His Double Childhood free porn video

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This is a work of erotic fiction containing transsexual and minimal homosexual subject matter. If this material isn't your cup of tea, you would be ill-advised to continue. His Double Childhood By Baby's Daddy Growing up with Terry, I had always known he was a girl. Thinking about it now, I don't even remember when I found out that he was a girl, but we were just kids, and I didn't question it. Terry was born only a couple of months after me, but that meant his birth fell into the year of girls. I remember Terry's Dad telling me how lucky I was to be born in a year of boys, when all babies were allowed to grow up in the sex they were born with. I remember thinking how sad and angry Terry's Dad was. No matter how much he had wanted Terry to be a boy, Terry had been born on an odd-numbered year, and that meant Terry would be a girl. I didn't have any sisters, and I didn't really understand that all babies were born as boys until I was a bit older. Girls, I would find out later, were made from changing baby boys. Terry was a girl, I knew, but he didn't seem any different from me. But Terry's Dad told me that he had refused to allow Terry to be changed to female until he'd had a chance to know what it was like to grow up in his natural sex as a boy. Being best friends, I spent a lot of time at Terry's house, and I knew that Terry was a girl because occasionally he would have to practice girl things with his Mom. I remember eating with them and noticing how Terry's Mom disciplined him, telling him to eat like a lady. One day I ran to his house and Terry answered the door in a girl's dress. "Come on in!" he shouted, dashing back into the house. I followed him through the house, running through the living room past where his father was reading in a chair. "Terry, dammit, get out of that dress when your friends are here!" his father yelled after us. From up ahead I heard Terry holler back a happily absent-minded "OK Dad." By the time I reached his room, Terry had the dress pulled up over his head, and I could see his nearly naked child's body in little girls' flowery panties. He tossed the dress on a trunk nearby, and pulled out some boys' underwear from a drawer before kicking his panties to the same trunk. That was the first time I realized that Terry wasn't really a girl, just a boy who was preparing to be a girl. In the seconds that he was naked, I compared what Terry had between his legs to what I knew I had, and took mental note that we were the same. I'd never seen a naked girl before, but I knew that boys were built like me ? they had a penis. But girls didn't have a penis. Instead, they had a vagina. A hole of some sort where the boys put their penises. But Terry had a penis, which made him a boy, too. As we grew up, Terry and I continued to be best friends, and I learned more about what would come to be. We swam at reservoirs and skinny- dipped in ponds and there was no mistaking that he and I were both boys. But at his house, Terry was expected to practice being a lady. He modeled dresses and skirts for this mother, practiced crossing his legs appropriately. His father was disgusted and clearly didn't approve, but after a while his complaints ended and he simply seemed to be oblivious to the boy in girl's clothing. We hit puberty ? me a few months prior to Terry ? and our masculinity started to express itself more fully. By the time we were fifteen Terry was taller than me, and distinctively more masculine. His growth spurt sent him inches taller than mine had so far, and at the swimming hole, it was clear his penis was larger and his pubic and underarm hair was darker and more voluminous. His voice changed, and it was deeper than mine. I was shorter, and was obviously going to be something of a late bloomer. Standing next to the tall girl with the precocious male attributes was too much for me, and I became resentful of Terry. One day after a swim at a secluded hole we frequented, Terry emerged from the water nude and masculine with his now-thick pubic bush and hints of muscular definition. I was on the water's edge pulling my shorts and shoes back on when he declared, "Oh my, god, a chest hair!" "What?!" I asked, incredulous. "I got my first chest hair," he exclaimed, coming towards me, tugging on a hair I couldn't see at that distance. But even though I couldn't see it, I seethed with envy. When he approached me enough, I knew it would be dark and thick, like the rest of his body hair. I was almost 16 and the hair under my arms was wispy and fine. I felt like a little boy around him. He was supposed to be the girl, not me. I lost my cool. "Great! Enjoy your fucking chest hair, stud girl, I'm outta here. Seeya!" Angry that I had been so cheated by genetics and fate, I ran for my bike abandoning my shirt hanging on the branch where I'd left it. Peddling home, I stirred up loathing for Terry like nothing I could have imagined years earlier. I hated him for being a better boy than I was, and I hated myself for being so wimpy. Later that night after dinner with my parents, I got a call from Terry. I almost refused to take it, but when my mother said my name a second time, questioning me, "Hun, do you want me to tell him you're not home?" I realized I couldn't explain my issue to her, so I took the phone. "What do you want?" I asked. "I know what's wrong, man. I'm sorry," he said. He sounded sincere, but my ego wouldn't let me accept his sympathy. "So what if you are? How does that matter?" I asked. How could his sympathy make this right ? how could it make me the man and him the girl? "No, you're right ? but let me explain. You and I haven't talked about this, and I know you know, but I still have to say it. I'm only a boy right now because Dad wouldn't let them administer the transformation agent to me when I was a baby. He wanted me to experience masculinity because of his own hang-ups or something. I dunno. I'm a girl, and you know that ? you've seen it, or at least, seen me practicing. My whole life, I've been preparing to be changed, and as soon as I'm 18... man, I'm going to be a girl whether Dad, or me, or anybody likes it. The agent is already in me - they gave me a time-delayed agent. It'll kick in. And I'll change." He paused, and I remained silent. Then he started again, "Man, OK, here's the thing. I can't change this ? what's going to happen to me is going to happen. You know? And sometimes I wish Dad had just let them do it to me then, do the immediate change, so I never went through being a boy. I dunno. I've never told anybody this, but sometimes I stand in the mirror in my room - I push my dick between my legs. Just to see ? you know ? what I'll look like. But I can't see it. I'm just a guy with his dick hidden. It's weird, but it's coming..." he trailed off. "I know," I replied, feeling a little guilty. "Well, don't say it like that," he scolded me. "There's nothing you can do about either of us. You're a good guy, and I'm kinda freakish. If Dad weren't such a Neanderthal I wouldn't be so hairy, and ..." "It's just kinda hard, and I let it get to me," I responded. "I know, dude, and it's OK. Just wait a couple of years, and then you can have the laughs, OK?" He was right. I was wrong. Not that I could admit it. "OK, can we stop talking about this?" I asked. "Well, as long as you remember that this is all going to change," he said. I agreed, and we hung up the phone. Our junior year, Terry and I took an early-morning gym class together that started before the regular school day began. Although he didn't need to do it, he wanted to put on muscle, and I felt desperate to keep up with him. In the locker room, I continued to see his body grow and change. While I put on much-needed depth in my chest and arms, his thickened as well. As the school year passed, I felt like I was beginning to show real improvement. My form, although shorter, seemed to bulk more quickly than Terry's, and muscle showed nicely in my arms and back. Terry developed a sinewy swimmer's built with large shoulders and a narrow waist. Finally, I felt as though I were, if not his equal, a good contrast to his form. Although I did not sport the early growth of chest hair that had sprouted for him, I had more definition in my chest. And so it went. The summer before our senior year, Terry and I went into the woods often, and often at night with friends who had beers bought for them. Our parties often ended in a makeout session with pairs of girls and boys laying near the fire, or seated against a tree. Terry and I both found girls we enjoyed our time with, and although I never started dating a particular girl, Terry and Maddy started spending a lot of time together. One day, as we got into the car after a day at the swimming hole, Terry mentioned that he and Maddy had started to get a little more serious. "Oh really?" I replied, hanging out the driver's side door tying a shoe. "Yeah," he responded. "We made out again last night." "Cool," I said again, not responding with substance or even much interest. He and Maddy did that all the time, as far I knew. "Yeah, well, and you know, she let me feel her tits, and then, well... she gave me a blowjob." I turned to face him. "What!? Wow," I replied. I hadn't had a blowjob yet, and I was very curious. "How was it?" "Oh, well, it was great. You know," he said, just staring forward out the windshield. "And kinda weird." "Weird? Why?" I didn't understand. It sounded great. "Well, I've just been thinking. You know, I'm gonna be 18 before school's out." He paused. I knew what he was thinking. I just nodded my head and turned my body to face the windshield as well. "I'm gonna have to break up with Maddy, I think. She's cool, but you know. And getting a BJ from a girl kinda made me wonder ? well ? I dunno. I wanted to ask her what it was like. What it will be like for me." He took a breath and released it, and then looked at me. "Well, do you know when it will happen?" I asked. "Nah" He shook his head and scrunched one side of his mouth as he looked down toward his hairy knees. "It's triggered by age, but it could start before or after my birthday by a few months. I'm preparing to graduate early just in case." "Good idea," I said, and started the car. Halfway home, we stopped at a convenience market in the middle of nowhere and got sodas and soggy sandwiches from a display case. Terry was still in deep thought, and we didn't talk much. The market had chairs and a wobbly table sitting outside, so we took a seat and stared at the woods across the road as though we expected something to come out of them. We drank our sodas and picked the meat and veggies out of our sandwiches, leaving the mayo-soaked bread lying in gooey pieces on the wrinkled plastic wrap. Terry took another deep breath and looked over at me with his brow furrowed. "You ever had one?" he asked. "Had what?" I replied. "You know. A BJ," he replied with an academic interest in his voice. "Oh. Nah," I responded. "Erin kinda gave me a hand job one night a couple of months ago, but she didn't get it right or something, so it was just kinda awkward and we didn't finish." "Huh," he said, tracking a yellow jacket that was investigating our sandwich remnants. "It was nice." "I'll bet," I said. The yellow jacket flew away, and I wadded the bread within the plastic wrap and tossed it into a garbage can a few feet away. "You want one?" he replied. "What?!?" "I'm going to have to do it eventually. I might as well get practice with a friend. You know ? to see if I like it." "Oh my god, Terry," I replied. I was almost sickened by the suggestion, it was so sad. "You've gotta be kidding me." He sorta grinned. I squinted as I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was doing. And then he said, "No, not really. Not much, anyway," and chuckled under his breath. "So what, are you into guys already?" I asked, genuinely wondering. "Is the change already starting?" "Oh, no. No, I don't think so. But I've been thinking about it, you know? And so, I dunno. It doesn't sound so bad. And I've spent most of my life ? at home at least ? preparing for being a girl. I like girls, but I don't dislike guys, I guess. I'm just used to the idea that I'm going to be with them." He looked at me, and studied my reaction for something. "Does that make sense?" "I suppose so, yeah," I shrugged. I didn't really get it, but I also knew that I understood as much as I was capable. "So you wanna try fooling around with guys then, to get an idea what you're in for?" "I'm curious," was all he said, and looked back out across the road to the woods. "Well, Terry. Dude, I don't know if I'm the guy to help you out with that. I'm not ? well, I'm into girls. You know?" I spoke to him and he didn't look at me. But he didn't seem upset, either. He made a dismissive gesture with his head without turning to face me and said, "Man, forget about it." "Yeah, OK" School started back up and I turned 18. A few more months into senior year, I got a call from Terry one day after school. He sounded excited about something, and wanted me to come over to his place. I entered the house without knocking and called out his name as I headed up the stairs to his room. He responded and was opening his bedroom door as I reached it. The room was an amalgam of femininity and boyishness and had a distinct tomboy feel. I was used to it, however, and didn't take notice. "What's up?" I asked as I entered and he closed the door behind me. "It's started," he replied, looking at me intently. "You mean? ... Oh my god, Terry, but you're not even 18 yet. What are you going to do?" I asked. He set down on his computer chair and looked at me with an excited expression. "I'm all clear to graduate, actually. The second semester's completely optional for me. So I can skip it, and still walk... or not." "How do you know it's started?" I asked as I took a single step toward him. "I just do. I can feel it ? it's like there's a tingle under my skin or something. I just know that's it." He smiled, and it struck me as odd. "But you're smiling," I said as I took a seat at the edge of his bed. "Oh, I know. Well, I was kinda tripping out about it before, you know. But it's like this sense of relief. I can't dread it any more, and it's like my life's preparation is going to pay off." He continued to smile at me, but I had nothing to say. The moment was about to become awkward. "Oh, here!" he exclaimed and jumped up off his chair, heading for where I was on the bed. I moved aside and he reached under the mattress, pulling out magazines, one after the other, and stacking them on top of the bed. Most were Playboy, Hustler, and the like. "My Dad kept slipping me these magazines when he got tired of them," Terry explained as he worked. "But I don't know why. I mean, they're hot, but they're not going to make me stay a guy." As he continued to stack them, I noticed a few were not girlie mags. He sat down on the bed, and sorting through them, he continued, "Oh, but you can't have some of these. I won't have much use for the girlie ones, but some of these," he said, as he briefly waved something with a young guy on the front, "I got these from other sources, and they're for me." He started handing the magazines to me, one by one, and I soon had a small stack of magazines in my lap that had beautiful girls in sexual positions across their covers. He pushed the three or four remaining magazines back under the bed, and sat back down next to me. "Go ahead, take a look," he urged me. So I did. I picked the top magazine and began flipping through it, pausing at pictures of naked women spreading their legs, squeezing their breasts, and being penetrated by dildos, fingers, and penises. He looked on from a polite distance as I perused the pictures, feeling my level of excitement rise. I didn't want to admit it, but my dick had become hard in my pants, and I finally had to adjust my position. "Hot," I said as I looked over at him, and simultaneously rose a bit to move my dick to a more comfortable place in my pants. "Yeah," he said, "they actually are, aren't they?" "You're still into this stuff, huh?" I asked without moving my attention from the pages. I let one hand idly stroke the rigid hard-on in my pants. "Oh sure, I've gotten off to these girls a bunch..." he said, trailing off. He adjusted his seating position, too, then said, "But it's even hotter to see your reaction." I looked over from the magazine, and he stood. His erection was huge in his pants, tenting them as it strained off to one side. I knew something was coming, but I was frozen in place, a single page held pensively between my thumb and forefinger. There was a brief pause as he just looked down at me. "Shuddup. Don't say a word, just let me do this," he said, taking the magazines from my hands and setting them on the bed. "If you protest at all or try to talk about it, well, it won't happen. Just stay quiet." My heart was pounding in my chest. I felt like I should get up, but I couldn't make myself do it. He grabbed his dick through his pants with one hand and went down to his knees, putting his other hand on my dick as it throbbed in my own pants. The situation was weird and creepy, but I knew I was going to get a BJ and I couldn't help but be excited. He stroked my cock through my pants for just a few seconds before unbuttoning them, then pulling them down with my underwear, exposing my shaft and the purple head between my legs that bobbed with each heartbeat. He spat in his hand and started stroking my dick, staring at it intently, like he was getting ready. His body rocked forward slowly in time with the other hand stroking his own dick through his pants, and the effect was of someone preparing to jump off a cliff. After a few moments of this, he licked my dick, and I gasped. "Oh!" came from my lips, and he did it again, sending a shockwave through my balls and into my brain. "Oh!" again escaped my lips. Then he put his mouth down over my cock and began to lick and suck and tongue and I didn't even know what, but it was awesome. After only a minute or so, I was too close, and ready to come. "Ah, Ah, Ah, dude... It's time," I managed to get out and received only a long grunt in response. The grunting continued and the vibration of his grunting on my cock was the final straw, and my orgasm came. But Terry never moved his mouth off my tool, even as I convulsed and pumped semen into his mouth. "Ugh, Uuuugghhh..." I finally moaned for the last time before collapsing backwards onto the bed. I felt Terry's grip on my dick loosen, and it slipped from his mouth, still somewhat hard, with a slap on my belly. There was a thump of collapse from the foot of the bed, but I just breathed for a moment, and I didn't hear him move any further. When I regained my breath, I push myself back up to see him lying on his back on the floor at the foot of the bed. His eyes were closed and his mouth looked wet. Even more interesting was the crotch of his pants, which was completely soaked. He must have heard me move as he opened his eyes and looked at me. He sat back up, and wiped his mouth. "Dude, you swallowed," I said, and paused. "And you came, too." "Yeah," he said, without further explanation. He got up from the floor and went to his dresser, pulling out a new pair of underwear and pants and tossing them on the bed. Then, facing me, he dropped his pants and underwear, and stood naked from the waist down while he wiped off his plump dick, balls, and pubic hair with a towel from the top of the dresser. I just watched him. I didn't feel guilty or odd in that moment and I observed his beautiful form without envy for what might have been the first time. He saw me watching, and smiled. He was actually a very sexy young man. "Thanks, you know?" he said. "Yeah, I know," I replied. As he stepped into his clean underwear, I stood and pulled mine back up, refastening my pants around my still plump but softening penis. He looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. "Well, I should go," I said. I grabbed the stack of magazines and headed for his door. "Thanks for - you know ? that," I said, "and these, too," I gestured to the small stack cradled in my arm. "Yeah, no problem. I don't really need 'em that much any more after all," he said. To which, I responded, "Yeah, I guess not, huh," and opened the door. "Call ya later tonight, right?" he asked. "You'd better," I responded, and closed the door behind me. Although weeks passed and Terry still swore that the change had started, nothing I could see was happening to him. Even through his insistence that the change had begun, he himself admitted that nothing was different with his body. He kept up his normal male routine, dressing as a guy and going to school. His eighteenth birthday came and went, and nothing had changed. But other things did change. Shortly after our day at his place, Terry told me that he had broken up with Maddy. She had been disappointed, but seemed to understand, he said. He thought that maybe her intuition told her that Terry wasn't the man she thought he was, or, for that matter, a man at all. And several times, I would catch Terry checking me or other guys out. "What?" he said defensively on one such occasion. "He's got a nice ass, and that package... I know you can see it, too," he said accusingly. Of course, he was right. Terry's and my trips to the swimming holes had taken on a sexual aspect since the encounter in his room. We never talked about it, but almost every time we were naked together, something happened. Usually, Terry would give me a blowjob, fondling the back of my balls and my ass as he licked and sucked. He really seemed to enjoy it, and the feelings were incredible. Furthermore, the more this happened, the closer I felt to Terry. His handsome body was so familiar and became associated with sensuality and on two occasions, I found myself giving him a BJ, although he never came when I did. His penis was a truly beautiful instrument, and with the added sexual aspect, our best-friend relationship took a romantic turn. My attraction to men was infrequent, and was focused most acutely on Terry. This comforted me, as did the reality that Terry's sudden homosexual shift was likely the precursor to his change into a girl. Still, I found myself increasingly satisfied with his male equipment and recognizing what he saw in other boys. One afternoon after school I headed over to his place and let myself in, as usual. His parents weren't home and so I went straight up to his room to say hi. Almost at his door, I said, "Terry, you home?" As I opened the door, I heard the distinct noise of sudden movement. When I opened it fully, I saw Terry lying naked on the bed looking a little nervous, like he'd been caught. His massive erection was standing rigidly at an angle from his body, pulsing with energy. "What's going on? Were you jacking off?" I asked. "I, um. Well." He stammered. His face was flushing red, and his erection started to fade. He brought up his left hand from where it was on the other side of the bed, and he was holding a moderately-sized dildo, wet with lube. "I was practicing fucking myself," he said sullenly, with a degree of visible shame. "Oh. Wow. OK. Well, I'll come back later," I said, embarrassed that I had surprised him. "No, don't. Would you ? would you like a BJ?" he asked, propping himself up on his elbows. "I ? mmm ? No, I don't think so, Terry. You go ahead and do what you need to do, OK?" I said, and started to back out. But he didn't want me to leave. "Please, really. I'd like to blow you, you know," he said. He sounded sad and kind of desperate, so I closed the door to his room and came to sit next to him. I looked down at his handsome nude form, and noticed the slick of wetness covering his now-soft dick and between his legs, where it surely ran between his ass cheeks to his hole, and even inside. "Terry," I started. "You know, the thing is, you're just sure you're changing, but I can't see any changes. And now I have a boyfriend in my life instead of a girlfriend but I don't think of myself as gay. I mean, I guess if I was gay for you, then that would be OK, but I'm having a hard time making love to your body and always waiting for you to be a girl because I like the boy, too. I'm stuck in this in-between place, where I don't know what you are, and I don't know what I am. If you want to suck my dick, that's fine. But I need to understand what's going on." He didn't move, and looked up at me. Then he took a deep breath and let it out. "You know what? I am changing, and I can feel it. On the inside, in ways that maybe don't show. But one day, I'm going to wake up, and something's going to be different, and it's going to be soon. I'm telling you, I'm a girl, and I feel it more and more each day. I used to have girlfriends, too, you know? But now I'm blowing my best friend, I have no interested in girls at all, and I'm fucking myself in the ass with a dildo. If that doesn't say I'm changing, I don't know what does." He started getting a little worked up, and got off the bed. He grabbed a towel and wiped his dick free of lube, then started to wipe off his ass with jerky, frustrated motions. "This isn't easy for me, either. I'm ready, OK? Why would I be practicing this shit if I weren't ready?" He was really upset. He threw the towel at the opposite wall and stood there staring at me, naked and hurt. "And god dammit, I was fantasizing about you with that dildo, that *you* were fucking me with *your* dick. Dammit! I love you. It's fucked up, but I do," he said angrily, then began to cry. I got up from the bed and held his naked form, and he leaned down to rest his head on my shoulder. Tears wet the fabric of my shirt, and I held him close as I rubbed my hands over his softly fuzzy bottom and sinewy back. "I'm sorry, Terry," I said to him, and then took his hand and lead him back to the bed, where we lay down together. He lay on his back, and I supported myself with my left arm as I caressed his lightly hairy chest with my right hand. I leaned in to give him soft kisses from time to time, and after his tears seemed to dry, he returned a few. I reached down and played with his dick, holding it and noting that it was still slightly sticky from the lube he'd been using. I squeezed it a few times, and it popped back to life, firm and hard, and Terry shared open-mouthed kisses with me. His hand found my dick in my pants and he noted aloud that it was already hard. It was at this point that I realized I had an opportunity to redo the entire encounter again as though I'd just walked into the room and done things right. So I got off the bed, kicked off my pants and shoes, and dropped my underwear. Crawling back onto the bed, I grabbed the lube he'd left near the pillow and slicked up his dick, then mine, and stroked them both for a moment. Then I took another dollop of lube and spread his legs, applying it directly to his hole. Terry's eyes shone with brilliant expectation of what was to come, and I pressed his legs back, aiming my cock at his exposed hole. "I've been practicing for three weeks, but take it slow anyway," he warned. Not sure what exactly I was doing, I pushed my dick against him and felt his sphincter give way just a bit, so I paused. Then I pushed a bit more, and he groaned a deep pleasurable moan. I paused again but he seemed to be pushing himself against me, so I pushed the rest of the way into him. We kissed for a moment, but he was rocking his hips and clenching his hole, so I had to resume fucking him. After a few minutes, I felt pressure building in my balls, and let him know that I was going to come. He hadn't touched his dick yet, and he moaned more deeply before the spasms started, shooting semen from his dick across his chest. I pushed into him especially deeply and then emptied my balls into his body before collapsing onto his chest. "God, that was good. You know me so well," he said. I pulled off my shirt, and we spooned naked against each other until we woke at dinnertime, still slightly sticky and crusty. Another four weeks passed and Terry swore that he was changing despite everyone's inability to see any progress. After our first conversation on the topic, I knew it was off limits, and I resigned with myself that I was gay. If being with Terry meant I was gay, then I was, and that was fine. Our sexual activities continued to include anal sex, always with Terry on the bottom, always with Terry coming without touching himself. It was good sex, with lots of kissing, and I felt like a stallion on top of Terry's more masculine body. But one Sunday morning Terry called me to ask me to take him to the swimming hole, and I could tell something was up. In the car, we talked about the end of the school year, what we would do after graduation, and about his father. "Does he know we've been seeing each other?" I asked. "I don't think so. But I don't know if he would even care, honestly," Terry replied. "I think he's just so happy that I'm still a guy that he wouldn't mind if I were dating a horse." "Oh, thanks," I said sarcastically, and he laughed. We stripped for our mid-day swimming, and my dick hardened at the thought of the BJ I knew was coming. But it didn't come, and I only watched from behind as Terry shucked his clothes and ran into the water, his firm young bottom flexing as he ran into the water. We played in the reservoir for thirty minutes or so before I climbed out to lie on the blanket we'd spread out on a rock nearby. As I lay down, I watched Terry emerge from the water. He walked out to the point where the water was just below his navel, and paused, then strode out confidently. What I saw as he emerged was nothing short of amazing. Terry's male genitals were gone. "Oh my God, Terry!" I exclaimed and sat up. "Surprise!" he said, and came near me. "It was this way this morning. I had to sit to pee!" He stood a couple of feet from me with his legs spread and I could see the outer lips of his vulva perfectly defining the feminine slit of his new, female sex. "Can I see?" I asked, curious to see the first in-person vagina of my life. "Of course," he replied as he sat down on the blanket next to me with his legs spread. From my perch adjacent to him, I cupped his vulva in my hand and marveled at the feel. I caressed the outer lips with one finger, and he let his head hang back as I did so, moaning approval. Armed with early approval of my technique, I moved down to the foot of the rock, and began to spread his lips and to lightly caress, then kiss the delicate folds within. My kisses seemed to meet with special approval, so I started to kiss his clit and then lick from inside his spread vaginal lips up to the clit, kissing it and sucking it. He moaned loudly and his pussy got very wet. His heightened arousal was a big turn on for me, too, and I was dying to get my hard dick inside him. However, I kept at it because I'd read somewhere that women like to have an orgasm before they get fucked. Through my tonguing and sucking action, after just a few minutes, Terry's legs started to shake and he started gasping "Oh! Oh! Oh! OH!" As his gasps and moans slowed, I crawled up to his place on the rock and began to kiss him and grind my hard dick into his abdomen. His pelvis began to meet mine with more and more urgency until I asked, "You want to?" "Just like a man," he said with a wink in his eye and firm pressure against me. So I guided my cock to his cleft, spreading his legs in order to splay the already slick, engorged lips. I pushed in as slowly as I could manage, and felt a moment of pressure before he winced and whispered, "I only got to keep that for one morning." I pressed in the rest of the way. As I started pumping into him, I watched his responses, careful to stimulate his clit as much as I could, trying to rub the abdominal wall of his vagina with my dick head like I'd read. Everything seemed to be working well, too, as Terry flushed red and started making moaning noises again. For my part, I found myself thinking about the feeling of coming. I was accustomed to the tightness of Terry's ass, and his pussy was comparatively loose, even on this first time. As I watched Terry get closer and closer to his orgasm, I focused on my dick, taking longer and faster strokes until finally I came inside him, grunting and thrashing. I pushed my cock deep into Terry's pussy as he gasped and shook beneath me, his pussy spasming around my cock in his second female orgasm of the hour. I kissed him deeply and then rolled off him. We were quiet for a time. Then Terry broke the silence. "You taste like pussy," he said jokingly, and we both laughed. "How is it?" I asked. "The sex? Great. Different and amazing, but not necessarily better. Just different. And thank you for getting me in the mood first. How was it for you?" "Good. Very fun to play with and feels great to be inside you," I reported. "Better than my ass?" he queried. "Well..." I hesitated. "In some ways, yes. But it's not as tight, that's for sure." He chuckled. "Oh great, I'm already loose. Well don't worry; I think you'll be able to fuck me in the ass, too. I could feel more of you inside me there anyway." "You think it's going to be cool, being a girl?" "Yeah, I think so." "Wow." "Yeah, Wow." --- Terry never did end up leaving school early because her changes didn't start to be visible to other people for months. She walked with our graduating class, and we gave each other secret winks as we picked up our diplomas. No one knew we were a couple or that Terry was wearing girl's panties under her suit. And they wouldn't until Terry's changes were obvious to outsiders. She and I skipped the organized post-graduation party for a roll in the hay, and fucked for hours that night. Even behind a light covering of dark chest hair, her nipples had thickened and become sensitive, and I played with them frequently, keeping her aroused and wet and accessible. She relished in my cock and I took liberal pleasures from her pussy. She rode me, I took her from behind, and when my dick wasn't recovering as fast after several orgasms, she offered me her ass for a special treat. So I fucked her from behind, reaching around to tease her clit with my fingers as my balls made wet slapping noises against her ass. The next morning in the shower, I helped Terry shave her chest and underarms, and we watched together as the body hair I'd so coveted pooled in the shower drain. She continued to attempt to dress as a boy even though she let her hair grow in preparation for a female hairstyle. But the developing curves of her body that I enjoyed so much in private were increasingly difficult to hide in public. During our lovemaking, I would suck her budding breasts while I kneaded her increasingly round, soft bottom and grind my cock inside of her. In these moments and hours, she seemed to relish in her femininity. But when we dressed at the end of our sessions, Terry would try to squeeze her wider hips and rounder ass into the same boy's jeans she'd been wearing, and it was starting to get obvious. In order to hide her new breasts, she wore larger shirts. And then finally, Terry's father caught us making out one day in the car. He brought us in the house to vent his anger, and Terry's mom came downstairs to see what was wrong. He was furious, and demanded to know if Terry was a girl. Crying, Terry said that she was, but he almost forced to her show her breasts as proof. Terry's mom was angry at her husband's behavior, and everyone left the room furious. The next morning Terry went with her mother to buy a girl's wardrobe, and after that I never saw Terry in anything more boyish than a pair of my boxer shorts first thing in the morning. When she rolled out of bed in the morning and slipped into the boxers I'd left on the floor, it was very sexy. They hung off her broader hips, and her breasts presented from her bare chest, the nipples puckering in cool morning air. Invariably, I ended up lapping at her pussy till she was wild to have me inside her. I started staying over at Terry's more often, and she started to do her hair and wear makeup. Although her father still didn't really approve, it was clear he had a daughter who was a sexual being and a beautiful one at that. By the end of summer, she had become a lovely young woman. Her curves were movie-star quality and her face had softened from the hard masculine features of a young man into those of a beauty queen. She moved and sounded like the woman she had become, and I was frequently in awe. One very hot early fall afternoon after a nap and some intensely emotional sex on the bed in her brightly sunlit room, I found myself tracing the rise and fall of Terry's perfect breasts to the valley of her flat belly and wide hips with a lazy fingertip. She sighed happily as I rounded her areola and again as I dragged my finger around her belly button, and down toward her vagina, and I marveled in the softness of her skin in that afternoon light. Her transformation was complete, and completely marvelous. I caressed her inner thigh, and she adjusted her legs just a tiny bit wider. "Do you ever think about what it was like when I was still a boy," she asked with a lazy curiosity in her voice. "Sometimes," I replied. "Not often." She started to sound more lucid. "Do you ever miss it? Do you think you'll want to be with a boy again?" she asked, clarifying her real question. I rested my palm below her belly button and my fingers played idly in her pubic hair. "Maybe, but not really. You showed me how good it could be with a man, and I really liked it. But I'm pretty focused on you as a girl, now. I sometimes fantasize about when you were a boy. You had a nice dick and a great ass, you know? But those times are rare, and I'm completely content with the body you're in now, too." She sighed in a way that I took to mean my answer was satisfactory for her purposes, and I gently and slowly caressed her tummy. "Why," I asked after a time. "Do you ever wish you were still a boy?" I asked. "Only if it meant I could be your boy," she said. "But I'd rather be your girl." Epilogue Thirteen months later, Terry and I returned from a celebratory evening out drinking after the first week of classes for our sophomore year at the University. We had a small, shabby, poorly furnished one-bedroom apartment within walking distance from the school and we were drunk with excitement about the future we were building together. At the table in the corner of the kitchen, we sat and finished another beer together, and joked about the events of the evening. She was in the mood, she said, and wished that our boyfriend Jeremy were going to spend the night. To make her point, Terry wriggled out of her panties and draped them comically on my head, and then leaned over to kiss me. "If your panties are on my head, girly, I know what you're wearing," I said, cautioning her. "But are you man enough to take advantage of it?" she asked. She stood and turned around, lifting her skirt and flashing her lovely round ass at me, and I took the opportunity by grabbing a generous handful and cupping it. I stood, and as she bent forward, I fingered her exposed pussy from behind, kissing her back as I undid my pants and stepped out of them. I pressed my cock into her wet vagina and fucked her for several minutes before she started to orgasm, and then I lost control and came inside her. We moved to the bed, and I ate her pussy, tasting my own semen inside her and giving her another orgasm before I was ready a second time. I must have fallen directly asleep after my second orgasm. That night as we slept, our first child was conceived, to be born in a year of girls. So that the three of us could be together, we eventually moved into a larger apartment with Jeremy. Like me, he was excited to be a father, and as Terry's belly grew and her libido began to match ours, the three of us had frequent sex, with Terry on her side and one of the men inside her while the other man got a blowjob or fed his cock into the other's ass. Finally, Terry went into labor and gave birth to Andy. Andy was a beautiful child, and the three of us decided that Andy would be allowed to grow up as a boy and trigger the change when he was ready. Jeremy and I left Terry in the hospital, nursing our new child, after she said, "you boys look tired. You should go home and celebrate. You're Daddys." We walked out of the hospital holding hands, and made love together without our wife for the first time in months. I sat on Jeremy's dick, riding him till he came inside me. Once I felt the burn of his semen in me, I came, too, in long ropes of cum that we didn't even bother to wash out of his dense chest fur until we woke. We fell asleep in one another's arms, missing Terry, but content.

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My Life In One Story From Childhood

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“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. “I have a reservation. Tonya Benton.” The woman’s smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m terribly sorry, but we don’t have any rooms available.” Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she’d just heard. “What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago.” “I see it in the computer, but I’m afraid we had a software glitch that caused us to...

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Masochistic Me

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Abhishek Fucking Neighbour Girl Neha And Her Mom Shweta 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone! Abhishek here! I am a resident of north Bangalore in a posh society. I am 5’11” tall, athletic build and quite fair and I can speak quite well. I am a regular reader of ISS and I can’t tell you how amazing this particular experience has been. I finally decided to share my experience. This is the sex story of how my neighbor’s daughter caught my interest and how I ended up fucking her and then her mom separately. Neha is a sensual babe while her mother is a wild chick. This...

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The Double Date That Didnt End

(This story was originally published as a single, continuous narrative -- but I figured people might have fun playing around with other outcomes for the four characters. Please feel free to contribute, thanks!) SHANE Most of my coworkers spent the day grumbling about the fact that they all had to come into the office on Christmas Eve. Everyone was so distracted by thoughts of hearty family dinners, mysterious pretty boxes, and little pine trees wrapped up with blinking lights, that hardly any...

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Teen and friend double team Grandpa

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The Double Date That Didnt End Ch 1

****** SHANE ****** Most of my coworkers spent the day grumbling about the fact that they all had to come into the office on Christmas Eve. Everyone was so distracted by thoughts of hearty family dinners, mysterious pretty boxes, and little pine trees wrapped up with blinking lights, that hardly any work got done all day. But working on Christmas had never really bothered me. My parents had passed away a few years earlier, I had no siblings or extended family to speak of, and I’d never been...

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Double Team Supreme

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Amys Double Dildo Delight

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I Got Double Ds

I Got Double D's by Ed Gay This is a story of trading places. A husband and wife actually trade identities. Through the power of the occult a body transfer occurs. She becomes he, male with all of the masculine equipment therein. And he occupies her female form, complete with all of it's curvy protrudences. This is turnabout at it's best, or worst, depending on how you look at it. For the husband, it is a nightmare. A strong, aggressive, male is suddenly thrust into a weak,...

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Double Take Part 1 Blue Water Black Dress

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode One: Blue Water, Black Dress Sandy Lane glanced at his Rip Curl watch as he paddled back towards the lineup. Less then twenty seconds remaining in his heat. Sandy had one good wave under his belt, but unless he nailed another one, there was no way he was going to make it into the finals. He glanced over his right shoulder, and at first he couldn't believe what he saw. The surf had been small all morning, but looming behind him was...

2 years ago
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Double Take Part Seven Amazing Grace Double Jeopardy

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Seven: Amazing Grace, Double Jeopardy What a difference a fraction of an inch makes! Sandy Lane reflected on this as he brushed the loose powder off his nose. When it was a centimeter smaller, with a slightly different curve to it, his nose had given him the face of a beautiful girl. Now, although he was still nice-looking, nobody would be mistaking him for Ashley Vaughn. Standing side by side at the his-and-her vanities in their...

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Little Sis Going out with sis on a double date

Author's note: Lil sis: Going out with sis on a double date is not part two or three of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis'. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is what I'm going to do. Each...

2 years ago
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Double the fun on the continent

Lucy and Jake Chapter one - Double the fun on the continent After 5 beautiful years of fucking, Jake and Lucy knew their sex life couldn't get any better. That is, until they discovered a new way to connect... It was a warm afternoon in Paris, the low autumn sun shone lightly onto Jake’s back. Pulling his sunglasses off his face, he met Lucy’s eyes with a fierce twinkle. She hadn’t seen Jake for weeks, and it had been no secret how horney the two of them were getting. Suitcase dumped, Lucy...

1 year ago
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Double Cream and Blue Tits

Nick continues his lessons of lust delivering his double cream Double cream and blue tits For the last few months before I left school, I had a part-time job with my uncle, Roger. Roger by nature I used to call him, not to his face obviously. He was my uncle on my father's side, and he was a right character. If ever you wanted anything, then uncle Roger would somehow manage to get hold of it. I wouldn’t consider him as a criminal, more of a loveable rogue. Come Christmas we never had to...

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Thistle street middlesbrough escort

6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...

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A Difficult Childhood

I missed all of my fifth year of grade school because of an accident which left me with a pair of bum legs which didn’t grow as well as they should have, so I’ll never grow any taller than I am now at only five feet five. I don’t remember much of anything before the accident, and not much for a long time after. I walked with a noticeable limp then and still do a little bit. Other kids at school would laugh and poke fun at me which I reckon was the reason for my quick temper and sometimes...

1 year ago
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True story from my childhood

When I was 13 or 14 I had the house to myself one day with my parents and brothers busy I was a horny kid so I watched some bad porn that got past the parent filter and jacked off. I remember exploding everywhere and made a mess so I was going to shower before anyone got home. Oh and I was probably going to masturbate in the shower too. But I was out of sope so I went to my parent’s bathroom butt naked because no one was home and went to get the sope but it was out of reach so I...

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Maries Childhood

As soon as Marie fell asleep, Buddy crawled onto Marie's bed. Buddy sniffed Marie's warm virgin pussy, and began to lick it. Marie softly moaned in her sleep, widening her legs to give buddy a better position. Buddy's tongue drilled into Marie's cunt, as she purred in immense pleasure. As Marie began to stir, Buddy stopped licking and placed his paws on Marie's shoulders. Buddy moved his 9 inch cock to Marie's pussy lips, as Marie tried to find out what was happening. As soon as...

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My Old Gay Friend From Childhood

My family had moved away from the town I grow up in at age 14. My friend said that he would never see me again and I told him yes we will. We exchanged addresses and kept in touch. We would tell each other how our Cocks were growing and if we had found anyone else to have sex with. I told him I had found someone, but it was not as much fun as we had together. He lived out of the town and I lived in town.He only came in to stay over night every two weeks or so and I could not get out to see...

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Broke Virginity Of My Neighbour Girl At Childhood

Hi friends ,i’m a great fan of iss , i go through this site daily,im very decent guy shashi age 20 yrs with 5’7″ height with 6 inch cock and 2 m in diameter,im from hyderabad native from hyderabadpls forgive me if have make any mistake in my conversation.This is my true experience happened . So now i wont waste time ill come to story friends,this was have happened when i was in my 11th class my neighbor was in 12th class ,her fig 34-28-32 She has a very sexy pair of boobs friends i was shocked...

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Emilys new childhood

  I opened my emails hoping to see one from my best friend who had just gone to work abroad for a year. I was really dissapointed not to see one, the only one i had looked like some more annoying spam i clicked to delete it but opened it by mistake. It was a picture of a girls bare bottom looking very red indeed and the heading ?Do you need this in your life??. I was quite shocked but couldn’t stop staring at it, I had this bizzarre image of my own bottom looking like that after someone had...

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Homosexual since childhood

Hello, I am Raghunath. Sex is too important in life. Some people likes sex more and some to that of their level only.now i am 50 years. I am explaining my experience in my life. Appudu naaku 10 samvacharamulu. Neenu 6th chaduvuthunnanu. Friends kalasi adukunetappudu okare bulli okaru chusukovadam chesukonevallam. Naa bulli chinnade ga undedi.1 inche size. Andaru egathali chesevaru. Okkosari nechamga matalaadevaaru, kojja gaadu anevaaru.daniki thaggattu naalo kooda koorikalu modalayyaye. Naa...

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Memphis on the way

Saturday afternoon I had a very good fuck session with my beloved hubby.Later that night Victor drove me to the airport; I had to catch a flight to Memphis, on a very boring business trip. I felt really stupid when I took a challenge from my asshole Boss and accepted to make that trip…In the other hand, my good friends Sheila and Peter lived in Memphis; so it would be a nice chance to meet them after so many years.Sheila and Peter Anne sometimes had played around with me when they lived in...

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American Dad Pulling Double Booty Redone

Disclaimer: I do not in any shape or form own American Dad, it rightfully belongs to Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman. American Dad! Pulling Double Booty By Dark Dragen. Stan Smith was in his car with his daughter Hayley going to a hotel for the weekend, and he was anxious about this. Now you would wonder why a man who works for the C.I.A would be anxious about taking his daughter on a weekend trip for. Well to understand this, you have to go back a month or so at the start...

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Vodka and a Double Dong

“What do you think?” asked Marie.Jenny sighed and pulled down her pink heart-shaped sunglasses and peered over the rim. “I honestly don’t know, but she sure looks tasty.”Marie laughed and slapped her friend playfully on the shoulder. “You dirty-mouthed slut. The only thing you get to taste is my shaved pussy.”Jenny looked up at her and lifted her hands just under her chin and stuck out her tongue, imitating a puppy. “Please, pretty, please, just a little taste?”Marie laughed so hard she fell...

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1 Plus 1 Means Double the Fun

Becky and Lisa had been best friends ever since Lisa's family moved into the neighborhood when they were just little girls. Becky was the first friend Lisa had made back then, and they only grew closer as the years went by. The two played dolls and house together, studied together in school, double-dated when they got older, and were roommates in college. When Becky got married, Lisa was her maid of honor and when she got divorced four years later, Lisa was there with a shoulder to cry on. With...

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Double Dare Part 4

"Oh god, what are we going to do?" muttered Katie, as we were stood outside the deans office waiting to see her.Our professor had caught us playing dare, and had reported us to the dean, and now Me, my hot blonde cousin Josie, her hot ebony friend Emily, and the young, but not so innocent petite red headed Katie, were nervously waiting to see Mrs Woo.Then she called us in, and we slowly entered her office and stood in front of her desk looking sorry for ourselves.Mrs Woo was a short, mature...

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