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The little boy, half black and half white, stands in front of the seated man and raises his hands in an act designed to illicit a known response, and it comes. The man reaches down and picks the boy up and sits him on his thigh. The boy is about three. Not a word passes between them but they smile at each other. Neither shows it but the attack is about to start.

Then there is the girl, she is almost six, she looks half white and half Asian. She is a China doll, and just as cute as the boy. She cocks her head at the sitting man. He does the same in return and gives a shoulder shrug with the attendant hand turn-flip open, in question. She knows what it means. He is waiting.

She launches herself at the seated man and hits him exactly where she has aimed. The fight begins. The little boy joins in and soon their father is engulfed in giggles and squeals of joy.

Our revelry stops as suddenly as it started. Lord Byron had it right, make that perfect:

SHE walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meets in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.

She is my sun and my moon, our sun and our moon and every star ever created bows down to her beauty. She is our entire universe.

Her incandescent smile lights our existence. She glows like only a woman carrying life can glow. Her black skin radiates love and motherhood. Our children, only moments ago happy to be with me, their lowly father, now need to be with the real source of power and energy, the main source of love and devotion, their mother, my wife, my life.

She walks to me, her body gliding effortlessly despite the two mismatched book ends, as I call them, growing inside her body. A boy and a girl, to match the set we already have. I touch her stomach and lean to kiss it and thus our two unborn babies. The other two munchkins who have been attacking me do the same to their unborn brother and sister, and giggle. We hug, all at the same time, we are a family. There is more than enough love to go around. My wife is a font of pure love.

My name is Franklin Collins. My story starts with my birth.

"I was born."

Ok, stealing from Lord Byron is one thing but lines from David Copperfield too, well that is just too much. Let's move a little further forward in history.

I was a decent student and worked hard. Just your average white bread kind of guy and that is me. I am five foot nine and one hundred and ninety pounds, just a hint more muscle than most. I love to run and I do lift some iron on a regular basis. I am not going to ever be a body beautiful but I know how to pump iron and stay strong. When I get old I will be fat, but not now, not yet.

Now I have my own company and we test security systems. Actually we hack into systems, to see if we can hack into systems. People pay us to attack them and hack into their systems. We plant bombs in them and then they blow up and funny things happen on the computer screens and people are mad as hell. When we get caught people are happy, until they learn we only got caught to test the system and while they are patting themselves on the back we are blowing up their security systems and attacking their database.

I was just starting out and I could not get any clients so I did what I do best, but I did it for free. There was a security conference with a group of consultants and some large financial institutions were there being represented. I got into the place as a waiter. When the time was right I sat down at a table and drank some coffee as I watched all the computer screens in the place go nuts; flashing colors, geometric designs, you know the kinds of things you see for screen savers. Then I watched all the power players starting to get calls and their little lap top computers, iPods, iPads, you name it, well they all went nuts and started blinking and buzzing, vibrating, and ringing.

Funny that in a conference on computer security everyone there was carrying an unprotected link to their home systems and the conference itself was vulnerable.

In a matter of moments billions of dollars disappeared. Well not really, their computers thought it disappeared but it was right where it always was. I was skirting the law; ok I was breaking the law.

Then every computer in the palace lit up and the same message hit every screen. "If you want your money back all you have to do is visit this man [a real time picture of me in the room drinking coffee in my waiters outfit appeared on the screens around the room] and POLITELY ask him to fix the problem and it will be fixed."

They were not polite so I drank more coffee and smiled. It took all of five minutes for them to realize that screaming would do nothing for them. Threats of arrest and all sorts of threatened other evils fell on my intentionally deaf ears. Their security people said they could do nothing about it and their systems could not trace the threat or combat it, at least in the short term. When they all calmed down I did my thing and all was sweetness and light.

I gave them my card and told them I was the security expert they needed and that the money was where it always had been, that this was a security exercise. Actually I don't think people use real money anymore, at least in the banking industry, everything is electronic.

They did call, right after the FBI and Homeland Security called. Evidently it was not a federal crime to break into their systems if I did not take anything but only made it look like I did for the limited purpose of showing them where they had problems with security. It is something called intent. I think what saved me was that I sent them each a report about part of their security problem. I had prepared it in advance of the security attack which I created in the first place. As soon as I hit the button to clean everything up the report went out to their security people. The other thing that saved me is that they did not want anyone to know that one person could do that much damage to the banking system. Anyway, none of the institutions pressed charges, even though some initially wanted too. They were more interested in what I had done and how to prevent it. Actually I did not do much at all, but what I did was simple to do and hard to combat. Taking the money would have been impossible for the breach I caused, but why quibble with success.

My company is not all that big, but it means I have my own money and not big money, but enough. I guess that depends on how you define big and since I deal with hundreds of billions, my idea of big is BIG! It is like being an adult playing a video game except I get paid to do it.

I met Sheila when I was seventeen and we immediately fell in love. We met in high school and dated exclusively from the time we first met. She took me home and I met her father and mother, and every aunt, uncle, and a bunch of cousins, you can imagine. What a Saturday that was. I mean we had only just started dating and I had to meet everyone and remember their names. I remember one little girl about nine or ten actually gave me a red carnation, it was sweet. Other family members gave me food, lots of food. I gained five pounds that Saturday.

Every two weeks there was a family get together and everyone went. It was a bonding event that I would do for the rest of my life. I can honestly say that I loved each and every one of them.

Sheila was a computer geek, just like me. We did everything together. She was Yin to my Yang. We saw her family every two weeks, always a group. We went to movies and dinner, cheap dinner, we were still in High School but everyone knew we would be together until "death us do part."

We saw my family every two weeks too, but on different weeks. Sheila was loved by them as much as I loved her. We were perfect for each other.

She was short, curvy, vivacious, and every word you can think of to describe the love of your life. She was my first and I was hers. We made sure to practice a lot. We were careful not to get caught, and by that I mean get pregnant. We tried sex but settled on making love; but we still tried sex just to make sure it was making love we liked most.

She was mine and only mine until I was twenty, and when we married we became one. It was a wonderful wedding. My bride glowed. My father in law strutted like a peacock, and I don't even remember how many people were there. It must have been three or four hundred, but probably more.

It was a marvelous blending of two different families until we became one family. Talk about a strange blending. The strange part was that Sheila's mother and father were fraternal twins, but not to each other. Fraternal twins do not generally look like each other. The same sperm fertilizes two eggs. Well we hope it is the same sperm. So Sheila's father had a fraternal twin brother and Sheila's mother had a fraternal twin sister. The really strange part was that the twin sisters married the twin brothers. They each had huge families of nine or was it ten children? The brothers and sisters lived in different states so they only came together once in a while as an entire family, and this was one of the few times. But their children visited often. I really felt honored to have them all at one event.

Sheila and I went around and saw every guest and spoke with them. We had been together for three years and we knew each other well. It was a strange mix of family but we both understood the problems we might face but we loved each other to the exclusion of the entire world.

This was unlike the reunions, which could be a mix of different members of the family and not all came the times that Sheila and I were there. This time it was everyone and I was just overwhelmed by the names and numbers of people on Sheila's side of the family.

Don't get me wrong, my family was huge, even though it was only my brother and I at the time. My father and mother had tons of family and I had more aunts, uncles, and cousins than I could even remember.

I danced with all the little cousins and wives and aunts and well, just about everyone. One pretty little girl about thirteen even kissed me on the cheek and blushed and gave me a white carnation.

Then a month later my Sheila was pregnant and the entire family celebrated at a family gathering easily as large as the wedding. Both families were there this time, it was that special. We took over an entire park.

Three months after that celebration of new life, Sheila and the baby were gone.

A fucking drunk driver decided he was too drunk to walk home but sober enough to drive. Hell, he could damn near see his fucking house from the bar and could have walked there if he headed off across the field and walked for thirty minutes. It was only a mile or two away. No, he had to get into his car and drive all the way around and kill my wife and baby.

He killed my universe and hit a tree too. The tree lived, and the driver did not have a mark on him, my life ended.

I walked like the dead through the land of the living, a ghost in earthly pain. The funeral was beyond my comprehension. There was a large coffin and inside of it was a very small coffin no more than six inches long and it was held in Sheila's crossed arms. It represented our baby who would spend eternity with her mother. Yes, they said she was a little girl. I don't know how they knew but they said they did. Inside of the small coffin I placed a folded piece of paper. I closed my eyes and prayed that I would open my eyes and it would be my wife and little girl looking down on me and I was the one in the coffin; but it was not to be. I kissed my wife for the last time after replacing the small coffin in her arms again and they closed the coffin. Through my tears I remember a little girl crying and handing me a black carnation.

Did you know that vehicle computer systems can be affected by other computers? It is true; it is a little known fact. All you need to do it attach a little device that accepts signals from outside the car, or you can program the computer inside of the car and you can make cars go faster, or stop them or shut down everything.

The man who killed my life finally had an accident he did not walk away from. He was drunk and driving and there was this corner on his way home from his favorite bar, the one he was driving home from when he killed my life. He was just going too fast and then the systems all failed and he hit that tree again, at over one hundred and twenty miles an hour and damn if the computer and electrical system did not go into fail mode and shut down completely. Not even the air bags worked because no signal came from the sensors in the front of the car. They used the "jaws of life" to get him out of the car.

He has a pet monkey that moves his joy stick on his electric wheel chair to get him around. The monkey does not wipe up his drool. He can't talk or even piss for himself, except through a tube where his dick used to be, and he has a bag for shit and piss attached to his chair. Since the monkey will not empty them he always stinks and shit and piss is all over the floor where ever he goes. His wife, who tried for years to get him to stop drinking and driving, finally left him and took the kids with her. She did not divorce him; she just headed out the door and never looked back. He can't drink and drive anymore, unless the monkey makes the chair go. Maybe the monkey will get drunk and crash the chair. One can only hope.

The very small device that accepted outside signals to the computer must have fallen off because the investigators never found it, or if they did they had no idea what it was. I have it on good authority it went into a crucible of molten lead.

I spent the next seven years ignoring real life, including women and just working. At first I did not communicate with my wife's family, it was too painful. But then, a month or two after the funeral, well they were family and I had to see them. Before long it was once every month and they would all be there. They understood and still accepted me as a member of the family. Still it hurt to be around them, but the hurt was going away, slowly.

I was the one man all the single girls look at as a potential husband. I was young, good looking – ok not ugly, and in good shape and I had some money. But still Sheila's family did not come on too hard about being single and fixing me up. Some of my parent's friends did try that but it never worked out. I just withdrew into myself. I had an older brother that was a friend too, but we were not all that close and never were. He was ten years older than me so it was like we were in different worlds, but he tried to help.

I had a few tumbles with some women, I am a male after all, but I lost my true love and I was still upset. I learned early on that fucking was no substitute for making love. I stayed away from Sheila's family, no one night stands from them. I just could not do that to them.

Seven years later I was still on the rebound, still in a fog, still in pain, and then I met Ruth.

I went to all of the security shows, not to talk, but to listen. I rarely said anything to anyone but I did pass out a few cards. I had a booth that was just a few brochures and a pretty face who only knew enough to get a name and phone number and address. I made sure to have the hottest women I could get to work the booth too. Usually the people there were interested in the girl in the booth and not the product but she helped me collect numbers and leads.

My booth girl also wore a name tag with a secret video and audio setup that picked up everything. I did get a lot of information, none of which I ever blackmailed anyone with but I did find out that a lot of men fucked around and wanted to do it with my booth girl. I also got a lot of information about new security problems and possible fixes. Hell, if they wanted to tell my booth girl that was fine by me.

Now I was twenty seven and Ruth was thirty three. She understood her mortality and the bio clock and all that crap. She chased me, caught me, and fucked my brains out. I never met a woman like her. She was sex, sex, and more sex. Whatever I wanted to do she was happy to do it with me. I made a little mistake because I thought all that sex meant she had all that love for me.

She was in the banking end of the business and was pretty sharp when it came to crunching numbers. At her age she was a decade ahead of schedule, she was that smart, or at least I thought she was.

She gave me more sex than I had ever had in my life, which when I think back on it was not all that much. The woman was voracious when it came to sex. "Man Eater" would define her. We did it three or more times a day. Morning, night and middle of the night was our normal times. She would even give me a good evening blow job, or a good morning blow job, or a "Hey sailor, want your cock sucked?" blow job, and that was a lot of sex for a computer geek that did not get a lot of sex before Ruth. And she was beautiful. Buxom is a good way to describe her.

She did come with baggage and that was a son, who was going to be my step-son. Ok, here is the big one, he was seventeen. Obviously Ruth had him when she was young.

Well she was great at sex so I went with it. It was not true love I later found out but it was marriage and with a pre-nuptial agreement and lots of sex. If she cheats she gets nothing. It was pretty simply for an agreement that prevented her from getting a few million.

Brad, my step-son was an idiot and I got to pay for part of his schooling. Lucky me! That makes me an idiot too. Was the sex that good? I'm not sure! Yes she made good money but Brad needed the best, so he got a good home and then a car and an apartment and spending money; you know the score. Ruth was feeding him money like he was a little bird with its mouth open demanding more worms.

I was still going to Sheila's family events monthly, neither Ruth nor Brad ever wanted to go. They always had other things to do. When I got married I was still welcomed but now the women my age at the gatherings had some hard looks for me but everything remained acceptable. Make that every woman no matter what age looked hard and angry at me. After all I was not expected to live without a woman for the rest of my life, or so I thought. As I said, Ruth never went with me to these events and hardly went to the ones that my parents had.

Brad was an idiot. Oups, I am repeating myself, but some things bear repeating; his idiocy is one of them. He barely got out of high school. He went to college to "find his art." He was talking some shit like that anyway.

He had dreams of being a great danseur but the big dummy could not walk and chew gum at the same time and I figured that listening to music, dancing and moving with the flow of the music would be way beyond his abilities. And yes that is the way he spelled it, danseur. Dancer was not good enough; he had to be a danseur.

But still, his mother gave great head and was a wild fuck so what the hell. It is not like Brad was actually costing me anything out of my pocket. I worked, got my cock sucked, fucked whenever I wanted and I did not give a shit how Brad spelled it. I realized that I was not in love with his mother, and Brad and I were hardly on speaking terms, unless he wanted money. But his mother and I got along well enough and the sex was great. I keep repeating that part don't I? Trust me, it is important.

Brad met this great girl who was a danseuse but a real one. I saw her practice and she was fantastic. She would glide through the air, over the floor, around any obstacle, she was a danseuse. Looking back on things I am sure Brad would have liked to be a danseuse too.

The girl's name was Helen and she was a few years older than him. He was twenty and going to this arts school and so was she. She was twenty-three at the time and I have no idea what she saw in him. Ok he was handsome and tall and blond and well built, and so full of himself I expected him to explode any minute.

They dated and then they got sort of unofficially engaged, whatever the hell that is. During his time as my step-son he called me Frank, even thought I told him it was Franklin. Helen calls me "Dad" or "Daddy", even though I am not her father. She is sweet as honey and I am still supporting Brad and now Helen. Brad I am pissed about, Helen, not in the slightest.

Whenever Helen was around I was amazed at her grace and poise. She floated from place to place. She always had a radiant smile. It was like the world was a warm and happy place because she was happy too. Her words were soothing and her voice was like a song to anyone hearing it.

She was better educated than Brad and a lot smarter too; and yes there is a difference. I am not exactly sure what she is studying besides dancing.

I do know that she is working on a Masters in something but she does not talk about it very much. For some reason she actually agreed to marry him, although they are not yet "officially" engaged. Brad seems to be more than a little beneath her. For the life of me I don't know what she sees in him, but since I am not going to marry him it does not matter to me. As I said, he is good looking and tall and blond and since he is a danseur he has a good athletic build, but the man is dumb. The blond part gives it away. If he was driving in the Indianapolis 500 he would stop at least a dozen times to ask for directions. [For those of you not familiar with that particular race it is run on an oval, you can only go one direction. Ok you could speed at two hundred miles an hour toward the other cars instead of with them, but not even Brad would do, of forget it, he might actually do it.]

I did talk to Ruth about it but she said that Brad would one day surprise me and to just enjoy life, like she was. I was happy for her, but I did not know exactly how much enjoying she was doing until I found out how much enjoying she was doing. I did not find it all that enjoyable myself.

I kept going to the monthly gatherings even while I was married and there was a definite thaw in the air. Now the girls, who always managed to stand in a circle looking around at other people, looked at me and actually looked away and giggled among themselves. Ever notice how females all do that. I know something is going on but I don't know what. Maybe they think it is ok that I am married again.

The parties with my family never had the same flair as Sheila's parents had, but they are always fun. At times the two families got together for huge affairs and we take over an entire park, like we did when we celebrated our baby. They were always wonderful times. Then I think of Sheila and I get a little morose but I always hide it so no one knows.

Ruth got pregnant just after Brad got "engaged" and that really did change things for us all, in more ways than one. Ruth had a lot of problems with the pregnancy and I was always there helping. I could do a lot of work related tasks from the house and that gave me the ability to watch Ruth and help her and work too.

I did all the husband things and talked to the baby and even sang to her, yes it was "a her," and Ruth decided that she would be named Kim. I was left out of the loop on that one.

I spoke to Kim every day and most of every night. I caressed her at every opportunity. I had fallen in love with Kim even before she was born.

I would oil Ruth up and rubbed her feet and back in addition to all of the things I had to do because she was so sick; Ruth not the baby. There were times when she was really very sick but she made it. She had to quit work so I took over everything. Yes, that means I had to take over all of the support of Brad. Barf. Now I am sick too.

But Kim never suffered from a lack of attention. I rubbed Ruth's stomach and that way caressed Kim too. I never let an opportunity to pass where I did not speak to Kim before she was born.

By this time I had associates who worked with me and they had their own offices all over the world. We used secure satellite communications with an encryption system that would make the DoD green with envy. We attacked financial and business systems all over the world. And when I say attack, I mean all out war, if they needed it. We even had battle plans.

You get thirty of us hitting the same target with each of us using fifty or more independent programs running autonomously from different computers all over the world, some slaves, some not, then we thirty join together to batter down the gates and you have chaos of the first order. That is 1500 separate attacks from outside plus our own systems and that is the death of a financial institution. Lucky for them it is not real life death. Only the biggest can afford that kind of attack, most don't need that much, but some do.

We don't tell them how we did it, only that we did it and where the attack was successful and what area of their program failed. How we do it, that is our bread and butter and they don't get that.

We also worked out a money arrangement between ourselves. At first they all worked for me doing what I wanted. Soon the business had a reputation and when others found out what my group did locally, well the business came flooding in. The members in Europe worked out a profit sharing agreement where they got the lion's share of the money and I got a percentage but we all worked on it. Then the Far and Mid East groups did the same and you get it.

Eventually I was making money for doing nothing but we all gathered for the attack on larger institutions. For fun we traded assignments to attack an institution with different methods. We were getting really good at it and everyone was making money. So Ruth did not really need to work and Kim would always be taken care of.

So Ruth is pregnant and it is hard on her but we all pull together. Brad and Helen move in with us to help Ruth. Actually Brad moves in for free room and board, Helen moves in to help.

I have a pretty large house, and frankly Brad really does need help too. Without his mother he is useless, even more useless than he is with his mother. Brad can't walk down the street with twenty dollars in his pocket without being broke by the time he gets to the next corner. Make that can't cross the street from corner to corner without being broke by the time he gets to the other corner. The man drools money that he does not have.

He does go to class all the time and so does Helen. Ok, I am sure that Helen goes to class because I see her school work and watch her study. She is beautiful as she sits at the table and concentrates on assignments. She still is working on an MBA and something else too, as well as dance. She makes the cutest little squint face when she is working hard on a problem.

As for Brad, he leaves, says he is going to school and does not come back until later. I never see him with a book. At least I don't have to pay for his apartment and all that crap anymore. Helen helps out with Ruth; and Brad, ever the loving son, Brad hardly talks to Ruth and talks to me even less. I don't see much interaction with Helen and Brad either.

During the day we snack, or at least Ruth does. She is so limited in what she can eat and when, so she eats a little every few hours, as if she had hypoglycemia. Helen and I take turns having a small something to eat with her during her day. She did not want to take too much medication because of the baby.

We all have dinner together and talk about the day. Ruth needs stimulation and she has the phone and computer and Helen and I. Brad rarely joins us for dinner, or any meal, even though it is free. What Brad wants is for me to give him money to buy dinner for him and his buddies; not going to happen too often, was my first thought. Then after I thought about it I let it happen more often, the house was just so much -- nicer -- without him.

I was interviewing people for full time care taking and nursing as well as a nanny and cleaning and cooking and all of that but all of the applications got misplaced, the phone calls stopped and I could not get anyone to help. Helen told me that she was going to do it and if I insisted she would allow one person two days a week to help but she did not want too many people in our house. Helen just took over and it became our house. Even with school and dancing she had time for us and became the woman of the house, at least while Ruth was pregnant.

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Mike Elliots Sex Adventures Kim

I lost my virginity on Memorial Day in 1990. It happened on a camping trip in Michigan with my friend Brent. I went on the trip with him and his mom over the Memorial Day weekend. The girl's name was Kim. I met Kim on the first day of the trip. She and another girl practiced volleyball while Brent and I swam in the lake. I felt instant attraction to her. She was nearly as tall as me, I was six feet tall with an athletic build. She also had a toned muscular figure with big tits. She wore a light...

4 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 25 Jim Romances Crystals Mother Kim

I'm sure most of the population think that music and movie stars have chauffeurs everywhere they go, plus a huge entourage who wait on their every need. Not true! I personally drove the crowded SUV across Tennessee from Nashville to a rural suburb of Knoxville where Crystal and Ellen's parents lived. With Crystal and me also were Ellen, Claire, PJ, and Nadia. We were all in a jovial mood, laughing and even singing Christmas carols along with the radio. The back of the car was so full of...

2 years ago
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Heavenly Kim

Don't get me wrong, here...I love to be teased. But I am human. There's only so much teasing a person can take before their hormones blot out every rational thought they might otherwise have. When that point is reached...watch out. All hell could break loose. And believe me, over the years I've had moments where I'd been overly stimulated to the point where I tried to do things that were physically, humanly impossible...and almost accomplished them. Under this type of stimulation, the old...

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Milking Kim

Gary hooked his thumb vaguely in the direction of the room that he and Kimberly had converted to a nursery. "Kim's feeding the li'l one," he said. "She'll be out in a few minutes." He often referred to his new baby as "the li'l one." In fact her name was Emily, but at six months, I suppose "the li'l one" is as good a tag as any. Then with his other hand he hooked a thumb toward the hallway that lead to his music studio. "Sheila, I wanted to show you the folio of Bach etudes I just got."My wife...

2 years ago
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Part Time Job For Kim

Kim a mother of three her oldest 19 was just about to go to a big school four states away and being by herself Kim needed help to come up with the money. Kim worked a normal job as an office manager in town and the pay was very good but she needed more, so Helen a close friend sent her to the local college and they asked her many questions then sent her to L A F it was an house on campus that needed a leader. The next day Kim the 40ish mother and hard business woman was scared as a...

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One Thing Different 3 Kim

KIM I Kim entered her luxury apartment overlooking the park, tossed the keys in the bowl like she always did then closed the door on the outside world. Then she sighed. It had been a long day today, more pictures for a fashion segment in New Woman magazine. Since the dinner party two nights earlier at Gemma's, she'd been thinking about the crazy statuette and trying to assimilate the message as intended. Appreciate what you have. That had...

2 years ago
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Part IAll of sudden, I am awaken by a slap to my face. ?I open my eyes disoriented. ?Kim is looking down at me. ?I have always been?mesmerized?by her looks: although she is of Chinese descent, her features are not typically Asian. ?She has long slender hands, very long legs, sexy feet with slender toes and beautifully shaped breasts. Her face, depending on her mood, can either look angelic or devilish. Her long black hair was?disheveled, she had just woken up. ?I didn't think that you would...

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KimMy older sister and I had always been friends growing up out in the country property. We had sixteen hundred acres of ranch land in South Texas and when our grandparents and parents passed away we refused to sell the land. I took control and leased the land to a rancher at about half what the leasing would cost him as well as a twenty percent cut of his profits. This made us more than enough to keep the land as well as pay all the taxes. We owned the mineral rights still and a drilling...

1 year ago
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Mary smothers Kim

It had been a long hard fight and Mary was finally in her favorite position sitting astride the stomach of her latest victim. She knew that it would be impossible for Kim to escape and she would now suffer the consequences of her foolish decision to have this erotic smother fight. Mary also had another humiliating trick to play on her, she was going to live up to the agreement they had regarding the use of the clit vibrator, she would have it in place and had no doubt it would work as planned,...

2 years ago
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Better Living Through ChemistryChapter 6 Kim

I don't want you to get the wrong impression that Janet and Patty are the only visitors that Sally has come to our house. True, Janet is her best friend but she has other friends over as well. One in particular was Kimberly, or Kim, as she likes to be called. Kim was, like Sally, a very pretty girl and was quite popular in school. She was a freshman in the same school that Sally attended. She had nice brunette hair that surrounded a very attractive face. Her figure was drop-dead gorgeous...

4 years ago
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Dumped by Kim

Then came the night she wanted to go to the club Lips, this is a place that has a reputation for being sexually wild. I have been told stories of the place and didn't think it was the place for us. Kim said She just wanted to see what it was like for the entertainment and to satisfy her curiosity. I gave in, with strong misgiving of what the night would be like, given how brazen and aggressive many of the black men where towards white girls. That night I picked Kim up, she was...

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Jack took Kim to the specialist and had size DDD implants put in his chest. He had injections to his nipples to make them larger. His cock was already nine inches and fine. He put the large metal rings around his cock and balls. A thick plug for his ass. He put heavy make up on his face then a dress that plunged to his naval showing lots of tits. His hair had already grown to almost waist length and he curled it for Kim. Jack put a thick coating of lipstick on Kim's lips and put him on his...

2 years ago
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Lisa and Kim

It all started with a girls night out for my wife Lisa. When she came out of the bedroom I instantly wanted to throw her on the couch. Dressed in a pair of faded, tight, ripped jeans and a plunging halter top that showed off her nicely tanned breasts. “Does this look OK?” is all she said. “Damn, how come you never dress like that when we go out?” She always tends to dress like a delicious little whore when going out with her friends and like a tomboy when we go out. “Whatever,” she said with a...

Wife Lovers
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My Best Friend Kim

I woke with the sun coming through the curtains, it warmed my face as I opened my eyes realizing I was still naked from playing last night. I got up and picked up my strapless dress from the ground walking into my bathroom, I needed to clean up before my friend Kim came over. I stepped into the steamy shower and letting the water flow over my breasts and my ass. I stood there in the water as it splashed onto my face.I opened the door to my bedroom and walked out with the steam of the shower...

2 years ago
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Catrina and KIm

coming through, but that recently changed . I had been away on business for 2 weeks and through luck managed to get home 2 days early. I had told Catrina that morning I would be in a meeting for six hours and would have my cell off because of the importance of the meeting. This would give me enough time to get home at about the time she would be expecting my call. I was surprised when I walked into our house, Catrina always knew when I was home, and Catrina did not greet...

4 years ago
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The strange and fantastical adventures of Kim

“Hello? Anyone here?” Kim looked at her phone. Yep, this was the place. The middle of the forest, an hour away from civilization, in front of an abandoned wooden cottage. “Maybe they’re inside?” Kim unfastened her helmet and left it at her moped. She had a cute round face, with colorful red lips and curious green eyes. The place was deserted and dilapidated, furnished only by broken down furniture and dust. It was a bit creepy. She almost didn’t want to shout, but Kim did it anyway. “Hello?!...

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Stepmom Kim

Kim was well built to say the least. A very busty double d with very long curly red hair, a slender body about five foot six, tight slim ass and olive green eyes. She was exactly half my Dads age. He was forty-two and she was twenty-one. Everyone knew why he married her but wondered why she would marry him. He was a middle aged man, good looking and in good shape even for a thirty year old but she had a body built for porn films. The rumor was they met when she was stripping at a club...

4 years ago
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Harvesting Kim

Damn! Who would of thought that could happen in the garden? Definitely not me! But everytime I think about it I get those little bumps all over. You know the ones. Not the ones that make your skin crawl, the one's that give you a shiver of excitement. Just thinking about what happened that day long ago and I still get those damn bumps. You ever gardened? I don't mean the small flower beds or a couple plants in a pot. I'm talking about a decent size plot that you have to fence in to keep the...

2 years ago
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Roomies Catching Kim

Pam McGuire covered her mouth as she yawned. Golly, she was tired. Although few who casually knew the brunette coed and her roommate Kim McCall would have believed it, she wasn't tired from partying the night before. Instead, she and Kim had stayed up late studying, something they actually did far more often than they were credited. Kim had a particularly hard advanced Calculus exam today and Pam had faced a major Political Science test. So they had hit the textbooks instead of the fraternity...

3 years ago
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Breaking Kim

In the middle of the woods far away from civilization. There is a house, owned by Mocha Anderson, age 24. Mocha the brunette is quite beautiful, with C-cup breasts and the right size ass. She stood at 5,7. Any guy would love to be with her, but she has a very large secret. Between her legs shes sporting a dick over 14 inch. She's also able to cum unlimitedly in large amounts. A few weeks ago she got her first neighbor. Her name was Kim Darkstar, age 20. She had short red hair, B-cup breasts and...

4 years ago
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The Claiming of Jennifer Kim

[Prologue]I think my favorite moment with Jennifer was when she realized that I had her. It was that look on her face when it all hit her. All those panicked thoughts and emotions rushing through her head suddenly turning to a shocked realization. At that moment she knew that I owned her. She knew that I could make her do whatever I wanted her to do. She had no choice at all.Actually I suppose she did have a choice; she could turn herself in for being part of the cheating ring in BIO 104 that...

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Peter Is 21 Pat and Kim

Chapter 1: Spring I was the first to admit that I don't handle breakups well, but after Yvette, I was a mess. I spent a lot of time brooding. I didn't ignore Alex or my family but I wasn't really connected either. I did what was expected of me and nothing more. Mom showed up one Sunday afternoon with luggage. "What's up?" I asked her after I kissed her cheek and got her some ice tea. "Just came to visit my baby. A mother can do that." And if I didn't know what a brilliant liar my...

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Kim looked at the ropes in the bag. She had gone through this a thousand times in her head, and in her dreams, but, until mow, had never plucked up enough courage to try it.Although she had been doing self bondage for a long time, she had always done it in the safety of her own home, hidden away from prying eyes. None of her family or friends knew she spent many weekends wearing self inflicted ropes. Often, she slept with her hands tied or cuffed. It always gave her a feeling nothing else had...

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My Second ChanceChapter 48 Kim

When I get back, Dahlia is waiting up for me, standing at the door when I open it. I don’t even get a foot in the door when she asks, “Well?” “A gentleman never kisses and tells.” “It is a good thing you are an old pervert.” “You will have to ask her.” “Oh, come on, you know she is going to tell me everything. Why are you making me wait.” “Just for that, you can’t ask her tomorrow either. If you go into work, you are fired.” “What? Why are you so mean?” “I thought you would love going...

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Stars of aunt kim

I am Mia .. this is based on a true story. I was at the lake enjoying the summer sun and water dripping down my white pale breasts when I saw aunt kim watching me. Grinning devilishAs she watched..my nipple white pale growing wet. As she winked. Finishing the swim entering my room ,I in a nightgown, as aunt Kim entered . My nipple harderened. ..as I lay in slumber feeling her warm caress on my breast. As she massaged my nipple slowly.. stroking me.stroking me.’your magical’ .she moaned ....

2 years ago
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Geek GoddessChapter 11 Kim

I've always wondered what it would be like to be a college student on spring break in Florida. I'd never had the time to go, or more realistically the guts to do it. However, I found myself in Kevin's car with Kevin and Amy traveling south on I-95. Even before the police detective suggested getting out of town to Amy, Kevin and I had already talked about hiding her somewhere so that Nick couldn't find her... We both thought it was merely a matter of time before he tried to hurt Amy...

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Geek GoddessChapter 14 Kim

I woke up the next morning with an even worse hangover than I did the day before. "What happened?" I thought to myself, rubbing my aching head. I was careful and only had one margarita, but I felt like I drank a dozen! A maddeningly loud moan came from the other side of the bed. I looked over and Kevin had rolled over and was facing me. Wincing in pain, I massaged my temples. I never realized rustling sheets could be so loud! It was obvious that Kevin was in at least as much pain as I was....

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 6 Kim

The next several days were really nice. The three of us spent them talking, cuddling and making love, although Vicky did start her period which kept her out of some but not all the action. Surprisingly we didn't spend much time in front of the TV set and only watched a couple of shows. But as can be expected things didn't stay pleasant forever. The trouble started two days before our planned day at the race track. I went out to find a store that had racing forms delivered the day before the...

3 years ago
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A Love Story Peter and Kim

Hey, I’m back with another installment of my series A Love Story. All of the marriages seems so perfect and happy, right? Maybe or maybe not? For Peter and Kim, there is trouble in paradise. Every relationship goes through storms. Let’s see if they come out of the other side. For now, I hope you enjoy reading about Peter and Kim. All the characters in this story are above the age of consent. This is a slow burn. If you want a quick fix, then you may want to read another story. Enjoy ...

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Geek GoddessChapter 8 Kim

When I saw Nick move over toward Kevin and Amy, I got this queasy feeling inside. I knew that there was going to be trouble. I could feel it in my soul. When Nick hit Kevin in the stomach, I ran over to try to help Kevin. By the time I got there, a crowd had gathered around them, and it was almost impossible to get through. I pushed my way through the crowd just in time to see Nick punch Kevin in the face and watch him fall to the floor. I raced over to Kevin and held him. As I cradled his...

2 years ago
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Enslaving Kim

My name is Jack Jones, and I used to work for Kim Kardashian. No, I'm serious. I used to be her publicist, and while the Kardashian clan were vain, stuck-up, rich bratty bitches, they certainly paid well. Then, it happened. I accidentally peeked at Kim while I was walking by her bathroom, I saw her curvy body in all it's glory, she freaked out, and soon I had a massive lawsuit on my hands. I chose to settle the matter outside of court but I was also promptly fired as well. Now, however, I...

Mind Control
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Sabe madhyamik exam sesh hoyeche, kakima phone kore deke pathalo. Ma baba amake kakimar kache jabar jannya balla. Amio jabar jannya raji hoye gelam. Kakimar kache sesh gechi takhon class six e pori. Tarpor ar jaoa hoy ni. Kakima maldha-e thake, bidhaba, kaku mara jabar por kakima rail-e chakri pay. Ek chele hostel-e thake. Jotota mone pore kakima khub phorsa ebang sundori kintu ektu mota chilo, janina ekhan keman. Kakimar bayas ekhan 32-33 hobe. Jai hok chuti katanor jannya pardin kakimar bari...

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Introduction: A teachers favorite student makes his dreams come true ** This is my 1st story. Let me know what you think ** It was only 8am and Mr. Jepson was all ready to start the day. He stood at the window sipping his morning coffee while watching the growing flood of people coming through the gate. Jon Jepson or JJ as he was known to his friends and colleagues picked up his plan for today as reviewed the work that was being covered when his eye was drawn back outside by the sight he was...

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Jibane pratham choder anande ar klantite bela porjanta ghumalam. Ghum bhangla kakimar dake, takhan sakal 9.30 ta, kakima snan kore ese amake dakche. Kakimake darun dekhachhilo, chul gulo khola, alpa kokrano chul gulo elomelo bhabe kakimar pithe chariye ache ar kakima ekta darun naiti pore ache, naitita phatuar mato samne phite diye bandha, bhetore bra pore nei boja jachhe karan mai gulo bes dulche, ek kathay kakimake darun sexy lagchilo. Ka : ki re oth onek bela hoye gelo….ore saitan sakal...

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Lisa kakima

Ami ekon kakimake nak dhorei daki, ekhon aar kakima bole dakina, ami bolechi tomake aar kakima bolbona nam dhore dakbo kakima boleche he toke diye jodi chodate pari tobe nam dhore dakle aar apotti kise tor jab halo lagbe dakbi. Kakima bollo Raja ekta good news ache amar ek bandhobi asche ekhane kichu din thakbe. Ami bollam tate amar anonder karon ki. Kakima bollo bandhobi ta bidhoba onek din kono bara or gude dhokeni bara pabar janno chot phot korche oke toka diye chodano karabo. Ami bollam...

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My Best Friend Kim

I woke with the sun coming through the curtains, it warmed my face as I opened my eyes realizing I was still naked from playing last night. I got up and picked up my strapless dress from the ground walking into my bathroom, I needed to clean up before my friend Kim came over. I stepped into the steamy shower and letting the water flow over my breasts and my ass. I stood there in the water as it splashed onto my face. I opened the door to my bedroom and walked out with the steam of the shower...

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Moonlight magic with aunt Kim

* this is true story* This night..was magical. Rain fell upon my Victorian style home as it was darkly lit. And I,and my cat ; fell asleap. In slumber,sensing a form in the shadows. It was my aunt kim. Gazing,upon me. A ghostly touch massaged my nipple softly. Slow..deeply. Shivering,I heard ‘ hush’. Cupping my breast with one squeeze she caressed my breast softly. Rubbing my breast gently. I felt my nipple pinched. And tugged. Twisting,pinched harder. Rubbing my breast and nipple..as she...

2 years ago
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Moonlight magic of aunt Kim

* this is a true story * This night. ..magical.rain fell upon my Victorian style home as it was darkly lit. And,I and my cat. ; fell asleap laying in slumber.sensing a form in the shadow. It was my aunt kim. Gazing,mystified upon me. ‘Hush’ I heard. As she rubbed,stroking my vagina s,s lowly. And I felt her rub . A ghostly touch massaged my nipple softly. Warmed me. Slow touch.. stroking my nipple. Cupping my breast and squeezing slow. Sliding her tongue gently on my breast nibbling my...

3 years ago
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Treasures of Aunt Kim

*lock*the door to the cabin shut as the rain drizzled.i lay in slumber ,my robe falling revealing plump breasts.wet . I saw aunt kim. Gazing at me devilishly. As I felt a kiss glisten my breast. And my nipple being pulled. A tight pull. As I felt a pinch on my breast and licks around my nipple. A soft hot kiss fell on my breast. As kisses hot caressed my nipple.’ Relax angel’she growled.massaging my breast.squeezing it softly.nibbling my nipple caressing my breast in flaming heat.my nipple was...

4 years ago
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Secret Treasures of aunt Kim

I am Clara this is a true story. * lock*The door to the cabin shut and locked... as the rain drizzled. I lay in slumber,my robe falling to reveal plump firm breasts.wet from the storm.i saw her threw a daze. Aunt Kim. Gazing at me winking. I felt my glisning breast pulled gently. A tight pull. Pinch. And slow rubbing ..as she bit my nipple softly.a warm kiss fell on my nipple .’ Relax angel’ she whispered.massaging and licking my nipple. Squeezing it .slow. Massaging my breast tenderly. ‘ relax...

2 years ago
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Snuggled by Aunt Kim

I am Clara this is based on a true story * The moonlight breeze exposed my firm breast. As I saw aunt kim stare . Seeing me she throbbed. As she grew spellbound . .. * licking the door* I hugged her tight. She moaned, pulsating.. glaring at my nipple. As she began stroking it slow.. rubbing her breast softly to mine. Licking... the moonlight made my breasts sparkle wet. Her gentle caress on my breast warm as she caressed me slowly.. Tenderly massaging. My nipple.. grazing me with her hot...

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Plucked by aunt Kim

* based on a true story *I usually am not superstitious, but, there was something in the air that night. I showered and dressed in my new pink negligee. My robe nearly covering my white breasts. As they glisned in the water. Sparkling.. white firm. As I fell asleep. My robe lifted. , I felt in slumber. And I saw aunt kim grinning. Rubbing my vagina slowly.. stroking me slowly..as a warm touch lay on my breast. ‘ silence’ She whispered. Stroking...stroking..slowly.hands soft like satin sliped...

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Big Moroccan Cocks Slut Kim

Hi I will introduce myself I'm kim 26 years with blond hair and am addicted to big moroccan dicks. Recently on a Friday night, I again had a tendency to play for white slut. I therefore went to see a group mocros. However bizarre, I stood there with six big Moroccans in a strange house. Yet it seemed she did not uitwaren directly on sex. They did not really advances. It all came conversations going and there was all kinds of drink poured. It just seemed like a great atmosphere but I did not...

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Aunt Kim

My aunt Kim was definitely one of the hottest older women that I knew. She is about 46 years old and has an amazing set of breasts. They must have been at least a DD size. She was not to fat and not to skinny, perfect. She was about my height, 5' 9”, so kind of tall for a woman. She is a hair stylist so she has perfect short brown hair. It was only about 2 years ago that I realized my attraction to her. I don't see her very often but I see her at many family occasions and at least 10 times a...

1 year ago
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Neighborhood Restaurant Surprise Kimi

I - The Meeting In the neighborhood restaurant I frequented weeknights after work, I had developed a friendly relationship with several of the college kids who worked as servers. Always having been attracted to the most feminine and petite of girls, dark, almond shaped eyes being a super plus, I was very pleased when Crystal introduced Kimi, a trainee who was working her first shift. Crystal was likely around 20 and cute as can be with a warm smile and the most welcome habit of touching me on...

She Males
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April and Kimber

Thank you to hkf999 for a fine editing job! * Prologue – April and Kimber On the very first day of high school, two girls met and it was as if they’d known each other forever. April, the beautiful, popular girl with long blond hair and the promise of a nice figure, the girl with the big, bright blue eyes, who spoke incessantly of her horses and weekends at the stables. April’s family was very wealthy, very, very wealthy. Her new best friend, Kimber, was also beautiful and popular, with long...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 7 Meeting Kimi

I mumbled mostly to myself, “Well Z, I guess you sleep alone tonight.” I could use some sleep. I headed to my room in the Companion’s Lounge. I opened the door and almost turned on the room light. That petite –might be 150 cm and 40 kilos if that– Chinese lady I saw hugging males at dinner was now sprawled out in bed reading a book. She got up and met me halfway with a hug that made me feel as if she was upset at something. “I’m Kimi. You must be Z. I guess I’m the last to welcome you on...

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Just for you by Kimmi

I am usually submissive to you. I like you to be in charge... it makes me feel secure. However, I wanted to see what it was like to be the dominant. You show up at my door and I am ready for you. I am wearing black stockings clipped to a garter belt around my waist and no panties. I have a black corset top and my ample breasts are poking out above the top starting at my nipples. I pull you into my living room and pull down your pants and underwear and sit you in a soft, comfy chair. Then, I...


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