Pseudopod free porn video

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My friend, Doctor Bertrand Lane, was waiting for me in front of the hangar. After a few minutes to freshen up in the restroom, we were whisked by car to a large hangar near one end of the building complex that comprised the base. Inside the hangar, which was literally the size of a football stadium, was a luminescent hemisphere, like a large dome, mostly green, but with flecks of color that would wash over its surface.

Bertrand assured me that the hemisphere was a perfect semicircle. Inside it, he informed me, was a being that had traveled here from another star, and who now presumably wanted to communicate with us. So far, the hemisphere had allowed in some but not all machines with cables. The researchers had been hopeful the alien or aliens inside would be able to use these devices to communicate. Measuring devices were universally rejected. Machines that had been pulled back out came back wet by an inorganic nutrient solution that was much like seawater, but infused with oxygen. It was a fascinating liquid with valuable properties. It was keeping the researchers busy. So far there had been no other contact. Men in space suits had tried to enter the hemisphere, but they had been rejected, just gently pushed back out before they could see or sense very much of anything.

Still, I had to attempt the obvious, so I also suited up and attempted to enter the hemisphere. To everyone’s surprise, especially my own, I was allowed in without incident.

The inside of the hemisphere was filled with the aforementioned nutrient liquid as we had hypothesized. The aforementioned three or four waterproof machines were sitting by themselves. In the middle of the hemisphere was a teardrop-shaped being, mostly orange, but with other colors that moved slowly across its surface. I say “being” because it was moving slightly and because it was apparently the only other thing in the hemisphere, so I assumed it must be the alien in question if there was one. Perhaps it was only a system that allowed for communication with the real aliens that were located elsewhere.

I approached the being and attempted to make physical contact. I touched its surface, and it shivered and shimmered, profoundly beautiful. I pushed at it slightly, and it yielded like a flexible bag of water, that consistency. I pushed it harder, and it gently placed me on my back, like an Aikido throw. It was not violence, I was just on my back, and it flowed over me some. I had the strong sense that the being was going to maintain physical control of our interaction, but not in a malevolent way, more as a practical matter, and who was I to judge its needs at this point?

The being let me up and I left the hemisphere, much to the relief of everyone assembled outside the hemisphere. There was a solid day and a half of debriefing followed by a solid week or so where I brought underwater cameras and other measuring devices into the hemisphere with me. The atmosphere in the hemisphere appeared to be healthy for humans to breathe even though it was liquid. I’d heard about this before, where mice were able to live in water that had been infused with oxygen once they had gotten over the feeling they were drowning.

I begged and begged, and finally they let me enter the hemisphere in a wetsuit, without the space suit and limited air supply. I did so knowing it would feel like drowning, but confident that our analysis of the fluid was correct, and wanting a chance to connect more directly with the being. It was frightening at first, and it took me a long-suffering minute before I could bear to start breathing in the water. The being came over, perhaps to comfort me. It touched my hand at first. Its touch was hot and electric, profoundly sexual, even though it was just touching my hand. I was still gasping and thrashing out bubbles. Water was spilling uncomfortably into my lungs. I hardly cared about the pain, though, all of the sudden. I was immediately diverted and aroused by the touch on my hand.

The being then covered my face with its hot, electric surface. The feeling was intensely sexual, like all the kisses I’d ever received on my lips, face, and neck all at once, and especially those kisses I’d received while I was making love and close to orgasm or actually orgasming, thousands of kisses. My hips jerked forward reflexively as I climaxed in my wetsuit without even being touched down there.

The being probably couldn’t tell, though. It was just more jerking around from the quasi-drowning process as far as it was concerned, so the effect was privately mine to enjoy. I myself might have written it off as some kind of near-death response to the quasi-drowning if that was all that had happened. Even so, I can remember feeling vaguely embarrassed at that first orgasm from the being while I was fighting the overpowering urge that I was drowning at the same time.

I wasn’t completely devoid of sexual experience. In my 42 years, I’d had a couple of boyfriends that had lasted a couple of years apiece, a smattering of shorter relationships, and several almost universally unsatisfying one night stands. When one is a researcher in an outré field of research as I am, one gets nowhere without constant work and dedication.

None of my boyfriends were ever comfortable with me putting my work ahead of them. I guess that was the sort I tended to pick. At any rate, relationships had always gone the same predictable way for me, and though I still got the itch sometimes and went back on the dating sites from time to time, I had pretty much given up on relationships and decided that sex wasn’t all that important either.

I felt the being exploring my eyes, ears, nostrils, and my gasping mouth. Gasping for nonexistent air, I sucked the being partly into my mouth and orgasmed profoundly at its touch. It was as if my mouth had immediately become a sexual organ, my tongue a giant sensitive clitoris for the being to gently lick and suck on. I thrashed and expelled the rest of my air in a flurry of bubbles with a howl, which was just a loud moan underwater, and an uncontrollable seizure of ecstasy that went on and on. At this, the being gently let go of me, and it was over. I floated down and away slowly, still panting and thrashing in aftershocks of ecstasy, breathing pure nutrient fluid.

Soon after, I emerged from the hemisphere and fell to my knees hurking and vomiting nutrient fluid out of my lungs. After a much more painful readjustment to air, I sat there still, and the research staff thankfully left me alone. I was trying to get my story straight, because I was not going to tell any of these nice fellow scientists about the multiple orgasms I’d just had.

It didn’t turn out to be hard. I even described the being’s touch as pleasurable, and described how it helped me to adjust by helping me expel the rest of my air, though I pled ignorance as to how exactly the being had helped me with that, saying that I’d just expelled the air shortly after I inadvertently sucked a bit of the being into my mouth. The debrief was done by the end of the day.

The next morning, I again prepared to enter the bubble. This time, I made the transition without much struggle. Sensing somehow that I was not in much distress this time, the being just waited in his normal position at the center of the hemisphere. I now thought of the being as male, although I knew nothing yet about the sexuality or reproduction of the being. I assumed it likely that the being didn’t even know how his touch was affecting me. At any rate, since he had come into my mouth the previous day, I had thought of the being as a male.

Breathing the nutrient solution was sort of like learning how to scuba dive. You just had to trust you were not drowning even though you were breathing underwater. And breathing the fluid was slower, but just as satisfying. Water is slower to pump in and out of your lungs.

Once I was calmly and slowly breathing the nutrient fluid again, I unzipped and shimmied out of my wetsuit then removed my underwear so that I stood naked in front of the being. I bounced over to him, using the bit of negative buoyancy I had in the nutrient fluid to drift me back down to the floor of the hemisphere so I could push off gently forward again. Soon, I was standing lightly within arm’s reach of him.

I wanted so badly to immediately jump on the being and hug him to me tightly with my arms and legs, but I still had a little self-control, a little self-respect. I didn’t know what message that action on my part would send, and I wanted to send a message that would ingratiate me, though I didn’t know what that could be, so I hesitated.

The being shifted colors slightly and extruded a pseudopod towards my mouth. I opened my mouth wide almost helplessly in response to its approach, remembering the pleasure I’d received there the previous day. As the hot, electric pseudopod reached my lips and face and slowly pushed into my mouth again, I arched my back and thrilled in ecstasy, thrusting my tongue forward to meet it. As my tongue thrust into the tip of the hot electric appendage, I felt it again like my tongue was a giant clitoris being sucked on, and I climaxed and thrashed powerfully at once.

The appendage kept coming into my mouth, kneading and sucking my tongue and filling my mouth with pleasurable pressure. I climaxed again and thrashed more. The heat of the appendage was about as hot as I could tolerate without feeling discomfort from the heat. It was my mouth and face, but it was reminiscent of this one time a nice gentleman with just the right thickness of cock had fucked me gently and slowly then faster and faster for a long time. I’d had multiple orgasms under him that night. His cock gave me an exquisite amount of stretching and pressure with his thrusts, and his girth and angle caused him to rub both my clit and the roof of my vagina with just the right amount of pressure. This was that, except times ten, and in my mouth.

The appendage filled my mouth and started to thrust down my throat. My gag reflex activated, but I was also thrashing especially hard in orgasm with the pleasure of having my esophageal sphincter firmly and deliciously forced open, so somehow it wasn’t that bad, like a continuous swallow and coughing that went nowhere and orgasms that went everywhere. Soon the being sensed that I needed to breathe the nutrient fluid again to continue living, so it opened a passage for my breathing while continuing to thrust down my throat and esophagus with incredible, indescribable hot stretching pressure and stimulation that made me orgasm with every inch.

I kept moaning and thrashing as the appendage filled my stomach and stretched it so excitingly I could barely orgasm hard enough to respond to the incredible stimulation, the fullness. By this point, I was orgasming and jerking continually and my eyes were fluttering or tightly closed. My hands were touching the being, and I was receiving an electric contact high from this as well, but it was almost forgotten as my entire sensory world was focused on the incredible hot appendage slowly, firmly, and inexorably forcing its way down my throat, esophagus, and stomach and stretching and opening up my entire body with incredible stretching and sliding pleasure. I was feeling deep feelings of love for the being as well. I didn’t know where these feelings were coming from.

I felt a pop deep in me and thrashed with an especially strong orgasm as the appendage firmly forced open the pyloric sphincter at the bottom of my stomach and penetrated my duodenum. My entire body was becoming an incredible throbbing, aching receptacle of pleasure as the being continued to penetrate and fuck his way down my digestive tract at his own inquisitive pace with his firm hot electric appendage ever sliding all the way, pressurizing, and thrusting forward. As the appendage firmly thrust deeper into my guts, my feelings of love for the being and comfort from the being grew in the midst of the incredible rolling orgasms.

At around this time, I started helplessly squirting and shitting out the contents of my digestive tract as I orgasmed. The being was already covering my ass and catching it somehow, because I felt him tingling back there, and I could vaguely feel him gently sucking it out of me as it came.

I could not even really feel that at the moment, as I was completely focused on and orgasming from the sliding, pressing, roiling pleasure of the appendage fucking its way through my small intestines. I had another especially powerful shuddering orgasm as the appendage pressed past the suspensory muscle of the duodenum into my jejunum. I could feel my entire body thoroughly as the appendage opened it, even though I knew full well I had no nerves consciously available to me to feel this. Then it was down and over and up and down, like walking a long winding road of ever increasing orgasms as more and more of my insides were slickly and hotly rubbed and pressurized wide open.

There was a long period of this: feeling the roiling pleasurable pressure up and down and across and up again and then back as the appendage took me and opened my small intestine further and further, inch by inch, pressing from the jejunum to the ilium at some roiling orgasmic point and continuing, rolling jerking orgasm after rolling jerking orgasm. I would have been screaming myself hoarse, except the fluid didn’t really respond to my slowly fluttering vocal cords. It just came out as moans greatly muffled by all the appendage roiling past. I was feeling hotter and hotter too as the hot appendage filled more and more of my body core. The nutrient fluid was on the cool side, so although I felt almost like I had a temperature I was getting so hot, it wasn’t that disturbing.

After what seemed an eternity of ever-increasing deep screaming rolling orgasms as the being increasingly fucked his way through my small intestines, I got a tense, shaking, thrilling orgasm when the appendage popped through and firmly opened up my strong ileocecal sphincter and started to fill my large intestine with hot, tingling stretching pressure and pleasure. I thrashed in orgasmic pleasure as the appendage pressurized and fucked upwards into my large intestine along the right side of my body, slowly across under my sternum with incredible electric pleasure, and then down the left side of my body pressing forward inexorably as the orgasms came and came. It was a kind of seppuku by orgasm.

Then I felt a familiar excitement as the appendage reached down towards my rectum and closer and closer to my familiar sexual core. I wanted to scream dirty exhortations to the being to fucking bugger the hell out of me, which I’d only rarely found pleasurable in the past, but my lungs and vocal cords wouldn’t really work. As his appendage pressed down and down, with the orgasms came a familiar intense feeling of desiring and needing to let out a good, extremely satisfying BM, and I responded by shitting the tip of the appendage out of me with glorious twisting pleasure, but just the tip of the iceberg with intense roiling orgasmic pleasure fully and thoroughly pleasuring and pressuring my entire alimentary canal, twisting and roiling gently as I twisted transfixed in perpetual rolling orgasm.

The being began to withdraw the way he’d come in, and I knew he needed to do this for me to survive. Even with the cooling effect of the nutrient fluid surrounding me, I was feeling very feverish and faint with his heat filling me entirely and the exertion of continuously straining, jerking, and moaning in climax. Even though I was still orgasming continuously, I was feeling increasingly nauseous, which I suppose is not surprising when one’s entire digestive tract is being opened up and stimulated as he was doing to me. I was dizzy bordering on unconscious, and still orgasming hard with every inch he retreated back through me.

As I felt the being’s appendage retreat back through my small intestines, I began to feel a terrible sense of emptiness and aloneness, and I stopped orgasming and began to sob uncontrollably. I suppose my body had gotten somewhat used to the incredible stimulation of having my entire digestive system ravaged by him. As my body increasingly became my own again instead of his, even though the pleasure in me was still extremely intense, the relative loss of stimulation was too much for me to bear, even though I knew he would have surely killed me if he had stayed fully penetrated in me for much longer.

As the being fully retreated out of my throat and mouth, I was sobbing uncontrollably. He hugged me tight, and I felt the orgasmic stimulation of him across the front of my body, especially my nipples. I still felt so alone and separate from him. In desperation, I grabbed him with my legs and began to hump my vulva onto him, and immediately as my actual clitoris touched him I began to orgasm again, and I gained some comfort from this. He didn’t appear to mind this, and I’d like to think he even understood it. As I was now orgasming continuously again and somewhat comforted, I reasoned with myself and forced myself to realize that the incredible feeling of being so completely filled and used by him would have ended either way, either with him retreating as he had or with my death.

Slowly, I was able to separate from him and choke down my sobs as I returned to the world of deadness and aloneness. I looked at the dive watch on my wrist. It had only been a half hour since he’d begun to take my mouth. Even so, my world and I were entirely changed and focused within that half hour.

I was drifting in the nutrient solution, utterly exhausted, uncaring. I drifted off to sleep for I don’t know how long, and awoke with incredible pangs of hunger, like my body was eating itself alive. Slowly, with great stiffness in all my muscles, I crawled sadly away from the being and put on my underwear. I didn’t have the strength to put on my wetsuit, so I just dragged it along with me as I slowly pushed my way out of the hemisphere.

When I was partly emerged, Bertrand dragged me out the rest of the way. It was dark outside. He told me they’d been extremely worried because it had been twelve hours without hearing from me. I croaked that I desperately needed nutrition. Six protein shakes later, I was starting to feel towards normal, but was still very nauseous, sad, and alone. I begged off being debriefed until I could recover somewhat. Secretly, I also needed time to get my story straight.

A couple of days later, when I was fully awake and alive but still in painful, lonely withdrawal from the being, I told my fake story. I told them that the being had investigated my digestive system with instruments, and it had not been painful. It had even been somewhat pleasant, but it had been extremely exhausting, and that’s why I had come back so drained and hungry. They investigated me and saw that indeed my digestive system had been disrupted but was getting back on track, so my story checked out, and they were all happy. They thanked me profoundly for being so brave and allowing such a thing, and I told them in turn that it had been my pleasure. They had no idea how much.

It took me four days to get back on my feet and look healthy enough for them to let me back into the hemisphere. On the morning of the fourth day, I dove excitedly back into the hemisphere to be with the being, my love and now the focus of my entire life, again.

I threw off my wetsuit and underwear and swam desperately over to him, my mouth already wide open for him. I wanted him to take my guts again so badly, so badly. But the being had other plans. He slapped a tendril onto the slit of my vulva and the pucker of my anus. Immediately I began to buck in continuous orgasm as he firmly spread my inner lips and fully stimulated the entire stretched surface of my vulva.

Then I screamed and shook with incredible delight as he began to penetrate my vagina. It was all the pleasure I’d ever felt from all the times I’d ever been penetrated all combined in that one penetration. Then it got better. My birth canal began to fill and stretch with incredible delicious pressure, and the electric thrill of him fully activated every nerve in my pelvis.

As the being continued to fill me so satisfyingly, I could feel the entire length of my clitoris writhe in extreme pleasure like a lightning rod for hot energetic orgasmic tension. My arms and legs flailed to grasp and and my mouth to lick him, but he was holding me off as he fucked me this time. My arms and legs flailed at nothing as my howls of incredible pleasure and frustration at not being able to grab came out as low moans in the nutrient bath.

The being continued to fuck into me firmly and stretch my birth canal to its most satisfying extent while at the same time pumping orgasmic energy into me like a fire hose so that I was locked in energetic orgasm and shivering with ecstasy. He reached my extent so that my birth canal was fully stretched in every extent as open as pleasurably possible, hot on its entire surface so I could feel his giant engine of ecstasy pressing everywhere inside me and filling me completely, and the electric energy extending out from there everywhere, as if there were a hundred men loving, licking, rubbing, and sucking my clitoris along its entire length and shape inside me, very energetically and very continuously.

But there were new levels of ecstasy beyond even this as I felt him firmly dilate my cervix and begin to penetrate my uterus. The discomfort of having him open me in this way only firmly and deliciously punctuated the glorious orgasmic surrender of giving him my uterus so stretchily and pleasurably in this way. I felt also the familiar sensations of menstrual cramps, but again, they only added seasoning and richness to the incredible waves of pleasure I was experiencing, awakening me to his filling, stretching, and pleasuring of my uterus in waves, cementing his full ownership of me and my unbearable desire to be owned and bred by him if it was possible.

A few mammals must experience a dim reflection of this experience. I remembered that boars have a slim prehensile penis they penetrate directly into the uterus of the sow and fill it to bursting with semen. I was now the being’s sow, and I was so shaking for him to breed me, fill me with his babies, whatever that might be, fill me completely, use me, seed me. Then I passed out.

I awoke with an angry scream of despair wet on the floor of the hanger when they injected adrenaline directly into my heart. I guess I must have been pretty out of it. They then strapped me to a gurney and carried me away sobbing from my love to be washed, strapped into a bed, fed intravenously, and sedated.

While I was still strapped into the bed, they told me that they had seen me fuck the being via a remote camera they had placed in the hemisphere and heard my continuous howls of ecstasy even muted as they were by the nutrient fluid. They told me that my objectivity had been compromised and that they would find somebody else. Two days after that, I was on a commercial flight back home to Seattle, feeling completely empty and in despair.

The dismissal came with a pile of research money. That, along with some powerful antidepressants, helped me get back on track. I came off the antidepressants very quickly. I had to stop taking them after only about a month. Then I missed my period. The pregnancy test showed me as being pregnant. I began remembering things I had never directly learned about the being.

From this knowledge, two things are clear to me, leading me down a risky path. The first thing is the gestation period of the being’s child I’m carrying, which is thankfully short: only another five to eight weeks. The second is that in another week from now, the baby being inside me will develop to the point of beginning to stimulate me from inside my womb. This means that I’ll be orgasming continuously not for just half an hour or so as before, but for a month to seven weeks before I give birth.

I’ve set up tubes within the reach of my mouth to give me water and nutrition enough to last that time. I have straps to strap myself down with so that I won’t jerk myself out of bed away from my sources of water and nutrition. These preparations make it at least remotely possible I’ll survive the ordeal. You might be wondering why I don’t contact someone at the base and tell them what has happened. I can’t allow the chance that they will decide to hurt my child.

There are three ways this could go, as I see it. 1) The stimulation could become bearable after some days or weeks so I could begin to function normally again through the rest of the pregnancy. People’s nervous systems are relative mechanisms, so even given the intense stimulation, this is possible. 2) The stimulation could remain debilitating, but I’m able to function during it well enough to get sufficient nutrition and hydration from my setup to survive. 3) I’ll die.

I have a monitor set up to call 911 if my heart stops. I don’t know who will respond. I’m leaving this record of what happened to me in case I don’t make it. If you find me, and my baby is alive, please take care of it. I won’t risk letting them have my baby. Please honor my memory by keeping my baby away from them. I’ve been to heaven, and my baby is a gift from heaven. My name is Avery Harper, MD, PhD, and I’m not afraid to die.


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I am a happily married man in my early 40's. Straight looking and acting. I was never into the gay scene at all, in fact as a teen I had a bit of resentment towards gay people.I have been married for over 12 years and enjoy and healthy sex life but for the past two years or my curiosity started increasing. I began to watch shemale porn at first whilst telling my self this is not gay! As time passed I switched over to gay hardcore. I would have the best orgasms watching guys suck each other and...

4 years ago
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BecChapter 15 Thursday after school

“Miss Freeman?” The voice seemed a long way away, but not loud. It was like someone was talking to me from the other end of a big empty hall. “Rebecca Freeman, can you hear me?” Yes, I could hear her. I didn’t recognize the voice. I didn’t feel like responding. But I could hear her. “Rebecca, it’s time to wake up now.” Wake up? Was I asleep? I sure felt warm and comfortable and cozy and relaxed. As Mum often said, I was as snug as a bug in a rug. Maybe I was asleep. A hand gently...

2 years ago
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A Good Idea Chap 1

It sounded like a good idea at the time. But now she wasn’t so sure. She met Nick online, on one of those dating sites, and they had met a few times and she was definitely attracted to him and the feeling appeared to be mutual.As she was new to dating once again, having taken about a year off, she wanted to move slowly, not interested in just jumping in the sack. First, she wasn’t on the pill and getting pregnant at 37 was the last thing she wanted to deal with. Second, by her calculations,...

Straight Sex
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My Sister Makes Me So Jealous

My Sister Makes Me So Jealous My sister Maggie has always been the girl that I most wanted to be with. We played together and we even bathed together when we were young. We played doctor to explore our new found sexuality. We teased each other all the time. Maggie would rub her tits into my back while I was getting things out in the kitchen, she would rub her ass onto my crotch if I was sitting in a chair, and she would grab my cock whenever she got the opportunity. I would do...

3 years ago
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The ex files Josie in Barcelona

I'd been seeing Josie for around six months when she decided to treat me to a winter break in Barcelona which was a favourite place of her and her ex husband. During one of their visits they had gone to a place that Josie described as a sex club where people were openly engaging in various sexual acts while others watched and sometimes joined in depending on what the participent's were looking for. She said that her ex was a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing and they had left after a...

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CovetingChapter 14

Tessa & Danny "Danny, I ran into Margie at the supermarket today and she all but ignored me after I told her we wouldn't be going to anymore parties." "That's odd; you had mentioned what happened at the last one, didn't you?" "Of course, and if you recall, that's the very same reason she grabbed Vince and made him leave the previous time. I was under the impression she'd found it intensely gross." "Not so, huh?" "Worse! She and Vince appear to be bound at the hip with...

3 years ago
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business trip surprise

I hate being away from you so much but here I am again 1500 miles away in a hotel room wanting to feel your touch. On top of that I have called three times and still no answer from you. I am getting worried but I have to rush to get to the last minute meeting. Panic almost consumes me in the elevator ride down to the restaurant. Dinner meetings are not my thing. I am to nervous to eat usually. I am sitting at the table and my last minute "would be" client is 20 minutes late. Finally a note is...

2 years ago
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Road TripChapter 32

I called my lawyer before I went to The Dean’s Office. My attorney was a kind of a special guy. The only lawyer in Wyoming qualified to present cases and argue them in the Chambers of the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, DC. A prominent personage in the rarified atmosphere of a place where prominence meant everybody ... senators, congressmen, members of the Cabinet ... lawyers, most of ‘em ... but they weren’t in the select club he was a member of. He was a step up the...

2 years ago
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My Former Succubus 2 A Holiday to RememberChapter 8 Holy Glow

"Josh! Beth!" screamed the lovely former flight attendant, as she dropped her bags next to the baggage carousel before sprinting towards us. "Dee!" I cried as I launched myself into her arms. We clung to each other for a few moments. I took in her heady scent of her perfume and shampoo and noticed the sheen of her perspiration which gave her chocolate complexion a wonderful glow. Then we kissed. It was electric. I possessively took her ass in my hands and squeezed, as she moaned into my...

2 years ago
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My Second Encounter

Wassup xhamster's I'm back with another great experience.Well here goes, One night I went to a friends house for a house party!! Sorry it was a pretty nice party. When I got there had to find parking bc there were cars everywhere in the yard. Once I did I headed up to the house to go holler at my boy who was having dis bash. After the meet and greet it was game on having a good time I really wasn't looking for anyone at the time just enjoying the night. But there were a lot of woman to...

3 years ago
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Walk in the woods

Yesterday was a beautiful day, so I decided to go out to a local park to enjoy the weather. Apparently, a LOT of other people had the same idea, because the park was crowded as hell. I headed for the trail through the woods, where I knew it would be a lot more private, more relaxed.A few minutes into my hike, I came across three of girls walking together. There was one smoking hot blonde with a tight body and a great ass, one black (or mixed, I couldn't tell for sure) girl with decent legs...

2 years ago
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She and I had kept in touch, of course, if only through customary means. A thoughtful card at Christmas and on our respective birthdays, that sort of thing. When a letter arrived from her in the autumn, I was pleased to read that she would be in town the following month and invited me to catch up over coffee. The hotel bar was very grand in its tastefully understated way and I spotted her immediately, smiling warmly at me and getting up from her seat at the quiet corner table. We exchanged...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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A Mothers Day Visit

Mother’s Day Surprise Visit. I really miss my mom, and even though I’d called to wish her Happy Mother’s Day, I still wanted to see her. Sure she’d said the two hour drive just for the day was a little far, but I decided we’d go anyway, and surprise her. If we left within the hour, we could be there by 2:00 o’clock. I opened my bedroom door, and yelled down the hall as I walked toward the living room... “Stephen, Bridget, Carrie, meeting in the living room asap! It’s important!” I flopped...

2 years ago
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Kates new Daddy

I had become a member of a dating site in hopes of meeting single or married women in surrounding areas. I never had issues finding a date as I'm a 6' 1" athletic built educated black man. This however was a new adventure to me. The excitement of meeting new women who were horny and as curious as me was definitely a thrill. This site quickly brought me to a 24 year old brunette named Kate. Kate was a gamer. She was cute with her low set bangs and thick built physique. She lived in the hood...

3 years ago
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Tricked wife into wearing teen Sarahs pantie

I have always had a fetish for panties, ever since I was a young c***d I remember when I first looked through the catalogue and getting to the lingerie pages, the thought of the material so close to that private part of a woman's body, I used to sneak off to the toilet, put the toilet seat down, rest the catalogue on the toilet and play with my cock until I shot my load in my hand then tidy up my mess, sly the catalogue back down stairs and wait for the next time I could sneak off with it, I'm...

3 years ago
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Senior Week Ch 07 Blinded

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Part Three A New Twist

When my marriage of 23 years finally fell apart most people were surprised, no, shocked. I was not. Nancy and I had appeared very happy, had appeared to be the perfect loving couple. Couple … yes. Perfect … perhaps. Loving? Get real! I am a very sexual, very sensual, and very bisexual man and why on earth I married a woman whose idea of sexual relations was a ten minute semi-annual event I will never know! After our son was born, the idea of sex was the furthest thing from her mind (sex was...

3 years ago
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taboo sex you decide

one fact about hispanic teens in hispanic countries, that is taboo is as follow: Teens (hispanics) from 13 and 25 and even well in their adult hood, when they start discovering their bodies, they get help from other teens of the same sex, mostly in the male gender, they would learn how to give oral sex. they will start with jerk off circles or two somes, the obvious gay ones, would be the ones who would give oral sex and mostly the one who would take it up the ass. If these teens don't find a...

1 year ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 2 The Time is

I had really done it that time. My head hurt in ways I had never known it could. And the fact that I couldn’t move a muscle didn’t make me feel too good about my condition. Not that I was complaining, mind you. I was alive and apparently rescued. I had just enough mental capacity to recognize that fact. Actually, I could move a few muscles, but moments after I had opened my eyes, I had to let them shut again because of the considerable strain I was feeling from the simple act of holding them...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 22

We reluctantly stuck to the task of getting dressed. We descended to the first floor once that was done and made our way to the kitchen. We discovered that there was little food all over again. I told Mom to wait a minute and clicked the watch. I popped back in before she could turn away, my hands loaded down with plastic bags from the grocery store. I knew I'd gotten more than was necessary, but I had decided to leave the house stocked. Mom started the bacon, while I scrambled up some...

3 years ago
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Seducing a married woman

Getting an Indian woman into bed is tough, and more so if she’s married, so that makes it even more challenging, and gives me a great sense of satisfaction. I had been going around with my girlfriend ‘Rajani’. We had a good sex life, until we split, as she moved to the USA from India, and was going strong with another guy. She told me on the phone, that she was moving on in life, and I must also do so. I was pretty pissed, and was determined to fuck the hell out of her when I met her next. She...

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Cousins Removed a New BeginningChapter 5

Sunday I was up early the next morning with a good idea in mind and texted Franco. He readily agreed and fired back a time window of availability and I already knew the place and it was game-on. I started cooking and the smell of bacon brought two teens out for breakfast. Kayla mumbled something about coffee and I popped a container in the espresso machine, put some cream in the frother and when Tiffany heard the sound of that, she waved frantically for a portion. “What time do you need to...

2 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House Ch6

Chapter 6My mom froze still, bouncing tits and all. She couldn?t bring herself to words. I was as helpless as her, not knowing what to say if anything. We were powerless to resist the forbidden flood of insatiable lust that had swept us beyond lines we had never crossed."Uhhh..wha..what?s going on? ..Mom??"My mom quickly straddled me placing her hands on each side of my cheeks. She looked at me sweetly, attempting to block the view of Aunt April."Shhh...honey. Just try and rest now, you?ve had...

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Big Beautiful DollyChapter 2

Dolly's little interlude with Mister Johnson in the fitting room was fresh in her memory when she woke up the next morning. She even looked in the mirror and made faces with her mouth opened wide like he was pushing his business inside her lips and tickling her tongue like a dirty old man with a yen for young girls even if they were a bit overweight. She had learned a long time ago that boys lost all their sense of proportion about girl's figures when it came to having their long thick...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Victoria Voxxx Emily Right Feng Shui Your Pain Away

Emily Right walks into the massage parlor for her massage. Masseuse Victoria Voxxx greets her and, focused on Emily’s relaxation, asks her if there is anything about the space that she can change to make her more comfortable. Emily looks around the room and mentions that she would definitely change the table which is ‘stifling the energy in the room.’ She walks over and tries to move it, hurting her back in the process. She yells out in pain and Victoria rushes to her side to...

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Stewarts adventures 2 Babysitting Brad the Brat

another call from his mum. She asked me if I would look after him again. She told me she was gonna be staying at her friends place in Dorset an wouldn't be back till noon the next day. I had spent a lot of the time since I last `sat for Brad' shitting myself with worry that Brad would dob me in cos of what I had done with him, an even more time wanking myself spastic replaying the nights events in my mind. I had kept my word an delivered the new 'Grand Theft Auto' game to Brad to...

4 years ago
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Had Fun With My Servant

Hi this is again Moorthifucker. This is my third story. My first story is “had fun with my teacher in office/teacher category”. My second story is “had fun with neighbor aunt in incest category” So don’t want to introduce me u all knows me well. And also thank u for your feedback for my previous story. I also had secret sex with my teacher also. But it won’t a regular sex it’s only an occasional. But I liked my teacher very much. At this time her husband came so didn’t done sex with her. For...

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The MILF next door Chapter 2

Introduction: I experience more than my favourite MILFs mouth this time I kept up regular visits to Jenny whenever we both could see each other, Id walk in take my clothes off and she would suck my cock with her amazing milf mouth till Id blow down her throat, shed suck my cock clean and send me back home. Not gonna lie this was the most amazing feeling, coming home after a long day of school and having your balls drained by the milf next door who was cheating on her husband for my young cock....

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Risk Free Trial revised

"It's 5 bucks if you want it!" I was in the second hand store, on my way home from high school on a Friday afternoon. I stared at the small chest in front of me. It looked really old, like at least 100 years old. But it was locked, and didn't have a key. So buying it was a gamble, and five dollars is a lot of money for a student. But I fancied my lock-breaking skills, and there was a small chance that something valuable was inside, or that the chest itself was valuable once the lock...

2 years ago
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My Akka

Hello everybody! It is Rahul and I am a regular reader of stories in this section. In this section, I want to include my incest affair with my elder sister, Bhavani which was held one months back. Now, let me describe about me and my sister. I am 21 years old working in a office which is 50 kms away from Chennai, medium complexion, weighing 65 kgs. My sister is 30 years, married (widow), having a male child of 2 years old, medium complexion, sexy body, big breast and weighing 60 kgs. After my...

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Nightclub Nightmare

Nightclub Nightmare (NC, Rape, MF/f, SM, D/S, Gangbang, Torture,Humiliation) Sharon Tu could feel her heart racing with excitement,as she and her other friends waited patiently in line to enter Da-Boom .The little Asian girl was literally shaking from the cold frosty air, the blaringsongs emanating from the club, and her own eagerness to quickly get inside.Although there were many rowdy teens hollering and laughing nearby, Sharoncould still feel the pounds and thuds of hip-hop music...

1 year ago
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The Choir Director Part 2

It's been two weeks since the first time Joshua fucked me senseless and we have gotten together at least four days a week. Joshua said that his brother will be here on Friday and when I heard that my pussy got so wet you might have thought that I was in the shower. I wanted both of them to fill my holes as often as possible. When I told Joshua he laughed and said girl we are going to fuck you so much you may not be able to walk, Rashawn would love to fuck your sweet ass while I rape your cunt....

3 years ago
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Chriss First Oral Experience

My name is Christopher, I’m twenty-eight years old, and have my own apartment. I work for a company which furnishes custom programs for businesses. We build the programs in our office, then some of us have to go to the customer to implement it, train their employees, then monitor it for a few weeks to assure it operates properly.While we’re at the customers, we look for improvements that can be made so we can expand the program, increasing our charges to them. This starts a cycle of going back...

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The Catch Of A Lifetime

The year was 1965.Monday.It was two days after my junior year of college and I was driving up to Lake Wisconsin for one week of fishing. I had rented a cabin and a boat. We had been going up there ever since I was old enough to hold a fishing rod in my hand. My parents first agreed to my going alone when I turned seventeen under the condition that I call every night. Every summer since, I’ve been going up and still call home every night.The three hour drive was a breeze, making one stop for...

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Best Friend of My Mom1

Hi, Indian sex stories readers, I hope you all guys and girls are doing well professionally as well sexually. My name is Ronnie, from Chembur, Mumbai. A 24 karat pure Mumbai guy. I am 19 years old. I mean young*. Now, talking about my looks- my height is 6 ft, a lean perfect body, and an attractive face, my tool size is 6.8, which can satisfy any girl/lady. Today I am gonna narrate a sex story, which is a true incident which happened a couple of weeks back. If you guys wanna give feedback to my...

2 years ago
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Sex with my own sister

Hi my name is karthik am from hyderabad this is my true story,pl z if u like my stories send ur feedbacks to my yahoo id am 24yr old single guy studying in some college in hyd, and love to live to the fullest. The incident i am telling you today is a real one and happened just months back.if aunties, gals, wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id , sorry dis is my story if any mistake pl z forgive me ok. Nothing is more boring than traveling long distances by car. Some of my friends told me...

2 years ago
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Family EnslavedChapter 10 Introductions

"Deep breath," I smiled at Katrina, teasing her just a little as we sat in the car. "Yeah," she nodded and her gorgeous eyes widened playfully, but there was real fear beneath that mask. We were sitting in the driveway at my parents' house and it was time at last for the whole family to come together. Katrina was a part of my family now, and had been for some time, but this moment had taken four years to arrive and I understood her anxiety. I chided myself for waiting so long, it was...

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Accident in the rain

It was a stormy night, with torrential rain, thunder and lightening, not the normal late summer weather, but because of the unusually high temperatures this week, this storm had been predicted. She was the angel that you read about in stories, the gorgeous woman who only appears in other peoples fantasies. Standing at my front door looking forlorn and a little dishevelled, she was still a vision of loveliness. Her hair was dripping, and her mascara was running. She was soaking wet...

1 year ago
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An American WereHypnotist in London

An American Were-Hypnotist in London Author's Note: There are other Were-Girl stories out there by other authors, this story is not set in that universe. Everyone's heard of what happens if a werewolf bites you, but I'm telling you, there are even stranger were-creatures out there waiting for the moon lay heavy on the sky. Ok, here's the story, I was an archeology student, part of an expedition sent to deepest London to dig up a Roman mosaic; but that?s not important,...

3 years ago
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Time Traveling for LoveChapter 12

Hello, everyone, my name is David McTavish, the younger brother of Martin McTavish. You may know me from my brother’s adventures. He wasn’t the only one who did it. He decided that he had feelings for his sister, Linda. If you knew the two of them, you may understand that, despite it being taboo in most of the civilized world Brother Sister, Mother Son, Daddy Daughter, along with many more derivations also fall into the taboo called incest. Guess what, I am 51 and have a strong feeling of...

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Evening Party

I walk inside and order just a water, I observing the crowd and leaning against the cocktail tables, feeling much taller than my usual 5'2" self in my heels! I happen to notice numerous very attractive, seemingly single men across the room that I mentally remind myself to keep tabs on. Then I happen to notice you. My eyes are immediately drawn to your guarded aura. You don't seem pleased to be here either with your head tipped downward, stiff shoulders, and hands dug in your pockets. I...

1 year ago
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AdultMagz! All you young whippersnappers may not even know porn magazines existed. Sit down on grandpa’s knee and let him tell you a story. See, people could walk miles through the frozen tundra to a sex shop or skeevy corner store for porn. Sex shops would be unlabeled and hidden away in rusted-out warehouse districts with the parking lots hidden from the main road so your wife or boss couldn’t find you.You See, Back in my DayThe man inside running register was sticky and had a lazy eye. If...

Free Porn Download Sites
2 years ago
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My husband

I met my husband when I was just fifteen. We never had sex but he married me when I was eighteen. He is over forty years older than me. He is handsome and a great man. When we first got married it was great. I was a virgin and he taught me the fine art of fucking. Then a year ago he was in an accident and is paralyzed form the waist down. So no more sex. He can give me oral but his cock does not respond to any stimulation at all.I remember the first time he fucked me. We went right from our...

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Sweet Dreams

Based on a true story. Sweet Dreams Chapter One: The Tease It had been a long night’s work. I was working third shift at a local retail chain store stocking shelves. This was back in the early eighties before they all started staying open 24 hours. It was 8am and I was supposed to leave at 6. Over time again…I didn’t mind, I liked the extra money, I needed it. I was young, only eighteen and I still lived with my parents. I wanted my own place so I was hoarding money like a miser. I was...

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School Ke Dost Abb College Mein

Yeh baat uss samay ki hai jab main apni jaanghon ka aur apne ghutno ke peeche ki patli si golai ka mahatv nahin samajhti thee.   Jee haan doston yeh usi samay ki baat hai jab mere sabhi male classmates mere face ki taraf dekhne ki bajaye meri skirt se neeche dekha karte thei. Par unhe shaayad yeh nahin pata tha ki ek ladki shareer ko iss tarah ghoorne se ladki ko kaafi kuch maloom ho jaata hai. Main fir 19.5 years ki ho jaane ka baad apne college ka doosra saal complete hone par bahut khush...

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Joans Room Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Homeward Bound Sunday morning I awoke in a strange bed, in a strange place. I still wasn't sure why my father had dragged me down here. It obviously wasn't an "act of love." I made use of the private bath. The shower didn't help at all. I felt dead both inside and out. I donned a clean pair of jeans and pulled a polo shirt over my head. Realizing that I couldn't stay in the room forever, I made my way downstairs. I had no interest...

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