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“You smell nice!”

Those were the first words that Suzie said to me when I met her in the ‘flesh’ that didn’t have anything to do with work. They were also the first hint I spotted that she had a disability.

I had known her for almost six months but our ‘relationship’ had been limited to phone calls, e-mails and the occasional video chat/conference. It soon transpired that she had the sort of dry sense of humour that appealed to me. When I first saw her laugh on my monitor I began praying that she wasn’t in a relationship. I was always a ‘chicken’ when it came to asking the sort of questions that made it obvious that I liked someone. I never had a problem with a complete stranger but once I got to know someone, and was sure that I liked them; I tended to become almost shy and would avoid the sort of situations and conversations that might expose my feelings. This hadn’t boded well for the four steady girlfriends that I had previously. My relationship record stood at an impressive (not) sixty-three days!

We both worked for the same company, albeit at different ends of the country; a new profitable project had brought us together, me with my technical expertise and her with the contacts. I had been planning on moving ‘down south’ for some time and this project would give me a period of probation where I could see if I wanted to make the move permanent. As I travelled down on the train I figured if I could become more acquainted with Suzie I would be staying for good. The flip side of that was that I wasn’t sure I could cope with ‘just being friends’ with Suzie.

I’d arrived in the city and dropped my bags at the hotel before going to meet Suzie at a coffee shop near to the proposed location of the project. As I made my way in a taxi through the streets I realised that I had not been this nervous since I was eight years old and about to see the ‘dreaded nit nurse’. The tales that had been woven about the painful procedure by my so-called ‘friends’ had left me in a heightened state of anxiety. The reality of the tender Miss Lester running her gentle slim fingers over my scalp was an incredibly pleasant surprise; I hoped it boded well for the forthcoming meeting.

I saw Suzie through the coffee shop window talking into her phone and walked in. I went up to the counter and purchased two coffees; it seemed Suzie was a regular, (cream and one sugar) I walked up and waited patiently as she continued her phone call. While I was waiting I spent the minute or so trying to think of a witty opening line.

“Cream, one sugar?” Okay so I failed in the witty stakes!

Suzie looked up, “Punctual as ever Jake!” she replied.

I sat down opposite her, placing the coffee in front of her and asked how she was. We made some small talk and then discussed our strategy for the clients meeting the following morning. When we had finished there was a few moments of awkward silence before she said “You smell nice!”

“Err... thank you... “I stammered.

I stared into her eyes trying to gauge what she meant, did I smell nice? Did I smell terrible? It was only then that I realised her eyes weren’t completely focused on mine.

Her mouth curved and broadened into a smile, “I’m sorry, you wouldn’t be the first person to not realise, and there are still quite a few people I talk to on video who haven’t got a clue.”

I stuttered again and tried to rally my thoughts. Her hand edged slowly forward and searched for her coffee before lifting it to her lips an taking a sip. “Don’t feel so bad, I’ve been doing this all my life.”

“You’ve been blind since birth?” I blurted out. I felt my cheeks redden.

She smiled, “At least you’re not afraid to mention the ‘B’ word. Yes, a complication as they say of a difficult c***dbirth. Please don’t feel sorry for me, this is just the world I know and from what I have been told it does have its compensations. Mint and Tea Tree shampoo if I am not mistaken?” I felt myself blushing deeper as she paused before continuing, “There is one thing I would like to ask you though, if you don’t mind?”

“...err... go ahead.” I answered.

“Could I feel your face, I know your voice so well and I would like to put a shape to it; if you don’t mind?”

I hesitated briefly and then lifted her pale hand to the side of my face; her touch was feather light as her fingertips roamed over my face. My lips twitched briefly as the pads of her fingers glided across them.


It had been five months since that day in the coffee shop. I had managed to get a flat on a short term lease, just a couple of miles further out from the centre of town than Suzie’s house and had often picked her up in the company car to take us to meetings. We worked very well together and I would often be party to her little games with new colleagues. On entering a meeting I would often lead her casually into the room, arm in arm, and pull out a chair for her to sit down upon. Most people who were unaware of Suzie’s blindness would assume I was gay (I guess it was a little odd for a hetero to be a gentleman) and we would see how long it would be before they realised. She had a specialised laptop with a Braille display strip built into it and could call up files and begin reading them before most of the rest of us could move our cursors to open the file directories.

The project was soon to be finished, the building now watertight and ready to be handed over to the client for fitting out of individual floors. We had attended a “topping-out’ party and I had caught a taxi back with Suzie. It was just gone two O’clock in the morning. The road had been blocked a few hundred yards from Suzie’s and we had gotten out so we could walk the rest of the way. It took me a few moments to understand the reason for the accident and why the street didn’t ‘seem’ right. The traffic lights had been out causing a collision, the two drivers were shouting loudly at each other while a policeman was trying to calm them down. All of the building and street lights were in darkness; the only light locally coming from the ‘backed-up’ traffic. I looked upwards and whispered “Damn!”

Suzie took my arm and asked “What Jake?”

“The sky... it’s full of stars...” I wasn’t sure how wide spread the black-out was; but it was enough to see sky void of clouds and teeming with stars.

Suzie looked up, turning her head this way and that, “Isn’t it normally?” she asked.

“Oh god I’m sorry... no, not normally... you’d be lucky to see a handful of the brightest stars from a back garden. On a street like this the only thing you would ever see would be the moon and if it was low down it would often be a horrible dirty orange colour.” I continued to gaze up holding Suzie’s arm tightly, “there has been a power cut and all the lights are out.” I lowered my gaze and looked around, I wasn’t the only one who had been gazing up at the stars; s**ttered along the street were probably a dozen people who had stopped to stare up at the alien sky. “I wish you could see this... strange really, we spend our time turning night into day... and now...” I could feel my eyes moistening as I wanted to share what I could see with Suzie and knowing my words would be inadequate.

“I guess that would be something to see” she said, she paused to think for a moment and then continued “you can’t show me your world no matter how much you want to Jake, but let me show you mine...” she pulled me forward down towards the cross roads. “We are on Bishops Bridge Road aren’t we?”

“Yes” I said and nodded pointlessly.

“Is there an Indian restaurant on the left in what was an old bank?” she asked.

“Yes, about a hundred or so yards ahead; are you going to show me the delights of taste?” I replied.

“If I was I wouldn’t take you in there. No, we want to turn just opposite it.”

I led her across the road and down to the turning she had indicated, we walked in silence for about fifty yards, I paused for a moment and led her across a side road. On the other side she guided me to the right and up along the side of a small public garden. Her left hand reached out and felt for the railings; as we walked up the dark pavement her fingers tapped along the iron work. We had walked about twenty yards when she paused. Her left hand noted a missing railing and she released my arm turning towards the fence. She dropped her hands and lifted up her dress tucking it into her knickers making it shorter. I watched in disbelief as she reached down and pulled off her shoes. “Here, hold these...” she said and then lifted her foot up and grabbed two of the railing spikes and in one swift agile movement was standing on top of the four foot high fence.

I stood there, my mouth hanging open holding her three inch heeled shoes as she reached up and found a tree branch to swing down and into the garden beyond. She turned to face me, un-tucking her dress and held her hand out; dumbly I handed her shoes to her and she put them back on her feet and stepped onto the path beyond and walked away disappearing into the darkness almost instantly.

I looked up and down the darkened street, apart the faint light in a window of a candle or a torch it was almost pitch-black. I turned back to the park and clambered ungainly over the railings. I stepped through the foliage and onto the path beyond; it circled around a lawn, most of the trees on the outside of the path with only a couple within. I looked up to see the stars shining brightly and then searched the immediate area for signs of Suzie. She was nowhere to be seen as I stepped over the low border fence around the lawn and ventured slowly forward. I could only see clearly for a dozen or so yards; if she was standing against any of the shrubbery or foliage around the path I had no idea.

The grass was slightly damp from an earlier shower and my foot almost slipped; recovering my balance I peered into the gloom and whispered “Suzie... where are you?”

After a moment she replied quietly “Right here Jake... can’t you see me?” I tried to follow the source of her voice.

I smiled to myself, “Not in the slightest” I answered.

Her voice drifted through the darkness, “Well close your eyes then...” I stood completely still and closed my eyes listening intently. Almost immediately the sounds that had been a constant in the background seemed to grow louder. I could hear the faint hum of traffic from the main roads, the sound of a horn in the far distance, a woman squealed and laughed from one of the nearby flats; as my ears attuned to this new world I found I could hear the light rustle of the leaves on the trees surrounding me. My smile broadened; I felt and heard the muscles in my face alter, I almost laughed as I became aware of my breathing and the gentle beat of the blood in my temples.

There was a very quiet sound of a footstep behind me on the damp grass. I remained still. “Is this your world?” I asked in the slightest of whispers, a couple walked along the edge of the park; their footsteps seemingly like gunshots as they echoed of the surrounding buildings. “It must be bedlam during the day?”

“So much more and so much louder, yes; but then so much more detail too.” She replied as she slowly walked around me. “And yet you haven’t even started...”

I sensed her stopping in front of me, I resisted the urge to open my eyes when I felt her fingertips graze across my chest and then head upwards to my neck. After only a moment’s hesitation she quickly undid the tie around my neck; the material whispered as she drew it from my collar and she trailed a fingernail around my shoulder as she walked behind me. I felt her reach up and wrap the tie around my head and over my eyes; adjusting it slightly before tying it off. I felt a strange sense of relief that my vision was now taken from me and a complete trust in my guide.

Her hands rested on my shoulder and I felt her warm breath wash over my right ear. “So far you have given up one sense and replaced it with one more... you have another three that you haven’t begun to use...” her words had been the vaguest of breaths as I had felt her chest press against my back. She remained against my back as I felt the warmth of her body slowly seep through the layers of our clothing, I could feel each breath she took with the rise and fall of her breasts; I felt myself blush involuntarily as her hard nipples moved slowly up and down against me. Her fingers dragged down my arms, her nails scratching down the material of my suit, rasping in the quiet of the gardens.

“Sight... sound...” she breathed into my ear. I inhaled deeply through my nose. The aroma of the damp grass was the first smell to register. I took another breath and breathed in the subtle hint of her perfume, I didn’t know its name but it was one smell I was already familiar with; more scents began to register, my own de-odourant, the peaty taste and scent from the Guinness I had drunk earlier. Another breath and I detected the faint acrid smell of exhaust and the distant spicy aroma from the Curry house’s kitchen. My mind raced to make sense of the whole new universe that was opening up before me and within me. Colours seemed to fill my mind as it fell back on my primary sense of vision; I imagined the scent of grass like a humid light green cloud, the Guinness of course a velvety smooth black liquid and the spice from the restaurant as orange smoke twisting in the air. Suzie’s scent was a warming light red mist swirling slowly around and over me.

Again her whispers sounded in my ear as she lifted herself onto her tip toes, “My world is so full of tastes, textures, sounds and smells...” her tongue slid slowly up and down the shell of my ear; “...sensations that excite the nerves...” her teeth closed on my earlobe. I felt the dull pain register though strangely intense in the void of my vision. “Even pain applied can be quite exquisite...” she continued as she released my flesh from her mouth. Her hands slipped beneath my arms and circled around my waist, her nimble fingers quickly loosening my belt. I swallowed deeply and tilted my head downwards in vain. I heard her chuckle behind me, “There is no point looking Jake.”

I lifted my head back up and turned it to the right where I thought her head was behind my shoulder, “How... how could you know?” I asked.

I gulped as I felt her fingernails clasp the zip on my trousers and slowly tug it downwards, the cool night air wafting across the stretched material of my boxers. I had been aware that my cock had slowly been growing since I felt her nipples rub across my back. It had been lying to the left and had swelled in position uncomfortably. Her voice whispered from my left as I felt her breasts move slowly across my back and around my arm, “It’s simple when you know what to feel for... your upper back muscles stretched and your coat lifted a little as your head dropped forward Jake...” The cold fingers of her right hand slid around my back pulling my shirt free of my trousers before scratching their way up my back. I groaned loudly as I felt a fingernail drag over the outline of my cock.

The nail found its way to the tip of my cock, some pre-cum had seeped out and dampened my boxers; she teased across the material restraining my manhood as I bit on my bottom lip. I saw sparks of light detonate silently behind my eyelids as her nail pressed into the eye of my cock. The sensation disappeared as her finger moved upwards and hooked itself in the waist of my boxers. I sensed her face move closer to mine, she murmured quietly before her tongue flicked across my mouth as she pulled the boxers forward and my erect cock sprang up freed from its confinement. The cold night air chilled the wet tip as I moved my hands onto her hips.

My fingers pressed into the flesh beneath her dress as the pad of her finger smoothed the juice from my cock around the head. I opened my mouth to moan once more and her tongue slipped inside caressing my own. My hands moved around over the soft cheeks of her ass as she sucked on my tongue. She broke the kiss; “...we haven’t even got to taste yet...” I expected her pre-cum smeared finger to leave my cock but before I could react I felt two of her slim fingers slide into my mouth. I sucked on them hungrily tasting her own juices; a tangy sweet sensation flooded my mouth as I wondered when she had slipped her fingers into her obviously dripping wet pussy. “You like?” she asked.

I nodded and then mumbled around her fingers “...y...yes...”

“Pleasure and pain...” her mouth lowered to my chest and sucked and then bit my nipple through my shirt as I moaned loudly around her fingers. I moved my hands up her body as she bent forwards and cupped her full breasts through her dress and bra. I gently caressed her left breast with my hand feeling her nipple roll beneath my palm as I pinched her right nipple hard between the first and forefingers of my left hand. She gasped in response and her left palm pressed onto the bulge of my cock. She breathed heavily; “... and a personal favourite of mine... hot and cold...”

Her breasts dropped away from my hands as she knelt in front of me tugging my boxers down; my hard-on waving in the cold night air. I felt her blow across the wet tip, chilling it and causing my cock to quiver and then the heat came. Her mouth slid over and down my cock in one movement, her lips wrapped tightly around its girth till they came to rest in my pubic hair. The tip of my cock touched the back of her throat as she sucked hard upon it; her tongue snaking beneath along the vein and her cheeks hollowing against the sides. “oh.. fuck Suzie... oh fuck yeah...” I said. One of her hands cupped my balls, her nails scratching behind them as the nails of her other hand dug into the cheek of my ass.

I could hear her pulling air in through her nose as I threw my head back and my cock shuddered inside her mouth. She felt my balls pull up within her hand and massaged them firmly; my cum surged up through my cock and deep into her throat. Her mouth stayed locked on my spasming cock as my seed emptied. My legs began to shake as she slowly withdrew her mouth off my cock, my hand resting on her shoulder for balance. She stood up, her hand wrapping itself around my softening cock while the other moved around behind my neck; the fingers scratching through my short black hair.

“Taste...?” she asked.

I slid my hand into her long auburn hair and then bent slightly till I found the hem of her dress; my hand went under it and slid up her thigh. She moved her feet apart granting me access. As I slipped my hand into her damp knickers and curled two fingers into her wet slit I pulled her head towards me and kissed her deeply on the mouth tasting my seed on her tongue. My thumb sought out her clit and rolled it as I stroked the rough spot behind it inside her pussy; she groaned into my mouth.

When we broke the kiss her hand moved to my chest. “So Jake have you made a decision yet?” she asked.

I was confused. “About what?” I replied.

She laughed lightly; “Are you going to be staying on after the contract is over?”

I smiled and answered “I want to stay... as long as you want me too...”

I squeezed my thumb and fingers together, “...ahh... oh I want you...” she kissed me hard.

She wrapped a leg around mine and ground herself down onto my thrusting fingers. When she pulled away she said “I think we should finish this back at my flat... this is far too expensive a dress to ruin...” She pulled herself of my fingers and lifted them to her mouth licking them clean. “Now if you will be so kind as to point me in the direction of where we came in, I seem to have lost my bearings...”

I pulled off my tie and looked around the gardens with only the vaguest notion of where we had entered it. “Hmmm...” I began.

The End

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Eight hours later, Clegg was walking along Haymarket in the early evening. He was pondering the problem of the girl that he was planing to pick up later that night. Added to that, Angela had wanted the two of them to get together again. Their tumble had been fun but he'd got work to do and that came first. The problem with the new girl was going to be transport. He had a buyer but they weren't keen on coming to London. Freddie couldn't blame them. He side-stepped a small pile of rubble...

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Beauregard Duvahl a Southern GentlemanChapter 6

Beau decided to drop the bank robbery quest. By now, the trail was too cold to be worth following. If he ran across one of the men, all well and good, but he was not interested in a chase that was almost certainly doomed to failure. Therefore, Beau went back to his former routine of checking with bartenders and trying to be especially observant. Two weeks after his delivery of the second robber to Higgins Run, Beau was riding east on the lookout for Jesse McFadden. A bartender had clued him...

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Age I Of The United StatesChapter 7 Calm before a storm

Tara sat in the captain's chair for the very first time, Bruce MacFergus standing by her side. She was nervous at having control of the huge Broadsword, but exhilarated at the same time. She was scanning around the bridge, taking in all of the activity and thinking about what she would do if the enemy appeared. "Ok," said Bruce, "Prepare the ship for the next jump." "Are you serious, captain? I don't have the experience for that!" Tara replied. Bruce had read up on his trainee and...

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HardcoreGangbang Chloe Cherry Lazy Submissive Gets Taught a Lesson by Mistress8217 Studs

Chloe Cherry is instructed by her Mistress to clean the dungeon before her Mistress’ man and his friends get home. But instead of cleaning, Chloe starts masturbating with her Mistress’ dirty panties. She stuffs them in her mouth and in her hungry cunt while she rubs her horny little clit. When Rob Piper arrives home and finds this hot little blonde masturbating in a dirty dungeon, he decides it’s time to teach this insatiable slut a lesson. His friends strip her of her school...

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Martha Space MadamChapter 21 Madam

The first person to sleep in the New House of Joy was Martha about three weeks later. Until then she had spent most of her time working hard on getting it ready, while staying at Kate's house, usually alone. Interspersed in this were four heavenly nights spent in pure sexual frenzy with Hugo at his house, but she had never felt at home there. It had an odd feeling, almost like an hotel, where you could stay and you could eat and you could fuck as much as you like but it was never more than a...

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NubileFilms Suzy Rainbow Tiffany Tatum Just The Two Of Us

Tiffany Tatum and Suzy Rainbow are dressed for fun in their respective lingerie bra and thong getups. Suzy waits for Tiffany in bed. After a lingering look from across the room, Tiffany capitulates and joins Suzy where they begin their lesbian lovemaking with a deep kiss. Cuddling close and caressing one another, they let things get nice and heated before Tiffany ups the ante. Slipping one hand low to caress Suzy’s hot twat, Tiffany uses her mouth to tug Suzy’s bra down. Her...

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First Time The Incident That Made Me Gay Part5

"You dislike your own brother?" I shockingly said. I just can't imagine howterrible this guy is."Hey little b*o. what's your new friend called?" Melvin's brother askedwhile he strips."Oh... You mean Jacky. Joe, i think Jacky has to go. So you wait for mewhile i send him home alright?" Melvin told his brother, and pushing me outof the bed. "Come on Jack! Let me see you home." With no reply from Joe, both me and Melvin quickly got off the bed andstarted putting on clothes. Joe just stood there...

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Scene Report for Mistress

To the reader, below is a short chronicle of my actual reports back to my Mistress after experiencing several different BDSM scenes. I willingly placed myself in Her hands and She had full control in the activity. These are TRUE accounts. Enjoy and maybe you will, someday, be as lucky. holly M'Lady, I am not sure how You would like to be addressed, Again let me thank You for the intensity of experience. That has added a great deal of dimension to my thoughts and dreams. In...

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Second Try Got it

Lisa had already apologized for not turning the camera on, but she continued to apologize several more times throughout the day while I was at work.  I told her it was OK every time she apologized.  Then she texted, “I guess we could just do it again, and I’ll make sure to turn on the camera this time.”I thought to myself how weird this was.  She didn’t seem eager, but she didn’t seem hesitant either.  Oh well, I’m sure she is just wanting to make this stop.  I replied, “We’ll talk about it...

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My New BFF Part four

It was after two o’clock in the morning by the time we got back to Tiffany’s apartment.   Both of us were not wearing panties under our skirts and I was tingling from the cool night air on my well reamed ass.  Tiffany suggested we slip into some comfortable lingerie to sleep in.  She picked out a long sheer night gown for me.  I stripped down completely before pulling the gown over my head.  After peeing, I climbed in bed next to Tif, spooning her, as we both fell fast asleep.It was late in the...

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Aye Babe

“Aye babe, I can’t believe we are really to going to meet.” Gaby said in her sexy Latina voice. I loved when she called me babe. We had met online in a chat room about sixteen months ago. As time passed we exchanged phone numbers and began talking almost daily. We talked about all kinds of things but never mentioned meeting each other. That all changed about three weeks ago when I heard her laugh. Her husband had almost caught her talking with me. She hung up quickly. Within five minutes she...

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Sadists Fire Canto Two and Three Sadists Fucktoy

Ezra The way our thing started has never sat well with me when I try to tell the story, to myself or to others. How would I say it? At first, I was irritated because there had been obvious possession in Morgan’s touch when he introduced her to me and I knew he and Trish were looking to bring another into their relationship. They were two married Doms who wanted a submissive third to have together and the little dark haired girl, with a barcode and the word N9ne tattooed on her back, was...

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By Dabria Dixxon 2016 The alarm clock blasts you awake. "Damnit" you growl and reach over and hit the snooze. It's Saturday and you should be sleeping in but "Oh NO" your wife had to get you both invited to some lame picnic with a bunch of her boring, stupid friends. You would much rather sleep in, and lounge in front of the tv most of the day. The alarm goes off again and you roll over to find your wife not sleeping next to you. You have a raging morning wood and you sigh in...

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first timerchat

got this from a internet forum, OP posted his omegle chat:Stranger: is this justin bieber??You: don't get any p*o on my weinerStranger: xDYou: pleaseStranger: umYou: This is Biebs. What's up girl?Stranger: um...You: I can prove itYou: Baby baby babyYou: OhhhhStranger: wow very niceYou: So what's up?You: Is your clit tingling?Stranger: no o.OYou: How old r u?You: 12?Stranger: 15 -.-You: Your clit hasn't dropped yet.Stranger: what does that meanYou: You have no sex driveStranger: well if you're...

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Making Your Paradise

"Ken Davidson, I come to you to give you a gift. My last gift to this realm." said a soft voice as woke up from my dream. I didn't know how who's voice that is, but they sounded sad. When I was completely awake I looked around my cramp room and only let out a breath as I got up and stretched out my body. I worked hard to keep it fit, but I don't have the confidence to us it. I remember my dream and laughed tiredly as I exclaimed, "My house will be fully furnished and clean and larger with an...

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Addison said what are you two doing? It is my turn now, and since one of you just blew your load, I guess you know who's turn it is to get me off. I was completely aroused and unexpected at her comment. Steven looked over at me with the questionable eyes, then turned to her and Addison's smirk to Steven and wink to me was all that needed to be said without any words spoken at all.Addison kissed me on the cheek and moved away from me. She slowly stood up out of the water, to show her firm...

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A Very Private Sex Club

Chapter 5 Girls, Girls, GirlsThe next morning Rebecca was called into Joe’s office. It was time to get the staff ready for the opening of the resort.Over breakfast, Joe reviewed what was expected of Rebecca. He first reminded her of the division of labor. The female employees were divided into five groups. Though not many, there were female managers in various departments. All of these women were brought in from other countries. The second tier were the special event, visiting talent. They...

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The Dirt Road

I was so tired. Having a husband and three kids meant the housework was never done and it seemed like I’d been cleaning forever. And no-one ever helped, except to make even more bloody mess. As soon as I got the kitchen cleaned, wallop, more muck appeared.I was done, at the end of my patience, finished with all this crap. I needed some time to be me again. Not a wife, not a mother, not a damn housekeeper. I needed to be me, Tori. Damn, I’d almost forgotten her: the vibrant young woman that used...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 3 Cassandras Futa Party

Chapter Three: Cassandra's Futa Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Lana's accusation echoed up the stairs to the second floor where I was. Her mother's pussy clenched on my futa-dick. I groaned, trembling, staring down at my best friend as she stared up at me, the other nineteen-year-old girls attending her slumber party arranged around her at the stair's vase. They were all only wearing bras and panties, their eyes wide at seeing my naked body pressed against busty Mrs. Teller's...

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It all started with a dumb-ass prank. My son had broken up with his long-time partner, her having being playing away behind his back. When he off-loaded their apartment, he bunked down at mine for a few weeks while he got sorted. I could understand his pain, the same thing having happened to his mother and I four years earlier. I now lived on my own in a quite spacious top floor studio, but with only one bedroom, he had to sleep on the lounge in the front room. Coincidentally, my lease was...

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Megan and Kyle v2 part 3

“Megan you better come over here right away and help your sister” I call out. “Come in Ginny, what’s wrong?” Megan comes running over and giver her sister a big hug and leads her into the kitchen and half closes the pocket doors. I can hear bits and pieces of the conversation, like “Bobby Kirkpatrick is a BIG JERK” and “I HATE BOBBY” shortly followed by “Cindy is even worse, that two-bit slut”. In a little bit, I see Megan rushes out of the kitchen, grabs a box of tissues, and hurries back...

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Under Control

Thank you for the comments made about my story. I had never intended on any of my characters being under age so here is a revised part 1 where I have corrected my mistakes. I hope you enjoyI always enjoyed seeing girls wearing swimming costumes and bikinis. I thought it was the simple fact you could see their curves perfectly and I enjoyed watching them move, but I soon started to think it could be more. It was the simple fact that when swimming the only thing separating their naked bodies from...

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Heavy TrafficChapter 8

One of their cell phones was ringing, but Sean didn’t know which it was. Amanda jumped from her bed, entered Sean’s room and answered it without regard for which of them it belonged to. Glancing at the clock beside the bed, Sean saw that it was only 3 am. Whether it was his phone or Amanda’s that rang, any call at this time of the morning couldn’t be good news. He propped the pillows behind his shoulders and leaned against the headboard waiting, and listening to Amanda as well as the...

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Punishment with Anton volume 1

This story follows on from wife takes more black cock About a month passed from our night spent with Anton in the hotel and during that time myself and Hannah had had some of the best sex that we have ever had. She had become far more open about her sexuality and far more willing to try different experiences. It was a Wednesday night and we were sitting together watching TV when out of the blue Hannah said can we arrange to meet up with Anton this weekend? I was a bit shocked at first because...

4 years ago
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When I found out I was a lesbian

Well, I wanted to share some stories here, and the best thing is to start at the beginning. Ok, first thing, I need to give some important context of myself, cause this was long time ago; I'm in a very happy spot of my life, I'm in a closed and happy relationship and not looking for nothing but friends, so thanks in advance.You see, I was born in a really conservative district, in a reaaally conservative family. Being gay wasn't something "bad", it wasn't a thing at all, not a single one was...

2 years ago
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The Coachs OfficeChapter 6

"Hello, Warren. It's been a long time." I was stopped in my tracks. Only one person had that voice. "Michelle?" She smiled, "Are you pleased?" It was obvious, now, just what she had been doing during her extended leave of absence. Wherever she had gone, whoever did the work, the results were phenomenal. "Pleased? You're gorgeous! I don't know what to say. Are you happy?" "I am now. Now that I have seen your reaction, yes." She stood and began to walk to one of the perimeter...

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Fucked Lustful Sexy Aunty On Earth

Age 22,Any unsatisfied Aunties, Girls in Bangalore or Karnataka please contact me for safe sex. This is a lengthy sex story, but I won’t disappoint you all. I’m 5’8 tall, very athletic body With 6 inch big rod. And people say that I am handsome too. And the heroine of this story is Priya (Name changed). Such a beautiful, lusty milf she was. My god, whenever I saw her my dick raised to the peak. Her boobs were huge mango sized, and her ass may be you can two palm her one side ass, and between...

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Corby and Son

.The first of my three stories. Just the first chapter. I will post the second and third stories and tell me which you like mostCorby & SonNikkie SilkChapter One“Oh, I thought you‘d be a man.”I sighed, it wasn‘t the first time and it probably wouldn‘t be the last time I would hear those words. With my slight build, narrow face, long dark hair held in a ponytail per Health and Safety regs, and topped off with the ‘Corby’s Plumbing‘ company baseball cap, I looked androgynous to say the very...

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Library Girl Chapter 16

Chapter 16 -- "Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits" Well, it's just how it developed, sort of without Jimmie deciding anything. It had been five weeks since he got the neat haircut to match Yvette's look, and his bangs were now too long, covering his eyebrows completely and starting to get in his eyes. Same for Yvette, and she finally spoke up to suggest a trip to Blake's salon "just for a trim". And so it was, when they met at the shop on a Sunday, so as not to interfere with the busy...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 27

“Hail, Brando! What brings you to this tribe? Nothing bad, I hope?” “Hello, Chief John. Maranga sends her greetings and love. She is well, despite a few minor problems in the tribe. She dealt with them well.” “Then it is matters of the Maker trade that brings you here, Brando?” “Indeed. We have been working on longbows and the arrows for them, testing as we went along. We have more or less perfected the bow as best we can with the trees available. It was surprising the variation in...

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Conflicted First Time Cock Sucker Ch 03

"I said," there was a look in his eyes that terrified me as he spoke – my father had the same look when he was angry – "if you leave like this, then the next time won't be as..."I'd shut the door and started the engine and couldn't make out exactly what he said, but I think he said "gentle." The next time won't be gentle because he's pissed at me? Fuck him, there's not going to be a next time, and out of anger on my part, I flipped him off as I backed out and drove away. Then I noticed my hands...

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When I got Caught

It was a year after the most brutal and first sexual assault I had ever had. I was hemmed in and trapped in a utility closet on the third floor of the new extension. Since it had yet to be open for use there was very little student or staff traffic in that part of our school building. Except from the occasional construction worker or another student skipping a class it was relatively empty.On this Tuesday there was a light rainfall so leaving campus was not an option. I had explored the...

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The Fulge

-------------------------------------------------- Her knee-high translucent skirt was oscillating at the cadence of her purposely slow pace set by the sharp sounds of her high heels. The sweet movements of her model like hips, up and down the popular Madrid street was generating the desired effect on the now transfixed set of on-lookers. Helena’s long wavy hair were almost indistinguishable from the tight, black, interweaved top that was meant to show more of her beautiful olive-tan...

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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 3Cindy

Neil looked at the large clock on the wall. "3:00pm Tues. 6/2/04" it said with its bright green digital display. Neil scratched his head with a pencil and got back to work. He was putting the finishing touches on a new schematic of his LMM. A much-improved version; that would be half the size, due to the efforts of one of his schoolmates, who was a wiz with miniaturizing electronics. Neil glanced up when he heard his lab door open; peeking through some equipment he spied a very cute...

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