Learning the Meaning of Responsibility
- 3 years ago
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A Sense of Responsibility by ProtagorasII
This is the second part of a longer story for which I haven't yet writtenthe introductory chapter. This particular scenario popped into my head anddemanded to be written before it was forgotten. Hope you enjoy
Part 2 The Wilsons
"Piss Off!" came from behind the door
I knocked again
"I said PISS OFF! " louder
"Its Linda Newton from Social Services – I need tospeak to Rita"
"PISS THE FUCK OFF!" louder still
"Its about your little brother Kevin - your mother needsto fill out this form"
After a few moments of silence the bolt on the inside clickedover and the door opened slowly.
"What about Kevin ? is he coming home?"
"That's what I need to speak to your mother about – Youmust be Joe"
"Yeh – an she's my step-mum and she ain't here rightnow "
"Well perhaps I could leave this form for her to fill inand I could arrange another appointment to see her."
"She can't read or write – I fill in the forms andstuff"
"In that case perhaps I could come in and explain what isrequired and then you can fill in the details with Rita when she gets home"
Joe looked back down the hall muttering to himself.
"Well I've got some mates in …. An we're ..eh watchinga movie!"
"This will only take a few minutes Joe – I'm sureyou won't miss much – it is very important"
"Well….eh …. Aye… OK"
With that Joe pulled the door open sufficient to allow meentry. Following the corridor I instinctively entered the first room I cameto assuming it to be the lounge. As I entered I heard Joe over my shoulder
"No … not in there!" he shouted
I stopped and stood in the doorway, I was correct, it wasindeed the lounge and four youths were seated on the settee apparently gluedto a TV screen which was obscured from my view by the open lounge door. Joe'sshout had momentarily disturbed their viewing and all four turned to see whatwas happening.
"Good afternoon boys – Enjoying the movie?" I enquired
"Hope you don't mind but I have to borrow Joe for a fewminutes if that's OK"
After a few "sure u don't need me misses " and "mines isbigger" I stepped forward and looked at the screen.
"Settle down you lot – What's the movie anyway"
For a few seconds I stared at the screen not quite surewhat I was looking at. The images were somehow familiar but I couldn't quiteput them into context. The giggles coming from the settee and Joe's hand touchingmy shoulder snapped me out of my trance and turned to face him
"We'll go in the kitchen Misses"
"OK " I answered and swung back around to the screen. Bynow the camera was zooming out from a close up and the entire scene was cominginto focus. A naked man was lying on the floor with a woman lying on top impaledon his erection, another man stood behind her with his dick up her ass. Bothmen were fucking her hard. I continued to stare at the screen as the womenscreamed into an orgasm while they continued to ram their dicks into her – Iwas now oblivious to the continuing comments from the settee and Joe had obviouslygiven up trying to get my attention as I saw him walk over and sit down nextto the others. The guy up her ass vocalised his imminent orgasm and the cameramanduly zoomed in. He was now fucking her ass at an incredible rate and with ahail of "Oh Shit" and "Oh Fuck" he slowly withdrew his throbbing dick all theway out and shot a stream of spunk back into her gaping ass. Meanwhile theguy underneath continued to edge his way to satisfaction and picked up thepace. With every upward thrust he squeezed some of the other guys cum out ofher ass and a steady trickle was now winding its way towards his scrotum. Suddenlythe woman jumped off and grabbed his dick in her hand and started pumping,within ten seconds a huge wad flew out of the end of his dick and hit her fullin the face. The huge grin betrayed her obvious satisfaction with her effortsas dollop after dollop of cum hit her nose and cheeks and slid slowly downher face to drip from her chin. The film ended suddenly and the blank screencrackled.
Minutes passed before the realisation eventually sunk in,I had just watched a porno movie with a room full of testosterone frenziedsixteen year olds. I turned on my heel and headed back into the corridor. Pushingopen the door directly opposite the lounge I was relieved to find it lead intothe bathroom, rushing in I quickly turned, closed the door and threw the boltover. For a few moments I stood staring at my own image in the mirror attachedto the back of the locked door.
"You OK in there !"
Joe's voiced roused me from my trance with a start and hurledme back into the reality of the situation
"Fine thanks Joe – I will speak to you in the kitchenin a second or two!"
By way of giving my self an excuse to stay in there a littlelonger I slipped my panties down over my knees and sat down to pee. I am notquite sure how I had managed to get to my age without ever having seen a pornomovie but that was the reality. Its not as if I had any objection to them onmoral grounds or anything like that but rather the opportunity had never arisenand I had just never went looking for them As I sat there the images I hadwitnessed flew through my head, for some reason seeing someone else havingsex seemed to put an entirely new perspective on it. Never having consideredit before, part of the shock was just how erotic I had found it. Until nowI had never seen a pussy other than casually in a changing room or showersbut never sexually and certainly never one full of cock.
While I was more than a little familiar with the wonderfulfeeling of being fucked I found this new stimulation of seeing it awesome andthe silvery sheen glistening on the inside of my black panties bore witnessto the fact . I reached between my thighs and ran my fingers up the lengthof my engorged pussy lips and could barely believe how wet I had become insuch a short time, the damn thing was practically dripping for Christ's sake.Rejecting the temptation to rub on my now sensitised clitty I quickly pulledmy panties up and tried to get a grip on myself.
What I really needed right now was to get the hell out ofhere and avoid any further contact with the gaggle of young bucks in the lounge.I headed towards the kitchen where Joe was waiting.
"I did try to warn you " he smiled
"Don't worry about it Joe its natural for young men of yourage to be interested in that stuff"
Unzipping the attaché case I was carrying I pulledout a form and handed it to Joe.
"Just help your Mum fill this is in and make sure it getssent back to me at the office – As soon as I have it I will call roundand get things moving "
With that I turned and briskly made my way towards the frontdoor. As I passed the the lounge the door was standing open and one of theyouths called after me.
"Hey Babe you've left your bag in here!"
I realised my shoulder bag was no longer on my shoulder,I must have dropped it as I stared at the TV.
"Could you bring it out for me Please!"
My only reply was a chorus of laughter, they were of courseacutely aware of my embarrassment although they had no understanding of why.I should imagine they thought I was some sort of prude or something, I certainlydon't think they could have been aware how turned on I was. Deciding that myonly option was to go in and fetch my bag I walked into the lounge. Avoidingeye contact with the youths and averting my gaze from the screen I quicklylocated my bag and took the few steps towards it. As I bent to pick it up therewas a loud Thwack! from the TV. I stood and stared at the screen trying tofigure out what was happening – I hadn't meant to but I appeared unableto help myself.
On the screen a naked black woman lay face down over a lowlevel rectangular occasional table. Her hands and knees touched the groundat either sided and were tied to each of the table legs. A black leather hoodwith a zipper up the back covered her head. Her smooth black skin glistenedfrom a fine film of sweat. The camera panned down her back and over her assand zoomed in on her shaven pussy. Her dark lips were gaping wide exposingthe moist pink velvety folds of her inner labia. Her erect clitty was strainingfor attention.
The camera began zooming out and the whole room slowly cameinto view. To her left hand side a young black youth stood looking down atthe woman, I could see his lips move as he spoke but I was only vaguely awareof any noise from the TV. I tried to concentrate on his voice and slowly mybrain started to process the information coming in through my ears"
"………need some more bitch or are yougonna be a good little slut"
To my disbelief he raised his right arm and brought thepalm of his hand down on to her left buttock with such force that the thwackingsound was deafening. I gasped aloud. Comments were being hurled towards mefrom the sofa but I could not take my eyes away from the screen.
"Thwack ….. Thwack….. Thwack !"
Another three in quick succession left the woman writhingand moaning in obvious pleasure. Confused by the paradox of pain resultingin pleasure I continued to stare intently at the screen. Of course I was awarethat such things interested people but I had never experienced it nor spokento anyone who had and therefore never really considered it.
"OK ho – now you gonna do my boys real good – youhear!."
"Yo Tico get your asses in here" he shouted somewhere offscreen
The camera panned around the room to the door as six orseven other youths waltzed in. Each of them greeted the first youth with somesort of hand shake and then smacked the woman's ass, each blow seemed harderthan the last. Finally the camera zoomed back in on the woman's pussy whichby now was giving up a tiny but steady trickle of lubrication.
At some unseen signal the youths all started to undress.With jeans and t-shirts discarded the naked youths stood around the woman strokingtheir cocks into readiness. After some preliminary discussions on the orderof the proceedings one of the youths approached the woman from the back, kneltdown and with one stroke thrust his now fully erect cock keep in the woman'spussy. Her reaction was instant. Within the constraints of her ties she thrustback at the youth in an effort to feel him even deeper than he already was.Smiling up at his friends the youth began pumping in and out of her in longslow strokes, as if announcing the festivities had begun the youths applaudedloudly and punched clenched fists in the air.
The woman's squeals and moans were interspersed with plea'sto be fucked deeper and harder and faster. A Caucasian youth stepped forwardand knelt by the woman's head. Through the only opening in the hood he fedhis cock into her mouth temporarily silencing her. After a few minutes bothboys started to pick up the pace. Now synchronised they both thrust and gruntedsimultaneously. Soon the anguished look on both their faces and their everquickening pace signalled imminent climax. The youth in the woman's mouth startedwhaling and grabbed the back of the hood with both hands, thrust his cock asdeep down her throat as he could manage and held her their while he obviouslyemptied his seed down her throat. The youth fucking her pussy was smackingthe woman's ass between thrusts and was now being encouraged by the group to "fillher full". Much to their satisfaction he stopped and grasped her hips, rammedhis cock all the way home and howled her pussy full of his cum. The camerazoomed into the woman's head where the youth was now withdrawing his softeningcock, she was coughing and spluttering desperately trying to refill her lungswhich had obviously been denied any oxygen of some time, the youth steppedaway and was immediately replaced by another eager hardon. The other youthalso stepped away and his gratification tumbled from the woman's quiveringspasming pussy and dripped onto the floor, he too was immediately replacedand the cycle began over again.
While it had felt like a few seconds in retrospect the wholescene must have taken 10—15 minutes. Gradually I became aware of theeffect this was have on my body, my knees were weak , my pulse was racing ,my pussy was tingling and my entire body was perspiring. I looked down at myarms which were crossed across my chest, I had such a firm grasp of my jacketthat my knuckles were white. Damn I felt horny.
"I reckon the bitch is luvin it !"
I looked down towards the source of the comment. One ofthe boys was lying on the floor on his back with his head between my feet staringdirectly up my skirt.
"Them panties are friggin soaking!!!!" he yelled
The others responded with whistles and howls. Stepping awayfrom the boy I turned and faced the others. As I slowly surveyed each of theindividuals a nagging feeling of recognition bothered me – unable toput the faces into context I glanced back at the screen and like a bolt oflightening I realised they were part of the group on the screen. As I turnedback it was now obvious they knew that I knew that they had made the movie.One of them held up the leather hood and the room fell silent. Joe – whowas now standing in the doorway, closed the open door and lent against it.The group had suddenly turned from being boisterous and jovial into a menacingthreat.
"Put that on !"
The boy holding the hood threw it down at my feet.
"Now boys this is just silly – you could get intoserious trouble – I am just going to leave and forget all about thisinnocent little incident"
"Look lady they aint' fuckin around here – and no-onewants anyone to get hurt – now do they"
The tone of Joe's voice left me in no doubt that they weredeadly serious. The deafening silence in the room was made all the more intimidatingby the tiny click of a switch blade opening, the polished steel blade glintedas he turned it in his hand.
"Just get the fucking hood ON and get your gear OFF - NOW!"
Joes shouting startled me into activity as I reached downand lifted the hood from the floor. Fear now had a total grip on me. I nowknew I had very little time to decide whether I was going to acquiesce or makefurther attempts to diffuse the situation. I looked a Joe pleadingly desperatelytrying to induce some sympathy for my situation. His reply was emphatic anddecisive
"Get a fucking move on - bitch!"
Resigned to my fate I pulled the hood over my head – thesudden darkness left me disorientated and terrified. I stood with my handsby my sides and waited. One of them moved towards me and I jumped as he touchedmy head. Closing the zip on the back of the hood he whispered in my ear:
"I'm going up your ass – bitch!"
With my stomach churning and my limbs rigid the perspirationall over me turned cold. The distinctive smell of fine leather filled my sensesand my eyes rolled around searching for feedback in the pitch darkness.
"Get the fucking gear off or Tico here will cut it off!"
Joe's voice dared disobedience. Slowly I started to undress.Removing my jacket, blouse and skirt I stood there wearing only matching braand panties and of course my hood. When it had become apparent that I was notgoing to remove the rest without further prompting I had expected Joe to saysomething. Instead I heard one of them get up and walk towards me. I felt thecool smoothness of the blade on my shoulder, with a flick of his wrist he slicedthrough the bra strap on my left shoulder then over to the right shoulder andfinally he lightly drew the sharp tip from the back of my neck down to theclasp between my shoulders blades and sliced through it. The bra fell to thefloor exposing my breasts to the group. The room remained silent.
"Please don't hurt me " I pleaded
By way of reply I felt the very tip of the blade againstthe inside of one knee forcing me to spread my legs wider to avoid injury.The blade then ran up the outside of my thigh and sliced through the waistband of my panties. As he did the same of the other side the panties fell awayleaving me stark naked. I flushed with embarrassment as I imagined their collectivegaze on my shaven pussy.
In silence a hand on my shoulder forced me to my knees.My head was then pushed forward to the ground and each wrist was tied withheavy rope to the respective ankle. My naked ass and gaping pussy were readilyavailable for whatever they had in mind. Although still terrified at the prospectof what was to come, strangely I no longer felt in danger for my life. I wasto be used.
Joe must have given a signal. The sound of belts unbuckling,zippers being undone and shoes being removed broke the silence.
"Please don't do this! – Joe PLEASE!"
I heard the sound first – a deafening THWACK! Whichrang round the room, this was instantly followed by an excruciating pain onmy right buttock – THWACK! – same sound, same pain. The air wasforced from my lungs and they refused to re-fill. Fingernails dug into thepalms of my hands as I clenched my fists tightly against the onslaught. Thepain was of such magnitude that I thought I would surely pass out. The roomfell silent once more and slowly the unbearable white-hot pain eased to a red-hottingling sensation leaving my buttock highly sensitive to even the most gentlegust of air.
Without warning my pussy was filled to capacity. BeforeI could acclimatise to the sensation he was pistoning in and out of me. Hiscock moved easily into my slick pussy as he fucked me hard. His scrotum raspedover my clitty and his rough pubic hair ground into my now sensitised buttock.Railroaded by an explosive orgasm I gasped for air and screamed my ecstasyas wave after wave rippled through me. Unrelenting shock waves seared throughmy pussy walls mercilessly as it sucked and grasped at the invader. With noend in site, I resigned myself to being carried along on the crest of thiswave until it was ready to dump me back on shore. .
After an indeterminate period, the tidal wave subsided intoa gentle swell and my sense of self began to re-emerge. Presumably the youthhad achieved his goal as I felt him withdraw from my pussy and move away. Irelaxed into the warm post orgasmic afterglow almost forgetting my predicament.
My right buttock screamed at me in agony and instantly joltedme back into reality.
Before I was even finished pleading my pussy was once againfilled. As quickly as it had been thrust inside me it was withdrawn. I feltthe thick head being placed at the tiny ring of my ass.
As he thrust forward I was sure my sphincter had been tornapart, the pain was sufficient to take me to the very edge of consciousness.When he was full embedded in my bowls he yelled across to the cheering audience.The pain eased to discomfort as my body desperately tried to adjust. Internalorgans took a life of their own as they jostled for what little space was leftinside me.
A few moments later a hand grasped the hood and lifted myhead from the floor, the bulbous end of fully erect cock was forced throughthe hole in the hood and banged against my closed mouth.
"Open up bitch"
Keeping my lips tightly closed I shook my head trying toescape, two hands clamped either side of my head and held me steady. My rightnipple suddenly burst into flames as it was twisted and squeezed almost todestruction. As I screamed in pain the cock was thrust down my throat. Thepain in my nipple stopped and the cock started fucking my mouth.
Behind me the youth was now pounding my ass relentlesslyand despite myself the gentle wave was gaining momentum. My insides were beginningto liquefy as he fucked harder and harder and I found myself grinding backinto his crutch with every forward thrust. Focused entirely on reaching obliviononce more I concentrated on the cock up my ass which was inching me towardsmy goal.
Suddenly the cock in my mouth stopped moving and slowlywithdrew. My mouth filled with cum as it slid it out through my lips and movedaway. Gasping for air and screaming my way into the final throes of ecstasyI was over come with darkness.
Roused back into consciousness by a hand shaking my shoulderI was momentarily disorientated. Panic gripped me as I realised I was unableto move, the pitch blackness served only to confuse me further.
"What the hell do you think you are doing Joe !"
"Who the HELL is this JOE ! " she screamed
"Some Social Services woman" Joe replied sheepishly
The voice in the distance gave me some reference pointsand I remembered where I was. Someone unzipped the hood and pulled it overmy head, the bright sunshine streaming in through the window temporarily blindedme. As my hands were being untied my eyes slowly adjusted and I looked aroundthe room. The youths were climbing back into their clothes. Rita was untyingme.
"Shit Joe.. we will never get Kevin back now you FUCKINGASSHOLE!"
As I stood a torrent of cum poured from my pussy and assand pooled on the floor between my legs, everyone stared at the puddle. Judgingby the quantity I assumed they all must have emptied themselves into me. Myass and pussy ached. Running my hands over my buttocks I could feel severalraised wields about two inches wide. Despite the discomfort I had never feltso sated in my life.
"Have you ASSHOLES any idea the trouble you are in?"
I stared at each in turn, none would maintain eye contactand lowered their eyes to the floor.
"Even as young offenders, kidnap and gang rape will getyou 10 to 15yrs"
"I'm really sorry Miss ….really really sorry ….How does this … I mean what about Kevin?"
Rita's eyes filled with tears at the thought of being refusedcustody of her eleven year old Kevin who had been removed from the family homefor persistent shoplifting and truancy and was now resident at a local securecare home. Her recent appeal against the decision had been granted conditionalon my re-assessment of the family situation. As a single parent she faced considerabledifficulties raising four children after her husband had died. I desperatelywanted to help.
"This has nothing to do with you Rita , Joe is responsiblefor his own actions I don't see how this should affect your application toget Kevin back. Besides Joe will be in jail."
Her face lit up as she hugged and thanked me. A small redlight caught my peripheral vision, as I turned toward it I realised the bastardshad filmed the whole episode. I walked over to the camera and removed the tape.I approached Joe.
"So Joe , How does it feel to be on the verge of a longcustodial sentence?"
"I'm sure your fellow inmates will keep you fully occupiedon those long lonely nights"
The despondent Joe continued to stare at the floor in silence.As I surveyed the room and the occupants it occurred to me that there was noway on earth the team would allow Kevin home if this broke.
"There is of course an alternative!"
Every head in the room turned towards me.
"So long as I have this tape each of you has a prison sentencehanging over your heads"
"As an alternative, I am prepared to delay reporting thisfor a probationary period of three months. During this period you will be collectivelyresponsible for the welfare Kevin and Rita. You will ensure Kevin stays outof trouble and attends school. In addition you will participate in a rota ofchores around this house while Rita is at work "
As they exchanged glances.
"Furthermore you will ALL be here at this time each weekfor…………….. assessment. Does everyone agree?"
Without exception they nodded agreement.
"In addition you WILL from now on address me as MISS anddo exactly as I instruct. IS THAT CLEAR!"
"Joe go into the kitchen with Rita and fill in that formI gave you earlier"
"Yes Miss"
"You go and run me a bath"
"Yes Miss"
"You clean up this puddle up"
"Yes Miss"
"You go make me some coffee"
"Yes Miss"
"You go outside and wash my car"
"Yes Miss"
As each of them set about their tasks I considered the riskI was taking. The whole thing could back fire but I could see it was goingto be interesting. Dressing I noticed the TV screen still beamed images ofthe woman bound to the table. A youth I recognised as Joe was removing herhood. The camera swung round and zoomed in on her face. It was Rita.
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Jenna was nothing like most of the girls I deal with. She was witty, wholesome and demure. I was pretty sure this 22 year old brunet was still a virgin. Her long held virginity had nothing to do with her looks; she was a knock out in a subtle kind of way. Standing at 5'2” she had an amazing little figure, with round hips, 32 B tits and a killer heart shaped ass. She hid behind her long dark-brown hair and was skittish around boys her own age. Luckily for her I was a man who could show her the...
Erotic FictionMy Little Girl Is Responsible ================== When my only c***d (who happens to be female) was in fifth grade, she got held back because she had appendicitis and also missed another two weeks because of a car wreck. So she turned 18 the summer before her senior year. She had looked older than some of her teachers as a freshman! She was a track and volleyball player, tall strong and beautiful with a mane of honey brown hair that hung well past her shoulders. She was the pride and joy of...
I don’t think of myself as a god, even if maybe I am. The kids from the penthouse headed back with take-out containers for the others that didn’t come here today. Until the kids from jail came to thank mom for trusting them to help out, I didn’t realize that there were only three girls I hadn’t gotten to know better. Two were on the rag, and the other had diarrhea. I managed to arrange a bit of time to thank each of the kids here from jail, leaving the three girls for last. These boys seem...
The demon snarled at his disappearing back, but took advantage of his momentary absence and Bells apparent distraction to try and attack her. It failed, and he ended up sprawled on the ground, whimpering with pain, ignoring the girl’s sad sigh and disappointed look. Presently the big, orange and yellow cat came around the side of the building. Eigis sat up, brushing himself off haughtily and eyeing the feline curiously as it trotted up. He’d seen cats before of course, but had never really...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when Ricks father died on his way home from work in a serious car wreak that also killed two other parents. Five months after the tragedy, Rick and his mom are still recovering but its nowhere near the severe pain they went threough those few weeks following the tragedy. Those past few months were spent bonding and repairing their realationship and trying to reel in the slack, it was slow but steady and things were getting better but she...
IncestI fuck the living shit out if you of course. I'd creep up to you slowly and not say a word. I turn on my camera and start filming you. No one will believe it so I need proof right? I walk over to the bed silent and begin to rub your body. I run my hands around your neck and over your back. Slowly moving down to your ass cheeks before giving them a slap. I grab ahold of your ass and spread it wide so I can see your slutty cum whore pussy. You can feel my warm breath on your pussy as I begin to...
I quickly seize the moment. I run one hand through your long dirty blonde hair and pull it into a ball. While doing so the tip of my cock is pressed up against your lips. Just feeling your soft and slightly wet lips just touching my bare cock makes my cock throb. It literally has its own pulse and before I can even think of your sucking me off, your tongue is gently and slowly running circles around my tip. Your tongue slowly going around the head of my penis feels incredible. And I cant...
Hi readers, After my first story received some positive feedback from some readers and thanks for that. This is another experience happened very recently with a 32 yr old woman, Anu, here in Bangalore. It was the best experience for me till now. Feed backs are most welcomed at Coming to the story, I had been searching for a long time to get into a relation(NSA, friends with benefits kind as I don’t want to get into a serious relation) via social media(not FB). Sent thousands of friend...
To be frank Matt didn't know why his wife was so interested in the neighbour. Maybe it was because she felt sorry for him because he was a migrant, maybe it was because his son was a penny short of a quid or maybe it was because the mother was in an old aged facility, what ever the reason she was very co-operative with the neighbour. Time and again she would be actively engaged in conversation over the fence and on more than one occasion had been invited in for morning or afternoon tea, so it...
"Got any basil in this place?" Jess grumbled one night. "Sorry, Jess, no basil," Warren told her. "Who does the shopping around here anyway?" she said. "He does," Sophie said, pointing at Warren. "Good. I'm going with you next time," Jessie told him. "Hey, if I'm going to help with the cooking, I need to help with the shopping." "OK," Warren grinned. That Saturday, Warren and Jess headed out to the supermarket. "So, you went out with Ryan last night. How was it?"...
Oh, no! Is she ok? Wait, no ambulance and I can see her at the door looking out. Phew! What's going on, then? I pulled into the drive and two men in suits got out of the cruiser and came over to me. One said, "Kevin Coris?" "Yes? You want to talk to me?" "We have some questions." "Can we go inside? Private and more comfortable." I led the way in and gave Aunt Helene a kiss. "It's ok. The gentlemen want to talk to me." "I know. They wouldn't say what about." I invited...
I came around abruptly with smelling salts overloading my senses. My eyes were still watering and hadn’t even focused when pain seared through me—centred on my ribs where Stevens had kicked me. My jaw ached from where the knee that had sent me to the floor had connected and I could feel the mother of all headaches forming at the back of my skull. As my vision became less blurred, an elderly gentleman in the black uniform of the St John’s Ambulance filled my field of view, a look of deep...
While an alarm could come at any time during the day, it was most likely at dawn when all of our lookouts first got a good look at the sea. And, until the sun was up, the eastern lookouts couldn’t see any signal-fire smoke from the western towers. We had an alarm gong at Jayport, hanging next to the docks. It had been hammered out of brass and it didn’t make a loud noise that could be heard over cars and trucks and all the sounds of a modern industrial Earth city. It was plenty loud enough...
Bright lights welcomed me. I was not sure how long it had been. I raised a hand to shade my eyes and looked around. I discovered that I was lying with my head in James lap. He was stroking my hair and gazing down at me. "Meiko," he said quietly. "No!" I said sharply. "I'm not hurt. In fact, I'm as far from being hurt as you can get. James, I have heard that women can pass out if they cum hard enough. I don't know how you did it, but I was perfectly primed when someone started...
I’m not a deadbeat dad, am I? I mean, Becky got pregnant with all the others without me knowing and has never asked me to help out, and I know I offered a few times already. When I got home after fucking Becky raw, per her request, I checked on the girls. Both lay passed out on top of their beds. Ellen was in pajamas, with panties, but already soaked in sweat. I turned down the AC in her room, used the place in my head to make sure she had nothing in her pussy, changed her into dry clothes,...
Robert Richard Parker wheeled his new Caddy slowly down 42nd St., checking out the whores plying their trade to the middle aged white suburban men in their mini vans and station wagons. Bobby Dick, as he was know on the streets, was a pimp with a string of eight girls in his stable, all of them white, and all of them between eighteen and twenty. Most of the bitches were black or 'Rican, so BD's white stuff was a high priced commodity compared to the usual crap that sold for fifty bucks a pop!...
EroticBack in the house all three of us helped tidy up, not that it needed it, and then after taking showers we all set about preparing some cold platter finger buffet style food. Grandpa opened a few choice bottles of red wine and then in our dressing gowns we sat in the living room awaiting our guest’s and chatting about the days events, I even told my grandparents about me and chloe having sex on the rocks while watching the two men. “You lucky little minx” chuckled granma At about 7:30pm...
IncestHello Miss... ??? Rodriguez! But please Senora, call me by my first name... Kalina. Ok Kalina, I'm so happy you were able to come in today for the interview. Please have a seat. My name is Tracy. Oh a wonderful name! Thank you. Compliments are always a good way to start. Did you have any problems finding hour house? Ah, a little si. This is such a big campus. Yes, our University is quite large. Our chapter is one of the largest in the country! OH, how wonderful. Very good for you. YEP!...
As a junior in college, I was heavy into my studies. About the only times I ever had as breaks were intermittent weekends and when my ex-girlfriend, Stacey, would come visit me at school. We had been dating for about 2 years before this night happened; it was 1.5 years into our relationship before we actually even did anything remotely kinky. By this time in the relationship, we had explored many kinky avenues of sex. We were talking on the phone one night a few weeks after she had...
awake, if no one else. Only me and Jane, my girlfriend (5"8, caramel skin with Brown hair, healthy C cup) were awake. The others: my sister lucy (red hair, white skin, and, if I had to judge, low ccup) and Sophie(5"7, light brunette with a massive 36D), will, and tom, were all asleep. We were taking a taxi from, essentially, one side of the state to the other. Crazily expensive, yes, unnecessary, yes, but thankfully shauna had very rich...
‘There’s nobody around for miles. The property is 11.4 square miles. We’re alone, this cabin is yours and mine for the weekend. There’s another note. Find it.’ After the long drive and trying to follow the written directions, you have arrived at your weekend destination. The Blue Ridge Parkway is beautiful this time of year, exploding with the brilliant gold and crimson of leaves preparing to cover the forest floor with a soft bed of cover for the coming winter. The driveway was the hard part...
This is about 10-12 years ago. I was 13 and it was time for a school physical, and what ended up happening, was that my sisters' 16 year old babysitter brought me to the pediatrician. My pediatrician was somewhat of a femme fatale-- tall, dark hair, and was always rather rough with me. So we get there, and after having been weighed, I'm in the exam room. I couldn't believe it when she stayed in the room with me. Initially, I was made to strip down to my briefs and socks, and had previously been...
monkey knew that this hole would be just right for fucking, something which he was trying to lead up to. He hoped that if he turned on the little boy enough by licking his asshole, that the boy would let him stick his penis into his little hole and fuck it. Jimmy had not thought of the possibility that the monkey was getting ready to fuck him. Fucking was one memory that didn't impose itself on the boy, and it seemed as if he were totally innocent of this one sexual pleasure. The...
Wow… You pick this story up at the end of a crazy night clubbing in Ibiza…. what started off as a quiet drink, ended up as a crazy night of excess!What an amazing night, so much laughter & amazing fun was had, I was literally on cloud nine. little did I know, but this was only just the beginning of one of the most memorable nights of my life…….We had been out to an amazing club night, a load of us, me & friends, got a little twisted on Ecstasy & before we knew it, the club was...
31 year old Ashley had been married to her husband for 6 years. No children up to this point, because of his career. Her husband was the vice-president of international trading for a big company - causing him to travel, a lot. Ashley did some baby-sitting from time to time; she didn't have a real, permanent job, but she didn't have to.
Sunday, May First, late in the afternoon, the closing ritual for the campers was held. It was pretty simple. More or less, blessings of the goddess and the god were requested for those traveling and good life for those in the area. The circle was closed until next time ... although, no one was certain there would be a next time. As much fun as everyone had there was a very likely chance they'd be doing it at Litha ... even if it was a bare two months away. Pagans ... any excuse for a...
A few months after turning 18, now a freshman in college, I attended my first frat party. It was late October, on a Saturday night, when I and my high school friends, male and female, all attended, even though some of us were not in the same college. Needless to say, I and my group got smashed at the bear bash. We stumbled out of the frat house around 11:00. I had to drive a few friends home. (We all lived within blocks of each other.) I made sure, Kara was the last.Kara lived a couple of...
I have a half a dozen half finished stories I am struggling to conclude. This just came to me lying in bed last night and it was written in no time flat. All the unfinished ones are from a female perspective and should be easy, but no, life is a bitch like that. This one is from a male view point, so should have been harder for me to get to grips with, c’est la vie. He had a been a friend for so long that me and my woman would often go over to his place but since his break up he had been so...
I showed Eddy the videos we had made a couple of days back and he seemed convinced that we were on the right track but he said, "I still can't get a hard on." "That will be taken care of later today and I will also demonstrate that the woman you are thinking of marrying is not what you think. No. One she is not forty three years old as she says, she is sixty eight. No. Two she just wants to use you as a sex toy for the men she brings in. No. Three she is a nymphomaniac that does not care about...
Group SexSo, I got home a little early from work. I opened the door to some faint moaning.Ok, so here is where you say to yourself. I’ve read this a million times. Well, this is different, and this is true. I couldn’t make up shit like this.Anyway, I walked upstairs to find… nothing. Hmm, and I thought they always went upstairs. So downstairs we go. I heard it again. Softly. I looked out the back slider, and I couldn’t believe what I saw.My wife was naked. Lying on a lounge chair. With both legs spread...
Wife LoversBeep beep. My mobile buzzed. I got the list of new trainees who would be joining my company. There were three of them. Two girls and a boy.I’m yashwanth, 24 years, well built, and very handsome. I work in a good software company in Hyderabad and had been blessed with a good and pretty girlfriend. But, I always had relations with girls who found me very irresistible.The day arrived when the three people came. They had just passed out of college and were ready to join the company. Out of the two,...
A series of letters between Veronica and Lyon describing our desires and what happens when we meet up. We hope you enjoy it! XXX *** Lyon to Veronica: Deep desires are the best ones - those you wouldn't tell anyone, the shameful, kinky, perverted ones. What really turns me on isn't the forced ones but where the protagonist is made to confront his own desires, what he really wants, to admit to himself that this is what he craves, needs...and finally gives into his desires. How...
It was almost like a dream. There he was, standing in front of her; the same man who's likeness occupied quite a bit of space on her walls. And he was walking directly towards her. "Hello," He held out his hand and offered her a charming smile. "I'm Tom." "I know who you are." She said shyly, shaking his hand and for a moment quietly marveling at it's size. "I'm Jessica." He chuckled quietly, "I know who you are, too. I've heard great things." Their conversation ended there. A friend pulled...
RomanceI was on a trip to arizona to see my k**s who live with their mother. I planned on spending time with them but also planned on seeing some old friends, i haven't seen some of these friends for over 5 years and i was gonna feel good catching up. I met my ex and k**s at a park so we could play football my ex told me that my friend Melanie had just moved back from colorado with her husband and their daughter. She was the one friend i hadn't expected to see while visiting arizona so i called her up...
“Are you OK?” Sam asked. “I love you a lot,” Tessa said. “And I love you. But that’s not what I asked.” “I’m fine. The nurse said so. But I’m not sure I’m not worried.” “We can leave here. You and the future are more important than Gabbaitch.” “And that’s one of the reasons I love you so much. Let’s wait. Let’s just sit tight for a few weeks or a month.” “Whatever. I leave it to you.” It was two days later that a government “team” got to Lake Argyle Village. There were four people: a...
As I remember, to start with it was like all the other Fridays when I’d just returned from one of the regular foreign trips, that I had to make on behalf of my employers. Sweet-talking trips, that’s what they were really. The company liked to call them planning or liaison visits, but the whole point of the exercise was to keep our local agents happy and show them that we hadn’t forgotten about them, or their customers. Oh - and to chivvy the lazy buggers along a bit as well. These visits...
Chapter 2: Admittance Kelsey pulled her car up alongside the little gravel clearing that existed outside the east side of Licension Manor. She was surprised to see hers was the only car there and not for the first time she thought about just ignoring the invitation and the party. The incident with Helen still burned inside her. All she had felt was regret at ruining the moment – there was no satisfaction in denying her own needs. She didn’t plan on going crazy. But she did want to let go just...
Supernaturali have a pointed nose which i don’t even know where i got it from. am a student studying Computer Engineering so i live alone on an off campus apartment. Am a private somebody, i keep less friends. I met Julie in my 2nd year that was a year ago, she was this pretty girl with a cheerful heart and smiles that could melt every heart. i changed department from Chemical Engineering to Computer, it is unusually to see a girl such like her who will want to be a computer Engineer. According to her...
Hi Mark, Work was a little slow today and I was inspired by our little chat last night. Thought I would write the beginning of a little fantasy that came to mind. Katie The Business Trip On a whim I decided to take a quick walk down to the vending machines in the motel that I was staying at on business. The fact that I am a long time cross-dresser makes a routine mundane event like this into an adventure. I have been cross-dressing off and on most of my life. I have...