Brainwave Of Horror Ch. 3 free porn video

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The Brainwave of Horror Ch. 3: A Trilogy of Tales of Terror to Titillate and Traumatize

A man watches his wife and daughter turned into whores, a woman watches her control crumble as those around her turn into … things, a young man watches his mother survive in a world where sex is not reviled, better watch YOURSELF on … Halloween.

See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply stop now.

Legalese: All actors and actresses are over the age of consent. Proof of age is on file. Any similarity of any character, event or place to any actual person, event or place, is purely coincidental. This is all fantasy, and the actors are all professionals — do not try any of this at home.

Archiving: You are welcome to discreetly repost or archive this, just do not change it, steal from it or claim credit for it.

Author’s Rambling:

For the author, the third tale was the most fun (it probably shows), although the first had some bright moments. The second tale is for whomever it’s about power as much as it’s about sex.

Live well!

Sexual Symmetry (mind pressure, inc) —— ——– —– ——— —-

Discourse: What parts of our world have to be the way that they are, and what parts are that way simply by consensual choice? Have we really all decided that we prefer the enforcement of pain to the enjoyment of pleasure? If so, why? Perhaps the answer can only be found … on Halloween.


Let me tell you about my mother’s sister.

Aunt Sheryl. Thirty-six, two years younger than my mom. Copper-red hair to the middle of her back. A figure like … well, like my mom’s. Walking around by the pool in a bikini as I speak.

Her daughter?

Rachel. Eighteen. Strawberry blonde hair to her shoulders. A mischievous smile and a contagious giggle. We played together as kids, but she has grown up very nicely since then. She’s now built like … mmmmm ….

Can cousins marry in this state?

Me? I am simply indulging in the scenery by the pool. A guy couldn’t ask for a better landscape than my pretty cousin and aunt. My sister is by the pool, too, in a bikini and my mom is in a modest one-piece, but … well, they’re my sister and my mom. C’mon. I’m not a perv.

I’m leaned back in the patio chair, pretending to be asleep behind these dark sunglasses, the hardback novel I’m reading spread open in my lap to hide Mr Stiffie while I do what every college boy since the caveman days has done: ogle female flesh.

Well, that is if they had had colleges in caveman days ….


(Saturday morning)

‘Allen?’ my mom said as she stepped around from behind me, ‘C’mon, honey. We’re going to have lunch inside. Those are some nasty-looking clouds coming in from the west and I don’t want them to downpour on our sandwiches.’

Oh … just ducky.

How was I going to walk into the house like this? I could just see my sister, who is two years older than me, believe it or not: ‘Mooooom! Allen has an ereeeeection poking out in front of him! Make him stoooop!’ You’d think that college would have made her grow up a little bit.

‘C’mon, Allen.’ Mom grabbed the radio and the bowl of Chex we had been snacking on all morning.

‘I’m coming, Mom.’

My aunt and cousin were trotting with my sister from the strong, wet wind into the house. I was attempting to mentally will my penis to deflate.

‘Now, Allen,’ she said as she started toward the house.

‘Yes, ma’am.’

My eyes caught a towel sticking out from under my cousin’s lounge chair! I grabbed it and carried it in front of me to hide my lingering erection as I trotted after my mom from the large drops starting to hurdle down.

As we stepped into the house, the sky unloaded.

‘Just in time!’ my aunt giggled.

‘Yeah, Rachel spent so much time in the pool this morning that just one more drop would leave her permanently wrinkled.’ I teased. Then, ‘OW!’ as my cousin jabbed me in the side with her index finger, grinning.

‘Don’t you give me a hard time, Allen.’

‘I’ll give you a hard time if I want to.’

‘Really? Will you give me a really hard time, Allen?’

My cousin was an ‘A’ student and thought she was so much smarter than everyone else. She was trying to make some type of clever point now, though I had no idea what it was.

‘Why don’t you give me the towel, Allen?’ she smirked.

Now I knew. ‘Cut it out, Rachel,’ I hissed. Mr Stiffie would not be a welcome guest at any family gathering.

‘Whatsamatter, Allen?’ she smirked. Then to my Mom. ‘Oh, you got wet, Aunt Barbara! Here,’ her hand darted over and whipped the towel out of my hands, ‘you’d better dry off. Use this.’

I spun around and exited the room. ‘I’ll be back for lunch in just a minute,’ I called as I headed for my room to pop my erection. It sure wasn’t going to go down by itself.

‘Evil cousin,’ I muttered as I climbed the stairs. ‘Evil, evil– ‘ I halted in front of the room that she and my aunt were staying in.

I thought a moment, torn.

Now look: I wouldn’t do anything like this to any other person in the world except my cousin — my cousin that had sprinkled some of that German itching powder in my pants when I was ten, my cousin that had spread Ben-Gay inside my jock strap just before a track meet when I was fifteen, my cousin that told me she would let me feel her breasts if I stripped and showed her my thingie last year, but ran off with my clothes before doing her half of the deal, leaving me to sneak up two flights of stairs naked.

My cousin that just stole the towel I was using to hide my erection.

Stepping into the room they were using, I fished in my cousin’s suitcase until I came up with a bra — a pretty turquoise silk and lace thing.

Then I slid my swimtrunks to my ankles. I would leave a little deposit in one of her cups. Wrapping the bra cup around Mr Stiffie, I started stroking. Getting into it after a few moments, I slid off my sandals and stepped out of the trunks.

The wind blew moist on my back in through the bedroom window my aunt and cousin had left open.

I would … leave my … cousin … a nice little … stain … in her bra … UUUUNNGGGHH!

‘Allen?’ I heard my mom come up the stairs.

Shit! I seemed to have my own personal do-gooder angel today, sabotaging everything I did.

I shouldn’t be in this room, especially naked. No time to dress. I kicked the swimtrunks into the corner and climbed on top of the end table behind the door, still holding the soiled bra. Please don’t let her look behind the door ….

‘Allen?’ Mom poked her head in the room and I held my breath.

Lightning flashed close outside the window.

‘What the–?’ my mother frowned at the shadow of my head and shoulders that the lightning cast above and behind the door.

She stepped further in and swung the door and … her jaw dropped at her naked son standing hunched over on the end table in his aunt’s and cousin’s room, clutching a bra with a cup full of cum.

‘Mom! I can explain!’

Even as panicked as I was, I frowned as strands of her hair seemed to float up into the air. Was she THAT mad …?!


I found myself tumbling forward, naked, onto my mom, then we both stumbled backward into the mirror across from the end table.

INTO the mirror.

Actually inTO the mirror.

Because we didn’t bounce off. We fell through it.


‘What the HELL was that?!’ I gasped as I stirred, dazed.

‘Watch your language, Allen!’ my mother automatically corrected me.

‘Are you guys okay up here?’ my aunt called as she trotted up the stairs. ‘We heard the lightning downstairs. Did it actually hit the house?’

She push
ed the door the rest of the way open and stepped into the room, and MY jaw dropped.

Aunt Sheryl — drool-inducing Aunt Sheryl — was wearing a corset, hose and heels. Her … breasts and … pussy were … openly BARED!

‘Are you guys all right?’

‘God! Sheryl!’ my mom yelled. ‘What are you DOING?! Get dressed!’

‘I AM, silly,’ Aunt Sheryl giggled. ‘But what’s with you?’ She put her fists on her hips. ‘Were you trying to play some type of sick clothing game up here? With your own son, no less?!’

‘Are they okay?’ my cousin flounced into the room, wearing just heels, her hair tied up in pigtails. ‘That was an AWFUL boom!’ She took a broad lick of her large lollipop.

‘Mom?! Are you okay?!’ my sister strode in wearing just thigh-high black leather boots. My mom’s mouth was moving in a silent stammer. ‘Mom?! What’s the matter?!’ Carol asked.

‘C’mon, Barbara,’ Aunt Sheryl helped my mother to stand. ‘Let’s get this … costume … off you and see if you’re all right.’

‘Stop it!’ Mom shrieked and slapped Aunt Sheryl’s hands away when she realized that she was trying to take off the shirt she had pulled on over her swimsuit.

‘Mom, calm down,’ my sister Carol reached for Mom’s boobs to squeeze them and pacify her a little.

‘Carol?!’ Mom shrieked, ‘Stop that! And dress yourself, young lady!’

‘Calm down, Barbara,’ Aunt Sheryl reached toward her.

‘No!’ mom shouted, backing away, around the bed. ‘What is WRONG with you all?! Why are you NAKED?!’

‘What’s wrong with her?’ Rachel asked her mother in a low voice. ‘Do you think the lightning HIT her?’

‘I don’t know. Allen, are you okay?’

‘Ehr … yeah,’ I said, standing. Naked. I seemed to fit right in.

‘Was Barbara dressed like that when you found her?’

‘Ehr … yeah?’

Rachel looked at Aunt Sheryl and frowned. ‘So … she was just in here by herself? Dressing up like that? That’s … just … sick!’

‘Easy, honey.’ Aunt Sheryl gently squeezed one of her daughter’s breasts to calm her.

I’m sorry. I know this was a time of stress and concern, but … Mr Stiffie popped up again. I know, that probably means I’m a pervert or something since I should have been trying to figure out what happened to my mother and me and what to do about it.

But my aunt and cousin are just hot!

Especially naked!

And touching each other!

‘Is everything all right?’ my dad asked as he arrived at the top of the stairs from the basement. ‘I heard the boom. Is everyone okay?’ He too was naked with a hard-on.

Aunt Sheryl turned to him. ‘I don’t know, Dan. We came to check on Barb and Allen and found her … dressed like that. She’s not into any … sick games … or anything, is she?’

‘No!’ he scowled at his sister-in-law, then looked at his wife and was a little surprised by the clothing she was wearing. ‘Honey? Sweetie? Are you feeling okay?’

‘DAN, why are you NAKED?! Why is EVERYONE naked?! And WHY do you all keep trying to take off MY clothes TOO?!’

Dad glanced at Aunt Sheryl, a concerned look on his face. ‘Sweetie,’ he said, turning back to his wife, ‘just calm down. The lightning bolt just has you rattled. Let’s just get those things off you and– ‘

‘NO! Why does EVERYONE want to STRIP me?!’

‘This … this isn’t natural,’ my cousin whispered and shook her head. She nervously reached over to stroke my hard-on.

Holy freaking cow!


My gorgeous cousin was absent-mindedly PUMPING me?!

‘Allen?’ my dad asked again.

Oops. That’s me. ‘Uuuunnngghh … yeah?’

‘Were you in here when the lightning struck?’

‘Uuuuhhh … yeah ….’

‘Was she acting normally before it hit?’

‘Uh …,’ I grabbed my naked cousin’s wrist to pause her stroking. ‘Rachel, you’re distracting me so much I can’t even think.’

‘Gee, am I?’ she smiled brightly, pleased.

‘Yeah.’ I turned to my dad. ‘Yeah, she was perfectly normal.’ YOU guys sure as hell are acting differently, though, I thought.

‘Barbara, sweetie– ‘

‘Dan, you just pull on some clothes and let’s stop this joke! It’s not funny anymore!’

Dad turned to Aunt Sheryl, the worry showing on his face.

‘Should we call an ambulance?’ Aunt Sheryl whispered.

Dad looked at her a few moments, his face strained, then nodded. ‘She’s not even going to let us get that outfit off her to drive her to the hospital.’

‘What are you two whispering about over there?!’ Mom demanded as Aunt Sheryl stepped out of the room.

‘Easy, honey. Everything’s going to be okay.’

Anxiously, Rachel began to slowly stroke my rod again.

‘I’m worried, Daddy,’ my sister stressed.

‘Everything’s going to be okay, snookums.’

‘Fuck me, Daddy,’ she asked.

‘Not right now, honey. I’m trying to talk your mother down. She’s having some kind of episode.’

‘At least rub me, Daddy.’ She took his hand and placed it between her legs.

‘DAN?!’ Mom shrieked. ‘WHAT are you DOING to our DAUGHTER?!’

‘Honey, calm down! What has gotten into you?’

‘Get your hands off her! This is not funny! It’s SICK!’

Dad withdrew his hand and Carol whined.

‘Hey,’ Uncle Troy said as he stepped into the room, naked, preceded by his erection, ‘Sheryl told me that Barbara flipped out.’

‘Yeah,’ Dad glanced at his wife. ‘She’s dressed up in that … outfit … shrieking that we’re not dressed up similarly. She almost freaked out when I started fingering my own daughter.’

The two men looked at Mom and shook their heads.

‘Barbara never did have much between the ears,’ Uncle Troy commented, ‘One hot mewling pussy, but not much between the ears.’ Maybe in this universe, I thought, but in my universe, Mom was one of the smartest ladies I knew.

‘See if YOU can do anything with her,’ Dad sighed. ‘She’s always liked your peter.’

‘Hey, Barbie,’ Uncle Troy stepped around the bed, wagging his hard-on. ‘Sheryl said you were feeling really stressed out. Wanna suck on my pacifier for a while? Would that make you feel better, gumdrops?’

‘WHY are you all ACTING like this?!’ Mom cried out, tears forming in her eyes.

‘Oh, come on, honey. You love playing with Little Troy.’ He wagged Little Troy at her. ‘Dontcha wanna at least suck it?’ Wag. Wag.

‘Stop this!’ Mom held her spread hands forward and backed toward the corner.

‘Hey, Dad, if she doesn’t want to– ‘ I roused myself from my cousin’s ministrations on my cock to plead Mom’s behalf.

‘It’s going to be okay, Allen. She’s going to be all right.’ Dad didn’t sound like he was even convincing himself, though.

‘C’mon, Barbara,’ Uncle Troy persisted. ‘You know you want it.’

‘Stop it!’

‘Aaawwww, honey, a sweet little thing like you shouldn’t be up here in that obscene outfit playing sick clothing games. Let’s take that off and bend you over so Little Troy can make you mewl and beg.’


‘She’s up here,’ I heard my aunt’s voice in the hall.

Two police officers stepped into the room, two paramedics behind them.

‘Mrs Wood? We’re here to help you. We’re– why are you dressed like that, ma’am?!’

‘No!’ Mom shrieked. ‘This is INSANE!’

The cop took stock of the situation now. ‘Are you ready?’ he whispered to one of the paramedics.

‘Yeah,’ the latter replied, keeping a hypodermic hidden discreetly behind himself.

‘Ma’am,’ the cop stepped forward, holding his spread hand out at her, ‘we’re not going to hurt you. We’re just here to help.’

‘Noooo,’ Mom shook her head.

He gestured to his partner to cover the far side of the bed, then began slowly walking toward my mom.

‘Noooo ….’

‘Ma’am, we’re just here to help you.’

Mom leaped for the bed, and both officers leaped for her. Pinning her to the mattress, they cuffed her, t
hen gestured to the paramedics, who came forward.

‘No!’ my mom shrieked and struggled when she saw the needle.

But the cops held her while the paramedic injected its contents into her arm. ‘It’s just to calm you,’ the paramedic said when he was done. ‘Everything’s going to be all right, Mrs Wood.’

‘Do you have any scissors?’ the cop asked Carol. She ran to get them.

‘No … nooooo ….’ Mom was shaking her head, her hands still cuffed behind her.

‘Got them,’ my sister reappeared a few moments later with the scissors.

The officer took them and began cutting off Mom’s cover-shirt.

‘Pleeeashe …,’ she asked, her head and eyes starting to roll around a little.

He tossed the ruined shirt to the floor and began untying the neckstrap to remove her swimsuit.

‘Allen … don’– don’ let them … (sigh) … shtrip meeee ….’


Strange ….

Very, very strange ….

That bolt of lightning must have somehow thrown me and my mother into a whole different parallel world or something. After the police carried my naked mom to the ambulance, the rest of us all piled essentially naked into our car to follow her to the hospital. My cousin nervously fiddled with my cock on the way over, and I copped a few good feels of her boobs, which she didn’t protest at all, but sighed instead as it soothed her nerves.

I didn’t make the same mistake my mom did. I stayed naked and played along. It wouldn’t do any good for me as well as Mom to get cuffed, drugged and locked up for having an irrational episode.

While we waited at the hospital, my sister was so worried that my dad finally bent her over doggie style and soothed her with a good fucking. Afterward, she felt so much better that she just laid her head in Dad’s lap, occasionally licking cock.

My cousin Rachel — uppity cousin Rachel — blew me while we waited and I unloaded past those pretty red lips of hers. She stuck her tongue out to show me the jism payload before swallowing it. Now THAT’S what she ought to earn ‘A’s for.

A nurse finally flounced out in a merry widow and five-inch heels to tell us that the doctor would see us now, if we would follow her to his office. We followed the bouncing ass cheeks back, then, while Rachel serviced his cock, the doctor droned on at length about how traumatic massive electrical discharges can be, and that we would have to wait and see how Mom was doing when she awoke. She might be fine, he said, or she might need years of physical, mental and/or sexual therapy until she was right in the head again.

I knew that he simply had no idea what was wrong with her.

I did.

She, and I too, somehow came from another world, where sex had been dirtied by people, turned into something obscene and then forcefully held there.

This new world was somehow not like that.

He said that we could stay here with her, that she might even do better if she woke to friendly faces, though only two at a time would be permitted to remain in her room.

Then he grunted and unloaded to Rachel’s sunk-in cheeks. She smiled and stuck out her tongue to show everyone the pearly glob before swallowing.

I, more than anyone, knew that my mother was not crazy, that she just … wasn’t used … to a place like this. And also that my mother in particular would never adapt to a place like this, that she would struggle with the place or with herself until we found a way out of here, back to our own world.

I guessed I had a mission now: find our way home.

I insisted on being one of the two staying with her. The others came and went, shtooping in the waiting room in between visits.

I studied my mother, tied down on the bed so she wouldn’t hurt herself when she awoke. She was naked, of course. She looked so small and frail laying there, yet I knew how much stubborn determination the woman had. That’s how I knew that she would never compromise into accepting this place, that she would fight to the death until we found our way back to where we came.

I just hoped that I could convince her to play along with the people here in the meantime so that I wouldn’t have to break her out of an asylum later.

Aunt Sheryl, when she visited, stroked her sister’s thigh and played with Mom’s pussy hair — which was redder than the strawberry blonde hair on her head, I noticed — while speaking soothing words to her.

Uncle Troy, when he came in, brushed his erect cock back and forth along Mom’s lips — trying to ‘jump start’ her desires so she’d wake up normal instead of as some clothed-up freak, he said.

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With the service over Candice made her way back to stretch limo the driver looking appropriately respectful his hands crossed, head down. As she neared he opened the door allowing the young woman to climb inside her uncle already waiting for her. She had turned 18 just 3 days ago; but it was a birthday she would want to forget. Sure her aunt and uncle had made an effort to celebrate but how could you seriously celebrate while you made funeral arrangements? As the diminutive red head sat down...

1 year ago
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The voice cut through me Horror Horror Horror

I'd kicked down a gear and accelerated hard justs creaming in to the ferry port. Landed a job looking for locations for filming and photo shoots. Working for a friend in media I'd been sent to Greece and the Greel islands to check our locations. one of our local contacts suggested I tried one of the islands as I had four days between jobs and I fired my bike towards the port and just grabbed the ferry and called my wife back home. Greece has some boheman venues and I fund a room at my...

3 years ago
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Katies Horror

There’s no sound except for the gentle whispers of the wind in the night air. Katie stopped at her car, putting her purse on the hood to fumble for her keys buried in the depth of it. Soft footsteps behind her begin. She stops cold in her movements, turning around to see if one of her friends were trying to scare her. There’s nothing but the opaque darkness of night. “Kenny?” She said, calling out the name of her friend that likes to play pranks on her. No answer. ‘Stupid Katie… ...

4 years ago
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I Vampire Ch 2 Erotic Horror

MY FIRST NIGHT…I awoke hours later, it was still dark out but I could see every piece of furniture in the room as if it was dusk not night. As I looked around I found that I could focus on an object and see every detail of it, the grain of the wood and the memory that was locked to it. But before I could investigate my new sight farther James was beside me, I visibly startled.“I’m sorry love, you will get used to me moving too quickly for you to see, but I will try not to do it too much around...

3 years ago
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Housewife Horror

It was a bright summer afternoon, me and my husband kunal were going on a small vacation up the t#@## hill station to spend a little quality time together.Our own personal time. As we were driving our way through the hills I casually looked at my husband. His eyes were kind of dull with the dark circles more prominent . He has been working too hard, it’s been 3 years to our marriage and he is completely into his work and his work alone. He never gets time to spend it with me , his dear wife...

2 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Email of Horror

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. This story is written for one of my favorite critics,...

4 years ago
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Massage Parlor Horror

Massage Parlor HorrorJulian loved going to Asian Massage parlors.  Even though it was usually understood that all these establishments specialized in ?rub and tugs?, he found that the majority of the ones he frequented at one time or another were actually legitimate?or maybe they were just legitimate for him. This is exactly the reason he loved going to this particular one near his house as often as he did.    Not only did they give great massages, but they also seemed to excel in the ?happy...

3 years ago
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Mary Allen Femdom Household Horror

Mary Allen: Femdom Household HorrorCast of Characters Mary Allen - Attractive Young TV Host, Secertly turned on by report Dr. Forbes - Pyscologist Judith Wilkes - 28, Teacher Samantha Bridg -  17, Timothy's girlfriend Bobby Green - 18, family friend, Shawna's ex-boyfriend George Banks - Lead Investigator Lauren McAdams - LawyerJulia Douglas, 44 Richard Douglas, 47 Shawna Douglas, 19 Ben and Ryan Douglas, 18, twins Timothy Douglas, 17 Rachel Douglas, 14Marie Tate, 39 Michelle Tate, 17 Warren...

3 years ago
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Halloween Horror

Penny's cheerleader costume was attracting more attention than she anticipated. She wore the vest top without the requisite turtleneck sweater underneath, plus she left the top three buttons undone. Her D-cup breasts put a tremendous strain on the remaining two. The vest was spread so wide that her nipples were barely covered. Once when she was dancing a whole tit popped out. The skirt wasn't much better. Her husband, Rick had her shorten the pleated little number by five inches. Instead of...

2 years ago
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The Subway Horror

"Miss Frost, I want to see you in my office. Right now." Something in her boss's voice chilled her. Had he--found out? Clutching her arms to her chest, she scurried to Mr. Leahy's office. "Miss Frost, I show you this voucher and this cancelled check. Do you recognize them?" Oh, God, she thought. It was the voucher she had fraudulently created for a thousand dollars. "I-I..." she began. "They are yours, then," said Mr. Leahy in a voice of thunder. "Please, I can explain," she...

4 years ago
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DominionChapter 6 Engineering A Horror

The whole riverside was cordoned off, with saws and torches hissing and whining in the cold. Every construction worker in the county had been hired for this project, many of which required either bribes, threats, or extortion to accept the job. They were paid in gold, conjured into existence with Dominion’s powers. They worked day and night, no matter how much it snowed or how sharp the northern winds were. The warehouses were being renovated under the guise that they would be turned into...

4 years ago
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Es war ein lauer,leicht verregneter Spätsommernachmittag auf einem Autobahnparkplatz als ich eine Pause machte und noch in Ruhe eine Zigarette rauchen wollte, bevor es wieder weiter ging. Ich schaute auf die Uhr...17:32 prangte in weissen LED´s im Armaturenbrett. Ich mochte diesen Parkplatz. Er war für LKW zu klein und wurde von ihnen auch so gut wie nie benutzt. Und er lag so ungünstig zwischen 2 Autobahnen das er auch sonst so gut wie nie angefahren wurde, weswegen ich auch wieder mal alleine...

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"Gee, you sure picked an awfully spooky night to explore the woods, Philip," Dolly said sounding a bit like Daphne from Scooby-doo, as she looked around nervously.She hadn't been dating Philip long, just a couple of months. He was one of those typical jock types, the kind she usually loathed but something about him seemed different."It'll be fun," Philip said squeezing her hand tightly as if to reassure her as he continued to lead the way into the dark and twisting forest lit up only by the...

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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Role Playing II Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors

Role Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects. Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul...

3 years ago
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High Sea Horror

‘I’m really glad that we got to do this.’ Jake commented lazily. Kelly glanced over at Jake and rolled her eyes. ‘At least keep one hand on the rod.’ She commented with a smirk. ‘You know that’s how your Junior lost that rod last year.’ ‘Its how I lost that fish.’ Junior replied without looking up. He had his rod fastened tight to a custom harness he’d built over during the year. Kelly had made it clear that as impressive as the device he had to make sure he was anchored to the boat when he...

4 years ago
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Daniis Horror

Danii knew that her gymnastics instructor was watching her and she loved teasing him. He always sat in the same place in the lunch room every day during her lunch break. She knew he wasn’t even supposed to be there, so she knew full well why he was there. She remembered giggling at him the day before as she bent over in the tightest jeans she could find just so he could stare at her ass. She nonchalantly placed her hand up the skirt she was wearing and gently pushed her panties into her...

3 years ago
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Babysitter horror

You climb off the bus after about forty minutes from leaving your hometown, the driver ensuring you that this is the adress you wanted to go to. Finding yourself in the middle of nowhere, surrounded on all sides by the deep forest, you watch with sinking heart as the bus speed off into the distance. As you look up and down the lowly trafficed old road (if used at all, except for that usually empty old bus), you catch sight of an overgrown path leading into the forest at the other side. Crossing...

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Vegas Honeymoon Horror

18 year old Daisy Mae Barker smiled as she looked out the jet’s window at the city of Las Vegas below her. The newlywed glanced down at her shiny new wedding rings as she remembered that just a few short hours ago she and her husband, Billy, had just gotten married in their little hometown of Hartsville, AL and were now on their honeymoon in Las Vegas, NV. This was the first time either of them had ventured out of their tiny town and Daisy Mae was excited to be a new bride and have the...

3 years ago
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I Vampire Ch Erotic Horror

The Beginning…THE EARLY YEARS…I was a very good girl, I did what my parents told me to do, and I was innocent and from a wealthy family, meant to marry whom my father thought best for me. Even though, I did know what sex was, my servants and the help did have romps in the hay often enough that I had seen it. I would watch the help’s hands play under the servant’s skirt and sometimes I would try to do that late at night by myself, but after I gave myself great pleasure, I then would feel guilty...

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by SeychelleLiving DollUntil six weeks ago, Pat would have thought anything was better than hospital work.In fact, when she'd been hired as a private live-in nurse down South, she'd thought it ideal: generous pay, easy hours to let her pursue her further education, and no rent. The recruitment agency could tell her little about her patient/employer Alastair Darragh; what little she'd picked up since did not extend far past the observations that he was a cantankerous recluse who'd driven away...

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Halloween Horrors

Even though many men and women have fantasies of forced sex, this story only represents a fantasy, and I do not condone it in any way, other than through roleplay.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My eyelids fluttered open from a restless sleep, a soft moan as my body reminds me the discomfort I am in. I feel a body of warmth next to me, a limb d****d across my torso. I look about me, the range I can turn my head restricted...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 19 Ship of Horrors

The other disguised Freespace operations unit turned out to be a Togar Claw ship. A truly ancient tech level six Togar warship that had the stylized form of a lion’s paw, at least that is how Shaka described it and it was 600 meters long. At first we actually went to battle stations but the Togar female identified herself as Captain Roranak of the NAVINT X Fleet and on the same special communications equipment we had and was exclusive to NAVINT. We met aboard her ship, officially named...

3 years ago
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Sex with Daddy

My dad was 35 years older than I was and at 68 had just retired from working outdoors all his life. He was still a very strong rugged man who could give most 20 year olds a real run for their money in not only looks but also in strength and endurance. After his retirement he came to visit my husband and I in our new home and to help us get some work done. My mom had stayed behind at home and dad was a huge help the days he was with us. He had helped us build a deck on the back of the house...

2 years ago
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The VisitorChapter 20

Jim was clearly excited, “We can move in next week.” I pulled Jim in for a side hug, “Your first house. Congratulations.” Jim put his hand around my waist, “Thanks to you and your down payment. Sally and I can’t thank you enough.” Jim hadn’t referred to Sally as his mom in a long time. And with his full beard, he was no longer Jimmy. He was Jim. “I can’t very well let my Godchildren live on the street, now can I?” Jim’s smile got even bigger. Obviously, that would never happen. Even though...

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Diary Entry 10th Grade Becoming A Dick Addict

I was eleven at the time, not yet interested in boys, I spent my time with my sister. My sister at the time was 17 and very much so into boys. I remember the day my interest was sparked very clearly. It was around four in the afternoon and I was looking for my sister hoping she would play some games with me. I walked up the stairs and heard some noise coming from her room. So I decided to try and scare her, I quietly snuck up to the door which was cracked open slightly, I push on it as slow as...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Lady Dee Asian Lust On A Leash

If Lady Dee is in the mood, she is willing to go all out to get her rocks off. Today, she puts on a sexy leather dog collar with a chain and meets her dominating stud with every intention of rocking his world. She licks milk out of a cocktail glass like the pervy pet she is. Then, she crawls on her hands and knees before climbing onto the bed to get her tight Asian slit pummeled. Our stud shoves his cock inside and pounds passionately until he busts a dripping load all over Lady Dee’s lips....

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 889

These are compliments of Rick M. Cool Morals: 1. Money is not everything. There’s also MasterCard & Visa. 2. One should love animals. They are tasty too. 3. Save water. Drink beer. 4. Studying is healthy. So leave it for the sick. 5. Books are holy. So don’t touch them. 6. Love your neighbor. But don’t get caught. 7. Everyone should marry because happiness is not the only thing in life... Christmas Gift: One day Dan asks Bob, “So Bob what did you get for Christmas?” Then Bob says...

4 years ago
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Rachael And JuliusChapter 4 Almost Perfect

He found her sitting on the front porch, swinging slowly and watching fireflies. He leaned against the doorframe sipping bourbon and watching her - thinking about living his life without her and knowing he no longer could. He sat next to her and she put her head on his shoulder. For a while they just sat. "Marcus is glad I'm coming home." He finally offered. She nodded. He took another sip. "Was Claudia's description accurate?" Rachael asked softly. He thought back and looked at his...

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Big Sister Is HornyChapter 4

"Lick me, Eddie! Suck my hot, fuckin' cunt!", Mindy squealed. She was really getting off on Eddie's furious tongue-fucking. She had her eyes screwed shut in total ecstasy, her face all contorted with hot lust, and she was clawing the bed. She'd arched her slim body to take Eddie's pistoning tongue as deep as she could in the molten tunnel of her cunt. She whimpered steadily as his flying tongue worked her toward orgasm. "Uhhh, yeahhh, just a little more, honey," she moaned, "Lick...

4 years ago
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Lust and Love

LUST AND LOVE Sisyphus Chapter One I wanted her the moment she walked into the bar. I had been driving all day on my way to visit some old friends in Western Massachusetts. It was late and I decided to get a drink then head back to the sleazy motel down the road, get up early and continue my journey. The shabby bar was empty except for the bald headed bartender with a pot belly and an old guy by himself at a back table with his head down on the table, holding an empty shot glass, the head of a...

2 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 8 Recuperation

Mom went back to work down in the ER the next morning, which I found a blessing. I mean, I loved my mother, but she was driving me completely nuts hanging around the room with me. She still dropped in at lunchtime, but I could handle that. Otherwise, I had her bring in a few books from home that I could read holding up with my left hand. Kelly came over after school on Tuesday. She had worked out an arrangement to take a different bus over to the hospital, and then either Mom would take her...

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Public Health Care

Public Health Care By Jacquie Windsor Chet, Lardo and I drove downtown to party with a group of chicks that we'd lusted after for months. Boffo idea except for one thing... What began as a night planned for the deflowering of pretty young things turned into my living heck. "Ooo-oo," I grunted, holding my stomach. "I think I must have rabies or something. My intestines feel like they're imploding." "You do look ill," agreed Lardo. "Hey-maybe we oughtta stop here at this clinic...

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The Shed Club Part 3

There will be a further part (maybe two) to this whole story, which I will endeavour to complete early next week. In order to get the boring info stuff out of the way so as not to interrupt the story too much, I'll just tell you about Zoe and Tash, two characters that appear in this part 3. Zoe is possibly about the most intelligent and bossy person I have ever met, who has always enjoyed every aspect of sex from her introduction to it in the infamous shed, right up to the present...

3 years ago
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BJ While Wifes On The Phone

Both of us were horny as we chatted online. My girlfriend was sleeping late and his wife was in the other room.Luis and I wanted to get together, but we were baffled on how to meet being that both of our ladies were at home. It is usually no problem during the week because both of them and at work. Unfortunately, neither one of them really ever went anywhere on the weekends. We had just about given up when Luis asked me to wait a minute, he would be right back. When he came back to the...

2 years ago
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The Ball Is In Your Court Part 3

The rest of the morning went smoothly, although Cameron was still nervous about meeting my family. She wanted to get along with my parents as well as I did with hers. Fortunately, I had met her family before we had started dating. They had come up to see her at school, taken her and a few friends out to dinner. We had really hit it off, and I could tell that Cameron wanted the same for her and my family. She was quiet during the drive, but I could feel the anticipation building. She was almost...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Miss Teen Ohio Part 2

Part 2 I woke finding myself snuggled in Jasmine's arms. I laid there, satisfied and happy, and then I suddenly realized...I'm competing in a beauty pageant tonight. Holy crap. I nudged at Jasmine to get her to wake up. "Honey, we have to get ready." She woke, smiled at me and caressed my cheek. "You're going to be so beautiful tonight." I gave her a playful punch in the arm. "Aren't I beautiful all the time?" I said, grinning. "Absolutely," Jasmine replied. I...

4 years ago
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My Spanking with My tution Teacher

Now I was in mid-session of Class 9th & both my tuitions continued at the same time. I was to go to Rita Maam on everyday for Economics & on every weekends to Kamlesh Miss for Chemistry. Both my Maam were quite strict & infact every day I was getting punishments for some reason or the other. If I have done the home work properly that for either un clear handwriting or for some spelling mistake or if for nothing else than for not giving proper attention in the class. Punishment was a definite...

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