Lunch With John - A Little Winter Tail, Part 4 free porn video

It was Monday; John called first thing in the morning and told me he had a busy schedule and he wouldn't be able to make it all the way over to my office, but instead he would like me to meet him for lunch. He told me to come to the same cafe, where I saw him and Anthony, at noon. I actually had an 11am appointment with a client and I was already going to be out, so it worked for me.
I arrived a few minutes early and John was not there yet. It was really busy for lunch and there was only one open table. It was in the back corner of their patio, behind a large planter, and was only a couple feet from another table where there were two young professional guys sitting. I smiled at them as I sat down, looking over both of them. They struck me as just out of college, trying to figure out what direction their life was going to go. They were both clean-cut and somewhat attractive, one a little heavier than the other. No wedding rings, and it struck me odd that they were both having a beer with lunch this early on a Monday.
They clearly noticed me as I smiled, seeing their eyes do the typical unconscious scan of my body. I was wearing a red and beige print, long sleeve wrap-around dress that tied at the hip and came to just above the knee, nude sheer-to-waist hose, and a pair of beige, sling-back, high heels. I could feel, and see, their eyes move from my breasts, down my hips, to the hem of my dress, and down to my heels. The one facing me glanced down at my legs as I sat and crossed them under the table. The dress parted over my knee where it wrapped, exposing my leg up to mid-thigh. I smiled to myself and left it that way. I was flattered and kind of proud that I was still able to catch the eye of two young guys as I turned my attention to the menu. For a moment, I had forgotten about the sexually explicit situations I had been in over the past week, simply enjoying a little harmless flirting and looks from two strangers at a cafe.
They went back to their conversation and I could hear them as if I was sitting with them, as they were complaining about their supervisor. I also gathered from their talk that this was a training trip for them and they were from out of town.
After a few minutes, John showed up. I stood to greet him as he gave me a hug and the typical graze of his hand down my back and to my ass where he squeezed through my dress. When I had stepped forward to greet him, I was literally right at the edge of the table of the two men, and I glanced down and saw they were watching John's hand as he groped me.
I immediately felt a tinge of embarrassment as I stepped back and took my seat. And again, the same scene playing out, the young man's eyes watching my legs cross under the table, my dress falling open, but this time I put it back over my knee as I was still feeling embarrassed and slightly vulnerable now in John's presence.
I was surprised as I realized how immediately my demeanor changed as soon as I was in John's presence. I went from being confident and carefree to that of a timid little girl in the presence of her strict father, not wanting to upset him and giving him power over my will. And I gave him that power. I've never even challenged him; he's never even shown me there would be repercussions. I've just submitted.
We exchanged some pleasantries and the normal catching up, placed our order with the waiter, and then he looked at me with a smile and said, "Now let's get to the good stuff, tell me everything about your meeting with Anthony."
Immediately I felt myself blush as everything raced through my mind. The first thing I addressed was why he never told me about his niece, Megan.
He smiled and said, "You never asked. Megan’s mom is my stepsister. Her father was out of her life by the time she was five. Over the years, we grew close and I was always there to be a strong man in her life. I helped with her schooling and got her this job with Anthony. But don’t think for a moment Anthony and I took advantage of her. Through college, she became a wild thing all by herself. Before she had any idea about how Anthony, or I, were with women, she threw herself at him at a family party. She’s not shy, and I heard the two of you hit it off pretty well."
I could feel my cheeks turning red with embarrassment. "How much has Anthony told you?"
"He tells me everything," he said.
I asked, "Then why do you need me to tell you again if you already know?"
He smiled again and said, "Because the descriptions of what you did sound so much better coming from you. Now tell me the details of when he made you kiss her after sucking his cock."
As he said that, I could see out of the corner of my eye that the guys at the table next to us heard him and started paying attention. I leaned forward and tried to almost whisper as I said, "My eyes were closed as she was pulling my mouth against hers. She was running her fingers over my naked body and touching me between my legs. She started to rub me with her…"
John cut me off and said, "You need to speak up, I can't hear you."
I was getting more and more uncomfortable, as I swallowed hard and motioned with a nod as if to tell him 'there are two guys sitting right there, they can hear me.'
John slowly got a smirk on his face as he looked at me, over at the two young men, and back to me. What he did next sent a wave of embarrassment through me. I still can't believe he did it.
He turned to the two young men and very confidently said, "Excuse me, guys, my girl here needs to tell me the details of a job I sent her on the other day, and I think she's worried that she's going to offend you guys talking about sex. I'm not sure if you heard anything so far, but she was telling me about letting this other woman touch her between her legs. That doesn't bother you guys, does it?"
Oh my God! I wanted to slide under the table and disappear. I can't believe he just said that to them.
They were both smiling from ear-to-ear and saying, "No, not at all. We were getting a kick out of it."
John turned to me, and said, "See? They don't mind at all." And then he turned back to them and asked, "You guys want to join us and listen to the story too? I think it's only going to get better."
They both did everything they could to contain their excitement as they slid their table and chairs over to join ours.
You've heard the expression 'if looks could kill'. Well, I was shooting my best daggers at John now.
John took control of the conversation now, saying, "So in case you guys couldn't hear everything, she just told me how this guy had her straddling and riding him, then slide down to her knees and suck his cock and rub their juices all over her lips, then stand up so his young assistant could kiss her and taste the juices. And while this girl is thrusting her tongue into her mouth, she's running her hand down her body and then puts it between her legs and starts to rub her pussy."
John turned to me with a smug look, and said, "Go ahead, baby, take it from there and tell us what happened next."
I know I keep saying it, but the level of embarrassment that I was feeling at that moment was off the charts. I could see both of the young men now looking at me, anticipating my next words, licking their lips and wanting to hear all the juicy details.
John again prodded me, "Go on, tell us what you had to do next."
My voice was shaking and I was trembling as I started to speak, "He was sitting in a chair, and they turned me around and had me sit on him."
John interrupted, "With your pussy or your ass?"
God, he was going to make me say it. But I just paused and took a breath, and then said, "First my pussy, then my ass."
And there were more of those daggers I was shooting at him.
"So how did he cum?" John bluntly asked.
My eyes glanced back and forth at the three men sitting there, hanging on my every word, as I began to describe the position of my legs, making me touch my breasts, and Megan getting between my thighs to lick me.
Just then our waiter showed up with our food. John started right into his burger. I, on the other hand, didn't have much of an appetite right then from the nerves, so I asked for a box, saying I'd take this with me.
The bigger guy was sitting next to me. John noticed his eyes were moving from my breasts down to my legs repeatedly. He shocked me again by saying to the big guy, "She's got a great body, doesn't she? Go ahead, you can open her dress and feel those legs a bit."
My mouth was dropped open... what the hell was he doing? My eyes went down as I watched this young guy's hand, shaking, move over to my knee. He peeled back one flap of my dress, then the other, off of my legs, exposing nearly all of my thighs. Then he moved his hand back down to my knee, where he placed it on my nylon covered leg and began to stroke my thigh from my knee up and back down. I looked down; I couldn't help but notice his erection bulging in his gray dress pants.
Just then the other guy joked, "This sucks that I'm sitting on this side."
John made a slight laughing sound, then looked at me and said, "Don't be so rude, give this poor guy something to look at, show him your tits."
I just looked at him wide-eyed and said, "You can't be serious… here?"
"Yeah, why not? It's not like I said take your dress off, I just said give him a peek."
I reluctantly obeyed as I reached down and pulled the string at my hip to loosen the top of my dress a little. I hooked my fingers inside the wrap of material at my cleavage and scanned quickly to make sure no one was looking before sweeping it across to expose my right breast and bra cup.
Immediately John protested, "What was that? We couldn't see anything, you have a bra on. Tell you what, why don't you go to the restroom and take it off then come back and show us properly."
I got up and welcomed the opportunity to step away from the table for a moment and regain my composure. In the women's restroom, I untied my dress and slipped my bra off and put it in my purse. As I stood there, I couldn't help but cuss myself as I noticed that all of this was having an effect on me. I was aroused by the humiliation I was being put through in this situation, being treated as nothing but entertainment for these men.
When I returned to the table, John had finished his lunch and already paid the bill. I slipped in and sat down in my seat, crossing my legs, as the guy next to me put his hand right back on my leg to open the bottom of my dress and feel my thigh.
John spoke up, "Okay, now show us those beautiful tits."
Just trying to get it over with, I pulled the tie at my hip again, made sure no one was looking, and slid my fingers up to the front flaps of my dress. With a deep breath, I pulled the top open, letting both of my naked breasts come into view. I held it open for only a few seconds before quickly covering myself and mumbling, "There...happy?"
John didn't even acknowledge what I said, as he turned his attention to the guys and asked, "So what do you think about my offer?"
I didn't understand what he meant by that and was confused as I heard the one guy say, "Yeah, we'll do it, just let us hit the ATM and we'll be up."
John motioned for me to stand up and we left the cafe. As we walked up the sidewalk, I asked him, "What was that about?"
He proceeded to tell me, "Oh, I just did a little business deal for you, that's all. We're going up to my car on the third floor of the parking garage. They'll be up in a minute."
"For what?" I said, shocked and concerned.
"For a handjob," he said, almost laughing. "I felt bad teasing those poor young guys so I thought the least I could do was offer you giving them a handjob. Come on, it'll be fun, they're from out of town and it will be something they'll never forget."
"Are you serious?" I exclaimed. "I can't do this. What if someone sees? There are people around that know me!"
"It'll be fine, two of us will be standing outside keeping watch, and you just sit in the car and jack them off," John said to try to downplay it.
I knew I didn't have a choice in the matter anyway, but I felt like I needed to at least voice my concerns.
We got to John's car in the parking garage, and luckily there were no cars close by.
We were only there for a minute before the two young guys showed up. They must have sprinted here.
As they got close to us, John asked, "Who's going first?"
The bigger guy spoke up, saying, "I will."
John walked over to the side of his car and opened the back door, motioning for me to get in. I slipped down into the car and slid over as the young guy got in beside me and John shut the door.
The whole thing felt like some kind of awkward first date when I was a teenager. He was touching my leg as I broke the silence and said, "Alright, take it out."
His hands were shaking as I watched him unfasten his belt and open his pants, pulling his erection out. It was nothing too impressive, only four or five inches fully erect.
I reached over with my right hand and slipped my fingers around it and began to stroke him. He was so aroused from everything that happened during lunch, he was already starting to ooze pre-cum and in just a second, he was lubricated and sliding freely in my hand.
He was moaning and breathing heavily as he looked at me and asked, "Can you open your dress so I can touch you?"
It was in that moment, and how he asked me, that I suddenly felt some sense of control coming back and a sense of desire to give this young man some pleasure. To be honest, by the way he looked and what he was working with in his pants, he probably hadn't gotten a lot of girls' attention throughout his life.
I kept slowly working him in my right hand as I brought my left hand down and untied the sides of my dress and laid it open, exposing myself for him. My breasts were naked since removing my bra in the restroom, but I still had on my sheer nude pantyhose that he could clearly see through but gave me some layer of separation.
He reached across his body with his right hand to fondle my breasts as his left hand slipped over my thigh, and he pushed it between my legs to rub me through my hose. I relaxed my legs, letting them open so he could feel me as I began pumping faster with my hand.
He was getting very close as we both were startled by the door opening. John stuck his head in, smiling as he saw me exposed, being groped as I stroked, and said, "On second thought, cum in her mouth, I don't want you making a mess in my car."
The door shut and I resumed stroking him as he continued to feel me. I just calmly looked him in the eye and said quietly, "Just tell me when you're ready."
He didn't say a word; he just kept looking at me with this intense stare, starting to rub me a little harder, almost uncomfortably, through my hose. His right hand began to squeeze my breasts and nipples a little more aggressively.
Suddenly his breathing became shallow, and he said, "Now, I'm going to cum, now!"
I bent down in the seat, guiding him right into my mouth just in time as he let out a moan and I felt him begin to release. His left arm was around my back and ribs, mauling at my left breast as he ejaculated into my mouth. His right hand was on the back of my head holding me down on him until his body stopped shaking, and then he let me sit back up. I wiped my lips and wrapped my dress back around my body as I looked at him with a little smile and asked, "Was that good? Has it been a while?"
He just smiled back at me, and said, "Yeah, it's been a while, thank you, that was awesome!"
He opened the door and got out of the car. I just sat there for a few seconds staring out the front window thinking about what I just did. My thoughts were interrupted as the second guy got in beside me. I didn't have to say a word to him. He was just smiling at me as he opened his pants, took himself out and began to stroke himself.
I took my cue as I slid my hand over and took hold of him, starting slowly as I massaged his pre-cum over the head with my thumb and index finger. I saw a shiver go through his body as I first touched him, and a gasp escaped his lips as I began to massage.
After stroking the head a few more seconds, I moved my right hand down to the shaft and started to pump him faster. He became very aroused, very quickly, as he put his hand on mine to slow my movement.
He then looked at me and said, "Get up on your knees on the seat and use your mouth."
I turned in the seat, putting my knees where I was just sitting, my heels against the door, as I leaned down into his lap and slipped him between my lips. My dress was still untied so it had fallen open, hanging over my body in this position. His left hand immediately moved up to fondle my breasts as they freely moved with my bobbing motion. He also was not very big as I stroked him into my mouth, the full length barely touching the back of my throat.
I could feel his right hand move into my hair, pushing down ever so slightly, as his left hand moved down my stomach. When he reached the waistband of my pantyhose, I felt him working his fingers inside the band and slide his hand under my hose, down over my shaved lips, where he slid his finger up into me. His palm was pressing against my lips as his finger was curled up into me and he was thrusting it with a jerking motion with his wrist.
I was starting to let out little muffled moans as I was sucking him. And then out of nowhere, with no real warning, he began to cum in my mouth. There was really a lot of it, and I was struggling to contain it all and some of it escaped my lips, down onto my hand that was gripping the base of his shaft.
As I felt his entire body relax and he slid his hand out of my pantyhose, I sat back onto my heels, holding my hand up with his cum over my thumb and finger. I was looking for a napkin or something to wipe it with when he said, "Use your tongue."
Realizing that was the easiest option, he just intently watched me as I brought my hand up to my mouth and cleaned it with my tongue and lips. I pulled my dress closed and tied it, then turned in my seat as he put himself away and got out. I could hear John and the men talking behind the car, but couldn't make out what they were saying. I looked back to see them walking to the elevator as John got in the backseat with me.
I just looked over at him and asked, "Did you enjoy making me do that?"
He smiled and said, "Yes. I actually really did enjoy that. And here's what you earned."
He laid two one hundred dollar bills on my lap.
"What is this?" I asked, confused.
"Well, when you went to the restroom, I made up a story that you were one of my girls that I provide to important clients, playing right off of what I had you telling them about your visit with Anthony. I told them I liked them, and we didn't have a lot of time, but for a hundred bucks each I would have you get them off in the back of my car."
I just looked at him for a moment, shocked, and said, "Oh my God, you just made me a prostitute."
He snapped back, "It was just a fun little role-play. Don't tell me you didn't get a kick out of it, I didn't hear any objection from you when I told you to jerk them off or as I put you in the back of the car with each of them. And when I stuck my head in the car and you were letting him feel you up and I told him to come in your mouth, I watched through the back window and you didn't hesitate. So don't act too shocked, or try to tell me this didn't excite you. I have you figured out. You love being used like this, you just would never admit it to anyone. I knew that night in the shower… what woman, while her husband is right in the next room sleeping, lets a man so easily slip into a shower with her, put her hands above her head, and with very little encouragement, beg him to sodomize her. I know exactly what kind of woman: a woman who wants to be submissive, a woman who wants to give a man control, a woman who gets pleasure from being controlled. Look me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong."
I just sat there, nervously rubbing my fingers over my hand where I had just licked off a stranger's cum. He was right. I knew he was right; I was just too embarrassed to admit that to myself. I do enjoy it; I do find it incredibly arousing giving him this control over me.
His voice shook me again as he said, "Look at me! Tell me... am I right or am I wrong? I want to hear your answer."
As I looked in his eyes, I could feel him piercing to my soul, my being. As I nervously swallowed and licked my lips, I couldn't help but notice the aftertaste still in my mouth from the men who were just there.
I finally admitted to him, "You're right."
A little smirk came across his lips as he replied, "That's good, Beth. The sooner you embrace that, the sooner you will truly start to enjoy our little game. Get out."
We got out of the back seat and walked around to the back of the car.
John said, "I need to move the car, I want you to walk over by the elevator in the corner and wait there. I'll send you a text."
Again, confused by his directions, I walked over to the corner elevators and stood with my phone out as I watched him move his car further down the row, at least a hundred feet away, where he backed into a spot so he was looking in my direction. I was just standing there getting more and more nervous as my mind was racing, wondering what he was doing.
My phone vibrated with a text. It read, Take off your dress, fold it up and lay it with your purse behind the garbage can beside you. Walk down to my car, lean in through the window and suck me off. After I cum, you can walk back to the elevator, put your dress on and leave.
I immediately started trembling, pacing around as I was working up the nerve to carry out his instructions. I was looking everywhere, trying to make sure there was no one watching, listening for any approaching cars in the garage. My fingers were shaking so much it was almost difficult to pull the strings on my dress. I let it fall open and slipped it back off of my shoulders, quickly folding it and placing it behind the can. Now in just my beige high heels and my sheer, nude pantyhose, I quickly started making my way through the garage to John's car. I made it to his window with no sign of anyone.
He was already out of his pants and stroking himself as I bent down and leaned in through the window. I went at him with all the vigor and tricks I could to try to make him cum as fast as possible.
My heart raced and I stopped sucking and tried to lift up as I heard a car coming. John's hand firmly held my head on him as he said, "Keep going. And spread your legs."
As I pushed my heels apart I was so humiliated as I was thinking about what I looked like, my legs and ass sticking up as my torso was through the window of this car. I heard the car go by, having no idea if they saw me or not. The edge of the window was digging into my stomach as I was trying to take him all the way into my mouth, just praying he would cum soon. I finally heard him start to moan and for what was now the third time today, my mouth was full of a man's cum as I sucked and swallowed him to completion.
I felt John's hand release his grip on my hair as I pushed myself up out of the window. I made a quick scan for any cars and as fast as I could on four-inch heels, made my way back to the elevator. I just got my dress around my back, slipping my arms in, as a car came around the corner. He was no more than thirty feet away as I could clearly see him staring right at me as I pulled my dress around my body. For a split second, he saw everything. I turned my head and body away, embarrassed as he slowly drove by. I looked back and I could see him craning his neck to keep watching me as he was creeping down the aisle.
As he made the next corner and went out of sight, I picked up my purse and turned as John pulled up beside me in his car.
He was all smiles as he said, "I can't tell you how much I enjoyed our lunch. We will definitely have to do this again soon."
I pushed the button for the elevator and looked back at him, shaking my head and saying, "Hopefully not too soon, I don't think my heart can take too much of this."
He just laughed as he drove away. As I walked out of the parking garage, I realized I left my to-go box at the cafe, so I walked back past there to hopefully grab it. I decided to call it a day and head home.

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