Dr. Erin free porn video

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Dr. Erin By Patricia Hood [email protected] Aaron had just finished his last quarter of classes before he began his internship as a counselor. He looked forward to beginning a new life and getting started with his career. It had been several weeks and he had still not heard back from any of his contacts. While looking through a Psychiatric magazine he noticed a small advertisement for counselors at a very exclusive rest home. Hattenburg Hospital/ Ritensburg Sweden: Wanted: Research assistant/Counselor needed. Successful applicant must speak English, and be FIS+ and knowledgeable in this field of counseling. For further information call (503) 555-1264. Aaron tried to do some research on the abbreviation, but could find no mention of "FIS" in any of his reference books. "Why do they want the counselor to have FIS... what ever that is?". With his curiosity at a peak he made the call. The phone number was a US. number but the person on the other end spoke with a thick accent... probably German. After speaking at length, about his counseling credentials, they notified him of a review process that would take place in Canada. They would make the airline reservations if he was interested. Aaron was so excited that he agreed and gave them his information over the phone. They told him to be sure and bring his papers with him, and to make sure he had no pressing business. He was also told to obtain a passport because if he was accepted they would require him to fly directly to Ritensburg. He could hardly believe it. He set about obtaining the necessary releases and Visa he would need. The review was to be in 3 weeks and he was given a name at the Swedish Embassy to contact to speed up the passport process. He was also sent an airline ticket and an expense voucher in the mail. Aaron didn't have much in the way of furniture, and he could easily get out of his apartment if he needed to. Every thing came together nicely.... until the day of his departure. When he arrived at the airport he ran into a small snag... it took several minutes to hash out with the ticket agent that a mistake had been made on his reservation. The name on the ticket was Erin Brown instead of Aaron. Convinced that it was just a simple mistake....he was on his way. The accommodations in Ontario were lavish. A large suite in an up scale Hotel. He was to be there for 3 days for the review process. The review was taking place over the course of 2 weeks. Several applicants would be screened. All of them were kept separate from one another and Aaron never even saw any of the others. Finally he was called to come to a local hospital for his medical evaluation. Aaron was embarrassed at having to undress for the doctor. The doctor was an imposing woman 6ft tall if she was an inch, with short blond hair. She had a friendly smile, but Aaron was always more than a little self conscious of his thin body. Even though the others he had met spoke fair English, it was obvious that the Dr. did not. The first thing she did was to draw a blood sample. This was quickly followed by a body measurement. The tape quickly went around several parts of his body... including his upper arm, neck and chest. As she measured his thin upper arm she smiled.... "Ist Good", she said. For the remainder of the examination Aaron wondered what she meant by that. After all was finished he was sent down to a review board. They spent a great deal of time asking some very personal questions. In the end he wondered if he had gotten the job... they seemed so demanding, he thought. Aaron didn't have too long to wait for the answer. Only about 20 minutes had passed before the phone rang back at his hotel room. He recognized the voice of the doctor on the other end. She said in broken English "Congratulations, you have just been accepted as our prime candidate for the position. Please pack up your few things and report back to the hospital at 8 AM tomorrow morning. You won't be returning to the hotel so make sure you don't leave anything behind. Good day Erin". "What was that", Aaron thought, "did she say Erin??? Ahh, it must have been her accent". Suddenly he was wrapped up in the thought of having won the job and felt elated at the prospect of beginning a new life in Europe. Aaron didn't sleep well that night, his head full of thoughts of his new job, so when the alarm finally rang at 6:30 he was feeling pretty beat. He managed to grab a quick shower and threw his things into his suitcase haphazardly and snapped it shut. He caught the hotel shuttle to the hospital and prepared himself mentally for the day ahead. When he arrived at the hospital he was greeted by the same doctor that had examined him the day before. She grabbed him by the hand and started down the hallway saying " come with me, we must make you ready for your journey to Ritensburg and there is much we must do before then." She propelled him down the various hallways and corridors until they finally arrived in what looked like a medium sized laboratory in a secluded section of the hospital. When they stopped in the middle of the room the doctor went back to the door to shut and lock it, and for the first time Aaron got a good look at the doctor and noticed why she was so tall. She was wearing at least 4" high heels which were kept in place by 2 tiny locks on the straps around her ankles. She was, Aaron noticed, very shapely also with a tiny waist. He wondered what kind of doctor she actually was. He could think of a few things He'd like to be treated for at that moment. The doctor returned to stand in front of Aaron with her hand on her hips and told him he needed to remove his clothing again for further inspection and to 'clean' him up for the trip to Ritensburg. Aaron was a bit apprehensive now that he had noticed the doctors great looks but he wanted this job badly and didn't want to cause any problems so he stripped down to his birthday suit like he was told. She walked around him looking him up and down saying "Yes, I think we've made a very good choice after all." Next she went to one of the cabinets and removed a small jar which she then handed to Aaron. She instructed him to rub the cream inside the jar all over his body in a relatively even coating. She told him that it was a depilatory cream and that it was necessary to remove all of his body hair in order to avoid transporting any infectious agents into the Hattensburg hospital as it was always a sterile environment. Aaron again reluctantly agreed, after all, what did he know about European hospital standards??? He applied the cream as he was instructed and it began to itch almost immediately. The doctor assured him it would be over in just a few minutes and it really was necessary. After what seemed like an hour, but it was only 10 minutes, he was instructed to enter the shower stall in the corner of the lab and wash off the cream and all his body hair with it. Aaron was surprised at how smooth his body felt with all the hair removed from it. He kind of liked it actually. But he was wondering if there were any other preparations they would have to make before his trip. Things went rather quickly after that. He was given 2 injections and taken to the airport. He was met there by another female doctor who was to be his escort. A service had prepared his passport for him and he was handed the papers. His hand went to his face. He loved the way it felt with it completely smooth and he wondered how long it would take before he would have to shave again. Aaron was much too tired to be very talkative on the 9hr flight, but he couldn't help but feel that something had changed. Once they landed, it was a short drive to Rittensburg. It was a lovely hospital set on rolling grounds. He was shown his room, and given a quick tour of the facility. Then it was time for more paperwork. The examiner was the same doctor that had been his escort. Her name was Tatiana Falco... everyone called her Dr. F or Miss F. "I need you to sign this.. It is a conformation that you agree with the diagnosis of FIS", she said. Aaron looked over the papers, but they were in Swedish. He was afraid this would happen. With a lump in his throat he signed the papers. "Now, these are the papers outlining our course of treatment... a copy in English is provided at the back". He began to read it, but it was long and legal. He quickly looked over it.. Seeing that Dr. Falco was growing impatient, he signed and handed it to her. "It is our belief here that all our councilors should go through the entire process in order to fully understand how best to help our patients deal with their treatment.... don't you agree?", she asked. Aaron looked at her and nodded. "Good", she replied. "Sign here and we will be finished for the day". Aaron looked at the paper. It was a commitment form. He was agreeing to a commitment of 6months of treatment for FIS... according to the treatment outline of the hospital. "Is 6 months really necessary?", he asked. She was stern when she looked back at him. "We have found that to be the minimum for full treatment". Aaron couldn't believe he was actually doing this... but he signed and handed the papers back. "Wonderful Erin... welcome aboard". This didn't make him feel much better. He took the English copy with him to his room and read it over that night. As he read he felt sick.... "FIS: Feminine Identity Syndrome".... "Oh my god... they think I want to be a girl....", he cried out loud. I have to do something about this. He was shaking... all the offices were closed for the day now. Very nervous he picked up the phone.... no dial tone and got only as far as the front desk receptionist who only spoke Swedish. He began reading again to try to find a way out. According to the papers he signed the treatment for FIS was feminization. After a person entered the hospitals treatment program, full co-operation was demanded of them. If full co-operation was given the patient could be out in 6 months. If it was not given.. .. "No, they wouldn't", he said aloud. He had to put the paper aside for a moment to gather his thoughts. Then he read further, "It is our desire to force the subject to face his/her feminine self. If the subject is co-operative we assume the patient is dealing with this on his/her own. If the subject is un co-operative a series of 4 operations are set up to act as both a confidence builder, and as a permanent reminder of the feminine self". They can't be serious he thought. As he looked over the document he realized that normally a patient would not be given this information. He had access to it only because he was a councilor. He read on. "To show an intent to co-operate with the staff the patient is told they should elect the following operation: level 1) Facial tuning: Cosmetic treatment of nose, cheeks and lips The patient has one month to decide to go through with the operation. If they do, no further operations are deemed necessary and a 5 month regime of training in feminine mannerisms begins. If they do not make the desicion on their own within that time, the operation is simply performed without their consent and the next level operation is suggested to show a co-operative response. Level 2) Throat: Vocal tuning, and cosmetic reduction of the Adams apple. If this procedure is also refused, or goes unrequested for the same one month period, the process of corrective operations continues through the next 2 levels. Level 3) Breast: Enhancement of the breast through implant and hormone therapy.. And finally Level 4) Gender Reassignment: Emasculation, Cosmetic creation of vagina through penile inversion, and full hormone treatment. After level 4 the subject is kept under observation for one month to ensure proper adjustment" "Surely there must be a way out of this", he said aloud. He was awakened the next day for his first counseling session. As soon as he walked in he had a feeling he was in trouble. The Woman and Man behind the desk took control of the situation imeadiatly. "When did you first cross dress Erin?", the man asked in a thick accent. Aaron tried to change the subject. "Just one thing before we begi... :", he started to say before he was cut off. "Listen young lady", the Woman said, "we have a strict protocol here that our patients must follow". The man just sat back and glared at Aaron. "If you have a question you must wait for an appropriate moment in the conversation and let me know". Aaron stared blankly back not knowing what to say. "You then say Dr. F, I have a question", she continued, "do you understand"? Aaron nodded his head. "When did you first cross dress" the man repeated. Aaron thought about the time he had learned square dancing at his Jr. High. There were not enough girls for partners so the teacher thought it would be cute to bring some dresses to put over the boys clothes.... as he was thinking about that a lump grew in his throat, "I can't tell them about that can I?" he thought to himself. He realized this was going to be a long morning. When the questioning had ended he finally felt it was time that he could speak. "Dr. F, I have a question", he said. Dr. Falco smiled at him, "what is it dear"? Aaron tried to clear his mind of all the questions they had asked him so he could regain his train of thought. He realized this was going to be a tough argument. "When I first came here I didn't know what FIS was..." Aaron spoke quickly. Dr. Falco's smile widened. "I don't think I have it.. . I mean, I don't want to be a girl". Dr. Falco pondered this for a moment. After a long pause she looked at him. "You are brilliant Erin, I hadn't thought of the role playing aspect of this, but you have obviously given this quite a bit of thought". "Oh no", Aaron thought. " She thinks I'm pretending to be just another patient". "Well then Erin, you leave me no choice but to assign you to level 1", she said. "No, you don't understand, I don't....", Aaron tried to get out. He was cut off by the presence of a large orderly that had been summoned into the room. They quickly ushered him out. His heart sank as he heard the door close behind him. He realized that almost none of the staff spoke English. That was in fact why they went to the US to recruit for the position. Over the next few days he wrote several letters to the US Embassy and to friends in the US to try to get him out of this, but he had no way of knowing if the letters were getting through. One evening after taking his evening tranquilizer he felt dizzy. When he lifted the lid on his food he found only a note that read, "sleep well". He next awoke on an operating table. No sooner did he open his eyes, a nurse in a surgical mask inserted something into his mouth. "She has pretty eyes", Aaron thought to himself. He felt the device in his mouth inflate and force his jaws apart and his tung down though he could still breathe through a hole in the center of the device. A quick tug confirmed his fears, he was in fact strapped to the table. Wrists, upper arms, waist, thighs, and ankles. He was quite immobile. Aaron tried to speak, but only odd muffled noises escaped his mouth. Dr. Falco leaned over him. "Don't try to speak, I can't understand you". I allowed you to wake up so I could explain some of the procedure to you", she continued. "Since you are actually a willing participant in this after all", she smiled. "We will begin by using a paint on mask to chemically disable your facial hair follicles. This will take about 20 minutes. We will then use a little cosmetic surgery to narrow your nose and raise your cheekbones". Aaron could only sit back in horror. "I will then see what I can do to change your lip line a bit. I must tell you that I plan on going a bit farther with you because of your special circumstance". Aaron could not believe this. He saw the mask for the anaesthesia in the nurse's hand. It was designed to secure to the gag in his mouth. He thrashed as the nurse brought it close to his face. He felt another nurse pull his head back to a rest built into the table. He gripped the side of the padding with both hands as they inserted the two nasal tubes and secured the mask. The next few weeks were difficult. Every inch of his face hurt for days after the operation. After 3 weeks he was allowed to remove the bandages. He looked like a battered wife. He couldn't believe the change in his facial structure. Though not fully healed he spent almost an hour gazing into the mirror at some womans face...his face. Aaron went back to his papers.... "Level 2: Vocal tuning and reduction of the Adams apple". He thought long about the decision but if this would keep things from proceeding further he would do anything. In his next counseling session he told Dr. Falco that he wanted to co-operate and sign up for level 2. Dr. Falco looked at him and handed him some papers to sign. After signing them she said, "We'll perform the operation tomorrow. Don't eat anything tonight. Aaron didn't sleep much that night. In the morning a gurney came for him. Ever since the first operation he had been receiving injections every morning. This morning he was given his injection while in the operating room. This time he was placed on the table with the back inclined. His head was tilted back and a brace was inserted between his jaws leaving his throat open. He felt a prick in his arm as the IV was inserted. Dr. Falco spoke, "Since your voice is not far out of range now I will not remove much tissue, I don't want you to sound like a bimbo, after all you are a professional". A panic came over Aaron. "Remove tissue?", he tried to say, but nothing identifiable came out. He saw the surgical instruments out of the corner of his eye as all went black. When he awoke his throat hurt quite a bit, but it wasn't as bad as he had thought. He was surprised to see Dr. Falco. She reached over and stroked his head. "Don't talk dear, your voice will be more gentile if you don't try to talk too early". Tears began to well up in Aarons eyes. "At least it's over", he thought. His recovery was going well. He had been at the institute for over 3 months now and his face had healed up very well. It took him a while to get used to his new voice, but he felt he could live with it since it was in a lower register... for a woman. One evening as he was getting ready for his shower, he noticed a slight swelling at his chest. As he rubbed them he noticed them beginning to come erect! "No!!... Damn, how long have they been doing this?" he shouted. He went back to the papers. He was not supposed to get hormone injections... "That isn't supposed to be until Level 4", he yelled. He went to the door and pounded with his fists. "Let me out this instant...I'm not supposed to get the injections....it's not supposed to go any further...". Aaron was on the verge of hysterics. Suddenly the small dinner door opened, and a meal tin was thrust in. He lifted the top of the tray and began to sob. On the plate was only a simple note and a pill. "Sleep well Erin" Aaron tried to decide if he should take the pill or not. He thought he might try to escape in the morning. Maybe if he tried he would at least show them that he really didn't want them to go through with their plans. That morning he was awakened with a start as one male orderly and 2 large females set upon him. One of the females pointed to the pill on the tray and shook her finger at Aaron. He struggled, but it was no use. A combination of the hormones he had been given and the IV feeding he had for 2 weeks following his throat surgery had left him weak and unable to fight them off. "Please don't do this..." he cried. As he pleaded a second time he felt the nurse behind him reach around and place the gag in his mouth and inflate it with a couple of pumps from a ball, then the ball was removed from the valve. With that he was quickly ushered down the hall in the silence of the early morning. His struggles were renewed when he saw the table in the OR. He was lifted onto the table and his legs secured at the knee and ankle in a heavy stirrup structure at the foot of the table. With the back at a slight incline and his head against it's rest he could see his crotch. He tried to look away, but felt the gag being secured to the headrest. He tried to reach out but his arms were quickly grabbed and brought behind the back of the table. The table had 2 cut outs at the shoulders so the wrists and elbows could easily be secured to the padded underside of the table. Finally the last bit of movement was taken from him when a broad belt and straps were secured around his waist and high on his thighs. He tried to roar his protests through the hole in the inflatable mouthpiece, but any words were un-recognizable. The wait was horrific. He was on the table for more than 40 minutes while he watched electrolysis performed on the few hairs at the base of his penis. Again he tried to protest. His eyes shot towards a tray that was pushed next to him. On it were breast implants, they looked to be at least a B cup size. After what seemed like an eternity, Dr. Falco came in. Aaron took in a deep breath to scream. He thought if he could get her attention she might notice he was not ready for this. As he took in his breath the mask came down and stifled his scream. As he felt the mask being secured he tried to rock from side to side, but the table was quite immobile. Finally resigned to his fate he felt hands rubbing a cool slick liquid on his penis. Just then Dr. Falco came to his side. His eyes shot to hers, pleading with her. She saw he was terrified. "Just try to relax..", she said in a soft voice. "I see this isn't what you expected. We don't usually keep the patients awake for this, but since you are going to be a doctor here I thought you would like some insight to what goes on. I see now that may have been a mistake. As I told you earlier, we feel that our councilors need to go through the full treatment to better understand it". Aaron couldn't believe it... she was actually going to go through with it. He was quite aroused now by the rubbing on his groin. He was very near climax. "The last thing we need from you dear is a sample of your sperm... then we'll begin", Dr. Falco continued. Aaron tried to hold back, but by this time he was too gar gone. He began to cum in waves. As he did he heard the hiss of the gas as it began to flow in the mask. A cloth barrier was placed over his abdomen to block his view of the procedure. "The first step is to remove the testicles and shape the scrotum to form a labia...." He felt an injection in his groin area, and thought he could just feel the blade of the scalpel...... The Beginning

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I am taking a shower, when I hear you come in. I see you glance around and tip toe in so as not to alert me to you presence. You see the water hit my head then drip down my hair and hit my ass, slide down my ass and on to my leg and a droplet hits my chest. You watch it slide down my breast; it leaves a wet trail down my skin. It hits my cold nipple, and I smile. A stream runs down my face. I open my mouth and the water trickles in and hits my tongue. I close my mouth and swallow. You watch as...

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The year is 2389 and the world has gone to shit. Cities sway and groan, forests have turned to ash and clean rivers are few and far between. Of course humanity insists on survival, no matter how pathetic and dreary. Communities spring up everywhere, some reclaim small towns and settlements while others appropriate shopping centers and subway stations. Most people will gravitate towards these places for greater security and companionship but outside the high walls and chain link fences there...

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© 1994 - Black Angora Press Kathryn's visit to town was, of course, a welcome event. It seemed like a year since I had gone to Hartford to visit her, though it had only been two months, now it was her turn to visit me. I had picked her up at the airport and brought her back home on Thursday night, where we knoshed on fresh shrimp and dry grape soda. After that, we made passionate love and fell asleep in each other's arms. All in all, a pleasant reunion. But it was only the...

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©2012 Mendon Fishers It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day. Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn’t have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone. They had families who would love to...

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Fanfic 100 prompt "home" This was his ritual and because the work schedule had been so crazy, he could do it at his leisure instead of a hurried stop before work. He wasn't due back to work until Thursday morning. At oh five hundred he slipped out of bed, showering, then put his dress uniform on. All the while his lover slept, one long leg peeping out from under the mounded blankets. He supposed he could have asked Tony to come along, but he wouldn't know what to say, how to phrase...

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It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day. Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn't have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone. They had families who would love to have them hang around...

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Lisa My Uncles MaidChapter 6

Michael Forsyth leaned against the balcony rail and hoisted a pair of neck-suspended binoculars. He focused on an ancient freighter tied among non-descript freighters in the busy Hong Kong harbor below. It was the sixth time in the past half hour he had examined the shipboard activity on that particular vessel. Dropping the glasses he inhaled on a cigarette he held pinched between his fingers and then flipped it out into the street six blocks below. He was known as Michael Forsyth in the...

2 years ago
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Watching Anita giving a wet blowjob

My old friend Omar called me from Boston, saying he would spend a couple days in Savannah, assisting to some boring conference.I told him that he could stay at our home instead of being alone at the hotel and he was glad to accept my invitation. My sweet Ana was also glad to know Omar would visit us.I knew my sensual wife had always been horny about him; but I was sure that my good old friend had never fucked her…Omar arrived and he went from the airport directly to the conference and we could...

2 years ago
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Half a loaf

Half a Loaf By Olivia Evans "Mike, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" Pamela asked her husband of two years. She had been in the process of pulling on her panties and had suddenly felt her husband's eyes on her. The look hadn't been the normal one she received when Mike admired her figure. Mike glanced away, obviously embarrassed. "No reason," he shook his head. He started toward the door. "Wait!" Pamela commanded. "There was a reason for that strange look,...

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Kissing Cousins1

Sarah looked at her nude form in the mirrored shower door as she took a washcloth and began to clean her body. Her 5’ 2” frame was well proportioned, kept slim by the exertions of her job. Her large, 36C breasts were firm over a narrow waist and long (for her height), slim legs. Dark blonde hair reached almost to her shapely hips as she washed it. When her hair was rinsed, she hesitated before carefully shaving away the blonde down that was just beginning to appear between her legs. One of...

3 years ago
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The Beauty of Friendship

Rebecca, a tall, slender brunette, was lying in her bed the morning she was to move into her college dorm. She pondered what she had in her life. She was eighteen years old. She had just graduated high school and she was ready to move onto the next phase in her life: college at the University of South Carolina. She rose from her bed and gathered her things for her morning shower. She raised the temperature of the water to a perfect warmth that greatly pleased her body. She rubbed soap on...

2 years ago
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XxX Country Tales The Changing

Switch flicked out a second blade with a click, and I backed away to my truck. They didn’t even seem to notice me much. They were all between seventeen and twenty-six. They all shared a hulking, strong figure, dead dark eyes and hair, and a mean disposition. “What the fuck are you boys doin here?” Said Reed Hardy, the eldest. Switch snorted loudly. “Beaten the shit outta your brother.” That was Switch. Jim stepped forward. “This is none of your business,...

1 year ago
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Pretty party drinks

I love a party drinks all kinds mango peach sangaria , watermelon margarita , vampire kiss martini , they are so pretty in a pretty glass so devine to look at so great to taste, fun little party drinks , strawberry margarita put a slice of lime or fruit its a party in a glass , so fun to drink so pretty to look at its a party in a glass. Your very own private party make a pretty drink slice of apple or a lemon wedge or an olive and you have a party in a glass . pretty party drinks sitting on a...

Erotic Poetry
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Unexpected Holiday Twist

At the start of the year my hubby, J and I were having dinner with some friends, Julie and Paul, when we got to talking about summer holidays. I knew Julie and Paul had been going through a tough patch so when they suggested we all book somewhere together I thought it could do them good. To save money we booked a big apartment that had two double beds in the same room. Privacy wouldn't be an issue really. We'd all seen each other naked and certainly weren't shy about performing in front of each...

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Visiting an adult book store before leaving town

The company would send me away from town in a quick business trip.My beloved hubby had been also far from home since a couple days ago; so I was very aroused on those last days. Victor had not fucked me for two weeks.I was really horny as hell…I had a flight to catch at midnight and I had plenty time for a nice dinner.And I had been plenty time all the day thinking about a hard dick…My trip would be quick; so I would drive to the airport, to leave my car parked there. On the way, there was a...

4 years ago
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Bitter LoveChapter 16

With the Americans in the trenches, the war took a decided turn for the Allies after the German ferocious summer attack failed. The French and British were still low on moral despite of repelling the last gasp of German strike. It was the early fall of 1918. Unknown to London and Paris, Ludendorff and Hindenburg were telling the Kaiser that the war was surely lost. Wilhelm II refused to believe it at first but as the fall approached, it looked bad to him also. Shortages of food, munitions,...

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maria camilla

IT WAS just another mundane morning when I spotted the exotic sports car swerving erratically in the lane and veering dangerously on the wrong side of the road. Jumping into action, I switched on my lights and took pursuit only to eventually watch the silver Lamborghini finally come to rest by the side of the deserted road. Inside sat two very attractive young women, both dressed provocatively and clearly intoxicated."Is there a problem officer?" the driver stated through the window as she...

4 years ago
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Bangkok Tour Guide

Many years ago I made what was to be my second of many trips to South East Asia, this time to Thailand. The reason I have continued to return there is because of events like the following. It was my second trip to Bangkok, Thailand or ‘The Big Mango’ as some call it. I wanted to see some of the sights I had not seen on my first trip, so I booked a tour to see The Grand Palace and Emerald Buddha Temple. The night before I had gone to a bar and taken a girl called Kung that I knew from my...

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Mr BrightsideChapter 2

Jen lay in bed. Michael had just left for work after fucking her again. The night before had so turned him on, they fucked all night long. It had turned Jen on too. Being fingered by Vic right in front of Sally, his pregnant wife, was so wicked. She knew she was probably going to go to hell for it, but the naughtiness really turned her on. She remembered with a glow the orgasm Vic had given her. But were things going too far? Last night they had gone farther than they ever had, playing with...

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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 23

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 23 – Ryan’s still doing it to me ------------------------------------------ The charity shop ------------------- Thankfully this is one place that Ryan won’t be exposing me again; the shop has closed. It got to the stage where Ryan was taking me there early on just about every Saturday and getting me to try-on clothes that looked horrible and that I would never buy. That doesn’t sound so bad but he got me...

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Bhabhi Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Hi friends….. I am sallant (name changed) aaj me aapko apni ek story bayan kar ne jar aha hu..me auro ki tarah faltu bakwas nahi karunga to directly story pe ate hai. Mera naam Sallant hai aur me ek 26 years good looking banda hu.. Muje logo ki tarah ye to nahi pata ki mere lund ki size kya hai par ha sabhi ladkiyo aur aurton ko ye aaram se khus kar deta hai…… To friends, baat kuch 2 saal purani hai….mere saamnevale ghar me ek piyushbhai rahete hai jinki us samay nayi nayi sadi hui thi….aur...

4 years ago
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My First Time Receiving a Pegging

5 years ago, when I was 20 years of age, if a girl tried to touch my ass I would curse them out or go off. If a girl mentioned wanting to play with my ass I would go off. That’s because my butt was off limits pertaining to anything with a sexual connotation. I’ve always attracted women and situations into my life that I desired. I am what many would consider an alpha male. I’m muscularly toned, in shape, good looking, witty, smart, ladies’ man, and financially in order for my age. So, growing...

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Chinese takeaway

The business was still struggling and Manfred started to demand his loan be repaid. Of course there was no way that would happen. He looked at Ying standing at the back of the shop. “Well if you cannot pay then I will take your daughter” Manfred said. Ying gasped and her parents said no but he insisted. “Then I will take your business and see you are sent back to China” he yelled. “No papa” said Ying “I will go with him. You and mama cannot go back”. “That is settled” said Manfred triumphantly...

2 years ago
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Miss Britt Memories 8

A lady lawyer that Miss Britt did business with, Amy Weaver, was the attorney that controlled many contracts between Miss Britts company and various magazines we reviewed plus some designers that Miss Britt did testing for. As part of her business Miss Britt did field testing as she called it for bags, shoes, boots, cosmetics, hair products, etc. A very profitable part of her business. Amy Weaver was a middle age widow, about 50 or so, 5'5", a little plump, bright red hair and a...

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A Secret Afair Part 1

I knew I had a long hard day ahead of me and another overnight stay in a lonely hotel! At 10.30am I was in a rather long and tedious meeting, that finished at 3.30pm earlier than I expected so having a little time on my hands I decided to brows my favourite site xhamster. I was looking through the dating section to see if anything took my fancy and almost immediately I noticed what looked like Inspector Morse's old Jaguar pasted as someone's avatar, I guessed that someone mad enough to do that...

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A Diary of Two Lesbians

(Authors' note: We originally wrote this for the bulletin board at our Yahoo! club, "Lesbian TG Fantasies") A Diary of Two Lesbians By Heather St. Claire and Troy Entry One: Tabitha, March 10, 1982 Hi, my name is Tabitha Stevens. Yes, I'm *that* Tabitha Stevens... the one you all watched grow up on TV. Anyway, I've been dating Troy for four months now, and I care for him--a lot. He's not like any boy I've ever known. He's smart, funny, kind, gentle and sweet--not macho at...

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Sonia A Dirty Whore 8211 Final Fucking Session In Goa

Hii friends mai ek baar phir hazir hu aapke liye aapke bade lund ko apne teeno love holes mai lene kai liye ohh guys I hope mera last part new year celebration in goa aapko bahut pasand aaya hoga friends but abhi mera fairwale bacha tha goa mai guys or ye story sach mai meri aakhiri chudai hai goa mai to guys ab start karti hu. Jo log mere bare mai nahi jaante wo meri previous stories sonia a dirty whore part 1 and sonia’s adventures in goa part 1,2,3 read karle to aapko ye story read karne mai...

3 years ago
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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 17 Hidden Hill

I was with Sodoby and Warner in our Den trying to find a prominent spot for my latest souvenir, the creepy golden mask, when Narth came in.”Captain, I am certain we have the locations of all Seenian worlds and depots. I correlated my memorized visuals with the data copy of Tyron and SHIP created a set of time adjusted Nav targets.” “We still need to follow the pirates and take them out. I was also told that finding the inheritance does not mean you can access it unless you have been judged...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 18 Sunday August 8 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010 It was just after midnight when Jake got home. He could feel Ellen’s arousal as he drove up. It must have been a good date with Brian. He found her in the kitchen with Leanne and Kara. As soon as Jake sat at the table, Ellen got out of her chair and knelt next to Jake. She looked up at him beseechingly. He reached over and pinched her nipple. She threw her head back and breathed in sharply. “I’d like to hear about everyone’s evening,” Jake said, “but it seems my sub...

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Wife Trades my Ass for Rent Gay

My wife and I had fallen behind on the rent and she was getting very stressed out about the possibility that we'd be evicted. I was trying to catch up and had taken a second job to try to make ends meet, but we weren't making a lot of progress. As a last ditch effort, Susan went to see our landlord, Mr. Reno to see if we could stay another month and try to catch up. As she came back to our apartment I noticed a strange look on her face, it didn't seem like she had good news, so I braced for the...

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Met His Old Lover

This story was edited by ‘Crazysoundguy’. In 1981 Dan Fogelberg wrote and later recorded a song included on the album, ‘Innocent Age’ called, ‘Same Old Lang Syne’. I recall hearing it possibly for the first time while driving home one evening from a business meeting, I also remember damn near driving off the road and wrecking my car. Still about a hundred miles from home, I pulled off in Gainesville Florida, a college town, begged for a phone book at a gas station and found a record store...

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LenaChapter 20

Lena’s turn: Another trip to Dallas. Another bucket with almost a million dollars in it. Randall ran down our list. Several times he paused, looked at a coin from the inventory. “Last bucket,” he said, then he laughed. “You don’t realize what saying ‘bucket’ in relation to what you’ve laid out here means to me. I mean, people come in here with something like THIS,” he said, holding up a particular coin he’d said was a quarter million dollars, “and you’d think they had the British crown...

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The Lokian Way 57

* * * * * * * * * * Saturday * * * * * * * * * * The woman pulled a few last times at her dark orange trademark overall. She appeared nervous though those who knew her from TV thought of her as confident and outgoing. Eventually, she pushed the doorbell and then did some adjusting to her short brown-haired bob. A girl in her late teens answered the door. She looked confused for a moment before she asked, "May O'Connel? From channel six news?" "That's right," the woman confirmed. "I...

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Our night

We sit on the couch watching Lord of The Rings. I don’t know why, but you make me so nervous. We have talked for hours, I trust you completely, and you know everything about me. So why do you make me so anxious? We’re just sitting there in our comfortable clothes, watching the movie. We had decided to have a movie day to watch the entire trilogy. We’d ordered pizza and refused to move from the couch. We both needed this day together, a day free of stress, of only enjoyment. I’d already made...

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Lost ToysChapter 19 A Night to Remember

Tiffany Luck - Thursday, June 25th, 2015 "Fuck! Does it feel good to be out of there!" Serge growled as he pulled Raena off her seat and across her lap. The guy had been an ass all night. I wondered about Raena again. Zack let me snuggle in closer. He gave me his wavery little smile. "Do you guys want to hit a drive thru and get any food?" Raena looked over to us. Her hair was so pretty tonight. She had her tiara tied through a twist of golden curls that eventually fell around her face...

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On Rounds The Last Night

On Rounds – The Last Night Can I hear a round of applause ladies and gentlemen? The choir is singing and I am floating! As of 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, I will officially no longer be employed by Residence Life. Graduation is next week. My internship is lined up and I cannot wait to start working my way up the publishing ladder. One day I want to have my own publishing and editing company. I was lucky to nail this opportunity. All I need to do is make it through this last night of rounds. Armed...

College Sex

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