A doubleheader with Doublelist
- 3 years ago
- 38
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The ringing phone woke me up on Sunday morning. I idly wondered if it might be Carly. When my mother knocked on the door and told me Carly was on the phone, I felt a tightness across my chest. Maybe Nancy had called her and told her everything. It would be the ultimate revenge. If Nancy couldn't be happy, no one would be happy.
I answered the phone with trepidation. "Hi, Carly," I said as calmly as I could manage.
"Were you still sleeping?" Carly asked. I tried to gauge her emotional state from the sound of her voice, but her tone was neutral.
"Yes," I answered warily.
"Oh. OK. Sam, we have a problem."
I think my heart stopped beating right there. I felt like I had fallen down a flight of stairs. It was a good thing I was still in bed.
"What's wrong?" I asked. I knew I sounded terrified. Carly didn't seem to notice. She was too preoccupied with whatever the problem was.
"When I got home last night, my mom was still up. She wanted to know where we had been after the movie. I had to lie to her." Carly was almost whispering now so she wouldn't be overheard. Was that the problem? I was trying hard not to cheer out loud.
"Does she suspect something?" I asked, trying not to sound too jubilant.
"She sure does. She told me I can't go to the dance with you unless we double with another couple."
There was silence for about half a minute.
Carly continued. "This might work out. I'm going to call Nancy and see if she is going. She can double with us."
"No!" I realized as soon as I said that how guilty it sounded. I tried not to sound like a strangled cat as I continued. "I mean, I don't think she's dating anyone." Yeah, like that reassured Carly.
"I'm going to ask. It's worth a shot," Carly told me. "I'll call you back after I talk to her."
In her haste, Carly hung up before I could dream up a better excuse. The last thing I wanted was for Carly to talk to Nancy, especially so soon after what happened yesterday. I tried calling back Carly but her line was already busy. I tried a few more times but had no more luck. Carly and Nancy were talking a long time. I knew what they were talking about. I had lost Carly.
I tried doing anything to take my mind off my impending doom but I couldn't concentrate on anything else. The minutes dragged on as I waited for Carly to call back. Maybe she was too upset to call. Maybe she was coming over to break up with me in person. I wouldn't blame her if she was coming over to punch me in the face.
It was about twenty minutes before the phone rang. The sound made me jump. I didn't answer it. I wanted to prolong my relationship with Carly a few seconds longer. My dad answered the phone that time and opened my door to tell me it was for me. I thanked him and picked up the phone as gingerly as if it was a bomb I was trying to defuse.
"Sam, it's Carly."
My heart was now beating so hard that I could look down and see my shirt moving.
"I talked to Nancy."
The seconds were like hours as I waited for the inevitable.
"We had a long talk."
In my agony, I understood why condemned prisoners looked so calm as they were escorted to their executions. They were ready to just get it over with.
"She said that she is not dating anyone, but she'll go with us if she can get a date."
Huh? The blood was pounding so hard in my ears that I didn't think I heard Carly right. I couldn't have heard her right.
"Sam, are you there?" Carly asked.
"Yes, I'm here. Nancy said she'd double with us?" I tried not to sound incredulous but I don't think I succeeded.
"Yes, if she can get a date. Is there anyone you could talk to about asking her?"
It was about then that I remembered to breathe. I exhaled so loudly that Carly asked me if I was OK.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just... , oh, never mind. I'll ask around."
"Good. I'm sure you'll think of someone. Nancy is the only person I think we could go with who would understand if we wanted to go parking after the dance."
My harried mind was still trying to come to grips with the realization that Nancy hadn't told Carly about me — about us. I had no idea what she was up to — and that scared me.
Carly could tell I was preoccupied about something, so we hung up soon after that. Now all I had to do was find a date for the girl I was fooling around with yesterday behind my girlfriend's back, and everything would be fine. No matter how many times I repeated that statement to myself, it never sounded right.
Who was I going to ask? I had to do something. The last thing I wanted to do now was to leave Nancy in the lurch. I didn't want to give her any further reason to ruin my life. I had already done enough to convince her to do that. I had to find someone who she could have a good time with. It had to be someone who Carly would feel comfortable with if there was to be a point to our double date. I thought over the list of friends from our circle. Most of them were dating. Eventually, I narrowed the choices down to one - Frank. His steady girlfriend had moved away over the summer. I hadn't heard that he was going to the dance with anyone. He had been with us that day last summer when Carly and I got together. As far as I knew, he wasn't aware of what Nancy and I had been doing. If I was lucky, no one had figured that out, and things would stay that way. If my luck didn't hold out,... I didn't want to go there.
I called Frank and felt him out. He knew Nancy and he was interested in the idea. I passed along her number and he assured me he would call her. After I got off the phone, I sat in my room, catching my breath. I was starting to think that I was going to get away with this.
There was still Monday. I knew I would have to face Nancy in class. I couldn't get around that and it haunted me for the rest of the weekend. My stomach was in knots right up until the time I arrived at my first class. Nancy was already there, sitting in her usual place — right next to mine. I tentatively slipped into my chair, totally unsure of what to expect.
Nancy turned to face me when she heard me sit down. I held my breath.
"Good morning, Sam." She was smiling.
I had to swallow to wet my mouth enough to answer her. "Hi, Nancy."
"Thanks for talking to Frank. He called me yesterday and asked me to the dance. We even went to a movie yesterday afternoon. He's a really nice guy." Nancy was smiling, maybe a little too much. I couldn't feel comfortable around her anymore.
"I'm glad. Frank's a good friend. I hope you two will have fun at the dance."
"I'm sure we will all have fun together," she said. Even though she sounded very happy, her words sounded somehow ominous. I found myself thinking over every word before speaking to her. I was so afraid that I would say something to set her off. A few words from her to Carly and my life would go to shit.
I met Carly for lunch. She was all smiles. I let myself relax a little. I realized that if I was always tense around her, she would figure out I was guilty about something.
"I saw Nancy this morning," she said. My heart skipped a few beats for good measure. "It sounds like she and Frank are really hitting it off well."
"Yeah, she told me about him this morning, too. I hope it works out for them."
"She needs someone. She hasn't dated since she moved here," Carly added, sounding concerned for her friend.
I knew why she hadn't dated, of course. I was not about to explain that to Carly. Instead, I said, "It sounds like she likes Frank."
"Good. We can double with them. My parents won't be so suspicious when we come in late if we are with them."
"Carly, how are we going to do anything with them in the car?" I didn't understand what she was leading up to.
"Come on, Sam. Don't be shy. They'll be in the back seat and we'll be in the front. We'll have enough privacy."
"I don't know about this, Carly. They will still be able to hear us."
"They won't be sitting back there taking notes. They will be busy, too. Besides, it isn't like we're going to shock Nancy. She knows what we've been doing."
"What?!" Did Carly really mean that? If Carly told Nancy that, what did Nancy tell Carly? I was sweating a little harder now.
"Come on, Sam. She's my friend. Girls talk. Don't guys talk about what they do?"
"Apparently not in as much detail as girls. Geeze, Carly. Did you really tell her everything?" Inside, I was hoping and praying that Nancy hadn't shared anything about me with her.
"Relax, Sam. She won't tell anyone. It was just between the two of us."
I was frantically trying to think all this through. If Carly wasn't upset, then Nancy must not have told her anything about what we had done together.
"I'll still feel a little self conscious about doing... that... with them in the car with us," I said.
"You'll forget all about them once we start taking our clothes off. Trust me." I could hear the sly smile in her voice.
From then on, whenever I saw Nancy she was all bubbly talking about Frank. They seemed to be getting very close and she was happy about it. That suited me fine. I desperately wanted her to fall in love with someone else and forget all about what she had done with me.
The girls had gotten together and planned what we would do on the night of the dance. I picked up Carly, who was dressed in a beautiful white dress. I had a flower for her, of course, which I nervously offered to her. Her mother pinned it on her dress, saving me the embarrassment of trying to figure out how to do that without looking like I was trying to feel her up in front of her parents. Feeling her up would come later.
We picked up Frank before going to Nancy's house. I hadn't seen Doctor Hunter since before that fateful day in Nancy's bedroom so I didn't know how he would react to me. I didn't think he knew about Carly, and he knew Nancy and I were very good friends. I didn't relish the idea that he might say something to make Carly suspect that Nancy and I had ever been anything more than friends. Fortunately, Frank went to the door to get her while Carly and I waited in the car. Soon we were arriving at the restaurant to eat dinner.
We sat at a table for four. I was enjoying staring at Carly while the four of us chatted. She looked pretty good in blue jeans at school, but seeing her in that dress really took my breath away. The thought of seeing her out of that dress later was getting me hard. The four of us had a good time eating. I managed to get over my nervousness about Nancy being there and relax. For her part, Nancy appeared to be thinking only of Frank. She looked, well, if not in love then at least in lust. They were holding hands and looking at each other. I was relieved.
The dance was fun. Our usual gang was all there. My favorite part had to be the slow dances holding Carly tightly against me. I could feel her body through the dress and imagine what she was going to look like in the moonlight later. Nancy suggested we change partners for one slow dance and I almost choked. Carly thought that would be fun and I found myself holding Nancy on the dance floor. It was the first time we had touched since she had offered herself to me in her bed. I think I was almost trembling. We were dancing so close that we could whisper into each other's ear and no one would overhear us. Feeling Nancy against me was bringing back memories I had tried to forget and I was getting excited.
"It's nice to be so close to you again, Sam."
That statement wouldn't be so dangerous without "again". Carly and Frank were nearby but (fortunately) not able to hear her words.
"Nancy, that was —"
"A very special time we shared," Nancy supplied. "I'll always treasure it. I'm not sorry we did that. Are you?"
How could I answer a question like that? Either way, I was setting myself up for the kill.
"Nancy, you know I love Carly."
"Yes, I do. She's a very lucky girl. I hope I'll get as lucky with Frank."
How did she mean that?
"Thanks for getting Frank to call me."
"You're welcome," I answered, glad to have dodged her question.
The song ended. As we parted to walk back to our table, I felt in a small way disappointed that I hadn't taken the chance to enjoy feeling Nancy's body pressed against me. Again.
I danced with Carly for the next slow song. We were swaying together closely when she innocently asked, "What did you and Nancy talk about?"
I was nervous having to always be on my toes when Carly and Nancy were together. I thought quickly and told her, "Her and Frank." It was the truth. Mostly.
"Yeah, they seem to be really hitting it off. I'm happy for them."
"Now I'm thinking about you... and later," I said, hoping to distract Carly's thoughts.
"Mmm, me, too. I've been getting wet thinking about you."
We left the dance before it ended. As I drove out of the school parking lot, Carly slid next to me, put her hand on my leg, and suggested that we drive over to the old oak tree in the field. I was still a little uncomfortable about Nancy and Frank being in the back seat, but hormones were doing their best to make me forget about that. As I drove, the sounds from the back seat told me that Nancy and Frank were getting to know each other better. By the time I turned off the highway onto the dark road, they were kissing heavily.
Carly, apparently encouraged by the sounds they were making, was now rubbing my erection through my pants. She took my right hand and put it in her lap. Instinctively I tried to fondle her but it wasn't working very well through the dress. She pulled her dress up to her waist and put my hand on her pantyhose. I gave her a surprised look but she whispered, "It's coming off soon, anyway." I thought I heard a light giggle from the back seat but I wasn't sure.
I parked alongside the tree where Carly and I had first kissed months before. I turned off the lights and the engine. It was so quiet. There was a full moon so the inside of the car was well illuminated. Carly leaned over and kissed me deeply, our tongues intertwined in the way they had been wanting to all night. Carly broke the kiss and turned to face her door. "Unzip me, please." She was wasting no time. As I undid her zipper, I hear whispers from the back seat, then the slow sound of another zipper. I couldn't believe Nancy was going to do this with Frank. Then I thought, Why not? We were doing it.
Carly turned back to me and I helped her slip out of her dress. It was a little awkward undressing each other in the front seat. There was definitely more room for this in the back seat, but we had to make the best of the situation. In a short time, Carly was sitting in the front seat of my car in only her bra and panties, and I was also wearing only my underwear. We kissed again, running our hands over each other's bodies. Similar sounds of undressing had come from the back seat so I suspected Nancy was probably well on the way to being naked as well. As I touched Carly, I couldn't stop images of a naked Nancy from creeping into my mind.
Carly was rubbing the front of my underwear, caressing the barely concealed erection. The sounds coming from the backseat were fading into the background as things with Carly in the front seat were heating up. Hormones finally took over and I pushed Carly back, sliding her to a lying position beneath me on the seat. I kissed her deeply, very aware of all the bare flesh touching me. Moving lower, I reached under her back and released her bra. I worked it off her arms and dropped in on top of the pile of clothes on the floor, never taking my eyes off her breasts. I kissed and licked them. The trails of my saliva were glistening in the moonlight. Carly cooed in approval as I sucked her sensitive nipples.
I kissed lower, across her flat stomach until I reached the waistband of her panties. I gripped the waistband in my teeth and managed to pull it low enough to encounter her hair, but no lower. I used my hands to pull on her panties. She obediently lifted her hips off the seat to help me and I removed her last remaining garment. I could smell her arousal as I settled back down between her legs. The position was awkward. My legs were on the floor beneath the steering wheel and my back was almost against the driver's door, but the discomfort was forgotten as I prepared to eat her pussy.
I used my fingers to delicately pull her lips apart. My tongue softly touched her inner lips before sliding up to look for her clit. The car rocked gently as Nancy and Frank moved about in the backseat and I heard them talking softly but I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. I pressed my tongue hard against Carly's pussy and licked as I looked up to her face. I really liked watching her face as I licked her.
I was surprised to see her not looking down at me in ecstasy, but looking above me in surprise. I lifted my head and bumped into something soft. Two somethings soft, actually. Moving upright, I found a topless Nancy leaning over the seat and smiling broadly. She was holding something small and dark in her hand and she held it out to me. It was a rectangular cardboard box.
"Do you guys need any condoms?" Neither of us answered; we were too shocked to speak. When she didn't get an answer, Nancy continued, "We won't need the whole box." She looked over her shoulder, then back to me. "At least, I don't think we will." I could hear Frank laughing nervously as she said that. I looked to Carly, who shook her head.
"No, thanks, we're fine," I told Nancy.
"OK, whatever," she said before disappearing over the seatback. Before I moved back into position between Carly's legs, I snuck a glance over the seat. Frank was sitting at one end of the seat and rolling a condom onto his erection. Nancy was moving onto her back on the rest of the seat and spreading her legs. I couldn't believe what was about to happen back there. From what she had told me, Nancy had been a virgin when she had offered herself to me.
I tried to concentrate on my girlfriend's body, but Nancy was speaking louder now. Frank was whispering his replies but her words were loud enough to be hard to ignore.
"Be gentle, Frank. It's my first time, you know."
"Yeah, that's the spot. Right in there."
"Ooh, I didn't think it would feel so big in me. You're so hard."
"No, it doesn't hurt yet. I'll tell you when. It's just stretching me open a lot more than I've ever been stretched before."
"Ow! That's it! Stop for a minute." Nancy's loud breathing could be clearly heard.
Carly was looking at me, wide-eyed. She was obviously as surprised as I was about what was transpiring two feet away from us. I tried to distract both of us with her pussy, but what came next made that impossible.
"OK! I'm ready now. Push hard and break through."
"Are you sure?" It was Frank's voice now, sounding concerned.
"Yes. Make me a woman, Frank."
Then, "Ahhh!" Nancy screamed. It wasn't words. It was a high-pitched scream. Carly jumped at the sudden noise. I did, too. There was no doubt that Nancy had just given up her virginity.
The car started to rock softly side to side. Frank must be pumping in and out of Nancy. I could hear Nancy whimpering softly. A few times, she whispered, "It's OK. It doesn't really hurt. Don't stop," to encourage Frank.
I looked up to Carly. She was looking at the back of the seat. She must have been thinking about what her friend had just done right on the other side, what her friend was doing just then right on the other side.
I was thinking about it as well. I could have been the one to do what Frank was doing right then. It was offered to me and I turned it down. When I refused, she gave it to Frank. She could never offer that to anyone ever again. I could have been her first, but I chose Carly instead. I was thinking of how Nancy had looked that last time in her bed, her legs open, her pussy wet. She had wanted it so badly. The truth is that I wanted it badly also. I almost gave in, but I couldn't. I loved Carly. I had feelings for Nancy, too, but in the end my loyalty was to Carly.
Nancy and Frank were both moaning now. The pleasure must be finally overcoming the pain for her. The moans were turning to cries — orgasmic cries. I had heard Nancy cry out like that, when my hand was inside her. Now she had a dick inside her, making her cry out, making her cum.
I felt a tear escaping from my eye. I blinked and looked back to Carly. She wasn't looking at the seat anymore. She was watching me. Had she seen me cry? I put my face down and redoubled my efforts to make her forget about anything she might have seen. I didn't look up at her face. I concentrated on trying to make her scream like Nancy had.
Before I made Carly cum, everybody in the car heard Nancy cum. She called out for Frank. I was thankful she didn't have another Freudian slip and say my name instead. I was also sad. I no longer held a place in her heart. I made Carly cry out, but not nearly as loudly as Frank had made Nancy. When Carly was coming down from her peak, I crawled up over her to kiss her. I knew her juices were covering my cheeks, but she didn't usually mind. Just before I pressed my lips to hers, Carly put her hands on my slippery cheeks. She was looking at my face, trying to see something in the dark. I panicked for an instant, then she pulled me to her and we kissed. I held myself to Carly's naked body and tried really hard not to cry.
Had I made the right choice? I thought so, but why did I feel such a loss? I was glad I was here in the front seat with Carly, but at the same time I was so sad that I wasn't in the back seat with Nancy, inside Nancy. I was still on top of Carly when we heard Frank cumming. I knew his sperm was squirting into Nancy's pussy at that instant, the first sperm to ever be there. A sob escaped but I tried to conceal it by breathing deeply and rubbing my cheek against Carly's face.
"Hold the condom and pull out, Frank. I don't want to get pregnant on my first time," Nancy said. I could feel the car move as Frank shifted. A few moments later, the light came on as the back door opened. He was dropping the used condom outside and the door closed. "Come here, Frank. Cuddle with me. We can do it again when you're ready."
Again? She was going to give herself to him again and again, knowing I could hear what was going on. Carly whispered into my ear, "I want to give you a blowjob," as she pushed. I got up so we could rearrange ourselves. As I did, I tried to casually let my eyes drift to the backseat. What I saw was Frank lying on top of Nancy. In the moonlight, I could tell they were both sweaty. Nancy caught me looking at her. She didn't give me a smile this time. Her look was hard. The meaning was obvious. You could have had me but you turned me down so I gave it to someone else.
Author's note: Lil sis: Going out with sis on a double date is not part two or three of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis'. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is what I'm going to do. Each...
DOUBLE DATE ???? DOUBLE DATE???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected] ????...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Some of the characters in this story (namely, our hero) are the same characters from my previous story, "Great Shift: Life at the Zou," in the MAU Universe as opposed to the Great Shift Universe. Also, while my Great Shift story takes place in late March (to coincide with the Academy Awards story), this story takes place during the summer. Sean Miller was a generally happy guy. He lived in a nice house, had great friends, just finished his first year of college, and came out...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 10, The Double Date) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback. ...
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BDSMThe Booty Bay Doublecross By: Lyrissa "I am honored to have two such beautiful ladies accompany me," said Ranos with a confident grin as he slowly directed his pearly white steed towards the inn. "You are like the night sky, mysterious and pretty." Next to him the night elf sisters Orina and Viora exchanged a knowing glance. They rode on top of their large, muscular nightsaber mounts and the light of Azeroth's two moons made their acres of exposed blue skin shimmer like the ocean....
I was happy to hear the familiar sound of a new email arriving. Hoping it wasn't just more spam, I checked and it was Greg's folder that was highlighted. I clicked my brother's message open and settled back to read the letter. They were always long and chatty. I was only twelve and he was twenty when he left home, I was too young to recognise his qualities as a man and there was too much of an age gap for us to be friends – he had always just been my big brother. My parents would never...
"Are you sure you're okay with this, Mickey," said Rona. She was watching my eyes very carefully. "I mean if..." "I think so," I said. "But, I'm still concerned about it affecting our marriage." "Baby, that is the one thing that you do not have to worry about at all. If anything it will add sugar and spice to it, not the other way 'round," she said. For the record, I'm Mickey Iverson. I work for Stanley Construction. I'm a site foreman. The work is hard some days, but the...
The Cheese woke up surrounded by warm female bodies. 'Well, this is different. Wonder what's the occasion? Who have I got? Brown hair ... that's Jo. Blond hair, hmm ... maybe Vickie ... yup Vickie. Black hair, black hair. Who is this? China Doll ... one ... two. Ok. I love Jo ... love Vick. Don't know the Chinese enough to say. This is very nice though. Back to sleep.'"Holy Shit!" Sitting straight up and shaking, 'I stepped off the cliff ... I remember doing that. I remember voices...
As soon as you open Double List, you will be offered to sign up, since it is free. They say that they are basically like any other dating app, but much better, and whether that is true or not, I shall now see. First, you will have to become a member, because without a membership you will not be allowed to do anything, which really fucking sucks.At the time I was creating an account, there were over 170k users online, and once you enter your email you will be sent a registration code or whatnot....
Hookup SitesDouble Date by Vickie Tern (So this year doesn't end without my posting even one new story on FM, here's one of many not yet finished, finished in time to post it this year! I hope.) You know how it goes, that long-dreaded moment. Your wife walks in unexpectedly and sees she isn't married to a man but instead to a wannabe woman. Or something like that, a sex freak. She studies you and determines it really is you though you seem to be someone else. Someone not her husband...
--- Double Date (MF, mf, Mf, mF, con, reluc, 1st, exhib, impreg?, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- Leanne was pissed off. She had come home from college for a week only to be saddled with watching over her 15-year-old sister all the time. Her parents had decided that since she was back, even temporarily, they could count on her to watch Wendy while they went off on some "date nights", which they had complained that they just didn't get to do anymore since Leanne had moved...
****** SHANE ****** “You like what you see, Tracy?” Ria teased, giving my exposed cock an extra little squeeze for emphasis. Caught, Tracy blushed and glanced awkwardly over at Connor, but he just smiled. “Hey, go ahead and look. I know I’m enjoying the view of Ria over there.” He draped a reassuring arm around Tracy, the gesture sliding her robe down off her shoulders, exposing the tops of her glistening breasts. She was preposterously sexy: cheeks flushed with arousal, tits practically...
Group SexJim’s demeanor was noticeably different. In the weeks following watching Stephen fuck me, as Jim hid in our closet, my husband was more ‘energized’, almost slightly ‘hyper’.Before actually watching these events, Jim enjoyed my verbal retelling of my daily activities with my teenage lover; however, it seemed that his vicarious enjoyment had been somewhat ‘indistinct’, or perhaps ‘surreal’. These verbal descriptions, and the fantasies that they induced, were more dreamlike than real.But now,...
Wife Lovers****** SHANE ****** After that Christmas Eve, everything changed for the four of us. Connor, Tracy, Ria and I became inseparable; “The Double Date That Didn’t End,” we liked to joke. Each of us still had our own friends and our own lives outside of one another, of course, but in that never-ending double date, we found something that we’d all been missing out on for a long time—a family. Connor became like a brother to me, Tracy became like a sister to me, and Ria… She and I fell for one another...
CheatingA double date turns into a threesome, with one man cuckolded.Before dinner, Jessica jerked me off onto her tits. I had spent all day in the office and my balls were swollen, so when she took off her top and started pumping my cock, I came pretty quickly. Like a good little vixen, Jessica kept stroking every drop of cum onto her chest, even sticking out her tongue and licking the tip of my cock for a few more morsels.Dinner was at IHOP with Jessica's friend Melanie and her new boyfriend. Melanie...
EPILOGUE: Every day is Christmas****** SHANE ****** Luckily, my boss's insurance covered the tree that fell through the cabin wall. A part of me was worried that he'd somehow blame me for the damage, but the opposite turned out to be true: "Can you imagine how much worse the damage would have been if no one was home?!" he asked. "There would have been a month’s-worth of snow and frost filling the place before we even realized. I'm damn lucky you and Ria were there!" But, nice as he was, I...
Wife LoversThe Season of Sharing ****** RIA ****** Shane and Tracy moaned through the paper-thin walls of the cabin, their urgent thrusts building to a fever pitch in the other room: "I'm so close!" Tracy wailed. "Me too!" my husband roared. "Sheesh, listen to those two go at it!" Connor laughed. I reached down and grasped the iron bar of his cock, grinning inwardly at our reversal of fortune since last night, when Shane had been the one in my bed, and Connor with Tracy. Cooing happily, I wrapped my...
Group SexDonna was one of three other girls from school I met at the party at the college. This was a big surprise to everyone. Donna, Trisha, and Karen all had boyfriends they did it regularly with, and Jo Marie had the bright idea of having a massive sleep-over and party. Our parents were hesitant, at least at first. Mom put it best. "What do you know of these girls?" You can find out a lot on the school grapevine, but a lot of that is wrong. Rick suggested some double dates, and that proved to...
A few months ago a friend of mine Julie wants me to double date with her and a guy she was interested in. Basically she wanted me to be his friends date for the evening. Seeing as how I was dating someone else I reluctantly agreed after she begged me too. I really wasn’t into the idea of it, but I dressed up none the less. I put on a denim skirt and white blouse on over the top of a pair of matching red lace bra and panties. Everything fit my 5’3” 115lbs frame quite nicely. I have a set of...
A few months ago a friend of mine Julie wants me to double date with her and a guy she was interested in. Basically she wanted me to be his friends date for the evening. Seeing as how I was dating someone else I reluctantly agreed after she begged me too. I really wasn’t into the idea of it, but I dressed up none the less. I put on a denim skirt and white blouse on over the top of a pair of matching red lace bra and panties. Everything fit my 5’3” 115lbs frame quite nicely. I have a set of...
InterracialI was lying on Tom, my husband of seven years, letting the afterglow of sex wash over me and his penis slowly become flaccid while still inside me. After all those years, sex was still good. We knew how to please each other; I could count on two orgasms whenever I had the chance to finish our love making on top. At the same time, sex had become very predictable. Each of us knew not only what the other liked, but how they would respond. I often would find myself fantasizing that I was with a new...
Trip waited politely for the door chime to be answered and entered Malcolm's quarters in response to the call from within. "Hey Malcolm, do you have a minute?" "Sure," the Brit answered, waving Trip to take a seat before glancing at him slyly. "I've heard your cabin has grown considerably in size." "Yeah, I almost passed out when we came home from that short shore leave," he answered with a chuckle. Malcolm opened a nondescript drawer and took out a bottle, holding it in Trip's...
Before Double Trouble IOur protagonists:Lori Lavalle, not quite 21 years old, was 5’7? tall and weighed about 130 pounds. Along with flashing green eyes and high cheekbones, she had long, lustrous coal black hair, and a figure many women would kill for: 1) a beautifully rounded set of boobs, very upright and erect, measuring 36? with a C/D cup – 2) thanks to many hours of waist training, she measured just over 25? around her middle – 3) 37? hips, with the most perfect bubble butt man had ever...
It is the summer between your sophomore and junior year of college and you are spending it back home with the family, completely bored out of your mind. A lot of your friends got places close to their schools or went away on vacation. For the time being, you're only company is your family. Your father, Ron, is putting in long hours at work and you rarely see him. Your mother, Nicole, tries to keep herself busy around the house, but usually spends most of her days sipping away at a glass of...
IncestLeanne was pissed off. She had come home from college for a week only to be saddled with watching over her 15-year-old sister all the time. Her parents had decided that since she was back, even temporarily, they could count on her to watch Wendy while they went off on some "date nights", which they had complained that they just didn't get to do anymore since Leanne had moved out.That was all well and good, but she wanted some date nights too! She hadn't seen her boyfriend Russ in months!Her...
"This is a bad idea," Sean reiterated as she and Megan made it to the door. "He'll totally figure us out and we'll be arrested or something." "First of all," Megan snapped back. "He doesn't know any of us. And secondly, we're not doing anything illegal... technically." "It's still a bad idea," Sean grumbled softly. Jack finally caught up with the two as Megan opened the door. On the other side was Officer Leo, wearing jeans, a casual button up shirt, and a sweet pair of Nikes. Sean was...
Leanne was pissed off. She had come home from college for a week only to be saddled with watching over her 15-year-old sister all the time. Her parents had decided that since she was back, even temporarily, they could count on her to watch Wendy while they went off on some "date nights", which they had complained that they just didn't get to do anymore since Leanne had moved out. That was all well and good, but she wanted some date nights too! She hadn't seen her boyfriend Russ in...
The sunlight poured into Bayonetta's studio apartment, brightening every corner of the typically drab dungeon-like dwelling. It was an early summer day and all the windows had been opened, the humid air rolling in on a light afternoon breeze. Jim Morrison's electric voice filled the room as The Doors blared on the living room stereo. Bayonetta face fucked James on the leather sofa, her screams of pleasure piercing through the music. They were both sweating profusely, she in her skin tight...
If parties were set at the pace of the girls, they would last all night. Guys give out, though. After a while they can get it up, but they can't get it off. And then, after nearly superhuman efforts, they can't even get it up. That's when the party comes to an end. That's when you have your business meeting. People are tired, but they're still thinking. Some are asleep, about half have already gotten dressed and left. That leaves the rest of us to decide for everyone, and we did have a...
“Yeah… cmon! More tongue! Take me there, slut!” she yelled as she crammed her fully erect cock into his open mouth. James’ head hung off the front side of the sticky couch, his legs leaning up against the back of the seat. Bayonetta held him by the throat, increasing and decreasing the gag factor at her leisure as she speared all 16 inches of her slimy horse dick down his gullet. The blood had long ago gone to James’ head and all he could see was the jerky, upside down motion of her frenzied...
The sunlight poured into Bayonetta's studio apartment, brightening every corner of the typically drab dungeon-like dwelling. It was an early summer day and all the windows had been opened, the humid air rolling in on a light afternoon breeze. Jim Morrison's electric voice filled the room as The Doors blared on the living room stereo. Bayonetta face fucked James on the leather sofa, her screams of pleasure piercing through the music. They were both sweating profusely, she in her skin tight...
Everyone knows whose doing it, whose not, and who will tell. I'd been surprised that my brother was getting it on with someone, but rumor and the grapevine soon confirmed it. Apparently he'd made the mental leap from going hot and heavy with one girl to spreading it around, and managed to find a girl or three who didn't get jealous if he poked his dick in someone else. I'd already helped one of his friends, and soon the others were talking about him as if he was just one of the regular...
Fay told him his offer was attractive but she had sworn to herself that there would never be another man in her but her master. In about an hour Norman was ready to go again. That time he lasted through four times of the ladies having two orgasms then changing. Norman said that if he could rest for a couple of hours he would try to do it again. I told him to forget it, we needed to go soon. Lee said she did not want any more that day. Paulene said "Me to stud" ! Norman said "Thank...
A new girl entered the private school. Lisa was a tall blond with blue eyes and a killer figure. She was one of the bright ones that did not fit in with those in the public school system. Her mind was so quick that she was bored with the classes geared for the normal sixteen year old. Lisa was placed in the senior level at that school and would graduate and go on to college that year. I met her and asked for a date. She was hesitant at first but with a "What the hell" kind of attitude...
Let me start by saying this is a true story. It's kinda longSo my best friend and I had plans to go out one night. She called me earlier in the day to tell me she was going to hang out with this guy she was interested in and that he had a friend that could also come over.I really wasn't interested in a blind date, especially if its only purpose is to justify my friend from ditching me for the night. I told her that i really didn't want to have some guy i wasn't into trying to grope me and fuck...
I'd been teasing Rick all day, little touches, casual glances, and "accidental" nudges with my boobs when I reached past him, things a girl could get away with, and that were obvious to every other girl who saw it. Finally Kaylee Mattson took me to one side. "Brianna? Tell me the truth: are you and Rick ... you know." I gave her a happy smile. "Are we sleeping together? Not as often as I'd like." "What? But I thought ... I heard..." She ran down, looking confused. "We can't go...
The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...
After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...
The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...
Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...
When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...
DOUBLE TROUBLE I'm a full-time tranny - mid 20s, quite attractive and always interested in meeting tranny-friendly guys. I'm friendly with this hunk of a guy, Bob - you know dark hair, brown eyes, warm personality. He's pure beefcake - no real depth but the sex is good and we enjoy each other's bodies. However he's not into anal and since I feel my ass is my crowning glory (even if at the wrong end), I've been feeling a little frustrated recently. No matter how short I wear my skirts,...
Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...