Increasing Desire: Chapter 3 - Wanting More free porn video

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Third Appointment

When we met with Ivan and Kim this week, they complimented us on the show we put on in the parking lot after our last session.

“We did watch you,” Ivan said. He and Kim were dressed in their leather outfits again. “Do you think our lessons are having a positive effect on you sex life?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes,” I admitted. “It certainly seems so. We are two for two when it comes to our having satisfying sex after a session with you and Kim. We definitely want to learn more.”

“Thank you, Janice,” Ivan responded. “We do aim to please.”

My husband nodded in concurrence as he paid Ivan for today’s lesson.

I noticed that tonight the room was furnished with the old desk just like last week, but it also contained two straight back chairs. I wondered what the chairs were for, but didn’t ask.

Want More, or Not?

“Okay, you two,” Ivan announced as he stood in front of us, “I know that last week we assaulted your sensibilities and led you to perform acts you would not normally consider, but you have lived to tell about it. It is obvious from the scene in the parking lot last week that you were turned on then. And now, your flushed faces show that you are both turned on by what you think might happen tonight.

“However, you now have a decision to make,” he continued. “You can choose to call it quits and go back to the safe sex life that you were so bored with. Or, you can choose to continue to learn and explore with our sessions. I can tell you this. If you elect to continue tonight, the lesson will involve restraining and mildly humiliating the two of you. Then allowing you to have sex together, just as you have done to get relief after each of our previous sessions. But, this time Kim and I will watch you and coach your performance. So, what do you say?”

I was still shaken by what we had done last week. And, it was true that I was also extremely aroused tonight. I was flushed, quivering, and having goose bumps. But I was conflicted – not sure how far I wanted to let things go. I was certain that I could handle whatever Ivan served up tonight. But, I was concerned that my spouse might not be up to it.

My husband and I locked eyes and smiled. “Are you okay with this?” I asked him. “I know it’s difficult to let others see our vulnerabilities and expose desires we don’t even know we have. But, I also find it terribly exciting, and I think you do too. Will you continue with me? I need you to do it with me if I am to go on.”

“Yes, we will continue!” Richard asserted in a voice stronger than I expected.

Introduction to Bondage

“Great,” was Ivan’s response. “Kim is going to place the two chairs facing each other about three feet apart.”

“Janice and Richard,” he continued, “please have a seat. Sit up straight, leave your arms down at your sides, and spread your legs to the width of the chair legs. Kim is going to use Velcro straps to bind your wrists to the back legs of the chair, and your ankles to the front legs. While she does that, I am going to get a couple of beginner’s whips – soft cat-o-nine tails, really.”

I was okay with Kim tying my arms and legs down, and I think Richard was too. We smiled at each other and waited for Ivan to return. But Kim was not finished. Once she had us strapped to the chairs, she pulled out two gags and fastened them around our heads to keep us from talking, or even showing a smile. It suddenly dawned on Richard and me that we were helpless – immobilized by the bindings around our hand and feet - and we could not scream or even complain with the gags in our mouths.

We had put our trust in Ivan and Kim the last two weeks, and the results had been great so far. But now, for the first time, we were completely at their mercy. Things were getting scary fast. And Ivan’s return with the whips did nothing to reassure us. I saw Richard’s face. He looked wild-eyed, like a frightened pony.

“Don’t panic,” Ivan said as he viewed the two of us. “This is just a little exercise to introduce the two of you to bondage.”

“Kim,” he continued, “loosen Richard’s clothing. Unbutton his shirt, unbuckle his belt, and unzip his pants.”

Once Kim had exposed some of my husband’s skin, Ivan approached me, unbuttoned the front of my blouse, and pushed it back off my shoulders – releasing my breasts in full view of my husband. I cursed myself for not having worn a bra today.

Kim took one of the multi-thong whips and used it to gently strike Richard’s bare chest and belly. Ivan did the same to my breasts, taking the time to repeatedly strike first one then the other. The strikes were light and gentle, but the effect was cumulative. My tits started to redden from the contact and slight sting of the leather thongs. My nipples hardened. My areolae wrinkled and became dotted with random bumps. In addition, my upper chest and neck began to flush from my growing arousal.

The uncertainty of what was going to happen, combined with my helplessness, aroused me more than I would have imagined. The same appeared to be true for my husband as well. We watched each other getting abused and aroused.

“Kim,” Ivan ordered. “have Richard skootch his ass up so you can pull his pants down to his knees."

Ivan and I watched as my husband was exposed. His white ass behind, and his full standing erection in the front. I was surprised how quickly he had responded to the bondage and abuse. As he sat back in the chair, his balls slipped down between his forced open legs, his erect penis was still hard, but less pronounced in the sitting position.

“Okay, Janice,” I heard Ivan say as I stared at my husband’s suddenly exposed parts. “Lift your ass so I can gather your skirt around your waist.”

As he busied himself with my skirt I looked at my recently exposed husband and wondered how he felt about another man baring my breasts and now raising my skirt to leave me naked from the waist down. The coolness of the hard, wooden seat was a shock when I sat back down. I hoped that my husband could not see the wetness I felt forming there.

Kim stood close to my husband. She whipped him gently for a while. She complimented him on the stiffness of his erection, and then told him to be brave. Suddenly she raised her cat-o-nine tails and brought its stinging tentacles down crisply on his cock, balls, and the surrounding sensitive flesh. Richard writhed, and struggled against his bonds. He then slumped down in the chair, his erection stiffer than ever.

Just when I thought it might be over for him, Ivan approached the back of my chair. He casually reached over my shoulders and cupped my tits. I watched Richard’s face as Ivan felt me up and pinched my nipples right in front of him. My husband was becoming agitated, struggling with his bonds again. Then Kim came up behind his chair, reached around, and grasped his erection. Richard seemed to relax with her touch. But Kim’s blatant handling of my husband’s erect penis now caused me to struggle.

While I was distracted, Ivan picked up his whip and brought my tits to attention again. The mild torture continued to excite me and it reminded me just how big a part my sensitive breasts could play in my sexual arousal. It had been a long time since they had been a focal point in foreplay. I wasn’t sure why Ivan was getting my husband and I so hot, but he was certainly doing a good job of it.

However, my enjoyment was short lived. Ivan suddenly raised his whip a little higher and gave me a crisp, stinging blow to my shaved nether parts.

“Yooo Soma a Bits!” I yelled into my gag. I was mad. My shaved cunt was burning. And my husband was getting a hand-job right before my eyes.

Ivan immediately removed the straps around my wrist and ankles. Before I could get oriented, he grabbed me by my hair, stood me up, and forced me to bend over the desk. Kim left my husband, grabbed my wrists from the other side of the desk, and tied them down there. Then Ivan released Richard’s bonds and gag, stood him up behind me, and placed my husband’s hands on my hips.

Richard Performs

“Fuck Her!” Ivan commanded. “Go Ahead! Fuck Her Hard! Show us how you do it!

Richard seemed hesitant. Perhaps intimidated to be suddenly forced to perform in front of an audience. But, his cock was hard and I felt him move it into place. I tried to tell him, “It’s okay!” But, the gag in my mouth prevented me from doing so.

I felt Richard move up against my ass cheeks, his five-inch cock sticking straight out from his body. Still he delayed making entry.

“Move closer,” I heard Ivan say. Then Ivan reached down and lightly grasped my husband’s hard penis with his finger tips and inserted the tip between my puffy pussy lips. I felt Ivan put his hand on Richard’s butt and begin pushing his ass forward, shoving his penis into me. Once, twice, maybe three times. Richard quickly regained his composure and started pumping into me on his own.

“Ohhhhhh!” I moaned into the gag as Richard fucked me, his cock moving with little resistance as he slid it in and out of my wet, open pussy. My husband was taking me just as he had previously done over the fender of our car. His rapid humping triggered my memory and the deeper emotions tied to that event. But, this time were doing it in front of our instructors, and for me there was an added exhilaration associated with being watched. “Ohhhhhh!” I moaned again.

“Does it feel good, Richard,” Ivan asked my husband.

“Oh… Yeah,” my husband panted, his ass pumping away, sliding his cock in and out of my well lubricated vagina. “I… I… just… don’t… know if I can come with you and Kim watching.”

“I can help you there,” Ivan told him. “Just keep fucking her. I’ll coach you.”

Ivan kept his left hand on Richard’s hip and slid his right down his butt and fondled his small, tight ball sack. Richard gave a little moan of pleasure. Ivan then extended two fingers and slipped them along the underside of my husband’s cock, moving with it as it slid in and out of my wet pussy.

I looked over my shoulder and made eye contact with Ivan. I held Ivan’s attention for a moment and my expression let him know that I was aware of his large fingers and I liked having them enter me along with my husband’s cock. He was stretching me wider than I was used to and it felt amazingly good. Richard was a bit small for a satisfying doggy style entry. Ivan’s fingers made his cock feel much more substantial and I enjoyed having the walls of my vagina expanded.

“Oh yeah,” Richard said. “Oh yeah… like that Ivan… like that… it’s gonna make me come soon.”

I could feel Ivan wiggling the tips of his fingers as they rested just behind the head of Richard’s cock, masturbating him as he fucked me. I figured that would really speed up my husband’s climax. And, sure enough, seconds later he came. I felt the spasms as they raced through his cock, causing it to quiver and throb with pleasure.

Just as my husband reached his final throes, Ivan removed his left hand from Richard’s hip, wrapped his arm around my husband’s side to reach in front of me. He then pulled my hips back firmly, sandwiching Richard between us. My husband was now fully inserted and held in place by Ivan in back and my ass in front. He could no longer move his hips even though he struggled to do so. However, he was ready to come hard and could not have cared less. Ivan jammed his two fingers into me as far as they would go and held them there. His fingers stretched and filled me as my husband started to ejaculate over them. I felt Ivan thrust his hand forward several times, adding to the already powerful sensations for me and Richard.

In the midst of his climax, Ivan pulled Richard back and out of me. Then he used his right hand to pump Richard’s pulsing cock against my open lips, bumping my clit and wetting the whole area with my husband’s warm semen. Ivan continued to jerk Richard off with rapid repeated strokes until he pleaded with Ivan to stop.

Spent, my husband was a happy man. “Thanks Ivan… that was great,” he said as he gasped for breath. “I haven’t felt anything like that before.” Then he stumbled with his pants still around his ankles as Kim helped him move to the empty chair that faced the desk. There he sat down and fanned himself, temporarily exhausted and looking toward Ivan who was still standing behind my bent over body on the desk.

My Turn

Meanwhile, Ivan kept his hand in place, cupping my shaved lips while putting three fingers into my now wet, open vagina.

I looked over my shoulder again and raised my eyebrows giving Ivan all the approval he could want. I was disappointed when my husband suddenly stopped, and I am sure that Ivan could see my need to continue reflected in my eyes.

He leaned forward over my back and pressed my tits into the desk top. Then he whispered over my shoulder. “What’s the matter, Janice? Did your husband come too soon for you?”

I raised my eyebrows again and nodded, hoping that Richard could not see.

“Want me to finish you off?” Ivan asked with compasion and concern in his voice.

Again, I nodded surreptitiously.

Ivan and Kim were cool. Kim pulled up the second chair in front of Richard, blocking his view and she talked to him like a coach about the experience he had just had. Ivan kept his back to the two of them in their chairs, further hiding his actions. He placed his left hand on my hip and removed the three fingers of his other hand from my vagina. Then, with his palm up, he replaced those digits with the thumb of his right hand, and extended his two middle fingers, soaked in my husband’s semen, forward to surround my swollen clitoris.

“Here, Janice,” Ivan said in a voice loud enough for Kim and Richard to hear as he leaned over me. “Let me untie your wrists.”

The gag helped me choke off any involuntary sounds as Ivan leaned up over my body, quietly holding his manly thumb into my willing aperture, using the fatty base of his thumb and the palm of his hand to press my lips wide open. I spread my stance to give him the best possible access. Then I felt him start to rhythmically pump his thumb in and out while sliding his two come slick finger tips along either side of my clit under its hood. All of this with a minimum of motion observable to anyone behind him.

Ivan quickly and expertly massaged my already over excited parts.

Oh God! I thought. He’s good at this. He just started and I am almost there.

Suddenly the massage stopped. I felt him grasp my now extended clit with his thumb and forefinger. Then he squeezed it hard – once, twice, three times. One of my most powerful orgasms began to break over me. But, Ivan wasn’t done with me.

He straightened up and moved his hands again. Ivan put his left hand in the middle of my back and used his weight to hold me down. He placed the three wet fingers of his right hand into my vagina again, angled them just right so that his knuckles stroked my G-Spot, and rapidly thrust them in and out. Knuckles of his fist and his little finger pounded my wide spread lips and clit at the end of each stroke. It took all the strength I had left to staunch the chorus of staccato screams that were welling up in my throat.

Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, he placed his wet thumb on my pulsing asshole and pressed it into me. The unexpected anal entry made me grunt loudly with lusty surprise. He stroked his thumb – once, twice, three times, as my anus throbbed, relaxed, and succumbed to his invasion. And then, he squeezed together the sensitive flesh between his thumb and the fingers that remained deep inside my vagina.

I bit into my gag. Oh my God… Oh My God… OH MY GOD! I screamed silently. This man had taken just a few moments to push me over the top. And, he gave me a sexual release the likes of which I had never felt before. I was quaking and writhing on the desk as Ivan held me down on my stomach and shielded me from my husband’s view.

While I was returning to my senses, I picked up on the conversation that Kim and Richard were having. My husband was candidly describing to her how extraordinary and exciting it had been to have Ivan help him during intercourse with me.

I wondered, How was it possible that my husband could be so nonchalant when another man had not only given him a hand-job, but also brought me off so completely within a few feet of him while he talked with Kim? Was Richard absolutely unaware of what had just happened to me?

Ivan was slow to remove his hand from my sex. He must have enjoyed making me come. Then he leaned up over my shoulder and whispered to me again, “Good Girl! That’s the way to let yourself go. Sex is going to get better and better for you from here on out.”

Then he removed my remaining bindings and the gag, and helped me up from the desk. He pulled my top up and rebuttoned it, and I allowed my skirt to fall back in place. I was still shaky from my monumental orgasm. Ivan was a gentleman. He offered me his arm to steady myself.

When Ivan led me around Kim to my husband, I saw that Richard was beaming while he talked with Kim. His pants were pulled up and he was buttoning his shirt. He had a big smile on his face as he basked in the glow of tonight’s sexual adventure. “Kim tells me that she thinks the combination of light bondage and punishment is a turn on for the two of us. I know it worked for me.”

“Oh, yes! It surely worked for me too,” I replied. “In fact, I can’t wait for the next lesson. Will Tuesday next week be too soon for you, Ivan?”

The Drive Home

I was conflicted as we drove home from this lesson with Ivan and Kim. I wondered if I was being unfaithful when I encouraged Ivan to finish me off after my husband came and pulled out before I was ready? And, just how much should I tell him about it?

My husband, Richard, was on a high as he drove us home. He was animated about our unconventional sexual experience tonight. And, he wanted to tell me about it.

“I didn’t know what to expect when they tied us up tonight,” he started. “I was actually scared when they brought the cat-o-nine tail whips out. The initial blows were not hurtful, more teasing and arousing. However, that one blow to my genitals came without any warning. It was excruciatingly painful. But, somehow it broke down a barrier for me. When the pain eased a bit, my mind was on a different level – in the moment – if you know what I mean. Then I realized that I was as hard and as horny as I have ever been.”

“It was like that for me as well,” I responded. “When my pain eased and Ivan roughly forced my exposed body over and down onto the desk, I realized that I was more aroused than I ever imagined that I could be. I was excited too, when I felt Ivan stand you up behind me. But then I couldn’t figure out what happened with you and him after that. Can you tell me about it?”

“Oh my,” Richard said, “there is a lot to tell you. When Ivan stood me up behind your bent over body, my erect cock was at the perfect level to mount you. But, I was stunned, frozen in place when he told me to fuck you. I mean, it was right there in front of him and Kim, with you bent over and tied down in before me.

“My inhibitions started to shut me down,” Richard continued. “You are my wife after all and I have never forced you to have sex. And, certainly not in front of others. So, I guess Ivan sensed my hesitation and he stepped in to coach me and get me started. I remember him taking my hard-on in his fingertips, placing its head in you and pushing me forward. I think he pushed me in several times before I recovered my senses and began thrusting on my own. It did feel really good taking you from behind like that, but then I was aware that both Ivan and Kim were watching my every move, accessing and judging my actions. So, at that point performance anxiety set in and I began to shut down again.”

Richard continued to drive the car and describe what had gone on behind my back. The sound of my husband’s voice in the darkness, the subject matter, and his graphic recollections had a very arousing effect on me. I leaned back in the passenger seat beside him and scooted my ass forward to the edge. Then I lifted my loose skirt to my waist. When he glanced my way, I started touching myself, slowly, openly masturbating in front of him. What was happening to me, I mentally explored. Had our lessons with Ivan and Kim obliterated my inhibitions about having sex in the presence of my husband and others? Had I changed, and, if so, into what?

“It appears that I missed out on a lot tonight,” I said in the husky voice of a seductress. “What you are describing is getting me hot again. Please go on, dear.”

“Well,” my husband said, gulping as he cast furtive glances into my lap while he continued, “when I told Ivan I didn’t think that I could climax in my wife while he and Kim were watching, he said that he could help. I didn’t have any idea how he could do that, but I figured that he was the coach and he knew things I didn’t. So, I decided to let him do what he thought necessary.

“What Ivan did next, amazed me. He stood close-up behind me and used his left hand to steady himself on my bare left hip. Then with his right hand he reached down and in between my legs and cupped my drawn-up balls. I spread my stance a little to give him access as he held my nuts and squeezed them gently for a few moments. Then he adjusted his hand so that my ball sack rested in the meaty part of his palm and then he extended the two long middle fingers of that hand out along the bottom-side of my penis until the tips just touched the nerve bundle at the juncture of the flange of the head. Then he let his hand and fingers move in time with my penis as it slipped in and out of your wet vagina. Could you feel his fingers while they moved in and out of you with my cock riding on top of them?”

“Oh, yes!” I responded. “His fingers were noticeable, although I was not sure who was doing what at the time.” This said while I was pushing my two middle fingers deep into my now sloppy cunt and remembering just how good Ivan’s fingers did feel to me while he was "helping" my husband. And, how grateful I was that Ivan had proceeded to bring me to a much-needed orgasm when Richard got off and abandoned me before I was satisfied.

No, I thought, I am certainly not going to tell my husband about the way Ivan ‘helped’ me tonight. Richard was happy now. Telling him how Ivan played my sex instrument like a raucous banjo riff might have unintended consequences. What if what I told him deflated his ego? I decided that some things, even intimate ones, are better left unsaid.

Richard continued, “When I didn’t come after a few minutes of fucking you with the assistance Ivan’s helping hand, he began to wiggle his fingertips, stroking and massaging the sensitive nerve bundle jut under the head. It was like getting a hand-job and a fuck at the same time. I couldn’t hold back. I came almost immediately. Ivan used his body to hold me into you while my mind was lost in coming. I felt him enhance my sensations when he squeezed my balls by jamming his hand into you. Then Ivan quickly pulled my cock out of you, wrapped all of his fingers around the shaft and jerked me off into your soft, wet pussy lips. The feeling was exquisite and exhilarating. I came and came until I was completely expended and had to beg Ivan to stop before I collapsed.

“I had to find a chair, sit down, and fan myself to cool off. Once I did that, Kim sat down right in front of me. While Ivan took his time untying you, she wiped off my cock and balls, helped me pull up my pants, and told me how it had been so hot to watch the three of us working together. Then we had quite a discussion about assisted sexual activities. I definitely want to learn more about them.”

As we continued our drive down dark streets in our neighborhood, I made a request, “Richard, unzip your pants, take your cock out, and show it to me while you drive. When you park in our driveway, turn off the lights and pull your pants off.”

“I want more before we go inside tonight.”


Next:  Increasing Desire:  Chapter 4 – Continuing Education



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Chapter One: Cassandra's MILF Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Oh, my god, Cassandra, check out what Deidre posted on her Facebook page,” Lana, my best friend, said. “It's a pic of her and her sister with their cheeks pressed together, looking so happy. Oh, god, it's so corny. 'Closest sisters in the world,' it says.” “Really?” I said with a giggle, reaching for my phone beside me to check out the post. Deidre had gotten real weird the last few weeks of school, spending all...

1 year ago
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Step Daughters Desire chapter 12

Janis, Monique, Elise and Sandra acting as run-away slaves are hiding in the woods behind the compound of the estate attempting to avoid capture by the slave hunters from the security unit. Mean while Kim Li is in the play room with Master. She is moaning and screaming while her movements are restricted by the tight rope around each tit and tied to the three foot spreader bar above her pulled tight by the hoist controlling the spreader bar. Her arms are tied behind her at the wrist and elbows...

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Desire Chapter 2

STANDARD LEGAL STUFF: *This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional. *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW! If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy. Feedback appreciated; send to...

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Desiree Wants Sex AND Love

Desiree Baxter walked out of her fourth relationship in eight years on the eve of her 28th birthday fed up, determined to enter a convent although she wasn’t sure they accepted agnostics. The problem was men only wanted to fuck her, she wanted them to also love her. Was that too much to ask? Apparently. Oh, each one of those four men – and some others in between the gaps – had been great a fucking but they tended to only love their moms, their cars and themselves. Desiree loved to fuck...

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Desirees Star Ch 02

Thanks for all the comments I really appreciate it. ~Hotsprings * Desiree woke slowly, happy to feel her soft pillows cradling her head and her warm sheets wrapped securely around her body. As she began to blink sleep away she could feel a small pressure building in her head. Trying to put the growing headache out of her mind she rolled herself off the bed and stood taking time to stretch before setting off to the bathroom to pee. With her eyes still half closed, she shuffled her feet...

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Desirees Star Ch 05

Desiree only cried harder when she heard a car in the driveway start, thinking that Gabriel was driving Jessica home. In her mind she could picture them fucking everywhere, in the car, at every stoplight, in Jessica’s room. She had totally forgotten that Jessica had driven her own car back to Desiree’s house. She sat on the floor with her head in her hands trying to figure out what the hell was happening to her. Things between her and Gabriel were going from bad to worse, and now they just...

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Desirees New FriendChapter 2

Desiree told Richard about her new friend that night as they ate dinner. She told him everything about how they'd met, why they'd kept in communication with each other after that first meeting, how they'd come to meet at Sundollars that morning, and her wishes for him to get her bike into operational status so she could join Peggy for a ride on the bike trail. The only thing she left out was the fact that her new friend was a lesbian and had assumed that she, Desiree, was one as well. She...

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Deshawn and Desiree Delicious

Starbucks "The date, baby girl, tell me about the damn date. What did you wear? Where did he take you? Did you make acquaintance with that third leg? Serve the tea!" That morning, Keisha draped her body in a black and white plaid coat that hugged her breast-mounds and booty-bumps at just the right places of hallelujah and good god. The curve of her cocoa calves peaked underneath the hem of the coat and ended with the most spectacular pair of midnight black suede booties. "Patience." Desiree's...

Love Stories
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Deshawn and Desiree

Deshawn – The Case Meeting All the attorneys filed into the conference room on this frigid Tuesday morning for our regular meeting to run down our current cases and to distribute any new ones. I really didn't need the get-together since my assignment was a murder case. It wasn’t a high profile case like OJ, but it was a murder case nonetheless. I sat in the back, in the cut, watching everyone converse, but half my attention was on some poetry I was writing. We were all waiting on the boss-lady...

Love Stories
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Step Daughters Desire chapter 7

The ongoing story of Master Frank and his growing number of slaves from within his own family. He never would have believed that his step daughters would ever desire to serve as slaves to their own step father. Sandra changed that when she ask to love and serve him along with her Mom. Frank sat alone in the den thinking about how everything is so good with his loving family. Janis and Sandra both working hard to prove their love and loyalty to him out of love. Diann anxiously waits for her...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 100

Frank's internal alarm woke him early morning. He woke with a smile having a beautiful girl tied, blindfolded and butt plugged snuggled close behind him and a beautiful young German slave girl tied, blindfolded with his cock buried in her cum filled ass. Feeling a little feisty this morning he decided to wake them roughly. He jerked his cock from Elise's ass making her squeal and try to raise up as she became wide awake. When she realized what just happened she giggled and said. “Master, you...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Alison and Desiree Get Married

Edited by Master Ken Friday, July 12th, 2013 – Alison Hertz – The Wedding The day of my wedding to my Latin beauty, Desiree, had finally arrived. After today, I would be Alison de la Fuente. After getting her marriage to Brandon annulled, Desiree went back to her maiden name. It was a far prettier name then Fitzsimmons. Desiree and I spent several nights talking in bed about our new last name. Should one of us take the other's last name, like a heterosexual couple? Or would we hyphenate....

1 year ago
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Desiree and Her Daddy

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life people is strictly coincidental as all characters in this story are of my imagination. Enjoy reading and please, don't try this at home. "Desiree, please hurry up. We don't have all day. Your hair should have been done at least an hour ago. C'mon now, you're going to make us late," Adam yelled up the stairs to his daughter. Desiree, just about to turn 18, was exercising her usual tardiness. "Just one more minute, dad!" She snapped...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 2

Chapter one showed the beginning of Frank and Janis. This is the continuation of the story. Frank and Janis had a date lasting one weekend. Sunday morning begins with Frank and Janis enjoying breakfast and talking about the night before which involved intense multiple orgasms, bondage, domination, submission and a little pain/pleasure. As they sat at the kitchen table talking about the activities of the night before Frank ask Janis questions regarding what she felt about what he had done to...

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She sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...

Oral Sex
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She sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...

Oral Sex
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At the time of this story Desiree’s husband was in the middle of a two week training course 1,000 miles away. I along with my wife and a few friends were helping Desiree move the last few loads into their new house. They had bought a nice house in suburbia with a half acre of ground and a nice in-ground pool surrounded by a privacy fence. John’s mother had the kids for the weekend so that Desiree could finish moving in. We were packing their shoes into boxes when I notice that they...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 3

Frank and Janis have been married for years and have enjoyed kinky sex involving BD/SM to the point that their relationship has evolved into a Master/slave life style. Both are very happy with their life style and with the three daughters forming a happy family life aside from their kink. Daughters Sandra now twenty and very beautiful with her mother's looks. She is like a younger version of Janis. Diann now eighteen and a mirror image of her mom and older sister and then there is Angela...

2 years ago
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Desiree and Peyton

Think of all the ways it might be possible to be incompatible with someone, and my wife and I are the poster children of such a list. Harken! I'm five-six, and she's five-ten—and by the way she loves to wear high heels. Of late she's become a party animal, and I remain the prototypical bookworm. She, also of late, has become a dance aficionado while I'm more the organ-grinder's monkey. She likes TV and I hate the box. She's a beautiful woman, and I'm an average Joe in grave danger of...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 52 Portfolio Swills and More

The task at hand: I had no identity on me, had no pockets to carry anything. The only ID I had was on my head, the tattoo I’d received as livestock from the dairy before the breeder competition at the county fair. The ID number years later was of no use anymore. I tell people I am a “God of Nature”, hoping the livestock aura which used to follow me around still exists giving people the notion I’m okay aroused and naked because I am just livestock. But I’m now always leery of the future, time...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 18 Grafton to Moree

After dinner I called Patrick and spoke to Rachel about invading her parents. With her encouragement, I called Chaz in Canberra. He was quite enthusiastic about a visit and wanted to know when I’d arrive. “It’s Monday. I won’t leave before Wednesday. I thought I’d cross the Dividing Range, look at the MacIntyre in Inverell and stop in Moree. Then through Narrabin to Dubbo and from there to Canberra. But I want to stop in Cowra. I was there when I was a grad student, but the woman I was with...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

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Desirees Star

This is my first shot at writing, so please feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think. Thanks. ~*~ Chapter 1 ‘Ma, I’ll be right back!’ Desiree yelled into the kitchen as she grabbed her keys off the hallway table. ‘Where are you going?’ Her mother emerged from the kitchen wiping her hands on the dishtowel. ‘You’re not leaving like that are you?’ her mother said with a sigh. Desiree glared at her mother. ‘There is nothing wrong with sweatpants and a t-shirt.’ ‘You look...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 4

We ended chapter 3 with Frank and Sandra exhausted. He smiled at her as he said. Do you want more, my little slut. She smiled as she said yes Master I want more but I think I am going to have to beg for Mercy as I don't think my heart and body can take any more for a while. He laughed and said. I don't think I can take any more for a while either. You have completely worn me out. Go clean up and get dressed after you bring me a beer. Yes Master and she went to the kitchen bringing him a...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 32 Ancient History

Chapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...

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Drifter McLeod Desiree

CHAPTER 1 Two unhappy years post-graduation spent working for his father in a small-town store dealing in rent-to-own furniture, appliances and electronics had convinced McLeod Jones he was becoming brain dead. His father refused to introduce innovations or allow McLeod to modernize the premises and at least half the customers resented dealing with Jones junior because of his young age, thinking he knew nothing. McLeod quit. His father shut himself in his office with a loaded shotgun,...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 34 Undesired Arrivals

The nobles started to arrive in Tyrell weeks before the official start of Court. For some, it was the first time they had been to the capital in many years; for others (the ones Joseph had named to replace landholders that had fled or been killed), it was the first time in their lives. A tent city popped up outside of the castle walls and soon rivaled the capital itself in population. There wasn’t room at the castle for all of the nobles and the retainers they had brought with them. Joseph...

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SistersChapter 11 Desire

The four sisters jumped into Linda's Jeep, with Zoë giving a hand to Jeannie. Her weakness was still apparent. The beach would do her good, Linda figured. Jeannie continued to feel pain in her shoulder and upper chest from time to time but she was looking better. Dad's surgeon had done a good job. Only a small disfigurement on Jeannie's left shoulder betrayed the fact that she had been hit by shotgun pellets. Why that lunatic had run after them and shot Jeannie never became clear. The...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 1 The Princesss Desires

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part One: The Princess's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter One: The Goddess's Daughter Zizthithana – Kozzithni, the Shahdom of Shizhuth The rasp of my scales made a sibilant hiss through my throne room as I tribbed my sex slave. Shilia, my lamia, whimpered and moaned, her big breasts rubbing against the serpentine coil of my lower body. Her nipples were two points of hardness on my...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 13

Angela, Diann and Kim Li the three run-away slaves lay restful in each of their beds after being persuade, captured, punished, gang raped and raped by dogs. Caylie, Cristin and Janis cleaned the cum from the girls. Janis covered and kissed Kim Li telling her she will tell her when lunch is ready. Cristin still in a little shock from the game cleaned Diann, covered her and gave her a kiss of a loving sister. Caylie cleaned Angela, feeling a strong sisterly love for her, and crawled in the bed...

1 year ago
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The Ring of Desire Chapter 1

Chapter 1 „Oh, this is good!” My breathing was becoming more and more irregular with every second. I could feel the pleasure inside of me building up, slowly. I hadn't blinked for multiple minutes already and I could feel my eyes starting to hurt a bit, but I wasn't able to stop. My left hand was practically moving on its own, trained from years of experience, while my right remained exactly where it was and didn't move an inch apart from slight twitches due to the...

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Desire Chapter 3

STANDARD LEGAL STUFF: *This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional. *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW! If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy. Feedback appreciated; send to...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 39 Calendar Completed

Chapter Thirty-Nine – Calendar Completed Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, Mf, ncon, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Fred and George Weasley had not studied once for the final year sixth year exams. Since starting their adult line of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, the twins had been too cooped up with making potions, having sex and earning loads of gold. ...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 7 The Restricted Section

Chapter Seven – The Restricted Section Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, magic, preg, spank Draco Malfoy had just caused the entire Weasley family the greatest amount of embarrassment possible; after Ginny was fucked by three fellow Gryffindor students, the entire Weasley family was sharing the embarrassment of having a whore in the family. ...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 27 Rons Happy Birthday Part Two Afternoon Delight

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Two – Afternoon Delight Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, magic, spank, unif Ronald Weasley had just had an exceptional dream; in it, Hermione had come to his bed in her slutty school uniform, tight floral panties and an extremely horny demeanor. His dream was so vivid, so life-like, that...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 3 The Burrow

Chapter Three – The Burrow Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, nc-cons, inc, magic Harry and Ron couldn’t stop smiling, even after the unfortunate and grisly attack the previous night by a group of Death Eaters. The Quidditch match had gone so well, with Ireland beating Bulgaria, and Krum catching the snitch. The unwarranted attack by a group of death eaters...

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Is this what he wants my secret desire Chapter 2

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Mary couldn’t wait, she dialed the number and heard the phone ringing. “Hello?” she heard a deep voice. “Is this Theo?”, she asked. There was a short pause and then she heard, “Yeah, who’s calling?” Mary said, “I got your number from Jeremy.” Theo asked, “Why are you calling, what do you want?” Mary said, “I’ll be blunt. My husband...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 61

Chapter 5 ended with Sandra resting in a tub of hot water and bath oil. Her body sore from being beaten with a cane, flogger, leather paddle and a crop. Master Frank punished her severely with the instruments of pain with a vibrator in her pussy and ass. Her tits tied painfully tight and clamped. He had forced her to orgasm multiple times before letting Rusty, the family German Shepard dog, fuck her cunt while she was securely tied to a bench. When he untied her she was too weak to stand or...

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Desire Chapter 1

STANDARD LEGAL STUFF: *This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional. *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW! If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy. Desire Chapter 1 London, England,...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 28 Rons Happy Birthday Part Three An Evening Snack

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 12 The Feast

Chapter Twelve – The Feast Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, magic, spank, unif, voy It was October 30th, and the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students were going to arrive later in the afternoon for a feast and the introduction into the Triwizard Tournament. Fred and George Weasley had been very careful not to use the Spellbook of Desires too much since they...

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