A Balmy SpringChapter 8 free porn video

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"I have an idea that I want to run by you three," I said.

We were sitting in the family room. Cassie and I were on one end of the couch; my feet were up on the ottoman in front of me and Cassie was curled up against my side. Shay was sitting on the floor leaning back against the oversized armchair while Mia snuggled back between Shay's legs. Cassie needed to leave—it was getting close to her Sunday night curfew—but she was trying to put it off as long as possible. Unlike me, she had to be back in school the next day, and her parents were pretty rigid about her staying out too late on a school night.

"An idea about what?" Mia asked.

I looked down at Cassie. "Do you remember the thing that C.L. wanted to do?"


I looked back at the other girls. "A couple of weeks ago, C.L. had me over for dinner."

"I remember," Mia said, "We talked on the phone that night."

"Right. Well, that night C.L. tried to get me to agree to attend an event in my honor. He kept saying that I was this hero and that the public needed a chance to show their appreciation for me. He put a lot of pressure on me to say yes. He said he had the support of a lot of prominent people in the area."

"Oh, Brody, I'm sorry," Mia sadly said. "We know how you feel about everything."

"What did you tell him?" Shay asked.

"I told him I thought he was overestimating how much people were interested in this story. He said I underestimated it. I said I just wanted things to go back to normal. He said the public needed me, that I was wholesome, clean-cut, and moral. He called me the 'All-American Hero'."

Shay snickered. "Moral. Does he know that you have harem?"

"Why won't he just leave it alone?" Mia said. Anger tinged in her voice.

"He's a nice enough guy," I said. "I think his intentions are noble, at least partly. But the man is a publicity hound."

"What did he say when you told him Fuzz was the real hero?" Cassie asked.

"He said all the right things: he was grateful, Fuzz was a hero, too, that kind of thing. But it's clear he has an agenda and he needs a face, a living face."

"But you told him no, right?" Cassie asked.

"Several times, but he just kept badgering. Finally, Connie—his wife—got him to let it go by getting me to agree to think about it. He's left me two messages since, but I haven't called him back."

"You need to," Mia said.

"I know, but I didn't know what to tell him."

"Tell him the same thing. No."

I sighed. "It's not that easy."

"Why not? He's trying to exploit you."

Cassie sat up a bit straighter. "Now, Mia, I don't think he's doing that. I just think he wants to let what he views as a heroic act steal some of the limelight of all the negative stuff going on in the world. I mean, what would he have to gain personally?"

"It's like Brody said," Mia contended. "He's trying to get good press for himself and for his business."

Before Cassie could respond, I interrupted. "Whatever his intentions are, one thing I know is that if I agree to this, I want to do it on my terms. Like I said, I have this idea and I wanted to see what you thought."

I proceeded to share it with them, and was I glad I did! They loved the idea. What started out as a nebulous concept began to really come together as the girls started throwing their ideas into the mix. Not only that, they all wanted to help, each coming up with ways they could. Everyone was excited by the time Cassie gave each of us one last sizzling kiss and drove away. We just needed to get buy-in from everybody else now.

The next day was about as lazy as you could get. It was also a somewhat melancholy day, since it was our last full day together. Cassie had to be in school, but I had two more days off, just like Mia and Shay missed the last few days of school the previous week. That had been the plan when we scheduled the spring break trip to Texas, and since I kept my grades at acceptable levels despite my depression, Mom agreed to let me still miss those two days. Cassie hadn't been planning to come over after school, either, since it was the girls' last day and she figured we'd want some time alone. However, if there was any doubt that Mia and Shay had accepted Cassie as an equal in our relationship, it was erased with their response to that idea. They insisted that Cassie come over to watch a movie and have dinner with us ... among other things. Then they convinced her to ask her parents for permission to miss school on Tuesday to go to Atlanta to see the girls off and pick my mom up.

Most of the last full day, though, was me with my desert flowers. A final round of lovemaking after Cassie left the night before kept us in bed until late morning. I was awakened the way a teenage guy should always be awakened ... by a slow, leisurely blowjob from two naked teenage girls. I was in no hurry to come, given the workout I'd engaged in the day before, but the need to pee was looming. I laid flat on my back, with my hands behind my head, enjoying the pleasant feelings that rolled through me as they passed my wood back and forth between them.

Mia was taking me deep when the need to come went from pleasant to urgent.

"Soon," I grunted in warning.

Mia popped my prick out of her mouth like a lollipop and angled it towards Shay's mouth. The redhead happily hummed, then swallowed me to the root. I started lifting my hips, groaning as the muscles in her throat milked my cock.

"Open your mouth and let him shoot into it when he comes, Shay," Mia said. "It felt hot when he did that to me yesterday. I bet it looks hot, too. I want to see it."

"Mmrph," Shay answered.

"You didn't really get much in your mouth," I corrected Mia through clenched teeth. "Most of it landed on your cheeks, nose, chin, and—"

"Yeah, yeah," Mia said, rolling her eyes. She scooted up, and without warning, bit my nipple and sucked hard.

"Holy shit," I gasped, and threw my hips up.

Shay gagged and released me, but kept my swollen cock aimed at her open mouth as she continued to slick her fist over it. The pleasure was too much. I thrust my hips up twice more.

"Uungh..." I groaned as the first spurt erupted and landed a direct hit in Shay's mouth. She flinched in surprise, but didn't turn away, and the next shot landed in almost the exact same spot, painting another thick ribbon along the surface of her tiny pink tongue. She moved closer and closer on the next two spurts before wrapping her lips over the head to catch the remaining spunk that dribbled out.

"God, that WAS hot," Mia panted. She was on her side facing us, her fingers squishing into her slit. "Come here, Shay. Share it with me."

Shay crawled over and pushed Mia onto her back. After throwing a sly grin my way, she put her face directly over Mia's and opened her mouth. Mia opened hers just in time to catch my cream as it streamed white and thick from between Shay's lips. I'd seen this thing on porn, but it was so much hotter in real life. Once the waterfall of come had pooled in Mia's mouth, Shay dove to capture her lips, and they began pushing the load back and forth between them. It was kinky and it was messy, but it was so fucking hot. So what did I do with my still turgid morning wood? I took it to the bathroom to empty my bladder. They were making enough of a mess without me adding to it.

"Oh, look! Twins!" Mia said. "I need another car."

"Rub it in, why don't you?" Shay huffed, folding her arms across her chest. She glared at me. "Why did you agree to play Life? She ALWAYS wins."

I shrugged. "She really wanted to play it."

"And now you see why!" Shay motioned towards the game board in the middle of the kitchen table.

Mia had the highest salary. She had the most Life tiles. Her stock number was repeatedly spun, and she now had SIX kids, which meant that she needed a second vehicle, and her little plastic peg-Brody got to drive it.

"Stop gloating and stick them in the damn holes!" Shay snapped, when Mia made a big production over which color car would look best next to her red one.

Mia giggled. "That's what SHE said..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Got it," I said, as I slipped out of my chair. "Play nice while I'm gone."

I could still hear the din of their banter when I got to the door, which made me smile. Cassie wouldn't be coming over until after her homework was done, so I had no idea who to expect when I threw the door open.

"Bro-DEE!" Kristin squealed, and jumped at me. I barely had time to get my arms around her waist to catch her. Her lips immediately found mine and latched on, then she stuffed her tongue in my mouth. The hint of peppermint on her breath was all Kristin, and not knowing what else to do in what was soon to be an awkward moment, I just returned the kiss. It felt forced, though, so I cut it shorter than I normally would. If she noticed, she didn't show it. Dropping from my arms, she hurried past me and dragged me by the hand into my house.

"I missed you SO much, Brody," she said.

A flash of color off to our side, accompanied by a quiet "ERP!" caught my attention. It unfortunately caught Kristin's, too. She looked back at me with a furrowed brow.

"Someone else is here? I thought with your Mom at work ... I didn't figure that you'd have company..." She looked back towards the kitchen doorway. "You have another ... girl ... here?"

A sigh came from the kitchen a moment before two red-faced girls appeared. They sheepishly smiled.

"We, uh ... we didn't mean to, um, interrupt," Mia said. She looked at me with an expression of apology that quickly turned to annoyance. Her look clearly said that she expected me to resolve this situation once and for all.

Kristin recovered from her initial surprise and dismay pretty quickly. Her public façade shot up and she smiled that fake-y smile of hers.

"Oh, that's OK!" she said, "I'm Kristin! And you are... ?"

"Shay," my redhead girlfriend said, "And this is Mia."

From the quick flash of recognition on Kristin's face, I knew that somewhere back in time I mentioned my girlfriends' names to her.

"Oh, right! You're Brody's girlfriends. From ... let's see ... Arkansas, right?"

"Arizona," Mia said.

"Of course, how forgetful of me. Brody's told me so much about you. I didn't realize you were coming to visit for spring break." Kristin gave me a hard look. "I was under the impression he was going to be passing the time all by his lonesome."

Shay glanced at Mia. "We, uh, kind of surprised him."

Kristin waved her hand in dismissal. "You don't have to explain anything to me. You ARE his girlfriends, after all, and I'm ... well, I'm just a friend. Right, Brody?" I could hear the coldness in that simple statement.

I guess that was the opening I needed. "Listen, Kristin—"

"Well, we're certainly glad to meet another of Brody's friends," Mia interrupted. She shot me another loaded look. This one clearly said that I was an idiot. "Would you like to come in and get something to drink?"

Now I was confused. Did she or did she not want me to put an end to my relationship with Kristin?

"Thank you," Kristin said, giving Mia another superficial smile. "But I need to be going. I didn't see Brody at school, so I just thought I'd check on him on my way home." She backed a step toward the door before turning to look at me. That public face—the one she used to mask her emotions from everyone around her—slipped for a moment, and I could plainly see the hurt in her eyes. She quickly covered it up. "I'll see you at school, 'k?"

"Yeah, sure," I said.

She headed out the door, but glanced over her shoulder. "Nice to meet you girls. Enjoy your visit!" Then the door shut behind her. An awkward pause was left in her wake. A good thirty seconds passed before anyone spoke.

"Well, she was fucking beautiful," Shay matter-of-factly said. Then she looked at Mia. "I don't think she was very happy to see us, though."

"Thank you, Miss Obvious," Mia said.

"I'd do her in a heartbeat," Shay answered.

Mia ignored her and stepped in front of me, looking up into my eyes. Her brow was furrowed. "You were going to break things off just now, weren't you?"

I scratched my head. "Well, uh, yeah. You wanted me to, didn't you? I mean, did I misinterpret your look earlier?"

"Brody, Sweetheart," she said, in a somewhat patronizing tone. "I didn't mean break it off with her IN FRONT OF YOUR GIRLFRIENDS!" She took a slow, deep breath and shook her head. "Boys can be so dense sometimes."

Shay stepped beside Mia and took my hand. "Brody, she's a PERSON. She has feelings. How do you think she would feel getting dumped right in front of the girls' she was being dumped for? She tried to mask it, but she has it bad for you. I would guess that she thinks she's in love with you. I don't know what hurt her worse: the thought of us being here this week, or the surprise at meeting us just now."

"She probably figured that she was well on her way to getting your undivided affection," Mia said. "I bet she thought you were going to break it off with US. So imagine how surprised and hurt she was to see us here, in her territory."

I looked from one to the other. "Are you serious? You learned all THAT from that short exchange?"

Shay dramatically sighed. "Brody, Brody, Brody..." She reached up and patted my cheek, then turned towards the kitchen.

Mia sighed. "Well, you've got a mess to clean up after we leave. Come on, you silly boy. Let's go back to the game so I can finish kicking your butts."

"Guess who we met earlier," Shay said the second Cassie came through the door.

Cassie interrupted her with a kiss.

"Mmmm..." Shay hummed, and slid her arms around Cassie's waist.

Cassie reached up and cupped Shay's face in her hands. Their mouths moved together, and tongues soon joined in. Cassie pulled back after another few seconds.

"Mmm," she mimicked Shay, "Who?"

"Kristin," Mia said, as she replaced Shay in Cassie's embrace. Their kiss was less impassioned, but no less friendly. "She was hoping to find Brody alone. Imagine her surprise."

Cassie's eyes widened. "Oh, no. Poor girl. What happened?"

The girls related the afternoon's visit as they pulled Cassie into the kitchen to help get dinner ready. I followed them in with the intent to help, but Mia pointed to a chair.

"Sit," she said.

I figured I was on shaky ground after Kristin's visit, so I hesitated for only a second before sitting.

"Good dog," Shay said.

Cassie snickered. I didn't think it was THAT funny.

"You aren't too old to spank," I warned, "Any of you."

"Ooo, kinky," Shay said.

"Is that a promise or just a hollow threat?" Cassie asked. Her tone was playful, but the way that her nostrils flared for a second, told me that a part of her might hope it was the first.

I ruminated on that thought as I watched them move around the kitchen. They chatted and bantered with one another as they worked, and I enjoyed watching them as I wondered if Cassie really was into spanking. I knew some people were, and the occasional swat on the butt even found its way into my sexual activities. From Cassie's brief reaction, I got a sense that this might be something else. Cassie was the most physically aggressive of all my lovers. She liked it kind of rough. Sure, she enjoyed the slow lovemaking, but she seemed to thrive when we had a nice, hard fuck.

One thing that came out from my sex with Kristin was that I could have a little bit of a mean streak in me. My guilt, after the first few times I was with Kristin, had to do with my intent, not the actual act of telling her what to do and how to do it. I was controlling NOT because Kristin had liked it, but because I had been spiteful. The fact that Kristin liked being ... used, I guess ... was inconsequential. Hell, I had no way of knowing whether she liked it that way, and I didn't give a shit at the time.

Now tying that back to Cassie; did I have it in me to give it to her if she REALLY wanted things to be a little rougher? Would some part of her be left unfulfilled if I didn't? I definitely didn't want that for ANY of my girls. I knew I couldn't be into full-on BDSM. I'd seen a few video clips of some pretty kinky shit, and it always left a bad taste in my mouth. I can't understand how a girl could let herself be abused and humiliated like some of them were, and I thought the guys who did it were sons of bitches.

I gave a mental shrug. I was likely reading way too much into one tiny response to a teasing comment. I'd just have to observe and play it by ear.

Dinner was excellent. Mia directed the culinary dance, and she'd obviously learned some things from her mother, who was an awesome cook. Cassie threw a salad together with the few fixings left in the fridge, while Mia made a killer creamy garlic dressing. Shay made chicken, seasoned by some rub that Mia knew of off the top of her head, and Mia made this creamy, cheesy rice dish that she called risotto. I praised the girls after every few bites, and Shay and Cassie were equally vocal about their appreciation of Mia's talents. I'd be in big trouble, with emphasis on the word BIG, if they fed me like this every night after we were married.

The movie we watched, straight from Cassie's DVD library, was The Jane Austen Book Club. It was based on one of Cassie's favorite novels, and she gushed about the movie. Neither Mia nor Shay had seen the movie or read the book, but Shay had read ALL of Jane Austen's novels. She was, after all, a historical romance aficionado. Mia had seen the movie versions of a couple of Austen's books, so she at least had some idea about the author. Me? I knew Austen was an author of romances, and I was pretty sure that she lived in England a whole bunch of years ago, but that was it.

Needless to say, I wholly anticipated being bored out of my gourd. However, two things smashed that expectation all to hell. First, the sitting arrangements during the movie had me in the middle of the couch, Mia curled up against one side, Cassie laying against my other side with her head in my lap, and Shay curled, almost like Mia, on the floor between my legs with her hand on my knee and her head resting against the back of that hand. It was sweetly intimate and kept me alert and happy. The second? I actually enjoyed the movie; I'm sure that it was largely due to the company I was with. There's no way in hell that I'd be admitting that I liked it to Jeff, so I'm pretty sure he and I wouldn't be watching it together. The movie was well-acted and interesting. The characters were convincing and had depth. The plot was typical of a "chick flick", but it was enjoyable all in all.

I'm sure the movie's appeal was helped by one particular love scene between a young woman in the club and her girlfriend. It wasn't explicit or anything—quite tame, actually—but it was so perfectly filmed and the actresses were so entirely hot, that it kept my attention. It obviously kept the girls' too, because Shay turned and kissed Cassie with serious heat shortly after it. They missed the next five minutes of the movie as they made out, and I was so hard when they came up for air, that the erection poking the side of Cassie's head made her giggle. She proceeded to rub her face against my shorts for the next five minutes.

My redhead and blonde lovers resumed their sizzling kiss as soon as the closing credits started rolling, and Mia and I watched them for a couple of minutes. Mia pretty soon got on her knees beside me, and we engaged in our own rendition of the kiss. Mia had removed both our shirts a few minutes later, and she was rubbing my chest with her hand and breasts, while she tried to tickle every spot inside my mouth with her tongue. The other two girls dispensed with their shirts too, but they also made my shorts and underwear disappear, then continued their kiss above and all over the swollen knob of my cock.

We made love right there in the living room. As Shay and Cassie loved my cock, I had Mia strip completely naked and moved her to stand on the couch cushions and straddle my chest, then I coaxed her to lower herself onto my face so I could explore her pussy like she explored my mouth. Mia's ass was facing the others, so Shay and Cassie alternated between rimming Mia's puckered little butthole and sucking my cock. Thanks to the dual assault Mia came first. It was a hard, jarring orgasm that left her a quivering mass of teenage girl, curled up beside me on the couch. Shay and Cassie shared my first load of come when I erupted between their lips. Then they slipped down to the floor and into a sixty-nine with Shay on the bottom. Shay came next, moaning her orgasm into Cassie's soaked pussy. However, Cassie moved off Shay before coming herself. She sat back on her haunches and looked at me with an anxious expression.

"So, um, Brody," she said, her cheeks reddening beyond the flush of arousal she already had. "You said ... You said that, um, I needed to be spanked." She looked at Shay and Mia and took a deep breath, then locked eyes with me. "I think you're right."

Well, I guess THAT question was answered. The question about whether or not I was interested in giving Cassie a real spanking—not just a couple of playful swats—was answered immediately after that. My cock started filling with blood again—I had the rejuvenating powers of the young, after all—and my heart began to thump in excitement. Practically without thought, I hardened my expression. Cassie saw it, her nostrils flared again, and she started breathing faster.

"Come here," I demanded.

She hesitated, suddenly unsure of whether or not she really wanted this.

I spoke again, this time through clenched teeth. "Come. Here."

She scrambled to her feet and stood before me as I scooted my butt to the edge of the couch. I could see Shay watching wide-eyed from her position on the floor just behind Cassie. The redhead's fingers were lazily diddling between her legs. I could see that Mia was sitting up in the corner of the couch in my peripheral vision, legs crossed Indian style, also watching.

"Lay across my lap," I said. I bent my knees to 90 degrees so she had a nice flat surface.

Cassie didn't hesitate this time. She draped herself across my lap and put her hands on the floor to brace herself. She let her head hang down and her long blonde locks covered her whole face. Her delectable ass was perfectly positioned, so I slowly caressed and kneaded it. Cassie's body was trembling with what I guessed was a combination of desire and fear. I was hesitating, still unsure whether this was what she really wanted.

Then she gathered her hair with one hand in a fist, creating a thick ponytail, and turned her head to look at me. "I've been very naughty," she said, her voice deep and husky, "Very naughty." She let her head fall again and seemed to present her ponytail to me. "Something for you to hold on to," she panted.

My fist replaced hers and I pulled back on the hair, lifting her head. She grimaced, but the moan that escaped her lips said she was fucking horny. I looked at Shay, but her eyes were on the girl in my lap while she was frigging her pussy like crazy. I looked at Mia, and she was almost a mirror of Shay, watching Cassie with wide eyes and rubbing herself.

"Why don't you join Shay on the floor?" I suggested in a tone much softer than the one I used on Cassie. "You can help each other while you watch."

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Chapter Six   I went to the door to the hall, I hadn’t even tried it before…or had I?   Maybe Charles had unlocked it when the shower came on or something, I’d have sworn we were locked in.   In my bare feet I slipped to the balcony and watched as Sally walked across the room towards my uncle by the fireplace…as Charles turned I realized that he too was enamored with Sally’s body, his cock was just as swollen as the one now filling between my thighs.   I slipped...

3 years ago
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A Tale of Two Mothers

A lucky someone finds the chance to assert hypnotic authority over the two mothers in his/her life. How will this series of events go about? What the fuck is this story even about?? Who is this story about??? Will the next question end in about???? Let's fucking find out, what do you think? - This is going to be a point A to point B type of story, not much differing paths here. I was tempted to just keep this story as a special for the Patreon, butt.... Nah I'm not going to do that yet. Also...

Mind Control
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Maa Ki Gangbang Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hi may nilesh apni kahani ka 2nd part likhne jaraha hu Usse phale pichle parta k thoda recap..Mari maa ko black mail.Kar kaye gharki security guard naukar or mali na puri trha saye randi bana kar choda tha..Ab aagee Agle din subha karib 9 baje jab maye utha nind say to dining room maye mayene kuch awaz suni or jaldi saye niche aaraha tha tavi dakha k naukar naye mari maa ko jo ki srif panty or bra pahni thi use ghar ki safiye karwa raha hain, maa muje dakh kar apne room k andar jane ki kosis ki...

2 years ago
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Just As He Is Part 5

Introduction: How the young teen explains to her brother why she can nail him AUTHORS NOTE: At the present time, I would remind readers that hundreds of thousands if not millions of Japanese have had their happy sex lives interrupted in unimaginable traumas. Please be as generous as you can in assistance to their relief. For more: www.opusa.org or 50555 text REBUILD or 1-800 678 7255. For those readers who would like to go directly to find out how Julie convinces her somewhat older brother to...

3 years ago
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Sharing Phone TimeChapter 4

It was Wednesday night around 8:15. Tim and I were watching TV when the phone rang. I answered it, then handed the phone to Tim, “It’s Terry.” I started reading my magazine again. “Thanks, Mom ... Hi Honey. Are you feeling better?” Tim: “That’s good. Tim: “Saturday, sure I can come over.” Tim: “So, where do you want to go.” Tim: “You don’t want to go out?” Tim: “Where are your parents going for the weekend?” Tim: “Sounds nice.” Tim turned to me and smiled his cute smile, and winked....

1 year ago
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With my SIL

12 July 2002 – she & me – my passionate love with my sil it was july 2002. I had been to “her” for a vacation and had gone all alone. Last time we made love was during 1995 jun/jul – exactly 7 years back. That was by sheer accident and though i wanted her i never expected that i will again have her & love her. How to approach her what if she gets angry? What if she rakes up the issue and put me in trouble? – these questions kept on coming to my mind. I took a very bold decision and it paid off...

1 year ago
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Friendship and lot of sex

I’m Ali again from Pakistan Karachi. First of all i must thank to this site, which provided me the chances to share; my sex experiences with u all readers. My last stories were appreciated a lot by u readers, which encouraged me to send u another experience. Aur jin house wife or college girls nay mujhay mail kee hai aur apnay pass bulaya haii is ka may sukariya ada karta hoooo isitarha mujhay mail kartay rahiya aur bolatay rahiya aur apni piyass bujhatayrahiya. My email id is umber was newly...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 58

The second day with the Pros from Dover started out with me waiting for them. I didn't have any real plans. It was to be a day with just more of the same boring crap, so I didn't mind waiting. "At your service," I said into the office phone. "My god Maxine is that how you are going to talk to me?" "No Jen, I'm sitting at my desk. I don't have caller ID here. I thought you were a client." "Well hell, I am a client. Marty told me to keep an eye out for anything fun that I could...

2 years ago
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I Dont Like Pets

It had started out like any other day. Woke up excited, open the blinds, and went into the kitchen to start the coffee. I decided to take the trash out while the coffee brewed. So I took the long stroll to my apartments compactor. It was a leisurely stroll, but I kept feeling like someone was watching me. I looked about, but I didnt see anyone. Back at my apartment I washed my hands at the kitchen sink. Got out my ingredients and began to make one of my special mocha lattes. I heard some...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 37

BROCK “Please!” The elf scout screamed. “I don’t understand why you’re complaining,” I said as I loaded him into the trebuchet, “I’m returning you to your army.” “Hold on to this tightly, Imperial, and don’t release it too soon.” Trenok grunted, tying the parachute straps to the terrified man’s wrists. “It won’t work!” He cried. I knelt to his level, and put a compassionate hand on his shoulder. “Progress is made by silencing doubters, little imperial. All great scientists of our...

1 year ago
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Bang With My Cousin Suganya

Hi this is vinoth..Im doing my be 3rd year here in coimbatore…Im good looking guy with fair complexion and im 5’9″ tall…..With well built athletic body…All girls in my college long for me..I too have ladies fan in ladies hostel..Let me introduce the heroine of my story…Her name is suganya…My cousin..She is 1 year elder than me..She is doing final year be in madurai…She is 5’5″ tall ,her body shape is 30-28-32…She is so hot..Any guy wil have a desire to fuck her…Let us come to the story.. This...

3 years ago
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Home run 2

After the game she greeted me outside of the dugout before I hit the showers. She gave me a hug and congratulated me on the win. I said that I'm happy we won, but I played like shit. She then embarrassed me in front of my friends by scolding me for using bad language. I told her that I'd see her at the house.Jeff gave me a ride home after the game. On the way he dropped a bomb on me."So I heard Sean is going to be at your house watching a movie tonight," Jeff said."Huh?" I replied as I felt a...

3 years ago
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The End of a Very Bad Week

Kirri had just left from her office job for the week. She went to a nearby coffeehouse to pick up her usual tall vanilla iced latte. As she paid for it and picked up to take a sip, a man distracted by his cell phone conversation ran into her, causing her latte to spill on to her white cotton button down blouse. He managed to apologize and offered to wipe up the spill on her blouse though he felt like his cell phone was stuck to his head. It felt like her day had gotten worse, but her whole...

2 years ago
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Soaked Capture

The GRAB2am in the morning and the moon appears ominous as Melissa walked home, she was a little lit from the party but feeling very relaxed. She passed by this club where a few other young woman in various dress were outside milling about smoking. One of the young women was gazing at her hips and her ass swinging as she passed, thinking of what it was like.A few moments later, as Melissa is on another block, she passes a red door. Suddenly, the door opens and two figures surround her, one of...

2 years ago
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MILF Slut Sequel Four

Sandy's evening at the Party Boat was not over. She was still full of lustful energy and felt as if she was only in the first inning of a nine inning game. After several minutes, Sandy decided to go out onto the deck for another look at the stars and full moon while Terry napped. It was a warm and comfortable summer night with only a suggestion of a breeze when a man came up behind her and said, "Hi Queenie." Like Sandy, except for his thong and nipple clamps, he was nude. He had the start of a...

1 year ago
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SharonChapter 5

Sharon flew in the following Wednesday. "Hello, Mr H! Doin' alright are you? Ooh, I've 'ad me problems this week. The bloke next door's been playing 'is music ever so loud and 'e doesn't turn it off 'till two or three in the morning. I 'ad a word with 'im Friday an' he told me to get stuffed. I told 'im that I'd tell the council. He told me to get stuffed again so I did. Nah! Not get stuffed but I went an' saw Mr Gardner, the local 'Ousing Manager an' 'e said they'd send...

1 year ago
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Blind DatePart 2

Her blind date was not at all like what she had expected. First off, he was younger than her and he was quite handsome in a blue collar sort of way that she found most intriguing. Then, when she saw the moustache, she had to fight her instinct to giggle because he reminded her of the junior assistant scoutmaster with his French accent and his long pointed tongue that drove her absolutely crazy with excitement each time he went down on her to show her how much he adored her beautiful...

2 years ago
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Ms Lattuca Gets A Taste Of Her Student

 It was finally Halloween day. Ms. Lattuca had picked out a sexy outfit for the occasion. She was a teacher, why not dress like one? She wore a black lacy bra and matching panties. Over it, a pleated plaid skirt with lace at the hemthat barely covered her tight, fit ass. She pulled on her fishnet stockings and complimented them with black stilettos. She didn't plan on wearing anything over her bra, she wanted to keep her costume very sexy, very alluring. Accentuating her outfit, she wore a...

2 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 29 Thursday

Candles are the order of the day. But no, not what you’re thinking now, I’m not going to light them. At least not yet. No, they are thin candles (about two fingers wide) and are perfect for Anna’s ass. At least, that’s my opinion. My sister is on all fours, ass in the air, a bunch of candles and some lube at her fingertips, and me standing beside her with a riding crop. Anna’s task is to insert as many candles as possible into her ass. So far, she’s only had my cock and some dildo there,...

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The Trade

You all know the legal bull crap required at the beginning but here it is anyway, The following story is a complete work of fiction, It is for Adults Only, Do not read if under 21 years old, Do not read if it is illegal to do so where you live, ya-da&hellip,ya-da&hellip,ya-da. Also, this is story about adults having sex with minors, if this offends you, DONT READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Trade Chapter 1 I live on the west coast and am the sole owner of a medium sized electrical supply...

3 years ago
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Sex With Naghma Garam Aur Mast Maal

Hi Friends this my first story my sex experience share with u mera naam vicky hai mai 25 saal ka hu 5foot 8 inch meri height hai slim body and good look naghma jiske sath mera sex exp hai wo us waqt thi 20 saal ki gajab ka maal thi garam ek dum hot ha mai roorkee ut se hu Ye aaj se laghbhag 4 saal pehle ki baat hai jb mai ek govt project pe kaam krta tha pehle hum bhi wha operator ki job krte the baad me hume wha supervisor bna diya gya jb sight humare hath me aa gyi tb humne ek ladki ko kaam...

2 years ago
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Roses Roommate Gives Her a Helping Hand

She got home and immediately kicked off her shoes. Locking the door behind her she went upstairs to lay down in her bed. It had been a really long day.  "Rose?" Her roommate gently opened the door, peeking in. "Yes, Amber." Rose rolled over and look towards the door. "I thought I heard you come in. Is everything okay?" Amber came in and sat down next to Rose.  "Yeah... Just had a long day." Rose stretched out, trying to relieve her aching back. "I could give you a massage," Amber suggested....

3 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 50 SM03Tau Day 7 continued

Cecilia was standing in Steve's bedroom, fully clothed, with her arms covering her breasts when he got there. On the bed, Steve saw a set of wrist cuffs and a ball gag. He looked at Cecilia in surprise, and she spoke to him in a quiet voice. "I like to be a little bit helpless, but not completely so, and I get embarrassed by how loud I get. I don't like to be dominated, just teased while I can't defend myself. Anna says I can trust you, and Patricia says you really know how to show a...

1 year ago
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Mom Sandwiched By Two Uncle

I'll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and she is 45 years old bit fat not much with two sexy and juicy pair of boobs Approx 36 and nice well curved figure with good ass and fair complexion. I would...

4 years ago
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First Time With My sister

When I was younger, I had a habit of masturbating quite often as most guys do. One day I was in my room with the door locked and I was on my bed with a magazine for inspiration. I was going at it when suddenly, my sister burst in. I rolled over and covered up and yelled at her for doing that. I asked how she got in since the door was locked. She showed me the small flat head screwdriver she had used to open the cheap lock. She had loved to pick on me as she was 4 years older than me and when...

2 years ago
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To be or not to be A Cuckolded question

Stella was 43 years old, five foot 10 inches tall around 180 lbs, not slim by any means and often joked the bulk of her weight was in her 38C breasts especially after raising her two sons, John and Jamie. She was married to Jim a 45 year old loving man, five foot four tall and with an extra few lbs, he called his love handles. Jim’s one drawback was his sexual equipment only five and a half inches when erect to the max. Oh of course Stella never complained but secretly she fantasised often of a...

1 year ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 3

Set in Coletown Keith Boyd Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. DIY in plastic Looking up at the white PVC frame standing on the concrete pad was like seeing the skeleton of a T-Rex in the yard of a museum. In a few hours it would take on a new persona. In those few short hours...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Kelsi Lynn Kelsi Lynn Anal James Deen Punishment

HOLY SHIT! That is really all I can say about this scene. Kelsi Lynn and James Deen have a special bond. She seems to want to be his sex slave and live out filthy fantasies with the porn star. That or she is just a total whore who loves to be roughly fucked up the ass with her head shoved into a toilet. Anything is possible. I think it is the former based on the way she begs for approval from James after she gets her asshole destroyed by him and drenched in his cum. Whatever the reason these...

2 years ago
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Rebecca and the Gardener Chapter Two

Before Rick left after we had sex on the dining room table, he asked me for my cell number. In doing so, I didn’t want to appear too keen or even too desperate, so I didn’t ask him for his. But then, he never actually offered it to me, anyway. One week later and he hasn’t even rung me. Not to tell me how great our sex was, or to tell me it was the best sex he had ever had, although I doubted that it was. He didn’t even ring to tell me how good he was and it was the best sex I had ever had. And...

3 years ago
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Chris and John and Beth part 1

It all started one Friday evening at 6:00pm I was sitting at home checking messages after I got home from work and spending time with the girlfriend she knows I'm bisexual so I'm checking messages and I get one from my hometown friend Chris so the message said are you free to grab some drinks tonight at the bar I look at my girlfriend and she goes message him back and say yea we can both go she has meet chris a couple times but never seen his cock or anything like I have from his profile pics...

2 years ago
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Lesson 1

The Lesson My name's Joe, and yes I'm bisexual. I have a friend named Tom who's also bisexual. Were in the electronics business together. We do very well, well enough too not have to work. We have a huge house with our own little dungeon. That's where we give our "lesson's". We have 4 special friends that come over and give the lessons. We've been doing it for a few years now, and so far we haven't got caught. Both Tom and I work out on very regular basis and are quite strong....

2 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 13

I checked out of the hotel and was at the restaurant a little before eight, getting my Anna fix. Just as Anna was bringing my coffee, Jorge and Giuseppe walked in together. While we were eating, I reminded them I had to get my horse and mules from the stables, and then make a few stops in town for supplies before leaving. I paid for the breakfasts, said my goodbye to Anna, and walked over to the stables. I spent a few minutes talking to Mr. Mendoza, while the stable boy got my horse and...

2 years ago
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John and Brianna part 5 at the beach

It is a couple of weeks since the visit to the club. It was now Fall and the weather was getting colder and it was getting darker outside.Brianna likes to run, but this day the weather does not look very good, but it is still dry, so she decides to go for a quick one.  During the run, the clouds are closing in quickly and before she knows it the rain is streaming down and within minutes she is soaked to the bone.When she gets home finally John is also home. She is shivering all over, and he...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 155

From a friend of J & G. President Trump invited the Pope for lunch on his mega yacht, the Pope accepted and during lunch, a puff of wind blew the Pontiff’s hat off, right into the water. It floated off about 50 feet, then the wind died down and it just floated in place. The crew and the secret service were scrambling to launch a boat to go get it, when Trump waved them off, saying “Never mind, boys, I’ll get it”. The Donald climbed over the side of the yacht, walked on the water to...

3 years ago
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Movie Listings 3

Silver Cinema 16 listings and show times for November 14th - November 20th ***NOTICE*** Due to the Turtlehead Beetle infestation's effect on this year's popcorn crops, Silver Cinema Theaters will no longer be serving popcorn sizes larger than Medium and will not be offering free popcorn refills. When the popcorn supply improves we will resume our usual popcorn sizes, policies and prices. Thank you for your understanding. - Silver Cinema Theaters ONE HELL OF A DEAL Romance -...

1 year ago
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Photographs Ch 07

DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on. ***** True to his word, Danny made no further attempt to seduce his mother that night. With one topic hanging so heavily...

3 years ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 4

In one sense, every day is the first day of the rest of your life. December 26, 2006, though, was a little bit more. Christmas was over, and I woke up to find myself in the same room, in the same body, and in the same life in which I'd found myself the day before. All of which were three years older than they were when I'd gone to bed on December 24. My first thought as I woke up, stretched, and sat up in bed, was that if Mom were still alive, she'd reinstate spanking just to make sure my...

2 years ago
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A dream cum true

Amanda was just 16 but she was ready to learn everything I could teach her sexuallyIt was my 60th birthday and the celebration was at the country property of my daughter and her family. All the siblings were there including their three c***dren, 2 boys and Amanda the only granddaughter out of seven grandc***dren, her sister Jane and her husband and c***dren and of course my dutiful but sexless wife.Amanda, the only granddaughter was just 16 and as pretty as possible. Her lanky body had quickly...

4 years ago
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My Neighbor Is A Whore

I moved into a quiet neighborhood with my girlfriend about a year ago. We would see our neighbors outside, but never talked to anyone. About 5 months ago we decided to get a dog, and it was probably the best decision ever. We met so many people that lived around us, to include an older woman two houses down. She introduced herself and seemed like a normal person. Days go by and I see her on her porch with another woman. I say hi and they invite me in to have a drink. The older woman introduces...

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Wife fun

Introduction: My wife invited an old lover over to fuck while I watch My wife has always been honest about enjoying other men, and from the start we agreed that her body was hers to do with as she pleases- which she does, quite often. I love to watch/listen/hear about her enjoying herself, so our agreement has been mutually satisfying and we have had many fun adventures. She is 30 and still smoking hot- five foot five and about 125 lbs with very nice 36 DDs, so she does not have trouble finding...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Robbin Banx Fucking Robbin Banx Is The Best Workout

Fitness Slut Robbin Banx gets her exercise in with help from Manuel! Robbin is a self described fitness freak who loves working out in the morning and at night. She loves working on her biceps, shoulders and doing squats to tighten up her ass. She’s working out by the pool in a tiny white top, black booty shorts and thigh high socks and after working up a sweat she heads inside to take a shower. We watch as this sultry vixen cleans every gorgeous curve of her body, then she finds Manuel waiting...

2 years ago
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New World Order Verison 1 Part 2 Werewolfs Burning Passion

Introduction: The lovers Shey and Phoenix continue their relationship. (As before this is a collaboration between myself and another writer) Shey smiled taking a deep breath, No not at all. she says as she looks over him with a sly grin. I must say that was just what I needed. So how was it being fucked by a werewolf? she smiles tracing a finger along his powerful shoulders and chest. Unable to resist some animal urges she leans up and nibbles on his neck and shoulders. Considering what Ive...

3 years ago
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Daddys little kitten

Introduction: kitten lust after her daddy When I was a kid I would sneak peeks at my daddy from the time I was 4 till I reached my early teen years. I always wondering about our differences and why I wasnt built the same way. Now its my birthday today and all I can think about is my daddy and he makes me tingle in places I am just learning about. I would wake up with my panties soaked and a stickiness that would coat my virgin pussy. I laid in bed and stroked between my legs amazed about the...

2 years ago
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All for Daddy 2 Got what I asked for

I moved my ass back against the guy in my pussy, letting him get a full stroke into my wet snatch. The guy in my mouth bounced his balls off my chin and grabbed one of my tits, pinching the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, flattening it out and making my eyes water. These guys were going to get rough, but I didn't care. The rougher the better. The guy in my pussy pushed a thumb into my asshole, telling his friend in my mouth what he was doing. He shoved his other thumb in too and...

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