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When I travel, I keep a notebook in my car, so I can work on stories when I stop for meals or what have you. This is the latest one from that process. SRU: Spell Responsibly By Ellie Dauber (c) 2002 Carl Winchell sat on the edge of his desk and scanned his class, third year English at Prescott High, looking for a suitable victim. That lump in the third row hunched down behind his textbook. Winchell could almost smell the scent of fear about him. Yes, he would more than do. "Mr. Lasky, can you tell the class what 'trochaic' means?" Winchell was a tall, slender man with the straight dark brown hair, high forehead, and the aquiline nose of too many generations of aristocratic inbreeding. Sid Lasky, a chunky 16-year old with curly brown hair, looked up at the sound of his name. "Sir?" "Come on now, Mr. Lasky, 'trochaic'; what is it?" "I-I don't know, sir." That should have been enough; Winchell should have moved on to another student, but he was having fun. "Try, Mr. Lasky; guess if you must. 'Trochaic'; only please don't say that it's something you can't have and eat it, too." He paused for the laugh from the few students who might have caught the pun. Then he added, "Although, judging by that stomach of yours, maybe you _have_ been eating it, too." This time, the laughter was louder, partly in relief that the laugher wasn't the target. It was enough to satisfy Winchell. "Ms. Ferris, do you know?" A pretty brunette in a blue and green cheerleader sweater shook her head, "No." "Mr. Giacomo?" A stocky boy shrugged. "Mr. Pratt?" "A metrical foot consisting of one stressed note followed by an unstressed note." William S. Pratt, no one ever called him "Bill" or "Billy," was a tall, almost too slender boy. William made up for his lack of anything that his classmates would have called "a life," made up for it by all but memorizing the textbook for every class and dreaming of a life as an actor. "Correct." The bell rang before Winchell could ask another question. "Maybe now, more of you will read the assigned pages. Just to make sure, everyone will turn in a written copy of the terms in pages 107-108 and their definitions." He smiled as the class groaned, while they gathered their books and filed out of the room. There were fifty terms on those pages. *** "Man, Sid, Winchell was all over you today." Harry Daniels, a tall, stocky boy in a Metallica T-shirt and frayed jeans, walked over to his best friend. "Tell me about it," Sid said. "I guess it was my turn again today." "Yeah, but that crack about your weight was a low blow, even for him." "I know, but I can't help it. I always put on weight after football season ends." He sighed. "I can't sass him back. He'll take that as a challenge and really tear into me." Harry reached over and patted Sid's stomach. "You could always diet." "Yeah, what color?" Sid felt better, and he punched Harry in the shoulder as a way of saying thanks. Harry caught him in a headlock, and the two friends laughed as they wrestled their way to their next class. *** Sid's good humor didn't last. Mort Lasky found his son curled up in a ball watching TV. "You okay, Sid?" he asked, as he took off his jacket. "Anything bothering you?" Sid shrugged. "No, I'm okay, Dad." "You sure? You look like you've all but tied yourself in a knot over something." "I'm fine, Dad." He pretended to look at his wristwatch. "I'd better go upstairs and get started on my homework before supper." "Homework? And you're going willingly? Now I _know_ something's wrong." "There's nothing wrong, Dad. It's just -- Mr. Winchell gave us a long assignment for tomorrow, and I want to get done with it." "Winchell? He's your English teacher, isn't he? How are you doing in his class?" "Yeah, I've got him for English. I think I'm doing okay." "But..." "What do you mean, Dad?" "'I'm doing okay in English', but... I want to know what the 'but' is." He folded his hands over his chest. "And I'm going to keep asking until you tell me." Sid sighed. "Okay, okay. The 'but' is Mr. Winchell. I've been his special target lately. It seems like there isn't a day that goes by without him making me the 'but,' the butt of some joke." "Any reason why? You having been making trouble, have you? No acting up or goofing off in his class?" "No, sir. I mean, I'm no angel, but I haven't pulled anything -- not in his class anyway. Mr. Winchell has a rep around school of coming down real hard on anybody who tries anything in his class." "Any you haven't tried anything to get even for what he's doing?" Sid grinned -- just for a moment. "I've thought about it. I don't know; maybe if I could think of something I thought I could get away with." "Well, you can stop thinking of anything. I'll take some time off and go see him tomorrow during my lunch hour." "I don't know, Dad. I don't want him to get mad at me." "Sid, relax. I sell cars, remember. I make my living getting people to like me." *** "Mr. Winchell?" Carl Winchell looked up from his desk. He'd gotten a note that some parent would be coming in to see him during his lunch period. It was annoying, but, at least, it got him out of cafeteria duty. Trying to teach these kids was bad enough. Trying to eat one's lunch while this rabble shrieked and flirted and did everything except sit quietly and consume food was something he'd take just about any excuse to miss. "Yes, I'm Carl Winchell, and you are..." "Mort, Mort Lasky. Sid Lasky is my son." Mort smiled and stuck out his hand. Winchell nodded, making a point of not shaking hands. "Sid? Oh, yes; third period English." Winchell could see the resemblance, now; same sticky body, same large nose and curly brown hair. The father was a bit chunkier, and there was some gray in the hair. "I guess. Anyway, Sid says he's been having a bit of a problem in your class lately, and I thought --" "I don't tutor, Mr. Lasky, and I certainly don't fix grades. If your Sid's having a problem, then he should study harder." "It's not the material that he's having trouble with -- though, I suppose he could always study more. He says that there's some sort of problem between him and you. I came to ask what it is; see if I couldn't, maybe, smooth things out." "I don't believe that there is anything to 'smooth out." If your son has told you some lie about how I treat him in class --" "My son isn't a liar." Mort stiffened for a moment, then he forced his body to relax, his face to smile. "Look, Mr. Winchell, we seem to have gotten off to a bad start. I'm not accusing you of anything... It's just that my son feels that there's something going on I thought if we could just talk a little, we could work it out. I mean, don't we both want Sid to do well in your class?" "Frankly, Mr. Lasky, I'm not sure that I care. I present the material. If your son doesn't understand it -- well, there _are_ remedial classes for our _slower_ students." "Are you saying my kid's retarded?" "No, Mr. Lasky, should I?" This was much more fun than cafeteria duty. "Why you lousy son of a bitch." Mort raised a fist and took a step forward. "I wouldn't, Mr. Lasky. You might get in a lucky punch or two, but I've got a _very_ good lawyer." The word "lawyer" made Mort stop in his tracks. Jenny had had a very good lawyer, too. That was why Mort and Sid were living in a four-room apartment after the divorce, while she'd been free to sell the house Mort had been born in and move to the West Coast. The only reason that Sid was still with him was because Jenny didn't want to be saddled with a teenaged son. "We'll... we'll just see what your boss, the principal, has to say about this." "I doubt that he'll have very much to say. It's your word against mine, and I've got twelve years tenure." Mort felt crushed. The bastard was probably right, but he wasn't going to show any sign of defeat. Winchell just smiled. "If there's nothing else, my tea is getting cold." He took a sip and continued with his lunch. He never even looked up to see just when Mort left. "Third period tomorrow should be a great deal of fun." He grinned in anticipation. *** Winchell had been right about one thing; Mr. Snowdon, the principal wasn't able to do anything. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lasky. You're not the first parent to complain about Carl Winchell, but we've never been able to get any real proof. His being tenured doesn't help either. The union is very tough about what it takes to get rid of one of its members." Snowdon was a short, balding man in his late forties who wore his open vest, wrinkled off-white shirt, and loosened tie as it they were some sort of uniform. "Great. So he gets away with all the harm he's doing to my son." "I'm afraid so, and I'm truly sorry about that. It'll take a higher power than myself to get Carl Winchell the sort of punishment he deserves." "Or a lower power." Mort shrugged not wanting to admit total defeat. "Maybe he'll come into my lot one day looking to buy a car." He chuckled at the thought of selling the man a true lemon of a vehicle. "Perhaps. In any event, we're near the end of the marking period. If you want, I can transfer Sid to another class when the new period starts -- about two weeks." "That might be the best answer, Mr. Snowdon. Let me ask Sid." "Fine. Let me know any time in the next week or so. It will take me a few days to do the paperwork." "It always does. Thanks, Mr. Snowdon; I'll let you know either way." *** Mort appreciated the offer from Mr. Snowdon, but somehow it felt like it made Sid out to be the one at fault. That was hardly fair. Mort pulled into the parking lot of a mall on the way back to the car lot. He had planned to get his lunch at a drive through. Now, he needed to sit down and relax for a bit. He'd hardly have a good afternoon if he went back to work in his current state of mind. An angry salesman sold very few cars. He found a spot not too far from the food court entrance and headed inside. It was after 1 PM by now, and the court was nearly empty. Mort made a beeline for "The Colonel's" figuring that he could work out his anger on some extra crispy chicken. Only, "The Colonel's" wasn't there. Instead, Mort saw a curio store or novelty shop of some kind in its place. He stopped, trying to understand where "The Colonel's" had gone. He could smell fried chicken. He even saw the familiar red and white striped boxes on a nearby table. Yet, this store, whatever kind of a place it was, was there in the middle of the Food Court. Mort's curiosity got the best of him. "Maybe they'll know what's going on," he thought as he walked through what had to be the most realistic imitation wood doors he'd ever seen. The place was laid out remarkably well. It actually seemed bigger on the inside. Mort walked around looking for a salesman or clerk. The place sold the weirdest stuff, videos, children's toys, some sort of inflatable goods. There was a long rack of costumes in one aisle, Playmate, French maid, even a little Cupid. He saw a stack of used books, some of them looking very old, on one shelf, with a couple of cameras next to them. "I think you've looked around enough, Mort." came a friendly sounding voice from the back of the store. Mort followed the voice down the aisle. A man was sitting behind a counter at the back of the store. He was polishing what looked like a small jade stature of a woman with six arms. He set it down behind the counter as Mort approached. "You know, I was beginning to wonder if you were even going to come into my little shop." Mort looked at the man. He was wearing a blue robe that looked a nit like Mort's old flannel bathrobe, and he had a mass of curly white hair framing a face that could be anywhere from forty to ninety. "Or even older, Mort," the man said. "How'd you know my name?" The old man sighed. "Sometimes I'm sorry I took that sign down. I'm a wizard, Mort. I used a spell to read your mind, so I could impress you with the knowledge of who you were." He sighed again. "It seemed like a good idea, but I still have to explain it almost every time." Mort laughed. "You're a wizard, then. It's a good gimmick for all the stuff you've got in here." "I like it. I just sit here and wait for curious folks like you to come in. Then I tell them their name and we talk about the problem they want to solve." "And you have the solution, of course." "Of course. What sort of wizard would I be if I didn't?" "Oh, man, and I thought I had a good sales line." The old man scratched his chin. "I'll take that for the compliment you intended, Mort. Your Jenny always said you had a silver tongue." "How'd you know about Jenny?" "Read my lips, Mort. I'm... a... wizard." "You know, I'm almost convinced you are." "Let's go for the clincher then. Would you like something to settle things with Mr. Winchell?" "I'll be -- you've _got_ to be real. I would love to settle that guy's hash. An arrogant SOB like that shouldn't be teaching kids. A teacher's supposed to make kids want to learn, not embarrass them when they don't." The old man cocked an eye and looked at Mort as if he had seen him for the first time. "Okay, I think I have just what's needed here, but I'll only sell it to you if you tell me that you're willing to take the full responsibility for the results." "Mister, that is one crazy line you've got. You'll sell it, but only if I promise to use it responsibly. Is _that_ what you're telling me?" "That's exactly what I'm saying. Are you still interested?" "Maybe." Salesman's caution took over. A pig in a poke was something you sold, not something you bought. "What are you selling, and how much is it going to cost?" The old man reached behind the counter and pulled out... "A crystal ball?" Mort said. "I think your line just ran out." "No, no, look closer." Mort looked. A clear plastic -- maybe glass -- sphere about four inches in diameter sat on top of a small hexagonal black box. A small bust of William Shakespeare was set inside the sphere. A brass key stuck out of a hole in the side of the box. "When you wind the key," the old man said, "the box plays 'Greensleeves'. Do you know the tune?" "I think so." Mort hummed a few notes. "Well, it certainly seems to be the appropriate gift for an English teacher. What does it do -- besides playing a tune, I mean?" "It solves your problem -- yours and your son's. He has to be there when the music plays for the magic to work. The three of you should be alone, though. Just let the music play, and things will be in an entirely different situation." Mort shrugged. "That makes as much sense as anything else I've heard in here. Okay, what's it cost?" "Since there's the three of you involved, let's say $54." "I don't get the connection, but okay." He pulled out his wallet and handed the old man three $20 bills. He looked down at the odd music box as he put his wallet back in his pocket. "Are you going to put it in a bag or something?" "I thought you were having your meal to go. Do you want it in a bag?" Mort looked up. He was standing at the counter of "The Colonel's." A short Black woman in a KFC uniform had just put a box of chicken and a large soda on his tray. The music box was on a corner of the tray wrapped in green paper. There was a note attached to it. "Umm, no," he said in surprise. I'll be eating it here." Mort picked up the tray and walked over to a table. He read the note as soon as he sat down. Mort I knew how hungry you were, so I took a short cut. Your change is on the tray. It's the difference between the $60 you gave me and the cost of the music box _and_ your lunch. Remember, all three of you have to be in the room for the magic of the music box to work. What happens then is _your_ responsibility. Now do you believe that I'm a Wizard? The old man's -- the wizard's signature was in a florid script that looked like something from the medieval manuscripts he and Jenny had seen on that trip to London about two years before they split up. He'd won the trip for having the highest sales rate of anyone in the five-state district. "Well I'll be..." Mort said with a satisfied grin. Now that he knew he had real magic, he couldn't wait to use it. He had some time off, and he was already over his quota for the month, so he called in to the lot and took the rest of the afternoon off. "Personal business with Sid," he told his manager. He ate a relaxed lunch and window-shopped until about 2:45. Then he drove back to the school. *** Mort was waiting when Sid and his friends came out of the building about 3 PM. "Hi, Dad," Sid said. "What... what are you doing here?" "I came by on some business," Mort said. The truth would only embarrass Sid in front of the other boys. "I... umm, heard that the school might be in the market for some new cars for drivers' ed. Can you show me where the teacher is, and, maybe, give me a handle on how to talk to him? You can do your homework while you wait for me, and I'll spring for Chinese for supper after I'm done." Sid shrugged. "Okay, I guess, but I get to pick the restaurant. I heard about a great new Szechuan place over on Ridge Avenue." He said goodbye to his friends and led his father into the building. "Are you really looking for Mr. Kamatsu at Driver's Ed, Dad?" Sid asked once they were inside. "No, son," Mort answered. "I want to talk to Mr. Winchell again." He began walking down the hall. "Again? You talked to him already? What did he say?" "That arrogant son of a bitch wouldn't even listen." He held up the giftwrapped box. "But _this_ should fix things." "You're gonna try and bribe him? Oh, boy that'll really mess things up." "I'm not sure how, Sid, but trust me, this will work. Just don't ask me how or ask where I got it." Mort stopped at the door to Winchell's classroom and looked inside. "Good, he's still here. C'mon, Sid." Carl Winchell looked up from the papers on his desk when he heard the door open. "Well, well, if it isn't the Laskys -- father and son this time. I _am_ blessed. What can I do for you two?" Mort decided to try one last time. "I thought maybe we got off to a bad start when we talked before --" "No," Winchell said. "I think we understood each other perfectly. You wanted me to play some sort of favorites with your son." Mort shook his head. "No I just wanted him treated fair." "Fair_ly_," Winchell said. "Fairly. Anyway, I figure that maybe some of it was my fault, so I brought something by way of an apology." He put the package down on the desk. "I don't think that even _I_ could fix the syntax of that sentence." Winchell picked up the box. "A present, you say. It won't change anything, but -- just out of curiosity -- let's see what it is." He clawed at the paper, tearing it at a corner. He worked the rip until the paper was completely torn away. "Hmm, Shakespeare. At least you knew enough to get something vaguely appropriate." "I... uhh... thought you'd like it," Mort said. Winchell lifted the box and turned it in his hand. "What does it do? Snow on him when I shake it?" He frowned when they failed to appreciate his wit. "It's a music box. You just turn that key," he pointed to the side of the box, "and it plays a nice tune." "'Yankee Doodle', no doubt." Winchell turned the key three times and set the music box down on the desk. "'Greensleeves', well, that is a sur --" He seemed to freeze in place, his mouth half open and a blank expression on his face." "What do you think of that, Sid," Mort turned to look at his son. Sid didn't move. He seemed as paralyzed as his teacher. Mort braced himself, waiting for the effect to hit him as well. Nothing happened to him. The music grew louder. Mort looked back at Winchell. The teacher began to glow. He stood up and walked two steps from his desk. His expression didn't change, but there was something different about his face. It seemed smoother, less lined, and thinner. Was he losing weight? No, the gray in his hair was darkening to the original color. Mort realized that the man was getting younger. When they had met, Mort would have guessed Carl Winchell's age at about 40, the same as his own. Now the teacher looked to be in his early 20s -- and still getting younger. His face softened even more as he slipped towards his teens. His five o'clock shadow lightened, then disappeared completely. By now, Winchell was young enough that his body was actually smaller. His clothes shrank with him. His face had the roundness of youth, and he looked to be no older than Sid was. 'A high school kid,' Mort smiled at the irony. The process continued a few minutes more. By the time it stopped, Winchell was several inches smaller than Sid. There was a hint of baby fat in his cheeks. 'Fourteen, at most,' Mort thought. 'He's gonna have to go all the way through high school again, and it looks like he's small for his age, too.' The glow around Winchell suddenly expanded to include Sid as well. Winchell's features shifted until he was the older boy's twin. Mort remembered the Wizard's words. "He said I'd be responsible for what happened. I guess I'm Carol's father, now." Carol? That didn't sound right, or did it? As Mort watched, Winchell's -- Carl's -- Carol's hair grew down past her shoulders. Her nose grew a bit smaller, while her lips became fuller. Her body was already slender, but now male angles softened into female curves. Breasts grew out beneath her man's short, and her slacks grew tight as her hips and butt widened. There was no sign of a male bulge in the crotch. Carol's clothes began to change. Her slacks shortened, rising above her knees to reveal a feminine curve to her legs. The sleeves of her jacket vanished as it merged with her slacks to become a blue denim jumper. The material of her shirt softened as a white, tailored man's shirt became a pink cotton T-shirt. Beneath the shirt, Mort could see the outline of Carol's undershirt shift to become a 32-A bra. Her man's tie was now a dark blue scarf. Her socks shifted color from black to a pastel blue, as her cordovan oxfords became a pair of blue Lady Keds. Her hair parted in the middle to become a pair of ponytails with blue scrunchies holding them together at the ends. Her eyes seemed to grow bigger as eyeshadow appeared on them. She now had blusher on her cheeks and a pale pink lipstick on her mouth. The effect was both innocent and sexy. Mort looked at his attractive new daughter. "Whoa, Cindy and I will need baseball bats to keep the boys away from here." Then he felt a shiver of panic as he realized what he'd said. He'd been so busy watching Carol that he hadn't noticed that Cindy had changed -- was changing -- as well. His -- her hair was a mass of tiny curls, and she was wearing lipstick and eyeshadow. Even as he watched, her figure developed the curves of a young woman, full breasts swelled out beneath what was now a cheerleader's sweater, while her widening hips were inside a pair of feminine cut jeans that looked almost painted on. She was wearing low heels and some kind of stocking or pantyhose. Mort could see her toes, complete with a dark red polish, through the sheer material. "No!" Mort grabbed the music box hoping to reverse Cindy's transformation. The box glowed again. The glow moved up Mort's arm then flowed out over his body. Mort felt a tingling, as the room seemed to grow bigger. 'Oh, Lord,' he thought. 'High school, here I come.' The sensation of shrinking stopped a few moments later. He only seemed to be a few inches shorter. Mort looked down at his hands and watched as they grew smaller, as his fingers grew more slender, and as a layer of pink polish formed on his nails. His clothes were too big for him. The material felt odd against his now hairless body. His scalp tingled, and he felt a pulling as it grew longer, down over his ears and almost to his neck. There was a new tingling in his chest. His shirt was suddenly tight. He looked down and saw the fabric straining against a pair of rapidly growing breasts. His waist narrowed as his hips swelled. His pants fell past them, pooling around his trim ankles. Mort felt his manhood stiffen. It was reassuring, but then the feeling changed, faded. He reached down, pushing a hand against his briefs. It was still there, but it was getting smaller. He reached inside, only to feel the last remnant sink down into a sensitive vertical slit between his -- between her legs. She twitched as she felt something on his face. Make-up, she was wearing make-up. Her tongue tasted lipstick. When she blinked, she could see the mascara on her lashes. Mort's tie shrank down into a thin silvered chain. Her jacket transformed into a green cashmere sweater. Her shirt grew longer, down past her knees, turning into a matching green shirtdress. The weight on her chest lessened as her undershirt became a silky bra, and her briefs transformed into a matching pair of panties. Her male pants faded away as her socks grew up her legs to merge at her waist into a pair of pantyhose. Black loafers became green sandals with a sensible one-inch heel. "They'll never believe this at the lounge," she said, amazed at her soft alto voice. "Lounge?" Yes, the teacher's lounge. Mort had never worked at a car lot because Mort had never been born -- even if she did remember him, just as she remembered -- she knew what had happened. Her revenge against Carl Winchell had cost the school an English teacher. Her responsibility as Marta was to be his replacement -- to have always been the teacher instead of Carl Winchell. Carl was gone, too, replaced by her younger daughter, Carol Lasky. She still went by her married name to match her daughters, even though she and... Johnny was divorced, and he was living on the West Coast. Marts smiled at the thought of her ex-wife suddenly becoming her ex-husband. "Hey, Mom, you ready?" Marta was shaken out of her thoughts by her older daughter's voice. "Yeah, Mom, it's after 4:30." Carol always hated when her mother stayed so long at work. Marta closed the grade book and stuck it and the papers she'd been working on into her briefcase. "I guess I can finish these when we get home." Since the responsibility was hers, neither of her daughters remembered their previous lives. Part of her responsibility would be to help them become the best sort of person -- the best sort of women -- they could be. "Just remember, Mom," Cindy said, "we won't be home soon. You did promise us Chinese -- and I get to pick the place." The End This may be posted to any free site.

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SRU Unreally Real

SRU: Unreally Real By Ran Dandel "Damn!" exclaimed Terry Ralston, as the monitor screen pronounced the words, "Game Over". "Killed again! If I could just get past that level!" This was the tenth time Terry had tried to win his way into the final obstacle in his latest computer game. He stripped the oddly-shaped device from over his eyes, and peeled off the equally-strange gloves. "How's that new virtual reality game, Terry?" asked his roommate, Jim Briggs. "Well, it's...

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SRU You Really Should Go There

Authors Notes: its My first TG fiction so I went with something safe.. the SRU universe with some one called Eddy Drakkon . As for SRU it's a concept done by bill hart much love to ya brah SRU: You Really Should Go There by Karasoth "You really should go there.. I tell you he is a real wizard, your always talking to me about magick and stuff why don't you go se him. If this product works I'm going to have a trained nymphet isn't this great?" Edwin j. "Jo Jo " Walker was...

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SRU Pick A Card

With grateful respect to Bill Hart and his creativity, I decided to try an SRU story. It can be archived by Mindy, and by anyone else who has Bill Hart's permission to archive SRU stories, as long as there is no charge for access. SRU - Pick A Card By Brandy Dewinter "Shelly, please, don't go out tonight. Or, let's go somewhere we can be together." "Why, darlin' there's no reason we can't go out together tonight." "You know I can't go to those smoky...

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SRU The Mousepad

Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more info. Copyright 1999 Elaine Blankenship. All rights not specifically granted above reserved. Email the author at [email protected]. I do not own the SRU universe, I...

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SRU Wine

SRU Wine BY Bashful Darrell Singleton was lonely and depressed. He always got this way around the beginning of December. The start of the holiday party season. He was a nice enough looking guy and his friends and co-workers liked Him, but he didn't get out much. He was shy, especially in large groups and around women. It had always been that way. This year, he was determined to do things differently. He was going to learn to mix with people and maybe find himself a...

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SRU Wonderful Life

SRU: Wonderful Life by Carol Collins It was the day before Christmas. George Bailey, a tall thirty year old man, virtually ignored the holiday music playing on the public address speakers as he moved from store to store in the large shopping mall in a vain search for a "Trixi" doll. He passed within feet of a very beautiful, very large and very ornate Christmas tree without even noticing it. He was a man on a desperate search for a promised gift for his ten...

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This tale continues the adventures of Mark and Susan after their transformation in 'SRU: Better Than Plastic'. Although the story and SHA are fictional, a real- life celebrity appears without her knowledge or consent, and possibly inaccurate information. Please do NOT discuss this with her if you should happen to know her. Without further ado, here is: S. H. A. By Roy Del Frink Mark and Susan were distraught with the news. They were stuck as hermaphrodites, and both were...

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SRU Ultimate Nightmare

Note: As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be Archived on any free site. Further Note: This tale is the continuation of 'SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice'. It takes many twists and bends. This Story is Extremely Twisted. So be forewarned! I'd like to hear your reactions. Thanks again for reading and feel free to comment. I'm just a beginning writer, so please take...

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SRU The Beauty Contest

SRU: The Beauty Contest By Bashful "This is crazy Jimmy, everyone on campus knows the old man is perverted. He loves to change men, especially frat guys, into girls and leave them that way. If you mess with him, you'll wind up joining a sorority," Chad argued. He had been trying to talk his frat brother and friend out of going to the Spells R Us store they spotted in the mall about twenty minutes ago. "I know about all the stories but most of its hype and urban legends. If...

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SRU High School Reunion

This is written for the third anniversary of the SRU universe. It's a little late, but somethings can't be helped. The first story specifically designated as SRU (although I spelled it all out the first couple of posts) was posted to the TSA-TALK mailing list on October 8, 1996. At first, I wasn't sure if I would have the time to write an anniversary story. There was the crossover series with the Altered Fates universe to consider, although that project now looks dead. And I didn't...

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SRU Wizards Guest

It's been a while since I did an SRU story and I've missed the anniversary of its creation. This is a sort of sidebar to the SRU-AF crossover I did a while back. That story was the supposedly the beginning of a collaborative collection, but it failed. Maybe this story will help revive it. Or maybe it will just drive another nail into its coffin. But then, I never received much in the way of review one way or the other. Oh well. Those who archive stories freely may do so,...

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SRU Justice Shall Be Done

SRU: Justice Shall Be Done By Alec Stevens 1. Almost Caught Frank Lopa parked his car down the street from the home of Gina Sert; a former girlfriend of his whom Frank believed was involved in a scheme against him to ruin his life. Frank didn't have very good people skills and many people he had met and associated with hated him. The fact that his parents had both been murdered and the loss of his job had caused the rational Frank's mind to snap. He had leaped to the...

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SRU Coming Clean

SRU: Coming Clean ElrodW Synopsis: A boss has a problem with a lecherous employee who he also suspects frequently masturbates in the restroom. When he bumps into the SRU wizard, he finds a special toilet cleaner that the wiz promises will fix the problem. [email protected] ********************************************************************** SRU: Coming Clean John Fielding sighed and shook his head sadly as he zipped up his pants. It was quitting time, it...

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SRU Hose

SRU Hose By WEKM Jon was wandering about the mall while his wife Joanne was getting her hair done. Now Jon knew the mall fairly well and had an excellent sense of direction. He prided himself on it. He also had an uncanny memory for the placement of stores in malls as well. He could probably find his way to any shop in any mall he had ever been to weather he had been in the shop or not. He just seemed to be able to see the malls in his head, a trait that his wife had found either...

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SRU Charmed

SRU: Charmed Synopsis: A young man is a bit obsessed with his girlfriend's body. In order to 'improve' her, he gets a magical charm from the SRU wizard. However, the plan backfires when older memories return - with a vengeance. [email protected] ********************************************************************** SRU: Charmed Joe glanced up, peering between Kim's breasts to see the expression on her face. With renewed determination, he continued to...

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SRU The Best Possible World

Summary: Kristin was just your average air-headed blonde, who worshipped the ground her boyfriend David walked on. At least she thought she was, until a visit to SRU forced her to confront the painful truth about herself... Notes: The Spells R Us universe, and the SRU wizard, was originated by Bill Hart. Dannie was introduced by another author, DanielSan59 unless I'm mistaken, but has been further developed by authors such as Bashful, Ellie Dauber, and Bill Hart (to name a...

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SRU Stargirls Visit

Authors Notes: The mighty SRU universe belongs to Bill Hart, whom I gladly tip my bonnet to in the hopes I'm not breaking anything here. This story contains a few words not seen on TV as well as an object PC people and people with aversion to sexual items would do well to avoid. This is just a piece of fluff filler before I begin my story universe. Stargirl's reply as she walks out the SRU door I've taken from another SRU story, though I don't remember which one. Also, The...

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SRU Oldtimer part 2 Second Chances

Intro: Three years ago Pretzelgirl wrote a story called "oldtimer in the SRU universe. It was probably one of the best SRU stories written except for the ending. My apologies if I don't do justice to her work. SRU Oldtimer part 2: Second Chances By Reality Check 'She gasped in abject horror at gnarled, withered hands still sporting long bright pink nails. Her chin widened, sprouting a cracked, weedy, sun-reddened texture. The candy-striper's petite nose exploded into a ruddy,...

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SRU The Engagement Ring

Foreword: This is the first story that I have written that I felt worthy of being read by others. Your comments and criticisms are more than welcome. I would like to thank Marina Kelly for her assistance in improving this story from its dry, clinical origins into is readable state. Her stories have been a valuable guide for me. Thank you - Monica Rose. SRU - The Engagement Ring Linda began to tear-up when the wizard told her, "I'm sorry Linda, but I can't do anything...

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SRU The Retrun fo the Love Doll

SRU: The Return of the Love Doll By Ran Dandel The Riding Club of the University was one of its most exclusive organizations. It was like a non-resident fraternity. The members gathered there to meet and socialize, and to build their skills at networking. The exclusivity was guaranteed because only the wealthiest students in good standing in their respective cities' Society could become members. Members who graduated were destined to wield great power in whatever ...

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SRU Spare Key

Permission to post to TSA list, archive, and website. Permission to post to TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictomania site. Personal copies for non commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected]...

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SRU The Good Wifes Guide

SRU: The Good Wifes Guide. by Darkside --------------------------- This contains actual extracts from a Home Economics textbook printed in the early 60s. It did the rounds at work a while ago and it just begged to have a story written around it. This is my one and only sojourn into the 'Spell R Us' universe. So I hope you all like it. As an experiment, I've deliberately left much to the imagination. This is more of a covert TG story than most. At was also an experiment in that I...

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SRU The Thin Line of Love

Author's Note: This story is a continuation of my previous SRU story entitled "The Love Hate Rule". If you haven't read that, it may help before you read this one, but it is not necessary. This story is pretty much free standing. I hope you enjoy it as much as it's predecessor. ----------------- SRU: The Thin Line of Love By Crunch Andrea Clark had just stepped out of the shower. It was another lost bout of trying fight off the sexual urges she felt. It...

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SRU The Contract

Spells-R-Us & The Contract by Bad Irving Standard disclaimer, if under 18 do not read this tale. Actually this disclaimer is just a chance to give some credit, where credit is due. The story "The Reviewer from Hell" by Happyguy was the starting idea for the creation of this story. It is with Happyguy's permission that I take his concept and proceed with my own story. The characters in this story are not a carry over from Happyguy's tale, but, the Spells-R-Us (SRU) characters...

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SRU Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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SRU Nicely Backfired

SRU: Nicely Backfired: by Donna-Allyson McCleod (my first attempt at short SRU story) It had all started a month earlier when Shirley Davis had moved into Don's neighborhood along with her older sister Valerie and their estranged mother Sherry. Don Wallace was a senior at St. Mary's Boy's High School at the time. Shirley Davis had immediately caught Don's eye on her first day at the school. Shirley was sixteen and had transferred into the adjoining St. Mary's School for Girls as a...

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SRU An Error in Application

Warning: This story contains adult material. SRU: An Error in Application by Fringold Sixfingers Lyle Green had heard several rumors about the 'Spells R Us' shop in the mall. Sense he did not believe in magic, he took the stories as tells of fancy. There was one rumor he was not about to ignore. The best place to buy computer hardware was SRU. Lyle could use an upgrade to keep him competitive. Soon he was outside the shop. Not at all what he was expecting. The store looked more...

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SRUAF A Wizards Altered Fate

Author's Notes by Bill Hart This was initially intended to be the second posting of the collaborative crossover set in the 'Spells R Us' and 'Altered Fates' universes written by myself and Raven. However, after finally making contact with Raven, we decided my story could be posted first, with his story becoming a prequel of sorts, instead of the lead in. Before I do anything else I would like...

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SRU Well Dressed

SRU: Well Dressed By Bashful Jack Edward Wilson was a relatively happy man. He had a good job and a wonderful wife. They had not been blessed with children yet but that was just a matter of time, he was sure. Jack really enjoyed his job, it was something he liked doing and he was good at it. He worked for a good company that treated it's employees well. You'd think he had the perfect life and you'd be right, except for one little thing. Jack wished he was a...

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SRU Hunting Season

Note: This is rather tame compared to the other SRU stories and I took a few liberties with this one. I hope that I don't piss anyone off with it. There is no sex on this one so if that is a deciding factor for you, pass this one by. Please let me know what you think of this story, whether you like or dislike it. I have other stories that I'm working on and hopefully will post in the future. This story may be posted to any sight that doesn't charge a fee. All others must get my...

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SRU Pantyhose

SRU: PANTYHOSE BY PAUL G. JUTRAS "Why can't I wear clothes like that." Was the thought that often ran through Chris's mind. Chris was a pleasant twenty-two year old. Anyone who looked at him would think he was a normal boy checking out girls. What he was looking at was the clothes they had on. Clothes he wish he could have on. His mother's side of the family ran a night club and during the early evening he listened to the music and wondered what it would be like to feel silk...

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SRU Made for Each Other

SRU: MADE FOR EACH OTHER by Roy Del Frink Leland Welker was strolling through the mall one day when he saw a strange sight. It was an old-fashioned wooden shop called "Spells R Us". He was bored, so he decided to enter on a whim. Leland couldn't believe all the junk in there, and didn't understand what he would do in a place like this. Just then he noticed a short old man behind the counter. He looked at least eighty years old, and he wore an old crimson bathrobe. He asked the...

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SRU Christmas Miracles

SRU: Christmas Miracles Copyright (c) 1999 by Chilli TNG --------------------------------------- Notes: The Spells 'R' Us Universe was created by Bill Hart; any characters from that universe that I've borrowed are ultimately his and I thank him for opening this universe to everyone. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or undead is totally coincidental. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get a life. Comments and thoughtful...

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SRU Half and Half

SRU: HALF AND HALF By Roy Del Frink A disgruntled lady walked up to the counter, holding a paper bag in her arm. "Listen here, buddy," she said to the old man behind the counter, "you sold me a potion that would turn my husband into the next thing I said. I said, 'Change my husband into a Chippendale dancer,' and look what happened!" She placed the bag on the counter, and opened it. The lady pulled out two chipmunks, dressed in tiny top hats, tuxes, and canes. One had a...

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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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SRU Ultimate Sacrifice

Note: This Story contains an exceptionally grisly scene. As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be archived on any free site. SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice By Lucretia Alex was walking to the mall, planning on stopping by the food court to grab some grub. He cursed his car, which broke down yesterday. He looked like the walk could do him some good for at 23;...

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SRU Better Than Plastic

SRU: Better Than Plastic By Roy Del Frink Mark and Susan Johnson had been married ten long, happy years. They were a perfect couple. Although they were childless, they planned to have children soon; in fact, Mark had tried to impregnate Susan for two months without success. Mark was pleased with his job balancing the bank's checkbooks, and Susan was equally pleased to serve as receptionist for the local high school. Time was starting to wreak havoc on the thirty-something couple's...

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SRU Chads Story

SRU: Chad's Story By Bashful Chad walked into the mall and looked around. He needed some girls to come to the frat party tonight. So far he had struck out. Last year he had come up with the idea to bring back the party committee and party fund. He had been appointed party chairman as a result. This was to be the first big party of the new school year. Chad was a senior and he wanted to make this last year of college a memorable one. Chad stopped and stared at a little...

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SRU Jerry Jerry Jerry

SRU: Jerry...Jerry...Jerry... by [email protected] edited by SteveZ The SRU Universe belongs to the great Bill Hart, but most of you already knew that. Although it pains me to say it, I was watching an episode of the Springer show the other day, and this story seemed natural. This story can be posted on any free site. (Especially FM!) ********************************************************** "Welcome to the show, today's topic: Magical Gender Changes. We ...

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SRU The Way of the Manga

SRU: The Way of the Manga By Melissa Virus Copyright 2000 Matt and Jason headed into the mall. Every Tuesday they went to Cedar Oaks Mall to pick up the latest issues of their favorite comics at Skanky's Comic and Video; today was especially exciting because a Class of Ninja High School video Jason had special-ordered was supposed to be coming in. Matt made fun of him. "You know that Ninja High shit's American, right? That's not real. The guy who makes it is named fuckin' Ben," he...

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SRU Learning French

SRU: Learning French By Demonn Hi, my name is Todd or should I say was Todd. I am, was 5' 10" and maybe just a bit of a geek. I wasn't ugly mind you but I wasn't all that incredibly strong. But that didn't stop me having friends like everyone else. It was a Saturday and like always, I was going to have some fun at my friend's house. I was a simple 15 year old guy, who enjoyed some R&R, when, my high school, Rivers High, was out. I mean who didn't. When I arrived at...

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SRU Lovers Knot First Draft

Some time ago, Raven and I collaborated on an SRU story called Lovers (K)Not, which is unfortunately incomplete at this time. Raven created the story idea, basic plot and the main characters, and then asked me to write a rough draft based on the information that he gave me. After I completed the rough draft, I sent it to him, where he polished it up and added quite a bit more detail as well as his own touches. Raven posted each chapter to Fictionmania after he'd finished his...

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SRU A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler

SRU- A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler By Jennifer Allison "Mrs. O'Leary your son Dean is incorrigible." "What has he done now?" "What hasn't he done. The only thing I know for sure he hasn't done is sell drugs." "Tell me more." "Do you know he is the school's loan shark?" "I didn't know. Where does he get the money?" "By being a bully and taking it from the kids that can't stop him from taking it." "You see I am single mom trying to raise Dean and his sister...

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SRU Catwalk Comeback

SRU: Catwalk comeback By MTG 15th August 2002 Well, a month before heading back to South Bank University to complete my Computing degree, I was in the Bentalls centre in Kingston shopping for bits and pieces so I would be ready when term started in about a month's time. After my quite literally 'out of this world' year I had already been itching to get back to normality after April - post the events of July I couldn't wait for term to start - with Steve having already...

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SRU The Pardon

A version of this story appeared on Big Closet and on Sapphire's TG Fiction List. It may be added to other free archives as long as it does not violate Bill Hart's strictures on the use of his characters or my own notice at the bottom of the story. SRU: The Pardon By Lainie Lee The shabbily dressed man hurrying through the holiday shopping crowd slipped into the first door he came to. Hal David figured it must be a side corridor into service areas of the mall where he could hide...

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SRU Weekend in Reno

This, my first FictionMania story, is based on a real weekend in October 2003. Just about everything in the first section of the story is true. Beyond that, well, this is an SRU story after all. (Reno girlfriends: no attempt has been made to match the characters in this story to any of you! Your secrets are safe...) --- We had been planning this outing for months. Most of the girls in my Yahoo Group had never met each other in person, but now we were going to get together in Reno...

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SRU Mana Burn

Doing serious stories is quite enjoyable. Despite the fact that I'm still in the process of working on a rather long opus, I felt that a break was in order. Recharging the batteries through a little bit of humor has always been a fun tactic for me, so without further ado, I give you my first, and probably only entry into the Spells R Us universe. This particular story was inspired by a description of the card rack in SRU-Trading Cards, and the wizard's fondness for games as described in...

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SRU Paper Dragon

SRU: Paper Dragon By Kim West I wish to thank Bill Hart for creating the SRU Universe and allowing others to have a chance to play in it. The story I have come up with is loosely based on "Puff the Magic Dragon." I hope you will enjoy the following. There once was a little rascal by the name of Jack Paper who loved to destroy everything in his path. His bedroom looked like a cyclone had hit it, and this would be only moments after his mother had cleaned it for him. His toys usually...

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