335 a matter of coastal cuckolding 2
- 4 years ago
- 24
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I don’t think of myself as a god, even if maybe I am.
The kids from the penthouse headed back with take-out containers for the others that didn’t come here today. Until the kids from jail came to thank mom for trusting them to help out, I didn’t realize that there were only three girls I hadn’t gotten to know better. Two were on the rag, and the other had diarrhea. I managed to arrange a bit of time to thank each of the kids here from jail, leaving the three girls for last.
These boys seem to need a hug more than any of the girls.
After hugging the boys who wanted someone to give them a real hug, and the girls I already knew, I asked their guards to let me have a few minutes with the three remaining girls. I got each girl on the rag up on my lap and made out with them for long enough to slide my hand under their shirts to play with their nipples as I started pushing in a tiny amount of orgasm energy into the spots in their head the got them ramping up to cum. When their hearts started racing, and they were breathing faster, I would use both arms to hug them to me as they slipped over the edge into orgasmic bliss while we kept kissing.
“I wish I could do what I want to do with you right now, but even if you wore a rubber and didn’t mind the mess, I don’t think I could stand getting off again. That was my biggest one ever, and you only played with one tit while kissing me,” the second of the two said, giving me a big hug before heading to the waiting bus.
I held my hand out to the last girl and led her into one of the break rooms before asking, “I know your butt is raw. I’ve been there too. Do you think you can stand me rubbing your pussy so you can at least feel great before you have to leave?”
She fast stripped and tugged at my pants as she explained that she just got off the throne minutes before the girls were to get on the bus. If I didn’t do any of the foreplay and fuck her, she could cum a few times before starting to piss off the guards. She wasn’t soaked, so she took a tube of something she said helped her buttonhole stop burning and rubbed it on my dick to get things going. Five minutes later, she had our combined juices running down inside her thighs as she got dressed. She even insisted on licking my dick clean.
Being a good guy, I walked her out the bus and said, “I’m so sorry your stomach doesn’t feel well right now. I hope you are feeling better soon.”
I got a hug, and she rushed onto the bus.
“Every one of the kids from the correction facilities came in today, ready to work, but sad. I don’t know what was in your goodie bag, but a few got something from it and disappeared into one of the side rooms. They were still sad, but much more relaxed. I watched their faces when they were leaving. I could still see their sadness, but there was a light behind their eyes that wasn’t there before,” mom told me. “So what are you planning to do with your penthouse filled with homeless, or having homes they can’t go back to until it is safe for them to do so? You ran some ideas by your dad and me, and we think they are doable, but you can’t do it alone. You shouldn’t directly involve yourself in the process of making this work how you think it may. Not being eighteen will cause some red-tape and hassles, but nothing like what will come down on your head since you are continually financing this project.”
Dad came over to give his thoughts, “After speaking with many of the adults here supervising, I have some ideas on how you can cover some of the costs and garner some goodwill as well. The kid’s correctional complex is a bit of a hybrid of juvenile detention, secure psychiatric child criminal inpatient care facility, and restricted access child protective services for children who committed a crime without a safe place to live. The kids here today fall into the latter category. That includes the girl who killed her father in self-defense when she was ten. I talked at length with the guards explicitly assigned to her. She has a solid head on her shoulders. She refused all pain medicines at the hospital after that happened, and the only time she cried about her family was how bad she felt for her step-sisters. The school saw the signs of abuse the day after it started, but the girl wouldn’t tell them anything, and when needed, she lied about it because of what her dad would do to her step-sisters. According to multiple evaluations of her mental state, since she killed her father, she knuckled down and took the abuse. She knew that if she cried, begged, or pleaded that it would give her father a feeling of power over her, and she wasn’t giving him the pleasure. Supposedly she is above average intelligence to boot. When they brought her before the judge, she flat out said that after he shot her twice, without her screaming out in pain, that she knew his next shot was in her heart or head. She had nothing to lose if she didn’t get the gun away from him and had no remorse for killing him, and never would. He was a complete bastard who deserved that he got. Only later did she find that he killed her mother and stepmother and got away with it. The judge was taken aback by her testimony. When asked if she would ever kill someone again, she said she most definitely would if it was her life or theirs. From the years upon years of abuse to protect her step-sisters, she earned the right to live. No one was going to take that from her. Other than that, she is a sweet, helpful, well-loved young woman by all at the correctional complex, even among those that are borderline psychopaths.”
He gave us some more details on the kids at the kid jail. Dad also had some more information about the kids staying in the penthouse. Half of them had relatives who loved them dearly, and that the kids jumped at the chance to have those relatives be made their guardians until they are eighteen. The other half is still up in the air. While not in all cases, when the police and social workers began searching for a family to take them in, they found more of the same shit the kids had at their home. During the day today, we had an influx of kids as young as seven. Everyone there has clothes, places to sleep, foods they like, and various things to keep them occupied.
“What I proposed is a mix of what you suggested and what some others visiting here today suggested,” dad began. “Elena and her father closely looked at all of your properties bundled inside offshore corporations, which themselves are companies and corporations which have long lists of assets, such as your sultan’s penthouse. As far as they have dug into the details, every asset you now own is a high-profit margin, high return investment. I mentioned your thoughts on doing things to help these kids out, and they went back to digging. Around an hour ago, Molly messaged me to say that she asked Elena and her dad to stop working on things as they were going too slow for her liking. She sent you the high-level summary of the detailed proposal that she sent me.”
Mom looked it over quickly before they explained that I had many properties all over the U.S. that were perfect for my suggestion, and the expanded one dad formulated. Presently, I would stay at the sultan’s penthouse, with, however, many more kids that came in due to their parents ending up in jail or rubber rooms. I had an upscale apartment complex nearing completion. They designed and built the place to ensure no one was able to enter the buildings without proper biometric scans and other information. One of the families dreamed up this complex to have a secure place for their extended families to live for six months at a time. It had a small hospital, commissary, and other items that made it more like a self-contained city than an apartment complex. A week before Christmas, the complex will be ready for people to move in and fully staffed to handle their needs, including private security force who lived on site.
“Molly did some numbers. You are earning fifty-two-point-eight-seven-five times the cost to run this complex, and cover all your costs, using the income from the other properties in that one corporation alone. She already notified a herd of lawyers and government child welfare experts of her idea,” Mom explained. “Upon verification, and cutting through the red-tape, every kid staying in the sultan’s penthouse would be provided a suite with room for them and one each for any opposite-sex siblings. All the kids in the correctional facilities there for their protection, and not serving real-time, would move there as well. From what Molly sent me, one of the administrative buildings they are converting into a private school staffed with special-needs teachers and staff. Molly said the ones she hand-picked for this school are the cream of the crop. Best of all, the school isn’t an eight to four like most schools around here.”
Mom went on to explain how the school would have teachers there twenty-four hours a day and will work with the students as long as the kid wants to keep at it. The goal is to get the kids from the detention center caught up to their grade level and to teach them at their own pace while pushing them to reach their full potential. Another part of the school plan was to have a few gender-specific bathrooms and locker rooms, but for the most part, it would be gender-neutral. They plan to do the same for their sports teams. If girls want to play football, they can. Anytime any kid gets hurt, the kids will be evaluated to see if it is safe for them to continue that sport.
Dad remembered something and said, “I almost forgot some crucial facts. As the government is already paying to care of the kid at the detention center and will have to take the kids at your sultan’s apartment if you turn them out, Molly has worked it out that they are contributing at a flat rate per child. She suggested that funds paid per chile go into a high-yield savings account for that child. It would give them a good start on life, for when they decide it is time to move on. The complex will employ a well-trained medical staff, including surgeons, ophthalmologists, dentists, and orthodontists. I don’t know how Molly did it, but the way she worked the numbers, there will be no need for medical or dental insurance. The facilities are yours with the medical staff you pay exceptionally well. Setting a broken arm or a kidney transplant makes no change to your expenses, other than the medical supplies required. I talked over the idea of getting the government to pick up the tab as they do with military families, but the consensus is that your paying it all out of pocket takes the politicians out of giving the children the care they need.”
“That also includes gender-reassignment surgery, but from an entirely different angle than is used currently,” mom said. “Molly said you would get the details soon. Right now, you have a mixed-sex harem awaiting you.”
We discussed a few more things, including some money ones, before I left to go to the sultan’s apartment.
On the way, my implant started pulsing. From the general feeling, I needed to get somewhere that I could relax and possibly fall asleep for a bit. I asked my phone for suggested places that would be acceptable and not cause my guests to worry about me. The response was either the enormous bed in the sultan’s chambers or hot tub. It even gave me suggestions regarding specific girls, and one boy, to have near me, both for my sake and theirs.
The hot tub sounds good to me. I can use a soak anyway.
Upon entering the sultan’s apartment, I found we had a significant increase in those living here. It didn’t even touch the amounts of beds we had, but the shared eating area and pool were showing some congestion. A few kids noticed me coming in but went back to whatever they were doing when I arrived. After going downstairs to my sultan’s dressing area, which had way more clothes in my size than I would expect, I changed into a pair of loose shorts and a t-shirt. I didn’t see anyone appearing to be naked around the eating area or by the pool.
I’m not going to freak these kids out by going nudist on them.
“Do we have to wear suits in the swimming pool?” a little girl asked. “I can’t find one here that fits. Swimming in my panties shows off everything, and the suit didn’t cover anything either. My brother said I had to ask because someone might get upset, seeing a naked little girl swimming.”
I didn’t answer her question directly. Instead, I reached down to pull the t-shirt over her head and pull her panties down. A raspberry on her Buddha-Belly and pat on the butt sent her running off toward the pool. I went around the eating area, querying the little kids if they wanted to go naked. Most handed me what clothes they had and took off naked. Some went to the pool, and others went back to eating after some of the staff got towels under them.
Using the place in my head, I made myself not see their clothes. When I looked at most of the little kids in the eyes, I saw many that looked me back in the eyes before looking down sadly. Others looked up at me and then went back to whatever they were doing.
I went to each of the ones that looked sad, pulled them off to the side, and said, “It doesn’t matter what someone said did or whatever excuse they made up when they were whipping you, hitting you, or whatever else they did to you. It wasn’t your fault. Nothing you could do would justify what they did to you. You are just a little kid, ok? Now we are going into the big bathroom behind me, and you’re going to strip.”
They didn’t seem to want to do what I said but did anyway.
Their parents or guardians fucked them up to make them do what as they were told, or else.
Eleven of them slowly stripped, mostly with their backs to everyone else. Two little girls stripped to panties, but that was as far as they could go.
I pulled them off to the side behind a partition, asked them to pull their panties down, and put a foot on a bench, so I could see why they weren’t taking their panties off. One had still fresh cuts crisscrossing everywhere her panties covered. Even the effort of pulling her panties down stung so severely she was fighting hard to keep the tears from coming.
The other girl had a bad case of diaper rash.
“Sweetheart, it doesn’t matter why you have that rash, ok?” I told the one with a diaper rash.
As I helped them pull their panties back on, I reached out to Molly to tell her what I found on the two girls. I doubted that they were the only ones here. Whoever brought them here wouldn’t leave kids under ten here without other siblings or someone who was going to care for them, besides the staff. She told me to do my thing to find out what the others may have that needs treatment. It was a huge relief to find that none of the kids had STDs, and girls with yeast infections were already treated. Every kid got a full set of immunizations too.
I pulled both girls into a hug. They melted into my arms as I pulled them to me. After a few seconds, I moved back and told them to go wherever they had their clothes, take off the panties, put them in whatever hamper for dirty clothes they could find, and then pull on pajama shorts. They were very soft and would make them feel so much better while we waited on some unique medicine to arrive. They headed back out of the room to get PJ shorts on.
Back out in the bathroom, the kids were already doing what I planned to have them do anyway.
“See. I told you that you weren’t the only one someone hurt for whatever reason. You don’t need to be embarrassed about it,” I explained. “I do have to give you a bit of warning. There are older kids here who have gone through the same stuff that happened to you. Other’s haven’t. Don’t be surprised if a boy or girl pulls you into a hug. Unless they are touching you in a wrong way, and you don’t like it, I think they made need the hugs as much as you. Now, be little kids already! You are safe here.”
Some tweens surrounded me to ask if they could go naked or at least topless. As soon as I said yes, they were shucking clothes. Well, some did. I saw boys that looked embarrassed when they saw the other boy’s dicks or had boners. The girls had a similar reaction, since some took off their tops, but hesitated to take off their pants and panties after they saw some girls already had hair. Other girls were worried about their tits.
“I’m not going to let you do this to yourselves,” I told them.
I proceeded to strip off all their shirts. I pointed out to the girls that the others were in the same boat. They hadn’t gotten tits yet or were only starting to show. Next, I stripped the boys.
I didn’t let them cover up as I stripped the girls.
“Ok. Listen up. If you look closely, well you are already looking closely, you will see you each have no hair or just some fuzz. Kids all develop at different times. It is also normal for the boys to have hardons, and girls to be getting a bit wet between their legs. I don’t know what happened to you that brought you here, but boys and girls being naked in front of each other isn’t as big a deal as people make it out to be. You already know the rules say no exploring each other’s body in common areas, and no playing in the bedrooms either,” I explained.
A fully dressed girl asked, “You are letting anyone go nude who wants. Why are you being so draconian about allowing them to satisfy their curiosity?”
“A good question, which I will answer with a question,” I replied. “Are you willing to strip right here and now for the kids to explore your naked body, inside and out? How about them doing oral sex or even intercourse?”
She stuttered, blushed, got angry, blushed again, and then said, “That wouldn’t be appropriate, would it? I’m many years older than them and fully developed.”
“All the better. Each can compare your body to those of the other girls,” was my retort.
That frazzled her. I sent the kids off to play in the pool or hang out. I watched a group go off to pull some couches in close and then proceed to, one by one, show the other’s their privates. It only took a few minutes for them to get over checking each other out and start playing some board game they found. Another group was working a puzzle. They were pushing against each other, with tits, dicks, and the occasional pussy, making contact with someone else. When someone didn’t like it, which was rare, they asked the person to move back, or they moved away. Nothing was sexual, at least that I could see. More than once, I noticed a boy, with wood, was behind a girl as he reached around her. His penis did poke around a bit, and sometimes the girl moved to have it go somewhere they both might like, but the longest I saw it last was five seconds. They were more into the puzzle than each other.
“Come on,” I said to the frazzled girl. “We need to go somewhere private to have a chat.”
Damn, that is a lot of emotions going across her face.
I found this room with couches and a bed, as well as a TV and radio. They soundproofed this area.
“Do you mind if I take off your clothes as you tell me why you did all you could to cover every part of your body except your head and hands?” I asked
She held her arms up and began telling me that by the time I got her naked, I would understand. I learned about how being fully covered is what kept her from having problems that plagued her older sister and brothers.
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Hai friends…I was a great fan of this site and using using since 4 years. Now I have decided to write my memories happened in childhood. Also the sex stories happened recently. Please provide the feedbacks to the mail id . Coming to me my name is prasanth I am 6.2 ft with thin and I am from a small village in khammam distirct. In my childhood my house and my grandparents houses are side to side . My cousin will live with my grandpas house . She was 17 years then and I am 12 years she will look...
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Jenna was nothing like most of the girls I deal with. She was witty, wholesome and demure. I was pretty sure this 22 year old brunet was still a virgin. Her long held virginity had nothing to do with her looks; she was a knock out in a subtle kind of way. Standing at 5'2” she had an amazing little figure, with round hips, 32 B tits and a killer heart shaped ass. She hid behind her long dark-brown hair and was skittish around boys her own age. Luckily for her I was a man who could show her the...
Erotic FictionIt was night-time. I had my dinner and sitting in the room , checking something on my PC. I was feeling very horny , after a busy day . I was wearing my blue pajamas which were partly displaced showing my privates and revealing by pert breast. I opened my usual site and started browsing for porn sitting on a chair. It has been a week after the incidence , and I was searching for some relief , any relief. I tried to masturbate , but the orgasm was insignificant compared to the one I had on the...
"Don't worry." Ashton replied, calming her with a gentle smile. "We're not lost." Lana nodded but he could tell she was still nervous. Taking notice of the road signs, he turned the wheel, sending the car down a dirt road, trees seeming to be creating a canopy over them. The road looked a little lonely, and Ashton found himself wondering how many people actually travelled out this way. Slowing the car down, he shifted his eyes toward Lana, who seemed to be taking in the scenery....
Kyle was starting to regret taking a sick day at work to catch up on errands that had been piling up. He thought going during the week would mean less crowds at the local grocery store, but it seemed to be the exact opposite, as if every housewife in town decided to descend upon Kroger’s like it was an amusement park. Kyle’s tall, athletic frame made it difficult to navigate the busy aisles as countless moms clogged up each line, striking conversations about their children’s most recent...
Introduction: first one dont hate childhood lovers by naughtymonster Ive always known since i was 9 years old i was a VERY sexual girl. I knew i liked being bad and when my daddy woculd bend me over his knee and spank my 9 year old ass cheeks… oh how my pussy tingled at the thought. Im about 56 long pullable brown hair, half asian half white, tan skin, and the most seductive hazel eyes youll ever see. Im sixteen and in my sophmore year, i moved out awhile ago to live with my master/boyfriend....
Alice’s Second Chance, Alice’s second childhood. PART 1 Mom was a good woman. Dad is a good man. Yet my little sister, Alice was, by age 18, a total spoiled brat and a delinquent. She could easily also have ended up being a killer. It is certainly arguable that she deserved to be sent to jail. Now Mom did not believe in hitting children and she did not. She did, however, understand that the word ‘NO’ needs to be heard and understood by children. She never hit me but I knew...
You: Male first name. Girlfriend Female Last name. The Mature one. She's a couple months older than her friends, and considers herself their older sister. Still in school for business management, one semester to go. Has a job in the School Library's Business section, which has helped. Looks somewhat like Meg Ryan or Elisabeth Shue. Roberta "Bobbi". The impulsive one. You're not exactly sure what she does, though you do know she's more flirty. The other girls won't say what her profession is....
Hello all, this is Indian Maverick back with another one of my true sex escapades. This is a story about how I ended up having sex with my childhood best friend Deesha. It is not a story of raw sex, but how we slowly got involved in each other and started a sexual relationship. Deesha and I have been classmates since our 5th grade. We became the best of friends by the time we reached our 9th grade. Just at the time of adolescence, we started discussing how a person gets horny, what is...
Hi ISS Readers, It has been a while since I posted my experience. What I am about to tell now is a real incident happened some time back. I had a request in Instagram from a girl who looked familiar. After seeing her pics repeatedly I recognized her as my childhood friend. She was my neighbour back then and now she was doing her final year engineering at Manipal University. Let’s call her Meghana, I initiated the conversation and we recalled all the funny moments and happy memories. She had...
Hey indian sex stories dot net friends! Let me introduce myself. I’m a pharmacist student of 20 years age. My boyfriend is an engineering student. He’s an extremely well-built person of same age. He’s dashing in his looks and very caring. This story is a real story which took place in the month of June. I had a huge crush on my baby since 9th standard. Even he had a crush on me. And we never knew about it until we were in relation. Our story started when I’ve sent him a friend request on FB....
This is a true sex story and none of the facts has been remolded to alter the eroticism. I won’t shy away from describing myself as a young, desperate, 20-something horny guy. I am what I am. I am just like most of the males in India (a country that is horribly sex deprived). I am Kanan from Kolkata, a recently graduated engineer from NIT Patna with a degree in Civil Engineering and currently undergoing a training at L&T Kolkata. My dad is an army officer and my mother is a banker at ICICI. My...
IncestHey, everyone of indian sex stories dot net, this is arun I’m from Bangalore , and the story I’m gonna write now is 100% real and I swear that whatever I write down has happened in my life, and whatever I say like names , ages everything is true and it filled with innocence, sensualness, and softcore .Before coming to the story if any girls/aunties from Bangalore interested in having sexual relationship please do contact me , I’ll satisfy you in whichever way you want..Ok now I don’t want to...
Hey ladies, this is Sharma, 28 years old single guy from Bhopal. This is my first story and the heroine of this story is Prachi(name changed). About Prachi, she is 29, a childhood friend and married. About me, I am 5ft 9 and have an athletic physique. I had a serious relationship of 6 years during which I banged my Ex a lot. After that, I have been with 2 girls when I was in Delhi but that was a purely sexual relationship. Now, coming to the story. I was in Delhi only at that time when I...
Hi, readers, this is something new I found and quite hooked on here, this is my recent experience and first time writing for all of you to read, comments and feedback are always welcome, you can write @ So before I begin there is bit of context to be given I feel, I am 30 years happily married and live in south bangalore and in this story the girl is my childhood friend, we probably were a couple back then because, we used to spend time together, go to tutions together, she is one year junior...
Hi, readers. This is my first story here. I am a great fan of ISS since few years and now want to share my story here. Girls be ready to get your panties wet and guys be ready to shag off. Girls/ladies can contact me on (prefer messenger) for fun. You can also give your feedback there. I will not fake about my physique. I am 5’7 with a proper body not very slim and having sufficient fat, fair and long silky hair. Before I start my story I’ll have to give a background which is relevant to this...
Hi folks, I am back with my second story. This is an interesting moment with my friend’s mom. Sameer was my classmate from schools and he was living next to my home. His dad was in abroad, so in his home, only his mom and younger sis were there. We always play together I used to visit his home and he does same. We were very close friends. His mom was in the beginning of 30s. She was slim and tall. Very beautiful she always wears saree. So her milky tummy will be always visible. When I was in...
IncestAbout myself, I am tall, not much sporty body, but my dick size is 7.5 inch.About Reshma, she is a very beautiful girl, tall and fair, her boobs are not that big, but still they are pretty, I don’t know her measurements as I haven’t asked her, but I think they might be 32 28 34. His is a real incident, so I might have forgotten to add some details, but I will try to make it as best as I can.Reshma was my best friend in childhood. We were neighbors, and we even went to the same school. I used to...
Hello, everyone, this is Sahil Kumar. I’m 20 years old from Pune. I’m studying second-year B.Com in a well-reputed college of Pune which comes at the 3rd position in the city for commerce. There are a lot of hot and sexy girls at which everyone looks at. Any girls or aunties who want to friendship or have sex with me can mail me anytime without any hesitation at as your info will be safe with me. I have many friends including girls. I had a girlfriend but broke up with her because she was...
Hello friends, hope you all are fine. My name is Sameer, I am doing a job now, I love reading sex stories. And I feel glad to read so many stories from the writers here. Please read this story and do comment and email me. My mail id is I am from Indore and completed my engineering. This sex story is about me and my best friend. Her name is Riya. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met. We were childhood friends. We grew up together, played together and did all things together. Luckily...
Hi I am yash currently working in banglore I am at 26 and my tool size is 5.5 having good structure .. Girls love to have me on bed. You can reach me on Let me tell you one of my recent incident got happen in banglore. One fine sunday I was logged into face book and viewing all my friends recent activity and seeing some beautiful l girls profiles .. Suddenly I got a message from one my childhood friend yashika(name changed) we both studied 8th 10th standard together after she move to some...
Hi I am AyushLover here. M good looking guy with 6.1 height Well maintained body. Aesthetic. My girl her name is priya :* 30-28-32 fig looks so fab. This is story happened recently between me n my childhood friend.Her name Priya.We were in the same school and same class and we also sit on same bench.We regularly go to school in same taxi.We use to share our tiffin even water too.Days were passing good.We were in same school from kg to 6th.We were in 6th std that time.But one day my dad got...
Fade in... The town of Andersonville Larry Smith, Bill Maxwell, and Steve Anderson walked across the school grounds. They didn't have football practice today, but that didn't stop the boys from pursuing other types of sports. They were heading for the park to shoot some hoops. The three of them looked like a group of typical teenage boys, but there was nothing typical about them, or for that matter, anyone else in Andersonville. "Is Sally going to meet us there?" Larry asked....
First of all thanks a ton to ISS in providing a platform to introduce different types of sex lovers in India. I am a frequent reader and fan of ISS from my graduation time.An active reader from last 6years.Please forgive me if there were any mistakes as am a fresher in writing a story :p..Myself Vivek(name changed) aged 24 who completed my career in Hyderabad(city changed).As usual landed in silicon valley of India non other than namma Bangalore..Currently am working for an MNC in Bangalore.Any...
Hello, I am Arun (changed name) from Jammu province. I am an silent reader of ISS from past 6 years something about me- I am 5’8” in height, slim, average looking guy, dick size 7”, age 25 years and I am very bad in English that’s why I am going to write my story in hinglish. Time to start the story without taking much time. All names are changed for privacy concern. Contact me at – Yeh baat kuch 7-8 month purani hai. Meri life me jyada ladkiya nhi hai sab friends ya relatives ko milakar 10-15...
Hi these is santhu back again with real story that which happen in my life, it is a continuation to my first part of story, who did not read my first part, please go through the link and ready my story. I really got only few response to my previous stories, but I waiting for more response to continue to writing my stories, I need more encouragement and response to continue to share my experiences with you all. So please send me your valuable comments and suggestions to my mail that is So that...
Hi these is santhu back again with another real story with happen in my life, I really got only few response to my previous stories, but I waiting for more response to continue to writing my stories, I need more encouragement and response to continue to share my experiences with you all. So please send me your valuable comments and suggestions to my mail that is So that I can continue to share my stories and experiences with you which it happen to me in my real life. So coming to story as I am...
IncestHi everyone. Hope you people remember me.. For the guys and girls who don’t know me, I am rithik(name changed) 19yo from Chennai. If you want full history please read my previous story – Desire To Fuck My Own Aunty And Her Daughter-In-Law – Threesome”. This story has link or not related to the old story. This story is a real story happened just 2 days back and I was eager to publish this story…. Send me your feedback to Coming to story, When I was very young, my sister had a friend and her...
IncestI that time I was in 12 class. It was festive season and my parents had gone to home town in bihar. I had stayed because of the syllabus of the school. There was a girl in my class. Her name was aakanksha jadhav. I had a crush on her. But i was quite scared to express my feelings. We were good friends. But it just ended there. I wanted it to move it further. I am a green belt in taekwondo. That day we had a vigorous class. After class my friends prompted me to go and express my feelings to her....
This is a work of erotic fiction containing transsexual and minimal homosexual subject matter. If this material isn't your cup of tea, you would be ill-advised to continue. His Double Childhood By Baby's Daddy Growing up with Terry, I had always known he was a girl. Thinking about it now, I don't even remember when I found out that he was a girl, but we were just kids, and I didn't question it. Terry was born only a couple of months after me, but that meant his birth fell into...