. The cargo ship was crowded for it carried not only a shipment of ore but the crew that would man it and the other crew for the new cargo ship as well. This additional crew quickly transferred to the new cargo ship. The new cargo vessel was already armed and the original would be on its next voyage so the escorts would no longer be necessary. Two days later the new cargo vessel sailed...

3 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 32 Legal Matters

Location: 1 Div HQ, Briefing Room 2, Artemis Station Occasion: Conference and PLRB (look it up, MoFos) about several Gebel concubines Present: Lt Anderson CMC, Ens Gebel CN, Lt Capstan CN, Decurion Suarez CS ... while Anderson droned on about how far behind Private Leopold Gunter’s injuries were pushing his squad’s training schedule, Calix asked the base AI about the Lt’s history. “Any family members lost recently?” Calix sub-vocalized. “Both of the Lieutenant’s parents killed in an...

1 year ago
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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 4 Family Matters

Veronica Carson had a rough afternoon. As a member of the Town Council, she had an important meeting with the Mayor and several committee chairs. A proposal for increasing the town's education budget was not well received by the Mayor. Her only ally at the meeting was the Chairman of the Board of Education. She felt like her head was in the proverbial vice, as her tension headache raged. She hoped that she could just hop into a warm bath. Instead, she was forced to wear a fake...

4 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 82 Its the Heart That Matters

“Are you guys still sure about all of this?” asked Sonika. Jessie Harper, the Twins and the rest of the choir members all looked at their choirmaster and nodded in the affirmative. They all gave the woman big smiles and she responded with a big thumbs up to them all - especially to Jessie, Carrie and Troy. Jessie Harper then proceeded out of the choir chamber and onto the church’s main platform just ahead of the other choir members as they took their places behind her. At this point of the...

3 years ago
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Familys Way

Chapter 1 Linda was down on her hands and knees there in the middle of the bed, and Ralph had his big hardon aimed straight up into her young teenage pussy. He'd gotten her naked and then she had been shown what position to get in so he could fuck her. Linda complied and spread her legs, waiting for Ralph to go ahead and mount her so she could accommodate his big cock as he slid inside her from behind. She wasn't really sure but every male in her family seemed to enjoy this "doggy style"...

3 years ago
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Its Whats Inside That Matters

I got there and a white BMW was parked at the very end. When I got closer, he lowered the window and I saw him. He was a handsome man with deep blue eyes. But his greying hair turned me off. I can't do it with someone that is my father's age. But I gave in to curiosity, I thought I needed to see his cock, was it really 8 inches long? He was married, like me, and we had no choice other than the car or a hotel room. He didn't like us renting a room as he was very concerned with privacy. This...

3 years ago
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Auntie Matters

There was a railroad spike being driven into my forehead, and my stomach clenched with the sudden urge to vomit. I opened my eyes and regretted it instantly, squinting against the dim light in the room as my empty insides lurched violently. Gasping for air and straining against weakness, I rolled on one arm to the side of the bed and found the wastebasket lined with a plastic bag, not giving a thought to how I knew it would be there. My stomach heaved and I retched violently, expelling nothing...

3 years ago
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Business Matters

Damn! “Customer!” he typed and saw it come up on the screen against her name then he moved quickly through to the shop area. “Morning ma’am, how may I be of service?”, the customer was a tall blonde that he seemed to recognise. “Hi, I am afraid that I have let the dry cleaning get on top of me and there is rather a lot, is there any chance that you could rush it through, I am getting short of a few items?”. Her smile revealed the most perfect white teeth he had ever seen and he wondered how...

2 years ago
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Size Matters

It started like any Saturday night.The guys came over to watch the game and my girlfriend (soon to be fiancé), Emma, catered the event. There was always plenty of beer and snacks; of course, Emma was looking mighty tasty herself. I don’t know if she dressed up for these occasions on purpose but this night, in particular, she had gone over the top – she was wearing a tight black dress that seemed casual yet sexy at the same time. It accentuated the movements of her already curvaceous body. I...

Oral Sex
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Manipulative Matters

You are taking a stroll one night through the backstreets of your neighbourhood. It was a tough day at work and you just needed a walk. Looking at your watch you see that it is 12:30 at night. Then you hear it a sound like a dog crying. Deciding to take action as the animal lover you are you search to help the animal. It takes about five minute for you to hear the sound again. You look around because it sounded closer this time. Then you see it come into view you were sure you had already...

Mind Control
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Size Matters

Adam rushed into his room after school. His dick was already straining in his pants. It seemed like it was getting harder and harder to make it through a day of school without jerking off. The young man had taken to blowing a load in the toilet at lunch. Today, he couldn't find an empty stall before the bell rang. The boy dropped his pants wrapped his hand around his four inch dick. He beat it intently as he watched a video of man shoving his ten inch cock up some slut's ass. The whore was...

3 years ago
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A Girls Journey through sexual matters

I use words and visual imagery to convey the impossible. Feeling a man move inside me is nothing short of delicious, being brought to the point of orgasm, is just plain indescribable.Every nerve and fibre in my being is focused, from my nipples to my clitoris, sending mixed and confusing signals, my body a mess, my cervix dipping and sucking involuntarily, both my eggs awaiting in my fallopian tubes for the final creative penetration to wriggle inside and close off forever any other attempt.I...

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to a cuckold size matters

Me and my big mouth. I had a perfect marrage , my wife is a beautiful five foot four blonde with blue eyes. Her body a tight one hundred pound sexy fucking machine. She was a shy girl when we met. I talked her into showing off that body of her's and buying the kinds of cloths men like to see on pretty women. Short skirts , dresses and tight shorts. One Saturday soon after we married we planed a trip to tje mountians in north Georgia. She had never been and I knew a cabin rental place up...

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Brad had just stepped out of the bathroom following a shower and was headed to his bedroom. He turned on the light, expecting to find his clothes on his bed. Instead, he found his mother waiting for him in her blue terrycloth robe.Brad was 18 and in his final year of High School. His mother had him when she was very young- at the tender age of 19, so she was still a very attractive woman. She had large breasts, a nice curvy figure, and a beautiful round bottom. "What's up, mom?" Brad...

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Business Matters

Damn! “Customer!” he typed and saw it come up on the screen against her name then he moved quickly through to the shop area. “Morning ma'am, how may I be of service?”, the customer was a tall blonde that he seemed to recognise. “Hi, I am afraid that I have let the dry cleaning get on top of me and there is rather a lot, is there any chance that you could rush it through, I am getting short of a few items?”. Her smile revealed the most perfect white teeth he had ever seen and he wondered how...

Straight Sex
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Mature matters

Thirsty of a Mature I can't deny I love stories about sex with matures. Recently I had found a friend here who wants to share his experience with a Mature...He started to telling me about his story in this way:- "You're posting good stories here, and I have one for you if you like to hear about it".- Of course, I replied. I want to know everything about that.She's a medium height blonde 36c with tits with huge nipples and a good body for fantasize about her. I'm a real exhibitionist, I love...

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Thats All That Matters

As he lay in a hospital bed, his wounded body trying to heal, Clay let his mind drift. It had been two weeks since the last surgery to repair his shattered legs. The doctors had told him right from the start that it would be a lengthy process. Never did it cross his mind it would be five long, lonely months, waiting to go home. His boss had offered him the chance to go to England for three months to work with an affiliate and update their security system. The job paid a hefty bonus if he...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 7 Family Matters

When my alarm went off at 5:00 am Monday morning, both Joey and I tried to reach over and shut the damn thing off, neither of us succeeding because we got into each other's way. When I gave up and let him do it, I felt the satisfaction he got from knocking it off the table, but then I had to reach down and drag it over to me by the cord to finally flip the alarm switch off. Joey had experienced two hysterical fits during the night, and neither of us had gotten much sleep because of...

4 years ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 17 All That Matters

Aron had made him walk into the house in nothing but his sneakers, commenting something on how nice he looked with jizz pouring down from his ass, and he had had to just take the guy’s word for it. Now, under the hot spray of the shower, and Aron’s wandering hands, he was starting to doubt whether the fact that he had given in like a whore was for the best or the worst. Points in favor of this being the best thing ever: 1. He could not remember having come as hard as he had just done. 2....

3 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 47 Business Matters

[Sarah gave me a randy squeeze, “And Mary said I could have you in me all night my Hero! I just hope I don’t go into a coma.” She giggled cutely.] *** I woke to my bladder demanding attention. My morning wood was still firmly imbedded in my red-haired pixie’s clenched center. She moaned pitifully when I attempted to withdraw to avoid a disaster. “Awww, can’t you stay in there just a little longer? I only had about a hundred orgasms last night!” “The next thing that’s going to come out of...

1 year ago
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LimitsChapter 17 Family Matters

I'd learned pretty quickly to set aside any expectations that our New Family Order created, but I had to admit that, barely two weeks after Brianna and Brittany had moved down to the Caymans with Morgan and Megan, I was shocked by a phone call. "We want to come home, Michael!" wailed Brittany, who was always the drama queen of the two. "But I thought ... Dad and Marie, Morgan and Megan, sun, beaches..." "Yeah, all that's great!" she harrumphed. "But if we come back right now,...

1 year ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 14 Police Matters

Lieutenant John Flett was fatigued. Almost every minute since he came home from work on Monday evening his wife had been cross examining him. "Did you lie to me? Did you just scare Cheryl or did you make love to her?" They were sitting side by side on the sofa in the living room and John was having his usual after work scotch, unwinding before dinner. Barbara, as usual on her husband's working days was dressed neatly in a skirt and a loose fitting, white blouse. She was determined that...

2 years ago
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A little bit about my family, it is a normal one in my opinion. I have a beautiful wife, Carol, a 16 year old son Nate and my 18 year old daughter Erica. Erica is very attractive, I would dare say hot. Nothing out of the ordinary in how we interacted until she started or I began to notice her hot friends coming over to swim in our in ground pool. At the beginning I simply would peak through the curtains of the master bedroom, looking down at those young, gorgeous bodies barely covered...

4 years ago
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After we moved because of the size of the house and the number of bedrooms things changed my dad went to prison and my sister came to live with us, she is 11(for some reason she lived with my aunt from the time she was born) My brother Gary and Kenny 7 and myself slept in the same room Kenny with me and Gary in a bed alone, my sister Sharon got her own room and for some reason Mike had his bed in our mothers room ( at the time I did not think much about it I was getting it on with my...

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288Family pain and joy 1

288 Family pain and joy 1“Ok,, YES I`VE BEEN CHEATING ON YOU!” Those few words cut deep into his psyche, and he stood mouth agape as stunned as if she had hit him. He staggered back groping for his chair, collapsing into its waiting arms. Stunned, his mouth silently gaping, his eyes said it all. her eyes softened, and she took his hand, her eyes tearful as she began haltingly to explain herself. “I still and always will love you, you are my husband and for me that will never change, it was...

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No, I k**. When I wasn't working, I was fucking. I noticed I have a "friend of a friend" fetish if that's such a thing. I fucked EI's former best friend (I'll let you guess why they aren't anymore). I'll be posting a few pics and vids of her soon. One session was hot because she only wanted to give me head, so she sucked me off while I watched the clip of me giving it to EI in the ass lol.I also somehow managed to talk to a chick's former SIL who they both hate each other but stay together....

1 year ago
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Family Porn HD? Ah, it’s an age-old story of taboo lust. Your single dad hooks up with a 20-year-old dimepiece with wide hips, thick thighs, and tits to die for who becomes your new stepmom, but you just can’t help getting hard every time she walks by in a tight tank top with no bra and a slim pair of black booty shorts. I can’t blame you, man. But some people take it even further. Ever dream of your hot older sister slipping into your room at night and letting you fuck her brains out? Or maybe...

Incest Porn Sites
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My Family One hot summer day, many years ago, I had to go spend an afternoon at my grandma’s house. She was supposed to pass down the family pie recipe to me. I’ve never been one for baking unless you count the blunts I smoked when she wasn’t looking. The pie ended up full of my semen, but that wasn’t actually one of the ingredients. It fills me full of sticky joy to see that MyFamilyPies sticks to a sexier recipe.In case she couldn’t figure it out from the name and the fact that your old pal...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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The Family Sex Tube! If you ever felt like taking your porn game a step further, then TheFamilySexTube.com will be of great help since this page right here has all the taboo porn that you never saw on the internet. There are simply tons and tons of movies that will show you things that would be considered by some to be unspeakable horrors, and of course, sex addicts such as yourself will enjoy these videos, and you will beg for more if you allow this desire of this flesh to take control of you....

Incest Porn Sites
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Familys Captivity

"That’s enough, Diego. You can give your arm a break for a moment." Joquan shook his head sadly at the father and then glanced over at the captive's two young daughters sitting on the couch across from them. "You shouldn't have stiffed me, man. I loan you money, I expect to get a return on my investment. You've had 12 months to pay up, and what do you give me? Not a DIME!" The tall, Hispanic gang leader glanced at his two lieutenants, Diego and Gurrero. "What you think,...

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