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A Fantasie

‘My goodness!’ she exclaimed, ‘It appears that you've had an accident, youngster. You'd better come home with me so that we can make you presentable. It's quite safe, 'cos I live in the big house in the woods on the other side of the hill behind the toilets. Come along, now,’ and taking Colin's hand she led the surprised and unresisting boy through the copse.

Of course he had seen the house before. It was something that he had known about all his life; at various stages he was afraid of it, curious about it and – recently – ignored it. It could be best defined as an Edwardian Pile. Our tale being current to the ‘Addams family’ spookery, that crowd could have moved in at a moment’s notice. As a small boy he remembered a tale doing the rounds that a Witch lived there. Perhaps this was the witch. Colin didn't know but, trailing slightly behind her, he watched the movement of her bottom under her coat and realised that it looked much like his mother's. His still erect penis just wouldn't go down.

‘I'm Doreen,’ the woman said, still tugging Colin along. ‘You may call me 'Auntie Doreen'. What's your name?’

‘Er....Colin....Ma'am,’ said Colin. To tell the truth, he was just little bit afraid of what was happening to him. ‘Ah....thank you very much, Ma'am, but I live just a little ways away. I can get changed there....’

‘Nonsense, boy! You'll catch your death of cold. We'll have to get you out of those wet clothes at once.’ The grip on his wrist didn't relax for an instant. The woman appeared to be addressing her remarks to herself rather that Colin. ‘Can't understand how you got so's not raining....perhaps you fell down....’ and she kept those remarks coming until Colin - quite suddenly - found himself inside the woman's house and the door locked behind him. All worries about his wet clothes seemed to be forgotten as the woman shed her coat and hat. And, at that point, Colin realised that there was something else afoot.

Auntie Doreen did look very much like Colin's mother, only more of her, so to speak, with a huge bosom and bottom.....and wearing a very short skirt. She wore lots of make up, too, that made her look like the images of his mother that Colin created when he was wanking. What he first thought was a white blouse was in fact a clinging silky sweater that made Auntie Doreen jut out, and he realised that the large knobs on the front of her bosom were the middle-aged woman's nipples. There was no way that his hard prick was showing any signs of deflating, and he was embarrassingly conscious of the direction of her stare. Almost as an afterthought, he placed his hands over it.

‘Don't cover it,’ she cajoled in a deep, husky voice, ‘It's a big one. You should be proud of it. Aren't you?’ Colin squirmed and blushed an even deeper shade of scarlet. Taking his hand once again, she led him towards to stairs. ‘Come up to the bedroom and we'll get you dried down. I'm sure that it's not good for you to be wet. Come along now.’

Once again Colin found himself mesmerised by Auntie Doreen' continual chatter. The stairs were narrow, meaning that he had to follow her.....and, since she kept a tight grasp on his hand, he was walking with his face only inches from her swaying bottom and he was mesmerised by that as well. It was all that he could do to prevent himself feeling those restless globes, or even kissing them.

The bedroom that the woman led Colin towards lay at the end of the landing, at the front of the house. It was big - big enough for a large double bed, deep sofa and matching armchair, and various cupboards and chests of drawers. And it was so feminine, what with the soft d****s and the silky pink duvet and pillows on the bed. This Colin noted as the lady steered him towards the bed. When the backs of his legs touched the bed she let go of his hand and immediately started to tug on his sports shirt. And, always, the endless chatter in her husky voice.

‘I expect this will be wet,’ she said as she tugged the hem out of his shirt and drew it up his body. ‘The only difficulty is what you'll wear while these are drying
.......I suppose that my dressing gown would be best.....trouble is, it's in the washing machine.’ Then Colin's shirt was off. ‘I suppose it will have to be some of mine. I don't suppose that you don't object to wearing ladies' clothes? Most men don't....they say it makes them horny.....’ she giggled wickedly ‘.....and girls like horny men.....and boys. Never mind.....I'll find something suitable....perhaps a pair of my daughter's school knicks and one of her plain won't be for long......and nobody will know.’

By this time Auntie Doreen was kneeling in front of the boy, had deftly removed his trainers and socks, and was beginning to tug at his shorts. ‘Goodness.....these are soft....well worn. They're not all that different from my daughter's.’ For a moment they 'hung up' over his throbbing prick and Colin reached do what? He was completely confused, and very excited. He knew that this was going to lead to something, but he had no idea what, or if there was anything required of him. Another part of his mind soberly reminded him that his shorts were soaked in Kenneth's pee, and that he should grab his clothes and run like hell. His big erection, and the fact that the woman 'accidentally' brushed its tip as she drew his wet shorts further down his legs, meant that the sober bit didn't stand much chance of a hearing.

Then the shorts were off and the woman was tapping his ankle, waiting for him to step into the other garment. Colin glanced down, wondering what he was about to wear. He saw the garment that Auntie Doreen held ready for him, and all the thrills of wearing - and wanking into - his mother's undies shocked his rampant prick to greater heights of throbbing sensitivity. If those were the daughter's school knicks - pink, soft and silky - then the lad trembled at the thought of what else she wore under her uniform. Stunned, he obediently raised his feet in turn and then the woman slowly, real slowly, drew the panties up his legs. Colin gave a sob of pleasure, followed by a long, low groan as the material caressed his thighs. Then his bottom was covered and, automatically, he reached down to lift the waistband over his cock. Auntie Doreen knocked his hand away, gently smiling up at him as she used her palm to hold it against his tummy as she slid the front of those lovely knicks into place.

‘You're a big boy, Colin,’ she said, her hand still covering his prick now nestling in it's feminine prison. ‘How old did you say you were?’

‘Ah.....sixteen.....Ma'am,’ Colin replied, acutely aware of that hand. The slightest movement would be enough to push him into an orgasm.

Perhaps Auntie Doreen sensed this, 'cos she moved her hand away and rose to her feet. Fondly she patted his cheek. ‘What a pretty boy!’ she exclaimed, ‘And so obedient. Hands up, now, and you can wear one of Doreen's nighties while I dry your clothes.’

Colin did as he was bid, and Auntie Doreen reached behind him to lift another garment from the bed. As she did so, her body pressed against his, causing the excited, stunned boy to give another groan. And then the nightie was d****d over his upraised arms and cascaded down his body. His first thought was that the nightie matched the panties, and then the soft, sensuous nylon brushed over his nipples and he had a new set of thrills to contend with. The woman stopped the fall of the nightdress briefly to tug the waistband of his knicks into place and then let it fall the rest of the way. The nightie was deep pink, reached to mid thigh, and had little bouffant sleeves that just about covered his shoulders. The sleeves, the yoke and the hem were edged in lace of a lighter pink, and the garment was gathered high on his chest.....just under where his boobs would have been. Then she stood back to admire her handiwork, at the same time uncovering the cheval glass that allowed Colin to see what he looked like. To tell the truth, he thought that he looked rather pretty, and found the sight of his erection thrusting out the silky femme garment gave him a thrill. He wished that Graham was here to see: it certainly was an improvement on wanking into each other's mothers' pants and slips in his bedroom.

Still keeping up her hypnotic chatter, the woman steered him to a sofa opposite the foot of the bed and settled him into one corner. She had his other clothes in her hand and announced that she was going to take them downstairs to dry them, and make them a cup of cocoa.

‘What I can't understand is how you got so wet. I mean, it hasn't rained all day.’ Then she raised his shorts to her face and Colin blushed hotly as she sniffed at them. ‘Oh....I see,’ she exclaimed, obviously recognising the odour. She caught and held Colin's gaze. ‘Was this an unfortunate accident?.....or was it something else? We'll talk about it when I come back. Be a good boy now.....and don't be rude in Doreen's clothes.’

She left the room, and Colin was alone for the first time since he came out of the public lavatory after parting with Kenneth. Colin was seriously frightened, his sober side still insisting that he should make himself scarce. Something of a problem, since he was wearing a girl's pyjama suit and his own clothes had seemingly vanished. He was frightened - any sixteen-year-old would be given his circumstances - but the fear somehow got mixed up with the excitement that kept his cock hard in its feminine prison. The result was a sensation of fearful anticipation, although Colin might not have used those words; it was the same feeling that he got when he peeped on his Mummy in her undies, or caught a glimpse of her sitting on the toilet. His hand moved towards his penis - automatically, a response to his fretful state, - and he caressed himself gently. The risk of ejaculation had receded somewhat, but he kept a wary eye on the bedroom door. Soothed by those caresses, he grew calmer and called up his memories of the woman, wondering what it would be like to touch her big breasts and even put his hand under her skirt.

He heard the click! of her high heels on the landing and, when she entered the room bearing two steaming mugs, Colin was once again a model of decorum - if one ignored his femme attire and the embarrassing lump. She gave him a cup and then settled herself into the other end of the sofa: he noticed that she had several glossy magazines tucked under her arm that she place in the floor behind her. She also let her skirt fall back to reveal a bit of dark stockinged knee.

‘Would you like a ciggy?’ she asked, conspiratorially. ‘It'll have to be one of mine, and I roll my own. Yes?’

‘Please,’ Colin replied. Having a cigarette with an adult was very grown-up and he had been smoking on a regular basis for a couple of years. Even so, the first pull on Auntie Doreen's hand roll made him cough violently and she was most helpful, patting his back and the like. It didn't seem to matter that her helpful actions just happened to place her quite close to Colin.....and she didn't move away again. In fact, she also seemed to have forgotten all about the arm that rested lightly on his shoulders. The boy hadn't, though. Subsequent pulls on the rollup were easier, and Colin felt a subtle lassitude steal over his body.

‘This ciggy makes me feel.....well, sort of funny,’ he said, turning his face towards Auntie Doreen. He was surprised to find it so close to his: his view was filled with heavily made-up eyes and a bright red slash of a mouth. The lips were parted and a pink tongue flicked over them.

‘That's one of my special ciggies, lover boy,’ the lips whispered. ‘They make you relaxed, very sexy.....and make you forget you inhibitions.’

Colin certainly agreed that the cigarette relaxed him, and he'd never really stopped feeling sexy. ‘What's my.....inhibitions?’ he asked. He felt he should know but the meaning of the word escaped him in his current state. He felt the woman's hand resting on his thigh, caressing it slightly, and then he became aware that the arms flung to negligently over his shoulders had moved until the fingers flicked gently over his nipple. Both sensations were quite delightful.

‘Kiss me and I'll tell you,’ she replied, the breath of her words cool on his lips.

The boy didn't care. His body felt heavy with lust; he'd never felt so sexy. The woman's lips clamped against his, her tongue already pushing its way between his. Colin parted lips - as he would when he was kissing Kenneth - and thrilled as her tongue ****d his mouth, fighting with his. At the same time the woman rolled towards him, taking his hand and pressing it against her breast and then placing her hand on his groin, grasping his erection through two silky layers. Taking some part in the action, Colin slid his free hand around Doreen' waist and, with his other, squeezed her ample breast - much as he would have liked to do to his mother. Then the woman’s hands were underneath his nightie, one gently pinching his nipple while the other fondled his prick and balls, and then sliding further between his legs to press the material of his panties against his asshole. It was a long, passionate kiss.

The woman broke it - eventually - and fell back into her corner of the settee, arms spread across the corner, legs parted under her skirt. ‘Wheee! That was fun. You show lots of promise, Colin. Do you want to feel under my skirt? Feel me up?’

There was nothing Colin wanted to do more at that moment and - even though he'd never done such a thing before - he dropped to his knees; Auntie Doreen obligingly opened her legs wider, one to each side of Colin’s body. Gingerly he laid his hands on her silky knees and looked up questioningly.

‘Go, on, you silly boy,’ the woman said smiling encouragingly. ‘I won't hurt you.’

Colin gulped and started to slide his hands along her legs, under the skirt, the soft nylon of the woman's dark stocking caressing his finger tips. His fingers trembled as they groped their way further under the skirt, and Colin was surprised to hear a little cry from the woman. He looked up, unsure again, but saw that her eyes were screwed shut and her mouth hung open, her tongue still flicking over her lips. The woman seemed happy enough and Colin continued. He encounter the tops pf her stockings and the bare flesh beyond. For a moment he paused to savour the different textures and feel for the suspenders. When he found the hooks he followed the line of her garters.

‘Hurry up, boy!’ the woman gasped. She reached out and pulled on his nightie. ‘Kneel a little closer.....’ As he shuffled forward, it suddenly occurred to him that the woman's voice had grown remarkable deep and husky. His forward movement had brought him between her knees and, of necessity, he had to push her skirt and slip further along her thighs.

His fingers trembled again as they touched her naked skin and he was surprised to find that she, too, was trembling. Then his middle fingers brushed the frilled legs of her undies......and a new pressure on the back of his hands stopped him dead. Afraid, terrified of what he might find but helpless to stop himself investigating further, he turned one hand over - and cupped a huge pair of balls!

‘You're a MAN!’ he gasped, hurriedly withdrawing his hands and falling back on to his heels.

‘And so are you,’ the man/woman snapped, grasping at Colin's hands and pushing them back under her - his - skirt. ‘And so's Kenny and a couple of others.’ The man's voice changed, pleading. ‘Come on. Do to me what you did to Kenny.....wank me off. We can have lots of fun.’

Auntie Doreen drew Colin further between his thighs and pressed the boy’s hands against his prick. Colin’s adolescent mind was filled with the sensation of the man's stockings brushing his arms, of his own penis throbbing in his knicks, of the heat and size of the man/woman's erection. His sexuality was in the driving seat: Colin curled his fists around the silky covered hardness and - hesitantly at first - started to move them.

‘Ahhh....’ the man cried, softly. ‘Gently......aaah.....aaaaah!’ His hips moved in time with Colin's rhythm. ‘Listen.....aaaah.....when I come, you've got to jump up on to the sofa and stand with your feet either side of my legs, hands supporting you on the wall.....and you mustn't move your hands.’ He gave a long, deep groan; Auntie Doreen was creating a dream. His made-up eyes caught the boy's. ‘Promise?’

Colin nodded. He could feel Doreen's hard-on swelling in his hands, inside a pair of silky knicks. It wouldn't be long before he would be required to move. He felt the man's hands wrap around his head and pull it forward. He realised that his face was getting very close to the end of the monster he was masturbating. He heard Aunt Doreen tell him to open his mouth, keep it open, and the hands on his head steered it until his lips touched the undie covered glans. Colin didn't need any encouragement. He covered the sopping material and sealed his lips around it, savouring the man's copious pre-cum, licking at the wet material. Doreen’s actions grew wilder and, at some point, he pulled his tight skirt down over Colin's head, trapping his mouth over his prick and enveloping the lad in darkness. Curiously enough, that only served to stimulate the Colin. Then, with a cry of pleasure, his hips jerked up - actually forcing more of his beknickered prick into Colin's eager mouth. Colin felt the man's tool give a couple of surges.....and then his spunk spurted through the panties and into his mouth.

‘Don't swallow it!’ he heard Doreen call. ‘Keep it in your mouth. Now it's your turn,’ and the skirt was pulled back.

He climbed on to the sofa, just as he had been commanded, and rested his hands on the wall. He looked down to see that his new position brought his erection to within a few inches of Aunties Doreen’s mouth. The man/woman looked strange from that angle, the over view of the breasts, the skirt drawn up, and the spunk soaked knickers covering a still hard cock. With a further admonishment to keep that mouthful of spunk, Doreen tugged down Colin's - his daughter's - knickers to mid thigh and started to wank the boy, licking his glans as it was revealed. A few more strokes and Aunties Doreen took it into her mouth.....and Colin had never been sucked so expertly. The man grasped Colin's buttocks and pulled him closer, until he could feel the end of his prick touching the man's throat. At the same time, he could feel the man's fingers probing at his asshole.

Auntie Doreen withdrew Colin's prick for a moment, licked his fingers thoroughly, and then plunged the boys penis back into his painted mouth. Colin grunted with pleasure as one finger pushed it's way into him, those grunts becoming cries of pleasure as another finger and yet another joined it, finger-fucking his asshole while Doreen performed miracles with his mouth. Suddenly Colin felt his own orgasm burst in his loins.

‘I'm coming!’ he cried, and Doreen teased his glans with his lips as Colin pumped a surprising amount of come into the man's mouth.

Hardly had he finished than Auntie Doreen released him and pulled his knicks back into place. Then, patting his lap, waited until Colin was snuggled into him and then their lips met in another passionate kiss. Colin knew, then, why he had to hold Doreen's spunk in his they shared a spunky, loving cuddle.

‘Enjoy that?’ Auntie Doreen whispered in his ear.

‘Loved it,’ Colin sighed long. This was something entirely new, only dreamed of in his wildest fantasies. Colin always supposed, eventually, he'd grow out of all that male sex, Mummy's undies and the like. On the other hand, he'd never given the matter that much thought. He lived from thrill to thrill: his meeting with Doreen was something of another magnitude altogether. He wriggled in closer against the man, ready for the kiss from the painted lips hovering close to his own. His penis never drooped at all.

‘Need to leave yet?’ the man whispered in Colin's ear, wriggling his tongue into it, causing a shiver of pleasure to run through the boy's body. For a moment, realising that Doreen might have recognised the pee odour in his short, he thought that he might be inviting Colin to try something else. Then, with a hint of disappointment, the lad realised that Doreen was asking if he wanted to go home.

Colin shook his head. ‘My Mum drinks a lot.....and I'm expected to feed myself and do my homework. I’m supposed to be in bed by ten, but she never checks so I can get in later if I have to.’ He hesitated, ‘Can.....can I stay for a bit longer?’

‘Course you can,’ Doreen replied, giving him a big hug. ‘You can stay as long as you like.....and we can have lots more fun. Would you like that?’ He grasped Colin's erection through his spunk-wet pants - Doreen's daughter's spunk-wet pants - and the resultant surge was answer enough. He continued. ‘Tell you what, why don't you be a proper girl for me. I'm sure that there's some more of my daughter's clothes that fit you, and I'll make you up. Like that?’ Colin could only nod yet again, and Doreen rose and drew him to his feet. ‘Come on!’ Doreen said, wrapping an arm around the lad's waist. ‘Let's go explore Sarah's bedroom.’

They only travelled next door, entering a room that could have only belonged to an adolescent girl. Chaos reigned, the sort that had a sort of mindlessness about it; Colin's room was something similar. The bed was unmade and piled with used and unused clothes. CDs and records were strewn about the floor, magazines and books piled high on every surface. Auntie Doreen rummaged around, gathering up items of his daughter's wear that would suit Colin, once again falling into that endless chatter. Only this time Colin wasn't mesmerised by it and let his gaze wander over the room. There were certain things that didn't seem right. A shower was built into one corner of the room and the curtain was drawn back. Nothing special about that - except, next to it and also curtained like the shower, was a lavatory. The privacy provided for the former seemed inadequate for the latter, nor did the stainless steel rings set onto the walls of both seem normal. Funny. Colin's gaze turned to the bed. Lying on the pillow was a false prick - he had seen enough of them from swapped mags to identify one - but this one seemed inordinately large and covered with knobs. A similar device stood on the bedside cupboard: this one, however, split into two prongs and Colin had no trouble guessing where the second, thinner, prong went. Then he noticed another door in the room, in the far corner, that could only lead into the room they had just left.

‘Excuse me.....Auntie,’ he blurted out, ‘Did you say this was your daughter's room? You didn't mean your wife's, did you?’

‘No,’ Doreen replied, ‘Sarah's. My daughter's.’ Then his eyes followed Colin's gaze. ‘Oh! See what you mean.’ He laughed and went over to cuddle Colin. ‘We're a funny family,’ he said. ‘We're very close, you might say, very close indeed. We probably have some funny habits, too. Let me show you Sarah's favourite toy,’ He opened the cupboard door and pulled out a curious bundle, tossing it to Colin. ‘That's Sarah's favourite. Her Mum and I bought it as a birthday present for her.’

The bundle was, in fact, a pair of knickers with some curious attachments. It was also made of a fabric that Colin had not come across before, and it took him a few moments to realise that it was latex rubber. He'd read advertisements about that, too, but he'd ignored them. He ran the material through his fingers, immediately wondering if it would be a turn-on to wear. It certainly felt as though it would. The item felt heavy and he found that this was due to a preponderance of rubber pricks fixed to the garment. Holding it as he imagined it would be worn, two of the dildos were set inside the gusset - ready to impale the wearer - whilst she (and it would have to be a she) flaunted a huge prick at her groin. Colin was prey to a shower of emotions: he'd loved to have been a woman to have worn it, he'd have loved to have buggered Auntie Doreen with it, and the wild idea of being the recipient of that huge weapon nearly made him come. So engrossed was he with it that he jumped when Doreen fondled his prick through his wet undies.

‘Fun, isn't it?’

‘And this.....this is your daughter's?’

‘Yep. Sarah's current pride and joy. We've got lots of things like that. Why don't you suck the smaller one on the inside. That was up Sarah's asshole not so long ago.....’

Mesmerised, thrilled beyond measure, Colin grasped the outer dildo in one hand and let the rubber knickers cascade over it to reveal the two inner prongs. One was smaller than the other, and his nostrils were immediately assuaged by potent new odours that he found immensely stimulating. He could detect two distinct smells: one he recognised from traces in his mother's underwear, the other was easy to identify. He opened his mouth wide, forced the larger dong into it, and then did the same to the smaller one. If that were not depravity enough, the Doreen man was standing to one side, one hand gently masturbating Colin while the other pressed his - Sarah's - knicks against his bum. One finger was pressing the material into him.

‘Why don't we go back next door,’ the man whispered. ‘We'll get ourselves more comfortable and cuddle up on the bed, then I'll tell you a bit about us. Perhaps you might even want to stay on and meet the family.’

Collecting the pile that he had laid on Sarah's bed, and telling Colin to bring the dildo panties with him, Doreen led him through the other door and back into the master bedroom. He could image Sarah - he assumed her to be about twenty - slipping on the knickers he held in his hand and answering a summons from the next room. The idea almost made him faint, but the whole afternoon had seemed like a dream..... and he had entirely forgotten about his new friend's funny cigarette. When Doreen positioned him in front of a large cheval glass and suggested that he strip off all his - Sarah's - clothes and put on the items that he/she had dumped on the bed, Colin thought that it was an excellent idea. Of course, once he was naked his new friend just had to spend a few minutes caressing and fondling his smooth body, but never too much that Colin climaxed again. Anyway, they had both cum once and were therefore much more tolerant of each other's caresses. Colin, greatly daring, tried a few fumbles in return.....clutching at Doreen’s plump bum in an embrace that lasted long enough for him to wriggle the man's skirt up high to feel his feminine knicks.

‘Have you ever dressed like a proper lady before?’ Auntie Doreen whispered in his ear.

‘No,’ Colin replied. He was feeling bolder; this strange man wasn't going to hurt him, and offered new excitements. ‘All I've had before have been pants I'd pinched from my mother's laundry bin.....and a couple of pairs I've found in launderettes. I found a pair of tights, too, but I wore them out.’

Doreen smiled warmly at the youngster. ‘Prepare yourself for a treat, then. I'll make you sexy, you watch me getting changed, and then we'll share the bed and I'll tell you about Sarah's funny knicks.’

Colin didn't need any encouragement. With Doreen's advice and occasional physical assistance - further excuses for kisses and groping embraces - he watched his male persona change in the mirror. He was Colin, first, naked and prick throbbing. A white suspender belt, dark stockings and loose, silky white panties started the change, followed by a bra (the cups stuffed with an assortment of panties that teased his nipples and gave him a presentable bust line) and a light matching slip to cover it all - at least, to mid thigh. Colin gazed at his reflection. felt all woman, and loved it, especially because of the proud lump that distended his new clothes. When Doreen suggested a touch of lipstick, the boy could only nod his head and wait patiently as his new lover drew the lipstick over his lips and instructed him on rolling his lips to spread it evenly. Colin had full lips, for a boy, and the bright red lipstick emphasised his girlishness, rather than making him look like a male wearing face paint.

This was so much better than sneaking a wank in his mother's knickers, or even swapping knicks with his friend. He felt completely relaxed, an eager pupil for anything that Aunt Doreen had a mind to teach him. Colin’s mind flicked back to Sarah's room: he remembered the curious arrangement of toilets, and wondered if some of his more disgusting fantasies might find a home there. While Doreen was collecting another garment, Colin's attention turned again the curious rubber knicks with all their protrusions that he had brought with him from the other room. He picked it up again, feeling the sensation of the latex, it's cool smoothness, trying to imagine what it would be like to wear.

Aunt Doreen must have read his thoughts. ‘Would you like to wear some rubber?’ he asked, ‘Plain ones, no knobs, instead of the panties you're wearing?’

‘I'd.....I'd love to,’ he stammered, hardly believing his luck, ‘If you don't mind, that is. You've been awfully kind to me this afternoon.....and I'd really like to be your friend....and meet you again.....’

The 'woman' gathered Colin into her arms in a most motherly gesture, more kindly than his own mother ever been to him. ‘You can come any time you want,’ Aunt Doreen whispered into his ear, ‘And we'll have lots more fun. We get up to all sorts of mischief in this house. Now, let's get you into these rubber knicks. When they're on, you can lie on the bed and I’ll get changed. Alright?’

Colin nodded eagerly: he wondered about the 'we' that his new Aunt mentioned.

He - she, Colin hadn’t yet decided to think of Auntie Doreen as her - rummaged through one of the chests of drawers and produced two nearly see-through pairs of clear rubber pants. Colin hoped that she was going to wear the others. Following her instructions, he drew up his slip and bunched it around his 'breasts' while Doreen removed his panties and dusted his lower body and legs with powder.

‘Makes it easier to put them on,’ she explained, ‘And I'd better warn you that they'll be cold at first touch. Fun, though.’ He held the waistband open and Colin stepped into them, threading his feet through the leg openings and letting Doreen tug them into place around his waist. They were cold, like Doreen said, but they felt like just about the most exciting that Colin had ever worn. Auntie Doreen fitted the broad waistband about his body and adjusted the tight leg openings high into his groin. The young lad’s prick surged at the sensation of the loose rubber knicks dr****g itself around his sex.

‘Ooooh! They’re cold,’ Colin shivered.

‘They’ll soon warm up,’ the man/woman replied. ‘Feel yourself gently through them, ‘cos it’s very easy to bring yourself off the first few times you wear them.’ As soon as the rubber waistband hugged his body, the caress of the rubber on his sensitive erection proved Doreen right. She eased the leg openings further up Colin’s thighs - pouching the rubber knicks – and then dropped the hem of the lad’s slip. He gestured to the mirror. ‘There you are,’ she continued, ‘Nobody would even know you were wearing ‘em. You could even poop yourself and no one would know.’

‘I’ve never pooped…..’ Colin said, defensively.

‘No, but I’ve watched you peeing often enough,’ his new Auntie replied, ‘In the public toilets, and in that bushy bit of the park. Admit it, now.’

Colin blushed, lost for words.

‘You see? I’ve been watching you for a long time. That’s why I brought you home with me this afternoon. Do you mind? Really?’

‘……no…, not really…..’ the boy admitted.

‘I can see that you enjoy the peeing. And have you ever thought about pooping?’

‘Why were you watching me?’ Colin asked without rancour. He found the idea of someone watching his sex activities quite exciting. He was really playing for time while he sorted out an answer to Auntie Doreen’s last question.

‘For fun,’ she replied, ‘’Cos I fancied you, ‘cos I thought you might to join us in a few games.’


‘My wife and my daughter. I thought that you’d have worked that out already. I really do have a wife and daughter, you know, and we’re very happy – private, but happy.’ The shemale noticed that the hand that Colin had placed on his rubber-covered dick was becoming quite agitated. ‘Careful, now,’ he/she warned. ‘Try not to cum if you can help it. We’ll play with each other again later. Now, why don’t you lie down, comfortable like. I’m going downstairs to make sure that everything’s locked up…..and I’ll make another one of my special cigarettes…..and give you a surprise!’

‘I can’t think of anything that’s going to surprise me again,’ Colin said, with an embarrassed little laugh. He was feeling pleasantly relaxed, but put it down to the funny cigarette; he guessed that it was cannabis, and the effects were what he would have expected – only better. It was all very exciting, but in an unworried way: Colin didn’t realise the effect that this strange man/woman was having on him. She – he – seemed to be like his Mum, but different enough not to be. This was a new experience, an adult experience, and Colin felt that he could handle it. The boy was becoming a man.

Doreen left the room and Colin was on his way to the bed – as directed – when his reflection in the cheval glass stopped him. He’d never really looked at himself like that, like he was somebody else was looking at him. There was something else, something more than the feminine frippery he was wearing. He walked away from the glass and then back towards it, watching his growing hard-on sway as he moved, seeing something that his juvenile mind as yet could not comprehend. To Colin it just seemed that his body was suited to the garments he was wearing: why would come later. He climbed on to the bed, relaxing into its softness and immediately reached for the throbbing erection that distended the rubber knicks he was wearing. At that stage in his life, Colin was into sensations, and the sensation of the cool rubber d****d around his hard prick was the current top of his particular pops.

Conscious, for a moment, of the man/woman’s instructions not to make himself come, he gently touched himself, turning his attention again to Sarah’s special rubber knicks. He examined the outer one, a huge black rubber replica of an enormous prick, its foreskin drawn back to expose its massive head. Colin raised it to his nose, wondering what he would smell; somehow he didn’t think that items like this would be washed in this house. The predominant smell was of rubber, strange in itself to Colin – although exciting – but there were traces of other odours, or so he imagined. He thought he recognised the smell of urine and, more pronounced, the unique, bitter tang of faeces. Grasping the outer dong, he let the fabric fall over his hand to reveal the two rubber pricks set in the gusset. With no sturdy base these tended to flop around, although their sizes indicated their destinations.

The forward one – as Colin saw it - was nearly as big as the one he was grasping in his rubber panties. That had to be for the daughter’s pussy, simply because Colin couldn’t imagine such a size fitting into her bottom or, at least, his bottom. On the other hand, most of his experience came from other lads of his own age or under: Doreen’s cock was the biggest he had seen in his life, and that wasn’t as big as the dong in Sarah’s knickers. So the smaller one must fit into her bum, he reasoned and – because he was he was on a roll – he opened his mouth and stuffed the end into it. He sucked it, looking for the tastes that he has smelt; they were there, more pronounced. His hand grasped his prick and, on an impulse, flicked the rest of Sarah’s garment over his head. Colin had never been hooded before, never even thought of the idea, and yet his cock surged into full erection and – regardless of Doreen’s instructions – he pumped himself to another wild orgasm, spraying his spunk into his latex knicks and slobbering over the soiled dildo in his mouth.

That so engrossed him that he didn’t even hear the strange man/woman return to the room. In fact, he wasn’t aware of Aunt Doreen’s presence until another hand lifted his and smeared his cum gently over his groin. Colin swiftly pulled the rubber knickers away from his head, blushing furiously and apologising for his lapse.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ Doreen soothed, laying down beside him and embracing him. ‘It’s fun, isn’t it?’

‘Oh, yes!’ Colin gasped, struggling to regain his breath, ‘It was wonderful. I’m sorry I let myself cum, though: I did promise you.’

‘I’m sure those lovely balls of yours will produce a few more ejaculations before the day’s out,’ Doreen said, moving the slippery knickers over them. ‘Like I said, don’t worry. Now, it’s my turn.’ The movement of the spunky latex knicks over his sex brought him back to a full erection, and Auntie’s experienced hand was coaxing him towards another climax. Colin was using both his hands on the shemale’s enormous cock to similar effect. Suddenly Doreen stopped Colin’s wanking, withdrawing her hands from Colin’s prick at the same time. ‘Let’s play a little game,’ he gasped. ‘I’m going to kneel astride your body, facing your feet. You mustn’t touch yourself ‘til I tell you, but I want you to hold the waist of you knickers open like this,’ he pulled the front of Colin’s knickers some eight or nine inches away from his body. ‘I’ll tell you what to do next when we get there. You want to play?’ Afire with excitement, Colin nodded his head eagerly.

Colin felt Auntie Doreen settle herself over his belly and did as instructed with the waistband on his knickers. He quickly realised that she was wanking furiously, just by the feel of her balls moving across his stomach. Having a free hand, and totally into the trip, he fondled Doreen’s balls through her rubber pants, then forced his fingers in between her fleshy buttocks and probed her asshole. At the same time he caught sight of their reflection in a mirror fixed to the ceiling. Suddenly Auntie Doreen gave a wild cry of lust and pumped jet after jet of her jism into Colin’s knickers – some falling onto his genitals, some spraying the rubber. Colin was amazed by her copious ejaculation. Then came the instruction to replace the waistband.

Doreen moved, and Colin felt her rubber garments closing over his face, and over his nose and mouth in particular. Suddenly his was finding it hard to breath and, at the same time the shemale started masturbating him. The rubber knicks, now containing two floods of spunk, slithered over his sex, and some of the liquid trickled down between his testicles and over his anus. And all the while Aunt Doreen’s rubber undies were pressing down over his mouth and nose. Respiration was becoming a problem…..but the lad was lost in the ecstasy of his orgasm. His hips matched the actions of his mentor, growing wilder and wilder until – just when he was on the point of passing out – he burst into the most wonderful climax of his life. And it went on and on and on. Then there was light as Doreen moved away from his head, and Colin drew great gulps of air, shuddering and shaking.

‘Now,’ Doreen gasped, ‘Shall we have that drink and a cigarette?’

He – she – rolled off the bed…..and Colin took another emotional punch when he saw her attire.


As far as Colin could see, Aunt Doreen was dressed entirely in rubber; he was already recognising the particular d**** of any garment of that fabric and, after all, most of her garments were a pale translucence that allowed Colin to see what was underneath. Doreen wore black stockings that reached into her groin, tight and shiny and suggesting that the tops of them covered the extended legs of the red directoire knickers. That was the only reason that Colin could give for the curious ridges and bumps in the otherwise sleekness of the stockings. His eyes wandered up to Doreen’s breasts, covered with a WWX bra that matched the knicks. Over that underwear, Auntie Doreen seemed to be wearing a robe that reached from a broad collar around her neck and fell seamlessly to her ankles, and with sleeves that flared slightly before being drawn onto cuffs at her wrists.

The shemale busied herself with the making of the joint, well aware of the lad’s scrutiny, enjoying it, happy that this youngster was obviously enthralled by her costume. Doreen had chosen with some care: she wanted Colin to see as much as possible, to envy her. The only other item of non-transparent rubber were her gloves, stretched like a second skin over her hands and covering the sleeves of her gown up to her elbows. Colin gave the shemale another once-over and then sighed lustily.

‘Well?’ she asked.

‘Ummmm…..I…..I don’t know what to say,’ Colin stammered. ‘I…..I just can’t imagine what it feels like to wear…..but I think it’s lots of fun.’

‘So you’d like to try some more of it…..sometime?’

‘I’d love to, if you’d let me,’ he replied, ‘And when I can get away.’ He sighed again, shaking his head. ‘It’s all too much, all at the same time. I don’t understand it.’

Auntie Doreen placed the coffees on a side table at the end of the sofa that faced the bed, settling herself in one corner and resting one arm across the back of the sofa, inviting Colin to cuddle up. It seemed that both of them had a surfeit of sex for the moment, and Colin found it incredibly comforting to feel Auntie Doreen’s arm encircle his shoulders. He turned into the embrace and found one of his hands resting on her massive breast. Their eyes met.

‘They’re very good falsies,’ seemed to be the only comment that Colin could come up with.

Doreen laughed. ‘Falsies!’ she exclaimed. ‘Close your eyes and feel them again.’

With his eyes shut he fondled Doreen’s breast and was surprised how real it felt. With her free hand, Doreen had eased the straps of her bra and slop off her shoulder and then pulled the cup free. Colin touched what lay under them, his fingers gently probing, exploring, until he found that he was touching the shemale’s chest. His eyes flew open, his face a picture of amazement.

‘They’re real!’ he exclaimed, in an awed whisper, ‘Aren’t they?’

‘Suck my nipple and you’ll feel how real they are. Do you know what happens when you touch a girl’s nipple? They fill with blood, just like your prick does. Go on, try it.’

Tentatively, carefully supporting the huge breast, Colin moved his lips towards the dark brown areole, his lips apart, noting the gasp of pleasure from Doreen as they closed over the bud. Almost at once the nipple started to swell in his mouth, swell and become harder. Doreen’s arm tightened around his neck, forcing more of her nipple into his mouth. It continued to grow, as did Doreen’s moans of pleasure.

‘There!’ he said at last, replacing the bra and slip.

‘…..but…..but…..’ Colin wanted to ask if Aunt Doreen was a freak, a hermaphrodite. ‘How?’ he asked, again at a loss for anything else to say. Colin was on a concentrated learning curve.

‘Implants,’ Doreen said, giving Colin a happy smile. ‘Done right, they’ll last you a life time. If you go for the best, they’ll give you all sorts of d**gs to feminise you even more…and add two or three inches to your prick. Both the ladies love the last bit. They’ll be home soon, and they arrive together since Michelle - that’s my wife - gives Sarah a lift from college.’

But Colin’s brain was making a series of connections that frightened him. ‘How old is Sarah?’ he asked.

‘’Bout the same age as you,’ Doreen replied.

As if putting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, Colin made the connections. There was only one senior school in the area and there was a girl in his class called Sarah Challoner. She was a very pretty, very well behaved girl, ‘cos her mother was their class tutor. Colin’s mouth fell open. Sarah lived with her Mother and her mother’s sister. And those rubber pants with the rubber pricks had been for Sarah? And, according to Aunt Doreen’s suggestions, the family seemed to play together. Colin had somehow imagined Sarah to be in her twenties. He shook his head again, trying to clear his mind.

‘Got it?’ Doreen said with a broad smile.

‘You’re…’re Sarah Challoner’s father…..aren’t you?

Doreen smiled, nodding her confirmation.

Colin tugged frantically at the female clothes he was wearing. ‘Shit! I’d better get changed out these undies,’ he panicked. ‘I don’t care if my other clothes aren’t dry yet. I’d better get away from here fast. Look, are you going to tell anyone? It’ll make my life a hell in school.’ His eyes fell on a clock. ‘I’d better hurry, they’ll be home soon.’

Doreen grinned at him. ‘Why don’t you wait a while?’ he suggested softly. ‘I promise you that you won’t be harmed, or compromised. And there was one other reason for stalking you that I didn’t mention before.’ He drew Colin back into his embrace and Colin, under the influence of another heady blast of cannabis, didn’t seem to mind too much. ‘Shall I tell you it?’ the shemale whispered.

Colin nodded. The dope eased the panic away, replacing it with a growing curiosity. Sarah Challoner was, he supposed, one of his friends in the class – in an entirely platonic sense. That didn’t fit in to the picture: Sarah, in the opinion of her peers, was the class virgin. She never took part in the class gambols at the swimming pool; in the ‘wavy’ part of the pool the turbulent water covered a multitude of gropes and caresses Behind her back she was referred to as ‘Purity’ Challoner. Purity and those weird rubber knickers? No! They just didn’t fit together…..which further fuelled his curiosity. Mrs Challoner was a kind-hearted woman of about forty-five, plump but still attractive enough to form the basis of wanking fantasies for some of the boys - and probably some of the girls, too.

Colin slapped on his mental anchors, helping the cannabis stamp on his panic. He was being offered entrance to a strange new world that had only existed in his wildest dreams. He was sure that he would soon detect any falsehood, and he was wearing rubber pants that held evidence of Doreen’s commitment. ‘Sorry I freaked out there,’ he apologised, his embarrassment showing itself as a slight blush, ‘I guess I wasn’t thinking. Yes, I’ve love to stay and, yes, I’d love to hear about the other reason.’ Colin’s sexuality had taken a steep learning curve that afternoon: now his maturity had joined it. Quite an achievement.

‘It was all to do with your diary and story-book. Do you remember when you fell and bumped your head in the playground? and had to spend a couple of days in hospital?’ Colin smiled, knowing what was coming. ‘You made quite a fuss about your briefcase until my wife promised to lock it in her desk. Being who we are, Sarah and Michelle – that’s my wife – brought your case home. If you know how to do it, it’s dead easy to open those combination locks, and we found your diary. After that it was important to get you to join our circle…..’cos everything you’ve written about, we do, all three of us. The girls would love it for another man to join in. Understand?’

For an answer Colin glanced pointedly at his genitals, once again erect, the rubber slithering against him. ‘I…I think I do.’ He shook his head. ‘I’m sorry, but it’s just so…so wonderful.’

‘You won’t be leaving?’ Doreen asked.

‘Not ‘til I have to,’ Colin replied with a cheeky grin. He glanced at the clock again. ‘What happens now? They’ll be home in half an hour.’

‘Which is just enough time to get you ready to meet them. Shall we give them a surprise?’

‘A surprise?’ Colin sounded hesitant. He’d had quite enough surprises for one day.

‘In half an hour we can add another two loads of spunk into your rubber knicks – yours and mine, and Sarah will love that – and get you presentably dressed as a girl. Do you have a girl’s name that you fancy?’

Colin’s mouth fell open in surprised. He swallowed hard. ‘You mean…leave these rubber pants on when Sarah arrives? With all that spunk in them?’ He blushed furiously. ’I couldn’t!’

‘ ‘course you could. Believe me, the ladies’ll love it. We can do that first.’ Doreen curled Colin’s fist around his hard on. ‘See? I’m just as ready as you are. Then we’ll dress you in one of Sarah’s uniforms – you’re about the same size – and all the bits as pieces to go with it. A nice wig with pigtails, a touch of make-up, falsies, and whoever you are will be ready to be introduced. What’re we going to call you? You must have thought of some name you’d have liked those lovers our yours to whisper in your ear. Christ! You had enough of ‘em!’.

Colin blushed again, wondering just how many times this shemale had watched him. ‘Well,’ he said, after a couple of moments consideration, ‘I’ve always thought that I’d have liked to be called something like ‘Colin’ if I’d been a girl. What about ‘Colette‘.’

‘Colette. Splendid!’ Doreen exclaimed. ‘Colette and Sarah. What a happy pair. Right, Colette, let’s get started.’

With that Doreen settled Colin’s buttocks on the edge of the sofa and knelt in front of him, hitching up his nightie and spreading his legs wide. The lad’s prick made a bold outline in his knickers. Doreen wriggled forward and lowered her head…..and Colin experienced a new thrill. The shemale wrapped the slippery rubber around Colin’s prick and pushed it into his mouth. Colin had already enjoyed one blow-job from Doreen; this one was much more exciting. Almost at once his hips reared, driving himself deeper into Doreen’s mouth. The intense delight brought him to another orgasm at once. More jism in those knickers: Colin was grateful for the tight bands around his waist and thighs.

Doreen stumbled to his feet, still standing between Colin’s thighs. There was no need for further instruction: the boy held open the waistband of his rubbers, and the shemale drew his down his own rubber knickers until his massive cock swung only a couple of inches away from Colin’s parted lips.

‘You’ll have to hold it for me,’ Colin gasped, after a couple of attempts to capture it in his mouth while both hands were holding his waistband open. Doreen was happy to oblige and, after easing his foreskin clear of his shiny glans, forced it into Colette’s wide-opened mouth. The boy was just about able to accommodate it, and wasn’t expecting the shemale to press it further and further into his mouth until it was almost gagging him. He heard Doreen’s gasped instruction to breathe through his nose, did so, and found that it eased the gagging sensation…..and realised that he was experiencing his first attempt at a deep throat. Curiously enough, although the feeling of the throbbing glans pulsing at the entrance to his throat made him panic, there was another sensation that wanted Doreen to push harder, deeper, into him. Colette even raised his head forward into Doreen’s crotch. The shemale was moaning and his thrusts became erratic: Colette held his waistband wide and waited for the eruption. Nor did he had long to wait and Doreen could only manage another couple of thrusts before he pulled his hard-on free of the boy’s mouth and pumped his spunk into the waiting rubbers, splashing Colette’s still-hard prick.

Colin, Colette, felt the warm jism run into his rubber knickers and let the broad, tight elastic of the waistband close around his stomach. His testicles hung in a pool of semen and, to prove a point, Doreen squeezed the gusset of Colette’s knicks so that the slithery contents washed over his belly and prick. Suddenly the boy/girl was sure that he could cum again…..and again….and suddenly there was no place that he would rather be. Any inhibitions, any reservations simply vanished and he found that he was desperate to meet Sarah and her mother. When Doreen suggested that it might be time to dress Colette, he was more than eager.

They went back into Sarah’s room, and Doreen busied himself in gathering Colette’s ensemble, passing each item in turn to Colette with instructions and assistance as necessary. The bra came first and as Doreen fastened it, Colette looked sadly at the empty cups. He wanted breasts like Sarah’s dad one day but, for the while, a pair of very natural-looking foam rubber prosthetics had to serve. Once he had slithered into a soft white slip, he sneaked a peek at himself in the long looking glass and was quite impressed with his feminine outline, wondering – in passing – if his ‘breasts’ would prove larger than Sarah’s. Doreen hurried him along, providing self-supporting black stockings and white knee socks for verisimilitude, with a pair of T-bar black shoes with just the hint of heels. As he drew on and buttoned the crisp white blouse, fastened the cuffs, knotted a school tie, and fastened the blue skirt around his waist, Doreen held open the waistband of a pair of white regulation knickers and once Colette had stepped into them, drew them up to fit snugly over his rubber pants. Doreen was right, too: Sarah’s clothes did fit Colette, although the blouse buttons gaped slightly over his breasts. Then he made her take the off again: Sarah, Doreen assured him, would be much happier with just the rubber knicks.

‘Quite the little Miss,’ Doreen congratulated him. ‘Sarah’s going to be really over the moon when she sees you, you bet! Now, sit down and we’ll sort out your hair style and war paint.’ In no time at all, Colette was sporting a rather attractive blonde wig that fitted securely and comfortably over his head and – for more of that verisimilitude – was dressed into a pigtail behind each ear. Another moment with a touch of lipstick, blusher and eye shadow, and Doreen pronounced himself satisfied. With instructions to Colette to practise walking in his higher heels, and to get familiar with himself, the shemale left to make himself presentable.

Once again Colin was left to contemplate the last three extraordinary hours and wonder at his transformation. Colin was wise beyond his years – in part due to his mother’s upbringing; another boy, less compos than he, might not have been able to adjust. Colin, once he had tested the water, dived in without hesitation. He felt good that he had been observed, obviously in some detail, and selected for this new role. He pronounced his new name into the glass, and then blew himself a kiss. He viewed the young lady that was Colette and made a fair attempt at adopting a more feminine pose. He was surprised at the ease that the more graceful girl appeared, knees together and to one side, hands in his lap: he dipped his head and peered at his reflection, modest, maidenly. Rising to his feet he walked away from and then back to the mirror; the heels were broad but he sensed the tautness that even that little height brought to his thighs and bottom. He espied another pair of T-bar shoes lying under Sarah’s bed, shoes with much higher heels. It took but a moment to replace those for the ones he was wearing and then he rose gingerly. They were awkward and they hurt, but he found out quickly that rolling his hips like a girl made them tolerable. When Doreen came to collect him Colette managed to walk reasonably steadily across the room. Doreen raised an eyebrow but made no comment. For his part, the shemale was tastefully dressed in a simple summer dress, with his hair dressed and make-up on. Very much Doreen. With an explanation that he always had coffees ready for his wife and daughter when they arrived home, Doreen hurried them down to the kitchen.

‘What do I do?’ Colette shouted, feeling more than a little out of his depth. An awful thought struck him. ‘Supposing your daughter, or your wife, object to me wearing Sarah’s clothes? How am I supposed to act, for God’s sake?’ He didn’t know it, but his narcotic was wearing a little thin. Doreen recognised it, though.

‘Relax, Sweetie. That’s what you’ve got to do.’ The shemale busied himself with the kettle and then drew up a chair and held Colette’s hands. ‘Please believe me when I say that they’ll really be delighted to find you here, dressed as you are. So we read the contents of you briefcase. What we read told us that you were so like us that we might have been family and, more to the point, we reckoned that you’d learn all our tricks. You’d dreamed them, we do them.’ Doreen’s deep husky voice soothed Colette until he was more concerned with the shemale’s glorious breasts than Sarah’s reactions. ’What you’ve got to do is be Colette, and everything else will shake itself into place. Trust me?’

Colette, Colin, nodded slowly and then raised his hands to Doreen’s face, holding it close as he tentatively kissed her lips. ‘Yes, I do understand now,’ he breathed, and then ‘Thank you.’ Which gave Doreen a great deal of satisfaction. Minutes later, just as the kettle boiled, he heard a car pull to a halt outside. Doreen position Colette on the seat around the kitchen table that gave him a view of the hallway and front door. Then he bustled his way to open the front door,

There was a flurry of bodies, calls of greeting, and a dumping of satchels and briefcases. Then there was a pause while everyone turned their attention to the pile of unopened mail awaiting them. There was a squeal of delight – Colette guessed it was Sarah – confirmed when he heard her identify a particular catalogue she had been awaiting. Then came a welcoming embrace that all three shared. Colette felt a sharp twinge of envy: he’d love to be part of such an embrace. It was when Sarah rested her head on her father’s shoulder and she was looking directly at Colette that their eyes met. Sarah shrugged off her father’s embrace and slowly walked towards him, her eyes searching his face, her blush increasing with each pace – to match Colette’s.

‘Colin? Is that you?’

Blessed with a flash of inspiration, he stepped away from the chair and made his best attempt at a curtsey. ‘’Fraid so, Sarah. Like this I’m called Colette.’

In the hallway, Michelle and her shemale husband embraced and exchanged a kiss. ‘I shall want a full report,’ she ordered, between giggles. ‘Well done, honey! Let’s give them a couple of minute, though. It’s a great show anyway.’ She giggled again. ‘I’d love to see our Sarah’s face right now.’

Sarah’s face was a sight, as her mother predicted. Colette, Colin, did have surprise on his side. At first she was simply gobsmacked, once or twice opening her mouth to say something and then closing it again. But then her colour subsided somewhat and her mouth started a grin. ‘Yes!’ she exclaimed. ‘Colin, Colette, whatever. You’ve come - ’ she stepped back and surveyed his dressage ‘ – and it looks like you came willingly. Wow!’

Colette’s smile matched Sarah’s. Doreen was right, it had been simple. Tentatively he took her hands in his. ‘If I’d know you were looking,’ he said, grinning like a snowman, ‘I’d have come sooner,’ and that said volumes. Sarah pushed him back into one chair and took possession of the nearest, drawing it close, never letting go of his hand, never looking as though she would ever let go of it again. Colette was quite overwhelmed by such affections, but that didn’t prevent his thoroughly enjoying them.

‘I don’t see that Colette’s arrival should throw our domestic arrangements in a tizz,’ came Michelle’s voice. ‘A girl could die of thirst in this place. Coffee, Doreen my sweet, or I’ll write your name in the book.’

Doreen made a great fuss of returning to the kitchen, attending to the coffees while his wife took up a position opposite Colette. ‘Hi, Colette.’ She greeted him with a warm smile, ‘I must be careful about what I call you in class. On the other hand, you won’t be wearing a dress in class, will you?’

‘He’ll be wearing my panties under his trousers, though.’ Sarah interrupted, ‘Won’t you?’

Colette decided that an emphatic nod was the best he could manage under the circumstances. Actually, the thought of wearing Sarah’s knicks made his prick rear in anticipation. He moved to hide the sudden lump in his dress but, as he did so, the slimy contents of his rubber knicks decided to make their presence heard and squelched audibly. Colette’s face immediately turned crimson.

‘What was that?’ Sarah exclaimed.

‘Sounded to me that it came from Colette’s direction,’ Sarah’s mother added. ‘Doreen? Have you been taking advantage of this young lady?’

‘She ****d me, Ma’am,’ Doreen offered, humbly, as he brought the steaming cups to the table. ‘She were like a demon from hell, she were. Did me thirty times, she did, and that was only at the front!’

That produced a gale of laughter. Sarah went one better. Before Colette was aware of what was happening, she had flipped his skirt back, revealing his rubber knicks…..that did little to conceal his growing erection. Sarah rolled off her seat to kneel in front of Colette, forcing his knees apart and moving forward on her knees until she knelt between them. Her eyes fixed on his manhood, her tongue flicking hungrily over her parted lips, she actually felt the pool of semen that lay under Colette’s scrotum. She touched it gently, cupped it, and them drew her hand over his testicles and along the underside of his prick. By the time she had reached the head, Colette was rigid.

‘Well.’ Michelle commented, ‘You don’t seem to have worn him out.’ She turned to Doreen – who was still standing – and thrust her hand up under his skirt. ‘Nor yourself, by the feel of it. But not now. Sarah, kindly replace that young lady’s clothes, and get up off your knees. Doreen, sit down, and everybody - hands on the table.’

Sarah gave an elaborate sigh. ‘Business,’ she explained to Colette. ‘Every day we have a coffee and deal with life’s realities. The fun comes later, honest.’

‘No cheek from you, Miss,’ snapped her mother. ‘It’s because we have an organised household that our fun doesn’t raise questions. Now, your Dad and I have some important business to attend to that will keep us away for a couple of hours. You, Miss, can get to know Colette, show him around, and explain the rules. I suppose that you’d like be a regular visitor from now on, Colette?’

‘If you’ll have me,’ Colette replied, looking down at the table. Funnily enough, he detected an insincerity in Michelle’s words: like she was having a laugh at his expense.

Michelle turned to her husband. ‘Were we right?’ she posed, obviously continuing a debate that was on-going. Colette had a suspicion that

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So my first four stories revolved around my fascination with cocks. My whole life has really revolved around women, wives and the female body with, if i had to guess, maybe 50 encounters with being bi orally and the other thousands of sexual encounters with women. Some of my best times were with my wife who secretly loved to be seen, she was very proper and the girl next door, beautiful, but popular and one of those girls most guys thought were just out of reach. Around town, she was the...

4 years ago
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The Accidental SpyChapter 3 Checking Out the Border Crossing

There was a stiff wind coming down from the mountains that chilled the bones and made Harry push his collar up to his already chapped ears. He was standing in a darkened doorway not far from the hotel watching the front and the side entrances. He had been there almost two hours already and was ready to call it quits and head back to the warmth of the room. This was the sort of thing that had to be done just to keep your tracks hidden. He told Olga "The Dancer" to stay in the room and watch...

2 years ago
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Stranger in the DarkChapter 4 Dream Lover

I took Monday off. I figured being attacked in my own bed, getting punched in the face so hard it cracked my jaw, and then having to spend the night talking to doctors and police meant I could take the day off. Brie emailed my professors, thoughtfully attaching my finished paper, to explain the situation. All of them responded with support and homework assignments. That old Chumbawamba song kept running through my head, “I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me...

3 years ago
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Getting off to Devils Rejects

Still on the couch, I slid my hand up, and then under her pants and started rubbing her clit as we watched people being knocked off. Both of us loved gore 'cause it made us horny as fuck. Whispering into her ear, telling her how I'd love to ram my cock in to her cunt as she watched people being killed only made her moan. Reaching her hand down, she felt my cock pushing against it's limits in my pants. Returning the deed, she reaching and started sliding her fingers along the head of my...

2 years ago
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A Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Administration Winterval Special

Although a light snow had been falling since shortly after we left St. Louis, we were making good time, and I felt at peace as we drove through southern Indiana. Despite my family's tendency to transform into Dysfunction Junction, the snow and the impending holiday festivities put me in a good spirit and brought my mind back to a Christmas many years ago. It was 1982, and I had turned x three months earlier. I had passed through that awkward phase of puberty and was an attractive kid; I...

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Ed BiggersChapter 7

Parking the truck with the trailer in the back of his house, Ed went around to the back of the trailer and opened the door. The horse, nervous from the ride, acted like it wanted to kick out. Ed started to talk to the horse in a gentle voice, as he led it out of the trailer. He seldom brought the horse home, but he decided that since he wouldn’t be back at work for a couple of days it made sense to keep it at the house. Normally, he would just run out to the auction house and take care of it...

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Mr Milky Way Bodybuildings Night of Shooti

As the lights went up in the auditorium, Butch Taylor switched off the microphone and stepped away from the podium. He was glad for the break, but he wanted more too. Butch knew that the best was always last. The final posedown was his favorite. The best of show in every competition, and tonight would be no exception. Mr Milky Way muscle extravaganza had attracted some of the best competitors. These were men with style. Size, too. But not just walking chemical factories. Butch liked that. He...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc 11

Clad in sexy fishnets, Asian-American MILF Kianna Dior masturbates her snatch while she talks dirty to the camera lens. The super-stacked, long-haired beauty dazzles with her big boobs on full display. ‘I want all your cum — shoot it all over me!’ she demands. Will do! First, she takes a ride with top director/performer Jonni Darkko’s stiff meat in her twat. He pummels her pussy in spoon position. Kianna smacks her lips and goads his gonads with a relentless barrage of...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Molly Little September 2022 Flavor Of The Month Molly Little

Horny petite spinner Molly Little wants her stepbrother Oliver Flynn to cum inside her, and today she has the perfect opportunity to get everything she’s been dreaming about. Standing in her bedroom in front of a full length mirror, Molly changes into increasingly provocative outfits for her first day back to school. She has Oliver in her room to give his opinion. At first, Oliver tries to not look when Molly is getting naked. She’s so blatant about it, though, that eventually...

3 years ago
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Fucking Hot Married Junior

Hi ISS readers, this sexsena from Ahmedabad Gujarat, i am regular reader and visitor of ISS. my mail id is This is the story about how I fucked  my hot junior. Story started when she joined the company and the candidate requirement was so urgent at the showroom that I have to train the her at the assigned showroom as the trainer was already conducting training in other city. Let me tell you about the heroine, her name is Chayya , Married 1 year back and her vital stat were amazing, In show...

3 years ago
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Into It Book 2Chapter 5

We left for Uncle Billy's and had an enjoyable supper with a very attentive busboy. Carol said, "Tom is getting some kidding from the rest of the staff about his attention to this table." I grinned. "It's nice to have our own private busboy. I'm going to ask Uncle Billy if he will let them dance later. My sister has the hots for him." Carol left chuckling while Marianne said, "I do not!" Karen looked at her sternly. She said more quietly, "Well, I do some. He's cute and smart....

1 year ago
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the replacement

Chapter 1 This guy has got to show up, I was starting to get that sick stomach, considering what would happen if this guy that we found online to meet us, doesn’t show up. The place was this bar that was connected to the hotel we were staying at located on the outskirts of town. There was only one reason why we got the room and only one reason we were in this town, and that was to hopefully hook my wife up with a black guy for a roll in the hay.. But there was actually a lot more to this...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Waterfall 1

PLEASE I BEG,POST YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS AS IT IS MY FIRST STORY AND ID REALLY LIKE TO GET SOME FEEDBACK FROM YOU READERS ON IT SO I CAN IMPROVE ON IT IF NEED BE !!!!!!    It all started one hot summer day in July. My wife, Lilly and I were out with a couple of friends of ours, Amanda and Chase, to have a cook out and a few drinks. We had talked about the idea of inviting another woman into our bed for a for a couple of years – by talking about it, I mean we would talk about it while we were...

1 year ago
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Lakshmis First MateChapter 9

Stephanie and the captain sat next to each other in the back of the car. The captain’s shorts slowly dried out with the air-conditioning, Stephanie played with her necklace and rings with her left hand and her right hand intertwined with the captain’s. They talked business, and they walked through the details of the retreat days. Every so often, their eyes would connect. The current of energy still flowed between them, ebbing and flowing. Stephanie’s breasts and nipples were still swollen...

3 years ago
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My newest fetish

I’ve always enjoyed keeping fit. But I don’t go to the gym any more. I have everything in my house. Nothing too fancy, just loads of weights, a multi-machine and recently a treadmill. So I work 50 hours a week in the nearest town and drive home at neck-breaking speeds to work out all alone.But my most recent fetish has put a real touch of spice to my work outs. I have quite a few sex toys: men cannot be relied upon for either for sex or anything else. I even secretly wear some remote...

2 years ago
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Peeping Tom Rewrite of version by Aansky0

My step-sister and I are nearly a year apart in age but in the same grade at school. So we were both ready to graduate this year. One of the benefits of being in the same grade is that we are taking most of the same classes, so we were studying the same things. We also had the tendency to study at the same time in the evening at our dining room table instead of in each of our respective rooms. Our parents are pretty conservative and very religious, and school is very important to them, and to...

3 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 1 DisplacementChapter 7

"I'm going to kill that old man," thought Dusty as he groaned painfully and rolled over. When he came to, he found himself face down in a field of grass. He looked around, and he could see what looked to be a dirt road to his right and trees off in the distance. As he stood up he realized that it looked like he was no longer in the city of Indianapolis anymore. He couldn't see anything like skyscrapers or building in general. All he could see was a big open field with a tree line off...

1 year ago
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Ek Khubsurat Sa Sapna Jo Haki Kat Me Badal Gaya

Abh jo me story ap ko sunane ja raha hu wo meri khud ki hai. Mera bare me ap ko bata du me I am reehan from ahmedabad and my contect email id is : agar story abhi lage to mail per ya comment kar dena. Ek khubsura sa sapna mera haki kat me badal gaya. Ek mera dost tha ussa meri dosti purani thi or hum bohat acha se ek dusra ka problem shar karte the. Or ek uski behan thi (sister) jo badi khubsurat haseena the lakin usa dekh kar kabhi mera man me bura khayal nahi aaya tha. Jesa jesa time...

3 years ago
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Dont Stop

Thanks to S for inspiration. As I slide the shower door closed behind me I feel the first needle-like jets of hot water brush my back. I turn into the water, closing my eyes and lifting my face up towards the source. Already the steam is building up in the bathroom and I fill my lungs with the warmth. It seems a shame to be washing her scent from my face, I can taste her in my mouth, still smell her delicate musk in my nostrils from where I buried my face in her, drinking her in. It hadn’t been...

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My NeighborChapter 4

The next morning I hesitated before going to the gym. I wasn't sure how Seth would act since I had sucked his cock the night before. But I went.Seth acted as if nothing had ever happened which was great. We talked and worked out just as we always had. However, Seth wanted to quit about 15 minutes before we normally did and I agreed.When we got into the shower we were the only ones there. I had a hard time trying to not look as Seth washed his cock and balls. Seth must have noticed I was looking...

2 years ago
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Whore Mother And Daughter Share A Cock

“I wonder why mom’s scooter is here.” Kiran’s first thought that maybe her mother Savita was sick and had not gone to office that day. So instead of making a noise she came in and closed the front door in Paschim Vihar. She then took off her shoes and walked bare footed up the steps towards her mother’s bedroom. She saw the door to her bedroom closed and she was just about to open it to see if her mom was all right. Then she heard the sound of a deep breathing and a male’s voice on the other...

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Wooden man

*** "Oooh, these are in there pretty good, did you finally get yourself a male?" Said Chloe as she pulled the fangs from my neck with her pliers. "I did Mistress, he got so mad when he tried to glamour me he bit me really hard." I replied with a smile. "Well I'm proud of you my pet, did you keep a vial to fix these holes?" "Yes Mistress." I replied, holding up the small vial of dead vampire blood I'd use to repair the fang damage. I was originally created as a man sized sex...

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Dont mention the motherinlaw

I’ve heard all the mother-in-law jokes and I’m here to tell you that they’re not all old dragons who resent the marriage of their daughters. Mine was only too happy to plan the wedding and on the day very nearly eclipsed the bride.If I tell you she’s would give Honor Blackman a run for her money. Her blonde hair is always perfect and her make-up subtle but striking. She always has a smile on her face.All right. I fancied her! My wife, Helen, used to tease me about it when we screwed and I...

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Joe was a handsome man with a sex appetite that was hard to satisfy. He also had a cock that was over ten inches and thick as a soup can. He loved the pain he gave the young girls as he fucked them with his huge dick. The more pain the better and harder he fucked. He mostly fucked his way through college ramming his big meat in many of the girls there. He loved when he found a virgin and deflowered her with the thick meat. Then he met Lisa. She was so innocent and naive. He made friends with...

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Theres Something About Me

My name is Michael. I'm 24 years old, blonde and blue-eyed, of medium height and build; once you get to know me well, you peg me as gay, which I am. I married my perfect man right out of high school, and together we have three wonderful children. But there's more. There's something about me... I've always been gay. I sucked my first cock at the tender age of 8. That was my cousin Jeff, who had me solo the next three years, until I sucked the neighbor kid Josh one day after school in his...

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A threesome to remember

After a few cocktails I was relaxed in the chair as I watched Annie unbutton Jeff's shirt and kiss his chest. Her ass was right in front of me as I watched her black nylon covered legs run up to her tight skirt that just covering her full ass. She knows how much I love tight skirts and nylons and for this special night she was dressed as a full on hot slut for the night. After three years together I had always fantasized in sharing her in a threesome. The sight of her lipstick stains on his...

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Ida gits it but good so does Sylvia

"You know we are in the kink capital of the universe here in the Bay area, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley? There are so many pervs here it's like a fucking New York gotta take a number. I'm not quite heterosexual, neither is Woody, nether are you, it seems. I could see if I could help you meet some people here who are kinky but not insane, who would treat you, not mis-treat you. If you were going to be around for a few more days....""Oooooooohhhh. I have to get on the train next...

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Dominant Black Transsexual CheerleadersChapter 11

"Mattie?" "Yeah, Mom!" I yelled, kicking off my shoes as I entered the house through the front door. I'd had a pretty good day of school, even for a Monday, and that had surprised me! I'd been really nervous about what the other kids would say and how they'd treat me after the party on Friday. My friends told me not to worry about it and so did the cheerleaders, our black girlfriends, but that was easy for them to say! They were the most popular girls in school and nobody really knew...

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Eva Erotic Expert 2 Blindfold Blow video


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My Tight Foreskin

This story takes place in 1978. I was nineteen and still living at home with my parents in Swindon in the United Kingdom.I was sexually active and had lost my virginity when I was seventeen. I was still finding my way. My cock is six inches when erect and a girth of five inches, nothing too outstanding. I had a tight foreskin and it was not a major problem if it was well lubricated.At this time in my life I had a girlfriend called Sarah who loved oral sex. It was Saturday night and we had gone...

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The Brothers Return

Much like the time between our first and second sexual experience together, little was said about anything that had happened. Strangely our relationship had remained much the same, no awkwardness or pauses in conversation. Basically life went on as though nothing had happened; which was fine for me and evidently for Derek too. The happy atmosphere was broken, however, when Derek's brother came back from New York. He had arrived only 3 hours before Derek hadd led me back to his house as usual...

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Beach Daddy Follows Me Home

However, in most cases, nobody cares or is evening paying you any attention at all. Around mid morning today, I got myself motivated enough to go to the pool. I was wearing my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos (there are lots of pics of me wearing them on my blog and Twitter account). As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, when I go for a swim at the local pool, I usually jump out of the pool, wrap a towel around my waist, throw on a t-shirt and drive home. When I got home from the pool, I thought...

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she wanted to watch

birthday,What she didnt tell me was who else was going to blow me...I mean my mind....Details cumming soon! elayne promised me that her gift to me for my birthday would blow me away and that was exactly what happened......It was the perfect gift! When I walked into my house after work elayne took my hand and led me into my bedroom, And laying there on my bed was a hot naked woman playing with herself! She led me straight to the shower where she undressed me then removed her skirt,panties and...

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Young bottom fucked by old store owner part 2

This is a continuation story. I had successfully seduced a older store owner into fucking my ass in the back of his store. Since then i kept day dreaming and flashing back to that moment. I remember the fear and excitement. I remember his hard cock in my mouth and ass. But most of all the feeling of his cum load shooting deep into my hole. That day when i went home i remember stripping naked in front of the mirror looking back at my ass admiring my figure and comprehending what i had done. I...

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The White Glove Society

The White Glove Society.By ninja5                                                Bailie glanced over at her younger cousin.  ?You sure about this Dakota?  I wasn’t a planed baby and I turned out pretty good.??Bailie, I know you agree with the great state we call home and its anti-abortion laws, but it was your brother who knocked me up.  I ain’t having no toothless offspring.??Well why did you sleep with him??  Bailie checked her cousin again.  Dakota, like all the women in the Walters family...

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Threesome With Mom And Friend

Thank you everyone for the comments on my first story which propelled me write this sequel.This is the sequel of my first story ‘Horny mom seduced and fucked son’. On the recommendation of one of my readers I am writing this story. It is a threesome of me, my mom and one of my friends. Please give your comments in my id Everyone’s comments will be appreciated. Now coming to the story… After our first sex, everyday we used to have sex, sometimes after my dad left for shop and later when I...

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Amelie part 2

Later that same Wednesday, Amelie left her small, but cozy apartment and took the bus down-town. The incident had been an eye-opener to her. She had not really thought about such things before, but she was keen to learn more about it. At that time, the internet in the building where she lived, was having stability-issues, so when she got off the bus, she walked back a bit and turned down a narrow side-street. There was an old and very friendly second hand bookstore that she had visited on...

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A Morning To Remember

Let me first preface this story by saying that my wife and I have a wonderful sex life. She is every man’s dream partner. She has an incredible body for a woman of forty who will watch porn at a drop of a hat. She allows me to look at women on the internet and will occasionally join me in one of my many masturbating events, by either stroking my dick or lie next to me and masturbate to what I am. She is a dream come true always giving me more then I ever want. She is also a wonderful mother to...

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fling with a classmate pt 2

"Fuck me" she whisperedHer hand wrapped around me. The tight grip around the base of my shaft made my already rock hard head swell and squeezed my balls just enough to leak out one first round of pre-cum. She tilted her head slightly and ran the side of her tongue firmly across my dickhole.pressing her lips around my tip she got the quick flow of semen out then looked back up at me. In the moonlight I could see the shine of that thick layer of saliva covering the entire lower half of her face....

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Big Blue EyesChapter 13

“A-hem,” Tyra said to get our attention. “Sorry, Tyra – I just love her so much, we haven’t been married very long. We knew each other for a long time before we finally realized the passion.” Tyra asked, “Do you have a brother, Randall?” “Yeah, but he goes to school in the East,” my little angel remarked, actually talking about our brother. “Darn it ... well, here are some dresses to try on – dressing rooms are over there?” “Thanks,” said Carol, a lot perkier than before. We walked over...

1 year ago
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Company Slut Chapter 1

Brooke sat in the unemployment office as she had once a week for the past ten months. She had to show up weekly to report whether she had found work or not. She'd been working for a very nice accounting firm as their receptionist/secretary, but the owner decided to retire and the business closed its doors.And now with the job market so tight, finding another job was proving quite challenging. Especially at her age. Had she been fifteen years younger–or even ten years younger–she wouldn't have...

Office Sex
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Potential Threesome takes a Wild Turn for a

A co-worker of mine, Josh, complained to me about not getting pussy for a long time. He had broke up with his girlfriend only three months back, and they had hooked up only one time since. He was frustrated. I let him know there was a woman who might hook up with him, but she was looking for a threesome. Josh said that would be fun because he always wanted an FFM, and I told him, "No, she wants two guys." He paused and said, that would still be fun but not if the guy's dick was near him. It was...

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Night with my aunt

It was saturday evening, it was getting late when somebody knocked to our door. Mom went to open the door and she found my aunt quite drunk. She was in some anniversary of her co-workers.She asked if she could stay for a night 'cause she's ¨tired¨ and it's far away to her home.I was in my room when she come in. She was in the good and horny mood so she began to flirt with me.¨How are you today? Do you feel to taste my pussy again? It's long time since we did it last time¨¨Are you mad? With my...

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Charity Slave AuctionChapter 5

The next morning I got up and made coffee. Dale got up and came out to the kitchen. He grinned when he saw me sipping coffee in the nude. He came over and hugged me and said, “You have never looked more beautiful. This will always be my favorite outfit.” I got up and kissed my husband and poured him some coffee. Then I made breakfast. We ate and sat around relaxing and sipping coffee when the doorbell rang. Since I was naked, Dale answered the door. I was surprised when he came back into...

4 years ago
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Out of FocusChapter 6

"Louis, what is wrong with your eyes?" Francine asked me. Instead of cowering in a wooded lot, awaiting possible death at the hands of two men evidently sent to kill me, I was fucking my wife--missionary style, and with a condom, as usual. Then I felt my cock expand and felt the satisfying release of sperm into my wife's pussy! It was glorious. As I rolled away from Francine, I closed my eyes and fought to get my breathing back somewhat to normal. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes...

1 year ago
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Love and Football Chapters 2 3

My brothers’ funeral was scheduled for the day after the game, keeping the distraction away from our week of preparation. In what should’ve been the biggest week of my life, I was just going through the motions. I did not care about school, I did not care about my friends, I did not care about practice, and I did not care about the game. I just wanted my brother back. Before I knew it, it was Friday night, the day of the biggest game of my life, and I was mentally ill-prepared. Going into a...

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my best friend

this is a fictional story.I had a best friend since I was 5 years old. We did everything together, we watched movies together, we went to school together, we did homework together. Yesterday my best friend Mike had his 18th birthday. we went to see a movie with bunch of other friends. the movie was funny and good, I enjoyed it a lot. On our way home Mike asks me: "Jason, do you wanna to come and do a sleepover?" I thought about it for a sec and I answered "sure". So we walked to his home and we...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 8 Submissive Genies Cherry Love

Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

3 years ago
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Trying to stay quiet

First story, please go easy but constructive criticism would be great. Names and places have been changed to protect the not so innocent. (Just a little back story, I was engaged to Lynn at the time, we were both 18. Lynn was about 5’4” 115 lbs, and a dancer/cheerleader in high school. About shoulder length blonde hair with light hazel eyes. Tits to die for, perfect perky 34 C’s . I’m about 6’4” 195 lbs at the time and in pretty good shape from scholarships funning track and cross country,...

Quickie Sex
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Ethical Porn Sites

Porn shouldn’t have morals, right? Yes! Porn acts should not have any morals. All sex scenes should be as nasty as possible; actors and actresses should be doing the nastiest shit you can think of to each other. Like I want to see a dad rimming her daughter from the back with one hard choking her, and the other hand has 3 of its fingers deep in her mouth, making her unable to breathe, so she’s just drooling. Like what the fuck? I want this shit nasty! Not even the gods can save morality...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Jan and Andreas Story

Jan's Story Jan's Story I don't ever want to see you again, bitch!? The door slammed behind me and I was out on the street. Three years of living with Jane had just gone up in smoke. Ok, it was my fault. Letting her find me with Cindy's head buried between my thighs had been the last straw. I might even have got away with it if she hadn't found me in much the same position with Mary a few days ago. But now the rows, like the relationship were well and truly over, and I traipsed over to...

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My neighbour8217s village maid Shanti

I moved to Behandigala, a small township. It was a small one and most of the people there were my colleagues. As I was a single guy, my company gave me a flat in the township. My floor was on the top floor and except for mine, almost all the other houses were empty on my floor. Opposite mine a guy named Vinod owned a flat. He only visited the house once in a while. Even though I haven’t met him, I knew he was a rude guy. He always shouted at everyone. Sometimes, he had parties there. And when...

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Maine Apni Maa Aur Mausi Ko Choda

Priyanshu aaj kal mai is site ki story ka achcha reader hun mai apni ek accha experience aapke samne rakhne ja raha hun mai kaha ni pahli baar likh raha hun mera naam vicky hai mai ma padh raha hun.meri age 17 years hai .mai aapko apne parivaar ke baare mai bata dun mere parivaar mai main ,meri bahan,mummy aur papa hai.meri mummy ka naam Vandna hai . Meri mom badi sexy hai.woh aksar sadi hi pahanti hai .Aur woh sadi mai badi sexy lagati hai Unke boobs aur chutad bade hai .Jab woh chalti...

4 years ago
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My First Erotic Massage

As a career woman, I have a very stressful and demanding job. It doesn't leave a lot of time and energy for a life outside work. So I get a massage and a professional stretch every Friday. As I walk into the Spa, I notice a muscular, well-defined man man with rugged good looks and bright blue eyes standing by the counter. I look him up and down admiringly while his eyes are averted. My breath catches as I view him from behind while he walks towards the back of the spa. He glides down the...

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