Fat Teen Girl Gang Member Fights Blonde Biker Chicks
- 3 years ago
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Paula and I leaned against the wall right next to each other. Our eyes were locked onto Stanley, whose cock was busy fucking Victoria doggy style, that is, from behind her. The only sounds were those coming from Stanley, heavy gasps from the exertion of his thrusts into her, and from Victoria's quiet mewing as she squirmed, awaiting his throbbing orgasm as his sperm spurted inside her ... I knew that Vicky and Stan always fucked that way and both of them certainly seemed to enjoy it, not caring one whit whether or not we or anyone else watched. After all, they were dogs. How else could they fuck? And why should they care if anyone was looking at them?
And then another sound crept softly to my ears. It was from Paula, a deep sigh. I glanced at her, wondering about the cause. Perhaps a sigh to release the breath that she had been holding as we watched? Or maybe one of remembrance, reliving the nights that she had bent over to receive from behind the dick of her late husband? Possibly, maybe even jealousy that her precious little bitch was getting something that she hadn't had in a long time, other than perhaps by her fingers or maybe some hot pink vibrator?
Whichever, I couldn't let the moment pass without an appropriate comment, since I'd been planning to make my move on her for several weeks.
"Is that the way you like it?" I asked.
She looked at me, blushed deeply but said nothing. Time passed as we waited for Stanley's dick to unknot so that he could pull out of Vicky and proceed to lick himself clean. Tick tock, tick tock, it seemed like forever. When they ultimately uncoupled, Paula finally spoke.
"Would you like me to make you some coffee?"
Let's go back to the beginning. My name is Stanley, the name I selected for my own dog. When I was growing up, my family always had one dog after another. I got used to the idea of feeding, grooming and cleaning up after a dog. Once I left home, my older sister mj gave me a dog as a gift. The reason, she said, was to repay me for what she called a fantastic night of muff diving. Hell, she was so tasty that I should have been the one giving the present.
I had quickly learned, back in the big city, that walking a dog was a fantastic way to pick up chicks. Whether the girl (woman) had her own dog or not, one dog being sufficient for the meeting, it was a great icebreaker. Of course, if she had a dog, we could watch the two of them sniff around each other while we decided if the person we were speaking to was also on the make and worth the effort.
Many of them were just friendly neighbors, not looking to get laid at all, or not exciting enough of face and form to make the effort. Though in my case anything with a cunt and the willingness to share it was acceptable after 24 hours of celibacy. I mean, jerking off will do in a pinch but a wet female orifice can't be surpassed. In reality, I usually scored a new woman at least once a week, and what with repeat meetings, I could survive without going blind.
But that was in the big city, with many high rise apartment buildings, each having many female occupants, sitting within a single square block. Unfortunately, the company I worked for had to do some lay-offs. I took early retirement with a nice package and we two Stanleys moved to a gated community in Arizona.
Here each house was for one family but luckily the development had no minimum age requirements like a Senior Citizen community. We have families with children, people still employed and Seniors. And some of those have dogs that must be walked daily – and have their poop scooped! That last is a major Homeowners' rule.
Problem: in the big city, I could walk Stanley for 15 minutes and pass the residences of maybe 10,000 or more people. Here if I walk for that short a period of time, I might pass 10 or 15 homes. And that doesn't give me much of a field to meet. So I must walk for a longer time and cover more area. Of course, with the goal being a willing wet female, that gives me plenty of incentive.
I had met Paula about a month or so after I moved in. She had lived there for about 5 years, but her daughter was away at college (ASU) and as I learned later, her husband had passed away. The first few times we passed each other on the blacktop walking path around the development, our dogs had glared at each other, with some growling as well. But then, as time moved on, our dogs began to speak to each other, in dog talk, and then sniff. And as they communicated, so too did we. Speaking, that is; sniffing would come later.
"I'm Stan and my friend is Stan also.
"I'm Paula and my dog is Victoria."
"That's a nice name. Where are you from?"
"Victoria," she laughed, "British Columbia. And you?"
"Chicago. I moved here for the weather. You?"
"My late husband's job transfer."
The echo of her words had barely ceased before my mind fixed on that profound word, late! Unless there was a boyfriend or girlfriend hidden somewhere, or a toy with a fully charged battery, she must have needed an orgasm really badly. Or so my ego insisted must be the case.
Let me tell you about Paula. She was diminutive, shall we say, barely four foot ten inches, a full twelve inches shorter than me. Appropriately slim for her height, but absolutely titless. She could have gotten away with a training bra, and maybe she did. Her hair was nondescript, her face plain but not ugly. It was her eyes though that brought the blood to my dick. They were bright, shiny, smiling, inquisitive, trusting yet insightful. In other words, I lusted for her personality.
She had been a psychologist by trade, so she was no dope. Her husband had left her well provided for, so she had become a lady of leisure. She kept slim, lithe and vigorous by jogging, swimming and tennis. Those, and walking her dog, constituted her social circle.
I know how to bide my time, and I was aided by the fact that there were other women willing to clean my pipes. And so our once or twice a week meetings were limited to casual crossings, comments about dogs and discussions about community Board politics. Until one day.
"Stan, do you have papers?"
"Huh?" I asked dumbly. "I was born in Chicago; I don't need any papers."
"No, silly. I didn't mean immigration papers, I meant pedigree papers for Stanley?" Both Victoria and Stanley were Golden Retreivers.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because I've been wanting to breed Victoria and Stanley looks like he'd make nice puppies."
"You mean you want me to make puppies with your dog?" The devil made me say it.
"If that's your preference..." She let the sentence dangle as she laughed. With no good rejoinder, I laughed back.
"Yes, Stanley has papers."
And so it came to pass that Stanley and Victoria fucked like dogs while Stanley and Paula watched. And Paula sighed and Stanley made her blush and Paula made Stanley coffee while their dogs sniffed and licked and fucked some more.
She made good coffee. As we sipped, we talked with our mouths and, happily in my case as well, we spoke with our eyes. I thought it might be time.
We each own the Monarch model of home, so I knew the layout. I knew that to go take a leak, I'd have to walk behind Paula's chair. I excused myself and did just that. Upon my return, I paused behind her chair and placed my hands on her shoulders, figuring nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I felt her tense and then, very slowly, she brought her hands up to mine and moved mine down onto two small breasts. As the basketball announcer might have said, 'YYYYYYYYYYYYESSSSSS.' Instead of kneading them, I rubbed gently with open palms, noting that she wore no bra. Her nipples extended to meet my touch. I bent to kiss her cheek but she turned her head so that our mouths, our lips met. First gently, then firmly, and then our tongues entered the fray.
She looked up at me, her eyes smiling, inviting, as I carried her, light as a feather, into her bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. Fully clothed, I lay down next to her. My hand went to her ass and I pulled her groin against my hardness, our tongues entangling once again.
Her hands grasped my head to continue the kiss. My hand worked itself under her skirt. I could feel the silkiness of her panties, the bikini cut, the lacy crotch. Had it been her intention, I wondered, that more than one Stanley would get his rocks off that day, that more than one vagina in that household would be spermed?
"Take it slowly, Stanley," she whispered. "It's been so long."
"Close your eyes, Paula," I whispered back. She complied. But as I got off the bed to strip, she got off on the other side to remove the covers. Then she lay back down. Maybe, I thought, she hadn't been anticipating getting laid if she had left the covers on the bed before inviting me into her home. Whatever!
She kicked off her own shoes, leaving bare legs. Her skirt buttoned and zipped on one side. I opened it and slid it down and off of her, leaving her down to T-shirt and those panties. The crotch area glistened with her lubrication. I took the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head; she helped by lifting her back off the bed and raising her arms so that the shirt came off easily.
Her tits were those of a young boy, but the engorged nipples were definitely suckable. So I laid her back down and began that tasty task. Her eyes were still closed but her breathing had become ragged, the erotic sound of a woman in heat. Her hand found my dick and touched it carefully, as though she was afraid to break it.
I apologized as I got off the bed and began to roll her panties down. The aroma hit me immediately, that smell of overheated cunt craving to be fucked. My head bent to kiss her labia but I made no attempt to eat her out. I knew that I had enough control over my dick that I could make her cum several times before I had to release my own cream.
My head remained where it was for a minute or so, enjoying the aroma emanating from that delightful opening where her thighs met. When I moved up to nurse on her, she caressed my head as though I were a newborn feeding. She breathed heavily.
I moved to her mouth. Her eyes were closed as we kissed, tentatively at first as if we were high school students about to cross the line. Her lips parted to accept my tongue, which searched her mouth, counting her teeth as it were. Her tongue met mine. Those tongues wrestled, but not as professionals, merely as college wrestlers who wanted to win the match, but with skill, not force.
The way that Paula handled her mouth, tongue, lips suggested that she had great experience way back when in the womanly art of fellatio. She seemed to have given many blow jobs, to her husband and to who knows to how many other men, pre-marital, as a grieving widow and perhaps even as a cheating spouse.
But much as I loved the idea, the feeling of unloading my cum into a talented mouth, I knew at that moment that her cunt was ready and willing, and cunts have always been my receptacle of choice.
My fingers moved down between her legs. They parted, not in surrender nor in submission, but rather in welcome, in joy. Her fingers took my weapon of manhood and led it inside her, into the center of her lust, of her joy, into the center of the entire world. At least as the two of us were concerned.
She gasped as my blood filled tube pressed in, dilating the walls of her vaginal canal, making her remember the last time that she had been so well and truly fucked. I'm bragging of course, but I have been told more than once that I know how to please a woman sexually. And yet, for all my bullshit, my last half dozen orgasms had been in the privacy of my bathroom. So I resolved to give Paula one single orgasm and then to let myself go, to fill her cunt with so much sperm that it would ooze back out of her around my dick and onto her bedsheet.
I thrust into her and she humped back up at me. She moaned, she whispered and she whimpered. She reached between us and grabbed my nuts. She used every dirty word she knew in order to make me cum, not caring about her own orgasm. But I held out, allowing my dick to rub her clit. When that didn't work, I put my fingers into action, flicking, twisting, pinching that little man that I love to suck.
She exploded finally, her open mouth screaming into my chest to muffle the sound. My balls sent a silent message to my brain: 'our work here is done; stop holding us back'. And my brain obeyed, releasing all the creamy gooey product of balls and prostate that had accumulated inside of me for the previous eight hours. Yes, eight hours; I do masturbate quite a bit when I'm alone.
And then I collapsed on top of Paula, collapsed like a teen-age boy whose girlfriend had finally allowed him to go all the way. But unlike that teen-age boy, I had enough sense not to get up and run to the bathroom to piss.
After maybe a minute, Paula pushed me off of her and onto my back. She bent and took my dick into her mouth, her tongue washing it clean of our mixed fluids, one of the ultimate gifts that a woman can give to a man after sex.
We still meet each other once or twice a week, in her home or mine. The visitor always leaves his or her dog at home. We have better things to do. She has a mouth like a vacuum cleaner and she loves the way that I eat cunt.
Dan and Jill had been childhood sweethearts. They married while still in college and had stayed together for almost 50 years. Their 3 children, two boys and a girl, were all successful physicians in the Los Angeles area. But even those talented practitioners were unable to prevent the slow erosions of body and brain that affected Jill much too early in life, while her husband Dan remained hale and hearty.
Dan had devoted his waking hours to supporting his family while Jill had been at home raising children and having dinner ready for Dan at the end of the day. As a result of her having been so adept at spoiling Dan, he was essentially useless when it came to caring for Jill as her conditions worsened.
And so, after much searching and interviewing, husband and wife found Dina. They moved her into the guest bedroom and paid her a handsome salary to care for Jill. And for good measure, to walk Fifi, the cute little French Poodle that kept Jill company when she otherwise would have been alone. But more of that later.
Dina was a strikingly beautiful woman. Full busted, she had been in my thoughts often as I choked my chicken. Clearly a lovely young woman back when she had flown the world as a flight attendant, by age 40 her face had matured into the beauty that can only be achieved at that age. I could only guess why she had left the airline. My thought was that she might have been caught en flagrante with some executive who was forced to fire her in order to save his own job and marriage. It was just a guess.
I first met Dina while she was walking Fifi. As is not uncommon when a small dog meets a large one, the small one yips and yaps at the larger, trying to show perhaps that she's not afraid of his size. And as equally not uncommon, the larger dog stands patiently like a long suffering husband waiting for his wife to run out of words. So it was with Stanley and Fifi.
Dina and I watched and smiled. My eyes flicked back and forth between the two dogs and the two healthy girls pressing out against the buttons of her blouse. She saw the work of my eyes and she smiled. She looked down, saw the slight bulge in my loose exercise pants and she smiled again. I felt the redness creeping up my neck and into my face.
It would have been the perfect moment to say something cute but nevertheless suggestive, to make her blush in response to my own embarrassment. Alas, each of us was holding a plastic bag full of dog poop and that stuff is not made for seduction. I held mine up.
"There's a disposal for this right around the corner."
And so our first meeting turned out to be a shitty time, pun intended.
Over the next few weeks, I saw her occasionally but never for more than a quick hello and time for our dogs to sniff each other. But I began to notice Dina and Dan spending time together outside the home. They biked together, they exercised in the gym together, things like that. The only time I saw Dina and Jill together was when Dina walked alongside Jill as the latter used her walker, and with Dan and the two women when they went out to eat together.
To my mind, what I was seeing was a man and a woman who were having an affair and making no effort to hide it. The affair didn't bother me. I have the morals of an alley cat and no compunctions whatever about fucking a married woman. I also seem to have no ability to hide that fact, for whenever I've gotten close to a woman, she apparently can read the infidelity in my brain and drifts away toward some more stable man.
But flaunting the affair in front of all the neighbors, some of whom would possibly mention it to his wife, was going too far. Though none may have told her, it festered inside them and they showed it whenever they could. Old friends of Dan and Jill began to snub him. When Dan and Dina showed up together in the gym in the morning, women told he to leave because it was before noon, in violation of a homeowners' rule that guests were prohibited from the gym before noon.
Knowing that I was friendly with one or two Board members, Dan and Dina approached me, insisting that there was no 'hanky-panky' – their words – going on and that Dina was a full time resident, even though she was just an employee. I gave them the old saw about Caesar's wife having not only to be above reproach but also to be seen to be above reproach. That was my polite way of saying, who are you kidding?
What I really wanted to say was, back off, let me be the one to fuck her and then the old biddies won't bitch so much. I actually think that Dina read my mind. In fact, I hoped that she did.
Maybe she did. When we would meet after that while walking the dogs, she was seemingly anxious to spend more time talking, not about dogs and their poop, but rather about the attitudes of the neighbors. Each time she would insist that nothing was going on between Dan and her. Each time I nodded, not believing a word. After a while I tired of hearing the denials.
"If nothing is going on, then Dan must be dead from the waist down."
I said it both as a suggestive compliment and as a come-on, which I guess may be the same thing. She blushed at the compliment part and then her face darkened. Staring silently at me for almost a minute, she nodded almost imperceptibly and then turned her face away.
Holy shit, I thought, they are fucking. But I stood silently still, unsure of what to say that would ease my way inside her pants. My dick wasn't silent though. He stood at noticeable attention.
"Most of the time he can't get it up and when he does, he can't keep it up. The best we can do is to go down on each other."
Glancing down toward my tent, she continued. "I can tell that you're glad to see me." She smiled.
I took a deep breath. "The best way to shut off the gossip would be to let the neighbors see you with me, not Dan. Do you think he'd mind?"
"I can't help that," she said, "but he knows that a lot of the time he can't take care of what I need."
With that, she put her arm through mine and we walked together, our dogs pulling us along.
What an odd situation. Two competent adults tacitly agreeing to fuck one another in a decision brought on solely by expediency, not passion, not foreplay. Yes, there was lust, at least on my part, but I didn't know about what Dina may have been thinking. Would she be fucking like some good wife whose husband had lost a bet and couldn't pay the bookmaker? Or like some hooker who merely wanted to get it over with? As for me, I felt like a john in a whorehouse, just looking for some human receptacle to use to empty my balls of accumulated cum.
We parted, each to our respective homes. She would be at my place at noon the following day. She would park her flaming red Alfa convertible in my driveway and put up the top in case of rain. She would be carrying an overnight case, and hopefully someone would see it. She would be dressed like a call girl. With any luck, we'd both have a good time and start to turn away some of the gossip directed at Dan. As I thought about that last item, it hit me; I was going to be a fucking Good Samaritan.
She was ten minutes early, a good sign. I opened the door before the echoes from the ringing bell had ended. Damn, she looked good enough to eat, and I knew that I would do just that to her. She handed me her case and I kissed her – on the cheek only. After all, I was horny, not romantic. As I had planned, to myself only, I had refrained from jerking off since we had parted the day before.
"Did you tell Dan where you were going?" I asked.
"He said for me to have a good time, be home by nine tomorrow morning to take care of Jill, and to be sure not to fall in love."
"Honestly, Dina, that last was really never in my mind."
"Nor mine," she said, "but hey, you never know."
I shivered inwardly at the last comment, but it was true, you never know.
"Would you like some coffee or a bite to eat?" I offered.
"Would you?" she replied.
"Hell no."
"Hell no," she echoed my sentiments.
How nice, I thought, she's really come to fuck. See, what had been bothering me was the thought that she was planning to merely playact, like a male and female set of detectives trying to fool a bad guy into thinking that they were married. I needn't have worried. She was unbuttoning her blouse as we walked up the stairs toward my bedroom.
Her bra was a satin underwire minimizer that did nothing at all to minimize her fantastic rack. She saw me staring, drooling if you will, and she smiled, bending down from the step above me to kiss my cheek, a patient motherly type kiss. In an instant, the bra was off and thrown over my shoulder. I wanted to cum in my pants, and then decided that I'd rather throw her down on the stairs and fuck her right there.
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MatureI looked down and realized I had a text from Susan.Susan: Hey JennTen minutes>>>>Jenn, are you there?Eight minutes>>>>Please answer.Five minutes>>>>I really need someone to talk to. Can I come over?>>>>Right now?Four minutesJenn: Sorry >>>>Yeah, I'm just finishing some hw >>>>What's going on? Are you okay? Two minutesSusan: I'll let you know. Promise.>>>>Heading there now.One minuteAftermath:These texts from Susan had me freaked out. My goal for the day was to finish up some homework and mostly...
LesbianIt was a foggy night, while I was driving on the interstate. I had been driving for a few hours and was kind of feeling a little tired. I was listening to the radio and trying to keep myself awake. I had stopped about forty miles back to have a coffee and a bagel, but wanted to get a little further along before stopping for the night. I was a little sleepy, but aware of the road. I wanted to drive a little while longer, before retiring for the night. All of a sudden, I saw a young woman waving...
Even before Dave started the long drive to New York on Thursday, he knew he could have avoided the trip if the only reason he had for going was a visit to Dunlap and Fyre. Since the first of the year, the company in general had sunk down on his priority list. The money was still very good, but a career there just wasn't as appealing as it had been only a few months before. Still, as long as he was there, he figured he wanted to do a good job for them. While he knew he was in a financial...
Picking up a black man at the bar Victor had invited me to have dinner outside.I warned him I was in the mood for a huge black cock that night. He just smiled and said I could pick up anyone I like at the bar later.After dinner we went to a bar and had some few shots.We danced slowly as we kissed passionately and when we came back to our table, there was another full glass there for me that we had not ordered…I took it and scanned the bar to see where it came from. Then a tall black man nodded...
Picking the right Guys By Ross Martin Paula gurgled in her ring gag. The intensity of the situation was amazing.Her arms were drawn apart as was the silk blouse she still wore on her shoulders.Her arse-hole was stuffed with the biggest, baddest carrot she ever saw andher cunt was occupied by a huge sweet potato big enough, she wagered, to feeda family. What was really getting to her, however, were the two lit candlesbeing trained to drip wax onto her poor, little tits. The heat was really...
Over the next several hours, Eve managed to draw Dave's story from him. He told her about Julie, how they met and seemed to fall together, and he just drifted off into the story. Dave told her how, even back in high school, he'd wanted to somehow work in the book industry, preferably with the science fantasy he loved. He'd realized early on if he was going to be in the business he'd have to be in New York, the hub of the industry, and had figured early on that the best way to gain any...
Not my story, but very hot:I saw you while I was walking through the grocery store. You were bent over, picking up something off the bottom shelf. At first, I thought you were a girl, because of your nicely shaped ass and the fact that your low rider jeans were riding down, exposing a lacy white thong.I was so turned on, my cock started to get rigid right away. If I had been wearing jeans, I probably could have hid it, but as I was coming home from work, I was in a suit and tie, and the thin...
This isn't one of my best stories, and the TG element is a little thin, but the story has been bouncing around in my head for some months, so I finally decided to put it down. Picking up the Pieces. By Morpheus It was a gorgeous day to be flying out over the Nevada desert, and all 5 of us had climbed into the small plane for the trip. My name is Allen Corey, and I'm 5 foot 11, and 27 years old. I'm a machinist at a company that makes parts for planes and things, which is...
Once again, Dave could have skipped this month's trip to New York, except for the need to bring Shae home. Spending the time with her made it worthwhile, and he was anxious for the waiting to be over with. For the most part, the rest of the trip could have been done over the phone or not done at all. He visited Aaron Tietelbaum, more for a face-to-face than for a document signing since they'd been calling, faxing, and e-mailing back and forth regularly. Aaron had been able to defer and...
It was early when I got to the pub called Mitseys a few miles from home.I found a stool at the end of the bar and ordered some food and a drink.It was only 8 o'clock so the night was still young.The bartender who I learned later was named Ann .She seemed pleasant,and attractive and we would make small talk between customers.She informed me that it was ladies night and soon it will get busy. "If I was looking for a date"she said I would get lucky here tonight. She then smiled before going...
Chapter 5 Peggy gets her way February 2001 It began snowing on Friday night. It was just after midnight when the police called, asking for Brian. ‘Your name and phone number were found in Mr. Brown’s pocket. Edmond and Edith Brown were killed in an automobile accident. Do you know their next of kin?’ At first, Brian blamed himself for not checking on his neighbors when it started to snow. Where were they going that was so important? He didn’t know if the Browns had children. He drove his...
Note: Emily’s POV is in italics! Pt III. (Chris) I woke up to the slight buzzing next to me. My phone was buzzing violently on the nightstand. I made a move to turn towards it realizing the soft warmth on left side of my body held me down. She was still sleeping, completely wrapped around my body. I stretched to reach for the phone. “Hello?” Realizing I didn’t even check caller ID before picking up. “Hey man, is Emily awake?” I rolled my eyes, … John. “You know what I’m not sure I...
Hi All as always thank you for wanting to read my post you all make me feel so fem and slutty when you do. Anyway, the other day I was driving to the mall. It was cold and raining a little out so I was wearing my skinny jeans but the thick 6 garter straps of the garter belt I was wearing where clearly visible pushing up from under my jeans. Diving down the main 2 lane road out of town there was a guy hitching he had a pack pack clearly a hiker. I felt sorry for him standing in the rain and...
Picking and Choosing Chapter 13 As soon as the door shut, I realized I'd forgotten to take her clothing and underwear with me. Then I shrugged, figuring all I planned on using while I worked her over was her panties. So I improvised by resurrecting a pair of my briefs from the hamper where they had been ripening for a couple of days. She was so terrified at the moment that having my filthy underwear in her mouth...
I was on a business trip. Alone, wife at home.On the second night I was feeling really horny.But I did not want to go out and get just a hooker; I wanted something different this time. I decided I could taste a hot ass girl with a huge cock. A she male babe…That night I was wishing to service a nice hard and big cock.On the third gay bar I went, I just found what I wanted.She was Latino, nice sensual face, big tits, a couple of killer legs and most important thing, she said her cock was very,...
Anita told me that night she wanted to fulfill her fantasy about picking up a stranger at a bar for a threesome. Or it could be even me just watching her with another guy. Once there, we got some drinks and sat down at a corner table.For the second round, the waiter was taking too long; so Ana was a bit impatient and she went to the bar to get more drinks.After a while she returned with new drinks and told me she had met a guy there at the bar. She had been talking with him.Anita then brought...
February 2001 It began snowing on Friday night. It was just after midnight when the police called, asking for Brian. "Your name and phone number were found in Mr. Brown's pocket. Edmond and Edith Brown were killed in an automobile accident. Do you know their next of kin?" At first, Brian blamed himself for not checking on his neighbors when it started to snow. Where were they going that was so important? He didn't know if the Browns had children. He drove his truck next door, cleared...
Dayna and Sandy traded off pushing Second Home westward through the night; as dawn broke behind them they were on the Indiana Turnpike, getting close to Bradford. The sun was barely up when they found Dean's rig backed up in the driveway of Dave's new home. Emily had called ahead on her cell phone, and people were already arriving to help with the unloading and setting up. About all Dave and the boys had to do was stay out of the way -- no real problem for the boys, since they were pretty...
His other calls to New York, the nightly ones to Shae, were much less disheartening. As the month wound down toward the end, they still found they had a lot to talk about. One night, Shae came right out and said, "Damn it, Dave, I miss you and the boys. The phone is only so good. Would you mind if I hopped in the car and drove over to see you this weekend?" "It's not like it's the next town over," he warned. "It's every inch of six hundred miles." "I know it," Shae told him....
Chapter 9: A Few Chance Meetings August was a profitable month. With Georgia’s promise to forgive the payment Curtis expected to receive, Brian was able to bring in truckloads of inventory for the market. He began receiving e-mail from someone inquiring about the ads he’d placed to lease the café. Henry Gibbons claimed to have restaurant experience, and from questions Henry asked, Brian became confident that his claims were valid. Nearly every evening there would be a new e-mail, wanting to...
My office mate knew that I was coming later after him; so he called me to ask if I could go first to his house and pick up some missing papers for him.Matt said his wife would not be at home; but he had instructed her to leave the papers on the kitchen table and the garage door would be open.I found the papers there; but before leaving I needed to use the bathroom.While standing there, I noticed a pair of silky black panties. As I finished up, I could not resist the temptation; so I picked up...
"Ben!" my mom yelled out. "Someone's at the door for you!" I wasn't sleeping but as a 15-year old sophomore I did like to lie down on my bed when I came home from school. Who could be at the door? I never had any visitors. Mia, my next door neighbor who was also a sophomore, stood in the entry way. She pushed a few strands of light brown hair out of her eyes and behind her ear. "Hi," she said with an overly big smile. "Hi," I replied suspiciously because of the smile. Mia and I...
Chapter 3: Fourth Date ‘I hear you helped the Browns start their car today,’ Peggy said. They were on their way to Brian’s house. He wondered how she could speak so casually about something he had done that day. Had she forgotten what they were about to do? ‘Yes, I had to push their car out of the garage so the jumper cables would reach. I’m going over in the morning to back the car in the garage. If it happens again I won’t have to strain myself.’ ‘That was nice of you,’ she said. They...
As I stood at my bathroom sink and looked over my shoulder at the sleeping beauty that was in my king-sized bed, I couldn’t help but think about how we had arrived at this point. It started a couple months before when I relocated from Albany , New York to Orlando , Florida for a high-level position with one of the leading computer companies in the United States . Even though I was familiar with the Orlando area, I wasn’t interested in hitting the club scene for excitement. At thirty-one years...
Straight SexAdulthood came hard and fast in the era of the diaspora, after the Darjee announced that the Earth would be invaded by the Sa'arm in ten years. Boys became men and girls became women at the tender age of fourteen years. That had been a requirement for some time when Joe took his first CAP test. He left the CAP test center some time later with a smile. He had just scored a nice 6.6 on his first CAP test. Not only was he an adult by the rules of the diaspora era but he was one of the privileged...
It was a relatively quiet evening. After dinner, they washed the dishes, and Shae ran a Disney video she'd rented; it happened to be one Dave hadn't seen, so he and the boys watched it while Shae did a little housework and then came to join them. By the time the movie came to an end the boys were starting to wind down, so Dave had them get ready for bed; Shae told them a story and sang a little lullaby to them, then turned off the light. When Dave checked a few minutes later, they were...
Later in the afternoon, the Albrights, Julie's parents, showed up, as expected. It went better than expected -- not good, but better than it might have. While Dave couldn't categorize his in-laws (or was it former in-laws now?) as being rich, they were certainly far from being poor. Dave would have categorized them as 'upper upper middle class'; much of their wealth came from a family business Stan had inherited. But they, especially Deborah, had a pretty strong opinion of themselves;...
Things slowed down considerably for Dave over the next couple weeks as he began to get his feet under him and establish a routine. It was just fine with him; things in his life had been moving too quickly anyway. The boys and their school established the pace for him. He soon got into the habit of waking them early enough so they could stumble around and fully wake up, and then he could send them off to school with a little better breakfast than just milk and cereal. It wasn't often big or...
Chapter 6 From Ecstasy to Anguish January 2006 Phillip, two months shy of age five, was enrolled in kindergarten. Brian rode in the backseat with him, giving him instructions as how to interact with other kids as Peggy drove the SUV. ‘Don’t try to kiss any girls the first day,’ Brian advised. ‘BRIAN,’ Peggy shouted from the driver’s seat. ‘Wait until the second day,’ Brian said. ‘BRIAN,’ Peggy shouted again. ‘Do you want to get him kicked out on his second day?’ she asked, blushing. ‘On...
Chapter 1: Meeting Amanda January 2000 ‘Can I help you with that?’ Brian turned to see a man carrying a small child. He had been taken by surprise, and didn’t respond immediately. The man was wearing a plaid coat and a stocking cap. The child was dressed in a snow suit. ‘Let me set Amanda down,’ the man continued, opening the door to the small house and telling the child to wait there. Welcoming the help, Brian hopped onto the truck and pushed the box springs into the man’s waiting hands. ...
Chapter 2: First date Monday, February 14, 2000 Brian knocked on the Mendon’s door. This was his first visit since being invited to supper with the family. ‘Brian, you look nice!’ Mary exclaimed when she saw him. ‘Are you going to a party?’ ‘Yes, it’s at my manager’s house. I just stopped by to give my favorite girl a valentine gift,’ he said, holding the small heart-shaped box for Mary to see. ‘She’s already in bed, Brian. She’ll be thrilled when I tell her it’s from you.’ He handed...
Disclaimer: this story contains sexual relations between a grown father and his 5 year old sn. If this is not your thing please stop reading now. Would love hearing what you think, please send comments to [email protected] Father and Son part I One of my absolute favourite things in the world is going to the forest with my dad to pick mushrooms. We have been doing this together for as long as I can remember, its a thing that only the two of us do together without any involvement from my...
As has happened many times before the little woman and I had a "domestic dispute" that ended with her telling me to "Get Out!!!". Usually I tell her to fuck off and settle in to the couch for some loud TV to drown out her bitching until she shuts up, but this evening was warm and it had been days since my last blow job,,,probably why the arguement started in the first place. I hit a couple of sleezy bars where the blow queens hang out, you know , the sluts that will suck cock for a couple shots...
Before the digital camera age, your choices were Polaroid or standard film cameras. On occasion, my wife and I would take pictures of each other and our lovemaking. While the Polaroid was fun, our standard camera had a tripod and a timer so we could take shots of ourselves engaged in all manner of activities. Back then, processors would not develop nude pictures, so we brought our film to the local photography shop, which did its own developing. I always felt odd when I'd pick up...
LesbianGamedayMy usual pregame ritual involved getting into my zone. Since the first game of the season was at home we got dressed in the locker room. I usually tried to be the first one to get ready and would psych myself up as everyone else got dressed. Some girls get more chatty before a game, I get less. I flashed Susan a brief smile. Most of the girls knew to avoid talking to me before a game, but I would receive various fist bumps and head nods. Susan finished changing, and gave me thumbs up and...
Lesbian"I hear you helped the Browns start their car today," Peggy said. They were on their way to Brian's house. He wondered how she could speak so casually about something he had done that day. Had she forgotten what they were about to do? "Yes, I had to push their car out of the garage so the jumper cables would reach. I'm going over in the tomorrow to back the car in the garage. If it happens again I won't have to strain myself." "That was nice of you," she said. They became quiet...
January 2006 Phillip, two months shy of age five, was enrolled in kindergarten. Brian rode in the backseat with him, giving him instructions as how to interact with other kids as Peggy drove the SUV. "Don't try to kiss any girls the first day," Brian advised. "BRIAN," Peggy shouted from the driver's seat. "Wait until the second day," Brian said. "BRIAN," Peggy shouted again. "Do you want to get him kicked out on his second day?" she asked, blushing. "On second thought, it...