Book 3 - RavlyrChapter 4: A Masque Ball free porn video

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Natalie was standing in the middle of the room, totally embarrassed, without knowing how Kat had managed, she had gotten Natalie into a tub, washed her hair, and was now telling her to sit down so they deal with all that hair of hers. Bitsy, Kimberly and Kat and were discussing hair styles amongst themselves, every once in awhile asking Natalie what she thought and not giving her a chance to respond. Natalie knew it was rude to stare but she was having a hard time just registering the fact that Bitsy was now a fairy and the young woman next to her, her daughter Kimberly was also a fairy. The consensus of opinion was that they needed to cut Natalie's hair. Natalie was adamantly shaking her head no, with a grin Kim stated she would go get a pair of sharp shears, then was gone. Passing the dining room Kim flew in and grabbed a piece of toast, in a bored disinterested voice Brand asked his daughter what she was doing dragging a pair of scissors with her, he knew if he appeared interested he would get a long dialogue on the word scissors and shears, never getting an answer to his question. In an off handed way as she left the room, Kim said "we're going to cut Natalie's hair off." Rav was all ready bounding up the stairs, throwing open the door startling the women, he almost yelled "you are not cutting her hair off." In haughty outrage Natalie snapped "get out!" Rav who had been staring at her since he walked into the room, raised an eyebrow at her and grinned, "make me," he drawled leaning against the doorframe. Rav knew he should leave, the second he had walked into the room and seen her standing there in a towel, her damp hair hanging to her knee's, her body still warm pink from her bath, his body had reacted instantly. All he wanted to do was pull the towel away from her and bury himself in her long hair, as he laid her on the bed. He blinked, realizing Kim was fluttering around in his face, "Rav, you need to leave, she isn't dressed." Rav leered at Natalie but said to Kim "I noticed." Kat coughed, Rav looked at his mother, grinned and left the room. It was a long time before he returned to the dining room. Natalie looked at the fairy and the scissors with a worried look, "my hair is just fine, you don't need to cut it!" she insisted. Nonsense, replied Kat, we are only going to cut off a tiny bit, no need to get upset. Then pushing Natalie down onto the stool, Kat picked up the scissors and started cutting. When Kat was done, there was hair all over the floor, Natalie who had kept her eyes closed tight, opened her eyes when she heard Bitsy's ohhs and ahhs. Natalie's hair was now down to her waist, with some of the weight and length off, her hair curled with long natural waves. Kat had cut the hair around her face shorter, so the curls framed Natalie's face making it look softer and emphasizing her high cheek bones. Kat grinned at Bitsy and Kim, now for the clothes, Natalie was becoming very upset, she knew she couldn't afford any new clothes, the hair cut was one thing but this was something entirely different. Natalie holding her clothes in front of her, shook her head at them, "I do not need any new clothes, I am fine with what I have." Kat grinned at Bitsy ignoring Natalie, the three then started talking dress design as Natalie was scrambling into her clothes, having every intention of collecting Hank and heading home as soon as possible. Bitsy tisking at Natalie waved her hand and Natalie was suddenly standing stark naked, Natalie looked around franticly for her clothes. With another wave of her hand and a thoughtful look on her face, Bitsy dressed Natalie. Natalie suddenly found herself dressed in a high collared white blouse, tailored violet vest, that emphasized her full bust and slim waist. Her skirt also violet with dark purple small stripes, it was very full and swirled around her thighs as she moved. On her feet were walking shoes matching the violet of her outfit, the ribbon ties of dark purple. The violet matched her eyes and emphasizing the sheen in her black hair. Her hair was now pulled back and braided half way with a purple ribbon, the rest hanging down her back in loose waves. Natalie could only stare at herself in the mirror, that wasn't her in the mirror, the woman staring back at her was lovely, she looked soft and feminine, not cold and harsh, not a Snow Queen. Almost fearfully, Natalie waited for everything to vanish as quickly as it had appeared. Kim laughed fluttering around "thats wonderful mother, you did a great job, now she needs a few more walking dresses and ball gowns, what do you think about a riding outfit? oh and undies, we can't forget those, something in satin would be nice." Bitsy giggling whispered something to Kat and the two grinned and winked at each other. Kim chuckled and looked at Natalie, "they are talking about something they think I'm to young to hear." Bitsy laughed "we were discussing lingerie, and how long it would last."

Natalie fearful she would suddenly be in something totally scandalous took a step back. They all looked towards the door hearing Natalie's, Aunt Patricia yelling at the footman. "I am here to take my neice and nephew home, how dare you stand in my way, you will move now." The door was thrust open and the woman shoved past the footman and stormed in, seeing Natalie, Patricia gaped at her, looking at the gorgeous fashionable young woman standing there, she was furious. "Remove those clothes at once, young lady, you look more everyday like that slut of a mother of yours." Kat gasped, she couldn't believe what she had just heard. "you will remove yourself from my son's home immediately, how dare you speak to one of my guests like that." Patricia puffed up in outrage "it's true and she knows it, if she isn't careful she will be selling her favors on the streets, since she doesn't have the money her mother did to keep her legions of lovers, its in the blood, I've had to remind her repeatedly of that, its a moral woman's duty." Before her Aunt Patricia could say more, Natalie quietly picked up her cape and turned to her Aunt, "My clothes were ruined, these will have to do until we get home, shall we go, Aunt Patricia." walking towards the door. Natalie turned to Kat "thank you for all your care and help." Kat looked at Natalie, seeing her back once again stiff, her look haughty, her eye's ice cold and sighed. Furious Kat turned and snapped at Patricia "its moral women like you that curse all womankind." Seeing that the two were close to blows, Natalie stepped in, "it's true, my mother was a woman with lovers, my father caught her with a lover and killed her and her lover, then in despair he shot and killed himself." Not finished Natalie looked at her aunt "we also both know that father had a mistress and many lovers himself, so that must of made him a male whore." she said in her coldest tone of voice. Then she walked out of the room. Patricia followed behind her "he was a man, men are expected to have mistresses and women, its their bestial nature." Natalie just looked at her Aunt "so you have repeatedly said." walking down the stairs, Natalie asked the footman the where abouts of her brother. Stephen had come out of the study, he smiled at Natalie and kissing her hand he swept her a bow and complimented her on her fine looks, then told her that Hank and Rav had gone out shopping. Without giving Natalie a chance to reply, Patricia informed Stephen with an ingratiating smile that it would be very kind if Hank were returned home after his little shopping was done, then grabbing Natalie's arm, the two left. Kat was so furious she could hardly talk, as soon as Patricia had left, Bitsy and Kim appeared, both had heard everything and were just as furious. "who is that horrid woman?" Kim wanted to know. Bitsy sat Kim down and tried to explain the whole situation to her. Confused Kim asked "why doesn't Rav just take her back to the keep? or to the lair, get her away from that nasty old woman." With a sigh Kat said "its not that easy, Kim, Natalie is a young woman who thinks herself, ugly, unwanted, uncared for, she thinks she is only good enough for the likes of nasty old lechers, who have the money to pay off her aunt's debts. Even though I think she is very attracted to Rav, she thinks someone like him could never care for her, and after hearing what the aunt has been putting in her head, more then likely thinks all he wants is a play toy." Bitsy nodded in agreement. "its not going to be easy to change her mind." A very thoughtful Kim went in search of her brother and Trink. Rav walked into the study and looked at the three with their heads together, giggling and chuckling, "just what are you three up to?" he asked grinning, "Welllll now, as to that, we're planning a little kidnapping and wedding." Rav raised his eyebrow and looked at the them "and just who are you going to be kidnapping and marrying? Trink" Trink thought that was the funniest thing he had ever heard and chortled, slapping his knee, "not me, you!" "Your going to kidnap me and marry me? Trink, won't your pretties be upset about that?" Seeing Trink's look of confusion, they all laughed, "just who am I supposed to kidnap and marry? the information might be helpful, just so I don't get the wrong lady, " casually asked Rav. "Why your lady Natalie, that's who." said an exasperated Trink. "Oh, and why do I need to kidnap the lady in order to marry her?" asked an interested Rav. Kim explained to Rav what had happened with Natalie's Aunt, and how pretty Natalie had looked with her hair all fixed and the new clothes, and what her mother and Kat had said about it going to be very hard to get Natalie to change her idea's about herself. Rav sat deep in thought for a few minutes then looked up "when does this kidnapping take place and where?" A very long debate took place with that question, until they all finally decided on a good plan of action. Natalie stood staring at herself in the mirror, the costume her aunt had picked for her was so horrid, she just wanted to rip it off and throw it in the fireplace. Bitsy let out an unladylike snort, "If you go dressed in that Natalie, you will be the laughing stock of the ball." Natalie looked up and saw Bitsy sitting on her dressing table, "I know but I don't have a choice it's either wear this or not go at all, which would be my choice, perhaps I can become suddenly ill, I've never run away before but maybe there is a first time for everything." - "No need for such extreme's, I've brought you an outfit that Jacquilt had made just for you, he thinks you will be the success of the ball in it." Seeing her doubtful look Bitsy smiled, "Jacquilt has an inborn sense of style, you can never go wrong with his suggestions."

Bitsy pointed to a large box on the bed. Natalie opened the box and gasped, she slowly pulled out a dress, but not really a dress, it was layers upon layers of chiffon, in a white silver color shot through with gold, just picking up the dress made it sparkle in the candle light. At Bitsy's urging Natalie put on the dress, it draped over one shoulder, leaving the other bare, it gave a hint of how full her breasts where without revealing them, it was full length once again with the layers almost like scarves overlapping, as she walked it floated around her, the layers opening just a tantalizing bit. Also inside the box was a pair of fairy wings, made of fine gossamer netting, the same color as the dress and tiny matching slippers, the mask was silver with little tiny wings at each corner. A tiny leather bag contained handfuls of glitter in every color imaginable. At the very bottom was a note from Jacquilt it read: To a beautiful woman who can sparkle on her own, if she will only let herself. Jacquilt. Smiling, Bitsy said "its true you know, you are an extremely lovely woman, you should be proud of that and show it off, not hide it." "I can't wear this, Aunt Patricia would never allow it." said Natalie, almost sighing, her hands kept smoothing over the dress, then she started to take if off, Bitsy could see the regret in her eye's. Laughing Bitsy said "leave your aunt to us, you just make sure that your in the carriage with your cape on and the hood pulled up." Natalie hugged the little wings, just once she wanted to feel soft, and womanly, was it so wrong to want to see admiration in men's eye's and know that look was for her, then she thought of Lord Barkley and the life ahead of her, she picked up the slippers with a determined look. - Patricia was almost screaming in frustration, nothing was going right, she finally got downstairs and looked for Natalie, when the footman informed her that Natalie was waiting out in the carriage, she snatched up her wrap and went out to the carriage. As Patricia was getting out of the carriage at the Carington's, there was a terrible ripping noise, she let out a shriek and grabbed her dress, one whole side seam had come undone, snapping at Natalie, she told her to go inside without her, that she was going home to change and would return as quickly as possible, then climbed back into the carriage, her dress almost falling off. Natalie stood watching the carriage drive away, she was about to go up the steps when she heard her name, turning she saw Bitsy and Brand walking towards her. Bitsy winked at her, "Rav and the other's are already inside waiting for us." Bitsy handed her cape to the footman and Natalie gasped, Bitsy had on a dress that looked like a flower, it was so lovely Natalie could only stare, Brand was in a huntsmen's costume and muttering about hating costume ball's. Winking at Bitsy he whispered in her ear "I should of been a bumble bee, dipping into your sweet nectar all night." The footman held out his hand for Natalie's cape, she stood hesitating. Brand didn't give her a chance to change her mind, "allow me" he said and suddenly her cape was off and in the hands of the footman. "My god," breathed Brand as he looked at Natalie, then turning to Bitsy he saw the grin on her face. As they walked to the ballroom, Brand leaned down and said to Bitsy "Rav is going to be doing a lot of roaring into the night after spending the evening with her, remind me to shut the windows tonight." With a wink Bitsy replied "Rav is going to be doing a lot more then that if everything goes right." Brand looked carefully at her "what are you up to? brat" Just grinning at him she whispered "I'll tell you later, here comes Rav, I want to see his reaction." Rav stood still staring at Natalie, he suddenly took a deep breath realizing he had forgotten to breathe, She was standing there saying something to Bitsy. Her dress shimmered, with every motion it gave a hint of bare flesh underneath, her hair had been brushed out until it seemed to float around her head, it had sparkling glitter in it that added to the impression of her hair moving about her head, The wings on her back added to the magical look, the dress ended just above her ankles, the matching slippers had tiny wings at the heels, drawing a persons eyes to her feet and ankles. Natalie saw Rav slowly walking towards her, she saw the look on his face, startled she took a step back, he looked so intense. The only thing she could think of was that he didn't like the dress, she felt such deep disappointment, it startled her. Then stiffening her back and putting on her haughty look, she smiled at him coldly. So what if he didn't like the dress she certainly hadn't dressed this way for him, she told herself. Rav got ahold of himself when he saw her stiff cold look and reminded himself that he didn't want her bolting and running home. Brand and Bitsy had also seen the look on Rav's face, Brand grinned down at Bitsy "this should be a fun evening, in a minute your going to tell me what's going on, brat." Rav smiled at Brand, told Bitsy how lovely she looked without ever taking his eyes off of Natalie, taking her hand in his, he bowed to her then kissed the back of her hand, the tip of tongue licking sensuously. Natalie gasped and tried to pull her hand away from Rav's, he wouldn't let go, he smiled at her "You look enchanting tonight, Natalie, I've always found fairies very alluring." with a wink at Bitsy he went on to say "you know fairies are very sexual creatures, and looking at you, I will never doubt it." Brand laughed at Rav "just be careful, they have a tendency to bite, and watch out for little claws." then Brand winked at Natalie, who was still trying to pull her hand out of Rav's, Brand seeing the look of confusion on Natalie's face, only laughed more. Bitsy pinched Brand and gave him a look, he gave her a look back and grinned. Rav tucked her arm around his and almost literally pulled her into the ballroom.

Same as Book 3 - Ravlyr
Chapter 4: A Masque Ball Videos

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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 10 The Gathering

Hank was curled up in his blankets in the tent that Rav had put up for him, most all the other's were sleeping either outside, the dragons warming rocks and ledges for sleeping, most of the fairies and elves had set up their own small camp, Rav had told Hank that many of the group would blink home at night during the gathering, preferring their own beds. Hank had spent the day with Trink meeting all sorts of creatures, trolls, gnomes, fairies, elves, dragons of every imaginable type. There...

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A Gaame of Nine Ball

The Martin’s lived out on Farmers Road in a new subdivision with their family Wes and Peggy, both in high school. They belonged to the Country Club and played golf on the weekend and Bridge on Friday nights, every Friday night. Wes was a baseball player on the varsity team and Peggy was a mid distance runner on the track team. Both were very good at their chosen endeavors and for a junior and sophomore, excelled to a legendary status, with Wes, the elder of the two, being placed on the...

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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 9

Putting a few things in her pack Laurel prepared for the gathering, glancing into the book room she finally ventured in and sat down at the desk, for weeks she had been so busy she had not had a chance to even look at any of the books, her eyes took in all the books and she smiled to herself. Rubbing her paws over the old scarred desk she whispered "thank you whoever you were for leaving this for a hungry soul to find" Laurel blinked hearing a gruff voice reply "it is all yours for your...

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The Masquerade Ch 06

This is, obviously, a continuation of The Masquerade story. If you haven’t, please read the previous chapters to get to know the characters. This one is not a stroke story, sorry if you were looking for that. This story is not as near it’s end as I thought it would be, and I hope you are liking the story as much as I like writing it. Have fun and enjoy. Eskimo_Kiss xxoo ************************** As the man neared his walk become almost predatory. Alex couldn’t see his eyes, but knew them...

5 years ago
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Love at the Masquerade

It had been little over a week since the fateful day when Bella had broken up with James, her long-term boyfriend. She'd heard rumours that he’d been cheating on her with a waitress at his catering firm. When confronted, James would neither confirm nor deny the gossip — and so Bella ended the relationship on the spot.In that following week, a distraught Bella thought hard about the next step to take in her life. Eventually, she decided to seek advice from the one friend she trusted the most,...

Love Stories
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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 11 Going Home

For over a week Natalie lay in the bed without moving, she opened her eye's several times, but never said a word. She heard what people said but rarely listened, felt them changing her nightdress, bathing her, but she didn't care. They came and went regularly checking on her, she knew almost daily Marti'en sat and read the book, she could hear the pages turning, the book didn't sing for her, it didn't talk to her but it did allow her to read it, Natalie was glad, perhaps Marti'en could...

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The Ballerina

The Ballerina By Melissa Tawn CHAPTER 1: A STAR IS BORN In the communist Soviet Union of the 1970's, as in the imperialist Britain of the 1870's, family lineage was an important factor in a person's success. Vladimir Ivanovich Nekrasov therefore considered himself extremely lucky, for few Soviet citizens had a better lineage than he did. His grandfather, Colonel-General Alexander Michaelovich Nekrasov, died valiantly in the heroic defense of Stalingrad during the Great War...

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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 5

Lexi spent the next week working on her lair, this morning she was going through the library with a touch of a fingertip to a book she was sending copies to her a room in her lair, with a wicked grin she sent copies of the erotic books she and Con had grown up peeking at to join the rest, she was on the last row in no time, with a satisfied look she left the library. Since her mother was sleeping late, Lexi told Riley she was going to her lair, to call her if she was needed. With a giggle...

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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 9

Lexi woke up feeling like she was a wrung out towel, she got up and took a long hot bath, dried her hair and dressed. When she had gotten up out of bed she had opened the round rose window and had chuckled as the kittens went hopping onto the windowsill then seeing the large tree just outside the window had gone climbing cautiously out on a branch then down to the ground, she had left the window open and it wasn’t long before they came hopping back into the room wanting their breakfast. The...

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Book Store Stories Ch4

I was thinking, as I watched Candy drive away, our escapades at the adult book store had been fun. Yet I was still feeling guilty for fucking my very own daughter. But what could I do, the pleasure I got from her was controlling me.So far since our first encounter my mind had not rested from thinking what I had done. Sure I was scared of being caught, the embarrassment and all. I'm just thankful at least Candy was a young adult.I drove home to my wife. Dinner went by without questions of why I...

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Book Club For Two

Peter pulled his BMW into the garage and raced inside.  “Hey!” he shouted to his wife, Ellie, as he dropped his suitcase in the foyer and hurdled upstairs. He grabbed what he needed from his closet and then reversed course. He nearly ran into Ellie at the foot of the stairs.“Oh my God, you startled me!” Ellie said, seeming flustered. “I … I thought you were going straight to the airport.”“Yeah, I was,” Peter said breathlessly as he folded a pair of wool slacks and a couple of dress shirts and...

2 years ago
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Book Signing

Copyright© 2002, by Carlos Malenkov They call me the king of erotic sf, the guy who can write a spicy, rollicking space opera in the grand old tradition, complete with intelligent-but-virile hero raging through the spaceways with raging hormones. Yeah, I write 'em -- the multi-book contracts and even occasional awards roll in -- but I can't seem to live 'em. My own sex life is a mess, or maybe nonexistent would be more accurate. You see, I'm still, well, inexperienced at the advanced...

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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 7

Revanche rushed into Raimi's following the sounds of the puppy howling like a demented beast, throwing open the door he almost ran in, Raimi stood in the water staring at him, Hellhound who had been running back and forth along the side of the pool recognizing Revanche and went bounding over, "You rushed in here like there was something wrong, what is it?" asked Raimi watching Revanche scratching Hellhounds ears, her arms crossed over her bare wet chest, Revanche looked up then quickly...

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Golden Ball

The Golden Ball THE GOLDEN BALL(by [email protected])    ?Oh, blest are they who beheld these last years and breathed their autumnal air full of rot and corruption! But twice blest is he who suffered the touch of their knowing, sinful flesh...???????????? ? From a medieval manuscript kept at the abbey of St. Colomannus.    1. One cold evening in late October, 1785, an open coach rattled along the dark and narrow Parisian streets, its wheels disturbing the chilly fog that crept over the...

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I sat trying hard to wait patiently, but I could not help but fidget. A few others in the room also fidgeted as we waited our turn for the audition. So far three had taken their turn, with twelve of us yet to go. I looked nervously about, well aware that I was extremely lucky to be here, and by the looks from a couple of the others, a deep loathing that showed their total resentment that I should even be in the same room as them.To them, I was the odd man out, Yes... Man, but I was not a man...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 19 The Yule Ball

Chapter Nineteen – The Yule Ball Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mmff, cream pie, exhib, hp, magic, mc, spank, voy The party following the completion of the First Task was a very successful and enjoyable one, especially for Harry, who was fortunate enough to fuck two of the hottest Gryffindor House girls after the party had ended. Lavender Brown and...

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Book of Lust

**** Contributions from other authors highly encouraged!!! If you have an idea at any point, feel free to add it! **** No one knows how old it is. The first record appeared around 57 AD: A member of Nero's court refers to a "tainted scroll" capable of bending the wills of those around it to animalistic desires. Throughout the Middle Ages, the book appeared across Western Europe. However, its appearance and abilities varied from place to place. Consistent was its ability to induce lustful...

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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 4

Harriett came storming into the main hall “will you get that pest out of my kitchen” Collin laughed “which pest?” getting up and following her “that dragon Mal, he is telling me how to cook now” Collin walked into the kitchen to see Mal sitting on the table telling Harriett’s helper that she had to mush the applesauce better for his Tee. Mal smiled at Collin “baby try eat food now, Kat says so” dipping his small talon in the applesauce Mal took a taste and made a face “sour, not good” Collin...

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Wearing nothing but a robe and tennis shoes, I sit on the couch starring out the picture window of our living room. It’s 1:00pm on a Saturday and I can’t relax, and for good reason. My wife and I are expecting visitors. What’s happening today started out as an idle fantasy, something that Heather and I had come up with over late night chats in the bedroom. We are admittedly a rather kinky couple. Case and point, we own one of the strongest shock collars on the market, but have never owned a...

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Masked Ball

I've always loved the Victorian era. In my country during the month of February we celebrate Carnival everywhere with masquerade parties, confetti, and parades. I've always opted for costumes of the Victorian era, I loved to feel like a princess, or a rich milady, if only for one day. My favorite fairy tale has always been Cinderella and I’ve always dreamed of being the beauty chosen by the prince to dance with him and my sisters watching, dying for jealousy.Needless to say, it was only a...

Love Stories
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The Masquerade Ch 02

Alex let herself slowly wake, stretching her arms overhead and her back lifting from the mattress. She then curled herself into her smooth sheets under the warmth of the bedspread. Her dark hair trailed long and it tickled her back for a moment as she shifted. She let her mind wander to last night and her unknown companion. Remembering his eyes gazing into hers, the slide of his tongue on hers and the feel of his body crushed to hers, she couldn’t help the shiver identical to last nights run...

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Cleopatras Masquerade Part Two

Early the next morning… New Year’s Eve Julian and Kenya awoke to the digital sounds of the alarm which was not shut off last evening. Kenya rolled out of bed; drug her sore, well fucked body into the bathroom and relieved her bladder. She crawled back into bed and began snuggling her fiancé. Reaching around his body, she grabbed his dick and stroked it to garner a response as she nibbled his neck. Gentle snoring greeted her as she said, “Sleep already, Julian?” Lingering snores rumbled from...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 7 The Ball

“Cassius,” said ‘The Alana’ which is how he referred to her when she was in full flight or being formidable or particularly clever, “I would like to know a little bit more about what is going on. My darling, I have been very patient with you; but that patience is running out, and you are heading for trouble. You are busy having meetings and talking to people. It is unwise to exclude me, as you know from past experience. You rely on my judgment and my advice. “You and Jason are busy having...

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Hannah 2 Junior Cotillion Ball

Robert and Lisa Strong rose at the sound of the doorbell and went to welcome their guests. They opened the front door to greet Daniel and Elizabeth Mason and the Masons’ 16-year-old son, Jacob. He was a handsome boy with a build reflecting his athletic nature. At 5 feet, 8 inches, he was average height for his age. He projected maturity and self-confidence with a beaming smile and a handshake for the Strongs. He had soft features, clear skin and tousled blond hair. His parents, like...

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Comixxx Players Ball

It started with a phone call, at most inopportune time. My cell phone was blowing up while I was demonstrating my patented hucklebuck position to my cute neighbor; Jill. The constant clattering of the phone vibrating across my night stand became too much for me to ignore anymore."Hello?""Who's this?" a female voice inquired."Whose phone did you call? I asked back."Xav is that you?" She asked sounding more annoyed"Maybe, who am I speaking to?""It's Katrina, Xav."I was about to ask what she...

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B IS FOR GIRL chapter 4 B Is For Ballerina

"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 4: "B" is for Ballerina When mummy told me I was going to ballet lessons, I howled and sobbed. "Please, mummy!" I cried. "Please don't make me do ballet dancing!" Mummy wouldn't change her mind. "Going to ballet is part of your punishment for being such a naughty little boy," she said. "But mummy," I said, tears rolling down my face, "I already wear lacy dresses and frilly knickers every day. Why do I have to do ballet and go to Brownies as...

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book of fortune part three

Brad walk to his classroom after getting off of the bus. No one noticed when he walked to his seat thirty minutes late for class. He tried to pay attention but he could barely think about anything but the bus ride and the fun he had with Amanda. He started to think about when she would come back to him. He hoped it would be soon but he knew he could entertain himself while he waited. He knew he wouldn’t have time that class period to have any fun but he was already looking at girls he...

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Book 8 ZaraChapter 17

DeClan and Zara woke up with Mal hissing loudly walking all over them, patting his papa on the cheek with his little paw. Zara made soothing noise's with a slight frown on her face "what is it sweetie?" Mal hissed loudly then started snapping his little jaws in frustration "Tab mama" DeClan was out of bed in an instant pulling on a bathrobe, heading across the hall, Zara holding Mal got up and followed. DeClan stood for a minute the look in his eyes fierce, calmly he went over to the...

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The 8ball

The 8-ball is a mysterious item rumored to be from an alternate dimension; it's everlasting, undying, passed down from generation to generation. But this 8-ball isn't just an antique to hold, or a tool to be used, hell, it isn't even meant to be in a game of pool. No, this 8-ball is alive, or to be more exact, whatever's inside is alive. Multiple individuals have claimed to have spoken to the being in the ball, though no one has ever seen it; or if they have, lived to tell the tale. You see,...

Mind Control
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The Snowball

The Snowball I was on my way home when I smelled radiator fluid inside my car. I knew right then that I had a leak in the heater coil, so I rolled my window down to let the strong odor escape. That’s when I got hit in the side of my face with a snowball. As I looked around I saw a young girl in a pink coat with white fur run into a house. I parked my car and walked up to the door. A very pleasant woman opened the door. Samantha was thirty years old and my age. She was way to young...

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