- 3 years ago
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Part I
All of sudden, I am awaken by a slap to my face. ?I open my eyes disoriented. ?Kim is looking down at me. ?I have always been?mesmerized?by her looks: although she is of Chinese descent, her features are not typically Asian. ?She has long slender hands, very long legs, sexy feet with slender toes and beautifully shaped breasts. Her face, depending on her mood, can either look angelic or devilish. Her long black hair was?disheveled, she had just woken up. ?I didn't think that you would have been able to fall asleep, I am becoming too nice. Next time, I will have to make it more uncomfortable for you." ?Sleep deprivation was one of her favorite treatments, completely effortless for her, with very painful consequences for me,?because?everything became more difficult: domestic chores, enduring physical pain, etc. ?I looked like a salami, my wrist were attached to my thigh cuffs, ?a rope chest harness was secured to one of the legs of her bed, another rope binding my legs ?ankles together was secured to the opposite wall. ?I have no idea how I had managed to fall asleep. ?I was completely naked without any blanket, pillow or mattress. I had been shivering for most of the night. ?She was definitely displeased, she expected me to remain awake all night, while she was sleeping peacefully in her warm and deliciously comfortable king size bed. ?"Open your mouth’’ as soon as I did, she put a funnel in my mouth, squat over me, and relieved herself of all her piss. ?Once she was done, she climbed back into her bed to continue her delicious sleep. ?I was very cold, I looked at the clock: it was 4:30 am; five or six more hours until Kim would wake up.?I need to try to sleep, to get some rest no matter how cold I feel and uncomfortable I am. ?Whenever her lover was away on business which was quite often, Kim wanted me to have complete access to me: to torment me, to be served by me, or just to be "entertained.' ?
We used to be lovers, we were madly in love with each other, or at least, I thought that we were. I was completely naive and trusted her completely. ?Kim is an extremely sensual woman with a brilliant and cruel mind. ?I don't know whether she was really in love with at some point; even if she was, eventually I became her project. ?What I thought was a manifestation of her love and caring for me was nothing more than a conditioning process. ?She began by taking care of all my sexual needs. ?It began very sensually, she had the most magical and sensual touch with her fingers and hands. ?She would touch my cock, stimulate me, and keep me aroused for extended periods of times while she would tease me with her body, her mouth, and her scent. When, eventually, she would make me cum, all my senses were surrounded by Kim: her body, her face, her touch, her smell, and her scent. ?Other times she would tease me with her mouth. ?She a mouth designed for blow jobs: very fleshy lips, very soft inside, and no gag-reflex. ?Again, she would spend endless time stimulating me, arousing me,?and surrounding my senses with her essence. I didn't realize it at the time but as soon as she started taking charge of my sexual needs, our love making ?frequency started to decline gradually until basically we never made love any more. It didn't bother me because the sexual pleasure that I experienced through her hands and mouth was sublime. ?I want you to depend on me completely for your sexual pleasure, you will have the most amazing experiences, just let go." ?It felt so good that I, eventually, surrendered to her initiative. ?One day, she told me:? I want you to experience something new, I am sure that you will love it, just trust me." She just stood on the bed, put one of her feet on my cock and started masturbating me. ?Her touch was unreal, while she was doing this, she started touching?herself. ?Her fingers were?glistening?with her wetness. ?She would stop from time to time, dip her finger in her pussy and then stick in my mouth until I had completely cleaned. ?She repeated the process several times until she made me cum using her toes. ?It was the most intense orgasm that I ever experienced in my life. ?When I told her so she smiled and asked me coyly;? You know I had no idea whether you would like to be in such vulnerable position with me standing over you, teasing with my feet, my pussy, my fingers, my wetness and not allowing you to touch any part of my body except for licking my wetness off my fingers." ?It was very exciting to be underneath you and you being incomplete control of the action. ?I wished that I could have kissed you or licked your pussy." ?Now that i think of it, we were kissing only rarely. ?She didn't seem into kissing any more. ?She made me promise that I wouldn't masturbate anymore; if I felt very excited and needed an orgasm she wanted to care of it, she wanted to be the only one to provide me with sexual pleasure. ?I was very flattered that all she cared was satisfying me.?
Kim was lying down next to me but in the opposite direction, she was touching my cock very sensually. ?I want you to admire my feet." that?said, she dangled one of her feet just a few inches from lips. ??Aren’t they beautiful and sexy? ?There are so many men who lust after my feet, did you know that?" ?They were extremely sexy, size 8.5, slender with long toes which were perfectly proportioned, even the toe nail bed, always perfectly manicured with dark nail polish. Putting her foot closer to my mouth while continuing to touch me, I had a raging erection "Smell the aroma of my feet! Isn't it intoxicating?" ?I followed her instructions. ?I am not sure ?what it was, the way she was touching me, her sensual voice, but I found the smell of her very stimulating "Inhale deeply"; the?deeper?I?inhaled, the more intoxicated I felt" Think of how much pleasure my feet have given you.' She had been keeping me on the edge of an orgasm while she was teasing me with her feet' with a low tone, I heard saying" Wouldn't you like to cum? ?when I nodded she added" Open your mouth and venerate my foot, kiss it, lick it make love to my foot." I was so excited, I obeyed. I was surprised: venerating her foot, licking it, and making love to it with my mouth made even more excited and I literally exploded in her hand. As i was climaxing she kept on pushing her foot deeper into my mouth. ?when I was completely spent, she gently removed it, she snuggled up to me and said" How did you like my foot?' when I told her that I found it unbelievingly exciting, she ?just smiled darkly?said "Very good" got up from the bed and started getting dressed. ?I thought that we were going to spend the rest of the evening together." ?Playfully she said ?I know that you are disappointed actually I hope that you would. I want to try something, just trust me. ?I have prepared a "survival" kit ?for you; there are some leather gloves worn extensively by me, bra that I wore for the past couple of days, my stained panties, a t-shirt?infused with my perfume, and my worn sliders." ?I had a puzzled look on my face" I will call you in a couple of hours, promise me that when I do, you will play my more thing I want you to wait for my call in your bedroom surrounded by my survival kit ?ok?" ?I promised and she left. I waited impatiently for her call two hours ?went by, three hours, finally after four and half hours she called purring" Did you miss me?" "What have you been doing? Why are you calling me so late?" I said brusquely. "Look if you are not happy to talk to me, I will hang up." No please don't" I missed her terribly already and being surrounded by her things, her scent, and her smell made things even worse. "Only if you ask nicely" "Kim, please don't hang up, I would love to be able to you." ??i want you to start touching yourself; I know that I have made you promised that you wouldn't but now you can go ahead. Touch yourself. Now take the leather gloves and drape them on your chest, put the shoes next to your face, and my panties over your nose. Keep on touching does it feel? Isn’t it better when I touch you?" ?There was no comparison her touch was so much more sensual and stimulating" Yes, you have the most magical touch"" I want you to imaging that the gloves are my hands playing with your chest, I am wearing the sliders next to?you and you can smell my feet and visualize my sexy toes, think of how much pleasure they have given you, now focus on the panties, inhale deeply my scent, think how good I taste. Inhale, imagine my feet, keep on touching yourself, inhale, and think of my pussy, make yourself cum...Do it now? Almost on command I came. ?"How did you like it?" ?It is not the. Same as when we are together but, it was pretty incredible.' ??I want you to enclose the items of the survival kit in your Gucci leather traveling bag to preserve the aromas. Good night. Sleep well." that said you hanged up. I felt really
?strange, I felt that Kim was trying to control me but I liked it.
Kim wanted me to focus on her feet. ?From playfully teasing me with her feet we eventually transitioned to where her feet became the focal point of our interaction. In order to see her naked, being touched by her, or having any kind of intimacy, first I had to show her my love and my devotion: the more passionately ?I massaged, venerated,?worshiped?and made love with my mouth to her feet, the more Kim felt my love and my devotion. ?This new development started having an effect on our relationship. ?Kim seemed to become more demanding of attention and started requiring small services: bring me this, do the laundry, etc. My demeanor also changed I became more compliant. ?When I told her that I felt that, although it wasn't natural, I was enjoying how our relationship had evolved. ?She was very pleased to hear that. ?When I confided in her that I hadn't had an erection in months that either wasn’t a result of her playing with me or?talking?to me in person or over the phone while I was following her instructions on what to do with my "survival" kit, and that even when I watched porn or saw a beautiful woman on the street I couldn't get an erection. Kim smiled darkly ?Really, you mean that you have become completely dependent on me for any kind of sexual gratification? You don't even the typical morning erection? Or any kind of arousal other when I am involved" you asked cooing ?Yes isn't it weird?"" I was hoping that you would become totally dependent on me but I never dreamed that I would have this kind of control over you. ?We need to test it. I am going to take away your survival kit and not call you or talk to you for a week; you can go to strip clubs, watch porn, whatever you need to do to have an erection and an orgasm. ?I will see you next Sunday at 5pm." that you said you grabbed your kit and you left. I was bewildered, I thought that she loved me but I just realized that she had been manipulating me all along. ?Devastated, I just on my couch and cried. I wanted to break her spell, I went to strip clubs, got lap dances, went to massage parlors; nothing not a chance of getting an erection. Reluctantly, I met with Kim on Sunday" so did you manage to get an erection and have an orgasm?" ?I was tempted to lie to her but I decided to tell her the truth ?No I tried I didn't have an orgasm, I didn't even manage to get an erection." ??Did you try hard?" as she was talking her eyes drifted to my crotch "Oh my god, you have a humongous erection, I haven't even touched you" "it is your voice? ?just my voice?" "Yes..."
Kimhad a triumphant look on her face ?before we move to the next phase I want to train you first to cum without any touching, just with my voice and fantasizing about my feet." ?I was hurt; I felt she was treating me like a dog, or that i was part of an experiment. When she noticed my upset look, she sat down on the couch with one foot she started massaging my cock while with the other started teasing my mouth. I had no idea what was happening, in no time, I was begging her to allow me to venerate her foot. ?As soon as she allowed I exploded. ?"You see how much you need me?" ?If you want any kind of sexual satisfaction, you will have to do what I want." I'll be right back. ?You came back wearing some cream colored sliders and your sexiest La Perla lingerie. ?I am going to talk to you, to tease you with my mouth, my pussy, my breast, and my feet until you will explode without any direct contact with your cock. ?It is just a matter of time, if I do it long enough, you will." ?Kim was as sensual and as sexy as I have never seen before: a master in the art of seduction and pleasure. ?It took her a couple of hours of efforts to make me climax without any touching of my cock." That was easier than I had anticipated." ?For the next few weeks, she just focused on conditioning me with her voice, feet, and scents. One night she managed to make me cum only with the suggestion of her voice while we were on the phone. ?The next day, we had a very sobering conversation" You realize by now that I am the only one who can give any kind of sexual pleasure. ?Look at you, you already so hard just because of my voice. I will be happy to provide you with sexual relief upon my discretion, if you agree to become my slave and servant, if you don', we are done." ?I was furious and started complaining and yelling at her.??She just stood up; she looked down at me with a very stern look on her face "Shut up! I will leave now so you can simmer and decide what you want to do. ?You have one chance when I come back, don't blow it." That said you asked for your survival kit back and left.??I was devastated emotionally and crushed. ?I thought that she loved me and genuinely cared for me; I was very hurt and upset. ?I wanted to get back at her. ?After a few days still extremely mad and hurt, I started missing Kim tremendously; I was in emotional and physical pain. After about two weeks, a friend of Kim called to invite me to a dinner party. ?It was Kim's idea, she didn't want me to get too depressed and lonely, she explained. ?I wasn’t in the mood but I accepted anyhow. ?There were about twenty people; I didn't know many of them. ?For whatever reason, a very?attractive, sophisticated,?and charming woman started talking to me. ?She was the type of woman I used to fall for. ?We spent the entire evening talking, before leaving she gave me her phone number and told me that she would like to see me again. ?I debated for a couple of days whether to call her or not. ?I wanted to get back at Kim but, at the same time, I was afraid that if Kim would find out she would be very upset and leave me. ?I struggled but since, I hadn't heard from Kim in over three weeks, I called Janice." ?So nice to hear from you, I thought that you would never call, I was sad." We agreed to meet for dinner and I took her to my favorite restaurant, very romantic. We had wonderful conversations and felt a natural connection. ?As we were leaving the?restaurant, she asked me if I wanted to spend some more time at her place. ?I couldn't believe it. I eagerly accepted. ?Once at her?place, she wasted no time, she started kissing me passionately, she smelled deliciously and she seemed to be an expert in the sensual arts. To my horror, no matter what she tried, I couldn't get an erection. ?Matter of factly she said ?it seems that you cannot get an erection" ?"you are not mad?" "No not really." ?Before I could say anything else, she started making a phone call ?Kim? Hi, are you enjoying your vacation?" Kim wants to talk to you; I will put her on a speaker phone. ?Hello my dear, you may want to?understand?what is going on. I just did you a favor.?Janice?is a very good friend of mine and one of the most sought after courtesans in the USA, if she couldn't cause you to have an erection, nobody else." "Kim, I cannot believe my own eyes, he has a huge erection." "Janice watches this." Kim started telling me to visualize her feet, how her toes would be teasing my cock, her pussy just millimeters from my lips, in no time I had an orgasm without touching myself.?Janice?couldn't believe her own eyes." what the fuck Kim, I have never seen anything like this, you need to teach me how to do it." ?" I will be back next Sunday, call me at 5 pm, so that we can discuss our new arrangement." and with that she hung up. ?I don't know what she did to you, but you are totally fucked. Either you will have no sexual gratification for the rest of your life or you will have to be at Kim's back and call. ?I don't know which is worse." ?What do you mean?" ?You will find out. Good night."
Jack took Kim to the specialist and had size DDD implants put in his chest. He had injections to his nipples to make them larger. His cock was already nine inches and fine. He put the large metal rings around his cock and balls. A thick plug for his ass. He put heavy make up on his face then a dress that plunged to his naval showing lots of tits. His hair had already grown to almost waist length and he curled it for Kim. Jack put a thick coating of lipstick on Kim's lips and put him on his...
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ThreesomesMaking a Choice “Good morning, Gail!” Gail, the secretary for the IT staff, looked at me and my new outfit with amazement. “Good morning, Mick. How was your vacation? You seem like a whole different guy.” “I AM a whole new guy, Gail.” I smiled the biggest smile I could make. “If I have been an ass while we have worked together, I’m sorry. Some things happened in my past that really had my whole life screwed up. These past three weeks have unscrewed them. I’m living my life under some new...
A New York TaleIt was a typical mid week day for Susie, John her husband was away for a few days on business and the apartment was closing in on her.It was late spring and the sun shone over Manhattan. She showered and decided to get dressed smartly and go down to mid town for lunch at MOMA. This was her favourite restaurant when she was on her own as she could sit at the bar and blend in with the crowd.Most men found Susie attractive, she had a sex appeal that made men, and women, instantly...
(After some hiatus, I've returned to writing. In light of having a more busy job life of, well, writing, I've decided to focus on actually finishing some of these scenarios rather than having the originally intended 50-100 endings. I've always intended to have a focus on choice, but honestly, I just don't have time for that. So! Over the next couple months expect my stories to actually have some finished choices, and I can expand from there. Thanks!) Darcey loved Halloween. Even on this...
Chapter Two Rose O’Toole Part 1 Dark circles shadowed Rose O’Toole’s green eyes. Three worrisome weeks at a boarding house in New York’s notorious Five Points section left Rose with fingernails gnawed down to nubs. On that April morn, she tied her long, auburn hair into a neat bun, bundled her few possessions in a sack and bid farewell to the boarding house, praying never to return. The streets of New York stank of such rot and disease that Rose feared that even if she scrubbed her skin raw...
NovelsMultifarious of sex that is nature has not only given women a two prong and exponentially stronger sex drive than men, it has also given women the ability to experience a far greater quantity, intensity, and variety of sexual pleasure and orgasm than men. This is nature's way of motivating a woman to seek out sexual activity considering the risk she bears in doing so. (Even though today's contraceptives greatly reduce these risks, they do nothing to diminish the internal triggers that drive a...
There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He was...
Hello readers, this is Sid, age 28, a working professional from Bangalore. I am here to pen down a real erotic incident. This incident happened with a busty voluptuous Muslim milf named Salima, aged 36, with a hot figure of 36D-30-38. One fine day, I went to a supermarket near my home to shop. And that was where I saw her. She was fully draped in a black hijab in contrast to her very fair skin. She was definitely a head-turner standing at 5’7″. Then I purposely was browsing in her aisle. And...
It was certainly no surprise then when I was sent home early from work one afternoon. The snow had started late morning, and by noon it was falling in earnest. The boss had decided to let us go shortly afterward, and as it was the last work day before Christmas, I was looking forward to getting home early and enjoying an afternoon of relaxation. What I did not count on was the increasing intensity of the snowfall and the length of time it would take me to get home. It took me nearly three...
Hi all Iss readers, My name is Rohit and I live in Bangalore. I would like to reveal how I was fucked, Infact the first time I had sex with a Horny and a Matured Aunt who made my first time encounter a mind-boggling sex. I have a Aunt who had that Fuck-me look with tremendous breasts and fantastic ass, she would make every man turn around atleast twice to look at her …At that time I was 18 years old, I am tall and was very friendly with everyone, I had a Aunt who was 38 years old with 2...
Incest"That's the last of the furniture!" Said the middle-aged man and his movers as they finished putting the furniture into the empty, was-empty, house of the new suburban area. The movers would begin exiting the house as the new proud owner of the house began signing their paycheck and gave it to the head mover. "Thank you for the service! If it weren't for you guys, I would have bought the furniture to fill up the house" You jested, giggling and smiling as the head mover let out a hearty chuckle...
TranssexualI needed to work on my Cobra Mustang I'd put a newly modified engine in this weekend, a Saturday. I went out to the garage, opening the door, and going in. I'm about to pull the door nearly down to about two feet or so off the ground, when my neighbor buddy hops the fence & comes over. The chain-link fence was by the driveway on his side. “ Need some help?” Darren asks. “ Sure, man, c'mon on in!” I quickly reply. We got under the back of the car to tighten some bolts on the rear suspension....
Natalie was standing in the middle of the room, totally embarrassed, without knowing how Kat had managed, she had gotten Natalie into a tub, washed her hair, and was now telling her to sit down so they deal with all that hair of hers. Bitsy, Kimberly and Kat and were discussing hair styles amongst themselves, every once in awhile asking Natalie what she thought and not giving her a chance to respond. Natalie knew it was rude to stare but she was having a hard time just registering the fact...
"Right then ladies. Who gets the macchiato?" asked Deanna, holding up another Starbucks and peering at the name scribbled on it. There was a special ring of hell for those who wrote the names on cups at Starbucks, she decided, since she could neither read this one, nor the other one. The only one she could read spelled Deena, not Deanna. She sighed. It's not like it was rocket science. The other women looked at each other and beamed. Not having to deal with Deanna's coffee was a definite...
Jane looked round the dining room at lunch with the Colonel the next day and saw that a large proportion of those eating were men. 'I suppose that never changes, ' she thought, 'Business being discussed over good food and wine, with the women left at home to look after the children. I expect most of the women here are, like me, mistresses being put on display.' As a small group of men came into the dining room, Jane was thinking how fond of wearing uniforms the Germans were when suddenly...
Michelle Meyers “What, Mom?” Kevin asked after I knocked on his door. I stood before my son’s bedroom in only my lingerie. A gray pair of panties and matching bra. It was a delicious lingerie set that my husband had bought me. It felt so naughty to be wearing it. A hot shudder ran through me. My pussy clenched, the heat swelling through my flesh. I wiggled my hips from side to side, savoring the heat billowing through my body. It rippled out of me. I bit my lower lip, the heat so exciting....
Als Petra und Birgit fr?h am n?chsten Morgen den Keller betraten, schlief Marc noch fest. Er bemerkte weder das helle Licht noch ihre Unterhaltung. "Lassen wir ihn schlafen?", fragte Petra. "K?nnte man, aber wir m?ssen doch nachher weg. Das Mittel in der Spritze wirkt zwar noch, aber Wasser lassen muss er in den n?chsten Stunden. Notfalls macht er sich in die Hose", dozierte Birgit fachkundig. "Und was jetzt?", krauste Petra die Stirn. "Ganz einfach, im Krankenhaus setzt man einen Ka...
Marcelo does not think that the handy man is cleaning his chimney well enough. Well this jack of all trades does more than just clean that chimney. The wife heard he has a pretty big pipe and she wants him to lay it right in her! The chimney sweeper cleans up that pussy with his tongue and Marcelo can not do anything about it except watch. Maybe if he knew how to fuck his wife she wouldn’t have to turn to the dirty chimney sweeper to get the job done right. Now this is how to get paid....
xmoviesforyou"Well, the next set of stories that we found a bit exciting were the BDSM listings. We weren't into the hardcore stuff but found the milder forms to be quite exciting," Susan replied."So, what exactly did you find exciting!" Mary practically shouted in her eagerness."Well," Susan started, "I found that I really like being tied up. But, better than that, I loved to be blindfolded. The feeling of giving up control completely, and then not knowing what will happen next is...
BDSMClare had always been proud of her slim Tom Boy body, proud of its athletic ability and stamina so when she finished high school she joined the Army. She found the physical side of her new life easy and pleasurable so much so that after getting her first stripes she volunteered for the Rangers. It was perfect timing for the modern Army was actively recruiting women for all their Special Forces units. Once again she flew through all the physical tests and she was eventually given her shoulder...
After the first time had already passed, I decided to take some time as my ass still hurt a few days after my encounter. The guy I used to talk still had not sent me any message a 2 weeks after the events of the previous story so I decided to do something. After the pain went away I noticed I coul very easily play with my ass and I would not hurt at all! I went to the point that I could fist myself and it would rarely hurt.I played putting things in my ass and it felt awesome. I decided I was...
I've been very happily married to Kate for the last five years, sex was terrific if a little predicable. Kate was still very beautiful with a slim but curvy figure; great legs and a small by shapely bust. Things changed when Kate had to go and stay with her mother because she was having her hip replaced operation and needed someone to look after her for a few weeks. I was looking for a receipt so I could finished off my monthly expenses, I had looked everywhere, so now I was looking in places...
Jock Tales Sweet 16 PT 2I grab my shaft, and start rubbing my thumb across my piss slit---causing my 'fuck juice' to start streaming down over my fist. I oozed a lot of juice, that not only myself, but most others as well loved. Kirk uttered a low 'ohhh' , and I gave him a grin as I continued a slow stroke, up and down my thick meaty jock cock. Bringing my left hand down, I began tickling the hairs on my balls, and tightening the grip on my dick. Picking up the pace just a bit, I relaxed my...
Cherry's Treat Cherry came home from work and flopped on the couch. She was tired, hungry, and horny. It had been months since she had a good fuck since her boyfriend was out of town and self-pleasuring was starting to get old. All she wanted was a hot bath and some wine. So when the knock came on the door; she grimaced as she got up to answer it. Opening the door she saw no one. Getting ready to close it, she glanced down and noticed the box. Bringing it inside, she set it on the coffee table...
Straight SexIt was the first time I had seen my husband look scared.He went to stand up and tell Paul to leave, but he was pushed down by the rather large Black guys with Paul.They held my husband in place as Paul told my son to get on his knees and suck his BBC clean. My son dropped to his knees and sucked on that BBC without a seconds notice. I felt my pussy juice start to leak down my leg, god was I really getting off on seeing this BBC fucking my sons hungry mouth.Next Paul instructed me to bend over...
I travel a lot for work to keep my gorgeous wife in her nice suburban country home. After all, this 45 year old petite woman is downright gorgeous with a movie star face and a great body, she is a real trophy but she is somewhat sexually inhibited. After all, she is churchgoing President of the local school PTA. This all changed one day in August when my limo driver dropped me off. I saw a customized motorcycle in the driveway, it was the kind a biker would drive with a skull and crossbones...
I was 38 years old and I was separated from my wife and lived alone. I was looking online at some dating sites and found one that was free and was pleased to see a "men looking for men" section. I have been bisexual all my life and I was very interested in getting back together with a man for some good nasty man to man fucking and sucking. It had been a long time since I had fun with another male and I was very horny and needing some release. I created a profile and it wasn't long before I got...