The Last Mile free porn video

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Ryan could think of better places to be on a Friday evening than idling in the middle lane of motorway rush hour. Face first in the pussy of Mya/Naya or whatever the hell she was called from the other night would be infinitely preferable. Jostling six deep at the humid cocktail bar, he hadn't pressed for her name after the thumping music and rowdy patrons drowned out her response. And by the time he had the opportunity to find out for sure back at her place, he was beyond needing to know, having established she was his brand of filthy. Way before her juices the texture of olive oil had time to dry on his chin, the exotic, svelte beauty in killer boots amply demonstrated the term 'gag reflex' was not in her vocabulary.

He hardened inside his jeans at the recollection of her kneeling at his feet, strands of the longest hair he'd ever seen plastered to the frothing ring of saliva around her shiny lips as she coughed and slurped, trying to cram him in whole. He wasn't entirely sure if he simply had a knack for attracting dirty women or if he drew out their inner sluts, but his method was immaterial. None of them could get enough.

When he'd settled back on her squeaky bed, the dichotomy between the sweet accented English exterior she presented at the bar compared with her vampish behaviour in the bedroom became increasingly apparent. He marvelled as her flawlessly taut Mediterranean skin tone was revealed beneath each item of clothing. Stripping all but her boots and tortoiseshell glasses, she hungrily climbed onto his lap and sat upright, impaled, her face streaked with make-up, awash with ecstasy. The lamplight picked out glowing beads of perspiration as she settled, stretched, laced her hands behind her head, pert chest proud and heaving, then proceeded to draw figure-eights with her hips, panting hard each time his length probed her deepest parts. Just when Ryan thought he couldn't take any more, she tipped her face towards the flaking ceiling, jet tresses cascading over her shoulders to brush his knees. She then leaned back and rode them both to noisy, sticky completion, his hands gravitating towards her breasts, pawing and pinching petite cones and russet nipples.

Her disgruntled apartment neighbours had made a big deal of vacating partway through their session, amid indignant huffs and exaggerated well-I-nevers from the corridor. Ryan didn't care; their sex continued into the small hours, creating a cacophony that would have given any tenants ample grounds for moving out. The things she'd let him do to her velvety backside made him suspect she was Greek. He shivered, and not only from the cool, late September air that drew with it the stench of hydrocarbons from a thousand vehicles around him.

Denied his exit junction by one measly mile after three hours of virtually hassle-free driving, Ryan drummed the steering wheel as the sixth emergency appliance, all lights and Doppler shifting sirens, careened down the hard shoulder towards whomever had made a life-threatening mistake ahead. He leaned out in an effort to locate the cause of the hold up, but the only thing he caught was his stubbly reflection in the wing mirror. Brown eyes stared back, a light grey umbra visible beneath each, symptomatic of playing as hard as he worked. But, fuck, the women were worth it. He rubbed his chin, the growth sandpapery against his palm, and recalled the manner in which the Greek had responded so favourably to being eaten. The sexy, guttural noises that began as a rumble in her throat and developed into wails of delight certainly made it clear she never wanted him to stop. Ryan knew he was good. Practised. A shave upon arrival certainly wouldn't detract from his ability to deliver equivalent joy to his quarry in the bar of the budget chain hotel.

Out of the window, either side of the M5 cut into the lush English hillside, sheep grazed, oblivious to the rising stress levels on the twin strips of blacktop as commuters, truckers and families went nowhere fast. The mix of drivers around him gradually altered as the traffic crawled or stalled at different rates. People stretched, yawned, nodded to music, apologised into cell phones, or answered backseat pleas of "Are we there yet?" in ever more inventive manners.

At a bend in the road, the extent of the hold-up became apparent and he sighed. The traffic snaked out ahead of him like an uncoiled whip, the opposite carriageway queuing north to bypass Bristol while his lane stuttered south, towards the scene of the crash. If it weren't for the potential of the high profile client he was meeting the following day, he'd have stayed at the office until it was time to hit a club and devour some Friday night pussy.

As the traffic to his left began edging forward and he considered changing lanes for the fiftieth time, hollering and laughter and four-to-the-floor drums drifted in through his window. The music gradually grew louder until it almost seemed as if his own stereo were blaring, the track familiar yet he couldn't place it. Alongside his empty passenger seat, a rented minibus, corporate logo splashed among stripes of garish primary colours, drew level and braked sharply, narrowly missing the camper van ahead. Behind the wheel was a seriously fit blonde, nose jewel glinting from the low sun, her arm, inked with indecipherable scripture, hanging out the window. She was tapping the metalwork and jigging up and down in time to the pounding beat.

Directly behind her in the rear compartment was a considerably less fit frizzy-haired brunette, drink in one hand, a black T-shirt sporting some slogan in the other. She started making a thumbs-up gesture at Ryan and waving the garment like cheering on a team at a stadium. He couldn't read it, raised a quizzical eyebrow and she eventually cottoned on, spreading the front against the window with her forearm: "I like fat boys."

He grinned. The slogan fit; she was certainly no Mya/Naya. Nor was her mate who appeared alongside, another brunette, sporting a high ponytail and wobbly rack peeking above a low-cut white top. She toasted him with some pale amber liquid in a plastic cup, a slug of it spilling on the upholstery of the bench seat that lined the length of the vehicle. Giggling, she sucked what she could from her fingers.

A bunch of girls the wrong side of sober in a van? Ryan laid odds on a Hen party.

The middle-aged woman in the car behind pipped, and Ryan rolled forward into the space, smiling as her face reddened in the rear view mirror. The girl with the slogan T-shirt didn't seem to care from whom she tried to solicit a reaction.

Less than a minute later the minibus was alongside him again. More hollering ensued as the members of the inebriated gang grinned and waved dementedly. He waved back as a gap opened up and their vehicle lurched off, the driver clearly unaccustomed to the clutch bite point. Ryan indicated and swiftly cut in behind them.

Ponytail started for the rear doors, clambering over something in the process – possibly luggage, or a passed-out friend – and put her palms on the rear window before pressing her face to it, creating a seal and puffing her cheeks. Ryan laughed as she backed off and wiped her mouth. Afforded a captive audience and clearly two of her three sheets already to the wind, she lifted her top with one hand then shoved her considerable cleavage against the glass, flesh spilling above her white T-shirt bra and deforming. The act deserved a double thumbs-up and Ryan motioned for her to continue, but she shook her head, wagging a finger.

In the adjacent rear window a cute, wiry, freckle-faced brunette appeared, copying her friend by hoisting her top and mashing her bra against the glass. The bolder or drunker of the two, she then reached in and scooped out an apple-sized tit, pressing that to the window too.

Almost an automatic response, honed from years of bedding women just like her, Ryan's mind flashed, scheming to come up with a method of boarding the van and locking his mouth around her rosy nipple. He desperately wanted to suck the pebbled peak until her breathing came in short rasps and she surrendered other rosy parts of her limber anatomy to his firming cock. Maybe he could even whisk her away with him to the hotel and treat her to his energetic brand of tongue play and primal rutting, promising the others he'd return her in one piece. At least that's what she'd resemble to all outward inspection. Internally, she'd be a fucked-up wreck, dishevelled, used, fulfilled and, most importantly, deliriously happy. She looked like dirty fun and he wondered if she preferred stubble or smooth raking against her trim, drooling pussy lips.

Miming applause, he held up two of his fingers. From between the curtains of her shoulder length hair, she flashed him a further grin and complied without hesitation, beaming above her modest boobs deformed against the window. So fucking pretty.

The first girl, clearly not to be outdone and wanting a chunk of the deflected limelight, picked up her drink, drained it and ditched the cup before reaching into her bra and doing likewise. Ryan gaped and rearranged his jeans to relieve the pressure a little. If he'd been anywhere besides the motorway, he'd have considered whipping out his cock and stroking himself. Her pair was far more impressive owing much to her overall size. Voluminous, easily a C-cup in the forty-inch range, perfectly white with proud bubblegum centres nestled in caramel pools, spreading against the cool glass. The remaining girls in the minibus fell about in hysterics, hooting and encouraging the dare.

Ryan looked away then back to check the traffic fumes hadn't caused delirium. Within the space of three minutes, his world had changed from abject frustration to rapt interest, a quartet of gorgeous breasts pointing his way, the road almost forgotten until the guy in the nearby souped-up Impreza also spotted the vista and hammered his horn. The girls loved the attention and waved madly, not noticing he was far too old for the car and one mid-life crisis away from buying an MX-5 with personalised plates B16 GAZ .

The chunkier brunette cupped and jiggled her breasts as the indicators of the minibus winked and it eased into the middle lane. Ryan considered following them but, despite the prospect of losing sight of the fabulous pink-peaked terrain, he recognised a better opportunity and pulled forward into the space alongside the van's left.

He took in the shape of a second blonde, electric blue highlights in her comparatively short hair, leaning against the partially open side window, music spilling around her as she nodded to the beat. The setting sun cast a blue-orange halo as it cut through the van's windows opposite. She glanced over, waved and cheered, her tiny button nose perched between high cheekbones looking as if it should belong to someone else. Reedy lips sat below and, further down, tits straining against a turquoise vest, a perfect handful even if they were a pale imitation of the buxom girl at the back of the minibus.

Ryan called out, "Where're you heading?"


He mimed turning the music down and she leaned in to tap Driver Girl on the shoulder, passing on the action before sliding the window fully open.

He repeated: "Where are you going?"

"Newquay!" she yelled loudly over the din that was no longer there. Her mates all whooped.

"So who's the lucky lady?"

She jerked a thumb back at Ponytail tucking her considerable breasts away. "Christina. Marrying next week."

"I thought celebrating her last weekend of freedom was a time to do crazy and daring things. All I've seen so far are her hot tits."

Blue Streak relayed this to her crew and they all laughed, one of the others making a wisecrack he only half heard. Freckleface lurched to the window, her chest already stowed. "If she shows more, what's in it for us?"

Christina shoved her friend. "Oy!"

"Oh come on, Chrissy, do it for the team. Don't you wanna see what we can get out of this?" She turned back to Ryan, who was thinking the same. "So, mister, what's it gonna be?"

Despite wanting to feel Freckleface from the inside, he'd settle for his dick sliding between Christina's gorgeous cleavage or ramming into her puffy pussy. Even Blue Streak would do. He'd take whatever he could get, but said nothing, waiting the freckled cutie out. She cocked her head.

"How about you show us yours first, yes ladies? Then Chrissy will show you her arse."

Christina opened her mouth to object but was drowned out by her louder friends as the traffic inched along the tarmac, Driver Girl rat-a-tat-tatting the horn. Ryan looked ahead, the half-mile sign to his exit visible in the middle distance. Maybe not much time left if the road cleared.

He checked his surroundings, including the rear view mirror. As long as they kept pace, being in the inside lane meant he could only be overlooked by emergency vehicles whizzing by. And they'd be far more focused on whatever carnage lay ahead than to worry about his state of undress.

He checked again.


Fuck it. Worth the risk to see more.

Keeping the steering wheel steady with his knees and lifting his butt a little, he unsnapped his fly. There was a commotion and five eager faces stampeded to the side windows, including a new girl with sparkling green eyes, rounded features and dark, wavy curls. The driver swung the minibus closer to the white line on request so the troupe could better see his equipment, semi-erect above the lap belt.

Blue Streak squealed and clapped. Christina gave a thumbs-up and then, egged on by her mates, let them help her onto the bench seat, spinning uncoordinatedly to press her butt to the side window. Pausing with her clothed derriere squishing against the glass for effect, Ryan held his breath as she thumbed the waistband. Whether as a tease or genuine hesitation, she waited a few tense seconds before peeling her tight leggings down. Shortly after, her lilac panties dipped the same way before being pulled back up quickly. The flash revealed an echo of her tits, the cheeks perfectly spherical full moons, white and meaty. Ryan's cock bobbed and Blue Streak applauded again.

"Looks like he approves, Chrissy."

The brunette eyed his manhood over her shoulder, its head flaring. In her current state of inebriation with the peer pressure of her friends around her, Ryan wanted to see just how far he could push her: "Bottom half is as amazing as the top," he called out. "Bet you won't go any further."

Climbing from the bench and tilting her head to one side, Christina considered her response as the vehicles crawled along the carriageway, his with considerably more finesse than the minibus. "You think?"

"You're not the type."

"You think?"

"I know. Too straight-laced. You still insist on turning the lights off."

She coloured amid the 'oooohs' of her mates and Ryan congratulated himself at a successful prognosis. Despite her flamboyance in the presence of alcohol, he figured her for a traditionalist, trying to fit in with her more outgoing friends and being swept up in the moment. The gold cross nestled between her voluptuous tits had been a dead giveaway.

Half the trick in getting what you want is knowing which buttons to press.

Ryan knew enough about run-of-the-mill Christian women that they were often of a cautious disposition when it came to spreading their charms. Sex wasn't just an act, it carried meaning. Weight. A symbol of love, given away only to those who deserved it. But by adding alcohol, their repressed sexuality blossomed, just like the reverent athletic strawberry blonde he'd fucked a few weeks before. On their first date, Sarah had told him in no uncertain terms that she was a good girl, her place in heaven assured. Four days of gentle persuasion later and she'd swapped that assurance for a one-way ticket to hell, the ink on the devil's contract signed in a mixture of their bittersweet come drizzling from her delicious, deflowered, bare cunt that he'd convinced her to let him shave completely. He allowed himself a smile. All it took was employing the correct triggers, something at which he was remarkably adept.

Christina puffed up in defiance. Obvious bravado, but convincing nonetheless to the untrained eye. "You're wrong."

"So prove it."


Textbook. He paused, just long enough to let her mind formulate its own possibilities. Fear was a powerful persuasive force. "Play with yourself."

"What? No!"

Ryan regarded the traffic, before sliding his gaze back to her and shrugging. "Told ya."

Christina was indignant. "Wait. You think I won't do it?"

"I know you won't." He refrained from using the word 'chicken', its meaning clearly implied.

She stared him down. Ryan could see her in exactly the predicament he wanted: trapped between the alcohol, her peers and her faith. In a three-way tug-of-war, he knew the alcohol invariably won, so he gave her time as the traffic crept towards the junction.

The remainder of the trick in getting what you want is knowing exactly when to press those buttons.

Without breaking his gaze, she held out her hand to Dark Wave. "Bottle."

Taking a long slug of fizz and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she eyed Ryan, splitting her gaze between his face and cock. Still considering.

He gave her a verbal nudge: "Just touch yourself. Inside your underwear."

Another pull of the Dutch courage preceded a noisy breath. "I can't."

"Of course you can."

Freckleface cut in. "Yeah. Do it."

Christina sighed. "What's in it for me?"

He searched her eyes for clues. "Isn't the thrill enough?" She shrugged and Ryan looked down at his erection. "If you do a good job you'll make this bad boy bigger for starters."

She gave a nervous laugh. Blue Streak giggled and called out, "You have to play with yours too. Give her an incentive, yeah?"

The girls all voiced their support for the terms. Ryan checked the mirrors again and returned his gaze to the expectant faces.


Christina bit her lip and Freckleface nudged her playfully. "Go oooon. We don't have all day, girl. And we all wanna see his come, don't we ladies?"

A high-energy chorus of affirmation rolled around the interior. Christina hesitated and guzzled a further mouthful before passing the bottle back, then nodded sharply.

Her mind made up, she slithered her leggings down amid cheers from her friends, revealing the cotton underwear that arced a mauve path to converge between her sexy thighs. They reminded Ryan of Imogen's. She'd been a dirty live wire too, her milky complexion and chubby exterior masquerading the debased slut inside. She never had God in her corner though.

The dance music was cranked up to about half its original volume, and Christina picked up the beat, gyrating her hips, tracing hands up and down her curvy sides. Ryan let her courage build, more than happy to enjoy the show, before gesturing for her to take the next step. Biting her lower lip once more, she cupped her boobs and gave them a squeeze, shutting her eyes a moment before seeking his stare from the adjacent lane.

Her actions slowed before she knelt up on the van's bench again, facing him this time, one hand pressed to the glass to steady herself while fingers of the other inched to the centre of the waistband. Toying with the elastic, expression unsure, it looked for a moment as if she was going to bottle it, until she eyed Ryan's hardness and her fingertips crept beneath her panties. She paused, a full-body breath lifting and relaxing her chest before pressing on, jolting as her exploratory fingers brushed first curls, then the gemstone at the apex to her hidden riches.

Ryan tore his eyes from the spectacle a moment as the van inched forward at the same pace as Christina's fingers moved lower towards her sex. He caught Freckleface casting alternating lusty stares, first at her friend, then at him. A chink in her expression made it clear she was aroused and Ryan capitalised on it by brushing his fingers across the head of his cock, making it nod and her eyes sparkle.

Returning his attention to the busty brunette, he witnessed the last of her self-imposed inhibitions melt. Whether it was the realisation that she was being revered or the booze dulling her cares, her hand dug hungrily inside her slit. Her fingers began to wiggle and gently thrust in and out of her body. The other girls roared, passed the bottle around and clinked plastic glasses of fizz, spilling plenty. It seemed to Ryan that popcorn would have made a perfect accompaniment to the live porn show unfolding before them.

The girl at the centre of their attention was already lost in her own fantasies. Perhaps she was trying to get it over with as quickly as possible, the crushing need stampeding her system. Maybe beneath the layers of guilt that her faith prescribed, exhibitionism was her true calling. As the fingers of her right hand became further animated, clearly enjoying herself, she started to concentrate more on her thoughts and actions, worrying less about keeping her eyes open to watch for other road users seeing her usually private moments. Ryan's member appreciated the change in attitude, firming fully in the cool evening air.

A gap in the traffic opened up ahead, but he didn't care. The people behind would have to wait despite the occasional blast of an impatient horn; nobody was going anywhere ahead and he wasn't giving up his position for anyone.

Blue Streak leaned out the window and taunted him. "Hey, ever-hard. Keep your end up."

Ryan brought one hand to his cock and slid his palm over the thick tip, smearing pre-come around the head that was bobbing at the appreciative audience. Christina, now thoroughly into masturbating and only keeping a fraction of her attention on Ryan, picked up speed until her hand was furiously undulating inside her knickers. The indignation at being told she wasn't good enough combined with the alcohol proved to be the perfect potion, seemingly on a mission to finish quickly and explosively.

As her fingers worked her body towards its chemical and emotional peak, her free hand left the window to roam her chest, squeezing each full breast in an alternating rhythm. She stole a look into the other vehicle, her eyes widening at the sight of Ryan slithering his hand up and down his length in long, measured strokes. Focusing on his actions, she changed her pace to match his, the two of them connected only by circumstance on the motorway, yet enjoying mutual self-exploration as if they were lovers not strangers.

Flushed, Christina momentarily stopped masturbating, grabbed the base of her top with both hands and yanked it over her head, flinging it across the van, then dug her hand back into her panties, barely missing a beat. The other ladled her impressive rack out of its confines, allowing her to pinch and squeeze each nipple in earnest, the forgotten cross bobbing and bouncing between the milky flesh. A rose tint to the upper surface of her chest confirmed her arousal and indicated the orgasm thundering ever closer.

Ryan's cock felt as if it was going to burst from the excitement. Watching women jilling was up there on his all-time leader board of fucking awesome acts. Probably in the number two spot after doing it for them, the smell and taste of a woman in heat his ultimate prize. Mya/Naya had certainly adored his languorous attention to her wet centrepiece. Immediately after her trembling orgasm from riding him, she'd slithered upwards to straddle Ryan's face, grinding until her cries grew to a crescendo and she came again, his insistent mouth and probing tongue bearing the brunt of their creamy fusion. He'd then rolled her over and nestled his stubble between her legs to coax a third climax from her still twitching frame, all the while watching her face for the tell-tale signs that his tongue was having the desired effect on her mind as well as body. The expressions of pleasure she'd pulled were not a million miles from those of Christina as her final stages approached.

Despite the free-flowing alcohol, her friends could sense Christina's elevated level of arousal and started cheering, culminating in them chanting, "Come! Come! Come!" in time to the music as Chrissy fingered her bush beneath the fabric. She was clearly going to finish hard. The girls descended into a clamorous drumroll against the metal panels of the minibus with hands and feet, and Ryan watched the mouth of the bride-to-be fall open as events overtook her capacity to hold back. She came, a sexy display of need creasing her brow, eyes squeezing shut while one hand crushed her chest, fingers of the other circling animatedly in her underwear, panting through her desperate release against the lightly tinted glass.

Ryan could barely keep his composure, his cock thick and pulsing. He let his touch drift away to regain some control, the shaft involuntarily jumping at the thoughts of what he'd do to Christina when they were alone. The softness of her soaking pussy enveloping him as she bounced atop his steel, the pillowy flesh quaking with each powerful thrust, face screwed up in desire as he unleashed into her squishing insides. Perhaps she was imagining the sound of their orgasms echoing from the walls too.

She drifted down slowly from her peak and opened one eye, then the other, raising her head a fraction, like a meerkat in an enclosure, grinning at Ryan's solid erection. Plucking her fingers from her panties, she gave them a quick sniff and then nodded at him, calling out. "Your turn, hot shot." She gently and provocatively massaged the outer edges of her breasts and her friends roared, starting another chant of, "Cock! Cock! Cock!"

Ryan checked the road then made eye contact with Christina, tipping his head in salute. He returned to touching himself some more, still surprised at the level of excitement flooding his veins at performing for his minibus harem. With half an eye on the traffic ahead, he gripped the shaft of his veined rod and pumped his fist up and down, feeling the skin ripple and tighten in a gratifying rhythm. The girls all watched. It was a new experience for Ryan. He'd only ever had one pair of women at the same time before, under very different circumstances, and found the extra attention of more eyes intensely arousing.

Each face was hanging on his every stroke, all five harbouring private fantasies of what it would feel like to experience him in their own way. It made him hot. Powerful. Excited. The thoughts kick started his head into overdrive, conjuring images of filling every serviceable, gaping wet hole on board, and all of a sudden he was closer than he'd given himself credit. His belly began to tense, the weightlessness that preceded orgasm taking over, the fluttering followed by the flood of natural chemistry that coursed his system and fulfilled his need.

Yanking his fly wide to avoid mess and holding his cock straight up, he pumped twice more, groaned and felt his spunk bubbling from deep down near the car seat, firing from his throbbing meat. He breathed deeply as the warm jets spurted vertically a few inches from the reddened tip and mercifully landed back on his hand, slithering along and down his manhood with his continued wanking, pooling among his mid-brown pubes. Release felt fantastic, especially as the girls all watched and applauded, wide-eyed excitement apparent in spades.

Ryan let out a contented breath as his real-world senses gradually returned to full alert and he nudged the accelerator to keep pace with the traffic that was flowing a little faster. Without even attempting to clean up, he tucked his member back in his boxers and saluted the girls. Freckleface especially was aglow at witnessing his orgasm and he suspected she'd love to join the exhibitionism club, fingering her own bush like her friend, thoughts of filling herself with all of Ryan's length occupying her fractured mind. But something was holding her back despite her obvious earlier brashness. Ryan longed to exorcise whatever it was.

He wiped the errant globules of semen from his hand on his underwear and buttoned his fly carefully. First stop after checking in would be the shower. Aware of running out of time, he quickly schemed to think up a way to wrestle Freckleface from the group and take her with him. Showering with her, soaping and probing her lithe frame against the steamy walls of the confined cubicle was an especially attractive thought. From what little he had to go on, he drew the conclusion that she was the right kind of dirty. Maybe he could convince both her and Christina to join him. Plying them with alcohol and coercing them into fucking one another would be insanely hot as a prelude to ploughing the pair. Maybe they'd all join him now they'd seen the goods.

He figured it was worth a shot and raised an eyebrow, calling across. "Fancy a detour? Next junction."

Blue Streak laughed, thinking he was joking at first. Then she paused and cocked her head. "You serious?" He nodded and a slow grin spread across her thin lips. "You couldn't handle us all."

"Wanna bet?"

She considered briefly then shook her head. "Thanks, but we have a town to paint red."

Pandemonium from inside the minibus drew their attention as Chrissy began to shriek. It took Ryan a moment to realise that a couple of her mates were wrestling to hold her still, while Dark Wave tore her panties down. The group then proceeded to play piggy-in-the-middle as Chrissy tried to snatch the underwear from mid-air. Though she'd put her tits away, the girl's jiggly bare butt streaked this way and that as she tried to retrieve what remained of her modesty from her so-called friends.

Watching the caper unfold like some scene in a Carry On film, Ryan settled back, smiling at the spectacle. After several drunken throws, Freckleface received the underwear and Chrissy lunged for her. With no avenue available to pass them beyond the looming girl, she lobbed the knickers out the window. They landed in Ryan's lap, half across his deflating bulge. Chrissy yelled, "Hey! Gimme those back."

He looked down at them. Warm. With a wet spot glistening, tempting his dark side. If he couldn't have the women for real, her underwear would be a fucking perfect consolation. He shook his head. "Finders keepers."

"No fair!"

"Way fair. I bet you won't need them tonight anyway. Go and let off steam without them. You'll have way more fun. Trust me, I'm a doctor."

She faltered. "Are you?"

Ryan grinned. "No."

Five car lengths separated him from the next vehicle. Smiling and waving out the window, he hit the accelerator, leaving the party and the pantyless bride-to-be behind.

At the next pause in traffic, he reached down to touch the sticky oval in her panties, cock stirring against the restrictive jeans, even so soon after release. He estimated how long it'd take to reach the hotel, check in and settle into the room; maybe fifteen or twenty minutes. Half hour tops. By then he'd be ready again, raring to go, with time to kill before he hit the bar. He'd take his sweet time over himself, teasing, building, edging towards a second orgasm, using the scent and tacky residue from the woman's underwear to fuel his debauched thoughts of what he'd have done if he'd been on board the minibus. How he'd have taken them all, one by one, lined up on the bench, arses out as he licked and fucked them in turn. Wet pink pussies, dirty tight butts and hot slurping mouths all his for the taking, in any order. He'd finish off by jumping into the front passenger seat and fingering the driver until she could barely keep the van between the white lines on the road.

By the time they'd have reached Newquay he was confident the girls wouldn't want to go out clubbing, preferring to hole up in their hotel and continue to use Ryan as their own sex toy. And like a chivalrous gent, he'd let them sit on his face, his cock, and his fingers for as long as they needed. Let them take him to places he'd never been. A sprawling orgy of limbs, fuelled into performing acts they would never have considered sober. Girls on girls, a blur of soft skin, tongues, lips, teeth, fingers, and wet, wet cunts surrounding him while he pulled hair and spanked bubble butts, pinching, squeezing and biting doughy white tits and cerise nipples. Watching them eat one another, hair plastered to damp skin, their tongues and faces slick with juice, would make him harder than a conversation about contraception with the Pope. Then he'd fill hole after wanton hole with his unrelenting rigidity as their cries filled the room.

He bunched up the material that had been pressed against Christina's sticky pussy and inhaled her musky release, more blood surging into his groin, senses absorbing her heavenly pheromones. The sight of her masturbation session was burned in his mind, and he was confident the look of want across her freckled friend would haunt his fantasies for some time.

Tossing the flimsy garment into the passenger seat, he flicked the indicator and pulled across the last remaining chevrons, avoiding debris from the crash, accelerating off the motorway towards his hotel, destination one-handed pleasure.

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The Greener Mile

The Greener Mile - Part 1 By Goldie Hunter Please note: This story is very loosely based on the movie the Green Mile. It uses suppositions that somewhat requires the suspension of belief in that the things used here just might work with the right sort of influence, supernatural or mutation. As such, Steven King is the original author of The Green Mile in print form and I am not writing this with his permission. All characters depicted here are in no means representative of any person...

4 years ago
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Cougar prowls Glastonbury

June 2011, a true story, enjoy...Every year a group of mates and I go to the Glastonbury Festival in Somerset. On the Thursday night there were only a few bands playing before the festival proper began on the Friday. To while away a few hours we went to the brothers Cider Bar. After a few pints I went for a piss. When I returned to where we’d been sitting there was no sign of any of my mates. I looked around the crowd but, to my annoyance, they appeared to have gone off without me. I tried...

4 years ago
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Golden Mile

Another sun-drenched day, but now the late afternoon sun’s turning fiery red as it sinks in the sky. Sticky, humid, my skin feels hot, grimy under my fingertips. Looking down at my bare arms in the last orange light of the setting sun, I’m amazed by how brown I’ve turned since the beginning of the week. The blended aroma of hot-dogs, candyfloss and the acrid electrical tang of the rides bathe me in weary contentment. Fifties’ rock’n’roll blares. ‘Dook … dook … dook of Earl. Da-da da da-da…’I...

3 years ago
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A Glastonbury Sacrifice

The full moon had not yet risen as the girl trudged along the rough path that traversed the top of the long ridge up the Tor. Even so, there was sufficient light for her to see the ruined tower of St Michael’s Church on the summit, silhouetted against the darkening sky. She looked down at the baby clasped in her arms, barely three months old, and wrapped the shawl tighter around it. This Midsummer Eve the weather was warm and clear, but there was moisture in the air and she did not want it to...

3 years ago
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Glastonbury 2013

Chapter 1 Tuesday 25, June My name is Tony Gates and I own and run a ten bedroom, Georgian period guesthouse in Shepton Mallet, Somerset. I work long hours sometimes and I don't get rich as a result of doing it, but I'm my own boss and I suppose that I'm relatively happy. Most of the bookings are made through the Internet nowadays, so all that I have to do is check my email account for the automated notifications every morning after I've made the breakfasts and then cleared everything...

5 years ago
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Walking a mile

"Walking a Mile" Conrad Lee & Zaccely Mohh The A.S and a dream come true It was a bright day as Jenna Turner donned her sunglasses and walked towards the mailboxes her apartment complex provided, turning the key in the lock she hoped for something other than hospital bill she never intended to pay or an array of stupid store adds that tended to "accidentally" fall from her hand to the ground; opening the box she instead found a manila envelope no bigger than a deck of cards...

2 years ago
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Encased In Plaster

ENCASED IN PLASTER By Hungry Guy     Dale's house, set back from a lonely dirt road just off I-78 out in rural Pennsylvania, was full of plaster and ceramic sculptures of wildlife.  He had a workshop studio in his basement with sculpting tools and supplies, and he had long since converted his garage into a gallery and store.  People would drive all the way from New York and Philadelphia to buy his works.  He wasn't wealthy by any means, but his hobby provided him a modest income.    Unknown to...

4 years ago
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A cockhold familey

I remember being a small boy in a one room apartment . I was 8 I sleep on this old brown coach it was up on a left kind'a step. The coach faced the bed of my mom and dad but from the side , the kitchen table was to my left . My mother was a normel women not the super hot hidden mom just a normel lady. long black hair bright green eye's. and milk pale skin she was around 5,9 -5'11 . Mother was a nudist in are home. a size c my be a lower d 32 tit's. and a trimmed net upper bush but her pussy...

4 years ago
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Better than Chamomile

It's one of those rare, perfect days. The sun is out, warm but not oppressive. I'm "lizarding" this afternoon, sunning myself on the concrete. The heat reflects up off of the pool water, and I can feel my skin starting to cook. Being of close Irish descent I don't actually "tan." It's more of a roasting-thing. However, the warmth has made me uncharacteristically lazy, and my body doesn't seem to be willing to listen to the rational thoughts my brain is sending—something about blisters,...

3 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 48 At Smileys

I headed back toward Richmond and made Smiley's tavern my first stop. I had spent restful two days there earlier and enjoyed myself memorably although I never learned much of any use. Smiley himself was long dead but his young widow ran the place with the help of her two nubile daughters and one mature and considerate prostitute by the name of Jenny. I had managed to bed all four of them during my previous visit and looked forward to trying my luck again. They also had a couple of slaves,...

1 year ago
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I have to admit; I’m not always a value shopper. I can’t stand going to Costco and getting trapped by lines of idiots waiting for free samples of microwave cheese bullshit with a frozen pretzel. That said, sometimes even I can’t deny the benefits of buying porno in bulk. MileHighMedia is a pretty solid example of has been around since the beginning of the millennium, and you’ve almost definitely beat off to their material before. The network is home of porno brands like...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Reddit ExtraMile, aka r/ExtraMile! You guys know how I usually like to mess with you all a bit, and it's all in good fun. That's how it goes every time. I say some funny shit, and then I take a jab at the fact that most of you are virgins or something like that. And you all laugh and then come back for more of this shit the next day. But, now, I saw some shit that genuinely made me laugh. It's the topic for today's review, and it's called the Extra Mile. It's a section on Reddit, and it's about...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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How I Made Love To My Mother Atlast

Hey guys this is Anuj again and am back as i promised with this story “How I Made Love To My Mother Atlast” Let me give you an introduction about me, I’m a avg-looking guy 5’11 tall with a thick 6′ dick, which i believe is good enough. The Heroine of my story is my beautiful mother, Aditi(43),though she looks like she’s near 35, Hieght-5’2 and figure 36-28-36, her assets are jaw dropping and still make men in the marketplace etc hard and she’s one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever...

4 years ago
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Encased in Plaster

Dale's house, set back from a lonely dirt road just off I-78 out in rural Pennsylvania, was full of plaster and ceramic sculptures of wildlife. He had a workshop studio in his basement with sculpting tools and supplies, and he had long since converted his garage into a gallery and store. People would drive all the way from New York and Philadelphia to buy his works. He wasn't wealthy by any means, but his hobby provided him a modest income. Unknown to anyone but himself, Dale had a fetish of...

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The Incredibles 2 Elastigirls New Super Suit

I sighed as I look at my curvy body. My rounded bubbly breasts are perfectly cupped by the suit. It feels thin. Thinner than Edna’s suit. But it does the same trick. It can withstand fire blast, bullets, and radiations. I look down at my thighs, I have thin stocking like materials that a bit see through, where people can see the shades of my skin under the stockings. I sighed realizing how thicker my thighs are since the last time I suit up as an old school Elastigirl. “Helen!! Quick!” Bob...

3 years ago
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Cat Fight 27 The Last0

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p'uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k'aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco...

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lastmales tale

My name is Jack Lastmale and it seems like I'm the last male in the world. 16 years ago, nobody knows why, but every male vanished from this world. But somehow I'm still here and I want to save the world! I don't think I can get every women pregnant in this world but i want to try it so I'm boarded a caravan to see the world. I came from a little village in the south, my family has a farm there. I lived there with my mother and with my three sisters. I'm the smallest in the family and the only...

2 years ago
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Before I let you in on what happened last Thursday, I’ll let you in on something else: I’m all business. Always have been. As a kid my favorite game was “Business”. In the game “Business” me and my other child friends would sit a few feet away from each other and pretend-work in silence. Every now and then one of us would shout “I’ve made an advancement! This company and everyone in it is gonna be rich!” Then we’d all cheer and then get right back to work. As time went on, the other kids grew...

Group Sex
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Aertheril Geschichten aus dem Elfenpalast

[Allgemeine Infos -Die ganze Geschichte als solches gibt es bei zu lesen! -Bilder und Infos zum Comic erhaltet ihr unter] Die folgende Geschichte trägt sich auf Aertheril, dem schwebenden Kontinent, zu. Aertheril unterscheidet sich von anderen Kontinenten, anderer Welten dadurch dass er sich über der Wolkendecke der Welt befindet. In der Mitte der sternförmigen Landmasse ragt ein hohes, unüberwindliches...

2 years ago
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Entkommen Sie von Inga Palast der Snde

Inga war eine mächtige vollbusige deutsche Frau. Sie war groß und sehr mächtig. Sie war auch ein sadistisches, Nymphomaneherrscher. Kein Mann könnte sie in Bett behandeln. Sie hat Freude aus Zerquetschenmännern und Frauen mit ihrer sexuellen Fähigkeit und Kraft genommen. Niemand könnte sie behandeln. Sie vorbereiten alle eigenes Deutschland und bewegten auf zu anderen Ländern. Sie hat in einem cheesy Karikatur Akzent gesprochen. Sie beherrscht gern Leute und war ein wenig verrücktes. Einige...

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Dolcett Palast Teil 2

Leicht verdientes Geld"So, Mädels, wir werden einen Kaffee trinken gehen bevor wir uns für ein Restaurant entscheiden.Ihr könnt euch also gerne solange umschauen, wenn ihr möchtet" lächelte Maritas Vater"Außer natürlich ihr wollt euch uns anschließen.""Nein, alles in Ordnung, wir sehen uns dann später" antwortete Marita schnell und entferntesich mit Claudia von ihren Eltern."Sei in einer Stunde wieder zurück, Schatz!""Ja, sicher, Mama!" Marita und Claudia ließen sich von den Menschen- und...

4 years ago
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It was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to have my coffee and cigarette outside, as I sat there minding my own business I was looking across the road where the neighbour was having some work done in their house. I saw an older man about 40 plastering a wall and his younger assistant, probably about 20, was helping him.Then the older guy pushed him against the wall and started to kiss him, his hands were somewhere else as the younger man had his arm across his shoulders and his head in the...

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plasterer fucks rich mature lady

this is a true story. I am a plasterer (dryliner) and when this happened i was 29 years old and running my owe business.I went too the job and with my college john (dad who is a lot older 58) the job was i harrogate an expensive part of north yorkshire and when i pulled up outside the house was very old and very big there was a nice car on the drive and the place smelt of money.I went to the door and rang the bell the lady of the house answered the door she introduced herself as Caroline and...

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MailmansLast Day

It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route, he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a $25 gift certificate to a fine restaurant. At the second house they presented him with a box of fine cigars. The folks at the third house handed him a box of chocolates. At the fourth house he was met at the door by a...

4 years ago
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Lastnights dream fuck

This is an dream I had lastnight. I do know the woman in the dream. I have wanted her for almost an year. Shes 5 foot 5, her breasts are b maybe c cup, she has black hair, she white and she wears thick black glasses but her still is somewhere between punk and emo.Another guy and I are standing in an large department store when Tiffany comes out of some room. The other man and I talk her and we find an empty room. He and I take turns stripping her down. He takes off her shirt and bra and I take...

2 years ago
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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

4 years ago
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Plastique Surgery

Master Mold Plastique SurgeryBy Darqside Her blindfold was removed and she could see before her a laboratory with several computer panels and monitoring devices. ?Miss Williams?? a voice from behind her crooned. ?Roger Vaincroft!? Her eyes were now filled with hatred and anger at the sing-song man standing behind her. ?Ah?so you remember me, my dear?that?s good!? I was hoping the very reason my career as a plastic surgeon ended would at least remember my voice, if not my face.? The man...

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Vixen Ecdyslastiates

After meatloaf supper at the local diner, Vixen sat in her rented room and looked at her bankbook. She had pretty much gone through the money she had earned making hard-core porn for her father as a teenager, but she had enough left from the summer job for her tuition and books and probably the rent until Christmas. It was going to be close. She was going to need some income, money to run on. And for food and beer and stuff. She figured that she could live on less than five dollars a day if...

3 years ago
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LimitsChapter 11 The Last Batch

There was no question that we would limit the number of other males who would be brought into our little sex club, in part because it was inevitable that we would have to control other males, much as we did those at the Sunny Tropic contest. Dad and I talked it out. And even though he now generally agrees with me, it was still a nice reinforcement. Having harvested the best of the upperclassmen, we were going to either branch out into the community at large or aim at the next...

1 year ago
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Reddit PLASTT, aka r/PLASST! Have you ever heard about PLASTT? If you are a part of and have been for a while, then you must have run into a subreddit called r/PLASTT/. However, if you have not, I am here to explain all that you really need to know. Starting with what r/PLASTT/ even means, to what it offers, and whether I think that this subreddit is worth your time.Let’s not forget who you are talking to… I am a pro when it comes to talking about porn and telling you what is what....

Reddit NSFW List
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Jav Last! There are currently so many tube sites on the net and more continue to pop up every day. The thing is, though, tubes often don’t focus on specific niche content and instead dedicate their time to availing large quantities of all kinds of content. The result is websites with a little bit of everything that’s often not enough to satisfy your needs fully. So what can you do when you want to jerk off to a fantastic assortment of, say, quality Japanese adult videos (JAV) without having to...

Asian Porn Sites
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Sniffing Sisters Sock Ends in Punishment and Cumblasts

Note: This story is completely fictional. All the characters in this story are of or over the age of 18. This is intended for adults only. And you must be 18 years or older to read this. Enjoy! "Have you seen my pink socks Jon?" Anna shouted from her bedroom. "Those are my lucky socks, I can't win without them" She said as she prepared for her track meet. My sister Anna unintentionally waited for the last minute often before heading out to her track meets. Directly across from hers, I watched...

1 year ago
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Longlasting desire for my Neighbour

100% fiction!Hello friends, this is Ajay. I am from bangalore. this is about how i had sex with my neighbor girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbor is a orissa family who recently got a baby girl. since both are working, my neighbor brought her sister to bangalore. she is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. she is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Unintended consequences of events Milestone That is what it is, a milestone of life that requires something put into the bucket list. My fortieth birthday, the entrenching realization of middle age setting in with a building sense of urgency to experience something or anything that can check mark a life with enough excitement to carry oneself for that long steep decline of age. Maybe a long ways to go, but I was bound and determined not to go gently into that good night. So I...

3 years ago
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The 1000 milestone

We have waited so long for this sexual milestone. Who was going to be #1000?For months, my wife and I talked about who the special person would be and what the scenario would entail. We wanted it to be memorable for everyone involved.For 37 years, I have shared my wife with hundreds of different men. Skinny guys, obese guys, muscular guys, Doctors, Truck Drivers, Fireman, Soliders....the list goes on and on.So many of those men have come back for more and continue to. She barely has any free...

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Your Night with Miley

You and some buddies are traveling through Canada during your summer break from college. While in Montreal, you decide to take in some of the nightlife. You hear about some very popular clubs downtown and decide to check them out. Walking in to the first club, you aren’t disappointed. The place is full of beautiful people. You and your buddies buy a round of drinks and start working your way out to the dance floor. It isn’t long before you feel someone’s ass grinding against your back. Hoping...

3 years ago
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Amia Miley

hello everybody like it says in my intro i'm from Seattle but lived the majority of my life in AZ. I was lucky enough to be friends withe the real Amia Miley back in high school. This is the story of when i was Amia's first back door experience......Amia was a sophmore and i was a senior; the big man on campus in more ways than one. At the time i was dating some slutty little cheerleader. a real SPINNER 5'4 80lbs i use to just rip that up. Well through the g**** vines the story of my member...

4 years ago
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Sticking Plaster Part 2

The hotel bar was jammed with weekenders, people on short breaks. Alcohol was plentiful and the atmosphere lent itself to unwinding, letting their hair down Kirsty sat at the head of the table, her devil’s horns still in place and a “Groovy girl” note book in her hands like some teenage student about to sit her exams. It may not have been cool but it did the job sufficiently. “Now can I have your attention please?” Kirsty called above the hubble of conversation. The girls all turned, smiling...

Wife Lovers
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Lasting Impressions The Pregnancy Chapter 1

Lasting Impressions the Pregnancy: Chapter 1 By: ASTRO Jess and I have spent a wonderful two years together since our last body excursion. We both understood each other on a deeper level and found that our love grew more and more each day. We were happy, but I could tell that Jess still longed for the day she could swap with me again, and I secretly wished for it too. Do not get me wrong, I hated having a period and having 20lbs of flesh hanging and...

3 years ago
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Lasting Impressions Chapter 8 Last Day

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 8 By: ASTRO Day 35 The alarm clock went off at 7 AM. I was my normal groggy self as I moaned and complained. AJ had to take the covers off of me so I would wake up. We had to be on the maglift by 10 AM if we were going to make our appointment. We had a little time and AJ knew exactly what to do to wake me up. My vision was just beginning to clear when I felt AJ grab my feet and pull them up in the air. I was flipped on my...

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Lasting Impressions The Melting Pot

L.I. - The Melting Pot It was just another day in college to me or so I thought. The spring semester had started about two weeks ago and I was in a hurry again. I was just a normal guy in the mix of things. I am 5'10" with a medium frame. I had a flat stomach, but I was not cut; actually there was not much muscle to me at all. I have dark black hair that was only kept the first few days after I got a haircut. I come from a middle class family from northern Michigan. I was a...

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Lasting Impressions How It All Started

Lasting Impressions: How It All Started The new white paint on the outside of the laboratory did it little good. The water damaged roof, broken gutters, and busted window still gave the place a "drug production" look. "Finally, the city will quit hounding us over the graffiti," Eagan said. Catherine just rolled her eyes. The bars over the few windows the lab did have and the steel door on the front was not esthetically pleasing by anyone's standards. The grass in front...

4 years ago
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Sticking Plaster Part 3

“Oh, you like this then, do you?” the Simon masked person asked, noticing Beth’s predicament. Beth went to shake her head vehemently but Alex demanded she stay still whilst she took the picture. Simon had delved into his pocket and reached for his own cell phone, throwing it gently on to the bed. “Take a few for me too, please” he requested. Beth’s jaw dropped. How could anyone be so perverted? Dirty little fucker! Alex paused to swig some more of her drink before picking up Simon’s mobile...

Wife Lovers
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That is what it is, a milestone of life that requires something put into the bucket list. My fortieth birthday, the entrenching realization of middle age setting in with a building sense of urgency to experience something or anything that can check mark a life with enough excitement to carry oneself for that long steep decline of age. Maybe a long ways to go, but I was bound and determined not to go gently into that good night. So I forced the issue, demanded to my family I needed to do...

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Long Loves Lasts Longer 1

LONG LOVE LASTS LONGER introduces intimately tiny tit teen Tineke in private pretty pictures and warm wordsI have a hot tasty tight tiny tit teen as tiny Tineke living long time two floors above me, who will learn lusty life from meI have her name [/Esma isn't that an erotic enhancing name for a slender sensual shy stubborn sub sexy sweetI have her name [/Esma isn't that an erotic enhancing name for a tender terrific tight tiny tit tantalizing tasty teenI have her lovely lookalike on posh...

1 year ago
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Trip to Glastonbury

Chapter 1 It was 9 a.m. in Seattle at my office when my newly hired married secretary Gina got to work that Monday morning. We had been suffering for a good administrative person for the past two months now, someone who had the common sense, skill and intelligence to do more than just answer a phone and buzz my desk to get an answer to some customer that sometimes exhibited "rocks in his or her head". I am the Sales and Marketing Director of a large Asian-based steamship line. We have...

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To Walk a Mile

Chapter 1 Ed liked his new truck. It was shiny and big and had a heater that worked. It had lots of other toys too but he hadn’t really played with them yet. He’d discovered the air conditioner though. The truck was a present from some of the ladies he loved. When his previous F-150 was destroyed in an accident he’d insisted that he could take the bus to work but they wouldn’t have it. Rachel, Angie, and Zoe had all pitched in to buy him a brand new Ford F-150 XLT. It was black with...

5 years ago
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PA goes the extra mile

My name is Andrew and I am thirty-three. I live and work in Sydney. My boss was Amy, mid-fifties, very attractive and fit! We used to have many work lunches etc. where she would be stuck into the wines and become animated. She was married with two young children. She would often tell stories about her sex life when she was younger. She and I always flirted a little when drunk but never did anything as I thought it was just innocent fun. Amy had recently given me a promotion and told me that in...

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PA goes the extra mile

My name is Andrew and I am thirty-three. I live and work in Sydney. My boss was Amy, mid-fifties, very attractive and fit! We used to have many work lunches etc. where she would be stuck into the wines and become animated. She was married with two young children. She would often tell stories about her sex life when she was younger. She and I always flirted a little when drunk but never did anything as I thought it was just innocent fun. Amy had recently given me a promotion and told me that in...

Straight Sex
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Give Her An Inch Shell Take a Mile

My wife Katie had been into rap music long before I met her. It was seemingly the one big difference in our interests. From movies, to television, to books, and even politics, Katie and I clicked on every level. But then there was music. I just didn't understand Katie's enthusiasm when it came to that god-awful "music" she insisted on blaring every time we went anywhere in the car, especially considering the over-the-top misogynistic lyrics.Still, it would have taken much more to dissuade me...

4 years ago
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Naked mile

This story happened to me a few years ago when I was in my first year of university. I immediately tried to tie for admission as many useful contacts, but the most useful was the fellow student Serge named Prince - he was the nephew of a provincial tobacco king, but it is not irrelevant. Proved useful contacts in the sense that I was just a couple of times each month have to save him from the charges (did him some tasks and fussed in the rector's office), as a student, he was not the most...

3 years ago
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Naye sal mai naye naam mile

Hello mai meenu umar 19 saal ek dum gori chitti ubhrate hue chuchia , gol chuttad ghar mai mummy pappa bhayia hai is ummar mai hum ladkiyo ki chut jyada machlti hai,mai aapko apni chudai ka kissa batati hu, Mai 18 ki thi 12th class mai padti thi us waqt mai bahut chulbuli thi hamare uppar wale portion mai ek uncle rehte un uncle ke mote azgar nai hi meri seal todi uske baad to uncle nai hi nahi unke dosto nai bi meri jam ke chudai ki, 31 dec ko uncle ke pass uncle ke do dost aaye vijay aur...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 17 Walking A Mile

Shading her eyes from the sun, Cindy watched the boys playing in the wading pool. She had already been sitting by the pool for two hours and was getting bored. The boys were beginning to get tired and would want to eat soon. In a way, the timing was good. All of them would have to get out of the sun soon or she would have to apply some more sunscreen. She decided to give them another ten minutes. So far, the trip had not met her expectations. Getting through security at the airport had been...

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Lisa AKA Smiley

We called her Smiley, simply because we didn't know her name. She worked in the college cafe almost every morning. She wore a uniform that made her look even hotter. The black pants fit her like a second skin. She had a perfect ass. She also had a very nice rack, they fit her body type perfectly, and while the numbers might not be impressive on her petite little body they looked huge. But by far the her most striking feature was her smile. Always present, her smile made her nose wrinkle just a...

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Lasting Impressions The Change

Lasting Impressions By: ASTRO Many people used to wonder what it would be like to experience life from the opposite sex's point of view. I, like many people have their own story to tell about how new technology changed my life. My name is AJ. I am married and a father of two little girls. I am a 25 year old Caucasian male with an athletic body. My life has been pretty normal. I am a mechanical engineer and live in a nice home near the city of South Bend,...

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