Brainwave of Horror Ch 2
- 3 years ago
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Let me tell you about my mother's sister.
Aunt Sheryl. Thirty-six, two years younger than my mom. Copper-red hair to the middle of her back. A figure like... well, like my mom's. Walking around by the pool in a bikini as I speak.
Her daughter?
Rachel. Eighteen. Strawberry blonde hair to her shoulders. A mischievous smile and a contagious giggle. We played together as kids, but she has grown up very nicely since then. She's now built like... mmmmm...
Can cousins marry in this state?
Me? I am simply indulging in the scenery by the pool. A guy couldn't ask for a better landscape than my pretty cousin and aunt. My sister is by the pool, too, in a bikini and my mom is in a modest one-piece, but... well, they're my sister and my mom. C'mon. I'm not a perv.
I'm leaned back in the patio chair, pretending to be asleep behind these dark sunglasses, the hardback novel I'm reading spread open in my lap to hide Mr Stiffie while I do what every college boy since the caveman days has done: ogle female flesh.
Well, that is if they had had colleges in caveman days...
(Saturday morning)
"Allen?" my mom said as she stepped around from behind me, "C'mon, honey. We're going to have lunch inside. Those are some nasty-looking clouds coming in from the west and I don't want them to downpour on our sandwiches."
Oh... just ducky.
How was I going to walk into the house like this? I could just see my sister, who is two years older than me, believe it or not: "Mooooom! Allen has an ereeeeection poking out in front of him! Make him stoooop!" You'd think that college would have made her grow up a little bit.
"C'mon, Allen." Mom grabbed the radio and the bowl of Chex we had been snacking on all morning.
"I'm coming, Mom."
My aunt and cousin were trotting with my sister from the strong, wet wind into the house. I was attempting to mentally will my penis to deflate.
"Now, Allen," she said as she started toward the house.
"Yes, ma'am."
My eyes caught a towel sticking out from under my cousin's lounge chair! I grabbed it and carried it in front of me to hide my lingering erection as I trotted after my mom from the large drops starting to hurdle down.
As we stepped into the house, the sky unloaded.
"Just in time!" my aunt giggled.
"Yeah, Rachel spent so much time in the pool this morning that just one more drop would leave her permanently wrinkled." I teased. Then, "OW!" as my cousin jabbed me in the side with her index finger, grinning.
"Don't you give me a hard time, Allen."
"I'll give you a hard time if I want to."
"Really? Will you give me a really hard time, Allen?"
My cousin was an "A" student and thought she was so much smarter than everyone else. She was trying to make some type of clever point now, though I had no idea what it was.
"Why don't you give me the towel, Allen?" she smirked.
Now I knew. "Cut it out, Rachel," I hissed. Mr Stiffie would not be a welcome guest at any family gathering.
"Whatsamatter, Allen?" she smirked. Then to my Mom. "Oh, you got wet, Aunt Barbara! Here," her hand darted over and whipped the towel out of my hands, "you'd better dry off. Use this."
I spun around and exited the room. "I'll be back for lunch in just a minute," I called as I headed for my room to pop my erection. It sure wasn't going to go down by itself.
"Evil cousin," I muttered as I climbed the stairs. "Evil, evil-- " I halted in front of the room that she and my aunt were staying in.
I thought a moment, torn.
Now look: I wouldn't do anything like this to any other person in the world except my cousin -- my cousin that had sprinkled some of that German itching powder in my pants when I was ten; my cousin that had spread Ben-Gay inside my jock strap just before a track meet when I was fifteen; my cousin that told me she would let me feel her breasts if I stripped and showed her my thingie last year, but ran off with my clothes before doing her half of the deal, leaving me to sneak up two flights of stairs naked.
My cousin that just stole the towel I was using to hide my erection.
Stepping into the room they were using, I fished in my cousin's suitcase until I came up with a bra -- a pretty turquoise silk and lace thing.
Then I slid my swimtrunks to my ankles. I would leave a little deposit in one of her cups. Wrapping the bra cup around Mr Stiffie, I started stroking. Getting into it after a few moments, I slid off my sandals and stepped out of the trunks.
The wind blew moist on my back in through the bedroom window my aunt and cousin had left open.
I would... leave my... cousin... a nice little... stain... in her bra... UUUUNNGGGHH!
"Allen?" I heard my mom come up the stairs.
Shit! I seemed to have my own personal do-gooder angel today, sabotaging everything I did.
I shouldn't be in this room, especially naked. No time to dress. I kicked the swimtrunks into the corner and climbed on top of the end table behind the door, still holding the soiled bra. Please don't let her look behind the door...
"Allen?" Mom poked her head in the room and I held my breath.
Lightning flashed close outside the window.
"What the--?" my mother frowned at the shadow of my head and shoulders that the lightning cast above and behind the door.
She stepped further in and swung the door and... her jaw dropped at her naked son standing hunched over on the end table in his aunt's and cousin's room, clutching a bra with a cup full of cum.
"Mom! I can explain!"
Even as panicked as I was, I frowned as strands of her hair seemed to float up into the air. Was she THAT mad... ?!
I found myself tumbling forward, naked, onto my mom, then we both stumbled backward into the mirror across from the end table.
INTO the mirror.
Actually inTO the mirror.
Because we didn't bounce off. We fell through it.
"What the HELL was that?!" I gasped as I stirred, dazed.
"Watch your language, Allen!" my mother automatically corrected me.
"Are you guys okay up here?" my aunt called as she trotted up the stairs. "We heard the lightning downstairs. Did it actually hit the house?"
She pushed the door the rest of the way open and stepped into the room, and MY jaw dropped.
Aunt Sheryl -- drool-inducing Aunt Sheryl -- was wearing a corset, hose and heels. Her... breasts and... pussy were... openly BARED!
"Are you guys all right?"
"God! Sheryl!" my mom yelled. "What are you DOING?! Get dressed!"
"I AM, silly," Aunt Sheryl giggled. "But what's with you?" She put her fists on her hips. "Were you trying to play some type of sick clothing game up here? With your own son, no less?!"
"Are they okay?" my cousin flounced into the room, wearing just heels, her hair tied up in pigtails. "That was an AWFUL boom!" She took a broad lick of her large lollipop.
"Mom?! Are you okay?!" my sister strode in wearing just thigh-high black leather boots. My mom's mouth was moving in a silent stammer. "Mom?! What's the matter?!" Carol asked.
"C'mon, Barbara," Aunt Sheryl helped my mother to stand. "Let's get this... costume... off you and see if you're all right."
"Stop it!" Mom shrieked and slapped Aunt Sheryl's hands away when she realized that she was trying to take off the shirt she had pulled on over her swimsuit.
"Mom, calm down," my sister Carol reached for Mom's boobs to squeeze them and pacify her a little.
"Carol?!" Mom shrieked, "Stop that! And dress yourself, young lady!"
"Calm down, Barbara," Aunt Sheryl reached toward her.
"No!" mom shouted, backing away, around the bed. "What is WRONG with you all?! Why are you NAKED?!"
"What's wrong with her?" Rachel asked her mother in a low voice. "Do you think the lightning HIT her?"
"I don't know. Allen, are you okay?"
"Ehr... yeah," I said, standing. Naked. I seemed to fit right in.
"Was Barbara dressed like that when you found her?"
"Ehr... yeah?"
Rachel looked at Aunt Sheryl and frowned. "So... she was just in here by herself? Dressing up like that? That's... just... sick!"
"Easy, honey." Aunt Sheryl gently squeezed one of her daughter's breasts to calm her.
I'm sorry. I know this was a time of stress and concern, but... Mr Stiffie popped up again. I know, that probably means I'm a pervert or something since I should have been trying to figure out what happened to my mother and me and what to do about it.
But my aunt and cousin are just hot!
Especially naked!
And touching each other!
"Is everything all right?" my dad asked as he arrived at the top of the stairs from the basement. "I heard the boom. Is everyone okay?" He too was naked with a hard-on.
Aunt Sheryl turned to him. "I don't know, Dan. We came to check on Barb and Allen and found her... dressed like that. She's not into any... sick games... or anything, is she?"
"No!" he scowled at his sister-in-law, then looked at his wife and was a little surprised by the clothing she was wearing. "Honey? Sweetie? Are you feeling okay?"
"DAN, why are you NAKED?! Why is EVERYONE naked?! And WHY do you all keep trying to take off MY clothes TOO?!"
Dad glanced at Aunt Sheryl, a concerned look on his face. "Sweetie," he said, turning back to his wife, "just calm down. The lightning bolt just has you rattled. Let's just get those things off you and-- "
"NO! Why does EVERYONE want to STRIP me?!"
"This... this isn't natural," my cousin whispered and shook her head. She nervously reached over to stroke my hard-on.
Holy freaking cow!
My gorgeous cousin was absent-mindedly PUMPING me?!
"Allen?" my dad asked again.
Oops. That's me. "Uuuunnngghh... yeah?"
"Were you in here when the lightning struck?"
"Uuuuhhh... yeah..."
"Was she acting normally before it hit?"
"Uh... , " I grabbed my naked cousin's wrist to pause her stroking. "Rachel, you're distracting me so much I can't even think."
"Gee, am I?" she smiled brightly, pleased.
"Yeah." I turned to my dad. "Yeah, she was perfectly normal." YOU guys sure as hell are acting differently, though, I thought.
"Barbara, sweetie-- "
"Dan, you just pull on some clothes and let's stop this joke! It's not funny anymore!"
Dad turned to Aunt Sheryl, the worry showing on his face.
"Should we call an ambulance?" Aunt Sheryl whispered.
Dad looked at her a few moments, his face strained, then nodded. "She's not even going to let us get that outfit off her to drive her to the hospital."
"What are you two whispering about over there?!" Mom demanded as Aunt Sheryl stepped out of the room.
"Easy, honey. Everything's going to be okay."
Anxiously, Rachel began to slowly stroke my rod again.
"I'm worried, Daddy," my sister stressed.
"Everything's going to be okay, snookums."
"Fuck me, Daddy," she asked.
"Not right now, honey. I'm trying to talk your mother down. She's having some kind of episode."
"At least rub me, Daddy." She took his hand and placed it between her legs.
"DAN?!" Mom shrieked. "WHAT are you DOING to our DAUGHTER?!"
"Honey, calm down! What has gotten into you?"
"Get your hands off her! This is not funny! It's SICK!"
Dad withdrew his hand and Carol whined.
"Hey," Uncle Troy said as he stepped into the room, naked, preceded by his erection, "Sheryl told me that Barbara flipped out."
"Yeah," Dad glanced at his wife. "She's dressed up in that... outfit... shrieking that we're not dressed up similarly. She almost freaked out when I started fingering my own daughter."
The two men looked at Mom and shook their heads.
"Barbara never did have much between the ears," Uncle Troy commented, "One hot mewling pussy, but not much between the ears." Maybe in this universe, I thought, but in my universe, Mom was one of the smartest ladies I knew.
"See if YOU can do anything with her," Dad sighed. "She's always liked your peter."
"Hey, Barbie," Uncle Troy stepped around the bed, wagging his hard-on. "Sheryl said you were feeling really stressed out. Wanna suck on my pacifier for a while? Would that make you feel better, gumdrops?"
"WHY are you all ACTING like this?!" Mom cried out, tears forming in her eyes.
"Oh, come on, honey. You love playing with Little Troy." He wagged Little Troy at her. "Dontcha wanna at least suck it?" Wag. Wag.
"Stop this!" Mom held her spread hands forward and backed toward the corner.
"Hey, Dad, if she doesn't want to-- " I roused myself from my cousin's ministrations on my cock to plead Mom's behalf.
"It's going to be okay, Allen. She's going to be all right." Dad didn't sound like he was even convincing himself, though.
"C'mon, Barbara," Uncle Troy persisted. "You know you want it."
"Stop it!"
"Aaawwww, honey, a sweet little thing like you shouldn't be up here in that obscene outfit playing sick clothing games. Let's take that off and bend you over so Little Troy can make you mewl and beg."
"She's up here," I heard my aunt's voice in the hall.
Two police officers stepped into the room, two paramedics behind them.
"Mrs Wood? We're here to help you. We're-- why are you dressed like that, ma'am?!"
"No!" Mom shrieked. "This is INSANE!"
The cop took stock of the situation now. "Are you ready?" he whispered to one of the paramedics.
"Yeah," the latter replied, keeping a hypodermic hidden discreetly behind himself.
"Ma'am," the cop stepped forward, holding his spread hand out at her, "we're not going to hurt you. We're just here to help."
"Noooo," Mom shook her head.
He gestured to his partner to cover the far side of the bed, then began slowly walking toward my mom.
"Ma'am, we're just here to help you."
Mom leaped for the bed, and both officers leaped for her. Pinning her to the mattress, they cuffed her, then gestured to the paramedics, who came forward.
"No!" my mom shrieked and struggled when she saw the needle.
But the cops held her while the paramedic injected its contents into her arm. "It's just to calm you," the paramedic said when he was done. "Everything's going to be all right, Mrs Wood."
"Do you have any scissors?" the cop asked Carol. She ran to get them.
"No... nooooo..." Mom was shaking her head, her hands still cuffed behind her.
"Got them," my sister reappeared a few moments later with the scissors.
The officer took them and began cutting off Mom's cover-shirt.
"Pleeeashe... , " she asked, her head and eyes starting to roll around a little.
He tossed the ruined shirt to the floor and began untying the neckstrap to remove her swimsuit.
"Allen... don'-- don' let them... (sigh)... shtrip meeee..."
Very, very strange...
That bolt of lightning must have somehow thrown me and my mother into a whole different parallel world or something. After the police carried my naked mom to the ambulance, the rest of us all piled essentially naked into our car to follow her to the hospital. My cousin nervously fiddled with my cock on the way over, and I copped a few good feels of her boobs, which she didn't protest at all, but sighed instead as it soothed her nerves.
I didn't make the same mistake my mom did. I stayed naked and played along. It wouldn't do any good for me as well as Mom to get cuffed, drugged and locked up for having an irrational episode.
While we waited at the hospital, my sister was so worried that my dad finally bent her over doggie style and soothed her with a good fucking. Afterward, she felt so much better that she just laid her head in Dad's lap, occasionally licking cock.
My cousin Rachel -- uppity cousin Rachel -- blew me while we waited and I unloaded past those pretty red lips of hers. She stuck her tongue out to show me the jism payload before swallowing it. Now THAT'S what she ought to earn "A"s for.
A nurse finally flounced out in a merry widow and five-inch heels to tell us that the doctor would see us now, if we would follow her to his office. We followed the bouncing ass cheeks back, then, while Rachel serviced his cock, the doctor droned on at length about how traumatic massive electrical discharges can be, and that we would have to wait and see how Mom was doing when she awoke. She might be fine, he said, or she might need years of physical, mental and/or sexual therapy until she was right in the head again.
I knew that he simply had no idea what was wrong with her.
I did.
She, and I too, somehow came from another world, where sex had been dirtied by people, turned into something obscene and then forcefully held there.
This new world was somehow not like that.
He said that we could stay here with her, that she might even do better if she woke to friendly faces, though only two at a time would be permitted to remain in her room.
Then he grunted and unloaded to Rachel's sunk-in cheeks. She smiled and stuck out her tongue to show everyone the pearly glob before swallowing.
I, more than anyone, knew that my mother was not crazy, that she just... wasn't used... to a place like this. And also that my mother in particular would never adapt to a place like this, that she would struggle with the place or with herself until we found a way out of here, back to our own world.
I guessed I had a mission now: find our way home.
I insisted on being one of the two staying with her. The others came and went, shtooping in the waiting room in between visits.
I studied my mother, tied down on the bed so she wouldn't hurt herself when she awoke. She was naked, of course. She looked so small and frail laying there, yet I knew how much stubborn determination the woman had. That's how I knew that she would never compromise into accepting this place, that she would fight to the death until we found our way back to where we came.
I just hoped that I could convince her to play along with the people here in the meantime so that I wouldn't have to break her out of an asylum later.
Aunt Sheryl, when she visited, stroked her sister's thigh and played with Mom's pussy hair -- which was redder than the strawberry blonde hair on her head, I noticed -- while speaking soothing words to her.
Uncle Troy, when he came in, brushed his erect cock back and forth along Mom's lips -- trying to 'jump start' her desires so she'd wake up normal instead of as some clothed-up freak, he said.
And so on.
When Mom finally came to, I turned out to be the only one in there with her. I could not have asked for things to work out better.
"Al-- Allen?" she asked groggily.
"Yes, Mom. Do you know where you are?"
She tried to move her arms, but they were strapped to the sides of the bed. "I-- those policemen-- they've taken me somewhere?"
"Yes, Mom. You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened before the police came?"
"The... lightning, and everyone was... weird. Naked."
"Good, you remember. Now I need to tell you something and you need to listen. Quickly, before the others come in."
"Mom, something really weird happened with that lightning bolt. It DID something. We're not in the same place we were before it hit. We're someplace... different. The people here aren't like they were at home. Carol, Dad, Aunt Sheryl -- none of them are who we remember. The Carol back home NEVER stripped naked; this one does. And more: she and Dad have already had sex out in the waiting room earlier. All the rest of them are like that too. That's what's NORMAL for this place. Are you following me?"
"Yeah... , " she sighed, still coming awake from the drugs. "Everyone is insane here."
"That's about it. There's more, Mom. You and I are going to have to play along until we find a way out of here."
"Play... along?"
"Yeah... we're going to have to pretend to be like them."
"No," she shook her head, "we-- "
"Mom, if we don't, you're going to spend your life like this. Tied in an asylum. Drugged. 'For your own good.'"
"I-- "
"We don't have any choice, Mom. We're going to find our way out of here, but until we do, if we want to remain free, we're going to have to play along."
"I-- I can't-- "
"Hey! She's awake!" Dad called from the doorway, taking the place of Carol, who had walked out two minutes ago.
"It's IMPORTANT, Mom!" I hissed and made eye contact. Then she glanced at Dad.
"How are you feeling, sweetie-tits?" he asked, stepping to the bed.
Mom was surprised that he used that term of endearment, but recovered. "Much... better... , " she sighed.
"Are you all right now?"
She glanced at me. "Yeah... yeah, I'm better now. Sorry for that little episode earlier. I, uhm, I don't know what came over me."
"It's all right, sweetie," Dad said, reaching out to rub her breast in front of me, "The doctor said you were just traumatized by that lightning bolt."
She looked guiltily at me as her breast was felt up, then her eyes darted away. I cast mine down too.
"Are you feeling up to a little shot of jism juice?"
"I-- " Mom swallowed hard. "Not quite yet, honey. My throat is still dry -- from the drugs. But thank you."
"Are you sure? It could help lube the throat."
"I want to take a rain check on it. But-- " she swallowed and forced a smile, "as soon as I get out of here, I'm going to want a shot of that 'jism juice'." Smile and nod.
Good. At least she was willing to bend a little toward fitting in here.
"Okay," he nodded. "It's good that you're all right. I'll go tell the others."
"Thank you," Mom smiled.
After he stepped out, she looked at me. "I don't like this. Your father never used to talk like that at all. He never used to... grope me in public. For Christ's sake!"
"I know," I sighed. "It's a different Dad. It's a different everybody. But if we don't play along," I gestured at her wrist and ankle straps, "they're going to lock us up."
"Well... you don't need to be watching any of this, young man."
"I'm NOT watching. I'm trying to get you out of here so we can start our search for our way back home."
"Cover me with a sheet or something, at least."
"There isn't any sheet, Mom. And besides, this is what I'm talking about. If you do something like that, they're going to get suspic-- "
"Hey, Barbie," Aunt Sheryl said from the door, then stepped in. "How's my big sister doing?"
"Much better," Mom forced another smile.
"Really?" Aunt Sheryl stepped to her and began tracing her blood red fingernails over Mom's breast.
Her nipples perked up immediately.
"Yeah, I-- I, uhm-- I'm doing a lot better." She looked at me hard and I turned around.
"Well, your NIPPLES look like they're feeling normal again!" Aunt Sheryl giggled. "I swear, you scared me, Barb! You were just acting FREAKY earlier! Refusing to let anyone take off that obscene outfit!"
"That, uhm... that lightning bolt just really shook me."
"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better!"
"Oh, Sheryl, I don't know if that's a good-- "
DON'T, Mom! I spun back around, and Aunt Sheryl was tracing her fingernails along Mom's inner thighs. "Mom, don't," I tried to communicate with my eyes.
Mom met my eyes, then slowly nodded. "I don't-- I don't know if I can TAKE it if you keep that up!" she said, appropriately breathlessly.
"Oh, you LIKE that, do you?" Aunt Sheryl giggled and increased her tempo. And Mom's eyes widened.
"Uhm, maybe you should go send in Carol to see her mother, Aunt Sheryl," I suggested.
"Why don't you, Allen. I'm having too much fun here," she giggled. She was getting closer to Mom's red furry crotch.
"Uhm, since Mom and I were both there when the lightning hit," I said, stepping to Aunt Sheryl and reaching around from behind to cup her breasts, "I'd sort of like to stay with her."
"Nnnngggh!" Aunt Sheryl sigh-moaned, arching her ass to grind it up and down the length of my erection. "I... I guess so..." Slowly, teasingly, she turned, waved and padded out of the room.
Mom's eyes were wide that I would feel up her sister like that. Then her brow furrowed. "Allen, I do not like that at all!"
"Mom, I had to distract her somehow." I nodded my head meaningfully. "Otherwise, she would have stayed here masturbating you."
Mom's eyes dropped to my naked crotch. "You're erect, young man! You're enjoying this!" she hissed.
"Mom! I'm NOT enjoying this!" I gestured at my crotch. "And I can't help it! I'm TRYING to watch out for us. It's just you and me here against this whole crazy-assed world! But if you think I'm doing something wrong, you can go it alone if you like! I have just-- "
"Allen! Allen! I'm sorry. I apologize. I just-- this is creepy! The people that we know and love, acting... like this! It's-- "
"How is Troy's little cock-whore?" Uncle Troy asked as he stepped into the room.
Mom put a smile on her face. "I'm doing good, Troy."
"Does my wife's big sister want a big suck of weener juice?"
Mom looked at me. What? Did she expect me to save her again? Would she appreciate it, or would she just yell at me again?
Fortunately for Mom, the doctor walked in then. "I hear our little whore is awake," he commented as he stepped to the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Uhm, good."
"Uh, a little. I guess."
He shined a penlight in her eyes. "Just a little, hungh?" He grabbed her breast and began squeezing. "How about now?"
"Uh, yeah!" Mom nodded, faking enthusiasm. "Horny now!" she flashed a smile on her face. I know she just wanted him to stop touching her.
He placed his hand at Mom's crotch and did something there, causing her to jump and her eyes to widen. "How about now?"
"Y-yeah!" Mom stammered, her eyes still wide.
He turned to Uncle Troy and me. "She looks like she's recovering. I'd like to keep her in the hospital tonight for observations, though. If you stop by tomorrow morning, and she's still doing well then, she should be ready to go home."
"I-- I'd like to stay with her tonight if I could, doctor."
"You're the son? That was with her when the lightning hit?"
"Yes, sir."
"I think we can arrange for something. I'll talk to the nurse." He jotted a couple things down on his clipboard, then nodded and walked out.
"I guess I'll go send in Carol," Uncle Troy stepped out.
Mom was still a little wide-eyed from doctor's ministrations. "Mom? Are you okay?"
"Yeah," she shook her head dazedly, then looked at me. "This is a VERY strange place, Allen..."
"Yes, it is."
"Do you have any ideas yet on how to get us back home?"
"Not really. I've been worried about you in here."
"As soon as we can, we need to-- "
"Hi, Mommy!" Carol walked in wearing just her thigh-highs. "Uncle Troy said you were feeling better and juicing up for the doc a minute ago!"
"Yes, sweetie, I'm doing better." Her eyes darted guiltily at me, then back to Carol.
"Oh, WONDERFUL!" she enthused as she stepped to Mom and pressed her lips to hers.
Mom's eyes widened again as her daughter's tongue entered her mouth and danced there. To Mom's credit, she didn't bite her daughter's tongue in shock.
"I was SO WORRIED about you, Mom!" Carol said as she leaned back. "Daddy banged me twice, but I was STILL tensed up! You were acting so FREAKY earlier! Wearing those OBSCENE CLOTHES like that and REFUSING to take them off! I mean, WHAT got INTO you?!"
"I just-- the lightning just got me really rattled, sweetie."
"Hi," a nurse smiled as she stepped in, wearing a body stocking and heels. "Time for medicine," she sing-songed. She held a tiny paper cup containing pills toward Mom's mouth. "Open up, sweetie."
Reluctantly, Mom opened her mouth and accepted the pills, then a drink of water from another paper cup.
"Now pretend it's a mouthful of cum and swallow." Mom did. The nurse turned to me and smiled, "The other patient isn't scheduled to come into this room until tomorrow, so you can sleep in the second bed. My shift is over at 1:00. If you'd like, I may come back to milk your prick with my lips."
Mom's eyes looked concerned, but we had to play along. "Sure, and thanks," I smiled. Then I walked out with my sister to firm up plans for the night.
Everyone else went home and I went back to spend the night with Mom. She was already asleep from the pills by the time I got there.
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Corvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...
It had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...
This morning, somebody sent me a link and told me it was a good place to find Brazilian transsexuals. I guess my head was still a little bit fuzzy from last night’s binge on Viagra and hookers, so I immediately wanted to know, “How many is a Brazilian?” I understood my mistake as soon as I loaded up the front page of the aptly named Brazilian-Transsexuals. Oh, right! A Brazilian!So, how many is a Brazilian? Well, the digits at the top of the landing page at puts the...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesI have always been a sexual person. I have always been turned on by sex. When I was 16, I got my first “serious” girlfriend, meaning the first girl I ever tongue kissed, made out with and felt up. My dad sensed that I was a in the beginning stages of a hormone drenched relationship with a girl who was a bit more experienced than I and a year older. He had the “Sex Talk” with me where he discussed STD’s, pregnancy, and condoms. But he also instilled a bit of wisdom in me about sex. He told me...
BisexualWe sat on the sofa as we talked about the day. Liz told us about the troublesome customers she had at the store. Linds told us about events around the house. Then I told them about the training and the events after. I described Crystal and our sexual activities in the motel. By the time I finished both Liz and Linds were obviously excited. They had their hands on me as I kissed each of them in turn. Liz rubbed my nipples through my shirt as Linds opened my pants and fished out my...
Chapter Two A Mom’s Sexuality Is Awaken Josh looked down at his mother’s head as she was busy sucking his cock again today. Her face was still covered from the last blow job she gave him earlier. Three times every day now she had been sucking him off. She never once complain no matter how long he’d take or how many times he wanted it. She would suck him off six times a day if he asked. On the morning of his 19th birthday she sucked him without stopping until he...
The untold story 1 Hi i am Ravi when this incident happen it was may this year. I was twenty seven that time. Worked as a purchasing officer, for a site…. We were in industrial site in Sri Lanka, where lot of desi workers engaged. End of the April our coordinating manager’s wife Reema came there to join her husband. She was about 30 (33 was exact i discovered later with her passport) since they have no children they have free behavior and enjoy their life. I was told by someone that Reema is...
At the turn of the century it became a highly contentious question; was sexual orientation something learned or innate. More importantly, could it be changed. The mind is a powerful thing, and while orientation was shown eventually to have biological roots, one could build negative association with sexual contact with one sex, in the same way that accidental sexual fetishes developed in early life from exposure. Likewise in the same way, one could build up theoretically an entire sexual...
BisexualI have always been a sexual person. I have always been turned on by sex. When I was 16, I got my first “serious” girlfriend, meaning the first girl I ever tongue kissed, made out with and felt up. My dad sensed that I was a in the beginning stages of a hormone drenched relationship with a girl who was a bit more experienced than I and a year older. He had the “Sex Talk” with me where he discussed STD’s, pregnancy, and condoms. But he also instilled a bit of wisdom in me about sex. He told me...
I was convicted of drug and weapon possession last summer, and sentenced to 7 years in prison. My idiotic boyfriend stashed coke, and firearms inside of two cars, and 6 houses we both owned together. He told the stupid cops, the crap was solely his. but the prosecutor didn't care. The bitch charged me for basically knowing the stuff was there, and not reporting to the authorities. So, now I'm in prison; and in case you didn't know, I'm a transexual. I have a penis, so I'm...
This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...
Let me start out by saying that I haven’t written in a while. I’ve had plenty of sex, but not many experiences worth sharing. I felt it necessary to share this one because this was my first “trans” experience. I’m not gay. This short story is about my coworker who I’m going to name “SEAN” for the purpose of this story. The person’s real name is obviously not Sean, but I don’t want to give away any real identities. Basically SEAN is a transsexual. I know we call transsexual men who change to...
I was in a large city about 100 miles from my home for a week on business. I had been hitting the bars for a few days with out a lot of luck. On the way back to my hotel afer work one day I picked up a few of the alternative newspapers/sex ads. Checking the ads out later I saw women, men and transexuals all offering there services. I saw one picture of a beautiful blond and was blown away to see that the ad was for a transexual. I called and made arrangments for her to come to my hotel in a few...
This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...
My Journey into Bisexuality We all have those events in life which define us, change us, make us who we are. This is the true story of my own journey into bisexuality. If you were to tell me prior to these events that I would be doing such things I would’ve given you a very emphatic ‘Hell No' and aside from a one time mutual jerk off session when I was 14 where we were both drunk and stoned, I never thought of ever touching another man. Before I begin I have decided to only use initials for...
This is another story written for a Dom in Florida named Jack, who was my Mentor before i met Master Falcon. Writing stories for Jack to read and critique was a way for me to learn about and explore BDSM. i chose to use this story to explore bisexuality. Please bear in mind as Y/you read this story that when i wrote it, i had just come out of a 20-year vanilla marriage, in which bisexuality was taboo. i’ve come a long way since then.i chose to leave my comments to Jack intact for you to see. In...
Aberrosexual: (noun or adjective). From the Latin word "aberrare:" to deviate or go astray. Referring to a person who engages in sexual activity that is considered unnatural, abnormal, or atypical. The idea of this story is to create one place for all the sexual acts, deviancy, and general perversions you can think of. The only requirement is that the title be a two or three word alliteration such as Betty Boob, Marcie Masturbation, or Fabian Foot Fetish. I want to try to cover each letter of...
The story so far, as told in “Making the First Move”: Andrew, a voyeuristic university student, spies on and then fucks his fantasy girl, Emily. Afterwards, her face still dripping with his semen, she invites her friend Calum to join them. Now read on…“This Calum, is he a friend of yours?” asked Andrew. It was a stupid question really. If you’re naked in your bedroom, with some guy’s cum still warm and fresh on your body, anyone you invite round to join you must be a pretty good friend.“I guess...
BisexualEs war eine dieser typischen langweiligen Stunden in der Schule. Wie jeden Tag hatte mich das Taxi zu dem alten Gebäude, welches die Rockwell Privatschule beherbergte, gebracht. Draußen drückte die Hitze und allmählich drang diese auch in die Zimmer. Ich saß da und sah gelangweilt aus dem Fenster. Die Blätter an den Bäumen ruhten. Die Zeit schien einfach nicht zu vergehen. Mein Stuhl knackte. Meine Banknachbarin klopfte mit dem Fuß leicht dagegen. Doch das störte mich nicht, denn in meinem Kopf...
TeenSo, what happened in the end was: I got so sick of space travels. I started feeling that not even sex could fill my life with enough joy to carry on like this. Or maybe it wasn’t the actual space travels but, you know, just having to work? Or, more specifically, having to flog stuff?‘To flog’ means ‘to sell’, by the way – I have spent enough time living in the south of England to have picked up all the slang words that you may see on the pages that follow. I have lived in quite a few places,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI don't condone any of the criminal acts in this story. It's all just a bit of fun and nothing more than a fantasy. But we can all have a bit of fun in our minds, eh?*****I took a final drag on my cigarette, then stubbed it out into a pot-plant on the patio. It was getting on for late afternoon, and I probably only had a few hours before Jackie would arrive home. Boy oh boy, did she have a surprise waiting for her when she got back.I'd been planning this little 'treat' for my...
I don't condone any of the i*****l acts in this story. It's all just a bit of fun and nothing more than a fantasy. But we can all have a bit of fun in our minds, eh?*****I took a final drag on my cigarette, then stubbed it out into a pot-plant on the patio. It was getting on for late afternoon, and I probably only had a few hours before Jackie would arrive home. Boy oh boy, did she have a surprise waiting for her when she got back.I'd been planning this little 'treat' for my line manager Jackie...
Pride/Ego kept me blind to my sexual selfBy High school I knew I wanted more than just what women could offer sexually. I loved what the girls had and that was they're shape, smell, taste, and shaved bodies. Once, I was a jock that never wore a jockstrap. "Now I want one and a Gay mf locker room!!!I went to the NAVY. Soap down the ass crack of other guys is a "turn on"of course the rumors of getting fucked on a submarine were scary but the thoughts I was having... I knew I...
Juvenile SexualityByJim StanleyChapter 10Bernie and MeI excused myself at the end of the pinochle game. "Goodnight everybody,"was my exit cue, to which everyone responded, almost in unison, "Goodnight,sleep well." I went up the stairs and immediately undressed, lying nakedbeneath the covers, awaiting Bernie's warm body and his 10 inch hard cock.I had no idea how much longer the game would continue and lay theredry-mouthed anticipating all that would transpire between Bernie and methat night. My...
STELLARSEXUALby Caroline BenešCopyright © 2016. All rights reserved.Also by Caroline Beneš:Stellarsexual: Taking OffStellarsexual: The Space Mikado, or Rule 34Hungry for LoveThe Cuff BuffsPictures of SophieChinese, 25, Needs a Room and a SpankingThe Noose and the ClimaxThe Island of Pleasure and BitternessThe Lord of P - The Woman Whose Little Fetish Helped Me Get My Petty Revenge On The Corporate World And Become Happy And FamousIn the Punishment Room (The Wendy Fairfax Chronicles)First Lesson...
Gerade stelle ich mir ein Klassenzimmer vor. Eines mit alter Tafel, harten Schulbänken, einer Pausenklingel und einem Lehrerpult. Ich habe meine Haare streng nach hinten gebunden, eine Brille auf und bin geschminkt. Ich hab ein viel zu enges Kostüm an. Meine Brüste fallen fast raus und mein Ausschnitt besteht aus zwei Fleischballen und einer langen Ritze die vom Schweiß glänzt. Der Rock geht mir über den Po, ist eng und zeigt ganz klar meine Rundungen.Am Kartenhalter eine Karte die, die...
FOLKS, I am just starting this story as of 6/1/14. Much more to come as i prepare this very true story of my ultimate humiliation as a 21 year old intern along with my then girlfriend. Hope to finish this post later this week. I kept getting timed out by xhamster and was forced to start over. On my home page I state my first bbc experience was at a glory hole. It was my first "voluntary" bbc experience. It is merely my opinion but we all have something in our background that drives our...
My mother is the smartest woman I know.She has a PhD from one of the best medical schools in the country, and she's currently one of the nation's top researchers when it comes to pharmaceutical d**gs.Needless to say, she was thrilled I decided to major in the field of science, particularly in the field of environmental studies. She was so thrilled, that for the past 3 years, she made it a tradition that we would go camping during my Spring break so that we would always remain close despite our...
My mother is the smartest woman I know.She has a PhD from one of the best medical schools in the country, and she's currently one of the nation's top researchers when it comes to pharmaceutical d**gs.Needless to say, she was thrilled I decided to major in the field of science, particularly in the field of environmental studies. She was so thrilled, that for the past 3 years, she made it a tradition that we would go camping during my Spring break so that we would always remain close despite our...
Hi..I am Rahul and I stay in Mumbai.. .I am a straight guy and very much like to enjoy with girls and ladies. but this time i had an experience which i had never expected… and i must say i enjoyed it. if only i saw it coming i would have enjoyed more… but was still amazing! I am average looking guy and am neither fat nor too athletic…I can say that I have an average body. Everyday I use local trains for going to and coming from office. Usually after office I go to gym, which is next to...
Gay MaleThe Bisexualizing Effect of Erotica and It's Implications for Writers By Cal Y. Pygia Our enjoyment of erotic or pornographic images may start with the simple desire to see naked people. However, before long, poses of even the most beautiful woman or the handsomest men becomes relatively boring. Where singles may be sufficient, as it were, to whet our appetites, we soon want to see couples, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or transsexual, coupling. In a similar vein, regardless...
Pansexual Prophecy What Sexual Equality May Augur for the Future By Cal Y. Pygia Because women are physically weaker than men, they are subject to men; to gain a measure of equality, they must act through men; to act through men, they must control men. They control men through men's desire for sex. Sex is a means of controlling another (or others), especially for those who otherwise lack strength or power. For men, sex is often an end unto itself, whereas, for women, sex...
He kept staring my way while I or we waited for our job interviews. The interview seemed to last only 10 minutes which didn’t thrill me too much. Even he looked like he was nervous as he fidgeted the same way I was fidgeting. But he would watch me and he would smile at me too. The reason I didn’t like it was it was a job interview. I was trying to focus. I was trying to be serious about the possible job and when I looked at him he did too, but when he looked at me he would smile nonchalantly…...
TECHNOSEXUAL By Dorothy StrangeloveHe was more than an ordinary man. He was far, far more than an ordinary man. One thought about the soft warmth of his skin and what lie beneath it made my heart beat faster and every nerve in my body tingle. I was sure as I was briefed on my latest patient my pupils had started to dilate but this was a busy place and no one would have bothered to check me for outward signs of arousal the way I was checking me. "He's a 20-51." My supervisor told me, "I thought...
HEY (FEMME)GUYS: as another genetic male that's considered myself "Transgendered" since a pre-teen, here's my advice to you. Do an online search under "transgender" in your area for you to find support groups that you can visit/join to help you with your desires to dress/behave/appreciate the female sex. While society accepts women that act, behave and dress as men, we T-Girls need and DESERVE the acceptance of society as being 'multi-sexual'. Here's a perfect example of how unbalanced men...
TransIt was a dark and wet night; sitting beside me was Bella my wife of two years now. Bella is not heterosexual, homosexual or Bi, she is Omnisexual; when the mood takes her, she'll fuck anything, anytime, anywhere. Tonight she was dressed reasonable tame, long flared skirt and T-shirt. We were just going out for a quiet meal and a drink for our wedding anniversary, we were not expecting any other fun. Bella is a walking wet dream, her figure in faultless and normally she'll dress to show it...
Sexual Forums! Welcome to one of the OG forum websites… a place that a lot of us loved to visit, and that offered just what we wanted to see; the Now, this place was filled with a shit ton of great content and suggestions in general, just what you would expect from this type of site in the first place. Now for those who were not lucky enough to have visited this website before it ended up on the wall of fame, I am here to tell you all about it.Upon your first visit, it is...
Porn Forumscherie was my former student in a top girls school. after completing senior high school, she worked as an intern in my company. now, this 19 years old young lady has bloosomed into a sexually attactive young lady. her shapely breast and nice figure is stunningly arousing. as my temporary personal assistant, she had to work late hours with me. one night, she was working late and the office aircon was shut down. she unbuttoned her blouse and even loosened her tight skirt, without realising that i...
EroticMy new personal assistant is sherry. she is a fine n pretty young lady, with nice body contours and a firm set of breasts. She has been under my mentorship before, when she was a student with a top school several years back. She had to work late many nites. once, she unbuttoned her blouse as the office central aircon was switched off. she didnt realised that when she came into my room. as we discussed many matters, i was simply enjoying her shapely breasts and her breathing made her breasts...
Eroticjoey is my student from a top girls school in singapore. her mum becomes good friend with me and we had met regularly for drinks. one day she invited to her house after dinner (her hubbie was overseas and joey was in a camp). as i entered, she greeted me at the door, dressed in a provocative white dress (something like a nite gown). her body contours were conspicuously visible and her shapely breasts were jus stunningly attractive. it was obvious that she did not wear any bra as the nipples...
EroticMe and this girl nikole have been talking for months now. We haven’t seen each other since our 2nd encounter together. At this point I was fully on board for the thought of tucking transsexuals. Nikole was so damn beautiful I couldn’t stand it! But I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever seal the deal. Every time I thought about her naked body, my dick would get so rock hard. I’d say dream about her at almost every possible second. I’ve masterbates to her nudes and even showed her the gooey...
Leading Lady, or The Transsexual Twist By Cal Y. Pygia Howard Clifton ignored his leading lady's plaintive look, regarding it, quite rightly, as being a final, last-minute, silent appeal. Several times, she'd asked not to have to film the film's love scenes in the nude--to no avail. Her repeated requests that Howard use a body double had also been turned down. "There's nothing wrong with your body," he'd assured her, and, of course, there wasn't. Like most Hollywood actresses, her...
Understanding theG-SPOTand Female SexualityA 10-Step Guidefor Unleashing the Ultimate in Female Ecstasyby Donald L. HicksUnderstanding the G-Spot and Female Sexuality:A 10-Step Guide for Unleashing the Ultimate in Female EcstasyCopyright © 2001, Donald L. HicksAll rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without writtenpermission from the author.Cover Photo:...
Juvenile SexualitybyJim StanleyChapter 1Its Beginnings"He's a love c***d." These words of my mother to our next-door neighborwere my first introduction to sexuality. I was nine at the time, justcoming into sexual awareness and I wondered what those words meant. I hadan inkling, but I wasn't sure. I sought out my older next-door neighborand asked him the meaning of these words. Red was quick with hisanswer. "It means," he said, "that your mother and father had sex at a latedate in their life and...
Juvenile SexualitybyJim StanleyChapter 1Its Beginnings"He's a love c***d." These words of my mother to our next-door neighborwere my first introduction to sexuality. I was nine at the time, justcoming into sexual awareness and I wondered what those words meant. I hadan inkling, but I wasn't sure. I sought out my older next-door neighborand asked him the meaning of these words. Red was quick with hisanswer. "It means," he said, "that your mother and father had sex at a latedate in their life and...
Juvenile SexualitybyJim StanleyChapter 1Its Beginnings"He's a love c***d." These words of my mother to our next-door neighborwere my first introduction to sexuality. I was nine at the time, justcoming into sexual awareness and I wondered what those words meant. I hadan inkling, but I wasn't sure. I sought out my older next-door neighborand asked him the meaning of these words. Red was quick with hisanswer. "It means," he said, "that your mother and father had sex at a latedate in their life and...
My college has a first-rate psychology department, where one can study learned texts on human behavior. But book learning has its limits, so the department prides itself on conducting clinical exercises that expand on the material. That academic rigor applies throughout the department, but nowhere more starkly than in its course on human sexuality. All participants in that course have to agree ahead of time to participate fully in the clinical exercises – which they are warned may require...
Group SexA really nice story from another web page! EnjoyGreg was late for class. He ran through the hallways. They were very particular about being punctual here. His health teacher especially. She was very focused on such things. Greg had been late twice this week. He couldn't help that his car kept breaking down. Ms. Sin was a real hardass and didn't accept excuses. Greg had only started his last year of high school here after his eighteenth birthday a few months ago. He was worried about the...
Sooo, yeah; I’m hearing about this really hot looking blonde housewife named Christine Adams, who was k**napped, beeaten, raipped, and her buttocks BRANDED(!), before being released by her 2 Latina female captors a few days ago. I saw an interview on the news with a private detective who works that area, and he believes that the motive for k**napping her was for the sex trade. He said the location is on the I-5 corridor, which runs from Portland, Oregon to Los Angeles. He speculated that Adams...
THE SEXUAL FRUSTRATION ACT 1768THE PROLOGUEEngland mid 18th century was a lawless place, marauding bands of demobbed troops roamed the streets fighting all and sundry. Women were out of control, many spending time in the branks, which did not seem to deter their offensive behaviour. Pub fights were routine and **** a common offence. No one appeared happy and all appeared irritable.This was not the sort of England that Farmer George wanted to reign over. Thomas Hobbes’s works on the social...
True Story about my first experience with a transsexual escort.Where I live there isn't many options or chances to meet a transexual. I'm from a small city in a small state that just to be honest is behind the times still. I had always wanted to experience being with a transsexual but could never find any on websites in my area. After several years I just so happened to come across a ad on a website for a transsexual being in my city for a few days in between traveling. She was beautiful! Tall...
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2006: Huntington, NY What A Transsexual Goes Through by shalimar What does a transsexual go through that is different from other people? In many ways it is a lonely life. When I was a child I was caught in the middle. The boys didn't want to play with me because I was a sissy. The girls didn't because I was a boy. When I tried to join the other kids I was attacked, teased or at the best, shunned. Although I was pretty good in team sports I was...
I was new in the big city, a country boy through and through and it was the first time I had ever visited London for the sites rather than work, I was nervous just for the fact that I had never been anywhere like it and the place was so big, my town being one hundred houses tops, all of a sudden the bus I was waiting for pulled in and kicked me out of my daze, being the shy and gentle person I am let all the other tourists get on first and just out of the corner of my eye noticed the hair of a...
"Do you know how embarrassing this is going to be?" Stacy yelled and I blinked back tears, really not wanting to add to my humiliation. "Calm down, Stace!" Heather told her friend and most of the other cheerleaders nodded and whispered in agreement. The other boys were staying meek and quiet, but they were checking me out too. Everyone stared at me, and at Stacy of course, as she threw her tantrum. I'd been hoping she'd be okay with me being a girl, sort of. I mean, technically I was...
Divine White manA Chinese woman's sexual submission to White powerby Chingching Rogers?I'm a chink cumpig and I am ready to submit to the divine dominance of a White god. I love White man. I worship White man. And I am unashamed to say it. I am a little chink whore for White men's semen.?Those words you read first were written last: Why I prefer White men: I can't tell you how many times I have been asked this question and to be honest, I'm tired, tired of all the racism directed...