Some Debts Can t Be Repaid
- 4 years ago
- 54
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Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball z and am making no profit from this work. All of the Characters in this fiction are 18 or older.
It had been exactly one year to the day since the events at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, when the Z-fighters faced off against the wizard Babidi, and destroyed his evil monster, Kid Buu. To celebrate the anniversary of their victory, Bulma was hosting one of her famous parties.
It was an event of special magnificence and the heiress, having spent the previous months planning it, had spared no expense in its preparation. For days beforehand, all of Capsule Corp had been set to preparing the great domed house for the festivities, even erecting a makeshift stage in the heart of the garden on which the entertainments would perform. A latticed web of fairy lights twinkled merely seven metres overhead. A master gardener had transformed the tall shapeless rosebushes into a menagerie. Moreover, fifty of the world’s finest caterers, as well as a small army of waiters and other supporting staff, were hurrying this way and that, trying to keep up with the insatiable appetite of two Sayain Families.
Gohan sat alone at his table, deep in thought and nursing a glass of champagne, only half listening to the band play on stage while watching the flurry of colour as the guests mingled around the Brief’s rose garden. Searching through the sea of familiar faces, his keen eyes took note of their cheery expressions and felt a surge of relief. It had been a long time since they had all been this happy. Even Vegeta appeared to be having difficulty hiding his smirk as he and his rival engaged in a furious eating contest. Watching the duo for a moment, Gohan couldn’t resist grinning as he watched Goku nearly swallow a boar whole. It felt good to have his Dad back, and it was even better to know, for once, he intended on keeping it that way for a while.
Abandoning the spectacle to continue his search, he felt a genuine smile play across his lips as he finally glimpsed Videl amongst the group, a refilled glass of orange juice in hand and avidly swapping pleasantries with his mother.
‘Kami, she’s gorgeous… ‘ he thought dreamily, unable to resist giving her the once-over. She had made a special effort for this evening and had come clad in an elegant gown of sky-blue silk that flowed down to knees and clung to her alluring hourglass figure, its deep V-neckline accentuating the swells of her bosom. Once upon a time, the very idea of Videl wearing such a thing would have made the Sayain laugh, but in the time they had been dating, Videl had grown more confident of her femininity and had tried to dress as, well, a girl. Though she still favoured her oversized tops, jeans and closefitting shirts had become regular recreation garments, as well as a few skirts and dresses that had accidentally found their way into her wardrobe.
As if she could sense his gaze, Videl glanced in his direction and Gohan felt a blush touch his checks as he realised he’d been caught staring. Smiling playfully, she quickly ended her conversation with the older woman, saying something that made them both giggle heartily before turning and making her way through the crowd towards him, exchanging quick words with anyone who addressed her specifically.
‘Mmm… that shirt was made for him.’ Videl mused, her lips pursing with delight as her eyes drank in the vision of her boyfriend. Though this was not the first time she had seen him dressed in a suit, it always seemed odd to see him without his preferred navy GI or the baggy garments he wore to hide his bulging muscles. Indeed, she’d expected him to feel ill at ease in the black tailored Italian suit and its matching crimson shirt, but he wore it as easily as a second skin and Videl thought he appeared to be a modern day Adonis. Yet, she also longed to remove it from his person, and she inwardly hoped to have the festivities done quickly, so that they might have a chance to celebrate in their own fashion.
Their eyes met as she placed her glass upon the table, and Videl felt her breathe catch in her throat. His lips moved, but she heard no words over the fluttering of her heart ‘huh… pardon?’
‘I said you look beautiful tonight.’ Gohan repeated, his smile faltering. It wasn’t like Videl to miss hear him, quite the reverse in fact.
A sudden blush burning her cheeks, she tore her gaze from his and moved into the vacant seat opposite Gohan’s, sipping purposefully at her orange juice to hide her embarrassment. Even so, she could feel the heat of his eyes upon her flesh, watching her, scrutinising her. Did he know she was hiding something? Perhaps, that brilliant mind of his was guessing her secret, ferreting out the truth. A knot of fear tensed in her stomach and her eyes shifted towards the crystal in her grasp, the fruity beverage within already half emptied.
Swallowing her nervousness, she drained the glass with one last swig and placed it back down on the table before turning to face him, hiding her fears behind a playful smile.
‘So are you going to dance with me or what?’ she said, not really asking, before rising up from her seat once again. Yet now it was Gohan’s turn to look away, suddenly as white as a sheep, with an expression of pure terror on his handsome face. ‘What`s wrong Gohan?’ she asked, her tone softening as if she were talking to a frightened child.
Turning to face her, he tried to imitate his father’s infamous grin while scratching the back of his head but he couldn’t meet her gaze. ‘Well, you see… Videl… Umm… well I don’t… actually know how to… you see I’ve never had to… um dance… maybe… you should… ‘ He looked so cute, Videl couldn’t help giggling.
‘Why Gohan, surly you know how to dance?’
Turning bright red, he looked down at his feet in shame, meekly whispering ‘No.’
‘Aaahh… Gohan, don’t worry, it’s not all that hard, come on, I’ll show you.’ she soothed, curling a finger through his spiky hair before taking his arm and dragging him out of his chair, through the crowd and across the Garden towards the improvised dance floor. ‘Just follow my lead and don’t step on my feet… ‘ However, before they could even set a foot upon the platform, a very large amount of banging and crashing from within the Capsule Corp facility murdered the serene ambiance.
Whirling around, they had just enough time to witness a mass of golden fur exploding out of the kitchen and rushing by them with Goten and Trunks hot on its tail. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just Gohan and Videl in its path and an elderly waiter, who had been walking close by and carrying a tray of appetisers, leapt out of his skin as the beast raced past. The tray went tumbling, turning end over end and spilling its contents into the air.
With only a moment to react Gohan’s battle honed reflexes kicked in and he spun Videl around, throwing himself in front of her as the foodstuffs splattered across his head and Armoni dressed torso.
The clatter of the tray hitting the ground filled the night, drowning out the music and causing all of the Z-fighters, or at least those who were not already watching, to turn and stare at the splattered youth. Too embarrassed to speak and blinking as various condiments dripped into his eyes, Gohan raised a hand to wipe away a trail of mustard running down his neck before turning to Videl. She had escaped unstained, but all thoughts of dancing had vanished from her mind and it was plain she was fighting hard against the laugher now trying to burst free as she looked him up and down.
Deciding he would rather leave before his mother set eyes on the state of his new suit, Gohan did an about-turn and quickly made for one of the open side-doors back into Capsule Corp with Videl hot on his heels.
‘Hey! Gohan, wait up, are you ok?’ Videl panted, struggling to keep up with his strides while still fighting the urge to laugh as he almost dashed up three flights of straight sta
irs towards the building’s guest quarters.
‘Well, considering that I look like a side order for a plate of nachos, I’m fine.’ Gohan replied bitterly before entering onto a dully-lit corridor on the house’s 45th floor, following it around five winding turns before finally coming to a stop outside the door of his own personal overnight room.
‘Well if it’s any consolation, you’re look like a very delicious side order.’ Videl teased, playfully reaching out and scooping up a thick drop creamy sauce with her finger before bringing it up to her lips, her tongue sneaking out to lick the digit clean. It tasted savoury, but the spice of herbs and his masculine flavour made her moan with sheer delight before leaning forward and kissing him full on the lips. He responded immediately and, for a moment, their embrace was slow and sweet, but then built into a furious tempest as their tongues thrust and danced within each other’s mouths at an almost violent pace.
Feeling his arousal burn to life, Gohan was forced to break the kiss before it could develop into something more.
‘N-not yet, my love.’ he panted while gently pushing Videl back, trying not to cower beneath her scornful look. ‘I need to have a wash before mum sees me. We’ll finish this later, I promise.’
Yet Videl wouldn’t be denied so easily and she leant forward, close enough for him to feel the heat of her breath as she whispered huskily ‘But if you let me in, I’ll wash your back.’
Unbeknownst to the couple, predatory eyes were watching from the shadows.
The ensuite bathroom of Gohan’s guest room was much fancier than the one back at his parent’s house. It was bigger and had pale white marble walls and floor, the fixtures and fittings were inlaid with ivory, and even the sink was a basin of crystalline rock. However, blind to its splendour he carelessly stripped out of his ruined suit and dropped them into the wicker-washing basket. Completely naked, he entered the walk-in-shower and pulled the door shut behind him.
Turning the hot water tap to its fullest, a steaming spray burst from the showerhead and pelted his flesh. Moaning in the back of his throat, he rolled his head back to let the scalding tempest to roll down his body before straitening and muttering a low chuckle as he watched the water run over his body, carrying with it a brown tide of sauces that pooled around the drain between his feet. Slowly, his eyes moved back up to his semi-erect manhood. It had taken all if his willpower not to accept Videl’s offer, and more than a little persuading to convince her to go back down to the party, but he knew it was for the better. His mother had eyes like a hawk, if she were to notice they were both absent there would be hell to pay. He would need to make this quick…
Gohan’s eyes widened at the sound of the shower door opening, a sudden gust of chilly air wafting against his heated flesh. Guessing Videl had decided to pursue her case, he almost leapt out of his flesh when an all too familiar voice said, ‘Feeling a little dirty Gohan?’
Spinning round in panic, Gohan found himself standing face to face with a very naked Android 18. ’18! What… What are you doing? You can’t be here.’
Her cool sapphire eyes twinkling with mischief, she silenced him by placing a finger to his lips before saying, ‘I saw what happened to you downstairs and decided I could do with a wash myself.’
‘Ah-ha… very funny, ha-ha’ he said nervously, trying to sound amused while subconsciously backing away as she took a step forward, until his back pressed against the cold marble tiles. His heart was hammering so loudly he was amazed it wasn’t echoing off the walls, yet his eyes couldn’t resist shifting down, taking in the full splendour of the beauty. She was just as beautiful as he remembered, and his rising phallus certainly seemed to agree. ‘Now, what are you really doing here?’
Still smiling that predatory smile as she stepped beneath the pelting spray, 18 leaned forward and trapped him there by pressing her hands against the tiles on either side his head. The deluge flattened her blond locks to her forehead and steamy rivulets ran down the valley between her breasts. ‘Do you remember that letter I left on your bed last year?’
‘Last year-ohhhhh’ his voiced hitched with confusion before his eyes suddenly grew wide with understanding. It might have been short but that note had burned a place in his memory as vivid as the moment he first turned into a super Sayain and his eyes all but glazed over as his recalled the hand-written memorandum.
Dear Gohan
I had a great time today. If you want, I would love to have a recap of this lesson sometime. Perhaps if you meet someone you like out there in the city, we can educate her together.
Love 18
The memory stained his cheeks with a deep blush and coming slowly back to reality, Gohan found himself looking into the android’s darkening orbs as she whispered, ‘You and that girl Videl seem to be getting close… ‘
’18, I don’t know if this is… ‘
‘In fact, you two seemed very close out in that hallway, and also during the world Tournament last year. You two disappeared before her match against that oversized Gorilla, and when I was taking Marron to get some ice cream I glimpsed the two of you going at it like minks. I almost couldn’t believe it, the daughter of the great Hercule Satan, moaning like a whore as she was bent over and fucked against a tree by a masked stranger, out in the open where anyone could have seen. Ohhh… imagine if the paparazzi had seen,’ she commented slyly, ignoring his panicky antics.
Gohan tried to object, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out for the beauty seized the moment and lunged forward, capturing his lips in a kiss far more searing than the one he had shared with Videl just moments before. Her silky tongue swept across his teeth and danced across the roof of his mouth before meeting his and despite himself, the youth responded in kind, his mouth moving against hers in a wanton tempest. They came together beneath the showerhead, the water running down their naked bodies in streams of crystal, the heat of them chilly in comparison to that of their embrace.
Need and lust burned through his veins as he pulled her to him, his powerful hands gliding down her womanly curves before seizing the globes of her buttocks and crushing her against his broad frame so she could feel his ragging desire as their tongues danced. She moaned against him, craving more as she felt the water cascading down their bodies, her arms coiling around his neck and slender fingers tangling in his hair. Twisting and turning under the spray, they battled for dominance until something snapped within Gohan that banished any thought of Videl and unleashed a wash of burning lust far beyond his control. His primitive Sayain side was taking over.
‘Ughhh-you’re getting me so hot… mmm harder’ she moaned, breaking the kiss and tossing her head back as she enjoyed the roughness of his hands pawing her arse. Taking the opportunity, Gohan dipped his head down and began to suckle the sweet spot at crook of her neck. Unwilling to be outdone however, she slid a hand from around his neck and traced her fingers lightly down his bulging torso and rippling abs before wrapping her fingers around his engorged arousal. His sensitised flesh jerking beneath her touch, she ringed his shaft with her thumb and forefinger just beneath his corona, barely able to close the gap due to his impressive girth but stretching his foreskin taut as she twisted her wrist in rhythmic half-circles, massaging the bulbous head with the soft skin of her palm.
‘Ohhhh 18… ‘ Gohan moaned against her skin, relishing the feeling of her skilled touch on his aching organ, his voice deep and guttural as a prelude to the bestial energy gathering within him.
‘Mmmm… you’re so har
d. Do you like that big boy?’ she purred before gently corkscrewing her hand down his thick length, her tight grip massaging him all the way down to the base before drawing back.
‘Ohhhhhh!’ The sound tore from the Sayain’s lips as his head snapped back, his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head as her touch enfolded the bulbous head of his cock. ‘Kami I need to fuck you.’
‘Fuck me?’ she asked, playfully biting her lower lip, ‘but what about Videl?’
Growling in the pit of his throat, Gohan suddenly pivoted, pinning her against the wall of shower with enough force to make the ceramic crack while one of his slid down from her narrow waist the junction between her thighs. Surprised by his roughness, 18 almost shrieked with delight, her back arching off the ruined tiles as he massaged the swollen folds of her labia between two of his fingers before simultaneously rubbing her clit with the rough pad of his thumb.
‘Does that answer your question?’ Gohan asked, his lip curling to display a toothy grin that made the heat between her legs burn with wanton passion.
Not bothering to answer, she caught his lips in another hot kiss, her tongue mirroring the motions of his fingers as they continued to pleasure her. Yet the lack of actual penetration had her hanging on a knife-edge and she couldn’t resist tightening her grip on his engorged arousal, enjoying the feel of his hard shaft pulsing in her grasp. She gave him a practically firm stroke, only to feel his knees almost buckling against her. Seeing her chance, she used a perfect twist of her hips to pitch them around before breaking the feverish kiss and sinking to her knees between his legs.
Watching her with glassy gaze, Gohan wanted to howl with pleasure when he felt her lips on the tip of his cock. His eyes, dark and fogged with lust, drinking in the vision of the golden haired beauty on her knees before him, her swollen lips kissing the sensible skin until he feared it might burst beneath her attentions. Keeping an ironclad grip on his base, she then parted her lips to let her tongue come into play, flicking so lightly over his tip, his hips rolled on their own accord, tying to gain more of the sensations she was creating and he couldn’t stop himself from groaning out, ‘Oh Kami 18… more… more… ‘.
Smiling inwardly, 18 quickly brushed a damp strand of her hair aside before catching his gaze as she blew a light breath across his pulsing organ before dipping down and taking him between her lips. Disregarding teasing licks and playful touches, she set upon with purpose and in one smooth motion, took him as deep as she could within her damp cavity, allowing her teeth to scrape along the length of him as she did.
Delighting in the moist heat of her mouth, Gohan’s head rolled back and his mouth hung open in great gasps of pleasure as he felt her lips sliding half way down his shaft before retracting back up to his crown. She repeated the motion again, and again, each time her pace grew until her head was a bobbing upon his shaft and he couldn’t resist lacing his fingers though the sodden strands of her golden mane. Then she began to suck, and it was almost more than he could stand.
‘Ugh, kami it’s so good… yesss, more… ‘ he grunted out. Kami, he had almost forgotten how good she was. Though Videl had tried, she lacked 18’s confidence and the sheer size of his endowment unnerved her while the android seemed to take it all in her stride.
‘Mmm… Gohan, your dick is so big and hard. I love it… ‘ moaned 18, her pale blue eyes flashing him sultry looks as she sensually sucked and slurped, her devious mouth moulding perfectly to his phallus. Her free hand came up to play with his heavy testicles, making him buck in surprise. His mounting sensitivity told her he was close and she doubled her attentions, eager to taste the fruits of her labour.
Gohan felt the pressure mounting in the base of his spine, his release drawing near, yet the animal inside him yearned for more. Growling in the pit of his throat, he gave the beauty’s hair a sharp tug that all but dragged her off his pulsing arousal and to her feet. She flashed him a warning look, but before she could comment, he spun her about and pressed her against the fogged screen. After the heat of the shower, the glass was like a pane of ice against her skin and she hissed with surprise as he stepped in behind her and prepared for penetration. When she felt the roughness of his hands on her rump, the beauty glanced back but the look of passion shinning in his dark orbs stilled any complaint she might have and he traced the tip of his cock along her folds before thrusting hard and fast, embedding himself inside her to the hilt.
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Jill was lying on the living room floor on her side with her back facing everyone. She was recovering from what she just went through. She was leaking cum out of her battered and abused pussy. Yo Boss, you wanna smoke out? Freddie reached into his pocket and pulled out a big fat blunt. He is my main hook-up for my marijuana supply. Id have to say that my marijuana operation is pretty big. We usually bring in about 25 pounds of high grade Cali buds every week and supply the whole Valley. I...
Unlike many in the business you're not a loan shark, you charge 'competitive rates' and only choose those who can pay you back. Possibly because of this you're not loaded either. But you're fair and frequently give extensions making you almost a respected member of the community. Which considering your job is no small feat. Of course there are always accidents, the other week you had to beat up a guy for not meeting his extra extension deadline, but he paid up afterwards and nothing more was...
"Please don't cry, Mrs. Moore," consoled loan officer Jackson Tydman, "this is strictly business, but unless you can come up with $400.00 by this Friday, we're going to have to repossess your car, and that's all there is to it!" Sitting in a chair across from Jack's desk, Nancy Moore was fighting to control her emotions, and unfortunately was failing miserably. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to explain to Mr. Tydman that without a car, her husband Joe would lose his job as a...
"Please don't cry, Mrs. Moore," consoled loan officer Jackson Tydman, "this is strictly business, but unless you can come up with $400.00 by this Friday, we're going to have to repossess your car, and that's all there is to it!" Sitting in a chair across from Jack's desk, Nancy Moore was fighting to control her emotions, and unfortunately was failing miserably. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to explain to Mr. Tydman that without a car, her husband Joe would lose his job as a...
EroticVigRX Plus has been around long enough that there’s a good chance you’ve heard of it even if you’ve never had issues with your ding-dong. They’ve sold over a million boxes since 2007, and the company itself has been around for a couple of decades now. Longevity is always important for a company hawking dick pills, as I learned the hard way from buying sketchy truck-stop formulations with names like Black Rhino Turbo-horn XTRA and Manly Stamina Blaster. Now that the rash is finally going away,...
Male Enhancement PillsI’d always liked the plus size woman. My first lover, the one who initiated me into the joys of sex, and taught me more than I ever thought possible, was frankly fat, but I loved it. I’d had skinny lovers, of course, but those whose frames had a good covering always turned me on more. So when I walked into my local pub that fateful Friday, little did I expect that my life was just about to change. I met with my friends most Fridays, and they were there before me, Fred of the hangdog look on a...
MatureHi dosto iss ke sabhi readers ko mere khade land ka salam. I m lalit from indore age 19. Mai iss ka bahut bada fan hu…is sites par mojud lagbhag sabhi stories ko maine pada hai or bahut enjoy bhi kiya hai. or ISS ke karan hi mujhe apne jivan ka pahla sex experience prapt hua. to maine saocha kyon na aap sabhi ke sath apni is sacchi ghatna ko share kiya chalo fir aapko jyada born a karte hue apni story start karta incident meri dur ki mami ke sath hua hai.unka shpe hai 32-34-36. ...
Recently, I was contracted to install the electrics in a house being renovated by this woman. I was about half way through the installation and she came to me one day and explained she was having a few problems with some money that she was expecting. “There could be a bit of a delay in my next progress payment which was due at the end of the month. I could pay about half on time and the rest should be available by the time the next monthly payment was due. “ I had doubts about this woman a...
Straight SexPathfinder: The Trio: Two plus one equals... Author's note; Guess my muse wasnt quite done with this yet... The next morning, Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah had a bite of breakfast, then searched the cave more. While they looked around Milah told them about how the axe beaks had come into the cave through a tunnel that came out in the fields nearby. "Whoever made this place was pretty busy. I didn't get a chance to do any exploring, but i saw several tunnels while I...
Authors Note: This story follows on directly from an earlier one called Off the Bench, so if you have not read that one you should do so before tackling Eight Plus Nine. Like its predecessor this story makes many references to the grand sport of rugby, which although widely played is not known like soccer, so some explanations may be necessary, but skip this part if you are versed in the game. First the title; in rugby, unlike soccer, North American football and hockey there is a...
She's an extremely attractive girl and I'm not the only guy in the bar checking her out, there's a few of us casting burning glances over to where she's ensconced with her somewhat frumpy looking companion. The pretty one is fully aware of what's happening (guess she's used to being ogled) and seems to be rather enjoying it. Certainly she's not discouraging the male attention: giggles, pouting, flicking of hair, shapely legs crossing and re-crossing in her tight little skirt, shoe...
Sally Lewis stood in front of the door. Her eyes were wet and her mouth dry. She raised her hand to push the door bell and paused. She was thinking back to just yesterday morning when Don, her husband of three years, broke the news.“Sal,” Don said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that it would turn out like this. I…”“I still don’t understand,” his wife said interrupting him. “You borrowed ten thousand dollars five months ago and now you own over thirty thousand? That doesn’t make any sense. How could...
Sally Lewis stood in front of the door. Her eyes were wet and her mouth dry. She raised her hand to push the door bell and paused. She was thinking back to just yesterday morning when Don, her husband of three years, broke the news. “Sal,” Don said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that it would turn out like this. I…” “I still don’t understand,” his wife said interrupting him. “You borrowed ten thousand dollars five months ago and now you own over thirty thousand? That doesn’t make any sense. How...
InterracialI’d always liked the plus size woman. My first lover, the one who initiated me into the joys of sex, and taught me more than I ever thought possible, was frankly fat, but I loved it. I’d had skinny lovers, of course, but those whose frames had a good covering always turned me on more. So when I walked into my local pub that fateful Friday, little did I expect that my life was just about to change. I met with my friends most Fridays, and they were there before me, Fred of the hangdog look on a...
IntroductionAs I am now 70 plus, I cannot get a real hard on anymore – just a sort of quite strong piss proud erection. But the advantage of that is that is I can last a very long time, before shooting my wad and even better, produce loads of pre cum. During the past year or so I have extended my granny lust to ladies of 80 and over but they must chubby/fat – skinnies look like skeletons. Edna – the surprise I found my first really old lady-friend, Edna, in the supermarket driving round in her...
Being a good-looking jock in college was a good thing for Zack Reynolds. His male peers envied him because of his easy-going natural charm that drew girls to him like moths to a flame. But eventually Zack was drawn into a steady relationship with Jill, the head cheerleader. She was sexually adventurous and so physically enthusiastic that she often wore Zack out in bed. After they had been in an exclusive relationship for 3 months, Jill asked him for a favor one night at the dinner table at her...
Straight SexTwo Plus One You’re beginning to get very excited as the clock moves forward. You know that I will be there to pick you up in five minutes. And just like many women, you are running late. A knock at the door disturbs your hasty preparation. You think to yourself, Damn, he’s early. You finish as much as you can and walk to the door where you take a deep breath before opening the door. You open the door to me holding out a rose. You take the rose in one hand and my hand in the other and...
A Keyhole Adventure, Plus! Considerable time had passed since Mom suprised me by showing me her bosoms after asking why she hadn't worn a bra one day. Although the encounter was brief, it was burned into my mind for all time. She had let me touch her slightly sagging 49 yr. old B-cups and even asked me to suck her nipples! I was even allowed to feel, caress and admire her plump thighs...a dream come true for this high-schooler. Time constraints...
This is the 2nd part of a 3 parts story....I arrived home in Los Angeles after my steamy, scorching encounter with a magnificently sexy “shemale” woman named Amber, and found my ex-girlfriend Monica weeping on my doorstep! It turned out the “perfect, buff guy” she’d dumped me for was a d**g-addicted, abusive, macho jerk, which is what I’d thought from the beginning! I was exhausted from the long flight and not really emotionally read to deal with a sobbing girl on my stoop, but what could I...
Last night I went to meet with a couple from work, I had been kinda hinting at what I was hoping would happen with Gabby (friend from work), but I wasn't sure if she was really into it or not. I'd only met Gabby's husband (Steve) a couple of times before, he's not a bad looking man about 6 foot average body, dark hair and eyes. Gabby and I had been talking about spicy up our sex lives at work for awhile now, I think Gabby actually might have a crush on my hubby, I have told her I am trying to...
Part 2 of the One plus one indian sex series. Sameer was in heaven. If this wasn’t heaven what was. Heaven had to be a tit in the mouth and his dick in someone else’s. Sameer sucked on Seema’s tit. Jenny sucked his cock. Sameer kissed Seema everywhere he could reach. Jenny now had his balls in her mouth and licked them. Seema then went down. She took his dick and started licking it. Jenny now came and sat on his face. Sameer licked her juices. Heaven now had to be redefined. Heaven was a...
"I Dream of Jeannie" was created by Sidney Sheldon; it is being parodied by me. Please note: While under the spell that made Major Anthony "Tony" Nelson a genie, he can no longer have a name, any name. He can only be referred to as "genie". To keep him separated in your mind from the real Jeannie that you know, I'm calling him 'Jeannie', since he now looks like her. To help with the confusion, I'm also calling Jeannie's sister Genie. She, too, is allowed to have no name. (In...
HumorAs I sucked Sara's nipple I rubbed my cum into her tits but during all this I watched as my sexy, sweet wife Melinda's mouth worked the head of Kevin's cock. Soon he had taken a know of her hair and was using it to move her head up and down on his huge cock. With Kevin's help Melinda could now get the head plus another inch in her mouth before gagging and sputtering a little. Melinda got her right hand up onto Kevin's large balls and rubbed them vigorously. I noticed she was then using the...
Part 2After I came inside Melinda she continued to grind slowly on my cock with her eyes closed and a satisfied look on her face. I ask her what she was thinking about. She told me she was fantasizing that it was Kevin's cock she was sitting on just like I had asked her to think about. I got softer as she continued to work her cum-filled pussy on my cock. I could feel it run down my sack and into my ass crack. She reached behind her and massaged my cum into my sack and ran a finger down my...
Hello everyone. This is my first story here on hope you will like it. A word of caution; I have written this story keeping in mind the female perspective. I don’t know whether the general male populace will like it or not but I will be waiting for the female feedback. I can be reached for feedback at This is a fiction of my imagination and it has no resemblance to anyone. Chapter 1 Emma, 23 and Edward 21 met online and it was only a matter of time that sparks began to fly and one day they...
Pathfinder: The Trio: A trio becomes a quartet (plus one) Author's note: Yep, I'm still doing this one. But this might be the last, I dont know. The four adventurers followed the river upstream, slowly gaining elevation as they did so. As the day waned, Goruza and Emerald allowed Star and Champ to graze, while Milah sent her wolf Ajax off into the woods to hunt, and Tamarie went to the river to catch some fish for supper. After everyone had been fed, they began to look for a...
[ For Megan's mom...The adventure is just beginning! ]As Cindy arrived at the hotel, she felt excited. She had that curious 'butterfly' feeling in her stomach as she checked in. She loved the feeling. It made her feel like some sort of schoolgirl getting ready to meet her first-ever date. She hadn't felt that in a long time, and she relished it.Her phone buzzed as she was getting ready to take the elevator up to her room. It was from Darrell, one of the black men Cindy had met when Willis and...
(The story was inspired by my Indian friend. But to avoid having to struggle with Indian names all my characters would have English names instead). I have been given the freedom to try the Western "Hit and Miss" dating custom for the last few years to find myself a mate. I failed. My father thought I should perhaps try the age old Indian custom. Besides, my father was also keen on establishing an alliance with this family. I agreed to give it a try. I was 25 and Diana was 18. We had been...
-- JANUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "You're kidding." I think I felt my jaw hit the ground. Dawn chuckled, covering her mouth with a hand while her eyes twinkled. "After all that?" Bert just shrugged. "Chevelle dropped the program. If it's any consolation, I went up and asked her point-blank if it had anything to do with you. She said it wasn't. She'd just decided for herself that Business wasn't her career path." I rubbed my forehead. Dawn was right. After all THAT. I could have...
Introduction: Far in the future many more girls were borm Amy had a hard time sleeping and her husband whishing her a happy birthday when she turned 35 meant little because this would be the last day of her life. She had 3 daughters but these times when there were over 3 women for every man meant women only were allowed to live 35 years when they had entertain an audience with their death. Her 35 year-old husband would now be allowed to have two 18-year-old wives. Amy had to interview and...
With InterestbyKEaster46©My son had borrowed my cordless drill on Friday and promised to return it the same day. Well here it was Monday and I needed my drill and it was not in my shop. My son has a way of forgetting things so I walked across the alley and came in the back door. I called out to his wife Sara but got no answer. I went down to the basement and into his work shop. There my drill was right on his work bench. I grabbed it and started up stairs. The kitchen phone is right behind the...
I was running errands on rainy Monday when I stopped into a new Chic-fillet that had recently opened in our neighborhood. I never eat fast food, yet wondered what all the fuss was. I went inside and immediately went to wash my hands. as I opened the bathroom door to exit, I made instant eye contact with a woman seated in the booth just across from the bathrooms. She had stunning eyes and we each held our stare until it was no longer comfortable for her to do so. It's then that I noticed the...