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“You smell nice!”

Those were the first words that Suzie said to me when I met her in the ‘flesh’ that didn’t have anything to do with work. They were also the first hint I spotted that she had a disability.

I had known her for almost six months but our ‘relationship’ had been limited to phone calls, e-mails and the occasional video chat/conference. It soon transpired that she had the sort of dry sense of humour that appealed to me. When I first saw her laugh on my monitor I began praying that she wasn’t in a relationship. I was always a ‘chicken’ when it came to asking the sort of questions that made it obvious that I liked someone. I never had a problem with a complete stranger but once I got to know someone, and was sure that I liked them; I tended to become almost shy and would avoid the sort of situations and conversations that might expose my feelings. This hadn’t boded well for the four steady girlfriends that I had previously. My relationship record stood at an impressive (not) sixty-three days!

We both worked for the same company, albeit at different ends of the country; a new profitable project had brought us together, me with my technical expertise and her with the contacts. I had been planning on moving ‘down south’ for some time and this project would give me a period of probation where I could see if I wanted to make the move permanent. As I travelled down on the train I figured if I could become more acquainted with Suzie I would be staying for good. The flip side of that was that I wasn’t sure I could cope with ‘just being friends’ with Suzie.

I’d arrived in the city and dropped my bags at the hotel before going to meet Suzie at a coffee shop near to the proposed location of the project. As I made my way in a taxi through the streets I realised that I had not been this nervous since I was eight years old and about to see the ‘dreaded nit nurse’. The tales that had been woven about the painful procedure by my so-called ‘friends’ had left me in a heightened state of anxiety. The reality of the tender Miss Lester running her gentle slim fingers over my scalp was an incredibly pleasant surprise; I hoped it boded well for the forthcoming meeting.

I saw Suzie through the coffee shop window talking into her phone and walked in. I went up to the counter and purchased two coffees; it seemed Suzie was a regular, (cream and one sugar) I walked up and waited patiently as she continued her phone call. While I was waiting I spent the minute or so trying to think of a witty opening line.

“Cream, one sugar?” Okay so I failed in the witty stakes!

Suzie looked up, “Punctual as ever Jake!” she replied.

I sat down opposite her, placing the coffee in front of her and asked how she was. We made some small talk and then discussed our strategy for the clients meeting the following morning. When we had finished there was a few moments of awkward silence before she said “You smell nice!”

“Err... thank you... “I stammered.

I stared into her eyes trying to gauge what she meant, did I smell nice? Did I smell terrible? It was only then that I realised her eyes weren’t completely focused on mine.

Her mouth curved and broadened into a smile, “I’m sorry, you wouldn’t be the first person to not realise, and there are still quite a few people I talk to on video who haven’t got a clue.”

I stuttered again and tried to rally my thoughts. Her hand edged slowly forward and searched for her coffee before lifting it to her lips an taking a sip. “Don’t feel so bad, I’ve been doing this all my life.”

“You’ve been blind since birth?” I blurted out. I felt my cheeks redden.

She smiled, “At least you’re not afraid to mention the ‘B’ word. Yes, a complication as they say of a difficult childbirth. Please don’t feel sorry for me, this is just the world I know and from what I have been told it does have its compensations. Mint and Tea Tree shampoo if I am not mistaken?” I felt myself blushing deeper as she paused before continuing, “There is one thing I would like to ask you though, if you don’t mind?”

“...err... go ahead.” I answered.

“Could I feel your face, I know your voice so well and I would like to put a shape to it; if you don’t mind?”

I hesitated briefly and then lifted her pale hand to the side of my face; her touch was feather light as her fingertips roamed over my face. My lips twitched briefly as the pads of her fingers glided across them.


It had been five months since that day in the coffee shop. I had managed to get a flat on a short term lease, just a couple of miles further out from the centre of town than Suzie’s house and had often picked her up in the company car to take us to meetings. We worked very well together and I would often be party to her little games with new colleagues. On entering a meeting I would often lead her casually into the room, arm in arm, and pull out a chair for her to sit down upon. Most people who were unaware of Suzie’s blindness would assume I was gay (I guess it was a little odd for a hetero to be a gentleman) and we would see how long it would be before they realised. She had a specialised laptop with a Braille display strip built into it and could call up files and begin reading them before most of the rest of us could move our cursors to open the file directories.

The project was soon to be finished, the building now watertight and ready to be handed over to the client for fitting out of individual floors. We had attended a “topping-out’ party and I had caught a taxi back with Suzie. It was just gone two O’clock in the morning. The road had been blocked a few hundred yards from Suzie’s and we had gotten out so we could walk the rest of the way. It took me a few moments to understand the reason for the accident and why the street didn’t ‘seem’ right. The traffic lights had been out causing a collision, the two drivers were shouting loudly at each other while a policeman was trying to calm them down. All of the building and street lights were in darkness; the only light locally coming from the ‘backed-up’ traffic. I looked upwards and whispered “Damn!”

Suzie took my arm and asked “What Jake?”

“The sky... it’s full of stars...” I wasn’t sure how wide spread the black-out was; but it was enough to see sky void of clouds and teeming with stars.

Suzie looked up, turning her head this way and that, “Isn’t it normally?” she asked.

“Oh god I’m sorry... no, not normally... you’d be lucky to see a handful of the brightest stars from a back garden. On a street like this the only thing you would ever see would be the moon and if it was low down it would often be a horrible dirty orange colour.” I continued to gaze up holding Suzie’s arm tightly, “there has been a power cut and all the lights are out.” I lowered my gaze and looked around, I wasn’t the only one who had been gazing up at the stars; scattered along the street were probably a dozen people who had stopped to stare up at the alien sky. “I wish you could see this... strange really, we spend our time turning night into day... and now...” I could feel my eyes moistening as I wanted to share what I could see with Suzie and knowing my words would be inadequate.

“I guess that would be something to see” she said, she paused to think for a moment and then continued “you can’t show me your world no matter how much you want to Jake, but let me show you mine...” she pulled me forward down towards the cross roads. “We are on Bishops Bridge Road aren’t we?”

“Yes” I said and nodded pointlessly.

“Is there an Indian restaurant on the left in what was an old bank?” she asked.

“Yes, about a hundred or so yards ahead; are you going to show me the delights of taste?” I replied.

“If I was I wouldn’t take you in there. No, we want to turn just opposite it.”

I led her across the road and down to the turning she had indicated, we walked in silence for about fifty yards, I paused for a moment and led her across a side road. On the other side she guided me to the right and up along the side of a small public garden. Her left hand reached out and felt for the railings; as we walked up the dark pavement her fingers tapped along the iron work. We had walked about twenty yards when she paused. Her left hand noted a missing railing and she released my arm turning towards the fence. She dropped her hands and lifted up her dress tucking it into her knickers making it shorter. I watched in disbelief as she reached down and pulled off her shoes. “Here, hold these...” she said and then lifted her foot up and grabbed two of the railing spikes and in one swift agile movement was standing on top of the four foot high fence.

I stood there, my mouth hanging open holding her three inch heeled shoes as she reached up and found a tree branch to swing down and into the garden beyond. She turned to face me, un-tucking her dress and held her hand out; dumbly I handed her shoes to her and she put them back on her feet and stepped onto the path beyond and walked away disappearing into the darkness almost instantly.

I looked up and down the darkened street, apart the faint light in a window of a candle or a torch it was almost pitch-black. I turned back to the park and clambered ungainly over the railings. I stepped through the foliage and onto the path beyond; it circled around a lawn, most of the trees on the outside of the path with only a couple within. I looked up to see the stars shining brightly and then searched the immediate area for signs of Suzie. She was nowhere to be seen as I stepped over the low border fence around the lawn and ventured slowly forward. I could only see clearly for a dozen or so yards; if she was standing against any of the shrubbery or foliage around the path I had no idea.

The grass was slightly damp from an earlier shower and my foot almost slipped; recovering my balance I peered into the gloom and whispered “Suzie... where are you?”

After a moment she replied quietly “Right here Jake... can’t you see me?” I tried to follow the source of her voice.

I smiled to myself, “Not in the slightest” I answered.

Her voice drifted through the darkness, “Well close your eyes then...” I stood completely still and closed my eyes listening intently. Almost immediately the sounds that had been a constant in the background seemed to grow louder. I could hear the faint hum of traffic from the main roads, the sound of a horn in the far distance, a woman squealed and laughed from one of the nearby flats; as my ears attuned to this new world I found I could hear the light rustle of the leaves on the trees surrounding me. My smile broadened; I felt and heard the muscles in my face alter, I almost laughed as I became aware of my breathing and the gentle beat of the blood in my temples.

There was a very quiet sound of a footstep behind me on the damp grass. I remained still. “Is this your world?” I asked in the slightest of whispers, a couple walked along the edge of the park; their footsteps seemingly like gunshots as they echoed of the surrounding buildings. “It must be bedlam during the day?”

“So much more and so much louder, yes; but then so much more detail too.” She replied as she slowly walked around me. “And yet you haven’t even started...”

I sensed her stopping in front of me, I resisted the urge to open my eyes when I felt her fingertips graze across my chest and then head upwards to my neck. After only a moment’s hesitation she quickly undid the tie around my neck; the material whispered as she drew it from my collar and she trailed a fingernail around my shoulder as she walked behind me. I felt her reach up and wrap the tie around my head and over my eyes; adjusting it slightly before tying it off. I felt a strange sense of relief that my vision was now taken from me and a complete trust in my guide.

Her hands rested on my shoulder and I felt her warm breath wash over my right ear. “So far you have given up one sense and replaced it with one more... you have another three that you haven’t begun to use...” her words had been the vaguest of breaths as I had felt her chest press against my back. She remained against my back as I felt the warmth of her body slowly seep through the layers of our clothing, I could feel each breath she took with the rise and fall of her breasts; I felt myself blush involuntarily as her hard nipples moved slowly up and down against me. Her fingers dragged down my arms, her nails scratching down the material of my suit, rasping in the quiet of the gardens.

“Sight... sound...” she breathed into my ear. I inhaled deeply through my nose. The aroma of the damp grass was the first smell to register. I took another breath and breathed in the subtle hint of her perfume, I didn’t know its name but it was one smell I was already familiar with; more scents began to register, my own de-odourant, the peaty taste and scent from the Guinness I had drunk earlier. Another breath and I detected the faint acrid smell of exhaust and the distant spicy aroma from the Curry house’s kitchen. My mind raced to make sense of the whole new universe that was opening up before me and within me. Colours seemed to fill my mind as it fell back on my primary sense of vision; I imagined the scent of grass like a humid light green cloud, the Guinness of course a velvety smooth black liquid and the spice from the restaurant as orange smoke twisting in the air. Suzie’s scent was a warming light red mist swirling slowly around and over me.

Again her whispers sounded in my ear as she lifted herself onto her tip toes, “My world is so full of tastes, textures, sounds and smells...” her tongue slid slowly up and down the shell of my ear; “...sensations that excite the nerves...” her teeth closed on my earlobe. I felt the dull pain register though strangely intense in the void of my vision. “Even pain applied can be quite exquisite...” she continued as she released my flesh from her mouth. Her hands slipped beneath my arms and circled around my waist, her nimble fingers quickly loosening my belt. I swallowed deeply and tilted my head downwards in vain. I heard her chuckle behind me, “There is no point looking Jake.”

I lifted my head back up and turned it to the right where I thought her head was behind my shoulder, “How... how could you know?” I asked.

I gulped as I felt her fingernails clasp the zip on my trousers and slowly tug it downwards, the cool night air wafting across the stretched material of my boxers. I had been aware that my cock had slowly been growing since I felt her nipples rub across my back. It had been lying to the left and had swelled in position uncomfortably. Her voice whispered from my left as I felt her breasts move slowly across my back and around my arm, “It’s simple when you know what to feel for... your upper back muscles stretched and your coat lifted a little as your head dropped forward Jake...” The cold fingers of her right hand slid around my back pulling my shirt free of my trousers before scratching their way up my back. I groaned loudly as I felt a fingernail drag over the outline of my cock.

The nail found its way to the tip of my cock, some pre-cum had seeped out and dampened my boxers; she teased across the material restraining my manhood as I bit on my bottom lip. I saw sparks of light detonate silently behind my eyelids as her nail pressed into the eye of my cock. The sensation disappeared as her finger moved upwards and hooked itself in the waist of my boxers. I sensed her face move closer to mine, she murmured quietly before her tongue flicked across my mouth as she pulled the boxers forward and my erect cock sprang up freed from its confinement. The cold night air chilled the wet tip as I moved my hands onto her hips.

My fingers pressed into the flesh beneath her dress as the pad of her finger smoothed the juice from my cock around the head. I opened my mouth to moan once more and her tongue slipped inside caressing my own. My hands moved around over the soft cheeks of her ass as she sucked on my tongue. She broke the kiss; “...we haven’t even got to taste yet...” I expected her pre-cum smeared finger to leave my cock but before I could react I felt two of her slim fingers slide into my mouth. I sucked on them hungrily tasting her own juices; a tangy sweet sensation flooded my mouth as I wondered when she had slipped her fingers into her obviously dripping wet pussy. “You like?” she asked.

I nodded and then mumbled around her fingers “...y...yes...”

“Pleasure and pain...” her mouth lowered to my chest and sucked and then bit my nipple through my shirt as I moaned loudly around her fingers. I moved my hands up her body as she bent forwards and cupped her full breasts through her dress and bra. I gently caressed her left breast with my hand feeling her nipple roll beneath my palm as I pinched her right nipple hard between the first and forefingers of my left hand. She gasped in response and her left palm pressed onto the bulge of my cock. She breathed heavily; “... and a personal favourite of mine... hot and cold...”

Her breasts dropped away from my hands as she knelt in front of me tugging my boxers down; my hard-on waving in the cold night air. I felt her blow across the wet tip, chilling it and causing my cock to quiver and then the heat came. Her mouth slid over and down my cock in one movement, her lips wrapped tightly around its girth till they came to rest in my pubic hair. The tip of my cock touched the back of her throat as she sucked hard upon it; her tongue snaking beneath along the vein and her cheeks hollowing against the sides. “oh.. fuck Suzie... oh fuck yeah...” I said. One of her hands cupped my balls, her nails scratching behind them as the nails of her other hand dug into the cheek of my ass.

I could hear her pulling air in through her nose as I threw my head back and my cock shuddered inside her mouth. She felt my balls pull up within her hand and massaged them firmly; my cum surged up through my cock and deep into her throat. Her mouth stayed locked on my spasming cock as my seed emptied. My legs began to shake as she slowly withdrew her mouth off my cock, my hand resting on her shoulder for balance. She stood up, her hand wrapping itself around my softening cock while the other moved around behind my neck; the fingers scratching through my short black hair.

“Taste...?” she asked.

I slid my hand into her long auburn hair and then bent slightly till I found the hem of her dress; my hand went under it and slid up her thigh. She moved her feet apart granting me access. As I slipped my hand into her damp knickers and curled two fingers into her wet slit I pulled her head towards me and kissed her deeply on the mouth tasting my seed on her tongue. My thumb sought out her clit and rolled it as I stroked the rough spot behind it inside her pussy; she groaned into my mouth.

When we broke the kiss her hand moved to my chest. “So Jake have you made a decision yet?” she asked.

I was confused. “About what?” I replied.

She laughed lightly; “Are you going to be staying on after the contract is over?”

I smiled and answered “I want to stay... as long as you want me too...”

I squeezed my thumb and fingers together, “...ahh... oh I want you...” she kissed me hard.

She wrapped a leg around mine and ground herself down onto my thrusting fingers. When she pulled away she said “I think we should finish this back at my flat... this is far too expensive a dress to ruin...” She pulled herself of my fingers and lifted them to her mouth licking them clean. “Now if you will be so kind as to point me in the direction of where we came in, I seem to have lost my bearings...”

I pulled off my tie and looked around the gardens with only the vaguest notion of where we had entered it. “Hmmm...” I began.


The End

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I am working in multinational company and married 6 yrs back. wife is science graduate and working in a pvt finance company as field officer. We used to live in our own house located in poss area where nobody interfer in other’s matter. Even no body talks to other other than any party or society meeting. So we , me &my wife get bored after some days of our stay in that locality. One day one of my college friend also joined our company in same grade as mine. He soon became our family friend and...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 9 Winter Break

DECEMBER 2001, WINTER BREAK At 5'10", Adrienne was almost as tall as me. So she didn't really need to get up on her tiptoes to kiss me. She did it just because she was excited and the extra height let her press down while burning a white-hot nuclear kiss on my lips. When we pulled apart, I stood back and admired this supremely gorgeous young creature of beauty. With her pretty face, flowing blonde hair, sparkling eyes, and absolutely KILLER body, she literally took my breath away. I...

2 years ago
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Fucking With Danger Chapter III Final

**(Carter)** My step-sister's cum dripped from my mouth as I planted soft kisses on her delicate face, her still moaning from her orgasm. My cock was rock hard, and pressed against her flat stomach. She giggled as she sat up, moving to the floor, and positioning me over the edge of the bed, my cock right in front of her face. She gently licked the top of my pulsating member, and my head fell back as I moaned. She sucked gently on my cock, slowly taking more of me into her soft, silky mouth. I...

1 year ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 52 Im so confused

What just happened? After Chandra helped me with my shirt, she visually examined my wounds. "Just a few torn stitches. Lady Megan will be here shortly, My Lord. Please lie down." With that she retreated to a corner, folding my shirt and pressing it against her chest. She just watched me, presumably to make sure that I would be a good patient. It must have been something that I said. But that didn't make sense. I was yelling at them, when both of them suddenly went from angry to something...

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Sex With My Moms Friends Chapter 2

We walked into Jeri's bedroom, the three of us holding hands. I could barely believe that the two women who provided me with adolescent fantasies were about to make them come true. Brenda and Jeri led me into the bedroom and immediatelystripped me down to my birthday suit. Brenda let out a gasp when she saw my semi-erect cock. “Good Jesus, Brandon, it’s even bigger than Jeri said it was. You’ll kill me with that monster!” She may have feigned shock, but that didn’t stop her from giving me an...

Group Sex
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Early Morning

Very slowly, consciousness overcame me, as I woke up, my head trying to absorb the reason why I had awoken. It was still dark, my brain registered that much, and therefore far too early for my alarm, fighting the fog in my head, I started to drift back to sleep, the sort of wonderful relaxing sleep that comes from knowing that I did not have to get up just yet, that I could snuggle back down in the covers, against your softness curled into my back. Gradually I heard myself moaning softly, and...

4 years ago
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Five Vials Complete Story

************************************************** Prologue ************************************************** Cool midnight air drifted gently through the open window of James' bedroom, carrying with it the distant sounds of nocturnal suburban activity. A passing car ground its tires softly into the pavement, on the way by. Insects chirped. On the bed, James' sheets rose and fell smoothly with the pattern of steady breathing. Next to his slumbering shape, the other half of the bed...

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Virgin fuck

Hi its dr zahid again with a new incident after a long time. Lot of people specially girls emailed me and insist me to tell them my experiences with the girls. I like to share but i was busy with my new job. That’s why i was not able to write my incidents. This is a real incident that happened some years back. Read and enjoy. The following story is a true one and it happened in february 2000, when my cousin family planned an overnight picnic at their farm house which is almost two hours drive...

2 years ago
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A Mysterious Murder Part 4

Please read the previous parts to know what happened previously. Hi ISSians…. Hope all are good… couples having sex… real life taboo people having secret relations… and mostly the people who are single using their best buddy( their hands ) to satisfy their needs… After the steamy group sex, he headed back to home and had a good night sleep. 2 days later he got CCTV installed to have a close look at them and wanted to find the MO. He came to the house and called everyone out and announced that...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Sinn Sage Ariel X Big Timer

The last few days with Layla (Ariel X) helps Sophie (Sinn Sage) a lot. She improves her wrestling skills, but also developed feelings for her. Unfortunately, Layla is still battling her old demons. When Nina (Nina Hartley) confronts her, she quits the squad leaving the girls alone few days before the big event. To complicate everything more, Freedom Phoenix (Karla Kush) gets injured during practice. Heartbroken by the loss of her new love and her title match, Sophie will have to face Lex Vega...

1 year ago
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Karma Is a Bitch

"I can still taste her young cunt juices" my girlfriend Tania commented whilst she licked my cock. She was waiting naked on our bed - waiting for me to return home, knowing that I had just been fucking young 16 year old Kate Manning. Tania and I had been together for the last 2 years, since I returned from the Gulf and my tour of duty as a Special Forces soldier who also specialised in comms and computer hacking. I was 28 years old, she was 25. She is a stunning blonde with long curly blonde...

3 years ago
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John and Alex Part 2

Introduction: Alex has a great day. Hello again everyone. Thanks to the people who have given me advice! Your support keeps me going strong Today I decided to write more sex into this one. This site is not Love Stories its Sex Stories. I will write in more sex in this one. It will be long. I swear. I write this intro an hour before I start to brainstorm ideas and so if it doesnt reflect 100% dont get picky. Also, mere contact with him turns me on so if its not enough for you atleast know I ask...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Emily Willis Interracial Anal Boning

Young starlet Emily Willis poses and strips, smiling adorably through a sensual tease. The darling brunette stretches her wet slit, slides a butt plug into her sphincter, and eagerly says, ‘I’m going to get my asshole destroyed today!’ Emily chokes on Prince Yahshua’s big black cock while giving a nasty blowjob, and she whimpers when he drills her greased gash. Prince rims Emily’s bunghole, and then his thick, dark meat plumbs her rectum. Intense interracial sodomy...

1 year ago
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Riding the Tube

There were eleven of us in all, seven guys and four girls. We'd all been driven up to Marshal Summit by adults, two cars driven by our parents, and the van driven by Mr. Manley, the church choir director. In all we had nine big black rubber truck inner tubes that we'd gotten inflated right before we began our twenty five mile journey back down to Canby, where the adults were waiting to pick us up and give us all rides back to the church. Lisa, who was my girl friend that summer, and I, we...

2 years ago
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Do It With A Nerd

Like any other Saturday night I’m sitting on the couch watching TV, bored out of my mind and horny as fuck. My boyfriend’s laughter floats through the house we share as he plays on his computer in the other room while talking to his friends on Skype. 'Why is he not throwing me on the bed and fucking my brains out instead?!' I’ve attempted several times to catch his attention to which I get ignored. It does make me feel a little bad, but at this point I’m pretty annoyed by it. 'I’m just going to...

3 years ago
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The King 1

No one knows where he came from, it's like he just appeared, no one knows his real name but everyone calls him the King. He's only been in New York for a few months and he's already a legend, he's drowning in gold, a thick solid gold necklace ( Both ends fused together ) around his neck, a thick solid gold watch around his right wrist, a thick solid gold bracelet around his left wrist and two solid gold rings on both his pinky fingers. He always wears a cap, a black vest, black shorts, a...

3 years ago
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The Body Guard Book 1Chapter 10

Carlo had ordered his men to surround Kay’s farm house. He knew he had to be careful when he found out who he was up against. He would kill Sonny all over again if he was here. Barzin was breathing down his neck and he was running out of time. He knew Sonny must have stashed the drugs and cash in this old farm house. It was the only place left that had not been checked. And being surrounded like it was he knew the stuff had to be there. But he wasn’t dumb. He knew they had the place covered...

1 year ago
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The Lake House Pt 02

Hey guys, sorry for the long break, I stopped writing for a while. But I’m back and will be keeping up, so keep reading! ************** I bound back down the stairs to see my parents and the Stratfords already mid conversation. It had been obvious how much they missed seeing each other. I headed back out to the car, helping grab some more stuff as we starting getting out all of the rest of the stuff for the cabin like the food, fishing equipment, and other odds and ends for up here. The...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 5

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Now all I get is drowsiness, Jan sent to Jake. The desire is all gone. Finally, Jake sent. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl go as long as Christine. Pent up desire, Jan said. That’s how it is when someone discovers something new. It’s probably a lot like when you discovered masturbation. “We can let her rest for a while,” Jake said to Shannon. He walked over to her and rubbed her back. “You did good. You’ve got her needs figured out, and you worked hard to...

2 years ago
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The Best Meal I Ever Had

Me? Yeah, I was there, and yes, it really did happen, pretty much the way you heard. Believe me, that night didn't start out good for any of us! Why? Well, after all, we had lost the game, and to Navy, no less. You really want me to talk about it? Ok then. You see, losing to Navy wasn't even the worst part. Even losing the football game 34 to 6 wasn't the worst part. No, the worst part was that a challenge had been thrown down for us, by our Commander in Chief, of all people, and we'd...

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Ladys Next DanceChapter 22

"What is it?" "Not what, it's whom. This is Muffin's ID bracelet. Where are you, sweetie?" They all looked at the map on the wall. "She's at the Casino," whispered Sally. Sasha quickly picked up the phone and pressed a speed dial number. "Shawn. We just got Muffin's ID signal back. She's at the Casino." Sasha pressed the speakerphone button as Shawn's voice filled the room. "We're almost there now. Can you tell which part of the building she's in?" Harry answered,...

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Introduction to Liz

Liz and I met when she graduated university and started work at a factory where I was employed. We shortly moved in together and, after 28 day, were married. I was clueless about her sexual background, but soon learned she was incapable of keeping her panties on. She didn’t tell me until much later that she was fucking two engineers who worked at the same factory, along with a supervisor and two maintenance men. She was a tiny 4’11” sex machine, without morals. The pussy she carried around was,...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 36 James Henry Ford Walker

The previous evening — that is, the Thursday — instead of visiting Fran's I had gone straight home from work to rendezvous with Wendy and Alicia. We had our stuff already packed (not that we needed much) and set off in high spirits for my weekend party at George's. Kylie wanted to join us but was under strict orders not to miss the following day's school; I consoled her with a nice fuck while Wendy and Alicia got ready. We reached George's at about nine o'clock. Elspeth had already...

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Sean and Me

Hi. My name is Steve. My boyfriend’s name is Sean. I’m 25; he’s 23 but looks younger. I’m a big guy: 6’2” and 210 lbs. of mostly muscle. I work out a lot. Sean is about 5’7”, 140 lbs., slim but with little muscular definition. I act straight. Sean isn’t effeminate, but no one who meets him would be surprised to learn that he’s gay. To see us together, anyone would assume that I am the dominant one, and outside of bed, that’s pretty much true. But sexually, he is the top and I am...

2 years ago
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Sniff Addiction in the Chaldain Abyss

Introduction: Seduced into buttsniffing by the mysterious girls of Chalda leads to an addiction for a noblemans wayward son. The whitewashed walls and brick-layed streets of Sandava gleaned bright in the sun, unlike surrounding cultures such as Mandalva, Trocust and Chalda. Those people managed decent lives but not with the oppulence of Sandava. Shadi was the eldest son of a Sandavan High Judge and if he studied well and kept his nose clean, he was the likely successor to his fathers high...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Sex Life

A neighbor with a in college on an athletic scholarship was passing out flyers advertizing a lawn service her son was going to run when he came home for summer break because he could not find a full time summer job. I hired him and he showed the first day wearing grey cotton shorts and a black sleeveless tee top and he was built like the proverbial shit house, six feet three and two hundred and forty five pounds, nineteen years old and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I guess this is a good...

3 years ago
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Maxs Lingerie Parties Ltd Chapter Two

Chapter 2 – The Wives Bare it All Max arranged the to throw the first party at his house and created a guest list based on the customer records of his failed boutique. He sent the list over to make sure neither you or your wife knew any of the guests, because having an acquaintance show up to the party would be mortifying for everyone. You do recognize the name of one very wealthy business owner on the list. “Wow, Max, how did you get Witherspoon to come? Isn’t he a billionaire?” you ask him...

3 years ago
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one morning on the paradise

January 2002 Damn, i still remember the old fucking story but im gonna share with you guys anyway .. alright it goes like this 7:00AM I wake my ass up on my bedroom studio where i work in as musician my self , im pretty packed up guy , so i looked on my personal computer and see my email guess who it is miss katy from last year ‘ Dear raven , I hope everything is fine with your career and your job , but thats not what i wanna say , but i want is you i’m really horny baby and cant wait to...

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Power Corrupts

Author's Note: While I have a fairly definite idea of where I'd like this story to go, it's possible you might have some better ideas of how certain choices may go. I encourage you, if you'd like to see a certain path explored to add a chapter at the appropriate decision point, and write whatever choice you'd like explored in the Answer text field, and write, "This is a stub for future content." in the content area and I'll consider writing something in that vein. Genres I enjoy writing include...

Mind Control
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Cozy Cuntry Cabin

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. [Narrated by Jethro Fudrucker somewhere in the Ozarks] Ma hole lafe has bin in this place. Ma grandaddy built this here cabin and we’ve bin scratchin out a livin ever since. Cause yew ast fer ma story Ah’ll give yew...

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Sex Fantasy With Mother Fulfilled

Suraj coveted his mother for a long time and had a sex fantasy about her. He is married and has a son, but his relationship with his wife soured when he found his wife cheating on him. However, he decided to continue with his family because of his son. He thought his walking away may jeopardize his son’s studies. His parents lived at a distance, and he used to visit them weekly. When his mother Sonalata used to start to backbite against his wife, he disliked that. But somehow, in his mind, he...

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Being late

Always being lateShort little story no novel. I work year round at a local manufacturing facility on the east coast. My commute is usually around 20-30 on a good day. As I was getting off one night from evening shift as I was turning left to get home so officer across the street throw his lights on and I'm like Fuck. To keep it simple I ended up with a window tint violation and failure to yield. Whatever. The scheduled court appearance was only set out ten days from the light I got pulled over....

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When I went to university back in 1980 it was my first time away from home, and I was just a bit over 18 years of age. Unfortunately for me when I arrived at college I was told that due to an admin error my application for accommodation in the halls of residence on the university site hadn’t been processed and so I wouldn’t be moving into the college accommodation. I was told not to worry, the college had sorted out some temporary accommodation for me in the shape of lodgings in a f****y house...

2 years ago
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Scavenger I stepped through the broken glass of the front door of my store, and flicked on a flashlight. I wasnt sure what I was looking for, but here I was, looking anyway .... The place was a wreck, whether from looting or an outbreak, I wasn't sure. Still, I had nothing else to do with myself but try and see what I could find here. I had managed to sleep through the apocalypse. Now, I had to somehow stay alive until order was restored.... The best I could learn, the outbreak...

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