8 Mile free porn video

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Hey Folks

First off, thanks for all of the nice emails about the last story (Leave Her to Heaven). Even the people who thought the story was outside of their comfort zone found something nice to say. This one is more down to earth and firmly rooted in the real world. The only thing controversial about this one is the title. I originally wanted to call it Betty, but AK and Barney-R both thought it should be 8 Mile. I guess to really understand 8mile you have to live in the Detroit area, but I hope the story gives you at least a bit of it. It’s also helpful to have seen some of those Hilarious Canadian lawnmower commercials to get some of the bits.

As usual this is a longer story, so if you’re looking for a quicker two pager to help you get your tug on, I’m not mad at you, but this isn’t the story for you. Thanks as always to Barney-R for making this thing legible and to AK for her help in fleshing out some aspects of the story. Here we go. SS06


Eight Mile

By Stangstar06

It was the warmest day we’d had in at least a couple of weeks. It was almost thirty degrees outside, and I was outside most of the time. Frankly, it worried the shit out of me. When you live in Michigan, temperatures in the mid thirties mean only one thing, SNOW.

Being without residence or independent of domicile as I liked to call it, brought about a completely different view of snow for me. You see unlike people who have some place to go, snow is not a mere annoyance to me. It doesn’t mean that I have to wake up earlier to get to work. It doesn’t mean that I’ll have to get out the shovel and do the driveway and the sidewalk. It certainly doesn’t mean I’ll be sipping any fucking tea in front of the God damned fireplace.

Snow can kill me. I’m a forty six-year-old woman. I am statistically dead in the middle of middle age. That means that there’s usually no room for me in the homeless shelters. There are two types of shelters. The juvenile homes that cater to teenagers and runaways have not only no room for me, but they can’t even house me in an emergency because their funding is specifically designed for kids.

The regular homeless shelters won’t take me because number one, I’m a woman, and with the overwhelming majority of the homeless being men, they don’t want the problems. They usually suggest that I go to a women’s shelter.

Women’s shelters tend to prioritize, younger women with small children. And although I have a child out there somewhere, he’s a twenty eight-year-old man with a wife, one child that I know of and problems of his own.

Women’s shelters also try to make room for extremely older women or women with mental problems or drug and alcohol problems. I have none of those. Most of the time they try to find me a job.

Even when they’re successful, it’s hard to keep a job when you have no place to stay. No place to stay means, no place to sleep, or to shower. It means you end up wearing the same clothes a lot which means you stink. And there are other problems too numerous to mention.

I probably shouldn’t, but I have pride. I refuse to beg for money, although there was a time when I gave it out. I always got a good feeling when I gave a dollar or two to a homeless person, never thinking in my wildest dreams that I would someday become one of them.

I dress as warmly as I can. I pick up and keep any thrown-away clothing items I can find. Every layer between the cold and my body could save my life.

I tend to like bigger men’s clothing. Not because I’m a big woman, but because bigger clothing tends to hide the curves of my body. It’s extremely dangerous for a woman on the streets.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the real world ain’t like Oliver Twist. There are no hobos with a heart of gold who share their food, like Red Skelton’s little tramp. One of the biggest dangers to homeless people is other homeless people.

When I’d been on the street for less than a month. I met up with another woman. She took me under her wing because she knew that I was new at it. She said she could tell because my clothes were in good condition, and I didn’t really stink yet.

And she was right. I’d been forced out of my home only two weeks before, and I was still sure it would be a temporary condition. I had what I considered the bare necessities, a few changes of underwear and bras, a couple of lightweight outfits, another pair of shoes, my bank card, a phone, etc. packed into an over sized backpack.

She showed me a couple of safer places to sleep and told me which places to avoid. She also showed me how to spot a good quality restaurant or store. The good quality places were important because they did something the cheap, shitty places didn’t do. They threw out food at regular intervals. And as long as you didn’t make a nuisance of yourself, they didn’t mind if you took it out of their trash. Some of them would even pack it up for you.

She also added a few lies in with the things she told me. One of those was not sleeping in your shoes. She told me that by sleeping in my shoes, I not only put more wear and tear on them, I further degraded them and my socks and my feet by not allowing them to air out and get rid of the traces of moisture that walking in them all day created. It sounded logical, so I tried it.

The third morning that we were together, I awoke to find her gone. So was my backpack, my few other belongings and even the shoes that she’d insisted I take off.

She did leave me a note. It told me that she had just taught me the most valuable lesson that anyone could. When you’re on the street, trust no one. She mentioned of course that she was only passing the information down the chain the exact way that she herself had learned it only a few months before.

I was barefoot for more than a week before I got lucky and found a nearly worn-out pair of tennis shoes that were at least a size too small in a trash can behind an apartment building. I was so happy I didn’t know what to do.

Since then many things have happened to me, and most of them were bad. So that afternoon, sensing that snow was coming, I was on high alert.

Ideally, I was looking for a place to sleep that night and for however long the snow lasted. Michigan is a really funny place in some respects. The weather can and does change in a heartbeat. And the people are just as changeable.

That day had been awful. Earlier that morning a woman with a big car and big tits had blown her horn at me. I looked towards her. Inside of her warm car, she had taken off her jacket so her boobs were on display.

She beckoned me over. She held out a handful of change, and just as I got close to her car and got an eyeful of her boobs she dropped it. I wondered if she thought that the boob show was the real reward, or if she was just teasing the bull. Either way she was being a bitch, and I wasn’t having it.

First because being a woman, her boobs meant nothing to me. And secondly, I had a lot of pride. I wasn’t going to grovel in traffic on a dangerously busy road for a bunch of pennies, nickels, and dimes.

‘Pick it up,’ she said.

‘Fuck you, bitch!’ was my answer as I turned and walked away.

I was walking along Eight Mile road, the broad expanse made famous by Eminem’s movie of the same name, when I saw them. Two homeless men heading rapidly towards me, I had a history with them. I hadn’t seen them in about a month.

I wasn’t eager to see them again. Our first meeting had involved the two of them discovering that I was a woman, followed by two days of being repeatedly being raped. Finally, they decided to pimp me out to make money.

They went so far as to line me up with a customer. I was supposed to pull off of the avenue onto a side street with the guy in his car. There I was supposed to A: collect the money. And then B: give him a blowjob. Following which he would return me to my
would-be pimps.

As soon as the car door shut, I made another deal. We pulled around the corner as scheduled. I gave the guy his blowjob for free, and he let me out a mile away. It was a better deal for both of US. And hopefully neither of us would ever see my supposed pimps again.

So that afternoon, seeing them heading for me, I knew that we were not about to have a pleasant reunion. At the very least, I would be raped again. At the worst… I didn’t want to find out.

This was after all Detroit. The body of another homeless woman wouldn’t even make the headlines. I looked in every direction for a place to bolt to and realized that I had no choice. I darted into the rushing traffic of Eight Mile’s wide expanse.

With a few angry drivers blowing their horns at me, I made it to the island that separated the eastbound traffic from the westbound traffic.

The two men trailing me looked at each other. They realized as I did the danger of what I had just done. People who don’t live in the area don’t realize that the danger that gave the men pause wasn’t from the traffic.

Eight mile road is more than just a major roadway. Eight mile is the border between Detroit and its suburbs. It is far more than just a line on a map.

As soon as you cross Eight Mile the rules change. On the Detroit side of the road, the cops have too much to do and too many serious crimes to worry about. They totally tend to ignore homeless people, and hookers are a mere annoyance.

But if you cross the road and go into Ferndale or Hazel Park, the homeless are not tolerated, and hookers are immediately prosecuted. For two cities that are so small, they aren’t really big enough to rate the classification of cities, their police departments are extremely vigilant.

And as I waited for the traffic to clear so I could go firmly into the danger zone, I noticed that the patrol car stationed a block away to catch speeders coming over the overpass had noticed the commotion I had caused.

I quickly pushed back my hood and made sure my long dirty hair was visible. For once being a woman might just save me.

As the car pulled over towards me, I prayed for the cop to stay in his car. He chirped his siren and rolled down his window.

‘I’m sorry officer,’ I said in my most polite voice. My voice was kind of hoarse and scratchy. I rarely speak to people, so I was out of practice talking.

‘I have to get to the bus stop over there. I need to get to Kroger before the storm comes in. My car is in the shop, and I think it’s gonna snow. Of course, you could drive me,’ I said.

‘Next time wait for the light to change, Ma’am,’ he said. Then he drove off without saying another word. He turned on his siren and lit his lights. I knew then that he’d caught someone going forty-one miles an hour. The speed limit on Eight Mile was forty.

I quickly started walking down John R towards the Kroger that was a mile away. I really didn’t want to get on a bus. The fare was a dollar seventy-five, and I had only four dollars to my name. Those four dollars could save my life, so I didn’t want to waste it.

If necessary, I could hit the twenty-four-hour Coney Island restaurant a mile the other way and buy a cup of their rancid coffee for a dollar. I could nurse that cup of coffee for more than an hour and be inside the restaurant, out of the cold during the worst of the storm if one came.

As I crossed the street absent mindedly, the sound of screeching tires alerted me to danger. Without realizing it I almost stepped right into John R’s lighter traffic. It wasn’t nearly as busy as Eight Mile, but there were still a lot of cars.

I turned my head and noticed the car that had nearly hit me. It was a blue Mustang. I recognized the car because its driver had stopped and given me money a couple of times.

‘Jeezus Lady! I could have hit you,’ he said. He looked at me recognizing my coat and baggy clothes. I could tell that he like most other people who’d seen me was shocked to discover that there was a woman under the moving pile of foul smelling clothes. ‘I know you,’ he said.

‘Sorry… I was just upset. You walked right into traffic. You’ve got to be a lot more careful.’ He reached into his pocket and came towards me. He gave me a five and got back into his car.

For a second, I felt as if my life was going better. Then I noticed that the cop car was back in its hiding spot. I couldn’t afford to talk to that cop again.

The guys I was running from were also waiting on the other side of Eight Mile. Their message was clear. ‘You’ll come back soon bitch and when you do… ‘

A lot of cars passed me on my way to Kroger. The weather suddenly had a new chill, and I saw the first of what would probably be many snowflakes beginning to fall.

A little while later, I was in the parking lot outside of the large store. I immediately started looking in the shopping carts outside of the store. You’d be surprised how many people accidentally leave items in their carts. There are also people who leave their returnables in a cart and never take them into the store to return them.

I once found a cart with two plastic garbage bags full of bottles. I got almost ten dollars for them.

Across the parking lot, I spotted a plastic bag that looked somewhat full in a shopping cart next to a new looking SUV.

I hurried. If the store’s cart caddies go to it before I did, it could be like taking money out of my pocket.

Just as I got to the cart, a man stepped out of the SUV and took the cart. I stood there breathless and angry. He turned and looked at me. The look of surprise on his face was second only to mine.

It was my Mustang man. ‘Are you shopping here too?’ he asked. ‘I hope you’re not using the money I gave you to buy liquor.’

‘I don’t drink,’ I said.

‘Good for you,’ he said.

I looked at the car. It looked cushy inside of it and warm. I never really looked at cars up close. But the seats and carpets inside of that one were inviting. I could wait out any storm inside of that car. Shit, I could live in that thing.

‘How many cars do you have?’ I asked.

‘Only three,’ he said. ‘The Mustang I drive, the Mustang I’m building and this thing.’

‘It’s really nice,’ I said.

‘I only bought it to protect my Mustang,’ he said. ‘With this thing, I don’t have to drive it when there’s snow, or if it rains.’

‘But you drove your Mustang today,’ I said.

‘Yeah that was almost a disaster,’ he said. ‘We’ve been fairly dry all winter, so I’ve been driving it. I saw a weather report at lunch time that called for six to eight inches or more of fresh snow by tonight. I hurried home after work and realized that I might end up staying in all weekend and there are a few things I need if I’m gonna hole up to escape the weather.’

I nodded. He turned and went inside of the store. It was after he’d left that I noticed it. Both of our conversations had been stunted, and he was kind of crabby.

He greeted the security guard at the entrance politely, so maybe it was just me. There are a lot of people who don’t like the homeless. But I had no time to ponder such things. I had to figure out my situation and quickly. The snow around me as falling heavier and faster. It already began to form a crunchy white carpet on the surface of the parking lot and the road.

I needed to get back to the other side of Eight Mile, where I knew of several abandoned houses that I could crash in if necessary, and it looked pretty fucking necessary. The problem was my two stalkers probably knew of those same places. I’d have to keep my eyes open, stay hidden, and trust my luck.

I stayed in the store for as long as I dared. The security guard was already looking at me. I went back out into the cold and started walking towards Eight Mile. Before I made it a block, I saw a police cruiser parked near a gas station that I h
ad to go past. The number on the side of the car was different, so there were different cops in it. But they would still wonder why I was walking around in a city where nearly everyone drove.

I turned and started walking the other way. My only hope was to make a big square and turn back to Eight Mile. The snow was falling even faster. What had the old crabby Mustang guy said? We were expecting at least six to eight inches of snow. It was probably going to be more.

After I had gone a few blocks and started to turn, figuring to walk two or three blocks perpendicular to my original direction and then turn for home, I heard the sound of a car coming up behind me. I moved over to the sidewalk as it passed me.

I began to laugh as I noticed that it was Mustang man’s SUV. Only in America, I thought. I don’t even have a place to live and that bastard is buying cars, so his cars don’t have to go out in the rain or the snow.

After I had walked a few blocks, I had more problems. My hands were freezing, even in my cheap gloves. And the wet snow was beginning to make my clothing wet through all of its layers. It was also getting dark.

A few more cars passed me and suddenly there was a wall ahead of me. Not knowing the suburban area very well, I’d meandered into a subdivision with a cul de sac. I walked back down the long street with my feet beginning to ache.

I had to expend more energy with each step because I had to lift my feet higher to clear the snow. And my shoes, someone’s worn-out running shoes, were not made for tramping through snow.

When I got to the end of the block, I saw another cop car. I realized that it was the same car that had already stopped me back near Eight Mile. He was not going to believe my bullshit about Kroger twice. I also had no ID, so I was in trouble. I stopped walking and hid behind a car parked in someone’s driveway.

Trust it to fate, it was a car that I recognized. It was Mustang Man’s SUV. The cop turned his search light on. I guess he saw me walking and to have me simply disappear had aroused his suspicions. Like criminals, cops are suspicious of everything.

While the light was turned away from me, I quickly jumped onto the porch, hoping the solid banister would cover me. I got lucky because it did. The cop car drove slowly past the house, its search light moving from one side of the street to the other.

Suddenly, the door opened and I was face to face with the Mustang man again. Even worse, he had some kind of weapon in his hand. He looked at me and then at the cop car that had reached the end of the cul de sac and had started to circle back.

* * * * * *


It was one of those days that make you glad it’s a Friday. A day when almost every situation you run into causes you to change your plans. A day when everyone at work becomes stupid or befuddled, and you have to keep bailing them out so much that your own work begins to suffer.

To make things even worse, it was one of those days when I just felt bad, a day when my 45 years felt much older. I truly needed a boost. So I decided to take my girl out.

My girl, not my wife, the differences are far bigger than a marriage license and a ring. My girl is beautiful, well built, classic, yet modern at the same time and always makes me smile every time I see her.

My wife is a lying, scheming, conniving, no class bitch who makes me smile every time I DON’T see her. Which is really often since she left me a little over two years ago.

I’d discovered that she was having an affair with one of the assholes she worked with. I can still remember the day that I confronted them.

Anyway, my girl is irreplaceable… Seriously. There are no more like her at home. She’s two years old now and is literally one of the last of her kind.

My baby rolled off of the assembly line on June 20th 2014. And while she isn’t the last S197 Mustang made, her VIN number proves that she’s one of the last five.

And to me that makes her one of the last real Mustangs ever made. I know they’re still making Mustangs, if you want to call them that. But that car isn’t a Mustang to me.

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Interim (No sex) (Hi, please read the intro to Ch. 01 then you’ll know what’s coming. This is the first time I specifically mention female/female sex. I have no experience of this (other than Adult movies) so I don’t describe it, you’ll have to use your imagination!) When I got home we kissed goodnight and he hugged me tightly as if he didn’t want me to go, it was lovely. Jo was on lates so I was left on my own to sit and go over what had happened. What a day, I never realised that sex could...

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The Governess A Cresswell Industries Story

The Governess: A Cresswell Industries Story By Keshara After her husband's transformation had been completed Lady Melissa Cresswell had decided that his wife should be given what she deserves. She had spent many years in her domineering husband's shadow and now with her own transformation complete, Lorna Trewick was going to play an important role in Her Ladyship's plan for a world where women were to become the more dominant species of the human race. Chapter One:...

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Am I Gay

When I was young I used to hitchhike as I had no other mode of transportation. I came from a very poor background and hitching gave me the means to get to jobs and other places I needed to go. I was grateful for the lifts and always thanked my benefactors. When I grew older and had the means to buy a car, I made it a practice to pick up hitchhikers as a way of paying back for all the rides I received in my youth. One day I picked up a young hitcher on my way home. “Where are you heading,” I...

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The Girls ClubChapter 3 The Club Opens for Business

Tony nodded, as his mind tried to grasp the implications of what she was saying. "Yes that sounds fine, but in effect you are turning me into a male whore, aren't, you?" Sandra looked at him closely. "No darling. I think you are one already, just like me. So do as I do, enjoy it!." Standing up, she reached for a robe from the wardrobe, as she did so, he noticed that she surreptitiously threw a switch on the wall. Tony leaned over to reach his pants, but she pushed him down...

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Everything That Glitters

I sat and watched my Daddy work ol’ Red. That old horse was still twice as good a cutting horse as most of the nags in the ring today. When the stock handlers released the steer, Daddy and Red were right there, so close that his stirrup was brushing its dusty hide. His lariat flashed out and settled, neat as you please, around the horns of that steer and it hadn’t hardly tightened a bit before Daddy had it snubbed around the saddle horn and Red was putting on the brakes! Ol’ Red squatted...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 25

Sunday was a flurry of activities and meetings. Allison had Amy draw up two contracts which were identical for the Kaheaku siblings. She wanted them to go back to Honolulu knowing that her offer was not just talk. To be truthful, she was sincerely happy to have them as permanent tutors which solved a major part of her strategy for integrating her family back into society. Education would not only teach them the three Rs, but she would make sure that Soroya's two children helped her with...

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Allisons Story Final

Four weeks into the relationship, I had already advanced two additional payments toward Allison’s debt, and I did so happily. That evening the subject of her loan came up over dinner. Allison was a great cook, and had prepared one of her signature meals. Over dinner she asked if I was truly happy with the arrangements. I told her I was, and I asked her for her opinion on how things were working out. She sat her fork down in her plate and met my gaze full on. “Jack, I want to be honest, part of...

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Football Players Use White Pantyboi

Banjo hopped into the shower. It was a Saturday night. He was expecting company. The guys coming over were all on the JFK High School football team. Banjo knew Akeem Johnson because he worked as a registered nurse at Akeem’s parents’ family practice. Akeem had been fucking the five-foot-nine, one-hundred-eighty-pound, big booty white sissy for two years. Akeem had hosted a sleepover for his friends last year. They ended up watching porn. His teammate Tavares Williams clicked on one thumbnail....

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Adventures of the Page 3 Girls

It was a hot summer, one where everything seemed to be at its best. Wayne's family had gone on holiday to Dorset in the south east of England. They had booked into a small rental house with a pleasant vista overlooking the town. A few days into the holiday he had quite a pleasurable surprise! One evening Wayne couldn't sleep so he went for a midnight stroll along the seafront. As he drew near to a lifeboat house he started to hear splashing noises, as if someone were in the water. As unlikely...

3 years ago
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Angels And Insects

Marcus woke just before dawn, hunger squirming through his guts, angrily twisting; burrowing deeper like a maggot gnawing away at his rotten core. He stumbled to the bathroom, barely making it in time to vomit the remains of last night’s meal into the sink - thin ropes of bile dragged reluctantly from his body, burning the back of his throat.Placated for now, the hunger retreated and he ran the tap, splashing tepid water onto his face until the nausea faded. It was getting harder these days to...

Oral Sex
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After T

After the Party; Part 1.After the incident between my new-found friend and myself in the quiet room, we quickly made plans to leave the party, but one at a time. We knew that we were probably obvious but you get into these things and imagine that it might be better not to grab each other and run out of the place. He told me his address and it was close and so he left and I talked with someone else for a few minutes (in agony!) and then left to walk the few blocks to his house. When I got to the...

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BrownBunnies Cecilia Lion Cecilas Good Fucking Skills Help Out A Friend

Cecilia celebrates the female reveal with her friends and finds the guy is freaking out about it. He claims he will not be exited for a while and she decides to help him out with that. She grabs his cock as he freaks out that his wife will catch them but she continues on to sucking on his cock. She gives Brick a good sucking before they start to fuck secretly. She bounces on his bare cock before he bends her over for doggy style action. They fuck all over the kitchen from various positions...

3 years ago
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My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break Part 2

by Quiver Part 2: Truth or Dare Author's Note & Disclaimer: This is a sequel to my true story “Necesito Acabar”: My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break. However, the events of this sequel and any subsequent chapters are now fully in the realm of fiction, despite the fact that they follow the events in the original in-universe. As usual, this story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters depicted in...

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A Fantasie‘My goodness!’ she exclaimed, ‘It appears that you've had an accident, youngster. You'd better come home with me so that we can make you presentable. It's quite safe, 'cos I live in the big house in the woods on the other side of the hill behind the toilets. Come along, now,’ and taking Colin's hand she led the surprised and unresisting boy through the copse. Of course he had seen the house before. It was something that he had known about all his life; at various stages he was afraid...

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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I'd like to say that I was able to focus and catch up on the reading that I didn't get done last night due to my meltdown. I couldn't though, my mind kept drifting back to how much the changes terrified me last night and then just now how I seemed more than okay with the possibility. I didn't think I was okay with being a girl, just the thought of my body becoming all curvy sent a shudder through me. I spent most of the two-hour study hall in thought, the only thing I...

2 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 22

Chapter Twenty-two - A Parting Gift I don't know how long I slept. When I finally woke up, Grace was sitting beside me on the bed, stroking my cheek. She was dressed for the day. She handed me a cup of coffee. "Good morning sleepyhead," she smiled. "Did you sleep well?" I felt groggy. I'd slept. But I felt tired still. "I guess," I replied. "Are you going somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah," she replied. "I need to go into the office this morning. Missing all week planning...

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My First Incest Experience

Hey, friends, I am back with a new indian sex experience. Thank you very much for liking my previous story “The dream-Swapna”. There are a lot more experiences in my office which I want to share with all the readers and as the characters are somehow related to each other, I will be narrating them as part of a Sex Saga starting from August 2015 till now. I thought of publishing my older works first. However, recently I have fulfilled two of my darkest fantasies. Hence, I do not want to waste...

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first meeting4

5' 4" small petite figure with long brown hair and dark eyes, small pert breasts and a small ass. She was surprised to see me, I held out my hand. " Hold on. I want to talk to you." She is alone with me and very uncomfortable. Facing her, no more than two feet from her. I grin, looking her up and down and she gulps nervously. Out of habit, she has clasped her hands behind her back, something she had been taught growing up in Egypt. This had the effect of pulling her shoulders back, and...

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Party of our own

I was bored, the restaurant was packed and people were milling around chatting and doing that false laugh when you’re with people you haven’t seen for ages. Wandering down to the toilets I noticed the fire exit was propped open due to the heat wave. Stepping out it was a lovely cool evening now and the little court yard was quiet away from the crowd inside. Looking round there were some recycling bins and some rubbish ones but the smell of the beautiful Italian food killed any aroma. Wandering...

1 year ago
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Vickys First Gangbang

Hi, my name is Vicky I'm a 38yr latina I've been married to my husband Paul for 20yrs, we are your normal married couple pretty much could be your next door neighbor work kids etc. About 1 year ago after years of pillow talk before and during sex about me being with other guys we finally acted on it and placed an ad online for a married guy looking for fun. As you can imagine I had a ton of responces there is definately no shortage of guys looking for a piece of ass! So after careful selection...

Group Sex
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Our Threesome A Group Sex Adventure

OUR THREESOME – A GROUP SEX ADVENTURELisa and I had always promised ourselves a horny holiday together in Sydney. It was one of those fantasy trips that one talks about; the sort of conversation you have sometimes about what you'll do if either one of you win lotto. Well instead we received a work bonus, not a big sum, but enough for a nice holiday for the two of us.I should tell you that Lisa and I had been apart for a short while because of separate work commitments. It was easy to book...

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A Coworker And Best Friend Part 3

I was glad I was wearing tight briefs and dark pants when I met Rene in the hotel atrium for a continental breakfast. My cock was being unusually response to pretty women. I think it was because my asshole was still feeling kinda stretched and overused from her strapon the night before. I was proud that I could "man up" and take it, even though she had verbally attacked my manhood and given me reason to feel like a wimp. It was kind of confusing and I was having a little difficulty switching...

Straight Sex
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DestinyChapter 15

When the night of the ball arrived, Dad had arranged for Tyler to drive them. He said that he planned to have drinks and wine with dinner. Since they wouldn't be out late, it wouldn't be much of an inconvenience for Tyler. From his description of it, I think Tyler considered it to be an honor. I decided to ride with them to the hotel and then let Tyler get up and retrieve them when the time came. I helped Mom get dressed in her new gown, elegant with side splits, and glorious cleavage. She...

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Gates of Incest

The last five minutes before I can punch my time card seems endless. Each second seems like and hour and each minutes feels like a day. It was Friday and I just got paid and I had one thing on my mind. Once A month I go to my favorite Strip Joint. It's not a glamorous strip joint by any means. But it's ours. When I say that, I mean that this strip joint was strictly for the brothers (Owned by black and run by blacks). No white boys and no white bitches. This spot was what I called Black Man...

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The Truth Comes Out

The Truth Comes Out "Samuel, I'm home!" Marie shouted up the stairs as she walked in through the front door. She had been gone several hours; a couple of hours covering a colleague at work followed by a run around the supermarket to pick up some supplies. "Ok, I'll be down in a minute..." Samuel shouted down. "I can just about manage all these bags by myself, but it would be nice if you came and helped me..." Marie responded, pushing the door closed with her bum. She kicked off...

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The AtticChapter 7

It was almost an hour and a half later when Freddie stirred awake, and was momentarily distressed until he figured out where he was and how he got that way. His cock was hard, but it was only partially from arousal. Mostly, it was a "pee-on," a hard on from needing to pee while he was asleep. He started to extract himself from the tangle of bodies, but had to stop and give his cute little sister a quick kiss. She gave him a little smile in her sleep, and turned over. He tiptoed softly over...

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A Night At The Club

He knew he shouldn’t have done it. Alcohol being a depressant, and him already being in a depressed state due to his week, it was a stupid idea. But he couldn’t resist. And now he couldn’t turn back. He had already had a few too many drinks, and was being swept along with the crowd of guys he had agreed to come out with tonight. Stupid idea, as he wasn’t having any fun, and he could feel the cloud in his head settle in for the long haul. Oh well, he was here now, and knew that part of that...

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Devils Eve

Lucy knelt on the ground in the corner of her small room lit only by two large white candles on either side of an antique wooden Christ. She made the sign of the cross, clasped her hands together in front of her chest and lowered her head. She prayed for the wellness of her family and success in her career but most importantly she prayed that all went well the next day, the night of her wedding. She had been planning her wedding, along with her mother and sisters, for six months and all she...

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What We Do for LoveChapter 10 Girl Takes Center Stage in a Porno

I didn’t know if I was terrified or terribly excited. I was about to be gang banged. I’d fucked David but I hadn’t been a virgin at the time. I’d already given that away to a boyfriend before him. I’d had just as many female partners as guys, I suddenly realized. My ass was lubed and I’d been told to play with my cunt to keep me warmed up ... as if I needed to be. Just the thought of being used without thought, question or even permission made me squishy. I did wonder what other humiliating...

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'Oh God I'm coming,' Dave shouted his face going red as he thrust into me. 'Bloody hell, already?' I thought. It had only been 30 seconds since he roughly pushed his cock inside me. This was not one of my best one night stands! Dave rolled off me and laughed, thanking me for a good fuck. At least he was polite I thought. I moved closer to him, trying to get him to play with me. I leaned over and kissed him but he was already nodding off. Within a couple of minutes he was spread-eagled on the...

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It all started with Road Head

"Fine," I said, "I'll give you something to laugh at!" I reached over and unzipped his pants and was reaching for his dick. He started swirving on the road, imagine that. I told him just to keep driving and concentrate on the road. He was a briefs guy apparently so I had to work with the flap to get him out, but by the time I did he was hard as a rock. I took my seatbelt off and got up on my knees facing him in the seat and started stroking it. "Katie, what the hell are you...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 32

SUNDAY, July 7, 1991 I saw some of Sunday before I ever got a chance to sleep. Between the extra adrenaline of racing for the first time, and a few Mountain Dews drank too late in the night, I was wired for sound. Before we finally bid goodbye to everyone at the track and brought the car back to the shop, I was directed to stop at the pit gate to pick up my winnings for the night. I was handed an envelope with $125 in it. I had finished 12th that night, the first of my racing career. I...

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Sexual escapades 2

OK, there is a girl in our office called Ayesha. Well in HSBC Hyderabad, we have quite a few Ayesha’s, but this one is in Academy with me, is dusky in complexion and almost 5 feet 8 inches tall. She is quite well built and infact, if she had been 5 feet 3inches tall, she would be considered very fat. Her face is attractive and lips have the sexiness of a teen. Nothing much else really. The reason I wanted to fuck this tall, stocky, dusky babe is because every experienced fucker knows that fat...

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Linda and Miss Helen

Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexualacts of a bdsm nature between two or more women and occasionally men. If thistype of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. MF/mf, enema, exhibition, toys, BDSM, slavery, chastity belt, humiliation. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personalreading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to repost them atyour own site, please...

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Futures PathChapter 9

Laura is the first person Gavin sees when he walks out of Elena's front door. She's sitting against the same tree he had used for support yesterday after his bike accident, facing away from the house. Across the street, the man who had returned Mac to him--all Gavin can remember is that his last name starts with a P--is preparing to start his lawn mower. "So what," Laura says, sounding amused, "she threw you out too?" What the Hell, does she have eyes in the back of her head? He...

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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 4

The ambient light from the windows grew brighter with dawn's twilight. Hollis opened his eyes and regarded Annie. "Good morning," he said. "Morning." "Sleep well?" "Mmm ... Never better." She swung her feet to the floor. "I gotta take my shower and get ready for school." Hollis shook his head. "I just had a flash of cognitive dissonance. I spent the night with you like that and now you have to go to school." "Help me straighten the bed." He tugged on the covers. Annie...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Teacher

This incident occurred when I was doing my training in a company in Mumbai . I had rented a room, which was quite big with kitchen also. I was on the first floor and Malathi (name changed) aunty and her husband lived on the ground floor. The house owner was staying far from us. To tell you more about Malathi aunty, she was around 30yrs and her husband must be around 40yrs.Malathi aunty was looking beautiful with a round face and her skin was brownish. She had a reasonable height and weight must...

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